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Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

MCMS-C Manual

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 1-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

PREFACE ..........................................................................................................................................................................................3

INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................................................3

SYSTEM DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................................................................3

GRAPHIC OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................................................4

Start – Stop Icons ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Motor popup window ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Valve popup window ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Analog input popup window ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Binary input popup window ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6

PID Controller popup window ................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Recipe ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

TREND ..............................................................................................................................................................................................9

Configuration ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

CONFIGURATION ...........................................................................................................................................................................11

Main Configuration................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Back up Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Configuration of the Infeeder .................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Configuration of the Weigher ................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Configuration of the Additives Macro...................................................................................................................................................... 16

Configuration of the Additives Micro ....................................................................................................................................................... 18

Configuration of the Mixer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Configuration of the Outfeeder ............................................................................................................................................................... 20

General Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21

ALARMS ..........................................................................................................................................................................................22


EVENT .............................................................................................................................................................................................26

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 2-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
This manual describes the functionality of the MCMS-C system and provides thorough instructions about
set-up, operation and troubleshooting of the system.
This manual is created for the MCMS-C system alone.

General A-Scada functions are not described in this manual; they are described in the Design manual.

Furthermore, this manual assumes that the reader has general knowledge of pelleted feed production as
well as comprehensive knowledge about the machines of which this system will be controlling. The reader
is referred to the mechanical documentation of the relevant machines for any mechanical questions.

The MCMS-C control is a system for controlling an entire pelleting line or a part of it.
It is a modular system, making it possible to construct a control for any Andritz Feed & Biofuel pellet feed
production machine.
The system may also be configured to control a range of third-party machines.
Due to the flexibility of the MCMS-C system, Customization and optimization must be carried out by an
authorized Andritz Feed & Biofuel technician.

System Description
The MCMS-C is based around an Allen-Bradley CompactLogix PLC, which handles all electrical signals to
and from the machines. The PLC communicates with a computer running the A-Scada system.
A-Scada allows the operator to monitor, manage the process, and also saves production data for retrieval
at any time.
Computer and PLC is connected via an Ethernet connection.
The A-Scada system is network-based and it is possible to connect more than one client to the same
Server. Client and server do not have to be installed on the same PC, as long as they are connected via
the same network. This means that there can be several operating stations for controlling the machinery.
Please see the Design manual for more information about the A-Scada system.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 3-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
Graphic Overview
The graphic overview is found in the Overview tab. It shows the entire installation with all components.
Motors, switches etc. change color to show which state they are in. Motors are brown when stopped,
green when running, and blinking red to indicate an error state.
Switches are green when they are OK, i.e. in a state that does not prevent operation. A red switch means
that it is in a state that prevents operation, and blinking signifies that the switch has triggered an alarm.

There may be fields for adjusting Recipe parameters or fields that display current values.

Example of a Graphic overview:

Coater - MFS (Micro Fluid System)

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 4-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
Start – Stop Icons
The Graphic overview also contains the buttons for starting and stopping the coating
The control starts each part of the machine in preprogrammed steps that makes sure
the machines start in the correct order.
During steps, the clicked button will blink green. When a sequence is finished/ready
the button will be constantly green.

Start and Stop

When clicking Start; all steps initiate automatically. Clicking Stop will reverse this sequence.

Empty will discharge the pre-bin and post-bin.

Motor popup window

By clicking on a motor icon on the graphic overview

picture the Motor popup window opens.
The window has the following functions:

Simulation, Auto, Man, Service, Start and Stop are

belonging to the standard controls of this popup and if
the motor has interlocks they are also indicated and
limited interlocks can be bypassed on this popup.
To operate buttons whit a lock, the user has to log in as
Maint. or Prog.

Diagnostic of the motor can be opened by


This is the diagnostic popup for motors and indicates all the important States of the
Motor. It can influence all the input signals of the motor for maintenance, service
and start-up.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 5-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

Valve popup window

Valve popup window. There are standard buttons to operate
the valve (Sim, Auto, Man, Open, Close, Service). Interlocks
are visible in this popup.

The diagnostic popup for the Valve. It acts

similar to the Motor diagnostic as service-
and maintenance- and start-up interface

Analog input popup window

The Analog input window shows the scaled value of the input,
alarms and the value can be set to simulation.

