Individualized Induction Plan

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Individualized Induction Plan

School of Education: Educational Administration and Educational Leadership
CPSEL Standard 1
Overarching Goal: Facilitating the development, articulating, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school

CPSEL Descriptions of Practice (DOPs) for Standard 1

1.1 Develop a shared vision
1.2 Plan and implement activities around the vision
1.3 Allocate resource to support the vision
Assessment Data Action Steps Evidence/Artifacts Result of Action Step Impact

Obtain new technology and software to ● Gain approval for fund on ● Student data- progress reports on Ed specialist will use technology with
implement in the Mod/Severe Classroom software, smartboard, and sound IEP goals and academic progress students to increase progress on IEP goals
to increase student achievement system for identified room ● Professional Development and overall student achievement
● Provide training for teachers and Agenda, presentations and
staff materials
● Monitor student progress ● Academic Meeting notes
● Academic Walkthrough Notes
● Teacher Collaboration Notes
Continue to improve academic ● Observe current instructional ● Professional Development General Education Teachers, Ed
achievement for all students with IEPs strategies to determine need. Agenda, presentations and specialists and support staff will continue
through inclusion in English and Math ● Develop and Present materials to grow in practice of co teaching with in
Professional development to Ed ● Academic Team Meeting notes
gen ed qsetting to support all students
Specialist and para professionals ● Academic Walkthrough Notes
● Utilize weekly collaboration for ● Teacher Collaboration Notes
Gen Ed Teachers and Ed ● Documentation from SEP Plan
Specialists teachers to introduce
and share the implementation of
instructional strategies.
● Provide substitutes for peer
● Complete CDE SEP report and
Additional Professional Learning:

Signatures (CPSEL Standard 1):

___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________

Candidate Site Coach Course Instructor
Individualized Induction Plan

CPSEL Standard 2
Overarching Goal: Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.

CPSEL Descriptions of Practice (DOPs) for Standard 2

2.1 Develop school culture and ensure equity
2.2 Guide the instructional program
2.3 Guide professional growth of staff
2.4 Create and utilize accountability systems

Assessment Data Action Steps Evidence/Artifacts Result of Action Step Impact

Plan and provide professional ● Observe current instructional ● Professional Development Teachers will use highly effective,
development that targets school-wide strategies to determine need. Agenda, presentations and rigorous, differentiated learning strategies
goals of increasing achievement for ● Develop and Present materials that are appropriate to their content and
students with IEPs Professional development to Ed ● Academic Team Meeting notes student population to increase student
Specialist and para professionals ● Academic Walkthrough Notes achievement
● Utilize weekly collaboration for ● Teacher Collaboration Notes
Gen Ed Teachers and Ed
Specialists teachers to introduce
and share the implementation of
instructional strategies.
● Provide substitutes for peer

Increase student achievement and ● Collaboration notes from ● Syllabi and pacing Every Gen Ed teacher will have a
academic rigor for all students within the departments. ● collaboration notes structured syllabus and course outline
SPED department ● Observation and monitoring of ● Teacher observation notes that will be provided to parents and
implementation. ● Standardized test scores students which lays out the year including
key assignments. Teachers teaching the
same content will have the same
assignments. Ed Specialists and support
staff will co-teach and support IEP goals
and Grade level achievements

Signatures (CPSEL Standard 2):

__________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________
Candidate Site Coach Course Instructor
Individualized Induction Plan
CPSEL Standard 3
Overarching Goal: Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.

CPSEL Descriptions of Practice (DOPs) for Standard 3

3.1 Ensure a safe school environment
3.2 Create an infrastructure to support an effective learning environment
3.3 Manage the school learning-support system
3.4 Monitor and evaluate the program and staff

Assessment Data Action Steps Evidence/Artifacts Result of Action Step Impact

Regularly observe and monitor ● Weekly meetings with teams and ● Meeting agendas and notes All teachers and staff within SPED will
certificated and classified staff to ensure individuals as needed. ● Calendar of teacher check-in develop, understand their role and
all students are receiving the highest ● Complete observations and meetings responsibilities and where there are in
quality education. evaluations on employees. ● Professional Development their development as a professional.
● Research and provide Agendas, materials,
professional development as presentations
needed. ● Evaluation Records

Staff and Develop the Sped department ● Bi-Weekly meetings with Ed ● Weekly meeting notes and All IEPs will follow legally compliant
team to monitor IEP compliance and Specialists agendas procedures, teachers will present
guide staff to create a legally compliant ● Side by side Review the legally ● IEP agendas themselves in a professional manner, and
process with all stakeholders. compliant agenda for and IEP. ● Weekly collaboration meeting parents will have confidence in the
● Side by side review of IEP’s for notes process.
compliance and errors ● IEP calendar
● Side by side observations IEP
meetings and provide feedback
to Education Specialists.

