Development Instructional Media On Static and Dynamic Electrical Based On Android As Student Center Learning Media
Development Instructional Media On Static and Dynamic Electrical Based On Android As Student Center Learning Media
Development Instructional Media On Static and Dynamic Electrical Based On Android As Student Center Learning Media
Abstract: This article discusses the development of instructional media on static and dynamic electrical studies that are abstract in nature by explaining
the abstraction using animation supported by the android based operating system for smart phones, so it can be used anytime and anywhere to support
the process of understanding of learning. The research method used is Research and Development (R & D) by using development m odel of Instructional
Development Institute (IDI) which includes three stages: define: needs analysis, develop: product development, and evaluate: product test by doing
validity test, and effectiveness test on instructional media. The results show that the developed instructional media is vali d, practical, and effective, to be
used as student centre learning media, and can improve student learning outcomes.
resources, so that learning process can be happened considering contents and designs contained therein. On the
wherever and whenever. Media is not seen as learning aids for content, android-based learning media adapted to the
teacher to learn, but media as conveyor message from curriculum and syllabus that exist in static electricity and
teacher to students. Students can improve understanding dynamic subjects. While the design of Instructional media
about Static and Dynamic Electricity as learning fun through based on Android is considered on the display aspects of
instructional media. Development of supporting media is android-based learning media developed. After the android-
expexted can facilitate teacher and students’ needs to learn based learning media is made then the next stage of validation
Static and Dynamic Electricity material everytime without of the expert who aims to determine whether or not
limitation of place and time. Mobile Learning is effectiveness appropriate android-based learning media.
cognitive learning [10]. Instructional media based on android is
expected to be able to produce independent learning Validation of instructional media based on Android
supporting media for students. Supporting media that Validation of instructional media based on android is obtained
produced is not monotonous with text only, but it has from valuator responses about the validity of learning media
multimedia of audio/visual and animation that can make developed. Valuator consists of two teachers of SMK N 1
students understand the material easily. The best of Gunung Talang as a valuator of learning media materials with
instructional media based on android must has certain criteria experience teaching physics courses in static and dynamic
that is rated by material expert and media expert on electricity and two people as design valuator of media based
practicality test and validity test, which is rated by teacher and on android advocacy.
students. In this stage, the research conduct practicality test of
instructional media based on android that has been Table 1. Material Validity
developed, and then effectiveness test that is rated by
students. No Valuator Validity Results Category
1 Valuator 1 0,92 Valid
2 Valuator 2 0,94 Valid
The method used Research and Development/R&D. This
Table 2. Design Validity
electronic module development model uses IDI model
(Instructional Development Institute). The IDI model No Valuator Validity Results Category
establishes the principles of a system approach that includes 1 Valuator 1 0,86 Valid
three stages of define, develop, and evaluate. Data collection 2 Valuator 2 0,90 Valid
techniques in this study are questionnaires. The subjects were
students Grade X TKJ SMK N 1 Gunung Talang, taken random
sampling or randomly as many as 31 people for the control Evaluate Stage (Evaluation)
class and 31 people for the experimental class. Data analysis Practicality of instructional Media Based on Android
techniques consist of validity analysis, practicality analysis and Practicality data of instructional media based on android is
effectiveness analysis. Validity analysis is the result of obtained through the limited test that is conducted at SMK N 1
validation through questionnaire to instructional media based Gunung Talang students Grade XI TKJ. This test aims to see
on android from valuator to all aspect (content and design) implementation instructional media based on android in
assessed. Validity analysis using Aiken's V statistic is learning. In test processing, researcher is helped by 2 TKJ
formulated as productive teachers. The assessment toward practicality of
V = ∑s / [ n (c – 1) ] (1) instructional media based on android is obtained form
Practicality analysis is obtained from the results of the questionnaire that is filled by teacher/practitioner.
assessment through questionnaires to android-based learning
media from teachers and students. The effectiveness analysis Table 3. Practicality Data of Instructional Media Based on
of android-based learning media was determined by looking at Android According To Teacher’s Response
the achievement of the students' learning achievement in the
control and experimental class by using android-based Assessment
learning media obtained during the study and to see the No Presentation Category
difference between the control and experimental class using T- P1 P2 Rata2
1 Technical 100 100 100 Very Practice
test. 2 Content 96 96 96 Very Practice
3 Design 94 90 95 Very Practice
3 RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS Average 97 Very Practice
P1 = Practitioner 1, P2= Practitioner 2
Define Stage (Definition)
In this define stage analysis needs analysis of android-based Table 4. Practicality Recapitulation Based on Students’
learning media consisting of student characteristics and Response
concepts of static and dynamic electrical learning materials.
Based on observation data and interview result of teacher and Assessment Assessment
student, hence can be concluded that for study on physics No Category
Aspect Presentation
subject of static and dynamic electricity needed source of 1 Easiness 84,3 Very Practice
learning in the form of android based learning media. 2 Motivation 84,5 Very Practice
3 Interesting 86,2 Very Practice
Develop Stage (Development) 4 Usefully 88,5 Very Practice
Instructional media based on Android is designed by Average 85,88 Very Practice
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