K-Chief: All Control Requirements Fulfilled - in A Uniform System

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We shall earn the respect and recognition for Our success depends on the success of our cus-
our dedication to provide innovative and reliable tomers. Actively listening to our customers and
marine electronics that ensure optimal operation truly understanding their needs, and then trans-
at sea. By utilising and integrating our technolo- lating these needs into successful products and
gy, experience and competencies in positioning, solutions is central to achieving our goal.
hydroacoustics, communication, control, naviga- Our people are the key to our success and we
tion, simulation, and automation, we aim to give empower them to achieve. Working together in
our customers The Full Picture. The Full Picture a global network of knowledge, guided by our
yields professional solutions and global servic- values, engenders innovation and world class
es that make a difference enabling you to stay performance. Every day we have to think a little
ahead of the competition. differently, because every client is unique. We
aspire to translate the imagination and dedica-
tion of our staff into successful technologies and
solutions. Our commitment is to add value to your
operations by providing you with The Full Picture.



MARINE AUTOMATION…………………………………………………………………… 4
ALARM MANAGEMENT…………………………………………………………………… 6
CARGO AUTOMATION…………………………………………………………………… 10
SAFETY SYSTEM………………………………………………………………………… 11
POSITIONING AND MANOEUVRING…………………………………………………… 12
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT………………………………………………………… 14

Kongsberg Maritime • March 2014 • Design & layout: DEON.NO


Individual systems – one solution Solutions that make a difference

KONGSBERG System Technology approaches ship Applications and functions are always developed in
operation more intelligently. With better technology, close co-operation with experienced users, with clear
functionality and life cycle support, KONGSBERG business benefits in mind. By integrating high user
System Technology furthers safe efficient operations, competence with technological excellence, we provide
reduces the overall costs of ownership, and is scalea- solutions that make a difference. A wide range of stand-
ble to suit individual customer needs. With our pledge ard and application specific functions are available, all
to total excellence KONGSBERG System Technology designed to optimize the marine performance.
is comprehensive, secure, scalable, integrated and
completely reliable. Added values
KONGSBERG System Technology yields a distrib- KONGSBERG Technology ensures a uniform, intuitive
uted and open system design, utilizing a system wide user interface, enabling operators to develop profes-
standardized communication network. The network sional skills in system operation, reducing the risk of
facilitates for easy integration of other vessel systems human error and enhance the operational efficiency.
and free flow of information from all subsystems, with With different functions applied on the same hardware
vessel wide information available on multi-functional platforms, the amount of onboard spare parts can
workstations. Common base technology and user be reduced and savings made. In addition, excellent
interface provide for a safe and an efficient operational maintainability and simple upgrading solutions reduces
environment, with consistent operation and increased overall life cycle costs.
reliability. Technical and economical benefits are further added
KONGSBERG System Technology extends further than when our dynamic positioning and navigation systems
a traditional integrated and distributed system. With are fully integrated with the automation system to form
decades of real life operational experience and knowl- a full scale vessel management system.
edge translated into our functionalities, KONGSBERG
System Technology enables us to continue providing
our customers with system solutions that make a huge
difference to operations.

Ease of operation Autonomous control of different process plants and

The K-Chief provides a safe, uniform, intuitive user machinery is ensured by utilizing dedicated network
interface, enabling operators to develop professional segments and/or process controllers for each
skills in system operation. The risk of human autonomous system. Although autonomous the various
errors is reduced and operational efficiency enhanced. subsystems communicate freely over the system-wide
The multifunctional operator stations are self contained communication network. And all information is available
and process independent though operational access is on any operator station.
limited by command control and password protection. The KONGSBERG System Technology offers signal
Process data are presented both graphically and in acquisition and processing units for distribution in
tabular forms for quick and easy interpretation. The machinery areas or built directly on equipment such
operator station supports multi-screen and large screen as diesel engines and electric panels. Even units
functionality. Local operation panels are available for for installation in hazardous areas are available.
fixed installation in engine rooms and switchboards. Processing algorithms are executed within the local
acquisition units or in the powerful controller units. By
Modular and scalable concept distribution and segregation the consequences of a
Systems may easily be extended by adding additional system fault is reduced and may even be eliminated.
hardware units such as operator stations, controllers
and input/output units. Similar, the control application is
built by software algorithms, function blocks, that repre-
sent single field elements such as instruments, motors
and valves. To add a new sensor, simply pick a new
function block from the embedded configuration sys-
tem, make a connection to a free I/O channel and you
are all set!

