DB2 PM Usage Guide Update
DB2 PM Usage Guide Update
DB2 PM Usage Guide Update
October 1995
International Technical Support Organization
October 1995
Take Note!
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under
“Special Notices” on page xv.
This edition applies to Version 4 of IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor, Program Number 5665-102 for use
with the MVS Operating System.
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This document is unique in its detailed coverage of a monitoring strategy for the
DB2 for MVS/ESA environment. It focuses on the facilities offered by IBM
DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4. It provides
information about Online Monitor and Batch functions for performance
monitoring in the IBM DATABASE 2 for MVS/ESA Version 4 environment.
(196 pages)
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Special Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
How This Document Is Organized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
International Technical Support Organization Publications . . . . . . . . . . xviii
ITSO Redbooks on the World Wide Web (WWW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
vi DB2 PM
4.6.2 Accounting TOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.7 Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.7.1 Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.7.2 Accounting by Field Identifier Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.7.3 Accounting by DB2 PM Identifier Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.7.4 Statistics System Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.7.5 Frequency Distribution Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.8 MAINPACK and PACKAGE Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.9 Correlation Identifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.10 Time Zone Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.11 Solving Periodic Exceptions Using DB2 PM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Contents vii
viii DB2 PM
x DB2 PM
102. DB2 Explain Output (Corrected SQL Statement): Access Path Problem 147
103. Accounting Long Report Extract: With Expected Access Path . . . . . . 148
104. Exception Processor Panel: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
105. Exception Notification Window: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
106. Look Selections Menu: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
107. Exception Event Summary Panel: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
108. Exception Event Detail Panel: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
109. Trace Configuration Window: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
110. IFCID Selection Window: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
111. Trigger Immediately Window: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
112. Lockout Trace: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
113. SQL Trace Summarized by Occurrence: Locking Problem . . . . . . . 158
114. Explain Menu: Locking Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
115. SQL Statement List Panel (DBRM REVP22): Locking Problem . . . . . 159
116. SQL Statement List Panel (DBRM REVP11): Locking Problem . . . . . 160
Figures xi
xii DB2 PM
xiv DB2 PM
Special Notices
Information in this book was developed in conjunction with use of the equipment
specified, and is limited in application to those specific hardware and software
products and levels.
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in
this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to
these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of
Licensing, IBM Corporation, 500 Columbus Avenue, Thornwood, NY 10594 USA.
The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any
formal IBM test and is distributed AS IS. The use of this information or the
implementation of any of these techniques is a customer responsibility and
depends on the customer′s ability to evaluate and integrate them into the
customer′s operational environment. While each item may have been reviewed
by IBM for accuracy in a specific situation, there is no guarantee that the same
or similar results will be obtained elsewhere. Customers attempting to adapt
these techniques to their own environments do so at their own risk.
RMF S/390
Sysplex Timer System/390
VTAM 3090
xvi DB2 PM
Related Publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a
more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this document.
• IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 General
Information Manual , GH12-6171
• IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Online
Monitor User ′ s Guide , SH12-6165
• IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Batch
User ′ s Guide , SH12-6164
• IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Report
Reference, Volume 1 , SH12-6163
• IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Report
Reference, Volume 2 , SH12-6166
• IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Command Reference , SH12-6167
• IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Messages , SH12-6168
• IBM DATABASE 2 for MVS/ESA Version 4 Administration Guide , SC26-3265
• Graphic Data Display Manager/Presentation Graphics Feature: Interactive
Chart Facility User ′ s Guide , SC33-0328
xviii DB2 PM
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This project was designed and managed by:
Ravi Kumar
International Technical Support Organization, San Jose Center
Mike Groom
Thanks to the following people for the invaluable advice and guidance they
provided in the production of this document:
Wolfgang Barth
GSDL, IBM Germany
Franz-Peter Boley
GSDL, IBM Germany
Preface xix
John Campbell
IBM Development, Santa Teresa
Roy Cornford
IBM United Kingdom
Harold Hall
IBM Development, Santa Teresa
Stan Hoey
IBM United Kingdom
Namik Hrle
Aspect Computing, Australia
Greg Hunt
Aspect Computing, Australia
Peter Salz
ISSC, Australia
Thanks to the following people for the invaluable help they provided in setting up
and administering the computing facilities:
Stefan Benk
GSDL, IBM Germany
Prakash Tendulkar
Information Systems, Santa Teresa
Thanks to Maggie Cutler for editing this book and to Stephanie Manning for
editorial assistance.
xx DB2 PM
Chapter 1. Performance Management
The business enterprise of the 1990s relies on the support of data processing for
its daily information requirements. Data processing environments are often
complex, involving multiple systems and large amounts of data accessed both
locally and remotely, and usually supported by a managed network.
For your application, estimate the resource requirements for each transaction
type and translate those into measurable objectives.
Using IBM′s DB2 Estimator for Windows (hereafter referred to as Estimator), you
can estimate the CPU and I/O resource requirements for SQL. These estimates
are especially useful, if you do not have much experience with SQL or need to
understand whether the application will be able to perform adequately after it is
developed. Using Estimator you can also estimate the minimum response time
that might be expected, but you must realize that contention from many sources
can elongate actual response times. Estimator in general is capable of
estimating the performance of SQL in reasonably tuned environments. If your
actual performance is much worse, it is possible that you have a tuning problem
and need to use DB2 performance monitor (DB2 PM) to identify and correct it.
2 DB2 PM
The following factors will provide you with some guidance for forming realistic
• Network response
Whereas response from the processor is likely to be measured in fractions of
a second, responses in networks are measured in seconds. A poorly
performing or overloaded network will always be a significant aspect of
response time no matter how fast the processor. Distributed system queries
slow response further.
• DASD response
I/O operations are responsible for the major portion of internal processing
time for a transaction. Consider actions to reduce the I/O access per
transaction to a minimum.
• Response times
Response times are difficult to predict before design has been completed.
Therefore plan to review response time frequently. Be aware that distributed
processing adds an overhead at both the local and remote sites.
• Workload
Aim to base the estimates on peak workloads, paying special attention to
daily, weekly, and month end peaks. You should also consider downtime for
maintenance as peaks will exist following such activity.
1.1.3 Workload
It is important for you to recognize the different types of workload that exist
within a system. You should examine the workload and group transactions by
their function. Some transactions perform the same type of function (for
example, order entry) and have a common identifiable workload profile. Other
transactions, for example, QMF queries within a management information
system (MIS) environment or SPUFI queries, may be diverse by their nature and
difficult to group.
• Maximum rate of transaction per minute,
per hour, per day
• Number of I/O operations per transaction
• Average and maximum processor usage per transaction
Query times
• Online query processing load
• Canned or user-written queries
• Size of tables
• Table space definition
• Index key distribution
• Support personnel.
Estimator can help in estimating the CPU and I/O resources required for
Batch processing
• Length of batch window
• Batch processing load
• Size of tables
• Housekeeping routines.
Estimator can help in estimating the CPU and I/O resources required for
batch jobs.
Reorganize data after analyzing the report from the execution of the RUNSTATS
utility. Data organization would then reflect the ideal conditions facilitating the
physical database design certification. You can then consider these practical
suggestions (see Figure 1 on page 5) for writing applications that perform within
design specifications:
• Write SQL with the specified access path in mind
• Plan to check the access path by using the DB2 PM function Explain while
developing the application.
4 DB2 PM
DB2 PM allows the developer writing applications to Explain the source
statements, either singly or in blocks of code, while developing the code.
• Amend the statement to conform to the specification if there is a deviation
from the expected access path shown by Explain .
• Repeat this process at the unit test and system test stages.
| Code SQL |
| Statement |
--------------- ---------------
| Explain |<----------| Recode SQL |
| SQL | | Statement |
| Statement | ---------------
--------------- |
| |
| |
--------------- |
| Access Path | N |
| Meets Design|__________________|
| Objectives? |
The monitoring process must be simple and easy to understand—to this end, the
many new functions of DB2 PM can offer significant benefit. Present only that
information that has exceeded the boundaries set by the installation personnel
or alternatively alert personnel when a problem has occurred. The aim of your
policy should be to promote proactive monitoring, that is, to identify potential
problems or trends before they become critical. This approach will give you
time to formulate a calm, rational response to the situation and minimize the
impact on your services.
6 DB2 PM
1.2.1 Monitoring Scope
The performance of your DB2 transaction or query depends not only on the
performance of the DB2 subsystem, but also on the transaction manager such as
CICS or IMS, and the system itself. Therefore you must tune the environment in
which the DB2 subsystem is operating before you tune DB2. You need to
address the root cause of the problem. For example, if the MVS system is
overloaded, tuning a DB2 subsystem is unlikely to improve the MVS system
performance. DB2 subsystem performance can be improved only by improving
or balancing the load on the MVS system.
These specialized tools are available to help you monitor the different system
• EDM for CICS
• IMS DC monitor for IMS
• RMF for MVS
• NetView for VTAM.
The relationship between the different system and performance tools is complex,
and not within the scope of this book. Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 for
MVS/ESA Version 4 Administration Guide for more information.
You may also want to consider performance audits for applications that appear
to be running acceptably, but whose total resource consumption is large.
Some traces provide very detailed information, and we recommend that you
activate them only when accounting and statistics reports have identified a
specific problem requiring this level of detail. Reports showing high levels of
detail are by their nature expensive to run. Decide where the trace data is to be
collected. You may choose to collect the data in system management facility
(SMF), generalized trace facility (GTF), or a user-defined data set. The last option
would normally be for specific problem diagnosis. Ensure that your MVS
professional knows your intention with regard to SMF, as an increase in the SMF
buffers, size, and number of data sets may be required.
You should consider using GTF primarily for short-duration traces where the
data volume can be estimated fairly exactly or is not very large. Also it is
8 DB2 PM
generally easier to stop GTF tracing and make the data available than it is to
switch and dump the SMF data set.
See 4.3, “Collecting DB2 Performance Data” on page 68 for a more detailed
discussion on collecting DB2 PM data.
You may set exception thresholds for both batch reports and real-time
monitoring. These thresholds allow you to predefine exception conditions at the
thread and subsystem levels. An exception condition, in a real-time
environment, triggers a DB2 PM Online Monitor exception event. In a batch
reporting environment it is reported as an exception in an easy-to-read
preformatted accounting or statistics exception report. You can preserve for
future reference a record of the exception conditions that have occurred on the
system by using the DB2 PM FILE option of the accounting and statistics report
set. The FILE option enables you to collect the data meeting exception
conditions in a sequential data set that can be loaded into DB2 tables by
executing the LOAD utility. You can write SQL queries using a product such as
the Query Management Facility (QMF) to retrieve the data from these tables and
generate reports.
1.2.7 Measurements
Before you can begin monitoring you must know your performance objectives.
These objectives will differ among job responsibilities. For example, a system
programmer will have overall system performance objectives, and a database
administrator will have application-specific objectives.
Using Estimator you can obtain an estimate of the performance you expect for
representative queries. Then you can compare those estimates to actual DB2 PM
reports to see whether a tuning problem is making these queries consume more
resources than would be expected. Once a system is running, you can compare
current measurements from DB2 PM with previous measurements from DB2 PM.
The Estimator help file entitled “Estimated Results versus Measured Results”
assists you in comparing DB2 PM reported data with estimates from the
10 DB2 PM
Once you have obtained realistic and typical values, you can begin the business
of developing exception thresholds. Do not underestimate the power of this
function. Exception processing, if used correctly, forms the central hub of your
monitoring strategy.
1.2.8 Actions
Determine the actions required after the discovery of either an unacceptable
trend or a problem situation. First assess how pervasive the problem is. Is it
systemwide, or application specific?
Plan to be notified when a situation is developing but has not yet reached
problem status. By using both periodic and event monitoring, with the exception
function active, you can achieve that goal. Define warning and problem
thresholds. The setting of these thresholds, specifically warning thresholds,
allows you to detect situations before they become critical problems.
The identification of a warning situation, although not critical, may require further
investigation. Use the DIAGNOSE command from the Thread Detail panel of the
DB2 PM Online Monitor for online diagnosis of the principal factors affecting the
thread′s performance. After consideration you may decide that a more detailed
review of the problem is required, and that additional traces should be started.
DB2 PM can schedule the activation of nominated traces by a trigger. The trace
can be triggered by time, by the detection of a specific exception, or
immediately. It can be configured to stop after a specific time, after a
predetermined number of records have been collected, at thread termination, or
following the collection of a particular instrumentation facility component
identifier (IFCID) records a specified number of times. This additional data
enables a more detailed examination of the problem.
When you find that there are performance problems when you are monitoring
the system, you can use various panels and reports to investigate the cause of
the problems.
If you are using periodic exception processing in the Online Monitor and you are
notified about a problem, the best way to find out what caused it is to examine
the thread activity panels, especially diagnostic view, and explain, or statistics
and system parameter panels, depending on the type of problem.
If you are doing EVENT exception monitoring, and the DB2 PM Online Monitor
panels do not provide adequate information to determine the cause of the
problem, you should produce SQL activity, locking, or I/O activity reports.
|-------->| SQL activity reports|
------------ | -----------------------
|Problems | |
|found in | | -----------------------
|EVENT |------|-------->| Locking reports |
|exception | | -----------------------
|monitoring| |
------------ | -----------------------
|-------->| I/O activity reports|
If you use the accounting and statistics exception reports to monitor your
system, you can often detect the cause of a performance problem using the
comprehensive information they offer. You should produce these reports using
the TOP option in accounting or the INTERVAL option in both accounting and
statistics so that you can immediately focus on potential problem areas.
Sometimes, however, you require more detailed reports to determine the exact
cause of the problem.
12 DB2 PM
Figure 4 on page 13 is a road map of problems detected in exception reports.
|Statistics, |
------------- |I/O activity, |
| System | |locking activity, |
|-------->| problem |----->|utility activity |
------------ | | | |or record trace |
|Problems | | ------------- ---------------------
|found in | |
|exception |------|
|reports | | ---------------------
------------ | ------------- |Accounting,explain,|
| |Application| |accounting TOP, |
|-------->| problem |----->|SQL activity, |
| | |locking activity, |
------------- |utility activity or|
|record trace |
This chapter describes the facilities that DB2 PM offers to monitor your DB2
subsystem. It also identifies who can use these facilities
A DB2 subsystem can generate large amounts of trace data used in monitoring.
DB2 PM offers facilities to reduce the volume of data, for example, you can filter
the information shown on reports, selecting data only about certain plans within
specified times. This chapter also describes those reduction facilities.
Using the DB2 PM Online Monitor you can identify whether changes made to an
application or the DB2 subsystem enhanced or degraded performance. You can
also identify areas where tuning is required.
You can use the DB2 PM Online Monitor to obtain information about:
• Subsystem-wide activity
− CPU times
− Buffer pool use
− Locking
− I/O activity.
• Individual thread activity
− Elapsed time
− Time spent in DB2
− Duration of suspension
− Read and write activity
− Locks obtained
− SQL statements executed.
Using the DB2 PM Online Monitor history function you can capture snapshots of
subsystem and/or thread activity and display the information at any point in time.
To use the DB2 PM Online Monitor, ensure that the DB2 monitor trace is active.
The DB2 PM Online Monitor requires monitor trace class 1 to collect data.
Table 1 shows the classes that you should activate to use the DB2 PM Online
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 6, “Using the Online Monitor” for the
privileges required.
To access the DB2 PM Online Monitor, select option 3, View online DB2 activity,
from the IBM database 2 Performance Monitor panel (see Figure 5).
Figure 6 on page 17 shows all of the options you can access from the DB2 PM
Online Monitor Main Menu.
16 DB2 PM
DB2 PM Online Monitor Main Menu
The DB2 PM Online Monitor LOOK command allows you to view information for
any of the exceptions detected.
You can create data sets where the exception processing output data can be
written for later analysis. The exception log data set contains an entry for each
field found in exception status. You can either print the contents or load the
same into a DB2 table for further analysis. The DB2 PM output data set
(DPMOUT) contains the DB2 instrumentation records sorted and converted to a
format that can be used to create DB2 PM reports, traces, and data sets.
18 DB2 PM
Exception Processor
Periodic units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1=Seconds
Periodic interval . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1-7200 Seconds
1-120 Minutes
> Disable auto-display for problem exceptions
> Sound alarm for exception warnings
_ Log file data set output needed
_ DPMOUT data set output needed
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM)
Version 4 Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 19, “Data Collector Purpose
and Function,” for details.
Note: If your installation has installed the DB2 PM Online Monitor
without the data collector, exception event processing is
2.3 Explain
The explain function provides specific help in identifying access path problems.
It also helps with the writing of efficient SQL statements through prototyping
during application development.
With the explain function you can identify in an easy to read format the access
strategy chosen by DB2 for a given SQL statement.
The distributed explain function lets you explain remote queries in the DB2 PM
Online Monitor environment.
20 DB2 PM
DGOMYWSO Source Explain Options
You can only view past data if the data collector is active for the subsystem you
are monitoring. The date and time on the panels supporting history indicate
when data being displayed was collected.
The availability of data is limited by the collection rate, the size of the VSAM
data set or data space used, the amount of historical data to be maintained, and
the thread history qualifications defined to limit the data gathered.
You can collect the DB2 trace data in a user-defined data set, and there is no
need to bother about SMF or GTF. Data collection can be automatically started
and stopped on the basis of time periods or events of interest. You can also
view the status of traces and messages.
To access collect report data panels, select option 6, Collect Report Data, from
the DB2 PM Online Monitor Main Menu (see Figure 6 on page 17).
To collect performance data, you first have to configure a collect task. You can
configure and start up to four collect tasks. For each collect task you must
• The type of data you want to gather
Select the DB2 PM report sets for which you want data to be collected. A
DB2 trace is started for each report set selected. You can collect data for
the following report sets:
− Accounting
22 DB2 PM
− Audit
− I/O Activity
− Locking
− Record Trace
− SQL Activity
− Statistics
− System Parameters
− Utility Activity.
See Appendix A, “DB2 Trace Data As Input to DB2 PM Report Set” on
page 183 for the DB2 trace data required for the various DB2 PM report sets.
You can also collect specific data types, IFCIDs, and limit the data by
requesting location, plan name, and authorization ID.
• Trace start and stop criteria
When the criteria are met the collect task is automatically started or stopped.
The criteria to start collecting data can be, for example, time, periodic
exception, exception event. The criteria to stop collecting data can be
elapsed time, number of records collected, thread termination, or a specified
number of records collected for a specific IFCID.
• Output data set name
To begin the triggering of DB2 traces, you must start the collect task. To stop
DB2 traces you must stop the collect task. When the traces are stopped, the
data collected in the output data set is available to DB2 PM Batch.
Systemwide performance data shows CPU times, buffer pool usage, locking, and
log and I/O activity. For an application you can find out the elapsed time, the
time spent in DB2, the read and write activity, the locks obtained, and the SQL
• Audit
Presents information about authorization and the users of specific resources.
• Explain
Presents information about the access path selected by DB2 for a particular
SQL statement, an application package, an application plan, a saved Query
Management Facility (QMF) query (SQL format), and a specified query
• I/O activity
Presents information about I/O activity for the buffer pool manager, the
environmental descriptor manager (EDM), and the DB2 log manager.
• Locking
Presents information about lock requests, lock suspensions, lockouts,
timeouts, and deadlocks.
• Record trace
Presents individual trace records formatted into readable report entries. It is
used for a very detailed study of a problem when none of the other reports
listed can identify the cause.
• SQL activity
Presents information about the execution of SQL statements during the
processing of a DB2 application.
• Statistics
Presents information about systemwide performance. Statistics reports can
be used to determine the efficiency of the subsystem, and they often indicate
the problem area.
• System parameters
Presents information about the configuration of the DB2 subsystem being
monitored. It is very important to tune the system parameters because the
values set for these parameters directly affect performance.
• Utility activity
Presents information about DB2 bind and utility activity.
24 DB2 PM
DB2 PM offers various ways of identifying unusual situations and therefore
limiting the amount of data that you need to examine. You can filter the data
and highlight potential problems using:
• From/To processing
To show information only for certain specified times.
• Include/Exclude processing
To show information only for certain plans, authorization IDs, or locations.
• Exception processing
To show only those entries that have values outside expected or planned
limits. DB2 PM compares the values of certain fields in the input data with
the exception thresholds and highlights any values that do not fall within
these limits.
• Ordering by INTERVAL
To summarize data for the peak periods during the day. You can use it in
accounting and statistics report sets.
• SAVE subcommand
SAVE saves summarized accounting and statistics data into a VSAM data
set. You can use the DB2 PM Save-file utility to convert the data set to a
format that is suitable for loading into DB2. You should also use SAVE to
produce graphs.
2.7.4 Graphs
You can generate and view graphs online by using the Interactive Report Facility
(IRF). You can create graphs from saved accounting and statistics data or from
frequency distribution data. Graphs are especially useful in determining trends
in DB2 performance.
• Statistics
To analyze DB2 system performance over a period of time. You can use this
graph to monitor systemwide DB2 usage trends.
• Frequency distribution
To analyze the frequency at which a field is between certain values. You can
generate this graph for selected fields from accounting, I/O, locking, SQL
activity, and utility activity data. It helps you identify unusual values by
dividing events into ranges.
26 DB2 PM
2.8 Interactive Report Facility
Using the IRF you can:
• Generate the JCL to invoke the DB2 PM facilities and submit the job
• Tailor accounting and statistics reports and traces
• Produce graphical reports.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Batch User ′ s Guide , Chapter 8, “Customizing DB2 PM Functions” for details.
