Driving All Question

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This seetfic>ffi lcmks at miqlr*Fl*ss mmd ,$S tftrryec" HffiB-T-I qqqwq" w$ sq'c.

attenti**': whem you er* drivia.rg. xffiryrffiTeY s$x sqry wET w1. I

The qu*sti*ffi$ wi$[ astr( y*u ahq]Mt m f{q.rff $fiefqfm" SS wf ECq

=,,S ffihssrvetiffin w qWT

=,{W AntleEpa*imn .ffi rym'*fT

w qfiryr6qr$ q4q-
,w rysrtrry
W "e.-

,L. qt ""
* *
.rt,) *



ffiiwr:* .'
I . Whieh':of the following should u do 1& qll{.|lf{t3 uftfrf ]fry61ryg
before stopping ? o-fl er"r{"r{ Gf,DE
t- .,
,- .-,.

Mar:k one swCi,' .

.qsffi' trko qoq
a) E Sound the horn-,. . ... . .:. .{,) E p.f TM
b) , ElUse th,e-mirrors .' . i<r tr qrr"{r <rrerc T-<r
c) E.Setect a'high,er gear fri t fu fqrm fifq ril'
d) . EF.laah youi'.6ead iightl ,,- f,st tr r+s qro.Dr TH oril

2.., Yb'a are aplr: tiiin-.tighF =i;,,,_o @t qffi.

:'that hatre bee@een
for some tirne. arE4, rT{rffi rsb:sq retm T{6
You should
ij rrfu qTanc-+t qr-cut urr"Hm Gfrs
Mar:k o,ne inswei'.. .qq,B \Egr ffis
u) harO q) tr
qTrwqt-TErc-< (u,Tr< E-rq F-Tr
b) "[]A.eelerate
[] Maintain.your speed: ", "'."'..
c) ZA" ready to srop fr'lt tr rcrr{ \e'. 88,'ffi:
d) E Brake hard rsl U 16r(.{ [${T TFI

3. When you ar"e rnoving off from (i. , ?frF- ffi' fffi r.Ers: flfu
' behind,.parked Car you should,..

Mark threet'answers ..,, :- ,,-' ,W W',Gfu gF,q". ,",,

,) fiLookround befor.e you move of ir
.q) tr flfr D'rdfll-{l< wlrrt 1:T ffitfi
b) ElUse all the mirro.s on the vehicle
c) ' ['to6k round afte,r:'moving off,
,fr}. Tlfia,. ffi Cqtt'
lqi tr otrfu urEn+m irm Tr{ m{r
d) ! Use-'exterior i;ri,only '-l -
ful I fT?lET <rie6-{ qnF* f''u'
e) ZIGive a signal if necessary a) LJ $6T16r{. T(rSs [E-{I
0 E Gir" a signal after moving off s+tE rrfu wqrrrB e1-6s aq5a15 rq{I

4. You are waiting to emerge from 8. .g$fi w(T{' rars r{,'<rc{K 'Errqsl
a junction. The screen pillar is S-{f9;1 6{ f"pTIT stT"fil-< Efr-
restricting your view What should rrllD-{e-.f sfrtr frrsrqt fora-< o-*l
you be particularly aware of? W1fr frr.fq' qs?F c;1-+-6{{?

Mark one answer .qsB iDgr Gfrs q-cq

a) f Lorries .!) tr q-fr
b) f Busses i<t tr qlrl
c) 6Y,oror.yclists inl tr rqrrq-rirse.
iul E roru'
5.' You-,ar..e- ':l
mo$t'likely to lose efffo ufanfn qT{R' uil"ffr qilq;rq
': Cd,ncentfation when',drjVlngr jlryou ?grrr rgfir rdFr rfr 'qT'rfT

Mark two answers

a) d
re6 Gfu,?FiFr, ,,
Use a moblle phone dlr tr 6[l{ri-fl f+T{ qrlEr{ s-6fi[
h) E u;L
tistento veryioud., ,
frr tr .rrq' rtr{
(<r-.r <f?T [rtrrfir
c) . E' Swkch'on'the heated ' '.
fr)".E, PIu-T . ftB{-{
rear windo* <rrEEI 4rf,{
d) E Look at the door mirror ful tr Ff,6'R qrimr rr-6<Fr
6. Whiih FOUR aia'moii'fitetfio '$=' {!fu. '' ,,

cause you to lose concentration f+'H Er{Efs qTnfr q{iw6

while y-ou are,drivingT. :
Ere "ITMfl
Mark fgur answers
a) dUrrnga
D-KG ,0w ffiv E-+*
mobile phone s) f 6qi<leq= r+r[ <T<Er]T T-{-6FI
- , i<t tr
E rdking in to a microphon€ qrqro.r6Frrq qr4rR T-{rf,
c) lll Using the demisters$rTrgl j'r.".i:")fr; tr ffiK <FEr{ 6-f,(-fl
d) @ Looking ar a map -^ ful E fq"r rq"?r6q
e) E Checking the mirrors il tr qnr-qr cr?rrr
f7 .E Tuning your car radio s+lE r<[ue qa-+ <-+ra

7. ,'YoUr: mobile phone,rings while you q. ,cqE3e[ m, t16i'61 q{qLT

' are on tho,.motorway;" '::', ..: rsr{ r{co lrbrqTr
Before answering you should mH mm 6f qT"rfiT &Bs
MaFk ohe ansWer sr6,tg.{ frfrs rsa
a) f].. Reduce your speed to 30 mph ,s) tr tfu 6frm tgo {'rirfr i4fi1 wrnr
b) f] Pul'l up on the har:d,.shoU1oer i<r tr als mlFrsr6{ r@ qrs T-{r
c) [ Move into the left hand lane fql f slq "tr6'K r_d-€r{ Dr{ qlgrT
d) ilSrop in safe place ful tr irar"m' zrca. rrfr nrs r-Tr
8.'On,a.lohg motorwa,y, journef'',.. v. rqrB-Eers-rc (T!E{r rnqrs
boredom can cause you to Trg E€Trcs 3x wr:rcu effi-< I

feel sleepy. You should g<N, qIgFTK GBE

Mirk twb answers :

EAG se.r ffis sFT
a) [f Leave the motorway and €) mrraerx rwv nTo Errilr{rir
::, 5:, gq1..
find a safe place to stop :p.H.,6q.{ ,3i.{I ,

b) [ Keep looking around at the ft)" n" qB?ff qfr

surrounding landscape rqct[s efisl
c) f Drive. faster to complete fal tr srgtsrgl n,fl rK s<K E{I
your.' Iourney.sooner-
rr::-',.ffi1'' fl4tr51q1''''

d) [f Ensur€',a supply of ,fresh air ful tr T-fur fu'e-r{ rq:r

rrNs ilEr
into your vehicle Y[Cr sK <-{<-gI a-{l
e) l-l Stop on the hard shoulder Q) E'&$"ffirr qr'ql$ rflq-slril
for a rest - rrng crF[flI
9. WindsCreen pillars can obstnrct h. '{ffi,
otfr+m Efr-
yo.ur view. You shoul-d.,take -.'- Trfi qr;t-(E flrc-q
rfiID-{]EI{', I

ennf{'i{fqs nE6. afl"F(-d{ {?T{

Mark one answer qTB \BET frfrg E+q

a) f Driving on a motorway d ) tr cqrf*,srsrc ?r@ Dt=Trrfir
b) f Driving on a dual carriageway f<t tr WTq <rri<-werrcs ar& urern-<q
c) 'E Approaching a one-way sreet in tr sg6€cs {ivfir irro q$a-< pr-+{
o1 E eppt"achin! bends fu; tr ws,*H' ,s<< irfl <Ig1ll
and junctions ftro qar< sc<+
l0.You arrewaitihll to tur:n right at the ,5o.;' ,HE.. ',Eql ugffi
end of a road. Your view is ,",'- g1-aryE'',rsl[v,',tqrcx E t fllK' T.-<I
obstru;ied by parked vehicles. ,:,,.,,, ', ':WAt
\ /hat should you do? . == tftgr
: :.: :'j
t,l :. , ''.
Mark one answer Qffi,
a) ds,"p ,"J in"n move forward ,s) fl''r{rr{ rl'srl sq( EfrI."tltE-{sr
I slowly. and calef lly for a' slt-ET Eg?fT qEatf' ,gqq
: ProPer view ,:, :
fiL-n frt-T Tr{rK ftro oTrqr
b) E Moquicldy'i@hcre you can frl tr rqeil{ rerc-{ m<ll rEI rfl'ctTcr
I '. see 5e lou only ;o t c from m f,q\g{ .q@T-{
,:,, W\r
one direction
u'i ,",'-,
{q<l3q1' Ttffi'TE ,

c) [ Wait for a pedestrian to let you fn' E efelH*Ttr gT' q,rzrw T-qI, r,{;I
know when it is safe for you 9TqKT.6F[I-S C{ TIITF €Ir{I
to emerge 'r.r:" B'fi Ff{T,4r Ef-T,
d) E Turn your vehicle around fsr tr
:-: rrr, rzg ,trfs Tf<rl cq-TI s<(
immediately and find another ffiV .
9I1 qIl-.fflflt
junction to use

l,I.b-u must'iot uie hand-hbld" bb, :"Are.'

Efql.Ff -qqBr ,q,lrg firH {{re
phone while driving. Using a , ,,. ,qq.11' gry.lr.? ','
hands-free system
t- - " *l EIT {-fcg qn rI
-gI;T MFT Tr{?TF€

Makone anSWer .qsfr Ggr ffis s#T

a) lll witt reduce your field of vision ,g) E,, .T, fu
b) 6tt still likely to distract your f<l tr flvI rerrs' rqffc{Ir sfrrs
attention from the road ,.,
" fr-CF r-,: ii:: .

c) E Witl affect your vehicle's ftl E' .q@e@ 3vt<

electronic systems
d) E Witt lncrease your field of vision ful tl EBrflE-{sT <l&Tr ftr<
12. You are driving on a wet road.
, You have to st6p yout" vehicle in an
br. W"rk frsrf nsm t"K frnr
Dl4r@{t 6-#iti w{qT-{ flfo
emergency. You should Ec<I EI?NR GBg

Mark one answer ..qTB ''6pry'qrq

a) E Apply the handbrake and {) n ,{snrfir,qllg-(T-t{ .€T(
s;@+-<FrEEr crl
b) ,B.Keep both,hands on the wheei frl D ' .q .{ O"*r n{,,
c) f Select reverse gear fr),,t M mrcr Fw qrr
dI E, Cive ah-ar:rn,signiq,i' , '. .
iu; tr qs EKr q(ms r-Tt
I 3. When fotlo*ing a'la6;ahiile ylou !\9. 'ryfiF4' ,Ori"q
should keep well back because this
fqurq erlo.l rgfus, TErc[ €rs
Mark.one ahiwei -,.. .qTG
Gfuu <p-+q
a) ff ett.wr the'driver to see. ou in
the mirrors
E qT"HTC-{ q'?TCE ehg
>T€F{' P(T
'tl ?@
b) l-,{ilp the large vehicle to stop f<l tr <C Ew. smrs
more easily TEI-II T "ITF
c) 'E Aliaws you to corner fxl tr qrtfr rorcm frrs '-.
,,....."' rT[q ,fl41{ ::i: ,

d), []..11"1p you+o-keep out of '' fu, n <rEPi rem frrsrs irHTE
the wind

14. Youi vehiCle.is.=fitted withi handi 59. ,qg'*r, qqq mrc,ffq

fteephone syJtem.... Using this, sfienK ,rnvrs qrqrfiT qr6E,
, eQuipment=-whik drivfu"'' .. afu UrqfET qiruR' st <tt?r?Er s3rT

Mark one ahswer ,q$fi-O(r{,,-ffi,,-ffi '",:-,,,.,.,,,,

a) E ts quite safe as long as you €) E fq-fi"rr Ts{F{ unnfr q{ rtiuTg
slow down er& urErr<q
b) fi Could distract your attention 1-{) U {rgK r?Ern 16{ {T<rT rerrc
from the road :.:-,,,,ed{!1 .:,rcf<:,fr-Cg. a;1'6A', -,
c) "n Could be very good for fxl tr flvr f+nffi' TI{r{ trrsT
in-d iafery <5<a WW vC<
d)tr ls recommended by the fol tr qr?err (TTs Er rirm
highway code um lfrfCq.f ffi-S

15.Y6ur rnobtlE,phone rihti hi[e',y.,o-u b . {rcT sr6q qrftrK r{r{rQq r€r{.

are travelling. Vou should rdl.6 v-5rqi I w"FflrT G6g
Mark one,ans\ rer :j

a) l-l Stop immediately € ) E nffi rrs, relr{' al€sl

b) fl Answer: it irnrnediately=' frl tr xTT qrw, rs-Fr ffii
c) Z(P"tt up in a suitable place fal tr f++tqq.'ilr{ ?r& effircql
d) l-l Putt up at the nearesi kerb fsl tr Fr+-ffi qrt'f,sr ftrfm elmrc-{I
l6.This road marking warns b\9. asR .q? qT{ r-eftv s-6T


Mark 6n6answCr-' I t" a@ ,,ftry ,- " ,,,,

t) [ Drivers to use hard shoulder s) tr ur+o-+rersrrrfi-srr rffErfi[ s-#T
b) ,E Overtakihg..dr.ivers th6ie ii.a-,' r{) u qHmrF {Ig{T EI"rS-{T T1116{
., 'r,,- bend+o the left,. ;..,,, qNfrrT ?Trc qrCE
c) .ff Or".t"king driver, ,o ,ou" lqr tr "rnr+rr TI€TT El"T?ffiI rr-{
,. backto the left <rq irm T6-< qrfi;r
d)' f] Drivers,that.it is sife't6 oV€r:take f,u; tr ErFrF-{r "rnrsrF {r€Tr i++rffi

I 7. You are driving at dusk.-> tt :,'"'i

i' bq.' E[T,'{Iftr- ,g:W. TT6{" flfu
You'sho.uld switch your lights on
ry:ryIiEry ryeq-r*'q'q ,

Mar.k two an
rs, ,Tr-+
a) E
Even when street lights El 'E' ,.ql-q_]1r,
-i., , ,,
are not lit t"'
b) dto'Onlyot 'cin i"" yoo, ' , r{) L d(r5 E.{rfl qt"lT'r+ ffi'lf[s {16{
c) E whenathels have'done so fr r tr Rs{ r?F[ s"{r+r ETAf,ry qra-rc-{
d) E Only',when str:e€t:lights .
lgl E'\s{ { "':
,. 'are lit. :':;':;'':
qrf,r6Tr EIT.C"

! 8.Your vehiclerii fitted'wlih

Db-,srfflrK Tre T
navigation systern. '-, . ''' TIEI=. "-X!e ,El

How should you avoid letting Cq!i.'.,q ]{il S-ffi,TI tq'S fry q:{l
this distr.act you whilg+iving i+ E-n i?,fuuz
i: ''
Mark 6ne answGr' *# erq
.E Keep goin@d inpntlaur. '- .
4 :'1 a,){ Ef,'rs mr l fr{f{l
destinati.o into the sfstem q€Grc ffiq s-{6s enor
b) E K""p going as the system will i<l tr EqN crTo.[, Fre^ q€G ql"t;l'T-
adjust to your route ..,, ';.I qffiI 'e;ef'-,6'<p6q.-6{ ,,,4.1.C{
c) E Stop immediately to view and fti tr TaE qds-E
o-an w-qi a-cr
use the system qffi rerr{ {.ISTI
d) fu) E,{ffi
-ry* 6n frilqq
ElSlop in a safe place before using
the system , 1,,'',
Fm ?l-F ?tT{g eLrTlITI ]

*rfu?rrr* f,ryatAq:-
,sc aT .qtr qm:Tr{rli r+:r-un:[ ds ,fl-{ , r'?r* l.ra'fu.ur-rq=r<ra ftr<

l 9.8etor"e you"makea U.ttrn' in'= -,- bb- (s'trilt rlv.lT QB-m srr{ "lr1i
the road, you should

Mark one answer

a) , E Give an.arm'sifnal..asrinell.as using .q ) L_J Ersrs,CEurry
<Fr{K T-<T Tryg
your indicators
b) E Signat so that other drivers can fr1 E xq re'",.,.q3T EITflqI"E-r.q-s
c) Z
slow down for you
-fr' ''-='QIffi'fiqirf s,q{c,tr -effffi
Lookou"r you. shoulJer for n'qry ,frrr 65- rtrr'<
{rcr Tr{ [q{r
d) E Select a higher gear than norrnal fur tr ?rvn?r6-sr rurs vE' irrns rqsr
20.You.ar:e turning-right onto a -.-.-... UTT.ffi ffiV'f-{ffi W.q
'iN NA

,,. deral carn 6way;-Wh4t olrkwerrrs Cbru-+r ifu
$oufd ypLr
"' do:' b'efore e me,tgingt'*,q fo o-ar qrfirm EGsr
6 rS-
Mark one answer
a) f Stop, apply the hanJbrake and
then.,select a low gear
qsG Gs-{ ffis +,sr
q) E qnfl, eTrsKAo, ffi .qqq f{xq
b) E Position,your".vehicle,..well.to'':,,.,.the M
fql n 'qr:t+rs ittB' T,Et{ rtvf{ l

'., l.eft of thg'Side road,''l TN ,P

c) E[Cnect that the central reserve is fla; tr
qfl' crffi{
q-flFfr nrcY
?irfu x
_ wide enough for your vehicle 3s &-{r sr rr{r H^
d) 'fl'Mtke suio,,that you leive enaugh isl tr i"r%ffi rmVT q,-{T {rg-r urnflr |-.\
room for the vehicle. behind $1-a rE6156sq er frfu qsrr : f(f
2l .Y,ou lose your *ay on a busy road. iu.: ,s$E ryq"rrX-fr ,{L
.. What'is the best action to take? ['ssr{'&- * ', i? .

Mark one answer ,srfu iEg1 FFFS q_rr (p
,) E Stop at traffic lights and s) trfrrfrTq
rqrq ffi
ask pedestrians ,, T'T.[=.
b) E Shout to other drivers to fr1 ["" 6qEN'qr
ask them the way "ler fu-6.Frr s$ w
c) dTurn into a side road, stop ixl tr "nffii rdrrfl fl-sm Dfs t7)
and check a map 6afm ffl,6g {'il"1 fr?-fcf F.'il b
d) E Check, -ip, and keep going fuifi,qfi?r.' ' '-gaq:",ffi s
with the traffic flow ltT!311'fi w{mcI s-{r uL-,
w ;ffi=- l^
22. W.hen remerging from junctions lQ- q,fi.'@I 6s' lq KP rq..sr r 7
which is most likely to obstruct ', t'
your view? snvTq" <r* n<rcg ,tlc<?
Mark olr€ ilflswer-1 sqG gg,r frfrv qPq c- N
a) Zlwinaic.eeri'p-luins
b) fl Steer:ihg wheil= ... ,

sr tr
f<) tr
Ga-sB;re-{ I?rom
ffi<. Eta 90ai'.*#l::T, rci'<'rr

c) I-l lnterior mirroi

fn f,
-. TwrT{ qm-{I v
d) Fl Windscreen wiperi ist E i?;Mmq €rr+TK
Zg.Why ar.e these yel1ow.,h'nei piint"a a\9- Tlw{, C,ffi--geryq
.. ' ,aoioss tne+oad? ' l

rq\gTl arrs'rfir?

Mark'one anS*er ':::: .:

+ffit', n
a) E ro'hep you choo thei'',...-, € ) tr Ttr+' r*- rdrq f{cio qrflrm
'.corr€ct lanE .TT-Q\9Tr{..81
b) tr fo
help you keep the correct frl tr qqT rr& rqr<' rrer* E_{y r6ls

separation distance TTCT6g T'IET{T?€T'I][ 6'{T

c) ',,W'7" make you iware, :i-' fxr tr snqTffi t&r erfuc<t
"-- .- yOUl.Speed-..,:' ..:=i-,,,=
Of r?rsIFT s-<m wql
d1'.,E',,To=ett /ou'ifu distancb.' foj tr w rBss<lg.rB(
to the roundabout r{9 GTrir 6-{r
24,You tannot see clearly-.behind when eB. t?ttr*{ :@ qfsrtT'rIF,..l?IE{ frs
' reversihg. What should''/ou do?' ,,. .,-' ". ,?l ',dlI '.f?r(-q,''f+ 6],*=

Markone answgr :'r.'-'::t:' --':-'

"" u@ @"Tr{
€) tr e-{ FI6t.t q-flK s-ql Tr{FIT E-tgrl
b) ,E Open the *indow to look behind ftl tr E-r+rqr rqrrf, ferc-+ ftm rr,qrr
c) E Open the dool. to look behind frl E,nrqT r.enrE frffi ,,r,F*ff
O E Look'inrthe nearside.mirror.. fot tr <rrr etrr*fir qnrfl-T rF'{I

a-hahds-fr.ee,phone is-likely to QG- QI(S,"i&m T' qf:::d.:Ai?t" $-q:{f{{


qsfr IE sr frfus ssr

a) [l lmprove your safety 4) tr 1t<l9f-eT dq ar
b) E lncrease your concentration i<i E c+l rTqr gfq ET
c) . E. Redu-d your.tiaw''' -' .'".-- f,a'l tr EBrrrru-{gr ETri enrf
d) WDivert your attention fol tr, 'a*'i@, ,.,:

26:. What is thC'iraf,.qs1 w,ay to'uie a'- i'g=" rq6.,ur<r*

mobile phone in your vehicle? Tffi f{-n"," C"ffs fs?
:' - ..-.t:r.::t:::::=:::::,=

Mark one answer dTG \i,ET ffis sPT

a) lll Use hands-free equipment ,g) tr ers in-rg qr ffiK w' qr<-EK T-r<
b; ftri"a a suitable place to stop fr)r,. [^-Fcrr{f({r{,6-T fir{l4r' rrrd' r-dcq f{1"{
c) E D.ive slowly on a quiet road fr)','E .qq 1fuTs ETfdllT
d) E Direct your call through fol tr qflImrFrc.T{ {I{rcq sq tr€{ sr{
the operator
27.|n which of these situations should (sli.qT svffifu
s-{T rarrs' fq-{E qrrsrf,fl

Mark one answer

a) fl Just after a bend g.r E {ror <rw* "rc-qq
b) E ln a one-way srreet 6y 11 .61 gTr{-sH,,T]vta
c) E On 30mph road ft)fl -rg,o' '?{fu r.Mlir
d) Z Appro^ching a dif in the road fu; tr flq ilvtgt< frrE qterrn' "rcef
i'b:=' '- '
,28. What=does the6rn'Blihd'.Spod-
mean for i driver? ..'=.,ry,$ry urB

Mark one answer uffi .,frffi.,:. ..-.. ,

a) - E Anarea,:cov,ered byyour ..,',, s) tr sT-{ f,qrsr Er,mrg rq

right hand mirror wmrnf"E fo-qT ql6q.
b) E nn r."u not covered by your fql tr C orrrn rqs ETerB{ €r qrrqr
headlamps ?^RrI rretT qrcE ar
c) E Rn area covered by /our f,q)E rN frrs{ wrHEr rr
left,hand mirror - .:,.

d), 'B Xn area not'covered btroua r-nirror Isl U r{ qnfl sitx-{]T rqqT {H TI
29. Obje is,hanging*om your ab. ftu6<-{ qH'{K rcr r+rGI frq
' ,'' interioi mirior tyti3tl.,,;;-... ,,, qarfir ctr+rf, sr65
Mark t\ ro answers
pf Restrict your view EAm Csr ffis ssr
a) !.r tr gfrrrflbr-or efrm ftrs "nr*
b) [ lmprove youF]dr:iving i<r E ffi urmrc-+r srflr qcu nrm
c) [ Distract your view Iryl f vi.rrTn-<sEr <rrf qiTcs qlr{
d) E Hetp youi concentration fst D q,qmTfr e[s rrew a-flrc 'ftm
3O.You are'travellint along this narrdw 19o,=qt?!fr=.,.9:}. m .Srtr'. "ftr$ flE
- coU,nty road. Whe=n,.passihg fhe . Erqrrryrl q<rq rr-r+-d{ DTFrF-Co
ryclist you should go .::.,.:::::q'fu*u- T-(?',.Tf(i'{''g?m &fr\5

Mark one answer o.@ ffiTffi,'

a) f, Sound the horn as you pass sl E,-9!@,q€ lK, ,ffiE{ ei'<Fflr{.r
b) E Quickly, leaving plenty of room F; ,tl , rnFr,q't'gfl .s,tT dI<T
c) ZI Slowly, leaving plenry of room fr)-'fi {.Wrqft fun<n
d) E QuicktN sounding the horn isl tr srs-rut\n .{<( Fi <Iwr(ql
3 I . You are driving on a motorway and \e5. wffi' er.sffi'ffi u'f rry=f
W&ht, to use,to,ur mobile'.phone:,.. r{l{r€-4 r+T[ <r{EI][ Sircs DrcE;il
vVhat should you do?

Mark one answer €FIE

a) E frf ,o iind a safe ptace on tne rrl tr Etg rfl"rsrr* rsrfl iq-*rq? ?H'
:' :. hard=shoulder . ' ':
f?fEw r{jr qrr
b) fr Leave the motorway and stop frr tr nrf<err rq-rs rfi qG rsrnT
. in a'sa{e place " '' fFT:lT, ,.{@" emrcql
,. l
cJ',fl'"Use the-hex, eiit'-nalr[i.op_, tr nFrFK
',- =' f,ar q"c<, rt{Erir fuer
,, ",,. on the a'lipl roadl' .r' .
[3rrg enfo erlrrrmr
d) fl Move to the left lane and fu tl Trcv{ rqac-{ }rffi strryr L{<s,
reduce your speed rlllvl fl'fu 4{ s-Tr

32. Yout Vehicle,is fitted with"i, hand"., 'e.i"'ry,

:"' $q* sr*i, f$- 41q
'-,, .,
held telephone. To use the
telephone lou should '.-".,,1ffi tm1[ qEEi-...
Mark one answer : ,,, '

a) [-l Reduce youi'speed gl-tr,tq ffi-' -.Ernt.,l ,,

b) Z fina a safe place to stop frl n m,-f"..FrfrTelq-qFr "II€TI
c) ,! 'Steer the vehicle withtne hand fry'.[] sE, EI(,-' ffi.+.rmrqr
d) E ge particularly careful at junctions fot tr w(l;redrcs frnq. ry6' en-ay

3'3.Wheofu see a hazard ahead you 9g' qI{'F::Flf,{I' {'f"98111'.m''1ryQ

: should use the mirrors. Why is this? e@ l[tfl{I f6cr6s qs, gr rsq?

Mark one.answ6r= .gTG gET Gfug sFT

a),- E' Because you Will need to s i tr Tmq tfu rt&rr {fotd qrq
accelerate out of danger olfuG{ S-fis EC{
b) WTs assess'how your actions will ,fr)-'E wIry Tr'tr( PrprEK qw{ren:r
f+qF st srflIq T-?mr 6qi
c) E't.cteitwlat is hippening''on frl E rrsrs flrrm f+ e6E sr
the road ahead rr"<rK 6-{I
d) f] Because you will need to brake ful tr TKq ilfu eNr6-{K q_fi qlftnro
sharply to a stop (qT6-< EeS'S1rN qC<

34;You should.€N
LY' uie :a,.mohile
\98. r{IiIr-4 r+Tr U{ s?r{a <r{€Er
when' "-.'='' o-c Gfrv q<r+
,--:,'. "t,..

Mark one answer

a) Ll Receiving a call ,q L-l Eorffl ffi;r T"I qf'lC{
) -E,EW
b) fr} ':q;Y1 q1:'.::'
E Sui,"uty parked , +n
c) [l O.iving at less thin :O mph fal tr so Trtrq-{ o,{ Tfu[\5 Erelrrfir
d) E Driving an automatic vehicle ful tr qffis anfiu urqrm{'
\ec. q{t*-q:? qlpF E1 erq-{
35. As :you approach,this biidge
you should \5?H' Gftg

Mark three answers ,ffi$:

a) E Mo,re into the middle of the .q) n,g!Elv!!3 na.,<lw qrcsK w-{I
road to get better view TTSIT {il{TTCT D-6q qTryI
b) p Stow down
c) E G"t over the bridge fii"'nx . .'i,,'
x possib-le.
.-.-:=,,:ffi-.KT-ql.€,TI, - ,,,:

n-' d'
as' cuickly-
Zl Consider using youi horn fu) :,:::::" '
e) E rino another route -tj.-n. fii 'r r,q'<, T,,TI ", ,

0 f, B"*^re of pedestrians sS)E cfe6rfi-Ch-T e-{T TET e[-4l

36. Whieh'of the.following may \9\9. Et{T qrql-Il frIq{ ror1{Brc
cause loss of conCentration
on a long journey? .. @ry'- -,::,
rfifs Erq.lfiT f?rc-s {r{r(Trer

Mark four"ahswers dBffi'ts:{'-ffi -, ''

a) fl Loud music d) tr r<Fr rrq. ?m <rwfl'{
q.,' A Arfuing. with,a passenger g} 5=' W qi1q '

c) .[ Using a mobile phone ': fn il rqr{r{-d rslq <r{Eri[ 4-<F'

d) Z' Purtting'in a casse taPe. fultr [T-mF rFi"r qol[s rtrrfl
e) E Stopping regularly to rest ?l tr qlmr qr$ ffifu{ ffii aflr{rm
'0 €TtE r<foe fttr+ <-<m 6-{T an-rlrrf,
, fl..,,Fullih! up io iuhe the radio

37. lbanswer:. a <all on your moblle

-" \!gq,,, 'r 5SrA
S1K "f<, qla;fK gf5g
. phone.while',travelling, Y'ou should
: ,,=1 ,.,. ,,..-.- 'l
Mark one answer
I .nr. :::

,qffi €g"r

a),[] -Re-duce your'-s'peed$erever ',gj,.

n:C=' . efltT,Q.. ,,

you are flfig T'r r-c{ rq'{T

b) E[. $!ep'in''[ propeF aho'=.' -' " ftt-E"t i,b+rffi ,.qtT*'
convenient:place.-,...- , ,,.
c) E Keep the call time to minimum frf ' . .4,'qll''F!t", ':
d) E Slow down and allow others fq tr etfu Eq ffi+ ''6<q',ffi1(-[dffi" '

to overtake
This section look* at yaur attf;tude to
$the," road users
'= lt-
W r '',ffi . ,1

Yh*1qpt*#l*fifi wl[* aik y*u ,ll.
LEi ffireeWl
. l ]::]::::::::


, l":". "ffi"'.
. =ffiffiffi t"-
ii\N iliffiffii ' ,iri'

il. ri
,,.r:. :
:ii\tii i.ir:r:::.:::r::r!!11 !:1/:!!
I ' @:%
,. ,ffil,+usr;#Nl
i::k* , 1,, ;...,1;rqq ,,,j&--= ,, ''"''" '"=

'.-, .+l' ,hi,, ,

ffi= ,i ,-' ffi.1..i.. " il

-' ,d_;* :.
.:.,i,,, ,...:o;."-,'.,r ' *fu
,*NW"ffi ",.i'-$i

,ii':t.t ,..,,,,
' i,=
"l =r'
lruIiii*"-;ffi,'Ii. [ffi
#ffiffiS1 i
-, ,'..,1

" .
M%w'= J

ffi -ffi
,; '-='':ffi
fu- ffi


l. drivin!@adear'nlght.
Y'ou ar.e
,There-,is a ste-ady stre4rn'of ,.j qra{TeTH Tr6s_ ffi urarce--+t
oncoming tra{fic. nH[q rcrcs, rrf,{ rtrq rn& qprcut
, The national speed-li'mit applies: ,[r.sr rsn ffatrry <I<El{ T-{I
qr1Tg Bfrst
,,. Wh'iah"lights,.should.you=use?., "
Mark one answer ,gTS-Wffi,p,....
.e) E "I[<T &T mlQtr-ry
b) fl Side lights f,<l tr TRu qrA.04
c) 7l Dippea headlights
fu tr fu"rq resqr?i.:{
d) .fl Fo,L ii nts"i' ,." - ful tr rFrr 6ftBJ'
2." You are waitint in a traffic qdGue i- drfsrs .qlrurl
'-.- 'ffiq,*t,,'
following' drkerryor; shou:ld .

rl Mark one answer A ffi 'Gfu rffiIli,,,-,.,,.'''.,

a) Applythe handbiake only € ) tr \5{ rqersaT rrr{q-c<nq-r
'b) ,[f

[].,Apply.the foo-tbr:ake'onlv. fr, n- ,'...{j.'AK @,$ acr

d n ,switch off your: headlights fuT firk'i'$ cq-rT

d) ,fl Use both the handbrake fsl-tr ,,'i'4l-er ffiQr'

and footbarke ffi <r<et.( E-fl

3; On a road whet e"'trami operate, g, C"'frlq'.,urq'H' .ffi

'-:" which'pf thele vehiCB wil['5e
c-qtq .s< iqcq-{ coll
at risk from the tram rails? {.r*-<reqGr fr"rcE< T€I<IT mFit

Mark one answer qs,'lE AF

a) E Cars 4) tr rom mBr T .fo,

b) [ Cycles fO tr rrQr+r-ry<
*) A Busest"' ' ,,.. , ,: fn tr rrr r{cq-{
tI q* T'Tra-<

4. ='You aie-in ne.'of'trid{ie' ThE d,r:iver g. ffi=fJ*t" ' Hfm qff,ETl

behind you is following very closely.
' qffi't qryr."u fiffiB om
Elffii" En O oz
tttt'. -
.-, , - t-' _"- t '
.qr6 0gr C-erc Tffi ''' '" r"
Mark'one,an;*,er ". -' . ' . ,-' =''-', ,'.,.1- .-.
'a)''t] MovC:out .q) rlvr{ q{r{,
E--, ge-q $r--q
''''ri - .,jgft-of the-
", t16 g]a..ft-c1,a-ar
tr f"fEfffi EI"Fr'rc TrEi qI sr{

b)i' E tgnote the following driver and f<.r

'rr: continue to'drive within the" ' 3Jvr{ flfu ffi|[-{e[ {'6'1''T'(3r.?t-
,'' " ,ffi'Emrc EITI
: -, sp€-Qd lirnit
At,i- (ffig oi[f d{{ @,,'
c), [, Signtt] left and.wave the:'folbWing -,ffi,,6q' -Q,1. .T-*I

'' . '''1, '"driver'past

, .,,-.,,,, ,.-.
.fgl ,E| flfu.,.. o<-f,..gTfr,'gTB^ Etr.
d) Z Sto* down, gradually increasing
1',',:'thegap,b-etwe-'fdri''ano'the, fd[sr{ nTq.[{{ etrfu fqro q-<V
'' ,l'' ,vehicle in-front . .- . ,. .':
5. You ar:e.dr.iVing along, this'ioad;'The G-'.'.g1z1fr'' g?"p1g;f fu..,{& U]-q rq-{
-qI"F[{ EIITr{ grT

red van cuts in close in front of you. TE \,ITTG AAIq

' yqu do?-
' ' .-,
elwl I i+ T-{r ql'ffi3[ sfut
,rwiatih'ould ...:::. :.::..:...:::.:.1.,.,.

lY|ark one answ6i ",'-:',''- ..,.,,-, oqfr ws iufrs q-fi{

a) E Accelerate to get closer al',E=tffi' a ,frd
to the red van ,......."=".
b) f, Give a long blast on the horn f<t tr ErqI Ttr qq <rqrffir
= Dr6p b l<'to,leave+he cor:recf -fryt tr ,"ffi=,-$![,,
rfa-{ drs <'om rrqm u-*t'
.' ffi
..,-' , iepaiatio-n aiitance ((
d) E Flash lau',-headlighta fs) E rq,.sqraDT TT'l r-37

6,' When'being llowe-d by.an s.,.=qfi-= . e. qqu, u1p'-ro

ambulante sh.owing a flashing .,.,.1, -..ff:=.ffi-r-:,q1q.1 w1"f-fim q{ffi6f s-{C<

' blue..beaco-n you ihould seH w"mK 6tEs

MCrk one answer {qB Gs'{ Gfts orq

a)'"' A puir over ii'soo'n.as'safely .q) i EITo Drq r+N^rh-{F w{r
,...,-' d'q "fifu r,{l
. .,possible,to.'let it pass ,,..

b) [ A,ccelerate hard to get fal E -'916l' "'Dffi "{f€sl<

, ,''' away ffom it't'- :
q-{T rrfu flqlr{I
f"Maintain you|peed-and course f,q) tr frrw trfu Aq( q?rq]r r{rH' il?tl
rui ' iffi nl-r*r
d) [ "Brake-,h hly.,and..,i'mmediatefy
-'iiop.!n ttretad. ',.,, "' . -:':'- ::' ,"....I .$ 'ffi,-6<q,=4r3r.- '

7. 'You'are drivip$.31 night oh,an unlit q..,,ffi:',ffi:o ,ffi rqm

road behind another vehicle' -..=qry 1 fiAT'
ql{,-{{{.fT sqI-{ei
You should
,'..,,,r,. l,..ql?l{lK,,,SfuE,
Mark one answer
a) [ Flash your headlights s) E rasqle.E]{ TrT T-{T
b) d Ut" dipped beam headlights frl I fu"ts fiy{. i(r{ETT"{<l

O n' Switih off Your headliihts '

fx; tr r*sqTeE-T ffim cr{r
d 'n Use full beam heedlighti :: fsi tr re\rETa!{ "P<l fur <l<em s-fi
I; -YoU'are in a s-way sti.eg.and v. gsffi erH-€rr flvE[ etlrE;[^,{qq
,' went to turh'right.: .. , :..:. Cq, s;ffr66 t$V fffi,
You should position your self <eS, tllfu-{ . rlclT SG\5
A q
Mark one answer ,9SIE EE'{ TEfAs
a) E Just left of the centre line .q) E $sET q'fiq r(?fEr qTD. <'N
b) fr l"the right hand lane fu'n ur rEQ.+ .-

c) E tn eithei line, depending frl E': fr ':3f,9,

on the traffic H mlrfi r4-cr
d) E ln the Left hand lane ful tr <nt "nrm rE-rl-
9. You.'shbuld onty flash your-:headllights b. {]vI <rr"Elf,s1.fr qilrh3 gfu
'to6ther userS=' "' rqs-qle[{ TH s-rt sffi OIE\5
: .

