Driving All Question
Driving All Question
Driving All Question
attenti**': whem you er* drivia.rg. xffiryrffiTeY s$x sqry wET w1. I
w qfiryr6qr$ q4q-
,w rysrtrry
W "e.-
,L. qt ""
* *
.rt,) *
ffiiwr:* .'
I . Whieh':of the following should u do 1& qll{.|lf{t3 uftfrf ]fry61ryg
before stopping ? o-fl er"r{"r{ Gf,DE
t- .,
,- .-,.
3. When you ar"e rnoving off from (i. , ?frF- ffi' fffi r.Ers: flfu
' behind,.parked Car you should,..
4. You are waiting to emerge from 8. .g$fi w(T{' rars r{,'<rc{K 'Errqsl
a junction. The screen pillar is S-{f9;1 6{ f"pTIT stT"fil-< Efr-
restricting your view What should rrllD-{e-.f sfrtr frrsrqt fora-< o-*l
you be particularly aware of? W1fr frr.fq' qs?F c;1-+-6{{?
c) [ Wait for a pedestrian to let you fn' E efelH*Ttr gT' q,rzrw T-qI, r,{;I
know when it is safe for you 9TqKT.6F[I-S C{ TIITF €Ir{I
to emerge 'r.r:" B'fi Ff{T,4r Ef-T,
d) E Turn your vehicle around fsr tr
:-: rrr, rzg ,trfs Tf<rl cq-TI s<(
immediately and find another ffiV .
9I1 qIl-.fflflt
junction to use
d), []..11"1p you+o-keep out of '' fu, n <rEPi rem frrsrs irHTE
the wind
Mar.k two an
rs, ,Tr-+
a) E
Even when street lights El 'E' ,.ql-q_]1r,
-i., , ,,
are not lit t"'
b) dto'Onlyot 'cin i"" yoo, ' , r{) L d(r5 E.{rfl qt"lT'r+ ffi'lf[s {16{
c) E whenathels have'done so fr r tr Rs{ r?F[ s"{r+r ETAf,ry qra-rc-{
d) E Only',when str:e€t:lights .
lgl E'\s{ { "':
,. 'are lit. :':;':;'':
qrf,r6Tr EIT.C"
How should you avoid letting Cq!i.'.,q ]{il S-ffi,TI tq'S fry q:{l
this distr.act you whilg+iving i+ E-n i?,fuuz
i: ''
Mark 6ne answGr' *# erq
.E Keep goin@d inpntlaur. '- .
4 :'1 a,){ Ef,'rs mr l fr{f{l
destinati.o into the sfstem q€Grc ffiq s-{6s enor
b) E K""p going as the system will i<l tr EqN crTo.[, Fre^ q€G ql"t;l'T-
adjust to your route ..,, ';.I qffiI 'e;ef'-,6'<p6q.-6{ ,,,4.1.C{
c) E Stop immediately to view and fti tr TaE qds-E
o-an w-qi a-cr
use the system qffi rerr{ {.ISTI
d) fu) E,{ffi
-ry* 6n frilqq
ElSlop in a safe place before using
the system , 1,,'',
Fm ?l-F ?tT{g eLrTlITI ]
*rfu?rrr* f,ryatAq:-
,sc aT .qtr qm:Tr{rli r+:r-un:[ ds ,fl-{ , r'?r* l.ra'fu.ur-rq=r<ra ftr<
l 9.8etor"e you"makea U.ttrn' in'= -,- bb- (s'trilt rlv.lT QB-m srr{ "lr1i
the road, you should
,,. deral carn 6way;-Wh4t olrkwerrrs Cbru-+r ifu
$oufd ypLr
"' do:' b'efore e me,tgingt'*,q fo o-ar qrfirm EGsr
6 rS-
Mark one answer
a) f Stop, apply the hanJbrake and
then.,select a low gear
qsG Gs-{ ffis +,sr
q) E qnfl, eTrsKAo, ffi .qqq f{xq
b) E Position,your".vehicle,..well.to'':,,.,.the M
fql n 'qr:t+rs ittB' T,Et{ rtvf{ l
Mark one answer ,srfu iEg1 FFFS q_rr (p
,) E Stop at traffic lights and s) trfrrfrTq
rqrq ffi
ask pedestrians ,, T'T.[=.
b) E Shout to other drivers to fr1 ["" 6qEN'qr
ask them the way "ler fu-6.Frr s$ w
c) dTurn into a side road, stop ixl tr "nffii rdrrfl fl-sm Dfs t7)
and check a map 6afm ffl,6g {'il"1 fr?-fcf F.'il b
d) E Check, -ip, and keep going fuifi,qfi?r.' ' '-gaq:",ffi s
with the traffic flow ltT!311'fi w{mcI s-{r uL-,
w ;ffi=- l^
22. W.hen remerging from junctions lQ- q,fi.'@I 6s' lq KP rq..sr r 7
which is most likely to obstruct ', t'
your view? snvTq" <r* n<rcg ,tlc<?
Mark olr€ ilflswer-1 sqG gg,r frfrv qPq c- N
a) Zlwinaic.eeri'p-luins
b) fl Steer:ihg wheil= ... ,
sr tr
f<) tr
Ga-sB;re-{ I?rom
ffi<. Eta 90ai'.*#l::T, rci'<'rr
rq\gTl arrs'rfir?
d), 'B Xn area not'covered btroua r-nirror Isl U r{ qnfl sitx-{]T rqqT {H TI
29. Obje is,hanging*om your ab. ftu6<-{ qH'{K rcr r+rGI frq
' ,'' interioi mirior tyti3tl.,,;;-... ,,, qarfir ctr+rf, sr65
Mark t\ ro answers
pf Restrict your view EAm Csr ffis ssr
a) !.r tr gfrrrflbr-or efrm ftrs "nr*
b) [ lmprove youF]dr:iving i<r E ffi urmrc-+r srflr qcu nrm
c) [ Distract your view Iryl f vi.rrTn-<sEr <rrf qiTcs qlr{
d) E Hetp youi concentration fst D q,qmTfr e[s rrew a-flrc 'ftm
3O.You are'travellint along this narrdw 19o,=qt?!fr=.,.9:}. m .Srtr'. "ftr$ flE
- coU,nty road. Whe=n,.passihg fhe . Erqrrryrl q<rq rr-r+-d{ DTFrF-Co
ryclist you should go .::.,.:::::q'fu*u- T-(?',.Tf(i'{''g?m &fr\5
34;You should.€N
LY' uie :a,.mohile
\98. r{IiIr-4 r+Tr U{ s?r{a <r{€Er
when' "-.'='' o-c Gfrv q<r+
,--:,'. "t,..
n-' d'
as' cuickly-
Zl Consider using youi horn fu) :,:::::" '
e) E rino another route -tj.-n. fii 'r r,q'<, T,,TI ", ,
,qffi €g"r
to overtake
This section look* at yaur attf;tude to
$the," road users
'= lt-
W r '',ffi . ,1
Yh*1qpt*#l*fifi wl[* aik y*u ,ll.
LEi ffireeWl
. l ]::]::::::::
, l":". "ffi"'.
. =ffiffiffi t"-
ii\N iliffiffii ' ,iri'
il. ri
,,.r:. :
:ii\tii i.ir:r:::.:::r::r!!11 !:1/:!!
I ' @:%
,. ,ffil,+usr;#Nl
i::k* , 1,, ;...,1;rqq ,,,j&--= ,, ''"''" '"=
'.-, .+l' ,hi,, ,
,ii':t.t ,..,,,,
' i,=
"l =r'
lruIiii*"-;ffi,'Ii. [ffi
#ffiffiS1 i
-, ,'..,1
" .
M%w'= J
ffi -ffi
,; '-='':ffi
fu- ffi
l. drivin!@adear'nlght.
Y'ou ar.e
,There-,is a ste-ady stre4rn'of ,.j qra{TeTH Tr6s_ ffi urarce--+t
oncoming tra{fic. nH[q rcrcs, rrf,{ rtrq rn& qprcut
, The national speed-li'mit applies: ,[r.sr rsn ffatrry <I<El{ T-{I
qr1Tg Bfrst
,,. Wh'iah"lights,.should.you=use?., "
Mark one answer ,gTS-Wffi,p,....
.e) E "I[<T &T mlQtr-ry
b) fl Side lights f,<l tr TRu qrA.04
c) 7l Dippea headlights
fu tr fu"rq resqr?i.:{
d) .fl Fo,L ii nts"i' ,." - ful tr rFrr 6ftBJ'
2." You are waitint in a traffic qdGue i- drfsrs .qlrurl
'-.- 'ffiq,*t,,'
following' drkerryor; shou:ld .
b) [ Cycles fO tr rrQr+r-ry<
*) A Busest"' ' ,,.. , ,: fn tr rrr r{cq-{
tI q* T'Tra-<
c) tl d)n fu>p
bt.'urrylq]T ?ll-gfuST
Ed.fr ' q-qr
your horn, fod -.,i <r{EEI ETT
:: '-',..,.icr; ,,€ ,
a longtime to.6v€rtake,you. ..
' What sho'uld yoii'do? ,: ::,
: q'{-{ r{6q, I lO T-{T stt1tTK slEE?
, L
al il.Slow down.
=ry ft.lT ::l'
l4.Which of+he folloWing vehitles will tg.,
,.' u.s€'blue Aashilg. beacohs?''', ..
r- ,....,,' ,.,t' ,: ',,
MaFkthr:€e answGrs l.
fitted ith a.gr:,een hing,li$ht?., ,, '''ry 'qTtlltfiT Iry
Mario,ne,ailswel'"'- ','"'
' ::':r=:
, ''.' .effi Gsr q,sqffi
a) fl Road giitt". .9) E Tnrr Tr{al-{$ T-TK Tl1-{rqr{
b) l-i Fire ensine f<i tr tr?F"t rrffi{ {Fmrer+
c) ff Do.ror. .", fql tr lrro.rafi {Frff€trI
d) E Rmbutince
,.:. :':: ji1.:j1.- :,, ,
: ,, ,
c) E Accelerate looking to the left fu n" ffi"ffi. GErt @<l ?lfu <Wlrm
d) d Sto* down and look both waYs fu): tr ffi' 11s-64r.qPT-@',rrrll
:i Mark one answer qqfr iBET frfug Qtr{
a) E'',lgnore them as iheY !$- - s) E - -"srfq $rar r[r q-fi r+rQs* sK'r'
.". ' .q{i .. -
b) .d S,op and switCh 6ff Your'engine
,Al .tr,t?]IT.'.fiffi' s(B [ITr -A r{
c) E'Continue on but drive slowlY f-qt',tr' Eq''1S-6q. EECS 3rlsl
fur-tr q
d) E f.y ind get past quicklY '
il5.b =i'*T';h
28; lfyour. vehic=le uses'dieael fulE;' at;'w..qry'
='=-,.; ue=Pryq
, ..l siira-ear.e.*hen ... fn'ell
Diesel fuel when spilt is
,Mark on6:ans-r(er.
'- "'.-'i :.'-
.qsffi GE? ftfts qPq
;j.' i-
:St ' g) qbrrqr er
b) E Odourless
_,== ,
rf*ffirEI{ El{
c) f Clear I,il L-I
-(\-?Tg q{
d) Zstipp".y Is) U Tfie"I a"{
A -)'
'f a r:r"
\/ tt
.$',['r ryF1l-eT'
vehicle coming ,-,'":.. ';"W'q1ry ,,.: ::: :: ::.:i.
. , -qff$'"ggrr
d) E Wr'"n emerging on wet road fu) i'r*t{ Fry,r -lvr{ g(-Tt T-r(w
b)..,'[l .ReVe'is!11g'into- a,p,,ar:
,,'ffint'6*ing'an9,. ir vehigl'e '=
'r :
@,'- rerc-s-
,:.38I,, .. --.
,.:: ,.t, I
, -_, '
45. A fl ash i nggein' b'eaeoR' on -=' 8c rqTqT {lq-<rEr+ qfr n-{w grFrs'
a vehicle means "'r ''i, If,s ffi "qd'€,68,,--'',"t " :
I ,,., :::::' :
46. What, style of drivi.ng causes 8U. rflT SrSlTT er@ uror+n rsc4{
increased risk to everyone? 6qT m ft"r-q-l-+ E6g "rrr{?
b) ffi fo tr
;;,'A l;*p;ii,i,t{ "
fu tr aWrurya-o
&ffi,,,, r,.ffry {
:!E:: : .::.
:::: r :: :: '
| '::.::l: : iffii$
liff;iii ,
;s- .,:
.::-; | "'
' '
I l:l::=': #,1 "',
. ,,lll I
'n, s+{ :' '
Mark one answer
a) E Not in operation at all aj ,, 'Ts" '
l* ,.slft-{',
fr),'fl fta
c) fr
d) [l
t" operation 24 hours a daY
Onty in operation in fui-tr
' 6f{?S-A
'. , ,,,
. overtake. :,
u;houlo -.''- -
.=' ,d1r . '
gffi'fu-,- ,Wa :' ' : ,:
:::i: '- r,::.- ,l' I :
,.-, ",
r"'' t _'''
'r:', ''_
Mar:kOnG anSWer- ::.::"'"i' "', .::j:. ,,f . p({ {I€TL
SRlks. rB* *nq sx?T Tq*I qtq$ ptT{tx*iy rry exq $"ffisyffi rqfr ,q*rrwux i
ri qr*ffm wlslTm x,g srs xxp.1 qx*irs H*.ffi %6ra irc;wvW *1Tl[
-r,-q x*e-i mffitqry"f "fX,
r sr3 $rfr $ffirTua g1?f * sfrGll{ffi "ft ryrryffim
50.Young, inexperienceJ unJ co. sfa'Trr6, urtr !T ,4(q IrT ffi TTT
.. qualified:dr:ivers an o.ften ""*fi
be ,'-' -:: ffi pl-ryE:;q." ,',,F8 6fisv
..,involved in crashei' This''is due,t6,.,, Ers ffrf,{t tflT sKq
d"f \*ff4 aa
M& s4 *ds\
**ffiffiu.' .qq 64s
* *& 4,
s*qry t#l
* *u,,, &'g 1"
Hoq %Ls-s *4q
ss bl*; #kS\
unn* * @* 1
Tills seeufr*n ***Ess at sagety er:ls$ qq rffrdq'rr ,*.s-
-rlll{3 ,ljq(
--- .c**,,.'l*
l*{*t ,!$t$
y*ur v*hic*e- ffi'ET qffil
x l{{llsNns!\q\!+\sr
+:.:1r *.
W q,
l. You enter a road where there are b. Kl$iT.'erI4 s'lr.F {s'4 orffi dtvm
road humps. What should you do? qrrmll fo a-n srT?E-K sf,ust
c) fl Ifua/s'k p to'th'e=:"
- ,maXinrumrlegal speed,, - ,[Tg EI"TTffiI
d) l-l Drir" stowty at school times only ful E:qs{ wIr rrrffi" ?|l& EFqIrrl
a) [ Aways keeping the head lights;on ,e)",fi q-{ reg rrlnn:t,rq@ 'Trlllfr
b) I.'Fitting r"efle-tive g,Las ndo*s f<; tr iEEfsrrs gfusqr fl:ry dlarm
c) -='[ [email protected]&r ' tu fi" @ ':rryAq{':r: 'i''
"' , light'on : , .,-'.''. '.',,,= ffiCfl -
,d) ff eicning tll ai nurnbei on-=i
f,g)'E-''.t&.-ffi,. .
23 .'Ttre' tl uidJed'in, your. bryqf, i.t lqw rs. flfuT 3fiErRT "rrfq 6{' qlrql EIr{K
'. ,'What ihouldpu t.g,p it "ir"1151 .:::
gr "lq sn-N fE ar<-m sri Gfu?
::=r:,::.:':::.::r.:::.j:.:-:i::: : ,-.:: :: l
25,.8y avo.iding busy times wh€n ..,.-.,. .nc.- .lll F--{t rers
travelling i<-<u +rora
Mark one answer
a) E yo, are more likely to be held up €) E qIh6T elIiFRr vrgrflI Eilc-E
b) tr your iourney:ffie will be longer ft) E=_ .. f<fr E(1
c) E yo, will travel a shorter distance frl E .,,qa-.,. wtrfi {m. r'-gc<E
di d you are less likely to be delayed ft51 tr ia"re eeTK Tgl?nT s{ E6q
26; !t',,can help' hn.your'rotte" .-_., e\9. TIEI "Ir< TlEi"re[ "rk{-flfl T-{rq
" =,befo starti.-! a iour:n Why h6'uld TRT{r Eqt f{-g fr.E {r61"tE€
.' "you. alsg Fl-a tn ak ive L '" ',.. .,T--Tt-. 'r
: . :::-::. :.::::i.::::::::::r::::tj:
a) d A fault'ih the-briking
b) E' the en$ine oil is l6W
syStem ,o),.IIH.,
frt n, m'
ffi ,-?l '+q.'
' '6 qrre
30. When parking and leiving your car, ,\9.:o,',qcFr- E& 11= TfT qry{ TfIrq{,
qr4{K GBs
at night. The speed limit is 40 mph. 5-q'K ilVrT ilfu r<-4r rn& "n-6
You should park,on e .
4-T-rE{l t@ "n-6 s,-fi OGv <lvEI
35.'F{ow':shouldyu,dispose of a '
uc.q . fr'"Pl-c{"lf<mfl
used battery?
'ffiI.,.G-fu:'"i: .r-':i :' :,:,:
c) f], To'pievent wear ion the frl tr r"rrsp-{ rmm m (sr qI Es,
pedil.s,.r,uhbers [E s-{I
'il''T":maintain-saffto.ntrol-,. .-', .1-P'r ,,f-, = .,'
of the pedals
a) 'E No, uhleis fou stay with your car s) trn,qfrfft& (T" '
41 . 'You, car:rying a child using a-"'' 8b. fetE-{'ir6s T?r a<T Fny[ffi frF
rear:-faci ng .
by seat.'Y waffi to put <rEqr<t T.CT .eo'E HqE ITIT
,-' iton the'ifu p*i"ng"r
seat. Wf.1! {T6qITfiEG TITTr{-{ fl]TT ffi
. fl UST. you,.d ole{ore settihg,9, f f J
rear airbass
b) d m"t" ,ur"""ny front passenger fr) tr arqr+{ TrdT _o1rr< <rrr qmrs'I
:r::: :r:r: a-Af 'q,ffi, g:f.'' Efg e[q,
c) E . vlat . sureitl tne<nila sa{ frr tr ft\s f{-nzgT slETIefr r<ll4l
locks aie off qrrs sr ffire E6s qcq
d) E Recline the front passenger seat *j"'n $ qr&, frE ramT frrs
?i<trs, eF
42. How can you as a driver,
help'thd'enVjr.onment?,.., ==,.,-.'
S+n@. ' fr:g-6.T,tlqfu'
'' ,tld- d?
44. : Planning yoqr.route bef6r:e 88. TIgT ErR€' WEr .?Jr( {.llqr1el
setting out can be helpful. "rf,-<.s-flTr s-f,rfl Tr€j:fi ?{'l
How can you do,this? s[ f6 sr(< o-TCT{
Mark one answer ,g6fi "t qnrrk{ 'r
;#" #
y4 rf qg ,at
u) ''
Q'At+ny,ti e in a built-up area ..-. A=tr. :,d31E6 m rrrr6ff
b) E Between l0 pm and 6 am in a fut tr qrfifrs €qripln' fcorq >o"Fr
built-up area "',1 ' 6'ql[-s ,gB[''ffi ' ,
They are under 1.35 metres (4 feet 5 rry b.ec FIFrc.<-{ (8f,s0 c'?fkl
'inches). A coiFeet child reitraint is (E[T€ T,rCFIt rrrurrfi-{ 6-q1 Tfu-{,
, NOT.available. They MUST qTry{ rqQ I qK w{-[E s-s<T
a ' :.
,,, -. ,1 ,1;
r:, ,.::
Mark one answer
a) E Your,- |our.n-y,y.riql iake,long6r..- d ) ,,4E]:,!Sr .@y,, qT{,. vm :
b) E You witt have a pleasant lourney f<r E {TET qrrFr Ert?r qr<
c) E You will cause more pollution frl tr "rf{r+r TT"r r<Fr a-{rcr
d) tr Yqor streii level will"be gieater &'r,E r FI Eru:-g{d :.. :, ,
f i nd q datatyt-e co nVe rteFtl ,-.,,., . ga-r
Mark on. ,n.iEi-. sqft sE-T ffis osq
a) E tn the fuel iank s) E rqmrcq-< trnTrs
b) E tn the air filter fu tr srm fuqim
c) ,E On,the lng sysiid fu tr rc brel rI?rK q-ccq
d) El On the exhausr system
54. .b'help,t< y"ui' etufe a.a. wt' ''ful"llr $ffi" ,
join.a.. "''' .
i.,, you-.co-uld -,
b) f
c) [
accelerating sharply in each gear & tfu Pq6,q , $rr{
using each gear in turn irr E ffr"r {rrn farrr <Frerir rrfil
d) p missing our some gears fu.r tr tfu rrc"r famm <raerc Tr r-ffi{
62. In,,which TF.IBE.E'placii' rl1d', \9r. rfiI rw' qrcq anv "Lrs s-{-rq
parking your vehicle cause danger or ag q-6q1_Eqfr5ni vqlfru uerro
obstr.*eion to other road users?' l 'zl <z
Mar.k'thieeinswCr.s,,,,,,... :
ffi Ss-< ffis er{
a) 4 ,"front of a properry entrance ,s) tr r+rm :l.erfrT TCfl "rrem {r{r{
b) Q, Nor ar a b-us i '" frl tr ,esrcrl qm fr?r rf vK a.rEI fifE
.)'' ff On yo.ur" drivew.ay. .-.. :::=;, fql tr Fr -q.( ryre-q, .3r{,1 qr{ i
63. Which TWO are badly affected lf U\9.. W]I re'{,== qf.q<:6E1-4
, the tyres ar€-under-in1.lry?'=-
a) [
qsG iqisr ffis q-+q
Where there are continuous white q I E m rrrq rrgK T{r <s[rd<
lines in the middle of the road Wtqitg ryfnf qftt c1?FF
b) EI Where the speed limit fEt tr rqcmrr flfu fiqT r<qr Efu q.s||T
ro pn '
exceids ,
:.,. , 9o {-[?i(ry{ f<B Ef<
ft 6qq rfl&,Sfu
_ ,n
oncoming traffic w"HK rr& wry{ uol alrl(-<;t
d) lll Where you are n.u. i br, ,top fui tr fq"*,t1Jq Tt9.......... qE :B'f aif+T<
65, Ycu are dr.ivin$ the ehitdren,of =ga, 4&- . -.
Maik onetanswei'
a) ff Take it to a local authoriry site €) E =rfiT oqfl[w-{ ql6a 6q6-q f,r[T
b) tr Pour it down a drain fr)-"E', ,, ' , ,,-:-'-"'
c) E --Fut
fip it into a hole in the ground frltr1qi@. '=ffi-=1..,r.'' ,,.,
76,The'main tau f brake fide is qru. e?-+ s'T a\g{F 1{r{ s,K"l
Mark onarrrr*". €sE frfrs qp-a
a) d rui brake overheating s) E Glq r<Fr eraq qm {IsrI
f ,rAi n .[he'b-r"ake-'tt gia=' -.,...,
b)'.. r.. i frl tr @ rTrtrc fisrry Ef{ q]"s$
c) lll Oit on the brakes fxt tr rgec-+< @-{ req rqra qlsrl
d) E The brakes out of adjustment ful tr rsfteqi frqtFT qI ers-cfl
77.When a r.oof raCk is not in uge it, 9en',{tfT,, f,,sl,S.lryt<. -${f,S'T{1
, slrsuld'be*rnoVed Wh;ts'ihis:t gcH' st r?n6f, Tr?n ilrtq I ET (Tq?
