Development Instructional Media On Static and Dynamic Electrical Based On Android As Student Center Learning Media

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Development Instructional Media On Static And

Dynamic Electrical Based On Android As Student
Center Learning Media
Mahesi Agni Zaus, Krismadinata, Nurhasan Syah, Nizwardi Jalinus, Rizky Ema Wulansari, Syaiful Islami

Abstract: This article discusses the development of instructional media on static and dynamic electrical studies that are abstract in nature by explaining
the abstraction using animation supported by the android based operating system for smart phones, so it can be used anytime and anywhere to support
the process of understanding of learning. The research method used is Research and Development (R & D) by using development m odel of Instructional
Development Institute (IDI) which includes three stages: define: needs analysis, develop: product development, and evaluate: product test by doing
validity test, and effectiveness test on instructional media. The results show that the developed instructional media is vali d, practical, and effective, to be
used as student centre learning media, and can improve student learning outcomes.

Index Terms: Instructional media, valid, practical, effective.

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1. INTRODUCTION activities undertaken and the means of learning in an

Industry revolution 4.0 brings change in all aspects of life, environmental system. Learning process will go well if
change the way of life, how to relate man to man, man to communication between the components which are involved
machine [1], starting from transformed IT, mobile will go well too, so that can make students understand the
communications, and e-commerce, social media, internet in material easily. The successful is determined by teacher’s
communicating, the basis of the progress of transformation success in election the learning process startegy. Learning
there are nine basic are Big Data, Internet of Things (IOT), process as an activity to make students learn. One of strategy
Cyber physical systems, collaboration systems, cloud that can be conducted by teacher to reach learning objectives
computing, intelligent robots [2], It creates a good influence for that is choosing instructional media that match and and
industry, government and society, many advantages according to the needs.In revolution industry 4.0, technology
technology allows creating new products, business models as one of basic of instructional media development that is
and services that can benefit every industry [3] The expected to be correlation between teacher and students [7].
development of the industrial revolution 4.0 that has occurred Instructional media that use technology gives the significant
at this time of course will not be separated from the creator of effect to learning [8]. One of subject that is difficult to be
labor that is the world of education, industrial revolution understood by students that is Static and Dynamic Electricity
demands the world of education is able to innovate with subject. Static and Dynamic Electricity is a subject with the
existing changes, we need to adapt the challenges of the abstract material that can not be seen by visible [9]. The
future that prepare students to be equal to the industrial abstract material makes students have each perception about
revolution 4.0 [4]. To face the challenges of the industry the material in learning, so that teacher need instructional
revolution 4.0 The Ministry of Education has changed the media that can combine the students’ perception. There are
education from teacher center learning to student center more developments of nstructional media on Static and
learning, where learning activities are centered on students, Dynamic Electricity, are follows development of interactive CD
students are not only passive listening to teacher directions on Static and Dynamic Electricity, media that is developed in
and lectures, in student-centered learning, teachers function learning process at school. But, this media just can be
as facilitators student [5] operated in PC or students’ laptop, so that this media is not
In line with the industrial revolution and student centered fleksibel for independent learning process to students, the
learning, the learning process in the classroom will change[6]. function of instructional media is to solve the limit of space,
The learning process of mutual influence between the time and sense power. Development of electricity teaching
objective components, teachers, students, materials, types of material that is added with game twoplayer on android
smartphone as learning aids, it can make more fleksibel
———————————————— wherever and whenever, there is no animation in presentation,
 Mahesi Agni Zaus, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri utilization of language is less communicative, so that students
Padang. E-mail: [email protected] can not understand about Static and Dynamic Electricity
 Krismadinata, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Padang. E-
mail: [email protected]
materla. Explains that utilization of instructional media like
 Nurhasan Syah, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Padang. applications can improve students’ motivation and
E-mail: [email protected] performance, because utilization of ICT which is quite rapid in
 Nizwardi Jalinus, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Padang. education. But, media that is used by teacher just informatuve
E-mail: [email protected] without care about students’ interesting, so that tecaher need
 Rizky Ema Wulansari, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri interesting instructional media of independent learning for
Padang. E-mail: [email protected]
students. Mobile learning media based on android is
 Syaiful Islami, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Padang. E-
mail: [email protected] alternative instructional media that has unique characteristic
that can be used whenever and wherever, it has interesting
visualitation. This is corresponding that students can learn
indirectly, that is active to interact with media or other learning

