Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Keywords: A previous meta-analysis suggested that the treatment with erdosteine was associated with significant ameli-
Erdosteine oration of the cumulative global efficacy index and symptoms in comparison to placebo or other mucolytics.
Chronic bronchitis However, this conclusion was criticized because the meta-analysis, as it had been done, made it impossible to
COPD preclude the potential operation of selection biases within and across trials, and identify any realised benefits of
an individual patient data approach. Taking into consideration these criticisms and also the publication of two
further recent articles focused on the prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations
with erdosteine, we have carried out a quantitative synthesis via meta-analysis of the currently available data on
the use of this drug. Our findings included data from ten studies involving 1278 patients and show that er-
dosteine is able to improve the clinical score of patients with chronic bronchitis and COPD, and also reduces the
overall risk of chronic bronchitis/COPD exacerbations, and reduces the risk of experiencing at least one ex-
acerbation. Furthermore, our data suggest that erdosteine can lengthen the time to the first COPD exacerbation,
reduce the duration of a COPD exacerbation and the risk of hospitalization from COPD. The documented effect of
erdosteine in reducing the occurence and/or influencing COPD exacerbations is important because it indicates
that erdosteine can be added to the list of drugs that can be recommended for treating COPD.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Cazzola).
Received 18 October 2017; Accepted 20 November 2017
Available online 09 December 2017
1094-5539/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Cazzola et al. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 48 (2018) 185–194
centre engaged exclusively in evidence synthesis in the health field, characteristics, age, gender, smoking habits, FEV1, Jadad score, clinical
determined that this meta-analysis met the Database of Abstracts of score, and exacerbation and hospitalization rates.
Reviews of Effects (DARE) scientific quality criteria for a systematic
review [11]. However, in their comments, they highlighted that the 2.4. Endpoints
article did not present a flow diagram of article inclusion and exclusion.
All of the included studies were supplied by the manufacturers, which The primary endpoint of this quantitative synthesis was the impact
made evaluation of potential bias difficult. They also pointed out that of erdosteine on the clinical score of patients with chronic bronchitis
we did not report how individual patient data were used to standardise and/or COPD, and the rate of exacerbations, compared to control va-
definitions of outcomes and subgroups, generate effects across trials in a lues in placebo/control groups, or at baseline. The secondary endpoint
consistent manner, and verify the validity of the raw data. Individual was the influence of erdosteine on the duration of exacerbation and rate
patient covariates were not included in subgroup analyses and trial of hospitalization.
level covariates were not subject to interaction tests. It was, therefore,
impossible to preclude the potential operation of selection biases within
and across trials, and identify any realised benefits of an individual 2.5. Quality score, risk of bias and evidence profile
patient data approach. Additional uncertainty came from high hetero-
geneity within results and a lack of clear definition of clinical sig- The Jadad score, with a scale of 1–5 (score of 5 being the best
nificance. quality), was used to assess the quality of the randomized clinical trials
In light of these criticisms and the recent publication of two further (RCTs) concerning the likelihood of biases related to randomization,
articles focused on the prevention of acute exacerbations of COPD and double blinding, withdrawals and dropouts [20]. Two reviewers in-
ability to reduce their duration with erdosteine [12,13], we have car- dependently assessed the quality of individual studies, and any differ-
ried out a quantitative synthesis via meta-analysis of the currently ence in opinion about the quality score was resolved by consensus.
available data with this drug in order to provide consistent and The risk of publication bias was assessed by applying the funnel plot
homogeneous findings that may help better clarify the real impact of and Egger's test through the following regression equation: SND = a +
erdosteine in improving the clinical score of patients with chronic b × precision, where SND represents the standard normal deviation
bronchitis and/or COPD, and the use of this drug in preventing chronic (treatment effect divided by its standard error [SE]), and precision re-
bronchitis/COPD exacerbations. presents the reciprocal of the standard error. Evidence of asymmetry
from Egger's test was considered to be significant at P < .1, and the
2. Methods graphical representation of 90% confidence bands are presented as
described elsewhere [20].