.:] . ,'"':l:1':-:: :,;.:,::; t- :
79.Car passengers MUST Wear a seat qb. nfsre fiE r<"F ercrq qrdfi-{ro
belt lf one-fS are q-{"lTE g-r fi{[g Erd I {ft q.|. r{\B
.: a ffi.
ntted with ri. bugr'-'''
within a congestion
fri tl' 'fisf.,.
d ftEK 'frrr
b) Travet,ling
" :chirgihg'ZohB onfs EInrs
c) f
t: a s
Mark one answer €T16 g',Sir IFr€V
. ,
\rVhy is this?
'l ',
Ef-,{S-{? ',,=
, .
ffis Fsr
1.:. .
sr{rw' qTEFII=:qeq,1I-(.{?..:,.,,..
. ::, ,,.
I '.'.:::.
95.Which.thr.eethings'tou,',... ,b0:,roffi ',
as a road user do
to help = ,ffi,'-ffi ,-
the €hVironrnefit? , " ,. '. -,, frrq-{ r+r+ ffi si-F flrcTfl
Mark three answers
a1 $.C,gte *n,er:r poisible,,. ,
ffi iBv< frfrs Erq
,, ,s
rI qfi.? ryq< arirsq En-qrg
b)' E, O"ive+n urnder.-inflated,tyies frr tr trrrm ar. <tvl-r i{rs fltis Erfercs
c) .E 'Ua" tt'Jcn"ii* rdi r ft-t tr +e-rFT Ts{ }rsr eflnrr
- possible on a cold engine i'='- .......:.ry'....::.:.. !.''''-''-'t'l
d) Hru. youi vehict" prJf"rry ful flre fr$x-rw * ,s<( Trfur'
tuned rnd..seruiied.=,', Sr{ rTq
e) d Watct'rthe traffic and Ft E rrcr* E-{-fi ll< Ei[s f{rqu-{T
plan ahead ,r,'t'.. ffit',1,
f) E Brake as late as possible Ev)[," eI <tr rl[r"g<
without skidding rqfrcE rsq-+ 4.rr
96,.fis 2 dr.iVerryou ean.,CauSe more' - ,bu ry1 ,rc-q
damagero the environnreht,by
,-r,.f - E ecr
T rylrrn{
a) [-l Choosing a fuel efficient vehicle €) tr. q,'=,f.ffi'.$'{-s-fr ''flTfu FrE fu6g
b) [f f.,la[ing a loi of short journeys ft),',E EIr{T'isE},. , qlcl st<
c) E Driving in as high g"r. * possible. fxr tl
{srr-s{ GE farrl< fifs Erfdrs
d) ZI Acielerating as quiitity fur u
I, 00. r:lehicl*par,ked
You. ar:e leaVing you 5s6.
ffi, -fl&' B1;+
on a road unattended. When miy
you leave the engine running? '.,.'-. "' ffgt
@,@a,,,..,,urm '
'. .-unAble'totake with you,
, --.. :::::::i::j::igf
ffi . tW,l$ ,1,,
:'fr Efffi
I 10. You are making an appointment bbo, s(T tr{rml
,'"- ai'd wili'havsto'iiavel'a1ong-, q1b '"'..qT qlfr<t
distance. You ihould srs6E;[ qrr"r{K g'fu
t l::"'=
I,1.1. You are,away fro,nl'home and have bi..! "tfr' .-,q[aTryry Tt {{I
to park your vehicle overnight.
: ::::' wh'€ieshould yoU leave it?
l-..'' ffi"p<p er<t
,sqq,qlw $ffiwqTffid?rq
s{I\sw.tr ryfffi"t €€lw w.w x- ffiYWffi& ffiP S& Wffi
,[fi*"s r,,l{lid
qITqlK ffiqE;q x6m q€fury Elwffi -stxtr ryl wre asTIT silsrEm m*x r efr
rilcqr ftT-fq srer*T ft{seqr .rcfiw m qriTs, ETq ET}ffi Sx rxry *cT.s ffi t
d) tr fn"y .un i"" clearly out of the iul tr Trrrr*r uergl fnrq rry Errqrsrr{
front w.indow. '' rE.*l-{p ::-,: l
[U.dtffi;* *
$iffi $$ilffi rffi
&l ssq*,
1 ffi
fl ,,.lt$#.rj
:ii. i ,q
l. How ean you=tell when f-:u arre
1.-'$m,, m,'
,,.. diiVing ovqr,6;rckiee?, ..
, '=- , ,rfffg-,,ElTl-6uq1?.
-'" :'
Mark one answe .qsfi ffi'u EE;r
a) 'f
ini; a na.rowioad" ,s,)- E I-F ?l ;ffi,,-,
b) [ Making a hill start frl tr Su" vr rer6o Elfdlrr {rcrr
c) [l Uiing the brakes frr tr
@I <FrErir ssrctl
d) Z Passing pedal cyclists fu)'E', ' 'lH TIr{{
3. You driving along a wet road.
ar"e ', ,\9; t- , 1'-'
. How can fou tell,.if.tour vehicle f+ o.m T<rcr{ rq qrrrm fifu
is aquaplaning? tlT,,rE-m qw?.-=. -:
*"rti!. inr*.i,=,,= , ,
' i' ,,:=
'&@.@, ''"-
a) The engine Will-,stalt
5 -,,,: €) E tf,qq ffi ers Tr{
b) ,,:f] The engin oise ll.,.ineiCase i<r n ifrqrq-q -rq' Tfr TI5q
c) [ The steering will feel very heavy ln tr ffis. ffi w1g< s-{c<:r
d) fi, The steering wjll.{eel Verv light ful tr ffis, q"rfl q-{P< T-f,rffr
4. Thefuads arn'e icy. You should ' a., '=T-rcIefi.:. 1 ffi, ,
drive slowly ftrr rfl&'EFIrcI,i
Mark one answer qTE \?,sr fvfus q;-q
a) fr ln the highest gerr poriibl" s) n q?m-sd G6 frmlT{
frt n {afl-rts< f{q fqxrffi
c) 5 With the hand brake partly on fu 5 rev r$ts fr'qFI rfrq rnc{
d) f] With your left foot on the brake fu), E-, ,* '''"
5, Anti-l6ck brakes can g'ie'atlXa
= c. sFF-qT mt+'afi tJ< r<fr
assist with qrEl{Ii F-6?
ffiflsflffifsr w
ffiffid&sffi dl ffiffiq#ffi e ffi&{
x- wffiwruffi H#tuffidffi
18. Wtren appr.oaehing a iight ,l-tind,bend uu.. ,'- TIS qTr$ r
you should keep well to the left.
,. "'rffi ffi a'F{ fiffi',.{[T= ErsT, tfrst
Why is this? Er rs-{?
f,<l qrrrs
behind overtake .,' ,SVFi ,, r;1_6j
c) E'.fo overcome the affect.of 6a ffifl er<.
ihg road's'-,slope :'.. r:i:.l
fr),,E sryl & i {I€{'r{
:,.": .'p-fp.,F qT
d) D lt improves your view fst tr Trsr mr srmivrr{ rr'{re
ofthe road " fq,.,ffi- '-',,, :':'
deep water. To dry off the brakes r$Q.o@fi lgss 6iTH o-{l'
you should qrftrK GlEs
:. - :,r :r,::,=:
Mar.k 6:ho'ansri, =,-,,, , ,-j ,, ,
ffis {ST gTE 'Frrg-<
a) Acceleraie and keep to a high
E e .q,i
r,m. Tril+m qqm-{
ipeed for short time ffi rffu. 61ott ',
b) go slowiy while gently
E applying fO tr [3ns- fnfsc-q q"rfi EI"t rf,6?t
the bralies s{ tfurc tfifu rrmqT
c) E Avoid uii'ng th iut it alt f6i fnl tr eq-g 'l-cg K'ATT , '
a) '[1 'Sto'p f6@ lextih hour'to ful ,E <.{ {fT' ,e$'{-St rctr{' ram
, ,. allow th6m fim€=o dry. 6gt.fi w E€TriI TT{ [mI
2 I . Vehicles fitted with anti-lock brakes ,oo..*,66.a-o,
r::r': :.-:
I :: I :.::=:
::rir:.::.,'i: I :,,":' t,.,.=.,
Mark oh6'answ6i, .qTG \BET ffis F-s{
a) f, Are impoisible to-skid ..q) tr itig Gil qlrg{
b) d Can be steered while ki E-' -rrrr ffifi
33rrm rrrc "nr{
c) f] Accelerate much faster. -' f,nltr=' o qg,,
d) D Are not fitted with a hand brake fst tr rEs r$ts ffiq Es
l' - .: .:,:i.:t .:',::'::.':
4 [ Aerial €) E qfrsq rercs
b) E Winoowi : r<t [ 6r{rfl retrs'
c) 'F''A;-n"- , :'-='-::' U <rafK
]-ri) retrs'
rs) LJ qrqq{ rertrs
26.rYou'a:e tr"yihg to mov.e-. or:r,snow. eg. Tf,m-T {{r E6s anfu uris,cT t{-rc
You should use urt 66 l
qrfl;ffi \Efus
::=::,,.,r r ,l:,: :::: 'r: : r -: ,
3'0.'%u. r:itl stopL g disfuce+ii,i go. ef& er1qr(qK {,ffi E-qi re\Dcr
be much longer when driving Tla "nc< qcn
':: ..:t
Itlarik 6ne answer ,t--' -. :-: €qG Gsr fyfrs q+r
d [ ,ln. ong-w,ind ''='.' ' -:--''5" ffi" '''"
Ei. E,;n:tn'C. r.ain " .i
l :
: . ,-.,. :
i,r, -. ,
b) E
a safe distance
ft".t'r your headlights fu tr,'
s{ ${l -L--
as a *arning
'=' E4 ",,' '
c) E fry to overtake safely fr,,1 'q s',-ffi
as soon as you can €sra6F-s o-<m rr-fi E-ei
d) [I Stuy close to the other r"hi.l" ffi-il 6ry ,"q enql'
until it moves on {grF{ qI r4 Erfl r?r6tr
e) I lncrease speed to pass through Qr tr srs--rsmfi qfuq Esm< ElT
Qujtkly :-, . ?rfu <rsr6Tr
0 I Follow other motoiiits closely €TE dV aqr qI e-{i w{CTn
to avoid long queues ,,,:, ', "€TriT rT,m' Uql,
,flFBl E{ ,.:
&.il ,!Irl .
c) E Firmly use your foot brake fqi tr qr(g s'r< enF{ KirF EI"t fi"fl
d) E Coast in to the bend fsl tr @4 T6{ tror ?Fr ?r{ elgrl
e) EF Avoid sudden steering ?r tr
,.'=', ebrs ffi<s, {flr+r ral-[-6
movements ,kffi,.. ; ,.,,: :::.:::: .: .
45.Anti-lock brakes may not work as 8c. .lfiE-aq 6Pqefi a-o wrurfr-a
effeCtively if the road surface is qI g Ere "fr(.< Tfr {ivK G1fr Eftr
::::' ::: ,r:l::::=
c) El'Wet
d) E Gooa fist tr srril ET
et I I rrrm Ql trlvEr
46. Ygu.'are driving.,in a builtup,'-r.ea, a ,.qItfr
,,{mTH ?[&
You approach a speed hump. t lT|ry[]{ flfu
You should (TrwF qar qrst "qr"l;rR G6s
48. You'ar,e turnihg leftlh, a slippery.'Foad t; '12;fua <tsm EN"m rql\E rq ,r{
.The back o oui hicle Slides'tg, ' rw.{ . E{.''fr.S. 91ry fr19.,
the right. What should you do? fhqr,f, itnq f+, F-n OGE?
a) p Brake gently in ptenty of time fu.r tr qr6rr fcrfs qtcs s-C{ fgio o-+r
50 Jhe in heiffi,i.ot'fiayi4
= ad' - .ffiffi-'
four-wheel drive is to imfrove
. "*rm
r,r,3qg ,
A q
Mark one answer q$IF vg{ iEIiFg SS{ ^-
b) E t*o times :.
c)Z ll metrei (240 feet) "' fx; tr qrg frtsK{ eso frB)
d)E ge metres (315 feet) fu) E b\e E.EF{ ruua &il .
-.*'' -'-
;... ' i: -"
w fr- ffiwwffi& ffiwffi&wffi
5.8;t ',
k\ "N
*ffip:i: eed and
w i:: r
L What THREE things should the b.' ,SflT @h) (rg) .r<r.va,.,
driver of the grey car(arrowed) r{Fr fuTB <fo< qr
be specially aware ol? '=. '' q'g?6', Sfu-gt
ffi .' , .
4.' What should the driver of the 8. (6K ffiw) 4l"T T6T-< Tre
red car (arrowed) do? Et"rrsT fo r-st Otrs?
5.. Which T' REE of these are likEly c. {FM qI '@ ErFTrra mr{
effects of drinking alcohol? fi5TffiTs rrs<\5 rre "rfuisr "ttr<?
A. S
Mark three answers IS{TE s',gfr IErSs SiFq
a) p Reduced co-ordination .q) E 4q''' ,:
b) [ lncreased confidence f,<l tr {ffitrr rd(-s lr]rr
c) p Poor judgement fxl tr q-1lr+ T-{I{ Tfu orl {nr
d) E lncreased concentration fo) [,,rqxfq lffi f]Tr9""31q"
e) [ Faster reactions Ql tr TEfoTr Ws q{
0 E Colour blindness s+rE ?[T-{ nf-TF"T o-rcs uplfrn es
,Mar:k two answer=,. EAE Gu,1 ftfips s-rr
a) E On a motorway sign €) E rntr<erm< frro
b) Et On a large goods vehicle frl tr Ts qlry{ft r&re
a) B oo'bui[ddris.s'kiP fpced ml tl'.,.F' G gPnffi fE-rq,
-r on the"Foad -
,: ,'.:" 3$@, ,.,
"'' - ,,,
-t, r l
Mark ohe answer '
"'; ,'.:,:
a),',.E =Ro# nd licence .q) tr c-<rV @.{ ,{K fsfu
.u;''fi Hiur.and''[ie,,11ium , ,. =, ' "- ftitrA{,.Kffi
c) E Vehicle test certificate e1-.tr'ffi"a{,tg.;s"<' ,-
d)."[f Driving licence :::],
6r', n.$-tf fr&, '
9. Your doctor has given you a course b. ql'trl{ ulsEr fr.u- Qqt (]tE-{
of medicine.Why should You ask arrs frrsruqt qrffi r+T fwetnt
how it will affect you? s-{rfiI oqr{{ Sfi5f6Ttl (s'{-{' qc<?
b) f, ,.You will have,toletpur.' ' "' " ' frl tl qra1m A,lT rsr'nifrs
insurance comPany know
gt E{6{-{ <i'qrr< Q<tfl-tr
d) E tf,e headlighii on parked fsl '-',tr "no o-+r: rlTlq{ rasqi-.Dq rq,rq
' car being switched on ', . TlclT q cq rE
e) f Large good vehicles Q).,,.8':"' "fl&? --{I' ::
I l.What is the main.hazard you bb. .qQ m?rsq smsm sr$"{61 sr(
,should'be aware of when rffi urflrt-fl-< {'{rl f{rl I{FI
following this cycliit? frerffi-{ tfu Ew ET+r Gfrs?
I 3. What does the solid white line at the t:= ' ' I]q{qET
side of the road indicate? t+ 1<nat
a .. 't ''
Mark one answer
a) fi Seet medical adviCe Aj;E" ,' ,., , ,
b) E
before driving
Limit your driving to fu. "6i{t 691
essential iourneys
c)' [] Only.,dfive if.accornpanied'bi 'fr1-E'G$
.=:,-,,," ' mC ryT
a full licence holder ffi-F|, .,
' 5
'' '
bq. "A*+',rm;ffi='61g1, .
I7.You are tt.t=tgre,if.,,yPut"cough =,"- ,,, '* l
medicine will affect You.
*nrt @;'ary aot '.. "m @l t ry1a s-fi GI'Ev?
:'.=::::,= :: :rr : : r :i:'i
Until thex-you sho'tlldr " . l ,', '' ,' Aat< "1<
20.You see this sign o'-the'r:eai of 4-.=l Qo. (SrFT qrrs D-48' qim f"iE(q' .qE
slow-moving torry that You want iuE. crcraffii srm 'ql?fr qfirffi
,.'', to'pass. fis'triv6tling'in'theftiddlb
"' ' P6@;m :
ei.. . 's3f;{
warning lights? --" 'ffi,".,,-,."
'Mafk.OngahSW,Qf. ,,,,-,..1, ;...; ,,.. -: " '' ':
: .- ::i.:
-r'..'- ",-,,
:, .,:r . , ,, . .::,:
,:: : i.: :j j:-. ,,. ' ,l
t i-)
gem,:H, r{F-I,E{,{.'qlf.q
.''traffit calmihg"measures'you should
.t '''
6= - ':;: '
,gsfi fu',GfiEg ':
Marrk one answer
a)' fr Drive a,re -ed iPeed ,'
,&j'h'-ffi''@ :'
b) ' ,f Alw.ays' riv'e t e'ipeed limit ft-[- ffi"1;141Eq1,'
q:'T, ''([{il',, *,*r
ff ft;.[]' I '
d) E
Pssition;in.ihe'tentne of th.e rsad
Only'a,,tqly:down-if .-- ,.''r :
rsi -"4 ''qq-n
.- ,'-, pedest-r:ians are-near ,,: .i'' E3r{E erfu <x q<i
24. Hazard.wainihg''lights' ihould be ,+t'afffi'$
_- .dfi= ' a .
fu il
$, tr Br:ok6n down ehd:cau'Sing.'
.fui E'
ttt"",' ,:q,ud<,.$@!1{
an obstruction
. ffi"-TAF..' '- ,. .., ''.''i'
25" When,may'yo'u-use lrazard :',':':; ia;t' c4-{N *ry ,''' "'' .'
i., :i": :: "::::,ri . . "
:.=..l- l, lt..,;t''
-r - j i'''.:::r i- i:i:
-.r ::a i::a:-: -: ::
qffi;6g .,:fr-ft9,,43F{ ,
Mark one answer
a) fl The,purked vehicle (arrowed A) ,s) tr ' t&'r.s G{'& s)- ,
Ai,.,fi" ffi'qr 4
b) n' The.peoeitrian:waiting-to ciosi.
. (arrowed..B) " -. ' e $qtr&frfesi
(fr'fi{ lufusl
c) f The moving car (arrowed C) fu il u-a-s
d) f, The car turning (arrowed D) fsl tr r{.W f{rtr rq ?ll& fs s1{ G-+or
- . 'q "d;.ffi-qfrc.ffi
28.What should the driver of the car
approaching the crossing do? fo E-+r GGE?
u'):- '@ -
rsfu r{rl
b)I,E Continue'it thesame'sPded,
frl'E. '
' .
c) E "
Sound,the'hor:n ;',.,-,,,''
d) E D.iv. through quicklY fultr wq tr {IerI
,Ans flgi;;' ='l :::.1
29. You are on a dual carriageway- Ahead
+b. .qffi qmd arrr?wefmo qrfE--{t
you see a vehicle wlih an
='=,'. F-
-.E rF
flashing light. What could this be?
DAE$. T-rrE'l ,e-{T is' EN "trF?
-uir"k'one-ini*ao ,'--- -'-'-,'-' -' .. ., "qffi. -gFT '.' r,l :l
'a) 'f, A arnUolini*-.. ,-.:
,.. .-'-' =''
b) tr Afireengine f)tr.{4-ffisxrdq
,tr safi ,?-ffiq
c)'., Ado o 11
.'."",. ': '-"' *.,,
tr :
<lelfr{ flTfu
d) E e disabled persons vehicle
,..g)'il (s.,T.4,
w ,3V'= ?fi&ef,r, ,q-qi I ...
r,l'. ,,
33, You intendlo-. tuah'ieft';r+he: iiaffic tos. EIftT qrtcf <rafrr+ rrns
Iights. Just before turning
-'.. f*s tr-.ot cxrs rqlrm "I{ Tqcs
, You should' .', '= srf"FffT \!,fug
35.You should reduce your speed when eG. d? rlvr frtx' qfi m Frryrrtqr
driving along this road because sfi afu T{ TI?lT,tfu EmsJ
, ,:= :
i :
Mark two answ€rs
a) E At more itren S0 mPh ,ij n co rroa trfu< rrFI tfuTs
.b|r [ W,ith,' passeng*!-]n'ihe'r:e4r' ]sqats
c) E on Your o*n tr @o oor
fU "-=
d) f] Under the age of l8 years at night ft; ffi''oq q[qf,, r'rfu r!-Tfl-[
e) E On the motorwaY b tr rflmi cqfr<erxco
49.You are driving at 60 mph. As you 8b. \eo qrh {fi5t8 ffi '6rqrrq-{1
approach this hazard you should "-=ot 6 r'. qE SBg
4 E Tiaffic'willnot''need to
Er{ qI
-, 'change Position :
52'. You'aie on,,a:'fiotorway,, .-- a*';'
qlfi's qE\5
You feel tired. You should :
'a-.'s=. -,t&,:'19J
b) ,[ ,Carry on h
'diive slowlry fr;I.ffi.,rrfrrq ,1!!Sr
c) I Complete your journey nr,y fi fCa
a) d t"t"t e iure that you get plenty sii glF nreY fisrry gr<rr<
<FTqI qFFTf,
b) E
of fresh air
Finishing your iourney ft;=-n d = rrfi -',
"' -'' , t'ai, -' - . 1., ,.,
aS vOU ttn ,:;"
= ffi.' '
,." .'-l= -.,:t,:,r'r,:
, ,
.. - .
e;' ff Make'regular'lta.$ for:'-'''''' . ry,ffi,{[9.,, ,.,
'' :- fefies'hments,:,:. r' '- '::'"- .',,, '"' ,fl-rg alTfil-4
d) [l t<eep off the motorways &il m'= .-SBI
' and use countt roads <FTEIT S-{'rA
d) E
Drive home at night, so that
#)'-n' ,<1&'ffi,, v{-r
qtqDefi {Iew q-<-r<
b) .,[f Fina rnothei-touie, this is only- frl 'E'w'wf Elt ffi E-.. [,. gt'aT 'f-
, =.-
'-:.,: :t
:.t i:::::: :.:: :::r,:, t:.:::l
: .,ir' .:-:
ry T-T'N
:,. ''
Mark one"ahsw-er :
Uffi=ffi ,
,,.4<54,1 "
... ,
.. '
farm gates
63.Why should the iunction on the.left se. ' , aQ g7qffi qfl&' $cli
be kept clear? sfrs r+-lr
b) E
and emerge
To allow the,.bus'to, reverse' r'
To allow vehicles to make a U-turn ffint rw:
,s{'m ?l {
'E lo.,- allow-vehicles to park'
-- :. "' ft; n, g.f .elE3
Maikona,ansWFi ., Effi.' -
- '
a) ffStoP and take a brake
b) ,[ S'hout abusi@ langua$€, ,.,-' ".-' fij'fr,-
E,-EfE. rql'(q B,,..$H]'6'-"'
' .T&qr.,r,...,
onatwo"WaY,F.o?d-''';'' ,. , "'
67.You want to turn left at this \99.,.4? qqllxr q]'flft rq.lv
junction. The view of the main road ' f{rc qq<'l {s rlsr srrflsrr< rrcff
.q.lffi. *i fr" *"r*r+r$frPt
is restricted. What should You do?