resources, so that learning process can be happened considering contents and designs contained therein. On the
wherever and whenever. Media is not seen as learning aids for content, android-based learning media adapted to the
teacher to learn, but media as conveyor message from curriculum and syllabus that exist in static electricity and
teacher to students. Students can improve understanding dynamic subjects. While the design of Instructional media
about Static and Dynamic Electricity as learning fun through based on Android is considered on the display aspects of
instructional media. Development of supporting media is android-based learning media developed. After the android-
expexted can facilitate teacher and students’ needs to learn based learning media is made then the next stage of validation
Static and Dynamic Electricity material everytime without of the expert who aims to determine whether or not
limitation of place and time. Mobile Learning is effectiveness appropriate android-based learning media.
cognitive learning [10]. Instructional media based on android is
expected to be able to produce independent learning Validation of instructional media based on Android
supporting media for students. Supporting media that Validation of instructional media based on android is obtained
produced is not monotonous with text only, but it has from valuator responses about the validity of learning media
multimedia of audio/visual and animation that can make developed. Valuator consists of two teachers of SMK N 1
students understand the material easily. The best of Gunung Talang as a valuator of learning media materials with
instructional media based on android must has certain criteria experience teaching physics courses in static and dynamic
that is rated by material expert and media expert on electricity and two people as design valuator of media based
practicality test and validity test, which is rated by teacher and on android advocacy.
students. In this stage, the research conduct practicality test of
instructional media based on android that has been Table 1. Material Validity
developed, and then effectiveness test that is rated by
students. No Valuator Validity Results Category
1 Valuator 1 0,92 Valid
2 Valuator 2 0,94 Valid
The method used Research and Development/R&D. This
Table 2. Design Validity
electronic module development model uses IDI model
(Instructional Development Institute). The IDI model No Valuator Validity Results Category
establishes the principles of a system approach that includes 1 Valuator 1 0,86 Valid
three stages of define, develop, and evaluate. Data collection 2 Valuator 2 0,90 Valid
techniques in this study are questionnaires. The subjects were
students Grade X TKJ SMK N 1 Gunung Talang, taken random
sampling or randomly as many as 31 people for the control Evaluate Stage (Evaluation)
class and 31 people for the experimental class. Data analysis Practicality of instructional Media Based on Android
techniques consist of validity analysis, practicality analysis and Practicality data of instructional media based on android is
effectiveness analysis. Validity analysis is the result of obtained through the limited test that is conducted at SMK N 1
validation through questionnaire to instructional media based Gunung Talang students Grade XI TKJ. This test aims to see
on android from valuator to all aspect (content and design) implementation instructional media based on android in
assessed. Validity analysis using Aiken's V statistic is learning. In test processing, researcher is helped by 2 TKJ
formulated as productive teachers. The assessment toward practicality of
V = ∑s / [ n (c – 1) ] (1) instructional media based on android is obtained form
Practicality analysis is obtained from the results of the questionnaire that is filled by teacher/practitioner.
assessment through questionnaires to android-based learning
media from teachers and students. The effectiveness analysis Table 3. Practicality Data of Instructional Media Based on
of android-based learning media was determined by looking at Android According To Teacher’s Response
the achievement of the students' learning achievement in the
control and experimental class by using android-based Assessment
learning media obtained during the study and to see the No Presentation Category
difference between the control and experimental class using T- P1 P2 Rata2
1 Technical 100 100 100 Very Practice
test. 2 Content 96 96 96 Very Practice
3 Design 94 90 95 Very Practice
3 RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS Average 97 Very Practice
P1 = Practitioner 1, P2= Practitioner 2
Define Stage (Definition)
In this define stage analysis needs analysis of android-based Table 4. Practicality Recapitulation Based on Students’
learning media consisting of student characteristics and Response
concepts of static and dynamic electrical learning materials.
Based on observation data and interview result of teacher and Assessment Assessment
student, hence can be concluded that for study on physics No Category
Aspect Presentation
subject of static and dynamic electricity needed source of 1 Easiness 84,3 Very Practice
learning in the form of android based learning media. 2 Motivation 84,5 Very Practice
3 Interesting 86,2 Very Practice
Develop Stage (Development) 4 Usefully 88,5 Very Practice
Instructional media based on Android is designed by Average 85,88 Very Practice


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Effectiveness of Instructional media based on android is seen and Learning Progress Nurfahiratul Azlina Ahmad and 4 Mohd
from ability of instructional media based on android can make Arip Kasmo Department of Al Quran and Al Sunnah Studies ,
students understand learning material easily. Learning benefit Faculty of Islamic Studies , Centre for Islamic Thought and
with instructional media based on Android is focused on Understanding , Faculty of Mod,‖ vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 874–878,
student individual ability, there is control toward learning 2012.
outcomes through competency standard utilization which must [9] D. P. Mahesi Agni Zaus, Rizky Ema Wulansari, Syaiful Islami,
be reached by students, curriculum relevance is showed with ―Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Listrik Statis dan Dinamis
objective and the reached way, students can know correlation Berbasis Android,‖ vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2018.
between learning and the result will be reached. Effectiveness [10] M. Wardaszko and B. Podgórski, ―Mobile Learning Game
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outcomes in the last meeting. Based on data, that is obtained
from effectiveness test of instructional media based on
android, so researcher can explain that there is significant
difference between control class and experimental class.


Based on explanation above, development of instructional
media based on android that has been conducted, so it can be
concluded that development mechanisms of instructional
media based on android on Static and Dynamic Electricity as
supporting learning for independent learning are need analysis
that is needed by students and teacher, development stage,
design and evaluation. Validity test of instructional media on
Static and Dynamic Electricity based on Android as media
supporting for independent learning, it explains that mobile
learning is valid. Practicality test of instructional media on
Static and Dynamic Electricity based on Android as media
supporting for independent learning, it explains that mobile
learning is practice. And effectiveness test of instructional
media on Static and Dynamic Electricity based on Android as
media supporting for independent learning, it explains that
mobile learning is effective. It is proved by students outcomes
have improved. Based on discussion, there are some things
can be consideration to be followed up. Development of
instructional media on Static and Dynamic Electricity based on
Android is not just on 1 Basic Competence and utilization of
math formulation is text and math symbol.

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