Binary input popup window

The Binary input window shows the status of the input.
Alarm can be inhibit and the inhibit state in the plc is shown.
Simulation of the signal can be set or reset from window.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 6-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

PID Controller popup window

The Controller is an extended PID controller with
many useful options. The Analog input part is similar
to the standalone analog with the 4 alarms.
The Controller has basically 3 modes:

Auto: The controller is on and the

Auto set point is used.

Manual: The controller is off and the

Output can be set by the
manual CV value.

Remote: The controller is on and the

set point is calculated from the PLC
(Remote set point)

A controller can be forced (In the Plc). For each force there can be a different output value. In this mode
the controller is switched off. And the force value is directly given to the output.

In the parameter popup of the controller you can set the PID parameter:

KP: Proportional part of the controller

TI: Integration time
TD: Differential time
TF: Filter time for the differential part
DZ: Dead zone

Limits for SP and CV and deviation limits are set here.

Also alarm setpoints for the PV are set here.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 7-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
The recipe handler makes it possible to create standard recipes for each type of product.
(See the Design Manual for further information)

The values put in the recipe are the parameters to lead the machine to producing the optimal product.
They will be the indicators for a smooth automatic startup where the requested temperature and capacity
will be reached the best possible way.
The system has programmed PID control loops to automatically raise and adjust the process values to the
requested set points.

Examples and explanations on the following pages…

MFS with 5 additives - Screenshot

MFS with 3 additives - Explanation

Parameter Explanation
Start set point for the Infeeder motor, if level is equal as level set point. The Infeeder motor speed is calculated
Infeeder Target speed:
as (infeeder target speed + ( deviation in prebin level from setpoint x some parameters configuration)

Calibration Factor Factor for calculation the capacity of the infeeder according to the load on the scale and measured pellet speed

The percentage of additive 1 addition to the product. The calculated product flow is measured and calculated by
Additive 1 addition:
measuring the speed of the product flow, the weight and a calibration factor.

The percentage of additive 2 additions to the product. The calculated product flow is measured and calculated by
Additive 2 addition: measuring the speed of the product flow, the weight and a calibration factor.

The percentage of additive 3addition to the product. The calculated product flow is measured and calculated by
Additive 3 addition:
measuring the speed of the product flow, the weight and a calibration factor.

The percentage of additive 3addition to the product. The calculated product flow is measured and calculated by
Additive 4 addition:
measuring the speed of the product flow, the weight and a calibration factor.

The percentage of additive 3addition to the product. The calculated product flow is measured and calculated by
Additive 5 addition:
measuring the speed of the product flow, the weight and a calibration factor.

Start set point for the Outfeeder motor, if level is equal as level set point. The Outfeeder motor speed is
Out feeder Target speed: calculated as (outfeeder target speed + ( deviation in postbin level from setpoint x some parameters

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 8-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
The MCMS has trend curves for a large number of variables, and more are added constantly. The trend curve is accessed clicking
Trend in the lower tab.

Please see the A-Scada manual for more information on using the trend window.

The variables shown as trends depend on the specific machines installed, and may be adjusted by an Andritz Feed & Biofuel
technician, but this table demonstrates the most common ones. Your specific installation may differ from this description.
On each trend bar you have a scale and 2 arrows. The bars fill color indicates the input value of the variable, the small arrow
indicates the Set Point of the variable and the big arrow indicates the output value.

Parameter Explanation
Pre-bin level The actual level in the pre-bin

In feeder speed The actual speed of the in feeder screw

Additive 1 The capacity of the additive added, 0 – xxx kg/h (customer specific)

ADD 1 Pres. The actual pressure in bar, before the nozzles

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 9-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual


Press the “Config” button located in the bottom left corner or the trend window

In the configuration you

can change which trends
are shown and on what
position and the color of
the Graphical View.
Maximum 11 Trends can
be shown at a time.
If you need to view a
certain time in the past
then you can use the
CONFIG button

Then choose ABSOLUTE TIME instead of RELATIVE TIME and

input the exact time you want to view.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 10-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
The MCMS-C has adjustable parameters for each part of the machinery. They are usually adjusted by the Andritz Feed & Biofuel technician during
In some cases it is needed to change these parameters later on and for that a special administrator login is needed.
The login will be given to a chief operator or similar.
The configuration parameters can be found in the MFS – Configuration tab.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 11-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
Main Configuration

The Main Configuration is to ease setting or resetting multiple functions at the same time and to backup or restore the
configuration of all equipment.