Mark one answer ssffi tE-{ ffis

a) tr tic tell them ttrai you trave &,y, [" R qftP 9f,."
the right of way T<ITfir{ WtIdT
tr qr"rfr
b) tr fo show you are giving way f<l "ref fi?-@T er
c) , m,]b let.them know'you ar6 there fu tr srfi-srs qr"r;rm Cqffi 6Fnrg
d) E To s,haw youiar.e about to turn,, fu)"E qtffi" r g'
l0.Which instrument panel warning bo. q-6*s-'-= ,,13'q 1&{efe
light would show that headlamps q-fl-rf, T{rr rEr r{ raTTqEIT
are on full beam? "Ic-Tr rse"{

4il b)tr 4)E f<>u

c) tl d)n fu>p

I l.What,should,y6u use -..'-'' "' ':::

bt.'urrylq]T ?ll-gfuST
Ed.fr ' q-qr
your horn, fod -.,i <r{EEI ETT

Mark one answer ,sTG \?,v-< Gfus q-fi{

a) tr lir greet other road uiers 9"
'*r' ,q!IJE
b) E fo signal your annoyance fr)'E',wrffi, 'TxE
c) d t" alert others to your Presence ftri q"r s ,.'. Frteti' ''
d) E to allow you iight of waY fuitr'* .q+ -f,ry frP'''""'
I2. Following this vehicle too closely=' br. .q? flrs-Em ct{ T'rcE" rqm
- ", q-{5{61 E-Er frCrirflq-or omq
"is'uhwise,Ue -

Mark one answer €ntB g-sr qsr ffis

a) E Your brakes will overheat n
€) flng< csts-mF{ a-*q e-6s {rc<
b) E Your view ahead is increased f
fu Tr"{rq-< gBrfl}-{vl gfr "lrc{
c) E Your engine will overheat frt rrer ?tirr r<Fr a-*'q Em {lr<
d) Zl You. view ahead is reduced ful tr rmrfir rftrorur-or arq {rr{

I} long;' he-avi ly,'[aden,Jo'rry] is, taking Jg,s,ffi, rffi..d


:: '-',..,.icr; ,,€ ,
a longtime to.6v€rtake,you. ..

' What sho'uld yoii'do? ,: ::,
: q'{-{ r{6q, I lO T-{T stt1tTK slEE?
, L

' t::,,: "

:' : :i ::::i;: t.,-:.=::':': ,..., .,r.,:: -':
::::r'rr :::

'Mark sfie answ.er ffi'-W4----',':":'

a) [ Change direction d) tr ft-+ "rffiq
b)" E' Hold=four s1-ta : fql tr ,rfu a-qn rr*n
fr':- tr-utF' :

al il.Slow down.
=ry ft.lT ::l'
l4.Which of+he folloWing vehitles will tg.,
,.' u.s€'blue Aashilg. beacohs?''', ..
r- ,....,,' ,.,t' ,: ',,
MaFkthr:€e answGrs l.

ii C'eo*u i"posaL " ," = .'="''

Ai Gffi '.'..
"' '
b) [-l Motorway maintenance.
c) Z Blood transfusion ftilE .
= ;"
d)' E Poliee patrol' ,'' "r'':::' fsl tr fir.r< t& "1

e) E Breakdown recovery frt tr -qr+Cw ?niur6 snrr-onii

<'(7K 4lfui4'
I5.At a puffin,croSs,ing ha-colour , "nf,F{ Efi6T T{w
bc. .-_ =
. ftllowi the green signal? ',, .."i ' Ft. ,

Mark one answer

qqfr EET Gfug E+.'
a) E Steady red
g1,-r[:'ffi- q131 ,',
b) E Ftashing amber frru,' 'aal ''q'qq" '

c) C Srcaay amber fat tr f"r rqr

d) fl Flashing green fq t mrFr(l fr[frB €{I T{6

I 6. What,type, of emer.gency, vehicl€ is Su.'.ft,$ ,,' ,' 'q;4=41-76q

fitted ith a.gr:,een hing,li$ht?., ,, '''ry 'qTtlltfiT Iry
Mario,ne,ailswel'"'- ','"'
' ::':r=:
, ''.' .effi Gsr q,sqffi
a) fl Road giitt". .9) E Tnrr Tr{al-{$ T-TK Tl1-{rqr{
b) l-i Fire ensine f<i tr tr?F"t rrffi{ {Fmrer+
c) ff Do.ror. .", fql tr lrro.rafi {Frff€trI
d) E Rmbutince

I,7.A vehicle hx dfl aihift .green beaion. i;..' 3fi -iffia

What does ihis mean?

Mark one answer dS,ID w.{ IEIEg FF

a) E tf'e vehiiie is slow moving. .e) E A qr+{r{TB Eq 4fi5[s Erd
b) ,.E] lt'is,a motor-w'ay poiice'pxrol' f{, n ftr mrf{ers{ D-e-dqrfr
vehicie "Ifrnr a.Hrrod
c) B edoctor ii answering an fr1"fi = 'qq rltrs"[ffifi
., . ,,,,.,.,..,,.,
dI' fl"T['a vaniaie:'i rylng'"nazirdou :''
fut =d--- ,.fr ffi
,,r ,'ihgmieal'i= ., 1';1.1.,'::' -': ..
qq{{ Tq-{ sTrE

are'aP achi .ngu nmarked 5.y,-q{ '. ''ffi-,

l€. Yo u
.,"-: cross6ods,
''' dcil'*ith
t w.hduld iou"
ttris,dpE of'iunctioh?
q{n-{ {a-{1 4{4


,.:. :':: ji1.:j1.- :,, ,
: ,, ,

Mark one answer . ,'',

a) E Accelerate and keep 4) tr tlfu <rsrrrl ,sq(

flvK {.{I qr6 an-€r
b) E Stow down and keeP to the right fr;''E ;ffi ,3q.[,,€q{''efl6{ en-S'l

c) E Accelerate looking to the left fu n" ffi"ffi. GErt @<l ?lfu <Wlrm
d) d Sto* down and look both waYs fu): tr ffi' 11s-64r.qPT-@',rrrll

1.9;'You'ar:6 travel ih at,th-e:-l€gal'" .. ;b:' .6 .,ffi.,51a11 "

speed limit. A veh'icle cornes ilP .,-, ,
fte-q r.n+ srffi ffi sK
quiq,kl,behind,;fl'alhint r, h'eadlights rssq@{ TTf s-c-< cF Es T4(E
qI"fTK \!,frs
You should

qSE ,W( iEr6s FF

Mark one answer q&
a) E Acceleraie to maintain a gaP s) E ,Ifu qem f"Iqrrr rqr+
behind you
rfro <orr nqn
I E Atla the,vehicle,to'oveftake i' f<l tr grr+ ernr+cGqsQ
Ecq. (Tr-\, cq'{i

c), "E"ft!l.q 'th'e brake'show-y-6ui'' fo E frrW Kars-

EI"r tnm,
' ,,,,
brake lights ''fui ,fr , .0,, , ?I,fu <6lT Tl{T .q<(
$ [] Miintain:your'speed.and pr:event '':
- ' "g';r ' atN qT lvql
the've-h:icle' frorn.'overtaking'
20.You should leave at least a twb' io-.". Isrfr .r ,r
EI?rilB ?fi&(
second gap between your vehicle and q3V T'5r"16S TE rTad-g T{TIFI
the one in front when conditions are ETq TI<II Gf,uiE
"Iffi ffi
rryry\ ffi*T*k ffi*Y*\" ffi\
".duirffirtu{s#us MM-+>MW *Ll*w* duwiw* *\J*u*

Mark one answer ,qsG Gsr frfrs ss{

4 EWet .e) tr Eql
b) f Damp frt tr ,ql<?.t
c) E roesy iql fi srr"m
d) dc*a fs; tr srml
2l .You.have a loose filler. iap.on y. r iS. qf?mq ffi fi5xq .ffim<
diesel fuel tank. This will El?rfl 16a Wrurr rrsrEl srcs
I rt i ..

Matrk,.tW6 &ftSWGfS,.,,-..,.'' .,:'::'

.@' tt* j:::-, ":
a) Wu.t" fuel and money 'A'j{ u<i' Trs..'q-u''{[r{
b) Miu. rouJi slippery for
ff fu tr $[T q,il:r

othei road users flvT ftfq--a or< ftrs "nr<

c) [ lmprove your vehicle'i fxl tr r<Fr fiErwq s'{ EtsrI
fuel consumpiion s'{rN "116{
d)r:'E inciease the level of fslttt tr oqort< r{RT fr{'T{ sk T-6{
=' exhaust emiisions , -= t t'


22. )b-u ar:e ilowing.a Vehicle'on It:.. t: --ffi Elq

i wet road. You should leave a {rrrcfir rr&
\- rryco o-rm rrlF<
-'' time.gap'6f at lext q-{9 TIqT g.lEE?

Mark one answer .qsG .Bg-{ GFrs q-fi{

a) [ One second .q) E 4E [Tr4-s
Ul fl Two seconds frl tr qA rarov ',...
c) E three seconds fi).==E' ,; , . '-: -.'::.

4,'d. f;ri see s-....1

fui tr Fr{ mf,s
23 . You aie'ap-pioach'in!. iebra-crossing. r\9 '' ,{f ' fS 1[gll e(q{l
ir Pddestr:ians are'waitihg fo,..cros's. "'M "ilTlffi m=r-aP6ffig1
You should
:4",.::'-':.:.::: , ,:
: : i :.::rr:' . :, - ., ,::,'': .':

Mark one answer €sG- Cgr ffi .'"' .,-t'{f-ss

,. ,,
,e) tr fasqEET 'ffi

a} ' E'use ,y henoli$hts to'ihdicate,

,.: ,-
q61ffi 4-sfg {l{fd
,,. ,
' .'

'b) .p.SloW down d"prepar:,,q1o-sto-q Ct - b'6,,ffffi.qlJ..P!T{l',q{r

c) f] -W.ave at'tnem to cross,the,roao ',' ffitr
,fu1. i 'ffi'. .,E1tr. ml
24"At puffin crosslngs wh.ieh fignt - ;==' "ffiq,efu rrr&.,rm+sl
. will not show to driver? r:l
6a'q arsB rr?r6s nr6T

:i Mark one answer qqfr iBET frfug Qtr{

") [t Flashing amber €) E silFm.fuF q{u.

b) Il Rea frl E q'iE
c) E Steady amber fri tr ft< aqr
d) E G."un tortl q-w
25,You are-approaChing a r:ed light. ' iA r1ft,' ala .qlkfT
at a puffin crossing. pedestrians are , , =sr,s_.rm'ac![d.l "|ffi .

on the crossing. '',==-=ruffi' t' fq-ry$,EE;!s-{

,.'',The red tightWill'.stay 'until'=: .,.

Mark one answer ;ffi ft6' g-!r;r "'


fl You start to edge forwaid Aj',["'fuffi" ;$?16-. .,:,,,

") on to the crossing .,,. ,., 't"t ,, qKg Tmrq{ ..

b) d tn" pedestrians have reached nj n qcrrffi<T frrarq" ",arffi

a safe position
c) E The pedestrians are clear fql tr qeffi{l C"r+m t&r
of the front of your vehicle '
A dr:ivei fi"*'+tl"'-ppo'site
'= .ia.- =& fre rqn+ wfls
'qfii,..e qT srt6a,
direition reaches the crossing

26.You are driving'i slsw-moVihg vehiele es.- '- -9@ Iqs

on a hair:oWWindi'ng foad. .qsB fl& urq"r(D-{t
You should EITT{K Gfu
,4 .

----: one answer

Mark ,ssG Gw frfrs q
a) lll Keep well out to itop vehicles .q) n
fikm-{ ftrs nr< e|rsl m.{ q-{T-<I
' . .,..,,,R. ,, qI ,.l-ff,{
b) ,E
-W."oe followinglehicles past , ''' Gj=tr-"
if you think theY Can overtake ' . "flT[ {dtr".,.:E(q]r.qT,fq-,{dT',
, ' quickly i.n<lx urcr
c). W Pnll in.safely'when lou can ,- fn tr upro-+rfizrxco "rnromm TCTr?r
to let following vehicles overtake ...,1 , fffi 'frfl:?rcf'., qfegl
d) E Giu" a left signal when it is safe ful tr wrfl qfu-6T qsfllr wi ftnzi'r
E[q' TN fu-4-{ n(C<s rr{i
3q.. (T4.'fi.f<l]E-qll?l![I.f'$:- '
perison herding,'sheep,asks you
stope ungq.lq = -- -,-l'
'-"ffi" t'.{tlt4tr ry'
't ::::::-":''' 'l:: ::: ' :

Affi'$ ' 1 q..' .,,,,,.

l I

Mark on" .ni*..


a) E'',lgnore them as iheY !$- - s) E - -"srfq $rar r[r q-fi r+rQs* sK'r'
.". ' .q{i .. -
b) .d S,op and switCh 6ff Your'engine
,Al .tr,t?]IT.'.fiffi' s(B [ITr -A r{
c) E'Continue on but drive slowlY f-qt',tr' Eq''1S-6q. EECS 3rlsl
fur-tr q
d) E f.y ind get past quicklY '
il5.b =i'*T';h
28; lfyour. vehic=le uses'dieael fulE;' at;'w..qry'
='=-,.; ue=Pryq
, ..l siira-ear.e.*hen ... fn'ell
Diesel fuel when spilt is

,--.. 'fo ,,ffi ?lw g,r

,Mark on6:ans-r(er.
'- "'.-'i :.'-
.qsffi GE? ftfts qPq
;j.' i-
:St ' g) qbrrqr er
b) E Odourless
_,== ,

rf*ffirEI{ El{
c) f Clear I,il L-I
-(\-?Tg q{
d) Zstipp".y Is) U Tfie"I a"{

29-rAt.2.'pelicantross,i..-,. h,[ng'amber, ab. r6r6dr rqf,q-sn Gfrrr eep nfu

."=.Jight.meani, yo" MUST,.I .' .-'','" frEry c<m qci * T'"?
::. ' ::'l

Mar.k Jne.anC*er, ' " .qTG EET Gfts qpq

a) E Giu" way to pedestrians waiting aj{rt llElryry
f{@ IW
-= ..=,,,,..,.,, ,q,6'e;ry-1-::T-{{. ir$
*"n ror the red light f<l tr rqr{ qrf, <Iib< 6{I ErrelsT 6TI
fr; - a*o-r* {i?ril sqq € "ril"ffi
C'rye.wry io' pedestri laFaadr-
.'' ' -anlthe..croising
',,'"ii.. 4gE,gi' ry-Cg fvr{I,
d) E Stop ind wait$r:-the'gr:.een'light ffij-tr 6ffi .9li.,Er"ffi s-{r

3'O.Y,stop-for pedestrrianl'w,,aiting ga;'ffi' .'4,'q4ffi,1eLl?fi

to cross at a zebia crossing. ''='.,=rl ,q.lT.-qPlft {lE clN]T.4{.
q{E qals-rft{r flvt "trir ErY-Tr,
,,,.-- g
They do not start to cross,
. .'*$Tli,fu. , q@vl
.what=lhotld you do? .-,,,- -., ,=..

Mark one answer qrG Ve..{ i5fu 6fi,

,) [ Carry on q) tr u-q[s Ersr
b) fl Wav" them to cross f<'l E qK eerm w-rr aq[Ts rq'Tr
,fr'.E- ?flr :qrfzm.f q{{
c) ZA" patient and wait
d) ,'t souod y.ur'-ho-rn- -'' ..= ful tr 1rfir-{ c* qrorr+r
rou.- ,-W.e1-66,'EI ffi,p-ffif-q TI
3, I . To
\ i avoid spillagea{ter''-r.efuelling;'
lou 'should make sure.that =
:'-' ' " ' 'rii6,. :-:'.::'::.:-:.
qv.,g,$.fu r+
:::::l:: .,::: : ,
:.1,.-rl::.t.::.,::: : I .. ., . -
Mark one answer qsffi sg-{ GfiF-s fiF{
a) . - ,q; tr rffi qla e/8 qfu$
EYourtank is anry"al+itrll"''
EIqE+' -q ''

b) E You have used a lolking filler cap fu n gIEITE

c) f]You check your fuel gauge fql tl r"rEr6.{ ffi{.r"ro atw +-<eu io
working .'-:',.-,' gT-' w r(TLEd l

f,sl il rBrfr-{ El"F-{l sr6-d'Isrc{

d) dv"i,n1i". cap"i--re@ty*siened

ffiq * rye-ry# &ffi;&'sqffi

---q 8- ffiwwffi& ffip s* p#
erTswr qrrryt f,errffi wffi
32.Which,three of these emergency .ig+,- ffi qgfr flffirqrr{
servrce mlght nave ,' fiq- q,) u-qe-r+ 3Tfu
, blue flashing beaconi? : .. .......,....?ffiR-$.{C$ lffi?
:.-..a.__... - : :

Mark three answers firq'm Gs-{ frfus Ef,d

c)'E,::Kmrt T-{F qETr{I'
b) f] Animal ambulances fu tr ere6q-q gTffi'q\DEtK
c) E Coastguard frl tr O,rg 3e-A< ffi<r{{
fu;-tl,= {ff{rFT.
e)' E[Mountain rescue O tr "nqv rerc{ g%-r<-orft-{ {FFIre-r

0, []' Doctoris cari' ., i ," dF)E {Fr{r$r

33. Diamond.shaped signs givg

-instiuciio.ur -.''"':'-'frii
rvgWi'6 yiqry qq63s "fiE
,' (E.T

A -)'
'f a r:r"
\/ tt

Mark one answer ssB iBs'{ ffis s<q

a) fi Tram drivers e) tr trN ErqiFm-frs
b) E Bus drivers f<r E <r{ El46-(E-{ro
c) [ Lorry drivers fqr E erfr ur;rorq-{m
d) .[-I 'Taxi Crtvai fsr E ffi Erfr-d-p-{rs
34,When-o rtaking a hors.egnd rid
,',.-, t!lf+ ,, , .' .
you should

Maik,one ahswer .{<ift.@..@,vry ',,i , ,,

a),'f1,, Sounu yatri*orn. asa-w'arnihg ai"I]-,rg<,'wqT,Ei,<,ffire{fl

b) E Go past as quicklY as Possible 61,-6x
-' ,qr ,s{$TI
c) ,'E-F!aCh yo,ilr,,headlights , =, =- -=' -,i:;t'-, ,Fl. i.i ,'1'.':;
as a warning =,,"=, --,.'.,.r-.:r,
d) Z Co past slowly ind carefullY 6r"5-''"fifi6g*e'-fi' {ffig Erq ql€TI
should'nCv wave'peopld .., ]gc.'rJ =61ffi.'rtvl' ffiffi ffi'lll
qli onlno qV ?T-{lri ursl 6fi€
j across at pedestrian
\ crossings because
gms qT TI-<q

'Mar.k-one answer '; E-fl ,.: .

.$',['r ryF1l-eT'
vehicle coming ,-,'":.. ';"W'q1ry ,,.: ::: :: ::.:i.

,. b)" tThryht-ai=be&tifu '

-.=g' =.ffiqm' "fi,,.. ,

c) f1 tt is.safer foi'fon to,carry on -: '- fr1fi=;-,=,q{@

ffi _F qqg .?flr11

{' ['' They-may be'not'ieady' to cross' fiEl tr srEKI "n:ilqrrfir 5-{T

isft t*
36"You wish to turnii€htiEhead.' ,. .',- ,tg_,.r9.
Why should you take up the * I(g.t i .,l

correct position in good time? ,., ffi,q3TJ-

qffi=Wr ''q-qffi :
Mark one answer
,q ) .,, E HIi"' ulfl,F.r,'f.' f, R. r.T:,.,Ut {ll{r{
. " ''
. putl,,.q front.of yoo '-" '. , frr$ r<frIg rq(s "IrF

,b;,' [.}'.,,1';r- give

]i,batter,,terv ift:qjhe fr)"'E,C' '

EErtmu<-sr srrf,I E€TK 6T

i) ,fi ' ij"hetpoffir. r.o-;t@riu-w fti -.*ry'qq--'
-" Y *{''
what you intend to do '' ' ca+ {$tt' lx
d) E to allow drivers to pass you fgl tr q.Ii El"l?Fft 6qq' qI"|;rK s;I;r
, , on the iight ,,,.,,,
., :;:1:;.::,1:= ffi ,fu,.,ffi6;q 4-969',.11[{T

37. Th eio'hditio nsar.gg od a@mYo u

.p{.t ' ,- =gAq- ,,qQ
,,1' could, uso'two.seiand rule' , ,- = rqr+s fqsv qrcEr< a;r(g "IrG:[
.-.. -. __::t::':.]. r.,,...,.,.,t .:,r i'=. : :::i:l:
.. ::,,:,,:=:.: :

. , -qff$'"ggrr

Mark one answer ffij. ffi

a) 6 t" keep a safe gap from ) ,E'
fr+rm WV
, ,i 'the vehii,"'o'ra6nr''. .,' '' .-- .', -... ,--. . ..r
b) E Before restarting the engine Al - .:1, 'Err'665 f{iTm
.' r" lf1sr.".'itls stallad :.:-- u'rq a-TE q'r6n
c) l.l B"fot" using the 'Mirror, Signal, tl *,.4..------- 43,{
,'. -.- Ma*aautieiroutine := i-. ,,.r:.:.=
''tt -.'. ,. , - ,,,. .,.1

d) E Wr'"n emerging on wet road fu) i'r*t{ Fry,r -lvr{ g(-Tt T-r(w

8. At wh ich fype,,sf-.grossing=are oE.-rs,n $r{- - ,51ryE

" cyclists'6116v7edito ride across
,, .. ,. 4 ,{ffi"'
. with pedestrlani? ,..,: - =ffi .$1 ?, ,

Mark one answer gTG GgT fUfr.g T+q'

t) 'B ucan.l ':':::::' ,-,."::';.'.'- , ,l .e) E rtrr$Tm
b) E Puffin frl i "ni{P-T
,ft;fl"6 ','.
d) E Zebra

39.'Tailgating' means laxt' = -

:i. : i-. .:.
.,:.: : .. :


. .Mark=onCansWer.,'," . .'. "' "'..,.,.-,

,9SIE Vg{ TEiAg 4Fq
'Uiingth'e-ieaid4i'bf'a' -' s) E eiIE"tTF ,r&-q iq,gr'K r-{6r
,, a) ''.8 :

hatchback cai Tr{EK T-{I

n€ ft1, " ,6 .,Sffi,ffi'

b)..,'[l .ReVe'is!11g'into- a,p,,ar:
,,'ffint'6*ing'an9,. ir vehigl'e '=
'r :
@,'- rerc-s-

,:.38I,, .. --.

' , d) t1, O,.Mhg with rear fo€=lights,on' ftffi'- Wtr'Em rTI

40.You are following this lorry. 80, o? qfiFr{ qiTT{ct TirrE;l srErrr
You should keep well back from it to
''""';;q;fi ..anre.f
tfrg m+

Mark one answer qqIF w iui-qs +o'

a) d Ciu"you a good view
of the road ahead
aj,,'n 1'
rrctl {l-$
b) [l Stop following traffic from f<; tr:rftEt-{T Twfl"-{r+, Fsrr6{ srw-
' rushing t-hrough the iunction ., ,', ,, ' ffi'r.Er+ ffi6ll Tirefi rlT
q) .'ff "Prevent-trraf-fic .b.elrind you."' fq; tr fnqrfi ErTrccq-fiT €vtrrF-{
" ,' from'overtaking :r:: a-fl rslrs i+<s il<n sm
dI fl Allow-fdu to.hurrythio'ugh the fsl tr UfrT qIEE a1i-4qs{ arq
.-'',,, tr.affic-llgftts']f..t_h,,qy.changs. -'''-' ,,';- ",," w TI\9TI {{ '

4l .Y6u are driVing behind'a la@ 65,-&*s'. tnfi5ffi1fu-r rqw{4(rs\5

goods vehicle.' It signals,,left but EI"TrCq:il & E[{frr{,
steerS to the right. frTq-frE s-r-{fr1T T(T qrnfu
You should qr"rrK srre
:: : ... .:: ..
:- ,'

Mark one answer

a) .'Z Slow down and let-the q)=E ffi=fr'.' ' .-,,,. ''
vehicle turn ',,-. .,.1:"iryE5.,,''.@, ,'- ",' ' '..,...

b) E Drive-on, keeping to the'left f<l tr Trqfrro rqrT 6qcs enol

c) ' n OVercake 6n,the,right of it ftj'5, ,,4SI

g ,''lll 'f.told yq,gr ipeed,and ,,:':: ful tr trfu oq rT(iI sq(

l' .,, ' rrcT ef <err*t
,iound Yotr
;-.- - 'ii!!&i.
42.Ycu are d,rlv'alo'ng'a-o-u1tryroa{
A,horse and.'iider:' arq.apprq4chrc.
=''-==qffii='r 'ytwql l

What should you do?..., ,'. ,. ,''

'.' -.,:'. ., -Zt1'<

'Mark two answers I .,,, ...,, qeG .tu-{ fr'fias sffi

i) E ,.1ncr6aseyur speed-. . ,': " tr
s) afu <r&(T [v-Tr
'bi.,'n,-5ound,you].,horn ,.. - ,.:: -::' f<l tr qq <rwrrqr
fri tr qq trfure qffiq +n
'd ,'E,D.r'ive slowlY Pxt'. = ' '- -
'd1 .'[ 61ve plenty of room
:: tr r<F'r arg E-,lTflI
TTs rI{T
e) .8.'Revtour.:..engine., -.. ,..' .r ,,-,'- ", Q tr efl,rq EEil S-<T

CI ,n',Flash'r,oui heedliihts--.= ' ',,,' ss)E rrsqrA.F{ E-I=r a-{I

4'3. A vehicft pulls out in front of .,''- CO';' 'w{T(T.-,.sF6 u{& PhS
you at a junction. qIgHK TIITC{ r{f,<IT €C-flI I

What should you do?


,.:: ,.t, I
, -_, '

Mark'one ins*er ' .

a) E Swerve past it and sound 4) tr OrCO qrsGT Sr-< EF f?r(T
your horn q* <rwrc-+r
b)'[ .-Flash your headlights., and-drive frl tr rqsqTe.trT *Trr s-6{ srsin(.<
f"rb-rr rnfs Erflr+r
c) p Stow down and be ready to stop fqi tr 1fu TftlT qTq.(g 3-w ?n-{i
d) E Accelerate past it immediately fin tr \rrsre-is1 "rffi ErE qI€{I
44.A bus has stopped at a bus stop 98. sil"H6 qIrrCT <ra*fq sTE
ahead of you. lts right hand indicator r El, -I 6111 gfr{.frr,s-E q((Fg
. is flnshing. $[i
s[oul{, ,- .. .- ftfifr,p.,rra?* s qltf-{r{ 6fr9

Mark one answer .qrffi fur Gfrs r-TT

a) l-l Flash your headlights e ) tr re-scrEur TH sr< flfu
and slow down s{ T-{T
b) -- E ..Sornd y i''hor:n.and. keep going. fu tr E{ <@rr Erq rq'N errl
-'s(('.,frnqq. e[II,
c) [J Slow- down and give way if it fr)' fi"qr6T
,. ,,, is=saf,e to do,so ., , t""' <pr(T, 65q gqrs m'flI
d) E Slow down and then fg; tr rrfu oq r-<T .qq( gnt "rF
' ., sound your horn q{ <r6rml

45. A fl ash i nggein' b'eaeoR' on -=' 8c rqTqT {lq-<rEr+ qfr n-{w grFrs'
a vehicle means "'r ''i, If,s ffi "qd'€,68,,--'',"t " :

I ,,., :::::' :

Mark one answer .s l Sf,{ ,.

a) Fl Police ofl Fon:urgent duties-. fi{ WS'q$'aqdq6,qq .:qE.I,
b) .Z] octor onr,31'1 emer:ge-'hcy. ll f<) il'' srm'gMl<.'
{' l-1.' Road,i#ed $tiol bper:ating . t' ,ffi1 l

d) E Gritting in ,pr.ogress . - .1:: fu;':tr $vT sE Trw,'Ee,rF

46. What, style of drivi.ng causes 8U. rflT SrSlTT er@ uror+n rsc4{
increased risk to everyone? 6qT m ft"r-q-l-+ E6g "rrr{?

Mark one answer

a) E Considerate o1''g' t4
,:.:::: :.,.'

b) ffi fo tr
;;,'A l;*p;ii,i,t{ "
fu tr aWrurya-o

d) E Responsible fg) n rt8lg"J{1-q-{

47. You.aFe appr:oaching aBelican, Si.== , Ur6 ffifrE ,O<fU; dqT ,gSG
crossing. The amber light is flashing.
,,::::::.ri.f,?Ifrfi '6;fi ftrE,qffi,,q@-*I
, .r must,": ' ,,,,ufi "8T.{
q-,flTa O-6<l rq

&ffi,,,, r,.ffry {

Mark one answer

s ) tr 4.,"r8t q**j firlnr{ s-<rq
, '

'^) ,, Givd iay.top ;, iani"rh".

rTCs [q'TI
b) f' Stop,even i{ the,crossing is<lear fr)-fi-. ..rot. :4n,. tqqqg ,,egq1
c) E Not move until the green frl tr Tr{-w r[fis il
rq'fl ens {'rq[{
light appears qqn-{ qI Es{I
d) f] Encourage pedestrians to crosi fq f, "filflrff,{ oN Gqxrq fr-qr
48. A bus lane on your left shows no gb.. tNfr {, .{ffi <lT mkT rsTr*r
', 'q:{T Tfr rqAr tqm qqt rq sr
times of operation. This means it is

:!E:: : .::.
:::: r :: :: '

| '::.::l: : iffii$

liff;iii ,
;s- .,:
.::-; | "'

' '
I l:l::=': #,1 "',

. ,,lll I

'n, s+{ :' '
Mark one answer
a) E Not in operation at all aj ,, 'Ts" '

b) [ Only in operation at Peak hours nl n u{'qffi"Bftm"Exds{ '

l* ,.slft-{',
fr),'fl fta
c) fr
d) [l
t" operation 24 hours a daY
Onty in operation in fui-tr
' 6f{?S-A
'. , ,,,

daylight hours :::, EES;I:

49. Y6u .are.dffing'int dfid at the,= gh.,,,. "ffi' . <lxrrg

speed limit foi the road. ' . -,=- "' DIqq
The driver'behind"is trying ,,- to €vrirB?a s-{l-{-"t,
rF.Yi S-<-F t

. overtake. :,
u;houlo -.''- -
.=' ,d1r . '
gffi'fu-,- ,Wa :' ' : ,:
:::i: '- r,::.- ,l' I :
,.-, ",
r"'' t _'''
'r:', ''_
Mar:kOnG anSWer- ::.::"'"i' "', .::j:. ,,f . p({ {I€TL

a) E Move closer to the car ahead, ,g)

"t', t".,'g,
''''*o' the'diiver- beh'ind-hasto
' rroorn to overtake- : ' ilB
.,:. ....-,1--?9.3 ,9I!.,.6,ISiJT tr''l

b) tr Wave the driYql behind to ' ,ft),'E,ffiffi em-s ST Wi

i.,,",,.'.,',',_f m]
"" "''' ovemake.when-.itjs.safe- '=' '' fil-
- **.
qdq'-'f?l4{3t :

c) [ r""p a tteidy course and '.".I, ffi 1 ,,

- ''," '' allo*'the,'dri'ver beh'lnd. "' . .-
to overtake 45q1X ffi-{I
d) E Aiceleriie to get awaY from ",fst ,'.,,i-'-
i fr <rgrc-dL',ffi''fi 'Fr4e${
ry:q'm ErE $grl
' qm
the driVer behihd ,
F{ewly qualifr*d, ane* partier.r{arty yc:Li}}S r}*v*r*. frrs n1*r* vuir"'lerable in the iirst
y*ar a{ter pars!ng thc e*st. ir"r*xperienec plxys * part iet tl"ris but it's es$*nttai te
have th* e*rreet atti{ilde. &e r*sp*nsihl* ar"ld always *lzrsvs **urr*sy ar:d
c*nsider ari*n t* *th*r n*a# usens.

SRlks. rB* *nq sx?T Tq*I qtq$ ptT{tx*iy rry exq $"ffisyffi rqfr ,q*rrwux i

ri qr*ffm wlslTm x,g srs xxp.1 qx*irs H*.ffi %6ra irc;wvW *1Tl[
-r,-q x*e-i mffitqry"f "fX,
r sr3 $rfr $ffirTua g1?f * sfrGll{ffi "ft ryrryffim

50.Young, inexperienceJ unJ co. sfa'Trr6, urtr !T ,4(q IrT ffi TTT
.. qualified:dr:ivers an o.ften ""*fi
be ,'-' -:: ffi pl-ryE:;q." ,',,F8 6fisv
..,involved in crashei' This''is due,t6,.,, Ers ffrf,{t tflT sKq

Mar.k one answer .-, qffi.'ffi= 6p*

a) f Being,too'cautious at junctions qj.=t:'w{:I{Q ffi nq6 Ersr
b) ll Driving in:the middle of their lane I<) fl 916?-{ mftT{ :{fi ffire{ .E-IqTriTI
c) t Staying within the speed limit fal il flfirfur TFtr
fui,il'gEp..m'. ='s.,:
d) lZ Showing off and being competitive T-rr

d"f \*ff4 aa
M& s4 *ds\
**ffiffiu.' .qq 64s
* *& 4,
s*qry t#l
* *u,,, &'g 1"
Hoq %Ls-s *4q
ss bl*; #kS\
unn* * @* 1

W-e _ *du s3S

B *nd \q

\s* ,*eSS HNI B

Tills seeufr*n ***Ess at sagety er:ls$ qq rffrdq'rr ,*.s-
-rlll{3 ,ljq(
--- .c**,,.'l*
l*{*t ,!$t$
y*ur v*hic*e- ffi'ET qffil

The questicnswlll askyou abcut rq frqCff qlqfiffi- :lT s$f qrE

ffi Fauft detectf,on W wffi wruryrw
ffi Fefec€ arad t*rein effect en safefy ffi mffi se( &m*mrs wry ffiqfu
ffi Use of sa$ety equ*pm*nt ffi &-mrymra 6*ry q@ry& qqqT(
w EmissIcns W &*BEq-f
W' Noise 3r{ry'

x l{{llsNns!\q\!+\sr

+:.:1r *.

W q,
l. You enter a road where there are b. Kl$iT.'erI4 s'lr.F {s'4 orffi dtvm
road humps. What should you do? qrrmll fo a-n srT?E-K sf,ust

Mark one answer €qfr \?,8-< ffis apq

a) ft Ylaintain a reduced speed € ) tr q-'T.f flsm arfu Eq r<-6{
b) E"Accelera& quickly
"* -bryeeh'each'one,,,. .' . l
fu 5'-qsJTq-rr{+D
, s-{r Etvrcnfr,s-F

c) fl Ifua/s'k p to'th'e=:"
- ,maXinrumrlegal speed,, - ,[Tg EI"TTffiI
d) l-l Drir" stowty at school times only ful E:qs{ wIr rrrffi" ?|l& EFqIrrl

2, Howran yor: i: uce the ehances., 1.,'' r<rq mrq

-, of yO:u r beini broken into ' ',fr'vtxq t@,rscr'-@ sl1
:r, ,,
€ffi,rWq ffi +,eq
4 ''f] ''Fa'ik neai'a'taxi iank s) tr ffi "n6rc-T uT-C{ "ns
- 'r16s q(-T frrs T-C{
b) rtfue rrl rn"ut"s *itt., you fr1 tr"
c) E Palace any valuables on the floor fu tl 'ryf<rq r{,rsY.{ G"lr r3r<[
d) E Park near a fire itation isl tr ?'qqq rna
fifsr ap5q 5-6s

3. You have to"leave.valuables -in e. 1ry, ffi{ "16- flT&-rs c{c<[,,:

your car. lt would be safer to .,-q6"fu."mEgffiutl{fr,
Mark one answer
,a) E Fut,them inr,a carrier'bag ,- s) tr rs-f{iflT qrrrtl Eisr{ Trcprr
frl il q{I

b) [1 ,Park near a-chool:entranca qn rFiDr Tq, {!& rrr+

c) .,[J."1ack tligm out of':iffi . ,
fxl X EB .Mrd uInKE sr+ Tr6?i{
d) E Park neir a bus stop fur,[,ffi"'fi.. ,' ?[E 1;1={,.Tf{-{
4. .,Whiah:,of the llowingmay-:help to 8, ffirc$ ,fi '6 6,
deter a th'ief from'stealing your.car?.' '-. $'f ,@a Tl3lrg ?tlr{?

