Bryson Report Card 2010

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3657 South Industrial Dr.

Simpsonville, SC 29681

Grades 6-8 Middle School

Enrollment 1,185 Students
Principal Phillip Davie 864-355-2100
Superintendent Dr. Phinnize J. Fisher 864-355-8860
Board Chair Megan Hickerson 864-288-8363





2010 Average Average
2009 Average Below Average
2008 Below Average Below Average
2007 Below Average Below Average
2006 Below Average At-Risk


ƒ Excellent í School performance substantially exceeds the standards for progress
toward the 2020 SC Performance Vision
ƒ Good í School performance exceeds the standards for progress toward the 2020
SC Performance Vision
ƒ Average í School performance meets the standards for progress toward the 2020
SC Performance Vision
ƒ Below Average í School is in jeopardy of not meeting the standards for progress
toward the 2020 SC Performance Vision
ƒ At-Risk í School performance fails to meet the standards for progress toward the
2020 SC Performance Vision


By 2010, SC’s student achievement will be ranked in the top half of the states
nationally. To achieve this goal, we must become one of the fastest improving systems
in the country.


By 2020 all students will graduate with the knowledge and skills necessary to compete
successfully in the global economy, participate in a democratic society and contribute
positively as members of families and communities.
BRYSON MIDDLE 11/03/10-2301024
Percent of Student PASS Records Matched for Purpose of Computing Growth Rating
Percent of students tested in 2009-10 whose 2008-09 test scores were located 96.6%
Excellent Good Average Below Average At-Risk
4 15 19 0 1
* Ratings are calculated with data available by 11/03/2010.

Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS)

English/Language Arts Mathematics

31.6% 20.6%
Exemplary % 40.5%
% 34.6%

35.3% 39%
Met % 33%
% 38.6%

Not Met %
26.5% 26.8%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Science Social Studies

24.2% 25.8%
Exemplary % 28.4%
% 33.1%

46.5% 42.6%
Met % 44.4%
% 40%

Not Met %
27.2% 26.9%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Exemplary % 34.6%

Met % 42.6%

Not Met %

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Our school Middle schools with Students Like Ours

* Middle schools with Students Like Ours are middle schools with poverty indices of no more than 5% above or below the index for the school.

Definition of Critical Terms

Exemplary "Exemplary" means the student demonstrated exemplary performance in meeting the grade level standard.
Met "Met" means the student met the grade level standard.
Not Met "Not Met" means that the student did not meet the grade level standard.

Abbreviations for Missing Data

N/A–Not Applicable N/AV–Not Available N/C–Not Collected N/R–Not Reported I/S–Insufficient Sample
BRYSON MIDDLE 11/03/10-2301024
End of Course Tests
Middle Schools with Students Like
Percent of tests with scores of 70 or above on: Our Middle School
Algebra 1/Math for the Technologies 2 98.2% 98.6%
English 1 100.0% 96.7%
Physical Science N/A 22.8%
US History and the Constitution N/A N/A
All Subjects 98.5% 96.7%

