Mitigation of Alkali-Silica Reaction While Using Highly Reactive Aggregates With Class C Fly Ash and Reduction in Water To Cementitious Ratio

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2007 World of Coal Ash (WOCA), May 7-10, 2007, Covington, Kentucky, USA Home

Mitigation of Alkali-Silica Reaction While Using

Highly Reactive Aggregates with Class C fly ash
and Reduction in Water to Cementitious Ratio
James K. Hicks, P.E.

Presented at World of Coal Ash, May, 2007

Director of Technology, Mineral Resource Technologies, Inc., A CEMEX Company

KEYWORDS: ASR, Alkali-Silica Reactivity, ASR Mitigation, Fly ash, Class C, Alkali
Reactive Aggregates

Aggregates containing certain siliceous minerals can react with soluble alkalies in
concrete, sometimes resulting in detrimental expansion and cracking of concrete
structures. Alkali-silica reactivity (ASR), which was first reported in the late 1930’s, is
now known worldwide. The alkali-silica reaction forms a gel that swells as it draws water
from the surrounding cement paste. ASR-induced cracking can exacerbate other
deterioration mechanisms such as those that occur in frost, deicer, or sulfate exposures.
ASR can be controlled. 1

Information is presented showing that use of Class C fly ash, with proper proportioning
of concrete, can mitigate alkali silica reactivity (ASR). Test results show ASR was
mitigated in concretes using highly reactive aggregates and high alkali cement.
Pertinent tests were made in certified commercial testing laboratories.

Aggregates, classified as highly alkali reactive tested at significantly greater than 0.2%
percent expansion using the ASTM 1260 procedure, Standard Test Method for Potential
Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates (Mortar-Bar Method) 2 . Cements used were high alkali
cements as tested by procedure ASTM C 114. 3

ASTM C 1567 tests were made with 1:1 substitutions of 30, 35, 40, 50 and 60% Class C
fly ash. Subject fly ash typically tests between 1.3 and 1.45% Water Soluble Alkalis by
procedure ASTM C 311 4 , Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans for Use in
Portland-Cement Concrete.

It can be inferred from the test data that ASR can be mitigated by reducing the water to
cementitious ratio (W:Cm) in the concrete, a correctly proportioned mixture of highly
reactive aggregates, high alkali cement and Class C fly ash having water-soluble alkalis
high in the The American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) acceptable limit.

It has previously been determined that the W:Cm in concrete can be reduced by
reducing the amount of fine aggregate while increasing the coarse aggregate. 5 Further,
ASR can be mitigated by appropriate level of Class C fly ash in concrete. 6 Pozzolanic
reaction consumes alkali, reduces pore size, and mobility of the alkali, thus reduces
ASR expansion. 7

Test Methods
ASTM C 1260, “Standard Test Method for Determining the Potential Alkali Reactivity of
Aggregates (Mortar-Bar Method)”.
ASTM C 1567, 8 “Standard Test Method for Determining the Potential Alkali Reactivity
Combinations of Cementitious Materials and Aggregate (Mortar-Bar Method).”
Compressive strengths, air content, slump, and yield were performed on all the mixtures
in the MRT Technology Center in The Woodlands, Texas, following procedures for the
appropriate ASTM Test Methods. C1260 and C1567 testing was performed in the TEC
Services Laboratory in Lawrenceville, Georgia. TEC Labs is AASHTO (American
Association of Highway and Transportation Officials) approved for the tests performed.
TEC Labs also participates in the CCRL (Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory)
inspections and ASTM Interlaboratory Sample program.

Test Plan

1. 1:1 substitutions of Class C Fly Ash for portland cement at 0, 30, 35, 40, 50 and
60 percent. A normal amount of water was used in accordance with ASTM C
1260 and C 1567 for the first set of tests.

2. A companion set of C 1567 tests were made using mid range polycarboxylate
water reducer to make the adjustment of water to total cementitious –cement
plus fly ash - ratio (W:Cm) in ASTM C 1567 to at least minus 0.10 in the "C"
mixes (described in Table 2) and maintain consistency within ± 5 flow of the 0.47
W:Cm flow.

3. Known high alkali reactive aggregates (Wright Materials, Robstown, TX) were

4. Use 65% coarse and 35% fine in the aggregates portion of the mix.

5. Use 611 lbs per yard of cementitious in all of the mixes.

6. 0.80 Na20 equivalent portland cement (Buzzi-Taiwan) was used.

7. The fly ashes used were LCRA (LaGrange, Texas) and Labadie, Missouri Class
C Fly Ashes produced from use of Powder River Basin Coal.

8. The matrix for the various mixtures is shown in Table 2.


Table 1. Examples of Proportioning with Type I/II portland cement and conventional
admix compared to as total cementitious with polycarboxylate admixture, Class C fly
ash/portland cement mixes for cementitious.

