Tutorial-Column103 0
Tutorial-Column103 0
Tutorial-Column103 0
1 Description
2 Finite Element Model
2.1 Geometry
2.2 Properties
2.3 Boundary Conditions
2.4 Loads
2.5 Mesh
3 Structural Nonlinear Analysis
3.1 Commands
3.2 Results
3.2.1 Deformed Shape
3.2.2 Force vs Displacement Hysteresis Curve
3.2.3 Crack Pattern
3.3 Full Analysis Results
3.3.1 Hysteresis Curve
3.3.2 Failure Mode
Appendix A Additional Information
Hugo Rodrigues and Costa, Behavior of RC building columns under cyclic loading: experimental study, 2013
A structural nonlinear analysis is carried out accounting for physical and geometrical nonlinear effects. The peak displacements of the loading cycles are taken from the experimental paper.
In order to restrict running time, the analysis is not set up until failure. Instead, the first six loading cycles in the experiment are considered. However, in the final section, some results from
a full analysis are presented.
A total strain based crack (TSCR) formulation is used to describe the behavior of concrete. In this approach, a one-to-one relationship is assumed between the total strain and stress at a
material point. The value for mean compressive strength (fc m) at testing time is provided in the paper2 . The unknown material properties for concrete are calculated from fc m, using the
expressions given in fib Model Code3 . The behavior in tension is described by the Japanese Society of Civil Engineers Code (JSCE) tension stiffening with a damaged based Poisson’s ratio
reduction model. Maekawa cracked concrete curves are used as compression curves which describe the behavior of concrete under hysteresis loading. Additionally a stress confinement model
by Selby and Vecchio is also applied.
For reinforcement steel, Menegotto-Pinto plasticity model is applied. Two different assumptions are made for the behavior of bond between concrete and steel depending on the location of
the reinforcement within the specimen. For reinforcements in the foundation block, an embedded formulation is utilized. This implies an assumption of perfect bond between concrete and
steel. For reinforcements in the column, bond slip properties are provided, which describe the normal and shear behavior of the interface between concrete and steel.
Nonlinear interface elements with no-tension and shear stiffness reduction are used to model the fixing of the foundation block to the ground.
Hugo Rodrigues and Costa, Behavior of RC building columns under cyclic loading: experimental study, 2013
CEB-FIP, fib Model Code for Concrete Structures, 2010
Figure 4: Units
Figure 8: Add sheet - Column Figure 9: Extrude shape - Column Figure 10: View of the model
Main menu Geometry Create Add line [Fig. 11] [Fig. 12]
Figure 11: Add line - Base bottom Figure 12: Add line - Base top
reinforcement reinforcement Figure 13: View of model
Main menu Geometry Modify Array copy [Fig. 14] [Fig. 15]
Figure 14: Array copy - Base Figure 15: Array copy - Base side
bottom reinforcement reinforcement Figure 16: View of model
Figure 19: Add polygon - Base Figure 20: Array copy - Base
stirrup stirrup Figure 21: View of model
Main menu Geometry Create Add polyline [Fig. 22] [Fig. 23]
Main menu Geometry Create Add line [Fig. 24]
Figure 26: Add polygon line - Figure 27: Array copy - Base
Base stirrup stirrup Figure 28: View of model
Figure 31: Add sheet - Bolt plate Figure 32: Array copy - Bolt plate Figure 33: View of model
Figure 34: Property assignments Figure 35: Add material - Concrete Figure 36: Edit material - linear properties
Figure 41: Reinforcement property Figure 42: Add material - Embedded Figure 44: Add geometry - 16mm Embedded
assignment reinforcement Figure 43: Edit material - Menegotto-Pinto properties reinforcement
Figure 47: Reinforcement property Figure 48: Add material - Bondslip Figure 49: Edit material - bond slip Figure 50: Add geometry - 12mm
assignment - Longtitudinal reinforcement interface Bondslip reinforcement
Main menu Geometry Assign Attach support [Fig. 59] [Fig. 60]
Figure 68: Select and reverse sheet orientation Figure 69: Imprint shape
Figure 73: Add support - Face support Figure 74: Add support - Point support Figure 75: Add support - Deformation support Figure 76: View of model
For the loads, we first define the self weight [Fig. 77]. Next, in the same load set, we attach the axial load as a vertical distributed force on the top face of the column [Fig. 78]. The value of
the distributed force is obtained by dividing the experimental axial load by the area of the top face, i.e. 170000 / (400 × 200) = 2.125 N/mm2 .
We apply the horizontal load in a different load set. The deformation is prescribed at the column point supported in the X direction in the previous section [Fig. 79].