2.1. Search strategy The optimal information size (OIS) was calculated as previously
reported [21,22], and the quality of the evidence assessed in agreement
This meta-analysis has been registered in PROSPERO (registration with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and
number: CRD42017068372), and performed in agreement with the Evaluation (GRADE) system [23]. The risk of publication bias and
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses GRADE analysis were performed on the effect estimates resulting from
(PRISMA) Statement (Fig. 1) [14]. Furthermore, this synthesis satisfied at least 3 high-quality studies (Jadad ≥3).
all the recommended items reported by the PRISMA-P 2015 checklist
[15]. 2.6. Data synthesis and analysis
We undertook a comprehensive literature search for studies evalu-
ating the impact of erdosteine on chronic bronchitis and/or COPD. In Results of this pair-wise meta-analysis are expressed as
particular, the term “erdosteine” was searched for the active treatment, Standardized Mean Difference (SMD), Relative Risk (RR), Natural
and the terms “chronic bronchitis” OR “chronic obstructive pulmonary Logarithmic transformed Proportion (Log Proportion, PLN) and 95%
disease” OR “COPD” were searched for the diseases. The search was confidence interval (95%CI).
performed in PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Google Scholar and the re- The changes in clinical score are reported as SMD since this outcome
pository database clinicaltrials.gov [16] to provide relevant studies was not always standardized among the studies (i.e. cumulative Global
published up to July 31, 2017. No language restriction was applied. Efficacy Index [cGEI], breathlessness–sputum–cough scale [BCS],
Citations of previously published meta-analyses and relevant reviews Subject's Global Assessment of Disease Severity [SGADS], Physician's
were examined to identify further pertinent studies, if any Global Assessment of Disease Severity [PGADS], and non-specific
[5,9,10,17–19]. clinical score [NSCS]). The risk of COPD exacerbation and hospitali-
zation are reported as RR, and normalized as a function of person-
2.2. Study selection season, where one season includes 3 months [24]. The time to first
exacerbation and the duration of exacerbation are reported as PLN.
Studies reporting the effect of erdosteine vs. placebo/control/ Moderate to high levels of heterogeneity were considered for I2 ≥ 50%
baseline in patients with chronic bronchitis and/or COPD have been [16].
selected. All studies assessing the impact of erdosteine on clinical score Since data were selected from a series of studies performed by re-
(s) and the rate of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and/or COPD searchers operating independently, and a common effect size cannot be
have been included in the analysis. No restriction on the duration of the assumed, the random-effects model was used in order to balance the
treatment was applied. study weights and to adequately estimate the 95%CI of the mean dis-
Two reviewers independently checked the relevant studies identi- tribution of the effect of the active medication on the investigated
fied from the literature searches and databases. Studies were selected in variables [24].
agreement with the previously mentioned criteria, and any difference in Subset analyses were performed by excluding the low-quality stu-
opinion about eligibility was resolved by consensus. dies characterized by Jadad score < 3, and considering specifically
patients affected by chronic bronchitis and/or COPD.
2.3. Data extraction OpenMetaAnalyst [25] software was used for performing the meta-
analysis, GraphPad Prism (CA, US) software to graph the data, and
Data from included studies were extracted and checked for study GRADEpro to evaluate the quality of evidence [23]. The statistical
characteristics and duration, doses of medication, patient significance was assessed for P < .05.
M. Cazzola et al. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 48 (2018) 185–194
Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram for the identification of studies included in the meta-analysis concerning the impact of erdosteine on clinical condition and exacerbation rate in patients
with chronic bronchitis and/or COPD.
Erdosteine elicited a beneficial impact on all the primary endpoints A significant level of heterogeneity was detected for the overall
of this meta-analysis. Treatment with erdosteine significantly impact of erdosteine on patients suffering from chronic bronchitis and
(P < .001) improved the clinical score of patients affected by COPD COPD, and the presence of publication bias was confirmed by both
and/or chronic bronchitis vs. control (Fig. 2A), with no differences funnel plot and Egger's test (Fig. 4A and B). The subset analysis on
(P > .05) compared to the subset analysis performed by including in COPD did not provide evidence for either heterogeneity, or bias related
the synthesis exclusively high-quality studies (SMD -0.44, 95%CI -0.70 after applying the funnel plot and Egger's test (Fig. 4C and D). Although
to −0.18; I2 80%, P < .001). A further specific analysis (Fig. 2B) in- heterogeneity resulted from the forest plot for chronic bronchitis, the
dicated that erdosteine significantly (P < .01 to P < .001) improved funnel plot and Egger's test did not find any evidence for any publica-
the clinical condition in both COPD patients (SMD: all studies −0.56, tion bias (Fig. 4E and F). Thus, the bias detected that the overall impact
95%CI -0.94 to −0.17, I2 85%, P < .001; high-quality studies −0.28, on clinical scores was related to the concomitant analysis of both
95%CI -0.50 to −0.06, I2 53%, P = .12) and subjects with chronic chronic bronchitis and COPD. The low level of heterogeneity resulting
bronchitis (SMD -0.72, 95%CI -1.17 to −0.28, I2 85%, P < .001; high- from the meta-analysis of the risk of COPD exacerbation and the time to
quality studies −0.58, 95%CI -1.08 to −0.08, I2 86%, P < .001). the first exacerbation was further confirmed by funnel plot and Egger's
Table 1
Patient demographics, baseline and study characteristics.