• Capacity planning
Capacity planners require information that can assist in monitoring changes
in resource requirements from a systemwide perspective. Capacity planners
have overall responsibility for all computer resources, such as CPU, DASD,
storage, or network. Monitoring the system regularly is critical for learning
about the company′s growth pattern as well as tracking any changes to the
system utilization. The reports of interest to capacity planners are:
− Accounting
− Statistics
− I/O activity.
• Operations personnel
To monitor DB2 system performance and correct any potential problems
before or as they occur, operations personnel require online systemwide
information that can assist with detecting any potential problem areas. If
there are problems with any resource, operations notifies the system
programmer for diagnosis purposes and the capacity planner for estimation
purposes. This information is provided by DB2 PM Online Monitor. The
panels of interest are:
− Thread activity
− Locking activity
− Statistics.
• System programmers
System programmers require information that can assist in monitoring
overall DB2 system performance and diagnosing problems. System
programmers monitor the system resource utilization for buffer pools, EDM
pools, DB2 address spaces, log data sets, and bootstrap data sets. The
reports of interest are:
− I/O activity
− Locking
− Record trace
− Statistics
− System parameters
− Utility activity.
• Network specialists
Some aspects of overhead processing, for instance, network processing, are
not under DB2 control. Network specialists are responsible for the
28 DB2 PM
performance of the network that supports online transactions. In a
distributed application environment, network specialists must tune VTAM to
improve the performance of the network.
Monitoring and tuning performance in a distributed environment is a
complex task involving knowledge of several products. Refer to the IBM
DATABASE 2 for MVS/ESA Version 4 Administration Guide for some
guidelines on improving the performance of distributed applications.
Use DB2 PM Online Monitor exception processing to identify DB2 thread activity
and statistics fields that contain values outside the limits you set. Through the
early identification of problems before critical thresholds have been reached you
can better manage service levels.
Using display and periodic exception processing, which are discussed in detail in
this chapter, you can monitor and identify threads that are experiencing
problems and subsystem events that might be causing performance degradation.
The threshold values for thread activity and statistics fields are specified in the
exception threshold data set. A threshold can be defined as a warning or a
problem . When exception events are detected during your monitoring session,
you are notified so that you can take appropriate action.
To view the information about any of the exceptions use the DB2 PM Online
Monitor LOOK command.
With exception processing, you can create the following two data sets for later
• Exception log file data set
• Exception DPMOUT data set.
You can select events from within the DGOVDCCS member in the
product-supplied SDGOSAMP data set or from the Data Collector Parameters
panel. For further information on setting event exceptions in the DGOVDCCS
data set refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM)
Version 4 Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 19, “Data Collector Purpose and
Figure 10 on page 33 depicts the Exception Event Summary panel. All exception
events are written to this panel, which shows the date and time of the event, the
IFCID, and type of exception encountered.
32 DB2 PM
Look Selections
| Exception Event Summary ROW 1 TO 5 OF 8 |
| Command ===> ________________________________ |
| _ |
| |
| Reporting Started . . . . . . . . . . . : 95/04/24 08:07:11 |
| Last Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . : |
| |
| Date Time IFCID |
| _ 95/04/19 16:58:47 196 |
| Timeout |
| |
| _ 95/04/19 18:52:17 196 |
| Timeout |
| |
| _ 95/04/19 19:01:47 196 |
| Timeout |
| |
| _ 95/04/19 19:12:02 196 |
| Timeout |
| |
| _ 95/04/19 19:25:47 172 |
| Deadlock |
| F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Up F8=Down F12=Cancel |
When you select, for example, the deadlock event on the summary panel,
another panel is displayed that contains detailed information about the exception
event (see Figure 11 on page 34), such as the holder and waiter of the
resources, state and duration of the lock, and lock resources. The names of the
lock resources in this case are displayed as database IDs (DBIDs) and page set
IDs (PSIDs) and can be resolved by reference to SYSIBM.SYSTABLESPACE. For
other object types, for example, indexes, refer to the appropriate DB2 system
catalog tables.
34 DB2 PM
3.1.2 Periodic Exception Processing
Periodic exception processing runs as a background task, allowing you to
periodically monitor both thread activity and statistics fields. The warning and
problem thresholds set by you in the exception threshold data set are tested for
exceptions whenever the interval specified elapses. If the data collector is
active, periodic exception processing can continue when you exit the DB2 PM
Online Monitor or log off TSO.
When you next use the DB2 PM Online Monitor, any periodic messages reported
while you were logged off are displayed. Periodic exception processing is not
terminated until you stop it or until the data collector itself is stopped. If the data
collector is not active, periodic exception processing terminates when you exit
the DB2 PM Online Monitor.
Periodic units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1=Seconds
Periodic interval . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 1-7200 Seconds
1-120 Minutes
> Disable auto-display for problem exceptions
> Sound alarm for exception warnings
_ Log file data set output needed
_ DPMOUT data set output needed
You should consider carefully the setting of the time interval and the unit for
which exceptions are checked. It is possible to miss exceptions in the DB2 PM
T1 T2 T3 T4
| | | | | |
| D1 | | D2 |
| | | |
P1s P1e P2s P2e
T5 T6 T7 T8
| | |
| D3 |
| |
P3s P3e
For this example let us assume that the exception threshold data set contains
one value, checking for class 1 elapsed time, and the problem threshold is set to
> 4 . Therefore if the class 1 elapsed time exceeds 4 seconds, a problem
exception condition is raised. The interval is set from the Exception Processor
panel by specifying periodic units = 1 (seconds) and periodic interval = 30 (see
Figure 12 on page 35).
P1s, P2s, and P3s refer to the relative starting point of three transactions (P1, P2,
P3), and P1e, P2e, and P3e refer to the termination of the transactions.
Transaction P1 starts after time T1 and exceeds the threshold of 4 seconds at D1
before the second reporting interval, T2. In this case, even though the exception
threshold has occurred, a periodic exception is not reported, because the
transaction terminates before the second reporting period, T2.
36 DB2 PM
period T3. This exception is reported by the periodic exception monitor precisely
at time period T3 because the exception event occurs before time period T3 and
the transaction is active during the time spanning T3.
Finally transaction P3 starts after time period T5 and progresses past time period
T6 and T7 where it exceeds the threshold of 4 seconds. At time period T8 the
periodic exception monitor does not report an exception condition because the
transaction terminates before the precise reporting interval, T8.
From the example you can see that it is important to consider the periodic
interval at which thresholds are checked. Different types of processing have
distinct time profiles; batch jobs typically have much longer elapsed times than
online transactions. You may want to use this model as a starting point to
develop the kind of thresholds that are important to your installation and the
periodic time interval that is appropriate for those thresholds.
You can evolve or develop an exception threshold data set that contains
thresholds targeted at a wide profile of job types, online transactions, batch,
query processing, and utilities or populate an exception threshold data set that is
more specific. It may be appropriate during certain periods of the day to have
different threshold data sets specified as the input to periodic checking.
If you decide to monitor at the thread summary level, when you display the
Thread Detail panel, exceptions are not reported. Be aware of this when
choosing either the Display thread summary or Display thread detail option. We
recommend that you choose the Display thread summary option which displays
all threads in either warning or problem status. Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2
Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Online Monitor User ′ s Guide ,
Chapter 9, “Exception Processing” for more information on the LOOK command.
The AUTO display command simulates pressing Enter each time the period
specified on AUTO display startup elapses. As an example, AUTO 5 SEC
activates the simulated Enter press every 5 seconds. To terminate AUTO display,
The method by which display exception processing checks values against those
in your exception threshold data set is the same as the method for periodic
exception processing. At the precise instant that you press Enter,
instrumentation data and the values in your exception threshold data set are
compared. Therefore apply the considerations you make for periodic exception
processing intervals to the display exception intervals you adopt.
To display this panel, select option 5, Control Exception Processing, from the
DB2 PM Online Monitor Main Menu. Previously selected fields are indicated
with a greater-than symbol (>).
38 DB2 PM
95/04/24 14:29 Thread Summary ROW 1 TO 15 OF 15
Command ===> _________________________________________________________________
In addition to this window, a log that you access by issuing the LOOK command
is available. The log supports 500 entries, at which point the log wraps and
overwrites the oldest entry.
From the command line issue the LOOK command to get to the Look Selections
panel (Figure 15 on page 40).
_1 1. Periodic Exceptions
2. Periodic Exceptions Messages
3. Display Exceptions
4. Authorization Failure Summary
5. Exception Event Summary
6. Exception Event Messages
If the data collector is active, when selecting an event you can view the Thread
Detail panel and process the information in history format. If the data collector
is inactive, and the thread has terminated, you cannot obtain any information
from the Thread Detail panel.
40 DB2 PM
Look Selections
| Periodic Exceptions List ROW 19 TO 20 OF 20 |
| Command ===> ______________________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Periodic Interval started . . . . . . . : 95/04/24 15:11:07.66 |
| Last Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 95/04/24 15:23:48.78 |
| |
| Time Location Group Subsystem Member Corrname |
| Reqloc Primauth Planname Connect Corrnmbr |
| Field Value Compare Threshold Type By |
| Descr |
| -------- ------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- |
| _ 15:13:47 ST11DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2RES2B |
| ADDB2ETT 185.592461 > 5 Problem Total |
| |
| _ 15:13:47 ST11DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2RES2B |
| ADRECETT 186.078328 > 20 Problem Total |
| |
| F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Up F8=Down F12=Cancel |
When viewing threads from the Thread Summary panel, consider using both the
QUALIFY and SORT commands to focus on specific types of threads and report
the highest activity relating to the exception condition. For example, if your
threshold is examining the elapsed time of connections from IMS-MPP, use the
QUALIFY command to include only those threads and the SORT command to
order the highest elapsed time and exception condition to the top of the panel.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 11, “Viewing Thread Activity” for details on
the QUALIFY and SORT commands.
Figure 17 on page 42 shows how information is presented when you issue the
QUALIFY and SORT commands.
To display a thread, place any character next to it, then press Enter.
| DGOM911 Display exceptions found. 5 total 4 problem |
F1=Help ¢-----------------------------------------------------¢ 6=History
F7=Up F8=Down F9=Swap F10=Qualify F11=Sort F12=Cancel
If you specify, in your exception threshold data set, only fields that are found on
the Thread Detail panel, for example, Maximum page locks held , and choose to
monitor from the Thread Summary panel, exceptions are not reported.
Consider your requirements carefully and decide from which panel you want to
monitor your DB2 PM Online Monitor exceptions. This decision governs the
fields that are applicable. We recommend, under normal monitoring conditions,
that you use a combination of Display Thread and Periodic Statistics so that you
can see the highlighted threads and obtain statistics exceptions.
In addition to the reverse video warnings for exception conditions, you are
presented with a small window at the bottom of your Thread Summary panel
(see Figure 17). This window is presented each time the screen is refreshed
after the detection of an exception condition. The window message notes that
display exceptions have been detected and gives the total number and the
number in a problem exception state. A warning exception is not specifically
reported but contributes to the value in the total field.
Display exception events are tracked in much the same way as periodic
exception events. Display exception events are written to a display exception
log, which you can access through the LOOK command. The log contains a
maximum of 500 entries, at which point it wraps.
42 DB2 PM
3.4 Alternative Reporting Methods
Exception processing output data can be written to data sets. Use these data
sets for further analysis of exception conditions.
You can specify NEW, APPEND, or OVERWRITE for the data set disposition. Use
NEW if you want the data set to be dynamically allocated, APPEND if you want
the new records for exception conditions to be appended to the existing records
in the data set, and OVERWRITE if you want the new records for exception
conditions to overwrite the existing records in the data set.
See Appendix B, “DB2 PM Data Sets” on page 185 for the exception log file
data set attributes.
You can specify NEW, APPEND, or OVERWRITE for the data set disposition. Use
NEW if you want the data set to be dynamically allocated, APPEND if you want
the new records for exception conditions to be appended to the existing records
in the data set, and OVERWRITE if you want the new records for exception
conditions to overwrite the existing records in the data set.
See Appendix B, “DB2 PM Data Sets” on page 185 for the DPMOUT data set
Refer to IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Report Reference , “Appendix A” for the DPMOUT record layout.
DB2 PM provides sample DDL to create DB2 tables and sample statements to be
used with the LOAD utility. In addition, sample DML (SQL queries) is provided to
retrieve information from those tables. You can find sample definitions in the
SDGOSAMP data set.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Report Reference for details about FILE for accounting, audit, locking, record
trace, and statistics.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 9, “Exception Processing” for details.
If, after populating and using your exception threshold data set, you have a large
number of problem entries, the threshold values attributed to your nominated
fields are probably incorrect, or you may have a serious problem.
Because the definition of entries and decisions about threshold values are such
important tasks, which can be time consuming and rather imprecise, DB2 PM
provides a starter set of suggested fields and a method of calculating values for
you. The function is called PROFILING and is discussed in detail in 3.7,
“Exception Profiling” on page 49.
Having stated the above, we would like to point out that you can define different
exceptions for different applications (actually, plans) in one exception threshold
data set. Thus you do not have to “switch” exception threshold data sets when
you may have a mixed workload.
Generally, you would have two distinct types of exception threshold data sets.
You would use one exception threshold data set as part of your periodic
monitoring cycle as input to your accounting or statistics exception reports. This
exception threshold data set is likely to evolve over a period of time. You would
use the other exception threshold data set when specific DB2 problems arise, by
44 DB2 PM
defining thresholds related to the perceived problem, and its life may extend
only until the problem is resolved.
See Appendix B, “DB2 PM Data Sets” on page 185 for information about
allocating a new exception threshold data set.
If you define your thresholds based on fields showing total values, choose
the By Total instead of By Thread option. If you define your thresholds
based on fields showing average values, choose the By Thread instead of
By Total option.
Consider four threads, each taking 10, 15, 5, and 8 seconds of class 1
elapsed time, respectively. Your exception threshold is set to trigger at
> 10 seconds for class 1 elapsed time. Using the By Total option in
conjunction with an accounting report produces the following result: The
four occurrences of elapsed time are added together, totaling 38 seconds,
and that value is compared to the threshold value of 10 seconds. An
exception condition is reported.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 9, “Exception Processing ” for details
about how to define exception threshold values.
The initial threshold values in your exception threshold data set may generate a
high number of exceptions, and you should adjust them to report only genuine
exceptions. For example, if, in your DB2 system, applications legitimately
generate deadlocks, consider setting your threshold for deadlock exceptions
above the acceptable value. Over a period of time and as an ongoing process
your exception threshold data set should evolve to reflect accurate values.
Table 2 shows the exception reporting fields that are of interest to the system
Table 2 (Page 1 of 2). Exception Reporting Fields for the System Programmer
Field ID Field Name Compare Suggested
Operator Value
QISEFAIL EDM pool full > 0
46 DB2 PM
Table 2 (Page 2 of 2). Exception Reporting Fields for the System Programmer
Field ID Field Name Compare Suggested
Operator Value
QBSTHWF Synch or asynch write request > V
failed-shortage of expanded
SRTTERM RID list processing failure for any > 0
QDSTQDBT DBATs queued-maximum active > 0
You can at your discretion replace 0 in the Suggested Value field with a small
A V in the Suggested Value field indicates that the actual value is installation or
plan specific. To determine what V should be, consider using the DB2 PM
PROFILING mechanism.
For each identified plan, map an elapsed time that triggers a warning exception
and an elapsed time that triggers a problem exception. Your threshold data set
could therefore consist of five entries with specific elapsed time thresholds for
each plan. The triggering of an exception indicates that one of your critical
transactions is not performing; further investigation is warranted.
Be aware, however, that for IMS-WFI transactions and CICS transactions using
protected threads, the same thread can be reused by multiple transactions.
Table 3 shows the exception reporting fields that are of interest to the database
Table 3 (Page 1 of 2). Exception Reporting Fields for the Database Administrator
Field ID Field Name Compare Suggested
Operator Value
ADRECETT Class 1 elapsed time > V
48 DB2 PM
Table 3 (Page 2 of 2). Exception Reporting Fields for the Database Administrator
Field ID Field Name Compare Suggested
Operator Value
QLACCNVQ Conversations queued by DDF > V
You can at your discretion replace 0 in the Suggested Value field with a small
A V in the Suggested Value field indicates that the actual value is installation or
plan specific. To determine what V should be, consider using the DB2 PM
PROFILING mechanism.
During exception profiling, some lengthy processing may result if you use large
amounts of SMF or GTF data, especially when multiple fields are being
calculated in one execution.
Selecting option 6, Exception Profiling, from the DB2 Performance Monitor panel
displays the panel shown in Figure 18. Use this panel to specify your warning
and exception percentage values and nominate the input and output data sets.
Press Enter to generate the JCL. Execute this JCL to produce the calculated
exception thresholds.
The Exception Profiling panel shows the required data sets. The input threshold
data set can be either the data set provided with DB2 PM, which you can copy
and tailor, or the data set you populate yourself. The sample threshold
members (DGOETV30 for DB2 V3 and DGOETV41 for DB2 V4) are provided in
SDGODATA. The output threshold data set contains the result of the profile
generation and is therefore to be regarded as input to exception processing.
Plan to produce an exception profiling report. This report is for your use only
but provides useful information on the calculated values (SPECIFIED
THRESHOLD), and the expected number of exceptions (EXCEPTIONS
GENERATED) for various exception percentages. Figure 19 on page 51 shows
an example of the output report.
50 DB2 PM
ACTUAL AT: 04/18/95 18:33:47.08 DB2 PERFORMANCE MONITOR (V4) PAGE: 1
INPUT TO: 04/17/95 22:04:57.68
The report not only gives the recommended problem and warning threshold
values but also provides values above and below the recommended value so
that you can make adjustments without rerunning the profiling function. These
alternate values are percentages in multiples of 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2
times the problem exception percentage specified on the Exception Profiling
See Figure 20 on page 52 for a sample input specification for the exception
threshold data set used in exception profiling. When specifying values for the
exception threshold data set in the Exception Threshold Field Details panel
shown in Figure 20 on page 52, ensure that you specify an asterisk (*) in either
the warning threshold field or problem threshold field or both as required. This
specification is important as only fields found with an asterisk are replaced with
calculated values during exception profiling.
You can specify additional criteria for qualifying the data that you want checked
during exception processing for an exception threshold entry. These criteria are
useful when you want to specify different exception threshold values. For
example, you may want to specify different elapsed time thresholds for online
transactions and batch jobs. You can achieve this by having two entries with
different threshold values, and each entry qualified by the appropriate
connection ID.
52 DB2 PM
• Thread detail with locking information and SQL statement
• Statistics
• System parameters.
The data collector runs as a started task address space and is activated by the S
procname,parms command, where procname is the name of the JCL member in
the system PROCLIB concatenation, and parms are the substitution parameters
for the JCL.
The data collector stores instrumentation data in either a data space or a VSAM
data set. A data space is defined as a part of virtual storage, and you determine
the size allocated to this virtual storage. We recommend using a VSAM data set
as the target for the data captured by the data collector as there is no
perceivable degradation in performance when using the history function, and
therefore no explicit reason to use a data space. With a VSAM data set you also
have more scope in allocating a larger area for data collection than would be
viable if you used virtual storage with a data space.
Once the allocated space in either the data space or VSAM data set is
exhausted, the space wraps and the new data is written over the oldest recorded
data. An easy way to find out how far back your history data spans is to provide
in the Thread Summary or Thread Detail panel an unrealistic past date value in
the format YY/MM/DD, for example, 53/10/29. This value automatically takes you
to the earliest displayable history data and reports the date and time in the top
right-hand corner of the screen.
The data collector initialization parameters are used at invocation of the data
collector, and one of the many parameters, HISTORYINTERVAL, specifies how
often, in seconds, the data is gathered. The value can range from 0 (no data
collection) to 86400 seconds (one day). The more aggressive your collection
cycle becomes, for example, 5 seconds, the quicker the collection space wraps.
The HISTORYINTERVAL also determines the history playback interval.
You can dynamically change data collector parameters, provided you have the
required authorization, by accessing the Data Collector Parameter panel.
Changes made through that panel remain in effect until you stop the data
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 20, “Administrator User,” for details on the
authorization required.
You also can use the DIAGNOSE command to identify exceptional conditions and
recommendations for resolution. For further information and a description of the
history commands Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS
(DB2 PM) Version 4 Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 8,“Viewing Past Data.”
54 DB2 PM
3.9 Problem Determination
The DB2 PM Online Monitor diagnose function simplifies problem determination.
It analyzes a thread′s performance data, presents an online diagnosis of the
principal factors contributing to the thread′s performance degradation, and
provides recommendations for problem resolution.
The DB2 PM Online Monitor Diagnosis of Thread window also simplifies problem
determination by listing all of the constraints detected by the diagnose function.
For example, the high synchronous I/O suspension for a thread has a default
value of 25 milliseconds. If, in its analysis, the diagnose function detects that the
thread′s average synchronous I/O suspension exceeds the default value, it
considers that there is a constraint on the thread′s performance and identifies
synchronous I/O suspension as a possible contributor to the problem.
You can change the default values for any of the 12 diagnosis rules of thumb
listed in Figure 21 to those values that best reflect the needs of your
environment. To change the defaults, run the DB2 PM REXX EXEC, DGOJVARS,
and select the Adjust diagnosis rules of thumb option. The DGOJVARS REXX
EXEC is in the DB2 PM target library, SDGOSAMP. Refer to the IBM DATABASE
2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Online Monitor User ′ s Guide ,
Chapter 17, “Customizing Thread Diagnosis.”
The Diagnosis of Thread window lists all constraints that were detected during
the diagnostic analysis, together with a current high level overview of the
thread′s time distribution. The constraints are listed in the order in which they
were detected by the diagnostic analysis; the first constraint listed is the
dominant constraint.
