Research Article
Research Article
Research Article
Research Article
The First Metal Complexes of
Preparation, Physical and Spectroscopic Studies, and
Preliminary Antimicrobial Properties
The new complexes [M2 O5 L2 (H2 O)2 ] · H2 O (M = Mo, 1; M = W, 2), [RuL2 (H2 O)2 ] · H2 O (3), [ML3 ] · xH2 O (M =
Rh, x = 2, 4; M = Ir, x = 1, 5), [RhL2 (PPh3 )2 ](ClO4 ) · 2H2 O (6), [PdL2 ] · 2H2 O (7), [PdL(phen)]Cl · H2 O (8),
[ReOL2 (PPh3 )]Cl (9) and [UO2 L2 ] (10) are reported, where LH is 4,6-diamino-1-hydro-5-hydroxy-pyrimidine-2-thione. The
complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, physical techniques (molar conductivity, room-temperature magnetic
susceptibility), and spectroscopic (IR, Raman, UV/VIS/ligand field, NMR, mass) methods. The ligand L− is in its thione
form and behaves as a bidentate chelate with the deprotonated (hydroxyl) oxygen and the nitrogen of one amino group
as donor atoms. Oxobridged dinuclear (1, 2) and various mononuclear (3–10) structures are assigned for the complexes in
the solid state. The metal ion coordination geometries are octahedral (1–6, 9, 10) or square planar (7, 8). The free ligand
LH and complexes 1, 4, 7, and 8 were assayed in vitro for antimicrobial activity against two bacterial and two fungal
Copyright © 2008 Sahar I. Mostafa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Scheme 1: Structural formulae of pyrimidine-2-thione (I), and some of its amino (II, III) and hydroxy (IV, V) derivatives shown in one of
their tautomeric forms.
[RhL2 (PPh3 )2 ](ClO4 ) · 2H2 O (6) Solid LH (0.08 g, 0.5 mmol) was added to a stirred solution
of [UO2 (NO3 )2 ] · 6H2 O (0.25 g, 0.5 mmol) in methanol
A hot ethanolic solution (20 cm3 ) of LH (0.25 g, 1.6 mmol) (10 cm3 ). The solid soon dissolved. The resultant yellow
was added to a solution of RhCl3 · 3H2 O (0.21 g, 0.8 mmol) solution was filtered and refluxed for 4 hours, during which
in 6 M HClO4 (15 cm3 ). The resultant orange solution was time a red microcrystalline solid was precipitated. The
refluxed for 4 hours and to this was added a solution of product was collected by filtration, washed with methanol
PPh3 (0.43 g, 1.6 mmol) in hot ethanol (15 cm3 ). The new (5 cm3 ) and diethyl ether (2 × 5 cm3 ), and dried in vacuo.
solution was refluxed for a further 3 hours and filtered, and The yield was 55% (based on the metal). Elemental analytical
its volume decreased in vacuo to give a red-brown solid. The calculation for C8 H10 N8 O4 S2 U: C,16.44; H, 1.71; N, 19.18;
solid was collected by filtration, washed with hot water (2 S, 10.96% found that C, 16.35; H, 2.02; N, 18.98; S, 10.86%;
x 2 mL) and hot ethanol (2 x 3 cm3 ), and dried in vacuo. ΛM (DMSO): 11 S cm2 mol−1 .
The yield was 25% (based on the metal). Elemental analytical
calculation for C44 CIH44 N8 O8 S2 P2 Rh: C, 49.05; H, 4.09; N, 2.2. Antimicrobial activity
10.41; S, 3.30% found that C, 48.79; H, 4.09; N, 10.44; S,
3.46%; ΛM (DMSO): 48 S cm2 mol−1 . The bacterial strains (S. aureus and P. aeruginosa) were grown
in Nutrient agar slants and the fungal strains (A. niger and
[PdL2 ] · 2H2 O (7) C. albicans) were grown in Sabouraud dextrose agar slants.
