Communications: Laboratory 3

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School of EE-ECE-CoE

Experiment Number

Atenma Array5
Experiment Title

Course/Section ECEAIALIBI2
Group Number

HO Vnce_ Ande S Grade

Date of Performance
Date of Submission

tngn Jes5Ie 8albn

Q1. Docs the dipole radiatc cqually in all dircctions?

The dipoledocs notradiatecquallyin all dircctions.

Where is the concentration of radiation?

At 90 degrees and 270 degrecs.

Q2. What is the maximum gain of the dipolc, in dB?

The maximumgain ofthe dipoleis 5.674.

03. How does your dipole gain compare with the theoretical value?

Thedipole gainis lowercomparedtothe theoretical value.

Q4. What is the equivalent gain as a ratio to 5.674dB?

Equivalent gain is 1.60.

Q5. What is the aperture of a dipole (in square meters) at 480MHz?

The aperture of adipole at 1500MHzis 0.28m2

Q6. What is the minimum range distance for a dipole at 48OMHz?

The minimum rangedistance for a dipole at 480 MHz is0.72m.

07. Describe the significant change in the radiation patterm/plot when the length of the dipole
was reduced.
Ashift and elevation was formed which madethe azimuth asymmetrical

Sketch the azimuth plot using the available polar graph sheet.
File Edt Plot
Rediotion Pattem el 600 MH2-Theta 27.5 deg
Phi: 0:2.5:360 deg
0.07642 /Div
Max 0.3821
al 270 deg

180 0xaas

Beamwidth: 100 deg

at 195, 295 deg
Back 0.3821
at 90 deg 2/0

Fron Back1

Q8. Do the software plots agree, give your observation

Yes. Thesoftware plotsdo agree.

Q9. How do the gains and directives compare?

Both the gain anddirectivity increase as the phaseangleincrcascs

Q10. Are the plots as directive in the elevation plane?

Graph the generatcd bandwidth to SWR plot.
AN-XY Chart Plot1
File Edit View

SWR vs Frequency

32 1

600 6507007S0 800 850 900 9s0 1,000 1,050 1.100 1,150 1.200 1250 1300 1.350 1400 1.450 15o0 1550 1800 1.850 1.700
requenc Sn0

Q11. Based on the graph, what range of frequencies does the antenna have a relatively low


1500MHz-1600 MHz

Q12. From the graph, which frequency will result in greatest SWR?

C. Interpretation of Results

Fig 1. Broadside Antenna downloaded from the AN-SOF Website

Figure 1 shows the broadside antenna downloaded from the AN-SOF website. The
broadside antenna is configured with a 600 MHz frequency, 1 relative permittivity and
permeability, 300-ohms VSWR reference impedance, and I m far-field distance.

Drocthy( ] of 600 MHE- Pti-0 dog

hots-160:25.1t0 deg


Poamae 1BD deg

Frunttinch 2650 d

Fig 2. Directivity of the Broadside Antenna in Azimuth Plane

Figure 2 shows the directivity of the broadside antenna in the azimuth plane. As observed
from the plane, the resulting graph leans on the xy-asis on the positive plane or in other

perspective. it is positioned 90 degrees on the z-axis. By definition, diretivity reters to the

concentration of the radiation patern of the antenna in a certain direction. Meaning, the beam of
the broadside antenna travels along 90 degrees lrom the z-uxis.
Directity dBi] at E00 bMHz Thets 65 doy
P:05 360deg
10 dBVDN
Mex 575 dB
65 deg

Bearndth 100 eg

FromvBet 210-14 (

Fig 3. Directivity Plot of the Broadside Antenna in xy-plane

Figure 3 shows the plot of directivity of the broadside antenna in the xy-plane. As
observed the propagation of antenna can be scen from the top, and the output is said to be
identical in all parts of the plane, wherein a statement of it being omnidirectional can be made.

Fower Densiy ol E00 MHE-Fhi Ddeg

Thela -180:25:180 deg
5de-05 WD
Mes:0 D00274w/m
ef$0 deg

Beamwidth 180 de9



Fig 4. Azimuth Plot of the Broadside Antenna's Power Density

Figurc 4 shows the azimuth plot of the power density of the broadside antenna. It can be
observed that the power density is at its maximum at 90 degrees with respect the
to xy-axis.
However, as observed, the maximum gain can only be scen 90 degrecs from the z-axis. With
this, this contradicts the statement from the previous paragraphs with regards to the antenna

being isotropic.
Directvnly ot 600 MHz- Theta 65 de9
Phi 0:5 360deg
90' y-avis
Max 3746
at 65 de

0 s

Beamndth 100 deg

et 50.150 deg
Back: 3746
o 295 deg 270
FronVBeck 1

Fig 6. Radiation Patten of the Broadside Antenna in the XY plane

Radiation Paem 156] at 603 MH
Radtaton Paen (5
Zc o h 3773
Thetaegt0 25 160 -t0
Ptu Jdeg 0:25 369 -125


