Chapter 1 Current Multinational Challenges and The Global Economy Multiple Choice and True/ False Questions 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
Chapter 1 Current Multinational Challenges and The Global Economy Multiple Choice and True/ False Questions 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
Chapter 1 Current Multinational Challenges and The Global Economy Multiple Choice and True/ False Questions 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
1) Which of the following firms are NOT considered to be multinational enterprises (MNEs) even if
they have operations in more than one country?
A) for-profit companies
B) not-for-profit organizations
C) non-government organizations (NGOs)
D) all of the above may be considered MNEs
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
Skill: Recognition
2) "BRIC" is a term coined in 2001 to refer to a group of countries at about the same stage of advanced
economic development. The BRIC countries are ________.
A) Belgium, Romania, Italy, and Canada
B) Brazil, Russia, India, and China
C) Britain, Romania, Israel, and Colombia
D) Brazil, Russia, Italy, and Chile
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
Skill: Recognition
3) According to the authors, which of the following groups or securities are at the "heart" to the global
capital markets?
A) debt securities issued by governments
B) bank loans and corporate bons
C) equity securities
D) derivative securities
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
Skill: Recognition
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4) ________ are the largest markets in the world.
A) United States equity markets
B) European debt markets
C) Global currency markets
D) Chinese export markets
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
Skill: Recognition
5) Domestic currencies of one country on deposit in a second country are called ________.
A) export deposits
B) eurocurrencies
C) import deposits
D) forocurrencies
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
Skill: Recognition
6) Eurocurrency deposits are an efficient and convenient money market device for holding excess
corporate liquidity.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
Skill: Recognition
7) The Eurocurrency loan market is characterized by narrow interest rate spreads between deposit and
loan rates. This is due in part to which of the following factors?
A) The Eurocurrency market is a "wholesale" market..
B) Loan amounts are very large, often in excess of $500,000.
C) Eurocurrency borrowers are typically large, low-risk corporations or government entities.
D) All of the above are legitimate reasons for the narrow spread in the Eurocurrency market.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
Skill: Conceptual
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1.2 The Theory of Comparative Advantage
1) The theory that suggests specialization by country can increase worldwide production is ________.
A) the theory of comparative advantage
B) the theory of foreign direct investment
C) the international Fisher effect
D) the theory of working capital management
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Recognition
2) Of the following, which would NOT be considered a way that government interferes with
comparative advantage?
A) tariffs
B) managerial skills
C) quotas
D) other non-tariff restrictions
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Recognition
3) Comparative advantage shifts over time as less developed countries become more developed and
realize their latent opportunities.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Recognition
4) Although the world is a long way from the classical trade model, the general principle of comparative
advantage is still valid.
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Analytical
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Use the information in the table to answer the following question(s).
5) Refer to Table 1.1. A production unit in Austria has a/an ________ over a production unit in Russia
in ________.
A) absolute disadvantage; digital cameras
B) absolute disadvantage; snowboards
C) absolute advantage; both cameras and snowboards
D) none of the above
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Conceptual
6) Refer to Table 1.1. Austria has a larger relative advantage over Russia in the production of ________
at a ratio of ________.
A) snowboards; 5 to 4
B) cameras; 8 to 3
C) snowboards; 8 to 3
D) cameras; 3 to 8
Answer: B
Diff: 2
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Conceptual
7) Refer to Table 1.1. Assume no trade between Russia and Austria. If each country put 50% of their
production units into each product, the total number of snowboards and digital cameras produced by the
two countries combined are ________ and ________.
A) 15,000 snowboards; 3,000 digital cameras
B) 6,000 snowboards; 4,000 digital cameras
C) 2,750 digital cameras; 6,750 snowboards
D) 15,000 digital cameras; 1,000 snowboards
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Analytical
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8) Refer to Table 1.1. If trade takes place at Brazil's domestic price, ________ snowboards will be
required to obtain 1 digital camera.
A) 4
B) 2 and 2/3
C) 1.25
D) 0.25
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Analytical
9) Refer to Table 1.1. If each country specializes in their production with Austria producing only digital
cameras and Russia producing only snowboards, at a trading rate of three snowboards per digital
camera, how many cameras and snowboards will be available to be consumed in Austria if they trade
3,000 cameras to Russia?
A) 9,000 snowboards and 5,000 digital cameras
B) 3,000 snowboards and 3,000 digital cameras
C) 3,000 snowboards and 9,000 digital cameras
D) There is not enough information to answer this question.
Answer: A
Diff: 2
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Analytical
10) Refer to Table 1.1. If each country specializes in their production with Austria producing only
digital cameras and Russia producing only snowboards, at a trading rate of three snowboards per digital
camera, how many cameras and snowboards will be available to be consumed in Russia if they trade
9,000 snowboards to Austria?
A) 9,000 snowboards and 5,000 digital cameras
B) 3,000 snowboards and 3,000 digital cameras
C) 3,000 snowboards and 9,000 digital cameras
D) There is not enough information to answer this question.
Answer: C
Diff: 2
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
Skill: Analytical
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1.3 What is Different about Global Financial Management?