Meets the highest availability requirements Safety first!
To enhance system availability and uptime, redun- Safety of personnel and protection of vessel and
dancy is available throughout the system. The level equipment are key design criteria for all our products.
of redundancy is always tailored to the redundancy K-Chief is a robust, fault-tolerant and fail-safe control
inherent in the physical plant as well as to operational system fit for any shipboard application. It meets all rel-
requirements. This includes communication structures, evant requirements for usage in maritime environments
process controllers, input/output units and power sup- and holds type approval certificates from all major
ply systems. classification societies.
Comprehensive self-diagnostics report any mal-
functions such as system component fault, communi-
Technology that cuts costs
cation fault, instrument fault and earth leakages.
Due to high distribution of signal acquisition units, also
Fail-safe responses ensure that process equipment
in hazardous areas, considerable savings in cable
enter safe condition in the event of a fault.
installations are made possible. Further saving of time,
Industry standard communication mechanisms such
material and labour cost is gained by pre-commission-
as OPC, ODBC, CAN, ProfiBus, ModBus and NMEA
ing of remote I/O units and local controllers mounted
are available ensuring trouble free communication with
on machinery skids, in switchboards, etc., prior to
external systems.
installation onboard. The use of our local controllers
reduces the need for additional PLCs, optimises vessel
Solutions tailored to your needs operation and provides correct time stamping and
K-Chief automation system is a highly flexible concept, simplified maintenance.
providing competitive solutions for all types of vessels.
The concept covers the whole range from basic alarm
system for unmanned machinery area operation, to Innovative solutions
fully integrated automation systems for machinery, – for professional users
propulsion and cargo operations. Powerful embedded K-Chief is supported with a wide range of standard
system tools are available assisting daily operations, and operational specific functions all developed by
maintenance and system modifications. professionals, for professionals. New applications and
functions are constantly developed in co-operation with
vessel operators to solve operational challenges and
establish new business possibilities


Vessel plant monitoring This may be any component or communication failure

An alarm system shall provide all relevant information within the system itself, or in case of field instrument
without overloading the user with irrelevant or spurious failures. Loop monitoring of input signals and output
alarms, in particular in a critical situation. Further the signals is available, as well as detection of earth fault
alarm system shall present the information in a clear leakages.
way, guiding the operator's attention to the condition
with the highest priority. Watch calling
The K-Chief alarm and monitoring system features During unmanned engine room operation (UMS/EO),
alarm filtering and suppression mechanisms developed alarms are transferred to the bridge, the duty engi -
to eliminate spurious alarms. Advanced functions such neer's cabin and to the public quarters. Engineers'
as "first up" alarm, identifying the first occurring alarm calling system and safety ("dead man") systems are
in a group, and aggregated alarms (combination of functionally integrated with the watch call system.
alarms and process conditions) makes the K-Chief a The watch call panels may be combined with extension
true intelligent alarm system. of cargo alarms as well.
Using the alarm filter function presentation of alarm
lists and historic logs is tailored to the actual opera-
tional need. All alarms and process events are stored
in a database and may be called up in historic log view
for analysis. With local processing, fast and consistent
response time is achieved, providing time stamp of
alarms and events with milliseconds accuracy.
The built-in self-diagnostic system alerts the operator
should any failure be detected.

A small alarm system may consist of a Midi

Operator station and distributed processing units.


