Evaluation of Comfort Properties of Polyester-Viscose Suiting Fabrics

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Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research

Vol. 27, March 2002, pp. 72-76

Evaluation of comfort properties of polyester-viscose suiting fabrics

A Mukhopadhyay", I C Sharma & Mukesh Sharma

The Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences, Bhiwani 1 27 02 1 , India
Received 30 August 2000; revised received and accepted 31 January 2001

The comfort properties of polyester-viscose blended fabrics of two different structures (plain and twill) have been
studied. It is observed that with the change in polyester content, the total hand valUe (THV) of twill woven fabrics shows
different trend than that of plain woven fabrics. The thermal insulation and water-vapour resistance increase with the
increase in polyester content. It is found that the fabric having the best THV may not be comfortable in all aspects.

Keywords : Fabric comfort, Fabric handle, Fukurami, Koshi, Numeri, Thermal insulation, Total hand value, Water-vapour

1 Introduction blend proportions (40:60, 48:52, 65:35 and 75:25)

The term comfort is a nubulous one which defies were used for preparing plain and 212 twil l suiting
definition, but the sensation of comfort is easily fabrics. The yarn linear density and twist per inch
recognized by the person who experiences it. Many were 2/1 6 tex and 1 7 .6 respectively. The ends and
attempts have been made to define the state in picks per inch of plain fabrics were 60 and 52
physical terms. The clothing comfort is dependent respectively. Twill fabrics possess 76 ends/inch and
upon the low-stress mechanical, thermai and moisture 56 picks/inch. All the fabrics were heat-set on
transfer properties of the fabrics. The general subject Primatex stenter at 20 mlmin speed with 3 % overfeed
of fabric sensory property influenced by low-stress allowing 5. 1 % width-wise shrinkage at 1 80°C.
mechanical properties of the fabric is reviewed by
Bishop l . There is a general agreement that the 2.2 Methods
movement of water vapour and heat through a Low-stress mechanical properties of the fabrics
garment is probably the most important factor in were examined using KES-F system. The mechanical
clothing comfort2 . It has been suggested3 , that the properties were compared on the basis of t-test at 95%
thickness is the single most important factor in significance limit. Hand values and total hand value
determining thermal resistance. The utJity of were derived by the software using the following
moisture transfer properties on fabrics has also been conversion equations for winter suitings9 :
reported earliers.7 . Sreenivasan et al.8 analysed the }6 X. - Xi
effect of polyester and cellulosic fibre contents on the Y :::R C o + I Ci ---'-.'_-
moisture transfer time of fabrics. A very few i
:} Ui
information is available about the effect of blend on
where Y is the hand value; Xi, the ith characteristics
fabric comfort. In the present work, the effect of blend
proportion on the comfort properties of polyester­ value or its logarithm; Xi and 0;, the mean value and
viscose blended suiting fabrics has been studied. the standard deviation of the i th characteristics value;
Co , the constant; and Ci, the coefficient.
2 Materials and Methods Table 1 shows the constants and coefficients of the
2.1 Materials equations. The fol lowing equation was used for the
Polyester-viscose blended yarns of four different total hand values (THY)
3To whom all the correspondence should be addressed.
Phone : 293301 -02-03; Fax : 009 1 -0 1 8 1 -293653, 29 1 1 20;
Co + I [Cil ( Yi - M il )/ull + (C,2 (Y/ M i2 )/ U i2 ]

E-mail : arunangshu_recj @rediffmail .com
Present address : Department of Textile Engineering, Regional where Yi is the hand values of the i th primary hand;
Engineering College, Jalandhar 1 44 0 1 1 Mil and Mi2., the mean values of Yi and Y/

Table 1 - Parameters of equations for translating mechanical values into hand values of
men's winter suiting fabric