Main menu Geometry Assign Set mesh properties [Fig. 83] [Fig. 84]
Main menu Geometry Generate mesh [Fig. 85]
Analysis browser Nonlinear Structural nonlinear new execute block Rename Permanant loads [Fig. 88] [Fig. 89]
Figure 88: Analysis browser Figure 89: Analysis browser - rename execute load block
Analysis browser Nonlinear Structural nonlinear new execute block Equilibrium iteration Edit properties [Fig. 90]
Properties Displacement Settings [Fig. 91]
Properties Force Settings [Fig. 92]
Figure 90: Equilibrium iterations Figure 91: Displacement norm settings Figure 92: Force norm settings
Analysis browser Nonlinear Structural nonlinear Permanant loads Duplicate [Fig. 93]
Analysis browser Nonlinear Structural nonlinear Permanant loads - copy Rename Horizontal cyclic load [Fig. 94]
Figure 93: Analysis browser Figure 94: Analysis browser - rename execute load block
Analysis browser Nonlinear Structural nonlinear Horizontal cyclic load Load steps Edit properties [Fig. 95]- [Fig. 96]
Figure 95: Analysis tree Figure 96: Load steps - Horizontal cyclic load
Analysis browser Nonlinear Structural nonlinear new execute block Output Edit properties [Fig. 97]
Properties User selection Modify [Fig. 98]
Analysis browser Run analysis
Figure 97: Output Figure 98: Output selection Figure 99: Results at integration
Properties points for all stress and
strain result items
We view the deformed shape of the column in the final load cycle. For positive (rightward) displacement, we set the required load step in the result browser, i.e load step 152, ( displace-
ment: 15 mm) and set the required result, i.e. Displacements TDtXYZ [Fig. 100] [Fig. 101]. We change the result case to load step 182 (displacement: -15 mm) for negative (leftward)
deflection [Fig. 102].
Result browser Nodal results Displacements TDtXYZ [Fig. 100]- [Fig. 102]
Figure 100: Re- Figure 101: Deformed shape - displacements 15 mm Figure 102: Deformed shape - displacements -15 mm
Result browser Nodal results Reaction Forces FBX Show table [Fig. 104]- [Fig. 105]
Figure 103: Select node of interest Figure 104: Results browser Figure 105: FBX - chart view
Now we compare the crack patterns obtained in the analysis with the experimental observations. We select two load cycles for this purpose. Load cycle of peak displacement of 5 mm and
3 mm displacement (load step 16 and load step 26) and final load cycle at 14 mm displacement (load step 151 and load step 181). We select output item Ecw1 in the result browser [Fig. 107]
and set scales in the property window [Fig. 108] for better visualization. We use a maximum value of 0.05 mm for load step 16 and load step 26 and a maximum value of 0.5 mm for load step
152 and load step 182. The development of cracks in the experiment is captured by the numerical analysis [Fig. 110 to 114].
Figure 107: Result browser Figure 108: Property window - contour plot settings
In this section results from a full analysis with load steps 1(3) -1(6) 1(3) 1(5) -1(10) 1(5) 1(10) -1(20) 1(10) 1(4) -1(8) 1(4) 1(12) -1(24) 1(12) 1(15) -1(30) 1(15) 1(7) -1(14) 1(7) 1(20) -1(40)
1(20) 1(30) -1(60) 1(30) 1(40) -1(80) 1(40) 1(50) -1(100) 1(50) 1(50) -1(100) 1(50) 1(50) -1(100) 1(50) are presented.
An early failure is obtained in the numerical analysis when compared with the experiment as seen in Figure 115. Therefore there is a slight under prediction of the capacity of the column.
The heavy cracking and spalling of concrete at the base on the column after the final load cycle in the experiment [Fig. 116] can be visualized in the analysis with a plot of principal strain E1
at the final load step [Fig. 117].
Figure 118: Reinforcement stress and deformation after 15 mm displacement - Figure 119: Reinforcement stress and deformation after -15 mm displacement -
analysis analysis
Folder: Tutorials/ConcreteColumn
analys: geomet nonlin physic.
constr: suppor tying.
elemen: bar bondsl cable chx60 chx69i circle cl9tr cq40s cq48i ct36i ctp45 curved interf reinfo shell solid struct truss.
load: deform elemen face force weight.
materi: crack elasti harden isotro jsce maekcc menegp plasti rotati soften strain totstr.
option: direct lagran linese newton regula total units.
post: binary ndiana.
pre: dianai.
result: cauchy crkwdt displa extern force green princi reacti strain stress total tracti.
[1] Humberto Varum Hugo Rodrigues, Antonio Arede and Anibal Costa. Behavior of RC building columns under cyclic loading: experimental study. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 6
(4):1–20, 2013.
[2] CEB-FIP. fib Model Code for Concrete Structures. Wilhelm Ernst and Sohn, 2010.
Disclaimer: The aim of this technical tutorial is to illustrate various tools, modelling techniques and analysis workflows in DIANA.
DIANA FEA BV does not accept any responsibility regarding the presented cases, used parameters, and presented results.