In the sample Diagnosis of Thread window in Figure 22, two constraints have
been detected. The buffer pool read hit ratio for BP0 is low, and the thread has
experienced lock escalations. The elapsed times for the five processing states
are shown.
56 DB2 PM
Each constraint and each processing state listed can in turn be selected for
constraint processing on constraint information panels (see Figure 23 on
page 57). A constraint information panel shows:
• The performance variables that describe the constraint
• Likely causes of the condition and the actions that may be considered for
• DB2 trace data relevant to the constraint
• Supporting information from the DB2 catalog, for example, the BIND option
• Any diagnosis rule of thumb that was influenced in detecting the constraint
• References to other related constraints, in which case you can select the
Related Constraint Information panel.
The diagnose function not only uses the rule of thumb values but also considers
environmental conditions. For example, information on hiperpools would not be
included on the Diagnose of Thread window if the installation is not enabling the
use of hiperpools.
There are three different methods of using the DB2 PM explain function:
• Batch explain
Batch explain can explain ALL SQL statements in a plan or package.
• DB2 PM Online Monitor explain
DB2 PM Online Monitor explain is statement-oriented. You can explain only
one SQL statement at a point in time.
• Source explain
Source explain can explain all SQL statements in the block of source
statements specified.
The explain reports can be based on the SQL statements found in:
• An application plan
• An application package
• A stored QMF query
• A specific SQL statement
• A specific query number.
When explaining statements of a package or plan, the explain execution time can
be relatively long if the plan or package holds many explainable SQL statements.
To reduce the execution time and get the required information quickly, choose
the appropriate value for the LEVEL option:
• EXPLAIN.....LEVEL(SUMMARY) shows access path information for each SQL
statement in one line for each plan.
• EXPLAIN.....LEVEL(BASIC) shows access path and explain information but
excludes information about indexes, tables, and table spaces.
• EXPLAIN.....LEVEL(DETAIL) INDEX(NO) shows all access path and explain
information. It includes information about tables and table spaces but
excludes information about indexes.
• EXPLAIN.....LEVEL(KEYDIST) INDEX(ALL) shows all access path and explain
information. It includes information about tables and table spaces as well as
all available catalog information, including key distribution and information
for all indexes created on the table.
58 DB2 PM
accessed for information. Some of the DB2 system catalog tables do not have
indexes, and therefore the catalog can play a major role in execution times.
Methods of improving the performance of explain with DB2 catalog tables that do
not have indexes are discussed in, “Performance Considerations.”
To improve the performance of explain, you can copy these tables and add your
own indexes. Remember, however, that DB2 does not maintain the currency of
the information in the copy tables. DB2 V4 lets you create user-defined indexes
on the DB2 catalog tables.
A cautionary note, however. Remote source explain presupposes that all of the
physical database components already exist on the production system along with
all of the expected data. Thus consider remote source explain only for existing
applications on the production system that are perhaps being enhanced or for
new applications that use the existing production database environment.
60 DB2 PM
data also for other tables, the Table Space Information window is displayed.
The Tables field on the Table Space Information window shows the number
of tables located in the table space. If the access path is table space scan
and the table space is not segmented, we recommend that there be only one
table per table space. If the table space is not segmented and the table
space contains data for more than one table, all tables are scanned, even if
you are selecting data from only one table.
• Host variable definition or column definitions
An inconsistency between the host variable definition and the corresponding
column definition shown on DB2 Explain Output panel could indicate an
inefficient access path selection, resulting from a possible disqualification of
index use.
For more information about Batch explain and DB2 PM Online Monitor explain
refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Batch User ′ s Guide , Chapter 15, “Monitoring the Access Path - Explain” and the
IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Online
Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 13, “Monitoring the Access Path - Explain.”
Figure 24. Road Map for Problem Resolution: DB2 PM Online Monitor Exceptions
62 DB2 PM
3.11.1 Exception Reported
In the DB2 PM Online Monitor environment, problem detection should start with
a notification of an exception event. Exception monitoring does not necessarily
require DB2 personnel to view a DB2 PM display or be within the DB2 PM task.
Indeed exception monitoring is a passive task. The exception condition raised is
most likely to be reported as a TSO message from DB2 PM indicating that a
periodic exception has occurred. In the event that you had logged off TSO, the
messages are reported when you log on to the system.
The Thread Detail Panel presents information in real time or displays history
information. In either mode these important options are available:
• SQL statement and package or DBRM
• Explain
• Locked resources.
For a suspected SQL access path problem, select the SQL statement and
package or DBRM option to obtain information on the currently executing SQL
statement and statement number. From here you can execute the EXPLAIN
command, which displays the access path chosen and additional information on
the Explain Output Panel.
3.11.6 Diagnose
Diagnose identifies the constraints acting on a thread and causing degradation
of its performance and makes recommendations to aid problem resolution.
Diagnose is a powerful function providing very useful information and help and
should always be used at this early stage of problem determination. Its early
use, and the function it provides, can defer the involvement of your most highly
skilled DB2 professionals. The information and recommendations that the
diagnose function provides gives enough direction so that less highly skilled DB2
professionals can resolve the problem.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , Chapter 10, “Collecting Performance Data for
Reporting” or the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM)
Version 4 Batch User ′ s Guide , Chapter 3, “Collecting Performance Data” for
64 DB2 PM
3.11.11 Switch SMF or Process Active SMF
If the problem is not instantly recreatable and some action is required to identify
the exception cause, processing data from SMF is an option. Depending on your
installation′s procedures regarding SMF, you can make available recent past
SMF data in the active SMF data sets by issuing an MVS command to switch the
currently active SMF data set. This activity typically would be performed by your
operations staff or the MVS systems programmer. In some installations the SMF
data is read directly from the active SMF data set, but this method is not
recommended. You can generate accounting and statistics reports from the SMF
data. For more detailed reports, use the Collect Report Data facility, which
provides the necessary trace records for report generation.
Configure the collect task to trigger automatic trace activation following the
detection of an exception event, and turn off the trace once the thread has
terminated. However, remain logged on and within the DB2 PM environment to
allow automatic trace triggering because, in this case, the data collector is not
active (see 3.8.3, “Collection Dependencies” on page 54).
Use the collected trace data to produce accounting and statistics reports. If after
further analysis more detailed reports are required, reconfigure the Collect
Report Data facility and arrange to gather the appropriate trace records.
This chapter describes periodic monitoring and explains how it can help you
maintain good DB2 subsystem performance.
Periodic monitoring requires that the personnel responsible for the performance
and monitoring of the DB2 subsystem dedicate time at each iteration of the
monitoring cycle. Therefore the amount of information presented should be
relevant and precise. With DB2 PM you can produce reports that specifically
identify exception events, generate accounting TOP or accounting TOP ONLY
reports to show threads using the most resources, and tailor reports to your
Plan to produce simple, meaningful reports that identify only those situations that
require action. A 40-page report depicting a healthy system is a waste not only
of your time but also of system resources.
With mature unchanging systems you can plan to relax the monitoring frequency
and focus on examining trends to keep your “finger on the pulse.”
We also recommend that you run accounting and statistics reports in conjunction
with the accounting and statistics exception reports.
DB2 PM analyzes performance data to create reports and graphs that give you a
clear, complete picture of overall DB2 subsystem performance. See 4.3,
“Collecting DB2 Performance Data” for a discussion concerning collection of
performance data. The graphs are presented in terms of workload activity,
utilization, and responsiveness, focusing on DB2 subsystem, connection, and
plan utilization and storage and I/O resources.
68 DB2 PM
4.3.1 SMF
SMF is used for continuous monitoring. It is the default destination for statistics,
accounting, and audit traces.
Data directed from DB2 to SMF can get lost. The most common reason is that
SMF buffers overflow. If your system is likely to generate a large quantity of
records over a short time period, consider increasing the SMF buffer size and
the SMF data set size.
In addition to specifying the DB2 trace classes for activation ensure that DB2 can
direct records to SMF. Your system programmer can validate that the following
SMF record types are active:
• SMF record type 100 (statistics trace records)
• SMF record type 101 (accounting trace records)
• SMF record type 102 (performance and audit trace records).
The SMF dump utility can select DB2 record types from an SMF dump data set
by filtering on SMF record types 100, 101, and 102 before DB2 PM handles the
4.3.2 GTF
You can direct the DB2 IFC records to GTF if you expect to generate large
volumes of data (for example, you may want to collect detailed SQL information).
However, be aware that GTF operates on a wraparound basis. When the end of
the GTF file is reached GTF repositions at the beginning of the file and starts
overwriting previously recorded data. Ensure that the GTF file is large enough to
contain the required data.
One of the benefits of using GTF is that the trace records are immediately
available for processing once the GTF trace is stopped.
To gain further benefit from DPMOUT processing specify the GLOBAL command
in the DB2 PM command stream because only the records that pass GLOBAL
processing go into the DPMOUT data set. Use the PRESORTED(ENFORCE) option
on the GLOBAL command. Producing DPMOUT records implicitly sorts the
There are additional benefits in collecting trace information to the collect task
data set. You potentially avoid flooding SMF or GTF with a large number of
records, and you make the trace data immediately available without affecting
SMF of GTF record collection. You do not need to be able to issue operator
commands associated with SMF and GTF functions (which is an authorization
issue in many cases), and you do not need to synchronize what you are doing
with an operator.
To collect data, you must have the necessary DB2 privileges to start and stop
DB2 traces. When DB2 PM attempts to start the traces for the specified report
on your behalf, your primauth is passed to DB2 for authorization checking.
To collect performance data, first configure a collect task and then specify the
type of data you require, the trace start and stop criteria, and the output data set
name. The collect task triggers the appropriate DB2 trace to start writing the
collected data to a data set and stops the trace when the criteria you specify has
been matched.
You can configure up to four independent collect tasks. With each task, you can
collect specific data types, IFCIDs, and limit the volume of data by requesting
specific location, plan name, and authorization ID.
Using the data collector you can configure DB2 traces to start:
• At a specified time of the day
• When a specified periodic exception is detected
• When a specified exception event occurs
• Immediately.
You can see that there are various levels of sophistication for starting traces.
However, let us consider the collection of trace data for an infrequent problem
that occurs overnight. To capture very detailed trace data and ensure that the
SMF buffers are not flooded, an experienced person must be on site to start the
traces at the appropriate time and terminate the traces once the problem occurs.
It is quite possible that the problem will not occur for several nights. This
situation is not only very inconvenient but also expensive to support.
By using the DB2 PM collect task you can turn on the selected traces
automatically through the detection of either a periodic or event exception,
previously defined, and turn off the trace when the thread terminates, after a
specified elapsed time or after a specific IFCID has been collected a number of
70 DB2 PM
Be aware that, like SMF and GTF, a collect task can lose data. The data loss
can occur because DB2 moves the trace records to a circular buffer in memory.
When there is more data than a threshold that the collect task specifies, the
collect task is posted, wakes up, and copies the data back into its own address
space. The TSO user who is running at a lower dispatching priority than the DB2
address space copies the records. If DB2 is writing data at a rate that is faster
than a rate with which the user can cope, the data is lost when the buffer wraps
around. The user can change the buffer size to avoid data loss.
The data that the collect task collects can be used as input to DB2 PM batch
jobs, and the reports generated can be made available when support personnel
arrive in the morning. There is no disruption to your operations personnel, and
no risk that your system will be affected for an extended period because of
detailed trace data collection.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Batch User ′ s Guide , Chapter 3, “Collecting Performance Data” for detailed
information about configuring a collect task and gathering trace data
The most important factors in exception detection are identifying the correct
fields and supplying the appropriate threshold values. Recommendations for
setting exception thresholds are discussed in detail in 3.6, “Setting Exception
Thresholds” on page 44.
Plan to produce both accounting and statistics exception reports every day and
make these the focus of your attention. If exceptions are identified, you should
examine the batch accounting and statistics reports. These reports should
provide a good pointer to or in many cases identify the cause of your exception.
You can develop and use a number of exception threshold data sets for report
generation. For example, you can have one exception threshold data set that
identifies specific plans critical to the business, focusing on elapsed time. This
data set can be useful in reporting exception events for the previous online day.
You can have another exception threshold data set that reports exceptions from
overnight batch processing. Each exception threshold data set identifies
exception fields and thresholds to be used in specific circumstances.
There is no limit to the number of exception threshold data sets that you
develop. You will find it very useful to have specific threshold data sets tailored
for use with certain plans, connection types, correlation IDs, or primauth IDs.
Having stated the above, we would also like to point out that you can define
different exceptions for different applications (actually, plans) in one exception
threshold data set, thus eliminating the need to ″switch″ exception threshold
data sets if you have a mixed workload.
The accounting exception report is easy to read (see Figure 25). It provides
accounting report information for threads that are in exception and includes the
exception messages block for each exception.
--------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------- -------------- -------- -------- --------
DB2RES2 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1:05.080300 18.431857 7128.00 0.00 0.00
DSNTEP41 0 1 13.0K 1.00 1.00 1.00 38.428172 14.175631 5688.00 396.00 0
|DSNTEP2 PACKAGE 1 13.0K 18.431792 14.175577 3.332170 90.00|
* *
The UTR feature can be particularly useful if you want to remove fields from a
report for which you have no responsibility, reduce the volume of data to
highlight key fields, or provide more detail concerning particular aspects of the
report. With the UTR feature you can:
• Add entire blocks and individual fields to an existing layout
• Remove entire blocks and individual fields from an existing layout
• Change the relative positions of blocks and fields in an existing layout
• Change block and field labels.
72 DB2 PM
Figure 26 on page 73 shows the JCL that includes the statements required to
use the UTR feature.
DB2 PM uses default profiles for the creation of standard report sets, for
example, the accounting short report. The profiles for your tailored report reside
in a partitioned data set created and owned by you. Save the profiles with
meaningful names because you refer to them when report layouts are
You must name the data set in which you plan to save your user-tailored profile
on the User-Tailored Report Layout Generation panel. To use your own tailored
profiles, you must identify the data set in which they reside to DB2 PM.
The DPMPARMS DD statement identifies the data set containing the UTR
profiles, and the LAYOUT option identifies the specific profile to be used for the
trace or report.
--------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------- -------------- -------- -------- --------
DB2RES2 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1:05.080300 18.431857 7128.00 0.00 90.00
DSNTEP41 0 1 13.0K 1.00 1.00 1.00 38.428172 14.175631 5688.00 396.00 0
Figure 29 on page 75 shows the Accounting TOP ONLY report with accounting
entries for the first and last users from the top 20 users of high class 1 elapsed
74 DB2 PM
DB2 VERSION: V4 TO: 04/17/95 15:32:32.12
--------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------- -------------- -------- -------- --------
DB2RES3 15 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10:00.816057 4:54.158991 42445.20 3849.33 1.40
DSNTEP41 0 14 430.4K 1.00 0.93 1.00 4:44.619477 2:24.916830 31072.93 5473.33 0
--------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------- -------------- -------- -------- --------
18 report occurrences not shown
--------------------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------------- -------------- -------- -------- --------
DB2RES2 4 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.572334 12.581559 4308.00 0.00 0.00
DSNTEP41 0 4 12.2K 1.00 1.00 1.00 33.339927 10.673360 2796.00 224.50 0
Figure 31 on page 76 shows the last page of the accounting report indicating the
first and last top 20 users of high class 1 elapsed time.
---- -------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----
1 DSNTEP41 10:00.816057 1-1
18 TOP entries not shown
20 DSNTEP41 51.572334 25-1
4.7 Graphs
Graphical data is most useful for the presentation of trend analysis. To use a
graph to determine the difference between the amount of synchronous I/O and
prefetch I/O for an exception that occurred the previous evening, would be
inappropriate; an accounting report would be more appropriate. However, to
check whether a general trend is developing between TCB class 1 time and
elapsed class 1 time would require an analysis of several days or perhaps two
weeks of data. In this situation it would be time consuming to process a number
of accounting reports when the GRAPH function can represent the information in
a clear and easy-to-understand format.
Graphs are produced from direct interaction with a sequence of DB2 PM panels,
starting with the Graphics Selection Menu (see Figure 32 on page 77).
76 DB2 PM
Graphics Selection Menu
One of the requirements for graph generation is the inclusion of the saved output
generated by invoking accounting and/or statistics reduce and save functions.
This saved output resides in VSAM data sets that you define and is subsequently
used as input for the graph generation process.
The default DDNAMEs for both accounting save and statistics save VSAM data
sets are ACSAVDD and STSAVDD, respectively. Appendix B, “DB2 PM Data
Sets” on page 185 provides information regarding the allocation of these and
other important data sets.
You can also produce graphs from the distributed file created from the
processing of the DISTRIBUTE command.
You may want to produce graphs using perhaps a week′s worth of saved data to
check for unusual trends. Use the method described below in conjunction with
the normal daily production of an accounting and statistics report.
To collect both accounting and statistics save data for a period of several days,
use the Interactive Report Selections panel in Figure 33 on page 78, which
shows the Reduce, Report, and Save functions selected for both Accounting and
Additional Functions
Global Processing . . . . . . . . . . . _
Frequency Distribution . . . . . . . . . _
System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . _
Exception log . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
Explain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
Figure 34 shows the JCL generated for the selections in Figure 33.
Figure 34. JCL for Accounting and Statistics Reduce, Report, and Save
78 DB2 PM
Follow these steps to collect accounting and statistics save data:
1. Define both accounting save and statistics save data sets. Ensure the data
sets are large enough to contain the desired amount of data.
2. Decide on an appropriate interval for your graph. If you plan to have graphs
at the end of the week, use the defaults interval(0) and boundary(0) to
produce graphs that have data summed every day of the week. Choose other
values for interval and boundary if you want to produce graphs more
frequently during the week.
3. Generate JCL from the DB2 PM Interactive Report Selections panel to
include the save function.
4. If the VSAM save data set is empty, schedule the job to populate the save
data set.
5. If this is a second or subsequent iteration, include:
• RESTORE DDNAME(ACSAVDD) for accounting
• RESTORE DDNAME(STSAVDD) for statistics.
6. Save the generated job stream for inclusion in some form of daily automated
job scheduler.
This procedure will have the effect of adding subsequent save records to the end
of the respective accounting or statistics save VSAM data sets.
Figure 35. JCL for Accounting and Statistics Reduce, Restore, Report, and Save
80 DB2 PM
Figure 36. Accounting by Field Identifier Graph
The graph in Figure 38 shows that during the same time period (12:00 to 16:00)
the two affected transactions had high SQL activity, thus explaining the sudden
increase in class 2 TCB time.
82 DB2 PM
4.7.4 Statistics System Graph
Use the statistics system graph to compare up to four statistics fields against
time. You can use the graph to monitor systemwide DB2 resource usage trends.
Figure 39 shows an example of a statistics system graph. The period 04/17 was
a holiday, which explains the low activity on that date. The DB2 system was
restarted, and the graph shows that on 04/18 most requests for PTs were not
found in the EDM pool. During the next three days a much higher ratio of PTs
was found in the EDM pool even though the request demand stayed high. There
is an improving trend for a five-day period.
The graph in Figure 40 on page 84 shows accounting by field identifier graph for
class 1 elapsed time.
During the online day high average values are reported during a period
spanning 12:00 to 14:00 for the FLHPE1TB plan. To examine the makeup of the
average values, use a frequency distribution graph.
84 DB2 PM
Figure 41. Frequency Distribution Graph
For information on editing, printing, and saving graphs, refer to the Graphic Data
Display Manager/Presentation Graphics Feature: Interactive Chart Facility User′ s
Guide .
The default definition for MAINPACK is the package ID of the first executed
package. The MAINPACK definition is stored in the DPMPARMS member,
MAINPACK. You can tailor MAINPACK to your requirements by accessing the
MAINPACK Definition Member Editor by selecting option 4, Maintain MAINPACK
definitions, on the Data Set Maintenance Menu in the IRF. MAINPACK can be
used in INCLUDE/EXCLUDE and ORDER processing.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Batch User ′ s Guide, Chapter 8, “Customizing DB2 PM Functions” for more
details and examples.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Batch User ′ s Guide, Chapter 8, “Customizing DB2 PM Functions” for more
details and examples.
Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Batch User ′ s Guide, Chapter 8, “Customizing DB2 PM Functions” for more
details and examples.
Figure 42 on page 87 shows the sequence of actions you can take to resolve a
number of problem situations. Use the diagram in conjunction with the text in
this section. The text expands on the elements in the diagram, suggests
underlying causes of the problem, and recommends which reports to run.