Study, year Trial Number Study Study Analyzed Drug, dose, Disease Definition of Age (years) Male (%) Current Smoking Post- Acute Clinical Jadad
and Identifier characteristics duration patients duration of characteristics exacerbation smokers history bronchodilator exacerbations score score
M. Cazzola et al.
Dal Negro NCT Multicentre, 52 445 Erdosteine Stable COPD (Stage II “A symptomatic 64.8 73.9 28.8 > 10 51.8 ≥2 SGADS, 5
et al., NCT01032304; randomized, 300 mg b.i.d., and III according to worsening beyond PGADS
2017 RESTORE double-blind, total daily dose GOLD 2007) as normal day-to-
[13] placebo- 600 mg, 52 follows: post- day variations
controlled, weeks bronchodilator FEV1/ and requiring a
parallel-group FVC < 70% change in regular
30% ≤ FEV1≤70% medication and/
predicted (and at or health care
least 0.7 L absolute resources
value) utilisation (e.g.
increased use of
treatment with
antibiotics and/or
visit to an
Moretti and NA Single-centre, 8 40 Erdosteine Acute exacerbation of “Exacerbations … 70.6 82.5 12.5 51.2 47.5 1.3 BCS 3
Fagna- randomized, 300 mg t.i.d., COPD omissis … were
ni, controlled, total daily dose assessed if
2015 single-blind 900 mg, 1.4 changes in
[12] weeks therapy with
antibiotics and/or
oral steroids were
Moretti EQUALIFE Multicentre, 32 124 Erdosteine Stable COPD “New episodes of 67.5 79.9 32.9 > 20 59.2 NA NA 3
et al., randomized, 300 mg b.i.d., (FEV1 < 70%) acute disease with
2004 double-blind, total daily dose muco-purulent or
[32] placebo- 600 mg, 32 purulent sputum,
controlled, weeks cough and at least
parallel-group two of the
general malaise,
fever > 38 °C,
difficulty in
expectoration and
De Castro NA Open label, 2 38 Erdosteine COPD (FEV1/FVC at “Increased 62.0 60.0 NA NA 58.0 NA NSCS 1
Pereira non 350 mg b.i.d., least 10% below volume and
et al., comparative total daily dose normal theoretical purulence of
2000 700 mg, 2 value) and chronic sputum, and
[33] weeks bronchitis (cough worsening of
with expectoration dyspnea”#
occurring for at least
three months per
year, for two
(continued on next page)
Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 48 (2018) 185–194
Table 1 (continued)
Study, year Trial Number Study Study Analyzed Drug, dose, Disease Definition of Age (years) Male (%) Current Smoking Post- Acute Clinical Jadad
and Identifier characteristics duration patients duration of characteristics exacerbation smokers history bronchodilator exacerbations score score