Parameter Explanation
Switch simulation of all
Simulation On/Off
equipment ON or OFF
Switch dynamic
Dynamic Simulation
simulation of all
equipment ON or OFF
Switch off all bypassed
General Bypass Off
Switch off all inhibited
General Inhibit Off

Switch all equipment to

General Auto on
Auto mode

If changes are made to

Recipe save back the parameters while
running they are saved
in the original recipe
Config counter
Counter alarms On
alarms On/Off
Uses the set points
Use set point from sql
given by the plant

Back up Configuration
By pressing Show Config backup on the main
configuration page a pop-up window will allow you to
save your current configuration of the system. It is also
possible to load and/or delete earlier saved

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 12-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Infeeder

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing component, signal type or

Delay time
The delay before a component triggers the alarm.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors running signal trigger the alarm.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

Capacity of the infeeder at full speed, used to calculate
Capacity at 100% RPM 20.000 – 55.000 kg/h
additive recycling flow before start of infeeder.
Start delay Delay time before start motor after start conditions are ok 2 sec.
Min / Max RPM Set min. and max output signal for infeeder 10-100%
612M01 – Motor feedback time Delay time before alarm in no feedback 5 sec.
4-20 mA CV Analog output signal 4-20mA Selected
612LI - Level
4-20 mA PV Analog input signal 4-20 mA Selected
Empty level Empty level in % 2-10 %
Level I prebin before auto start (normal same as level
Start Level 40 - 60%
Alarm at prebin empty Select for alarm at empty prebin -

612LIC01 – Level controller available Select for PID level control of infeeder speed Unselected
612SI01 – Motor speed available Select for level dependence of infeeder speed control Selected
Level deviation from setpoint, dependency of infeeder
Level dependence 50%

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 13-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
Level deviation from setpoint, amplifying dependency of
Level RPM amplifier 30%
infeeder speed.
The integral time of the controller. Higher = less
Infeeder integral time 10 sec.
Infeeder neutral zone Neutral zone where no regulation takes place 2
Selected if low level sensor installed, used for stopping
612LS01 Empty level sensor -
infeeder at low level.
Delay time of the signal, time setting depending on
Signal delay time -
sensor position.
Selected if high level sensor installed, used only for alarm
612LS02 Full level sensor -
/ indication
Delay time of the signal, time setting depending on
Signal delay time
sensor position.
Selected if signal available, If installed the infeeder speed
612XS01 Material to prebin will be set to speed setpoint when signal goes to “0” to -
empty out the prebin.
Signal delay time Delay time of the signal. 1 sec.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 14-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Weigher

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing component, signal type
or motor.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

Weigher dynamic max. capacity Max. Static capacity of the Weigher. 30000 kg/h
Min. capacity Minimum capacity 1000 kg/h
Dynamic empty level Empty level of Weigher in % 5%
Weigher max static load Tara, Tara the weight to zero -
Actual weight is measured -
Static load is the calibrated value, depend of the load
0 – 5 kg
Max Tara divagation Max. divagation before weight needs new calibration 10 %
Weigher Average Average value of the Weigher 15
Radar pulses per meter Number of pulses per meter from the radar 100
Max radar speed Max measured speed from radar 5 m/s
Min. radar speed at production Min speed measured by the radar at production 1 m/s
Length of scale plate The actual length of the scale plate. 500 mm
Calibration factor Calibration factor for the measured dynamic weight 1
Load cell signal 4-20 mA Is output from the load cell 4-20 mA Selected

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 15-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Additives


General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing
component, signal type or motor.

Signal delay time

The delay before a component signals

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors running-
signal signals “Alarm”.

