Annex A - Grant Application Form
Annex A - Grant Application Form
Annex A - Grant Application Form
Contracting Authority:
Deadline for submission of concept notes and full applications: 25th September
To reduce expense and waste, we strongly recommend that you use only paper for your file (no plastic
folders or dividers). Please also use double-sided printing if possible
An organisation’s statutes must show that it was established under the national law of the country concerned and
that the head office is located in an eligible country. Any organisation established in a different country cannot
be considered an eligible local organisation. See the footnotes to the guidelines for the call.
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Dossier No
(for official use only)
Legal status2
E.g. non-profit, governmental body, international organisation.
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Name; Nationality and date of establishment; Legal status;
Co-applicant 3
Relation with the lead applicant
Name; Nationality and date of establishment; Legal status;
Affiliated entity4
Relation with the lead applicant or co-applicant
Postal address:
Any change in the addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers or e-mail, must be notified in writing to
the Contracting Authority. The Contracting Authority will not be held responsible in the event that
it cannot contact an applicant.
Use one row for each co-applicant.
Use one row for each affiliated entity.
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How to fill this standard grant application form:
Where you see < ... >, enter the information relevant to the call for proposal in question.
In no circumstances may you alter any other part of these standard instructions. Please
remember to delete this paragraph, any other text with yellow highlighting and all such
brackets in the final version
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PART A. CONCEPT NOTE...............................................................................................5
1 General information................................................................................................................8
2 The action.................................................................................................................................9
2.1. Description of the action..............................................................................................................9
2.2. Lead applicant’s experience.......................................................................................................12
2.3. Co-applicant(s)'s experience (if applicable)................................................................................13
2.4. Affiliated entity(ies) experience (if applicable).........................................................................14
4 The co-applicant(s)................................................................................................................28
4.1. Capacity to manage and implement actions................................................................................29
4.2. Experience by sector...................................................................................................................29
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Please note that this is an open call, both the concept note and the full application shall be submitted at
the same time.
There is no specific template for the concept note but the lead applicant must ensure that the text:
does not exceed 5 pages (A4 size) of Arial 10 characters with 2 cm margins, single line spacing;
provides the information requested under the headings below, in the order in which it is requested,
and in proportion to its relative importance (see the relevant scores set out in the evaluation grid in
the guidelines for applicants);
provides full information (as the evaluation will be based solely on the information provided);
is drafted as clearly as possible to facilitate the evaluation process.
Cover page as per template in page 1 should be attached as well.
If applicable, insert an additional % of the total accepted costs.
“Target groups” are the groups/entities who will directly benefit from the action at the action purpose level.
“Final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the action in the long term at the level of the society or
sector at large.
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Estimated results
Main activities
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iv. Explain any participatory process ensuring participation by the target groups and final
1.3.4. Particular added-value elements
Indicate any specific added-value elements, e.g. the promotion or consolidation of public-private
partnerships, innovation and best practice, or other cross-cutting issues such as environmental issues,
promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities, the needs of disabled people, the rights of
minorities and the rights of indigenous peoples.
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To reduce expense and waste, we strongly recommend that you use only paper for your file (no plastic
folders or dividers). Please also use double-sided printing if possible
Reference of the Call for T05-EUTF-HoA-ET-02.1
Stemming Irregular Migration in Northern and Central Ethiopia
Title of the Call for Proposals
Name of the lead applicant
Location of the action <specify country(ies), region(s) that will benefit from the action>
The full application is composed of this full application form, the budget (Annex B) and the logical
framework (Annex C)
2.1.3. Indicative action plan for implementing the action (max 4 pages)
Applicants should not give a specific start-up date for the implementation of the action but simply
refer to ‘month 1’, ‘month 2’, etc.
The evaluation committee will refer to information provided in the concept note as regards objectives and the
relevance of the action.
Explanations can be found at the following address:
If the donor is the European Union or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU
Member State.
If the donor is the European Union or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU
Member State.
If the donor is the European Union or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU
Member State.
If the donor is the European Union or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU
Member State.
If the donor is the European Union or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU
Member State.
If the donor is the European Union or an EU Member State, please specify the EU budget line, EDF or EU
Member State.
3.1. Identity
Date of registration
Place of registration
Official address of registration
Country of registration18
The Contracting Authority must be notified of any change in addresses, phone numbers, fax
numbers and e-mail, in particular. The Contracting Authority will not be held responsible in the
event that it cannot contact an applicant.
3.2. Profile
Legal status
Profit-making □ Yes
□ No
NGO □ Yes
□ No
Value based19 □ Political
For organisations. (If not in one of the countries listed in Section 2.1.1 of the guidelines for applicants,
please give reasons for its location).
Please choose only one set of values.
3.2.2. Sector(s)22
□ 11 Education
□ 111 Education, level unspecified
□ 11110 Education Policy & Admin. Management
□ 11120 Education Facilities And Training
□ 11130 Teacher Training
□ 11182 Educational Research
□ 112 Basic education
□ 11220 Primary Education
□ 11230 Basic life skills for youth and adults
□ 11240 Early childhood education
□ 113 Secondary education
□ 11320 Secondary education
□ 11330 Vocational Training
E.g. confederation / federation / alliance.