Mark one aniwer ' " I ,:,' ,': '' .ssfi gs-< Gfirs <-c'
... :..,.
'68. You' ar:e dr,ivingtowards this op,,i
r ,g5 fu<,@ ?r&
,left hand''bend. What dangers .frfiqr.q-{]'
.shonld-tbu be-aware'o{?-, : = ry-E e66',1 qifl-{T-?I gfusr
fu: fi
.)' E,,ii"J;a,.artr',;to.''',
"' ,*;- 61@ flr,E-re-am
.a) Tf Not<rrc af taking'=.' .' .-. '. 'ftj,' . o*qjffiol'{n:,?fi&
.'-:'--'.','E;|Eff,K{i{{",:' .: .:"'
,., ,
''- - : -''''-'':- ..:':- ...., :
72. Why should you be especially oe ",d?'.qF{&,ffi' q $fl srcq ::r: 4i1i.::r::::
cautious when going past this bus? krm re-o errsl sfuo mal iLiii-
dE- -W' F@;T,'fl
Mark two answers ,.. , ,,,.-.,, '
': .. -:
Mark tlvoaniweii' ' ,. *S'GsT.-,SfrE.srq. ,
twolahsweri "
::::r :::: - EAE Csr Gfir'u -+-<n
a) y'i s.op at the next service area tr Twrr< ,Ifu.i .qnrom ermr
;",, -:,,. - -l
78. You have just passed these warning qb. s? qlq 's?
,T6 TD-s
qfu-67 ffi
lights. What hazards would sr<rq{l flT'ffuTs rq-rq {strl-{
you exPect to see next? f{ffi-{ nq?fr-{ err{ <h {6a 6-6-Efl
82.When the traffic lights change bQ" Brfq$=eltBiT<lT E-p E(< sq{
to green, the white car should ' ffI?f $ftsi" l
6.aT Ai <rfir{r
the cYclist
fsr tr rTiac-{-d E-rtriF rffi E-66 {rr m
d) d wri, i"r-tr'etydi ;";"--! ,ffil ..
a) [ lt impr:,oves y..oUi co-ordination ie) i,f].W,'=. .{l(Tr qr<
b) l-l lt increases your awarenesi fr)"[]ffi,wr tF5m'eqr
c) fi tt reauces your concentration
d) E lt speeas up'you-ieactions fia tr q' q6.-Et'fBm rrr
84. Y6u.are plannin$ a':l ong iourhey- Ua" g 3l@
-'Do.y_o'u nee.d$'plan r.e.q1 ops? "'"' ft- g,rtsr 'q.t
,.:=t ii 'i'a:.:.:::, ,r -.
c) E
No, you will U" t"tt tired if you $1. ', E '*T{"Ttrg' Q'F-{'IYry
r@ '
d) [
road users
Checking for traffic in Your fu)'tr
''""''" '"
W ffi*. ,,
86; W.hich TIJREE.are likely to,, mslae :you b'\e fr,ffi c{E ffiry.',, 'Elqffi
lose eoncentiation''whi le driVing?'
qqr{-+,{ effr<t
Tm rc I
A;;- ,q d* eSffi
'... ffi'.ffi'
89,You are driving 6n a ioadyifl1"-:, ; .
sllT.l fsr{
::..::..: 't::::a= ::.:' .::': ,.:::::-.: : i::: :,:::
5'r. qrE
92. The red lights are flashing. iunts.) EET s-fi
What should you do when ,-,, ,qqgE:..qF.< ,a? ma,q "frr$'
approaching this level crossing?
qflE e{g' fr s$'ll{1<,,Gftu?
b) f ,Bicycle r{)LITr{ I
c) f car '. fxr E romr l@
d) fI Motorcycle Ist Li mrrfl{T{rsq
$'' n'Wait'far a lhort time, ,, ,.'' ,='' fsl I fsqsq w6"fs{ oar< "lr r'{
then drive home slowly
'f*u sh**ld *<:t *ver{e.k* ul"ri*ss lt is n*mlly n*e*ssary. Anrivir:g sa{e{y is m*r*
imp*rtant tl"ran tai<"ir:g risks. A"ls* l**lE sut fe:r r*ad sigr:s and rnanl<ings that sh*pur
ii ir iii*gai u,r-w*i:$*.$ l:* xns;l{e t* *vertak*" ln r:rany e&ses *v*r-e*}<ing is xlriiiteiy iu
sign r{irantly i m pr*v* !erurn*y ti n"r*s"
33 ?fryrrq qT q{q * *rcZBa;n ffir tfi}'s ffiI i "4rk f;{-/3l $fq Hi*m"K {Etx
Eqgr"crw.4,rytIqr Sgm,:Tfrry ry<r :tr-enefr ,n fut"tp BT ::q tre m'T
e"w; {ryslTH'er-l ,g'xrxrivrry ;s-IK hzH i$fiqE {rI E{rE]5J }iTW$ sxtr }w$ qTsi{r"K]K
r n6rf*-r fu-er,:rc*l rurfr r
afterwards f*re er
b) [f When you are in a one-way f<l tl {fi ari"rf{ rsrc{I eqn-ers
street STSI$ 'i' ' , '' .',,
c) fi Wnen you are approaching fr'l t {fi' qr"rfq rorril uq"rcffi ft-6s
a iunction srTI-{ E(,tr.T
d) m lf you are tr:avelling'up.a,[ohg::h.ill' lsl tI rfr iq rrn-< frm rrET o-Cr{
e) il Wnun your view ahead is blocked ?r Il n'?ffi nl{ffi ir-a 6qqg 4;5< 4I
This section lacks at the risks whem
dealing witlr vulnenabie rcad users.
xlE]H ry{sFffi srffi wqrr ,s* $I*reTr
rq"qT €cql
The questi$ms will ast< you ahout m f{qrx'' qlsm"rrq, ES ssr qcq'
6 Pedestrlans w srqrF-rfr
ffi CFrildren ffi qlffi'rfr'l
re Elderly drilvsrs ffi EXW FTq*S
W Disahled peoptre ffi qsq' trfu
ry flyclls*s wr q"rftree u'rrys
W $4otnrqreli wmrffirm.e qmsrfr
\ lilriid
\s:g rlsi
I. You are'rever:sihg.afouild,i cor:ner.
-5,,-,' 'fire,.M,,s. ,l,w"ffr
when you notice a pedestrian walking
,,, b-ehind'you",What should,,you,doi - -
..,-, ,94-q,tr.
"feffi q-f"RK fiqi{
. ,i,.: '
, 1; : "' .': ,,, ,,,, 'lF@t..,fr: s'rr- +"r+rr. tfrgr
a) f
dffi,fu:''6fu'T*.r ,,
$ 1 tr qfu +r'
Slow down anJ wave the
pedestiian ,..os r TTl .{<( nq6-{ffi
b) tr Co ue ieversing and steer .',,,, =,' ffi, ,,q![Ei ffi ,
Mark oh nswei:
,. .''l-, ,, '- ,
qTfr \Esr fufus Ts{
a) 5 Sound your horn to warn them of
your Presence
.q) tr Fi <Ieifg !m1;r6 g"fffi
6Tr{Gr rk-rT
b) Fi B" patient and prepared foi them frt tr ?n{ ro s<( srcr-< flfi5f6gr
fu.).",p.''*' ,, .,,
as possible (€sBrrtr?"s Tr{) F6tr' Tr€{r
'5.. ,Wly ihoutOgu alto*,eiu.a'ra;-A . r. 'ffi'
' . when 6vertak|,1rg-i,n,otoi*t t--,..
ona windy,day'" :-,,,.:.1-.':','1.,.
'" "€ ffi,
r<Fr onn [Ers rE-qI v,fro ro-q?
Mark one answer
a) f
iffi"T"" ,'
a side road. Just before turning rern nvtr qrlir :q-{v $rfCETI
you should
E{lV (Brs strror or"nm Gfre
Mark one answer q<58 i?,v'I 6fu.s E-#T
a) f adjust your interior mirror .q) Efu-{< sqTn fr-flrrr
b)' t]-flash iour: headl-mpi'.-'',,.,,
frt rqsrq"r,er E'n <qn
c) f] steer over to the left fr).E',qF, &C-s:,ffi .TrIr{I
d) E check for traffic overtaking on is) tr u'rq ft-s fr-cr {I{'TrE{ qr"l;ffi-s
sqrT]rF-{, 4-f,6tr ut q"sl rr?rT
approaching a roundabout.
you'sh6'uldrexpd,tne r.idef:to -=- ,89*to
i,.,. I,"" -..,.. ,
fr;'tr'i3lrq :Eys.,.,fq;-6fi-
pedestr.iani across,., ':',r,;ffi?|l?..
= ,.<EII
c) E Speed up und pass by quickly.
5"'ffi" qqm.r6_t ErE qlsrl
d) LJ Drive on unless the fsl tr teffirf p-li 4. qT
pedesffiahs=step out "rTIqrLT{
<rsrrfl Drf, $gTI
I l. You see a horse rider as you bb. iltg.g<rm qI€TI:r
approach a roundabout. They are "rrE ,sr-6-{
signalling right but keeping well
=iurr-Erom r'.qrtr{i rry srqiE-a{
Tqr$s frre. frtr {rqf il{-
to the left. You should Ir{ E]rS-TE I 3IT'FTK GfuE "nrt
3IlTrr-i? ,
', frrs
"f fmfa ttfn
€tBf,D-{t s<rq?
Mark one answer crqfr EE-< fu Epq
aroun'O fretpi them,. - fti, 'ry:qqE g..w "''
__ balance as they turn
r rq.q(E.
d) p fney need to chect for traffic ^
fs; E umrg E.E< enorr-+<
<-6IT' Tl?rre "Irr{
, in.their blind 6rea.,. ., '.'.,.... ,. . ', rq-q-rc ES
16. Whar does this sign tell you?
b\9.. ',da,,rm'q.r"rnrq A Erryz
Mark one an$r.-.-r-- ..,- .t -=-,,' qTiE WT IEr+g SiFT
-r'l :-::
.: , . ,','': '
4,'..fi ,atwayi =*;it'ta. :gne-nfghi .ir; tr E-Gr-re umiB TTI{ qffrl T{ :T:I$
- before proceeding I-{w <IfuT qqT qreFFr S-{I
b). fr Giv,e *,ayto.iny,fiaoertihn nu,,, f<t tr "nrr"nr-g rsrtr{T
?rcrFrfi- Elrr-ffi
srm-{rs qrra r{N m'TI
c) [ wait for ihe red-and-amber light fal tr ETcg qrrg s-<m qra qlq
d) fl
before procieding "',', R"ru rT&-T,,fi ,q-5e1qp E-gy
Signat the pedestrian to cross fuj fl== ",EE5ffi6q
r(csg o-<r
18. Which sign means that
there may
be people walking along the r.ouj?
5p. ftq5 f+q trfos- q?t f{ TrsK
B"rE frcq ffi €l.0r\; ;;;'
Mark one answer qffil' ;q*q
n {)., E
b) E^ A, a playground entiance
c) O O" a school bus 7, E r-oqi-ia'm Ercfi z1-rd.r etrsr
d) f At a' tpedestrian only',aiea 14) tr mlt-{r qa <rra
fol tr '${ "letbrfi, gqtsTg
22. Ycu want tor f€\rerie,into- a sidd road
You are not suie that the area behind
{p.. ft.61. qtiqrrr' &Fr{ orn
?Fi-{ Trgrs EFrc EFil Tris<
. y.our ,car -is:'clear, - " ' .r- ,. ,. .,, fu, 'fr.att5gpfr,
What should you do? q-Tr fu TTI ql?r{tr gTi\ar
Mark on" rnr*"r .qffi kl .!BF-T :
a) f
Sound your horn to alert € ) tr Tlvr <iaEr+ri* wrr{-r(q-Tr{
other road users ,,, =t T,g6 wr{. 6aT Ef T|gnT{
b) f] Stopto allow.,children to cross, frt tr <16-16?-3 "rrr"l|-LT{ 6-{i {H,ffir
c) fr You must nor wait or park frl.n ,q? Ftle{T ,O"rrT ,q-flTQ rqrcx
,,,- :..,: qr"lTl ql,,{!& ?lrt T-fffi{.qI
d) tr Youlrnuit',not driV_6 ove'r .,., . , &'|tr ?' 0" .=frG ET{IA
these lines - Tnv EI"IT(<:I qI
32. Ahead of you there is a moving ea. qleFrr{ fNc, uqY j.R ,n&Ts
vehicle with i flashing imber beacon. e-qn rEft<; <IG EE-qT e-{rrEt
Thii meani it is temqcfrqbrrrn5ffi
. :t=t'.,-..,. r
r:== r:=:i'iitr : .,, .,, ...rr,,- i ,:,,
l'"'. .: '""'''..' -'
Mark onC'';; ei"-,,t'- .'. ' .{Tfr Ggr ffis s<rd
q f stow moving ..q) tr qrffi Eq-g
b) tr gr.oka'd6wn ',,
i<l n wrsrwr
c) Il A doctor's car fqi D sr-fir uteT(-<r
d) tr A sihool crossing patrol fu)'n"u,@+a,qfiq .6 '-
33.You are following a motor.t;k.
on an uneven road. you should
egr .TIVIT ffi+-c Dl-4$-ad
wF-*"r T-frETl sII9I;lI{ VrfD\5
MTTrc "ll$
d) E Wru" the. u.ioss so they t no* ful tr .q_qt'
t rmr s-qt r$[
that you've seen them
srorfl $rtE elrr{ rT E]-6v.<m
36.,Motorclclists should. Wear.:,t .,
ou. '
" -'flfrsn'.q1r.,, 'utr sqr{ r,*";'
bright clothing rnainly U*iu;e GEE
Mark on{ansurer
a; 'n trr.y *uri ao...uy uw
b) [ l hetps teep ihern,<aot tr vi qrt{s qrTt a-rfu
:) E
in summer
;<, e; umle- a=rq-orrq Trg.r
cirs-re TEIltsr T-c{
ryhe colours are popular I{) tr .ei <-refi 6T[AT
d) [[ 'see
Drivers often do not
them, ' =' ' -.,-,=','iffi;$';r+.:... ,
,.,. .,, ..:,, ,
37; ln daytighq
ifproiini4, '-. O4l ' i ,qrrr"
motorcyclis is,usingiaifped .ll i',t., . i.
. headlight.Why?, ' ,,...., - , ;
fwm?D <I{aK s-rce-l gI rs-{?
Mark one answer
a) il S" rhe rider can be seen A.q5p.n:'
more easily
€I fl.€na" r glcalfrr+
EIt-{l T-qr6 m<|t qlcr :
! lb stop- rhe. battery over:chaiging- F, tr_rrFrfr rffi-ffi,r"M qf,,qs
c) trfo impr: rhe'ridef,s,iision
d) E tfre rider ii F, tr qir<le-r tfic-rn-u-<-or ry* '
to proceed
inviting you fuj tr -EE q1rTr{ ffii l
39,:You'are dazzl 6v-a, nilte, s) Trlt rcrr fnb-a{-{ T .fu{ ql+tr-ry
' behln i,ou. Y.ou=ihould ' - r- ''
, " , E$qTK fnfet <r4,ryf66l !fi"Flm GfDg
u :: rt-',,.- '. i
,tr', -;.-:..::::. .,i..: ,,.. ,-. l,l
Mark one answer
a) E S*'ittfr,pur rear lights
€eG GE" fufus rsr
' '
e1-'D' .,,ffi' ",,' ,l
.'. Onand'Off:ri ,l-.:
b) E S"t your mirror to dazzle
'' ':' ,..',-,:,'
,,-.,-,-,. €'fui .
'") one answer
' ioie*;l ofi:.' " ,"-
€sffi s-s{ Bfus
g) n
<mnq-<zo "rrrr"n< o-rm
,' . ,- -.-..'
.croS'Sing :i -'.i
., , ttga'.,: '
b) [
c) f,
Teachei's ac."s. to the school q}=E- .=
Delivery vehicle's access to
the school
frl,n -r @]'nru Tc-,q
Trd.[ s-{tT
d) E Emergenry vehicle,s access ro
fu; tr 6-f-fi zrr-rsrmr ,r& Tffi
'the school .
3-C<',{ S-f,(s
€T,eW@s-Wr , ,
3i !
b] E Io, may park if you are a teacher
€) ! ry em -,s-{{s 1lr-fiq
P tr rr qF- ffi'e,f qn*- qr
Sound your horn before parking
c) E When par:kihg r*.-fl#;il"
warning lights
- Tq) tr Tcr;r fffi rr-{ affir6
<RIr3E u<rd
d) $ You -ui, not wait or park _ e$Fi(
rs) L] €cr6{-s'cHe
"rrffi- qrersl qaKI Trfoi
youi vehicle here ., -.. ,.:ffi_
q_61 n1.
57. You should NEVER .o
'.: :'.',r' c'q. .qT-6-{ TrtT-4 Dr4-sm esr<-rFto
over"takea'cyctiit "*"rnp,
' "
r-_s-tT 3s-r-s r{{r
,.,$fu +s
Mark one answer qTG GgT ffig Tfi{
a) E On a dual carriageway {,
b) E On an one *ry rt.""i tr rorC-* WTE qirkwerms
c) l"l-On,a left,hahd,,bend '' ' l<) tr rsr6{r €TFr-srr rmm
d) S Just before you turn left ful tr, euf qsts_ qrr+
58.You are driving past a line of p"*"a
cars, You notite a billEunCinE oot
CU. fifu'w "fl-d T-<T rfl&T "fl.r frTT
into the road ahead.
ffi urqrrq-{l .qsfr {q <TgEr
What'ihould you do?,,
-.-,..,." ', dil{,,-? ,',ffi'<;6a ,6 U*,
" =. w"ril-< ofrrer
b) En Slow down and be prepared to f<r E qfu o{- s-{T (l<( <rFrctr-< 6-{T
,,. stop for"rchildr"en. - . ,.- ' :." .- ram' rtrs rgs .IrsT
c) E Continue driving at the same frrtr )Tfl{ af,src Tifo ETfq[s {Tsrr
speed and flash your head lights
d) E Stop and wave the children - fu)'E-'-*'.8m.',gtr'g1<,,,'?fl&
across to fetch their ball Tr6r[r-<r6s qE Elr<r +-rr
59. The road our side this,.i;J;
marked by yellow zigzag lines.
cb. .q? TrET flfrrr.T C*
What do this lines rnean? cqq efrEriror qrQr'lstr
rk-$r r-cnFl
oi arqaqfi'* srei fu
'gffi,.ffi. .TTT
4 [ You may pirkon:the-lines When 'rq). E'W .'G"ru. fiq17T11 ]1qm.
r , dr:oppingoff,sehoo[ childreh . ' : ,-, ::...
b) f You may park on the lines when
' frlfi : rffi ii'
T.<',fg qfftq;
Tfu< srcu Ers[E q6{
up to a rorrndaboui. $o,'orrffi-
:" . ffiqq,:
' l q$wq
ey,ilist is.ii$nalling-tot turih';i[ht.t]
-_ , fqV f,{,Tf{
What'should f.ou
b)-'E-,Gr" i horn warnin! fr.r E e{= TifuTT TET T-Tt.
a),,'N.Gite'tr; ;;. ,pi of aoo; frt trnTarsE Erq?Frs qr*rB oTsrrr cr-nT
d) E Signal the cyctist fg) D=T,rT-TI,\?TF', qT
'' : . t6''trlove'adross -.r .,, .,. .,-q(-'
6l . You .fottoWing:'tw y-tisis. - '. sb. EQQ mamo' Erdrr-s-q f"ruf+ rnfo
They approach a-rounJ"tou, in the DTFrrcerI " e.T-s-<.ffi'
, le -ha66,.1j11'[:16Whieh], .ti ,. {m <rss'q<nB(E qgqT qrE t sreTTr
should you expect the cyclists to go?
t:6.r{. firs' Trr{ Trd {rfirr 6_{F.i?
-.,=':= .r:,,t"'._ t, ::,
..q$-fi,"' _t.rt' :GF-T
Markone'answei'.-' .'',, ,','t r"'='"
a) f, Straight ahead
,u) trrx -rqf rTrrrfi[-:,, ,,', ', '.]' ,,.-r
62.You are,about-to. reverse ,rr"
ffi \er,,Fy{ ffi . qEml
road, A'pedestr.ian wishes to'ciosi
behind you. you.ihaut;',.- ' , : ... ,'
' "d 4. -q1.gl "rf+ ,eb, ulrr,
..' -.,,,9 I1I]{ 'Gfrg ., .
E?ir qTRTr< io o-n GfmEt ll
'd .@
::: ] :. : .. .
a) E !top, then move slowly iorward qlry,qIre qAT{
until y.ou have a cleaf view 'u)"5, '
, 1,. -,, 1'-' . ' ,,,,
Mark one answer .'gTff Tffi
a) E The cyclist might have,to make 'q) ''E] ,urarrer grd &Is
a curn right :,, .,., ,.-,' _,E(E,,Efu ?lL(T. ,
b) I The cyclist might get of the bike frt tr 6a apQ56-q rq(T qFr6u "rrm
c) I The cyclist might change lanes
d) fi The cyclisr might swerye fur E rry q'rs-Cdrs rr[s "trr*
43. You are tur.ning lei, r."rn';Tffiffi 8e. ry-qry1r.Ecq qr{..@' <lvm
into a side road. people
,l.""df t:rq
crossing the road into which
turning. You should
,' silnfr ffi
,--',=,r: 1'g-. ,,q S tfrV
plenty of room
fr; tr afu<r r+TC{r o-siti foa :ra.
_ fs-s qrqy 6rrr[ S* r;T*
d) E Ut" your horn iust once -
rs) L_J srrr_<r-+, q-srsg a-<rr 6i{r
to warn them
''--"'-'I5 'g 'Q!i-:. "- l
b) [ Deaf onty
frt tr r$-{FT <fffi
c) [l Physically disabled
a) fr Deaf ,nj Btira P p'.int
,Ffr" *- ,q (disabte)
q6,,'Emr- ,, ,. , ,
There are horses juit ahead of you.