Pounds per Yard Cementitious: 400 400 750

100% Portland /
Component 30% Class C 35% Class C
No fly ash
1" Stone (SSD) # / yd3 1917 1917 1900
Sand (SSD) # / yd 1304 1240 980
T I/II Portland CEMENT # / yd3 400 280 488
Class C Fly Ash # / yd3 0 120 263
D-1000 AEA oz /cwt 0.4 1.2 10.5

WRDA 64 oz / cwt 4 0.0 0

WR Polycarboxylate 88 oz / cwt 0 6.0 10.5
water # / yd3 247 206 265
total components # / yd3 3868.0 3763.0 3892.5
W/C RATIO 0.62 0.52 0.35
Air Content (%) 4% 3.5% 2.8
Set time 73/90/40 F° (Minutes) 315/240/1275 315/235/1305 300/235/1250
Slump (Inches) 5 4.75 5
Workability (5 Best) 4 5 5
Time (days) Made on 10/23/2006 11/27/2006 10/4/2005
Compressive Strength

1 1320 1320 3580

3 2470 2950 8240

7 3420 3890 9790
28 4370 5320 10580

Table 2. Matrix Showing the proportions of mixes tested for ASTM C 1012 sulfate

Per cent
Fly ash Percent Cement
100 70 65 40 50 40
0 A
30 B,C
35 B,C
40 B,C
50 B,C
60 B,C
W:Cm Ratios
A = W:Cm of 0.47
B = Water adjusted to provide a Flow within ± 5 of the portland cement only mix.
C = 0.10 W: Cm less than B

Chart 1. ASTM C 1567 Alkali Silica Reaction with Very Alkali Reactive Aggregates and
Normal Amount of Water. Seven and 14 Day Expansions.

ASTM C 1567 Alkali Silica Reaction with Very

Alkali Reactive Aggregates, Normal% Water
ASR Highly Reactive
Over 0.2% Expansion At 14 Days
% Expansion ASR Moderately Reactive
0.15 0.1 to 0.2% at 14 Days


0.05 ASR Innocuous

Below 0.1% at 14 days
% Fly Ash in Cementitious 0% 30 35 40 50 60
14 Day Expansion 0.26 0.19 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06
7 Day Expansion 0.08 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03

Chart 2. ASTM C 1567 Alkali Silica Reaction with Very Alkali Reactive Aggregates and
Reduced Amount of Water. Seven and 14 Day Expansions.

ASTM C 1567 Expansion

W:Cm Reduced 0.1%,
TX DOT Classified Very Reactive Aggregate
ASR Highly Reactive
% Expansion 0.40 Over 0.2% at 14 days


ASR Moderately Reactive
0.1 to 0.2% at 14 days
ASR Innocuous 0.10
Max. 0.1% at 14 days
%Cementitious 0 30 35 40 50
14 Day Expansion 0.26 0.10 0.089 0.08 0.07 0.043
7 Day Expansion 0.08 0.04 0.04 0.033 0.03 0.024
W:Cm 0.47 0.346 0.33 0.3205 0.3091 0.303

Chart 3. ASTM C 1567 Alkali Silica Reaction with Very Alkali Reactive Aggregates,
Normal and Reduced Amount of Water. Standard 14 Day Expansions.

Comparison of C Alkali Aggregate Expansion with

0.30 Normal and Reduced Amounts of Water

0.25 ASR Highly Reactive

Greater than 0.2% at 14 Days
% Expansion

14 Day Expansion,
ASR Moderately Reactive Normal Water
0.15 0.1 to 0.2% at 14 Days
14 Day Expansion,
0.10 W:Cm Reduced 0.1%

ASR Innocuous
0.05 Less than 0.1%
at 14 Days
0 30 35 40 50 60

% Class C Fly Ash in Cementitious


Salient points gleaned from the tests performed show several positive aspects:

• Mitigation of ASR by the use of additional Class C fly ash was shown by utilizing
additional amounts of Class C fly ash as an additive along with reduction in mix
• When Class C fly ash was used at over 35 percent, ASR was mitigated to
innocuous even with aggregates that tested very highly reactive in conjunction
with high alkali portland cement.
• The water used can be accomplished in concrete mixes by combinations of:
o Reducing sand while increasing coarse aggregates.
o Use of mid range and high range poly-carboxylate admixes.

Conclusions and Recommendations

It has been shown that reduced W:Cm, in combination with increasing Class C fly ash
in mixes, utilization of improved proportioning along with updated admixtures can
mitigate ASR in highly reactive aggregates. It is recommended that when ASR is a
concern or when Alkali Reactive Aggregates are encountered, that W:Cm be reduced
as shown above and sufficient class C fly ash be used to mitigate ASR.

Workability of the concrete mixes with polycarboxylates is achieved by use of reduced

sand and increased amounts of fly ash.

[1] Guide Specification for Concrete Subject to Alkali-Silica Reactions, The Durability Subcommittee of the Portland Cement
Association, Portland Cement Association, 5420 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL 60077-1083

[2]ASTM C 1260, ASTM International Book of Standards, Volume 04.02, “Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of
Aggregates With Portland Cement (Mortar-Bar Method).

[3]ASTM C 114 – 05, ASTM International Book of Standards, Volume 04.01 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of
Hydraulic Cement.

[4] ASTM C 311, ASTM Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans for Use in Portland-Cement

[5] Improved Early Performance of High Volume Class C Fly Ash Concrete, Hicks, J.K., University Of Wisconsin, Recycling
Opportunities for Fly Ash and other Coal Combustion Products in Concrete and Construction Materials, February, 2006.

[6] Increasing Class C Fly Ash Reduces Alkali Silica Reactivity, James K. Hicks, P.E., Ash At Work, April, 2007, American Coal Ash

[7] USE OF CLEAN-COAL ASH FOR MANAGING ASR, Zichao Wu and Tarun R. Naik, Department of Civil Engineering and
Mechanics College of Engineering and Applied Science, THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN–MILWAUKEE, Report No. CBU-2004-
06, REP-550, March 2004, ACI International Spring 2004 Centennial Convention, Technical Session Sponsored by ACI Committee
232 on Fly Ash and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete, Washington, D.C., March 2004.

[8] ASTM International Book of Standards, Volume 04.02, ASTM C 1567, “Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali Reactivity of
Aggregates With Blends of Portland Cement and Supplementary Cementitious Materials (Mortar-Bar Method)”.

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