Diffusivity Formula Chart (Infographic)

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Pore Diffusivity

Knudsen + Molecuar diffusion Randon porus material

Pure gas Molecular Pure gas Knudsen
diffusion diffusion

Cylindrical Pores NOon-Cylindrical Pores

Cylindrical Pores Cylindrical Pores
( If ƛ < pore diameter) ( If ƛ > pore diameter)

Hirschfelder Knudsen
’s equation Number

If Kn > 1
Gas Mass Diffusivity

BInary, Non Polar & Binary and Polar

Non Reacting

With Lennard-Jones With no reliable Diffusivity at any Temperature With modified 'Ω'
parameters 'σ' and 'Ω' 'σ' and 'ɛ' and Pressure below 25atm suggested by Brokaw

Hirschfelder Fuller Hirschfelder

’s equation correlation ’s equation


Polar or Non Polar

Diffusivity at any Temperature For Gas Mixtures

and Pressure below 25atm

Liquid Mass Diffusivity

Non Electrolytes ( Molecules ) Electrolytes ( Ions )

Solute diffusion of Estimating of DAB in other

For larger Non Electrolyte solute System having infinite dilution For infinite dilution of
Electrolytes in dilute temperature is by
molecules diffusing in a of Non Electrolyte solute Non Electrolytes in water,
solution extrapolation
smaller size solvent molecules molecules Wilke-Chang equation is
simplified to Nernst equation
Stokes-Einstein Wilke-Chang
equation Hayduk-Laudie’s

If no ΦB data then Scheibel’s

equation is applied

Where K:

1. For Benzene as a solvent, if Va<2Vb,use K=18.9*10^-8
2. For other organic solvents, if Va<2.5Vb, use K=1.75*10^-8

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