Position available
Position switches indicating the position of a

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

Additive available Check if additive is available -
The delay before loss of a motors running signals
Additive pump feedback time 3 sec.
“Alarm” at start
Additive flow controller 4-20mA PV Output signal from the flow meter -
Maximum flow from the flow meter has to be same
Additive full scale flow 5000 kg/h
setting as in the flow meter.
Additive nozzle clean pause time Pause time for cleaning the nozzles. 0 sec.
Additive nozzle clean pulse time Pulse time for cleaning the nozzles. 0 sec.
Percentage of product flow before starting addition to
Product flow for start 3%
Additive delay deviation alarm The delay before deviation signals “Alarm” 10 se
Additive start delay Start delay after flow is measured 1 sec.
Number of kg/h to recirculate with after stop 0 = no
Additive recirculation at stop 0 kg/h
Additive stop delay Stop delay after flow is stopped 1 sec.
Additive Maximum addition Maximum percentage of addition to the product 10 %
Type of additive addition. 1 = use one nozzle at a time,
Additive type 1
2 = Use more nozzles at a time
When starting the MFS it starts recirculate the additive
Recirculation at start -
if selected
Macro additive for high addition percentage (depend
Macro additive -
on equipment)

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 16-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
Parameter Explanation Typical setting
The delay before loss of a motors running signals
Feedback time 3 sec.
“Alarm” at start
Empty sensor additive tank Empty sensor in additive tank present -
Signal delay time Delay time before alarm -
The delay between the change of nozzles after flow or
Additive delay level change 1 sec
pressure has deviation according to the settings
Additive Neutral zone spray Number of percentage spray in neutral zone -
Select if pressure transmitter tor additive pressure at
Pressure available -
spray nozzle installed (Used for spray type 1)
Pressure max. Maximum pressure before the nozzles (20 mA) 6 bar
Additive max nozzle change Number of nozzle changes before alarm is set. 10
Additive delay nozzle change alarm The delay before nozzle change signals “Alarm” 10 sec
Additive numbers of nozzles Select the numbers of installed nozzles (1-6) -
Additive stop on deviation alarm. Select if line must stop on a flow deviation alarm -
0,0 - 1,6 – 2,1 – 3,1 – 4,1 -
Additive valve 1 to 6 Min pressure
1,5 - 2,0 – 3,0 – 4,0 – 5,0 –
Max pressure
Ex. 30, 60, 120, 240, 480,
Nozzles size (Flow size of nozzle at 2.5 bar)
960 kg/h
Pos. SW, (Selected if feedback position switch
installed on valves)
Pos. SW. FB time. (Delay time before alarm if no
5 sec.
feedback at opening signal)
Pos. SW, (Selected if feedback position switch
Valve recirculation -
installed on valves)
Pos. SW. FB time. (Delay time before alarm if no
5 sec.
feedback at opening signal)

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 17-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Additives Micro

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing
component, signal type or motor.

Signal delay time

The delay before a component signals

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors running-
signal signals “Alarm”.

Position available
Position switches indicating the position of a valve.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

Additive available Check if additive is available -
The delay before loss of a motors running signals
Additive pump feedback time 3 sec.
“Alarm” at start
Additive flow controller 4-20mA PV Output signal from the flow meter -
Maximum flow from the flow meter has to be same
Additive flow control max 5000 kg/h
setting as in the flow meter.
Additive nozzle clean pause time Pause time for cleaning the nozzles. 0 sec.
Additive nozzle clean pulse time Pulse time for cleaning the nozzles. 0 sec.
Percentage of product flow before starting addition to
Product flow for start 3%
Additive delay deviation alarm The delay before deviation signals “Alarm” 10 se
Additive start delay Start delay after flow is measured 1 sec.
Number of kg/h to recirculate with after stop 0 = no
Additive recirculation at stop 0 kg/h
Additive stop delay Stop delay after flow is stopped 1 sec.
Additive Maximum addition Maximum percentage of addition to the product 10 %
Additive valve 1 Pos. SW. Selected if feedback position switch installed on valves -
Delay time before alarm if no feedback at opening
Feedback time Spray valve 5 sec
Additive valve 2 Pos. SW. Selected if feedback position switch installed on valves -
Delay time before alarm if no feedback at opening
Feedback time recycle valve 5 sec
Cooling fan available Selected if additive pump has a separate cooling fan -
The delay before loss of a motors running signals
Feedback time 3 sec.
“Alarm” at start
When starting the MFS it starts recirculate the additive
Recirculation at start -
if selected
Additive stop on deviation alarm. Select if line must stop on a flow deviation alarm -

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 18-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Mixer

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing component, signal type or

Signal delay time

The delay before a component signals “Alarm”.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors running-signal signals “Alarm”.