Fig 6. Radiation Pattern of the Broadside Antenna in 3D Plot

Figure 5 and Figure 6 shows the 2D and 3D plot of the broadside antenna's radiation
pattern. As observed from both plots, the results complement each other wherein both agrees that
the power density is at its maximum at its edges, or the outer parts of the figure, in all directions.
AN-XYChart Pot
FMe Edt Ve

vSWR Frequency

S TO S110 130 150 t70 190 210 23 250 270 250 310 330 350370 190 41033 450 470 40 510 $20 5 570 s0 610 esa eso
reauency T

Fig 7. VSWR vs Frequency Graph of the Broadside Antenna

Figure 6 shows the graph between VSWR and frequency of the broadside antenna. The
graph has a range of frequency starting from 50 MHz to 600 MHz. From the graph, it can be
observed that the VSWR values are low at 200 MHz - 650 MHz. With the said values, this

means that the frequencies lying on this range are ideal for specific communication applications.
Fig 8. Log-Periodic Antenna downloaded the AN-SOF Wcbsite

Figure 8 shows the log-periodic antenna downloaded from the AN-SOF website. The log-

periodic antenna is configured to have a 600 MHz frequcncy, a value of 1 for its relative
permittivity and permeability, a 300-ohms VSWR reference impedance, and 1 m far-field


Radietion Patern at 600 MH Thete 90 deg

Phi 0:5.360 deg
02/Dv 90is
Max 1
ot 90 deg

160- -0 xuis

Beamvidth: 60 deg
et 60. 120 deg
Back 0.02413
et 340 deg
FrontBeck: 4144

Fig 9. Radiation Pattern of the Log-Periodic Antenna in the XY-Plane

Figure 9 shows the radiation pattern of the log-periodic antenna in the XY-plane. It can
be observed from the figure that there are no similarities with regards to the output in any of the
directions. It can be observed that a 1V peak value can be seen at 90 degrees with respect to the
X-axis. With this, it can be statcd that this typc of antenna, a log-periodic antenna, is
unidirectional, which only propagates at the positive y-axis.
Radiation Patem (dB] at600 MH2-Phi-0 deg
Theta -180:25.180 deg
10 dB/D
Mac 0 dB
af 170 deg

90 90 s

Beamidth: 72.5 deg

al 130-157.5 deg
Back-1.35 dB
at-12 5 deg
FrontBack 1.35 dB

Fig 10. Radiation Pattern of the Log-Periodic Antenna in the Azimuth Plane

Figure 10 shows the radiation pattern of the log-periodic antenna in the azimuth plane. As
observed, the output shows that this type of antenna is not cqual in any direction of the planc.

Therefore, a statement can be made to how this kind of antenna is not an isotropic one.
FowerDenity at 500 002328
Power Demty Wr2
Distarice 002095
2 ohm)376 73 0 001973
Theta jdeg D 25 180
0 001863
Phi 4egi 0 5350 001
0 00163

0 001281
0 001165
0 0003321

0 0006158
0 O005832
o o004683
o 0003s06
o noo2343

Fig 11. Power Density of the Log-Periodic Antenna in 3D Plot

orectoty 1E4 at 600 M 03

Directty 1E 145
Oistance 1 458
Zc ohm 376.73
Theta jdeg 0 25.160 1451
Pht fdegl 0 5 360 -01134
4 807
7 336
-11 06
12 63
-14 19
-15 76
10 09
20 45
22 02
23 50

Fig 12. Directivity Plot of the Log-Periodic Antenna in 3D Plot

Figure 11 and Figure 12 shows the 3D plot of the power density and directivity plot of
the log-periodic antenna. With the following 3D plots, statements made from the previous
paragraph are supported conceming the antenna being unidirectional and not isotropic.
Discrepancies can be observed with regards to the intensity wherein only a stronger and weaker
side is evident. With regards to it being not isotropic, this can be supported with regards to the

figure of it not being circular in nature.

VSWR s Frequency


210 220
25 270 290 310 330 350 379 390 410 30o45047490
Freguency MH
50 530 0570 90 10 630Es0

Fig 13. VsWR vs Frequency Plot of the Log Periodic Antenna

Figure 13 shows the graph between VSWR and frequency of the log-periodic antenna.
The frequcncies utilized in this graph ranged from 210 MHz to 650 MHz. As observed, the log-

periodic antenna has ideal frequencies from the VSWR values that is less than 2. The data
obtained from this graph might be clear, but the results cannot be considered conclusive since
there are certain characteristics that are more considered with respect to its operating frequency.
D. Insights and Learnings:

Itemize what you learned about the following (You may also include illustrations.):

1. Fundamentals and basic principles of Antenna Arrays.

As stated, elements such as input-reflection and radiation characteristics are

properties that are dependent on frequency. The trend in the industry is that it is focusing
more in properties such as bandwidth optimization and low input reflection procedures.
However, elements stated previously, radiation pattern characteristics and half-power
beamwidth is not only highly dependent with frequency, but in particular bandwidths as
well. Therefore, a balance with the following elements is a concern since the following
limitations affect the development of such areas in concern (e.g. wireless communications,
radar technology, etc.) due to its dependence [1].