Mar.k6n6 answer - €,T.fi ,- fu.T,Sq .,.. ,:,

a) [ Aways keeping the head lights;on ,e)",fi q-{ reg rrlnn:t,rq@ 'Trlllfr
b) I.'Fitting r"efle-tive g,Las ndo*s f<; tr iEEfsrrs gfusqr fl:ry dlarm
c) -='[ [email protected]&r ' tu fi" @ ':rryAq{':r: 'i''
"' , light'on : , .,-'.''. '.',,,= ffiCfl -
,d) ff eicning tll ai nurnbei on-=i
f,g)'E-''.t&.-ffi,. .

r,.r ': 'th€..windOWs , ,,, ,tt=t ii Kf?1 q f,'l , ",

5. Your. vehiele-h*.a.tatalpic.eonVerter d'.", 14E{-- ', qgr
Its purpose is to reduce
EI'IT6{T Q:€T{ 6'T6 q6E

Maik ohe answer .. .:.-:... .sTF trw tu1-5s EPa

,) fl Exhaust noise di -,q,Tqrfr"11 .qq 4-61

b) E-Fuet consumption f<l tr s{ ffiE-q <raEr{ 6-{-l

.i d -,riurtt emiisia:hi'
"'--'"'=, :" fu tl .qr'wr0-{ rftsr rq. T-{T
d) D Engine noise fut tr eiiq(q{ tq oq s-{T

G.' ffi ,'fe 'q7

6. .What$ Eco-ia{e drivinS,11 vel

..gs# " €'T#rr

a) -E lnc.eased tuel'consurnption.''
q) n Wf,tfffi "rfa+rq gfr "nr
b) p irnp.ored road trf.t f<i tr rrsnr iq-qrqgr gfu "rr
c) 'E Dimage to-the environment i fr].fi.,:,ETrf"T6g..'
-'Fe .

d) E ln.."rred exhaust emiiiions &1fi"a r,*$ Tfr'ar'

7;' You.are Esting t'6'ur'-suspensiorl; .: q. mftrr xrryr"rmr sv-g s-f,CEnl

., Ycu notice that.your vehicle.keeps- q'rqfr 4s.l r-{6FI;r rq rrfu{
.'t maf ,,ry.rflft:fi
''r',bounci ng *[email protected]'1- on _-
,-'=@" i' i lT-fu.'
:-',the {r:$ing-,$at doetll|
Mark one answer .qqB Gg-{ ftfirs Tffi rr:
-x)' .[ wfii tyr:,, , .=-: ."" :::: " A):E = 'ql.€aL.BI{F :'':i: r'::::

b) E,fyrai under:-inflated ::'' 'frt tr fggq,,, T{ l

i) tl Stecring,.wheel not'located frl'E ffi(. s'ft.g imnng' xia

<fir{I q'{
d) d Worn shock absorbers fu; tr ws q-sw-?r<sm
8;'" lt saf to$ *ith tYre- that il-' r{r Erdrrr f*Q,fr
i'lark one answer o<6 " s,ffi '.,,-, "'
a) d nuu"u lu.g" deeP cut in
.,. . hC Side-Wail;...,r='-=
,.-: -:r,'-
,-., $s 3nscf,
b) E Hrr" been bought second-hand' f<ltr T{lE{ Fr*m qx' 4-F .,ffi

c) E Are of different makes' #i [] Fmm'afr KE

ful tr q-flr re.Cs{ fia{
d) E Are of different tread Patterns Er-src-<(

tyre: weali-.. ffi 6;fr< sfl qfi5f{-s

9..,,: Exc6ssive on'UneveR
- can'be ryryfarltim the-;,-'''--'
<r q'fr-f, sr6{ EriFI s{ qcs qrr(?
Maik,tWO ansWers ,-'. : : " " -'t ' qAfi f5firs E6q
a) E Gearbox s) E ftT$K <-qx
b) 7| Braking system f<itr rgQfos fir{rgq.
;i il surp"ition s"''va'ni:* a*a*'r$f ln tr TITrt{'H
d) E Exharst system
'fs)''n'& .fir{
l0.A roof rack fitted to your car will ,b.o. tl[&.f-,.fr.ST{'S' fl5flm{ cfl"[fA

Mark one answer qrG WI ffis q-oq

a) [ Reduce fuel consumption q) tr st{ rc"rUq) qr4lf{ qr{qE qs
b) [ lmprove the road handling frl tr rrsm G"rs vmryNTsr gfu o-6-<
c) f Make your car go faster 66 '','{ft{s'm
d) F lncrease fuel consumption fst tr r<Fr G"rffl) qrflf{ <Frns q{
I I .i Turning th.e.'ste6r:ing , l,,y le S"S,,'ffi,4'T:, & @t
your car is stationary Can cauie q?rsrT ffi( et-q Tilrc4
damage to the wfu pre ernr
' ,' . ::':

Mark two answers EEG w{ Gfrs sffq

a) E Gearbox €) tr fasm <-rT4{
b) I-] Engine f<l tr aftqr+<
c) El'steering frTttr fficu-r
d) ZI Ty."t ful tr Dtsr-r
e) fl Brakes E) LJ GaS-q{

12. H6w can u lessen'thC'iisk of your br. - ,fu


" vehiele'b'eing broken into ai nigh,t?,' rT{rs "rim-fl

Mark one a-nswer ::i .qsfr Bsr Gfts ss{
a) V. Leave it in.a well lit area '" .q.|I Rfef* c,m l,. IT (.Trtl
b) E Fark in a quietrside road t tL $vtr: ell?F T'rs ,:

6r.'5. ffnftq' 'qf .!TItal(B: '.-

c1. E. D6'h't_enpge th.e1teeFing lo-k ,:',

d) ,E Pair in a poorly lit area f;qE:', '= : 64ffiS'CT

1,'3.You witltxsb r.nore fuel if

/our b19. qI"1-aIT rtr&N frFI (f"fU-f,) qqfi
31-,{,Em, eL,q'T&' cITr|1F '
.,. tyres
::. -.:.::

,Mark one .ahiwer':: ,,i :: srG GE< Gfrs Tffi

- $ffi.'r'';''
d." 7'-;d"i-iniii ..r''- '.[..p'161-5'q4
fr} ,E" '
&1 fg114, '

b) E Or different makes ,.,&q ,q{.

c) E Over=inflated"'' "'
d) E New and hardly used ful tr Er{I rc^T s<( s'{ <K'qs q{
b8. f$rC-{i TIOI qrirg TlrK "Jt<
wise to plan your route. How can ,"-,ffizlt' ffi ffi''E;q|
you do this? sl 16, vtt-< e-rr<-l:
Mark one answer ,srG Gs< fufus rffi
a) frLookatamaP ,g) n qrr"r rrrcl
b) E Contact your local girage fr-) ['=pffi- ry3I?l Ftril
c),, Ill,.'1-uok in7ou,q4hiel€ handbiook frl''tr, '=
d) E CireCk,voui vehicle r:egistratian &)il' ffir.ct
l5.ln which THREE places Would s.'c-qffi' :F'qqt_ffi $
parking cause an obstruction -"'ffi Wf qr-qr*rm nE
to others rys
:-.:' :. j

Mark three answers @ fufrs em

a) ff ru"", the brow of a hill {) E Q arcr< E*s-_K T,rarorB
b) E tnalay-by frt tr mr6rl rq-r<[T qK {6si
c) E Where the kerb is raised frl n, Eq qm avr{' qq rrr
d) E At o'' near,''ibus stop',r: ' ful E:::r,+E=:l'rr Fi frq <t,,91-{ slq'FslfU'
e) p Wnere the kerb has been Ei tr Ptf, ryK <iqErf,oftcr-< qrl
lowered for wheelihairs , ,' ,.' . ft-46 frq q+t.
I'6.When s.!1ould you especially cheik 59.',1Efi-q ara r+rl .Af\qr{{''
the engine oil level? ir k a Omer

Mark one answer (ITTE W'T TEIQE 43FT

a) ft Before a long journey .s) tr fl flem qlm
b) E When the engine is hot f<l tr r<ffi Qfwr mN EFFr{
c) E Early in the morning. flq) tr'S:f, 'r{3
d) E Every 6000 mile ful tr zrcsrs \9ooo {r?fr' "K "lr
17. Unbalaneed wheeli on a car 5E.' qlTI fr
frmrqT il sirf6-sr{ Ens

Mark one answer .qefi Sgs frFre'4-qiq'' '' :' ''

a) E The steering to pull to one side .s) E ffi<s. ,{T, iErs 6I{.CE
frt 'E frffiq''rvtqgr T<21 .,
c) E fhe brakes to fail la-l E f$:r-s urf+tur qF
d) .E Th-e tyr:es to deflair' ,,-'.' ful tr Emrffi <Isr,i srl" {rr<
18. Road humps, chicanes and >u. .<tvrs '6qq wT te-T acm
narr6wings are g.rfim,,ffi ''' ''" ,,

Mark one answer qrfi Wr rc.T -TT l

4 .f Always.a!.major,road.,wo-rks 4) f,.s|sf{' 39 t{car:{ eq,-ffqre-< qrr{

b) E,.Used to'increasE traffic speed f<t tr {rl<IarqT tfu <rorr*-s q+
c) tr.nt tool-Bridge approaches only fu tr 5q6f,, q ,.
d) WTrafficcalming measures fu)tr .,':{fumI{E- ,'
-rgR:E:Ecr{ E-ffi {
"-?t!& B{r{
'[ 9 . Wh en,.l eavi ng,you

., it'securc you should

r iar:, to -'h elp'' keep
- '' 'rymlry 11T WY,
Mark one answer ,gffi W- .' ':.-'',' "
a) fiwc*it and remove the key d) tr'$-I qqT [TTl' :SG.,D-'[fr
b),, E Fark'on a one wa){ street' .,:., ' frl tr s{rq-€rr' <tvr{ fl?F s<I
i),,'f..psik in'a'-esidential"at ea'' frr tr qr{!rc .q= ffi srf '"'
d) E Leave the hazard warning fs, tr qvrs srrFf( qriBx rqrf, <i?tT
lights on
!t wf,Mk&hfl
29.ffii-h''TWO of the following wifl io- pta= rr.?rEq)'qrf,",rfr
improve fuel consumption? s:s T.qrN nrc{

Mark two answers

a) ff Reducing your road speed
q) E <lgt{ erfu oq cr'<
b) ff Planning well ahead .tr{}.lj Wffi r .*,$r+
c) IIJ Late and harsh braking iql tr rrfrcs s<< [Efc< rsqs rr<
d) E Driving in lower gears ful El f{'q. ftrrrf,{ trfo Ertdcr
e) E Shorc journeys with cold engine ?l n inq atqq fqr$ qEr {rql srE
0 E Rapid acceleration ,gsflJfq .,s "

EU .!g.,l.! 4ry '[..a:{g'ffi' aa

have been intioduced to 3Ef,{ qS STI ECT65 rin
qqG GEr fuRs qpq
a) fl Raise the speed limits s ) E ,Ifi5fi{r rsrrfl {Ir
fr;,-E q,{l6q ltglnl9 Tf
c) E Provide better parking fun", ffi-fim$=ffi'
fu)il,6' ,$tt

d)'- f 'Allow lor:r:iei to load more.fr..,,e ly .,.

22.,How can you,,,plan /o.ur route:', ae.' {r -,.. ." " fF

, befor:,estar.ting a long iouiney?, : f+ vrc< fisl"r{ :+<(<fl
i:: ,.:::::.r : ::.:::::. :

Mark one ansvrrer ,qffi',M I',STT

a), L:- Checfuur: vehicle's workslop q) E {Fqt{{= ffiF,'ffi
manual Te mr{r
b\ n Use'a route planner on the' f$'=tr ? ql$r,{ ,qFaT"[E
internet e1i66rya1 451
c) E ntt your local garage 6; ft,. !{T.,tliKl@ FT.q

d) E Consult your travel agents fui tr '€ ,:'r:q']eflx'Tlet trr<

23 .'Ttre' tl uidJed'in, your. bryqf, i.t lqw rs. flfuT 3fiErRT "rrfq 6{' qlrql EIr{K
'. ,'What ihouldpu t.g,p it "ir"1151 .:::
gr "lq sn-N fE ar<-m sri Gfu?
::=r:,::.:':::.::r.:::.j:.:-:i::: : ,-.:: :: l

qsG Gts-{ f5fi5-s q's-{

E {rrHf{< sfrs
mE" e '"r
' :

c) E Engine oil fq) tr

Aiqra-* mq
d) '' n '6aneio nt' =-'...-=' ''" ' '' fg) E Qflnq brsr rr?l"lr olfa iqcE-Sl
ss, ' ,,ffi E4 q3.trp'.'E6{l,
24,You'need to top tlp your':batt6ry.
',,What ---- ffi,,tti?
level.-shouldryou fill:to?='

Mark.one answet qSG GST GftO <M

a) E The top of the bxterY
b) E Half-way up the battery Aj-fi,., *r flm 1P{g", ,

c) fflutt above the cell Plates r

m tr, ,q.e-
p"ru '.,qs.B"
d) lll Just'below the cell Plates
ffic.. ',

25,.8y avo.iding busy times wh€n ..,.-.,. .nc.- .lll F--{t rers
travelling i<-<u +rora
Mark one answer
a) E yo, are more likely to be held up €) E qIh6T elIiFRr vrgrflI Eilc-E
b) tr your iourney:ffie will be longer ft) E=_ .. f<fr E(1
c) E yo, will travel a shorter distance frl E .,,qa-.,. wtrfi {m. r'-gc<E
di d you are less likely to be delayed ft51 tr ia"re eeTK Tgl?nT s{ E6q

26; !t',,can help' hn.your'rotte" .-_., e\9. TIEI "Ir< TlEi"re[ "rk{-flfl T-{rq
" =,befo starti.-! a iour:n Why h6'uld TRT{r Eqt f{-g fr.E {r61"tE€
.' "you. alsg Fl-a tn ak ive L '" ',.. .,T--Tt-. 'r

: . :::-::. :.::::i.::::::::::r::::tj:

Mark one answer .qffi '. "q*q. ":

a) {Vow original route may be i:[]" t*
g-<-. clr'''?lrGT'
blocked ,'..
b),,,,E Your maps.may.. have differ:ent ft)-''E ql xrr q\5. &ff.,, ,.
scales "fkqf6"f{
c) i You may find you have to pay a fql tr wl"plrm Ers rFw.tr{ 6-{I
{qF tury Ere nlr{
d)'' E'
con8estion charge
Beca,+;si youmaylet held'up by fE = 'r .r,,r,.?fJ'[T{ ',..
?T,- ryryry
a tractor ,. .


27.While dr.iVing, thiS warning light on aq. ?@ D-rmIfirirr(-fr uil-rr{mi 4?

your aashUoiia comes on. ,
rsq-fiT <F grq drqTi
It,means --t' te6 sret

Mark one.,answer ,gsfr Gs< Rftis crq

a) d A fault'ih the-briking
b) E' the en$ine oil is l6W
syStem ,o),.IIH.,
frt n, m'
ffi ,-?l '+q.'
' '6 qrre

c) tr n rear:.light has failed ftl:-E.,f. rr:. ,q Trfu q'rfl,6l

d) E 'yorr S.at b-elt is not f'astened fst tr arr"ffi{ fin r<A qfottr+I T{

28,-The] rnost irnportant.+9aqgn for

!6., ='ff- :'frmtrm
,' havihg'i properly. adiusted .head'-' erTsr< I1i 1{H Sllr{ Erf,I €[s
restraint is to
Mark one answer
tqffi,@'' , ,, , .,'. ''
a) .E..Make yotl'more comfortable o'y'E w fryT. er(
6,,: 5 " .."il€X[ iqtl ,T-{c1"
b) I HelP You to avoid neck iniurY '

c) 'E...ffelp y,ou,to:relax- .,, - -' f*) tr- '''+.-aP s{c{

d) E Uetp you to maintain Your ,fu;=t] ,

TI-6s ,rEEgI 6-{rd

29. Vvheaever possible, which' one d ,)b.,,<Tft ril r{ ?,1 ffi s-{-6qT
' the foll$ing,sh,Ould you do wh'en ,,, ii,,ffi Trgl{"'F E<:l
parking at nighii qI"FTK GfrgT

Mark one answer .qqfr EET frfrg FFT

a) ErPart< in a quiet car park s) tr fi{ffi +,K "trc<, "rrs 6-{r
b) W Par* in a well iit ur"" frl tr rn+r qrdfiT-4gi gFrs'H' "n+ o-n
c) E Park f"cing against the flow f,D tr TIF rerrs qITI ?n-fuT f{"rfu
of traffic sF "no on q-fr
d) E Park nexr to a busy luniiion ful E fus wq*rffi{ q-6e' ffi E-s1

30. When parking and leiving your car, ,\9.:o,',qcFr- E& 11= TfT qry{ TfIrq{,
qr4{K GBs

Mark one answer qsG GE{ fufus epq

4 E Part under a shady tree .q) E trr,gfq,s flr frtr -.-ztr-+ q-*'
i<l tr rtr.+.ry rs .Ts qfrffi rqm"
c) E Park in a ouiet road fn tl f{fififr ,rlsr{ qf6'srt
d) d Eng guthe steering lock ful tr ffis, er qlf?rcr qlsrl
3I . u:'haVe too--@choi,| }.oo?,,engine.
What could this cause? wturcv ry
Mark-one ahswer ', =_ffi'
t:.1, ,':r:::| r.'':'r'

,) E Low oil pressure n' nrr s'-q yL{

b) il fngin" oveiheating tr
f<l erqq r<Fr flfl qa{
c) E Chain *"rr. in tr ruq{ s-{ E[<
32. Youar"e parkinltn a two way road er. 80 l^rQ-a flfi5rlTm T'frrs ?fl-fo

at night. The speed limit is 40 mph. 5-q'K ilVrT ilfu r<-4r rn& "n-6
You should park,on e .
4-T-rE{l t@ "n-6 s,-fi OGv <lvEI

Mark one answer .g6IFW{ TETSS Q-P.|-.

-itr,' fiir.iug'lighii.on
q) tr qE tm "tlfu( ETAB-T qTFTTJ
b) E L"ft with no lights on frt tr flq ,nfi, r+Tml q.t?I{ Tr qffqr{
c) E .Right with parking,lights 6n fn tr srr qrfi ffiq e-t?Ir q-Ifffi
d). E right,with dippeA headilghts on ful tr uFr qrc'r fu"rq revara.rn q-ilqm
33.What percentage of ill emissions ,gg;ffi'= ,. 'q*.qi'
AVTiT qF[Trc-{ Tg *IET('I EIfu
does road transport account foi?
- Mark one answer ,qqfr Ss-q frfrs s-sr
,g) f 5ovo (q.T rlgl('D
a) ro"z !
q .'G,.76d/a ..1,,,,, ., f<) E lov., rfr.r NT("D
c) E 3oo/o
fr')E \9ool, Gt ::*1941:f1
d) D 40"/o fu)'E 8ovn"( ,. ',, ':
34...You.,,will{hd,that driVing. .
-..,,,-.,', tg8.
q{cl \,fTE flfu rrql"rfr
EI"TfFr T<P(s
smoothly can
il ,-''"
Mark one answer .'qSG .GgT Gfrg r,Sq
.q) E
"l E
reduce journey times by {IGII.?r Tq'S 3E[ bG%
about l5olo ..,r,
'-38 .ryF .
b) E increase fuel consumption by f<l tr qrqTf{ sr $lfl bc'Yo
c<Fr Ermq
c) ff
about l5olo
reauce fuel cpnsurnption, tv= ft)'n-=' ' '.,, . '
S{ ETSCtr "u*
d) E increase journey times by fgi U {mEr xat $?I bGo/o
about l5olo rEFt amp

35.'F{ow':shouldyu,dispose of a '
uc.q . fr'"Pl-c{"lf<mfl
used battery?
'ffiI.,.G-fu:'"i: .r-':i :' :,:,:

tsr GFos Effi

u) C"Bke iito i tocatautnoiirysite i1=11' rq1i1 frm
b) lll Put it in dustbin fr;.f== ='q4',41'{'?.r-ca G a &T
i),.,'E ,'Brake ittp in+o,p€te$ '"'''. .- fri ! Usrn qq*r srr (s'rn rsrm
Q- .,E, leave'itsn w,aste-tand','','''l ..,
fu} E q]l.t'rszq r<-C{
e) d Ira*e it to a garage
0 E Burn it on a fire €sE qT@r+ @rs rqrq
36. lt is important to wear suitable uu;
,.wffi= - I5fi-..,
'shoes'w lrenry rA$r"[vihg-u".-- - '' , i,, .r.

Why is this? st [T-{?

Mark one ans\/er .qrG Gg-{ Gfus r*T
a) .E Tr enable Youto-,walk f-or &1"'E., ',Er'T'7*o q]-ql'6qT'{

assistance if you break down

b) .il lO enable you to adiust.your seat fo'fi . ,e's f{'${f :

c) f], To'pievent wear ion the frl tr r"rrsp-{ rmm m (sr qI Es,

pedil.s,.r,uhbers [E s-{I
'il''T":maintain-saffto.ntrol-,. .-', .1-P'r ,,f-, = .,'
of the pedals

q'fr s<( gr(r-q

37,Y.ou ir:e
rv.lng- t 3 Yiar:s sld' \9q. b\9 <qr(s-{ TrED-I
' .children aaa thaii na,,,r.,.e, s in-,y
ai + <tfls trngl9 +r< iT6{ {rrryrl
- Who -is'tispnnsible..forseei-ngthat:
Er6ErT * fqru <ii<q ft -.
' ttie.tni aren wear ieat SeAs?' - - '- sl cEqr{ qrflY Trrt
Mark one answer
,Effi;W-' . ,' ","
a) t You, The,driver ai'fi w luratt( slErrs-{)
''-t f<itr<I6rcn-qxt<rrm
b) -f], The ihildr.en's,.,parents. ,. '
fr; trfiwffi':" "'',
c) lll tt",e front seat Passenger
d) E Tl" children
3Srwhich.of these,,if allowed to get 9P. i46ry @?frs- mFr "rfiE T{ EN
low could cause an accident? frrd E''itriT Tcr "nm?

Mark one ansyyer o+fi_vur Fm 1*l

,q) tri <irilflrg "rrfT{ "rkqTq
b)', D, Brake"fluid lete["
Fe tr@ rfiirc-r "rfrnq
c) E Radiator coolant level fal tr rrffirc< "rrfr-< "riflTq
d) E Anti freeze level is; tr €fiB fsrs-< "rk+r.r

39.|t is esseltial that,tyre pressures \9> u'r+r* rylT

"rkflq r{ rT{
are checked regularly. Eq-s s-{T ssls :r6{r5Tt
When should this be done? s{{sr q-{r \Ef,Ds?
Mark one answer .qq,B Gg-{ ffis Fsq
a1 '[| when the.'tyr.esa eold "' €) n'Tfi pt-glefi &t'.qtl-s-(<'
b)'' n When,ihe tyr,e. r"e.hot"-,'- fr) il't -u.l4f@fr'4{T,silTT<
c) E After i lengthy journey fq"ltr fTI Fr6{I {tEIt{ "rL<
d) f] Aft.r travelling at high speed ful tr C{ft TFc mGT Tirr;r erm
40.Y6u afu,having dif cltlt-y finding a s,o.='ffi ' {e fl6 Tqu
: : rqrc. ,T fi qul
'3111' '
You can see there is space on 6fr6w-{ sffirst qr6tt u'lsn
the zigzag lines of azebra crossing. , ffi rrilrqrl'rry?' '"$&
Can you park there? ffi o1-s6a
AT6q -f3-r ,

Mark one answer

.{TIF gq{ IEf€s T!ffi

a) 'E No, uhleis fou stay with your car s) trn,qfrfft& (T" '

b) E Yes, in order to drop off

a Passenger
c) E Yes, if you do not block people ln tr €r, {fr qr"rf{ "rq-6fr6v<
from crossing efisrqK Ts qT T-F{
d) Ei No, not in any circumstances fur tr qI, rsn{I EIT€rcsa qI

41 . 'You, car:rying a child using a-"'' 8b. fetE-{'ir6s T?r a<T Fny[ffi frF
rear:-faci ng .
by seat.'Y waffi to put <rEqr<t T.CT .eo'E HqE ITIT
,-' iton the'ifu p*i"ng"r
seat. Wf.1! {T6qITfiEG TITTr{-{ fl]TT ffi
. fl UST. you,.d ole{ore settihg,9, f f J

rI<rN ?q4-l ffi

uram-+m wrrrt
ft' o-<roQ Er<r
::, .,.:- tl, '
-.. .::1, t
:: .::=:,, t,..,. .-

Mark g6g-anqy€r ..::::,: ,-.,..-

a)' fl- Deac,t@e 61ifu6i'nnd=' . s) tr nr+(I s<( Ptq-fl{ ryiFq 'L{Tr<

<flfl qfsfsl Sr{ Tf<rre Ef<

rear airbass
b) d m"t" ,ur"""ny front passenger fr) tr arqr+{ TrdT _o1rr< <rrr qmrs'I
:r::: :r:r: a-Af 'q,ffi, g:f.'' Efg e[q,
c) E . vlat . sureitl tne<nila sa{ frr tr ft\s f{-nzgT slETIefr r<ll4l
locks aie off qrrs sr ffire E6s qcq
d) E Recline the front passenger seat *j"'n $ qr&, frE ramT frrs
?i<trs, eF
42. How can you as a driver,
help'thd'enVjr.onment?,.., ==,.,-.'
S+n@. ' fr:g-6.T,tlqfu'
'' ,tld- d?

Mark three answers

a) Z Ay reducing your speed
ffi'ffi' FFr
b) Z
',1':",E, ?!E.,ffi Fq r<-.c<r
Ay gently acceleration ' :"' iqr tr cnrs 6rg €Tfry-q,rc-<.ffi s-(3
c) tr oiing'leiied fuel -
fri F rf,rus rnrq rrTErir rr{
d) E ey driving fastei fur tr r<Fr flfug fl'rfs ulfqrx.
e) E gy harsh acceleration
e) L_.1 r6Tm .qTrTf,TC{:r{ SrT
0 il gV servicing your vehicle properly
6+lE er& qcrmer rtftE T-6il rf,6?r

43.To help the environment, s\9, . T-f,,Er.q'[sT

you can avoid wasting fuel by '
,,-"" ,ffi .r ,,qt6rc "fr6f{'
Mark three aniwers ffi Ge< ffis s-n{
a) ff Having your vehicle €) E qren"K rnfV qermar rrfuT
'properly,,serviced, '
T(3 mr?r
b) p Making sure your tyres are
::,CorFgctly.inflat . ... ,,,
,frt', plT1a@ ..,.r-rsr{
-" .II,\f-I, W-g T-dK-,.,,
c) p',wOt over-iewihg in ihc l frl tl ffi fttrtr frW q-< if'qr:-{{.
lower gears '.'-'-',@ '--'-, ,

d) [l'.Driving , high' peeds"'., Mn rqtnrq Tsir rry?rrm r<F{ flfure

where possible r& Erfrrr
e) fl Keeping an empty roof rack On rEr<rre ErsI, Fs 6a fta{c\r1
properly fitted qtrlr[ rrrct
0 E Servicing yorr ,"hi.l" .{F)tr qFITfrs

'larm rrTf,g-{ {rf6ff

less regularly Tr TTT?I

44. : Planning yoqr.route bef6r:e 88. TIgT ErR€' WEr .?Jr( {.llqr1el
setting out can be helpful. "rf,-<.s-flTr s-f,rfl Tr€j:fi ?{'l
How can you do,this? s[ f6 sr(< o-TCT{
Mark one answer ,g6fi "t qnrrk{ 'r

a) E Look in i motoring magazine €) tr rqrnf{(. rv-r?r

b) E Onty visit places you l<now I{) U rs?rm (DTI vrfi q'fi T'r{
c) E f.y to travel at busy times I"l) l-
<lqqLu':l {a{Lgl #{tsll <PLsl
d) fi Print or write down the route isl tr qlEiT"rE fryc?r qq{r ir-D
- T-c<

45. Why,is it a good idea to plan yrour"' '67';r'. ,'dffi, qlq,K

jOurney. to avoid buiy tirnes? ir: -. ".
, T-.f $-{ ,mw fqAt

Mark one answer qqIF VgT 151-qg q-6

a) fi Vou will have an easier journey €) E fiqT Ta6 q6q
b) E You will have a stressful journey i<l tr qtqrm qlET q"sqm-s qcd
c) E Yorr journey time will be longer frl tr qttltr rqFr rqx ri[s qc<
d) E lt will cause more traffic iut tr sre TH'{E qrmT q-sr<
Mark one afiswer =. -:. ,: r, '
:-:= '

;#" #
y4 rf qg ,at

u) ''
Q'At+ny,ti e in a built-up area ..-. A=tr. :,d31E6 m rrrr6ff
b) E Between l0 pm and 6 am in a fut tr qrfifrs €qripln' fcorq >o"Fr
built-up area "',1 ' 6'ql[-s ,gB[''ffi ' ,

c) E Between I 1.30 pm and 6 am on fqi tr rq ITTCfi flvrg f<-+l-f, >>.roofr

any road rP.rcs. rqK \9'Fr "lTq
a) 'aa
',.! '-,-built-'up,.areii"'-
!"n-i'i 30 p- "no z am '-
in a fuj=il'. c *S,tsot
"',.. '"'= rem rvm q'Fr nqe :qt'
47;You- ar.e carfi-g a fiva y--+olo I . .gq,..fu qqffi,',.s$ffi ?e
child in the back seat of your car. 499.,,f.{'(.{ : qI(E-{
"' '', ,fu
' They. are under,.l.35 m s = - - b.\ec (affi',6Qf+;,
(4 feet 5 inches) in height. They I ,,$ry.,fQ KTITT,vT
MUST use an adult seat belt ONLy if )irrc rfirCs qC< rsTq qft
: :=, ..:
- .:i-.
r : :L.:::::r:::r:j:' . .r : ::::::

Marklneaiiwero :.:.j:.:r:...:::.::.:: :.::..::. ,qsffi ss{ ftfrs qp-a

a) D e correct cfriia restraint is € )E <T6rffi{ G"rcrri}r qft-+
'.,, ,,' hoeavailab'u-. - :,,, ' , il qrrs
b) E h is a lip rype belt frl E sr rsrcq< ir"rr fqg i!3I Tts
c) E they sit between two adults fxr tr ra qisr+ <Tr6ir qfiqrrn' TCff
d) f] lt can'b'e sha *ith,=.. ,,.=, fu) ,E rc-i qrq F"trrr'{r ,vtrfi s'[frl
4-<I ql{

48.You are cairying

a S y+ear..old-
'.child in,.the baCk,seat of your cai.,,.- ,..fu{[:
8b,., {IE' dq-r6.rr,,1gffi '<16.11r-{ t@T

They are under 1.35 metres (4 feet 5 rry b.ec FIFrc.<-{ (8f,s0 c'?fkl
'inches). A coiFeet child reitraint is (E[T€ T,rCFIt rrrurrfi-{ 6-q1 Tfu-{,
, NOT.available. They MUST qTry{ rqQ I qK w{-[E s-s<T

Mark'OnC an5w€r. r ::::::::::=,:, :''":',:- ,{qfi Gs'{ Gfus qf,d

a),,,,E sit uehi;*ht,p*-;ier iiat -q) n qr6rq-T trDr Pturq <qT
b) p Use an adult seat beli i<t tr qq@ rirffi Tr{fl< srl
c) E Share a belt with an adult iql E rsffiq< rcr r<-ry srm-sriir o-at
d) fl Sit between two other children f,sl tr srrmr q'ft <IFr:r {fi{rn <TI
49. You are parked at the side of the .: ,,' ffi s['.T.,Tm
road. You will be waiting for some ""'" x]-o}:* wi
time foi a passenger. What should Er{-iF!F!r "qr"lsT 4-{-rc ?r{l
you oot
g?H,i4, S.qI EIflqK gTEg
Mark one answer dqG \EE-T ffis +sq
a) [f Switch off the engine ,s) tr iliqq Effi T(< ,r?-flI "
b) [l Apply the steering lock fql E ffi( a-o' qrfrrc{ TI<n
c) E Switch off the radio f,qrtr r-<f,se <s <r[T cq.-{r
d) E Ur" your headlights isl tr rqsflt-.Fq <rrEEI TiII
50,-What will.reduce the risk of neck
injury resulting from a collision?
c.'o., ,,qq.,q:r{fL-$E T'g TIrq
qIqE RISTI ENTrc "tr(.<?
: :.: .,1.-, ,

Mark one answer €sG fyfus ss{

a) E An air-iprung seat s r E .lofi <rqr+rr iqdg eETr rfiF
b) E Anti-lock brakes fqr tr sftE-rrs cEs{
c) tr n collapsible steering wheel frr tr ltrw er qq,q frTrf-<( qtq
d) Z eproperly adjusted fo.r tr Bo qrer frqrrrT
head restraint rqs fl_<TCUW

.5 I . ,F1;ooi* y--uriourn4 'rt6id-bry

=ffi=A l".$qft+
times has a number of advantages. .,',.- 0 ,,q,
One of these is
_,. '-t. '_1.'
: :.:::
€TG aLqI
:_:. I

a ' :.
,,, -. ,1 ,1;
r:, ,.::
Mark one answer
a) E Your,- |our.n-y,y.riql iake,long6r..- d ) ,,4E]:,!Sr .@y,, qT{,. vm :

b) E You witt have a pleasant lourney f<r E {TET qrrFr Ert?r qr<
c) E You will cause more pollution frl tr "rf{r+r TT"r r<Fr a-{rcr
d) tr Yqor streii level will"be gieater &'r,E r FI Eru:-g{d :.. :, ,

52. lt.ib itgod ide- to plan your. '-,,'' e,i,'.: , .q . l g

, 'journey-to avoid buSydmes. ' , ,f, ffi< slql
This is because EEm T'm"r
" t, '
Mark one anslyer qsG \irg-< ffirs Epq
a), I
Your,vehicle will use more fuel ,,$ E Trf,{lErE- rq a,.qqEm Erq
b)':,..8' u will-ee {es'-,'road wol-J<s frl il"'ffi'' sIEi s{ "r(T{,
c) E t will help ro ease congesrion fn tr Trq{F Tw <I<rcu rqnmr ac{
d), E,.You *iLLtravelr'amuch shorter fq tr qgr qmar qtal s-f,68 €c<

f i nd q datatyt-e co nVe rteFtl ,-.,,., . ga-r
Mark on. ,n.iEi-. sqft sE-T ffis osq
a) E tn the fuel iank s) E rqmrcq-< trnTrs
b) E tn the air filter fu tr srm fuqim
c) ,E On,the lng sysiid fu tr rc brel rI?rK q-ccq
d) El On the exhausr system
54. .b'help,t< y"ui' etufe a.a. wt' ''ful"llr $ffi" ,

join.a.. "''' .
i.,, you-.co-uld -,

w"Ifr r{ll?r erc flrmr

.:,, . .,:t:,.
Mark one answer
gffi'tE1, ,SSq.i':., '..' '

a) E Jenicle breakdown organisation ..s) tr.'?fl&. T('$" nrf,'

b) WYehicle watch scheme fr),,E tt& q-q.{rfltr
rcrr rr'\erlq€qram
c) E Advanced drivers scheme ftl tr sqIT qrtsT<
d) E Car maintenance class &t.,E-" .1 ftlry, "'
,55.You'c?n: s?vE fuel when conditions
cG-.'.9TAEr,, o"k' .k(,<Dfi +r<- r.tEE
allow by s'T T'{ S-fig 'nf,rd{ {fr
Mark one s*ep ,. ., "r r'"
.qTE EE.T fufu Eeq
a) [ using lower gears
as possible ",
ofa"o €) tr.{ ftmE

.,.: ,,.;. FTE'ETK S.fS{ ... ,'


b) f
c) [
accelerating sharply in each gear & tfu Pq6,q , $rr{
using each gear in turn irr E ffr"r {rrn farrr <Frerir rrfil
d) p missing our some gears fu.r tr tfu rrc"r famm <raerc Tr r-ffi{

56. Rapid acceleration inU hu""y G'\9.Ss O T-<-K €<( rql(.<

braking can lead to KAs' qilrr s-flrs-m
Mark one answer
a) [
.{sfi ,0tst q-fii
Reduced pollution s) tr "rfT[TT T{.r s{ E€TI
b) d lncreased fuel consumprion ft1: []. rrk{I.f fk "tterl
c)'E'Reauced-exhar.rsriCmiisions fql 5 sr6t,g-{ f*er's r{r+r sq E€Tr
d) E lnc."ased road safety fur tr nvlT fq-{lqsr gla "nem
57.The legal minimum depth of tread
'. m-ft .iptai=' .n{Ti1!rT{
iorr Eirtyles oter 16pst (-arte&f I vffom w,qft
,,., -,ffi 'rri fiF
qry flfu\5T qs qrs Ee<r
Mark one anslver ,9T6 t6d,' ' '
a) n I millimetres. s) tr > firffima
bi 4 ,, miuimetres {; E >.tv ftffimT
c) E 2.0 millimetres frr tr..tv ffimx
d) E +.s miltimetres fur f s.\e firffimq
58.What is most likely to cause high c-ts-,. ,,qfrF -rqFr=-a€ Tm.l
rs.-= ?

