Apost. Inglês Ii 2018.2

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I - Formas


II - Usos
A. Possessive Adjectives
• obrigatoriamente antes de substantivos, precedidos ou não de
HER parents live in London.
I don’t know where YOUR new book is.

• seguidos de OWN + substantivos.

We have OUR own ideas.
They brought THEIR own dictionaries.

B. Possessive Pronouns
• substituindo a construção possessive adjective + substantivo, para
evitar repetições.

My car is yellow, but THEIRS is blue

(= THEIR car)
OURS is the most difficult QUESTION.
(= OUR question)

• após preposições, quando o elemento posterior não for um


He took the bone from my dog and gave it to HERS.

His house is similar to OURS.

• no “duplo possessivo”, precedido de OF com a

tradução de “um dos…, uma das…”

I saw a cousin of YOURS this morning.
An uncle of OURS has just got married• após than e as. I’m older than
HE is. (formal) She isn’t as tall as I am. (formal) I’m older than HIM.
(informal) She isn’t as tall as ME. (informal)
• object pronouns são empregados quando o pronome aparece sozinho
numa resposta. “Who has got my book?” “ME”

I. Choose the correct possessives.

1) All students are expected to hand in their /theirs compositions on


2) A friend of her/ hers is coming to visit us tonight.

3) Do many people in England have his/its/ their /theirs own houses?

4) It was a good idea of their/ theirs to go swimming this afternoon.

5) We know their /theirs telephone numbers, but they don’t know

our/ ours .

6) This purse isn’t my/mine . It belongs to Helen. It’s her/hers /his.

7) Your/Yours is no big problem.

8) After all this mess, can they really say that you are a friend of

9) Now we’ve got two children to worry about: your/yours and

my/mine .

10) My friend Bill told me that Cynthia is in love with a friend

of him/his.


Complete with the missing possessives.

A Bob shares a flat with some friends. He would prefer to

have a flat of ______________, but he can’t afford one.

B A child should learn to respect ___________ parents.

C The pencil is ______________ and the pen is _______________. The

former belongs to Cindy and the latter belongs to William.
D The bird built _______________ nest on the top of that tree.
E Boys, are these socks ___________?

F “____________ sincerely” and “__________________ truly” are

normally used to finish a letter in English.

G Somebody left ____________ books on my desk.

H My neighbors asked to borrow my car because _____________

was in the garage for repairs.

I “It was a good idea of Tom’s to go skiing.” “I agree it

was a good idea of ____________.”

J “Whose raincoat is this?”

“It belongs to Mrs. Jones. It is _______________.”

K Everybody has ______________ own likes and dislikes.

L They suggested Shirley should try massage. I think it was

a good idea of _________________.

M Why do you want my pen? Can’t you use ___________ own?

Complete as orações com os membros da família que estão na tabela
Cousin niece sister aunt brother son
grandmother uncle parents relatives

a) All the members of my family are my __________________.

b) My uncle’s son is my ______________________.
c) The brother of my mother is my ________________________.
d) The son of my parents is my _______________________.
e) My father and my mother are my ________________________.
f) My aunt’s daughter is my mother’s _____________________.
g) My aunt is the _____________ of my father.
h) My father’s mother is my _______________________.
i) The ____________ of my father is my brother.
j) My father or mother’s sister is my __________________.

Leia o texto e faça o que é solicitado.

Television has been with us very long, and we have already begun to
forget what the world was like without it. Before we admitted it into our
homes we never found it difficult to occupy our spare time. We used to
read books and listen to music and broadcast talks now and then.
Now we gulp down our meals to be in time for this or that program. A
sandwich and a glass of beer will do, anything, provided it doesn’t
interfere with the program. Whole generations are growing up
addicted to the TV. Food is left uneaten, homework undone and sleep
is lost. The TV is a universal pacifier. It is now standard practice for
mothers to keep the children quiet by putting them in the living room
and turning it on. It doesn’t matter what they will see so long as they
are quiet.


a) Esse texto elogia ou critica o modo que a TV interfere em nossas

vidas? Justifique com uma oração do texto.

b) Do we know how the world was without TV?


c) What do the mothers do to keep their children quiet?


d) Como costumamos fazer nossas refeições atualmente? Por que?

Retire do texto (as expressões estão destacadas no texto).
a) gerações inteiras: _______________________________________.
b) Viciadas: _____________________________________________.
c) Muito tempo: __________________________________________.
d) Ler livros: _____________________________________________.
e) De vez em quando: ______________________________________.