You should ,,..r,, p' , @T -"r11,f
Mark two answers
1) E Be pr:ep?red to Stop
b) f Treat them'like any other.v.hicl
€) trllffiT"ffi 3ss- qp6;
.] E Give,them'plenry of room fr) tr srqT 3rerir {'mf ErD--<-{ s-rr
Fl D gtqE1rE mt 6r{fl,rtrry &-.fl
:::.: -
. .,q=-Q@, .,i,,-,.,,-
..:,: .-.- i, I
,' , 'Q51'q7qi?,,,.,
a) N Motorcycles ffi.gsr..ffip,,qr-q.
b) tr Tractors ;., I ,.nrun.ri@fET g7-{1
c) N Bicycles ^,, I cBEiTffi @-{I
.i) tr Road-sweeping vehicles fu):,E'T.lv|' T3tT rt&--{,@TI
52.There ii't stow:rnovi;g ;;i; ffi cQ. ql"i;ri-< II{F
qrcg E-N ss.B
ahead of yo-u. you r.e *r,rsuie,wh;;h;
rider is going to do. you should
qrr+rftr rry fs sr6{
Er i{f.Es T{l qr"l;rK gfre
Mark one ans\ryer
a) E Pass on the left
'E Sfuq {-TT
b) gj mr* um rrsrr
! Pass on the right
c) F Stay behind
,fr)iD'' fr+ ure {fsfi
d) tr Move closer
fu,),8'ffi- 'qpTI ,
.. ::.i .'..::
s<n '
,frirq{ ,rT(h+
:reverse y6Ur,.car?' ,.=, ,
e,,9{13:- ffi,, p1-6:? ,
''i..,t',. -,
:,.. ' ,.',.-.1..;''',,: ,r:, .l
q<fi \?,8-T ftfu qpq
a) t Moped riders can use it € ) E rrrflg Drtro'€ lsl rKEtK qrs
b) tr lt is control by a traffic warden fr, E gT oirta- €Trrwr um frTF#
c) q- [ is io'nrrbt uv'
'riasrrfig'iitht, iq; tr or ffi prFrs, <rfu nmr ffi,o
d) E Cyelisti cin ,us€,.,ir.=.: ,.,,, . . :,- fu; E ryA-{-f, Errys€ sr <FrErir
s-f6u "lrm
66. You are at a road j*g,1",f,ffi gg. rsrfiI q(Tfi <-s TlvI rEr+- rErB
into a minor road. There aret' . '
pede@nq aCiossing, the.minor 3r9lT,-!Ttr- fifqTl "rsllr'fi-r ,i
road. You should
mi -<,-,Vi ?uR E(q €{EFfqllf
Q.l"l'{l3t , ': :..
,&ffi-ry.@'T,F,.q.. .. ''
-, ,
Maik,oha ans*er t'-,
a) .fi Reduce,sp until'you are €) E .s? -qqrfi rEro. EF ql =nexr
' ' ,.clear"'of,the,area., .,: ,
',.-,... -r'.@.',.! 1,, ?ff '':.. . -:. ,,
b) [ Keep rp yow speed and fr; E arfu a<r-< TT{T €<( Fi <TfuTs
a) E ey, irL*S fr"tl.r trutning "' ,4), El 'prml 6ffi Fiwt f{17
b) E gy always sraying close to the f<l tr T{ TTrn, lrqrfir rFr-<'t"5f,{ir
vehicle in front
c) E By neVer driving over 40 mph. l '8o 1<ft TI fifr-67
d) E By stayihg-only rin.'the,leffi and &t D ,uq=fl:v
':., lahC.on all ,oads :i::
.., ,' , ,
72.At.some traffic lights there are qe. ioo- {<{rs Erfu-s qTffi tser arffi
advance stop lines and a marked area. ',, , dT{.'rr?t Cml .fs'q
,94ffi' fS-{?
, : ,r. --,-.
Mark one answer
a) B To allow cyclists to position in ,€).ffTffi1 s66.-:"*qsq
', ,,={ffi{ ql{c{"q1-ql{ m$ril w-{I
b),,, fl. :lb':let,pedestrians cq,oss whe'n'1he *''6''frffiffi flFgT. {lF "rc{
lights change "-' 1Nfl tffi"r13'T-{1q girT
c) E To pi"u"nt traffic from jumping Al =fi n rrrfl UrfuT'flffi Grq rrwflE{
5ra qI q1T g;t {5H 4-f,6\5
d) E To let passengers get off a bus fu)'tl' r3lrq qrsl <T{''rel(T
which is queuing , ,, ,, .,..,' 'fT{'T'I'{frc
73.You are dr.iving past par:ked',carsi
You notice a wheel of bicycle stiCking
ffi''ffi" frf{ flfu
l,,,fr{gqT ,gSE
out between them. Em rr&eqi{ Trs tqTs r<f{rs
sn:ryce't w"ffiT fO O-Ar BBgZ
Mark one answer qsffi Bg.T frfug TsT
a) E Accelerate past quickly and Gi'n- = '
,fi(. ?rfu q&r*
' .,.,r'', g .um TI€TI :
b) E Slow,down and *ave the .,,,,.. fr; il'ffi,'rq q.G ets fu $Lr
' ,, ,'tqy€list',,aer.o.ss--r.'.,, .,, l.-l -i-:
74.Where would you see this sign? Q8, q?' fu$ fq.fqllg.fqqru flIr{?
b) E Us" your right hand mirror fql tl sFr nrfirr EnrFrT TRr rr<[
more ofien rE?nE ersr
c) E Speed up to ger past the fiii.,_E ;{B . , q'tffi{
road works quicker "'-='.g@ry5 gTr< w-{i Afu <V!FI-
d) E Position close to the left tr
fsl TtvK a1q arcTr f+-{T-q r{rs
hand keib :' 'Fr{€11{'',TJe$
76" At'night ytu' see a*dest*ian weaii ng rffixE [.r ,nlffi
"reflective,,Clothihg'ind cairying
'brilht red.light W,nat does this * ==*ry ffisqr rflnrrs' s<(
ffre qrq
l.What does this sign mean? bi 'a? F6F-{' qsf f+?
Mark one answer .qr6 €g,{ GF.s r-fi{
a) E Contraflow pedal cycle lane .q) tr fr"lfrETqT :fler+-{ (F'=I
b) E Wittr-ttow pedal cycle lane fu tr sqa frm at?r+-{ m?-q
c) E Pedal cycles and buses only ftl tr rr-<"T Trrs-{ g<ril
d) E Xto pedal cycles or buses isl tr Trars-a <T <rT u-ql iTcrt
This s*ctiem E*oks at t$re risfiEs wi:en slg *tftfffiTq HffiTt{1"qffrqretq-{ ETTfl
dealing wittr differ*mt types clf ve*tie !e ETE-6[-{W WqT ffiffi ffi.I
The qu*stions wlll asfi( y*n ahcut {q fE,{fff q1"ffi.ffi ff$ ry.Ky a-rq
ffi ';l
Lmrrfres rlttiiiiiiil ffiqryw"
ffiaxses .-l:,
1.t::_:s$.t qmryruF
w J
I . You are waitihg'io,erne6'teft.'fr:om' s .qTgrK@' qf,ns,lT
<ff'frrT q1@
"a,mlhoi'l.oad,rA: la@ vehicld is=''- 6-fl
approaching from the right.
--.=' 6 woffi'fltfuqrryrql
YOu-have'tirne'to,,, rn,'',r ''....r' . . ..: , . Hlg (J{1.3 T(sT" ErlJ[."SIp; g{ g
but.you ihould walt. why?" ' : ': -, , ,
.:,,:, :,::
T-{i glu\s fs-{?
2. You are driving along this road. e... d? 6.lY;1,''ffi.' uf, l '
c) E Move to the right hand side fti'E ?trf{ '
5-F qIgTI
,61fl ;ffi's{,.'<F-<I., &q( r.3Eq''{lgTr{
0 ,n',Sl;* d :'ahd'ba",prePaied
:rsfu rasr
to wait
As a driver: why should you, be rnoie
.=''4ffi ffi'D,re p.Effi sFW.,
careful Where trams. operate?
:i ffi 6AnJ
I I "'
M"iL t*rt iisrr"", ,' ilffi
r)- a, watch carerulif for pedestrians' 'Aj"'n,'a e-m' qERf 'afl:atl
f], Pull in closely,b ind th.e bus
b)'.' i<i tr <rcqr sF?nc-T f"ru'rq' en'{-r
c) D g" ready to give way ro the bus fql tr <rliro Drm r{cg fq[s M an-$T
d) f] Accelerate past the bus fs; tr Fi ff6?rr erfu qfuq srr+
qfu-sq rfir ErF{ qrgrr
'6: You'are following a long loL.ry" , \9. q$ €sIF ry{rF. WflT.i T-{'6E;ll
The driver signals to turn left wa-+ ,esffi Ts flsm rI]g
,rryQ r{rss frq l ,,
d) [l Signal left and wave the buson fsl tr THfrro r(rss firT .q<( Erf,
," ,.'"=t"'6fl ' M,' s-tT
'l l.lt is very windf,You are.,about to bb, , l EiI .'|q$ffi ffilBT
overtake a motorcyclist. ',.',.' €vErBQT .s-Tmr|
You sfrouli qITry gqY
Mark one answer .ssB ,fu'T frfrs +sq
a) [ Overtake slowly ,sl tr ,rlfu, S,(Er-q'''*=1i16fu:n-{I
b) E] Allow exrra room frl tr r<Fr wrran rwv rn€xl
c) E Sound your horn fn tr ei qrqrcfl
d) [ Keep close as you pass ful-tl TtH-tT.G qr$:-sv E{I
I2. You are -about to,overtike a bt. qr(s Dq\r qrfr r{l-r<Trar6-fl
slow-moving motorcyclist.
Y 'eq t
o*m = :.,::,::
d) tr fo offer other drivers a safe gap ful tr wrrtT Er"rrrr( u-qT ft-flar drs
i{th,ey want to overtake you , 'r.' <I{T qfr'srq'KT"€ TL,T
13. ln lrolt,of you is a class 3 power,€d' bg.3rI'nK nl.{r{ ssfr \9t rffu
:, vehicle:(powered wheelchair) driven ffiw- qrfirgr frqrfuT EAE
by a disibled person. These ,"hi.l"t (b-$K) {I r$',rrfl tq vfw E]?rrctr-{
have a maximum speed of sQ rr+<rq.ca-{ Trirw. flfilfrqr erry
,-,.. , ,
Tnr{ -
Mark one answer ,sqfr M-fi,
''.$ ffi'.swfi slT.{=?EP qsx :
,E1\e'-'qI 3-<T
d). E,Do not 6Vertake,whcn:at or fu) tr-.qqE{ siqlm.{ filrE q$xq eerl
approaching a junction "" ', f,..ql-T €vr{rBts, TI T-{I
2 l . You are dr.iving ih-heavy traffic - ,: ab.{< rrrfi[t fuqr <xrm ofifo wflP-{t
on a.w'et road. Spray,makes it' 5"q.-iF6iT ffiIII T5K TTA qlfiI{
. difficult to-,be seen. You should rnlg =rTt<n Erur
frqrc Elrqi-<
''' use Your ,. .,i
Mark-twdanswers. : i
a) 5 futt headlights
.i,, ffi--ffiGffi'q*,..r
Gl:tr' ''' r-.,,",, 'i., ,
,.:::::::r:.:::1 r:ir:; := j
22.Yau aie tollowjng,alargb lonqy, oh i-: T{rrH, Es.-q$6
d Wet road. Spray makes it .. '
'''- of ' 1., qm.ff"rftrs,
difficult to see. ., _?t tET.eE ffi'.31F !trrfr{I E[-tr|
You should 'qf?ffi"
Mark.one:ansll/er :, .qffi.,ffi,@v.o-*q
a) [ Follow the same course s) tr q-{T rr r?Frr {r6E rr
as the lorry a-ax {I€TI
b) E Overtake on the left fr),.,E, .lg fu
c) E Sound your horn tr
fal e{ <rwrr*
d) E K"up weil back ftr; tr {rerr f"rurr rrr< errql
26. You are iowing
.. "
.ur"rrn. d$. !,rr .oofr,, rfirq frce_-qr
Whiah.isth,ed EFe"ur..e il; faE-{ fq-s C?-<tB 6qi mI{ 3_flr*
" 9:lTT[-.'ffiql*-qtr1, ffi'Fl-eJ."fq?
b) D
F, tr
Extended-arm side mirrors. TIECT 1vr Eisq qrflrmi sfl]Hr
c) f] Ordinary doo. mirrors.
tr arffi+ ryL< qrqT
,fuJ.=E-''rrtffi' -q'r$$ ,
27.You are following a long vehicle. aq. 4{I .gT,ffi rflfuCff TIIr-{.f o-{rE-{l
It approaches a crossroads and
rry srfr 6T r<rfsr frfo :rfry<
signals left, but moves out to the q(q ,sq( ENfrrr- {(rsE frrtr' rss
right. You should srq frm q'L< qt:rrq I qI"nK 6fu\I
Yhe que$tisns wiil as${ )dor.E afu*u* rq frry{x' €rr"&"ffire- 3m ryWr ffi
ffi Weather conditions
*.W wrqffsH'rs q.q,ryr
ffi Road conditions smm qwl
ffi The time of day
,ffi eFrc qE*"
m fi*5^^d
-.: :,.,,....--.
...--,"rffi ?ilB
h- -.i ;-M$rc ffi.$#ffi
)r*,ffiffi ffiNWffi
ffi ffiffiffiffi#
I . .,You are oh:..a:roadlwhich -,
speed humps. A driver in front
.' b. rilE maT, Ersf EIATG.T T6TrE
q:w €sm ngr{, ET6Eql-TNr{T
is travelling slower than you.
."'",'[!!!$'. trf.1!qf3f.'(E(,X'..,ffi'. {kg ?fi&
You should
"' - ,!.. Try " .,.i'., '
Mark one answer
a) ,E' Sound.your horn . ,.- ,,.,
' ffiru;.
b) tr
s) tr Et <rsr6{r
F, - T<E-g< v-igrur$1 sspE5ffi6 E-s1
Overtake as soon as you can
c) tr Flash your headlights fr.r tr Eryq1e-.nry *rr s:ilr
d) A Slow down and stay behind fu; tr rifu +q r-<l {<( fqEr{ ensr
2. You are driving with your front fog
4.".. ,s6 q:]W'(qrq ITf?t fl&
lights switched on. Earlier fog has
now cleared. What should you do? , , ElF:EqrL qlTrf{ q$1I ffi5-rr EIT
rrrcgl fo +-rr wfirm Gfusz
4. iYou,afe dr.iVing on'the'motor.way'in
windy conditions. When passing
high-sided vehicles you should
". atrB-<errrg Trfo
l'..sr. ,fl&cs,fum
',",':'='@EI€,,.,38,. eil?ffld .WE
M"tkarrr"';n - ' ''"r:- ''"'I -."' -'
=,rr;tt., ..-.1.-,..' ,. a tt, .. : :j- i
.q<fi_Cg'r fufus
4 n lncrease your: speed ".. ' -,,,.., g),,E"ttfr' FF{
b) S ,Be wary of i sudden.gurt :. . . . fr;..fi'' .:,q6Krq"sl
'-r.. , ,.
a)'"f]'Onlvtur.n.them on in h.eavy, , ' € r tr r+<q' r<Fr fiqrrFr ryrrrr
...iil- '.traffii':eortditions- 1.,. r,. .,: - : '-:: gr qrdnF'i
b) [ Remember not to use them i<i tr r+rDrerrcs sr rffiqm
on motorways qI T-TCE Tfr{ TI{I
.), E.
on[-use,*ienr._on dGf ,
" . frr tr ut qra WTq trrkwerns sr
:.: :::::..:,:3tr3q1-6':'6[f .: .
d)- l'5..'Remem.Gaio switih ihe* off as
. ,. viSibilrqy irnpr:oves '' ',, , .
fol [I, vrnr :e? Er <s
,,.-ffifrei:{{ol'T'Ieltf I
6.''Whdn snoW'is ii$,.hea1ily. .,,, U. 'T{=II., ,, VEE..q{K-Tlq E-fE
you should :'.
"' -'.:g1fd. ![I?nTg' *,fu...
':': ':-.;,:;
-' .
,Maikone answei-. -':,.'=
,,. .,.,__ 1,,.:.:,. :, '
a) E.onb{ aiive*iin Tour'nruiia A)' '8" P-,,, '' ,(Tf+
lights on
b) [ Noi drive unless you have
ffi urorrar
frt tr rqr<rEq FTr rT ?nrref rre
a mobile phone qT Drdnafr
c) l-l Onty drive when your ftl tr \5{ s<l;lP ffi werrc+r q?H
' - ':,journey .is ,s.hort-,',...,.- ': ,.. .. 1 rfrt. eeI {I
d)', ln,,'Not'dr.ive unlesit'i iisEntial; fsi tr 3rgtt?frs il q[E rnfo qr ErFTrGr
7 . Wiy are'vehitlesi*ea'*ittr'',. q. vrr+rEqefrns P&r;K Trr arr?Bq'
rear fog lights? ermr-* enrs, (-Tq?
fr'gqq gH efrr<
c) E Fuel consumption will be higher frr E @ sT Er{
rr"r:Ear grefffE
d) U lt puts more wear and tear on fu,r tr Dr$r< Tr Ek € sfrgwT
e) E
the tyrei
lt damages the engine
rw qrr{
€.r tr ?f,fr qs qcr qrr{
10. Why is travelling in:n6utral for bo.
, 6gF1 qd "Eig
long,distances (knoWh as toasting) rrt& umrry c-rtB< rrffi {r
wrong? gE
"rkGsl r+a?
Mark one answer ..qsfi'ffi ffi -*" ::
a) E lt,will cause the caitd s[;6 .,, $t tr E"r6s erifu fq-s q-rrq
b) There. is no,enginb Urrkini
f, frl E ?l,pr+* Efsr<rt s:lrrr erc-{ TI
c) E tt witt mike th,e,e ine,till , ,. fqt tr €q-re if,qq <'s' qm {rr{
d). D theiengine Will .ln-'iaster.='=",,.- fg) tr ifira gs DEr{
I I . You are overtaking a car at night. t ,,, ,,, -b
, Yor-r musiibe=sure thatr.', ,:,,,', -.. r, '' "'- ' ' ' qE, qrr rq
'Mark one answei ' ,, -'. qsB sg'{ 6fus rsr
a) E You have swirched your lights to 6r) tr esmrFt+ Tsrr{ qrrr arreT
,', futf'bearn.,befoie.,fgsrtaking ' 'gl.16q'
-ERB-- "1-6-ql', '
b) f, You select a higher gear fu tr dE fflrm f{F s-6-{ra-{
c) E You flash your-h"roilghit frt tr €sKrFQm r-flT qrrr
rau qE{ TTr 6-LTrE-{
'r -,
" .,,bef6_f€ OVeftaking,':'.,,,.:,'''=, "'"
4 0.'|;;ay*=te'otheil-' == fuj-E'qqT' rrir{ rr{
qT 4"Irit-{'
l,2.Ypu r.rn i'moto.,r"iy *iEfu.n re.,ffi
Which iights sfioulU 'oh? ,- r1e q-rctr
y-.ou l ..
..gffi ..
r1 ,..:
: '"
r qTfiT-q GGE :
:i ::: .:::.:.::
Mark'one Cnswer
a) E Pull oown. sun visor
bJ, tr. S*iteh.on your., main beam lights
,9)'.n ' * '
25. You:,are''drriving down. a,,.steep hill.,' rc. f,Tq BrtrRI lqc{ tI@ 6qr6w{'l
nqr TIE mru 6l?rrm 'qq<I
Why could keeping the clutdh down r<Fr
' ''or..iollihg in,-neutral fol too lo.ng' ,,':' f{-srrf, r.qrq tre Erm'm
aingli"rrl :- '-, : sr r{er6Ts rfin
. ue
Mark one'answer
a) fl Fuel spillage will occur u,)'fl'{ -ffi "fws'nms <{c-T'
'b) 'tr Engine damrg. *aY be caused -fi]''E=@(*u< ''sq q{T"l
c)-, n' You will'have less steering and
4!T IE<
d) E lt wlll weir ryres out quicklY fu tr uvlvntl BrsK s-{ Er<
27.i-oaare tr:avetling,i;r qy'heavy'dh. eq. {{ gB+ x-cqi or& {-ffi
' ti eels"- fltfs Emlmr T{g
"Youi-overifl' stopping "-t{
.,t"',.lik'elytto.be='--, ". ; ::t;:'r':''' I .'-.r,i
q[g, "ffCT
:::' i' '
.: ,. ,. .1:, ,,.' '',,
Maik,,oneanswer -
,soG ue1 GFrs rffi
a)' ,f,1 ,Doubl€' - .qi E frq.f
tr qr{-{
b), tr Flalved r ,,:. .. . ::.: .. , .' f<t
c),',E "Up' to,ten,times'€ratei -'''' fu [ E-.ta€i "6s r<fr
'd), 'E,,'No aiffeaerrt r, ful tr rsrr{I Trtqor ra-q
28.Which FOUR of the following maY
- -s', , . 4r" frfry{
i ; i. ,
apply when dealing with this hazard? ,,,, QIF?
-'' '-,
'4 , : .,.<F--g*
Mark one,answ€F; '-' " "r '''
..'.': , _
.sffi,.,@ Fq
Mark one answer
u)' ,C ln cxi'it ,top, sudJenly s) E qfr rn' Ebrq rqrcq {'m
b)'fi. ln case:jt'changes .,.- . ftt,fltffimebts @ l
d) E ln case its brake lights dazzle you. ,fu).'E',ffi.,ffi ;3f6 qt? .BT 51?f <rf,ql{
34'.Y.ou have=been driviry'in thick fog \98. q'{', SFTK {fi]', t{fr urfarqrqqt
s,t" ,qfi "Ifr?ffK q6{ rflcE'i
You must switch OFF your
,',,,,,* .,f?pff*.Srr -
.Fear'fog lights-becauSe,.r : ' .., " ::
<T TC{ irre ar< <mq
'.:i:::::'::::. -:::::.. l:i:=. :
switched on unleis
-,,=., 6 .fi - '
c) Z,Oipped.headlights
d) I lll Reai'fog,lights
gb. TSq-,Gi(Tr6{ g?l;[ Ec"lffi TTF
1r* ffifl
'il* Y.fl*"'
Maikone.'ahswelt ,srfr Gs< Gfir-s ss{
a) E When stationarY in a queue r"
E,Tfi' '
i !tr{g ",,Qll<FK{ l
b) E
of traffic
When approaching a
'frj,n q f4ffi;a',ffi-P-<
pelican crossing
' ',ffi w3[n ,E({{.
c), [ ,Wheh appr.oaching'? .,,,,, . .' frj tr:qerd .rq3t o.fucsr eT-{
zebra crossing
.,',:, -. srffi
-{ffi{' qIaE
= ' :'
fuj'tr r{rr.' (3f(T' {rfo wq
d) 6 When oncoming traffic Prevents
i' =, , ,ffi,<{Sfg' TB s-f[<
you turning right .,..,,.
40; When MIJST yo-n*edpped bo ,fifi{ rq4.tT a-qT.ft"tq rEs qIt[T
headlights during the day? q-flTa <Fqrir <*r6s qr{?
Mark one answer dsG GET ftf5.9 Tf,{
a) E All the time d) u T< q''rrrTE
b) [ Atong narrow streets I<) -L_l rF (TBIQE,,,.-
c) fr l" pooruisibility
d) E Wh"n pirking fsl tr ryft-q arm q'{Tt
you should
.=:: ::= ,:: lt::::':.::-r ,r: ,: - ::
,',,r, I
Ei'fi: "'ffi.
Mark one answer ,qffi,.@ '
c) lll ZOO meiies (655 feet) ft-l tr roo ft'FKT (\ec\e 1q6; +iv
di fr too metres (328 feeQ fut tr >oo frFmI (eab ffil "nie
45. Chains ian be fitted to your
;$eti ta'natp'ffient' '. '.. ' , .8G,,'
1S[!1.€,gTl{-qtrT rla*r.,qs731
"trr<-{ cffi Er<rrefi
'1:::'::.- : I
r,::.tr .: I , : ::,'' ::., l. '.'':.::: ..
