N.Venkata Posi Lakshmi (07AP1A0463) : K.Miranji

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Submitted by


Bachelor of technology
Under the Guidance of

Assistant Professor
Department Of E.C.E

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

(Approved by A.I.C.T.E., Affiliated to J.N.T.U., Kakinada)
The intelligent signals. The collected
wireless video camera images are converted
described in this paper from visible light into
is designed using invisible
wireless video electronic signals inside
monitoring system, for a solid-state imager.
detecting the presence These signals are
of a person who is transmitted to the
inside the restricted monitor,
zone. This type of
automatic wireless
video monitors is quite In this paper for
suitable for the isolated the demonstration
restricted zones, where purpose three reference
the tight security is points are taken. Each
required. reference point is
arranged with two
infrared LED’s and one
The principle of lamp. This
remote sensing is arrangement is made to
utilized in this, to detect detect the presence of a
the presence of any person who is near the
person who is very near reference point. The
to reference point with reference point is
in the zone. nothing but restricted
area, when any person
comes near to any
A video camera
reference point, then
collects the images
immediately that
from the reference
particular reference
points and then
point output will
converts into electronic
become high and this point for collecting the
high signal is fed to the images at that particular
computer. Now the reference point. To
computer energizes that rotate the video camera
particular reference towards interrupted
point lamp and rotates reference point, stepper
the video camera motor is used.
towards that reference

systems for various

applications to safe guard
present wireless video
the zones of various types
camera described in this is
like, military zones,
designed using wireless
railway yards, scrap yards,
video monitoring system,
borders etc., this kind of
for detecting the presence
automatic video
of a person who is inside
monitoring systems can be
the restricted zone. This
installed at indo-pak
type of automatic wireless
borders, where the
video monitors is quite
terrorists are crossing
suitable for the isolated
borders. In fact our
restricted zones, where the
country is spending lot of
tight security is required.
its revenue to safe guard
Once upon a time
the borders. By installing
much importance is not
this type of security
given for the security
systems everywhere at
system. But as we see
critical points, lot of
today lot of terrorism has
revenue can be saved by
grown up across the
minimizing the manpower.
country and need has
Basic operational
aroused to develop
different types of security
The video company resources. There
surveillance unit is are several types of
designed for the widest security systems existed in
possible viewing range the Market; one of the
and portability. The unit most common security
consists of a Stepper systems is CCTV (Closed
Motor, which drives the Circuit Television). The
camera towards reference CCTV consists Video
points automatically by the Surveillance Camera used
computer and a transmitter as security-monitoring
device plays a major roll
in security systems. One
transmits the images reason for this is the fact
collected by the camera to that a picture is worth then
a distant end. Thus a a thousand words. This is
automatic controlled especially true in a court
wireless camera is very of law where an
useful for surveillance of eyewitness is required who
places where the particular can place the criminal at
location makes it the scene of a crime.
inconvenient or
impractical for a wired CCTV systems are
operation of the unit. The also helpful in the
robotic action made by the residential security
stepper motor is attached Market. They allow
to the camera allows homeowners to see their
surveillance of maximum callers, thus establishing
area with one single their identity before they
camera. Such setup can be open an outside entrance
very flexible to the user door. This is an important
and can save valuable feature too, because other
wise, they might open
their door to a criminal.
The Infrared sensing signal from the
circuit consists of two transmitting LED is
infrared LED’s for invisible and harmless.
transmitting the signal as Whenever the human body
well as receiving the interrupts the transmitting
signal. The signal signal, there the signal is
transmitted by the reflected and this reflected
transmitting LED omits signal is received by the
the signal in a line like infrared receiving LED.
laser beam, the radiated


This section is designed 47W resistor connected in

for detecting the presence series with the IR LED
of a person who is inside limits the IR-LED current.
the restricted zone within The basic
the range. It is basically an function of the detector
infrared proximity circuit is by radiating
detection system. Here energy into space
high efficiency IR-LED is through IR LED and
driven by PNP Transistor detecting the echo
SK100 with a modulating signal reflected from an
frequency of about object. The reflected
10KHz. This frequency is energy that is returned
available from Pin 5 of to the receiving LED
LM 567 IC (versatile PLL indicates the presence
tone decoder IC). The of a person who is
within the range. A computer. Whenever
portion of the the computer receives a
transmitted energy is high signal from the
intercepted by the target reference point, the
and re-radiated in many computer drives the
directions. The stepper motor through
radiation directed back the driving transistors
towards the system is and rotates the motor
collected by the towards that particular
receiving LED causes reference point. Three
to produce a high signal similar circuits are
at Pin No.8 of LM567 designed for the three
IC. The output of the different reference
receiver is fed to the points.