Power management system Auxiliary machinery

From traditional low voltage power plants to complex The K-Chief machinery control system ensures optimal
high voltage systems, the K-Chief power management operational conditions improving the operational relia-
system (PMS) controls power generation and distri- bility and lifetime of equipment. K-Chief pump controls
bution including multiple switchboards and ring bus include standby start, restart after blackout and hour/
systems. It is designed to handle electric propulsion lap counters.
plants as well as configurations that include steam and Service tank level gauging are standard. The PID con-
gas turbines and dual fuel engines. troller solves complex control requirement. Algorithms
The PMS will ensure that the power capacity is in line for automatic bilge control, air compressor control, boiler
with the demand at any time. It ensures that the load of control, ventilation and HVAC control etc. are available.
main consumers does not overload the plant capacity
– even if a generator shuts down unexpectedly. The
Automatic establishment of vessel
PMS will control the restoring of power and auxiliary
systems in the unlikely event of a blackout. operational mode
In a vessel with multiple engine rooms the PMS config- The Mode Control function eases safe operation by
uration will mirror the power plant with one autonomous utilizing predefined and prequalified operational modes
PMS per switchboard. When the switchboards are with respect to machinery, propulsion and cargo equip-
interconnected, it works as a single PMS by inter- ment. Operational modes include manoeuvring, transit
changing information via the high speed communi- and harbour modes, in addition to special modes such
cation network. The PMS may include hot standby as station keeping, loading/offloading and drilling.
controllers, redundant communication buses and The mode control system will automatically start/stop
power supply units. equipment according to pre-programmed sequences.
When a mode is established, the Mode Supervision
function will alert the operator in case any abnormal
The PMS includes dedicated units for generator equipment condition should occur, including standby
monitoring, synchronising and protection. The Midi equipment and control systems
Operator Station is used for local control and monitoring
purposes, both for diesel engine alarms and safety and for
generator control and protection.


Seamless integration environments and reduces spare parts and training

The Integrated Vessel Management concept supports requirements.
seamless integration of all vessel control systems. The flexibility is not only characterized by the open
Bridge systems, that is navigation, manoeuvring, pro- system architecture, horizontal/vertical integration and
pulsion and thruster controls, are linked to machinery communication, but also by the software structure and
and cargo automation and safety systems by means of data exchange interfaces. Thus, KONGSBERG System
system-wide communication highway. Technology can easily be combined with compo-
The system-wide communication network enables nents from other vendors, and integrated into existing
free flow of information within the Integrated Vessel infrastructures.
Management System. All operator stations, controllers
and interface units are linked together via the redun- The distinct part of the integrated solution
dant communication network. In order to segregate the Autonomous sub-systems each consisting of operator
different parts of the Integrated Vessel Management stations, process controllers and input/output units are
System, advanced network segmentation switches interconnected via the system-wide process network.
are applied. These isolate internal data traffic within All process information is available from multifunctional
the segment to avoid overloading, and also isolate operator stations. The system-wide network may be
electrically the different segments. Each subsystem of further expanded for integration with bridge systems
the Integrated Vessel Management forms an autono- such as navigation, DP/joystick systems and propul-
mous system which is not affected by a failure in other sion and thruster controls.
subsystems. Processing algorithms are executed within the local
acquisition units or in the powerful controller units. The
Common technology signal acquisition and processing units can be distrib-
uted in the machinery areas or built directly on equip-
– prepared for the future ment such as diesel engines and electric panels.
All bridge and automation products share common
Units for installation in hazardous areas (zone 1 and 2)
KONGSBERG System Technology which ensures
are also available.
seamless information sharing, consistent operation


Optimize your cargo operations • Automatic tank level compensation for trim and heel,
Integrated cargo monitoring and control furthers safe and calculation of volumes and weight
and efficient operation. The officers enjoy complete • Cargo reports
overview of the cargo and ballasting operation, with
tank level gauging and remote operation of pumps and The K-Gauge radar tank gauging – our new family of
valves. Also auxiliary systems such as inert gas, nitro- radar tank gauges – in combination with K-Chief cargo
gen and hydraulic power are operated from the system. automation system offers the very best in monitoring
The integrated load and stability calculator calculates and control of liquid and liquefied cargos. High reliabil-
vessel's stability, trim, list and hull stress. ity, ease of operation and easy maintenance combined
The K-Chief cargo and ballast control solutions for oil, with unmatched accuracy is the answer to today's
chemical and product tankers, liquefied gas carriers and tomorrow's tanker operations. We provide the full
and offshore supply vessels offer a number of special suite of radar tank gauges, intrinsically safe pressure
functions, such as: transmitters, temperature sensors and overfill alarm
• Automated sequences for Cargo loading/offloading detection for all type of tankers, from crude oil, product,
• Capacity control of cargo pumps including chemical and bitumen to LPG, LNG and FPSOs.
tank stripping The K-Gauge radar tank gauging system is connected
• Control of LNG/LPG compressors with anti-surge directly to the process data network for seamless inte-
protection gration with the K-Chief cargo control system.
• Automatic exchange of ballast water in transit
• Colour coding distinguishing pressurised from
none-pressurised pipelines
• Automatic filling and discharging of ballast tanks
• Automatic trim and heel control


