Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys: Hassan Abd El-Hafez, Abla El-Megharbel

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World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2018, 6, 408-419
ISSN Online: 2331-4249
ISSN Print: 2331-4222

Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Aluminum


Hassan Abd El-Hafez, Abla El-Megharbel*

Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design, Faculty of Engineering,

Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt

How to cite this paper: Abd El-Hafez, H. Abstract

and El-Megharbel, A. (2018) Friction Stir
Welding of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys. Dissimilar aluminum alloys AA2024-T365 and AA5083-H111 were welded by
World Journal of Engineering and Tech- friction stir process. Welding parameters such as tool rotational speed (900,
nology, 6, 408-419. 1120 and 1400 rpm), weld speeds (16, 40 and 80 mm/min) and tool pin pro-
files (square, triangular and stepped) were used to weld many joints to study
Received: March 5, 2018 their effect on the mechanical properties of the joint. Also, different locations
Accepted: May 22, 2018 of the material were studied as other parameter. The mechanical properties
Published: May 25, 2018
were evaluated using tensile and hardness tests. The microstructure characte-
Copyright © 2018 by authors and rization of the processed alloys was carried out using optical microscopy. Ma-
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. cro and microstructures of parent and welded specimens indicated that the
This work is licensed under the Creative weld parameters have a significant effect on mechanical and microstructural
Commons Attribution International
properties of the welds. However, defect-free as well as higher strength was
License (CC BY 4.0).
obtained at higher speed of 80 mm/min.
Open Access
Friction Stir Welding, Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys, Welding Parameters,
Metallographic, AA7075, AA5083

1. Introduction
Friction stir welding (FSW) is widely used for joining aluminum alloys in ma-
rine, aerospace, automotive industries, and many other applications of commer-
cial importance. The difficulty of making high-strength, fatigue and fracture re-
sistant welds in aerospace aluminum alloys has long inhibited the wide use of
welding for joining aerospace and marine structures [1] [2].
Many researchers [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] have worked on the joining of similar
metals but few works have been carried out on new advanced dissimilar metals.
Dissimilar metal joining processes using FSW are arduous to achieve because the

DOI: 10.4236/wjet.2018.62025 May 25, 2018 408 World Journal of Engineering and Technology
H. A. El-Hafez, A. El-Megharbel

base metals have different heat transfer coefficients, different chemical composi-
tions and different deformation values which cause asymmetry in both heat
generation and material flow. These, in turn, could lead to a possible formation
of detrimental intermetallic compounds which would burden the selection of
proper welding parameters [2] [8] [9].
Kumar et al. [10] used various pin profiles to perform friction stir welding of
AA6061 and AA2024 alloys. The results showed that the tensile strength of the
joints conducted with squared-pin profile tool, compared to the strength ob-
tained when tapered, as well as when cylindrical pin profile tools were used, was
Dinaharan et al. [11] investigated the effect of material locations and tool ro-
tational speed on the microstructure and tensile strength of the dissimilar fric-
tion stir welded, cast and wrought aluminum alloy AA6061. They concluded that
the material placed in the advancing side (AS) occupied the major portion of the
weld zone when tool rotational speed was increased, where the AS of the weld is
hotter than the retreating side as proved by Cole et al. [12]. In addition, Sunda-
ram and Murugan [13] studied the effect of the pin profile used in FSW on the
mechanical properties of 2024-T6/5083-H321 dissimilar aluminum alloys where
the alloy of higher strength (2024) was located at the retreating side (RS). They
proved that when the combinations of parameters create either very low or very
high frictional heat, a plastic flow of material, lower tensile strength and elonga-
tion is observed. Furthermore, Khodir and Shibayanagi [14] experimentally ex-
amined the FSW of dissimilar materials, namely AA2024 and AA7075 and rec-
ommended that the low-strength material should be placed on the AS to pro-
duce better welds. On the other hand, Jata et al. [15] and Xue et al. [16] con-
firmed that locating hard materials at the AS will improve the joint strength.
Accordingly, the material flow and the joint performance, irrespective of materi-
al placement, are dependent on the welding conditions and on their effects on
generated heat and stir zone (SZ) temperatures [12] [17]. Additionally, heat dis-
sipation depends on material thickness, the welding speed and the ambient
temperature [12] [18]. The use of high heat input such as low welding speed and
high rotation rate can result in improper tool/material contact conditions (slip-
ping conditions) which can produce joints with defects [19]. Otherwise,
El-Sayed et al. [20] were proved, experimentally and theoretically, that tool pin
profile has a minor effect on the maximum temperature of the welded joints at
the same welding speed.
Based on the carried-out literature review, it is seen that there is an unsolved
contradiction about the proper selection of: the welding parameters, particularly
material location when conducting FSW of dissimilar materials, the tool profile
and the suitable combination of welding conditions. In this context, this study is
intended to investigate the effect of friction stir welding parameters on the joint
soundness of dissimilar AA5083-H111/AA2024-T351 alloys aiming to identify
the optimum welding parameters of such materials, which could be used for ma-
rine and aerospace industries.

