SeminarTE 1
SeminarTE 1
SeminarTE 1
Submitted By
Mr. Sonawane Abhijit Arun
PRN 71925380C
(T.E. Computer)
Guided By
Sanjivani College of Engineering, Kopargaon
This is to certify that
(T.E. Computer)
The entire session of seminar completion phase so far was a great experience
providing me with great insight and innovation into learning various IOT de-
vices and achievement of it. As is rightly said, for the successful completion
of any work, people are the most important asset my seminar would not be
materialized without the cooperation of many of the people involved.
First and foremost, I am very much thankful to my respected seminar guide
Prof. A.S.BODHE and my seminar coordinator Prof. G. B. Gadekar
for their leading guidance and sincere efforts in finalizing this topic. They
took deep interest in correcting the minor mistakes and guided us through my
journey so far. Also they has been persistent source of inspiration for me.
I am also very thankful of Dr. D. B. Kshirsagar, Head of Dept. of
Computer Engineering for the symmetric guidance and providing necessary
facilities and I Express deep gratitude to all the staff members and our depart-
ment’s technical Staff for providing me needed help.
T. E. Computer
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Potential Problems and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Literature Review 4
3 System Architecture 6
3.1 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1.1 System Architecture Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 Implementation Details 10
5.1 Hardware Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
5.2 Software Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.3 Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6 Results Analysis 17
List of Figures
The economical and effective system of water quality observation is the most
robust implementation of impure water. Drinking water could be precious for
all people as water utilities face more challenges. These challenges arise due to
the high population, fewer water resources, etc. So, different methods are used
to monitor in the real-time water quality. To make sure that safe distribution
of water is done, it must be observed in real time for a new method in the
”Internet of Things (IoT)” based water quality has been projected. Real-
time water quality observation is examined by data acquisition, method, and
transmission with an increase in the wireless device network method in the
IoT. Microcontroller and the processed values remotely to the core controller
ARM with a WI-FI protocol are used to interface the measured values from the
sensors. This projected the water quality observation interface sensors with
quality observation with IOT setting. WQM selects parameters of water like
temperature, pH level, water level and CO2 by multiple different device nodes.
This methodology sends the information to the web server. The data updated
at intervals within the server may be retrieved or accessed from anyplace within
the world. If the sensors do not work or get into abnormal conditions, then a
buzzer will be ON.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation.
• Environment around us consists of five key elements. These are soil, wa-
ter, climate, natural vegetation and land forms. Among these water the
most essential element for human to live. It is also important for the sur-
vival of other living habitants. Whether it is used for drinking, domestic
use, and food production or recreational purposes, safe and readily avail-
able water is must for public health. So it is highly imperative for us
to maintain water quality balance. Otherwise it would severely damage
the health of the humans and at the same time affect the ecological bal-
ance among other species. In the 21st century providing pure drinking
water is becoming a major challenge worldwide. International govern-
ing bodies such as United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization
(WHO) also recognized human right to sufficient, continuous, safe, and
acceptable, physically accessible, and affordable water for personal and
domestic use. According to research of WHO 844 million people lack
even a basic drinking –water service, including 159 million people who
are dependent on surface water. Impure drinking can cause life threat-
ening disease such diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. The
research alarmingly estimates that every year diarrhea alone is causing
around death of five lakh people. Figure 1 illustrates how water crisis
becoming an epidemic in twenty first century. Now a day’s Internet of
things is a revolutionary technological phenomenon. It is shaping today’s
world and is used in different fields for collecting, monitoring and analy-
sis of data from remote locations. Internet of things integrated network
if everywhere starting from smart cities, smart power grids, and smart
supply chain to smart wearable. Though internet of things is still un-
der applied in the field of environment it has huge potential. It can be
applied to detect forest fire and early earthquake, reduce air population,
monitor snow level, prevent landslide and avalanche etc. Moreover it can
be implemented in the field of water quality monitoring and controlling
system. We can design a water quality monitoring system in smart city
where there will be a network of devices connected to remote stations and
the parameters from the water sources will be stored in a microcontroller
via WSN. City dwellers can easily get notified about of the quality of the
water via SMS or they can view it on webpage and also local authority
can take necessary actions
• control devices.
among all the pollutions in many city, water pollution is the most contigu-
ous. My motivation for doing this project is to design a prototype which will
be feasible and cost effective for poor people. This way I can contribute to
my countries development and enrich my knowledge in the field of internet of
things. There is no better incentive than saving a children’s life and ensure
him or her healthier life. The main aim of this project is to develop a real time
internet of things based small scale, cost effective prototype with the help of
available sensors.