Mark one answer
! Dimage to the r.ord ,rrfrc" "'Tfr GBT mres +,sr
b) E- Wear to the tyres *, tr 1-" w.tu n or<
c) ZI stialing in deep snow fr; tr Frfl,a{T +fu :n Ea
d) E tne brakes toc[ing F, tr !T q{r6< Er?Fr qr fq}Tq
fu, E c-s{<re?fr u"tr T* TT q{
.."-.y .on"asingLb+raiklroil.-' - '' ':'
coming towards ,-'ll-
,arv..: ft@'ffi c=
'::,. r:" ,&lE,',. .ffi .mqrE| '
You should
. .... .,.,...,:.::::
wrllTrr sEg
i : ::::.1 I i:::r .j ir-
48jW h'ry'"o6n4ilowing'ird, ., .
8b f{rq=r rsq Tqffi xfuoz rrfu radm
correct? When overtaking at night :"- .'T '€ ' t,,,g .-'.
:: :]:
as well as normal.
What is the usual cause of this
TtE 3i-{rq T[ I t{rr En.r
r-TqT;[6tg io ore ?lrr-T?
Mark one answer qffi.gg-9,,:.fifrgi S:f{, ,
d,:, +he bialei ovdrheating
Mark two answers
a) E Gir" directions ffi, ."
tr f,E_{ ffir T_fi.
b),,,f] Frevent iattie escaping frt E as rr{. "[fr6{ r{rc Tr "trLT
c) ,f Alert drivers to low tyre fut tr,frflrffi <rsrr s'rl qr6u m 6-{r
pressure ':' ' I\m o<rf- ' :
f, E sr E6<
rirtrrfk gq
ftr tr rs-es- m?-F s{ Ufrcrnuv ecE
d) E g" breaking the law fu.i tr qrt* qqv{ o-{r q6T
e) lli Seriousty iir".t engine power Ql- D .ffi4"fi,gffi .'ffiry q6,:
58. Which of these plates normally cb. si rVE-ft-or rrtr qT{rnqs
appear with this road sign? firqr rs'q rTaB qrfltr{r atFrr{?
60.,Aftg{ this hazrad.y.ou shouid 1ssf:/our
\9o. ,q? fr"fF ?H ESTK "rffi rgts
brakes. Why is this?
fliiisT +-n ufus t ur rs-{?
Yhe wfff ask ymm ab*u* ffi &xex wTTswrxrc ffi s--qr qrre.
$p*ed trimi** ,*
ffi stm q'ffii
han* discfip!ln* ffi rq*rqx ywrryr
!j;.{: }'
$toppimg ffi
P"sii _
W Lighting N.
:", ti,,.
iiitirs :liiN
*.$+r\$$$$rNt$. x
;,-#de$ * "*;TTYH
.*******T a ; i.:Ilx I
ll r.; rlr Li!t!liut:"llliitrri
What should you use the hard
shoulder of a motorw ay for? -:ff, fE wai
..,,+rt,.,'S ?
t r .^
Mark one. inswer 'dffi',ft6,' ' -i,i ,' = -'
a) E Leaving the motor:way. sj E rqrF<err Eitfl T-{ltr ETr
b) p Stopping in an.ernergency
c) E Stopping when you are tired fu tr .31xrwca,,.qlqr6+mw-m.
ft';' f,'' 3{.E..qrq, qllq[:Tr{ wilT
d) U Joining the motorway ful tr rn-D-qers.re cqrr EsrK 6.il
2. You are travelling on a motorway. .+'.".
' Unleii:signs show a towei.lspeeJ
., limit you must,NOf exceed .'
--.- 'ffir,r 'ffi*-. ,$.
f ff5.,r$q qLTI
Mark one ans\,ver ,(sffi W-{ g',s-fi{,,,
a) E 50 mprr
,f)' E, Go l.rtd e&' - '
c) fi 70 mph
fr),'f].,qo.qfi. ,1ffi,6r,,': ..
d) E 80 mprr
a) [ 40 mph
b) f, s0 mph f<r E c'o {]-iq s& E=frr
c) fi 60 mph lql EL rso {rAE gfu E-Sm
d) E 70 mprr fu) E'..qo " ffi,E-6pa
4.' What,coloui.ar.,b ;th e-ieneLiv;"
8 f+rf*efs .q<(-gr{ fuq,(ryqTo
studs between a motorw"y and =-..-,.t rsrr6{
its slip road? .-" ru r@ ts,. ''" ' ' '-
M".*;;a-a ;=,'-','-"-''-, :
rqnirerT6s ,f& u
shown above the hard shoulder
and r4iFrgrc{'{ G"rr< arf, 6ry s<( Er{i
mandatory speed limits above all
rT{ rqprfi o"rrs qtffi.r
other lanes. This means TF?F {fu
frqr r*$ rF{T {'rrq tem'q.f
Mafk one.answer. .. , ., , :- .
qqB_Gs'{ fpfips +pi{
a) f The hard shoulder can be used as
..q)., n Sl$,".E.-$r{' s-frffi
,. ' a rest ,l.ea if you,ieel tired . :' eI._6 trTrEurLT
b) pf "[6 TTrg errirm{
The hard shoulder is for
fti ,[]' " {rq, flfs
emer genry or breakdown :'':''i..,' ''qiqiT:'U$fi
use only
w"€-t{ aFrErLT{ Erm.
c) E The hard,,shoulder aan il used,as fq) itr ,. ,,,?,&., ,6-ai
d) .E The hard shsulder has a speed .ly L,riE\ls <i<Em +TT TfF
te) E'qRi.
- rlfu ,
,',,. i, lirnit,of S0,rnp5 ' ' T$,ls co ,q1f-fi, :
Mark one answers
a) Il Stop on the hard shoulder .sffi i?,8-< FFas TFr
b7 U C, to a service area f)"n'ffi''
c) E Putt up on the slip road P rsrmr Trf,ll" qET-{Tr
fr)'fl"ffit'.' rsirq Trgsi
d) tr Park on the central reservation fu1.tr Iqry ql$rtR|rs rar* rrs$
9. A crawler lane on a
motoft1/ay is found
@EK [qtq) oq flfurs Fryir-@-dT
qI"TIFT rd-?T ligT,I >I'E
other lanes
. , ,. ggi1-{ffiQ-E ,T-{CS
c) E Stow vehicles only frj,E.' sq. {&Tq Eqs rff<Tg
d) fr Normal driving ful il Trrt{"t WT .al& Er{}[TtT 6-{T
I I . When going through a contraflow bb. c{IF{eCs[E rt?rq k?fi-sT?fr e[T
system on a motorway you should or&' um-rcen s<rq qrfifu Gfb\I
one-i"qw"r ',v--rt
uiik :-
a) f]rWhen takihg the next exit ', . €)=-E,g€ ',qq$-d ffi E6o{
b) fl When traffic is stopped . i<l tr {?H {Ft-{re-{ ram arsr{
q ,pWhen signs direct you io :
frl tr {3I1 Go rrill rr{rrilr {rsrd
d) EWhen,traffic is slow moving rs; tr {?n {FFII€ Eq trfufs E-f,6r
l'6. Highways-Agenqy Traffic Officers b\e qlt€cx.',srqr* frtfto.,Eef{-{t
b) f Are not able io stop and direct frl tr rqrB-{errre rr-rrf, sfiqrcs
anyone on a motorway=-, ,.., .., Erfil 'cf1-fgq ;rI
c) E Will.tow a broken down vehiCle irr tr qrs-rw rilfo .s<s, wf|rq-<rs
- and it's passengers home
"r'tq f"frf6' fqfq
a1 d Ar" able to stop and direct Ts) L_l rqr-ETgr{cs C{ rsi-6{r-qqm
anyone on a motorway El{rrg q<( fuq frre "nc-q
I 7.You are on a'motorway.''T ere-iS bq. q.tnfr €Tffi rfiBr€rsrc ufir6-{'l
a contraflow system ahead. rry{rm f{"rksT?fr TI€TK qiafr
What'would you expect to find? Tfr(ul nt{.Ci{'fo .nZ<-q <rq flKctT
Mark one answer !'{ , , i ,' ,i1'
j 'and
call for"-.assistance.,. ',.. ... rffiT}_n fi?rEI]T TiII
qs6 ft,., .
,, ,Wm E-nM
Markone answer
A) E
b) il
Always use the hard shoulder ,€j- q-sfr' -ffi
OU"y all speed limits f<t tr tfu fi'{K fuo rxcq u-f,r
c) ''
E Stay very'ilbse to the'Vehicle,- frt tr fl-rafi qFmrqcffi F-rE-[$G
in front EM FTI
d) E Speed ,p to clea. ih" uru, fo; tr vtg-tsffi d-.qqm EfrlG.lq
quickly ...tffiffi?ffu
2'l . Which- foui of th6se.,must not lu, ecms
, use motorw4Y?
E Trs "n-rr< fl
Mark four answers Ei-iiTD e\e-g TEIEE etrr-'
a) f Learner car drivers €) E fmrefr rcml rnfu wE-+ar+
b) [ Farm rractors .frt"n trfr,
ffi-< ryq
c) [ Learner motorcyclists lai tr FrsTaft rqrffiTq qmrfrrn
d) [ Motorcycles over 50cc &1,, ,,6e ffia 0f{..f{I
ei f, Cyclists Qt tr TRr+-d slrc-TrcI?n"
:t t:
f) E Double-decl< buses ArE Ts-f,T rrq'nTq
22,On a motorway what is.,used to sl EqEg '{rT{B wal
reduce tr"affic bunching? f+ Er+qm s-<T ET?
Maik four,answeis
a) fl
Er{m IUE-{ ffis Ts{
b) fi
Learner car drivers ,sy fi..ffiqf io6,l,r;;fo ufryqrf*
Farm tract-ors
F)I, efr Tr! ffi@,qE
c) , Z-Harse-'riders .,.. ::: i.. fr):''E. f{,
d) ,f Motorcy'cles bver 50cc',' fu}E c:o frfrf, &'{. r+-q
e) [ Cyclists ?l tr Tror+q snGlqtan
0 E Double-deck buses s+l[: TEqt qI{ T'{E
24.'You,are joihin! a motorway, e8. q{"tft' H,,,,,,,,,,,,,fr\9
::= Ers
'. Why is it-important.to make , mtco-+r FE"r rfls <rd-€Rr ffn*
'full use of the slip road?
ryryq ry
4sE q<n*
,-q) E rK{ qmf{ Ers rryrq-sTLT-{ Cqr
") f',hard'shoulder
Beiause yOu can continue on the
' ,frra 6'qlfl\5.D?16s,"rsr
,,,, ,
b) E'.fo allbw you direit atcess to the frl tr €vRrBAs +-sm rqt{eflire
- overtaking lanes GT Tfl4,k E-ffi Tl-€Tl :fl:$'
c) il t" build up a speed similar to T{) U rfitr*€cxcs DtrE {r{-{roFr-{
d) f] Because there is space available flg) tl snr6r rry{m flTroar<rr{ rrfu
to slow down if you need to , 'w-{1'
nref* qrgen slrcE
da. w? t
a motorway?
b) E Green I<) l l ]{<16'
c) E whit" frttrlmr
d) E Amber
31. For whar reason may you use the \9b. rflI qrir6.t r{rFrerT{ sFr qrr.K
right hand lane of u *otor*"y? r4T{ <r{fl]I s-f,69 NKr{fl
tired and decide you-need to.rest, €<q srs qw< s-{68{. fuE a-gcEffi
What should you,do? ',:':. ,.
. m fr$q'rm 1w-+t silll-{r{ Ofrs
Mark one answer
a) E On the hard shoulder
b) E ln the middle lane
,€ 1,.
€ )E
frfr.g,, s-sr.,,
Eni rryrqu-rf,{ G"tr
3 5;Why is, it paftiq.. larly' ihp'o-rc-at \9G,' FIrr{erSN ?mt mrF.I {EiT qrfg
to caFry,,oul i Check on youi ..., T-{K str6a sil?Flr{ enig gqg s-fl
vehicle before making a long frmr o-+tr rEqr
motorwa/ journey? ",.'-.,
7."What is th6, r:ryht=ha#an6 ud"ior
ion a:'three-lanb:rnbtorwai? :"=':,-
9q,,, , rryrtrgcT(g uF{'
-{I(1-?r qaT T'rir <rrEl[-{ir 6-{r?
Mark one answer
- ,,,,: l
g$ffi,,ffi', ,'a,*'*
,,, ,,:
. " "',.,,,,,
Mark,onel ans*er-,. "", . ',".,,.,. qffi,ffi' s.s{ :
Mark-oneanswer' , ,'.'-
a) l-l Over 30 mpfr 'al{ Psi1q1Q ,,rlp{ ' ,,EIqIF{I
b) f at night fr; n mre flrfs ErdTr+i
c) t=E''On thefiotonar# , ::,: , l
fti'ilffis ffi-"51'ffi
d) E Wtt', passengers in rear seats &'j'il fu '&F {rfr''T,q,'r,[fu DTfrjr-{l
45.lmmedi-tely after joining i:' ' 8c,..
'-'. tIrymm,e@ T(rrr rr{
motorwaf you should normally qT$t-{itrs qrt1m t$q
48. How should you use the emergency .6,.r € q*#-ft rE@ fs
telephohe on a motorwayl ,' gT.u <FTEIK TTT{{?
', tt
" .-.,:r: ,:::.. ,.
a),, D,.,Stay clo -to the aiiiag ay qi n-' ', r3I.IT
b) ! Faceto the oncoming traffic fu f.'6' fftret"- Tr;
c),! Keep your. back to the tr:affic f,nl n qtfls rrcr eTs ProT ftrg
d) E Keep your hand in the kiosk fu; tr' ,T-s {'frgF,'Elg' 'Krql
49.You break down on a motorway. 8h. EI ufi,e,'qrrr6-r €m-(ql
You need to call for help.. n'IErcTK e-{f r+=r{,, T-{ s-{'N q(<l
,,. Why may-6'6" bettei'to use,, IITT&:,'Er{ I'Fe.r(T{' (Ers rlsr{
an emergency roadside telephone '.;"'''@ffi:ffi-
rather than a mobile phone? <KEK 6-{T Gg{ TfiI?
Mark one answer €Tffi
\?,rg-< Gfrs EPq
a) f Slow vehicles only €) trs{ s{^?rfuT {I;l<r{F< 5?Ti
b) fl Emergency vehicles only frl ,tr'u{- :q -gr$6-[q-{ qqr
c) il nny vehicle fiol trcq {FKl{flir 6-{T
TI q..{ q:{T
€).,::..5 oQ Cqt
o-) E Use'ihis as a normal runni 'lane fr) il(Er< +<I
c) -E Do not.,use this lanelo triVel in fxl tr rram 6-{I sl <TEEK 1I s-<I
d) E National speed'limit applies in foi tr ,sA' {fti,.fr{t,
this,lane ',..
a) [ The local ambulance service j--fl F_ft € 4&-.?w 6q..:',
b) t An Highways Agency k)'tr Err qr?era ,s 4-6q l
control centre
c) FI lne local fire brigade
d) tr Abreakdownservice fu) E'-
control centre rq-srrf,{ T6=fl
5 & W, hA*
the national'spGedltuit, b q cb. mrtr{€6s-cu rt i s<s'
'" nrotorwais forr,tar #d motorcy$. (sro fifi5{ 6lfi{ erfu frqr rsr
Prevent congestion
,- .ffi,, cDtT T-$r
ii=an Emergenci Re{uge Area
on'a motorway f.or?"' '.''
rfi[ crF?
d) E tn any lane
63.You are in the right hand lane on se.ITIEl,g qIT 1,m-{r rEtrq'
a motorway. You see these signs. qrCq'il s? fE-s rr-q6mil
This means t-em Erei fT
* trl-l'
rJLlt :5n: : H,;
Mark one ans\ /ea ' "' ''' ' : 'dffi 6*n ft 'TiF;[
a) fi Move to the left and reduce €,),,,8 ql{'frfs T'[T qtrTl gg" {f
:.,'your speed to,.5.0 mph, , i
b) E There are road works 50 miiies frl tr c'o FGm (cc tro) flrtm
(55 yards) ahead lvBr sr5 D"rrq'
c) E Use the hard shoulder untill h'oi=fi*- ,n
fx) -'lryy
you've passed the hazard Erg rqrqvK <I{elr TirT
d) E Leare the motorway fuJ,E 1 @ Eqifi{\ers,
at the next exit [rffi [r{ er{,,qI\gTI
,ffi] RMi
lffil ,Mffi
iffil iMWi
lrel iMI iffii M
Mark one answer ,s{G
GE-< GFos {ffi
a) [ They are countdown markers s )E TsqE TF sl{
{Fr(-{lI r{'s*
to i bridge ",.-6$.q@ fre' ,,.,, ::
66. You are on a motorway. A red croii \9\9.sfi4fr rsrfiI r{"rF{ersm ErCq;rI
' ii,displaved ab6ve the haFd'shouldeii rryrq-qrf,{ G?r{ qIFT 6-T
What does this mean? "Iv'
r?-qrc{r srr6E l tom qei t+r
l+ '*,
'& rc:i fu?Tr
! r
ru.l €ffi*rfr'Tfffi" qag 1qv4"1 p7*6
53 I .!s 1 *i| ?.E
\s I
, **' ts&
H &
fff} ffi qgg -l.-
* w rffiq
ffiW :$'1i;,\"*+6ar*?,f *
-...? .&.,t:s
,l;1.* . ;i"
a.rfi, ,lfr"
; d ) s .ts!E$
f i'-
!(i . i Il i l
" ?*li;
fri:i"s,.il illlI i lrYLl
F-,,$ riit\lisljj$,]{
"( :
{{ ;;i)it l.,l:, :r;d S
,l. :ln *hich TI{REE'plices rnust you
b. fw rs'H qr6T T.cH'
s qIfilK
', NOT park? .
rre "nr+- s-<rfi il?
Mark three answers e,s rffi', a'pq
a) 'il 'wo. the'.brow of.a hill.,. ' ..tr Sx qttm WF s-ffi
bJ p nt'o'': neii'arburs iirop, " ft. qrsi,,*r"l{, 8"rr<,' q,fi s.lE'Ififr
c) [] Wh'ere thire is no'p mlent fri'n,rcq.r'.+', a rqa'
d). E, withln lO'rnetres (lffieF fui tr 6(rrc-*T io tn<x (ee fuB)
of a junction sr fuoffi
e) E On a 40 mph road ?; E go qrqfl qfu rirqm Trct-fl
2. You'want to,.park ahd.yqu see this' uu,:., ffi fl&.qtd. q(v. tqF-l
sign. On the d-ys and timeiahown
:, you should
.lrq fu-s' m{rffl qrr-Tb1 a-ra{
qT"HK GfuE
W Itlor - F:i I*lon - Fr*
8.30 arn - S"3S pm 8.3O ar* - S"$S prx
$*turd*y S*t*rday
*"3S arn - I.** pnr S.3O ar* - 1"3* pm
' '.'
a) E 70 mph ujt"n, r
'-.-1::' l:ru
b) f 60 mph frl-E=ffi': 1O ..
I 3. When can you park on the left u(g. .qt rrc'?f( fr q.cm ?f&
opposite these road marl<ings? ffi 6-E5s ffircaq1
, :i
: :,
= 1:,,
':;t ffi
: ,,-.
t.1..' -
'.1::::' ,ffi
:: ,.,: ii
, a:.:.
;:' i 4.:t4
-: i.1
r:' ,,
! ,.
& r i
lr %
i I
n.E IruJ "t
Br i-
,@' uI re
,re M
qk 'r
h- lqm.l
II *q*
. i : ,l
Mark one answer
a) L__l I he end ol a motorway ql n', c &'-Cs', ,'fi'64'
b)'[ Aconcealed'ro.ad'narrow, sign al{ 'rp:-'B'lvt{'
c) l-] The end of a,dual carriageway, fir".i rumx fuernr, r{r{{ frrr
d) tr n concealed level crossing '
n WrE "Wse-qfr-{' 6"K r+fl
, frrr ...
'l 5. You ar.e,driving or a:r:oad that h*'
,>c.' ffi
' ' ',ffi.,. ,qsr .q "
cycle lane. The lane is marked by a
1' 6a5
broken white lines. This means that Errr qrtq ?.Kr fufus s-{r I tEK qE
a : :=a::: ::::::.::. t:.:. ': : -: ,. :,: ,'
unless it is unavoidable
d) tr'€.. -,i
rEnm rnfo worc,cq ;n
b) C rn" lane cannor u" ,r"J ror. fr; tr & rqt{fr r@ "rrd T-<r{ q-nT
' " '' .!lQl3[ T.{65 {rsret'ql
c) E Yo, can drive in the lane fr)..tr.' , rrr 6$-lr{r qqrs
at any time ,fl-rg Er4trs flr{r<r{
d) E
.,: .,
fne tane must be usea,by
motorcyclists in hearryrtl.affic
tr'eft,' , q*rfr
l ,-.Tf{ql(
" ,:,..!"--Q $:ffg,..-Ef< ,
Mark one ansvver .qrG ffias sF{
a) E At any time €) tr rq rsrrfl Trrm
b) f, During the rush hour fr) ! ry rrq srrw. qiqlitis T-fl Trrffi
c) E tf a cyclist is using it I{) .L-l qm El{-d, E'fidrm Sf <I{eEr $,C:T
d) il Or.ing its period of operation ft),8. '-
I 7. The dual Carr:iageway you are )9:' grfficT rqIV f{tr,f{ ,rsTf,ff?T
turning right onto has a very pit@erfrs tb,fqT stfrr :
ft. - ry.Wy?
,narrow cehtr:al reser:vation. . { {{
T{ItrIT Sr?r qE[I
Whatshould you do? ,, ,,
2 I . Where is the safest place to. paik a). ilfu. r{qm' rnfu "rrc <:rm 6-{r
your'vehicle at night? .
, ,,,,:ry{ffi Ftoqtr pn. r+].r-.Bt
.r..=' :- :
Mar.k,6,ne aniwer .