The viable bacterial cells were swabbed onto Nutrient agar
To a stirred slurry of LH (0.16 g, 1.0 mmol) in methanol plates, while the fungal spores onto Sabouraud dextrose agar
(15 cm3 ) was added an aqueous solution (15 cm3 ) of plates. The free ligand and complexes 1, 4, 7 were dissolved
K2 [PdCl4 ] (0.16 g, 0.5 mmol). The resulting suspension was in DMSO, while complex 8 was dissolved in H2 O with 10, 20,
stirred at 40◦ C for 60 hours and the brown solid formed 50, and 100 mg/mL concentrations. The blank was DMSO in
was collected by filtration, washed with water (5 × 3 cm3 ) saline buffer. The bacterial and fungal plates were incubated
and cold methanol (2 × 5 cm3 ), and dried in air. The for 36 and 72 hours, respectively, and the activity of the
yield (based on the metal) was 50%. Elemental analytical compounds was estimated by measuring the diameter of
calculation for C8 H14 N8 O4 S2 Pd: C,21.03; H, 3.07; N, 24.54; the inhibition zone (the affected zone by the compounds)
S, 14.02% found that C, 21.23; H, 3.22; N, 24.85; S, 14.21%; around the respective zone (the normal place in the agar).
ΛM (DMSO): 9 S cm2 mol−1 . The incubation temperature was 27 ± 0.5◦ C.
4 Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications
studied, the integration ratio of the signals is consistent with Table 1: Diagnostic1 H NMR (δ, ppm)a spectral data for LH and
the assignments. the representative complexes 1, 3, 4, and 6–8 in DMSO-d6 .
The spectrum of LH exhibits two singlets at δ 6.07 and
Compound –N(1)H– –N(4)H2 /–N(6)H2 –O(5)H
6.18 assigned to the –N(4)H2 /–N(6)H2 (for the numbering
scheme see Scheme 2) amino hydrogens, respectively, and LH 7.43 6.07, 6.18 9.13
two relatively broad singlets at δ 7.43 and 9.13 due to 1 7.57 6.18, 6.55 —
the amide and hydroxyl protons –N(1)H– and –O(5)H, 3 7.49 6.14, 6.47 —
respectively. The appearance of these four peaks is consistent 4 7.44 6.20, 6.49 —
with the exclusive presence of the thione form of LH 6 b 6.11, 6.47 —
(Scheme 2) in solution. The proton of the hydroxyl group 7 7.47 6.17, 6.48 —
is not observed in the spectra of the complexes confirming 8 7.39 6.08, 6.46 —
its deprotonation and coordination to the metal ions. In the a The spectra were run 10–15 min after dissolution.
spectra of 1, 3, 4, and 6–8, the –N(1)H– signal undergoes b Obscured by the signals of the aromatic protons.
a marginal shift to indicate the noninvolvement of this
group in coordination; a relatively large downfield shift
would be expected if coordination had occurred. In the same
spectra, two signals appear for –NH2 protons, as expected. the 3400–3200 cm−1 region; this is apparently due to the
The most pronounced variation in chemical shift is the simultaneous presence of crystal and coordinated water in
downfield shift of one signal. Since more specific assignments these complexes [14]. In the spectra of 4–8, a medium
of these two signals seem impossible, it is difficult to conclude broad absorption indicates the presence of exclusively crystal
which amino nitrogen is coordinated. NMR evidence for (lattice) water.
the presence of thione –thiol tautomerism in the metal The absence of an IR or Raman band at ∼2600 cm−1 in
complexes in solution was not found. the spectrum of free LH suggests that the ligand exists in its
The 1 H NMR spectrum of 4 confirms that the three N,O- thione form (see Scheme 2) [18]. This is corroborated by the
bidentate (vide infra) ligands are equivalent (C3 symmetry), appearance of the medium v(C=S) band at 1177 cm−1 (this
and, therefore, the complex has the fac stereochemistry [15]. vibration appears as a strong peak at 1160 cm−1 in the Raman
The spectrum of 8 is indicative of the presence of one spectrum) and the strong IR v(N–H) band at 2970 cm−1 (this
solution species containing coordinated phen, consisting vibration appears as a medium peak at ∼3000 cm−1 in the
of four resonances [16]. Assignments are as follows (the Raman spectrum); the broadness and low frequency of the
numbers in parentheses are the positions of the protons latter IR band are both indicative of the involvement of the
in the classical numbering scheme of 1,10-phenanthroline; –NH– group in strong hydrogen bonding.