Xi Oi Cj
Koshi Numeri Fukurami

0 5.7093 4.7533 4.9799

I LT 0.6082 0.06 1 1 -0.03 1 7 -0.0686 -0. 1 558
2 log WT 0.962 1 0. 1 270 -0. 1 345 0.0735 0.2241
3 RT 62. 1 894 4.4380 0.0676 -0. 1 6 1 9 -0.0897
4 10g B - 1 .0084 0. 1 267 0.8459 -0. 1658 -0.0337
5 log 2HB - 1 .3476 0 . 1 80 1 -0.2 1 04 0 . 1 083 0.0848
6 log G -0.0 143 0. 1 287 0.4268 -0.0263 0.0960
7 log 2HG 0.0807 0. 1 642 -0.0793 0.0667 -0.0538
8 log 2HG5 0.04094 0. 1 44 1 0.0625 -0.3702 -0.0657
9 LC 0.3703 0.0745 0.0073 -0. 1 703 -0.2042
10 log WC -0.7080 0. 1427 -0.646 0.5278 0.8845
11 RC 56.2709 8.7927 -0.004 1 0.0972 0. 1 879
12 MIU 0.2085 0.02 1 5 -0.0254 -0. 1 539 -0.0569
13 log MMD - 1 . 8 1 05 0. 1 233 0.0307 -0.9270 -0.5964
14 log SMD 0.6037 0.2063 0.0009 -0.303 1 -0. 1 702
15 log T -0. 1 272 0.0797 -0. 1 7 1 4 -0. 1 358 0.0837
16 log W 1 .4208 0.059 1 0.2232 -0.0122 -0. 1 8 1 0

Xi - the ilb characteristics value or its logarithm, X and Oi - the mean value and the standard
deviation of the ilb characteristic value, and Cj - coefficient.

Table 2 - Parameters of the HV-THV translation equations

Yi Ci l Ci2 Mil Mi2 Oil 0i2

I Koshi 0.6750 -0.5341 5.7093 33.9032 1 . 1434 1 2. 1 1 27

2 Numeri -0. 1 887 0.804 1 4.7537 25.0295 1 .5594 1 5.562 1
3 Fukurami 0.93 1 2 -0.7703 4.9798 26.9720 1 .4741 1 5 .2341

Yi - Hand value of the i1h primary hand. Ci l and Ci2 - coefficients. Mil and Mi2 - mean values of Yi and
Y/. and Oil and Oir standard deviations of Yi and Y/ respectively.

respectively; Oi, and 0i2, the standard deviations of Yi compact structure of polyester-rich fabrics result in
and Y/ respectively; Co, the constant; and Ci/ and Ca, the lower fabric extensibility. It is further observed
the coefficients as shown in Table 2. that the tensile energy (WC) decreases with the
Thermal insulation was determined by using the increase in polyester content. This is due to the lower
KES-FS (Thermolab - II). The dry contact method7 extensibility of the polyester-rich fabrics. The
with an air velocity of 30 cm/s was used for the linearity of stress-strain curve (LT) does not show any
measurement of thermal insulation. The modified specific trend with the i ncrease in polyester content. It
evaporation cup method7 was used to measure the is again observed that with the increase in polyester
resistance of the fabric to water vapour. content, the tensile resiliency (RC) increases. It may
be due to the higher resiliency of polyester fibre
3 Results and Discussion compared to that of viscose fibre.
3.1 Effect of Blend Proportion on Low-stress Mechanical
Properties of Fabric 3.1.2 Bending Properties
3.1.1 Tensile Properties Table 3 shows the effect of blend proportion on the
Table 3 shows that the fabric extensibility (EM) bending behaviour of polyester-viscose blended
decreases with the increase in polyester content in fabrics. It is observed that with the increase in
polyester-viscose blended fabrics. Fabric extensibility polyester content the bending rigidity (B) increases. It
is likely to be governed by the bending rigidity and may be attributed to the higher flexural rigidity of
the contact area of the warp and weft yams 1 0. The polyester fibre and the compact structure of polyester­
higher bending rigidity of polyester and more rich fabrics. The compact structure of the fabric