Dê o nome das frutas e vegetais abaixo:
a) maçã: _____________________
b) laranja: ____________________.
c) Cenoura: ___________________.
d) Couve flor: _________________.
e) Maracujá: __________________.
f) Melão: _____________________.
g) Morango: ___________________.
h) Batata: _____________________.
i) Alface: _____________________.
j) Uva: _______________________.

Read the text and answer question

Re: Birthday Ideas, United States

Hey, I had a birthday party not too long ago.  I invited my softball team over
for a slumber party.  It wasn't like a usual party though, it wasn't girly or
anything, just kind of lame. We set up tents outside in the yard and camped
outdoors all night. We had a scavenger hunt, a talent show, and a rockin'
shaving cream fight. We also made up hip hop dances and had a dance off at
2 in the morning.  I hope you come up with something. Good luck!

Match the columns.
A – What kind of party did Meghan ( ) The soft ball team.
B – When was the party? ( ) A birthday party.

C – Who did Meghan invite to his ( ) No, it was kind of lame.

D – Was it a usual party? ( ) Not too long ago.

Choose the statements that show what Meghan and his friends did for
his birthday party.
1. ( ) Meghan and his friends set up tents inside Meghan’s
2. ( ) They camped outside in the yard.
3. ( ) They slept outdoors.
4. ( ) They had a talent show.
5. ( ) They had a kind of hunt and a kind of fight.
6. ( ) They had a scavenger fight.
7. ( ) They had a shaving cream hunt.
8. ( ) They danced during the night.



Expressões com AT, ON, IN
ON the telephone. ON horseback.
ON time. ON show.
IN time. ON strike.
ON purpose. IN/AT the end.
ON business. AT war.
ON duty. AT play.
ON a diet. IN danger.
AT most. IN bed.
AT hand. AT last.
AT a loss. AT home.
ON sale. AT work.
ON the contrary. AT lunchtime.
ON fire. AT present.
AT first sight. ON holiday.
IN love. ON the hour.
ON foot. AT 120 mph.
AT once. AT best.
IN a hurry. AT worst.
ON a farm. IN a bad temper.
IN white. IN return.
IN English. IN a whisper.
IN ink. IN the nude.
ON TV. ON the blackboard.
AT least. ON the Internet.

Complete the sentences with : in, on or at.

1. My first class is ___________ May.

2. I have English class ___________ Saturdays.
3. My best friend lives ___________ São Paulo.
4. People eat a lot of chocolate ___________ Xmas Eve.
5. We have piano classes ___________ the afternoon.
6.I have a Math test ________ the morning.

7.The play starts ________ 8:30.

8.My birthday is _______ October 16th

9.I have English classes _______ night.

10._______ Brazil we celebrate Valentine´s day _______ June 12th and _______ the
United States of America we celebrate it ________ January 14th.

Leia o texto e faça o que é solicitado:


How do you know what an English teenager is saying? Teen jargons changes so often

that it can be hard to keep up.

But a survey of school children by Oxford Dictionaries has uncovered some of their usage. If
you are “eggy,” it means you are stressed, if you are “chonged,” it means you are tired. When
asked how you are “hanging,”

you are being asked about how you are feeling. The correct reply would be either “high” (happy)
or “low” (sad). If you have had a

good time, then you are “bonkers” and your day will have been “buzzing” or “dogs!”


Some words such as “bogging” (horrible), “boyf” (boyfriend) and “top banana” (excellent) that
were popular last year, are already out favour.


Match columns A and B according to the meaning of the words in the text and then choose the
correct answer.

(a) Jargons ( ) pesquisa

(b) keep up
(c) survey ( ) se divertiu
(d) uncovered
( ) gírias
(e) reply
(f) have had a good time ( ) fora de uso
(g) out favour
( ) descobriu

( ) resposta

( ) manter-se atualizado

According to the text, jargons such as “top banana” are:

a) still been used.

b) not used any longer.
c) popular among young people.
d) used by teens this year.


According to the text, these pairs of words are opposites, EXCEPT in:

a) high – low
b) bogging – top banana
c) dogs – excellent
d) bonkers – sad


Relacione as colunas:

( a ) urticária ( ) mumps

( b ) sarampo ( ) flu

( c ) resfriado ( ) hives

( d ) varíola ( ) cold

( e ) gripe ( ) stroke

( f ) rubéola ( ) measles

(g ) derrame ( ) German measles

( h ) caxumba ( ) whooping cough

( i ) catapora ( ) smallpox

( j) coqueluche ( ) chickenpox

TEXT Read the text and answer questions 14 E 15

What kind of text is it?
A – It is an advertisement.
B – It is a comic strip.
C – It is a pamphlet.
D – It is an e-mail.