86 DB2 PM
------------- ------------- -------------
|Accounting-| |Statistics-| |Locking- |
|Exception | |Exception | |Lockout |
---|Report, |-|Report, |-|Trace |----
| |Report with| |Report | | | |
| |TOP lists, | | | | | |
| |TOP ONLY | | | | | |
| ------------- ------------- ------------- |
------------- ------------
|Application| | DB2 |
---------| Problem |--------- |Subsystem |
| ------------- | | Problem |
----------- | ------------
| High | | |
| Class 1 | | |
| Elapsed | | ------------
| Time | | | Examine |
----------- | |Statistics|
| | | Report |
------------- ----------- ------------
Y | Low | N |Timeouts |
---| Class 2 |--- | and |
| | Elapsed | | |Deadlocks|
| | Time | | -----------
| ------------- | |
------------- ------------ ----------- ------------
|Network and| Y | High | N |Lockout | | SQL |
|Transaction|----| Class 2 |---- |Trace or |----| Activity |
|Manager | | | TCB | | |Report | | Report |
|Reports | | | Time | | ----------- ------------
------------- | ------------ |
| |
----------- ----------- ------------ ----------
| High | | High | N |Not | | RMF |
| SQL | | Class 3 |-----|Accounted |---| Report |
|Activity | |Wait Time| | | | |
----------- ----------- ------------ ----------
| |Y
----------- ------------
| Explain | Y | High | N
| | ----|Lock/Latch|------------------
----------- | | Time | |
| | ------------ |
----------- | |
| SQL | | |
|Activity | | |
| Report | | |
----------- | |
| |
-------------- -------------- -------------- -----------
Y |Can Recreate| N | High I/O |---------| Statistics |--| RMF |
----|the Problem |---- ----| Suspension |---- | Report | | Report |
| | Now? | | | | Time | | -------------- -----------
| -------------- | | -------------- |
| | ------------ -------------
----------- --------------- |Unexpected| |Unexpected |
|Collect | |Trigger Trace | |Prefetch | ---|Synchronous|----
|Trace | |Data Collection| | | | |I/O | |
|into UDS | |by Exception | ------------ | ------------ |
----------- ----------------- | | |
| | | | |
| ------------ | ----------- -------------- -----------
| | Lock | | | Access | | Sequential | | Access |
|--->|Suspension|<---| | Path | | Prefetch | | Path |
| Report | | Change: | | Disabled | | Change: |
------------ | Explain | -------------- | Explain |
----------- -----------
The triangle in Figure 43 represents the volume of data available to DB2 PM for
use in problem determination. As DB2 PM uses data further and further below
the horizontal line truncating the triangle, the cost increases in terms of tracing
overhead, data storage requirements, CPU processing, and the human cost of
reviewing the information and identifying the problem.
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ DB2 PM \
/ \
/ \
/ DATA \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
/ \
88 DB2 PM
By processing the volume of data represented by the area above the horizontal
line, 95% of the problems can be solved, or the cause of the problems identified.
This volume of data represents that required for the production of the accounting
and statistics report set.
By analyzing the accounting and statistics reports, with some experience you
can identify the cause of problems and make recommendations for problem
resolution. The information obtained from these reports may indicate, on
occasions, that you have to produce more detailed reports to identify the cause
of the problem. However, by identifying a specific time period, plan name or
primauth ID in the accounting and statistics reports, you are in a better position
to reduce the volume of data you need to process.
Once a DB2 problem has been identified, through DB2 PM facilities or some
other medium, before embarking on a detailed diagnosis of the problem,
consider any recent alterations or changes to software releases, hardware,
applications, and data volumes.
Accounting Report with TOP Lists: Accounting reports show thread activity and
therefore provide valuable information on application performance.
Be sure to look at the TOP lists at the end of the accounting report. They will
help you focus attention on the relevant sections in the accounting report.
By default, the accounting report is in the primauth ID-plan name sequence. You
can change this sequence by using the ORDER option. For example, to see the
average elapsed time for a transaction during the online day and how the
elapsed time fluctuates on an hourly basis, use ORDER(INTERVAL-PLANNAME)
and restrict the contents of the report to the specific plan by using
Figure 44. Accounting Reduce and Report with Include and Order
Statistics Exception Report: Review the exception report first. If your exception
thresholds are realistic, you should see few or no exceptions in problem status
but may encounter some in warning status. You can decide at this stage to plan
actions to resolve problems with warning exceptions or monitor on a daily basis.
The DB2 system programmers and database administrators can use the
statistics exception report to confirm the existence of a DB2 subsystem problem
affecting applications. Many of the fields that directly affect DB2 subsystem
performance should be included in the exception threshold data set and
therefore reported in the exception report. See 3.6.3, “Fields for Populating the
Threshold Data Set” on page 45 for a discussion of the fields to consider for
exception processing.
Statistics Report: The statistics report summarizes all data between the start
and end time. If you decide to produce a statistics report covering a 24-hour
period, the report will summarize all data for that period and show, for example,
the number of getpage requests, the number of system checkpoints, and the
efficiency of the EDM pools and buffer pools for that period.
90 DB2 PM
If you require a more granular approach and want to see subsystem
performance summarized into 2 hours for a 24-hour period, use the REDUCE
subcommand to reduce and summarize records for the reduction interval you
specify. Figure 45 on page 91 shows the sample JCL to reduce data into two
hourly summarized records reported on an hourly boundary (12.00, 13.00, 14.00).
For more information on running statistics reports refer to the IBM DATABASE 2
Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Batch User ′ s Guide .
Lockout Trace: The lockout trace shows timeouts and deadlocks and identifies
the holders, waiters, and resources in question.
High Class 1 Elapsed Time: If you suspect an application problem, examine the
accounting report for the reported times. If the exception thresholds have been
set to monitor class 1 elapsed times for critical transactions, the exception report
gives the time and severity of the problem and indicates how far the exception
has exceeded its threshold.
You may want to consider producing the accounting report that shows individual
invocations of a plan. However, restrict the period of reporting to that given
around the time indicated in the exception report as significantly more
information is produced with this type of report. Compare class 1 elapsed time
with class 2 elapsed time.
Low Class 2 Elapsed Time: If most of the elapsed time spent is in class 1 and
proportionately little time in class 2, this suggests (see Figure 46 on page 92).
that the problem is not in DB2 and therefore is not DB2 I/O or lock related.
Network and Transaction Manager Reports: High class 1 and low class 2
elapsed times also suggest either a problem in the application logic, forcing it to
do unnecessary processing, a problem with the transaction manager, CICS or
IMS, or a problem in the network. Therefore in this situation use monitors that
examine the relative performance of the transaction manager or network and, if
------------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------ -------- --------------------------
ELAPSED TIME 6:32.903638 20.423430 N/P LOCK/LATCH 0.741212 86.00 #OCCURRENCES : 3
CPU TIME 36.412247 13.465832 N/P SYNCHRON. I/O 0.000000 0.00 #ALLIEDS : 3
TCB 36.412247 13.465832 N/P OTHER READ I/O 0.477047 3.67 #ALLIEDS DISTRIB: 0
TCB-STPROC 0.000000 0.000000 N/A OTHER WRTE I/O 1.557551 8.67 #DBATS : 0
CPU-PARALL 0.000000 0.000000 N/A SER.TASK SWTCH 3.159054 12.00 #DBATS DISTRIB. : 0
NOT ACCOUNT. N/A 1.022734 N/A ARC.LOG(QUIES) 0.000000 0.00 #NO PROGRAM DATA: 0
DB2 ENT/EXIT N/A 24623.00 N/A ARC.LOG READ 0.000000 0.00 #NORMAL TERMINAT: 3
NOTIFY MSGS. 0.000000 0.00 #COMMITS : 3
NOT NULL 3 3 0 GLOBAL CONT. 0.000000 0.00 #ROLLBACKS : 0
TOTAL CLASS 3 5.934865 110.33 UPDATE/COMMIT : 0.00
High Class 2 TCB Time: High Class 2 TCB time indicates that DB2 is doing a lot
of processing. Figure 47 on page 93 shows an example of high class 2 TCB
92 DB2 PM
DB2 VERSION: V4 TO: 04/19/95 15:30:48.06
------------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------ -------- --------------------------
ELAPSED TIME 2:32.903638 2:20.423430 N/P LOCK/LATCH 0.741212 86.00 #OCCURRENCES : 3
CPU TIME 2:16.412247 2:13.465832 N/P SYNCHRON. I/O 0.000000 0.00 #ALLIEDS : 3
TCB 2:16.412247 2:13.465832 N/P OTHER READ I/O 0.477047 3.67 #ALLIEDS DISTRIB: 0
TCB-STPROC 0.000000 0.000000 N/A OTHER WRTE I/O 1.557551 8.67 #DBATS : 0
CPU-PARALL 0.000000 0.000000 N/A SER.TASK SWTCH 3.159054 12.00 #DBATS DISTRIB. : 0
NOT ACCOUNT. N/A 1.022734 N/A ARC.LOG(QUIES) 0.000000 0.00 #NO PROGRAM DATA: 0
DB2 ENT/EXIT N/A 24623.00 N/A ARC.LOG READ 0.000000 0.00 #NORMAL TERMINAT: 3
NOTIFY MSGS. 0.000000 0.00 #COMMITS : 3
NOT NULL 3 3 0 GLOBAL CONT. 0.000000 0.00 #ROLLBACKS : 0
TOTAL CLASS 3 5.934865 110.33 UPDATE/COMMIT : 0.00
High SQL Activity: You may suspect a high amount of SQL activity. This can be
reflected by the fact that the application′s processing of getpages may be far
higher than anticipated.
Explain: Run batch explain at the plan level to get the details of the access path
chosen by DB2. Compare the access path generated by explain with the
expected access path specified in your design guidelines. Possible causes of
access path change can be the removal or disqualification of an index. Defining
a host variable with a length that does not match that specified in
SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS for that variable disqualifies indexes and is a difficult
problem to trace.
Use the Collect Report Data function, configured from the DB2 PM Online
Monitor, to automatically turn on the correct traces, following an exception
threshold condition detected for the transaction. The function also automatically
deactivates the traces once a condition has been met, for example, thread
termination, or after the collection of a predefined number of records.
After you have collected the relevant data, run the SQL activity report to
determine the processing activity for each SQL statement. Figure 49 shows an
example of an SQL trace summarized by cursor name and sorted by TCB time
with workload highlights.
94 DB2 PM
The average TCB time for each statement occurrence executed under the cursor
name is shown, as well as for the cursor as a whole. Here the highest user in
terms of cursor, of CPU class 2 TCB time, is displayed first.
High Class 3 Wait Time: If class 2 TCB time is not high, check whether class 3
wait time is high.
Not Accounted: If class 2 elapsed time is high but class 2 TCB time and class 3
wait time are low, examine the NOT ACCOUNT. field in the accounting report
(see Figure 50).
------------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------ -------- --------------------------
ELAPSED TIME 2:02.835677 1:20.423430 N/P LOCK/LATCH 0.741212 86.00 #OCCURRENCES : 3
CPU TIME 36.412247 13.465832 N/P SYNCHRON. I/O 0.000000 0.00 #ALLIEDS : 3
TCB 36.412247 13.465832 N/P OTHER READ I/O 0.477047 3.67 #ALLIEDS DISTRIB: 0
TCB-STPROC 0.000000 0.000000 N/A OTHER WRTE I/O 1.557551 8.67 #DBATS : 0
CPU-PARALL 0.000000 0.000000 N/A SER.TASK SWTCH 3.159054 12.00 #DBATS DISTRIB. : 0
NOT ACCOUNT. N/A 1:01.022734 N/A ARC.LOG(QUIES) 0.000000 0.00 #NO PROGRAM DATA: 0
DB2 ENT/EXIT N/A 24623.00 N/A ARC.LOG READ 0.000000 0.00 #NORMAL TERMINAT: 3
NOTIFY MSGS. 0.000000 0.00 #COMMITS : 3
NOT NULL 3 3 0 GLOBAL CONT. 0.000000 0.00 #ROLLBACKS : 0
TOTAL CLASS 3 5.934865 110.33 UPDATE/COMMIT : 0.00
RMF Report: A high value for the NOT ACCOUNT. field indicates that wait time
is not occurring in DB2. The high value may be because of incorrect dispatching
priority for the transaction, causing wait time before the system resource
manager (SRM) dispatches the task to the CPU, or MVS paging activity.
Examination of the MVS RMF report provides a means of identifying the cause of
the not accounted time.
High Lock/Latch Time: Probably the most common cause of high overall
elapsed time is high class 3 time. Class 3 time reports suspensions in a variety
of areas, but more interestingly in the locking/latching and I/O areas. Figure 51
on page 96 shows an example of the high class 3 lock/latch time.
------------ -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------ -------- --------------------------
ELAPSED TIME 4:13.235677 3.20.423430 N/P LOCK/LATCH 3.00.741212 86.00 #OCCURRENCES : 3
CPU TIME 46.812247 13.465832 N/P SYNCHRON. I/O 0.000000 0.00 #ALLIEDS : 3
TCB 46.812247 13.465832 N/P OTHER READ I/O 0.477047 3.67 #ALLIEDS DISTRIB: 0
TCB-STPROC 0.000000 0.000000 N/A OTHER WRTE I/O 1.557551 8.67 #DBATS : 0
CPU-PARALL 0.000000 0.000000 N/A SER.TASK SWTCH 3.159054 12.00 #DBATS DISTRIB. : 0
NOT ACCOUNT. N/A 1.022734 N/A ARC.LOG(QUIES) 0.000000 0.00 #NO PROGRAM DATA: 0
DB2 ENT/EXIT N/A 24623.00 N/A ARC.LOG READ 0.000000 0.00 #NORMAL TERMINAT: 3
NOTIFY MSGS. 0.000000 0.00 #COMMITS : 3
NOT NULL 3 3 0 GLOBAL CONT. 0.000000 0.00 #ROLLBACKS : 0
TOTAL CLASS 3 3.05.934864 110.33 UPDATE/COMMIT : 0.00
Can Recreate the Problem Now?: Examine whether you can recreate the
problem that leads to high class 3 lock/latch time.
Collect Trace into UDS: If deadlocks and timeouts are not the cause of large
lock suspension times, consider the lock suspension report (see Figure 52 on
page 97).
The input records required for the lock suspension report are not collected by
default. You will need to plan for their collection. Use the Collect Report Data
function to start the correct traces and gather the trace records to the collect
task data set. The benefit of writing the trace records to a separate data set
from SMF or GTF is that the data is immediately available for use.
If the problem transaction can be rerun and produces the same high lock
suspensions, consider starting the Collect Report Data task immediately and
rerunning the transaction. Refer to the IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor
for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Batch User ′ s Guide , Chapter 3, “Collecting
Performance Data” for a detailed explanation of how to configure a collect task.
Trigger Trace Data Collection by Exception: If you cannot easily recreate the
problem that leads to high class 3 lock/latch time, you can decide to trigger the
collection of data by an exception condition. Consider defining a new exception
threshold data set with a single entry qualifying the plan name and setting a
value considered an exception for the class 3 lock and latch suspension time.
You must now activate periodic exception processing, described in 3.2,
“Activating the Exception Processor” on page 38, specifying your new exception
threshold data set on the Exception Processor panel. If you are running an
active data collector, you can log off the system. When an exception is raised,
96 DB2 PM
automatic trace collection begins. Installations that do not run the data collector
can enable trace data collection by exception triggering, but the userid that
activated periodic monitoring must remain logged on and within the DB2 PM
Online Monitor.
Lock Suspension Report: The lock suspension report indicates the type of
suspension and the DB2 object on which the suspension occurred. Figure 52
shows the lock suspension report.
High I/O Suspension Time: If the perceived problem is high class 3 I/O
suspension time, the following factors can contribute to the symptom:
To determine the buffer pool hit ratio use the following formula:
Sequential Prefetch Disabled: Look at the statistics report and check for a high
value in the PREF. DISABLED NO BUFFER field. This problem indicates that the
buffer pool requires tuning.
Failures in RID List processing can also cause high unsuspected I/O suspensions
as the application reverts to a table space scan when index access was
expected. This situation is caused when the number of RID entries is greater
than the maximum limit of 25% of the table size or because the number of RID
entries that can fit into the guaranteed number of RID blocks (4000) was
exceeded. To determine whether a transaction uses the RID pool, see the RID
Pool Processing section of the DB2 PM accounting trace or report.
RMF Report: If you suspect that the problem is related to data placement, you
can obtain additional information regarding the performance of DASD volumes
by running the RMF report.
98 DB2 PM
by phone are particularly sensitive to deadlocks as customers may take their
business elsewhere if they have to wait while deadlocks are resolved.
You can also view the timeouts and deadlocks from the Data Collector Event
Exceptions panel of the DB2 PM Online Monitor.
SUBSYSTEM: DB2F ACTUAL FROM: 04/19/95 16:58:47.17
------------------------------ ----------------- -------- --------- ----------------------- ----------------------------------------
DB2RES3 DB2RES3 TSO 10:10:13.35291506 DEADLOCK COUNTER = 2 WAITERS = 2
DB2RES3 ¢BLANK¢ AAF2DD62C95E N/P TSTAMP =04/20/95 10:10:13.33
OB =COLBABY ---------------- HOLDER ----------------
---------------- WAITER ----------------
High insert applications using indexes with a subpage value greater than 1 could
cause a deadlock. There is a high rate of subpage splitting, and the resultant
lock escalation at the index page and nonleaf page level increases the chances
of deadlocks. Reducing the subpage parameter to 1 can help eliminate
Installations using DB2 Version 4 and utilizing type 2 indexes have no subpage
splitting problem because there is no subpage with type 2 indexes.
SQL Activity Report: Deadlocks can also occur when different application plans
access the same objects but in a different sequence. This naturally is a difficult
problem to solve; however, by using the SQL activity report you can
chronologically identify each SQL statement issued and thereby identify the
objects accessed. Comparing the results of the sequence of access by the two
transactions can prove or disprove your suspicion.
DB2 Subsystem Problem: If you suspect that the problem is not in the
application, you should investigate whether it is a DB2 subsystem problem.
100 DB2 PM
SUBSYSTEM: DB2F INTERVAL FROM: 04/25/95 17:45:05.66
DB2 VERSION: V4 SCOPE: MEMBER TO: 04/26/95 07:56:46.28
------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------- --------
SYSTEM SERVICES ADDRESS SPACE 38.041327 9.039923 47.081250 OPEN DATASETS - HWM 55.00
DATABASE SERVICES ADDRESS SPACE 1.527453 24.399592 25.927045 OPEN DATASETS 53.11
IRLM 0.046277 10.322403 10.368680 IN USE DATA SETS 1.97
DDF ADDRESS SPACE 0.718559 0.140787 0.859346 SUCCESSFUL LOGICAL REOPEN 595.00
NON-CPU TIME N/A N/A 14:10:16.384986
-------- -------- -------------- -------- ---------- -------- ---------------- -------- ------------------ --------
-------------------- -------- ----------------- -------- --------------------- -------- ------------------- --------
102 DB2 PM
Chapter 5. Scenarios
The examples and values presented in this chapter were produced on a small
test system and may not be representative of the values you have in your
development and production environments.
The query transaction profile has changed on your DB2 system, and you have
noticed a general increase in the elapsed time for standard queries to complete.
To investigate this problem you define a single exception threshold for the
problem queries, using their plan name as a qualification filter. To set a
threshold value for the exception you consult an accounting TOP report, where
up to a maximum of 50 top resource users are identified at the end of the report
along with the value being measured. As an alternative you can use an
accounting TOP ONLY report, which shows the accounting information only for
the TOP users of the resource. Figure 55 shows only the TOP list produced at
the end of the accounting report.
To define an exception threshold for the transaction elapsed time, select option
4, Maintain parameter data sets, from the IBM Database 2 Performance Monitor
panel. You are presented with the Data Set Maintenance Menu. Select option 1,
Maintain exception thresholds. The Exception Threshold Category Selection
panel (see Figure 56 on page 105) is displayed showing accounting and
statistics categories for which you can define exception criteria.
104 DB2 PM
Exception Threshold Category Selection
Command ===> ______________________________________________________________
Select one or more categories, then press Enter. Overtype with space to
deselect any category. Request EXIT when complete.
> Elapsed, CPU and Waiting Times per Plan Execution
_ Elapsed, CPU and Waiting Times per Program Execution
_ CPU Times per Address Space
_ SQL Statements per Plan Execution
_ SQL Statements per Program Execution
_ SQL Statements per System
_ Subsystem Events per Plan Execution
_ Subsystem Events per System
_ Locking Activity per Plan Execution
_ Locking Activity per System
_ RID List Processing per Plan Execution
_ RID List Processing per System
_ Query Parallelism per Plan Execution
_ Query Parallelism per System
_ Buffer Pools Activity per Plan Execution
_ Buffer Pools Activity per System
_ Distributed Activity per Location per Plan Execution
_ Distributed Activity per System
_ Distributed Activity per Location per System
_ IFI and Data Capture Activity per Plan Execution
_ IFI Activity per System
_ EDM Pool Activity per System
_ Open/Close Activity per System
_ Plan/Package Processing per System
_ Log Activity per System
After you have selected a category, the Exception Threshold Field Selection
panel (see Figure 57 on page 106) is displayed. It contains fields related to the
category you selected. You can choose any number of entries as exception
Select one or more fields, then press Enter. Overtype with space to
deselect any field. Request EXIT when complete.
Field category . . : Elapsed, CPU and Waiting Times per Plan Execution
Field Description
> ADRECETT Elapsed time in application (Class 1)
_ ADTSUST Total Class 3 suspensions time
_ ADCPUT CPU time in application (Class 1)
_ ADTWTAP Total wait time in application (Class 1)
_ ADDB2ETT Elapsed time in DB2 (Class 2)
_ ADDBCPUT CPU time in DB2 (Class 2)
_ ADTWTDB Total wait time in DB2 (Class 2)
_ ADTSUSC Total Class 3 suspensions
_ QWACAWTL Lock/latch suspensions time (Class 3)
_ ADLLSUSC Lock/latch suspensions (Class 3)
_ QWACAWTI Synchronous I/O susp. time (Class 3)
_ ADIOSUSC Synchronous I/O suspensions (Class 3)
_ QWACAWTR Other read I/O susp. time (Class 3)
_ ADARSUSC Other read I/O suspensions (Class 3)
_ QWACAWTW Other write I/O susp. time (Class 3)
_ ADAWSUSC Other write I/O suspensions (Class 3)
_ QWACAWTE Serv.task switch susp. time (Class 3)
_ ADSTSUSC Serv.task swtch suspensions (Class 3)
-- End of Items --
After you select elapsed time in application (Class 1) as an exception field, from
the Exception Threshold Field Details panel shown in Figure 58 on page 107,
specify the warning and problem threshold exceptions. These threshold values
are measured in seconds.