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

Mixer motor available and feedback time Mixer motor available, Mixer feedback time motor 3 sec

Speed guard available and feedback time Mixer motor speed guard available, feedback time before alarm signal 3 sec

Empty Delay Time for running the mixer empty 30 sec

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 19-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Outfeeder

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing component, signal type or

Signal delay time

The delay before a component signals “Alarm”.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors running-signal signals “Alarm”.

Position available
Position switches indicating the position of a valve.

Check this, if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

Outfeeder 614M01
Post-bin (Out feeder available) Out feeder motor Available -
4-20 mA CV Select if outfeeder control CV signal is 4-20 mA -
Stop delay Delay time for stop of outfeeder at empty post bin 5 sec
Min RPM Minimum speed for outfeeder motor 20 %
The delay before loss of a motors running signals “Alarm” at
Feedback time 3 sec.
614LIC01 – Level Controller
4-20 mA PV Selected if level sensor signal are 4-20 mA -
Start Level Percentage when out feeder starts out loading 20-80 %
Stop Level Percentage when out feeder stop out loading if not emptying 20-80 %
Stop delay Stop delay time after stop condition are ok. 5 sec
Empty level Empty level for postbin 5%
Delay time after empty level reach. (Time setting depends on
Empty delay 5-20 sec
postbin, level sensor and capacity)
614M02 – Exhaust fan available Selected if fan installed -
Stop delay Delay time for stopping the fan after line stop 60 sec
614LS01 – Empty sensor available Selected if sensor installed -
Delay time before empty (Time setting depends on postbin,
Signal delay time 5 sec
level sensor and capacity)
614LS02 – Full sensor available Selected if sensor installed -
Signal delay time Delay time before empty 5 sec
614GS01 – Overflow switch available Selected if sensor installed -

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 20-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

General Configuration

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing component, signal type or

Signal delay time

The delay before a component signals “Alarm”.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors running-signal signals “Alarm”.

Position available
Position switches indicating the position of a valve.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

Alarm Sound Selected for Alarm Sound on PC/Server (only possible if sound card installed ) -

Double chamber available MFS has 2 chambers -

Micro addition in chamber 2 Micro addition is added in chamber 2 -

Mixer Available Mixer motor available -

Additive 1 – 6 Available Additive 1 – 6 available and used -

Outfeeder Available Outfeeder motor available -

611GS01 Outlet overflow sensor Available Blocking sensor in outlet available. -

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 21-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual


There is alarm indication on the main screen and in the Alarm list tab.
Here you will find the current alarms, when they where received, cleared and acknowledged.

The usual alarm consist of 3 - 4 different information’s

Example: 631OV01 - Valve not in closed position

 631OV01 The position and internal name of the faulted element
 Valve not in closed position The reason why the element is signaling alarm

You will find a specific explanation in the list below.

Alarm Name Explanation Possible Solutions

General 611GS01 Outlet blocking sensor fault Blocking sensor is activated -

General 611XS01 Emergency stop fault Emergency stop is activated -

General 611XS02 Downstream signal fault Downstream signal is missing -

Infeeder 612GS01 Door switch fault Infeeder door opened Close the door, reset safety relay

Infeeder 612LS01 Empty sensor fault Bin is empty -

There is no signal from the
Infeeder 612LI01 Level Wire broken fault sensor Check wiring

Infeeder 612LS01 Full Sensor fault Bin is full -

Level in bin > Alarm set point for
Infeeder 612LI01 Level High High Limit HIHI alarm -
Level in bin < Alarm set point for
Infeeder 612LI01 Level Low Limit LO alarm -
Level in bin < Alarm set point for
Infeeder 612LI01 Level Low Low Limit LOLO alarm -
Operation hours > set point for
Infeeder 612M01 Motor Operating Hours High limit Operation hours Service needed on motor & timer reset

Infeeder 612M01 - Motor fault Motor is stopped or doesn't start Check motor, wiring, fuses and service switches

Infeeder 612SI01 - Motor speed wire broken 4-20mA not in range 4-20mA Check wiring and frequency converter
Signal > Alarm set point for HI
Weigher 613SI01 Radar High limit alarm Adjust set point if signal is ok
Signal > Alarm set point for HIHI
Weigher 613SI01 Radar High high limit alarm -

Weigher 613SI01 Radar wire broken Signal not within range Check wiring and sensor

Weigher 613WI01 Load cell wire broken Signal not within range Check wiring and sensor
Signal > Alarm set point for HI
Weigher 613WI01 Load cell High limit alarm -
Signal > Alarm set point for HIHI
Weigher 613WI01 Load cell High high limit alarm -

