Open Banking: A Perspective For Financial Institutions
Open Banking: A Perspective For Financial Institutions
Open Banking: A Perspective For Financial Institutions
March, 2019
Presented by:
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Open Banking
Setting the scene
Open Banking will change the way clients, banks and Fintechs operate in the financial ecosystem
developing new business models...
App Personal Finance
App API Manager
Online Open
App Open Open
Banking API
App App
App Open
Banking API
App App
• Different applications and user experience for each bank • Disruption in traditional relationship between bank and their clients
• User connections are straight, dedicated and closed • Interoperability for external consumers through APIs
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… and these open banking trends go back to 2012, however the use of APIs in banking has shown
an exponential increase in the recent years...
Every year more banks and financial institutions have …and the number of public APIs available in the
started using APIs and improving their Open Banking financial industry has exponentially grown in the past
capacities… decade.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
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Source: PwC Analysis
...with different countries using different approaches for Open Banking; however almost all have
a block a set of common elements.
Payment initiation
x x x x x x x Payments and accounts are
Payment Status
x x x x x x x the central part of initial phases
of open banking and the main
Payment account objective of traditional
x x x x x x x x
open banking regulations
Product information
x x x x x
Product Opening
x x x
Fraud & Risk reduction
x x
Customer Insights
x x
Credit Scoring
x x x x
Other deposit accounts
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x
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Source: PwC Analysis
Open Banking provide greater competition, improves efficiency, and remove friction for all
players from big traditional banks to start-ups and consumers...
New services – Access data from Easier account history porting from Increased accuracy and Faster credit assessment Authorizing personal data
other financial institutions. previous banks speed of credit allowing businesses to access so providers can
assessment through secure loans faster offer expanded set of
direct data access financial products
New channels – Accessing third Enhanced channel experiences with Lender integrations with
party audiences by placing the service additional data accounting software to
within another’s context easily submit loan
New utilities – Providing a new Streamlined digital sign-up and identity Enhanced fraud Leverage APIs from
utility to enable others verification across accounts and detection by monitoring account providers to
applications patterns across multiple streamline payment
accounts. reconciliation instead of
manual input
New platforms – Enable third Access to additional customer Access to consumer data Customization and
parties to connect with Banks and transaction data instead of buying data from Banks to deliver bundling of product
other services and innovate from credit bureaus to determine risk personalized products offerings from different
levels. Banks or FinTech startups
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Open Banking
Implications - Financial Industry
Each bank layer has a critical role to play in the Open banking era to help transform financial
services, open banking is not just the task of the technology layer...
• Identify opportunities enabled by Open Banking to syndicate key services through new channels,
or new services through own channels
Operations layer • Meet security, privacy and other requirements and expectations
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...and the interaction between these layers is being transformed; vertically through value chains
and horizontally through customer interaction...
Operations Layer
Technology layer
3rd party
outsourcing party
Support layer 3rd party
outsourcing party
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Open Banking
The way forward - Incumbent Banks
Substantial work is required just to comply with minimum requirements but compliance alone is
not enough, banks must prepare for Open Banking now...
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...and banks must make strategic decisions and select the most appropriate model depending on
their capabilities, strategy and focus...
Branches /
Micro / SB
Business /
Business Institutional
Customer Experience
Affluent Contact
Product and delivery layer
Consumer Business Payments Insurance Players with distinct customer value
and Savings and
credit and
credit and
transaction investments
Markets and risk
proposition aligned to specific segments.
Branches /
Micro / SB
Business /
Business Institutional
Infrastucture master
Affluent Contact
Support layer
Outreach Legal and
Human and other
Risk Finance Strategy
Capital communicati commercial
on services
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Illustration opt for Product master, banks must consider partnerships and acquisition of specialized
FinTech players to re-bundle their existing offerings with innovative products...
Branches /
Micro / SB
Business /
Business Institutional
Product master
Affluent Contact
Support layer
Outreach Legal and
Human and other
Risk Finance Strategy
Capital communicati commercial
on services
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...or opt to continue being the traditional integrated player, as the future for integrated players is
not necessarily untenable, however it won’t be an appropriate strategy for everyone
Technology layer
solutions & Transaction Common
Core calculation
applications and registries (GL,
(CRM ERP Data engines (capital,
asset and core
origination risk, ftp,etc)
enablement banking)
Support layer
Outreach Legal and
Human and other
Risk Finance Strategy
Capital communicati commercial
on services
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Open Banking
What the future holds?
1 Open Data
✔ Personalization of financial
services and products
commencement of Open
Banking now even 2 Readying their digital and data engine
without knowing the a. Define architecture of core API libraries and data objects
exact nature and timing b. Identify and establish access to third party data and other capabilities
of the compliance that
will be formally
3 Strengthening their security and
governance mechanisms...
a. Define security, access and architecture strategy
b. Develop strategy to deal with potentially commercially sensitive
c. Onboarding, audit and complaints
d. Enhancing data governance, security, third party oversight in Open
PwC Digital Services Banking world 20
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Open Banking puts customers at the center helping create new experiences and must be seen as
one more milestones in direction of openness, digitisation and partnership with Fintechs...
Future trends
and impact of
Open APIs
3 Increased partnerships between FinTech startups and banks to
provide open APIs collaboratively
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PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL), or, as the context requires, individual member firms of the PwC network. Each
member firm is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member firm. PwCIL does not provide any services
to clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member firms nor can it control the exercise of their
professional judgment or bind them in any way. No member firm is responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any other member firm
nor can it control the exercise of another member firm’s professional judgment or bind another member firm or PwCIL in any way.