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2. Experimental Work
Dissimilar aluminum alloys 5083-H111 and 2024-T351 were friction stir welded.
The materials were received in 5 mm thick sheets with the required dimensions
of 250 × 100 mm. The chemical compositions and mechanical properties of the
Al-alloys are listed in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively.
Primary experiments were carried out at various welding parameters to
choose the suitable parameters that produce joints without visible defects.
The FSW process were performed at chosen welding parameters such as
welding speed (WS), rotational speed (RS), pin geometry and material location
as listed in Table 3. In additions to the microstructure investigation using the
optical microscopy and visual inspection, the joints’ performance was evaluated
using tensile and hardness tests. The microhardness measurements were per-
formed at mid-thickness by Vickers hardness tester using a 0.5 Kg load.
Heat-treated tool steel H13 was used to manufacture the welding tools with
concave shoulders of 20 mm diameter and 5 mm pin diameter with 4.7 mm
height, Figure 1.
In order to assess the joints performance, the specimens were cut perpendicu-
lar to the welding line. The tensile specimens were milled to the standard di-
mensions according to ASTM-E8. The metallographic and hardness specimens
were ground and polished down to 3 mm using diamond paste. It was difficult to
use one popular reagent for etching the joints of dissimilar alloys, AA5083 and
AA2024, and thus, various reagents were applied to each specimen. In particular,
two reagents were used in this study. The first one was Killer’s reagent composed
of methanol (25 mL), hydrochloric acid (25 mL), nitric acid (25 mL) and a drop
of hydrofluoric acid. However, the second reagent was recommended in [21]
where the etching process involved two steps; three minutes pre-etch with a 1 g
solution of NaCl in 50 mL of H3PO4 (40%) at 70˚C, followed by applying Weck’s
reagent (100 mL H2O + 1 g NaOH + 4 g KMnO4). After that, the metallographic
specimens were examined using an optical microscope with image analysis soft-

Table 1. The chemical composition of as received Al-alloys.

Chemical composition, wt%

Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Al

Al 5083-H111 0.1344 0.3411 0.0282 0.4380 4.0838 0.0946 0.0389 0.0072 Bal.

Al 2024-T351 0.50 0.50 4.2 0.50 1.7 0.10 0.25 0.15 Bal.

Table 2. The mechanical properties of as received Al-alloys.

Mechanical Tensile Strength Yield Strength Elongation Vickers Elastic

properties (MPa) (MPa) (%) Hardness Modulus (GPa)
Al 5083 H111 279.1 152 26 79 72

Al 2024 T351 469 390 13 130 73.1

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Table 3. The welding parameters.

Material Location Welding speed (WS);

Pin Profile Rotational speed (RS); rpm
(AS/RS) mm/min


square 1120 16, 40, 80

2024/5083 1400


stepped 900 16

5083/2024 square

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Photographs of the welding tools. (a) Square;

(b) Triangular; (c) Stepped.