School Profile
Middle Schools Median
Our School Change from Last Year with Students Middle
Like Ours School
Students (n=1,185)
Students enrolled in high school credit courses
21.0% Up from 16.0% 33.1% 24.2%
(grades 7 & 8)
Retention rate 0.3% Down from 0.7% 0.6% 0.7%
Attendance rate 95.6% No Change 96.0% 95.9%
Eligible for gifted and talented 16.6% Up from 15.2% 20.9% 16.4%
With disabilities other than speech 11.8% Down from 12.6% 11.1% 12.0%
Older than usual for grade 1.3% Up from 1.2% 1.4% 2.2%
Out-of-school suspensions or expulsions for violent
0.5% Up from 0.0% 0.5% 0.5%
and/or criminal offenses
Annual dropout rate 0.0% No Change 0.0% 0.0%
Teachers (n=70)
Teachers with advanced degrees 60.0% No Change 60.0% 58.5%
Continuing contract teachers 84.3% Up from 80.0% 82.1% 80.0%
Teachers with emergency or provisional certificates 3.2% Down from 6.3% 3.8% 4.0%
Teachers returning from previous year 87.4% Up from 85.9% 86.8% 84.6%
Teacher attendance rate 99.7% Up from 94.8% 95.2% 95.4%
Average teacher salary* $46,116 Up 0.5% $46,771 $46,561
Professional development days/teacher 6.5 days Up from 5.3 days 9.8 days 10.2 days
Principal's years at school 3.0 Up from 2.0 4.0 4.0
Student-teacher ratio in core subjects 23.1 to 1 Down from 26.3 to 1 21.9 to 1 21.1 to 1
Prime instructional time 95.3% Up from 90.0% 90.3% 90.4%
Opportunities in the arts Good No Change Excellent Good
SACS accreditation Yes No Change Yes Yes
Parents attending conferences 96.0% Down from 96.6% 96.9% 98.1%
Character development program Average No Change Good Good
Dollars spent per pupil** $5,632 Up 4.8% $7,220 $7,802
Percent of expenditures for instruction** 66.4% Down from 66.5% 64.2% 63.8%
Percent of expenditures for teacher salaries** 64.0% Up from 61.9% 60.8% 60.0%
* Includes current year teachers contracted for 185 or more days.
** Prior year audited financial data are reported.

Abbreviations for Missing Data

N/A–Not Applicable N/AV–Not Available N/C–Not Collected N/R–Not Reported I/S–Insufficient Sample
BRYSON MIDDLE 11/03/10-2301024
Report of Principal and School Improvement Council
Our vision for Bryson Middle is to be a community of learners that inspires and supports academic excellence
and social responsibility. We have exemplified that vision in many ways during the past school year. First, our
staff completed the second year of our Professional Learning Communities (PLC) grant that the Alliance for
Quality Education awarded to us in 2008. From our PLC experience came three questions that have guided us
this year in our pursuit of increased student achievement: (1) What do we want students to know and be able to
do: (2) How will we know if students have gained the knowledge and skills? (3) What will we do if students do
not learn? These questions framed the work of creating collaborative units that provide the foundation for a
shared curriculum that is available to all students. Further, we have created benchmark tests to use to
determine if students have, indeed, learned. Our 2010 School Action Plan addresses the third of our guiding

The 2009-2010 school year was very positive. BMS students gained recognition this year at a variety of
competitions. The choral department presented their annual musical production in the fall. Twenty-three choral
students participated in All County Chorus and Spring Sing; also, four students were chosen for All State
Chorus. Our strings students earned an Excellent rating at the South Carolina Music Educators’ Association
Concert Festival. Two band members were chosen for the Regions Band, five made All-County Band, and ten
students scored a Superior rating at the Solo and Ensemble competition. Two BMS students received
Honorable Mentions in the State Reflections Contest. The Robotics Team won a First Place in the State Log
Robotics competition. Our school also had thirty-four Junior Scholars this year.

We continued our sports program in which we fielded teams in soccer for girls and boys, boys’ baseball, girls’
softball, basketball for boys and girls, and girls’ volleyball. Our volleyball team won the Greenville County
Schools Championship which is the first volleyball championship at Bryson Middle.

We feel we have great students, parents, and teachers, as well as solid community support. We will continue to
focus our efforts on helping each student reach his or her potential.

Phillip Davie, Principal

Kathy Woods, SIC Chairperson

Evaluations by Teachers, Students and Parents

Teachers Students* Parents*
Number of surveys returned 40 347 107
Percent satisfied with learning environment 95.0% 70.9% 75.7%
Percent satisfied with social and physical environment 95.0% 76.5% 68.9%
Percent satisfied with school-home relations 82.5% 84.8% 69.9%

* Only students at the highest middle school grade level and their parents were included.

