Robodk For Fanuc Robots
Robodk For Fanuc Robots
Robodk For Fanuc Robots
[email protected]
Fanuc robots ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Transfer a robot program ............................................................................................................................... 1
Start a robot program ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Retrieve robot joints ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Retrieve the Robot Tool (TCP) ....................................................................................................................... 3
Setup Fanuc’s FTP Server ............................................................................................................................. 4
RoboDK driver for Fanuc ............................................................................................................................... 5
Program Compilation (LS vs. TP) ................................................................................................................... 7
Updating controller kinematic parameters ...................................................................................................... 9
Fanuc robots
This section of the documentation provides an overview of typical operations using a Fanuc robot to prepare a
new program in RoboDK and transfer it to the robot. RoboDK supports all Fanuc robot controllers since RJ2,
including RJ3, R-30iA and R-30iB. This documentation is based on the R-30iA Fanuc controller.
Note: It is recommended to request the ASCII Upload option on the Fanuc robot controller to easily transfer
offline programs without any issues, as explained in the section comparing LS and TP programs.
Important: The ASCII Upload option is required for offline programming. This allows loading LS files directly to
the controller. Alternatively, LS programs (ASCII files) can be compiled to TP programs (binary files) from the
PC using Fanuc’s WinOLPC tools (MakeTP).
Important: The linear speed of programs created with RoboDK is defined by the register R[10] by default. If the
speed is not set in the program it must be set manually. In that case:
Select: DATA→Type→Register, R[10]=50 (for a speed of 50 mm/s)
Note: If the communication fails or the robot enters in error mode you should restart the program
DRIVERRDK_S3 and reconnect from RoboDK.
Note: The port 2000 is used as default for both RoboDK and Fanuc. The port in section 1.c can be different but
the same port needs to be specified in RoboDK (“Robot port” section of the robot connection menu).
Important: If the program does not show as running it means that a controller option is missing. In this case you
must contact Fanuc to activate the User Socket Messaging option.
Note: The program DRIVERRDK_S3 must be selected and running for the robot communication to work
properly. If the S3 register can’t be used for the robot driver you can load another PC file (such as DriverRDK_S4)
that uses another S register.
Alternatively, the contents on the following folder can be copied from the default folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\FANUC\WinOLPC\bin
to the folder:
Note: It is preferable to respect the compilator version but not mandatory. The compilation should work if the
virtual WorkCell robot and the real robot have the same number of axes and same configuration in terms of
options. Once you have a robot.ini file it is possible to use maketp.exe without the need of using setrobot.exe
every time you change your robot.
Follow these steps to select a post processor compatible with Fanuc RJ3 controllers:
4. Retrieve the robot calibrated DH parameters. In the Robot panel and select Parameters. Then select
Export Table.
9. Modify the DH values with the a and d values from the Export Robot Kinematics window.