Please specify (1) the sector to which your organisation belongs, as defined in its statutes (or equivalent
document): public (established and/or funded by a public body) OR private (established and/or funded by a
private entity); (2) in the appropriate column, the category to which your organisation belongs (one choice
Please tick the box for each sector your organisation has been active in the past 7 years. The sectors come
from the DAC list set up by the OECD.
□ All
□ Child soldiers
□ Children (less than 18 years old)
□ Community Based Organisation(s)
□ Consumers
□ Disabled
□ Drug consumers
□ Educational organisations (school, universities)
□ Elderly people
□ Illness affected people (Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS)
□ Indigenous peoples
□ Local authorities
□ Migrants
□ Non-Governmental Organisations
□ Prisoners
□ Professional category
□ Refugees and displaced
□ Research organisations/Researchers
□ Students
□ Urban slum dwellers
□ Victims of conflicts/disasters
□ Women
□ Young people
□ Other (please specify): ……………………………..
3.3.3. Resources
Financial data
Please provide the following information, if applicable, on the basis of the profit and
loss account and balance sheet of your organisation, amounts in thousands euros
N = previous financial year.
Please provide the references of the external audit report produced by an approved auditor, certifying:
the lead applicant's accounts for the last financial year available where the total amount of the grant
exceeds EUR 750 000 . This obligation does not apply to international organisations nor to public
bodies, nor does it apply to secondary and higher education establishments.
This section must be completed for each co-applicant within the meaning of section 2.1.1 of
the guidelines for applicants. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to
create entries for each additional co-applicant.
Co-applicant no.1
Name of the organisation
The co-applicant’s contact details
for the purpose of this action
Date of registration
Place of registration
Official address of registration
Country of registration24/
For organisations. (If not in one of the countries listed in Section 2.1.1 of the guidelines for applicants,
please justify its location).
Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated mandate
from each co-applicant, in accordance with the template provided below.
Date and place:
Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated affiliated
entities' statement from each affiliated entity, in accordance with the template
provided below.
Date and place:
Associate <number>
Full legal name
Country of Registration
Legal status30
Official address
Contact person
Telephone number: country code + city code + number
Fax number: country code + city code + number
E-mail address
Number of employees
Experience of similar actions, in relation to role in
the implementation of the proposed action
History of cooperation with the applicants
Role and involvement in preparing the proposed
Role and involvement in implementing the proposed
E.g. non-profit, governmental body or international organisation.
Name of the co-applicant
Country and date of registration
Legal status
Affiliated Entity34
Name of the Affiliated-Entity
Country and date of registration
Legal status:
Specify to which entity you are affiliated
(lead applicant and/or the co-applicant).
Specify the kind of affiliation you have
with that entity.
For organisations.
E.g. non-profit, governmental body, or international organisation.
Add as many rows as co-applicant(s)
Add as many rows as affiliated entities
1. The correct grant application form has been used.
2. The declaration by the lead applicant has been filled in and signed.
6. Each co-applicant has completed and signed the mandate and the
mandate is included.
7. Each affiliated entity(ies) has completed and signed an affiliated
entity(ies)'s statement and the statements are included. Please write ‘Not
applicable’ (NA) if you have no affiliated entity(ies)
8. The budget is enclosed, in balance, presented in the format requested, and
stated in EUR
9. The logical framework has been completed and is enclosed.
10. The lead applicant and the co applicants have signed a partnership
statement or agreement/MoU that is enclosed.
11. The number of application submitted as applicant/coapplicant respect the
limit described in section 2.1.4 of the Guidelines for Applicants.
12. The action will be implemented in an eligible regions, zones and woredas.
13. The duration of the action is between 18 months and 24 months (the
minimum and maximum allowed).
14. The requested EU contribution does not exceed the Lot budget.
15. The total amount of financing requested on the basis of simplified cost
options does not exceed EUR 60 000 per each applicant.
A. The proposal has been provisionally selected as one of the top ranked proposals within
the available financial envelope and the committee has recommended eligibility checking.
B. The proposal has been put on the reserve list as one of the top ranked proposals and the
committee has recommended eligibility checking
The proposal has been evaluated by:
3. The checklist for the full application form (part 2) has been duly completed.
4. The lead applicant satisfies the eligibility criteria in section 2.1.1 of the guidelines.
5. The co-applicant(s), if any, satisfy the eligibility criteria in section 2.1.1 of the
6. The affiliated entity(ies), if any, satisfy the eligibility criteria in section 2.1.3 of the
7. The supporting documents listed below were submitted in accordance with the guidelines
(section 2.4)
a. The lead applicant's statutes or articles of association
b. The statutes or articles of association of the co-applicants and the affiliated entity(ies)
c. The lead applicant’s external audit report (if applicable)
d. Copy of the lead applicant’s latest accounts.
Eligibility has been assessed by:
The committee has checked the proposal’s eligibility under the criteria laid down in
the guidelines for applicants and has selected the proposal for funding.