32.Who can use a toucan crossing? \9n. rB'rsnr m'Fr( rs <r{qK $RIE "m<r
:,r'...., ='- - ., "'-'r- '' t-'....:; ,'-,':;.'.:'-:-r
Mir.k-two anawair',' '' . l. .,'-.:.'.'.., qtB W ffis Es1
a) f Trains Lq) tr f<-d' tfffu
b) f Buses T?I) L"] TTry 4{E
c) p C/clists frr tr rTiron Erd?F H
d)' E, Trams
e),.8" Paaiss,iani .:: ::
! rrq rTE
F, L_l
E) "feD-r{trn
33. You rnay drive over a footfath tgtg. rrFenrs{ G"m farg re ETqTCE- ttrr*
Marrk'o'ne"answer .qsB S"s-< ffis T-qr
a) E fo overrake a slow moving traffic g) tr qrC-g E-dru ?I& egr<-fF-*+ T?fE
b) E wr,en the pavement is ve[ wide frt F **- rrcr{-S rqFr Aav snsr<
(:) E r, g"t into a properry ftl E rorrql WYFrq Tr<1 na-cs
d) tr rr n" p"d"rtrirnr'"r"'nu", fu) tr mr6{I "feffi TlEI'fie Tr elt-s-64
34.You may remove your seat belt 98' trfi"l-{I{ n]D 6{-d f+f;fi*r "rmf*
{fi" '-'G..l.11-.vl<;
when carr7ing out a. manoeuyre
q56ea,l qt.. ,efry " "fffi{
that involves
, ),.'fl', er '
c)' ,E An emeigentylop.','
d) El Driving slowty
tu) .6ri-ETatT,=Emcs
,=gFTp rx
' I
I ,, ' :
Mark one answcir "''' '' " .qqffi \EET ftfug TpT
o [], flVI{ 61,
the manoewre
b) E Just before you actually begin
f<i tr ,nffi flvH Uor 6qrf,srrB)
tomanoeuvre ',, ,:,,.,rt , ,gKS 'gT'q,yf!?l,
.) !- After you've entered the.side road G)'''B :'111@,,4gm !gf{:: rc'
d) U' When'the front of yotr .',
fvr tr {<it EI"F{K qFr+rE[TT rrrrcffi
vehicle swings out
36. What does this sign tell you? \9\9. furq-{ JtA ft-o. i+ i+fr{ fv--$?
a) f, 30 mph q) E Efu q-+rs rso qra.q
b) [ 40 mph frl tr ffi E-dffi ao qrtq
c) [ 60 mph
d) E 70 mpn ,fu) '3fu qflT qo-.'qIt6,
m ffiffiLocar*m
waiting'to c
,42,. Sorneone,is -
91. rq$i 6ftIY rfl"Fffir "rilflI{
zebra crossing. They are standing ". :-'r': TIi[ q,ry ErffiT qr,q'l
on the pavement. vRlxT-a fr@-,cr'wiru'1
You should normally qr"rfr TT{I<;ls
Mark one answer .qffiffi. 4'p,q'.,.. ' :]-j .::::.:
45.You are,,drivihg,along'a r:oad that has a 8G. ql? ',' q-]TE' .qT-<sr{
cycle lane. The lan€,.is marked by'- ' ,'+I,sTt,4& rq l rnffi'gsffi
solid white line. This means that 'qp4'c-fsl' fu'Ertt ?Em
". 'urt r<.. TStr,Tq$ qfrcs :
::l : I r.r.. ,,,.:::::::. '-, : ::,.,.:,:
ft..a<+.,'Wffi 66rei?
"l ffi's!{. $ .{,.EmT rlre
',, clearwry You may stop only to Wffi
Mark one answer gTG G,ET ffig T.PT
a) ', [} Set down and pick up pasieagers €) fl' ,t16 TmRIS <T Gtr{.s
b) f Use a mobile phone l:r;
Mark one answer
a) fi Waitin the box junction if
,,9Tfr ' "'
€ )E qI€T'K Ersr {rfr en"F-ffi sr{Q
your exit is clear
_ <q w(rtrq rerc{ q6"rsi Q-{t-
E Wait before the junction until frr E q-+q rrfo Drf, Er qlgrT qrs
: it:is'clear of al-l traffic' ',, .,,,., qqrrrffi qrrT qr"rs.T T-fr
c) [-l Drive on yo, .*not turn right fr; tr rryrwl mre srrcr, TG{ 6(-rm
at a boi junction
d) 9H EF r{iv fuT enir(?Fr q'I
E Drir" slowly into the box ful tr qrao rr+<re{efi r(r6's frrfl
, .junction -when. signalled , ',, . .,, .,..., ,., = '_.'q81,'w(,.1m
by oncoming traffic :,.Exq..EfFryI :.
5trn ';i'-
54.There are no speed limit signs G8.,?l\t.I{ {fu fi{lr{{lr [Trr{r tr{'
on the, road..How is a3,0 mph
limit indicated? fo src< T<^m{I ar?
Ma"t< ohe answer" ;;:1 :; '
5,5.Y,qu are.,t-ravelling on a da;.i*t,?rfr, f,xrq"{Fq"l''Q(E(p1 l
d) E A driver who has broken down ft1,-'tr "eex qlsrT ?t& EI-{'rs-(
56.You are going along a street with Gg. ilvK <I{, lrr'r TFFTr{;r "ll-{ TTI
parked vehicles on the left hand side. -q{T €TE flgT ft[T IIIIqTI
For which THREE reasons should i{Fry-{ rorq fu{ 4r{66r{ 5;n
you keep your speed down? EI"RK flfu qq N+T GBVT
Mark three answers ffi Gsrffi
gtre gttls
a) E So that oncoming vehicle can see €) tr t@ urq-s- w"H'lt-s
you more clearly gII'ffiI
-r? rrer(g ryr{
b) fi Vehicles may be pulling out frl E qn<tq{ r<f{r$ 'qlry"6s trm
c) fr Driver's doors may oPen frr tr Erf,-(+r rasT r'fltrZg ?TF
d) E You may set off car alarms fs; tr rlftr €itflF( Er{ Em [q65 flr{
e) EI Cr,ildren may run out from ?; tl nrd o-{I {rq-{r{C{-{ rir+ erc
between the vehicles <IFrfl [?ti5 ulrT6s "trc?
,. .,,,
Mark one answer 4TG - E{ TEIqG A_$T
a) [t Pull into a passing Place s) tr f{c63 <T{trrffi r<F,trn rrFI
on your left ,.=' ,.."ti'' .' . "lTUUf ! .
b) E Putt into a passing place A1i"p'',
tl.t-t :-."
,' ,5ft:1'
on your right .a rff'qr€3T
c) f 'mi tr nmai rq'Erd. rw rrq s-rl
t f;' '
Force the other driver to reverse
grct'r-<F El
- your.v€hicle is wider . ''",1 . .,..,g.c.q. ffi
q154' (l|r..{ XteTt'
58.You are driving in the right-hand lane cu. u*rs"fl orrkoers"Cs 5r{.
of a dual carriageway. You see signs mtrr t& uerrqal w"rfr
showing that the right lane is closed r{. boo fl6i qffi s-H flrrK rdi-{
800 yards ahead. You should TS',t s?r{ EI${K GBs
59-.. You are a rbad that has. no t c d;. q s.+.B,r ,916Q-{ rq.ql(q
- !. ls ! peed'limit? ,.'',r, "','g1gE:l,,q€ -ft-fu qv er<?
Mar.k one ansurer . ., ' ..gT,F gg-< Ttr+E 4-ffi
a) f 60 mph q) ffi
tr q-slr rYo xliq
b) E 4O'impn,' f<l tr 1fu sSR go ,ntfr
c) Z[ 30 mph fu tr,frfu', -g,o $Aq, ..'
195:..ffiffi 6qI
- .ryffi':{ I{'f,F.--T{'
6l ,.What js.the hearest+ou=may park S\5
to a junction? E 1t-.{r{,d?
65.What MUST you have to Park in a trc. o-n n*n' qrrq' "ffft'(
' disabled space? s-{-6s {.fl, f+ cmrsQ eFr
67. On a three-lane dual carriageway the \eq. fi5-{ rqt[Tr qrr-m ffikweclrc sl{
right hand lane can be used for "lr6fi r4t{ <r{al-{ T-{T rrrrs "lrr{
68.You are waiting at a level crossing. uu. xqv'f, sJtq-<r<-q'erx ofa-m sirtsT
The red warning lights continue to q<pqt ,q$ffi Gq,'t& pra qIsS'Rr
flash after a train has passed by. ,. '' G"'x TDT $fu 14-5,3l"'
What should you do? i lfr'sil'wer{r{Ofust
Mark one answer '.gffi, ffi,t TIF{ ' .,, '.::: ..:
a) E Get out and investigate .{), [] q& rE{,,I3{'Aiffi 9T-S- {{T
b) f Glephone the signal operator ftl ,n qqq. ur 65I{ ffi
c) d Conrinue to wait
,ft).'n u-r?tsI Qf.,fgf., ' r
d) f Drive across carefully fsl tr T-sr atr flTfig Ertdrr nrr Es{I
69.You may'only enter a,box Uh.[TlXTt 6'(ffi rs?r4 g?ra-E
junction when E"TLE 1IC-T{, {<H?
c) E tne traffic lights show green fq) tr EIfuT fl-B r-{s rv?nr{
d) E You'need'to turn-left tul tr fl{eTfr rflv ft-co qc<
73.You are on a busy main road l IsEil]', 3V .dE( frs ilslT qr(a-{l
and fincl you are travelling in qr"rfr {<rre q.l-{rtr{ [q Yq
the wrong direction. "fef ECT {f@;1
' What shoufo you do?' , fS',',, t ,$fu:j' '.'
_l t'
t:::. ':::' ,,
.1. Which silh r,,neans you hive priorigy b.,, +,.trt,fr \5ftr.$K
:, over oncoming:vehiiles? .
.ffi 4".q1fi1T,,q' ?
, ,-t-t. l :':,,.r. ::
tr €)n
Maik,one rni*eo
a) tr ,s) E
c)tr d)tr frrtr lst tr
3; Why should you make suie,that i?., (rlv frral'{ xl(-T
. your indicators are cancelled *qrT-\e'' <lM.e(Trq f+ qr
after turning? 9t 4{F] TT<IT BTEE Tfi?
,t,. ' 'r .
a), E fo avOid,flaitening the batteryr d),' fl qfFff ql,€,€Tr< q-{r
b) Z t" avoid misleading other i<l tr <-rvr <F-qrfrfirfr q;ilr*rp-r
road users ':',r: q{= :rr €srr* qT
,6, You aie 6h,a-motorway. Red nashlhg \9. ETr ,, ,,Ef@:l, cffi{
lights appear above your lane only. arrftn-{ rd--F{ G"rr< 4rq ffi
. What should,you do? E-.tr-6' s-f,(E l lO O-*r W"HH Vfrst
lYtar:kone aniw.er ' ' . .qsG BEr frfus s'fi{
a) tr Low bridge ahead -q) E xrrr6T fru" rnq
b) p Tunnet Ahead frt tr flrrfq TV( nar
c) E Ancient monument ahead h tr "lnv-{ ryfu re-s
d)'': F''Aoeient lblick,spot ahead ful tr T{r\fi qfrE Tr+
8. What does this sign mean? v. frrqm €t frrr{ qai fu
I Hidden I
laipl laiPl
Mark one answer qsG vs{ fpfts qpry
a) [ -
Overtake the other driver as ,d),,D..:l. gITr, DmSf.T.
.quickly'aslossible qfu6{ sr< Erf, alsn'I
b) E Move to the right to get a ,ft)''f]' Lqcrrr qnT u,r{frrs
,, r.. .,.:.,better'view ," qf$ qI€$
, ,., ,'
c) E Switch your headlights on before fr;- [:. DZE. TrsTrT urrc?l
rqseEDT rqrq cv-.Iir
ful tr ffrrnir h.o snflqrru rr, rqql
,, '', cleailY ahead ,:'' ' ..1,.: ':' -- :,:,l ': =. qfffi '"
I0, At a.juhction you aee this signal.
It means", l
50-,'u,{rt6 6q}qffi.56<1-6a1
tEr{ ursf
Mark one'ansu/ers ,
a), ,l-l..CarS must stop. '
. -,.-
.4T6, t {ffig6FT
€.r E efffo c||-{rrc af{
E r.am's murt
bJ,, "-'., -' "' frr tr 'Frq emrcs er<
c) [ Both trams and iars rnur, ,,op fa; tr CEr, rre € frrq ?${t65 qC{
d) E g",h trams and cars .rn .oni,lu"
fu),E=.S.q{;',':fffir e frN E-trrc "llm
I l. A white line like this along the bb. Tlvl{, T{T Tfiffi s? r-s,{: qsfi
centre of the road is a . E"IEI.qiQq E[Efi
:l'3. Which:type of 'sign tells y"u.fV6f b\9,"m.1T,: :fr'a qtqTl[-s' rslffir
, . ,,frq', , Eq6gi' fr6q{ S-6{r
Mark one answer .gffi \E\g-q ffi\e- q$T
a) tr b) tr ,s) E r<) Li
ru b) tr
3l) tr frt tr
d) tl fqt tr lsr u
I5. Which iign mean.N0.motor
vehiclei aie.allowed? "'
;c_:,(Try'' sqf,, Eftq
Tri-dre-{ frrqfl
Mark one answer €Tffi rBE-{ fufus o-*q
b) rl .g)rIW ft)tr
m "
.t mile
3, 34 mile
ahead ahead
Mark one answer s6fr u-s{ ffis o+-q
a) f] to warn of the end of -s ) Lr r{Itr{€cT-{ r.|{' eK 5{I
the motorway Iss 6-{'(s
b) tr fo warn you of a low bridge r{) L_l ilq rrw EqT qE"r T-f,rc
c) E fo warn you of a junction ihead lq";tr qH-6T 6(rtfl{ 6qT 116 S-sCs
d) E to warn of a road work ahead ful tr msm aTr6.< .6iT r-s+ T-f,cu
18. What does this sign mean? bb. frrry{ q? F6s-{ qei f+-?
\ fu
Mark one answer -qT-E rgg-.{ +-sq
a) L_l tnd ol motorway €) u rfim€rTK r.I{
b) Ei End of restriction frl E <rrm r.rq
c) f Lanes ends ahead fqt tr rr{r+ rq-{ Ts'
d) f] F.re recovery ends lsl E f<-+r Vrar GErtffi
19. What does thiS motorway sign mean?
)}. €rxr'€? qrei ft?
;fi it
'f H'-f l.r.r
ry h:.- t&
'Mark'one ansu/er -: i , :
qrfi ..fr T?T , "' l
a1. f] Slippery road ahead, rr.r E aHrI- f'rfu,-s' Trsi
b),., l-1,, Tyres'liabile to punctures. ahead frl tr wqr{- DEnffi run
c) E Dang"r ahead frt tr rT{r{ fr"m' qrrs "rs,rs "nrr
d) f] Service,area ahead.' .' fut tr ry{ffi TrfuT se,toi
2l . You approach a junction. The traffic ab.6s,rrF-{ ft6E ssr.trTl ErfuT- qTtB4
lighrs are not worl<ing. A police $'rE <r-{-[tr TI I ,!$6T
officer gives this signat. you should g? T(rTE frrE-+I w"FIK OE\5
EIfuq]K ffit
. 8,i
s ",
# ffi,
..i!..1: ..: .,,,. ''
.; .,
:'.:.j.fi:. t,t:
',$r .1 ., =1$.,;':''11;:
.: : 'V:i.. !'1 rri""i:r,ik$;I
\: d
\ -J-i
:r. ":/..\-.;. ,,.,11 ::::::3Bi
;\,i, ia;Ifl.
,] $:\. -i$irl
'! . .*l+
'i'l::::::- :
22.What does this sign mean?
*r-@ ?,'fur Eret fu
: ::t::, jt!:t:tj,lti.i:
l.:ir ' i
26. What does this sign mean?
firq< ,s? frr€{ Eef f{?
,Maik one.answer ... .
,qffi'.9ry,@g,-q-m :: :::
f ) fi r<-.sT q-E T{EmT EJIrv C{--q f,Tq-{
wrtn gate or barrier
b) -::ff,.Gatua,,.oia'1f; rtr E rr{cr rrsm r:rnF qrcu
,,E,L"iei nr.o iha w'.hroui -, :.,..'.,:.
frr tr c<ir.r Frqq )rlEEI qlqrs
- ,..:ffi'
gate or barrier ', -
O' tl eattie:,grld , :
28. What does this road marking mean? eb. TsK o"r< €? Errfl{ srei rTr
a) E
w b) r: q) tr frt tr
c)tr d) ,,fl u
fq)'"' tu)f
4,|. Which,of these signs.rneans there s5. fuT m.i{ frTe.{ Esr rq rrrfi"
qAffi trs ErrE?,i,,.t,
:., :..
,,. ,::
Mark,'one,ans*er .gS6"SST.,,fr,fu'?pfffi:
a) n
lff{ trb) n\
!) u
frr tl
42. At a railway level crossing the 8a. rcril m(vq 6-Fxq eTG c<-q
."' ry T{\9Tt" ?t6_€' Et?B'afr
after a train has gone by. WfiI.?IE ffiTD ETD-fi T-A6E'I
1,,-, ire9.'q,,fql*.-6,fui?.,,,,,.
.r ,, , ':.::
50. Which shape is.used for a Go. 'fflur gfT<' 6?T f4I{ q-s.TK
'give way'sign? {(rss <lEias Efl
4) fr)
c)tr 8) TxI U fut tr
5l . Which of these signs means cb. rorq; fFr€{ rrst r;I arqm fflts
turn left ahead? <rqfltm r{.]g iq-cs Ea{z
Mark one ans\rer €sffi Gtr'r Gfrv E-p-+
a) tr b) ,.q) n fr)tr
w'ffi xffi\
ffi ffi wi
c) u d) tt
52. What does this sign mean?
€)E frltrM
a) tr
W =W
c) n fql tr fsn
54. What does this sign mean? 6s. fr'q4-a .s? frr€{ qqf f{t
,Markohe answ6r
a) .'n ,More out ahd ip6ed up a,r tr' , :",e ffi qglr*t
b) f, W^ir. until the vehicle fri, tr rq cqlv'.a-u ,q,Kg rl
starts to turn in . 'tr
+fg,slfm TTI
c)' E Putt out before the vehiCle frl m' 6',(,T :7r: l
59. What does this sign mean? a>. .q? lE?F-{ qai fs?
Mark one'answer
'tr €s6 fu{ Gfus r-s{
?) Amber together:: s) L I €T-fs qrf, d<( qtr
b\' d,'Re'd ""a
alone i<r l-l Ic{ Erfl
il Gr.een and Arnber',togeth'er.
c).-., iar tr s6rs' rr{s s<e ew
d)'E G nalone r'i,r:i,,.. ., :.,
ful tr Rv{ )r{F
6 I . What doe's..a circular traffic sign With \9b. f,rq' 16€< fuT rflffirirK Ts;?F
- a:,blue backgr:.Ound do? frewfr 6 olsi., 4T{?
62.What does this sign mean? \9a. fq-m-{ sQ frrr{ srei' fs?
c)d d) tr tutr fstn
65, These flashi,ng r:ed lights'mean stoP: \9c'. .q? mfis,l DTD-+, 4-<'T aIFT <trsl
,, n *hich'thre'e.of the following , ,',
qci sffT{'t frrry{ 0?-,fl*ns ffiI fu{
places iould you find them? qrrq sQ qrfu'ofr fi€$ {rcq?
6 8:, .Th'ere., is' a po l,ie€-arr f6[[owi ng yo u. sr. En"Hrrs ,{Tfr "Jfrffi{ ,fl& q1rm6f
The police officer flashes the srrcul Tffl srFiryra
rrsqlaB TH
headlights and points to the left. a-t-q il{ irr-{ ?ftg T-f,rd'{l
.,, \ryhat should you do? .., f+ a-o qlfiim &B'sr
Mark one answer sq[E ss{ TEras q-sq
69. What does this sign mean? \9b. 4? Gr€T qsf fr?
:.I[{ !'"J
tIIlr [{
Mark one answer ,{TE Gg'{ ffirs E-Eq
a) E Tourist arrracrion €) fl q.ffi-s-rftffir 6{T urrs{fr{ qrr
b) E Be*are of trains f<l E r<-a fl-fgr oqT r-sr aror
c) E Level crossing frl E q{sa vf,rv rrq' qT?-{ ofrs,
d) E Be*are of trims ful
Ll frN rlrfur o-li nir-o qr+r
' ,n,o.1Mqtu
71. The white line along the side q$, Tlffi @:, ut
ofthe road qrqT qr-{
c) -l! 60 mph
d) E 70 mph fuy'fliiffi= qs,{[tf,
73. What does this sign mean? qe. frrq-{ q? frrF-{ Ersi fs?
f?ry ??T
Mark one answer ,erG Gq{ ffis
a) E No turning to the right s ) tr srdfrZa rlrs rq'Tr fqcrq
b) n nigf't-hand lane for buses only i<r tr onfrrrc< rre-{ ru{ <16rr< oei
c) Z tnu right-hand lane is closed fu tr snfrr+< rqt{' <-{
d) E tne right-hand lane 1-9,r l-__l m{'[-{ UHmf+-<
ahead is narrow rd-fl Tes"l6l
a) rl
)E u)E tutr
d)tr ftl tr fs; tr
78. What does this sign mean? qy. frrq-{ s? frrr{ q?i lsr
Mark one answer qTffi' ffi'g,Er+
a) f Wait at the barriers ,{ ) tl rr".-91-{ tlrq nrr+ wrfirl" T-{I
b) E Wait at the crossroads frl tr 6-{rarrs rqrrs qc"rmT T-fl
c) fi cir" way ro rrams fry [] urr{ eqcs rrrl
d) E Give way to farm vehicles fisr E Tfr slz{T rrnre{rs 6qrs rq-fi
79. What MUST you do when you q;. f;rcq-< .{? F€ rq?rcfl EIqTrm
see this sign? sr'{"{Ta rs. T-{-69 Er-d?
80. What does this sign mean? u.o. ftf"r< €i r-.g-s, ffiT srei fu
B l. Where on a moton /ay would you b.b. mrrfl r:{rF{er{rc T{w 166T
.,find'green r.eflective studs? ', , . flfu+-q-+ qicm rsTarfl 'nF{?
,, : ll" ,r.,.
85. What does this sign mean? bc'. frrryr ,e? ffi{ qaf fs?
wTq T?Y ??Y
a) tr b) tr €)tr fr1 tr
87. \ /hen may you use hazard warning bq. fl=& Erq]r{,I q€]T.sfi E|qr(i
lights when driving? effis. qra.B{ <T{aI-< TT(g qtrrc{r?
:. ..1
.,ffil b) s,nffi.'N
c, 'Effi}{
"' il
9 I . Y6u'see,thi*iign at a iross roadi. 55.,,,14'na1 6T,'(Tffg ,q? fr€ f,T'?l-(n{l
You should qT9l;II{ GfrV
92. You see this white arrow on the bt. TtvK G"rca ,s? TInr BT-{ fr-€
road ahead. lt means rq'?rcry{'l tqK rTai
Mark answer
o-.ne l.qffi fu'. iFfl,,
4.d m 4,4m
14{6* 14{ 6-
Monday to Friday l'londay to FrldaY
am sm
8.OO 9,30 r,lF
- -ilE-tiffiF;t 8"O* - *.*S
c) ET Wait for the green light before fu tr s"r q-rt{ flK E€TK ";r{ T{sY
you cross the stop Iine ,'r'r,,'''1i u fi qrqsr re-+r
oi E tne lights are about to Ig) L ] TEDE T 6lf, EIE'6F
change to red , ."'6qf{A fu{ Er<
'.etl. You are at a junction controlled by bb. irfts *$ 6qrFci5 ITrrqI q(Trq
traffic lights. When should you qrra-{l rT6 4raB Ersl Trys r?n
NOT proceed at green? ffq-r{ .eerrr GfriE mr
b) [ Wtren your exit from the f<r tr u<"H r?.rm' flerm TrgI qfi
junction is blocked , {tfr e[Frr.{ qI
c) f 'When,you think the lights mav frl tr"qfi ffi',4-65q4 cq Effi eIABefi
' be about to:change I ''
"" 'dffi "rr<-<\i{ Ir ({rc ltm
d) fl when you intend to turn right fsl tr qqr{ sinFrrs rq-s i{t€ Ei-{r<-{
99. What does this sign mean? bb. f{rxqr sn ftrs-{ qci fs'l
ruffi -d
Mark one answer €Tffi \?,s< ffis Esq
a) E Change to the leit lane € ) tr <rcq-< rfl-a4q Erf, q-rT{-
b) E Leau" at the next exit f<l tr arqr{-{ TlvI frrr rqfErs nr{
.j d Con rutlow system frl tr frtfis frr$r rlvr <raEK qqfu
.c_. l-r
d) E On" way street lilr) L_.] \ril.l-\rIn
l0l. What does this sign mean? bob. f{r{q-q s? frrs< srct fu
l0?. What does this sign mean? boe. frrq-{ €? frrr{ q'-r ft:
104. What does this sign mean? bo8. f{FK .e? frrs-{ qef frry
l:07. Which sign'rneans that pdestrians boq. rTE furo<.uiqi (II TTsrrl
s.?r{ TEG qfi U-qr "eE-rftfi
T-f,6s 1rm?
l. ::,:. ,,. : '"' ::'
Mrik ohe'="rrr,r"" r:' ' .:= :::::::::,=,::i lil qsG Gsr ffis opq
(l\ rd)ll
109. What does this sign means? 56p.fr6q's €i frro-{ qsi fu
I I O,;,Which ,aim, signal tells,iou thit '' bbo. mq Tsrss fl:m Frrrqr E{ r{,
the car you are following is going cq ?flt , Eil{ft stTrr{{ s-{rqr.
t6 pull up? - 9i rer6{' {T E?