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 22-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
Signal < Alarm set point for LOLO
Weigher 613WI01 Load cell Low low limit alarm -
Signal < Alarm set point for LO
Weigher 613WI01 Load cell Low limit alarm -

Outfeeder 614LI01 Level control wire broken Signal not within range Check wiring and sensor
Signal > Alarm set point for HI
Outfeeder 614LIC01 Level control High alarm alarm -
Signal > Alarm set point for HI HI
Outfeeder 614LIC01 Level control High high alarm alarm -
Signal < Alarm set point for LO
Outfeeder 614LIC01 Level control Low alarm alarm -
Signal < Alarm set point for LOLO
Outfeeder 614LIC01 Level control Low low alarm alarm -

Outfeeder 614M01 - Motor fault Motor is stopped or doesn't start Check motor, wiring, fuses and service switches

Outfeeder 614 SI01 - Motor speed wire broken Signal not within range Check wiring and sensor

Mixer 615M01 motor fault Motor is stopped or doesn't start Check motor, wiring, fuses and service switches
Speed/Rotation sensor doesn't
Mixer 615SS01 - Speedguard fault sense any signal Check motor, sensor and wiring
Operation hours > set point for
Nixer 615M01 - Motor Operating hours high limit Operation hours Service needed on motor

Bypass 616OV01 - Distributer not in open position No open signal from sensor Check sensor and wiring

Bypass 616OV01 - Distributer not in closed position No closed signal from sensor Check sensor and wiring

Additive x 63xFIC01 – Flow controller wire broken 4-20mA not in range 4-20mA Check wiring and flow meter
Signal deviation > set point for
Additive x 63xFIC01 – Flow controller DEV_H_A alarm -
Signal deviation < set point for
Additive x 63xFIC01 – Flow controller DEV_L_A alarm -

Additive x 63xFIC01 – Flow controller Fault No flow measured Check if there is any flow, flow meter, wiring
Signal > Alarm set point for HI
Additive x 63xFIC01 – Flow controller HI_A alarm -
Signal > Alarm set point for HIHI
Additive x 63xFIC01 – Flow controller HIHI_A alarm -
Signal < Alarm set point for LO
Additive x 63xFIC01 – Flow controller LO_A alarm -
Signal < Alarm set point for LOLO
Additive x 63xFIC01 – Flow controller LOLO_A alarm -

Additive x 63xFIC01 – Flow controller level tank Low level in additive tank -
Operation hours > set point for
Additive x 63xM01 – Pump Operating hours high limit Operation hours Service needed on motor

Additive x 63xOV0x Valve x open fault No open signal from sensor Check sensor and wiring

Additive x 63xOV0x Valve x close fault No closed signal from sensor Check sensor and wiring

Additive x 63xPI01 - Pressure wire brooken 4-20mA not in range 4-20mA Check wiring and pressure switch
Signal > Alarm set point for HI
Additive x 63xPI01 - Pressure high limit alarm Check sensor and wiring
Signal > Alarm set point for HIHI
Additive x 63xPI01 - Pressure high high limit alarm Check sensor and wiring
Signal < Alarm set point for LO
Additive x 63xPI01 - Pressure low limit alarm Check sensor and wiring
Signal < Alarm set point for LOLO
Additive x 63xPI01 - Pressure low low limit alarm Check sensor and wiring

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 23-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual
Too many nozzle changes
Repeated level change additive x compared to set point check nozzles

Max Tara deviation Weight Tara to many times Recalibrate weight

Overflow or overpressure in
Overflow or overpressure manifold Additive x manifold Check pressure
No weight measured at load cell
No flow at Weigher plate in MFS Check load cell, wiring, and calibration

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 24-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual

Production log

In the Production picture it is

possible to view the values of the
current batch running and the
values from last batch running. A
new batch is started / stopped
every time a new recipe is

By pressing the Month

production button (previous
picture) you have an overview
of all batches produced for one
month. In this picture you can
see start/stop time, amount
produced, look at the trend
and se specific data for all
batches. Click one of the
columns, then Batch log

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 25-26
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – MCMS-C Manual


In the General
picture it is
possible to
language and
exit the


The event log registers all user actions made during operation.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 16-12-2016 26-26

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