Press and Journalism Global Press Siebert, Peterson, and Schramm classified the press into the Four Theories of the Press: [1] Authoritarian Press Theory, support the power of government; [2] Libertarian Press Theory, support the people to watch the government; [3] Social Responsibility Press, support the people’s political, social, and economical rights; and [4] Soviet Communist Theory, support the government to agitate and propagate. Next Hachten formulated the press in The World News Prism: [1] Authoritarian Press, [2] Liberal Press, [3] Communist Press, [4] Revolutionary Press, and [5] Developed/Third World Press. Indonesian Press San classified Indonesia Press into: [1] Colonial Press, [2] Movement Press, [3] Liberal Press, [4] Old Order Press, [5] New Order/Pancasila Press, and [5] Reformation Press. Those classifications are based on the press institution, communicator, message, and readers. [1] The Colonial Press [] This was ruled by colonial power; the first printed newspaper in 1744 published by VOC. [] The press were highly-censored by the colonial power (VOC); started in 1855, the Malay and Local Language were used in several newspaper, such Serat Chabar Betawie, Pelita Ketjil, Bintang Djohar, Pertja Timoer, and so on. [2] The Movement Press [] It was started in early 1900’s, since Dr. Wahidin Soedirohoesodo published Retno Dhoemilah Newspaper in 1900’s. [] The next were Medan Prijaji (1908), Darmo Kondo (1910), De Indier (1913), Oetoesan Hindia (1913), Fikiran Ra’jat (1930’s), and Daulat Ra’jat (1940’s). [] The highpoint of movement press was started since Domei published the news of Proclamation of Independence Day in August 17, 1945. [3] Liberal Press [] Liberal press was started in 1950’s since press were massively criticize the power policy. [] The popular media such Abadi, Siasat, Indonesia Raya, Duta Masyarakat, and Kami. [] In controlling the media, the government ruled: the extreme newspaper, press activities, and news censored. [] This policy made some newspaper to close such Abadi, Indonesia Raya, Pedoman, Siasat, and Harian Rakyat. [4] Old Order Press [] The old press was started in 1959 since the president announced the decree in July 5, 1959. [] This era was known as monopolization of national press, the press freedom was eradicated. [] The press acted as the power publisher to inform national project and to rule people opinion. [5] New Order/Pancasila Press [] This era was started from 1966 to 1998. [] Similar to the Old Order Press, the New Order Press acted as the power publisher to inform national project and to rule the people opinion. [] Some media such Kompas, Sinar Harapan, Merdeka, Pelita, and Sinar Pagi were retracted due to their critical news in offending the power. [6] Reformation Press [] This was started in 1999 since the declaration of Press Regulation Number 40/1999. [] The regulation ruled that press freedom are people freedom. [] Unlike the previous era, the barriers of reformation press came from the economical crisis, people offense, and the capital whom ruled the media. [] There is also a shift from printed media to online, people no longer need printed news. References
Hicks, Wynford. English for Journalists. Oxon:
Routledge, 2007. Murray, Rowena. Writing for Academic Journals. Berkshire: Open University Press, 2013. San, Suyadi. Journalistic. Medan: Generasi, 2006. Thank You