What is Monica doing?
A – She is reading.
B – She is swimming.
C – She is eating.
D – She is sleeping.



Why is it called a “hamburger ”when there is no ham in it?

Why is it “Where’s the beef” when it should be where’s the ham?

The answer is really quite simple: because Hamburg, Germany, made the first

However, the history of the hamburger is actually more complicated. Who

actually invented the first hamburger remains a mistery.
Some say it was a group of nomadic people called the Tartars who tenderized
their beef by placing it under a horse’s saddle – flattening it into a patty. Others
believe it was the German immigrants who traveled to the US during he 19 th century
bringing with them their favorite meal called Hamburg Style Beef – a raw chopped,
piece of beef. Some argue Americans placed the first cooked beef patty on a roll at the
St. Louis World’s Fair in 1921.

Although beef is the most popular meat used in hamburgers, other meats
such as pork and turkey have been used.

Ever since Bob’s Big Boy introduced the first double patty burger, new varieties
of burgers have been created. Today people enjoy veggie burgers, and a quarter-
pound burgers with many different toppings including lettuce, mushrooms, cheese,
onions, tomatoes, ketchup, mustard and pickles.

Hamburger remain one of the most favorite foods among Americans today.

Ranking # 1 among all restaurants with 26,000 stores in 119 countries,

McDonald’s serves billions of hamburgers worldwide.


Encontre as expressões abaixo no texto. Elas estão sublinhadas para ajudar, ok???
Mas existem expressões extra.

Embora Feira
Amaciavam Cebolas
Sela Ocupando
Apreciam Peru
Quarto de libra Carne bovina


Responda de acordo com o texto:

a) Retire do texto uma oração que apresente o Genitive Case.

b) When did the “ hamburger” become famous? Who created them?

c) Retire do texto uma oração onde apareça um falso cognato e faça a

tradução da mesma.


I. Translate.
_ actually = ______________________________
_ appointment = ___________________________
_ to assist = ______________________________
_ to attend = _______________________
_ beef = ________________________________
_ cafeteria = ______________________________
_ cigar = ___________________________________
_ collar (2x)= ______________/________________________
_ college = ________________________________
_ comprehensive = __________________________________
_ eventually = _________________________
- to amass = _________________________
_ application = _______________________________
_ to anticipate = ______________________________
_ appreciation = _____________________________
_ argument = _______________________________________
_ to assume = _________________________
_ audience = _____________________________________
_ casualty = _______________________________________
_ commodity = ________________________________
_contest = ___________ _ _ _ _ _ ___________
_costume = __________ _ _ _____________
deception = ___________________________ _ ______


Fill in the blanks with the False Cognates you’ve just seen.

_ Mary went to a large ___________________ after she graduated

from high school.

_ A nurse __________________ the surgeon during the operation.

_ A ______________________ survey was used to determine public


_ I attached the leash to the dog's _______________ and took it for a walk.

_ I am ____________________ older than I look.

_ ____________________ has a higher fat content than turkey.

Mary mistakenly _____________________ that she would get the job.
_Wheat is an important international ___________________________.
_ The counselor recommended _____________________ _ _ t o s e v e r a l
_ There were thousands of _____________________ after the powerful
The election was so one-sided that it was really no ____________.

a) Which part of the sentence from the comic strip makes us believe that Jon is
going to read a fairy tale aloud? 
[   ] "This sounds familiar" 
[   ] "Once upon a time there was... "

b) Which house do you think Jon refers to? 

[   ] His own house. 
[   ] The house from the story he is reading. 

c) Who are the real fat cat and the happy dog? 
[   ] Garfield and Oddie. 
[   ] Characters from the story. 

d) Why is Jon angry? 

[   ] Because he is tired of reading stories aloud. 
[   ] Because Garfield and Oddie have ruined his morning. 

e) Look at Jon's facial expressions in the first and second panels and compare
them to the one in the last panel. What can you notice? 
[   ] In the first and second panels, Jon is focused. In the third one, he is much
more upset. 
[  ] In the first and second panels, Jon's face doesn't show any emotion at all. In.
the third one, it's crystal clear that he is very upset. 

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