Mark one answer €sG \?rv-q frfos Esq

a) 'f]''Paor: ste*ilr8 contr ..''-- €) tr ffis. fi{T€l-{ q,fi Essl
b) E Accelerating
bends fu [J,{ffi q1il s e-rf ,
c) fl- Staying in high gears frl tr gw- fiHI-< <r+EK +-fi
d) pl Harsh braking and acceleraiing 'fuj-'E @ sEi";$'T. Fi 'srl
59. Catalytic converters are fitted a'b. at15a l

to make the ET r{T

,M*i* orc ihswEit' 'r ':= ",' ,SS6 fr .F{!{, ''
a) tr iniin" produce more power ,e) n r<ft .rfu cry
b) E Exhaust system easier to replace frl tr op,r FffiIE{ "rffi{ Tdw qr
c) E Jngine run quietly frl E ei,rq fr.ro s'n< urq
d) $ E*haust fumes cleaner fui n=n rfu fltr+T{,g.r',"
60.'How.aan missihg out some gear '- o,,3r$ @
,uo. &.rg TrE-e FiTrr
, ft,911"' ,ffi Eq'qg1
:.' :: l,
Mark one answdi ,,-:: qTG \Bs? ffis
a) d gV reducing rhe amount of tim" €) E +r<+ ognrrn-+"ctsrrr< <Tqaft-ffi
,, ; yo.u a'Fe.acqele n$ =':.._,
"rfr{rq qfl {w E$
b) ',E''Betaause'ihere is less need to, fr) tr fi<"r e6g'q-fi Tffi' <K-qt-{
use the footbrake , ,,,T3[l{.,", .,,QJ[ '

c) E gy controlling,th.e amount frr tr snr.r frTTfTq ff{al-ffi "rkflq

of steering f*nmq E-{
d) J-l Because coasting is r<eft is; tr TK{ sqt;r rqfrq, T-n r{fTq
'.,: to a,::,rRinimun:1,. ::.:,,
,,ti .-' 6i-ffi',, ,, , -

6l- gea-i .siVes

Mis.sing out',i''o-rn'e
fuel by reducing the amount of
\9b. .gSG f,ergm rw
frcx "m<-e
frrrm cr+Err< qrqrfu <t-T T'rr ET
iime you spend q?rq E.r"rfr qfl :Fr-{ qFrolit s'frfiI

Mark one answer

a) f, Braking d) tr rSAr-
b) Zi Accelerating fri E ,so3qrflrarFm
c) E Clutch I,i) I I SIE
d) [i Steering 1i5)
-. T,r$Ers,

62. In,,which TF.IBE.E'placii' rl1d', \9r. rfiI rw' qrcq anv "Lrs s-{-rq
parking your vehicle cause danger or ag q-6q1_Eqfr5ni vqlfru uerro
obstr.*eion to other road users?' l 'zl <z

Mar.k'thieeinswCr.s,,,,,,... :
ffi Ss-< ffis er{
a) 4 ,"front of a properry entrance ,s) tr r+rm :l.erfrT TCfl "rrem {r{r{
b) Q, Nor ar a b-us i '" frl tr ,esrcrl qm fr?r rf vK a.rEI fifE
.)'' ff On yo.ur" drivew.ay. .-.. :::=;, fql tr Fr -q.( ryre-q, .3r{,1 qr{ i

d) E tn a marked prilii;i space fg) tr Gfw s 'I t[frj.(, ,s-rr T16{.

ir tr xreo eF-{ ra{ arAm{ fr6+-

level crossing $\9TR "ffaf

63. Which TWO are badly affected lf U\9.. W]I re'{,== qf.q<:6E1-4
, the tyres ar€-under-in1.lry?'=-

Mark two answers

a) E Parking .

b) Il] Changlng gear 61 6t"'.

c) Zi Braking fni tr rsqs <i-{El'fir
d7 d Steering IrE) lrl lg'$r{( <r<qRF .:., ,.-,i,-r .,
64. You are parked on the ioad at night \98. flfu r<qr rr& fi?F s"(-TrE;lt mT
, Where must y6u use parking lightst
',' .'....u.tti ( 'ffi ,3 T-{[\, eiTr
it. .. : ,.. 1..:. .

a) [
qsG iqisr ffis q-+q
Where there are continuous white q I E m rrrq rrgK T{r <s[rd<
lines in the middle of the road Wtqitg ryfnf qftt c1?FF
b) EI Where the speed limit fEt tr rqcmrr flfu fiqT r<qr Efu q.s||T
ro pn '
exceids ,
:.,. , 9o {-[?i(ry{ f<B Ef<
ft 6qq rfl&,Sfu
_ ,n
oncoming traffic w"HK rr& wry{ uol alrl(-<;t
d) lll Where you are n.u. i br, ,top fui tr fq"*,t1Jq Tt9.......... qE :B'f aif+T<
65, Ycu are dr.ivin$ the ehitdren,of =ga, 4&- . -.

a friend hom6'from sCh'6ol " qq rctr_s <& fr,rr {rrq-{'l

They are. both 'uRder l4 years old. urn q'wr+<'Q <n4 b8 qgrm-r
" Who ii resp<rnsible, for making suie slergt. frD ffi rii.trer fu
they'wear a::ieat belt?,'-. ,. ::::. TI -. 8€{TT ffi +mZ

.{TG ,F,E-T fyfos s,sq

a) ! An adult passenger q) tr IT]IEI <A-+ vrfr<
b) lEl The childien,'-,' ::': f<l tr <1616qjr fdr6T
c) ,E You, the.d'Fiver ftl tr ,re ErFrrs<
d) lll Your friend fs; tr qreFfi{ <-{il
66. Which THREE of the following are
.$.,u.:.. . glrEq I
most likely to waste fuel? furoq.l qrfff{ <r-{ erc "lrr<t
:: :: : . :.::: ::::

Mark three answers ffi

a) f Reducing your speed s) tr trfu Tq' T-{FI
b) ft Carrying unnecessary weight frl tr qgtrrgff-{ {'l"TrqIFI <q;[ T-{rfl
c) f Using the wrong grade of fuel frl' ;] vfr elf,E-{:,,qffi'. TTTE
d) f, Under-inflated ryres isi tr Eronr <Isrry <r{ Erfl
e) [ Using different brands of fuel ?j-I &q &-,*.., "q<q-m, s-rm
{7 ffn fitted, empty roof rack gr)E rEI<II Ers'I p{F 6gE nrfan* TI?r(3r

67. To'reduceihe volume of tr:affic \9q. TIVE ,qs.ffi T'{. T-{l:?r

w{T ql"Ifr flrrfi

ffi vg-< ffiio r-sr

a) Z Use public transport more often q) tl-fifffi4 r{Fr ,Ti-T Eq'6s
b) W' Share:a car when possible . . ft),'il'tqtqvnq 'flIfu' ,T,s(g
c) E Travel by car at all times fal tl a-< xq-q"Q flr-.scu lltil €r[v
d) E Ur" a car with smaller engine ful tr rarB Qfrqm-< ffi <-<oN <'{6s
e) E Drive in bus lane tj'{ rm @.T {XV
0 Ef W"tt or cycle on short journeys dslE qfl riluln {rEmq uIFTrrc
Tr ErtrCs
68. tl/hy do MOT tests include a strict uu.,.rq; - A
exhaust emission test?
W f+fsrqq
TfuT "rftffi q"n ei r+-c
Mark one answer offi Grffi m.g, q'p.., .

a).- f,, To Cov,er thecost.of expettsive" €) E rlTtl-T6u3 rrs?rr{,-{ w

garage equipment Er?t-s qr{q-rrn
b) 6 to help protect the environment fr)"[],,', @- ,.:?€TIram
against pollution TrFf 6-Ep
c) tr fo discover which fuel supplier fr1{ r$n qtorfr
is used the most , '.Tj<rK.=T.{I eBIg E;aIa q-{i'
d) E fo make sure diesel ,na p"trol fr') e,.
C,sf$fl Qfba 13n q'{H
-a6-'-fr, 'qrr irr fiFrs'ars
69: 1b'help piotect the'envir.on'ment \9b. '= T-s"f A-Trs
- ''_., -'
.. you should NOT
' t::
.ry eeqg
:t::::,::..::::'r:::.,:.,:1::;:::::,:- : .-
'qr,EF 0ryY ffi
Mark one ans\i/er qTffi . q*-q. :

a) tr Remove your roof rack .s).=tr Tfi {tfug q-+r

when unloaded ,,',' ,311'* ft fro 6*ffif, TIc[ :

b) A Use your car for very fO E s{ m1 ql, tr@

qrrEK sitT
c) f] Walk, cycle, or use fri tr ErFr, Etznril, q?Fil
public transport . ,," cf ry Wf
d) tr E*pty the boot of ,fiur,I, @ zr$' qlry.,v<trr, sffi
:r -.unneeeJsary w.61gnt:,. ...

70.You service your own vehicle. QQ,.srr"FlI{ :nfu frrsr,'.q.1Eq, T.mrwil

Ho,lv should youg-elrid of the T{rfir Qirqq sqq i+ src<
old engine oil?

Maik onetanswei'
a) ff Take it to a local authoriry site €) E =rfiT oqfl[w-{ ql6a 6q6-q f,r[T
b) tr Pour it down a drain fr)-"E', ,, ' , ,,-:-'-"'
c) E --Fut
fip it into a hole in the ground frltr1qi@. '=ffi-=1..,r.'' ,,.,

d) { it in:toyoui :duitbin'= .',,

ful qr{6TK qlTrry rqrf, fqm

n5;' T{lT Ttri,'TraT?tef

qkf,fl+r rrcrql qsl
before starting a journey. You can do 11-
pr'ii :: ::i
;'*# ,{TG \?,ET frfts q-rq
a) E Your local filling station ,g ) E ,rrfrT r"rff, ri*rcq< arv
b) d Amotoring organisation fu E fir{RrE-{,}, rqTF-k< :T( r{ Tffi
c) E Yor. vehicle manufacturer frt tr rfrfs,K :i lfm'ryg.
d) E fhe Driver Vehicle Licensing ful tr U|AEI{ ,s<( fie-mqrff,

72. Which three does the law require 'ou.,- - .ffiffi

you to keep in good conditioni
wd{re s,rcr-{E efl-{cg E-rd?
Mark three answers rqiE vtrT TEr€s siFT
a) U Gears q) E farmq
b) fl ctutch T{) U TIq
.j if Headlights iqr tr rEserEFx
d) Z^ Windscreen wipers Iu; u cEsr6-{ sTrQqrsry
-'''' , '.'
e) ff Seat belts tt'tr' ,, ,,..
,, 73 ;'N eW,pt@ i in=e'u. ,i*ost'b:d' -Q6'.t -
fitted with catalytic .o,luurturr. S:.{_\,KTK STTTr{T CI?Frc q6{ I

The reason for this ii to vl-Ellt TE[6I

Mark one answer ueffi @r ffros F-q{

a) EControl exhaust noise levels. sr E €sg1.F{ Tq qEr6E' Tr?rrr w{T
b) EProlong the life of the fr; tr {s-srs @q, 6a q;5E1 ffi
exhauit sysrem -:',.. ,ftq,-
"' '

c) fl Altow the exhiust system fq., tr sTo-r @qrs lcrsTt{

,., ' tO be,teCi-Cf6d, -.,- -,.,. ,:l' , <KEIrfir {flI q[Iit 6-{T
0 .Zl'neau,ce fiiimrulshaust
' ]'
f,u) tr oryr* r-n-+ qmr w.fil-sr
emissions rqTTT S'{ TTK W-{T
74 Wh at can'tause hearystee-rihg? 98,,r,SflTkR, rT*lEI.|.,pTk- trT-ry. ,

Mark one answer .qTG BET Gfrg ETq

a) f Driving on ice d)..,8 .6 ffi, ,,,.,.:.
b) E Saary worn brakes i<r tr ffi ws E€rr GE<U afl?Fn
c) E Under-innaiao -tyres fq'ltr EFFITr atgrry +'{ qrf,
d) E' ver-ia{lated ayr"r '', fu),.E ElsI$ q.lum ffi,. 671 ., '

75 ;'DriVi,trE.:wkh U hdbr:.infl ated 'qG. ,,ffi-, ,fu {& r-rffrq

tyres can affect mfu qp qc-r
Mark two answers feB w.{ ffiav qcr
a) [ Engine temperarure .q) E ?[iqrr* Er"Fil-€-l r<Fr erc arr<
b)',,.8'-Fuel cOhsurnftion'.-,-"' ., fqt tr rqFr qrf,If{ ilrrre "rttr
c) Z Braking ixr tr m-Qioq r-TFo u1frn p-re qrl<
d) Oit pressure fsl U 6EfqT D-Ifl:tIs-T Tls-rc "rfCT

76,The'main tau f brake fide is qru. e?-+ s'T a\g{F 1{r{ s,K"l

Mark onarrrr*". €sE frfrs qp-a
a) d rui brake overheating s) E Glq r<Fr eraq qm {IsrI
f ,rAi n .[he'b-r"ake-'tt gia=' -.,...,
b)'.. r.. i frl tr @ rTrtrc fisrry Ef{ q]"s$
c) lll Oit on the brakes fxt tr rgec-+< @-{ req rqra qlsrl
d) E The brakes out of adjustment ful tr rsfteqi frqtFT qI ers-cfl
77.When a r.oof raCk is not in uge it, 9en',{tfT,, f,,sl,S.lryt<. -${f,S'T{1
, slrsuld'be*rnoVed Wh;ts'ihis:t gcH' st r?n6f, Tr?n ilrtq I ET (Tq?
.:] . ,'"':l:1':-:: :,;.:,::; t- :

Mark,bne answei , €4,jD EET TEIQE 4.+{-.

ei'n,, ,Erq' oq, $fu EF

4 E lt will affect the suspension

b) [ lt ls illegal fqi tr a-Er rq-w-fr
.)" f]'k will affect /ouiibr..akihg '- ,,fr),,E -'- ' 6q ffi, TC(
fol tr q{an qIeTIfr <trl ET

78. e*i *r-"': h@pid,lTrahi'it.. qb. T"r{FN. q.rar Wffi "rk<-eT

,'', (LR!'=syi rns are envir"ohmentally effrr<rK
<TT€r $Tfi5-S 6-m
friendly because - trt-t,"t=' =" - 'l
,"''., ', ,:
. , .,._l l. .,- i.l,
,t:"' :.
= .:'

Mark'one ahswelr ::,: €SG GET Gfrg TF{

a) ! In", use diesel power ,g).n',... '@ry effgTIlE' ffi.
,b) . E.Thg, u$.quieter roads nj'-Ci ' ,q-5tr
9| A Thevnie ele*ic [-owe-: ]..i: : ,, ;E" "J+.eT IIEEF Tq
d) E fney do not operate. ft)tr4
" ::j l

during rush hour

79.Car passengers MUST Wear a seat qb. nfsre fiE r<"F ercrq qrdfi-{ro
belt lf one-fS are q-{"lTE g-r fi{[g Erd I {ft q.|. r{\B
.: a ffi.
ntted with ri. bugr'-'''
within a congestion
fri tl' 'fisf.,.
d ftEK 'frrr
b) Travet,ling
" :chirgihg'ZohB onfs EInrs
c) f

Sitting in the rear seat fnttrfu ..'SrB'<e{ 'r''

d) PI Exempt for medical reasons fsl tl r<lrtlr $Fr,q r€F rqcr cms

4-rilr*r{. q-{D-r€t-{ q.{-qm

80 ;When=.leavi ng you fffh ie,p+a:ked
.and.unattehdedryould .' -'= rtrC?T qT(<.{
gfi gIIgHK Gfu\o

Mark one answer ..qrfr Bsr Rfrs ss{

a) E Park near a busy iunciion s) n ftv we''rcfi s'rrq' *rsT-{I4-{I
b) . [l PaFk in a,housing.estate ,.''':' fu tr ErBfuq .sr+?68 "fi?f
c) E Retr,rove the key,and loik it :.-, fu tl srr{r<a s-ffi DIfr n.km rqTr
d) E Leave'itire'bfi.indicatoran,, ..,
fsr tr Tmfrm{ T\r+s frrq n{rT

iS= - ,. .q-*ffi', '

8{. As a'drive'},'rou-can helP ,=
..', pollutior,leVeli:' in
iown centtes by "
'., "TEG]T , qfr..w"{f{
l:,,,'=-, :., ,.-.-

Mark one answer qqG Gsr frfr-s afr

a)' .Driving=more.quiekli,- ,s) n r<ft offi H-ar{ g:rs-rsr.6-

b) f, Using leaded fuel fo tr firTI {q qrffi <tr${ sr<-{

c) [l Watking or cycling fq) n ,Itt6s[a qerfl "116T ni'C E-(ryq
d). E .Ur:iving.short iournets rtl, ffi 'tr& a
??;d, i'$ ,'-=-+
82;A pioperly rviclo*hicle*il| give br. {@ sfrm-srm rTIfrrT GrT ET?rF
r: ::1u - :,=i,
::.::,:t:::: t :=,j: r.:. l .

Maik tY,ro an iis...':-"i'=: .,= [Qfr Csr isfus Esq

a) E Lower insurance premiums €) E flTR ffis nlr ErE
b) , E you al..efund6dyour road tax tjt' ffi ,?mqr
c) Better fuel economy frl tr ox qra'rir r-r Er<
d) Cleaner exhaust emissions fw tr srw* .qr fl qksm qrd

83.The pictuied vehicle is berqryI uf<< qrrffirfiE "rf{r<t

'environmentally fiiendly' because it <-fl5v, sltrcl sr

Mark three anslvers ffi gsr frfr-s F-f,{

a) [fReduces noise pollution. € ) E gfru "ro 6xI T-6{
b) f Uses diesel fuel. f<l tr isr6q <r+EK sc< DFI
c) Z Uses electricity. f,al tr frqrs rrd{K s-6{ Erq
d) E Uses unleaded fuel.
F, !II qry1drsq qtaTfr- <Frqrl r-c<
e) f]Reduces parking spaces. Qi rrio( €r rr;[ E,fucs rh-T
0 FReduces town traffic.

84.W5en par:king and'l ng )rqur Car: b8. ...q11, r@

-.I3*1.tffii'qt ffi E.r.{
for a few minutes you should
,. Wg ,:. ::'i 'i ': r': 'r: ':

t: a s
Mark one answer €T16 g',Sir IFr€V
. ,

a) [ Leave it unlocked s ) E q-T6'r rttlmr

b) El Lock it and remove the key i<l ffi qi<-cs mrr
tr srflrda sr<"I{T
4 " !+ th$azar:d'w4ng'lights on ftl tr Elqts errfil qt+.6q rqrq rl?ff
d),"'f]"Leave @ inter:io.r''1ffi on :
fu; tr fu-{-{ mEQn'''5qgq atq'1

8'5. DiiVing at-70 i6s mo,rle fuel ,,ucc-:b,.' qqnEq @cs

" "-ffi '',<1qlT''€'S'
:.i. .:. .' l- "

Mark one answer daB W GFrs rfiq

a) f l0olo d) .r\riFTr bo vlr rdFI"
b) ft lo"/" f<.r tr Is?F-<t tgo sra r<fr
c) [f .7' :, , , ,,,,- ' , '- -' -.= lai tr rEs-<*r qc' sr{ r<'Fi
d) E o0Y" t ful tr .qrrs gt{ rlfr
w$rFryks rr&Tw ffiryry fiffi", ry"q{w dqq
gryffiffi-q"ffi sffiKW Srry
{KI{rffiI$.ry,wq', $* #FWSffi m? mffi
8fi How.tould fou:detei'th,eft,',r ..
. 313, ffi
b\9=-.-Y{.q!ft ' 5,E63;,,
from your car when leaving it r?FT sr qfr eerr rerr+ fu srr<
unattended? -,, -1!1@=A$r.s*

" t ".-t' :-'t''

Mark one answer .q$fr \EET ffirs qpq
a) f Leave valuables in a carrier bag t{ I I F<ir r<rq rm-q'sT <T16rr c-Tr?t
f| Lock-vatuabt ut siitrt -
c) l-l
, iEr tr {qr<H ffifsq gfrr wr .rurra rac<
d) E
Put valuibles on the seats fr,,tr Tatqr+ T<f+.q fu< GqK C{ffi
Leare valuables on the floor fsr tr TdKm r<f{q rvro'rc r<r<'
87, Wh€n'fuaving:yourcai"'. ::-.'
.= bq. T.f{-s ffimT 6-{r {qT !qD-SeT{
.unattended foaa fe*:fiirutes.. .,. q?rqm rr& r<r{ qrl-<-{ g<1,{
you should Sil4TK GTFE
Mark one answer
a) E Lerre the engine running d) tr Af,rna qr{ Tr<tT
b) l-lSwitch the engine off bui leave fr) E. .rnext, Erf-<
the key in s-rfhH TrEr
c) d Loc* it and remove the key ft'l tr Er"Tr<6 sr< Dlf< qfrm
Frfr,t'.e .
d) E. Park:near a traffic Warden fu;"tr "ffi Trr
88. You are using a rear-facing baby
seat. You want to put it on the front
av. f4w frrr- t{ Til-Frsrr{
<rdEL< srrE{t r1bfi Trq}
passenger seat which is protected by EIrF {T<rN EE-S Tr TNFq-{ StrBr
a frontal airbag. What MUST you do TrlT ?',rn,,i TSfus I A& Erfrrr{K
before seming off? sn6{ qqTri r{ T-fre? ar<?

Mark one answer sqG ss{ ffis s-FT

a) [| Deactivare the airbag ! ) U gTK <TIrlTD qffi-ffiT T-T(s
b) E Turn the sear to face sideways f<r tr rlrffi flrc.tlr frro Tf{rs rTcrrc
c) E nrt a passenger to hold the baby ftl n ffim q-c( KI{6r qrdr$-Tq6s
d) E Put the child in an adult seat belt ist tr Ex-fl6q-{ :irn r<ry "rT-{rs rTerrs
89. As well *.plannj4you.r route ' 5,;.: q$g,.qtq elE
before starting a lour,'rey, you should qk-+Eqr rl7, 16r iT6-fl
T-qF '
also'plan an alternative'routs' 4.*]g" l '

\rVhy is this?
'l ',
Ef-,{S-{? ',,=
, .

ffis Fsr
1.:. .

Mark one answer -qrG gs{

a) Wow first route may be blocked €) tr flfrsas qE ?{\5 Ts alriFr<
b) tr fo avoid a railway level croising frl tr q-{EiFT qfo< r<-aers €McT rq-(g
c) E tn case you have to avoid -{ rfr q-Ffi zrc$wrfi {rr<R-{m
fu tr
-.emergehgf=vehicles ' €ru-rr rqcs ar
d) tr fo let another driver ou".t"["

fuj unr .'\g ffir<'

rynn frcu
90.,lVhen=hould$u NOt
horn in a'b,uilt uB. e3.?..-
-',.. .'-ffP
'bo.' ,+fi {{ :' '

Mark one answer

a) [ Between 9 pm and dawn s) E ft-srq b'Fr rarro rsm q{s
b),,,fi.Between.,l l-30,pm,and Tram
,fr) ,tr'TfE bb.gofr, aqT.s'FFr,'qfiJ "lrtg
c) E Between dusk and 8 am fxr tr rr{TI rerfo fom u'Fr "n{g
d) E getween 8 pm ind 8 am ft1,,f"'gpg btT:tcrrr- utr tig
91. Fuel consumption is at iis frigh;st bb. q-rqrffi "rfrqrq rrliru e1ri65 e166-
when you are qcl:r qrnrT

Mark one answer

'g ffi
4) E r1io, T-r6a:r
":..,'---.,,. .',.
b) E Coastine f<l tr corE(, s-{rryr
c) EA..el"."ting ft't tr urEra-ror<rFm <K-{tr 6-f,6ry;r
d) l-'lsteering fsi tr ffis, Trrrar
92.How. can orjYingih an,Eeo.-sCfe .. br. ''pE-E fifo,, ul4lFlg r+ src<
r:::,r . :.::::l:::= i ,l :,:.::::

sr{rw' qTEFII=:qeq,1I-(.{?..:,.,,..
. ::, ,,.

Maitrn6i"*"",="-, . qTE GET f6fi5g FIFT

a) f-lThrough the legal unior."*un. = €) tr qrt{\e- ?rffi{r L<qtr xrfi rercq,
:: ,'.. of,speed regulations - rl ,re ETfrrs
b) I Through increased fuel bills fr1 ['= B u .],..,.:., : '

c) dAV reducing exhaust emissions fai tr ,{Twrf-{ ifiTr rfurs

d) E gy increasing the number of
cars on the road

93. Car: passengers MUSJ wear. '

Su.,m. .,ffi..ryffi '"'
'-a sear belt if ane is tVailtb:b. qdfrr<zq ET.IT" sr litq-(g ?F

Unless they are .

=:' ,et'.ffi-:=t:::- r,

.{TG Ggr fvfrs qpq

s) E b8 qqrK{ T{ <.Irrry{ Ea
b) 'fl Under 1.S:m'etes (sfe*) inftighi *;il b.c'r,!S ,(cTFj' , os
c) [!Exempt for medical reasons E)il' .66q{ 6ffi" 6
fuj tr'
94. [/ n leavin'tyui:-vehide,whcre b8. q ., Tr1 urq TrrcT s?m
qw E-rfi, rTry:qlGT -."I]6 Trrffi?
:::::::r::::::=r:t tt rri 1,.,.-

Mark one ansv\rer

a) fl Opposite a traffic isiind q) tr ilf+s fr1rfle

b) fr1n a secure car park fr).'tr frTlflra'ffi, ffi,"'. ,,,

c) EOnibend lxl U dr-rr qrrq

d) E nt oi near a taxi rank 'i{' ",,{ffi,, Tfffi qE-+,I:-qF

I '.'.:::.

95.Which.thr.eethings'tou,',... ,b0:,roffi ',
as a road user do
to help = ,ffi,'-ffi ,-
the €hVironrnefit? , " ,. '. -,, frrq-{ r+r+ ffi si-F flrcTfl
Mark three answers
a1 $.C,gte *n,er:r poisible,,. ,
ffi iBv< frfrs Erq
,, ,s
rI qfi.? ryq< arirsq En-qrg
b)' E, O"ive+n urnder.-inflated,tyies frr tr trrrm ar. <tvl-r i{rs fltis Erfercs
c) .E 'Ua" tt'Jcn"ii* rdi r ft-t tr +e-rFT Ts{ }rsr eflnrr
- possible on a cold engine i'='- .......:.ry'....::.:.. !.''''-''-'t'l
d) Hru. youi vehict" prJf"rry ful flre fr$x-rw * ,s<( Trfur'
tuned rnd..seruiied.=,', Sr{ rTq
e) d Watct'rthe traffic and Ft E rrcr* E-{-fi ll< Ei[s f{rqu-{T
plan ahead ,r,'t'.. ffit',1,
f) E Brake as late as possible Ev)[," eI <tr rl[r"g<
without skidding rqfrcE rsq-+ 4.rr
96,.fis 2 dr.iVerryou ean.,CauSe more' - ,bu ry1 ,rc-q
damagero the environnreht,by
,-r,.f - E ecr
T rylrrn{

Mark.two aniwers, ' ..,

,8Q6.,fu* @ $iFT l

a) [-l Choosing a fuel efficient vehicle €) tr. q,'=,f.ffi'.$'{-s-fr ''flTfu FrE fu6g
b) [f f.,la[ing a loi of short journeys ft),',E EIr{T'isE},. , qlcl st<
c) E Driving in as high g"r. * possible. fxr tl
{srr-s{ GE farrl< fifs Erfdrs
d) ZI Acielerating as quiitity fur u

e) E Having your vehicle serviied e) tr rre rTftt{ sr-< rrr{

97. MotOr. Vehicles can harm the ', )q. r{]i-{ rr&@qt T@g1g,flfir<-ET
environment. This has result in '
ffi3|gl'.-.qrc.,.efff< l''

Mark three answers ffi GE-{ ffis a,ffi

a) "ffAiii,,.lotluiion "':=::= .:,-,,., €) Ll rq urqs ET
b) ft Damage to buildings f<t E qiqm wfuw qx
c) E L"rt risk of health fn tr ?rmrtr <lFo aq q
d) E- lmproved public transporr fullfi t-<+- :,ffi,TC{
e) 6 Uring up natural resources A tr ?T{fta. :?.tl&
TT{K6I Sflrs rr{ ?s
0 E Less use of elecrical vehicle €rFlE" +q qrTEIiT sr<
'98.To r:educe th'e;damat:eyu hicte S-t.'wf- , .&+rm
causes to the environment ffi.', ffi gf '*'

Mark three answers .tW ffi, T-f{,'

a) f Use narrow side iiieet u1 .6., 1T ,,

b) p Avoid harsh acceleration &i tr" ,'g qI ,.'

c) [_ erate in good time fql tr {emrrrcT rgqo, e-{i
d) Er Anticipate well ahead f,sJ ,E ,q66+,' rqlg;q Tr<[
e) E Ur" busy rotes ,A)'..,8. ,$g1'g*t -.ry1,,,
l'99. toriffi
ur hicle'pulli to one siaO,wnen
,$h,,,," , qT'frfS'
braking. You should EfE {]-SI sn"f;rm GBs
Mark one answer ..qsG gE'T ffi5s qp-gr
a) E Change the tyres around e1 ,,E'ffiffi pn ffiqfq En ,

b) E Ut" the hand brake at r'<t tr G-€-{ €<s, rescs+-s €m arv

'. tie sam€.time. ,...r,.,, ,... <iTafg 4-g
c) Z Consuk your garage :ls soon lql tr {s ElvTsrv} Tsr arr"Frm
possible flrrrfijs-T ryrsl [q,IfltcTrrt Tlrr
d) [l Pump the pedal when braking Ig) LJ TS{+- STI-{ Tqr{- ETre gTTDI'

I, 00. r:lehicl*par,ked
You. ar:e leaVing you 5s6.
ffi, -fl&' B1;+
on a road unattended. When miy
you leave the engine running? '.,.'-. "' ffgt
@,@a,,,..,,urm '

:1: : .::::, ..::.--r :


Mark'one answer, . : qs,E\!/ET rur€e- T-FT

a) E lf you will be parked for less than tg)'-E,'ffi' rrt. ,"
t .
five minutes "-.=...:-,

b) p ruever on any occasion f<t tr mrcql nq{'i Tr

c) E lf the battery ii itat fr1i, qft ...,
d) E Wrren in a i0 mph zone fu) I'''Qo ffi..ftq;g .q

| 0l . u-ai.e Che-fung your tr:ailef'tyr"t. bob. fEAfr.rLT{ 61-q eri6p rirprt

::::. {fiqrr*t fu{ vr6rK
$at.is-he legal minimurn fetd --' EFffir Eqm
depth over the central three r{,=q5 ,rfuT-gl
. q ffers''of,,its.bieadthJ., -'.- :
, ,,
t-t .tt
t :

Mark one answer qsfr gq{_Gfus qs{

a) tllmm s) E 5 iffiiqFmff
b) e 1.5 mm
-l fu tr >.iv frffim
n) '2 fu* fqi E I Fqffir<x
fu) f,"'q.tg"'

lO2.dxcessive or uneven tyre w@ ,5eq., . ?:sl'{ ru @'ffiT qqr

can be caused by faults in which ,.r ,,.,,ffifrgi qrcKt qfrq EICT El-sl
.,: THREE d the following , '',' s-{ qT Erc "nr{?
Mark three answers ffi Wrq 6fus qrr
q Ei tne braking system 'q).,E Ftxrftry* q-'*"
b) l-j th" gear box fu tr frmm <Trrr< snl
c) E Wheel alignment lxl tr DFFI firfl r<efln qI E€sril 6-{I
d) E tne accelerator fq tr €T'rrdrmrBrrffi q-{I
e) B fne suspension ?l tr 4:trfefT.r6fi w-{r
0 Jll the eihaust system
'-" tf-i :
.l-03. H6w n yo'u heip to preVentFu. srTTffinqr{
car radio being stolen?
:wp "llr(-{?
:Mark ohettanswei I '-,=
a) [
qsG \Bg-d ffis Tsq
Park in an unlit area €) tr w-or< qrfi fl?r s-67
b) E Hiae the radio with a blanket fri,E ry &.rx,,rtfue ffix 6c-*r
c) ! Park near a busy junction frt tr fus s<.rrqr s"r6E- "ns s-(a
d '
El:'lns*att i ieeurity coded radio. fu; tr ffiffi r$rrss c-<frEe qrfflrr
104. Whiah of ihe following should not
be kept in your vehicle?
-=--*gxl.-fu ETmrg
,1'ter m;
Mark one answer asE,.@,F€Fq q.lpq
a) tr A first aid kit €) 5 $qiqs' ffiqrm qrs{
b) tr nroadatlas
c) E the t"* Otrk fnt tr rD-.+'r fus
d) 7i tn. vehicle documents fsl tr T[vr Efq-q rc
SoA:''41&. ,'6q..1ql -€T;r"
'l05. What should you& when leavihg ,f+ <a
, yOur:..vehiel qT9lTIT OfrgZ

Mirk"one iiawe" .,,,-..

€sG \?,Eq f6frs 6nq
a) l-l Put valuible documents under .q) E Tq.irn Efufl-"rG filq1
fcl tr 111H ffiK akrs r+fi
c) E Couer valuables with bla;ket iql tr Tqr+H fufr{ oq-q frrs fifi
d) f3 ,Le'ave the'ihteiior light o,.r". . ivt tr fuEr<K qIi.FT rqrf, KrerT
I06. Which of ,these is most likely to bor9. tre qF p'renT q"q-{
,. theft of your vehicle? SIITE "[iTrE TTA {I]16IT GTT {]IT

Mark 6he answei .ssB 6frs. q,s{

t) Z An"immobiliser ',i.1 .q) E trCqrirfrl-q^m
b) l-l Tinted windows
c) E Locking wheel nuts ffi;''[-' q;fr-, " '
d) tr nsun roof fo1 trI"'HaE

l'07{u.ar:e' paikinglyoilr 'r=6=o$I,1fr,, 'q1u1qld

car. You haVe
="= t$,,;

'. .-unAble'totake with you,
, --.. :::::::i::j::igf
ffi . tW,l$ ,1,,

Wtlat sh$ Xou do?' fE qi qlfl;rm s6st

.:: l

Mark one answCi'. qsB BEr fufrs o-f,{

a) i P"rk n""." police station i{) tr clrr,l{ T' "r{ 4il
b) E Put them under the driver seat f{) n ffi fr&<, fu',tn-r?l ffinI
c) fr Lockthem out of sight fryltr Er"TrEE Tr< E,Er qTgrrq rT{T
d) '[l Fark in a unlit side road ful tr qi[-ir]n ryrts r*rrs ffs r-{r
108. The pur:pose of a.catalytic conv-erter *a- q6,,qp
is to reduce --.-,ffir ' : irr

Mark one answer qSiE

a) E Fuel consumption 'i)'EWT TErSs FiFq
rc1Gq&@q) q .<l<.Etlr
b) E ff,e risk of fire fr;'' e. 'qT?rr{ qgrEqt
c) Z Toxic exhaust gases .fi;]E o r{rar
d) E Engine wear fuiE" ' ,,. i '

[O9;Youi anti.-lock. br:akei wirnin '.= "U,ot €fiB.,,{S= ,uq qE

light stays on. You should
@ arx 'l fiffi 66U
' -tR|.1!. '
_' I , l::::' : :::
Mark one ans\Mer ,qsB" ,.:,"-'.
, ,l
a) E Cnect the brake fluid level s) E r$q-+' gqu nk'{lcr svv r-{r
b) E Check ihe fooiurake free olav f<t tr "IIm-< Kir+T TsrE-sr EvE TirT
c) E Check that ihe handbrake fql tr res-6E+ ur-sr ft'rr Er
is released sqg s-fl
d) d H^u"ihe.brakes.checked fsl tr ocmQ 6A-+'afr "rfrs-r
,., irnmediately,
, T-<Fr Wl rqr,{. qIsT{

:'fr Efffi
I 10. You are making an appointment bbo, s(T tr{rml
,'"- ai'd wili'havsto'iiavel'a1ong-, q1b '"'..qT qlfr<t
distance. You ihould srs6E;[ qrr"r{K g'fu

t l::"'=

Mark one answer :

a) [f allow plenry of time for 4l{ fW war m ry-x
your jouihey 'ttt-

b) [ plan to go at busy times i<t tr Tn{rf{ TT6T {rqr rirT

c) E avoid all national speed limit Al lfr na
roads .{&TT qT€rT
d) E prevent other drivers from ]V) U €vl]rrE{S qrcs qrTHr
overtaking Drtrse?-fcs qq 6E€{I

I,1.1. You are,away fro,nl'home and have bi..! "tfr' .-,q[aTryry Tt {{I
to park your vehicle overnight.
: ::::' wh'€ieshould yoU leave it?
l-..'' ffi"p<p er<t

Mark one answer dTTE W{ TETFS TIFT

a) [l Opposite anothei parked vehicle d ) E Tro q{ YIqT
tfff .s< i<"t-fiil
f<) KIvm,,.
a)' E OpF'osite i'traffic island iryl tr Wfus qr-6q--s 'sr f,<"r-frc qrm
d) Z ln secure car park
fufi' t* arcfirs "

,sqq,qlw $ffiwqTffid?rq
s{I\sw.tr ryfffi"t €€lw w.w x- ffiYWffi& ffiP S& Wffi
,[fi*"s r,,l{lid

It y*r:r"r*sp*r:sihiliry as a driver Is srisLire rhat e hrldr*n *r* s*{ure nnd safe rn

y**r v*hicl*. in a f*w very *xc*pt;*r]al eas*s wriren a chit* restraint is l"r*t availahi*,
an ;ld*le s**t he{[ lt{UST b* *sed. thiid r*srraiarts ar:# s*ar h*trs save liv*si

qITqlK ffiqE;q x6m q€fury Elwffi -stxtr ryl wre asTIT silsrEm m*x r efr
rilcqr ftT-fq srer*T ft{seqr .rcfiw m qriTs, ETq ET}ffi Sx rxry *cT.s ffi t

Pwws silqq err. g5 ffr#S .$frxrq ni*-rnrs pilrx i

I 12. You,ar.e carryi-g'.,ff I I lear old j5q:',5.$'a=q. T l

child in the batk seai of*ur-Can.-

They are under 1.35 meires
ftD ffifuqcqrt C>.sa
r{Frt-T-< (8 IFF c Qr+) ru.cxre flrFr
(4 feet 5 inches) in height. ql4ilI-s- sl-{.r fi[F.E\5 e65
You MUST make sure that

Mark one answer .qqfr Gg-< 1y16s Epq

a) [l Tfrey sit between two ,9t tr rcr "n?rrq +<1 f,o6r< qficrm
beltedPeople,, ', =.- ,': :,':"',= .1.
b) [l ttrey can fasren their own f<r E rry i{ro i{r6 sr{ fiF rffB
-seat belt ,ifq1ro 4lwq qfE
c) ff e suitable child restraint
is available
qT'ITrqI qlTE
. ,,

d) tr fn"y .un i"" clearly out of the iul tr Trrrr*r uergl fnrq rry Errqrsrr{
front w.indow. '' rE.*l-{p ::-,: l

fitxk .q<( efl6M {Krrytr{ rBf

MTq' ET gK GTR(q qF'I
qi {4 fo,t\,,firffi ffit siil erdt|
ter EKr EIffi aftstr 6-{i Sfu6
qmT q{flq{ s-{N .q(( firdK
EIqrs "rarwr +-<T rs{ E6<-{t
firu-< ?qi sr{r[fi "r?r+m wT
d<( flM qr fr{iKq s-{Is
{mrr{l t{rc {fumlr
fiTsK wT il(qT s-*r{
Tmm, fl rwfl ffi 0g( s_<Is
n's'{ Erc{l fitlk rBe'i< qqi
sgE Ero fql qrrnm qrm

rEHIvf Tir6(l ql fu,i",fu'-cs rE6

,{q( sft-{ TT firhrr r+-f, q'$lT rsrm
Tl{ TI rqr f{rT fw $-{l
f3d) js{} EmlTl q[q il{ffr ffi}NT'ur sss rI
.S P ESii &l,q*, S$
E6{ u{ u{ rflsIT fiH. rFq srT Ei{e[
m {KIet Tiffif r5'm fugrs vmlvrfi
,ftsm w{r 3w q.rr rqrrA Gs{t
ffi#d sEC"flON 4


[U.dtffi;* *
$iffi $$ilffi rffi

&l ssq*,

1 ffi

;''i. ,t6$ffiry" ffi

:- .,"


fl ,,.lt$#.rj

:ii. i ,q
l. How ean you=tell when f-:u arre
1.-'$m,, m,'
,,.. diiVing ovqr,6;rckiee?, ..
, '=- , ,rfffg-,,ElTl-6uq1?.