s = singlet, dd=doublet of doublets): 9.15 dd(2H; 2,9), The medium IR band at 3305 cm−1 in the spectrum of
8.53 dd(2H; 4,7), 8.00s(2H; 5,6), and 7.81q(2H; 3,8). Con- free LH is assigned to the v(OH) vibration. This band does
siderable downfield coordination shifts, Δδ(Hl )[Δδ(Hl ) = not appear in the spectra of the complexes indicating depro-
δ(Hl )complex − δ(Hl )free phen ], are observed for all resonances, tonation of the –OH group and suggesting coordination of
their values being 0.16, 0.27, 0.31, and 0.19 for the protons of the resulting, negatively charged oxygen atom. The absence
the positions (2,9), (4,7), (5,6), and (3,8), respectively. These of large systematic shifts of the δ(N–H), δ(NH), v(C=N),
shifts are characteristic of coordinated phen [16]. v(C2 –N1 )/v(C2 –N3 ), and v (C=S) bands in the spectra of
The 31 P{1 H} NMR spectrum of the Re(V) complex 9 in the complexes implies that there is no interaction between
DMSO-d6 consists of a sharp singlet at δ − 16.89, a value the ring nitrogen atoms or the exocyclic sulfur atom and the
which is typical for PPh3 -containing oxorhenium(V) species metal ions. The vas (NH2 ) and vs (NH2 ) bands are doubled
[17]. in the spectra of the complexes. One band for each mode
appears at almost the same wavenumber compared with the
3.4. Vibrational spectra corresponding band in the spectrum of free LH, whereas
the other band of each pair is significantly shifted to lower
Tentative assignments of selected IR ligand bands for wavenumbers. This fact is a strong evidence for the presence
complexes 1–10 and free LH are listed in Table 2. The of one coordinated and one “free” (i.e., uncoordinated)
assignments have been given by studying literature reports amino group per L− in the complexes [7].
[3, 13, 14], comparing the spectrum of LH with the spectra The presence of coordinated PPh3 groups in 6 and 9 is
of the complexes and by performing deuterium isotopic manifested by the strong IR bands at ∼1100 and ∼750 cm−1 ,
substitution experiments in few cases. As a general remark, attributed to the v(P–C) and δ(CCH) vibrations, respectively
we must emphasize that some stretching and deformation [17]; the former band overlaps with the ClO4 − stetching
modes are coupled, so that the proposed assignments should vibration in the spectrum of the Rh(III) complex 6. In the
be regarded as approximate descriptions of the vibrations. spectrum of 8, the bands at 1627, 1591, 1510, 1485, and
In the v(OH)water region, the spectra of complexes 1–3 1423 cm−1 are due to the phen stretching vibrations [16];
show one medium-intensity band at ∼3420 cm−1 attributed these bands are at higher wavenumbers compared with the
to the presence of coordinated water [13]. The same spectra free phen indicating chelation. The bands at 854, 841, 743,
exhibit, in addition to the relatively sharp band of coordi- and 725 cm−1 are assigned to the γ(CH) vibrations of the
nated water, a weaker broad continuous absorption covering coordinated phen [16].
6 Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications
Compound vas (NH2 )a vs (NH2 ) v(N–H) v(C=N), v(C=C) v(C2 –N1 ), v(C2 –N3 ) δ(NH) v(C=S)
LH 3390 3185 2970 1652 1652 1455 1177
1 3377, 3330 3180, 3156 3005 1631 1553 1460 1155
2 3388, 3356 3188, 3160 3000 1633 1556 1465 1170
3 3399, 3343 3180, 3079 3010 1632 1558 1464 1157
4 3400, 3320 3160, 3105 3005 1642 1560 1460 1170
5 3387, 3320 3166, 3110 3010 1635 1556 1455 1177
6 3380, 3357 3170, 3095 3015 1641 1552b 1443b 1176
7 3395, 3357 3164, 3098 3010 1646 1550 1446 1170
8 3397, 3360 3165, 3100 3015 1640 1553 1450 1176
9 3400, 3355 3155, 3105 3012 1639 1555b 1460b 1170
10 3405, 3324 3180, 3100 3010 1641 1558 1462 1164
a Overlapping with the v(OH)water band in the spectra of 1–8.
b Overlapping with phenyl stretching vibrations of the coordinated PPh3 ligands.
each mode (B3u and B2u under D2h ) is consistent with a trans
structure [19]. The authors thank Dr. Constantinos Milios (University of
Edinburgh, UK) and Professor H. O. Desseyn (University
of Antwerp, Belgium) for providing them with the 31 P{1 H}
3.5. Antimicrobial activity studies NMR spectrum of 9 and far-IR/Raman spectra of some
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8 Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications