Belt Preventive Maintenance Manual
Belt Preventive Maintenance Manual
Belt Preventive Maintenance Manual
Copyright 2008
Gates Corporation
Denver, Colorado 80217-5887 Printed in U.S. of America
Normal Drives
With most drives, a quick visual and noise inspection can be
performed once a month.
Complete Inspection
A drive shutdown for a thorough inspection of belts,
sheaves or sprockets and other drive components may be
required every three to six months.
Remember, a well-designed industrial belt drive is capable
of operating for several years when properly maintained and
used under normal conditions.
Follow the Preventive Maintenance Procedure on the fol-
lowing page when performing detailed maintenance during
equipment shutdowns.
1. Always turn off the power to the drive. Lock the con-
trol box and tag it with a warning sign “Down For
Maintenance. Do Not Turn Power On.”
Make sure the power is turned off for the
correct drive.
2. Test to make sure correct circuit has been turned off.
3. Place all machine components in a safe (neutral)
position. Make sure that moving components are
locked down or are in a safe position. Make sure Turn off power, lock controls and tag
that fans cannot unexpectedly freewheel.
4. Remove guard and inspect for damage. Check for
signs of wear or rubbing against drive components. 7. Inspect other drive components such as bearings,
Clean and realign guard to prevent rubbing if neces- shafts, motor mounts and take-up rails.
8. Inspect static conductive grounding system (if used)
5. Inspect belt for wear or damage. Replace as needed. and replace components as needed.
6. Inspect sheaves or sprockets for wear and misalign- 9. Check belt tension and adjust as needed.
ment. Replace if worn.
10. Recheck sheave or sprocket alignment.
11. Reinstall belt guard.
12. Turn power back on and restart drive. Look and lis-
ten for anything unusual.
If using the Gates EZ Align® laser alignment tool, follow the Misalignment on V-belt drives should be less than 1/2˚ or
detailed instructions included with the tool. The EZ Align 1/10” per foot of center distance. Misalignment for synchro-
laser alignment tool makes it very quick and easy to check nous, Polyflex®, or Micro-V® belts should be less than 1/4˚ or
alignment of shafts, sheaves and sprockets. 1/16” per foot of center distance.
When a synchronous belt drive has been aligned (follow-
ing the procedure discussed above in the “How to Check
Alignment” section), do not continue to adjust alignment
in an attempt to make the synchronous belt ride in the cen-
ter of the sprocket’s face width. Synchronous belts, while
neutral tracking, will tend to ride in contact with a flange
on one side of the sprockets. Synchronous belts on drives
that are properly aligned will lightly contact the flanges.
Synchronous belts on misaligned drives will ride hard against
the flanges and generate additional noise. Attempting to
adjust a synchronous belt drive’s alignment to force the belt
to ride in the center of the sprocket’s face width will typi-
cally result in misalignment.
Guard Inspection
Check the guard for wear or possible damage. Don’t over-
look wear on the inside of the guard. Check for any areas
that may be contacting the belt. Clean the guard to prevent
it from becoming blocked and closed to ventilation. Clean
off any grease or oil that may have spilled onto the guard
from over-lubricated bearings.
Measuring Belt Tension 1. Measure span length (t). Span length is the distance from
The spring scale type tester measures how much force is where the belt exits one pulley to where it enters the
required to deflect the belt a specified distance at the center next pulley.
of its span. This is the force deflection method of tensioning
The Sonic Tension Meter measures the vibration of the belt
span and instantly converts the vibration frequency into belt
static tension. This is the span vibration method of tension-
ing belts.
The adjusted belt weights for use with the Gates Sonic Tension Meter are shown in the following table.
3V Single 72
5V Single 200
8V Single 510
Super HC® V-belts
3VX PowerBand® 70
5VX PowerBand ®
3V PowerBand® 96
5V PowerBand ®
8V PowerBand ®
AP Single 114
BP Single 174
CP Single 324
3VP PowerBand® 89
5VP PowerBand ®
8VP PowerBand ®
BP PowerBand® 212
CP PowerBand ®
AX Single 85
Tri-Power V-belts
BX Single 144
CX Single 232
A Single 96
B Single 168
C Single 276
D Single 554
Hi Power II V-belts
E Single 799
A PowerBand® 151
B PowerBand® 200
C PowerBand® 342
D PowerBand ®
AA Single 125
BB Single 194
Hi Power® II Dubl V-belts
CC Single 354
DD Single 750
J Single 7
Micro-V Belts
K Single 18
L Single 29
M Single 109
13X-Notched Single 86
XPZ Single 51
XPA Single 87
2L Single 22
3L Single 44
Truflex® Belts
4L Single 77
5L Single 125
3L Single 52
PoweRated Belts
4L Single 83
5L Single 138
3M Single 4
5M Single 10
7M Single 24
11M Single 49
Polyflex® Belts
3M JB® 5
7M JB® 30
11M JB® 64
XL Synchronous 2.4
L Synchronous 3.2
PowerGrip® Timing Belts
H Synchronous 3.9
XH Synchronous 11.3
XL Synchronous 1.9
H Synchronous 4.6
3M Synchronous 2.4
5M Synchronous 3.9
3M Synchronous 2.7
5M Synchronous 4.6
PowerGrip® HTD® Twin Power® Belts
8M Synchronous 7.2
8M Synchronous 5.8
PowerGrip® GT® Belts
14M Synchronous 9.7
2M Synchronous 1.4
3M Synchronous 2.8
5M Synchronous 4.1
PowerGrip® GT®2 Belts
8M Synchronous 5.5
8M Synchronous 6.93
PowerGrip® GT®2 Twin Power® Belts
14M Synchronous 11.44
Do not be misled by “shiny” grooves. Grooves that are Catenary effect is a curve made by a cord of uniform
“shiny” are often polished because of heavy wear. weight suspended between two points.
Inspect the sprocket grooves for rust or pitting. If rust-
Follow the recommended run-in and retensioning pro-
ed or pitted surfaces are found, the sprocket should be
cedure to minimize the visible difference in belt sag.
14. Rotate the belt drive by hand for a few revolutions.
Check the sprocket flanges and make sure that they
Re-check the belt tension and adjust as necessary.
are not loose or bent. Bent flanges can interfere with
the belt and cause premature belt wear and failure. 15. Re-check the drive alignment and adjust as necessary.
8. If necessary, clean sheave and sprocket grooves by
wiping the surface with a rag slightly dampened with
a light, non-volatile solvent. Do not sand or scrape the 16. Secure motor mounting bolts to the correct torque.
grooves to remove debris. 17. Re-check the belt tension and adjust as necessary.
Tightening the motor mounting bolts may have
Installation changed the belt tension.
9. If necessary, install new sheaves or sprockets. Refer to
18. Replace the belt guard.
page 14 for detailed instructions for installing QD or
Taper-Lock® bushings. 19. Start the drive, looking and listening for any unusual
noise or vibration. If possible, shut down the drive and
10. Check the sheave or sprocket alignment. In order
check the bearings and motor for unusual heat. If the
to achieve optimum belt life, it is important that the
motor or bearings are hot, the belt tension may be
drive’s sheaves or sprockets be aligned properly. Use a
too high, or bearings may not be properly lubricated.
straightedge or Gates EZ Align® laser alignment tool.
Temperatures can be checked with an infrared pyrom-
Adjust the sheave or sprocket position as necessary.
11. Install the new belt or set of belts.
V-belt Run-In Procedure
Replace all belts on multiple V-belt drives. Never replace
a single belt or a portion of a multiple belt drive. 20. A run-in procedure is recommended for all V-belt
Always use belts from the same manufacturer on a drives so that the optimum belt life can be achieved.
multiple belt drive. If a new belt is used with old belts, A run-in consists of starting the drive and letting it run
the load will not be shared evenly between the belts under full load for up to 24 hours. If a 24 hour run-in
on a multiple V-belt drive. Mixing new and old belts is not possible, let the belt drive run overnight, to the
very possibly could lead to premature belt failure and next shift, or at least a few hours. After the belts have
uneven sheave wear. run-in, stop the belt drive and check the belt tension.
Running the belts under full load for an extended peri-
When installing the belt, make sure that there is clear- od of time will seat the V-belts into the sheave grooves.
ance to slip the belt over the sheave or sprocket. Do V-belt tension will drop after the initial run-in and seat-
not pry or use force to install the belt. Do not roll the ing process. This is normal. Adjust the belt tension as
belt onto the drive. necessary.
12. Adjust the motor base adjustment screws to take up Since tension in V-belts will drop after the initial run-in
the center distance on the belt drive until the belts are and seating process, failure to check and retension the
tight. belt will result in low belt tension and belt slippage.
13. Check belt tension, using a tension gauge or Sonic This slippage will result in premature belt failure.
Tension Meter. Adjust the belt drive’s center distance
until the correct tension is measured.
On multiple belt drives, some belts may appear to hang
unevenly when installed. It is normal for belts within
RMA length and matching tolerances to have notice-
able differences in the distance the belt span sags. This
is called the “catenary effect”.
How to Install Taper-Lock® and QD® Bushed Sheaves 5. Alternately torque the bolts until the sprocket and
and Sprockets bushing tapers are completely seated together (at
It is important that new or replacement sheaves or sprockets approximately half of the recommended torque; see
be properly installed. Most sheaves or sprockets are attached table below).
to a shaft with a tapered bushing that fits a mating tapered
bore in the sheave or sprocket. Bushings come in several dif- Note: Do not use worn hex key wrenches. Doing
ferent bore size diameters. This allows for a reduction in the so may result in a loose assembly or may damage
parts inventory required in your plant because one bushing bolts.
size with multiple bore sizes can be used with a number of 6. Check the alignment and sprocket runout (wobble),
different sizes of sheaves or sprockets. and correct as necessary.
There are two styles of bushings: Taper-Lock® and QD®. 7. Continue alternate tightening of the bolts to the rec-
Installation and removal instructions for each style are noted ommended torque values specified in the table below.
Taper-Lock® Bushings
Taper-Lock® Type Sprocket Installation and Removal
Bushing Bolts Torque Wrench
Style Qty. Size lb-ft lb-in
1008 2 1/4-20 x 1/2 4.6 55
1108 2 1/4-20 x 1/2 4.6 55
1210 2 3/8-16 x 5/8 14.6 175
1610 2 3/8-16 x 5/8 14.6 175
2012 2 7/16-14 x 7/8 23.3 280
2517 2 1/2-13 x 1 35.8 430
3020 2 5/8-11 x 1 1/4 66.7 800
3525 3 1/2-13 x 1 1/2 83.3 1000
4030 3 5/8-11 x 1 3/4 141.7 1700
To Install TAPER-LOCK® Type Bushings 4535 3 3/4-10 x 2 204.2 2450
5040 3 7/8-9 x 2 1/4 258.3 3100
1. Clean the shaft, bore of bushing, outside of bushing 6050 3 1 1/4-7 x 3 1/2 651.7 7820
and the sprocket hub bore of all oil, paint and dirt. File 7060 4 1 1/4-7 x 3 1/2 651.7 7820
away any burrs.
Note: The use of lubricants can cause sprocket break- Caution: Excessive bolt torque can cause sprocket and/or
2. Insert the bushing into the sprocket hub. Match the Note: To insure proper bushing/sprocket performance,
hole pattern, not threaded holes (each complete hole full bushing contact on the shaft is recommended.
will be threaded on one side only).
8. To increase the bushing gripping force, firmly tap the
3. “LIGHTLY” oil the bolts and thread them into those face of the bushing using a drift or sleeve (Do not hit
half-threaded holes indicated by “O” on the diagram the bushing directly with the hammer).
9. Re-torque the bushing bolts after Step 8.
Note: Do not lubricate the bushing taper, hub taper, 10. Recheck all bolt torque values after the initial drive run-
bushing bore, or the shaft. Doing so could result in in, and periodically thereafter. Repeat steps 5 through
sprocket breakage. 9 if loose.
4. With the key in the shaft keyway, position the assembly
onto the shaft allowing for small axial movement of the To Remove TAPER-LOCK® Type Bushings
sprocket which will occur during the tightening pro- 1. Loosen and remove all mounting bolts.
2. Insert bolts into all jack screw holes indicated by “●”
(see figure above).
Note: When mounting sprockets on a vertical shaft,
precautions must be taken to positively prevent the 3. Loosen the bushing by alternately tightening the bolts
sprocket and/or bushing from falling during installation. in small but equal increments until the tapered sprocket
and bushing surfaces disengage.
QD® Type Sprocket Installation and Removal 6. Continue alternate tightening of the bolts to the recom-
mended torque values specified in the table below.
Note: Do not lubricate the bushing taper, hub taper, To Remove QD® Type Bushings
bushing bore, or the shaft. Doing so could result in
sprocket breakage. 1. Loosen and remove all mounting bolts.
3. With the key in the shaft keyway, position the assembly 2. Insert bolts into all threaded jack screw holes.
onto the shaft allowing for small axial movement of the 3. Loosen the bushing by first tightening the bolt furthest
sprocket which will occur during the tightening pro- from the bushing saw slot, then alternately tighten
cess. When installing large or heavy parts in “Position remaining bolts. Keep tightening the bolts in small but
One” (see figure above), it may be easier to mount the equal increments until the tapered sprocket and bush-
key and bushing onto the shaft first, then place the ing surfaces disengage.
sprocket on the bushing and align the holes.
Note: Excessive or unequal pressure on the bolts
Note: When mounting sprockets on a vertical shaft, can break the bushing flange, making removal nearly
precautions must be taken to positively prevent the impossible without destroying the sprocket.
sprocket and/or bushing from falling during installation.
4. Alternately tighten the bolts until the sprocket and
bushing tapers are completely seated together (at
approximately half the recommended torque).
5. Check the alignment and sprocket runout (wobble),
and correct as necessary.
Belts should be stored in a cool and dry environment with Storage Methods
no direct sunlight. Ideally, less than 85˚ F and 70% relative
humidity. V-belts
Store on shelves or in boxes or containers. If the belt is pack- V-belts can be coiled in loops for storage purposes. Each coil
aged in a box, like Poly Chain® GT® Carbon™ belts, store results in a number of loops. One coil results in three loops,
the belt in its individual box. two coils results in five loops, etc. The maximum number of
coils that can be used depends on the belt length. If coiling
V-belts may be stored by hanging on a wall rack if they are a belt for storage, consult the table on the next page and
hung on a saddle or diameter at least as large as the mini- follow the limits shown.
mum diameter sheave recommended for the belt cross sec-
When the belts are stored, they must not be bent to diam-
eters smaller than the minimum recommended sheave or
sprocket diameter for that cross section. (see Technical
Information section) Belts should not be stored with back
bends that are less than 1.3 times the minimum recom-
mended sheave or sprocket diameter for that cross section.
If stored in containers, make sure that the belt is not dis-
torted when in the container. Limit the contents in a con-
tainer so that the belts at the bottom of the container are
not damaged by the weight of the rest of the belts in the
Not Recommended
Belts should not be stored near windows, which may expose
the belts to direct sunlight or moisture.
Belts should not be stored near heaters, radiators, or in the
direct airflow of heating devices.
Belts should not be stored near any devices that generate
ozone. Ozone generating devices include transformers and
electric motors.
Belts should not be stored where they are exposed to sol-
vents or chemicals in the atmosphere.
Do not store belts on the floor unless they are in a protec-
tive container. Floor locations are exposed to traffic that may
damage the belts.
Belt Cross Section Belt Length (in) Belt Length (mm) Number of Coils Number of Loops
When preventive maintenance inspections indicate that belts The information on the following pages will help identify the
need replacing, it is important to install the correct belts. belt types used in industry. Gates makes a belt to fit nearly
any application.
Consequently, it is important to identify the various types
and sizes of belts available, and then quickly be able to
specify the correct replacement.
Super HC® V-belts
* * *
Hi-Power® II V-belts
* * *
Micro-V® Belts
Synchronous Belts
All synchronous belts are identified in a similar manner, in 2. Pitch Length: Total length (circumference) in inches or
either English or metric units. Belts are measured by: millimeters as measured along the pitch line. It is equal to
the pitch multiplied by the number of teeth in the belt.
1. Pitch: Distance in inches or millimeters between
two adjacent tooth centers as measured on the 3. Width: Denoted in inches or millimeters.
belt pitch line.
* *
* *
.200” Pitch
.375” Pitch
.500” Pitch
3mm Pitch
5mm Pitch
8mm Pitch
14mm Pitch
5mm Pitch
10mm Pitch
20mm Pitch
5mm Pitch
10mm Pitch
20mm Pitch
5mm Pitch
8mm Pitch
14mm Pitch
Synchronous Belts
These belts are also known as timing or positive drive belts
and are used where driveN shaft speeds must be synchro-
nized to the rotation of the driveR shafts. They can also be
used to eliminate noise and maintenance problems caused
by chain drives.
Synchronous belts, such as Gates Poly Chain® GT®
Carbon™, can be used in high horsepower drives, drives
where space is severely limited and where there is limited
take up.
Synchronous drives are extremely efficient... as much as
98% with properly maintained Poly Chain® GT® Carbon™
or PowerGrip® GT®2 systems. By contrast, chain drives are Number of Sprocket Grooves
in the 91-98% efficiency range, while V-belts average in the
93-98% range. Width - Face width.
Distinctive tooth profiles (shapes) identify synchronous belts. Note: The sprocket’s pitch diameter is always greater than
Various sizes and constructions are available to meet a wide its outside diameter.
range of applications. The three important dimensions of a Note: PowerGrip® GT®2 belts must be used with PowerGrip®
synchronous belt are pitch, width and pitch length. Tooth GT®2 sprockets for new designs.
profiles must also be identified.
Note: 8 and 14 mm pitch PowerGrip® GT®2 belts can be
Belt Pitch - Distance in inches or millimeters between two used as replacement belts for competitive curvilinear tooth
adjacent tooth centers as measured on the belt’s pitch line. profiles. See page 30.
Belt Pitch Length - Circumference in inches or millimeters Example: 14mm-170mm width – substitute a PowerGrip®
as measured along the pitch line. GT®2-14mm-115 without any performance loss. Refer to
Width - Top width in inches or millimeters. page 30 for crossover information.
Multi-Speed Belts
(Variable Speed Drives)
Multi-Speed belts have a distinct shape. Multi-Speed belt
top widths are usually greater than their thicknesses. This
permits a greater range of speed ratios than standard belts.
Usually cogged or notched on the underside, Multi-Speed
belts are specified for equipment which require changes in
driveN speed during operation.
Multi-Speed belts are specified by Top Width, Outside
Circumference, and the required Groove Angle. The
groove angle can be measured from the drive pulleys.