Mark one answer W IEI-S9 TiFq

") t li is'easier to$ake ,-..t., s) E stre G?-s a-f,6s nq6 srd
b) '[f 'The noiie.from your,tyres- fql tr ur+r r.n+ wry "t-q. s'rltrr r{fr
' sounds louder S(3 TTI;II {TF
c) fi Your sreerin! will feel light fxl f ffi( Trr6Tr aTerfi {rq qr{
d) E Vou would see tracks f,sl I wrriT {taTrErffi Ersrir rTrl
'. On th€.'t-Oad t:- ."='. , ::'r . ,,.,.-
'-.- :' it:: t|6-fl' ,

2. ln windy conditions you need to :$.==..'ffi,' ffi'"

take extra care when
. ESI], ' ,Tcl',d ,.,

-'" :'
Mark one answe .qsfi ffi'u EE;r
a) 'f
ini; a na.rowioad" ,s,)- E I-F ?l ;ffi,,-,
b) [ Making a hill start frl tr Su" vr rer6o Elfdlrr {rcrr
c) [l Uiing the brakes frr tr
@I <FrErir ssrctl
d) Z Passing pedal cyclists fu)'E', ' 'lH TIr{{
3. You driving along a wet road.
ar"e ', ,\9; t- , 1'-'
. How can fou tell,.if.tour vehicle f+ o.m T<rcr{ rq qrrrm fifu
is aquaplaning? tlT,,rE-m qw?.-=. -:
*"rti!. inr*.i,=,,= , ,
' i' ,,:=
'&@.@, ''"-
a) The engine Will-,stalt
5 -,,,: €) E tf,qq ffi ers Tr{
b) ,,:f] The engin oise ll.,.ineiCase i<r n ifrqrq-q -rq' Tfr TI5q
c) [ The steering will feel very heavy ln tr ffis. ffi w1g< s-{c<:r
d) fi, The steering wjll.{eel Verv light ful tr ffis, q"rfl q-{P< T-f,rffr
4. Thefuads arn'e icy. You should ' a., '=T-rcIefi.:. 1 ffi, ,
drive slowly ftrr rfl&'EFIrcI,i
Mark one answer qTE \?,sr fvfus q;-q
a) fr ln the highest gerr poriibl" s) n q?m-sd G6 frmlT{
frt n {afl-rts< f{q fqxrffi
c) 5 With the hand brake partly on fu 5 rev r$ts fr'qFI rfrq rnc{
d) f] With your left foot on the brake fu), E-, ,* '''"
5, Anti-l6ck brakes can g'ie'atlXa
= c. sFF-qT mt+'afi tJ< r<fr
assist with qrEl{Ii F-6?

Mark one answer qsG rBET Gfug qg{

p A higher cruising speed .e ) n r<rr rrfua,g mfo ura'rcs
b) ffsteering control when braking fu, fr Keo r{tr nnra ffi<
c) I-l Control when accelerating fu n srrq-flrmffiq r'{T orm fr's:cr'l
d)', E Motoway dr:iVing ': fu) tr cqrtrffir$re ttfu u'r*ris
6. Anti-lock brakes, ieduce the \9, FB.ET, fi-'6,.f;Fs teqm
. lof a.skid o urring particularly"kn.e
wherr Tg]tl:{"f Efla, fa5m <:-rg {<Fl

Mark one answer .qqG \BET f,ufrs q,p{

6r .ir-E €rrq-( frro r@ Er"Tr6E[
,b) !.Braking'.during normal driving .:,
f<r tr Tlsl{6f qrrsR' 6Ef T-rfE--{
q' 'A Br:aking in in emerg"n.y '-.,-
d) ,E] Dr.ivingongood
frl E= 'rEfu T?-rtrq
road sur:face ':l
fu)"E gl.ql ?rsm G"t< et+ 6',sCE;r

7.'' Afitiilocii br:akes'?'r:,ev *t eeG

,- from:lo*ing.'This maani'1hd',.,-, 'q. ".EFfi." YEI Vtg!3E. -ES{'f
'$areie$*'{ , .::::
"' ----- ..' -:- . r_-
i.l, .:::.:..:
Mar,kine ahswer ',,,',,,,,, '=,: -,s ffi,,, . , ..i'l
a) [ Aquaplane e) E <I-,i{,^Fr Er{
b)'g{kidtr.','"'=' '' ' :::''
frr tr iq-s $iE1
d) [ Wear fu}E.]sE.,,Er{l, ,, , :- , -,

8. Anti-lock brakes are most

vt sf"E-q mr+eel r<fr
, offeitive when.you s-{glfiq q{, {cn
. ;
-:::::- l:: .l:
Mark one answer €TG W Gfrs Epq
a) l-l Keep pumping the footbrake-".
' " to, prev,ent skidding,,
e; fi-=ffi'*
flr-I FTN
6- r ffi,Gtr+
b) f Brake normally, but grip the ftj"E-=vtsr#,4';v lfu
steering wheel tightly ffi{rr qs s-rE {ffi Tr6?m
c) f, ,Brake r.apidll and:firml*..until fry'[.-.r,f&.-. ' ..q
you have slowed down '='=&t{' 'iq ffi'ffifi
d) 'n ,Applythe hand'b'r-ake to.reduce isl tr arnn6'K T<g srl srr<1 ETT
,. the'stoppin$ distahie:' [Eg 6-E-<r fBrq rr*
9...., Y6'ur vehiele has, anti-lock br:aket .b.,: "ti -E r -5q F?tI ,,,
bui they -"y noi always prevent ""'j4q11,q@, ffig'Ew q-{ Tw
,:i: imAainE. Thia- r6qsl lilie, '-" r$I TT[s llTr{ TII
happen when driving u,-1"
{ qITf EfE
"116 {?rq
\A q
Mark two answers rcIF w{ Drss T!F;rrr& --

a) E ln foggy conditions )'-tr mm flq|rEq l

b) A An surface water AL,,. ffi i&?ra a,6 566q-+

ftl . Srr+" fiqlrqr
d) E nt night on unlit roads fui tr Trrc, q-ft-+'Er fists flrfo urfrrrq-{
e) E On dry Tarmac b tr.' Fryq,-
Ig.How<ah te+t.i,1pu,alE- "-:.- 'baj" , ..frH ' Efq'
driving on ice? fo vrr< T<lrffi?

t) tr The ryres make a rumbling noise. EAE @* ffis rp{

,g ) tr EFFI\Ofr A-g-tfg .rq' a-f,(-<
b] E !h" tyres make hardty any noise. i<r tr urorefi TEf m'tr{r rrE' T-<-(< TI
c). D Theseer.ing, becomets heavier,. tr ffis, 1*tr-dT ofr-q sr{s( ar<
d) fi ttte steering becomes lighter.
fur tr ffi<s. Trrn-r Ei"FFr !trfw qr<
' I . You are on a good, dry road surface
and in a=Vehici; wth good bra[es 'l
u,$@p$ q@*rry-*r-
ttr&Us, \rlffrT U+.TTI Trgm En(E;il
,andryres. Wiat'ii the,typical eo qrFE erfu< urmtr*'"r qt frq
qFrrr+K g{g +-s[T
f{l slop-ping distance at +0 mph?
-:: ''r'' r'-= '.
'tq"ir.,.iat*rali; 't -'' qsG EE-{ ffis Fp-{
a)'l=r Metr:eq.,(zs r**l -""-
'$-.tr ae kbr..{ (qc'frb .

'E fu tr's 'fril?'"(;tu fr-Bt

c) .53 Meties {175 feet) fn ,E crg ftDm, (bqc fuf)
fur tr >ry fiGm trsbc ffi)
12. Br:akin tanies bn iceiEin be,.,. be. <-{m-< wqT 6'?.-a' o;rm T-{V

Mark one answer gTE- - ,; ,,..,:...


a) ,ATen tmes n6l:,onal'distan€e. r" g) -E qr r{B ,g(E!.,,@ ,.

b) ,f '.,1i*ice
normal diitihe*..=..- f<l tr {I!13!oRr fq''aq r<Fr EIE flr6.<
c) [ Five times normal distance. ft) E==' ' fue{ rEFt e[E qt(<,
d) f] Seven times normal distance. ful tr rTflnrfir rrsqq r<Fr Erc "nc-q

13.You are'overtaking a rnotorc list b\9. [1fi,' {Erft €s-qr ]

in strong winds. f{'|ffi6q-{ silr{Rtff$ "rr-rr+fE

.,,. What'should ya:u do?'-',"-.' Tr@Tr io En qr"r{r{ sGsr
:.:.: =

Mar.k-on'ei'nqger , . i'='-,. **6' ,

a) [ Give a thank you wave s) tr {-{m"nEs E IITI T-{I

b) f Move back early i<l tr gtlrrgtgl rq-€rq fq5s €fl"{r
c) f Sound your hoin e)'E q* '':,, ', , ,,

d) ff Rttow extra room fuiE,f nl ff-.fi'*ff'=,,,r-,, ,

14. You are on a wet motorwiy ,5!,.,,anrr:"', , q qlfd

with surface fusrr qsffi r:ntr<erxrv Eirrq;il
You should use wt -'"' ul
ftar.t one ani*e- " l
qsffi Bs{ frfrv qrq
a) f Hazard flashers ci tr EI9.I]{,'.9,[51-31, :

b) ff Dipped headlights frt tr fu"rq resrTre.Da

c) [ Rear fog lights fi),,rfl fur-r{ T?r qrttn
d) Fl sidelights fol tr Trau qt+.rr

I*.brS ['r 11,.1..-'..N2:C


I S;.You r: vehc[e is,.fit,taa- wttr. inii - lock

bc.. wftrK rrw[E sf.ts-il{ Ki".+T
brakes. To stop quickly in an menc-* qrrE I Esft q-{-€IT
emergencypu, sho-ld:-.,-.. =. srg'l\5lgl Tris eri{KqK'r:L:.,6-{T utEs
Mark one answ:g1',''
a) f
.,.,,,, ..t".'.,,.. affi'@'-ffiEq : '
Brake firmly and pump the s ) tr roiq rsts 4-?il s<( r{t-s
brake pedal on and off :ir';-,. :f? STfg cflRT
b) fi Brake rapidly rna fi.rly without fr.r tr Eeo, r"rrqq rcr+- Erq rr [E(s
releasing the. br:ake pedal ElvTulvl €r( rwrrn rst{ 6-{r
c) f Brake genuy anU pnAp th-
brake pedal on and off
'= q-s r?r66eT "tr'T TsrF ersr
d) n'e rapiaty, oni-;:ia'a fu) n-4 ,:rF! srl q<(
immediately release the .
brake pedal
1, T!.f!.| 't?ffu-q..'
., '


l 6.,Youi ear is fiked withtanti.loik b\9. qlgr{rT gFS-ET G?-.+T

brakes. You need to stop in an 'Irerc
qrflrffir qrrq l 6-?-fr q<-glT ?r&
emergency. You should
: : :: :::::: i

Mark6ne'ani*er -:,::-,::,..::::. ' i


a) [ Arite no.rn"tly ,u"ia turning d), E qT{lK,fl 'T.-el ,s=q

' '- the steer:ing hd.
"nA ,,.,,.,
ffi<q T<tTrr rarrr f<-<is *n-+r
b) .El-Press the.b,rcke [aoa1'+@tx U, ffilqr( fl&
"-1ryT{ Tffi raE{ il {r€Tr fl{s
': ', have-tOpped,, ., **;;,.' " "
,, :

c) [ Keep pushing and releasing the f,$ g" 6 6ffi,,.q, ,,rs?cr-

foot brake quickly to
: -:.:..-:
ri .'Eft['fiq9 ,gqq
prevent skidding wgre etrol
d) tr APPIY the hand br:ake::to r ce f,sl tr qFncqm T<V s'{ e\gTr{ w+r
the stopping distance rEs GQT rkq r*rr
I7;'You are drivi@'vehi' t with ;q. ,sffi.$. flfrr ,ss6
,:anti-, k brakelYcu n'eed1o'@p ' l, q{qT-{
in an emerg"nif Yo, should apply fl'fo qnqrre emt 4TEr
the footbrake
' :.: ::ii -
Mark one answer €sE Gg-{ Gfug TFT
a) [ Slowly and gently q) tr slrcg qrrg q<( Ei?rcr vr6(
f<i tr qreV qrrC\Y s(< tl$ s-f{
f,rl tr s aqq er"rfl srr{
q fi Rapidly and firmly fsl tl srq 16 s-r{

qffiryffi W"@ereffifu, W,sq'q

wrymffi ffiffi ffiwffi ffiry v$

ffiflsflffifsr w
ffiffid&sffi dl ffiffiq#ffi e ffi&{

x- wffiwruffi H#tuffidffi
18. Wtren appr.oaehing a iight ,l-tind,bend uu.. ,'- TIS qTr$ r
you should keep well to the left.
,. "'rffi ffi a'F{ fiffi',.{[T= ErsT, tfrst
Why is this? Er rs-{?

Mark one answer €sffi ,Eg-< frfus qFT

di 'f, *ue t; d;-
::j: €) E ?r& frurq rrrcf,s rxry
'=,, '..- vehiCla skid,..
. =t.. ,"'
"t'. ]fgE',, :,.,1

faTq rqr-{ w tk€

.' tr...,
b)'.l-l''.l1]gtsixter tFittit+brn,, :

f,<l qrrrs
behind overtake .,' ,SVFi ,, r;1_6j
c) E'.fo overcome the affect.of 6a ffifl er<.
ihg road's'-,slope :'.. r:i:.l
fr),,E sryl & i {I€{'r{
:,.": .'p-fp.,F qT
d) D lt improves your view fst tr Trsr mr srmivrr{ rr'{re
ofthe road " fq,.,ffi- '-',,, :':'

Ig;Yo:u wish@ark - DOWNEILL.. '5t.,, qmB fto l*t Tr-T T&

, 'ghieh'TWG.e,tttreTat,t ng ":::-: a-TF uTtrq"rt r{rq-{ lqiI T?E
should you do? +rsr an Bfuor
:. aj:

Mark tv\ro answers EaE Esr ffip's rtrr

a) E lirrn the wheel towards the kerb g I tr ft-flrgT fE66 ElrT 1F<ra rr<n
b) fl Park close to the bumper Rl D EI-iT 1&K <r"'e1.tt-{T 41u1sTG
of another car nr{ ctl
c) f; Put,the hand br:ake'-m:fi ly fal tr rqs r{e-{ 1-$- T-r{ rDr+ r+n
d) E Park,,with f,wo Wheeli:on-'', ful tr f6flc-<r GerL< qn ur+r o;ra
fiiF s-{I
e) E Trrn the steeiing wheel away o) n i+qr6-<-< fr"Rtie- fr66 gqrfr*
fiom the kerb e?q Tfrffi Tr<n

20, Y6u have..}ust gone through "',. *o. @ rfifu r

deep water. To dry off the brakes r$Q.o@fi lgss 6iTH o-{l'
you should qrftrK GlEs
:. - :,r :r,::,=:
Mar.k 6:ho'ansri, =,-,,, , ,-j ,, ,
ffis {ST gTE 'Frrg-<
a) Acceleraie and keep to a high
E e .q,i
r,m. Tril+m qqm-{
ipeed for short time ffi rffu. 61ott ',
b) go slowiy while gently
E applying fO tr [3ns- fnfsc-q q"rfi EI"t rf,6?t
the bralies s{ tfurc tfifu rrmqT
c) E Avoid uii'ng th iut it alt f6i fnl tr eq-g 'l-cg K'ATT , '
a) '[1 'Sto'p f6@ lextih hour'to ful ,E <.{ {fT' ,e$'{-St rctr{' ram
, ,. allow th6m fim€=o dry. 6gt.fi w E€TriI TT{ [mI
2 I . Vehicles fitted with anti-lock brakes ,oo..*,66.a-o,
r::r': :.-:
I :: I :.::=:
::rir:.::.,'i: I :,,":' t,.,.=.,
Mark oh6'answ6i, .qTG \BET ffis F-s{
a) f, Are impoisible to-skid ..q) tr itig Gil qlrg{
b) d Can be steered while ki E-' -rrrr ffifi
33rrm rrrc "nr{
c) f] Accelerate much faster. -' f,nltr=' o qg,,
d) D Are not fitted with a hand brake fst tr rEs r$ts ffiq Es

22. What should you do when :ir..'ffi ,FIffi, Ilr"{l'''

r,,,6vercaking a oto. rcieli$..ih " ,q[E
sirong winds? f+ o.rr SGsr

Mark one answer *ffi_ry fufus Fp{

a) [ Pass cloie .g) r FFFE<\5I Em {I€TI
b) f, Pass quickly i<t tr ul[tgtgl rrsrr
c) Ei Pass wide rry) r qllll TIT r-T6{ {IsrI
d) fl Pasr immediately fu; tr Trtr Tcr DFT {rsrr
23. You are following other vehicles *e,@ryry,.
. {
What else can you do to reduce ,@ TtrP.
the chances of being in a collision? - fr =.Trre 1qt
qTG GgT ffig T.ffT
a) E Keep close to the vehicle in front Lq)tr' ?ffi.-Tlufffi rcrrs
b) E Use your main beam instead of f<) tr fE , tk{r6 na
dipped headlights qr?rry fs{ <rrErir sc-<
c) E Keep up with the faster vehicles fqt tr ?rfu-rc Eq-s r[i6-{ Trr "rflr fqcr
d) ZI Reduce your speed and increase fu1,[] {fu ?"{' sffi 'a{(.-flIl.{( tfle
rarCs qrc ffi 65?I

24. Orverall,itopping distance-is rn'ade ls.

.' ,qIY."' ,.r?<'-@@qry
I up of,th,inking and brakinf.disiancd.
'=q'xq, QT,t.' vlr..ql Gt{q

You are on a good, dry road surface .s<(

With'to'od brak€s ahd:-ty,r.€s= :::.:.::.:=,51-E1I:tTl :s,.! t:,T,lvf{
What is rhe rypical BMKING
: :'";"ftr6
ffi ,1
:a ,?o
..qF $H-B'g'ss?
Mark one answer qqfi Esr frfus q-f,{

a) tr 14 metres (46 feet) s) E >s fffiK{ (8\e fui)

b) fr.24, meties (80 et) , r, frl tr tuo ffii
a8 FffiBT
c) ..8I:38 * u (t reet; = lni Li tob I{Fr<I (bac' l-{'-tr)

d) E SS metres ( lB0 feet) ful tr-='e.6" r>uo @1

25.,Before start.- la jouFnen,in"freezihg la: r!.l'" ' T6T W
weather you should clear iie and q!ry Tss .{<(, qT'K T{rfir
snow from your vehicle'i
gft^e- ?IrfsT

l' - .: .:,:i.:t .:',::'::.':

4 [ Aerial €) E qfrsq rercs
b) E Winoowi : r<t [ 6r{rfl retrs'
c) 'F''A;-n"- , :'-='-::' U <rafK
]-ri) retrs'
rs) LJ qrqq{ rertrs

e) fi Mi.ro.s Qt qmqr reRF

.q+tE qrur{ r?+F rcrrs

26.rYou'a:e tr"yihg to mov.e-. or:r,snow. eg. Tf,m-T {{r E6s anfu uris,cT t{-rc
You should use urt 66 l

Mark ona ,rrr*aa ,gqfi-ffi' ffi , ,.

a) E lrr'e low#gear you can €) E farm qFrsrr o-{I

rErrr"wr i{q
b) E The higheit gear you can fu tr qemrsq{ CE farm TrEEK TiII
c) E n high engine speed fal tr Enqr qr flfu <&rr 6ne{I
fui tr,'re [gQs 4{,(,,4t.,tr rsQs
"... foot:brake ,.s"in".- :::::::. €$. TTTq <r{ETiT T.qI

27.You are about to go doWn a . ,' lq;,qI {ffiift ,'&Z ql({'{t

steep hill. To control the speed ,,,?r& *.,66iir€ .qqr
of your vehicle you should EIfl;IK Gfre
' --
Mark o'h", tn ,"'
a) -El.'sdect a,'to* gear-i-@se{ e €) E:,. -.fuq .$[T rR{icT
brakes carefully
b) E Select a high gear and sj{' "' 'fir{6.
brake firmly '.= ,., '.='|,,
c) [ Select a high gear and use the fr.1 E C6 frtTm ftqw or< qrc{rcr
, .' h'rakes car lly'|:- .':',
d) .[-l .select a'Iry gear. and'avo'ld ful
:, ,3-61
using the brakeC

2I''You are dr:iv-ihg.-1p..hea-W. in:=, rts, ?F @ Xru anfls D-rfrrcE-dt

Your iteering suddenly becomes ehs frflfr( 33 ErFI?FI Em rtlrT I

qrfl;ffi \Efus
::=::,,.,r r ,l:,: :::: 'r: : r -: ,

Mark,One anSWer' " .;ffi €ET &[email protected]{

d) tr-sllq $m ,e

a) ' f] appl, gentle acceleratibn ffiT

b)'[f':Ease o{f.,the. acceleiatOr"' f<l tr ,s6rn-4tr<rlm-{ EIfl reTv rvml
c) E Steer towards ihe side of fal tr
. ,, ryry
is-{l'F{ fi?ro
the road " @gtftq .'=', ," ,, '

E brake firmly to reduce speed fhil".& 'qTlq,1rB'

ffi 28.b
J+ilti$j ' qo ,'i ,;r

29, ln'tor^d C*ditions,,,what ii lne fgicat '*;",v-f

-'' -'. fift erc
stopping distance at 70 mph? t
Mark,one answgr ':: :.,,,,: :
cr$iE W TEIFE SiFq
a) tr 53 Metres (175 feet)
b) [ :5GMetres,l.l 97 fq
-."', ,,.,
ft1 '[J,,rg-.o-,' ilq 'frfji.',,- ,

c) E Z: Metres (240 feet)

d) Z ge Metres (3 t5 feet) fu),E' g$" (6,>c frfi1

3'0.'%u. r:itl stopL g disfuce+ii,i go. ef& er1qr(qK {,ffi E-qi re\Dcr
be much longer when driving Tla "nc< qcn
':: ..:t

Itlarik 6ne answer ,t--' -. :-: €qG Gsr fyfrs q+r
d [ ,ln. ong-w,ind ''='.' ' -:--''5" ffi" '''"
Ei. E,;n:tn'C. r.ain " .i

, fri n 'ffi rft;g*q4-

c) [ ln fog = fql tr T-TrrK wri n@ EraTrrfi'
d) E At night isl tr rG (<Ttr rnis ErdTrrfi
3 I . What is the.most,,eommon cause 9). flIE qteaT',{ @l FF)
of skidding?
= 1{H',6EI.t fu
Mark one answer qrffi'fu= :

a) [ Worn tyres € ) tr sT scs {I€Tr Dw

b; fr Driver error fu tr urrycqr e.ffi
c) lll Other vehicles 1T) f, Wfl {ETrq{
d) E Pedestrians

ol.'<-ac+a rrqr...T@ qg@Ii fr Tq

How can you avoid wheelspin? ET?Fr rs,?rT D-Sir m"$ .gg-rrfi?

Mark"6neahsyei, .' .ir::,', ,ssG ,EET GFre- T'p-+

a) [ Drive in a low gear at all time '*; tr ' FlF='6g;s ?fffu Erfrr{
b) [ Brake gently and repeatedly g
Ft ell9 -&<(
Try{ Ea$ T
c) E Use the hand brake if the fr) tr EIoI fee,rq c:N g"* sirrq
wheels start to slip '-r-'&g,,ffiCc?,,ffi '

d) [f Drive at j slow speed in as high ful tr e-{ tfr65 s<( {cffrys{

r: -gar as,possible:=,
=:=f fu, :ffi'=' ,, ,'

33.Anti=lotk breks w,illSke ="=' ,. ee. €Ffr-q-ir mt+Ea s:fi{s

effect when AT {?H'
::, ':'

l :
: . ,-.,. :

Ittait one anqr:, '. ,,,' , ..qqG \E\gr ftfi5s s-sq

't) E You uo,n b1a.'ke ickly en h q) tr u[r"rf{ glvrsNfr rEA-{ s-Tr{{ qT
b) E Maximum Urat<e pressure F)': E fitflt'E,, 'r-.sFrs EI"J '
has been applied rrrK "16T
c) [ You hive not seen a hazard ahead fr) h== trq rrqre,',,1Yl4'ffi
4 rE-Speed, ,on-slipPery r:oad
-' ful tr' c<fr ttfsrq '

surfaces ang El"TrC-fl

FHffiT 30.h 3.1.h


34. You re on'-'].ong.@nhill pt, ' .\lg'8-;'---ffiI:,EI{,fnfu ufqlfwt

What should you do to help control ,rcT rtfu ftT-€r6r rr<ntr 6fi'
the speed of your vehiclei io o-n w"FlK Gfriot
Mark onje answei . ,,,,. ,sffi' IEFT
a) f nppli the parking brake gentty o; fi" 'Ttr ,ffi r{46 BF}
b), E seleit'neutral : : f<r tr ffi$rq m.n
c) .VZ,Selecf,a low-gear "" , fxl tr f{mr {6 frKK irgo, o-{r
d) [l Crip the handbrake firmly fg) tr 16 E-63 6Es6fE,qs;
3,5, ln,,vel"Xh weath". 1|nt@d= - eA,- "'$
.ffi= rt
surface cin get soft. Which TWO of
"flrfrl frrq{ m.f{
the-'fol|bwing wiH-be-rnost affecte:d? TeTErs q,"tElrir<s-sr qrrrrc ?lrcr?
,,,:.t.=:,::..:l ,t .

Mark two answers

f) ! ryry Frsl'rylF,,ry E[=t,,,,rym
f'f i- brakin$
-= '':
'a) A u
rri) E-{.ory q{N
tr sq%q
36.You are following a vehicle ar a safe rq\9. fll& r3tIF .

distance on a wet road. Another f*-<r"rw 1-{y r.<-6?r a@ urqr6e-{r

driver oveftakes you and pulls into q-{T tll& H"FF ssmrFto or<
the gap you had left. fi{rr Tlcrr dl.s Ers, "ru6EI I

What should you do? fr'E-s1,'qt?H6"g6$? .

i,r, -. ,

Markone ahiWef '-.. :i qsqGw frfr.s F-sr

.q ) fl qciBTEf q-{g T6.Et TIcfK 6fi
") [
Drop back to regain 4c\<

b) E
a safe distance
ft".t'r your headlights fu tr,'
s{ ${l -L--

as a *arning
'=' E4 ",,' '
c) E fry to overtake safely fr,,1 'q s',-ffi
as soon as you can €sra6F-s o-<m rr-fi E-ei
d) [I Stuy close to the other r"hi.l" ffi-il 6ry ,"q enql'
until it moves on {grF{ qI r4 Erfl r?r6tr

37$h.ere ar.e*u mgs.qiikely.to be ei. r+E q-rfl "trft]ft ryf9gq

=affftted bt-sid6wind? . -,'- Es{Et TSfiII r<Frr

Mark one answer

,d#.ffi,' , ': ..:rtr,:,-r, 'r::

a) ,'E :Oh a narrow'foad :. ,s) n e-li glrl rlsT '

b) O On an open stretch of road fu tl r?n_dr q'{T rlsts

c) E On a busy road fu tr dv q'{T ,*E
d E On a long straight road ful tr ffirfi q{I Tlvln
38.\ /hen driving in fog, which THREE
' ., of1heseire torlgtt?._, ::', -
. .i,
',=,,L=. :,
,x'rq !l& EIqlI}En

Maik thrree answCrs r,'


a) ft Use=.dipped headlighrs , ','-'.,., ., qr E fu"r,q rE-sfrriqr <i?rorir a-{I

b)=,, [..Use' tignts,
fuii beam']=='-_ i<t tr "1c-Tr tgq{ resqTi.Fr <r+Enr s-{r
c) Allow more time for your ;ourney &jt ffi'-ffi ,rqg Etrg r,{'lT
d) 'E"Ounp clo-&o the iar in front ,l f,ut tl:-
E fi Sto* aown:' ,, . t ,,,,.' -:
Q) tr {fu s{' rr{I
f) [ Use side lights only ss6 qtars-<q rr-s aT-.FT qrfrRFr
39,To avoid,,a collision when enteriag teb. f<"rftv 1<1 "rafurv rr€Tnr ercq
a contraflow sysiem, you should g9T<T.< WI. w"mK GfrE
.." '-:='::,,.
Mar.kthiee.ahswers '., i,
a) p Reduce speed in good time ' {] {crT 4ffi sl{, ,.- ."
b) ,. f -5witch,,.lanes --ftime to.,rnake fri tr q$rnfr teqm trqi rs rcra{I
pl?O{feSS".'.-,1:.,r:. : r4A-{ "rfu{ Tirrc ?rrirl
c) E en e a*'ippiopr.iat- lanerarly fu tr qeil Rr ' '.fi(P ms{
d) Pl feep the correct separation ist tr ryrtffifl {11qrq;r 6qras {fo-s [-{V
::r::..,.:: .

e) I lncrease speed to pass through Qr tr srs--rsmfi qfuq Esm< ElT
Qujtkly :-, . ?rfu <rsr6Tr
0 I Follow other motoiiits closely €TE dV aqr qI e-{i w{CTn
to avoid long queues ,,,:, ', "€TriT rT,m' Uql,

40.You are on,a$st;.o r:oad.in good :'ict1frI,-ry1 -91--r-,{r

, ',@4J "Jkfufu:s wv
conditions. For safety, the distance r @riv6
between you ind the vehicle in front ?flE-aqrr f{rcT ,:
-, Should..,be ',: :. :::::::::: :.. ?rrfgT E!9 E€TI BTES

Mark one answer qrffi's6+ trtu

a) E Tro.rr l"ngtt', .g) E T? ,r&r fr{i
b) [ Two Metres (6 feet 5 inches) ftt tr Ta frtrrrT (\e f€B u ?[<pr
c) [f A rwo second time gap fu tr t? ffi "ffi: q'{6Tr trY
d) [ One car length fultr oo anfu* rqriT
4I.,'You.are traVd,li at s0,'mph 85. c'o-' qqq11 KIVJT
"-" 'ffi.
good, dry road. What is your typical
- oyqrall Sto-pping distahee?
- . = ffi'3:r$!q1 snr
,q.+ ,,ry',

,flFBl E{ ,.:

a) tl 36Metr"eff 18 fee.!.:f s) C a\e frDr< ()bb ftB)

b)'El'53=l{et 75 f66t)'"=,= f<l tI a'e f{ET{ t>qa ffir
c) E 75 Metres (245 feet)
*u, 8G ff), " -''
d) E 96 Metres (3 t5 ieeQ fsj n b\e FrBK (e)c fFFi
m {O.t 4t .h
42.You are driving along a count*,.r:oad.
6i. ffi m , ptqfiqql ;'
You see this sign..A{ter dealing safely €Q ffi naqffi{i si fffterrq "rK
with the hazard you should always -'",,, ,STIf, Ef{.qT?fTIK',8ftE . ,

Mark one answer dTG \?,8-q Gfr,s TsT

a) E Chect< your tyre pr"rsrr", €) tr ur+m <rEPr EV-g ssrr
b) E Switch on your hazard f<l tr T&= erqTs €ilFi( *U**
warning lights (qrq rq-TI
c) E accelerate briskly F, n utvTut-v1 65a aE-5q-ryKB 6'n
d) E f"rt your brakes fiErtr rKts' T$J''- i.,
4:3. Skidding.is rnaih-i caui ',W 9 66. ffi
Mark one answer ..qsB EE{ Gfug sFT
a) [ Tne-weatt,er ]... .
€) E qFrEreTr
b) ff The driver i<; tr El{r
c) E The vehicle fqr tr t&
d) E The road ful tr rtvr
44.You are driving in freezing conditions. 88. tr,sl qlql\gw..: E-r4rr l ':
What should you do when
ipproaching i sharp bend?
fi rqfr "rfr{rffi= ffi w,ry-<
E€TI{ T-{ffi' qTffiI]I GBTOT
f6, S.TI

Mark two answers q{fi W Gtu q-r{

a) Z Sto* down before you reach e-),,,il,,,ttTI.' T'rg'"tq|{t r[,&a
the bend rrfu eq T3[
b), E

&.il ,!Irl .
c) E Firmly use your foot brake fqi tr qr(g s'r< enF{ KirF EI"t fi"fl
d) E Coast in to the bend fsl tr @4 T6{ tror ?Fr ?r{ elgrl
e) EF Avoid sudden steering ?r tr
,.'=', ebrs ffi<s, {flr+r ral-[-6
movements ,kffi,.. ; ,.,,: :::.:::: .: .

45.Anti-lock brakes may not work as 8c. .lfiE-aq 6Pqefi a-o wrurfr-a
effeCtively if the road surface is qI g Ere "fr(.< Tfr {ivK G1fr Eftr
::::' ::: ,r:l::::=

EAffi EET @ 1g,q ': ,,' """'

a) E Dry sl Eurees . ":
::..:::.:..... ..a...a=:

b,; ff Loose ftj'-fl'Flg.t ,

c) El'Wet
d) E Gooa fist tr srril ET
et I I rrrm Ql trlvEr
46. Ygu.'are driving.,in a builtup,'-r.ea, a ,.qItfr
,,{mTH ?[&
You approach a speed hump. t lT|ry[]{ flfu
You should (TrwF qar qrst "qr"l;rR G6s

Mark-one answer ' " ,ssfi \?/ET frfuv Eeq

a)' I Stop,and check both pavements €) E rer6{ us{ r"rumF rr{I
b),, Slow ur vehicle right do*n f<l tr 1n .foT :rfu sF-{rL< s{ sr-< rq-Tr
c) l-l Wait for any pedestrian to cross fal tr zefurfrcq-Trs flvr lur a[s rE-$
d) [ .IU)
Move across to the left L] TIVI]I il{ Nr{ {I€TT
hand side of the road ".l(lr

47. Wh6n would.in:

anti-l ,b ing a FB, qrs' +{{'T'rq
sistem.'star"t t6 or?;,,

Mark on'edswei = gSfi .E,ET Gfug SFT

a) 5 Wfrenever pressure on the .{l - q?rlQ
@ r"r(srT EIq
brake pedal is applied M'gTT ES
,,t,5. qfi ffi "=,. ,

,,' ,' abOut to.l6ak : ,: grqlirE EG qlrr6q'

c) [ When the normal braking system fi]" E q?tq' fiT nq
fail to operate T.Tre qS'{ EC<
'Fr+m qrE
d) E After the parking brake has fu,l f TIffi( Kas
been applied

48. You'ar,e turnihg leftlh, a slippery.'Foad t; '12;fua <tsm EN"m rql\E rq ,r{
.The back o oui hicle Slides'tg, ' rw.{ . E{.''fr.S. 91ry fr19.,
the right. What should you do? fhqr,f, itnq f+, F-n OGE?

a) E Steer carefully to the ieft ,q:til6.ffi- - +'Ftqr

b) ff Steer carefully to the right f<l t nrd{rm sne-m ffir(, Trll-{f
c) f] Brake firmly do not turn fql rg?6 o;rr s<q ffi(.
n [6tt-{
thesteer..ing wheel " ,,r., Tr T{lr{I
...- ,,
d) fi frake fir:mli and'iie-d'6the left tuffiry . r.,
FI({I; 'i.
49rW"ien dr:iving in{alling snow. '''.,
ry{ Tffi ?ft&"5,fqlr{{,
8b...TS{ Tgr{,
You should
=-q4.En ,q@ i

Mark one answer

a) [ Brake firmly and quickly '€)-''E *lg; n-C<'mt+ <f<f
b) E ge ready ro steer sharply
frl tr ehq ffis. T<t-cs zfqs errs'r
c) Q Use sidelights only fxt tr \yt qta nrWra creEm s-{r
:: ::

a) p Brake gently in ptenty of time fu.r tr qr6rr fcrfs qtcs s-C{ fgio o-+r

50 Jhe in heiffi,i.ot'fiayi4
= ad' - .ffiffi-'
four-wheel drive is to imfrove
. "*rm
r,r,3qg ,

Mark one answer qqffi Bsr Gfrs q*q

a) ff Road holding. ,s) tr Klgf{ ft< elr$I'Tl&-cr cq.$
b) E Fuel consumption f<l E o.q r"rfq <i?rErrr q{
" fl-Stoppinj' alstanee-.s= =.
c) fxl tr g1g r6r-q rrcrrc TEtrEr r-ffi
d) E Passenglr comfort fsl tr {.|airm{ 6-{r qrfl'TqTriF e'fl
5l o How can you uSe-your vehicle's G.S--!S,@ f*'EB IFr
<rd{K s-{I {TT?