106 DB2 PM
Exception Threshold Field Details
Command ===> ______________________________________________________
Local location . . . . . . . . . *
Group name . . . . . . . . . . . *
Member name . . . . . . . . . . . *
Subsystem ID . . . . . . . . . . *
Requester location . . . . . . . *
Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . *
Planname . . . . . . . . . . . . DSNTEP41
Select option 5, Control Exception Processing, from the DB2 PM Online Monitor
Main Menu to get to the Exception Processor panel. Invoke periodic exception
processing by selecting Periodic from the Exception Processor panel (see
Figure 59 on page 108). As the problem queries are taking in excess of 1
minute, the periodic unit is set to seconds and the periodic interval, to 30. When
you press Enter, periodic exception processing is enabled.
Note: It is quite possible that a threshold data set used for general periodic
monitoring would have already detected that a problem with sort had occurred.
(The field to define in the DB2 PM threshold data set is MERGE PASS
Periodic units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1=Seconds
Periodic interval . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 1-7200 Seconds
1-120 Minutes
> Disable auto-display for problem exceptions
> Sound alarm for exception warnings
> Log file data set output needed
DPMOUT data set output needed
From any of the DB2 PM Online Monitor panels except the LOOK-related panels,
issue the LOOK command to obtain more information on the exceptions. The
Look Selections menu is displayed (see Figure 60 on page 109).
108 DB2 PM
Look Selections
__ 1. Periodic Exceptions
2. Periodic Exceptions Messages
3. Display Exceptions
4. Authorization Failure Summary
5. Exception Event Summary
6. Exception Event Messages
Select option 1, Periodic Exceptions, and press Enter. The Periodic Exceptions
List window is displayed. The Periodic Exceptions List window (see Figure 61)
lists the exceptions that have occurred and information concerning the threshold
Look Selections
| Periodic Exceptions List ROW 3 TO 4 OF 4 |
| Command ===> ______________________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Periodic Interval started . . . . . . . : 95/05/10 12:13:00.94 |
| Last Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 95/05/10 13:19:04.23 |
| |
| Time Location Group Subsystem Member Corrname |
| Reqloc Primauth Planname Connect Corrnmbr |
| Field Value Compare Threshold Type By |
| Descr |
| -------- ------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- |
| _ 12:25:01 ST11DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2RES23 |
| ADRECETT 524.012396 > 500 Problem Total |
| |
| _ 12:26:01 ST11DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2RES23 |
| ADRECETT 584.061455 > 500 Problem Total |
| |
| ***************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ****************************** |
You need to gather more information to help you with the problem diagnosis. To
collect DB2 performance data for this job use the Collect Report Data function of
the DB2 PM Online Monitor. Select Option 6, Collect Report Data, from the DB2
PM Online Monitor Main Menu. On the Collect Report Data panel enter option 1
Press Enter. The Trace Configuration window (see Figure 63) is displayed. Set a
trigger to start the collection of data. Because query transactions are currently
active on the system, you can choose the Immediate Start trigger to begin
collection immediately. Select the DB2 PM reports of interest to you. The panel
is scrollable and presents more options for selection. You can qualify the data
being collected by a number of filters and choose plan name and auth ID. These
selections reduce the amount of data written to the data set.
110 DB2 PM
Press Enter. You are presented with the Trigger Immediately window (see
Figure 64 on page 111). Specify a data set to contain the data. If you do not
already have this data set defined or want to create a new data set, use option 3
(New) to dynamically define one. Now set the criteria to stop collection of data.
Here you choose to stop collecting data after the trace has been active for a
certain elapsed time. The elapsed time is set to 1800 seconds, and the task is
now ready to be started.
For this scenario, in addition to collecting trace information for accounting and
statistics, collect IFCID 63 (for dynamic or static SQL) to show the SQL statement
being passed and IFCID 95 and IFCID 96 to collect information on the start and
end of a sort. The information will show the number of passes, merge phases,
and the key size and data size. This information is important when calculations
for increasing the sort pool size are to be made.
Using the data collected, you can now produce accounting and statistics reports.
Here accounting and statistics long reports are used to get the maximum amount
of information about the problem (see Figure 65 on page 112).
In the accounting report we show only the blocks and fields on which we want to
focus. The class 1 elapsed time is more than 10 minutes.
The statistics report shown in Figure 66 on page 113 covers the period during
which the Collect Data Report function was active and shows that during sort
processing 15 MERGE PASS DEGRADED-LOW BUF conditions occurred.
112 DB2 PM
------------------------- --------
A value of 15 for the MERGE PASS DEGRADED-LOW BUF field indicates that the
sort pool size may not be adequate.
The Storage Sizes and Connections panel (see Figure 67 on page 114) shows a
value of 512,000 for Maximum size of SORT Pool field.
Storage Sizes
Maximum size of EDM Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 7,743,488
Maximum size of SORT Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . : 512,000
Maximum size of RID Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 19,251,200
Connections to DB2
Maximum concurrent threads . . . . . . . . . . . . : 70
Maximum TSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 40
Maximum batch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 20
Maximum remote . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 64
Maximum remote active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 64
The sort pool size is too small. The best performance of a sort is achieved when
only one merge pass is needed. To calculate how big the sort pool must be to
get one merge pass, use this formula:
For the query in this scenario the sort-key-length is 19, and the sort-data-length
is 329. Applying these numbers to the formula, the new sort pool size is
calculated at 5 MB.
Figure 68 on page 115 and Figure 69 on page 116 show the accounting and
statistics reports for the queries executed after the sort pool size was increased.
114 DB2 PM
Figure 68. Accounting Long Report Extract: Increased Sort Pool Size
Figure 69. Statistics Long Report Extract: Increased Sort Pool Size
The sort merge activity reported in Figure 69 shows that the number of times
that a merge pass was not efficiently performed due to a shortage of space in
the buffer pool was zero. This reflects healthy sort activity.
116 DB2 PM
5.2 Constrained Buffer Pool Problem
This scenario demonstrates a problem related to query processing and the effect
that small buffer pools can have on application elapsed time. Buffer pool BP1 is
used by DSNDB07 workfiles and therefore its performance is important for query
processing where sort activity is required.
In this section we show how the problem can be identified and explain how DB2
PM functions are used to analyze and provide information necessary for problem
During periodic monitoring, by using the accounting TOP report list, you identify
a number of queries that show a higher than expected class 3 suspension time.
In this environment class 3 suspension time is seen as an effective way of
measuring the performance of query processing, and a profile of the average
expected class 3 suspension time has been derived over a period of time.
Note: You also could have detected the problem by using an accounting
exception report. Typically the report would show a number of different plans
and users experiencing slow response time (class 1 elapsed time).
At the end of the accounting report you see the TOP 10 occurrences of threads
with the highest class 3 suspension time (Figure 70 on page 118). The TOP list
is organized in descending order of problem value and provides page references
where the accounting information can be found. Figure 70 on page 118 and
Figure 71 on page 119 are part of the same accounting report; they are
separated for clarity.
Figure 70. Accounting TOP Report List: Constrained Buffer Pool Problem
In general you expect to see limited synchronous reads and virtually all pages
brought into the buffer pool by sequential prefetch or pages reread from the
buffer pool. In this case, however, there were 526 synchronous reads (see
SYN.READ field in Figure 71 on page 119).
118 DB2 PM
ORDER: PLANNAME INTERVAL FROM: 05/10/95 20:13:09.38
TO: 05/10/95 20:24:32.71
|DSNTEP2 PACKAGE 9 9.00 3:46.022450
58.637444 2:44.804853 5228.00|
Figure 71. Accounting Short Report Extract: Constrained Buffer Pool Problem
You need more detailed information for this problem thread, so you produce an
accounting long report (see Figure 72 on page 120).
Under class 3 suspension time OTHER READ I/O (prefetch) is the biggest
contributor to the overall class 3 suspension time. The buffer pool hit ratio is a
useful measurement for determining the relative efficiency of the buffer pool as it
is the measure of how often a page access (a getpage) is satisfied without
requiring an I/O. To determine the buffer hit ratio, use this formula:
Here the buffer hit ratio is calculated to be 0.44. The best possible value is 1.0,
which is achieved when every page is found in the buffer pool. The value 0.44
therefore indicates that the efficiency of BP1 is poor. Buffer pool BP1 needs
Figure 72. Accounting Long Report Extract: Constrained Buffer Pool Problem
DSNDB07 uses BP1 for workfiles whose maximum prefetch value is 8. This
value, however, can become degraded because of buffer shortage. The value in
the S.PRF.PAGES READ/S.PRF.READ field is 1.92 (see Figure 73 on page 121),
suggesting that the maximum of 8 was severely reduced, and therefore many
more prefetches were needed to process the data.
PAGES WRITTEN PER WRITE I/O is a measure of write efficiency. If the buffer
pool size is small, the deferred write thresholds (the HORIZ.DEF.WRITE
THRESHOLD and VERTI.DEF.WRITE THRESHOLD fields in Figure 73 on page 121)
are frequently reached, causing I/Os to be scheduled more often. Thus the
deferred write queue cannot grow large enough to achieve a high ratio of pages
written per I/O. The value of 3.84 pages written per write I/O is low.
120 DB2 PM
Figure 73. Statistics Long Report Extract: Constrained Buffer Pool Problem
We rerun the problem query, and on the DB2 PM Online Monitor Thread Detail
panel issue the DIAGNOSE command. The result returned by DIAGNOSE shows
that the buffer pools do have problems in a number of areas (see Figure 74 on
page 122). This information confirms that the buffer pools need tuning. Further
selections from the Diagnosis of Thread window result in more detailed
information and recommendations.
On the basis of the evidence collected, one can conclude that the cause of the
poor performance of query processing is undersized buffer pools. Use the
ALTER BUFFERPOOL command to change the buffer pool BP1 size. The buffer
pool sizes are increased and the queries are rerun.
After you have executed the ALTER BUFFERPOOL command and run the query,
the accounting report shows a significant improvement in class 1 elapsed time
and class 3 suspension time. Comparing Figure 75 on page 123 with Figure 72
on page 120, you can see that there is an improvement in the buffer hit ratio,
from 0.44 to 0.90. This improved buffer hit ratio is responsible for the reduction
in the number of read I/Os, and hence the reduction in the class 3 suspension
122 DB2 PM
Figure 75. Accounting Long Report Extract: Increased Buffer Pool BP1 Size
The overall number of reads, both sequential and synchronous, have been
reduced because of the increase in buffer pool size.
---------------------------------- --------------------------- --------
---------------------------------- SEQUENTIAL PREFETCH REQUEST 41736.00
Figure 76. Statistics Long Report Extract: Increased Buffer Pool BP1 Size
Using the functions of DB2 PM it has been possible to trace the cause of a
constrained buffer pool problem with class 1 elapsed time and class 3
suspension and rectify the situation. Naturally once this problem has been
resolved it is important to monitor the situation a little more closely than normal
with DB2 PM, as the problem may have been caused by unusually high
workloads or other atypical events. The monitoring strategy can return to
normal once a period of stability has been reached.
124 DB2 PM
5.3 Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
The scenario demonstrates how DB2 PM can help you detect and analyze
problems in a transaction processing environment. The problem is inefficient
access path attributable to an incorrectly defined host variable.
To define an exception threshold for the transaction elapsed time, select option
4, Maintain parameter data sets, from the IBM Database 2 Performance Monitor
panel. You are presented with the Data Set Maintenance Menu. Select option 1,
Maintain exception thresholds. The Exception Threshold Category Selection
panel (see Figure 77) is displayed showing accounting and statistics categories
for which you can define exception criteria.
Select one or more categories, then press Enter. Overtype with space to
deselect any category. Request EXIT when complete.
> Elapsed, CPU and Waiting Times per Plan Execution
_ Elapsed, CPU and Waiting Times per Program Execution
_ CPU Times per Address Space
_ SQL Statements per Plan Execution
_ SQL Statements per Program Execution
_ SQL Statements per System
_ Subsystem Events per Plan Execution
_ Subsystem Events per System
_ Locking Activity per Plan Execution
_ Locking Activity per System
_ RID List Processing per Plan Execution
_ RID List Processing per System
_ Query Parallelism per Plan Execution
_ Query Parallelism per System
_ Buffer Pools Activity per Plan Execution
_ Buffer Pools Activity per System
_ Distributed Activity per Location per Plan Execution
_ Distributed Activity per System
_ Distributed Activity per Location per System
_ IFI and Data Capture Activity per Plan Execution
_ IFI Activity per System
_ EDM Pool Activity per System
_ Open/Close Activity per System
_ Plan/Package Processing per System
_ Log Activity per System
Figure 77. Exception Threshold Category Selection Panel: Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
Select one or more fields, then press Enter. Overtype with space to
deselect any field. Request EXIT when complete.
Field category . . : Elapsed, CPU and Waiting Times per Plan Execution
Field Description
> ADRECETT Elapsed time in application (Class 1)
_ ADTSUST Total Class 3 suspensions time
_ ADCPUT CPU time in application (Class 1)
_ ADTWTAP Total wait time in application (Class 1)
_ ADDB2ETT Elapsed time in DB2 (Class 2)
_ ADDBCPUT CPU time in DB2 (Class 2)
_ ADTWTDB Total wait time in DB2 (Class 2)
_ ADTSUSC Total Class 3 suspensions
_ QWACAWTL Lock/latch suspensions time (Class 3)
_ ADLLSUSC Lock/latch suspensions (Class 3)
_ QWACAWTI Synchronous I/O susp. time (Class 3)
_ ADIOSUSC Synchronous I/O suspensions (Class 3)
_ QWACAWTR Other read I/O susp. time (Class 3)
_ ADARSUSC Other read I/O suspensions (Class 3)
_ QWACAWTW Other write I/O susp. time (Class 3)
_ ADAWSUSC Other write I/O suspensions (Class 3)
_ QWACAWTE Serv.task switch susp. time (Class 3)
_ ADSTSUSC Serv.task swtch suspensions (Class 3)
-- End of Items --
Figure 78. Exception Threshold Field Selection Panel: Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
After you select Elapsed time in application (Class 1) as the exception field,
specify the warning and problem thresholds. The threshold values are
measured in seconds (see Figure 79 on page 127).
126 DB2 PM
Exception Threshold Field Details
Command ===> _______________________________________________________________
More: +
Active . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1=Yes 2=No
Local location . . . . . . . . . *
Group name . . . . . . . . . . . *
Member name . . . . . . . . . . . *
Subsystem ID . . . . . . . . . . *
Requester location . . . . . . . *
Connect . . . . . . . . . . . . . *
Planname . . . . . . . . . . . . *
Corrname . . . . . . . . . . . . *
F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Add F6=Delete F7=Up F8=Down
F10=Previous F11=Next F12=Cancel
Figure 79. Exception Threshold Field Details Panel: Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
Exception Processor
Periodic units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1=Seconds
Periodic interval . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1-7200 Seconds
1-120 Minutes
> Disable auto-display for problem exceptions
> Sound alarm for exception warnings
> Log file data set output needed
_ DPMOUT data set output needed
| DGOM930 Exception processor has been initialized |
Command ===> ___________________________________________________________
F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Up F8=Down F12=Cancel
128 DB2 PM
After some time the transaction requires more than 10 seconds, so a periodic
exception occurs, and an Exception Notification window is displayed during your
DB2 PM session (see Figure 81).
Note: If the data collector is active, you can log off the system while periodic
exception processing is running. Any periodic exception messages issued while
you are offline are gathered by the data collector and written to the periodic
exception list, when they can be examined using the LOOK command. You are
notified of any periodic exceptions when you next log on to the TSO system.
Look Selections
__ 1. Periodic Exceptions
2. Periodic Exceptions Messages
3. Display Exceptions
4. Authorization Failure Summary
5. Exception Event Summary
6. Exception Event Messages
Select option 1, Periodic Exceptions, and press Enter. The Periodic Exceptions
List window is displayed (see Figure 83 on page 131).
From the Periodic Exceptions List window, select the exception you want to
130 DB2 PM
Look Selections
| Periodic Exceptions List ROW 19 TO 20 OF 20 |
| Command ===> ______________________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Periodic Interval started . . . . . . . : 95/05/10 10:54:29.49 |
| Last Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 95/05/10 10:57:54.64 |
| |
| Time Location Group Subsystem Member Corrname |
| Reqloc Primauth Planname Connect Corrnmbr |
| Field Value Compare Threshold Type By |
| Descr |
| -------- ------------------ -------- ------------ -------- ---------- |
| S 10:57:51 ST11DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2F ¢BLANK¢ OLSRUN3 |
| ADRECETT 103.017711 > 10 Problem Total |
| |
| _ 10:57:54 ST11DB2F ¢BLANK¢ DB2F ¢BLANK¢ OLSRUN3 |
| ADRECETT 106.028112 > 10 Problem Total |
| |
| F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Up F8=Down F12=Cancel |
Figure 83. Periodic Exceptions List Window: Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
From the Thread Detail panel, issue the DIAGNOSE command to display the
Diagnosis of Thread window, which contains more information related to the
For details, place any character next to heading, then press Enter.
More: +
_ Thread Identification
Primauth . . . . . : OLS Correlation Name . . . : OLSRUN3
Planname . . . . . : OLSTRANS Connection type . . . . : TSO
Connection ID . . : BATCH Type . . . . . . . . . : ALLIED
Requesting Location: ST11DB2F Status . . . . . . . . : DB2
_ Current Package . . . . . . . . . . . : DSNTEP2
_ Times Elapsed CPU
Class 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2:22.938435 1:42.024217
Class 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2:20.080421 1:41.019605
Class 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 16.190264 N/A
Class 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : N/P N/P
Class 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : N/P N/A
_ Locking Activity
Timeouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Deadlocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Suspensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10001
Lock escalations . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Maximum page locks held . . . . . . . . . : 2
_ Locked Resources
_ RID List Processing
Unsuccessful - any reason . . . . . . . . : 0
_ SQL Activity, Commits and Rollbacks
DML . . . : 3 Commits . . . . . . . . : 0
DCL . . . : 0 Rollbacks . . . . . . . : 0
DDL . . . : 0 Updates/Commits . . . . : 0.0
F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Auto F6=History F7=Up F8=Down
Figure 84. Thread Detail Panel Invoking Diagnose: Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
132 DB2 PM
The Diagnosis of Thread window in Figure 85 shows where most of the time was
spent for this thread and indicates a possible problem with the buffer pool size.
Because most of the time spent is in active processing, select the Actively
Processing field to obtain more information.
| 95/05/10 10:59 Diagnosis of Thread OLS OLSTRANS |
| Command ===> _____________________________________________________________ |
| |
| HISTORY 95/05/10 10:58:31 |
| More: + |
| |
| |
| _ There is evidence of stress on buffer pool BP0 |
| |
| Distribution of DB2 elapsed time (%): |
| s Actively processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 71.23 |
| _ Waiting for system resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 17.35 |
| _ Locks and Latches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 11.36 |
| |
| |
| |
| Thread elapsed time inside DB2 (%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 99.22 |
| Thread active processing inside DB2 (%) . . . . . . . . . . . : 99.02 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
From the Active Processing window (see Figure 86), we recommend that you
check the access path. Go back to the Thread Detail panel to check the current
SQL statement.
| Active Processing OLS OLSTRANS |
| Command ===> __________________________________________________________ |
| |
| HISTORY 95/05/10 10:58:31 |
| More: + |
| |
| Percent of DB2 elapsed time thread was actively processing : 71.23 |
| Buffer pool read hit ratio for BP0 (%) . . . . . . . . . . : 99.98 |
| _ There is evidence of stress on buffer pool BP0 |
| Global trace auto start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : N/P |
| |
| |
| |
| If active processing is higher than expected: |
| o Inefficient buffer pool management increases processor usage. |
| o Check that the access paths are appropriate for the current state |
| of the data. Perhaps the plan should be rebound, or a table |
| should be reorganized, or the catalog statistics updated. |
For details, place any character next to heading, then press Enter.
More: - +
Deadlocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Suspensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 10001
Lock escalations . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Maximum page locks held . . . . . . . . . : 2
_ Locked Resources
_ RID List Processing
Unsuccessful - any reason . . . . . . . . : 0
_ SQL Activity, Commits and Rollbacks
DML . . . : 3 Commits . . . . . . . . : 0
DCL . . . : 0 Rollbacks . . . . . . . : 0
DDL . . . : 0 Updates/Commits . . . . : 0.0
_ Buffer Manager Activity
Getpage requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 30001
Buffer updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Prefetch requests . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0
Synchronous I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 6
s SQL Statement and Package . . . . . . . . : OLSTEST3
Distributed Data
Requester elapsed time . . . . . . . . . . : N/P
_ IFI (Class 5) and Data Capture
_ Query Parallelism Data
Data Sharing Locking Activity
Suspensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : N/P
Group Buffer Pools Activity
_ Stored Procedures
F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Auto F6=History F7=Up F8=Down
Figure 87. Thread Detail Panel (SQL Statement and Package): Class 1 Elapsed Time
You are presented with the SQL Statement and Package window. Issue the
EXPLAIN command to get an explanation of the SQL statement (see Figure 88 on
page 135).
