Modelling Heat-Setting of Cotton/Elastane Knitted Fabrics For Optimum Dimensional Stability
Modelling Heat-Setting of Cotton/Elastane Knitted Fabrics For Optimum Dimensional Stability
Modelling Heat-Setting of Cotton/Elastane Knitted Fabrics For Optimum Dimensional Stability
Cotton/elastane fabrics are popular for their excellent stretch and recovery properties. However,
the optimization of dimensional stability of such fabrics is quite challenging for the textile
manufacturer. Heat-setting is one of the most common methods used to improve the dimensional
stability of cotton/elastane fabrics. The aim of this study was to model the heat-setting process of
cotton/elastane knitted fabrics using response surface methodology. Heat-setting time,
temperature, fabric width extension (%) and overfeed (%) were taken as predictor variables while
length- and width-way fabric shrinkage, and fabric areal density were taken as response variables.
The developed response surface regression models can be used for predicting and optimizing the
dimensional stability properties of cotton/elastane fabrics. It could be concluded by statistical
analysis that all the predictor variables used in this study have significant effect of the dimensional
stability of cotton/elastane knitted fabrics.
Factors Responses
X1: T, °C X2: t, sec X3: Ew, % X4: OF, %
% % % %
1 170 70 9 15 13.0 10.4 2.03 24.80
2 190 70 9 15 8.5 7.5 -0.81 16.06
3 170 70 15 15 13.0 11.4 -0.16 25.00
4 190 70 15 15 9.1 8.1 -2.31 11.79
5 170 110 9 15 12.2 9.1 3.4 22.0
6 190 110 9 15 6.1 4.7 -1.79 4.67
7 170 110 15 15 13.2 9.4 -2.60 19.72
8 190 110 15 15 5.5 5.5 -8.13 -0.41
9 170 70 9 40 13.2 11.4 5.5 31.3
10 190 70 9 40 9.3 9.1 3.25 19.11
11 170 70 15 40 13.0 11.2 6.91 27.03
12 190 70 15 40 7.1 9.1 -2.44 8.13
13 170 110 9 40 10.6 9.4 5.8 23.6
14 190 110 9 40 5.5 4.5 -5.57 3.05
15 170 110 15 40 11.2 9.3 3.66 21.75
16 190 110 15 40 4.1 4.9 -6.10 2.85
17 160 90 12 27.5 12.6 12.4 6.91 33.74
18 200 90 12 27.5 3.3 4.5 -10.85 -7.52
19 180 90 6 27.5 9.1 8.1 1.46 17.89
20 180 90 18 27.5 9.1 9.1 -0.28 15.04
21 180 50 12 27.5 12.6 12.2 7.15 39.63
22 180 130 12 27.5 8.7 7.7 -0.28 13.62
23 180 90 12 2.5 10.0 9.4 -2.03 17.28
24 180 90 12 52.5 9.3 8.5 0.53 18.50
25 180 90 12 27.5 12.4 10.8 -3.53 18.50
26 180 90 12 27.5 11.2 9.6 -2.32 19.51
27 180 90 12 27.5 11.4 10.2 -2.44 16.06
28 180 90 12 27.5 11.0 10.8 -1.10 20.33
29 180 90 12 27.5 11.0 10.9 -1.50 16.87
30 180 90 12 27.5 9.5 9.1 -1.10 16.26
T : heating-setting temperature, t : heat-setting time, Ew : extension % in width with respect to
grey width, OF : overfeed %, SL : length-way shrinkage (%) after washing, SW : width-way
shrinkage (%) after washing, ΔDR : difference % between grey fabric density and that after dry-
relaxation after heat-setting, ΔDW : difference % in grey fabric density and that after 5 laundering
and tumble drying cycles
This leads to higher shrinkage in fabric when The effect of fabric width extension and
the chains relax during laundering. However, overfeed during heat-setting on the fabric
when the fabric is heat-set at temperatures shrinkage after laundering is shown in Figure
above the elastane softening temperature its 2. It can be noticed that at higher width
shrinkage on laundering decreases. There is a extension, the fabric length-way shrinkage
statistically significant interaction between decreases with increase in fabric overfeed.
heat-setting time and temperature. The effect However, the effect of increasing fabric
of heat-setting time is less noticeable at low overfeed on length-way shrinkage is less
temperatures and it becomes more prominent significant when the fabric is heat-set at
when the fabric is heat-set at higher lower width extension. The effect of overfeed
temperatures. Above the elastane softening is less significant on width-way fabric
temperature, the fabric shrinkage decreases shrinkage as compared to that in length-ways.
with increase in time.
At lower fabric overfeed, the fabric length- the fabric width-way shrinkage also appears
way shrinkage appears to increase with to increase with increase in fabric width
increase in fabric width-extension. However, extension. However, at higher fabric
at higher fabric overfeed, the trend seems to overfeed, the width-way fabric shrinkage
reverse. Similarly, at lower fabric overfeed,
Article Designation: Scholarly 6 JTATM
Volume 9, Issue 2, Spring 2015
first appears to slightly increase then gets better heat-set, leading to less increase in
decrease. fabric density on relaxation. In case of higher
length-way fabric overfeed and less width-
Although there is no statistically significant way fabric extension during heat-setting, the
interaction between the fabric width elastane is not better heat-set. Hence, the
extension and overfeed, the optimum fabric undergoes greater dry relaxation
percentage of both the factors is essential for resulting in higher gain in the fabric areal
achieving minimum fabric shrinkage density on relaxation.
simultaneously in both the fabric directions.
