K-Chief: All Control Requirements Fulfilled - in A Uniform System
K-Chief: All Control Requirements Fulfilled - in A Uniform System
K-Chief: All Control Requirements Fulfilled - in A Uniform System
Meets the highest availability requirements Safety first!
To enhance system availability and uptime, redun- Safety of personnel and protection of vessel and
dancy is available throughout the system. The level equipment are key design criteria for all our products.
of redundancy is always tailored to the redundancy K-Chief is a robust, fault-tolerant and fail-safe control
inherent in the physical plant as well as to operational system fit for any shipboard application. It meets all rel-
requirements. This includes communication structures, evant requirements for usage in maritime environments
process controllers, input/output units and power sup- and holds type approval certificates from all major
ply systems. classification societies.
Comprehensive self-diagnostics report any mal-
functions such as system component fault, communi-
Technology that cuts costs
cation fault, instrument fault and earth leakages.
Due to high distribution of signal acquisition units, also
Fail-safe responses ensure that process equipment
in hazardous areas, considerable savings in cable
enter safe condition in the event of a fault.
installations are made possible. Further saving of time,
Industry standard communication mechanisms such
material and labour cost is gained by pre-commission-
as OPC, ODBC, CAN, ProfiBus, ModBus and NMEA
ing of remote I/O units and local controllers mounted
are available ensuring trouble free communication with
on machinery skids, in switchboards, etc., prior to
external systems.
installation onboard. The use of our local controllers
reduces the need for additional PLCs, optimises vessel
Solutions tailored to your needs operation and provides correct time stamping and
K-Chief automation system is a highly flexible concept, simplified maintenance.
providing competitive solutions for all types of vessels.
The concept covers the whole range from basic alarm
system for unmanned machinery area operation, to Innovative solutions
fully integrated automation systems for machinery, – for professional users
propulsion and cargo operations. Powerful embedded K-Chief is supported with a wide range of standard
system tools are available assisting daily operations, and operational specific functions all developed by
maintenance and system modifications. professionals, for professionals. New applications and
functions are constantly developed in co-operation with
vessel operators to solve operational challenges and
establish new business possibilities
Optimize your cargo operations • Automatic tank level compensation for trim and heel,
Integrated cargo monitoring and control furthers safe and calculation of volumes and weight
and efficient operation. The officers enjoy complete • Cargo reports
overview of the cargo and ballasting operation, with
tank level gauging and remote operation of pumps and The K-Gauge radar tank gauging – our new family of
valves. Also auxiliary systems such as inert gas, nitro- radar tank gauges – in combination with K-Chief cargo
gen and hydraulic power are operated from the system. automation system offers the very best in monitoring
The integrated load and stability calculator calculates and control of liquid and liquefied cargos. High reliabil-
vessel's stability, trim, list and hull stress. ity, ease of operation and easy maintenance combined
The K-Chief cargo and ballast control solutions for oil, with unmatched accuracy is the answer to today's
chemical and product tankers, liquefied gas carriers and tomorrow's tanker operations. We provide the full
and offshore supply vessels offer a number of special suite of radar tank gauges, intrinsically safe pressure
functions, such as: transmitters, temperature sensors and overfill alarm
• Automated sequences for Cargo loading/offloading detection for all type of tankers, from crude oil, product,
• Capacity control of cargo pumps including chemical and bitumen to LPG, LNG and FPSOs.
tank stripping The K-Gauge radar tank gauging system is connected
• Control of LNG/LPG compressors with anti-surge directly to the process data network for seamless inte-
protection gration with the K-Chief cargo control system.
• Automatic exchange of ballast water in transit
• Colour coding distinguishing pressurised from
none-pressurised pipelines
• Automatic filling and discharging of ballast tanks
• Automatic trim and heel control
Safe journey with fully integrated vessel management The K-Bridge integrated navigation system takes full
KONGSBERG SystemTechnology facilitates seamless benefit from the integrated vessel management con-
integration of manoeuvring and navigation systems cept by sharing conning information directly with the
with automation and safety plants. Our long experience DP and joystick systems and machinery information
in supplying propulsion and thruster control systems, with the automation system, all without any special
dynamic positioning, joystick systems and integrated interfacing. Similarly, the DP and Joystick system may
navigation systems has taught us to design also take care of autopiloting. To reduce interfacing DP
vessel-wide solutions tailored to the specific opera- and navigation systems are sharing common naviga-
tional demands. Well proven solutions have demon- tion sensors and interfaces.
strated excellent capabilities in complex manoeuvres
and easy ship handling.
The new generation K-Pos dynamic positioning and
K-Joy joystick systems provides the best of automatic
positioning and manoeuvring. Both are autonomous
control systems, however functionally fully integrated
with the automation and navigation systems and based
on the same core technology.
Extending the manoeuvring capabilities The K-Thrust AC is a complete control and safety
From decades of experience with control of diesel system for slow and medium speed propulsion systems
engine and electrical powered propulsion and thrusters with fixed and controllable pitch propellers. The system
systems, we offer control solutions that ease ship han- is available for single and double propulsion lines, with
dling and help propulsion prime movers to operate cost the following main components:
effectively, efficiently, reliably, and with minimum exhaust • Remote control system
emission. With more than 2500 systems installed • Engine safety system
on-board sailing vessels, KONGSBERG propulsion and • Engine telegraphs
thruster control has become the benchmark for safe and • Digital governor
efficient propulsion monitoring and control. • Actuator
Our unique integrated vessel manoeuvring concept The K-Thrust thruster control system provides remote
– formed by seamless integration of our DP/joystick control of electric propulsion systems, azimuth propul-
and propulsion control systems – spans from manual sion and side thrusters. Each propeller is controlled by
control by the vessel's officers to completely auto- an autonomous control system, with full functional inte-
matic vessel operation. All operations and transitions gration allowing manual as well as automatic control.
between operational modes are logic – guaranteeing The electronic K-Bridge ST steering control system is
safe operation of the vessel. based on KONGSBERG common technology platform,
and provides remote control of steering gears.
We are always there, wherever you need us As part of our commitment to total customer satisfac-
Kongsberg customer services organisation is designed tion, we offer a wide variety of services to meet individ-
to provide high-quality, global support, whenever and ual customers’ operational needs. Kongsberg support
wherever it is needed. We are committed to providing 24 is a solution designed to give round-the-clock sup-
easy access to support and service, and to responding port. For mission-critical operations, Kongsberg support
promptly to your needs. Support and service activi- 24 can be extended to include remote monitoring. We
ties are supervised from our headquarters in Norway, can adapt the level of support needs by offering ser-
with service and support centres at strategic locations vice agreements, on-site spare part stocks and quick
around the globe – where you are on-site response arrangements.
and the action is.
Venezuela Nigeria
Singapore (4)
Brazil (3)
Australia (2)
South Africa