Spliced Belting
Used on drives with little or no take-up, or as an emergency Nu-T-Link®, a high performance, spliced belt, is also avail-
belt replacement. able for use as emergency belting, and for drives where con-
ditions are detrimental to rubber belts.
Belting is sold on reels in standard V-belt cross sections.
Ends are spliced with fasteners that require special assembly
tools. Always use the correct fasteners with the correct belt
type and cross section.
PowerBand® Belts
PowerBand belts were developed by Gates for drives sub-
jected to pulsating loads, shock loads or extreme vibrations
where single belts could flip over on the pulleys. A high-
strength tie band permanently joins two or more belts to
provide lateral rigidity. This keeps the belts running in a
straight line in the pulley grooves. PowerBand® construction
is offered with Gates Hi-Power® II, Super HC® and Super
HC® Molded Notch Belts.
Predator® Belts
Gates Predator® V-belts are available in single, or multi- Primary features of Predator® V-belts:
layered PowerBand® construction that adds strength, dura-
bility, shear and tear resistance and lateral rigidity to handle • Aramid tensile cords for extraordinary strength, durability
the toughest shock-loaded applications. and virtually zero stretch.
• Chloroprene rubber compounds for superb oil and heat
• Specially-treated extra tough cover withstands slip and
shear forces at peak loads without generating excessive
heat. It also fends off penetration by foreign materials.
• Gates curves that compensate for effects that occur
when belts bend around a sheave for uniform loading
and maximum life.
• Matched by request to maximize power absorption and
belt life.
PowerBack® Belts
PowerBack™ belts are “B” section V-belts with a flat back
surface. The flat back surface makes PowerBack™ belts ideal
for driving roll-to-roll conveyor applications.
Dubl-V Belts
A special version of Gates Hi-Power® II for serpentine drives
where power is transmitted by both the top and bottom of
the belt. Dubl-V belts are specified by A, B, C or D cross sec-
tions, and by Effective Length.
that contacts the sheave or sprocket must be conductive belt sidewall. If there is any question about the belt’s physical
to ensure that static charge is conducted into the drive condition and its static conductivity characteristics, replace the
hardware. V-belts must have a static conductive sidewall in belt.
contact with a conductive sheave groove. Synchronous belts
Any belt drive system, whether it uses a synchronous belt or
must have a static conductive tooth surface in contact with
V-belt, that operates in a potentially hazardous environment
conductive sprocket grooves.
must be properly grounded. A continuous conductive path
Unusual or excessive debris or contaminant on the belt con- to ground is necessary to bleed off the static charge. This
tact surface or sheave or sprocket grooves should be cleaned path includes a static conductive belt, a conductive sheave
and removed. Banded V-belts (V-belts with a fabric bandply or sprocket, a conductive bushing, a conductive shaft, con-
on the driving surface) should be inspected for bandply ductive bearings, and the ground. As an additional mea-
wear. If the fabric bandply on the belt sidewall has worn sure of protection, a static-conductive brush or similar
away, the belts should be replaced immediately. Bandless device should be employed to bleed off any residual
V-belts do not have to be replaced if wear is evident on the static buildup that might remain around the belt.
In most cases, synchonous belt drives that are using non-Gates curvilinear belts can be changed to a Gates PowerGrip® GT®2
belt to reduce width. Use the table below to identify product types that can be converted, and what widths are recommend-
For example, a competitor’s belt in 14mm pitch, 85mm wide, can be replaced with a narrower 55mm Gates PowerGrip®
GT®2 belt.
Reference for electronic interchange information.
V-belt, synchronous belt, roller chain, and gear drives will For comparison, some typical noise levels and their sources
all generate noise while transmitting power. Each type of are listed below.
system has its own characteristic sound. V-belt drives tend
to be the quietest belt drives, and synchronous belt drives
are much quieter than roller chain drives. When noise is an Normal Speech 60 dBA
issue, there are several design and maintenance tips that
Busy Office 80 dBA
should be followed to achieve the quietest possible belt
drive. Textile Weaving Plant 90 dBA
Canning Plant 100 dBA
Noise: Decibel and Frequency
Noise is an unwanted or unpleasant sound that can be Heavy City Traffic 100 dBA
described with two criteria – frequency and decibel (dBA) Punch Press 110 dBA
levels. Frequency is measured in Hertz.
The human ear is capable of distinguishing frequencies Air Raid Siren 130 dBA
typically from 20 to 20,000 Hertz. The human ear Jet Engine 160 dBA
generally does not perceive frequencies higher than 20,000
Hertz. Reducing Noise
The noise level or intensity of noise is measured in terms Following proper installation and maintenance procedures,
of decibels (dBA). The decibel has become the basic unit of as well as some simple design alternatives can reduce belt
measure since it is an objective measurement that approxi- drive noise.
mately corresponds to the subjective measurement made by
Belt Drive Tension and Alignment
the human ear. Since sound is composed of several distinct
and measurable parts and the human ear doesn’t differenti- Properly tensioning and aligning a belt drive will allow the
ate between these parts, measuring scales that approximate belt drive to perform at its quietest level.
the human ear’s reaction have been adopted. Three scales
Improperly tensioned V-belt drives can slip and squeal.
– A, B, and C are used to duplicate the ear’s response over
Improper tension in synchronous belt drives can affect how
the scale’s ranges. The A scale is most commonly used in
the belt fits in the sprocket grooves. Proper tension mini-
industry because of its adoption as the standard in OSHA
mizes tooth to groove interference, and thereby reduces belt
noise. Check to make sure that the drive is properly ten-
Noise described in decibels (dBA) is generally perceived as sioned by using Gates tension measurement gauges.
the loudness or intensity of the noise.
Misaligned V-belt drives will be noisier than properly aligned
While the human ear can distinguish frequencies from 20 drives since interference is created at the belt’s entry point
to 20,000 Hertz, the ear is most sensitive in the range of into the sheave. Misaligned synchronous belt drives tend to
normal speech – 500 to 2000 Hertz. As a consequence, be much noisier than properly aligned drives due to the even
this range is the most common concern for noise control. greater amount of interference that is created between the
Frequency is most closely related to what the ear hears as belt teeth and the sprocket grooves. Misaligned synchronous
pitch. High frequency sounds are perceived as whining or belt drives may cause belt tracking that forces the edge of
piercing, while low frequency sounds are perceived as rum- the belt to ride hard against a sprocket flange. Misalignment
bling. causing belt contact with a flange will generate noise that
is easily detected. Follow the guidelines discussed in the
The combination of decibel and frequency describes the
installation section of this manual for checking and correcting
overall level of loudness to the human ear. One without the
other does not adequately describe the loudness potential
of the noise. For example, an 85 dBA noise at 3000 Hertz is
going to be perceived as much louder than an 85 dBA noise
at 500 Hertz.