Abbreviations for Missing Data

N/A–Not Applicable N/AV–Not Available N/C–Not Collected N/R–Not Reported I/S–Insufficient Sample
BRYSON MIDDLE 11/03/10-2301024
No Child Left Behind

School Adequate Yearly Progress NO

This school met 27 out of 29 objectives. The objectives included student performance, graduation rate
or student attendance, and participation in the state testing program.
Definition: As required by the United States Department of Education, Adequate Yearly Progress specifies that the
statewide target is met for "All Students" and for the following subgroups: Racial/Ethnic, Subsidized Meals, Disability,
and Limited English Proficiency in the areas of English/Language Arts and Mathematics, as well as meeting the
statewide target for "All Students" for attendance or graduation rate.

School Improvement Status

School Improvement Key

NI Newly Identified-The school missed adequate yearly progress (AYP) for two years. Sanction: Offer school choice.
Continuing School Improvement-The school missed AYP for three years. Sanctions: Continue school choice and
implement supplemental services.
Corrective Action-The school missed AYP for four years. Sanction: Continue school choice and supplemental
services. The school district takes a corrective action.
Plan to Restructure-Sanctions: Continue school choice and supplemental services. Develop a plan to restructure. If
the school misses AYP the next year, the school implements the restructuring plan.
Restructure-The school missed AYP after two years of corrective action. Sanctions: Implement the restructuring plan.
Continue school choice and supplemental services.
The school met AYP in all subgroups and the indicator for one year, thus the delay provision applies. The school
remains in the same status as last year and is referred to as in "Delay."
The school made progress for one year in the subject area that identified the school for school improvement. The
school remains in the same status as last year and is referred to as in "Hold."

Teacher Quality and Student Attendance

Our District State
Classes in low poverty schools not taught by highly qualified teachers N/AV N/AV
Classes in high poverty schools not taught by highly qualified teachers N/AV N/AV

Met State
Our School State Objective
Classes not taught by highly qualified teachers N/AV 0.0% N/AV
Student attendance rate 95.6% 94.0%* Yes
* Or greater than last year

Abbreviations for Missing Data

N/A–Not Applicable N/AV–Not Available N/C–Not Collected N/R–Not Reported I/S–Insufficient Sample
BRYSON MIDDLE 11/03/10-2301024
PASS Performance By Group

Day of Testing
Enrollment 1st

School % Met or

District % Met or

Objective Met

Objective Met
% Exemplary

State % Met or

% Not Met



% Tested

% Met
English/Language Arts - State Performance Objective = 58.8% (Met or Exemplary)
All Students 1162 100 33.5 35.8 30.8 78.7 84.7 83.5 Yes Yes
Male 600 100 39.1 35.6 25.3 73.1 81.3 80.1 N/A N/A
Female 562 100 27.4 35.9 36.7 84.7 88.3 87 N/A N/A
Racial/Ethnic Group
White 762 100 28.5 35.3 36.2 82.1 90 89.6 Yes Yes
African American 296 100 45.9 36.2 17.9 71 73.4 74.6 Yes Yes
Asian/Pacific Islander 15 100 46.2 46.2 7.7 69.2 94.3 92.7 I/S I/S
Hispanic 76 100 33.8 33.8 32.4 73.2 78.4 79.6 Yes Yes
American Indian/Alaskan 3 I/S I/S I/S I/S I/S 89.7 85.1 I/S I/S
Disability Status
Disabled 129 100 82.1 15.4 2.4 29.3 53.3 51.7 No Yes
Migrant Status
Migrant 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I/S 69.5 N/A N/A
English Proficiency
Limited English Proficient 52 100 32.2 37.3 30.5 76.3 78.7 79 Yes Yes
Socio-Economic Status
Subsidized meals 545 100 45.1 35 19.9 69.5 76.1 76.9 Yes Yes

Mathematics - State Performance Objective = 57.8% (Met or Exemplary)