Managing critical situations safety management system is developed to meet the

K-Safe safety management system gathers all relevant stringent requirements for safety protection of oil and
information and presents in a clear and structured way. gas production vessels, as well as drilling and well
Such information may be fire detectors, fire doors and intervention vessels. It monitors gas detectors on deck,
dampers, ventilation fans, flooding and bilge sensors, in ventilation intakes, etc. in addition to fire detectors,
watertight doors, shell doors, etc. The system may and will automatically take actions in accordance with
also show location of fire and rescue teams, life saving project specific cause and effect diagrams. Fire extin-
apparatus, and hazardous material, stability condition guishing systems are automatically activated.
and other safety related information.
Clear and logic presentation of safety information is cru- Emergency shutdown
cial in an emergency situation. All information is presented The K-Safe emergency shutdown system (ESD) is a
in vessel general arrangement views. Information from high integrity safety system. ESD panels are interfaced
CCTV-system may be presented on the operator stations. to dedicated ESD controllers that shut down equipment
Seamless integration of safety and automation systems such as ventilation, power systems, fuel supply, etc.
enables information flow between the systems and the when activated. K-Safe emergency shutdown systems
safety system may utilize information from the automa- are conforming to the stringiest safety integrity level
tion system, and vice versa. All workstations are able to and features dual controllers and single or dual I/O
present both safety and general automation information. units, including extensive monitoring of field loops.
The K-Safe safety management system is designed
for maximum reliability and availability, and certified in
compliance with IEC 61508. Applications in accordance
Online cause and effect diagrams
Project cause and effect diagrams and fire protection
with safety integrity levels SIL 1 to 3 are available in
data sheets are developed based on risk analysis, and
accordance with the requirements to degree of redun-
documented by means of our safety tools. The cause
dancy and monitoring of field sensors and actuators.
and effect diagrams are used for automatic configura-
tion of the safety shutdown system, and are available
Fire and gas protection online in the system and may be used for system docu-
For operations involving hydrocarbons on deck, fire mentation, verification and fault tracing.
and gas protection system is mandatory. The K-Safe


Safe journey with fully integrated vessel management The K-Bridge integrated navigation system takes full
KONGSBERG SystemTechnology facilitates seamless benefit from the integrated vessel management con-
integration of manoeuvring and navigation systems cept by sharing conning information directly with the
with automation and safety plants. Our long experience DP and joystick systems and machinery information
in supplying propulsion and thruster control systems, with the automation system, all without any special
dynamic positioning, joystick systems and integrated interfacing. Similarly, the DP and Joystick system may
navigation systems has taught us to design also take care of autopiloting. To reduce interfacing DP
vessel-wide solutions tailored to the specific opera- and navigation systems are sharing common naviga-
tional demands. Well proven solutions have demon- tion sensors and interfaces.
strated excellent capabilities in complex manoeuvres
and easy ship handling.
The new generation K-Pos dynamic positioning and
K-Joy joystick systems provides the best of automatic
positioning and manoeuvring. Both are autonomous
control systems, however functionally fully integrated
with the automation and navigation systems and based
on the same core technology.



Extending the manoeuvring capabilities The K-Thrust AC is a complete control and safety
From decades of experience with control of diesel system for slow and medium speed propulsion systems
engine and electrical powered propulsion and thrusters with fixed and controllable pitch propellers. The system
systems, we offer control solutions that ease ship han- is available for single and double propulsion lines, with
dling and help propulsion prime movers to operate cost the following main components:
effectively, efficiently, reliably, and with minimum exhaust • Remote control system
emission. With more than 2500 systems installed • Engine safety system
on-board sailing vessels, KONGSBERG propulsion and • Engine telegraphs
thruster control has become the benchmark for safe and • Digital governor
efficient propulsion monitoring and control. • Actuator

Our unique integrated vessel manoeuvring concept The K-Thrust thruster control system provides remote
– formed by seamless integration of our DP/joystick control of electric propulsion systems, azimuth propul-
and propulsion control systems – spans from manual sion and side thrusters. Each propeller is controlled by
control by the vessel's officers to completely auto- an autonomous control system, with full functional inte-
matic vessel operation. All operations and transitions gration allowing manual as well as automatic control.
between operational modes are logic – guaranteeing The electronic K-Bridge ST steering control system is
safe operation of the vessel. based on KONGSBERG common technology platform,
and provides remote control of steering gears.