3. Results and Discussion

Visual inspection of the specimens revealed various defects such as tunnel and
voids in the weld as shown in Figure 2. The type and size of these defects can be
attributed to the lack of penetration resulted from insufficient material flow un-
der and around the pin. This is mainly due to the low-or excess heat input
which, in turn, did not permit the tool to fill the zone behind the pin. This can
be concluded considering that most of the observed defects were located at the
welding line and/or shifted to the AS in agreement with prior studies [22] [23].
However, the slipping of metal on the pin is considered another incentive for
defects to form at the advancing zone as observed by Leitão et al. [19].
However, it is worth stating that the metal flow depends on the quantity of
heat produced from friction, which is related to the RS, WS, shoulder size and
the distance from the weld face. Therefore, the detected defects are located near
the root, far away from the tool shoulder as proved by previous studies [22] [23]
[24]. These defects have a profound effect on the joint strength which will be
discussed in a further section.

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(a) (b)

Figure 2. Photograph and micrographs for some welding defects. (a) Tunnel defect; (b)

3.1. Microstructure Investigation

The microstructures of the base alloys AA2024 and AA5083 are shown in Figure
3 which helping at evaluation the effect of welding parameters on the FS-joint
microstructures. As an example, the microstructures of three welded specimens
are shown in Figure 4 at various RS and invariable WS of 40 mm/min. The mi-
crographs show the stir zone (SZ) and thermomechanical affected zone
(TMAZ). It can be noticed that the stirring behavior as well as the mixing of dis-
similar alloys varies from one specimen to another. This difference is related to
the stirring efficiency and the amount of generated heat as mentioned by Akbari
et al. [25] and Saravanan et al. [26]. However, it is noticed that increasing the
produced heat improved the homogeneity as well as grain size in the SZ as
shown in Figure 4(c).
A layer with very fine homogeneous grains was formed under the shoulder,
Figure 5. This layer has varying thicknesses which differs from one specimen to
another. However, the layers were found to have gradient increases of the thick-
ness from the shoulder’s center towards the shoulder’s circumference. This devi-
ation is due to the variation of the heat produced over the shoulder due to the
varying linear speeds. These layers were expected to improve the performance of
the joints in terms of higher hardness and strength at weld face. Accordingly, it
can be noticed that the microstructure of SZ and TMAZ is affected by the weld-
ing speeds that control the produced amount of heat which is in good agreement
with YOON et al. [22].

3.2. The Hardness Behaviour

The Vickers microhardness tests were conducted across various regions of the
weld. Figure 6 shows the hardness profile across the welded alloys for some spe-
cimens that welded at constant WS of 16 mm/min and various RS of 900, 1120
and 1400 rpm. For each specimen, it could be recognized three different regions
throughout the specimen. These variations can be attributed to the difference in

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(a) (b)

Figure 3. Microstructure of the base alloys. (a) AA2024; (b) AA5083.


(b) (c)

Figure 4. Microstructure of the SZ/TMAZ for some specimens using square pin. (a) 1400
rpm; 40 mm/min; (b) 900 rpm & 40 mm/min; (c) 1400 rpm & 16 mm/min.

microstructure, the homogeneity of the phases in the SZ and the blend behavior
of the base alloys [27]. In particular, the first region of AA 5083-base alloy can be
clearly discerned by the negligible variation of the hardness values. However,
noticeable variation of the hardness values was obtained in the second region,
the so called TMAZ region. In the third region, the stirring zone, a slight reduc-
tion of the hardness values was found but with less variation.
However, the hardness behavior was nearly the same for all specimens with
minor variations in value. The variation from one specimen to another can be

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Figure 5. Microstructure shows the

layer under shoulder.

Figure 6. The hardness profile for FSW specimen.

explained by the influence of the welding parameters on matters such as grain

size and mixing performance as reported by other researchers [22] [27].

3.3. Tensile Strength

Figure 7 shows the effect of RS on the joint’s strength at various WS. At 16
mm/min, a decrease in the strength was noticed with the increase in the RS. In-
creasing the WS to 40 mm/min revealed lower strength values of the joint, espe-
cially at 1120 rpm. In addition, the strength for welded joint at 40 mm/min is
lower, for all joints, than that at 80 mm/min with nearly a 16% decrease at 900
rpm up to 47% at 1120 rpm. This can be related to the faster WS which

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Figure 7. Effect of rotational and welding speeds on the FS-Joints.