1) Which of these factors may differ for management of a domestic firm vs an international firm?
A) culture
B) corporate governance
C) political risk
D) All of the above may differ.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.3 Global Financial Management
Skill: Recognition
2) Which of these issues must be addressed by domestic financial managers but may be ignored by
international financial managers?
A) capital budgeting decisions
B) capital structure decisions
C) working capital management decisions
D) All of the above must also be addressed by international financial managers.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.3 Global Financial Management
Skill: Recognition
1.4 Market Imperfections: A Rationale for the Existence of the Multinational Firm
1) MNEs look to exploit ________ in national markets for products, factors of production, and/or
financial assets.
A) imperfections
B) perfect capital markets
C) corrupt governments
D) none of the above
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.4 Market Imperfections
Skill: Recognition
2) Large international firms may be better able to exploit such competitive factors as ________ than are
their domestic competitors.
A) economies of scale
B) technological expertise
C) product differentiation
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.4 Market Imperfections
Skill: Recognition
3) Once established abroad, large MNEs internal information networks typically fail to help implement
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market opportunities compared to their purely domestic counterparts.
Answer: FALSE
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.4 Market Imperfections
Skill: Conceptual
1) The phase of the globalization process characterized by imports from foreign suppliers and exports to
foreign buyers is called the
A) domestic phase.
B) multinational phase.
C) international trade phase.
D) import-export banking phase.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.5 The Globalization Process
Skill: Recognition
2) The authors describe the multinational phase of globalization for a firm as one characterized by the
A) ownership of assets and enterprises in foreign countries.
B) potential for international competitors or suppliers even though all accounts are with domestic firms
and are denominated in dollars.
C) imports from foreign suppliers and exports to foreign buyers.
D) requirement that all employees be multilingual.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.5 The Globalization Process
Skill: Recognition
3) Of the following, which was NOT mentioned by the authors as an increase in the demands of
financial management services due to increased globalization by the firm?
A) evaluation of the credit quality of foreign buyers and sellers
B) foreign consumer method of payment preferences
C) credit risk management
D) evaluation of foreign exchange risk
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.5 The Globalization Process
Skill: Recognition
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4) Typically, a firm in its domestic stage of globalization has all financial transactions in its domestic
Answer: TRUE
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.5 The Globalization Process
Skill: Conceptual
6) The exposure to foreign exchange risk known as Translation Exposure may be defined as
A) changes in reported owners' equity in consolidated financial statements caused by a change in
exchange rates.
B) the impact of settling outstanding obligations entered into before change in exchange rates but to be
settled after change in exchange rates.
C) the change in expected future cash flows arising from an unexpected change in exchange rates.
D) all of the above.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.5 The Globalization Process
Skill: Conceptual
7) The twin agency problems limiting financial globalization are caused by these two groups acting in
their own self-interests rather than the interests of the firm.
A) rulers of sovereign states and unsavory customs officials
B) corporate insiders and attorneys
C) corporate insiders and rulers of sovereign states
D) attorneys and unsavory customs officials
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Topic: 1.5 The Globalization Process
Skill: Recognition
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Essay Questions
1) The global financial marketplace consists of assets, institutions, and linkages. Explain how these
factors come together to form the marketplace we know today.
Answer: Financial assets , such as government securities, are at the heart of today's global financial
marketplace. These securities set the standard and establish rate and price benchmarks for other financial
assets sourced by private and public firms and NGOs. Central banks help establish and implement
monetary policy and regulate the commercial banks which take deposits and make loans. The assets and
institutions are linked by the interbank networks operating worldwide that are so necessary for actual
trading to take place.
Diff: 3
Topic: 1.1 The Global Financial Marketplace
1) Despite the underlying advantages of the Theory of Comparative Advantage, countries do not appear
to specialize in producing only those goods and services that could most efficiently be produced
domestically. Provide at least three reasons why governments interfere with comparative advantage and
the techniques they may use to enforce their objectives..
Answer: Governments interfere for several reasons. The authors suggest several reasons for this
including national objectives for full employment, economic development, self-sufficiency, national
defense, and agricultural protection. Common forms of government interference are tariffs, quotas, and
other types of restrictions. Political influence may also include the manipulation of international
standards of trade that benefit their own country more than others.
Diff: 3
Topic: 1.2 Comparative Advantage
1) List and explain three strategic motives why firms become multinationals and give an example of
Answer: The authors provide 5 strategic motives for firms to become multinationals: market seekers,
raw materials seekers, production efficiency seekers, knowledge seekers, and political safety seekers.
Market seekers are looking for more consumers for their products such as automobiles or steel.
Knowledge seekers may be looking for an educated workforce similar to the way firms seeking R and D
set up shop in university towns. Raw materials seekers may be after commodities such as oil or copper.
Production efficiencies may occur in countries like Mexico that have capable workers and lower wages.
Political safety seekers are looking for countries that will not expropriate their assets, so they may stay
away from countries that in the post have engaged in such activities.
Diff: 3
Topic: 1.4 Market Imperfections
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