All Students 1162 100 43 39.8 17.2 71.4 82 80.4 Yes Yes
Male 600 100 44.4 37.9 17.7 70.6 80.5 78.4 N/A N/A
Female 562 100 41.5 41.9 16.6 72.3 83.5 82.5 N/A N/A
Racial/Ethnic Group
White 762 100 38.2 41.1 20.7 75.8 87.7 87.8 Yes Yes
African American 296 100 57 35.5 7.5 59.1 68.4 69.3 Yes Yes
Asian/Pacific Islander 15 100 38.5 53.8 7.7 69.2 94.9 93.5 I/S I/S
Hispanic 76 100 42.3 38 19.7 71.8 78.3 78.3 Yes Yes
American Indian/Alaskan 3 I/S I/S I/S I/S I/S 79.5 83.2 I/S I/S
Disability Status
Disabled 129 100 86.2 12.2 1.6 22 46.1 46.1 No Yes
Migrant Status
Migrant 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I/S 71.4 N/A N/A
English Proficiency
Limited English Proficient 52 100 40.7 42.4 16.9 74.6 79.2 78.9 Yes Yes
Socio-Economic Status
Subsidized meals 545 100 55.9 33.4 10.7 59.2 72.9 72.8 Yes Yes

* Adjusted to account for natural variation in performance.

Abbreviations for Missing Data

N/A–Not Applicable N/AV–Not Available N/C–Not Collected N/R–Not Reported I/S–Insufficient Sample
BRYSON MIDDLE 11/03/10-2301024
PASS Performance By Group

Day of Testing
Enrollment 1st

School % Met or

District % Met or
% Exemplary

State % Met or
% Not Met
% Tested



% Met
All Students 767 99.5 28.6 46.9 24.4 71.4 70.6 67.3
Male 383 99.5 29.5 45.6 24.9 70.5 70.1 66.9
Female 384 99.5 27.8 48.2 24 72.2 71.1 67.7
Racial/Ethnic Group
White 505 99.8 21.5 49.6 28.9 78.5 80.2 79.6
African American 198 99 44.3 42.7 13 55.7 50.4 49.7
Asian/Pacific Islander 8 I/S I/S I/S I/S I/S 86.4 84.4
Hispanic 47 97.9 39.5 34.9 25.6 60.5 60.1 59.4
American Indian/Alaskan 2 I/S I/S I/S I/S I/S 76.3 69.5
Disability Status
Disabled 80 100 71.1 27.6 1.3 28.9 33.9 33.8
Migrant Status
Migrant 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I/S 36.5
English Proficiency
Limited English Proficient 30 96.7 45.2 38.7 16.1 54.8 60.6 58.6
Socio-Economic Status
Subsidized meals 358 99.4 39.2 45.8 15 60.8 57.1 55.4

Social Studies
All Students 773 99.4 30.9 43 26 69.1 73.2 70.9
Male 407 99 31.8 42.2 26 68.2 72.8 70.1
Female 366 99.7 29.9 44 26.1 70.1 73.7 71.7
Racial/Ethnic Group
White 510 99.6 28.1 41.9 30.1 71.9 79.8 79.2
African American 187 98.4 40.4 43.9 15.8 59.6 57.9 58.4
Asian/Pacific Islander 10 I/S I/S I/S I/S I/S 86.9 86.8
Hispanic 59 100 30.4 44.6 25 69.6 67.8 68
American Indian/Alaskan 2 I/S I/S I/S I/S I/S 69.8 71.2
Disability Status
Disabled 84 97.6 68.8 27.3 3.9 31.2 40 39.3
Migrant Status
Migrant 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I/S 55
English Proficiency
Limited English Proficient 38 100 28.9 51.1 20 71.1 69 68
Socio-Economic Status
Subsidized meals 355 98.6 41.3 42.8 15.9 58.7 61.6 60.8

Abbreviations for Missing Data

N/A–Not Applicable N/AV–Not Available N/C–Not Collected N/R–Not Reported I/S–Insufficient Sample
BRYSON MIDDLE 11/03/10-2301024
PASS Performance By Group