1.3 Scope
• The poposed system will assist in protecting the ecological environment
of water resources.
• In order to ensure the safe supply of the drinking water the quality needs
to be monitor in real time.
• The smart WQM system minimizes the time and costs in detecting water
quality of a reservoir as part of the environmental management
“Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IOT Technology” by Cho Zin
Myint*, Lenin Gopal*, and Yan Lin Aung - The economical and effective sys-
tem of water quality observation is the most robust implementation of impure
water. Drinking water could be precious for all people as water utilities face
more challenges. These challenges arise due to the high population, fewer wa-
ter resources, etc. So, different methods are used to monitor in the real-time
water quality. To make sure that safe distribution of water is done, it must
be observed in real time for a new method in the ”Internet of Things (IoT)”
based water quality has been projected. Realtime water quality observation is
examined by data acquisition, method, and transmission with an increase in
the wireless device network method in the IoT. Microcontroller and the pro-
cessed values remotely to the core controller ARM with a WI-FI protocol are
used to interface the measured values from the sensors. [1]
“Smart Water Quality Monitoring System For Real Time” by 1Tha. Sug-
apriyaa, 2S. Rakshaya, 3K. Ramyadevi, 4M. Ramya, 5P.G. Rashm - The mon-
itoring of the water standard is a complex process as it has several laboratory
testing methods and time consuming. To overcome this difficulty, a real time
monitoring of water goodness by using IoT has been proposed. Internet of
things together with the Sensor water meters for the effectiveness, govern the
quality of water. Here we are executing, system for monitoring the water good-
ness through different sensors -turbidity, pH, temperature, conductivity. The
controller accesses the information which is monitored by the use of sensors.
The accessed data are controlled by the usage of Arduino controller [2]
“Water Quality Monitoring System Based on IOT” by Vaishnavi V. Daiga-
vane and Dr. M.A Gaikwad - Water pollution is one of the biggest fears for the
green globalization. In order to ensure the safe supply of the drinking water
the quality needs to be monitor in real time. In this paper we present a design
and development of a low cost system for real time monitoring of the water
quality in IOT(internet of things).The system consist of several sensors is used
to measuring physical and chemical parameters of the water. The parameters
such as temperature, PH, turbidity, flow sensor of the water can be measured.
The measured values from the sensors can be processed by the core controller.
The Arduino model can be used as a core controller. Finally, the sensor data
can be viewed on internet using WI-FI system. [3]
“Smart Water Quality Monitoring System” by A.N.Prasad, K. A. Mamun,
F. R. Islam, H. Haqva - Nowadays Internet of Things (IoT) and Remote Sensing
(RS) techniques are used in different area of research for monitoring, collecting
and analysis data from remote locations. Due to the vast increase in global
industrial output, rural to urban drift and the over-utilization of land and sea
resources, the quality of water available to people has deteriorated greatly.