134 DB2 PM
| SQL Statement and Package ROW 1 TO 2 OF 2 |
| Command ===> explain_____________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F |
| Collection ID . . . . . . . . . . : OLS_TRANS |
| Program Name . . . . . . . . . . . : OLSTEST3 |
| Consistency Token . . . . . . . . : X¢155B3E2800260644¢ |
| Version |
| N/P |
| |
| Stored procedure . . . . . . . . . : N/P |
| Statement type . . . . . . . . . . : SELECT |
| Statement number . . . . . . . . . : 115 |
| Thread status . . . . . . . . . . : In DB2 |
| |
| SQL Statement |
| INTO :H, :H, :H |
| FROM DSN8410.EMP |
| **************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ***************************** |
| F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Auto F6=History F7=Up F8=Down |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 88. SQL Statement and Package Window: Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
The result returned by the EXPLAIN command (Figure 89 on page 136) shows
that a Table space scan - no index will be used .
Figure 89. DB2 Explain Output Panel: Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
From the DB2 Explain Output panel, request the DB2 catalog information for the
EMP table (see Figure 90 on page 137) to find out whether any index has been
created on the table.
136 DB2 PM
| DB2 Explain Output |
| Command ===> ____________________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Local location . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| Current server . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| |
| _Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . : OLS_TRANS.OLSTEST3 |
| Version |
| |
| Explain executed at . . . . . . . : 95/05/10 12:35:04.84 |
| |
| -----------------------------------SQL Text------------------------------ |
| FROM DSN8410.EMP |
| |
| _ Host variable definitions |
| |
| s Table DSN8410 EMP |
| |
| _ PLAN_TABLE details for step |
| ---- End of Explain details ---- |
| |
| F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Auto F6=History F7=Up F8=Down |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 90. DB2 Explain Output (Table Information): Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
The Table Information window (Figure 91) indicates that the EMP table has
indexes. Select Indexes to obtain detailed index information.
| Table Information |
| Command ===> ____________________________________________________________ |
| |
| More: + |
| Local location . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| Current server . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| |
| Table name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DSN8410.EMP |
| Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Table |
| s Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Yes |
| Database name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DSN8D41A |
| Table space name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DSN8S41E |
| Table identifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 14 |
| Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 14 |
| Rows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 42 |
| Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Has primary index |
| Maximum record length . . . . . . . . . . . : 107 |
| Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2 |
| Percentage of pages used . . . . . . . . . . : 2 |
| |
| F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Auto F6=History F7=Up F8=Down |
| F12=Cancel |
| Index Information |
| Command ===> ____________________________________________________________ |
| |
| More: + |
| Local location . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| Current server . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| |
| Index name . . . . . . . . . . . : DSN8410.XEMP1 |
| Index space name. . . . . . . . . : XEMP1 |
| Table name . . . . . . . . . . . : DSN8410.EMP |
| Database name . . . . . . . . . . : DSN8D41A |
| Buffer pool . . . . . . . . . . . : BP0 |
| s Key columns . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 |
| Subpage size (bytes) . . . . . . : 512 |
| Unique rule . . . . . . . . . . . : Primary - Unique |
| Clustering index . . . . . . . . : Yes |
| Currently clustered . . . . . . . : Yes |
| Cluster ratio . . . . . . . . . . : 100 |
| Full key card . . . . . . . . . . : 42 |
| First key card . . . . . . . . . : 42 |
| |
| F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Auto F6=History F7=Up F8=Down |
| F12=Cancel |
The Key Column Information window (Figure 93) indicates that the column name
is EMPNO and its length is 6 bytes.
| Key Column Information |
| Command ===> ____________________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Local location . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| Current server . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| |
| Column name . . . . . . . . . . . : EMPNO |
| Table name . . . . . . . . . . . : DSN8410.EMP |
| Index name . . . . . . . . . . . : DSN8410.XEMP1 |
| Position . . . . . . . . . . . . : 6 |
| Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . : Ascending |
| Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Char |
| Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 6 |
| Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 0 |
| Null value . . . . . . . . . . . : No |
| Second highest value . . . . . . : 200330 |
| Second lowest value . . . . . . . : 000020 |
| Last RUNSTATS . . . . . . . . . . : 1995-05-01- |
| |
| F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Auto F6=History F7=Up F8=Down |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 93. Key Column Information Window: Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
138 DB2 PM
Returning to the DB2 Explain Output panel (see Figure 94 on page 139), you can
see that the SQL statement uses where EMPNO=:EMPLNO . Because there is
an index on EMPNO, the index should have been used.
| DB2 Explain Output |
| Command ===> ____________________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Local location . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| Current server . . . . . . . . . . : ST11DB2F DB2F V4 |
| |
| _ Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . : OLS_TRANS.OLSTEST3 |
| Version |
| |
| Explain executed at . . . . . . . : 95/05/10 12:35:04.84 |
| |
| -----------------------------------SQL Text------------------------------ |
| FROM DSN8410.EMP |
| |
| s Host variable definitions |
| |
| -----Access path summary for query block 1 step 1----- |
| Tablespace scan - no index will be used |
| Standard sequential prefetch will be performed |
| Lock mode is share lock for the page |
| |
| F1=Help F3=Exit F5=Auto F6=History F7=Up F8=Down |
| F12=Cancel |
Figure 94. DB2 Explain Output (Host Variables): Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
The Host Variable Definition window (see Figure 95 on page 140) indicates that
the host variable EMPLNO has a length of 7 bytes. This explains why the index
has not been used. The wrong length was specified when the host variable was
defined. In order to be matching indexable, the length of the host variable must
be equal to or less than the length of the column.
Figure 95. Host Variable Definition Window: Class 1 Elapsed Time Problem
140 DB2 PM
5.4 Access Path Problem
This scenario shows a situation where the expected access path has changed,
causing extended elapsed times for a specific transaction. The problem arises
after a change to application code.
|DSNTEP2 PACKAGE 19 240.00 17.101322
2.607895 14.403277 330.47|
THREAD 17.246470 > 2 *
Run an accounting long report for the specific primauth and plan name to gain a
clearer picture of where the increased time has been spent. Figure 97 on
page 143 shows that most of the total class 3 suspension time of nearly 10
seconds has been spent suspended for both synchronous and other read I/Os.
You certainly do not expect an OTHER READ I/O as this implies that your
transaction is performing prefetch. Your expectation is for the transaction to
perform random reads using an index. You are now suspicious of the access
path, particularly as the DB2 PM accounting report shows OTHER READ I/O
suspensions. In addition to the unexpected OTHER READ I/O, SYNCHRON. I/O is
142 DB2 PM
also high. This could be due to prefetched pages being stolen from the buffer
pool before the getpage is issued. When this occurs the page is read
Using the DB2 PM Online Monitor Explain function you explain the application
package. Explain shows that a table space scan is being performed and no
index is being used. You make a selection to look at the characteristics of the
DB2RES2.COLBABY4 table (see Figure 98 on page 144).
_ Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DB2RES2.S.TEST3
The Table Information window (see Figure 99) indicates that the table has
indexes defined. To view the index information, select Indexes .
144 DB2 PM
The Index Information window (see Figure 100 on page 145) confirms that the
index is unique, made up of three columns, and in good shape, with a value of
100 for Cluster ratio and Yes for Currently clustered .
Here Figure 101 on page 146 identifies the three key columns available on the
index. With this information you examine the SQL statement in the DB2 Explain
Output panel (see Figure 98 on page 144). You now recognize that the change
to the access path has been caused by the omission of the first key column of
the index, which has forced a table space scan.
After you correct the SQL statement (see Figure 102 on page 147), run explain
once again against the package. The explain output confirms the access path to
be a matching index scan. This is the access path expected for this transaction.
146 DB2 PM
DB2 Explain Output
Command ===> __________________________________________________________________
----------------------------------SQL Text------------------------------
Figure 102. DB2 Explain Output (Corrected SQL Statement): Access Path Problem
To verify that the problem has been resolved, rerun the transaction, having first
enabled the Collect Data Report function for accounting information (see 5.1,
“Sort Problem” on page 104), and produce an accounting report.
The elapsed time shown in Figure 103 on page 148 has now returned to within
the expected value because a matching index scan has been used and OTHER
READ I/O has not been performed.
Figure 103. Accounting Long Report Extract: With Expected Access Path
148 DB2 PM
5.5 Locking Problem
This scenario shows a situation where deadlocks are occurring between two
plans. One of the plans is new and has been recently introduced to the system.
DB2 PM alerts, in the form of event exceptions, are being triggered, informing
you of deadlock situations.
DB2 PM is configured such that the data collector and the EXCEPTIONEVENT
option within the data collector are active, enabling exception events to check for
critical DB2 subsystem problems, such as deadlocks.
Select option 5, Control Exception Processing, from the DB2 PM Online Monitor
Main Menu to get to the Exception Processor panel. Invoke the event exception
processing by selecting Exception event notification (see Figure 104).
Exception Processor
Periodic units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1=Seconds
Periodic interval . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7200 Seconds
1-120 Minutes
_ Disable auto-display for problem exceptions
_ Sound alarm for exception warnings
_ Log file data set output needed
_ DPMOUT data set output needed
| DGOM930 Exception processor has been initialized |
Command ===> ___________________________________________________________
F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Up F8=Down F12=Cancel
To obtain more information on this event exception issue the LOOK command
from the command line. The Look Selections menu is displayed (see Figure 106).
Look Selections
__ 1. Periodic Exceptions
2. Periodic Exceptions Messages
3. Display Exceptions
4. Authorization Failure Summary
5. Exception Event Summary
6. Exception Event Messages
150 DB2 PM
Select option 5, Exception Event Summary, and press Enter. The Exception Event
Summary window is displayed (see Figure 107 on page 151). On the Exception
Event Summary window, you can select the exception event for which you want
more detailed information.
| Exception Event Summary ROW 43 TO 47 OF 47 |
| Command ===> ________________________________________________________ |
| |
| |
| Reporting Started . . . . . . . . . . . : 95/06/19 08:20:05 |
| Last Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 95/06/19 08:47:27 |
| |
| Date Time IFCID |
| _ 95/06/12 06:25:46 172 |
| Deadlock |
| |
| _ 95/06/12 06:41:42 172 |
| Deadlock |
| |
| _ 95/06/12 06:43:42 172 |
| Deadlock |
| |
| _ 95/06/12 07:01:22 172 |
| Deadlock |
| |
| s 95/06/19 08:47:27 172 |
| Deadlock |
| |
Figure 108 on page 152 shows the Deadlock Data panel, which identifies among
other items the plans, the resource and the page involved in the deadlock, the
state of the locks requested, and the holder of the resource and the waiter. With
this information you now have a clear picture of who is involved in the deadlock
and which DB2 resources are in contention.
Because the deadlock situation in this scenario occurs regularly, you can use
the Collect Report Data function to collect trace data. Currently you know that
deadlocks are occurring and you know which plans and authids are involved. To
develop your diagnosis, however, you need more information. The lockout trace,
part of the locking report set, can provide clear, succinct information with a very
low overhead. It uses statistics trace class 1 and class 3 record IFCIDs 172, 196,
and 105 gathered to provide deadlock, timeout, and object identification
152 DB2 PM
information. Use the Collect Data Report function to obtain the required trace
records. If, however, your installation permits the direct use of current SMF data
for DB2 PM report generation, you do not have to use the Collect Data Report
function to obtain trace records for the lockout trace. Select option 6, Collect
Data Report, from the DB2 PM Online Monitor main menu and then enter option
1 to configure a task. On the Trace Configuration window fill in the Task
Description (use a meaningful name for your own ease of recognition) and set
the trigger to collect the data. We suggest that you trigger by Immediate Start
because the problem can be easily recreated. If the deadlocks are sporadic,
however, consider triggering by Exception event to start the data collection when
the exception event is detected. Select the Locking report set and then IFCID.
Select IFCIDs 172, 196, and 105 (see Figure 110 on page 154).
After you select your IFCIDs you are presented with the Trigger Immediately
window (see Figure 111 on page 155). Specify the destination of the trace data
and the criteria for stopping the active trace.
154 DB2 PM
Collect Report Data
| Trace Configuration |
| Trigger Immediately |
| Command ===> ________________________________________________________|
| |
| Task Description . . . . : Lockout |
| More: + |
| Output Data Set for DB2 trace data to be written to |
| Name . . . . . . . . . . ¢DB2RES2.LOCKOUT.TRACE¢ |
| Disposition . . . . . . 3 1=Append |
| 2=Overwrite |
| 3=New |
| |
| Start the DB2 traces immediately |
| |
| Stop the DB2 traces when any of the following conditions occur |
| > Elapsed time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 (seconds) |
| _ Number of records collected . . . . . . . . 0 |
| _ Thread termination |
| _ Number of IFCIDs collected . . . . . . . . 0 |
| For IFCID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 + |
| |
| |
| |
To activate the collection of trace data specify option 2, Start, from the Collect
Report Data window and rerun the transactions causing the deadlock.
Use the collected data to produce a lockout trace (see Figure 112 on page 156).
The comprehensive information shown in the trace indicates that resource
DB2D0005 DB2TS005 page X′000002′ is held exclusively by DB2RES23 while
DB2RES24 is requesting an S lock on the same page. Concurrently DB2RES24
has an X lock on resource DB2D0001 DB2TS001 page x′000002′, and DB2RES23
requires an S lock. At this point, having identified the plans and resources that
are in contention, one course of action may be to ensure that the two plans,
REVP11 and REVP22, run serially against each other to avoid deadlocking. You
may be precluded from doing that, however, for operational reasons. Therefore
you must find the specific cause of the problem and resolve it.
156 DB2 PM
More detailed and specific trace information is now required for further analysis.
The SQL report set provides information about the SQL statements being issued
and the order in which they occur, along with a variety of other SQL- related
details. To produce an SQL trace, you must collect trace data. Configure
another Collect Data Report task for the SQL report set, ensuring that you use
the two plan names, REVP11 and REVP22, as a filter to reduce the trace data
collected. It is at this level of trace data collection that many records can be
written, and all attempts to narrow the focus of the data collection for specific
plans or primauths, for example, can only be beneficial in terms of cost.
Select option 10, Explain, from the DB2 PM Online Monitor Main Menu to display
the Explain Menu (see Figure 114 on page 159). Select option 3, Explain a
DBRM′s SQL statement, from the Explain Menu to display the SQL Statement
List panel (see Figure 115 on page 159).
158 DB2 PM
Explain Menu
Command ===> __________________________________________________________ __
Figure 115 and Figure 116 on page 160 show the SQL statement number
(reported as STMT in the SQL trace in Figure 113 on page 158) and the SQL
statement text. You can see that plans REVP22 and REVP11 are accessing the
same two tables but in reverse order, and that the modes of the locks taken are
incompatible when used in this context. REVP22 takes an X lock on page 2 of
DB2RES2.COLBABY1 and attempts to get an S lock on DB2RES2.COLBABY5 at
the same time as plan REVP11 obtains an X lock for update on
DB2RES2.COLBABY5 and attempts to get an S lock on DB2RES2.COLBABY1.
Hence the deadlock.
Figure 115. SQL Statement List Panel (DBRM REVP22): Locking Problem
Figure 116. SQL Statement List Panel (DBRM REVP11): Locking Problem
To resolve the deadlock situation rewrite the SQL statement, reversing the order
in which plan REVP22 accesses the two tables.
160 DB2 PM
Chapter 6. Checklists
This chapter covers most of the important fields in Accounting and Statistics. We
present in tabular form the block within Accounting or Statistics, the field name
within the block, and the identifier. We also describe the field and, where
applicable, offer some possible reasons for unexpected values as well as
recommendations for improvement.
Use the information on the checklists to become familiar with the fields and
understand in what way they are related to one another. Often by examining a
number of fields and comparing them, perhaps from multiple report sets, you
can identify the problem and its cause. you can include any other fields that are
relevant to your specific environment.
Identifier ADRECETT
The elapsed time for the processing performed, which includes the time spent not only in DB2 but also in the
application. If the class 1 elapsed time is significantly less than the transaction time, analyze the IMS or CICS
monitoring information using the appropriate monitor to identify the cause. If the IMS or CICS information
does not provide an answer to the problem, you can start the performance trace and generate the SQL
activity report. The elapsed time does not include the thread creation and thread termination times or the
time before the first SQL call, so check the SQL activity report to see whether the thread creation and thread
termination times are reasonable and determine whether or not the problem is in DB2. Consider class 2
elapsed time in conjunction with this field.
Identifier ADDB2ETT
The elapsed time for the processing performed in DB2 only. The difference between class 1 and class 2
elapsed time is the time spent outside DB2. If the difference is significant, the problem could be in the
application program, CICS, or IMS. The problem definitely is not in DB2.
Identifier ADTCBT
The TCB time for the processing performed, which includes the time spent not only in DB2 but also in the
application. Included in this time are the following:
• SQL processing
• Synchronous I/O
• Locking (time spent requesting locks and chasing the IRLM chain)
• Latching
• Commit processing (if read-only commit, an entire commit CPU time; if update commit, a majority of
commit CPU time--more than 95%)
• Application logic (in the case of a CICS-DB2 connection does not include what is charged to the CICS
main task; it only includes subtask time).
162 DB2 PM
Table 8. Accounting Field 4
Identifier ADDBTCBT
The TCB time for the processing performed in DB2 only. The difference between class 1 TCB time and class 2
TCB time can be classified as the TCB time used for the application processing occurring outside DB2.
Identifier ADNOTACC
Not accounted time in DB2. Indicates that wait time is not occurring in DB2 nor is it attributable to I/O
suspensions. Possible causes could be an incorrect dispatching priority for the transaction or MVS paging
activity. Consult an RMF report.
Identifier QWACAWTL
The lock/latch elapsed time for suspensions. If these suspensions ultimately result in deadlocks or timeouts,
analyze the lockout trace to determine which applications are holding the locks required. For an unusually
high number of lock suspensions analyze the locking report set for information on the reason for the
suspensions and the object on which they occurred.
Identifier QWACAWTI
The elapsed time spent waiting because of synchronous I/O suspensions. Large elapsed times indicate that
there may have been a change in the access path. The change in the access path and a large number of
getpages indicate the need to reorganize the data.
Identifier QWACAWTR
The time spent waiting for read I/O performed by another thread. A large value indicates contention on a
busy data set, control unit, or controller. If the problem is due to an I/O bound query, use DEGREE ANY to
enable parallelism.
Identifier QWACAWTW
The elapsed time spent waiting for write I/O performed under another thread. A large value indicates I/O
Identifier QWACAWTE
Times reported here include waits for open/close data sets, SYSLGRNX or SYSLGRNG update, the second
phase of the two-phase commit for update threads, HSM recall for data sets, and define, extend, and delete
data set operations. The most likely cause of unexpectedly high times is the preformatting of data sets.
Identifier QWACAWAR
The time spent waiting to read an archive log from tape. This should be a very rare occurrence as most of
the time the log data required for rollback or recovery should be available in active logs. Check to make sure
the jobs commit frequently.
164 DB2 PM
Table 16. Accounting Field 12
Identifier ASIUD
The ratio of the number of updates, deletes, and inserts to the commits performed. A very large number here
can cause extended recovery time in case of a rollback.
The values in these two fields represent the number of describe and/or prepare statements executed.
Nonzero values indicate dynamic SQL and are normally not expected in a transaction environment.
Identifier QTXATIM
The number of times lock suspension ultimately results in a timeout. This occurs when a requester for a lock
on a resource has waited longer than the installation-specified resource-timeout limit (ZPARM IRLMRWT).
Applications can recover from timeouts by detecting the SQL -911 return code within the application and
retrying the operation. For repeated timeouts consider serializing the activity.
Identifier QTXADEA
Deadlocks occur when two or more application processes each hold locks on resources the others need and
without which they cannot proceed. Run the deadlock trace from statistics trace class 3 records to determine
the holders and waiters of the deadlocked resource.
Identifier QTXALES
This field represents the number of times the locks per table(space) parameter was exceeded and the lock
was promoted from an intent share lock (IS) to a table space lock (S). This can occur, for example, in a
repeatable read application, if the maximum number of page or row locks that can be held concurrently by a
thread against a single table space for which locksize ANY was specified exceeds the ZPARM NUMLKTS
Identifier QTXALEX
This field represents the number of times the locks per table(space) parameter was exceeded and the lock
was promoted from an intent exclusive lock (IX) to a table space lock (X). This can occur, for example, in an
update application, if the maximum number of page or row locks that can be held concurrently by a thread
against a single table space for which locksize ANY was specified exceeds the ZPARM NUMLKTS value. Lock
escalations can cause timeouts and deadlocks. Therefore examine these fields when escalations occur. Lock
escalations, shared or exclusive, should not be expected in a transaction environment.
Identifier QXMIAP
A nonzero value in this field indicates that DB2 has used list prefetch activity. If you are looking at a
transaction and list prefetch is used, you may want to examine the access path used.
166 DB2 PM
Table 23. Accounting Field 19
Identifier QXMRMIAP
The number of times RID list processing was terminated because one or more internal limits were exceeded.
If more than 25% of the rows in a table must be accessed, list prefetch is terminated and the access path
reverts to a table space scan.
Identifier QXREDGRP
The number of parallel groups executed in reduced parallel degree because of a storage shortage or
contention in the buffer pool. If this field is not zero, consider increasing the size of the buffer pool or
assigning table spaces accessed by this query to a different buffer pool.
Identifier QXDEGBUF
The number of parallel groups that fell back to sequential operation because of storage shortage or
contention in the buffer pool. Elapsed time for a query normally expected to use parallelism dramatically
increases. If this field is not zero, consider increasing the size of the buffer pool or assigning table spaces
accessed by this query to a different buffer pool.
Block BPx
Identifier QBACIMW
The number of immediate writes for a page. A small value can be expected. Synchronous writes occur if
there are too many check points and/or the buffer pool is too small. If a large number of synchronous writes
occur, review the check point frequency and the size of the buffer pool.