Table 3 - Effect of blend proportion on low-stress mechanical properties of polyester-viscose blended fabrics
Properties 2/2 Twill Plain
40P:60V 48P:52V 65P:35V 75P:25V 40P:60V 48P:52V 65P:35V 75P:25V
EM,% 4.97 4.29 4.01 3.55 4.61 4.29 4.01 4.01
LT 0.67 0.68 0.65 0.69 0.7 1 0.72 0.75 0.75
WT, gf cmlcm2 8.42 7.45 6.7 1 5.76 8. 1 3 7.5 1 7.50 7.49
RT, % 43.63 47.49 49. 1 54.48 54.57 54.92 55. 1 0 56.9 1
B, gf cm2/cm 0.0701 0.0728 0.0775 0.09 1 7 0.0644 0.0679 0.0757 0.0933
2HB, gf cm/cm 0.0523 0.0562 0.0647 0.079 1 0.05 1 2 0.0547 0.0697 0.09 1 2
G, gf cm.deg 0.50 1 0.558 0.62 1 0.820 0.944 1 .096 1 .493 1 .929
2HG, gf/cm 0.940 0.990 1.18 1 .528 1 .630 1 .8 1 1 2.307 3.020
2HG5, gf/cm 2.0237 2.2295 2.8640 3 .9028 4.4467 4.9267 6.7057 8.4770
LC 0.306 0.301 0.303 0.268 0.309 0.285 0.308 0.28 1
WC, gf cmlcm 2 0. 1 54 0. 1 5 1 0. 1 46 0. 1 34 0. 1 62 0. 1 44 0. 1 4 1 0. 1 3 1
RC, % 75.05 76.73 79.29 82.76 68.06 70. 1 2 72.54 75.24
MIU 0.208 0.2048 0.2045 0.203 0.203 0. 1 96 0. 1 93 0. 1 89
MMD 0.01 0.009 0.0 1 2 0.0 1 1 0.0 1 9 0.D l 8 0.01 9 0.01 7
SMD, J..lm 2.98 2.92 2.58 2.50 7. 1 3 7.09 6.56 6.49
P - Polyester, V - Viscose

prevents the relative motion of the fibres during the fabrics. It is observed that the linearity of compression
bending of the fabrics, resulting in the higher bending (LC) curve does not show any specific trend with the
rigiditi I. The hysteresis of bending (2HB) also increase in polyester content. It is further observed that
increases with the increase in polyester content, which with the increase in polyester content, the compres­
is also attributed to the compact structure of sional energy (WC) decreases. This may be attributed
polyester-rich fabrics. to the smoother rod-like structure of polyester fibre.
3.1.3 Shear Properties
When the fabric is compressed by compression ele­
Table 3 shows the effect of blend proportion on the ment, the warp and weft yarns tend to be flattened
shear behaviour of blended fabrics. It is observed that which is governed by the fibre-to-fibre slippage. There­
the shear stiffness (G) increases with the increase in fore, as the polyester content increases, the fibre-to­
polyester content. This may be attributed to the fibre slippage during the compression also increases,
compact structure of the fabric having higher polyester resulting in the lower value of compressional energy. It
content and the higher flexural rigidity of the polyester is also observed that the compressional resiliency (RC)
fibre compared to that of viscose. Subramanium et al. 12 increases with the increase in polyester content. This
found that the contact between the threads greatly may be attributed to the higher resiliency and lower
affects the shear rigidity of the fabrics. The compact fibre-to-fibre friction of polyester compared to that of
structure results in greater contact area between the viscose.
threads which is responsible for the higher shear
3.1.5 Surface Properties
rigidity of the fabric having higher polyester content. Table 3 shows that the coefficient of friction (MIU)
The hysteresis of shear (2HG) also increases with the decreases with the increase in polyester content,
increase in polyester content which is attributed to the which is attributed to the smoother surface of
compact structure of fabric. polyester fibre compared to that of viscose fibre.
3.1.4 Compressional Properties Mean deviation of coefficient of friction (MMD) does
Table 3 shows the effect of blend proportion on the not show any specific trend with the increase in
compressional behaviour of polyester-viscose blended polyester content. It is further observed that the