Mark one answer ,srfi Gg,r frfu s-{t-{
b) n ,,9) E ft) n
a)v .q) tr
I14, What does this sign mean? bb8. frrq-{ €? fur€-{ ur?i fr?
a)u b)u 4) u
c)tr d) tl ful f
I 16. What is the meaning of this bb\9. f{cq-a a-oo ffi< of fo?
traffic sign
I 17. How should you give an
r:,""t C. r"1$f ,6-m f,E vrc<
, ar.rn s:'rgnal to jtUrn.'lef1?,. ::fi,ra','?Kt *q[,$p* fiffT ?
a) n b) n ,4) E f<t tr
,ahead. On,tha bacl< you ie his sign C flrfu-< fqurt ,ea Fs' rrqrfl-{j
You should ""'', ,..Q ,,Wt"t!ffi, OG15 ' ,
a) tr q)E
: :l:l
tutr fsln
I 2l . What does this sign mean? 515. fa6q-E d? frrs-{ qci fu
123. You MUST obey signs giving orders. , >+\9.qlcTt"Ts--.s, E- prlrrir '"n-{d ssr[g
,These sigh'i-are mostly ih,'
$|"a?',frEefr ryFr< vltr eryo
, . '., ':: :.:: :.; ' :
: :: :::: :-:' l:
I25 {u' [email protected] nf O rafficrlight. bac'. qrfl AIfus ffiffi{ f,ri-Cq Er rK q(qq'
{hx Wil[,:the, signal'ihow next? ffi-<sts r$'Fr r-rg< rqrsv rqqlr{
M enlt ana
9a.L -hcr^r^e
qa aJ ttga .ssB iBe,'{ ffiis 6'-+E
a) d n"A and amber, J I tr orq €<( ETr
b) E Green alone r{) U r4<q q-{6
c) E Amber alone fxr tr ro-<-q
d) E Gr"en and amber "qY5{E
iu r E r-<e !<(
126. A red traffic light means brs.rs'rriT qrq trTtTf, erffir qst
a) fr -.warn orher of s ) E EiI]r-{T(E-T6o i{rG5T Grffi
your Presence r , ..: 'r'. l,$76-6q-6
b) fi..to giVe fou.r.ight',oi"w"/ . , '
rd) u jmqarrs CIrrrfl rTrc cqsTm sqT
c) Ll lo attiact a friend's attention
Fl,tr' ffi,,?1fu6q t''srfl{{ T.-*
fu) ,fl's{ ?t& D-rErre, uq-{
move over '-,5itryszq3..;T''rR(T', ftre
Marl< oh.e rans*t1:-',," ,, ,:==:L- ,,,:.- €Tfu Gs-{ ffis r-sr
a) d. tn;-;oro*ri"t €) E qnrdRr ilvr frrr rryif*erv
the next exit rsr6T. r{km n,T€{r
b) I Turn icft,-immediitely' ' '
fo tr rt6E qr{ rrq fr-rs r{rs rl-{t
fi Change lane I{r L fm-E{<v-4 4-{t
-1 ,
il Move onro the hard shoulder rs) Ll orui ramsrr< Erfl 4r€{I
133. What does this sign mean?
bes. f{fqr s? f,D-f6'< rrt fu
I 15. What does this sign mean? bgc'. frrq-{ s? f,Hp,( sr?i f$?
a) f
€EE tq{ Bfu's r-fir
The driver is slowing down sr E Dt-rys rfu orrcq.
b) l-l The driver intends to turn right fr; tr u.1616 wq f,qro rqrs Er(E
c) C fh"'Oriver: intend, ,o turn l.'ft ' mr il EiEo. Tts. Th-6s 4IifE EICE'
d) E ff,e.Oriver wishes to overtake fu r E Et-qs '{rr+TF r{rs Erc.q'
139. Where would you see these bgb. TIgK sQ rrT rs.I{ gT(q.
road markings? rE.qrc flt(qq?
one ansu/er
L] Bend to the right
.qlrffi fu-{ ffis E-ory
a) f €)tr frtu
I 43 "Wirich sitn,,ms3n5: there will be 539.541-{ fu-€T stal(II EI"EK ilVK
two-way traffic crossing your Ers-M& [''ftrs-{ {F{<lEffi{
route ahead? TrgI qr+I-{?
l{rrl< one answer qrffi Gs'{ Gk',s Epq
a) f q)E frl
Mari< one answer TIFT "
c) tl
ffi"&s"mf<ffi qe frrtr fstr
I 45. Which-:is,the si8n i'+ing' d? 584, . (q'r{
ffi'frq mr6u-{ Fa:
Mar!< one'ant*b" :':"' .::,, ,''r' '::'
'.,'., ,qffi'fu""*rr :
146. This marking appears on rhe S-g$, ,,,@m. ,-qi' ffi-'T{\sTs rE?rN
r-oad just before a
a) f:l
dffiffi b)d
d)tr frtr fst f
1.18. You are on a motorway. >8r. '!il4r{ rfiF{eryrc Er[E--{l
Yorr see this sign on a lorrT that urfiT ("r?m rem qrfr ,q$m
nas stopped in the right-hand lane. E-fffs si fu5 qt?mq.T fr-?r6qTl
You should 3II"HK VTEE
149. What doe*,'this sign mean? b8b. f,Tr{ffi sE ffiT q?i fr?
nffi) ffi3
a) il Direction to park,and :
,s) E "n{, €E" rIQs nT 4.rGf(
ride car park I3-{ ffi"rq
b) u No parking for buses or coaches fri"i rrTq slerfl ffCT{ efiftfq frfqt
c) ij Dir6ttjon to b'us and ioach paik . fql tr Tt4 g mIE' ,TIfq?-< f,n-+ nZv,.*
d) i:: Parking,aFea for car:s and coaches. turtr T]]I ,qq( rsrrP{ "rrfuq. qFlrsT
150. You are in a tunnel and you see uco. qffi w( "r6er
Er6E-{ €<q g?
rhis sign. What does it mean? ,.,fr€ fq'?l-Cf,{"I teT{ qsi fo?
\rii ii
::::i.:,r I
,:t:::::::=::rii _
I :- i.
: '-:;=:.:r
' :. lr=,::
SS Hffi
a) d
Route for trams .q) E FH U-{lE-f'K Tfgr
b) Give way to trams I<.r E fi{fs- rrrra rqrs il;-{
c) i* lr,oute for buses fxt tr <tT D-drEm{ Trsr
d) I Give way to buses fot tr rmrs wrfl rq,rc ft-{
152. You ar.e.i'ig'halling to tUrn'right bc'r. v1v rlvlfl uEfrrs rqs mrEr
in busy tra{fi*How would you w{r q(rs\5 frrq-_qt wlqT{ tElCT
confirm your intention safely? qrc{T ,"rB slr< wlTrrfi( w{r mH'
ffff"fq "ET srciiffi <i-f,ff,{?
t{ar-l< one aniw'err .
€sG G\r fufus qfi{
.r) V Leave the motorway at s ) tr arqrr< Tlvi {tT rIIlF-<erT
the next exit \9ll?1 A+.{
o) L Hil vehicles use the frl tr )t< {& rq{ qrd eqnrrm
hard shoulder <r<-Em 6-.{-{
ci f Stop, all lanes ahead closed ft"; tr ert1"{, rtrm 3rur+-ffi rqa{ <-s
.j7 ff Sharp bend to the left ahead for E II{6a rlf5f36 1frm-{ a1{ftT
?iro 1116g'
i5 l. Tl.is broken whire line painted bG'8. TrEI-{ {'{i <Tr{{ !? 4P,=T r,rvl
,rr [], : centre of the road means EYT qItCT{ EIEI rT
i-iS. Wirich sign shows that traffic can )c\9 rfi{ GE rm T<rC{r q{ rq,, st-t"rk
,r; l ;,-3ygl in one direCtion on the rq ilgln str6;[ r4 {r(rK rtwdl-e;t
r'1. r.. j :U'fg On?
r4-{fr lT-a fE?F. E-fl18
a) tl .q) E kt
c) tl d) tl frrtr tol
I . You have arduryto contact the b. 4rt[q-q +q"frcF< Tffi rrft{rcriTr{
licensing authority when T-fi sfiflqr{ ft-w nrfrg <<r+
3. When yod,,ap'ply.to r,enew your tg. :nfuE r-os rffi rr?m r-<w{ T-{t-{
vehicle excise licence (Tax disk) 6!l' .q'rr<ra-{' ffi*r,, \5?H uK{€
what must you have? qi"HI{ fo ?lr+To qffir
i ,..
Mark one answ;;-'' .. , ,,
€sG wR ffis ssr
a) Snvitioinsurance ,e) E B<t fiqr
b) f The olO * disk l
f<l tr "JTTET rrsr iu+,
() il tn" vehicle hand book f,n tr :r&_-( e]rs T{
d) il A valid,,driving:liienie', fgl tl [qt vrAfus, ffit .fi-q
4. A Starutory Off Road-Notification ,
,8-:'-'S gii',€. (q::rn1a?lpr. nfr6{ <TqI{
(SORN) declaration is
qTIE \ ^^ qrT
ug{ TErss
a) [ Road iax €) n qrrs [Es{
P tr EFtu< ffiffi
ct f Vehicle lnsurance fnr tr t&( 6-q1 fr{I
d) f Vehicle registration document fst tr TItg{ @T{ €< qh{-era
I t . The Pass Plus schenre. has been bb. TW fiq-srfr'( ,giql fi{ ?Fry
for new driveis.
ci-eatecl fisr ",afu urq s<T ElitiEi
gpr< gq,r
What is iti"main purpose? CrmT f+:
, ..,.1.. i ,
I *. The Fass P,luS,Scheme,,is opeiatea bb. ru3 q-{r erl{ flq 3ftsT
by DSA for newlfnuaiif,,id,'driveis,
"mfu Fs,.q4€ TVs fir-qfhs en
Ir is inrended to p-el<. grcTl
. ,::, :.hould you update your Vehicle r\,. qr{{re,fr{ rrfi-"ltr. 0/sc) s'fi
. ,r rLion Certificate (V5C)? elqql)llv? $Sl ->=-^
!riD\9 j
?5"To driize on the road learners must ac.flgH Trfg urd.lls ftsTeftfm rrd"rT-r
h'iarl< *ne anSWep '.;'.'.;:.;' '1,"': ,s<rffi fo-q fufus c-sq
;rr fj i-lave no penalty points on ,q) E e.r?m-q s rsrrfi wfrTmK fE-s
rheir licence (penalty points) elIQTg 1rf,r{ qI
L') [ Have taken professional frl tr r"FriEEr Fr+ro-{ 6rE rerrs'
instruction ftsT irrc er<
c) S Have a signed;.valid .' - frl tr fiss-< s-fl. <rfqE ?fu.rilrq
provisional licence e-i-6l;ry en-+Tg sr{
iJ) [l Apply r@iiving'rest' fui tl )a nrcrm vrqT Erafu( rFrffi
5-{i E-{?rTg s-{-c\5 qa<
f,ur tr nTs
<qr{ T{rFI srd
?8" How long willa,Statutory Off.Road Ab.KIgI r?lr$ ,re rf-<?:T il?rr<-d <ff,
Notification (SORN) last, for,,,f rqfffiq ss &-{ ap{g f<if ell,rF
on" unr*ta" *u6'=ffi"m ' -'
33. 'foui' vehicle,is ,insu4ed '.: rg€). rfifil-{ Trfus r+-aq n.l-o slNi "llfr
lhir'.J party only. This covers <]TI Q-rfirqT qrE I 4rs ?r{5 Tfil ET
tesi. \bu do not hold a full licence in q;B' mlr{.I rqrKe r+l-4 4IQrrq
.rnorirer category. Wiirtin t*" y"irt rqi r F <srr<< q-6fi' q"fr' =IIfiIK
you Ee'. six penalryrdints lon y r ffAqffi *6 6+paffi qrirS_
r!ccncc. What will you have to do? rerc{'qF', ET< El"lTrr$ sK'l]Q
*Jarl< f.wo ans117efs qeG G,tr-T ffisr-Tr
rr f l{etake onlf your theory test s) E t{:rrs \s{ fimfr rr* Bt er<
f illllilrl
, ri.,,,
1,) N Fietal<e your theory and fu tr "l.r:Tm fqrgk ,qq< rmfirrq ' t
practical tests rn* frrv ec<
l.tark tlrr"ee
a) [ Service history details
:-- ,
'r'- .
€) tr "rfrrq.qrq-{
q','.., .
b) Q Registe , keeper ''' .:'. fu f: {rfr'{'
L) \ H.ri<e of vehicle fnl tr {rKrEC{-< rnrs
ci) Q Engine size ,-, .,, , i,,,'.
c) [
l{ark errc answerr, ,-,..,.,.,,, ,. r::::...::: osB, ''. ftrr TF.{-. ::.:,,
,i) I Ciu* you a discount on youi MOT s) tr sq,e,fr rs T{T Ers "[€TI
i.) [-l Allow you.@rriv,e ahfone' in tr urffi-q qFr{rE{ EtzTrcs
,::Se'5 vehiCle q-iTfu fl€rI
(r \ i,nprove your basic fr)tr rll& urEn-+m rlsm6r
ciriving *llls ,'' ,.-SEil <rgrrnl
(r. i ;
r f
ilrcrease your
tutr {rr€-s E'FI <r5rr{.T
!l_; i
i, "
;ir n
1lt rl-:iaq
I .d
rirl i n),)iorcyclist is'lying.
ffi .b. , .€s6'{.15fJw. rfiB-.fiT?,-s-fr
i Irrqnt,".i'irr11S in tlfe foad., :...,il Eldrs.
, -,{. ., tJ (l
q'€r{ vrTsl-s TrgR G"rra zrg
..:., ,:, j
,ssB EE-{ fufus ose
'' rir1. safety helmet
d) tr
\, mrrE rv-dil
' ' c,rl assistance
t_-,, ?, L ffisatnT rlqrrr ET€Tr
I '|.l
''1 'lrc p(:r-son off the
. '..: rlre iearher jacket
road fr}tl pt'trs msr rqrq Tk,cr rlTr
fo) E. ql{gl$ qtr-,+-B r1l:trq-r*-T'
t., 't.cll
' jv,r .-,i an incidehtnTheie
: : ,',, :ire fire and someones
t. ry, T'iDrK etr+ r"qrqr seft
ii .r'r'lt llaVe be6n--bUfnt. . : fi&E ?fbrr qrer- q-flfu _q<(
,: ,ds-q-[;tr
, , Efi,w?Rr{ eF ip rrrrEl
. 6,ffi,' q,{, 'l
'- .ll''.,...
:l' ',&ffi,fu era ,
:lr!r,I1 i2;.1-.'es il8 c. CFn+mf W* qfq ,n.fu Er"flr-{r
1 ,,,;il: a tunnel. wr€f-$ ,tn-gzg woq- r46fl r?rfl
: ,l ,ii ir,rtbie.
,r':< i' ,:,yay from
the carriageway
.iizr- i. out of the:tuhnal
if , , . .,
Ft ,E' r* rslro Err "n+ r-rr
fu) E,,ry.'g( ErE rnfv ,tfra- fu-{m
'- ' -. --,;',,q-6A' , ef{,.WlffT .
,',,, (.r)rvfl oo a level crossing,
'\y. TqsFr qfr< r<-oerrr mxfr-* G"n
..;:r , r.rC i)Ol
yet begUn
.Vlrich Chree things
fifu qmr6T ECtrEt qr?Beq]
: '.
:.irr ', ycru rlo?
seH\g E-$FT', ffir! E-315 Us sr-{r{
f*c,ffi rsr{ ffi E-<l OFsz
: ...{:
;1 r-as\'/Cfs r.
fua Gfrs q#q
.,'. ; I i, ;, I n., 1-1 it-.,
E r<s. ffi?r-{? O"rr ftrs rErF ffltr
,:r . ,r,c rlre signal operator. frE Tfrgf$- T(fSs s-{T
\ i.i\'. \/orrr vchicle and.get..' ''., P ! "T4ET Er"rrffil-<rr 6fr
ln tr rr& r<rq rya-q :rr6-ffi
' ,;... ,,: Cieal. afirq rqTr
. ,; ,1r-i.,nr.c behind f_c-<
,..i. 'ibur vehicle is on
ljrJT drive ic.
i. uqfr asq zreer,qlr6Tr rr&rs
qI@T rf,rrI r?FT €<( ET qK
, iio? prqrr.'rr IE< elE q-t I IS S-{T gTDg?
ir, .,,-.i ::- r. :':'lr:'::.,=i: 'r -:,.. , , '
,, .,-. ' -1. - . '
t ic i .r !q\enr-S
q-efrusr ffis +-rq
1, rj ^.ushjsls and llor" cil tr ,t&rc Trry qror Lq(( Ts-fr
, , :r
'' ,, l9-l111.I qq' 469 fryl
, ,'.rzard warning lights. f<)nq .rgrfidqffirqrarm
lrzu running engine fat tr ?['rq E-4s q-{qEI rr{r
\ ,ri , i.ul out the fiie - fut tr ,qI\Dq tr-flr+K ruu +-n
:- , . r1 ;rf ail of youi lights
;- - i ,, rtirer- people
ir tr l-<-sG <rfu a*' ar< rr-flr
to €rfl ff+ fleffi{t3 6-{T f+T{"
; i:,', ,' ic r- i,elp sr{ m .6-{T q6eFFr S-<I
it i):. -
titr-ough a.c,on ed, 'b, 'url1fr,,6ffi @ q "lE &fS
rru do?
y!- frytt-ffi"riifo afryl1s e6l
rc s-fi urt"r-fl-< Bfuz
€s-fr Gsr frfu.s q,f,{
:r'y ciose to the vehicle
61 f, omrrr S-{' FSIi 6fi ITqmfr
-,,,fu- g< fm,tr firrx Enryrc-+r
i, inessage signsas ,,
:ever up 6-6ilj -- .-,-
I{) LJ flur _T(fssef i;f"fE f s-fl s.rn6[
^ fT'ofr o<r+e EfdHlflr? s-fl s{ q.I
ie distance&m ihe-,,'-'
tr rlrrrr-{ tr& rqr* Fnqq
:. :i::::tr, ,r: r..: :: ::::
g-<g <-or* mu
-lur-n and.find .
E-. l-r s -. ,
I e ) Li eu-DFr T-tr{ qfl'
rs.rr{I "tE
wryJxd4lii r.-\.* ..
" (d[(&Y r<-< o-n
ins i ;rrtcone a cigarette to
f{i tr ffir mfurT6 EFrr
:i1i.1-:'1 CIOWn ,t ',,.t1
frt tr -ns E€Tt-q 6nT o.rers {qfl{
,!;i i,r- ve!'s l0 switch.,,off' ..
T<K 3VK s-{r
iu, E EirFi-{ enfu< Aiwq
TS 6-f,69 rflT
i':ri -jn:,i a CaSUalty,,iS.,nOt.,:: ..
b8. fs'rffl TiCTt-{ srpss 4rfu TrT F{.'
,.{.; -1i :;'Lart the pro-cess:to
Ei i TrETfus offi r:IT "{mfultT TwF
,,r , t.ii lreathing you should
fi?r m ?fuT srK-C-.gT EilrrI GfuE
I,r llr -.. .l
, i.,,,:
;] t.! S1:4le
fiffi gs-< ffitr F-q{
rcad forward
r' r, '., ,J ,lll'Way
Ir E sr< fieII ryrrCffi frfo prr.E flstT
\ i<l E fl-4 rlfl-{ "rar ?rk6rir rT{T
;s ir :i11111 on their=iije.,:,;.,{,:,,=..|
frr tr sre-rm 6tis 66s i-m n<n
\ ,i .:', lcad back gently fultr qrrc {.I$ f,iEr frr+' rfr.q m?n
\ i-, i.irr nostrils to$ethei -.' i; tr U-e-T TITToI-{I ffi {r* <r?iT
;i t.irqir arars across their cfiest gvtE grgl{ ptg gtq-{ Tro< u'r(< <r{r
I r.' ; ;'1.rr'son has be€h:plaied,., bc'. mrr{T qres <Tfum tar< E-rm
l, .rv,illr' position,' ef'aie'-, {rsr qrfi sr{-ru{ l rT ullsrn' q<'qrrri
rr r)Lrr br-eathing normally. T6I-6E'. io-g TrsTi{-6 3r-{?lT qIT
' '.' , i,L,id be done? frrqt uK 6{l str< s-fl Gfr\5? ft
' ;rns'*/f:t' r-
.offi ffi' s-trT :
frl E',firsfr ffi fnr=m g:{{ "rq' ,
\ ri'.''r':C CertifiCate
fu) tr 1@,frqtf,,fl{'{ot qa
\ : '.) I Lcsr certificate
?),.E :uq'e,E, rFc*T ztqT.t rc
i, r ,.r, i r.rx disc
ea)E,'E3]9.'.rffi.&-{,. '.
i_iif i,-,.1 |11i1y'rsl and :discbnneCt ,Q,), ,D,.,<r,+fi. r<[16.E TirFrfr'( q(.trqTrl
i''i ;,f
I rii,.,,r
t.t' e i:on net und,*tnn'.;,1.,t,,
lrl :,
_ € ) tr Trwr Erkm qr€Tt{ er{'r6i {<;l'
'' ^ -- l--.