Block BPx
Identifier QBACRIO
The number of synchronous read I/O operations. Look for the unexpected value. For example, query-based
transactions examining many rows would be expected to use sequential prefetch, and therefore few
synchronous reads would be anticipated. An unexpected number here suggests that sequential prefetch is
disabled, or that prefetch pages are stolen from the buffer pool before they are read. Consider increasing
and/or tuning the buffer pool.
Block BPx
Identifier QBACSEQ
Transactions unexpectedly using sequential prefetch indicate a change in the access path to a table space
scan. Queries are expected to use sequential prefetch. If they do not, examine the statistics report set to
determine whether sequential prefetch is disabled. You can determine the efficiency of the buffer pool read
operations by using the buffer pool hit ratio formula:
where GETPAGES is the number of GETPAGE requests.
Block BPx
Identifier QBACHWF
A number of write failures indicate that there is not enough expanded storage to back the hiperpool. Issue
the DISPLAY BUFFERPOOL command; when there is a shortage of expanded storage to support the size of
the hiperpool, the value for the hiperpool ALLOCATED field is larger than the hiperpool BACKED BY ES field.
In this situation the hiperpool should be reduced.
168 DB2 PM
Table 30. Accounting Field 26
Block BPx
Identifier QBACHRF
A read failure means that the page is expected to be found in the hiperpool but is not found when the request
is made. A high number of read failures for the hiperpool with the CASTOUT=YES attribute indicates that
MVS is stealing a large number of pages to compensate for a shortage of expanded storage. Consider
reducing the size of the hiperpool.
Identifier QLACCNVQ
The number of conversation requests queued by the Distributed Data Facility and waiting for allocation.
When this value is high, you may want to increase the number of conversations by tuning VTAM.
Identifier QLACCBLB
The number of times a switch is made from continuous to limited block fetch mode. This is applicable only for
system-directed access. Continuous block fetch is more efficient than limited block fetch. Therefore if a high
value is reported in this field, consider tuning VTAM.
Identifier QLACBROW
The number of rows sent in a block fetch buffer. A zero value in this field indicates that block fetch is not
used. You can determine the percentage of rows sent by means of block fetch by comparing the total number
of rows sent (the ROWS SENT field) with the value in this field.
Identifier QTXADEA
The total number of deadlocks reported. It may not be realistic to expect zero in this field. Deadlocks result
mainly because of application design problems. Ensure that all applications accessing the same tables
access them in the same sequence. Deadlocks can also occur because of type 1 index page splits in high
insert activity. Specify SUBPAGES 1 or use type 2 index.
Identifier QTXATIM
The total number of timeouts reported. Develop a profile for this field to enable detection of upward trends or
unusual peaks.
Identifier QTXALES
The number of times MAXIMUM PAGE LOCKS PER TABLE SPACE is exceeded and the table space lock
escalates from an intent share lock (IS) to a table space lock (S) for the thread. Develop a profile for this
field to enable detection of upward trends or unusual peaks.
Identifier QTXALEX
The number of times MAXIMUM PAGE LOCKS PER TABLE SPACE is exceeded and the table space lock
escalates from an intent exclusive lock (IX) to a table space lock (X) for the thread. Develop a profile for this
field to enable detection of upward trends or unusual peaks.
170 DB2 PM
Table 38. Statistics Field 5
Identifier Q3STCTHW
The number of create thread requests queued. Monitoring this field is useful for determining the correct
setting for the maximum number of concurrent threads (ZPARM CTHREAD). QUEUED AT CREATE THREAD
does not include DBATs. As a rule of thumb, about 1% queuing is acceptable.
Identifier QWSDCKPT
The number of checkpoints taken since DB2 startup. It is recommended that in a production environment DB2
should take checkpoints every 20 minutes or so. If you suspect that there is a problem with the frequency, on
the DB2 PM Online Monitor Statistics Detail panel type INT on the command line to start interval processing
and monitor the value over a known period of time or run a statistics report and order by interval. This, for
example, can show checkpoint activity per hour during a 24-hour period and identify whether the checkpoint
frequency should be adjusted.
Identifier QJSTALR
The number of times DB2 must read log records and go to the archive log for the records. The value for this
ideally should be zero. For optimal performance, when data is backed out, it still should be available in the
output buffer or the active log. A large value in this field indicates that the active logs are probably too
Identifier QJSTWTB
This field shows how many times a write request to the active log must wait because a log output buffer is
not available. You should expect a low value in this field. If these waits occur, the log output buffer is too
small, or the write threshold value is too close to the log output buffer size.
Identifier QIESFAIL
This value should be zero. The EDM pool should be large enough to contain the cursor tables, package
tables, and database descriptors. The EDM pool also should be large enough to allow the majority of CTs,
PTs, and DBDs to remain resident within the EDM pool. This is particularly important for online transactions
that cannot afford unnecessary I/O.
Identifier SERCTLR
This field shows the ratio of the number of requests for CT sections to the number of times CT sections not
already in the EDM pool. A value of 5 to 10 is acceptable; greater than 10 indicates greater efficiency.
Consider increasing the size of the EDM pool if the ratio is low. However, first examine the average number
of pages the EDM pool has in use and review the sizes of the CTs, PTs, and DBDs. The % EDM pages in use
should be, on average, greater that 50% and realistically approach 80% - 90%. Very large DBDs can cause
EDM pool full situations when they are loaded. You may need to consider limiting the number of table spaces
and/or indexes in a database to ensure you do not have a very large DBD.
172 DB2 PM
Table 44. Statistics Field 11
Identifier SERPTLR
Identifier SERDBLR
Block BPx
Identifier SBRPWWIO
There are no absolute values for this field because each installation′s workload is a special case. To assess
and detect problems with write efficiency, monitor for overall trends rather than for absolute values. The
following factors affect the ratio of pages written per write I/O: The checkpoint frequency, if too aggressive,
causes I/Os to be scheduled to write all updated pages on the deferred write queue to DASD. If this occurs
too frequently, the deferred write queue does not grow large enough to achieve a high ratio of pages written
per write I/O. The frequency of active log switches causes a system checkpoint, and the problem described
for checkpoint frequency occurs. The deferred write thresholds (VDWQT and DWQT) are a function of the
buffer pool size. If the buffer pool size is decreased, these thresholds are reached more frequently, causing
I/Os to be scheduled to write some of the pages on the deferred write queue to DASD. Because of the nature
of batch processing, the ratio of pages written to write I/Os can be expected to be higher than that expected
for transaction type workloads.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTIMW
The number of immediate writes for a page. A small value can be expected. Synchronous writes occur if
there are too many checkpoints and/or the buffer pool is too small. If a large number of synchronous writes
occur, monitor the SYSTEM EVENT CHECKPOINT field in the Subsystem Services block and the DM
THRESHOLD field in the BPx block.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTDMC
A nonzero value in this field indicates severe problems with the buffer pool and that its efficiency is greatly
reduced. You may consider increasing the buffer pool. Synchronous writes will also increase if the problem
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTSPD
The number of times the sequential prefetch threshold is reached. This fixed threshold is experienced if 90%
of the pages in the buffer pool are unavailable. This has an impact on large and frequent scans that use
sequential prefetch. If you are experiencing unusually high elapsed times for these types of transactions,
review the SYNCHRON. I/O (Class 3 suspensions) field in the accounting report set and examine the time.
You should see a marked increase in SYNCHRON. I/O time. Consider increasing the buffer pool size.
174 DB2 PM
Table 50. Statistics Field 17
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTHRF
Unsuccessful hiperpool to virtual buffer pool read, either synchronous or asynchronous. An unsuccessful read
occurs when a requested page is found in the hiperpool but its contents have been discarded by MVS. The
count does not include pages moved by the asynchronous data mover facility. For a CASTOUT=YES
hiperpool (the general case), if this number is large, the size of the hiperpool should be decreased. For
CASTOUT=NO hiperpools (used by applications that require rapid response), unsuccessful hiperpool to
virtual buffer pool read can only happen if the backing expanded storage is configured out of the system.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTARF
Unsuccessful hiperpool to virtual buffer pool reads. An unsuccessful read occurs when a requested page is
found in the hiperpool but its contents have been discarded by MVS. Recommendations for CASTOUT=YES
and CASTOUT=NO are as detailed for HPOOL READ FAILED.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTHWF
The number of pages for which a synchronous or asynchronous write request failed because of a shortage of
expanded storage. Backing expanded storage cannot be allocated. If the number is large, consider
decreasing the size of the hiperpool.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTAWF
The number of pages for which write requests using the asynchronous data mover facility fail because the
backing storage has been stolen. If this number is large, consider reducing the size of the hiperpool.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTWFF
The number of times that a merge pass cannot be efficiently performed because of shortage of space in the
buffer pool. Consider increasing the buffer pool size.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTWFD
The number of work files (runs) that are rejected during all merge passes because of shortage of space in the
buffer pool. There are probably too many concurrent sorts in progress in conjunction with other activity in the
buffer pool. Consider dedicating a separate buffer pool for sort work files.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTMAX
The number of times a work file is not created during sort because of buffer pool shortage.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTRPI
A large value in this field indicates that the DB2 virtual buffer pool size is too large relative to available real
(central) storage. This discrepancy causes frequent page movement between expanded and central storage,
consuming CPU time. Consider using hiperpools and decreasing the size of the DB2 virtual buffer pool.
176 DB2 PM
Table 58. Statistics Field 25
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTWPI
A large value in this field indicates that the DB2 virtual buffer pool size is too large relative to available real
(central) storage. This discrepancy causes frequent page movement between expanded and central storage,
consuming CPU time. Consider using hiperpools and decreasing the size of the DB2 virtual buffer pool.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTJIS
The total number of requested I/O streams that have been denied because of a lack of buffer pool storage.
This field is applicable only for non-work-file page sets in the context of parallel query processing. For
example, if 100 prefetch I/O streams are requested and only 80 are granted, this counter contains a value 20.
Consider increasing the size of the buffer pool if this field has a nonzero value.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTPQF
The number of times that DB2 cannot allocate the requested number of buffer pages to allow a parallel group
to run to the planned degree because of a lack of buffer pool storage. This field is applicable only for
non-work-file page sets in the context of parallel query processing. Consider increasing the size of the buffer
pool if this field has a nonzero value.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTPL1
The number of times when the sequential prefetch quantity is reduced to one-half because of a lack of buffer
pool storage. This field is applicable only for non-work-file page sets in the context of parallel query
processing. A nonzero value here can have a serious impact on the elapsed time for parallel queries.
Consider increasing the size of the buffer pool if this field has a nonzero value.
Block BPx
Identifier QBSTPL2
The number of times when the sequential prefetch quantity is reduced from one-half to one-quarter because
of a lack of buffer pool storage. This field is applicable only for non-work-file page sets in the context of
parallel query processing. A nonzero value here can have a serious impact on the elapsed time for parallel
queries. Consider increasing the size of the buffer pool, if this field has a nonzero value.
Identifier QLSTCNVQ
The number of conversation requests queued by the Distributed Data Facility waiting for allocation. When
this value is high, you may want to increase the number of conversations by tuning VTAM.
Identifier QLSTCBLB
The number of times a switch is made from continuous to limited block fetch mode. This field is applicable
only for system-directed access. Continuous block fetch is more efficient than limited block fetch. Therefore if
a large value is reported in this field, consider tuning VTAM.
178 DB2 PM
Chapter 7. Support for Distributed and Data Sharing Environments
This chapter describes the facilities that DB2 PM provides to monitor the DB2
activities in distributed and data sharing environments.
The Distributed Data window in combination with the Buffer Manager Activity
window and Package/DBRM window help you identify where the
allied-distributed thread time is spent.
Use the Distributed Location Detail window and the Distributed Conversation
Detail window to view the list of conversations and the details of each
conversation. These details help you determine whether there are delays in
response times and whether block fetch is used for retrieval of data. Statistics
You can select the Distributed Data field on the DB2 Statistics Detail panel to get
a display of the Distributed Data window. From this window you can progress to
the Remote Location window.
Use the Distributed Data window to view systemwide Distributed Data Facility
(DDF) activity and examine a list of remote locations involved in the activity.
From the data displayed, you can determine how many database access threads
(DBATs) you want to support concurrently.
From the data displayed in the Remote Location window, you can determine
whether you need to tune VTAM by increasing the number of conversations.
The reports and traces can be either nonmerged or merged. Nonmerged reports
and traces can be produced for all DB2 PM report sets. In nonmerged reports,
activity is reported in location sequence. If distributed activity takes place, the
distributed call is reported, but the work performed at the server location is not
reported. Nonmerged reports report the following for every location:
• Nondistributed transactions, that is, the allied threads at the reporting
• Local activity of distributed transactions originating at the reporting location,
that is, the allied-distributed threads at the reporting location without the
corresponding DBATs at other locations
• Remote activity performed at the reporting location as part of distributed
transactions originating at other locations, that is, the DBATs at the reporting
In the accounting and SQL activity report sets, distributed data from multiple
locations can be merged into one report. Merged reports show distributed
activity for the requester location, that is, the allied-distributed threads at the
requester location and the corresponding DBATs at the server locations. Merged
reporting is possible only if both the requester and the server are DB2 for MVS
In merged reports, for a given reporting location, the following data is reported:
• Nondistributed transactions, that is, the allied threads at the reporting
• Both local and remote activity for distributed transactions originating at the
reporting location, that is, the allied-distributed threads from the reporting
location together with the corresponding DBATs at server locations.
You should be aware that the merged accounting and SQL activity reports are
designed to show distributed activity from the requester′s standpoint. They do
not show DBATs performed at the reporting location on behalf of other locations.
Therefore, merged reports for a server location may contain no data.
The statistics report set shows the CPU times in the DDF address space,
statistics for each remote location for system-directed access, aggregate
statistics for all locations for application-directed access, and other DDF
information not specific to the location.
The Explain report set shows information for packages bound at a remote
location. If a list of plans to be explained contains a remotely bound package,
DB2 PM Explain automatically connects to the server and explains the remote
package. Alternatively, you can specify the server location to which you want
DB2 PM Explain to connect and have the plans and packages explained.
Refer to IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Report Reference , IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM)
Version 4 Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor
180 DB2 PM
for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Batch User ′ s Guide , and IBM DATABASE 2 for
MVS/ESA Version 4 Administration Guide for more information and examples.
You can also produce graphs for either members only or the data sharing group.
Refer to IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4
Report Reference , IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor for MVS (DB2 PM)
Version 4 Online Monitor User ′ s Guide , IBM DATABASE 2 Performance Monitor
for MVS (DB2 PM) Version 4 Batch User ′ s Guide , and IBM DATABASE 2 for
MVS/ESA Version 4 Administration Guide for more information and examples.
Table 65 (Page 1 of 2). DB2 PM Report Set and DB2 Trace Data
DB2 PM DB2 Trace Class Description of Class
Report Set Type
Accounting Accounting 1 Accounting data
2 In DB2 time
3 Wait time in DB2
5 Time spent processing IFI requests
7 Package information - in DB2 time
8 Package information - wait time in DB2
Audit Audit 1 Authorization failures
2 Explicit GRANT or REVOKE
3 CREATE, ALTER, and DROP operations against audited tables
4 First change of audited object
5 First read of audited object
6 SQL statement at bind
7 Change in authorization for audited object
8 Utility access to any object
I/O activity Performance 4 Buffer manager I/O and EDM pool requests
5 Log manager
21 Data sharing
Locking Statistics 3 Deadlock and timeout information
Performance 4 Buffer manager I/O and EDM pool requests
6 Locking information
7 Detailed locking information
17 Drain and claim detail
20 Data sharing
21 Data sharing
Record trace All All All traces, classes, and IFCIDs can be used as input
184 DB2 PM
Appendix B. DB2 PM Data Sets
Table 66 and Table 67 on page 186 show the attributes that you should use in
DB2 PM version 4 for the most useful VSAM and non-VSAM data sets,
The job summary data set is used to save and restore related job
summary information when data is saved and restored.
1. All VSAM data sets used in a DB2 PM job must exist before the job is executed.
2. When the SAVE subcommand is specified, the save data set should be empty. If it is not empty, all
existing records are deleted.
3. Buffer space and control interval size are suggested values only. You might need to modify t h e m to suit
the requirements of your installation.
186 DB2 PM
Appendix C. Significant Exception Reporting Fields
The total number of failures due to the EDM pool being full. The value should be
near zero. With any other value consider increasing the size of the EDM pool, or
look for very large DBDs as they may be the cause.
EDM POOL SERCTLR CT requests/CT not in EDM pool *
The ratio reflects the proportion of CT sections that, when requested, were
already in the EDM pool. A value greater than 5 is acceptable.
EDM POOL SERPTLR PT requests/PT not in EDM pool *
The ratio reflects the proportion of PT sections that, when requested, were
already in the EDM pool. A value greater than 5 is acceptable.
EDM POOL SERDBLR DBD requests/DBD not in EDM pool *
The ratio reflects the proportion of DBDs that, when requested, were already in
the EDM pool. A value greater than 5 is acceptable.
BUFFER MANAGER QBSTDMC DM critical threshold reached * *
When the data manager threshold is reached, GETPAGEs and RELEASEs apply to
rows instead of pages. Avoid reaching this threshold, because it has a significant
effect on performance. This field should be zero, however; if not, consider
increasing the size of the buffer pool by using the ALTER BUFFERPOOL
The number of times that a usable buffer could not be located in the virtual buffer
pool because the virtual buffer pool was full. Ideally this value should be zero. A
value greater than zero suggests that the buffer pool is under allocated. Use the
ALTER BUFFERPOOL command to increase the virtual buffer pool size.
BUFFER MANAGER QBSTXFV Virtual storage unavailable * *
The number of virtual buffer pool or hiperpool expansion failures due to a lack of
virtual storage. Ideally this value should be zero. If not check the virtual storage
allocation of the DB2 DBM1 address space for areas that can be reduced. Check
virtual storage allocation for other buffer pools.
The number of times sequential prefetch was disabled because buffers were not
available. Ideally this value should be zero. If not consider increasing the size of
the buffer pool using the ALTER BUFFERPOOL command or reviewing the
sequential threshold. For high-use query systems reliant on prefetch consider
reducing the vertical deferred write threshold (for updated pages) and increase
the vertical sequential prefetch threshold.
BUFFER MANAGER QBSTJIS Prefetch I/O streams reduced * *
The number of times requested prefetch I/O streams have been denied through
lack of virtual buffer pool space. Ideally this value should be zero. If not consider
increasing the size of the buffer pool and/or virtual pool sequential threshold
using the ALTER BUFFERPOOL command.
BUFFER MANAGER QBSTPL2 Prefetch I/O streams reduced to 1/4 * *
The number of times DFHSM migrated table spaces or index spaces failed to be
recalled. The time is specified from the DSNTIPO panel in Recall Delay field. This
value should be close to zero; if not, consider increasing this DSNZPARM value.
When recall fails, the page set is left in a STOPPED status and remains
unavailable until it is started ACCESS(FORCE).
BUFFER MANAGER QBSTWKPD Sort/Merge Prefetch not * *
scheduled/zero quantity
The number of times sequential prefetch for sort work files is not scheduled
because the prefetch quantity has been set to zero. Normally the prefetch
quantity for work files is up to a maximum of eight pages. An underallocated
buffer pool can cause this problem. Consider increasing the size of the buffer
pool or allocating a buffer pool specifically for DSNDB07 usage. This can be
especially effective with high-use query systems whose reports make extensive
use of sort activity.
DDF ACTIVITY QDSTQDBT DBATs queued - maximum active * *
The number of times a DBAT was queued because it reached the DSNZPARM
maximum for active remote threads. You may want to increase the maximum
number of DBATs allowed. The maximum is specified on installation panel
188 DB2 PM
Table 68 (Page 3 of 3). Significant Exception Reporting Fields
Scope Field ID Field Online Batch
LOCKING QTXADEA Number of deadlocks * *
The number of times a deadlock occurred. The number should be close to zero.
If locked resource type is a data page, ensure that all applications access the
resource in the same order. If deadlock is with the index with high insert activity,
ensure that subpages is set to 1. Check the commit frequency for the application;
it could be too low.
LOCKING QTXALES Lock escalation SHARE * *
The number of times the maximum locks per table space is exceeded and the
table space lock escalates from page (IS) to table space (S) lock. The value
should be close to zero. In a high-use, high-availability environment, check
commit frequency to make sure commits are performed periodically. Check that
the application plan has not been bound with repeatable read.
The number of times the maximum locks per table space is exceeded and the
table space lock escalates from page (IX) to table space (X) lock. The value
should be close to zero, especially in a transaction environment. In a high-use,
high-availability environment, check commit frequency to make sure commits are
performed periodically.
LOG ACTIVITY QJSTRARH Log reads from archive log * *
The number of log reads from the archive log data set. The value should be
close to zero. You should plan to be reading all log information required for
backout from active logs. With values greater than zero, either consider
increasing the size of your logs, increasing the overall number of your logs so
that wraparound time is extended, or identifying and investigating jobs causing
archive reads. These jobs may be performing mass updates, generating a great
deal of log information and committing very infrequently. If you suspected that,
use DB2 PM Batch accounting exception report to identify low update per commit
LOG ACTIVITY QJSTWTB Output log buffers unavailable * *
The number of waits caused by the output log buffers being unavailable. When
log buffers are not available, the application waits until a buffer is free. The field
should be zero. Consider increasing the number of output buffers and at the
same time increase the write threshold to generally maintain a ratio of 5 to 1 in
favor of the write threshold. Check for I/O bottlenecks on your log volumes.
Heavy logging activities coupled with I/O bottlenecks can delay the writing of
output buffers to DASD. This symptom can cause all of the buffers to fill rapidly.