The high use of fertilizers in farms and also other chemicals in sectors such as
mining and construction have contributed immensely to the overall reduction
of water quality globally. The availability of good quality water is paramount in
preventing outbreaks of water-borne diseases as well as improving the quality
of life. [4]
“Smart Water Monitoring System using IoT” by Gowthamy J1, Chinta
Rohith Reddy2, Pijush Meher3, Saransh Shrivastava4, Guddu Kumar5 - Water
is one of the essential parts of life. Water pollution is one of the big problems to
the world. In order to ensure the safe supply of the drinking and useful water
for different purposes like agricultural, the water should be monitored. This
paper presents a design of a low cost system for real time monitoring of the
water quality and quantity of water in IOT (internet of things). The system
having of several sensors is used to measuring physical of the water. The
parameters flow sensor of the water can be measured. The measured values
from the sensors can be processed by the controller. The Arduino model can
be used as a controller. Finally, the sensor data can be shown on internet using
WI-FI system. A cloud server was configured as data saving and analysis. This
data can be used in future research and development. [5]
“Internet of things enabled real time water quality monitoring system” by
S. Geetha* and S. Gouthami - Smart solutions for water quality monitoring
are gaining importance with advancement in communication technology. This
paper presents a detailed overview of recent works carried out in the field of
smart water quality monitoring. Also, a power efficient, simpler solution for
in-pipe water quality monitoring based on Internet of Things technology is
presented. The model developed is used for testing water samples and the
data uploaded over the Internet are analyzed. The system also provides an
alert to a remote user, when there is a deviation of water quality parameters
from the pre-defined set of standard values. [6]
3.1.1 System Architecture Details
The WSN in IoT applications enables the information and communication
systems invisibly embedded in the environment since the sensor network en-
ables people to interact with the real world remotely [10]. Recently, an envi-
ronmental monitoring system based on WSN system using different wireless
communication standards has attracted intensive interest. Jing [11] designed
a wireless remote monitoring system for water supply based on GPRS us-
ing PIC microcontroller. The PC management software is developed using
VC++6.0 software platform. Purohit and Gokhale [12] designed a real-time
water quality measurement system using Intel microcontroller, Global System
for Mobile communications (GSM) module, assorted water quality measuring
sensors, Analogue to
Digital Converter (ADC), and a liquid crystal display (LCD). Since mi-
crocontrollers have more complex architecture, the development time and cost
increase due to the complexity of the circuit design. Beri [13] designed an au-
tonomous real-time device to measure the physical and chemical parameters of
water such as pH, temperature and turbidity using Arduino Atmega microcon-
troller and Zigbee wireless module. Hsia [14] developed a water meter system
and leakage detection based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chip
to realize a signal generator, a detection circuit, data encoder and a serial port
for the transmission of data. The proposed system consists of pressure sensor,
an ADC and FPGA design board.
The research should be performed to achieve a broad space for develop-
ment in the large number of energy-constrained sensor nodes in an unattended
environment. Therefore, a low-power, low-cost single-chip fully integrated au-
tonomous System On- Chip (SoC) based wireless sensor node is required to
solve these problems. In the proposed smart WQM system, the water quality
monitoring system consists of a group of sensors to monitor the water pa-
rameters such as water level, water temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2) on
the surface of water, turbidity of water and water pH value. Firstly, the sen-
sors detect the water parameters, and then the data is computed on Altera
DE1-SoC board using Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Descrip-
tion Language (VHDL) programming language and C codes. Afterwards, the
computed data is transmitted wirelessly to the base station where the user can
monitor the water parameters through Zigbee wireless communication module.
In the proposed smart WQM system, a reconfigurable smart sensor in-
terface device that integrates data collection, data processing, and wireless
transmission is designed. The hardware experimental set-up of smart WQM
• Ultrasonic Sensor
• pH Sensor Digital
• Thermometer Sensor
• Turbidity Sensor
• CO2 Sensor
4.1 Introducation
IOT is short for internet of things.the internet of things refers to the ever-
growing network of physical objects that feature an IP address for internet
connectivity,and the connectivity that occurs between these objects and other
internet enabled devices and system.
4.3 Advantages
• Automation of daily tasks leads to better monitoring of devices.
• Saves Money.
Chapter 5 Implementation Details
The system block diagram of smart WQM system is shown in Fig. This ar-
chitecture is used for the entire system of the Cyclone V DE1-SoC FPGA
board due to the significant flexibility to deal with a trade off between pro-
cessing and communication. The sensor nodes are stationed at the bank of
the water. The measured data of water parameter are collected by the sen-
sor nodes and sent to FPGA board. The analogue output of CO2 sensor and
Turbidity sensor are digitized by AD7928 Analog to Digital converter. The
Ultrasonic sensor and pH sensor are interfaced with RS232 and the default
state is UART mode which acts as the transmission (TX) line. The default
baud rate is 9600, 8 bits, no parity, no flow control and one stop bit. The
temperature sensor DS18B20 communicates over a 1-wire bus which requires
only one data line (and ground) for communication with a microcontroller.
