N.Venkata Posi Lakshmi (07AP1A0463) : K.Miranji
N.Venkata Posi Lakshmi (07AP1A0463) : K.Miranji
N.Venkata Posi Lakshmi (07AP1A0463) : K.Miranji
Assistant Professor
Department Of E.C.E
The computer is communication between a
playing a major role in this PC and a peripheral.
.The main function of the Another use that has
computer is to identify the become very popular is
interruption made by the transferring information or
person, where exactly the receiving the information.
signal is interrupted, at In this project work the
which reference point received information from
identifying the point and the detector circuit is used
displays the information to drive the motor. Which
on the screen. The other is useful for the system for
major function of the identifying the interrupted
computer is to drive the reference point. With the
stepper motor. This block help of associated software
is also responsible for written in ‘C’ language the
identifying the reference received information can
point. Here any normal be displayed on computer
configuration computer screen.
can be employed. The
software program defining A computer is an
the operations for the electronic device, which
computer is written in ‘C’ processes information
language. under the control of a set
of instructions called
The output of program. It has the ability
the obstacle sensor is fed to accept the data, execute
to the computer through the program, and perform
the parallel port. The mathematical and logical
original purpose of operations on data. The
Parallel port was to enable result of the operations can
be reported through by performing fetch
output. Infact, a computer instruction from memory
is a complete system in and right data either to a
itself. The computer as a memory location or on an
system is a combination of output device. The main
Hardware and Software components of the CPU
components that jointly are, ALU (Arithmetic and
offer the necessary Logic Unit), CU (Control
services to the user. Unit), and a set of
registers. The control unit
The is responsible for the
computer reads the data moment of data and
received through parallel instructions in and out of
port and can store the data; the memory and CPU. It is
the same data will be also responsible for the
displayed on computer decoding of an instruction
screen. The program and determining as to what
contains instruction about is desired by the same.
what has to be done with The complete electronic
the data. The CPU Hardware is interfaced
executes the programs with parallel port.
stored in the main memory