2. Isotropic source, Gain, Directivity, Aperture, Range Distance Measurement of

Antenna Arrays

Isotropic source of an antenna is a type of point source that is utilized as a basis with
regards to where antennas must be measured. With this concept in mind, an approach
wherein a point source of radiation in free space is considered. With this, it is valid to say
that a spherical pattern of radiation exists since the source radiates freely and equally in all

When it comes to the

gain of antenna arrays, the number of individual antenna
elements dictate its overall gain. The larger the number, the
higher the gain will be. Higher
gain would also result to increase in communication reliability, avoid interference, etc.

Antenna's directivity is highly related its

to gain, since
directivity is part of the
overall gain. With this, this also relies with the overall
relationship of its overall gain with
other parameters. This parameter is
signilicant since this dictates where the radiation is
mainly concentrated in a particular direction.
The aperture of an antenna is, when compared to an operation of a camera, is 1like

the capture area, wherein this region is the part where the radiation is captured from the

source. Just like antenna's directivity, aperture is also highly related with its gain.

Range distance is simply the distance measured between antennas. It is important

to consider the distance between the generator and receiver since this would tell the

consistency of electromagnetic field between the two. This property highly considers the
effective aperture, and thus, also related to the overall gain of the antenna. It can be
observed that there is a direct proportionality between the parameters stated wherein the
larger the aperture and thus, the gain, the larger should the distance be between the
generator and receiver.

3. Principles of Broadside Antenna

A broad side array or broadside antenna is a type of antenna wherein its

arrangement results to the direction of radiation be perpendicular with the axis of the array

and its plane. Due to this, the radiation pattern also shows pependicularity with the axis.

In automotive radars, Vivaldi antennas are utilized due to its radiating elements that

gives high gain and wide bandwidth. However, issues arise if a broadside radiation is
needed because of its end-fire radiation pattern. Due to this, an investigation was made to

solve this concern wherein a broadside Vivaldi antenna is made which consists of a period

of arrangement of metallic strips that in result, created a broadside radiation pattern. The
said investigation and, now an invention, is considered a success due to its values simulated
in relation with its impedance matching, gain, and radiation pattern [2].
A A' A"

Top Layer
Bottom Layer

Figure 1. 2D Model of the Radiating Element

Source: Adapted from (2]

Figure 2 shows the 2D model of the broadside Vivaldi antenna. As observed, the

antenna is divided into two (2) sections. The first section is the conventional antenna, while

the second section comprises the periodic copper strips that changes the field distribution
which generates a broadside radiation pattern [2].

4. Principles of Log-Periodic Antenna

A log-periodic antenna is utilized to address the concern regarding a low impedance

bandwidth of an antenna. This is obtained by having an array of bandwidth resonators that

are narrow in shape, where each bandwidth resonator has its own resonant frequency. In
general, 2 geometric quantities summarize a log-periodic antenna design. One is geometric
ratio, and the other one is the angle of divergence [3].

An LPA or log-periodic antenna is a type of antenna that can be categorizedas

frequency independent. As stated, it is expected of its function to increase bandwidth while
not increasing its weight, size, and cost. Its parts tells its operation wherein its
characteristics are periodically structured in relation with the value of the frequency [4].
An LPA is conventionally working at 300 MHz - 1GHz. In the telecommunications
industry, it has been recorded that a log-periodic antenna is utilized more compared to other
types due to its easier calculations with respect to small and resonant dipoles while still
fulfilling the necessary functions [5].
E. List of References:

[1] C. Gay, M. Cullen and D. Psychogiou, "Design concepts for broadband antenna arrays with

constant half-power beamwidth," 2018 International Applied Computational

Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES), Denver, CO, 2018, pp. 1-2, doi:

[2] C. Vasanelli, H. Meti and C. Waldschmidt, "Investigation on a 77-GHz broadside Vivaldi

antenna," 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos,
2016, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/BuCAP.2016.7481148.

[3] Feng-wei Yao and Shun-Shi Zhong, "Broadband CPW-fed folded-slot log-periodic antenna,"
2005 IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC
Technologies for Wireless Communications, Beijing, 2005, pp. 116-118 Vol. 1, doi:

4] Y. Baek et al., "94-GHz Log-Periodic Antenna on GaAs Substrate Using Air-Bridge

Structure" in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 8, pp. 909-911, 2009,

doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2009.2025523.

[S] D. Mandaris, N. Moonan, J. Schuurman. and F. Leferink, "Comparison of log-periodic, dual-

stacked log-periodic, and horn antenna on the field uniformity and power efficiency from 80
MHz to 1 GHz," 2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic
Compatibility (APEMC), Seoul, 2017, Pp. 127-130, doi: 10.1109/APEMC.2017.7975443.

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