A q
Mark one answer q$IF vg{ iEIiFg SS{ ^-

a) il AV changing to a lower gear €) tr fTq cr,fir i?rrrm i+gq o.61

b) tr' By. selecing ieverse gear fri tr fqET frro{ fflTrr ialw +'rr
e) 'l-l B,y'changi6o a nigher. gear. fal tr s6 mrrqT fimm fqTs rrr
d) E gy selecting neutral gear ful tr f{s[q fim[-{ fip +r<
52. Ahti-lock$r.akes.ar.e of most use' Gr, uff-q.+ @'a*=
when you are <iEerilqrrrfr qcl;t'ql"rf{'
-' ': '
mof. ;ne ani*Gi ,

a) fl Braking gently € ) tr qrffi qrffi [Se-+' T-f,6q;I

frl tr qx E€TI ErsT i{ts ,r& EI"TrcE;r
c) ff Braking excessively fqi tr rqF,r T-6r r$ts s-TrET
d) E Driuing normally ,ftj''-E.qT.$<,{'. Ermtlq*{
53. Driving.a Vehiale fitted wffi anti-lock G[oi sffi..' AnE..t orefr rttfu
ry; yo, i, .'' ,,-l
ry',* r-+x ra*
Mark one answer uq-ft.. "

a) l-l Brake harder because it is ,t9.)', f , . ,ff,?ffl

:' -- impo'siible to skid ='.
fus qeri qrrgil
b) l-l Drive at higher speed fr1 [' , fl:ifu E
fn'i n dqQ {rccr E-{rfr(, Trrre d<(
the same time rg{+' T-{18
d) [l fay less attention to the fol tr.-TIvI Trrrcr<r frco qE ',-
road ahead

E?t*rs!il; 40.d -*"

,J.C l
54.You have driven through a flood. 6,.$..:. $+1q',,,
, sf{
What is the first thing you should do? ''' - "s'flt'ffiEi? r:l

Mark one answer

a) '.fl"Stop and checFthetyres
qffir0tffi GFFV ' 'ffif"
',,- ,,
€,).....L.1 f,affi P141, , ,,
bl E S-"op and dry the''6iakei. f<l tr rqrq Gnsq' \g.s Grr
c) E Check your exhaust ft),.:f]",q 3'6.f, ,.r, il
d; ft **your brakes
55. Freezing cohditioni w-ili:iffect the G'G..'T$T ffi
T1$fs ffi' q-qT
distance it takes you to come to a
r{v qflsrr*r qcs qt{t rT q{r
Stop'.Yol shoUld expect*op ng qa1:IK erffo ef6rm6 q-{V Ts \a6i
diitahie t .re by up o ' ' rwl

il ff ien"iim;= ''="'' '

Mark one answer

frl [,'€" ,. '


b) E t*o times :.

c) fl Five iim"t futr4me.f

d) lhr:ee i s ':', ,:, ... ,::,,. .
fs; tr fuq e"r
56. M/hat is the shortest oveiall stopping A\9. U"s..Tl-gr ',go {f3a Xfu6, eLIfu
distance on a dry road at 60 mph?

Mar:k on6 answer .sr6 tgr frfu sirl

4 E Sl metrei'-( I 75 feet) d) E c\e fiCBI (bqc fFEr
b) SA metres (190
E feet) :

fq) E, 69'., :'.(bbo".ftf) l

c)Z ll metrei (240 feet) "' fx; tr qrg frtsK{ eso frB)
d)E ge metres (315 feet) fu) E b\e E.EF{ ruua &il .

S7.'TreVellingfu lonf--diitances in Gq. fi ({C-*r,q1ff, qE "tIv fie

neutral (known as coasting)
-. ,,,!rg[T (sq{- El .qI {frG6)
Mark one ansu/er ,{q6'tsr 6fr:s ' :,,

a) E lmproves the driver's control ,e ) tr ur+r+r i+a-qq gfu

b) l]l Makes steering easier l<l U lzflf{( T{tr+r rqw rs
c) Z Reduces the diiver's control fn tr ETFrrfi n'*mq grn' en'{
d) E Ures more fuel ful tr r<Fr "rk{r{ qrq-rf{ <Fr€uI E-{
5.8. n, heavy :motor"way tiiffi.i ther .reh cI e i cr. rqltr{€rfir sDs rn-{(f{ qrfi'
f"rwqr ffi qT"mK €rs<r{ ffi
beh,ind you.is following too .closely..
':'. How-can yourlower thetsf,or €r4 wfl{cr T-f(q, sq-sFrqEr q{r{r
' a iollisioh?- qfrr r{k-qr f+ vn< s{trrt rm?
: -t ....-,

-.*'' -'-
;... ' i: -"

Mark one answer .-q<rfr i?,8-< Gfrs T-f{

a) E Move onto the hard shoulder ,s) '-
t] qrGlx tqrr fars
and stop tre
b). E Swite.h on your hazard'lights frl tr Er6Ts qritr-ry rq[o frrr
c) Z=tner6zs's-yo {! nce fiom
,:. ::
f,ql tr fl{cr{ jntr .* qlffrr{
Veh.icle'[n fr:ont]. ,.,,''-': . ". f<g {f.srs
d) E Ope.ut" tn" brakes iharply fol tr rd*+-r"rrs6l [6161 DT"r f,r-c3

59,..You are driving along a wet road, Ab.@

,, ffi
,, HowCan you$l,if iow,vehtcleti'' , tr(T' -Ersw

tyres are losing their giip on the --'-t- S-{mf r, fr

surface? vr'6< T<l-6<{?
:r := : . ::: r,.. :- : jj jl: :i: :'

MarkbAe.answai- .-.::,:=, ,:-, '

'4 fut .431q,,.,,, , ,.,..,, : ,

a) 6 ine will stall .q)

tr er\$q rs Em fie<
b) l-l The steering will feel very heavy fri'-n'&FS 'q{v<'sm
c) [ The engine noise will increase fD n Efsry "ro q, {rtrr
d) dtn" steering will feel very light &) ,
8.. .. qF{.-Er{

wflffirffiw$iw qffiffiw ffi ffi_ wtrffi dlwq,

te deq ds

w fr- ffiwwffi& ffiwffi&wffi

5.8;t ',



k\ "N


*ffip:i: eed and
w i:: r
L What THREE things should the b.' ,SflT @h) (rg) .r<r.va,.,
driver of the grey car(arrowed) r{Fr fuTB <fo< qr
be specially aware ol? '=. '' q'g?6', Sfu-gt

ffi .' , .

a) E The bumpy road surface €) E rrgm G"naorrr q'ryqu'fl rry .mrs

b) ! f*p.y p"*ing spaces f<l E "nfu's rinir 6-{r etTfd alzaT flfr5
c) fi Poors o@ng offirl1ed cars ftl E eno F-{T ,tnv-q E-f,6-i fqler(\r flIr{
d) E Other cars behind the grey car ful tr rs t&T f,rvrq wrTmi mfiE--+ p-qr
e) E Cars leaving parking spaces i) n'. 'aqlr, 1& f<tcrr m 6-{T
0 [Z Pedestrians iiepping out qF)E "n-s arr ffifu-{ l.fl q[s
between cars r- ere "rl'ffi
7. You think the driver of=th-a.diile in
e. w"rr{ {6T q,6E-T qN-6fi ql4T
front has forgotten to cancel his right w* iqre-< T(rsg qfu qs' T-TF
qqq rrr6E EI"F[r{ g.frs

Mark o,relinr*"", .sEG Bs{ ffis rp-{

,i:,, E![ Sr+behini and not overtake. ,s) tl..e-. q6"{ ,3x-a;
b) E ftasn your lights to alert f<t tr urry+rr r6TE-{ T-?mt 6-{I
the diiver I@ T-r'r r<r
c) E Sound your horn before overtake. frl E's ,$ll,t wf <tptiqr
d) E Overtake on the left if flrl tr, 'E fr,.amfirre"
there is room svrir[TqQ- 437

3. "You, see this sign-aheadi You should \e; at G ! q{ grHI

expect the road to ffi,,,3ffi,

Mal.k o,ne an er "., .qsB Gqg frfrv E-Eq

a) E Go steeply uphill g ) tr g< r<Ft gE"
b) -Z-Bend
.,E- Go steeply downhill f<l tr <t<' r<fu fiu"
c) tharplyto the left frt tr <rqftrs- r<fi <rfrT
d) ', E'Bend Sharply to the right fs; tr umfrrre r<trr <rsT

4.' What should the driver of the 8. (6K ffiw) 4l"T T6T-< Tre
red car (arrowed) do? Et"rrsT fo r-st Otrs?

Mark one answer {sfi BE-q ffip's T-rr

") n,
Tell the'pedestrian in the road ,9) E {lQ.il-C-S TCd CESI C{ <TgI qr{
ihe should.not have'cr6ssed E€TT gK Bfrg fUC qI
b) E Quickly driVe beh,ihd,lthe,. .tu qptgr$ te ETq .stqT
"TEE'TfK f,OTqTq
c)- q[ waii'foi the pedesrri;H in'ihe ni n n?ffi'cr-rnsr "n< E\STEI
road to cross 6-{r TCTT?I q3T
d) E Wave the pedestrians who are fsi tr flIilTetrrf,{ gT ITTT qr"rrrr slrrE
waiting to cross gr6fir(T t"n-rrr gror

5.. Which T' REE of these are likEly c. {FM qI '@ ErFTrra mr{
effects of drinking alcohol? fi5TffiTs rrs<\5 rre "rfuisr "ttr<?
A. S
Mark three answers IS{TE s',gfr IErSs SiFq
a) p Reduced co-ordination .q) E 4q''' ,:
b) [ lncreased confidence f,<l tr {ffitrr rd(-s lr]rr
c) p Poor judgement fxl tr q-1lr+ T-{I{ Tfu orl {nr
d) E lncreased concentration fo) [,,rqxfq lffi f]Tr9""31q"
e) [ Faster reactions Ql tr TEfoTr Ws q{
0 E Colour blindness s+rE ?[T-{ nf-TF"T o-rcs uplfrn es

6. Where would you expect to \9. 'at 6i6@ ,crqrg

see these markers? aI[€ <ffi qF s-c(r?

,Mar:k two answer=,. EAE Gu,1 ftfips s-rr
a) E On a motorway sign €) E rntr<erm< frro
b) Et On a large goods vehicle frl tr Ts qlry{ft r&re
a) B oo'bui[ddris.s'kiP fpced ml tl'.,.F' G gPnffi fE-rq,
-r on the"Foad -
,: ,'.:" 3$@, ,.,

d) E Rt the entrance to a :,Fttr ns ryry.,Et

narrow bridge l
7.,,Y.our, motorway: jouiney seems q
,, w1q .ffi
m..Ittr:[ fr.{E
,. ::b'oring and'you feel r:6:w, .whiH EIrrp' ,.q<( T{g "rrPl
.,.,''dri ng:you,sh'ould
-,. " ,,,.,,,: rnfrE urqrrdr qr"nm ufu
:': l

Mark one answer ssG Bsr frfu erq

a) fl Op"n a window and drive to €) tr wr+rf,I r?[rcfr' mil d<( )Trrrr{ir
. ..ne.xt seryice-al'ea i"" ,' {rfri{ -qFfrs, "rqg r{'re snsr

b) f, Stop on the hard shoulder .,

for a sleep {rfu qT{K-{T
c) .'E-"sp--a up+o.iir.tve,at o-il,' ,. fu tr fl\rET qrffi stvlglgl r'frEm
w rrfu wl'6qi
d) E Slow down ind let other fq tr atfuoq rcr w[T El"Tirm-rtrF
drivers overtake 9lnrdrF C4I9 rq-fl

8,' You,have-.been c=e,,1yicte.d'diiving .'-br."'. iffi. ' , ::ffi

-.' wh ilst-unfit$r.eugh drinknr", dr.u6 ErFTrfiTrr q"r<-rft Br€s qffirtrq-i
.You.-*illi'ilno tttt=G-likely-to use ,sQ qqless iTffi{ srB{ ffig<
the cost of one of the following to
ris€,consid€rably.,,Which ne? "' - '-' -ry::
J". j'.,'""',,
tsr+T r<fr qre "nc{ I

"'' - ,,,
-t, r l
Mark ohe answer '
"'; ,'.:,:
a),',.E =Ro# nd licence .q) tr c-<rV @.{ ,{K fsfu
.u;''fi Hiur.and''[ie,,11ium , ,. =, ' "- ftitrA{,.Kffi
c) E Vehicle test certificate e1-.tr'ffi"a{,tg.;s"<' ,-
d)."[f Driving licence :::],
6r', n.$-tf fr&, '

9. Your doctor has given you a course b. ql'trl{ ulsEr fr.u- Qqt (]tE-{
of medicine.Why should You ask arrs frrsruqt qrffi r+T fwetnt
how it will affect you? s-{rfiI oqr{{ Sfi5f6Ttl (s'{-{' qc<?

Mark one ans\ /er

a) f. Drugs make You a better driver J,;,5''
4,', -.--"t1lg,- .w'er
': :'' b/ qurickening ur.l ioh''- t., EI 1|_*dm, gm,l E,l!l-s {rdls'
. :,, ..';. .

b) f, ,.You will have,toletpur.' ' "' " ' frl tl qra1m A,lT rsr'nifrs
insurance comPany know
gt E{6{-{ <i'qrr< Q<tfl-tr

about the medicine S-{Cq EF

,) d- Somi *Pea of me-dftin-e'=-'-, '
*i'S" { rr{rd sir"ryry
' , can'caus u'iie@n''; .' 1.,"
to slow down 1i.".' ,
'-'1,,':. ,- '.
-ql- -'' ,,,' ,,,
" '

d) f The medicine You take maY 5'_g?.,€T 111:,:1.{o{,'

,-,-,' , ''qP11q. ?r(( .
I0.What TWO.m,.4q hazar:ds should bo,
-' :,.3JV+:,,fr,,,fS. TI€-{RI,,yr{f,s
you be aware of when going ,,,;
ffi gffi fr ulf ,ryT
,- alohg lhis strredt? -.- -,'
q-*rf *nrT Cfrsi

Mark.two answeis, ....... - .,,.- ,.,=. {AE W{ lufus +-n{ illir

a) Z. -Car'doo.i opening tuddenly ol tr Ebrq rnfirr q-{'6I rqlq-68 ffL< lfliii;,= l

:.= i'..... :r',., .,

b) fl ,Glar: om th*s'un':-:- =' fq)rE-.=Tf. liil;r:.,tiiili

c) E Lack of road markings fn tl Tlsur qTr?K qvm rfl E7{T I tt:::::a:.

d) E tf,e headlighii on parked fsl '-',tr "no o-+r: rlTlq{ rasqi-.Dq rq,rq
' car being switched on ', . TlclT q cq rE
e) f Large good vehicles Q).,,.8':"' "fl&? --{I' ::

0 p Cnitaren runningout from q+I:.3]EEI-,,116,.-,{&-'{{T BI[-s

" -.rbetween.vehicleS rtizg qlrTre "[-6-< m ffiT

I l.What is the main.hazard you bb. .qQ m?rsq smsm sr$"{61 sr(
,should'be aware of when rffi urflrt-fl-< {'{rl f{rl I{FI
following this cycliit? frerffi-{ tfu Ew ET+r Gfrs?

MafkOne an'Swell::',':,::-r:'r:rr':: I ::=: .ssffi fu'r GFas rF{

a) il lhe.eyclkt maY erv.e.sut '
,q)n ryr
w?rsq D]"rc
,=' :",.-,rgf.E[.,ffi-F= .?1Iffi
. '
.,-- ,into.th€ ltoad ''" ' -,"' , ' .'' "
b) [ the-$list may'm 'i$gtJre.- frl tr arQro-a EI"rs {Frqrrq-{ slr-6
rdr{ Fre
- ''- .' .leftgXp and- ismount ,-.',. EJ-S
,c)'' f],': The'cohtents. of th6:"-yclistrs... .

Ai n-Oryffi s{,{r qry{ tg Tlvr{

" 'carrier:-rnaYfallqto the ad "rry cvcg
d) 'E'The,cygfiid maY'wish ttrin
,., .... .' r{Ig..frre
. 'right.at'the end of the road'," ."111<
l2.You are driving on this dual ;1..!ffi ,u?- Enfroerx-cs
carriageway. Why may you ..:,,, 'ft .,31q11.:q1E"
need to slow down?

Mark-one at4lsWer.., "'' ''' ' -

Oq.E,, '*. ,'',.,''
4)','El -4K$,c1fiF;'flvl< q{r frrg rfnf
a)''f] 'inTher.e''is'brokdn-wh'ite,',line -, .:ffi={L l
"', the cehtre' ,'
'. -'

b) 5 ther.e are iotia white'iinea'"- ', f<l tr <t<t e1[r-ry[ 3]g

c) -'' =f,n tr ffi-"-P-ffi
i*:::llt",.,o*.rksahead:'.'"'o,ro,,,/ ffi1t;
d) f; f ;i".are'ho,io.tp '" tC ''o.1l-@,'T.ti rq?' .

I 3. What does the solid white line at the t:= ' ' I]q{qET
side of the road indicate? t+ 1<nat

Mark one answe,r .qrB tE( ffilo Ts{

a) -Traffic light ahead , ,s) n n'Nm frlftT-^qr?B
El .

b) 4! fage of the carriagewaY fu tr rlrn6€rr-{

f,n tl {H {rfi rP4\5
c) f Footpath on the left
d) [ Cycle Path fsl tr xrersrffi Rcl-
f lowing tYP.e.5
I4.Whiahof ine b8. TIfu F"t{ ffi urami q{€m
' ', Etasi hould$u '[-s; s66' f{rry{ mq E-rr6.<-{ E"NI <T<El-?l

when driving at night o-n Gfre qm

..: ..:l
. .,
. .,: ,.,, ,,-, .,. ,a:. ....a.,,=..,,-' ::
.qsG \Bgr Gfir's qm
Mark one answer
,) [ Half-moon ,.) n w6{s E[' q1-61-6-q6' sTqr
b) fl Round )',n-+ Exlr[{ s{{ 'E-'tti

c) f, Tinted fn l'il 6rffiI rF<lI fl{

d) E bi-focal fsj tr orrg €{( E< gfrr?flb-{ etre
ITETq'r'.qx I'srn-: E fll'[
I 5. You' are taking.diufs that are likel Sc.'C, Ext- , rF, s[ ..Ig-<9
to affect your driving. Trfo urqrcqlT "II<r{s-{ {FI-(S Er-ii{ r

What should you do? q{gr<-qT-T EIIATK iO E-n Griet

a .. 't ''
Mark one answer
a) fi Seet medical adviCe Aj;E" ,' ,., , ,

b) E
before driving
Limit your driving to fu. "6i{t 691
essential iourneys
c)' [] Only.,dfive if.accornpanied'bi 'fr1-E'G$
.=:,-,,," ' mC ryT
a full licence holder ffi-F|, .,

d) E Drive only short distances fuiflEt ffi-{g rfle Erq]r{r

t 6.Vou:go to'a lalreYeht 'ne '-'.',."
S'u.ffiffi" '&,q{ ,'f,fl-@,,,€?(' ,. '

...t .driv€6$o 'ti e'aft€i"= ll ,':';,;

er{, A nszug:l s!q{T <-<i rrfuoz l'- i,rrrl:
I !l!.1liii-

Mark one answer ..qrGry GGos sffi

,e) E q?nq ry m'c"r
fi '' nvoid, d nki ng aleoh oi'cornpletely
a;"' r"i

b) E Drink plenty of coffee after f<l tr

qvflrq r"16{ tF*{ "tl-fir6'f
+f+ "rrq s-{r
fl ""- " .+Af'td'
drinking alcohol
c)'': 61-' Orinkrple of,coffee.-bef$ ftj'
-' : ?[R
' .6fr. .
,,..., '::: ..., ,,.-. '

d) El Avoid drinkiha dcoho['on'an

.." -.: emptY.stomaih :

' 5
'' '
bq. "A*+',rm;ffi='61g1, .
I7.You are tt.t=tgre,if.,,yPut"cough =,"- ,,, '* l
medicine will affect You.
*nrt @;'ary aot '.. "m @l t ry1a s-fi GI'Ev?
:'.=::::,= :: :rr : : r :i:'i

EAG gg-{ iufrs q,F{

Mark,;fwo answers dt .
l:] qgmfE f"',-El'fi s,iil

a) E fuk your doctor .q)

b) [ OriVe if You f alaight': ,, ' *r-fr' W..tslt'+ ffi ',a@,., plgT{ryl,
c) -A rnedicine,'labe.f ,,,' fti'tt,€ m. qrsfr-6s{ 'ffi "
fsl tr q **mt
d)"'E p a,-t-ien'.4{re
1] "'--'' rq'6T' T flq{ q{Tr

fding d'if is'b '' bb.

""' EI{r{ Em r<tt <-TF qcnryg{
1 9.11 ylbu'ar:e'
to stop as'soon asyouicaH:'= . ,. . offi5orfr i*^'*Gxr'
q{s i{"r"HK 'OGs . 5-C-

Until thex-you sho'tlldr " . l ,', '' ,' Aat< "1<

oqG Gs< rtfus +6,'''rrsxt<'ffi-r

Mark one answer
a) E.:illncreasey ' dto'fi@a ;.5 $Tmr w
,', -.stopping-p,taee=quiekli'',' "'' tA,tp1. afuf
?r& ulfl[aT
'fresh . 11911 E"6(9 PrT
air: :' -,.. =-.- *
Entrt",a suPPll of ,,r/ ,=..,
b) S ,,16.;Ei qgy
c) h C"ntry taP the steering' wheel
d) E Keep changing sPeed to imProve
6-<'6s clf6-f
concentration "rff<\i{
I9 ;You'la.ke some.col$h medicine g,iYen t;- T =d= T.i< Bqq rryfi
to you by a friend. What must
|-.ffi Er*,,4mK ?Tra T6'

-,'you do.bef-or:e.driVing? ,,, .'- ,-. .. s-{r srflIa uftst

- ::,.::.::: :i ::

Ma#ne.iii*.. - -.. :-. ,'.-:', dqft Es< Gfus e-fi{

4' 5-'Makei-short lou.n"y to iee- if q) E Wfl, frE Er'= urfrrx cq{F
t",-.- lthe"med,icj ne', is a,f.fecting,,-. .i': Er< [T & bqt tI& EIqTs
" ...,' l6ur driv.ing ...,. '. --, ,.,'-.-
b) Drink some stroxg coffee :'"
[ frl=tr' .Tfr.4r{ srl EC< r{
c1. fi,,Chedithelabel-to sce if-the '' fr.1 tr m-rvq sEs sm rr.q(s
: '-'' .mediiilre,will-effect f.ourl dr:iving ,,,,,.',".',,' T 'q'frfi.
d) E nst yout t.i"na if tafing the E
fu). '" 'T1< 6r{rg Ef,{ H
medicine affected ',' 6q r, ,,<I1-.?.$&,,'EIIEI$ qr
. ,- ,.
their driving .= : ''Er EE{(q fr

20.You see this sign o'-the'r:eai of 4-.=l Qo. (SrFT qrrs D-48' qim f"iE(q' .qE
slow-moving torry that You want iuE. crcraffii srm 'ql?fr qfirffi
,.'', to'pass. fis'triv6tling'in'theftiddlb
"' ' P6@;m :

lane of a three lane motorwaY. .'{rffi

You should
' .. 'q16q;1- u["]-fi4, , '''

Mark one answer .gsfr"'GF5""* ' ,

,q) n nfF. 9F:'T1 . fr[T,

") tr
CautiouslY aPProach the lorrT
..,'.fq-', , ,gfrEI,S|',
b) E fottaw'the, lorry until yqu can- frI E H'r3[. il '.-"[{'E

leave the motorway ffi]r{ q{fficr s-<re 'dI?FI

4. E Waii'on'the.hard,shoulder"until fi)=E ;'$$ 'E ,r'ryFTgrr<
';;='.' .,. qg.g;qn e-g{, ,, ' "
:' ,

- the lorrY has stoPPed

d) fr nPP.orch with care and keeP r", l'=in, ut3,',TF 4yat o<<
I - 'i'..,, ,,,;;;ft -. . 3f,tTI.
to the left''of the,lorry '' ''

ei.. . 's3f;{
warning lights? --" 'ffi,".,,-,."
'Mafk.OngahSW,Qf. ,,,,-,..1, ;...; ,,.. -: " '' ':
: .- ::i.:
-r'..'- ",-,,
:, .,:r . , ,, . .::,:
,:: : i.: :j j:-. ,,. ' ,l

,) y' Wn"n your vehicle has broken i'D .6@ ,?r{


q{fr{K w{rffir63 Iq Tr.'

ft) E q?m ql"r;im ft-{
b) E When youn,:dl:ection'ihdicators
<rfu orw 4-{r{ il
d;= 5,Eqrtr.,*rlo.
c) E'When ning,dnoming'traffk :-, -,' ,T ,,.6q- 1fr'. fqm {t6P1--
' .thatlou.intehd to stop' .' . ''- ' t& rrsm
fsr tr qG q frr+ DnIDrm-{
,., l, OO tr:tW$.Way fOad','.,,.,,,;,. ". .,,1'
- q? *fr* nItu T+- rT1-
22.What does this signal from a police rl.
:ryi ,E{ f,S?
officer mean to oncoming traffic?


t i-)


Mark one answer o E 'GfiN' ffii{,'

a) E Go ahead u:)"tr,,"T - {f{ ll ;,rii-,
b) [ Stop fr) .,slrTE- '
i' riii u..

c) fi Turn left fil fl ,THeTT"'ft{ l, ' i':ii

-,I]fi lL
d) f Turn right fui"h sr rq..lg filE

gem,:H, r{F-I,E{,{.'qlf.q
.''traffit calmihg"measures'you should
.t '''

6= - ':;: '
,gsfi fu',GfiEg ':
Marrk one answer
a)' fr Drive a,re -ed iPeed ,'
,&j'h'-ffi''@ :'
b) ' ,f Alw.ays' riv'e t e'ipeed limit ft-[- ffi"1;141Eq1,'
q:'T, ''([{il',, *,*r
ff ft;.[]' I '
d) E
Pssition;in.ihe'tentne of th.e rsad
Only'a,,tqly:down-if .-- ,.''r :
rsi -"4 ''qq-n
.- ,'-, pedest-r:ians are-near ,,: .i'' E3r{E erfu <x q<i
24. Hazard.wainihg''lights' ihould be ,+t'afffi'$
_- .dfi= ' a .


Mark one answer affi'- ' 'ffi :::, ,,:::: :

a) E. Faulty. and moving,slolYl, ' ,dL=tr'ffi-,- dq( srr 1furY ryry

<vrg Gffi ftm IEr* ficx {frfi
b) [" Being tow'ed,'along a:road '
c) E ReVersin! into'asidE',road,,-

fu il
$, tr Br:ok6n down ehd:cau'Sing.'
.fui E'
ttt"",' ,:q,ud<,.$@!1{
an obstruction
. ffi"-TAF..' '- ,. .., ''.''i'

25" When,may'yo'u-use lrazard :',':':; ia;t' c4-{N *ry ,''' "'' .'
i., :i": :: "::::,ri . . "
:.=..l- l, lt..,;t''
-r - j i'''.:::r i- i:i:
-.r ::a i::a:-: -: ::

oc,E Ger frftg +-*q

Mark one answer -
fti'n.t'fi:' -
.q) E q-{T trrr.g--{ o;1-.fin;p1 "ffo o-fre
") tr Par* Tc alongside another car
b) tr,:To park on doublelellow'lines
+-{rc tt
c) E When'You -r'e beihg toWed f,n tr--i3tt{. rrlfu dm'frcx {!{{{
fis; tr q*rd Er,{,'. f[{
d; "E:,When,you have.broken dowR.-
26. What' is the main"hazar:d-'shown ip;" 'AA rq'.ru{.{
?$H f<qq',i6?

Mark one answer

a) [ Parked cars around the iotne. 4)., E"lifma' SlV16. ffi
aq 'ffi
b) [ Vehicle-turning right . :, '" f<l i {Frn-gr u'H ftro rrrs' f+P
c) f Vehicle doing U turn fq"l tr {r*.drq;r efr (u) AG fi{ f{(E
d) fr *. cyclist crossing the road fuI:E .E .d'sl t{d''Q.ry-,
27.Which road user has iq;'6l [ .1,411,'W{
caused ahazard?. <[fs< TB rmro'l

qffi;6g .,:fr-ft9,,43F{ ,
Mark one answer
a) fl The,purked vehicle (arrowed A) ,s) tr ' t&'r.s G{'& s)- ,

Ai,.,fi" ffi'qr 4

b) n' The.peoeitrian:waiting-to ciosi.
. (arrowed..B) " -. ' e $qtr&frfesi
(fr'fi{ lufusl
c) f The moving car (arrowed C) fu il u-a-s
d) f, The car turning (arrowed D) fsl tr r{.W f{rtr rq ?ll& fs s1{ G-+or
- . 'q "d;.ffi-qfrc.ffi
28.What should the driver of the car
approaching the crossing do? fo E-+r GGE?


u'):- '@ -
rsfu r{rl
b)I,E Continue'it thesame'sPded,
frl'E. '
' .

c) E "
Sound,the'hor:n ;',.,-,,,''
d) E D.iv. through quicklY fultr wq tr {IerI
,Ans flgi;;' ='l :::.1

29. You are on a dual carriageway- Ahead
+b. .qffi qmd arrr?wefmo qrfE--{t
you see a vehicle wlih an
='=,'. F-
-.E rF
flashing light. What could this be?
DAE$. T-rrE'l ,e-{T is' EN "trF?
-uir"k'one-ini*ao ,'--- -'-'-,'-' -' .. ., "qffi. -gFT '.' r,l :l
'a) 'f, A arnUolini*-.. ,-.:
,.. .-'-' =''

b) tr Afireengine f)tr.{4-ffisxrdq
,tr safi ,?-ffiq
c)'., Ado o 11
.'."",. ': '-"' *.,,
tr :
<lelfr{ flTfu
d) E e disabled persons vehicle

30. You are approa.hing irorrroads.

' -., \9o. rorrfl 6ry6Tj(sr frr+ qT{-{
etighii'+av'$ -. '- a@..' nfu qi$@fqr qrsrwl Ers
'' Wtrat s6uld-you'd6.?. .- .-:. "',-r t lo o-rr w"r:{K Gfuror
I :.:,, ,r'i: ,.

Mark one answer .{Tffi GET fuRv qra "..,

a) f, Brake and stop only for n:r LLi::;

,..g)'il (s.,T.4,
w ,3V'= ?fi&ef,r, ,q-qi I ...

b) [ 6es T;rI €T( efl'{r

Brike sharply to a stop
before looking
f,qt tr rn-<rFil qrrra *-= GA-r r[-<
c) E Be prepared tL brake fu t trt @ic eSiT- 66-< rerc{ rtl€Tllr
sharply to a stop = ''= '-..,8 ',$$p'-,.tfl$lr.':;-;;'r :r ,, . , '
d) E- g" prepared to'stop for
ful 6g mrFr q-FrrEc-{fr s-{r rarr
-'any-traffic,'=,-.'=.' .,' .. =
c{-6e[ Tq'g snsl

3I. Whehrdr,iv-iffitat fi dwi - -U5:=-{m ', ,'g**

automatic transmission what would
youuse-lki ' n'q" ----'. ,
'f<rc- ET-\Ew' ro{ ** s-rm.n?

Mark,ond answer qsfr rUE-< ffiis q-sq

a) E Cruise control €) tr rrfu ftxqq rr<rcv
b) d Qri.t acceleration tr Ergrqgl erfu
' Fi t arsrrc
!,,lsta ' king."'..'::. ,''.-::',, ,' t"'"
C)t l&t,[.'-ffi,'
d) E Fuel -rs) LJ qrflIH (r{E w arq
32. Why are place names painted on \g'i=ffi '6ffi. t'Tr{
th .r:6ed iudace? -'= --,,-', - -' .
ITrffi qN fr{r qIC-S rc:r?
-,,='. ,,,,.,, -. -,'
1' F ;i+ihe ftow of 1,11.f{ic ' €) E {E<Ier{K E-{'l5E Tq', S-Trc
b),,. 'E TO r.." yqu of oncoming traffiC frt tr 'wqs ,r&T 6'-m' rs-s sir6o
c)'E_fo, pr:eVent y-'u'ehangintla;a' ft)-E=. frxs rl?t[s
d)' lETo enabLeT6u to'.hinga, t'' - .'. ful'E,q 'Blr:r qfr q q(g
lanes early -
{5F{ E-68

r,l'. ,,
33, You intendlo-. tuah'ieft';r+he: iiaffic tos. EIftT qrtcf <rafrr+ rrns
Iights. Just before turning
-'.. f*s tr-.ot cxrs rqlrm "I{ Tqcs
, You should' .', '= srf"FffT \!,fug

Mark on6 answ€r', '= :=,- .qTE \Bgr ffis qsq

a) tr Check your right mirror 'aj'-tr fi+
bJ tr Move close up to the whjte car f<l tr nt"T ?1&1 {< Trcu, D-6er lrrtrr
c) tr Straddle the lanei fil tr T'ffi mt{ 6"W arrcr
d) A Check foi bicycles on your left ful tr TrAFrflT oqT Tmiii-s rrqr
tiied- e'?iiving.
34. You srarr r6=feet \e8. TI& pi-{g(
..Whatshould do?
' ''. . ,.
,''g-Tffi[[ fr,.T-{T qT?l 6ftb?,,'
Mark one answer nffi,frg,,' Tsq
4 n m:cr. e yaur'speed siigt'rtty €) E rlrrt;tT rrfu <TVIC{T
b) t] Decrease your speed slightly f<; tr n-rrF{T xfu a'q-5a1
C) A Pull over at a safe place to rest fxl tr f{$rr{ uel f++rm €rrq Er{tr{I
d) tr Find i less busy route fu) E" , TTI

35.You should reduce your speed when eG. d? rlvr frtx' qfi m Frryrrtqr
driving along this road because sfi afu T{ TI?lT,tfu EmsJ

Mark onC::answ€r" ,'.- .qffi 0pa T-++ ' :

a) tr Th'A're is low bridge ahead s) E wrrm fiu- rre- Tcr[E

b) tr There is change in the f<l tr.,-'(
.s{rrl" {lsEI G"rfrsrcer
road surface i!.E.-.|$):
c) n The road ahead is narrow frl tr Ttrm rnsr :rr
d; fi Th.r" is a staggered &1 r rffi'"''
' ': -. ''' iuncti'on ah,ead':- i . -r::::: r: .-i ' 6(IFT T6TCE
are, driving alo,ng this..rnotor:way.
., .,.9t9- qi:$ .C,T1frTg-fW rfifu
. '.lt is'r:aimng: e.n rollowing=,. -'.. ' EFTfrE;rl q-.n si q-illT W{rK6r
.this,lorrv.you,shor,r,td. i,.,,.l.'.-, - $-Et-E [' g<lq g'tN

Mark two answers

EiG BtsT ffis q+t
1) E Allow at least a q1-vo-second gap $ i tr oqTs T-€ rqrs(B-3 $r+ n<n
b) tr Move left and drive frl-- tr TN ftr+, Tr.< erlsl d<(
on the hard shouldei ' ""--'
fir,E. -ffi, @'tTE a*n
C"m Ei"rrcEi
c) f, Allow at least u ior*r".ona grp.
d) ff' eea*'i.e oiipd -..,,.
iao . fol tr "nf{ EEcr "r.sr-r TBrrrbrvr
your viiion ,.,=ffi trT.,Si Eg3f'allE"[ ,
e) tr Move right and stay in
Qt tr srq fqrs rr* etrsl s<s
. : ,the r,.i t"hahd,lane ' - ' :"'' glr{{ mnr{{ clrsr

37.As a driver you find thai your

eyesight has become very poor.
's'q.*ryIffi. rrfu
6.r{ rrlrE gT T{rN "tKr4:il
Your. optiiian iayJthe 'ianaoi
rurr<mffisas, rm6e Erqr:il
help,,you; The.law say-stnia ''
Fl-Gr Ir{Hi s-fN "fl1r6{ TI
you should tell
,P1T3 Wr11m w,l]rrcrr 0fr\5

Mark one answer AqE . ..- -::_:::i .:.-

a) 1ft lfn" licensing authority 4) tt.,'-'',,,-"t-,'
b) tr Your own doctoi ,fr)=E,**.ffi''
c) tr The local police station fri tr ?rfrT arFn's
d), E,Anotneiopticia6.',,-,, ..,..'1.... il
rv.r !i!l r+r(ql TErsqriFrs'
38.,D1r..i ng'long diitanees.,be.tiiihs. (gb,i. 'ffi'' : t'
'You<an prwent:lhis'by ' '-",.
, -.'
ur ou_rcqr nr-T, {fr sn"Ifr
- , i. l': 'l:::':::"':: :::'::::::: . i:'::::':'
.,..-,,.,-.- ,..a,,. ,-_ , ,,
'Mark'threetiai*er.s , ,,,-., ,1.::, A -
IWittr vET lErs,s {ST ^^

,) [l Stopping every so often 4) E srB]-ei,fi e-{'ur 6-{i rrFi {-6{f

for a walk -" tr&' .nqm
O)'Ef bp"n* "*iililidt-"'' '- frr tr %_Ew <TE^m qornrir u-*i
some fresh air trrlw 6Frl"TI r<rrcf, rqr
c) d Ensuring plenty of
" 'r.efreshnrint breaks -
ffi r+q
d) tr
Completing the lourney
fu; tr rflefig il
c"t6x ,ss'TIrnffi Tmr
"'1..-l ]PT.T Trf{
e) tr Eating a large meal it tr ,fl-fs EIFITFEr silftr n.ft
.: ,..',, ef e.-dr:iving,-- ,,,r;, r:- 1:- t., ,
SLT T<IGT rq][
39.W.hieh TI{REE r:esult f,r:om= \9b. {Efl{ 4I3 q-fr' D-FTrrf, f{HT
drinking alcohol?
. . .::::
roE ffi "rf<mry Er<t

Mark three answers

a) [ Faster reactions
d) E
Gsr Gfrs {n{
flfi5fo.sr Fs
bt il L"r, control ?
Iir) L_J Fl'IlEi6t ftrK s'qE;t s{r{
c) f] G.eater awareness of danler
d) fl A false sense of confidence ful tr frem qmrcf, <Tvr<
e), p noai l,q4gernencof ipei'a el tr afurqrr i{rrmT Txrc<

40.Wht mii@ o en stlghtty \

80. W{IlIciEl srnHl\eql sSE lfrcfC{f
curye (convex)? - (convex) elfC$ fS-{?

€TG \BE'{ ffis q*q

a) fr ffr"y give a wider field of vision sl tr 3lfu rr?l6s RI€TII< o-+r
b). E. rrref'totaui';;;.41nd$ots i<r tr rsrcql FI.sr"E rI en?Frir 6-{r
c;' fl"T'hey m*e.it easiei judge-the f,q) tr rtfu srTq'n"
speed of following traffic TEg?-E€Tra
<_{_69 E_{T
d) tr ffrey make following traffic ]v) LJ T"rE,trK rtrfirE.;rffi <v rq'?rN
look bigger
"tlgTr{ 6-fl
4!.What adVice shoutd u giv,e ab. =-Ar.s-T
driver who has had i few alcohol
:':'l foq w"q
r-c{ctrt Er6+- 16
drinks ata=-=ry,='= ' gfl[E-"r fr6T{?
.::.:.::: .