Table 4 - Effect of blend proportion on total hand value, thermal insulation and water-vapour resistance of
polyester-viscose blended fabrics
Structure Blend ratio Koshi Numeri Fukurami (fullness Total hand Thermal Relative water-
(polyester/viscose) (stiffness) (smoothness) and softness) value insulation, % vapour resistance
212 Twill 40:60 2.82 7.33 6.37 3.94 1 2.07 0.084
212 Twill 48:52 2.69 7.25 6.65 3.84 1 2.93 0.086
212 Twill 65:35 3.65 6.42 5.85 3.65 1 2.98 0.090
212 Twill 75:25 4.56 5.88 5.54 3.56 1 3 .79 0.098
Plain 40:60 3.76 3.74 4.49 2.45 1 0.7 1 0.086
Plain 48:52 4.23 3.47 4. 1 1 2.42 1 1 .6 1 0.087
Plain 65 :35 4.78 3. 1 0 4.07 2.44 1 2.93 0.090
Plain 75:25 5.69 2.99 4.05 2.58 1 5.52 0.099

geometrical roughness (SMD) decreases with the However, the change in THV is small with the change
increase in polyester content. in blend proportion.

3.2 Effect of Blend Proportion on Hand Values of Fabrics 3.3 Effect of Blend Proportion on Thermal Insulation of Fabrics
3.2.1 Koshi (Stiffness) It is observed from Table 4 that with the increase in
Table 4 shows the effect of blend proportion on the polyester content, the thermal insulation increases.
hand values of polyester-viscose blended fabrics. It is This may be attributed to the greater thickness of the
observed that with the increase in polyester content, fabric having higher polyester content.
the fabric Koshi value increases. This may be
attributed to the increase in bending rigidity, shear 3.4 Effect of Blend Proportion on the Water-vapour Resistance
rigidity and tensile resiliency, and decrease in tensile Table 4 shows that with the increase in polyester
energy and compressional energy9 . content, the water-vapour resistance of fabric i ncreases.
This may be attributed to the compact structure of
3.2.2 Numeri (Smoothness)
polyester-rich fabrics7 and lower moisture regain of
Table 4 shows that with the increase in polyester
polyester fibre compared to that of viscose fibre.
content, the fabric Numeri decreases. The mean
deviation of coefficint of friction (MMD) has the 3.5 Comfort of Blended Fabrics
dominant effect on Numeri value but, in the present
It is observed that the fabric having the best THV
study, MMD does not show any significant change.
may not possess higher thermal comfort. In twill
The decrease in Numeri value may be attributed to the
woven suitings, the best THV is shown by 40:60
decrease in compressional energy and increase in
polyester-viscose blend, but the fabric has minimum
tensile resiliency, bending rigidity, shear rigidity and
thermal insulation. While in case of plain woven
hysteresis of shear9 .
fabrics, the best THV is shown by 75 :25 polyester­
3.2.3 Fukurami (Softness and Fullness) viscose blend but the fabric from the above blend
Fukurami value decreases with the increase in possesses the minimum value of water-vapour
polyester content. This may be attributed to the transfer.
decrease in compressional energy and tensile energy,
and increase in bending rigidity, 2HG and 2HG5. 4 Conclusions
4.1 Koshi value increases with the increase in poly­
3.2.4 Total Hand Value (THV) ester content in the fabric but Numeri and Fukurami
It is observed from Table 4 that in case of twill values decrease with the increase in polyester content.
woven suiting fabrics, the total hand value decreases 4.2 In 212 twill woven suiting fabrics, the total hand
with the increase in polyester content. The 40:60 value (THV) decreases with the increase in polyester
polyester-viscose blend shows the best THV. In case content while in plain woven fabrics the THV does
of plain woven suiting fabrics, with the increase in not show any significant change initially with the
polyester content the total hand value does not show increase in polyester content but at 75 :25 polyester­
any significant change initially but at 75 :25 polyester­ viscose blend ratio it shows the best value. However,
viscose blend ratio, THV shows the best value. the change in THV is small with the change in blend.

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Evaluation, 2nd edn, edited by S Kawabata (The Textile Ma­
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