reference (weeks) treatment (%) (pack- in previous
M. Cazzola et al.
FEV1 (%
years) predicted) year
consecutive years
with sputum volume
30 ml/24 h)
Aubier NA Multicentre, 3 170 Erdosteine Stable chronic NA 59.0 58.0 NA NA NA NA cGEI 5
et al., randomized, 300 mg b.i.d., obstructive bronchitis
1999 double-blind, total daily dose with hypersecretion
[26] placebo- 600 mg, 3 (FEV1/FVC at least
controlled, weeks 10% below normal
parallel-group theoretical value)
Marchioni ECOBES Multicentre, 1.2 237 Erdosteine Acute exacerbation of NA 66.0 76.0 NA NA NA NA cGEI 5
et al., randomized, 300 mg b.i.d., chronic obstructive
1995 placebo- total daily dose bronchitis (FEV1/FVC
[27] controlled, 600 mg, 1.2 at least 10% below
double-blind weeks normal theoretical
Bisetti NA Double-blind, 1 27 Erdosteine Acute exacerbation of NA 62.0 68.0 NA NA NA NA cGEI 5
et al., randomized, 300 mg b.i.d., chronic bronchitis
1995 placebo- total daily dose
[28] controlled 600 mg, 1
Fioretti and NA Double-blind, 26 132 Erdosteine Chronic bronchitis NA 54.8 71.7 NA NA NA NA NA 3
Bander- randomized, 300 mg b.i.d.,
a, 1991 placebo- total daily dose
[31] controlled 600 mg, 26
Hotzinger NA Double blind, NA 40 Erdosteine Hypersecretory NA 49.0 75.0 NA NA NA NA cGEI 4
et al., randomized, 300 mg t.i.d., infective bronchitis
1991 placebo- total daily dose (acute bronchitis or
[29] controlled 900 mg relapses of chronic
Ricevuti NA Double blind, 1 24 Erdosteine Acute infective NA 57.0 42.0 100.0 Heavy NA NA cGEI 2
et al., placebo- 300 mg t.i.d., exacerbation of smokers
1988 controlled total daily dose chronic bronchitis (> 20
[30] 900 mg, 1 cigarettes/
week day)
Fig. 2. Overall forest plot of the impact of erdosteine vs. control on clinical score of patients with chronic bronchitis and COPD (A), and subset analysis performed on COPD or chronic bronchitis (B). **P < .01 and ***P < .001 vs. control. BCS:
breathlessness–sputum–cough scale; CB: chronic bronchitis; CGEI: cumulative Global Efficacy Index; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NSCS: non-specific clinical score; PGADS: Physician's Global Assessment of Disease Severity;
test (Fig. 4G and J).
A moderate quality of evidence was detected for the overall clinical
impact of erdosteine on patients having COPD, and chronic bronchitis,
whereas high and low quality of evidence resulted from the specific
analyses performed on data obtained from patients with COPD and
chronic bronchitis, respectively. The GRADE approach showed a high
quality of evidence for the protective role of erdosteine against the risk
of COPD exacerbations and on the time of the first exacerbation.
Detailed results of the GRADE analysis and OIS are reported in Table 2.
4. Discussion
M. Cazzola et al. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 48 (2018) 185–194
Fig. 3. Forest plot of the protective effect of erdosteine vs. control on the risk of chronic bronchitis/COPD exacerbations (A), the risk of experiencing at least one chronic bronchitis/COPD
exacerbation (B), the time to the first COPD exacerbation (C), the duration of COPD exacerbation (D), and the risk of hospitalization for COPD (E). *P < .05, **P < .01, and
***P < .001 vs. control.
M. Cazzola et al. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 48 (2018) 185–194
We are well aware that meta-analysis provides only the effect esti- Whilst waiting for this comparative pragmatic RCT, the evidence
mates that, by definition, reflect an estimate of the possible impact of provided from this meta-analysis supports the use of erdosteine as add-
the intervention on the investigated outcome(s) and, are in any case, on therapy to prevent COPD exacerbations, especially when adminis-
results by indirect comparisons. Therefore, we strongly believe that a tered to patients with frequent exacerbations.
well-powered RCT that will directly compare the efficacy of erdosteine,
and N-acetylcysteine is highly desirable.
M. Cazzola et al. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 48 (2018) 185–194
Table 2
GRADE evidence profile.
Outcome Quality assessment: erdosteine compared to control in COPD and chronic bronchitis Quality
Overall clinical impact on both COPD and chronic Not serious Seriousa Not serious Not seriousb Publication bias strongly suspected. ⨁⨁⨁◯
bronchitis All plausible residual confounding would suggest MODERATE
spurious effect.c
Clinical impact on COPD Not serious Not serious Not serious Seriousd All plausible residual confounding would suggest ⨁⨁⨁⨁
spurious effect. HIGH
Clinical impact on chronic bronchitis Not serious Seriouse Not serious Seriousf None ⨁⨁◯◯
Risk of COPD exacerbations Not serious Not serious Not serious Not seriousg None ⨁⨁⨁⨁
Time to the first COPD exacerbation Not serious Not serious Not serious Not serious h
None ⨁⨁⨁⨁
GRADE Working Group grades of evidence
High quality: we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect.
Moderate quality: we are moderately confident in the effect estimate; the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially
Low quality: our confidence in the effect estimate is limited; the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect.
Very low quality: we have very little confidence in the effect estimate, the true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect.
a. I2 = 82%, P < .001.
b. Available sample size 7.06% greater that OIS.
c. Confirmed by funnel plot and Egger's test.
d. Available sample size 57.22% smaller that OIS.
e. I2 = 86%, P < .001.
f. Available sample size 65.88% smaller that OIS.
g. Available sample size 122.04% greater that OIS.
h. Available sample size 335.00% greater that OIS.
COPD: cronic obstructive pulmonary disease; OIS: optimal information size.
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