Attendance Rate

Attendance Rate
Day of Testing
Enrollment 1st

School % Met or

District % Met or
% Exemplary

State % Met or
% Not Met
% Tested





% Met
All Students 1175 99.7 28 44.6 27.4 72 74 72.1 95.6 96.2
Male 610 99.5 34.9 45 20.2 65.1 67.2 65.2 95.6 96.2
Female 565 99.8 20.6 44.3 35.2 79.4 81.1 79.2 95.7 96.3
Racial/Ethnic Group
White 776 99.6 23.6 44.3 32.1 76.4 81.6 80.8 95.5 96.1
African American 294 99.7 39.6 45 15.5 60.4 58.6 59.7 95.7 96.2
Asian/Pacific Islander 14 100 35.7 42.9 21.4 64.3 88.8 87 95.6 97.5
Hispanic 77 100 27.1 45.7 27.1 72.9 63.1 64.6 96.2 96.6
American Indian/Alaskan 4 I/S I/S I/S I/S I/S 74.7 73.4 92.4 94.8
Disability Status
Disabled 129 100 80.5 18.7 0.8 19.5 29.5 27.7 94.2 95.2
Migrant Status
Migrant N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A I/S 63.5 N/A 97.6
English Proficiency
Limited English Proficient 53 100 28.8 47.5 23.7 71.2 62.9 63.7 96.5 97
Socio-Economic Status
Subsidized meals 542 100 37.9 45 17.1 62.1 61.1 61.9 94.8 95.6

Abbreviations for Missing Data

N/A–Not Applicable N/AV–Not Available N/C–Not Collected N/R–Not Reported I/S–Insufficient Sample
BRYSON MIDDLE 11/03/10-2301024
PASS Performance By Grade Level

Day of Testing
Enrollment 1st

% Exemplary

% Not Met
% Tested

% Met or
% Met

English/Language Arts
3 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 386 99.5 32 42.8 25.2 68
7 412 99.8 35.1 44.4 20.5 64.9
8 410 99.8 36.7 42.4 20.9 63.3
3 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 370 100 31.5 36.5 32 68.5
7 379 100 29.5 35.5 35 70.5
8 413 100 38.8 35.3 25.8 61.2
3 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 386 100 45.4 40.5 14.1 54.6
7 412 99.5 37.3 45 17.7 62.7
8 410 99.8 54.6 35.3 10.1 45.4
3 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 370 100 36.8 44.1 19.1 63.2
7 379 100 43 36.9 20.1 57
8 413 100 48.6 38.6 12.8 51.4
3 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 194 100 31 52.7 16.3 69
7 412 99.8 28.7 49.5 21.8 71.3
8 204 100 52 38.9 9.1 48
3 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 182 99.5 30.5 48.3 21.3 69.5
7 379 100 21.5 50.7 27.8 78.5
8 206 98.5 40.3 38.8 20.9 59.7
Social Studies
3 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 192 100 26.3 61.8 11.8 73.7
7 411 99.8 35.1 38.2 26.7 64.9
8 204 100 32.3 46.6 21.2 67.7
3 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 188 100 23.2 57.5 19.3 76.8
7 378 99.7 35.2 33 31.9 64.8
8 207 98.1 30.2 48.2 21.6 69.8

Abbreviations for Missing Data

N/A–Not Applicable N/AV–Not Available N/C–Not Collected N/R–Not Reported I/S–Insufficient Sample
BRYSON MIDDLE 11/03/10-2301024
PASS Performance By Grade Level

Day of Testing
Enrollment 1st

% Exemplary

% Not Met
% Tested

% Met or
% Met

3 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 388 98.5 33.9 46.8 19.4 66.1
7 407 99 32.8 38.7 28.5 67.2
8 405 99 36.9 44.8 18.3 63.1
3 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A
4 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

5 N/A N/AV N/A N/A N/A N/A

6 373 99.5 30.3 41.4 28.3 69.7
7 385 100 27.6 48.4 24 72.4
8 417 99.5 26.3 44.1 29.6 73.7

Abbreviations for Missing Data

N/A–Not Applicable N/AV–Not Available N/C–Not Collected N/R–Not Reported I/S–Insufficient Sample

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