.r'-i r,JsL
_ s{ afury qFiri€T wdfiirr
i'_1 ,-.y',1qi., o;rr-i<ed ior shopping ,1,.-'., k) E,q<rq cqT?rl-r.{ r<E-{rflBi T-qK 6{T
,,'r '-jr,i,Lrir: yellow linesr: ,r, r'
'' , .. ': ')pped and temporarily
ul{q' Tfl 4rolT "Irc T-<-rfi[
t,,=-, ,
frl tr drcrrlT q-{Tm sqs, {?n sI;tTI;l-{
,i1.,.;-1-, ,ciing traffic
,.t :-: :,t. .t{T =
,, ir .r ,slling during diikness rs) u rEsqr-{q8 <rrerir qr rm {q:r
rr': cacilights SI-fr?FIC-< qFl-<,'|-a.{' DIf,Ir{.{
- ":l
ffi Gs'q frfos <tr{
\ {ri'e bleeding g) tr f{l-I <E."[g rs' 6-{T
i<l tr \fl-r"i- ?K{ iou" *,r-+ T-rrE 19111
\ | Dreathing fxr I sK -JTqfuTr
"rfrs-r r-fl
,, ,': ,:I vehicles involved fu) [ qxB rnilE-{ 6-,fsg sr frrq rIqT
. r:-ri0S tl Tr$1.{ qr r?Fro E'fl
\ 'rr"';;1'7 un6
qat fTflTr-{ nksrn 4-{I s<s
grlr-T{ril <T<rI
,,'i. 'r:rl
;r,-ri',r,: al tlre scene of'a,etash. ,,t?[FSU em(tr{t
1".i, .-.-,)re is i:leeding badfy fr6m an srffl efs rilrflE a?fT 3qT Ty
.r t, r ,r i,. l here iS nOthing ,.tm pzgt 'pFfiq-rr{:,r+-l[-{l ftE
ffi ffii ffi'rc.:rt q'I'lqm ffivt
4StE W'{ TETAEi 41F{
. trl. i)' cssure over the wound s) E t's rrr{ Ern II?-flT -qq'q qls
. ,l iioqsl tlie afm dOWn . : I{r5-{ mro rrqff
t,r .,,ound I{) L_l rs qrq rEr?t rIqT
il:r:''' a drinl< lql tr ftq e64 4-E6s P-{I
\ r:' l:-rtistlre over the wound f,vl tr s\r rrr* EIn rq"fi €<( Ers
;', ,r I r ;i15r,1 ilie af nr .r, , gapg fr66 ar+t
ffi$fi,u'q'q ffi:-'..
r .,ri'ri.,i(-i i:e done for at least r ,
I4) IIII{E b
e,,, @
":'' , : '"'
.i-" iffi@
r\9. sa.6 trFflT ?rC{ O"rfti5 Trirru;il
: .r ritconsclous. 4S'6q HTr{qTarSE Elr{rm qras I
€) u TI4IS-{T ry
frl tr !E"nE
I4) LJ vrfl Ers
rs) LJ ss
,,,i:, :, r ,-,,ri:.!r)it Son-teone haS . , eq, Ttitr{K g.:r1',:f.$.B TV unes ECTTEI
.r:rr . ,' l-, ,-,, The bufn needS tO
qr{E trsr E-<-re Erqt
.: ,'..'rr,rL is the shortest time etr,nfrs. qgffi''ffi gr ,fg.I '
' )1 'nolcd [or? E-* sfu:
F rj ans!.r,,3r €TG GET Gfug sF{
ii sernrlds €) E rso rys-s
il i, :.i..-eiitds I{) [ \9o rIIW
-' ;r.iilitl€S
ft; E; ftfrF :'r'", ii ':
rg) u bo I{r{D
ir i"*ttrnY
f -1-'\ r
i',: ' i\,.r a serious moto-lcycle
.,ii. , ab. xrrrqE rqrffir<ra' q{E-flr rra{
' I rtrotorcyclist is \B"rF€g ECTrE-.{I rqIDT,IIorrcq
!ti a . r,i.!r-i-c
and bIeeding,:Yq i.m-ip Erq'rs-{ <s"[E Erry sq( rry q"srl;I
i', j. t.-rri<i be to El-{€.tT T6T"C5| 3al{E .oll'nr{ $-{-ftT
\..N : lrir:gs should you .d'o 190. q"HIT{ 5ra-1 6?i*5s ..ftrq' mH ffi
: .i i c.rrrt tyre bursts?i ,,',. s-{T qTfiK UfrO:
,qr6-ffi-' W+ .- '. ,
L €),E'
E s-"u{ 1i
r i.t'c,i of your'eai!ffi.
.i -,len '6721i. No e'iS <Ttlf(-fi f6-Tl,ti STEIE <cElz'r r
to-,,,y t'
' '
' ir ..!r!.r\i/t|, s+,ffi tg*. fufus qg+
,N i'i-r lr cr, i--,azard warning lighti .s )E e.rrM sTIrFi( qrADrT rqrf, rh-TI
' l*--
,'.r:-1;.in i,t -i,r:r:r vghicle.. , . fr;'E"ir&< qt
{ <-6{ c[+-f
,i_ ':,j111.
tlre police to-find,i '
i';,1' fl.l tr Th-.r qrryr +{s w6"FFI s-{T
.6;-fi"G1fr;ffirc' wfiTm
-.,.., ":.r r,_Cry Camefas,,-:,;4,..=.1
:t, \tJli
:,.r :r"r,,,;, ..p11{-Orl-a
fi1gt*. E-,*,t
,t. casuaity has aniiihjuL'ed.-,.., ;ffirE,T qmls
.;1ri irrsve it freel, but it is
'-' ' i"fi sr qrsl '4- srr< qlws
.'-vrlrr 511oliid you fet them',' "I13-p, fo-g
ot-cs rsFeTs ?6E. i
t {ffi" ,@, .
., r wiii ease the pain ,s) E qr< .e(s $eff s{
r. ,,'itcnr to be seen fu tr g(s srm orr+r a-Erw rE'?r(g
qEErsr Erd
. i :Clll LOuChing fal tr a" ,* wi rrgrr y"H 4-{6o
i'-l'Iiic . '. '{I''ql({ '
I i.itlp t,) reduce'the.bleeding +r'[..{[$ K$tlis T{' etT I'TQI{I Tf{
.:i,.1f tiirough a tunnel \9b. IT,rr{T W( "r6q
>n-4t 6-{K T6<
i.j :,,:ii do? .,.',"' " ',T.:fI ffi Bfrtot
asffi=ffi'ffig ?siFd
: I,r1j:,-; ,;ff €) tr rafse 45. E-6-4 (E-{I
'{ ''":',t, ,.::,..-laSSgS ft)'' tl 1 ffi .'@.,T' "tF-,'{I rqrr'fl' fi?lT
fij"tr , ,' ,'ffi ,3;n1' ', ' '
/ .,j' i.i a local channel fut tr'Tlfrr Errfire r<fue Eq{ r-{l
*7$5& 77567*
,! 1:,-.Iiaii,, i: riot breathing
pormally.,. 8b.,.,€T".wE:= K@ lrlErBT srr{
1.-r-.f., I c.r':riri^essions should'be giVen, ffi
frcr6 n;1,ffi EteI &rE qf,{l
.. .i: .t:.l Er< f{ sr "rl-<qrrq e-r<-{?
,,i.,,: ,,. ,r,.,,,:
t t ir r',t'r' Airq$,r{:l-
::r::,'' rii:'
-: .erG G\m e+q ffiv
;':r:i' tltlnLite
q) E ffi
fi{Fru Go 4K
1 i-!rl :i [1c]torway. A]r:6e'hd aa...trrr . qIF,att& um,rcqqt
'.: r-Iri: r-o.:d from a.Iq,-rilf:'-'- ",,
. gffi rrft rEr+ 3v da6 qllT
'li r.r,;15 trOt StOP. ' , ,$4T r?rq'l q-fr EIT$'
(rrr'rj q,l,l ,ET"rfl-{ Gfrtr
.r '15!vcl'
-,g$fi,,fu'.. "qffi:"' ' '- 'r,l :
lt ,,,
:tu r lE q.tr* qffi.: re.' ''ryw Sqq
*gx :
mw ffiffi wffi
:.' frliriards could,rou take Aa. qtei tqlq ?recr {lErrqK 6{i
I t:;i. io ./our vehiCle? rsrl TAm r-sr,-sr w{Frfi 4-{T {En
qeB 'e,gr Gfrs s-rr
i i '',.:.;ir '.'.;;:icr- levels aboVg.,,', iI tr fifffi "rk{rq rrirw "lk{l6"Ke
..: i',i,t, rqFr rr?rr
( ,'r'.. r i;r'e cxtinguisher fr)',[] w gnf q-s {r&rs n?[
,1, ril r ir:q witlr full tank fr; tr r,'B!tr qmrf{ f{rs te
n ,, El?rlrTI,.,r3rr{, fr<q, qqt
; ,. ..lr-rriecl pett-ol fu),E-r r--"$E <I-TE'r{ TTr
/ ,-.-. ...,ti. a1y strong smell $ ,f::riET::::
t , ?rs,, cflcn
'r- I { \
,,=ir::::::l :F:S..TrT ,ffi'?lf -,tt ,..
m,'-$s-T ,'6.6q :
-e5= ,04rr
,. ::lrr 1;iflg1' qSqpr ec{
': .5(
i$3i' : ,,, r. ::t
r: iras a punctur"g;orn:4, Gb:
t.. €H.F' '' G .,etTfEI
l,'lirat should you do?' urt "'65"? '
,sqffi'[email protected]'T.F{
/ .t'.tr,E6- qT,,'GoK rrc afffrm
' r'ffii( rFfqmr{
<K-EI'<I T'{T
f<; tr eq rrfure Trfu Erfdr:r rrl,r+lr
, ,xrEq 1r{e $erl
-sRT{ C'r< rn&' e[fu6{
Gl:-,..n,, Eru r{r
", ' qg:,,, T.g< ,
. :-,r:' i}nCG
' ; .'. 1_ r. r.r .,('.r:r :;{)i-lteone iS , l:,:, \9b. dsffi E: ,iErLr,'QIf,{ .+9 *WO
. i-. ::..r.il,ir:. lStli- illain '"',
.ql,ffi1 '+'+frgg ,{,w$T
1',. i
.,'-:i.r: ..i',,:i,rlCl [:e tO
,===." fq-T1,,Gfrg .. . :=::, :
'l -,.ii
,': ". 1-
i i;,, ir 1 ,,r r.f rfrily*!.S ,, : i frffi Gs< fufus ss{
i_'l .:,,1rsr-: i; rrp tite brol<en glas'S', €)'h vmr Enr--<'AEr,ut xkrs r+cr
,, i ,-i 'j,1i13 lne names of witn€iieS fr),,,[ qlrr frf?l TI?II
. i ri ' 'lrq ;1;-1ir1gg1- 6f fr'l-tr-E-I efr , t@ .E
fFl-fi 4-{t
FrIrtr .fus :
, ,;i ftl tr srrs rsT i+q "na a-rcs rq-{r
I ,l I ,-,l),','Il
fuin , 4q sq \rlgtstvt
arg,l 6im rr-zr o-<i
,ili:-ioir whilst /ouF cdr: s8. ?tre u-dTs sr-dqtll trf{T 6 .fss
,fr) ffi uIEE, ur,E'srfr
, ,6q]T fqrs- fif(
,.,,,, q-mT
"t, fu).tl',ffi, Tm':M
.qrrpti/ -,.:.,. ''g.fo -
r ,; ,'' 1i',i: f ,rsi, person tO .ive 8b. srllft? 3sN <]fs rII ss.B trJBfl3
. '..r '.i'. ' ''ylf efe peOple q-c{'64fo\5 rx?tr6{^ r{'rs
{l1ilq-s Err{ qr{s qc{rql r{,tq-{
ir,, 'r i lr, ,:c si-.ould you dO?,,,:' ro-*^fiffi on{ +-rr qlfir< GFot
,) . \ i\rl ,l I-
.g+$-;ffi, , ',':i:
,l , ;-. ,.'i, r-iie i:ard shoulder and q,; [-,. ,,. rflfr etTqff{l ,g<"
i.,( tr':rf [iC rlOVyn {FKrqM ETf, r{rc ?-TEIT 4-{T
- ffi,p66 ced ti--rcTm 6-{T
i, ,'";'
,ii .ri, i.rre qCxt efi1efSen!.1...,.. 6;'-p-'- '=?1ffi ',
'&) 'n ftg nrq r-{l-< flvr{ 4-{r
/ ' 1,, fq tr sr(,T TI
G)' n rrlt*' ef1 Sq6r+ frr+ G'frr<''rqt
;,iil tC€ fsl tr s{rqq rrffirc{ il si?FI
ir.-t: ,,', ! rirt. a snrall child is not \ec. rclqr T{ffi.qoB f;N {tr
\v't,/irer-i glvi ng moulL,rrto, , @,q,,ll ,{r<r. cT-r?r {{q. E'{
,,r,,ir,t hreathe
-r r"
i{ q{G'iEry< ffis rF*
,e I , ;, i.i;at iS ,el tr T?r rsrs r<-6?rrq sffi isq
- -ir.m G"ra rqcr nfrrr mrT
'::).) Of an incident. u9.,,,€sS,',T{Br1E'Er* Betfts qrcq-{ I
iffi,,ffi,,.ffi'ffi ,
, , :Le fu tr $tl{' s-T-(E e\rrc T-{T
/ fxttr st?r-{ tll, {T{ TI?ff,'
, rrlrr
'' ^^ssible. tr
f,st Ts< qffi .imr<To rI Trsrffit
fr '.'';;itin$
':,-, ,:it'ink
O' I
s.{ffit$ ql{1 ,TI1g,ffi''a-ar
, .s,u1.,.i61 r.rr$
/ €) E 3st EFTIE"T
,/ fr; tr ,.tlq' 4ef' :
Y3i: ;r":-i;,i at lhe 5cene of rftOtOrr,Cyile \9b. sTE ({rtrfrr+r<F-fl Bitr+a em
ci-;]s:r. l"c otirer vehicle is involved. Gtfgs qrsrur I q{T rorc{r rrfo
l-l,c r icier is unconscious, lying in the w .fw qfl qr-f,{rfi qr"6r[ q6s
rrl't,rj.c oI tltc road. il-gllr q'{T{rr{ c;59 wr6E I
'=- t
l"l-:,-lt e'c Alrswer , '
dSE i?]ET ffig T.ST
,:, , i* 116ir1;rueif the engine'.',- .e) E ?f'rrr< 'rq {fr ffirro qnc-o
'.l,inrls 1lr-ight ,,
*.,,, .,, ,
HTA-6S CTrc {]?FI
r _ ," i,c lr.,rl 'i ts ;Ust a temporary i<l tr?Er q€rft rsr6{I rrl'{il Msr
. "t,'-,., ff..,lt '" Tf,fr {(T,.+-{.j mTI
,- ;11 r.ti1i1 rlre pr-oblem when fryl tr q?E Ws r<ft Tffiq QtF[rE sfi
r.irgrg jg rlore time ..-,' I : -, ',:ffi tryqg; 6-g
t :l , rlec{ o:rr tire problem quickly fsl tr Frfl"lcq,'qr-q,qtvig$ \fl''
q lic v ETg T-{T
:i rrac. vv'hat is the iirst thing srrs IIEF] T-.ilK w{i I-{ Eqr{
, i , :.:Lriri do to help? f+ O-rf lriIeFIK Gfriof
' i .c.,.,,' 'rctricle errgines running fsl tr nrs< Ei,sq D-rq rI{T
l?*s F
fi l, ,.
5-- a1
,ti{*tr;iii; .,':, ..*-
i s1- !'vlf riiir i.r^/o sitould yoU,uie qO. roq T? nmr.r< wfi'erfid
lr,r;.,,,d w.1t n;ng lights?
effis. ffa[x <TTEK E-ar tFst
t'if t'.*fi a'i<We1-S
f . '"i
"' '' ) /.."'f (jt air e aCi 't ,l:t Tfu w r-{6v qrd
-,, i.'i_l ."..;irs1: yot:wislr to StOp On : ,l fr; tr {w T'fi e,qq a-rtr{-{ E"rr< fl&
r.i.:ubie yellow lines ..1;.., .. . Er{rcE ?g-<r eF-{
i , \,,,r.,o,. yau need to park fr), fl.' {Rr{-qts"Jrrarr,t,"rc<' $6 IqT-
,i 1lr.- L,:.lVenlent q-68
t 1''iin";,< u hrve broken down
" i.'r
,',i "
'lll; ,,r,.c -ir.cililed at an incident to q8. ,r€I{i Trt( 6rr mrrfl
,TK.t,,,f E{tsilr
,,1,.,,: , rip. !\'hiclr THREE things ,. l f{fET 1:O1-tr ffi
1rircrriilj i-Otr rJO?
," ,t')",:rrn!
srfr us-< ffis rffi
, ,-,.-cf q,f your vehiCle s ) tr i{rr{ mf.s< un'r
L ti lc;,:.i i50 nrerres (492.@t) fr; tr {IfuT Tq"rrs bco f,{-Fr<I
,r .r 1rr.
I :Ut. VehiCle (8ba frt) f1urq
I ' ,r. ,i '15 ,:rcrr-es (la7 fee$ ft) n r@r s'{trs 8c frBmI
, , I . ,' ,r ,relf iCIe ()8q fuE) ftb-m
. r 'r lr.ii ,.our vehicle fst tr fifu-T qrs-{rc-< ftqr{
., i.:. i ir 1t i li.ivrirg
et,;, jc caicires fire.
i.hrough a:.tunne-li qg. 't :W-l tr*r effllZ Umrrer
€rErdgl-rtr ,nfo-rl5 qter m6?r rflq I
i,'. r.-. ctlr,llrJ yOLl dO?
f{ arl srt"Hr< gftst
.. ... ]
l l,i ll( r\ rlC artsu/e qffi.,fuRfrrs q*q
-oi"ii ii,r.-ie thr-ough the tr.rnnel €) U:rs{ erf, Dr6Tm{ fu-sm flfs
', .'.1 { ii
,r .') .r-veiticle ar^ound
f<r E rffi rrr flfs Tlrni ft"rfrs
,i':, {fr o-{r
::,{) nLlt of the tufrndr',, fr}8 @'-qrr-ft"eq1r rstm rE{ E€{r
.1r-r'), ollt an emergency stoP fut tr 6-+-fr q{qtr rrfs eff{rr{r
st;illed in the middle qq rr,ffi IqEq W.r r<-qers 6tqr"-{
r,, .$,.t..EIt1l3t ?1 ,.-?fuq TS-,eqT
-';::in:"dca,!...! f ulfffi.'qffl-< gI Emfrc
,,"'' ,rpq6
;' ;;r--li Stat-ts , ,' ::ff,| 'q ry-+ V T1-6TE
r:-r should
j : ,r,
' qys' Tr.<rv L wifirR GrEs
A q .A
.qSIF !rts-{ iEi@ SST
tl ,-, tiy,,n,iir:n ii is ess#al o' fi-' T{d .{E 'g
'r,. sIr'aiflhl away f<r tr n-{ q'{c{Q rr6E Tr6E
rl lr, ,..,i:gn iire rider askS Pr) L_.] fS!?T r[?ra'fiT f?ffTfE. Tflf{
i ;: '.. ,rr)irss r.ney are in shock fs; tr m vn' mm qt afi?F,q :rq q-TCT?
'ii,;i a coilision some'one lras,'. qb. fi:FT w-o,'1qG etrrg qtE\5 Et'TIrEt
i'ri i-r, ,i ir. l"he burn-leeds',tO''l'
,'r:, j. \,r-itai is the shOrteSt,,lil E
,,, ,ffit.
T{ errs' ,TgJl-.
4qE sr algi
, ,,1 ,,' "-,.,:lcd io;i rr?II Gfss?
qffi.lqgJ @. qpq.
€) E c
, ''
fo.i.io frFfr .'
I frl tr --\
bG F{FrB{
, .'.] rs) Ll eo FIFIT{
Hi..--..-.-r. x.
ffi:;rir'f --. ! t
H d{
l, 1S
q.'. I
:= .t
r"l *.i.#
efl .-fft:'
,in,il EEIS
.{sqT q{x l
ffi *fr1rffi
!!U I
'.. i
T,ffi hffii
i,r fii. a stabiliser befor:e b. ITrFI Til3r]VrFr rDrq r{\gTK qtrrr
:1 1 '-,.:::l
,,, .' t
f+l tq6<13- .,
;:u tc tow without rs.) E rEt+ers rs-c{f, E-rsri rBrq
;rr"...::yr g;11;lg .,,., ,
fr5s qrf,rqq
..sFE qsa
.r' ; ,l,c veltiCle .s)trfi&ffi
,,.,. rf i!-,g iiems ,. ,
i<t f {K I't"TI:trq <-F[ S-<'T ECE
r':'ii'i .a-. rr? rrfs--<
, '. 1c io.rded
i' \^/' '.'
o fu. ffir - ',=,,
1',',.',,' ,g) E FrcC?T urlrf{
,. r ,;1; ir;li irr.iiriing a child f<i tr <-T's m-G ffir+, {L< eir?F[E
,rr;ir.i11l1 re;it. belt ''l 6, p,3 frB r<-d
fs,, tr rsrrd-{ G"rr*-{ r{rF
., r:,l-r \9. rFm
* FIrs {I€TII q-{{,fu
li<-,..ys6i to= iide,. in+.:.-
rsr(-{r TT-{IE]Ifi
r;; r ii i1r,i11p, tClWed: ., ,l '
Tr-d rrq {egr-q srrrE fs?
! !\ .c)'
.{qfr BET ffis q,-oq
' ,' ,zci is fitted €) E Et rilfurter,m mrrftt qr+m
,r ,ii r,i,c seats in the towing fu='tl ,{t;-
FW qlrq. [Ir ?fl&',
,, -
. il1
, ...:,. plp -@, q"'r', s,.r,{r[E
/ fuifltfi.i,r"'"''.i=" f,, ,,," ,,, r
:..' . ,
i -r i ,.:,r lcLil-
""f ta:,,
1 q. TT r{r$ Efi5r-<E rdr<ffa S-{rfl
(.:'()id trolding
qrffi tw frfus rf,{
r ! '-'. i ! :::: l
€SE \?,1gT ffig TF{
/ r ;c ,rarrdbook €) E \fu. T<.1r 1.n-fi-{ qEm
:'', r 'i; .,;y Code :r
r<i L_.1 ?R€[T m',rrs
.,, r lrr_rlrr;-r,: i-jifCUm€hts' :frt tr' rfr'fl "rce.
. . .,, :_ngi51;_21i61.1 ful tr..fifu'{ r<@m Trr{I{ q"rq
,. ' .ta !-
""r- l'
;ril )r.:,ISi(]p a Cafaval:l
i i,l 1:.rr:r :;iqi;l:,a Side? r:
:bo. f$" sril mrffi TlFilviFrr+ €fr-s
, efro quIDuT rerrs fu{E KI?rrG?
;1 r ,! .:\iJ i. t-
.{sG Eg'{ ffis o-qr
:r-r,,.-i<iy as you ean.,., , €) E rc gtVTErfi q-s-{ rilfo afifu(T
ir r_/) rncl"ease.spged f<ltr rrfu rifsrr
"ii','n-i, graduaily'1 fu tr 1< xmuc'.r ?rfu sfrcr
:.:.:ering whed=,,..'
ful tr q.],nv rrr ffiq .qfq-o-
e&-+ gF<r:r
'ailer on a '.59'fuq rqrF{srilcs rurB eoffi
,:iy. rf.drc rFr+ f{Gr {rcqTl
. T<-{E r4E{ rqr4r qKE I
qr{fr q-{rTn
.qefr gq{
ffig s-{,{
T {eierator slowly i, E sTrrqmrriF ruru rq-in
r"41r sids to side f,<r E siq-6-eft-o ffi( q-rrT{r
)i)'SiOp, ,, fr-, E ffir *.t o-<-r
fu, E rNI.iT rrfu <rs[qT
, a caravan.
bG. daB $IHtrw rFrr f{rr {T€irK
r.,:rly help '4frs-fiqT F<-[p-a1 frfrq-{ fonf;fo
, ,r llg/
'5' fifg- f{Trcq T-{-6s rot-Ta. EC{
iO P&P call - 07956 27 56 70