Noise Barriers and Absorbers
Sometimes, even properly aligned and tensioned belt drives
may be too noisy for a work environment. When this occurs,
steps can be taken to modify the drive guard to reduce the
noise level.
Poly Chain® GT® Carbon™ belt drives are excellent replace-
ments for roller chain drives. Poly Chain® GT® Carbon™
belt drives offer significant maintenance savings and perfor-
mance advantages over roller chain drives on applications
that operate in corrosive environments. Synchronous belt
drives also provide energy savings compared to V-belt drives.
Some of these applications may also operate in corrosive
Corrosive Environments
Many applications in the food and beverage industry are
located in areas that require periodic wash down. Unless a
drive is completely shielded and protected from wash down,
rust and corrosion will be rapidly apparent in these types of
Applications that are located in environments that have high
humidity or moisture content will also develop sprocket and
bushing corrosion. Examples of these types of environments
are pulp processing applications and cooling tower applica-
tions that pass moist air over the belt drive.
Effects of Corrosion
Corrosion will attack the sprocket grooves, building up rust
deposits. The corrosion will increase over time, building up
in the sprocket grooves and non-driving surfaces (flanges,
sprocket faces, bushing face).
Preventing Corrosion
Sprocket corrosion can be prevented by using Gates stainless
steel Poly Chain® GT®2 sprockets and bushings. Sprockets
can also be electroless nickel plated. Both solutions will elim-
inate corrosion as a cause of failure on belt drives located in
these damaging environments.
The sprocket shown below has been electroless nickel
plated. Compare the grooves to the unprotected corroded
sprocket shown on page 35.
V-belt Drive Symptoms Checklist–cont. Synchronous Drive Symptoms Checklist
• Problems with PowerBand Belts
• Belt Problems
Tie-band separation Unusual noise
Top of tie-band frayed, worn or damaged Tension loss
Band comes off drive Excessive belt edge wear
One or more ribs run outside of pulley Tensile break
• V-belt Turns Over or Jumps Premature tooth wear
off Sheave
Tooth shear
Single belt
Belt ratcheting
One or more belts in a set
Land area worn
Joined or banded belts
• Sprocket Problems
• Problems with Belt Take-Up
Flange failure
Single belt
Unusual wear
Multiple belts stretch unequally
Rusted or corroded
All belts stretch equally
Belts do not match
• Performance Problems
Incorrect driveN speeds
• V-belt Noise
Belt tracking problems
Squeal or “chirp”
Excessive temperature: bearings, housings,
Slapping noise shafts, etc.
Rubbing sound Shafts out of sync
Grinding Vibration
Unusually loud drive
• Unusual Vibration
Belts flopping
Excessive vibration in drive system
V-belt Drive Symptoms
Premature Belt Failure
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Broken belt(s) 1. Under-designed drive 1. Redesign, using Gates manual.
2. Belt rolled or pried onto sheave 2. Use drive take-up when installing.
3. Provide adequate guard or drive
3. Object falling into drive protection.
4. Redesign to accommodate shock
4. Severe shock load load.
NOTE: Belt Failure Analysis poster #12975 available. Contact your Gates Representative.
Severe or Abnormal V-belt Wear
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Wear on top surface of belt 1. Rubbing against guard 1. Replace or repair guard.
2. Idler malfunction 2. Replace idler.
Wear on top corner of belt 1. Belt-to-sheave fit incorrect (belt 1. Use correct belt-to-sheave
too small for groove) combination.
Wear on bottom corner of belt 1. Belt-to-sheave fit incorrect 1. Use correct belt-to-sheave combi-
2. Worn sheaves 2. Replace sheaves.
Wear on bottom surface of belt 1. Belt bottoming on sheave groove 1. Use correct belt/sheave match.
2. Worn sheaves 2. Replace sheaves.
3. Debris in sheaves 3. Clean sheaves.
Severe or Abnormal V-belt Wear–cont.
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Undercord or sidewall burn or 1. Belt slipping 1. Retension until slipping stops.
hardening 2. Worn sheaves 2. Replace sheaves.
3. Underdesigned drive 3. Refer to Gates drive manual.
4. Shaft movement 4. Check for center distance
Belt surface hard or stiff 1. Hot drive environment 1. Improve ventilation to drive.
Belt surface flaking, sticky or 1. Oil or chemical contamination 1. Do not use belt dressing. Eliminate
sources of oil, grease or chemical
Top of tie band frayed or worn 1. Interference with guard 1. Check guard.
2. Backside idler malfunction or dam- 2. Replace or repair backside idler
PowerBand® belt comes off 1. Debris in sheaves 1. Clean grooves. Use single belts to
drive repeatedly prevent debris from being trapped
in grooves.
2. Misalignment 2. Realign drive.
Problems With PowerBand® Belts–cont.
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
One or more “ribs” runs out of 1. Misalignment 1. Realign drive.
pulley 2. Undertensioned 2. Retension.
Single belt, or where all belts 1. Insufficient take-up allowance 1. Check take-up. Use allowance
stretch evenly specified in Gates design manuals.
2. Grossly overloaded or under 2. Redesign drive.
designed drive
3. Broken tensile members 3. Replace belt, install properly.
Belts do not match 1. Not all belts are from the same 1. Use Gates belts
V-belt Noise
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Belt squeals or chirps 1. Belt slip 1. Retension.
2. Contamination 2. Clean belts and sheaves.
Slapping Sound 1. Loose belts 1. Retension.
2. Mismatched set 2. Install matched belt set.
3. Misalignment 3. Realign pulleys so all belts share
load equally.
Rubbing sound 1. Guard interference 1. Repair, replace or redesign guard.
Grinding sound 1. Damaged bearings 1. Replace, align & lubricate.
Unusually loud drive 1. Incorrect belt 1. Use correct belt size. Use correct
belt tooth profile for sprockets on
synchronous drive.
2. Incorrect Tension 2. Check tension and adjust
3. Worn sheaves 3. Replace sheaves
4. Debris in sheaves 4. Clean sheaves, improve shielding,
remove rust, paint, or remove dirt
from grooves.
Unusual Vibration
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Belts flopping 1. Loose belts (under tensioned) 1. Retension.
2. Mismatched belts 2. Install Gates matched belts.
3. Pulley misalignment 3. Align pulley
Unusual or excessive vibration 1. Incorrect belt 1. Use correct belt cross section in
pulley. Use correct tooth profile
and pitch in sprocket.
2. Poor machine or equipment 2. Check structure and brackets for
design adequate strength.
3. Pulley out of round 3. Replace with non-defective pulley.
4. Loose drive components 4. Check machine components and
guards, motor mounts, motor
pads, bushings, brackets and
framework for stability, adequate
design strength, proper mainte-
nance and proper installation.
Problem With Other Drive Components
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Bent or broken shaft 1. Extreme belt overtension 1. Retension
2. Overdesigned drive* 2. Check drive design, may need to
use smaller or fewer belts.
3. Accidental damage 3. Redesign drive guard.
4. Machine design error 4. Check machine design.
5. Accidental damage to guard or 5. Repair, redesign for durability.
poor guard design
6. Pulley mounted too far away from 6. Move pulley closer to bearing.
outboard bearing
Hot Bearings 1. Worn grooves - belts bottoming 1. Replace sheaves. Tension drive
and won’t transmit power until properly.
2. Improper tension 2. Retension.
3. Motor manufacturer’s sheave 3. Redesign using drive design manual.
diameter recommendation not fol-
4. Bearing underdesigned 4. Check bearing design.
5. Bearing not properly maintained 5. Align and lubricate bearing.
6. Sheaves too far out on shaft 6. Place sheaves as close as possible to
bearings. Remove obstructions
7. Belt Slippage 7. Retension.
* Using too many belts, or belts that are too large, can severely stress motor or driveN shafts. This can happen when load requirements are reduced on a
drive, but the belts are not redesigned accordingly. This can also happen when a drive is greatly overdesigned. Forces created from belt tensioning are too
great for the shafts.
Synchronous Belt Problems–cont.
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Tension Loss 1. Weak support structure 1. Reinforce structure.
2. Excessive sprocket wear 2. Use alternate sprocket material.
3. Fixed (non-adjustable) centers 3. Use inside idler for belt adjust-
4. Excessive debris 4. Remove debris, check guard.
5. Excessive load 5. Redesign drive for increased
6. Subminimal diameter 6. Redesign drive using larger diam-
7. Belt, sprocket or shafts running 7. Check for conductive heat transfer
too hot from prime mover.
8. Unusual belt degradation 8. Reduce ambient drive temperature
to 185°F maximum.
Excessive Belt Edge Wear 1. Damage due to handling 1. Follow proper handling instructions.
2. Flange damage 2. Repair flange or replace sprocket.
3. Belt too wide 3. Use proper width sprocket.
4. Belt tension too low 4. Adjust tension to recommended
5. Rough flange surface finish 5. Replace or repair flange (to elimi-
nate abrasive surface).
6. Improper tracking 6. Correct alignment.
7. Belt hitting drive guard or 7. Remove obstruction or use inside
bracketry idler.
8. Misalignment 8. Realign drive
Tensile Break 1. Excessive shock load 1. Redesign drive for increased
2. Subminimal diameter 2. Redesign drive using larger diam-
3. Improper belt handling and storage 3. Follow proper storage and han-
prior to installation (crimping) dling procedures.
4. Debris or foreign object in drive 4. Remove objects and check guard.
5. Replace sprocket.
5. Extreme sprocket run-out
Premature Tooth Wear 1. Too low or high belt tension 1. Adjust to recommended value.
2. Belt running partly off unflanged 2. Correct alignment.
3. Misaligned drive 3. Correct alignment.
4. Incorrect belt profile for sprocket 4. Use proper belt/sprocket combina-
5. Worn sprocket 5. Replace.
6. Rough sprocket teeth 6. Replace sprocket.
Synchronous Belt Problems–cont.
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Premature Tooth Wear–cont. 7. Damaged sprocket 7. Replace.
8. Sprocket not to dimensional 8. Replace.
9. Belt hitting drive bracketry or 9. Remove obstruction or use idler
other structure
10. Excessive load 0. Redesign drive for increased
1. Insufficient hardness of sprocket
1 11. Use a more wear-resistant
material sprocket
12. Excessive debris 12. Remove debris, check guard.
13. Cocked bushing/sprocket 13. Install bushing per instructions.
Tooth Shear 1. Excessive shock loads 1. Redesign drive for increased
2. Redesign drive.
2. Less than 6 teeth-in-mesh 3. Replace sprocket.
3. Extreme sprocket run-out 4. Replace.
4. Worn sprocket 5. Use inside idler
5. Backside idler 6. Use proper belt/sprocket combina-
6. Incorrect belt profile for the tion.
sprocket 7. Realign.
7. Misaligned drive 8. Adjust tension to recommended
8. Belt undertensioned value.
Belt Ratcheting 1. Drive is undertensioned 1. Adjust tension to recommended
2. Excessive shock loads 2. Redesign drive for increased
3. Drive framework not rigid 3. Reinforce system.
Synchronous Sprocket Problems–cont.
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Rust and Corrosion 1. Rust caused by high moisture 1. Replace cast iron sprockets and
conditions in the production area, bushings with stainless steel com-
or by the use of water-based ponents.
cleaning solutions. 2. Replace cast iron sprockets with
nickel plated sprockets.
Performance Problems
Symptoms Probable Cause Corrective Action
Incorrect driveN speed 1. Design error 1. Use correct driveR/driveN sprocket
size for desired speed ratio.
Belt Tracking 1. Belt running partly off unflanged 1. Correct alignment.
2. Centers exceed 8 times small 2. Correct parallel alignment to set
sprocket diameter belt to track on both sprockets.
Flange both sprockets.
3. Excessive belt edge wear 3. Correct alignment.
Excessive Temperature (Belt, 1. Misaligned drive 1. Correct alignment.
Bearing, Housing, Shafts, etc.) 2. Too low or high belt tension 2. Adjust tension to recommended
3. Incorrect belt profile 3. Use proper belt/sprocket combina-
Shafts Out of Sync 1. Design error 1. Use correct sprocket sizes.
2. Incorrect belt 2. Use correct belt with correct tooth
profile for grooves.
Vibration 1. Incorrect belt profile for the 1. Use proper belt/sprocket combina-
sprocket tion.
2. Too low or high belt tension 2. Adjust tension to recommended
3. Bushing or key loose 3. Check and reinstall per instructions.
NOTE: Belt Failure Analysis poster #12975 available. Contact your Gates Representative.
The tools available to help troubleshoot drive problems Belt & Sheave Groove Gauges
range from the surprisingly simple to complicated. Following
is a list of tools that can be used to effectively diagnose a If a belt-to-sheave groove mismatch is suspected, English
problem. While Gates does not sell all of the items discussed and metric belt and sheave groove gauges can be used
in this section, the items are readily available from industrial to check dimensions. These also are handy for identify-
instrumentation outlets throughout the United States. ing a belt cross section for replacements and for checking
sheave grooves
Eyes, Ears & Nose for wear.
When troubleshooting a belt drive problem, stand back and
observe the drive while it is in operation and at rest. Is there These gauges
a warm rubber smell? Is there anything unusual about the are available
way the belt travels around the drive? Is the drive frame from the local
flexing under load? Are there chirping, squealing or grinding Gates
noises? Is there an accumulation of dust or debris beneath distributor.
the drive which might interfere with the belts?
English Gauge:
Product No.
Squirt Bottle With Soapy Water
When a belt drive is excessively noisy, the belt is often incor- Metric Gauge:
rectly blamed. It is easy to eliminate the belt as the problem Product No.
by spraying it with soapy water while it is running. If the 7401-0013
noise goes away, or decreases, then the belt is part of the
problem. If the same noise is still present, the problem is
likely due to other drive components.
Long Straight Edge
While V-belts can be somewhat forgiving of misalign-
Variation in drive center distance, often caused by weak ment, this condition can still affect V-belt performance.
supporting structure, can cause problems from vibration Even slight misalignment can cause major problems on
to short belt life. To determine if center distance variation a synchronous drive. Use a long straight edge, made of
exists, turn off the drive and tightly tie a piece of string from wood, metal or any rigid material, to quickly check drive
the driveR to the driveN shaft. Start up the drive and note if alignment. Simply lay the straight edge across the pulley
the string stretches almost to the point of breaking, or goes faces and note the points of contact (or lack of contact).
slack. If either is the case, the problem could be center dis-
tance variation. Design Flex® Pro™, Design View® and
It is particularly important to observe the string right at drive Design IQ™ Software
start up when the loads are highest. String can also be used
to check pulley alignment. Gates design suite of engineering programs include inter-
active support software and a user friendly interface for
rapid data retrieval and smooth design work.
Both programs are available at
Strobe Tachometer
It is not always possible to see what
is happening to a drive while it is in
operation. This instrument visually
stops the action to get a better idea of
the dynamic forces affecting the drive.
The strobe tachometer is best used
after initial diagnosis of the problem
because it helps pinpoint the cause. It
will help identify such things as single
or dual mode belt span vibration and
frame flexure.
Infrared Pyrometer
The pyrometer accurately measures
external belt temperatures and envi-
ronmental temperatures.
Table No. 3
Depth hk
Shaft Diameter (Inches) Width wk +0.015-0.000
(inches)* (Inches)
Up Through 7/16 (0.44) 3/32 (0.094) 3/64 (0.047)
Over 7/16 ( 0.44) To and Incl. 9/16 ( 0.56) 1/8 (0.125) 1/16 (0.062)
Over 9/16 ( 0.56) To and Incl. 7/8 ( 0.88) 3/16 (0.188) 3/32 (0.094)
Over 7/8 ( 0.88) To and Incl. 1 1/4 ( 1.25) 1/4 (0.250) 1/8 (0.125)
Over 1 1/4 ( 1.25) To and Incl. 1 3/8 ( 1.38) 5/16 (0.312) 5/32 (0.156)
Over 1 3/8 ( 1.38) To and Incl. 1 3/4 ( 1.75) 3/8 (0.375) 3/16 (0.188)
Over 1 3/4 ( 1.75) To and Incl. 2 1/4 ( 2.25) 1/2 (0.500) 1/4 (0.250)
Over 2 1/4 ( 2.25) To and Incl. 2 3/4 ( 2.75) 5/8 (0.625) 5/16 (0.312)
Over 2 3/4 ( 2.75) To and Incl. 3 1/4 ( 3.25) 3/4 (0.750) 3/8 (0.375)
Over 3 1/4 ( 3.25) To and Incl. 3 3/4 ( 3.75) 7/8 (0.875) 7/16 (0.438)
Over 3 3/4 ( 3.75) To and Incl. 4 1/2 ( 4.50) 1 (1.000) 1/2 (0.500)
Over 4 1/2 ( 4.50) To and Incl. 5 1/2 ( 5.50) 1 1/4 (1.250) 5/8 (0.625)
Over 5 1/2 ( 5.50) To and Incl. 6 1/2 ( 6.50) 1 1/2 (1.500) 3/4 (0.750)
Over 6 1/2 ( 6.50) To and Incl. 7 1/2 ( 7.50) 1 3/4 (1.750) 3/4 (0.750)
Over 7 1/2 ( 7.50) To and Incl. 9 ( 9.00) 2 (2.000) 3/4 (0.750)
Over 9 ( 9.00) To and Incl. 11 ( 11.00) 2 1/2 (2.500)
) 5 7 8 7/8
Over 11 ( 11.00) To and Incl. 13 ( 13.00) 3 (3.000) 1 (1.000)
Table No. 4
The National Electric Manufacturers Horsepower at Synchronous Speed (rpm) Synchronous
Association (NEMA) publishes recom-
Motor Shaft 3600 1800 1200 900 Min.
mendations for the minimum diameter Frame Dia. (3450) (1750) (1160) (870) Pitch
of sheaves to be used on General Code (in) Dia. (in)
Purpose electric motors. Purpose of 143T 0.875 1-1/2 1 3/4 1/2 2.0
the recommendations is to prevent 145T 0.875 2 — 3 1-1/2 — 2 1 3/4 2.2
the use of too small sheaves, which 182T 1.125 3 3 1-1/2 1 2.2
can result in shaft or bearing damage 182T 1.125 5 — — — 2.4
because belt pull goes up as sheave 184T 1.125 — — 2 1-1/2 2.2
diameter goes down. 184T 1.125 5 — — — 2.2
184T 1.125 7-1/2 5 — — 2.7
The NEMA Standard MG-1-14.42,
213T 1.375 7-1/2—10 7-1/2 3 2 2.7
November 1978 shows minimum
215T 1.375 10 — 5 3 2.7
recommended sheave diameters as a
215T 1.375 15 10 — — 3.4
function of frame number. The table
254T 1.625 15 — 7-1/2 5 3.4
below lists the NEMA frame assign-
254T 1.625 20 15 — — 4.0
ments and minimum diameter recom-
256T 1.625 20-25 — 10 7-1/2 4.0
mendations according to the 1964
256T 1.625 — 20 — — 4.0
rerating program.
284T 1.875 — — 15 10 4.0
284T 1.875 — 25 — — 4.0
286T 1.875 — 30 20 15 4.7
324T 2.125 — 40 25 20 5.4
236T 2.125 — 50 30 25 6.1
364T 2.375 — — 40 30 6.1
364T 2.375 — 60 — — 6.7
365T 2.375 — — 50 40 7.4
365T 2.375 — 75 — — 7.7
404T 2.875 — — 60 — 7.2
404T 2.875 — — — 50 7.6
404T 2.875 — 100 — — 7.7
405T 2.875 — — 75 60 9.0
405T 2.875 — 100 — — 7.7
405T 2.875 — 125 — — 9.5
444T 3.375 — — 100 — 9.0
444T 3.375 — — — 75 8.6
444T 3.375 — 125 — — 9.5
444T 3.375 — 150 — — 9.5
445T 3.375 — — 125 — 10.8
445T 3.375 — — — 100 10.8
445T 3.375 — 150 — — 10.8
445T 3.375 — 200 — — 11.9
For other than the General Purpose AC motors (for example, DC motors, Definite
Purpose motors, motors with special bearings or motors that are larger than those
covered by the NEMA standard), consult the motor manufacturer for minimum
sheave diameter recommendations. It is helpful to the manufacturer to include
details of the application with your inquiry.
Table No. 5
*These RPM are for 50 cycle electric motors. # Use 8.6 for Frame Number 444 T only.
Data in the white area of Table No. 6 are from NEMA Standard MG-1-14.42, November 1978. Data in the gray area Data in the white area of Table No. 7 are from NEMA Standard MG-1-14.42, November 1978. Data in the gray area
are from MG-1-14.43, January 1968. Data in the ?? area are a composite of electic motor manufacturers data. They are from MG-1-14.43, January 1968. Data in the ?? area are a composite of electic motor manufacturers data. They
are generally conservative, and specific motors and bearings may permit the use of a smaller motor sheave. Consult are generally conservative, and specific motors and bearings may permit the use of a smaller motor sheave. Consult
the motor manufacturer. See Page ??. the motor manufacturer. See Page ??.
Table No. 11
Table No. 12
Table No. 13
Table No. 15
Additional Center Distance
Allowance For Installation Over
Flanged Sprocket*
(Add to Installation Allowance in
Above Table)
Table No. 16
Power Grip GT2® Center Distance
Allowance For Installation and
Table No. 17
Table No. 18
Power Grip® Timing Belts
Center Distance Allowance for
Installation and Tensioning
Table No. 19
Additional Center Distance
Allowance for Installation Over
Flanged Pulleys*
(Add to Installation Allowance in
Above Table)
Table No. 20
Belt Drive Tensioners
(Double Adjustable)
Idler Bushings
Idler Bushings(Internal ShaftIncluded)
(Integral Shaft Included)
No. Part No. Use with Bracket D (in) L (in) M (in) Threads Weight (lb)
7720-2610 1610-IDL-BUSH 05-IDL-BRAK 2.25 1.00 1.38 5/8-18 1.30
7720-2012 2012-IDL-BUSH 10-IDL-BRAK 2.75 1.25 1.56 3/4-16 2.30
7720-2517 2517-IDL-BUSH 10-IDL-BRAK 3.38 1.75 1.56 3/4-16 3.90
7720-1120 20-IDL-BUSH (SK) 10-IDL-BRAK 2.81 1.94 1.44 3/4-16 4.10
7720-1130 30-IDL-BUSH (SF) 20-IDL-BRAK 3.13 2.08 2.13 1-14 6.40
7720-1140 40-IDL-BUSH (E) 20-IDL-BRAK 3.83 2.75 2.19 1-14 8.60
Idler Sprockets
Chain ®
ChainGT ®
GT22 Idler Dimensions
Idler Dimensions
7720-1500 8MX-32S-12 12 32 3.145 1.25 0.50 0.85 1.56 3/4-16 0.94 2.75 - 1.0
7720-1510 8MX-32S-21 21 32 3.145 1.25 0.50 1.24 1.56 3/4-16 0.56 2.75 - 1.1
21-IDL-SPRK 8mm Pitch
Poly Chain GT2
7720-1520 8MX-36S-36 36 36 3.546 1.91 0.75 1.86 1.63 3/4-16 - - - 2.0
7720-1530 8MX-36S-62 62 36 3.546 1.91 0.75 2.91 1.69 3/4-16 0.69 3.13 - 2.1
20-IDL-SPRK 7720-1600 14MX-30S-20 20 30 5.153 2.55 1.00 1.36 2.25 1-14 1.00 4.38 - 9.0
37-IDL-SPRK 7720-1610 14MX-30S-37 37 30 5.153 2.55 1.00 2.06 2.25 1-14 0.25 4.38 - 12.0
14mm Pitch
68-IDL-SPRK 7720-1620 Poly Chain GT2 14MX-34S-68 68 34 5.855 3.38 0.56 3.33 2.25 1-14 1.00 4.88 4.34 15.6
90-IDL-SPRK 7720-1640 14MX-34S-90 90 34 5.855 3.38 0.31 4.20 2.25 1-14 1.00 4.88 4.34 16.7
125-IDL-SPRK 7720-1630 14MX-35S-125 125 35 6.031 3.38 0.19 5.61 2.25 1-14 1.09 4.88 4.34 23.1
Belt Identification Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12998-J
Belt Failure Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12975
Useful Links
High Speed Drive Survey and Energy Savings Worksheet
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• Browning® and HPT® are trademarks of Emerson Power Transmission Manufacturing L.P.
• RPP™ and RPP Plus™ are trademarks of Carlisle Power Transmission Products, Inc.
Gates Corporation
1551 Wewatta Street, Denver, CO 80202
September 2008