Practical Research 1 Quarter 1 - Module 9: Writing The Research Title

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Quarter 1 - Module 9
Writing the Research Title
Practical Research 1
Quarter 1 – Module 9 – Writing the Research Title

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Writing the Research Title

Moving on with your chosen research topic is the final writing of the
research title. Choosing a research title does not happen in a snap of
a finger, and presto! You have a title!

In this stage, you will learn how to brainstorm with yourself by first
coming up with broad ideas then, further arriving at a research title
into a specific one, that is a researchable one.

So, let our next journey begin!


Specifically, at the end of this module, the learner is able to:

1. Characterize a researchable topic;
2. Choose a good working title; and
3. Write a research title.


The following are important terminologies for you to take note:

Is the first thing that is read on a research

paper that outlines the purpose of the
Research Title
research, the methods used and the
overall tone of the paper.

Contains few possible words that could

Working Research Title not adequately describe the contents of
your research paper



Directions: Analyze the titles written in clusters. Identify the common elements of the titles
and write them on your notebook.
Cluster A
1. Reading Difficulties and Comprehension Levels of Freshmen
2. Factors Affecting the Learning Styles of High School Students (Naco, 2006)
3. Managerial Skills and Difficulties of School Managers

Cluster B
1. Likeability of Teachers: Essential Qualities for Senior of High School Instructors
2. Predictors of Students’ Performance in Chemistry Laboratory of Private Schools
(Estrella, 2009)
3. The Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Competencies of School for Human Intervention
Program (Cristobal, 2003)

Cluster C

1. The Effect of Computer to Mathematical Competencies in Algebra Among

2. The Effect of Assisted Instruction in Performance of Students in Asian History and
Civilization (Cuenca, 2008)
3. Correlation of English Performance of Students in Selected Schools (Valenton, 2009)

Cluster D

1. Parenting Needs, Goals, Strategies for Adolescent Mothers (Stiles, 2005)

2. Learning Styles and Level of Motivation of Honor Students
3. Psychological Needs of Students with OFW Parents

Guide Questions:
How did the researchers came up with these titles?

What are the common elements of these research titles?





The Research Title:

 summarizes the main idea/s of your study
 it is the part of the paper that is read the most and is usually read first
 captures reader’s attention and draws his attention at the research problem being
 differentiates the paper from other papers of the same subject area
 Predicts content
 Contains keywords that will make it easy to access by a computer search

Here are basic reminders to keep in mind while writing a research title:
1. Keep it simple, brief, and attractive. The primary function of a title is to provide a
precise summary of the paper’s content. So, keep the title brief and clear. Moreover, a
good tile for a research is typically around 10-15 substantive words long. A lengthy title
may seem unfocused and take the reader’s attention away from an important point.

Avoid: Drug X has an effect of muscular contraction for an hour in snails

Better: Drug X induces muscular contraction in snails

2. Use appropriate descriptive words. A good research title should contain key words
used in the manuscript and should define the nature of the study. Think about terms
people would use to search for the study and include them in the title.

Avoid: Effects of Drug A on schizophrenia patients

Better: Psychosocial effects of Drug A on schizophrenia patients

3. Avoid abbreviations and jargon. Known abbreviations such as AIDS, HIV, and so
on can be used in the title. However, lesser-known or specific abbreviations and jargon
that would not be immediately familiar to the readers should be left out.

Avoid: MMP expression profiles cannot distinguish between normal and early
osteoarthritic synovial fluid
Better: Matrix metalloproteinase protein expression profiles cannot distinguish
between normal and early osteoarthritic synovial fluid

4. It is a good idea to create a ‘working’ research title first. This title helps focus the
research and writing but can be changed if needed. The final title should be a phrase
or a question that indicates the subject and scope of the research while generating the
reader’s interest and enthusiasm for the topic.

Avoid: MMP expression profiles cannot distinguish between normal and early
osteoarthritic synovial fluid
Better: Matrix metalloproteinase protein expression profiles cannot distinguish
between normal and early osteoarthritic synovial fluid



Follow these steps:
Step One
Ask yourself these questions and make note of the answers:
1. What is my paper about?
2. What techniques/designs will be used?
3. Who/What will be studied?
4. Where is the setting of the study?
5. When is the period or duration of the study?

Step Two
Use your answers to list key words.
Step Three

Create a sentence that indicates the key words you listed.

Step Four
Delete all unnecessary/repetitive words and link the remaining.
Step Five

Delete non-essential information and reword the title.

Let us take this sample title:

A Phenomenological Study on the Behavior of Senior High School
Students with Absentee Parents of Tabaco National High School in the
School Year 2017-2018

From this title, you can find out a lot about the research before reading the actual proposal or
actual research report.
1. What are we looking at? The behavior of Senior High School students with absentee
2. Who are the subjects? Senior High School students with absentee parents
3. Where is the setting/place of the study? Tabaco National High School
4. What type of study is it going to be? It is going to be a qualitative study, and
phenomenology will be used.
5. What is the period covered of the study? School Year 2017-2018
6. What size is the sample? We will just be using a small sample
7. What data-collection methods will be used? Information from the participants will
be obtained through interviews, observation, open-ended questionnaires, etc.

The table below shows sample research titles for the different Senior High School strands
which might be helpful for you as you decide to have your own research title/topic.