€sG \iJsr fvfrs Es-a

a) '.8 ,{ait a sher:t while ahd ,,
4),,.,8 ftqry, 'irF:!Tr,ot' r'* tt&'
then drive home ETfrm <& ffis
b) l-l DriVe home carefully . dowly frl tr rs+" ocs, ft.T ErftTr <fr rqrs
c) E Co home Uy puUtlc rranspoft f,xl tr m{Er.i qf{qq6{ <Iis fv-g-ere
d) " fl"Have a=st@g eup"6f f and fui tr sr 6qTflqr $vI.
'-"nT Et<
then drive home flr+ a& Erfdl"T rlfs- iqlrs
42. Some two-way roads are diVided 'e'L"fu.16U,,fi*.tC ffi 'r-.qr{
= Frarq+o r<q: ,1
,. intb three lanes. Why are these "+*["' fr
particularly dangerous?

Mark one answer €qfr i!,8 ffis qffi

a) ffTratficin both directions s) tr evr<-rFnc+r eal qfrr+a
can use the mfple lane qr{TITJR {TSK Tf,i{ <I?TEI]I
to overtake.lT sr(q fl:lr-E
b) ts Traffic can travel faster in poor frl tr rytr yrFEre{m q]-fire{ r<FI
t weather conditions "
t t'

c) f],.,Tiaffic.uies the id.dle'lane for: lry n 'qq,FE,

,.emergeh'C1es only = ,.-. {-ffiK maT <rdqi-< o-L<
d) E' Tr:,affit can- oVertake oh' the+ft fut t .'ST(q' firrs evmrB?-+.
'cf[fK . '
43.At this blind juffiio'h 8\9.,.gQ sq. Eftr?flD.-{pl{ 6.(,,1|(7
you must stop EF-|TE alIIKg EtT

Mark one answer .qsG Gs'( Gfrs qs+

a) y' e"r'ina the line, then edge 'q.) ,lfl PEr{'; rll( gTraTlsrr-d
forward to see clearly (s< . wlT,sFA sE*' ,sP1
b) [ Beyond the line at a point where f<l tr arorr.{ iqvrq sr< €m srn
you can see clearly r{qF[ rqtrF vrrfl\,rr{ rr?il {IT
qtr Only if there is traffic f,n tr rs-dfl qfr <g rlvllr {E?Treir
on the main road 6ffi a666
d).. FJ Only if you are turning right f,sr tr rs-ct vt? urfrr+ [I.lg r{;r

44.After passing your driving test, 8&-'g'l r('' . q,.f<' "m''.w"fi

,, you suffer fr:om,illhealth= . ,
Ef efT
,,ffi3 .,a<<": ?m,.
This,affetts your: drivin$, .., , , .,...
" .qr,,,$
,,,qfrffi qllC.f,I|
-,.,=iYou'-ust, ;'='- " ,

i.==,,,= ,-' '

.-t- .'..t'
Marknhe answer
. ,tt
,sqfi Gqm iufrs qpq
.i) ]E lnfoim your tocaf potica stat'isn
b) E Avoid using motorways ftr"5'6rq1} emn ': '

c) E- always drive accomPanied

d) [l tnfom the licensing authoriry Gl=.,.,fr -.

Yoii aie following., a'.slowel.*rl'toVing .6A.','its6 i'{ .$- lqs.

45 :
vehicle on a narrow countrY road.
,,-, i.o nxca?
=' *"1+,,ffi"C5fr.6(t

There is a junction iust ahead on

. the'right. What should You do?'=
' ,ffi''Wffi pftyt.-''- ,


€ffi" '''=' ',. ..."' '

Mark one answer
,) E Overtake after checking Your €) E wtrfi rr"{T €q<, T(r+E rq'sK
"l(-< evKffi?-s Tt-<
5rf, qI€xI
b) D Stuy behind until You are f<l tr 6("H qfio-sr, Tr e€TI "Ffu
, ,, ,:, .pasf'the junction .',. ,r,-..r.- sI< fqE-CT enor
) .n,' l tlfu <Tv11Tr,=ry{ 97(16{'
before the iunction
'-'a',, t l W.'4,${{IT['',,,,
d) E ito* down "nd ptePi.e to''tt' " ist tr arfu oq' T-{T €q( <iq ftrr
," ,-'overtake,,on.the.le ,- ,,,. regr<rFE-s 6-61-s 6{T zrw elrdr
46.,You5ie' appr.o,4qhing this gy-liit. g\9. s?'. ",,urerr+<, fii(s.,qflry
You should

Mark one-.ana*er ::'.'-'"-':-.''' ..,,,-:--- .qsffi ggr Gfirs q-fi{

a) ,
'E;. ert4k+berore the liqi=, :
,el fi +re w"lrq
gets to the junction .qvrs6F.s sr-< Erm flgrT
b) [ Flash your headlights at the cyclist frl tr sr< gfu rasfrI+.ET Er=t 43II
fr) tr',,rl& qq ffi,,. rdrr{
-: tha rycl!,st td turn " ,'-"' woto co--:["I

d) E Overtife'tne*tist ':r:: &l tr- r.r ffi'ft("x. -wr+'.'eV

,, 'on the,.left;:hand si.de,.,.. ,:,- 'ii':: .,-: FC{:.Effi,{T,€TI

47.Yo'i have juit been,,sVertaken 8q. e? $a. ,se mrffiTq qlmrfr

'by. this= motorcyclist whois esr<-cts?-q ECr Ehq w"HK_
qlq-fi ErE ulTrr6tr I qI"HK gl5s
. cuttlng,in'sharp-ly"Ynushould'

Mark one answer Affiffi" ,, ..,,1-'" ',

a) f Sound the horn s) tr s{ {roK-{I
b) [ Brake firmlY fri tr [g'rm Et-s q,n
$ '''fl."K6e[,asate,gap. '"]', r' .i,,'t-,= fql tl fq-n"lqq<9 <orx nen
qtA[r TH s-Trs q<{
d)''E' memb'ei.to-Jlxh y,;qur'li$hts fsl tl TI?m

48,As'a Proli$io'hal=licenc€-,'hold'=, 8ts. flfu.FiTlq qI?CE{$rft ErsT w-€m

711-96q4, {f T.H'
you must not drive a motor car rs'rr{r
-.-a.., . ., .., '''. '

, ,:= :
i :

Eifi Bgr 6frs @,-'i, ''..'

:'' ','':,,r -
::: :. :::

Mark two answ€rs
a) E At more itren S0 mPh ,ij n co rroa trfu< rrFI tfuTs
.b|r [ W,ith,' passeng*!-]n'ihe'r:e4r' ]sqats
c) E on Your o*n tr @o oor
fU "-=
d) f] Under the age of l8 years at night ft; ffi''oq q[qf,, r'rfu r!-Tfl-[
e) E On the motorwaY b tr rflmi cqfr<erxco
49.You are driving at 60 mph. As you 8b. \eo qrh {fi5t8 ffi '6rqrrq-{1
approach this hazard you should "-=ot 6 r'. qE SBg

Mark one answer ..qsfi \?,ET f5fi5-s q,sr

a) E Maintain your speed ,g) tr tffig ToT{'TT?IT
fr) 'E,tffu qq=Sfl ',,

b) E R"du." your speed

c) E Take the next right ft) E',' rq]v-, rw
d) E Take the next left fs; tr <ixfr-r mtv r+sl
50 r Wh4t: else tan seiiously,affect.y,,,,,.9, r a ' '= ft, l'qlqt fdF,
rrrf,g D'rq.rf,{'H rr6Dg{ cn$(g
,'- fi t-,.
.otherihahalceholic drink? .:.'..= lE-.

Mark-three answers 6.::'--:':.'r'

a) d Drug, d) tr ET?r{
b) fi Tiredness fr1'-t] ffi'", ,', -.,-.r: rr'
,,::,, ,,--.,.

cJ, E Tinted'windowi'"::" .,.-,,

fu tr @t Tlrql +-m oma-r
d) ,'E.-'Contact,.lenses -...,,.. ''"
e) ZI LouA music ii,- E:' =' 't1q <16-4f-.,',.

5 I . What might you exPect to c>,G?

. < ''{eT
qry Try,
happen in this situation? - -
"' ."
j:i-::..rri:N el
H ,il

Mark ', ,srG Ggr iuiEs q,m

o.ne,.anivt/-er. " ..- :='
;m,fitd'in'aiignt q) E qrffir€+@ETl unfrm< rd-k"
hind lane xa ql,rc{
b) [ Traffic speed will increase n'j ,E', ,of!q, - '

a) , 'El. rffic will. mow ihto the left=. ffiE

t '"t"" .
hand lane
-, :
-::,::,:.-. u , , .1,..

4 E Tiaffic'willnot''need to
Er{ qI
-, 'change Position :
52'. You'aie on,,a:'fiotorway,, .-- a*';'
qlfi's qE\5
You feel tired. You should :

Mark one answer

a) p t-eaue the motorway
'$)',8 ' .,ffi" fi[ f<gfw
'' ''. at tha nextlexit rCT'$, r{KIT TI€TI

'a-.'s=. -,t&,:'19J
b) ,[ ,Carry on h
'diive slowlry fr;I.ffi.,rrfrrq ,1!!Sr
c) I Complete your journey nr,y fi fCa

,,' 2s guicklf* possibJe'' r [E' {Te}rr

ffi,, ffi

d) [1 Stop on the hard shoulder ft1tr ePqRI1r

Sl.Whictr hings would:help-k€€p Gs. qqr [Tr6n {lElT rsq qa

. you,aleedur:ing*long.jour "'- TS?FET UI{qTr{ Tr{IIII T-{Cg 9lIr{?
: ll, : ' t.r.. 'i:'::
.,,1 ".,,_,".,r,,;tt ',
Mar,k ns*ers, ,, --,.=..1.' .=,'-' l
qAfr $< frfirs ssr

a) d t"t"t e iure that you get plenty sii glF nreY fisrry gr<rr<
<FTqI qFFTf,
b) E
of fresh air
Finishing your iourney ft;=-n d = rrfi -',
"' -'' , t'ai, -' - . 1., ,.,
aS vOU ttn ,:;"
= ffi.' '
,." .'-l= -.,:t,:,r'r,:
, ,
.. - .
e;' ff Make'regular'lta.$ for:'-'''''' . ry,ffi,{[9.,, ,.,
'' :- fefies'hments,:,:. r' '- '::'"- .',,, '"' ,fl-rg alTfil-4
d) [l t<eep off the motorways &il m'= .-SBI
' and use countt roads <FTEIT S-{'rA

54.A drli]ler. pulls'out of a,side road in c8'-c-E-r+r=c[fi.',?t'@'I'rqr{

',.,,,'.qfffi,. '1!$t''6JI!$ ..=
' ' iiont ofuu. Ynuhave to.brake,hard'
'' You,ihor"rlo : ..

Mitk oneti er ,,- ,, . .:, '"'"' 1.,,

..{sG GE-< GFrs s-Fq
a) fi. Flash your,'li$hts ,s.ho$/ ....'",,'.' ,s) E arAB TFr Tr.< qlqqK
your annoyince frTfrisf 1-srr s{I
b) fl tgnore the erroi ind staY calm fud" "crl'iF[.

c) E Sound-ihe ho tdshory- .-.- ,., fal tr si <lfuTs qr"HK "@,,,,JI

your annoyance ftrfusl zf6m srl
d),n Over,take'as,,soo:h'as, posCible' 6j D'q= e q.<T

55.A.driver does sornething'that'

.-'t 'ry' 6E...t:'Egvr<,
,-,upsets''y.ou' You.sftould=,'.',=.
:._ _: : .1. .,::

,9S6 fu-< @ ffi''.'t'.". "'''" ,,


..sj n gfirfolT qI-,TTl ,Si'

Mark one answer '
a) A Ti not to react
b) "' [' tetthetu &now"haW'You@ fd tr srrhrrs qrflT EFrrc:{I

-d" n Flash'iou.r: h'e 'lamP5'::': 1

fqitr qleFfi{ 6qs64ql v.KI
sevefal times TITF?ffiT TI'I S<il
d) E Sound Your hoin
.fu)"...f]',ffii :-i:rr::-ir ,- , '':'' '
56, You.have been involved in'an EI ,=' a13t Otf.r[ ffv
argument before starting your "-=. ffi.. T.G ,+z-q qiltfr'
, jo.ur.ney. This,,,,has made you,feel
r{rr qr6E{ l qr"nK
:.: .. .:,:..
angry.You should
-, ."
'Mir.k one.ail*e* .q -..1,.1=.-1 ,,r:,.

a) f Start to drive, but open uffi.-qrirg 'ffirt fl,&. EFrIre

an window s-fl
b)u Drrive slo*er then,normai=and ft"E w - T'q $ry, ,

turn your radio on "', 1..,tffiffi' t( (9fu9..m3.[

c).','E Have an alcoholic drink to fn tr q"lirrc{{ p-dT ?I& fl"Irfit utfil-g
help you relax before driving sirEr T(< qq'fiT S5s rq-{I
d).,'.,fi Calm down before you fsi tr ,t@ Erqrc-{r q-{-s srrm
.nv evrn
start to diive "pt
57. You'take -the wr.o, pg'aoute.,an-d fihd Aa,'qq
,q gtvt's u"z..a..'Frrs
you are on a one-way street. . , J{ st ,e.ffi-'gg1-q-969.
w16' -,,.,
r"'-. :

Mark one answer r.q .6*- '=..''" "'

a) t] Reverse out of the road ,e) tl @ .* auPs6s orrnt qmt
b) tr Turn round in a side road f$ tl ffcEI <lvrfl fircr Tr<
.i il Continu" to the end of the road ftj tr -rtv'{r Fr<''fi(s [qrq.,qrsl
d) tr Reverse into a drivewiy fu; tr ffitr qcr Eras€rsrs E;oI

58, You.ar"e,dr:iving-on.a, motorvvay;''' ca.C ' rrF -fiq-lp-{t

rr:. (iffi$ w-qi rllrcfi {Ii-{r{{
The traffic ahead ii braking sharply
', .feciuSe'of'an aeeiaeh* HoW-ould' -'',,
, ,ffi- l fr, iolTEqflf{
' yoU tn"tffic:UehindTou?,,:"
-' i"rqn< {FFlre'6-+- ngo a<ren?

Mark one answer .;***"

a) A Briefly use the hazard ,€1,"fl,,.q .,ry.15 ..uii Ef'61q \rs iln\
qTa.FT <r{"1{. e-6T^
warning lights
S*itch'on e.Fra-iai- thiff=
4,"E,--;;gfit5. frtfl- @K6?r frr{Fff
:=, . tinu,,qL1ily... . =- - = rqre
c) tr Use the brakes rePeatedlY fal tr <rr <r{ E-.sI <mgm s-C{
d) tr Switch on rear fog lights fut tr f15cr{ TT f,IE.DT rqca, frrr
59.You-ai about to drive hsme. You,. Ah,,.,srlffi.. = j' '
E IEIK :16T16-{ f+g u"Nr r{hz6t
cannot find the glasses you need to
wear when driving. You should
--'== 61,a qzm,m $@
' tttt
.- - ,, ,' '-1, :t
Mark one answer
a) [ Drive home slowly, keeping s) E oq ,rfsrs fl €V Ttvm tre
to ouite roads Eriq.m qrfu i+-n
b) il- i*;a way of getting home fri.t , 'fi= =' 6ll
without driving '-,.-,,"
'5' .,: f 'rfl<,'=Frtrr.W{..,lt

c) f} Bor.row a fr:iendis glasses ,:- rf@ ":

,' ard horn€ , ..-,' ffi ftI1.'.: '..,:r '

d) E
Drive home at night, so that
#)'-n' ,<1&'ffi,, v{-r
qtqDefi {Iew q-<-r<

60; What'should.you & :xs y, gu' ap,pioach ga= m'e -? eq ,, qAffi

this oveihead,-:bridge? , ':': Erg fG T-{r v'fFs?

Mark one answer dsB Gs'fr ft'fi5s qF{

a) t 'Xave,outto.thel,c"utre of the" €) tr r<ft T'*- gTCTK Elrrfl KTvr{
. r:oad before gqing through '' r: ',
. *{rq|cT 51q q1IT , :,, q.

b) .,[f Fina rnothei-touie, this is only- frl 'E'w'wf Elt ffi E-.. [,. gt'aT 'f-

- for high vehicles ,,, """Tpl.1S .W

c) d gu prlpr."d to give way to large fr;'tr.<wlg- ** ,<.,s- edr+
.'vehicles'in the,.middle dthe road slrCrl ({re 6qT rfi',{l-<t 3gg 'dl"Fi
d) E More across to the right hand fsl tl r<Fr rr*.m €TcaK Ercrr {rsm
, ,s-id6 befor.e goingthfough.,,. ..'.', srd flrf,T E[q qml

6 l.,You'fina.'tLrat y n.e.ed;l*sesto.,r' \9b. ql"ri{ r6r{rEq rq EIftEr qlfiTT

read vehicle number Plates at the E{V rars mrr{r tfe* {rerK rT€E
,'' alquir.eo' istance. Wh.en'@$'. qT"lIK Q{'-l'-

, =.-
'-:.,: :t
:.t i:::::: :.:: :::r,:, t:.:::l
: .,ir' .:-:
ry T-T'N

:,. ''

Mark one"ahsw-er :
Uffi=ffi ,
,,.4<54,1 "
... ,

;i- A ;;'air'ii*"i'*h'en'd'iving.- :'::','' s) g t<nQ t& Erfir<q

6;=.fi'g {''qr{El€slTri 1

.) ,E OAi when,you thinkit.-necesSary fl rqtla':'-. lF

ftl' '[] ffiIq1
d) E Onty in bad light or at night time ' {s'{ ' <rffi r<-oril
e2. Wh i te. diivingjo-u- see si gh',ah ed. fl& El"Irrfl qirglT awrq qQ fEa
You should , mc ., f-?1 l wl'orara' tfu' ,

Mark One'anS-Wel',,..,.,..- -1=,.-:.,='' .Affi- ,' .ffi.', ,

a) [ Stop at the sign .e) tr fr'rq raiF {IgrI

b) p Slow but continue around the bend f<l tr s'{ ,rfuE 'tt-+ gr< {IsrT
c) E Slow to a crawl and continue f i tr ?F s{ flfsrc sgu en-o
d)' ,EI-Saop 'tOA'ntr@en=" ,"-
,. fu; tr rqrq' ffl6{ E3-rfu< r-<IIFII
" ., f,4Qd{' m,<[ , '

.. '
farm gates

63.Why should the iunction on the.left se. ' , aQ g7qffi qfl&' $cli
be kept clear? sfrs r+-lr

Mark one answer ,gffi .-fu1. G.... W-, :::''r: :-

a), d rir'itto* vehicles'tolent". .ql t {T{fiq{ c{T qsrc s<(

' -".. ,.rffi[$ ,

b) E
and emerge
To allow the,.bus'to, reverse' r'
To allow vehicles to make a U-turn ffint rw:
,s{'m ?l {
'E lo.,- allow-vehicles to park'
-- :. "' ft; n, g.f .elE3

\9S f4'fffi EIffisT"

' fd?! V
64.A diiver's behaViour has uPset u.
r?IEt I
.Irq E€TI3I 6fi Aqmgr a(

Maikona,ansWFi ., Effi.' -
- '
a) ffStoP and take a brake
b) ,[ S'hout abusi@ langua$€, ,.,-' ".-' fij'fr,-
E,-EfE. rql'(q B,,..$H]'6'-"'

,ft1.E 'TlI Ttr,.gtrT<'

c) , E Followtheil caL-,'flashing '' ''
the headlights
tf& q-{T-!cl 6rf,{'

d), "E' Gestul'-6io ihem wrth fu-j'E",qfr, im'qpr

your hand Q'nar <rqq
65.You have been taking medicine for a \ec.f6q frq erc sffi e{t ry{
few days which *rJ" you feel drowsy. s{[Er {I{ 6-{T i{I4{lT 1I "fiTl
' . ., qtr*'qfq
.. =licday you feel,better but still need ..,1'WIW "{q.
to take the medicine. r:' ': ,g-T,€-.,6qq (,?i:fi s-,{(9, Ef,{-l
' "''gffi \rffi fifu Elqtr'TI OEE
Marl!,one answer ... .: a@.@
,6j',f,. . .E<" ::=:.:
q6< '
il .:: 'lf lour:,j6-iney.,is neiessaqy=r

b) [l-At'nisht oh'qui.te=Foads, -'= ','"'


' ft,,tr, -'r<qls .-TIglB,,,.

c) Q lf someone goes with you fal tr Tfr m-\ts qTffll< {(z 'ifl-(-{
d) fi Aft"r checking with youi doctor ful tr ugrcffi q-ffi qrwq slm "rffi

66. For which.o'f thesqrnayJou,-," '..-.'

gg. frP-E r+I{ a'r<-6'i Er6Ts exrffs
6rqBT <r{{K T-{r{{'?
: hazard warning lights? .:.:-
Mark one answer qsG Es'{ GGrs e#r
a) p wrren aiiring on , *oto.*"y
.- to *arnl'tieffjc behind' I ..::':-'
, 6{, ''
63iffi:ft" ,

i"rE-r+-{ Er"riFrr rus oTrc

b) E When your dite.tion indicators
-*j,,E.q<ry c ' .ffi,fi
are not working <rfis orw Q<r< TI
c) f, =n:ifiaaa'k IEEm
When warning on.orning traffic

iifi ' ' -'' -

,,.q< fq qIe[I-d felq Tl

' .T&qr.,r,...,
onatwo"WaY,F.o?d-''';'' ,. , "'
67.You want to turn left at this \99.,.4? qqllxr q]'flft rq.lv
junction. The view of the main road ' f{rc qq<'l {s rlsr srrflsrr< rrcff
.q.lffi. *i fr" *"r*r+r$frPt
is restricted. What should You do?

Mark one aniwer ' " I ,:,' ,': '' .ssfi gs-< Gfirs <-c'
... :..,.

El'. r:- . rerrT q6"rsl Srl

a) tr
. Stai'weil ba.k and Waiqt'o'see
r,.-:.,-&.F.8".€m...,41T, I
if something comes .,, r' i

b) 'E'guild up'y,our s,Beed.so that, '"

'i.i '-
you im emerge quicklY +u ,-tggq' :,

nr ,'' g p ano apply.6tle-hand brakd.

ftt fl rtgr TrsT ?rror ]rQ€
' f':i even'if'the,i6ad'is''cEar ' '.,ri- ' EIg [5-ff'<j<-effi 43r
figl tr qx ,rfixs qiTffi E€TI s<(-

d) npptoiih stowtY and edge out

'' '-fl 'until -,.,,.-- ".,' ,,Cq,3f[q Ef"tll .1Tg
you can'see'mo-ie"cleaily
fll< frcr st${-{ ECs arcl

'68. You' ar:e dr,ivingtowards this op,,i
r ,g5 fu<,@ ?r&
,left hand''bend. What dangers .frfiqr.q-{]'
.shonld-tbu be-aware'o{?-, : = ry-E e66',1 qifl-{T-?I gfusr

Mark one answer

u), E'.atihiqlei6,v.q aking .. a)-t'G i,afi'w1*rr1 tnmrB rlri
'ffi|tr3'[ iqlfi FJt
b) 'n, No white':iines,in-the centre 6r'=,9 ifli
qEri rq,s
c) I
of the road
No sign to warn you of the bend ftl''f q , - ,1qq,'Fgr+a =L

fu: fi

d) fi P"d"rtrians walking towards You , sr$:fF, @' lTF11 , ..,

69.When approaching this bridge rr,5d ,u?.,. .qflq1 3q91-

you should give way to , 6<n ?t.?F. . rr l-' ' , l

Mark one answer ,qqffifu? fr'firs rF{

a) [ Bicycles s ) tr qlErsqr6'
b) f, Buses f<t tr TrflT
c) [ Motorcycles frt tr rrrfficoqr
d) E Cars f,sl E r4-ml flTfsF

litr qo..,E_ffi=..C[tr'ry,F rnfo urqrrfl-{

zo ; .D uiin*peiio&#itme.i$ u i,abi
, 6'drive.,mrybg'jmFalrud m.ust' -- =-ffi',w',11.I!T.{l. ql"fF[rr+' sl-flR
i : t:: .::::1 '::: ":'

Mark.twoEnswgrs' ,.,,.-.r: -.', . -.-,';;."- :" ;:':

: .,,,"-, ,
" Gs< fufus
Eafr affi
,) il'',Seeiour doctor-eaeh time" ij C 1f*i" ar& ur;rn+m "JC'i r+cq-.<
,-,,,'"-9Fffiry',rr+r' T-:
,. Q,TT
before You drive '

b) , il 'OnV take smallefr6lois5.-'==; -;'.';r

'ml E
t.-,tt'...,. '
'TFF.,B++ $et
ol anY mecllclnes ',.,.,,'':':r

.)' E,,ii"J;a,.artr',;to.''',
"' ,*;- 61@ flr,E-re-am
.a) Tf Not<rrc af taking'=.' .' .-. '. 'ftj,' . o*qjffiol'{n:,?fi&
.'-:'--'.','E;|Eff,K{i{{",:' .: .:"'
,., ,
''- - : -''''-'':- ..:':- ...., :

ti,"' 'lYcx x<'Ett

e) n Take allyour: medicines-with you
when you drive {-rE sr{ ftrg
7 I - Yoil aie$out to''adtuin h6'me, fr.om ;il#',i ,," .U,1,-hgfr '

"holidt, wh6n'you bea6 -i11.,,,-," qrq-{. s?He qTq er3

'-:''',,b '
-...5,. :. .-''![tI].E6TI.T@
.. A' doctdr pre-trib..e.s iugs, whieh==,
, ,.
are likely to affect four driving.

. You shg11| : ui{<n Erc flrr* I qIeFrK Gfu

Mark.one anS*ef r..,. .':"::':'':'r'rr:"r -''=r:: :i ,gTG Gfu qgq


;i"tr;;;;;' ir someone is 4) tr arr 56s effsrq sr{

' with.you =,.,-,t''"' ,'EL{[K{I .., ' ]

f<l tr rwBrecxcs rrfr ql El"TrfiI


b) f Avoid driving on the motorways

c) fl t tot drive yourself fn tr f{rw trc {I ETFITTdI
d) E Never drive at more than 30 mph ful E'lgo ',flffi'(<Ff''Tr E'ralc-,dT

72. Why should you be especially oe ",d?'.qF{&,ffi' q $fl srcq ::r: 4i1i.::r::::

cautious when going past this bus? krm re-o errsl sfuo mal iLiii-

dE- -W' F@;T,'fl
Mark two answers ,.. , ,,,.-.,, '

a) E q}=[]"4 '=E['E$ ryq,- ,'j ',

- - There is traffic approaching
i'h the=dlsta'hie": "- ' D-6q qrrrrE
b) E The driver may open the door

fr1 .ft' FlIs ',-1!l!3

c) fi lt * y suddenly move off fn tr ter are E-nq EErF Elrirg s<F

d) Z People may cross the road GlE.@' - ,,'-F {''
infront of it Trw flEflqK 4TF "rI(-<
,e) E Ther: aie-bitiCles,Pa-ked'= ?i E ocrrm r"rsms <rfficoq
on the pavement "IIS S.EI TCT6E

73i'Dr=inkihg,anli' n61o{'aleoh''ol'. qro. fq mt-Fr nfr:flr+< {g?"ln'

is likely to e<-m ETs

Markthree.ansWers'"': "':::" " "": '':'" Tg-fiF VE'< TEi@ 4F'

-oi"tl ',f{ffi fl ]<" s-qsl
react to hazards sfrrT fF65 "!-R"T
b) E lncrease the sPeed of ftl tr ql"r;rrir sffioqm trfu
'-; r ",-y6flf.,aea6tiq6l-, - i ::-i'..,,.-r.=:"r.. <rfszr irco "ii-c<
v fu tr tlB qT{,rt-{ ffi 41qcf s-{r{
c;' Worseh
gernem-.of speed
d) U' Give i false'sense'.of Cdnfidence'r,' tu;,,,E fi6
-91,-'f,'ft .T{E ,,
'. '
e) f] lncrease your awareness
of danger
74.You feel drowsy when driving. .9,6."'ffi:. , El lS'Eq f,?fN gs
i;o.i rd ---

': .. -:
Mark tlvoaniweii' ' ,. *S'GsT.-,SfrE.srq. ,

Elitop;"J rest as soon dl'"{ffi r?fq

as possible .,.=.,fi11$,1,ffi:.,,:' ..,,-
.... .-r,., ''.''
b)'''fl,furn ,hea' i,uffi kbep'you
tq) tr.ffiJ'ffi':.fr4gffi.,.
wirm and comfortable Om o<q qmrrq <T*[
c) p lt'tat<e sure you have good fqt 'f]"ffi; r.q{' rlqvq
' ,.. Supily of !h air. ,,,- , =. .:
q]E.Iry Eirr4 g[ 4EFT TTqT
d)- .E Con e with
furney - tu) tr uEre elFFT, 9,6< \el-Cq4- Art
'but drive rnore,.slowly --,. ' '''" ,, 'umffi
e) l-l-ebse the'car windows to,',,,,.' ?)',' D'ffi'-.'"$
6'F[I4I 46'E6
help you .oncunttrte ffi.TI

75. You ar:e lnVited to,' aPub"funch: id:..'ss-ffi- 6q"c;- '6r761'5q1,1


You know that you will have to

,-- ,.--q1ffi,w'. m
drive in'the evening. What is Your rnfu urarcg qc<t €rsFrsm T{
best.course of adtion?'' '.,.,
'''cE(T ffir'''-' -'''''

ttlCrkone answCi..',, -...,.-.. :.: - qffi't@'-@i t'','.' ':ri- 'r- 1'r:'

a) E Avoid mixing your g). Eefi-{ =ffi. {E-'ffi6'{' "'''

alcoholic drink TI T-{i
b) fi ruot drink any alcohol drink. &1,,'[,, ' q lJT;T+,,T{l
c) ,'E l{2v[,sgme mifkbefon
' ., i ,-dr:in'king.,,a'laohol-
'-.,= fi,)"E.Xf'..
.@ ' -, ;"
.--:".-,,:''-:=[{,=lp, E&:r.. ' .r"' ''-' ":
-,-..";':' ,-,
d),.,E=Eat'a hoer'neal-with Ur-,,,,.' .. ,.5-,#.
qKr{ (rreTI
.:.,.,;,.', ,,; ,:

'' -alcoholic drink, ,,.:.,'::'' ,-

76,You are driving along a mototlWl?Y. hs..elh.e ffi,uqu rl .

-.. g{s1qI"ITKs-{@Tl GTES

, and:beeome tiFed."You slrould t


twolahsweri "
::::r :::: - EAE Csr Gfir'u -+-<n

a) y'i s.op at the next service area tr Twrr< ,Ifu.i .qnrom ermr
;",, -:,,. - -l

and rest ,',r;:r-: .=rr:1g6qt.ro-,f {' -.

Ui' " p',f-eave+he'motor,way at=the'- f<t tr arqcr{ nsr firrx cqTf{e[T

::, , .:j--':,Hext-€Xittnd,.rest,-'. .- ,, ,.' -'
c)'..fl-]ln'aieaie'your -speed and,, .." fii n {ru'qnfq'@,'c't,@G. o<
.,' " ' turn .uprffie' radig vme' '"' "rq. <Rsfq fr-rT
fsl tr fllu-{ grlzlrflI ffi T[-< (TTI '9<(

,d)' 'f-l'alosi"allwur wihdows ano ' =-1.-'1,. l,'',,

- ': ..- t-hemng:to*eam '= '= " ' ffiffi,'- ,.,,., ,

e) E Pull up on''the'hard''shoulder' b tr Efd (Ifd-611-{ ralr{ El"rr <qd

and change drivers
77.What,'is the main hazard.the driVdr qi.".611' ,fr - sfi-< frfrs)
of the red car (arrowed)
=,',ffii- ,
,,=.-. ,..='-:,,=r, ,, '
Should'be'most'aware-,off .,'., '" '

Mark one answer

a) E from'the'sun may affect
Gtar.e ,,$)-',n'B{,ft*,' 'ffi
, the- ,,driV6ilt'Visioh'' . ".- . I-.
qqr<{r r-f,6s "n(-{
b) fr rr'l" bus may move out f<l tr 1rryE {rsm Gqr'< Go
c) E]
into the road
jhe"blae,k'car may op sudde lfi'"'d - '' "m-<
d) E Oncoming vehicles will assume fst f<qfis frrsr Ertr{ {rq T'{6s
the drive.r ii turning,,aight '.' ,.:. ..,,' ,- 'Iqg.fEq

78. You have just passed these warning qb. s? qlq 's?
,T6 TD-s
qfu-67 ffi
lights. What hazards would sr<rq{l flT'ffuTs rq-rq {strl-{
you exPect to see next? f{ffi-{ nq?fr-{ err{ <h {6a 6-6-Efl

Mark one answer ,sqG Gs{ frfts

-EqT. e-m
a) E A"l.vel=crossingvith-.no'[airier a;t' r{f ETA'{

b) I-l An ambulance station f<t tr sTF-q rrm

.i fi aschool crossing patrol fqt tr ssB qq mfrs',gffi,
d) h nnopehingbridge, -,' &1,tr, ''flx ,q{{',, rqq
79. The,tiaffi c ihead' ofpu1n.thE le{t
qu-:d ,, . q1

lane is slowing. You sh6-uld" ,:, . ", = 'ffi, i..q'{?I-{l-<t Wg

::::,l rtlt
:::;l:iii:i'"'l i";rtt*
..,.$ ,=fl

Mar.ktwo.afiswer.s - '-.,..'' EAG CE? Gfus s*q

u)' d'' ga.wa*'.i an'ioui'aight ,i l tr
sI-*fFT rqr<, t&
Tr{'r+ '|sm
.. - ",."q*' ,'.m q!] u15i' {f<[[
b) E'
cutting in
Acceler*e, pxt,the vEhicleq ---, *li}r.re.- <T{frr+1 qrc
in the lefi lane \8q]rs, Efu6-{ TGI {TSTT
c) E Putt up on the left hand verge fri tr <trfi,rr{ ffq ,lTm rqn fis$
d) f] More acrois and continue in the fsl tr srF-{ rq?n^ Erf, rilsrl s<(
right hand lane r I-diT ffi Gre qITiFi
e) U Sto* down keeping a safe ?l-.'.","','39431-TId
-:',,i,i-tr ,rfu T{ TrcrT s<< f,io"rn 1-<9
separation distance

80. You are driving along this road. ,o,.=w.gft

-? "fi?rr rrrfu'H?frcq{t
The driver on the left is reversing
' .''',. .'off,r.l<' EPg€GI r3lm
'', ==-:fi*r{. .''..:.'"''qii*ra ffi :': :''
from a driveway. You should

Mark one answer &A6.'***...,ry,1.'''',l

,s ) E rre FrfdTT [TCs srr+"r cqrEq
a) [ Drive through as You
'',"-.,,,,.1 "q =. CE,,
have Prioriry
b) fl Sound your horn and be frl il ei <l6l[il s<( rqH {IETK
prePared to stoP
6-ir Tss

Gi fi=Erq fl€TI .l,,""'

c) [ Speed uP and drive
through quicklY
,d)' E',Mwqon the oPCositeiide
&li" - t[F"'=o .,€TI
: .,'' , '".Of thg.t6ad.,,
8 I ..You :
behind.thif' ryClist, When
ar,.,e, ,pi. . i 'felu--6T ErPqI
, ,x.fi.= Effi-\o?Id
the traffic lights change, "tfu6{
what should you do?

Mark one answer .qqfr ,FrsT isfrs T-ffi

t) tr Tr:i ,m.q.y.g:off befor:eth,e,cvelist s) E sK srrrtl urfr' {Te{r< rufr o-+t
$ il ntto* e'&t t aha o'o#, f<l tr grrs :rrlls gTs, o'nl?fl rr-$ -
a) E 'tir''n 'r"ignt'but give ihe :l fqi tr snfrco rqrv rqfi. f{-s rTqrofl
' ., ',.,cycli-i,poom'' '' '''-.-'.'-;,;'' DIFrr4-{ q-{i ElTflI rE-w rF-TI
[',qri.',,'Yt4, g<'q "' ''
d).,,lE Tap i ui-horn and., "'' fu) ',
drive through first :, ffirf-.ffi fle{I ' :

82.When the traffic lights change bQ" Brfq$=eltBiT<lT E-p E(< sq{
to green, the white car should ' ffI?f $ftsi" l

Mark one answer

gffi'.fu,{.- .,W,+:'.,': ,';:' ':':''''. i

.s) E plqtgfim- 6q1, g<'q'5]Q6gq'

,) E'MdVe offGuiekly,'and'turn'in
-.'' ,. .' '--'l-,., ' ,{Sry
, ", ' front ofthe Cy'-list', '-'-. ,.-'''
b) [I Move elose.up-to,,the cvclist to-' fo tr EIftB grfi rr1, $€xlr 6-{1'
$tffi ,$ffi Eq ql'ir
c) E Sound the horn to warn
q;.n , "IY-- '

6.aT Ai <rfir{r
the cYclist
fsr tr rTiac-{-d E-rtriF rffi E-66 {rr m
d) d wri, i"r-tr'etydi ;";"--! ,ffil ..

ffiffiffi Wffiffi ffi"flw- Wffi ffiwq

wffiWffi w$fu ffiffinffir ffiry ts *
ffiwflrygq ry6
H- ffiwwffie ffiwffi&wffi
83. How does alcohol effect you? b\9. {'q-flF[ T-{rFf fr-o"t "rffi q:
Mark one ansu/,er ,' ...,''' Affi.ffi. .ry{ '

a) [ lt impr:,oves y..oUi co-ordination ie) i,f].W,'=. .{l(Tr qr<
b) l-l lt increases your awarenesi fr)"[]ffi,wr tF5m'eqr
c) fi tt reauces your concentration
d) E lt speeas up'you-ieactions fia tr q' q6.-Et'fBm rrr
84. Y6u.are plannin$ a':l ong iourhey- Ua" g 3l@
-'Do.y_o'u nee.d$'plan r.e.q1 ops? "'"' ft- g,rtsr 'q.t
,.:=t ii 'i'a:.:.:::, ,r -.

oqG sq.{ fufus sF{

,qr"' i'ffi'
Mark one answer
a) r'.f] "Yes,'you'ihbuH-plan-'ta-'rs br, qTr
every six hours ' , 't.$-.T| ' ,

b) fl V"t regular stops heip ftl

, i.::::-tr dr, fimfrs ?ntrrq enfo urmrco
., fr|, ,qeQlTgI

c) E
No, you will U" t"tt tired if you $1. ', E '*T{"Ttrg' Q'F-{'IYry
r@ '

d) fl No, only fuel stops tu) tra, .q1q (lx-tE.,ET TryT

will be needed TffiT6_{ ETT

85.Y6r.r.ar waitin8 t9 emgrge at 2,.;,-. bG.,-sEE 6-ql-im'rTfrrs qmK" E-{T

junction Your view ii iestricted eTrryI' 1 ffi'q,<t''
,'by+arked vehicle-s:;.Wtat, caq. help rmr EErflrEisr fr]rE 1 i6 65=6q 6a
you to see traffic on the road You <lvlr rrla q6qr c TrsK qr{{rg-{
..-' -are,jgihin!?.'- '" . ,.
, ,, :,: :.,

Mark one answer &ffiffi '..q q-.