Makes everyday routines easier question arises. Electronic documentation such as

The K-Chief Marine Automation's suite of embedded system as-built documentation and maintenance pro-
tools assists the user in the daily work. The powerful cedures are online in the system.
tools support operation, logging and reporting
functionalities as well as plant analysis and optimiza- Embedded Configuration System
tion. Tools for system maintenance and software/hard- All application software such as input/output config-
ware modification are part of standard deliveries. uration, alarm settings, parameters, control logic and
The trend and report tools allows for user defined trend VDU displays may be modified by using the built-in
displays and reports, with any combination of process configuration system. Thus the control system may
variables and utilizing various templates for easy config- easily be modified or expanded to fit new requirements
uration. The trend system supports history trends as well which occur during installation and operation. System
as x/y-trends for performance monitoring. Typical reports configuration is performed from the operator stations
are shift reports, engine and cargo logs, voyage reports, and is password protected.
hour-counters report and various performance reports. All modifications are logged by the system and it is
The K-Chief history station records process parameters possible to return to previous configurations. System
(as time series of any length) as well as all alarms and configuration may be viewed online at screen and
events that are generated. The recorded data is used printed for documentation.
for trending and incident analyses. Historic data export,
facilitated by means of communication standards Saves engineering workload
OPC-DA/HDA/AE and ODBC, is used for instance to KONGSBERG continuously strives to develop engi-
transfer hour counters to maintenance system. neering and documentation tools in order to simplify
FleetMaster® Electronic Logbook replaces all the the design of the automation and safety plant. Such
traditional mandatory logbooks and provides electronic tools include instrument/alarm database, field loop
logging in accordance to the SOLAS V requirements. documentation, offline configuration tools and process
The onshore application FleetMaster® Fleet data mimic editor.
manager provides complete and controlled access to For safety shutdown systems tools for definitions of
the electronic logbook data from all the vessels in your cause and effect matrixes and fire protection data
fleet. Online user manual is available within the K-Chief sheets are available.
system, assisting operators whenever an operational


We are always there, wherever you need us As part of our commitment to total customer satisfac-
Kongsberg customer services organisation is designed tion, we offer a wide variety of services to meet individ-
to provide high-quality, global support, whenever and ual customers’ operational needs. Kongsberg support
wherever it is needed. We are committed to providing 24 is a solution designed to give round-the-clock sup-
easy access to support and service, and to responding port. For mission-critical operations, Kongsberg support
promptly to your needs. Support and service activi- 24 can be extended to include remote monitoring. We
ties are supervised from our headquarters in Norway, can adapt the level of support needs by offering ser-
with service and support centres at strategic locations vice agreements, on-site spare part stocks and quick
around the globe – where you are on-site response arrangements.
and the action is.


Norway (35) Finland

Canada (5) UK (11) Denmark
Ireland Poland (2)
Netherlands Hungary
USA (14)
Spain Italy (2)
Greece South Korea (6)
UAE (3) China (4)

Saudi Arabia India (4)

Mexico (2)

Venezuela Nigeria
Singapore (4)

Brazil (3)

Australia (2)
South Africa


Global and local support

We provide global support from local service and
support facilities at strategic locations world wide.
Service and support work is carried out under the
supervision of your personal account manager, who will
ensure that you receive high-quality service and support
where and when you need it.
Your account manager will ensure continuity and
work closely with your personnel to improve and
optimise system availability and performance. Call +47 815 35 355
Under the direction of your account manager, and E-mail: [email protected]
with a local inventory of spare parts, our wellqualified
field service engineers will be able to
help you quickly and effectively.


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