Effect of Heat-setting Parameters on
Effect of Heat-setting Parameters on Fabric Areal Density after Laundering
Fabric Density after Heat Setting
The effect of heat-setting time and
From the analysis of variance results given in temperature on difference in grey fabric areal
Table 3, it is evident that the relaxed fabric density and that after five laundering and
density after heat-setting is significantly tumble drying cycles (ΔDw %) is shown in
affected by all of the heat-setting parameters. Figure 4(a). It is clear that the increase in
It can be observed in Figure 3 (a) that at lower fabric density on laundering is lower when
heat setting times, increase in fabric density the fabric is heat set at higher temperature and
was found to be higher without being time. Since, the fabric gets better heat-set at
influenced much by the temperature. higher temperature and time, it tends to
However, as the heat-setting time increases shrink less in laundering resulting is less
the effect of temperature becomes stronger. increase in fabric density.
At higher process times, the increase in fabric
density drops with increase in temperature. The effect of fabric-overfeed and width
This could be attributed to better stabilization extension on the increase in density of the
of fabric at higher heat-setting temperature fabric after laundering is depicted in Figure
and time, resulting in less relaxation 4(b). It can be noticed that the effect of fabric
shrinkage after the heat-setting process to overfeed and width extension during heat-
cause any increase in fabric areal density. setting is not as much pronounced as that of
Since the fabric is not well-set at low heat-setting time and temperature. Increase in
temperature and time, it tends to relax after fabric density after laundering is lower when
the heat-setting process resulting in increase the fabric is heat-set at higher width
in fabric areal density. Effect of width extension. At higher width extension,
extension and overfeed during heat-setting on elastane filaments get better heat-set due to
change in density of the dry-relaxed fabric is better exposure to heat. The effect of fabric
shown in Figure 3(b). Increase in fabric overfeed during heat-setting was not found to
density on dry relaxation after heat-setting is be statistically significant on change in fabric
minimum when the fabrics are heat-set at areal density after laundering (p-value > 0.5,
high width-extension and lower overfeed. Table 3). The results imply that the stability
When heat-setting is done with higher fabric of cotton/elastane fabric to laundering is
width extension the elastane filaments, which better in terms of fabric areal density, if the
run mainly along the width, get better heat- fabric is heat-set at sufficiently higher
set because of their better exposure to heat. temperature and time with higher width
Dry relaxation remains low when the elastane extension.
Actual Abs. Pred. Actual Abs. Pred. Actual Abs. Pred. Actual Abs.
Error Error Error Error
200 89.2 6 10.4 1.89 1.93 0.03 1.32 1.55 0.23 -4.49 -5.69 1.19 -3.48 -3.72 0.23
186 95 16 20 7.94 8.15 0.20 7.63 7.48 0.15 -5.57 -5.50 0.06 8.03 7.65 0.37
175 100 8 35 10.66 10.98 0.31 9.08 8.79 0.29 2.70 2.21 0.48 20.87 21.60 0.72
165 120 11 10 13.06 14.01 0.95 9.78 9.4 0.38 3.05 3.87 0.82 24.37 26.03 1.65
195 95 10 16 5.00 5.41 0.41 4.94 4.42 0.52 -5.99 -6.38 0.38 0.21 0.19 0.02
Mean error 0.38 Mean error 0.31 Mean error 0.59 Mean error 0.60
Figure 5 and 6 show fitted line plot for predicted and actual shrinkage in length and
predicted and actual values of shrinkage in width is 0.998 and 0.995 with p-values of
length-way and width-way direction 0.000 for both. This reflects the accuracy and
respectively. The Pearson correlation for reliability of models.
Actual SL (%)
Figure 5. Fitted line plot for actual and predicted SL (%),
Predicted SW (%)
Actual SW (%)
Figure 6. Fitted line plot for actual and predicted SW (%),
Figure 5 and 6 show fitted line plot for show that the models are accurate and can be
predicted and actual values of fabric density used reliably.
after heat setting and washing, respectively.
The Pearson correlation values for these Conclusions
responses are 0.982 and 0.999 with p-values
of 0.001 and 0.000 respectively. These values It can be concluded from this study that
maximum stability in the dimensions and
Article Designation: Scholarly 9 JTATM
Volume 9, Issue 2, Spring 2015
areal density cotton-elastane fabrics after shrinkage on laundering. Stability of fabric
laundering can be obtained if the fabrics are density to dry relaxation is better when the
heat-set for a sufficient time above the fabric is heat-set at higher fabric-width
elastane softening temperature. Increase in extension and lower fabric-overfeed. The
fabric width extension at higher fabric response surface regression model developed
overfeed results in decrease in fabric length- in current work could be utilized as a useful
way shrinkage and better stability of fabric tool for “right first time” heat setting of
areal density during laundering. Increase in elastane/cotton knitted fabrics. Moreover,
fabric width extension at lower fabric tools like software may also be developed for
overfeed results in higher width-way fabric industrial heat setting of subjected fabrics.
Predicted ΔDR
Actual ΔDR
Figure 7. Fitted line plot for actual and predicted ΔDR (%),
Actual ΔDW
Figure 8. Fitted line plot for actual and predicted ΔDW (%),