* Indicates that the field is available for DB2 PM Online Monitor or DB2 PM Batch.
access path information 54, 60 batch processing
accounting batch accounting and statistics reports 71
access path problem scenario 142 batch exception processing 31
accounting exception report 12 batch explain 58
accounting report 8 batch explain execution performance 58
accounting trace 21 batch throughput 3
accounting trace classes 8 collecting performance data 96
checklist of important fields 161 customizing DB2 PM functions 73
constrained buffer pool problem scenario 118 data sharing environment 181
default destination for trace records 69 DB2 PM batch report sets 24
FILE 43 exception processing compared to Online
graphs 26 Monitor 31
INTERVAL option 12 exception threshold data set 44
monitor trace classes 8 FILE subcommand 43
ordering by CICS transaction id 86 length of batch window 4
ordering by PACKAGE 85 reporting distributed data 180
periodic monitoring 44 buffer pool
Reduce 78 ALTER BUFFERPOOL command 122
RESTORE 79 buffer pool full 46
SAVE 26 buffer pool read hit ratio 22
SMF record type 69 buffer pool shortage 46
sort problem scenario 104 buffer pool size 17
TOP ONLY 67 buffer pool threshold 91
TOP option 12 buffer pool tuning 98
accounting by DB2 PM identifier graph 81 constrained buffer pool 119
accounting by field identifier graph 80 deferred write threshold 120
accounting long report extract DIAGNOSE command 121
access path problem scenario 143, 148 group buffer pool 56
constrained buffer pool problem scenario 120, 123 hiperpool 175
sort problem scenario 112, 115 storage problem 10
accounting TOP ONLY report 67, 90 virtual buffer pool 175
accounting TOP report 68, 75, 104, 117
active processing window 133
active threads 17, 64 C
application developer 1, 27 capacity planner 1, 27, 48, 74
audit checkpoint
audited object 183 checkpoint frequency 173
audited tables 183 SYSTEM EVENT CHECKPOINT 90
data sharing 181 CICS
default destination 69 EDM for CICS 7
FILE 43 main task 162
group-specific reports 181 monitoring information 162
performance audits for applications 7 ordering by CICS transaction id 86
report 26 ordering by CONNTYPE-PLANNAME 90
SMF record type 69 RCT table 92
authorization subtask 162
checking 70 collect report data 22, 64, 94, 149
collection dependencies 54 collect report data panel 22, 109
failure summary 40 collect task
Online Monitor 19 automatic trace triggering 65
required 54 collect performance data 70
AUTO display command 37 collect report data 22
collect task data set 96
192 DB2 PM
DPMOUT (continued) exception thresholds (continued)
data set 18 exception threshold data set 18
DPMOUTDD 69 how profiling works 49
input to DB2 PM 43 input data used for profiling 49
record layout 43 maintain 104
DPMPARMS data set number of threshold data sets 37
MAINPACK definition 85 recommendations 71
UTR profiles 73 explain
batch explain 93
batch explain report 98
E DB2 PM Online Monitor explain 58, 143
EDM pool remote source explain 60
efficiency 90 source explain options panel 20
maximum size 114 source explain processing options 20
monitoring 48 explain menu 159
ratio 172 explain SQL statements 5
estimator 2, 4, 10
exception event detail panel 152
exception event processing F
activate 19 FILE
background 19 accounting 186
monitor 32 audit 186
exception event summary panel 32, 33, 34, 151 FILE subcommand 26
exception log locking 186
exception log (EXTRCDD1) 186 record trace 186
exception log data set 18 statistics 186
exception log file (EXFILDD1) 186 frequency distribution graph 83, 185
exception log file data set 31
view periodic exception log 63
exception processing G
background 18 graphics selection menu 76, 77
DB2 PM Online Monitor exception processing 31 graphs
display 18 accounting and statistics 26
exception event 19 accounting by DB2 PM identifier graph 81
invoke 18 accounting by field identifier graph 80
monitoring strategy 11 DISTRIBUTE command 83
passive task 31 distributed file 77
periodic 11, 18 frequency distribution graph 83
exception processor panel 19, 38, 96, 108, 149 generate and view 26
exception profiling interval and boundary 79
calculated values 51 IRF 23
DPMOUT data set as input 50 RESTORE 79
exception profiling report 50 SAVE 26
exception threshold data set 51 statistics system graph 83
panel 49 trend analysis 76
required data sets 50 GTF
exception profiling panel 50 benefit 69
exception threshold category selection panel 105, data set 8
125 input to DB2 PM 49
exception threshold data set 31, 44, 51, 107 volume of data 69
exception threshold field details panel 52, 107
exception threshold field selection panel 106, 128
exception thresholds
Batch and Online Monitor 9
CASTOUT=NO hiperpool 175
developing 11
CASTOUT=YES hiperpool 175
DPMOUT data set 50
hiperpool expansion 187
exception profiling 10
hiperpool read 55
exception profiling panel 51
hiperpool write 55
exception profiling report 51
Index 193
hiperpool (continued) locking
size of the hiperpool 169 deadlock trace 25
storage problems 10 FILE 43
virtual buffer pool 176 locking problem scenario 156
history function 52, 63 lockout trace 156
authorization 54 monitor activity 25
benefit 52 report 12
HISTORY command 17 timeout trace 25
past events 63 deadlocks 91
scope 53 report 99
snapshot 15 timeouts 91
host variable definition window 140 trace 88
DB2 PM Online Monitor LOOK command 18
I Look selections menu 39, 63, 109
I/O activity
buffer pool 24
report 12 M
IBM Database 2 Performance Monitor panel 16, 58, MAINPACK identifier 27, 85
104, 125 measurements 9, 10
IFCID menu
collect task 70 DB2 PM Online Monitor Main Menu 17
configure DB2 traces 70 explain menu 159
IFCID 105 152 graphics selection 77
IFCID 172 152 look selections 40, 109, 130, 150
IFCID 196 152 merged reporting 180
IFCID 63 111 monitoring frequency 7, 67
IFCID 95 111
IFCID 96 111
IFCID selection window 154 N
IFCID selection window 154 network specialist 1, 28
IMS nonmerged reporting 180
IMS DC monitor for IMS 7
ordering by CONNTYPE-PLANNAME 90
QUALIFY command 41
Online Monitor
index information window 138, 145
collect data report 153
interactive report facility
delta processing mode 18
See IRF (interactive report facility) 17
HISTORY command 21
interactive report selections panel 58, 78, 79
history data 21
interval processing mode 18
history function 15
IRF (interactive report facility)
interval processing mode 18
create and execute DB2 PM commands 27
LOOK command 18, 37, 63, 150
display and print graphs 17
periodic exception processing 11
maintain parameter data sets 17
user-tailored reporting 72
operations personnel 1, 8, 28, 71
key column information window 138
key column selection window 146
PACKAGE identifier 85
L collect report data 110
LAYOUT option constraint information 57
customize DB2 PM report layout 16 DB2 explain output 136, 137, 139, 144, 147
customize DB2 PM trace layout 16 diagnosis rules of thumb 55
user-tailored reporting for accounting and exception event detail 152
statistics 73 exception event summary 33, 34, 151
194 DB2 PM
panel (continued) scenarios (continued)
exception processor 19, 128, 149 class 1 elapsed time problem scenario 125
exception profiling 50 constrained buffer pool problem scenario 117
exception threshold category selection 125 locking problem scenario 149
exception threshold field details 52, 127 sort problem scenario 104
exception threshold field selection 126 structured approach to problem solving 103
interactive report selections 78 service level 3, 11, 31, 44, 47
periodic exception processor 35 SMF
source explain options 21 active 65
SQL statement list 159 continuous monitoring 69
storage sizes and connections 114 data set 8
thread detail 132, 134 dump utility 69
thread summary 42 input to DB2 PM 49
performance management 2, 9, 71 record type 100 69
performance monitoring 1, 6 record type 101 69
performance objectives 1, 9 record type 102 69
performance specialist 1, 8 SORTBY option 25
performance strategy 1 source explain options 21
periodic exception notification window 39 source explain options panel 20, 21
periodic exception processing SPUFI 3, 21
activate periodic exception 96 SQL activity
background task 35 locking problem scenario 149
exception notification window 129 report 12
Online Monitor 11 SORTBY option 25
periodic exception log 63 SUMMARIZEBY option 25
periodic exception messages 40 trace 149
periodic exceptions list window 41 SQL statement and package window 20, 134, 135
road map 12 SQL statement list panel 159
periodic exception processor panel 35 statistics
periodic exceptions list window 41, 109, 131 checklist of important fields 170
PRESORTED option 69 constrained buffer pool problem scenario 121
deadlock and timeout trace 165
default destination for trace records 69
Q delta processing 18
QMF (Query Management Facility) distributed data 180
query (SQL format) 24 exception report 12
retrieve data 9 exception threshold 18
stored QMF query 58 FILE 9
Query Management Facility frequency distribution 26
See QMF (Query Management Facility) 24 interval processing 18
reduce 77
report 8
record trace 23, 43, 78, 183
SAVE 26, 77
REDUCE processing
SMF record type 69
accounting 80
sort problem scenario 113
REDUCE subcommand 91
system graph 83
statistics 80
trace 27
RUNSTATS 4, 93, 138, 145
trace classes 8
statistics long report extract
constrained buffer pool problem scenario 121, 124
S sort problem scenario 113, 116
SAVE data set
statistics system graph 83
accounting 185
storage sizes and connections 114
statistics 185
system parameters report 181
save-file utility 26
systems analysts 8, 9
access path problem scenario 141
Index 195
systems p r o g r a m m e r 1, 65
table information window 60, 137
thread detail panel 40, 52, 132, 179
instrumentation data 53
thread summary panel 17, 42
time zone 27, 86
cause 100, 166
SQL -911 165
trace 25
trace configuration window 110, 153
trigger immediately window 111, 155
user-tailored reporting (UTR)
See UTR (user-tailored reporting) 72
utility activity
information about bind activity 24
information about utility execution 24
report 24
UTR (user-tailored reporting)
accounting report 72
accounting trace 72
statistics report 72
statistics trace 72
active processing 133
diagnosis of thread 22, 56, 122, 133
exception notification 129, 150
host variable definition 140
IFCID selection 154
index information 138, 145
key column information 138
key column selection 146
periodic exception notification 39
periodic exceptions list 41, 109, 131
SQL statement and package 135
table information 137, 144
trace configuration 110, 153
trigger immediately 111, 155
workload 3, 7, 44
196 DB2 PM
ITSO Technical Bulletin Evaluation RED000
International Technical Support Organization
DB2 PM Usage Guide Update
October 1995
Publication No. SG24-2584-00
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Artwork Definitions
i i
Table Definitions
HEAD1 2584CH03
46 46
MAIN 2584CH03
46 46
HEAD2 2584CH03
48 48
MAIN2 2584CH03
48 48
HD1 2584CH04
86 86
RW1 2584CH04
86 86, 86
RW2 2584CH04
86 86
RW3 2584CH04
86 86
CHK 2584CH06
162 162, 162, 162, 162, 163, 163, 163, 163, 164, 164, 164,
164, 165, 165, 165, 165, 166, 166, 166, 167, 167, 167,
167, 168, 168, 168, 169, 169, 169, 170, 170, 170, 170,
170, 171, 171, 171, 172, 172, 172, 173, 173, 173, 174,
174, 174, 175, 175, 175, 175, 176, 176, 176, 176, 177,
177, 177, 178, 178, 178
HD01 2584APXA
183 183
183 183
183 183
183 183
ROW44 2584APXA
183 183
183 184
183 183, 184
183 184
183 184
185 185
185 185, 185, 185, 185
HD02 2584APXB
186 186
186 186, 186, 186, 186, 186, 186
187 187
187 187
CH01F01 2584CH01
5 1
CH01F02 2584CH01
12 2
CH01F03 2584CH01
12 3
CH01F04 2584CH01
13 4
CH02F01 2584CH02
16 5
CH02F02 2584CH02
17 6
16, 20, 22
CH02F03 2584CH02
19 7
18, 18
CH02F04 2584CH02
21 8
CH02F05 2584CH02
22 9
CH03F01 2584CH03
33 10
CH03FA1 2584CH03
34 11
CH03F02 2584CH03
35 12
35, 36, 38
CH03F03 2584CH03
36 13
36, 37
CH03F06 2584CH03
39 14
CH03F07 2584CH03
40 15
CH03F08 2584CH03
41 16
40, 63
CH03F09 2584CH03
42 17
41, 42
CH03F10 2584CH03
50 18
CH03F11 2584CH03
51 19
CH03F12 2584CH03
52 20
45, 51, 51
CH03F13 2584CH03
55 21
CH03F14 2584CH03
56 22
CH03F15 2584CH03
57 23
CH03FLO 2584CH03
62 24
CH04F01 2584CH04
72 25
CH04F03 2584CH04
73 26
CH04F04 2584CH04
74 27
CH04T02 2584CH04
74 28
CH04F05 2584CH04
75 29
CH04T01 2584CH04
75 30
CH04F18 2584CH04
76 31
CH04F06 2584CH04
77 32
CH04F07 2584CH04
78 33
77, 78
CH04F08 2584CH04
78 34
CH04F09 2584CH04
80 35
CH04F10 2584CH04
81 36
CH04F11 2584CH04
82 37
81, 81
CH04F1A 2584CH04
82 38
81, 82
CH04F12 2584CH04
83 39
CH04F13 2584CH04
84 40
CH04FFD 2584CH04
85 41
CH04FLO 2584CH04
87 42
CH04TR1 2584CH04
88 43
CH04F15 2584CH04
90 44
CH04F14 2584CH04
91 45
CH04F16 2584CH04
92 46
CH04F17 2584CH04
93 47
CH04E20 2584CH04
93 48
CH04F20 2584CH04
94 49
CH04F21 2584CH04
95 50
CH04F22 2584CH04
96 51
CH04F23 2584CH04
97 52
96, 97
CH04F24 2584CH04
99 53
CH04ST1 2584CH04
101 54
97, 100
CH05FAT 2584CH05
104 55
CH05FAA 2584CH05
105 56
CH05FAB 2584CH05
106 57
CH05F01 2584CH05
107 58
106, 107
CH05F02 2584CH05
108 59
CH05D0Z 2584CH05
109 60
CH05F03 2584CH05
109 61
CH05F04 2584CH05
110 62
CH05F4A 2584CH05
110 63
CH05F05 2584CH05
111 64
CH05F06 2584CH05
112 65
111, 116
CH05F07 2584CH05
113 66
CH05F7A 2584CH05
114 67
CH05F09 2584CH05
115 68
114, 116
CH05F10 2584CH05
116 69
114, 116
CH05F11 2584CH05
118 70
117, 117
CH05F12 2584CH05
119 71
117, 118
CH05F13 2584CH05
120 72
119, 122
CH05F14 2584CH05
121 73
120, 120, 123
CH05F15 2584CH05
122 74
CH05F16 2584CH05
123 75
CH05F17 2584CH05
124 76
123, 123
CH05H01 2584CH05
125 77
125, 128
CH05H1A 2584CH05
126 78
126, 128
CH05H02 2584CH05
127 79
CH05H03 2584CH05
128 80
CH05H04 2584CH05
129 81
CH05D0X 2584CH05
130 82
CH05H05 2584CH05
131 83
CH05H06 2584CH05
132 84
CH05H07 2584CH05
133 85
CH05H08 2584CH05
133 86
CH05H09 2584CH05
134 87
CH05H10 2584CH05
135 88
CH05H11 2584CH05
136 89
CH05H12 2584CH05
137 90
CH05H13 2584CH05
137 91
CH05H14 2584CH05
138 92
138, 138
CH05H15 2584CH05
138 93
CH05H16 2584CH05
139 94
CH05H17 2584CH05
140 95
CH05E01 2584CH05
142 96
CH05E02 2584CH05
143 97
CH05E03 2584CH05
144 98
143, 145
CH05E04 2584CH05
144 99
CH05E06 2584CH05
145 100
CH05E09 2584CH05
146 101
CH05E08 2584CH05
147 102
CH05E10 2584CH05
148 103
CH05D0W 2584CH05
149 104
CH05D01 2584CH05
150 105
CH05D0Y 2584CH05
150 106
CH05D02 2584CH05
151 107
CH05D04 2584CH05
152 108
CH05D05 2584CH05
153 109
CH05D06 2584CH05
154 110
CH05D07 2584CH05
155 111
CH05D08 2584CH05
156 112
CH05D09 2584CH05
158 113
CH05D10 2584CH05
159 114
CH05D11 2584CH05
159 115
158, 159
CH05D12 2584CH05
160 116
xv Special Notices
xviii Related Publications
CH01 2584CH01
1 Chapter 1, Performance Management
1 1.1, Managing DB2 Performance
CH01S01 2584CH01
6 1.2, Developing a Monitoring Policy
CH02 2584CH02
15 Chapter 2, DB2 P M Monitoring Facilities
15 2.1, DB2 PM Online Monitor
18 2.2, Exception Processing
20 2.3, Explain
21 2.4, HISTORY Command
21 2.5, DIAGNOSE Command
22 2.6, Collect Report Data
BATH 2584CH02
23 2.7, DB2 PM Batch
GRAPH 2584CH02
26 2.7.4, Graphs
IRF 2584CH02
27 2.8, Interactive Report Facility
CH03 2584CH03
31 Chapter 3, Using DB2 P M for Exception Processing
xvii, 7
38 3.2, Activating the Exception Processor
SETX 2584CH03
44 3.6, Setting Exception Thresholds
CH03S02 2584CH03
45 3.6.3, Fields for Populating the Threshold Data Set
46, The System Programmer
DBA 2584CH03
47, The Database Administrator
49 3.7, Exception Profiling
10, 44
52 3.8.1, Collecting Data
DEPS 2584CH03
54 3.8.3, Collection Dependencies
59, Performance Considerations
CH04 2584CH04
67 Chapter 4, Using DB2 P M for Periodic Monitoring
67 4.1, Monitoring Frequency
68 4.3, Collecting DB2 Performance Data
9, 68
86 4.11, Solving Periodic Exceptions Using DB2 PM
CH05 2584CH05
103 Chapter 5, Scenarios
SORT 2584CH05
104 5.1, Sort Problem
CH06 2584CH06
161 Chapter 6, Checklists
CH07 2584CH07
179 Chapter 7, Support for Distributed and Data Sharing
CH07DIS 2584CH07
179 7.1, Distributed Environment
CH07DPM 2584CH07
179 7.1.1, DB2 PM Online Monitor
CH07DPB 2584CH07
180 7.1.2, DB2 PM Batch
CH07DSH 2584CH07
181 7.2, Data Sharing Environment
CH07DSM 2584CH07
181 7.2.1, DB2 PM Online Monitor
CH07DSB 2584CH07
181 7.2.2, DB2 PM Batch
183 Appendix A, DB2 Trace Data A s Input to DB2 P M Report Set
xvii, 23
185 Appendix B, DB2 P M Data Sets
xvii, 43, 43, 45, 77
187 Appendix C, Significant Exception Reporting Fields
xviii, 45
LEVEL 2584CH03
52 (no text)
CH02T01 2584CH02
15 1
CH03T01 2584CH03
46 2
46, 100
CH03T02 2584CH03
48 3
48, 100
CORR 2584CH04
86 4
CHK01 2584CH06
162 5
CHK02 2584CH06
162 6
CHK03 2584CH06
162 7
CHK04 2584CH06
163 8
CHK05 2584CH06
163 9
CHK06 2584CH06
163 10
CHK07 2584CH06
163 11
CHK08 2584CH06
164 12
CHK09 2584CH06
164 13
CHK10 2584CH06
164 14
CHK11 2584CH06
164 15
CHK12 2584CH06
165 16
CHK13 2584CH06
165 17
CHK14 2584CH06
165 18
CHK15 2584CH06
165 19
CHK16 2584CH06
166 20
CHK17 2584CH06
166 21
CHK18 2584CH06
166 22
CHK19 2584CH06
167 23
CHK20 2584CH06
167 24
CHK21 2584CH06
167 25
CHK22 2584CH06
167 26
CHK23 2584CH06
168 27
CHK24 2584CH06
168 28
CHK25 2584CH06
168 29
CHK26 2584CH06
169 30
CHK27 2584CH06
169 31
CHK28 2584CH06
169 32
CHK29 2584CH06
169 33
CHK30 2584CH06
170 34
CHK31 2584CH06
170 35
CHK32 2584CH06
170 36
CHK33 2584CH06
170 37
CHK34 2584CH06
171 38
CHK35 2584CH06
171 39
CHK36 2584CH06
171 40
CHK37 2584CH06
172 41
CHK38 2584CH06
172 42
CHK39 2584CH06
172 43
CHK40 2584CH06
173 44
CHK41 2584CH06
173 45
CHK42 2584CH06
173 46
CHK43 2584CH06
174 47
CHK44 2584CH06
174 48
CHK45 2584CH06
174 49
CHK46 2584CH06
175 50
CHK47 2584CH06
175 51
CHK48 2584CH06
175 52
CHK49 2584CH06
175 53
CHK50 2584CH06
176 54
CHK51 2584CH06
176 55
CHK52 2584CH06
176 56
CHK53 2584CH06
176 57
CHK54 2584CH06
177 58
CHK55 2584CH06
177 59
CHK56 2584CH06
177 60
CHK57 2584CH06
178 61
CHK58 2584CH06
178 62
CHK59 2584CH06
178 63
CHK60 2584CH06
178 64
183 65
185 66
186 67
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Page 196 RCFADDR
Page 197 RCFADDR