Signatures (CPSEL Standard 3):

___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________

Candidate Site Coach Course Instructor
Individualized Induction Plan
CPSEL Standard 4
Overarching Goal: Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.

CPSEL Descriptions of Practice (DOPs) for Standard 4

4.1 Collaborate to incorporate the perspective of families and community members
4.2 Establish and manage linkage between the site and the larger community context
4.3 Engage and coordinate support from agencies outside the school

Assessment Data Action Steps Evidence/Artifacts Result of Action Step Impact

Building stronger relationships with ● Develop/maintain relationships ● Contracts Making sure that all students are
outside services to support students for staffing hard to fill vacancies ● Meeting notes receiving ed benefit based on their
contracts for staffing vacancies
● PD from Outside Services IEP and all services needed
● Develop/maintain relationships
for outside SPED services such to staff
as NPS, Audiology, OT Adaptive ● List of outside personal
PE and Charter SELPA
To increase the engagement of parents ● Create a Parent Calendar ● Parent Events Calendar. There will be increased participation
with IEPS ● Survey parents on what they ● Sign-in sheets. in IEP meetings, parent nights and
want to learn ● Agendas and materials
education classes
● Create Agendas for classes ● School event sign in sheets
● Present content to parents

Signatures (CPSEL Standard 4):

___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________

Candidate Site Coach Course Instructor
Individualized Induction Plan

CPSEL Standard 5
Overarching Goal: Modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity.

CPSEL Descriptions of Practice (DOPs) for Standard 5

5.1 Maintain ethical standards of professionalism
5.2 Guide sound courses of action using pertinent, state-of-the-art methods
5.3 Model reflective practice and continuous growth

Assessment Data Action Steps Evidence/Artifacts Result of Action Step Impact

Develop efficient time management ● Create, update and prioritize ● Weekly Agendas I will create a daily/weekly schedule that
strategies that allow for a balance of to-do list daily. ● Daily/monthly calendar allows for observation, mentoring, work,
personal and professional time. ● Identify and minimize ● Daily to-do lists and personal learning. 
interruptions. ● Deadlines met
● In a daily calendar, plan for ● Personal reflection 
observations, meetings, returning
calls and emails, and planning.
● Review and reflect daily to
prepare and improve efficiency
for the next day.
To continually engage in personal ● Attend professional ● Conference and PD Materials Continue to participate in outside
professional learning and remain current development. ● PD Agendas and Materials professional development around special
in education practice. ● Attend educational conferences. reflecting my learning education
● Take Professional learning and
use it to develop professional
development for my staff.

Signatures (CPSEL Standard 5):

___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________

Candidate Site Coach Course Instructor
Individualized Induction Plan

CPSEL Standard 6
Overarching Goal: Understanding, responding, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal & cultural contexts (external context & policy).
A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic,
legal, and cultural context.

CPSEL Descriptions of Practice (DOPs) for Standard 6

6.1 Engage with policy environment to support school success
6.2 Interact with stakeholders. View oneself as a leader of a team and also as a member of a larger team
6.3 Incorporate input from the public

Assessment Data Action Steps Evidence/Artifacts Result of Action Step Impact

Ensure any and all PIR or DISPRO issues ● Meet with team ● Email Notification Receive and approved status from CDE
with the CDE are resolved and addressed ● Develop resolution plan ● Resolution plan on template regarding any and all PIR or DISPRO issues
within a month of notification. ● Complete CDE template ● Redacted amendments that are flagged.
● Hold any amendment meetings ● Approval notification from CDE
● Upload verification to CDE

Lead, prepare, conduct and write, revise, ● Create a plan/timeline for the ● Training materials Board, Leadership, staff, teachers,
and implement Spring 2019 WASC completion of our WASC ● Notes/Agendas from WASC students, families and communities will
Self-Study for SPED at GPA. self-study. meetings participate in the continuous improvement
● Involve all stakeholders in the ● WASC Calendar WASC Self-Study process to determine
process. Allow multiple ● Survey Results: Staff, Student, our schools next steps.
opportunities for them to Board, Parents, Community
participate and share their WASC Report
● Write and share our WASC
Self-Study with all stakeholders.

Signatures (CPSEL Standard 6):

___________________________ _____________________________ ____________________________

Candidate Site Coach Course Instructor

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