decreases the heat amount leading to inappropriate slipping conditions as con-

firmed by Leitão et al. [19]. On the other hand, at 80 mm/min, the strength is
increased to highest values due to the more suitable generated heat leading to ef-
ficient metal mixing and good metal flow.
However, the strength results can be correlated to the voids or micro-defects
presented through the welding zones. The size and shape of defects have a sig-
nificant effect on the tensile strength where all specimens were fractured at SZ or
TMAZ started from root as shown in Figure 8. Some specimens, such as (1120
rpm, 80 mm/min) have no defects, achieved best strength.
Also, the effect of WS at different rotational speeds on the FS-joints strength is
studied, Figure 7. It could be noticed that the WS has an insignificant effect on
the joints strength at the lower rotational speed of 900 rpm. On the other hand,
at 1120 rpm, the strength is improved at higher WS of 80 mm/min. This is due
to suitable heat generated that helps in good stirring producing minor voids or
defect-free joints as indicated by other researchers [25] [26].
Increasing the RS up to 1400 rpm had no meaningful change on the joints
strength. This means that the increasing of RS more than 1120 rpm has no effect
on the joints strength for different welding speeds. However, the effect of WS is
related to the rotational speed. The best strength is found at the higher WS of 80
mm/min especially at the high rotational speeds of 1120 rpm and 1400 rpm. This
is can be attributed to the good flowability of the material which leads to more
homogeneity of phases leaving no defects. However, the highest joint perfor-
mance of 90% is achieved at 80 mm/min where joint’s performance is related to
the base alloy of lower strength which is AA 5083.
Similar metal joints from previous studies [1] [2] were compared with the
present dissimilar FSW joint, based on the joint performance, as shown in Fig-
ure 9. The dissimilar joint shows better performance compared to the similar

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Figure 8. Photograph of tensile specimen fractured at the weld zone.

1120rpm; 80 mm/min

80 1120rpm;
Joint Performance, %
300 rpm;



similar AA2024 [6] similar AA5083 [18] 2024/5083 [present
FSW joint configuration
Figure 9. FSW joints performance of similar and dissimilar aluminum alloys.

AA2024 joint as well as the AA5083 joint. Therefore, this indicates that each
joint configuration needs its own welding parameters to achieve an appropriate
performance. This is in good agreement with previous studies [2] [14] [18] [28].

3.4. Effect of Tool Geometry

To investigate the tool geometry effect on the joint strength, WS of 16 mm/min
is chosen coupled with 900 rpm. Three pin designs were used for these experi-
ments, square, prism and stepped. The results of these experiments were plotted
in Figure 10. The results show that the square pin produces best strength due to
the pulsed action that producing good metal flow, consequently, good stirring.
These results are in good agreement with Abd El-Hafez [6] and Kumar et al.

3.5. Effect of Material Location

As mentioned at previous studies [11] [12] [15], better strength and a sound
joint is achieved when the higher strength alloy is located at AS. To check these
results, the effect of the material position is experimentally tested at 900 rpm and
16 mm/min using square pin geometry. As shown in Figure 11, the material’s
position has a noticeable effect on the joint’s strength at these parameters when
the higher strength alloy (AA2024) is located at AS. However, this result is agree
with [15] and [16] whereas disagree with [14].

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900 rpm

Tensile Strength, MPa

16 mm/min




square prism stepped

Figure 10. Effect of pin geometry on the tensile strength.


Tensile Strength, Mpa





Advanced Side Retreating Side

Location of AA2024

Figure 11. Effect of material location on the joint’s strength.

4. Conclusions
From the experimental results in this study, it can be concluded that;
1) The welding speed has a significant effect on the strength improvement as
well as defect-free joint where the highest speed of 80 mm/min achieved good
strength improvement at all rotational speeds where the joint performance
achieved 90%.
2) The rotational speed has insignificant effect on the joint’s strength, when at
a speed higher than 1120 rpm. The combination of highest speeds of 1120 rpm
as well as 1400 rpm and 80 mm/min achieved best strength due to the suitable
generated heat.
3) Square pin profile produces higher strength joints compared to prism and
stepped profiles due to the four pulses per revolution.
4) The material location, where the harder alloy of 2024 at AS, improved the
joint strength.
5) The dissimilar 2024/5083 FS-joint has outperformed similar FS-joints
AA2024 and AA5083 by about 30%.

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