Diagram of the sensing circuit:

The computer is communication between a
playing a major role in this PC and a peripheral.
.The main function of the Another use that has
computer is to identify the become very popular is
interruption made by the transferring information or
person, where exactly the receiving the information.
signal is interrupted, at In this project work the
which reference point received information from
identifying the point and the detector circuit is used
displays the information to drive the motor. Which
on the screen. The other is useful for the system for
major function of the identifying the interrupted
computer is to drive the reference point. With the
stepper motor. This block help of associated software
is also responsible for written in ‘C’ language the
identifying the reference received information can
point. Here any normal be displayed on computer
configuration computer screen.
can be employed. The
software program defining A computer is an
the operations for the electronic device, which
computer is written in ‘C’ processes information
language. under the control of a set
of instructions called
The output of program. It has the ability
the obstacle sensor is fed to accept the data, execute
to the computer through the program, and perform
the parallel port. The mathematical and logical
original purpose of operations on data. The
Parallel port was to enable result of the operations can
be reported through by performing fetch
output. Infact, a computer instruction from memory
is a complete system in and right data either to a
itself. The computer as a memory location or on an
system is a combination of output device. The main
Hardware and Software components of the CPU
components that jointly are, ALU (Arithmetic and
offer the necessary Logic Unit), CU (Control
services to the user. Unit), and a set of
registers. The control unit
The is responsible for the
computer reads the data moment of data and
received through parallel instructions in and out of
port and can store the data; the memory and CPU. It is
the same data will be also responsible for the
displayed on computer decoding of an instruction
screen. The program and determining as to what
contains instruction about is desired by the same.
what has to be done with The complete electronic
the data. The CPU Hardware is interfaced
executes the programs with parallel port.
stored in the main memory



To drive the the pulses in a sequence at

stepper motor in both the four different outputs,
directions (clockwise or these sequential
anticlockwise) the system programmed outputs
is programmed to produce energizes the motor
windings one after another drive up to 3Kg loads, i.e.,
in a sequence. To drive the the holding torque is 3Kg.
motor in clockwise, the
sequence starts from top to The output
bottom, similarly to drive of the computer is also
the motor in anti- used to drive the three
clockwise the sequence relays and one buzzer.
starts from the bottom to Whenever any human
top. Like wise the motor body interrupts any
rotates in both the reference point, the
directions. computer energizes the
alarm at the same time the
The output of the computer energize the
computer through parallel corresponding relay also.
port is used to drive the These relay contacts are
switching transistors; used to energize the three
finally these switching different lamps
transistors drive the corresponds to the three
stepper motor. These reference points
transistors provide the independently. The circuit
required current to diagram of relays and
energize the motor. The buzzer driven by the
stepper motor used in this computer is shown below.
project work is capable to
Stepper Motor Drive Circuit:

The stepper program by which

motor used in this is motor speed can be
having four windings varied. The stepper
and these windings are motor used in this
energized one after project work is capable
another in a sequence to drive up to 3kg load.
according to the code Each reference
produced by the point is arranged with
computer through two infrared sensors
motor drive circuit. and both the sensors are
This motor rotates in arranged side by side
step wise and the step within the distance of
angle is 1.80. Varying one inch approximately
the pulse rate can vary and both are directed
the speed of the motor. towards the space with
The pulses are the zone. The
produced by the energization sequence
computer can be for the forward and
controlled through the backward movements
of the stepper motor is (Medium power
fed from computer with Transistor). These two
the help of software transistors are
written in ‘C’ language. configured in emitter
The ratings of the following mode for
motor employed are amplifying the current
12V dc 4-coil. The rating. The motor
driving circuit of the winding when it is
motor is designed using energized, it consumes
BC 547 (low power 350 mA approximately.
Transistor) and 2N5296

The following is the diagram of the stepper motor

drive circuit


The output of signals in amplitude

the video camera is fed to modulation. The video
this transmitter, for signal coming out of video
transmitting the video camera is nothing but pure
composite video signal (2) Driver Stage or
and this signal is fed to Modulator
this AM transmitter. The (3) Final Amplifier
transmitter circuit Stage.
generates a continuous The output of the
frequency of 100MHz VHF oscillator is treated
approximately, which is as carrier and the same is
used to form a permanent fed to the modulator
link between the section. The output of the
transmitter and receiver, VHF oscillator is fed to
and this is known as collector and the final
carrier frequency. The output taken from the
output of video camera is emitter of the PNP
fed to this carrier input as transistor of the modulator
a modulating wave. This is section. Since it is a PNP
a frequency modulated transistor there won’t be
radio transmitter. The any phase reversal (1800
radiating power of the phase shift), because this
transmitter is less than transistor is configured in
20mw, so that the range common base mode.
between transmitter and Therefore finally at the
receiver can be less than output of this stage, a
25 feet. perfect AM wave can be
The AM transmitter obtained. In the amplifier
consists three sections section 2 N 3866-NPN
namely Transistor is used to
(1) VHF Oscillator amplify the input signal.

The Complete Circuit Diagram of transmitter including

three stages is as follows
The carrier is designed for wireless video camera we
transmitting the picture can detect the entry of
details. At the receiving unauthorized persons
end, a small television set especially in case of
of 4” screen is used to military to detect our
display the picture caught. enemies crossing the
In this way using this border.

(1) Basic Radio and Television. BY: S.P. SHARMA

(2) Digital and Analog Communication Systems By: K. Sam Shanmugam

With the help of above two books we came to know how

the signals are transmitted using Radio transmitter and these two
books helped us while designing the transmitter and receiver.

(3) Practical transistor circuit design and analysis By: GERALD E.


(4) Basic electronics By: GROB

(5) Electronic circuit guidebook – sensors By: JOSEPH J.CARR

(6) Modern Television Practice By: R.R. Gulati

(7) The Complete Guide to video By: Martin Clifford

(8) Computer Controlled System - By: Karl J.ASTROM

(9) C++ An Introduction to Programming –


(10) C ALL Clear - By: RAVINDRA

(11) Practical Electronics monthly magazines

(12) Elector India monthly magazines

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