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) bus is used in embedded system to commu-
nicate the microprocessor to off-chip sensors, conversion, memory, and control
devices. The architecture of SPI is designed for connecting on-chip proces-
sors and peripherals together into a system-on-a-programmable chip (SOPC).
When the transmitted data from sensor nodes are received by the gateways,
SPI transfers the incoming data through the UART interface to the processor.
Figure 5.1: User Interaction
• FPGA Board :- The Altera DE1-SoC board is utilised to control the en-
tire system of the proposed smart WQM system. The DE1-SoC develop-
ment board includes 85K programmable logic elements, 4,450Kbits em-
bedded memory, 6 fractional phase locked loop (PLLs) and 2 hard mem-
ory controllers. For communication, two port USB 2.0 Host, UART to
USB (USB Mini-B connector), 10/100/1000 Ethernet, PS/2 mouse/keyboard,
IR emitter/receiver, and I2Cmultiplexer are provided. The display of the
DE1-SoC board is 24-bit video graphics array (VGA) digital-to-analogue
converter (DAC). The power supply of 12V direct current (DC) is needed
to power the board.
When the smart WQM system is switched on, the data from each sensor
node is collected one after another using time multiplexing. Then, the data
of all of 5 sensors is converted to 8 bits binary. The collected data is stored
in the integrated SRAM on the interface device. The accumulated data is
transmitted to XBee transmitter module in terms of data transmission. The
flow chart of the wireless water quality monitoring system is shown in Fig.5.
In the smart WQM system, when the sensor board is switched on, the
sensors are activated to detect the individual water parameter data. Then,
the collected water parameters are transmitted wirelessly to monitoring device
which is PC using Nios II software program in the Altera Quartus II software.
The data of water level, pH, turbidity, carbon dioxide and temperature are
displayed on the Grafana dashboard on the PC using Python codes. The
results of water parameters are displayed on the Grafana dashboard as shown in
Fig. 6.1 The reading of water level is changed when the distance between water
surface and water level sensor is changed. The readings of water temperature
vary according to the increasing and decreasing of the water temperature by
using warm water and ice water. The range of the value is displayed for the
monitoring of pH, temperature, turbidity, carbon dioxide and level of water.
The readings of the experimental result of water quality monitoring system .
The data is being monitored continuously and displayed in real time since the
default of the system is set in continuous mode. The interval of the sensing time
is selected for 1 hour and the data is refreshed every 5s. The proposed smart
WQM system reduces power consumption, which outperforms the performance
of the conventional microcontrollers-based WSN.
Figure 6.2: Analysis Of Purity
7.1 Conclusion
The proposed smart WQM system of single chip solution to interface transduc-
ers to sensor network using FPGA is presented with wireless method by using
a wireless XBee module. The results of the five parameters of water quality
are verified that the system achieved the reliability and feasibility of using it
for the actual monitoring purposes. The water temperature may vary from 0
to 0.4 Degree Celsius depending on the speed of the ambient air temperature
cycles. The time interval of monitoring can be changed depending on the need.
By introducing the FPGA board, the proposed system inherits high execution
speed and reusable Intellectual Property (IP) design. The proposed system
will assist in protecting the ecological environment of water resources. The
smart WQM system minimizes the time and costs in detecting water quality
of a reservoir as part of the environmental management. The WSN network
will be developed in the future comprising of more number of nodes to extend
the coverage range.
7.2 Reference
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in Cloud Services Oriented Enterprise Information Systems,” Enterp. Inf.
Syst., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 165–187, 2012
[5] Buratti, C.; Conti, A.; Dardari, D.; and Verdone, R.,Verdone, R., “An
Overview onWireless Sensor Networks Technology and Evolution”, Sensors
2009, vol.9, pp.6869-6896 [
[7] Peris-Ortiz, M.; Bennett, D.; Yábar, D. P., “Sustainable Smart Cities:
Creating Spaces for Technological, Social and Business Development”,
Springer, 5 October 2016, p.103
[10] Chi,Q.; Yan,H.; Zhang,C.; Pang,Z.; Xu,L,D., “A Reconfigurable Smart
Sensor Interface for Industrial WSN in IoT Environment”, in IEEE Trans-
actions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 1417-1425, May 2014