Oliveros, Pauline - 70 Chords For Terry
Oliveros, Pauline - 70 Chords For Terry
Oliveros, Pauline - 70 Chords For Terry
The one-minute durations of guidelines for the focus of improvisation are flexible and may
overlap one another slightly. The feeling should be timeless.
Listen for beats and unusual resonances between instruments – support and encourage such
0’ 1’ 2’
Play pulses and rhythms Deviate from one pitch in Play one pitch or interval.
using pizz and/or noises microtonal increments Use timbral glides and
Violin and glides shifts with varying bow
pressure from fingerboard
to bridge.
Deviate from one pitch in Play one pitch or interval. Play pulses and rhythms
microtonal increments Use timbral glides and using pizz and/or noises.
Violin and glides. shifts with varying bow
pressure from fingerboard
to bridge.
Deviate from one pitch in microtonal increments and Play one pitch or interval
glides. non vibrato. Gradually
Viola add shifting rates and
widths of vibrato.
Play pulses and rhythms Play one pitch or interval. Play pulses and rhythms
using pizz and/or noises. Use timbral glides and using pizz and/or noises.
Cello shifts with varying bow
pressure from fingerboard
to bridge.
3’ 4’ 5’
Play one pitch or interval Play pulses and rhythms Play one pitch or interval.
non vibrato. Gradually using pizz and/or noises. Use timbral glides and
Violin add shifting rates and shifts with varying bow
widths of vibrato. pressure from fingerboard
to bridge.
Deviate from one pitch in Make dynamic shifts from slight to extreme (ppp/fff).
microtonal increments Use irregular envelopes—short and long. Vary the
Violin and glides. relative dynamics from one envelope to another.
Play pulses and rhythms Play one pitch or interval Play one continuous
using pizz and/or noises. non vibrato. Gradually upward glissando with
Viola add shifting rates and shifting rates of tremolo
widths of vibrato. on a trill.