Track/Strand Research Titles/Topics

Health Hazards of Direct and Indirect
Smoking: Prevention and Care

The Perception of the Stakeholders on the

Implementation of Senior High School

The Effect of Word of Mouth Advertisement

on the Stability of Julia’s Bakery

Factors Influencing Secondary Students’

GAS Perception and Preferences in Choosing a
Strand in Senior High School

TVL Employability of Computer Programmers:

(Computer Programming) Job Market Analysis

Perception of the Trainers of the

Effectiveness of Bread and Pastry
(Bread and Pastry)
Production Training Program

TVL The Effect of Tourist Attractions to the

(Tour Guiding Servicing) Development of Economy

Awareness on the Responsibilities:

Contributions and Significance of
(Automotive Servicing)
Automotive Technicians



Now, let us move on to the Senior High Track you are enrolled in.
Before you make a final decision on your topic, reflect on these questions:

1. What area/s not covered in classroom lessons/discussions do I still want to

know/investigate in my specific track?
2. If I do this research project, how useful will it be to me as a senior high school student
and to the community where I belong, and even to the larger community, the
Philippines, the ASEAN, and the world?

Note: Your research project will be worth all the planning, execution of plans, resources in
time, manpower and budget if it will reflect your knowledge and skills, as well as attitudes, as
a successful senior high school student on your specific track, and if it will contribute to the
well-being or progress of the beneficiaries of your study:

 STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

 ABM – Accounting and Business Management
 HUMSS – Humanities and Social Sciences
 GAS – General Academic Strand
 TVL – Technical Vocational Livelihood
 Sports Track
 Arts and Design

Well done! You have now learned the essential concepts of the
lessons. This time let’s have some practice to hone your skills



What to do:
From among the listed working titles below, select the best three and state your reasons why.
Write all your answers on your notebook.

1. School Absenteeism among Students

2. Factors that Influence a Child’s Decisions to Read Outside-Of-School
3. Internet Addiction faced by Young Kids
4. Online Education for Disabled Students
5. The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Student Achievement
6. Overcoming Death of a Loved One
7. Preventing Self-Harm
8. Side Effects of Body Piercing at a Young Age
9. The Future of Different Sports in the Philippines
10. The Impact of Using Nuclear Weapons

Title 1: _______________________________________________________________
Reason/s why I chose this topic:

Title 2: _______________________________________________________________
Reason/s why I chose this topic:

Title 3: _______________________________________________________________
Reason/s why I chose this topic:

What to do:

Think of a topic to write about. List 3 topics. Write your working research title for each topic.
Have your outputs written on your notebook.

Topic 1: _______________________________________________________________
Working Research Title:

Topic 2: _______________________________________________________________
Working Research Title:

Topic 3: _______________________________________________________________
Working Research Title:

Write your answers on your notebook.
What to do:
Write a title considering what you would like to look at in the topic, who the subjects are, and
the kind of qualitative research that you would be working on. Follow this pattern:
My Final Topic: _____________________________________________________________
a. What are you looking at? ________________________________________________
b. Who are the subjects? _________________________________________________
c. Where is the setting of the study? ________________________________________
d. It is going to be a __(type of research study)__, and ___(type of qualitative
____research)_____ will be used.
e. When is the period covered of the study? ___________________________________
f. We will just be using a ________________ sample.
g. Data collection will involve obtaining information from the participants through
___________________, ______________________, ____________________.


Great dear researchers! You did an amazing job in accomplishing

your tasks. Now, we are going to see how much you’ve learned.


 The title of the research should summarize the main idea, and include the
major variables and the participants of the study.
 A research title is a product of real-world observations, dilemmas, wide reading,
selective viewing (television programs, films, documentaries, videos, etc.)
meaningful interactions and deep reflection.
 A research title is original, clear, concise or specific.



What to do:
Think of a good research title that is align with your track/strand in Senior High School. Write
your answers on your notebook.

Strand: _____________________________________________________________
Topic: ______________________________________________________________
Working Title: ________________________________________________________
Final Title: ___________________________________________________________

Using your different social media platforms (Facebook, Messenger, IG, etc.), ask any
Grade 12 Senior High School or college student about what research experience they have
already gone through. Specifically, ask about the title of any research paper they have already
done and their reasons for having conducted research studies.
Based on the title given, determine the quality of the topic expressed by the title with
respect to the guidelines or pointers you have learned about research topic selection.

Way to go! You did it! Good luck on your next research


Baraceros, E.L. (2016). Practical research 1. Manila: Rex Book Store Publishing House Inc.
Cristobal, A.P. & Cristobal, M.C.D. (2017). Practical research for senior high school. Quezon
City, Manila: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Jerusalem, V.L., Garcia, M.D.R., Palencia, J.M. & Palencia, M.M. (2017). Practical research
1: Basics of qualitative research. Sampaloc, Manila: Fastbooks.
Matira, M.D. (2016). Practical research for the 21st century learners. Sampaloc, Manila: St.
Augustine Publications, Inc.
Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C., & Carey, T.G. (2017). Practical research 1. Quezon City, Metro
Manila: Lorimar, Publishing, Inc.
Serrano, A.O.C. (2016). Practical research 1 on qualitative research. Intramuros, Manila:
Unlimited Books Library Services and Publishing Inc.



Guide Question 1
Answers may vary
Guide Question 2
Sample Answer: The common elements in research title writing include the content of the
research paper, the people involved that will partake in the study, the setting/place of the
study and the problem identified by the researcher.

Task 1: Choosing My Titles
Answers may vary depending on the chosen titles of the learners

Task 2: My Proposed Titles

Answers will depend upon the learners’ topics

Task 3: My Title Makes A Difference

Answers will depend upon the learner’s final topic


Your Final Task
Sample Answer:
Strand: TVL - Sports Track
Topic: Participation in Sports
Working Title: Effects on Sports Participation
Final Title: The Effects of Competitive Sports Participation on the Academic Achievement
among Senior High School Students of Tabaco National High School in the School Year 2017-


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