...q- ..,:: :::: . ,,,,

a) l-.I Looking for traffic behind You sr ffi,llrq

b) d R"ft".,Ions of traffic in shoP f<) tr rrr+ro< 6FlIFIr{ srrr. qIlE
r,r, '',:, . ,., fffif{
windows ,

c) [ Making eve contact with:other' frl ,,tr n .. " srq:,TTr(q{ (D.x;?rT

' ,'
-;.:: .- ffi,,-.f,[[ii- T{ Iffl,.,-
:, ,

d) [
road users
Checking for traffic in Your fu)'tr
''""''" '"
W ffi*. ,,

interior mirror ffisrm'

86; W.hich TIJREE.are likely to,, mslae :you b'\e fr,ffi c{E ffiry.',, 'Elqffi
lose eoncentiation''whi le driVing?'
qqr{-+,{ effr<t
Tm rc I

Mark three answers fir{C sgr iEfoE s+T

a) Z Looking road maPs s) E ngm {TIn rrcr69 qterffi
b) [I Usin$ y'otrotindsere'en shers fql tl GM'q srFrm <ir€K T-flrf,
c) I Looking in Your wing mirror fi) tr ry{r qfllnm frro srflc-q
d) Z titt"ning to loud music 6ffi: .e6 <rql rllIcn
*i 'E
e) Z Uting a mobile Phone 6 rql{ ,Tq '
87.Why must you take extra care bq. s? 6s-rm une-rs-rrlg f{re r<ft
when turning right at this junction? qEr rf{ll ET{Tt 3r{w'ft{'m-'{?

Mark one anslver AIT,IE W{ TEIAE fiFi

a) f Road surface is poor o 1,,'[ Krcr{ : S6.,p,-;q6p1f s'-lIldr't'rrs
b) f Foot paths are narrow f<l I qr"rnsefr rElE
c) E Road markings are faint fr) E'' Elfl@ft ffi,'qrffil
d) U There is reduced visibiliry fur tr serrT rBrrnu<in oq

88. Th is Yellow.sigrlpa vehiCle uu" q$'' .,atffi

indicates this is etripffl g'K qei rq

Mark one'answeF .srfr tsr 6Frs Fsq

a) f A broken down vehicle s) tr st srm q'mrwl ezx qFn flfu
b) fr Aschoolbus fu tr \rt ,lTf; qq <'Pr
c) E' en ice e ream van .'i '' lrl tl ut .qsfr qrffiz:r< t&
d) E A pr:ivate arnbulance :-' fur tr sr srfi <rfuers sTrflq

A;;- ,q d* eSffi
'... ffi'.ffi'
89,You are driving 6n a ioadyifl1"-:, ; .

several lanes. You see these signs l' Src

above the lanes. What do theY mean? C.
1.ffi,.q?t,fu '




,Mark bne.-answer . .,: -,"' ,qsG 6'sr qiFT

s) tr slq rqam{ tm .fsr erml-Sfrs
a) f, Traffic in the righi lane should stop
b) ., fl'' Tfaffi c-i n-theJeft lan6",sh ould stop ftj-n"., {&<..$q}
c) Fl tne two right lanes are oPen fi)'n' -:q36- r*frt,, ., 1

d) Effln" two lefi lanes are oPen )-'n" -!,€"{'rrlffl-l l

90.You are driving towards this level SdSi: 6qE 6r?rq< eTT
crossing. What would be the first qT{'{ erEi{l 5sq q.l-,l-69 sK 3aN
warning of an approaching train?

Mark one answer .{TE \EgT Gfrs orq

a) f Both half barriers down .s) ll TF-C<FT r?r9l AI{IC{T
' . '., - ;liL tlk::=

b) B A steady amber light ftl' E mg,

'<ffi ', ",
ti:i ,i Lt

c) E One half barrier down r'i

d) E Twin flashing red lights fstE E?ffi Eq-E-s qlq 3rtu :,.i):,I


9 ,l' . An- e1'deriy=peison'gjr:iVing, ,ability '$S;"UqW*: 'El'I 'Efqlr-{l?t

:' .,'Could'be affected because they,l-' SETgt qTIE'IfrT ?f,\9 'TT[<I
. may. bg hable to ,, ', ', -. , qas q+'q .a.Cfl

sllT.l fsr{
::..::..: 't::::a= ::.:' .::': ,.:::::-.: : i::: :,:::

,Mafk,6neansw,qq .'.'- ,,--,, tffi" " '',- ,':::. ':1:'

a)' f] LJnderstand,'r6'adrSi$hs.- 1'' .s) n rrvr< Ge g<w
b) E Obtain car insurance nl E tltfu-f, ArT sircs
c) El Reait very quitktf'r::::r' '::i: frlf rstvrgrvl gfi5ftrT-{
d) ll] Gir" signals correctly $y fi" ''{q@.'fi?rg :

5'r. qrE
92. The red lights are flashing. iunts.) EET s-fi
What should you do when ,-,, ,qqgE:..qF.< ,a? ma,q "frr$'
approaching this level crossing?
qflE e{g' fr s$'ll{1<,,Gftu?

Markoheaniwer'-= - '- ','r,.' €TE 0s{ S'frs T-s{

,:. ::
',qi i . "E\9TI
4 n
b)' tr
Go through quicklY
Go,thiough-earefullt -," ' ' 6.'.,fr- qrfl-' rq({urqqr€TI{r\BTr
c) E Stop before the barrier fn i [Es-K
d)'E' S*iteh,an'=hazard.w3r:1i ng'{rthti fu; tr Er-wt$ el.rfrq 4ta.D"4 rqrq fi{I
93. What type of vehicle could you expecr b\9. TNrK q'qT{r6{' rsl-{ s-{m{ {tfu3
to meet in the middle of the road? Trffel T6en'T<ft qeX'f< rr€{fl

Markone ahswer ,ssB ffis

iDS-< qf;r
a) Lorry il l

b) f ,Bicycle r{)LITr{ I
c) f car '. fxr E romr l@
d) fI Motorcycle Ist Li mrrfl{T{rsq

."ffiRt& m: Tsr SFg Ls-{?

94. When'lapproaching this hazar.d ba.-..{Q ,qtg1q.frK
why sho:UA you,slow down? .'

Mark two answers ffi BET Gfus srr

a) fi Because of the bend 4)"5 {m< @=" lffittz:n'vral

b) E Because its hard to see to the right fr)'=Eu,

c) E Because of approaching traffic fr) tr Eifls {Frrcrm 6-{I
d) f Because of animals crossing fsl il q(r<I "rneilT slrcE m. 6qi
e) [ Because of a the level crossing $ n=' q:m' r'e
.:.:::: ::

iu n&-Erffrm ur .6 rqrs Ererqdl

i::: ::r: ..: ..:,
a :

95.You areabout.to drive home. You fegl.

v-erytr'Ed and#e s.eo.e-$ead-ch e. ;
W"Ifr <I{ TIg !,r-Fd T-ffET d<(
qlslln' € <il$ s-f,681 sfiflq]< Gfu

Mark one answer ,ssffi Gsr Bfus Fs{

a) 6 Writ until you are fit and ay f,,,ffi uar ry qI PsTl
well before diive ,, ..''=',,4d$ urrtffi 4.{l ,,.
b) E Drive home, but take a tablet f<l tr aniu urErcqr Er< xTell (fiq-Er
,.H : -,,
for headache
c) f Drive trome if you can =1r5'q1g16 xfr' @ eilq'rg, ?ir6fi
-"r ' stay a* er=- t&
@na*ur"a-' ,

$'' n'Wait'far a lhort time, ,, ,.'' ,='' fsl I fsqsq w6"fs{ oar< "lr r'{
then drive home slowly
'f*u sh**ld *<:t *ver{e.k* ul"ri*ss lt is n*mlly n*e*ssary. Anrivir:g sa{e{y is m*r*
imp*rtant tl"ran tai<"ir:g risks. A"ls* l**lE sut fe:r r*ad sigr:s and rnanl<ings that sh*pur
ii ir iii*gai u,r-w*i:$*.$ l:* xns;l{e t* *vertak*" ln r:rany e&ses *v*r-e*}<ing is xlriiiteiy iu
sign r{irantly i m pr*v* !erurn*y ti n"r*s"

33 ?fryrrq qT q{q * *rcZBa;n ffir tfi}'s ffiI i "4rk f;{-/3l $fq Hi*m"K {Etx
Eqgr"crw.4,rytIqr Sgm,:Tfrry ry<r :tr-enefr ,n fut"tp BT ::q tre m'T
e"w; {ryslTH'er-l ,g'xrxrivrry ;s-IK hzH i$fiqE {rI E{rE]5J }iTW$ sxtr }w$ qTsi{r"K]K
r n6rf*-r fu-er,:rc*l rurfr r

96. Overtaking'is a@or cau,ie of b\9. svHrFis'TTI qFK e-{T W

collisions. ln which T'F{REE.of rlrry sffi om{t frH{ 5q-a ffi
situations should you NOT overtake? E{glT +rr Glus a-q?
Mark three answers ,,ffi'.GlQq*'.=
a) lfi Wyou are turning left shortly €) t <&' ooB.' ar€., r{' --

afterwards f*re er
b) [f When you are in a one-way f<l tl {fi ari"rf{ rsrc{I eqn-ers
street STSI$ 'i' ' , '' .',,

c) fi Wnen you are approaching fr'l t {fi' qr"rfq rorril uq"rcffi ft-6s
a iunction srTI-{ E(,tr.T
d) m lf you are tr:avelling'up.a,[ohg::h.ill' lsl tI rfr iq rrn-< frm rrET o-Cr{
e) il Wnun your view ahead is blocked ?r Il n'?ffi nl{ffi ir-a 6qqg 4;5< 4I
This section lacks at the risks whem
dealing witlr vulnenabie rcad users.
xlE]H ry{sFffi srffi wqrr ,s* $I*reTr
rq"qT €cql

The questi$ms will ast< you ahout m f{qrx'' qlsm"rrq, ES ssr qcq'
6 Pedestrlans w srqrF-rfr
ffi CFrildren ffi qlffi'rfr'l
re Elderly drilvsrs ffi EXW FTq*S
W Disahled peoptre ffi qsq' trfu
ry flyclls*s wr q"rftree u'rrys
W $4otnrqreli wmrffirm.e qmsrfr


\ lilriid

\s:g rlsi

I. You are'rever:sihg.afouild,i cor:ner.
-5,,-,' 'fire,.M,,s. ,l,w"ffr
when you notice a pedestrian walking
,,, b-ehind'you",What should,,you,doi - -
..,-, ,94-q,tr.
"feffi q-f"RK fiqi{
. ,i,.: '
, 1; : "' .': ,,, ,,,, 'lF@t..,fr: s'rr- +"r+rr. tfrgr

a) f
dffi,fu:''6fu'T*.r ,,

$ 1 tr qfu +r'
Slow down anJ wave the
pedestiian ,..os r TTl .{<( nq6-{ffi
b) tr Co ue ieversing and steer .',,,, =,' ffi, ,,q![Ei ffi ,

f<t E ftvrli sir6s eirfl s<(

round the pedestrian
c) I Srop and give way _ rerm,
fr; tr
"rEDrfluT Tr( qrd {rsTr
Et-cs rqro rEsrr
d) [' Contihue.ieVeisihg and fut tr kPri o-rrg EFFr s<q
sound your...horn pi <rwrc-+r
2. .You'want'to'tuan riglrt,fram
;'mtih ''p..',,' ..gfgf: -r,qfrs.
rp-it TM,IT.'
road into a side roid. iust before
turning=yoll'-houfd,,r: .-'::,,, :,r r,: . ,,- ryv Eryl rflv rfirK qr6rr
, W"r;rK GTEE
Mark'one,.inswer:-. " .... . ,, ,,,.,r.
'*ffi. W,,EFG',r+-*,
ilb), E Caniel your right-turn signat ,q,;,'f],,- :.q{ffi'T&.T.T|
.:' . fr)'E-a - . ,'q,;;':-:
E,Seleitftst{e?r." ,', .,..,..,,
c) f Stop and set the hand brake ryE=tfu, ..c&.rEiT ffi{r
d) fi Cnec*for traffic overtaking on isr tr TE{rE;r sH frcp ernrsrts Tr6ry

, "'.',,,. ,/'o*i'r:ight . ,. ' m rtrq r<mrq rrfl

3. Ycu ar6 dr:iv_ing'in,slow-moving '
,',4 '':f,[email protected],trFr fu[gr,,
. ' ,''U
'.' -qlfu-..{ T6{T
queUes of.traffii.Just before-changing
lane you should
f ,,n1ffi*i <,-+m
srr6?r ofrs
Mark one ans\ryer ,q'Fffi.,',
a), D,,,S6u-a+he horn €) E ei <rsrffir
b) EI Look for motorcyclists filtering frt tr rqitr{rrrro-q El"rs-fl rrf.sr rFrc
through the traffic i
' -., ,-'ftfl 21 ,,+-,r,ru,sl rtr.<[
c) E Give a'ilow down arm signal irrr tr rrfu oq r-{l:l els qqraEi 6,,'TI
d) [ Change down to first gear fiE; tr gem fimm firt qr-rri

4. '-How,Wor;6tou'react to diiv " 8. Wfl C{TtfisI 8""1tr ufryOCir-< gfu

,i who.apry to.be-ihexper.i ied?.-, ErlrK 3fi5r6Tr fo <-+q er{r
't t,, '--,
,' -=-t' ,. , . ,

Mark oh nswei:
,. .''l-, ,, '- ,
qTfr \Esr fufus Ts{
a) 5 Sound your horn to warn them of
your Presence
.q) tr Fi <Ieifg !m1;r6 g"fffi
6Tr{Gr rk-rT
b) Fi B" patient and prepared foi them frt tr ?n{ ro s<( srcr-< flfi5f6gr

w{ Er( [E o-a1 zrgs crrs]"

c) 5 Flash your headlights to indiciie fr1 n=' ffi:. ,T{q rq.rt 6{
: - ::rr -..- "- , ,-
that iirs',safefoaaham:'topiaeeed ,

fu.).",p.''*' ,, .,,
as possible (€sBrrtr?"s Tr{) F6tr' Tr€{r
'5.. ,Wly ihoutOgu alto*,eiu.a'ra;-A . r. 'ffi'
' . when 6vertak|,1rg-i,n,otoi*t t--,..
ona windy,day'" :-,,,.:.1-.':','1.,.
'" "€ ffi,
r<Fr onn [Ers rE-qI v,fro ro-q?
Mark one answer
a) f
iffi"T"" ,'

Ther:r.ider may be travelling fxter. ,.{) fl.' ers qr\rlftrsr r,Err g

than normal
b) [ C{FI tfurc Elqr6€'
The rider may stop suddenly
c) [
m; E qiiriqT ?zis BrG,. rqus nrffi
The rider may be biown fr)-,E-,' 'qE-tx
rTrqrT E-reI qllrg "rrffiK
d} .,n,' The rioei miv' oifudBniy _ "rrcr
fu; E <ism rqrrs rsl rq[E wie-{reT
to get out of the.wind,-. ', . '''.,
qfiE E rq rflg i{6s fqrs
6. You are waiting to come out of a '$.'' r - . qi
side road. Why should you watch
q"isi s-{rE'i Hrrtrry rErs4{ 6,-{T
earefully, {or" motoicy.cle-i?., ....,
'Maik,Ohg;-OU*a;.., ., ,,," :
=i: :i:.:t::'i '::::- :...:.::i
. ,.=. 1 ,-:..',
.qsG g-g.-{ ffio o-sq
a) E Motorcycles have right of way *,r E mffiT wryir-om r6a
b) ,f ,.Poliie' patr.ols,ofteR-use" . .-
f<l tr **. *u fu-- "ff"*
motorCyCles , '' ''' ..,1
rqiffi <rfrqrr st? qrf,
c) E Motoq,qylieS,ar"e usualiy' ,. ,- fql tr rfiffimr-q-{ rrfu artr<qio
- faster than cars -"', ,.,-illT -' rEFI e{ <uq
C '&q<
d,y Mo,o..ycles are small
and hard to see C+cE qTfr{r rF
7..' You,are diiving+n-i main aa,
., .q, , ,,@'.mrc,flTfu
intend to turn right into ,-,.,'.',8:! l"'-qrT., 6q]g- frer ,

a side road. Just before turning rern nvtr qrlir :q-{v $rfCETI
you should
E{lV (Brs strror or"nm Gfre
Mark one answer q<58 i?,v'I 6fu.s E-#T
a) f adjust your interior mirror .q) Efu-{< sqTn fr-flrrr
b)' t]-flash iour: headl-mpi'.-'',,.,,
frt rqsrq"r,er E'n <qn
c) f] steer over to the left fr).E',qF, &C-s:,ffi .TrIr{I
d) E check for traffic overtaking on is) tr u'rq ft-s fr-cr {I{'TrE{ qr"l;ffi-s
sqrT]rF-{, 4-f,6tr ut q"sl rr?rT

8. ..A horse rrider:.is.in'ihe-le#ltne b",S ffi"'

-,,,@ l '@.,stgqr

approaching a roundabout.
you'sh6'uldrexpd,tne r.idef:to -=- ,89*to
i,.,. I,"" -..,.. ,

Mark one answer €om Gsr ffios +<ry

a) E Go in any direction .q) E}.m' ,,ficr"Hr,g- ?nffi
b) f Turn right frl 'r ,,"@.r,{]E,fr(g- "tt(T,,
c) ,.8-,furn''left. :..:' :'-::., ' .-,.: '- ftl tr <ffi fii-rs rqi-iE i*re eflrr
d) Co ahead
E iul tr rrrsr rarc nrm
How will a school crossing pui.of tbr", t "
signal you to stop? ffi,,
Mark one answer
€):' eg;:+( srq
1) E By giving you an arm signat .,fu,' '
b) ! t, disptaying a red tighi
c) U By pointing to children on the rt, E ;<"nio ta,mT felE61it
opposite pavement 6rsr6{I
d) VF eV disptaying a stop sign ^ _ lsr
qtrD-r6r-<' frro ?frs qrs
Er.{ fre-,r,qq
I0..Y are approaqh@,th'iS,,iraSitng,
;o.,'qfl .,et,l qmf
You should
?6ETl El"f:il-?f GBE

Mark one answer ',fiffi= ,.1,.,.'1.

a1 fr' nrepit'taa"*.down m,.!. ffi. €<q .fqf{ q.I€TK
and stop w-* g6s'A *nsl
b)' E'Stopinorwave:the .

fr;'tr'i3lrq :Eys.,.,fq;-6fi-
pedestr.iani across,., ':',r,;ffi?|l?..
= ,.<EII
c) E Speed up und pass by quickly.
5"'ffi" qqm.r6_t ErE qlsrl
d) LJ Drive on unless the fsl tr teffirf p-li 4. qT
pedesffiahs=step out "rTIqrLT{
<rsrrfl Drf, $gTI
I l. You see a horse rider as you bb. iltg.g<rm qI€TI:r
approach a roundabout. They are "rrE ,sr-6-{
signalling right but keeping well
=iurr-Erom r'.qrtr{i rry srqiE-a{
Tqr$s frre. frtr {rqf il{-
to the left. You should Ir{ E]rS-TE I 3IT'FTK GfuE "nrt

Mark one anslver ssft

a) f Proceed as normal sr ,E. , EI[,T DTEI, T.{s{I , ,,

b) f Keep close ro rhem f<; tr Er6E-{ ryry 61ffi q-6'1

c) E Crt in front of them ftl. ' gtq[T{ {r{r:{ E-rq E]:qT
d) f; Stay well back ful tr'm*f. .q'6u qrc{
l2.Some junctions controlled by traffic
lights have a marked area between
two stop,lines. What is,thii- r.i.,'
m ffi-p" ,qqT*fiii
,'w"t1q1yq,ff" ae riffi@
ffi'L'9flffi'cnrF.r El., fr w-{1.2

Mark,one-ansurer , '., -.,1 q@.,fu, G-fu'q+e .

a),E Io allow faxis.to,position.in*ont
of other traffic
,sf tr-rNr{. sr<-sl;r
,ffi qry qr{-{rEr{{
b) E to allow people with disabilities f*cs zrrm w-fi
to crosi the road
r<l E tq c qqq.,ffi6l Ttst "ffTI4R
e) 'D'To altow.cyc ino'paa*.i;n. s'llffi U-{T

', , to cross the.road1ogether'- 'i=

ftil un< "rqurfirr €s ryy,-
,.,, ,',.,-'"ftflT g7{T
fui'tr' ' '
u), E'S,ailow's){f1i 6rii#in'
' . ' . front"of.o-ther. traffic,. .'':l ' : ''. -, ''
i, ,,,
. .,,---, -,:.qI s- ,' ,.F{fl,llt:6{f
l3.You al.e drivingin toWh..The-re,is I
-,b1i -q{r {[& ,

a bus at the.bui stop,on itre othei

DT-d'lftrT, Tf(rK .wfi ,',enrirr qnfkt
gfl'D <rry all{.rafl q?rsr$ qr@
you-be caieful?
, '.ut1 Ft
-,' - I

3IlTrr-i? ,

qffi uq* ru'r+g opq

a) ' E. The bus may remain stationary ..s) .f] qp1, , ,,q1rc en-ft
b] E The bus -"y,ror",off-luOoenf fr: tr,.<m.,.*tr'qq[E ,s-" s-<zu "nz-{
c) E P"dertrians may come from fai tr E CTi w1ruq rtrr
behind the,bus.' i .: '
D-rd El.ryrg "frF
d), tl The:bua
'"ay have lioken down
14. Wtich "sign tCits you iiiai [edeitiians }8.,'R.IT 'ffi r{',!?rF, ms,ffid
may be walking in'the,road,,
,Cq?t" fqqil'-

', frrs
"f fmfa ttfn
€tBf,D-{t s<rq?
Mark one answer crqfr EE-< fu Epq

b)tr d)n ,fr:tr

C)E d)tr fsttl

I 5. Motor:eyclists will,.often. look r:ound
over their right shoulder just before
.5&. . gffi;4.
(ln5 Errr<
- ,turnrnq$;This because ,-i
rs *ry ryK Jd-x-+rg 9rq
O"r{ frrT g5s rrm I srscr
Maik 6;c '.' - ''r'= ,-:,-.:' '
"nfi"' ]iatanti' .-, ,. .'- qTfr
sq{ ffis Epq
a) :.lll.They'neeo, .c)"E=' ffiffiirrfu

b) E Motor:cycles do not have *iirorr.

"rq' rflTrc ET
I{) U HIETTIET$,FT{ rs'rrTl qH.il r{E

aroun'O fretpi them,. - fti, 'ry:qqE g..w "''
__ balance as they turn
r rq.q(E.
d) p fney need to chect for traffic ^
fs; E umrg E.E< enorr-+<
<-6IT' Tl?rre "Irr{
, in.their blind 6rea.,. ., '.'.,.... ,. . ', rq-q-rc ES
16. Whar does this sign tell you?
b\9.. ',da,,rm'q.r"rnrq A Erryz

Mark one answer qTfu \?,ET Gfug

a) E tlo cycling. ]i)..,8,, ', Tfi{ frfq+
b) d Cycle roure ahead frr E aiq(-T aiqrsq El-ryscq-" ilsr
c) E Cycte parking only fi:) E- ',ffi
d) E rna of cycle roure "116 o'-rl
*,, f .1<r$6t tiFiQTrT TM (rFI
I 7. Whai: must,a driver do at.a pelican . ;q,.,f ,, E E..TIfu
cr:6ssing.whenrhe-Cmb;ef tigfrt ..., .

.. ...HET6, (EIFrs,l +-6T s<Fr €sw-{

.ffi..qqgp:, ::

Mark one an$r.-.-r-- ..,- .t -=-,,' qTiE WT IEr+g SiFT
-r'l :-::
.: , . ,','': '

4,'..fi ,atwayi =*;it'ta. :gne-nfghi .ir; tr E-Gr-re umiB TTI{ qffrl T{ :T:I$
- before proceeding I-{w <IfuT qqT qreFFr S-{I
b). fr Giv,e *,ayto.iny,fiaoertihn nu,,, f<t tr "nrr"nr-g rsrtr{T
?rcrFrfi- Elrr-ffi
srm-{rs qrra r{N m'TI
c) [ wait for ihe red-and-amber light fal tr ETcg qrrg s-<m qra qlq
d) fl
before procieding "',', R"ru rT&-T,,fi ,q-5e1qp E-gy
Signat the pedestrian to cross fuj fl== ",EE5ffi6q
r(csg o-<r
18. Which sign means that
there may
be people walking along the r.ouj?
5p. ftq5 f+q trfos- q?t f{ TrsK
B"rE frcq ffi €l.0r\; ;;;'
Mark one answer qffil' ;q*q

n {)., E

c)tr d)tr fr)tr fqE

I 9. You ar.e iUr:nj ng. Ieff in. to,a Siae r"oaJ.
Pedestrians are crojsing the road
ub; wt1ftm- ,ffi,. 1'
6<rr-F "rqD'rfl]rr qmrflT{ T-f6E,l
near the junction. you must
€{',gr{Al-T ul.i"H,{ rf-{.tT? +-g{f

Mnrk.6n6.ini*ar ;--- :: " - :

€sG sET 6fus +pq
a) [ Wave them on
b) E Sound your horn
fu tl Ei q6]rqT
c) il wui- foi them to cross F{t n" :" ?fl6<B.,.Eq+,,q,Zfq{ s-f[
d) E Switch on your hazard lights fui'n' €ffi r .q.m?rl
,20ftu-ai on,i' uun*.io-id,'-','=',, ., 'qq;' .ffi. ' f
What should you expecr to see ='r':i'..-':'qtr?l
lil.r.4.6q,ffi frm f{n-ftg
coming towards you on your side ftq- fstfs is qmF 2[rr{ Tffi
of the road? wnfr q-flH s-f,68 "nr{!?
: t:'
, , .....,:. , .'' ,.''"

Mark one answer

i) -fi'r, eiiiffi"," ---"'.t -'',
€rTE iEg{ 1p1qg Ts,T
q) E aeprftfl
b) [ Motorryctei f,<t tr rfiffi;+"T rT{
c)' .n'Bictcles'.-. .,''- "'..1..,-,.= i' fryt tr <rffi+-e rTg
d) f] Horse riders -*
rs) L_l q,flcTrKT
2l . Where would you see this sign?
ab. €i BE@ CsTsiis f3-<t6E nr."?

Markone answai ,,,,. , . ','r . '6ffi.ffi ,qpq,

a) [ Near a school crossing 6r tr qq !qr-ft--ffi-{ T.rrE'

b) E^ A, a playground entiance
c) O O" a school bus 7, E r-oqi-ia'm Ercfi z1-rd.r etrsr
d) f At a' tpedestrian only',aiea 14) tr mlt-{r qa <rra
fol tr '${ "letbrfi, gqtsTg
22. Ycu want tor f€\rerie,into- a sidd road
You are not suie that the area behind
{p.. ft.61. qtiqrrr' &Fr{ orn
?Fi-{ Trgrs EFrc EFil Tris<
. y.our ,car -is:'clear, - " ' .r- ,. ,. .,, fu, 'fr.att5gpfr,
What should you do? q-Tr fu TTI ql?r{tr gTi\ar
Mark on" rnr*"r .qffi kl .!BF-T :

3i Q,,lo"f'thr.ough rearwindow onlf' &1

,b). ''[' out ind cheik ','. ,. ' " "'
tr 19n f"rur.rr @csrrs cr"cn
frr tr qft(<- Cfi Em rra?iT
:l E Check the mirrors only fxl tr \e{ qr-sfl-s 16'<rT
d) [ Carry on, assuming it's clear fu, E fr.<i'at Eirp' Fs(-< Elrrre qrs,

e\e. EsTffi q,-fr(,ef,trg

qrfi' E-<-"
a) [ Cycliits are not permitted "66;1
Jr.r tr Tiercq Ei"tS' ftfqq
b) [ There is.eontinuously flashing fl<r E I-{ {qr e-{f <rfu ffiffi
s-flre ctr(s
c)" fi'',Fedestffisr and' *aliiis,' -',. frr E 'i'<ltt-ft gqq ffacr-m EI?tiF
may cross Tre
"n1il?rK 1IC-T
d) [ You only stop if someone is fsl tr r+-q flri"nrfl{ 6-{r urr"t.+,,s
waiting to cross eiFr(q \9{ s<TQ rr& qrflr-{T

24. These road markings must be

kept clear to allow
rB.= {S.'fistwfr T-frl,
TI?IF Er-{ rT{

Mark one answer €sfr GE-( fpfos 6;-q

a) [ School children to be dropped off 4}'-f. F,,fr,. FIS'IIE-fl.T' Tffi{tT fiTI rrm
b)' ,f]'Foi hers.to'[aik",',, ""..,,. fr)='Er :ffi ,apf s'61'qp
c) E ehildren'io'be,picked"up' -,

fql tr <rw'rrr-qro flT&t\s G"brc-+r Tm

d) fi A d. , view of the fgr tr "rt<TryFfr .qqrot strf,IsTrq
25.fu you approach a pelican ..o.ring q6. 5ffi1q-q oftrrr
the lighti change ra gr€en;.r .. . l frrs q$ryr #
Elderly people are halfway
"rl-f{g{ E6S T{5 TrrsrE
You should
€fqfE-i TSS neD'rfr{T Efi ut6f,{
TrsT 1r{ q6T(D-{l uII"Hr{ Gt}E

a) 'E wareii .. 'ai;* i=:' '- :€m-'G&'' '",, ,1.

i as Quiekly_as Ihqitt .',.:', ,..,.. €) E rcffrg{ slvtslgl

: "ns p€TEr
b), f].'Rev youiengine'to i: a gry
Tfu ErE ?.n<-r a-+r
i. .- -: . I<) E sr6q-{rs srgT ry{r< wi ?[qr+*
' make them h.ur..r7 , , . ,l'-
', '1, ,'
Tq <rfsm rv-Tr
c) E 5tasn,you.
liEhts ihcase they frl tr ErAts ?'rn Tm orr, Efls srEKT
have not heard you
?rrfg'{ }rq' r{H-re
d) E Writ because they will take _U
_ "tmf{
felr{ qfl. sm.r uraE[I enfietrffi{
longer to cross -- -:. i"ffi'-,fu ' -, ::-
26. You inrehd to rur.n.rilnt into . .
.ag.' Affi {fqq,qqr{tr':Tffr
a side road. Just,befoie turning
you, sho- uld check, for.. motor.ey65g1s
ffi-s Grf,re-+i r{rs ril-+K T{ T--re
frru fm q1Tr€tfqT 6{i r+6'-
-, ''':i:''
crisT ucs, Er€KT qflE
l.= ...::1..; :.:. .'
, ::
Mark one answer
6ffi i?,w Gfos E*q
b] [ Following you closely ltt
;urirBQ* s-rffi
.qrT<lcr flp.Ti *ra,
:) E
Emerging from the side road
f.,E "i'fiT a;RT rqT6 FKm *'ry6"
ff Overtaking you on your right ?", E ufi"<l ftrx eei-<rFs- sfltr
27 .You are at the front of a queue
of lq. arf,<-<in
traffic waiting to turn right into -, , ,.. . ftb_F rerm
rl.1g r{lrtjr
a.iide:r.oad,,lVfiy ;5, 11 irnpor:tani',
om qrermg slrrE-{
to check your iight mirror
r*g 5aa6 T{ TQre s-r{.elsil
, t -,.,-,,-..
-....gryry.;ryryT ,,, ,,
' 'fu' ,FsE
a) U to check for overtaking vehicles
b) E To make sure the side irJ i, .1"* li A qlz-tr
nHr4fF rrsTr rFr{re'{ fr<r65
c) tr f" check for emerging traffic
fn)tr qgr Tror
qr6o Er rr-<rrc
d) tr r" look for rr-," p.i"Jri;;, F, tl {Frrre;[ r-<frrr srm-ru er rt<rrs
fsj tr "reo^rfr_+r*Nr "nm"rm a-fl-<
about to cross
3vfu frr.q orcr-vce- rq-?rrc
28.You are'turning into a side.i6ad:
,at,,.Ef.tE' ,,aa,fi T,mrs rxrg
,. ..What hazar:di should you, ' ,'
ia5qrl rorl f<arrm u-+r nnq
'especidlftaware+n"" ', ,,.''-r ..
" I-s-f errfi O6oz

Mark one answer :i':.. .L,::::::,' I li

t i ' :

'..9 ,,'"',. - ,..'. '.,,

i) [ one way streer '4)i 'f=,g gm=' ' w,{r'''' -"'
b) Z Pedestrians f<r tr flqurfrrq{ F*r
c) E Traffic Congestion r'ar tr {Fwrm e-{T
d) E Parked vehicles fur E fl<- T-frr {t=l<rgrqT 6-{r
29. You are foilowing .a. driven by
" eb. qfi [s.rfir T{'S ATfo Er4$rs
' -, an, elderly,driVen you' uld
a.tfficf S'f,CET. Eq-q qIe1-4K UBE

Mark one answers

a) LJ hxpect the driver to {j H''
,. .{pffibad,ly,,:, ., ,,. -- . ,.-,:.:-l ', " ur
q 'A Be a*ar.e th*the dl:iVer.'s,'
reactions miy not be
m m a'. 3ffisr w-ltTr{
.,. --..,',."'T "ry, q'f,'*-.qfi5, pflr{
as fast ai y6urs :. . :
..,.._- .: i el:lT.J, ,
c) I Flxh your lights.,inU overtake
F, n fiA6- Err sTr scrr6F-s s-n
d) I Stay close behind and
drive carefully .-."-'-'
tr srn srs-flm
-ft rfl?T{ rarrs
ffi::U1 i
30;Mo-toisy iSti-a,r.,e=par:ti iity. t.
.go". tt
' :, ,
ftry Tr< {?F[ Eronr
Markone'answar.: ,. f i'::
W{ frfus qrq
a) 'E 'When,,moiing,6tr6'-.'=.' ''' .,.
sr tr El-d6{.I EErg s-rF.
b) E On dual carriageways &),,Er 'q$frwemrrc' s|tor<
c) U When app*oachlng'fuhctions frt.,,f] witm,ft-m gT{ {.q
d)- D'Oh motorways ., ,,,,,

3 l. Yellow iiigzag lines on the roa_d. 05. mT'rlk{ Tg-tT E-{r

.outside sch'ools, mean :: qi;4 , qrci

a) f
Sound your horn to alert € ) tr Tlvr <iaEr+ri* wrr{-r(q-Tr{
other road users ,,, =t T,g6 wr{. 6aT Ef T|gnT{
b) f] Stopto allow.,children to cross, frt tr <16-16?-3 "rrr"l|-LT{ 6-{i {H,ffir
c) fr You must nor wait or park frl.n ,q? Ftle{T ,O"rrT ,q-flTQ rqrcx
,,,- :..,: qr"lTl ql,,{!& ?lrt T-fffi{.qI
d) tr Youlrnuit',not driV_6 ove'r .,., . , &'|tr ?' 0" .=frG ET{IA
these lines - Tnv EI"IT(<:I qI

32. Ahead of you there is a moving ea. qleFrr{ fNc, uqY j.R ,n&Ts
vehicle with i flashing imber beacon. e-qn rEft<; <IG EE-qT e-{rrEt
Thii meani it is temqcfrqbrrrn5ffi
. :t=t'.,-..,. r
r:== r:=:i'iitr : .,, .,, ...rr,,- i ,:,,
l'"'. .: '""'''..' -'
Mark onC'';; ei"-,,t'- .'. ' .{Tfr Ggr ffis s<rd
q f stow moving ..q) tr qrffi Eq-g

b) tr gr.oka'd6wn ',,
i<l n wrsrwr
c) Il A doctor's car fqi D sr-fir uteT(-<r
d) tr A sihool crossing patrol fu)'n"u,@+a,qfiq .6 '-

33.You are following a motor.t;k.
on an uneven road. you should
egr .TIVIT ffi+-c Dl-4$-ad
wF-*"r T-frETl sII9I;lI{ VrfD\5

qsffi rEE-q G'fus E,+q

a) E:Allo*,leis room to ensure that'
you' can be r".n :in'th"ir.'mir;;rs
s ) E ory Errfl dr6 gf<n rr-{ srcr-<
'.' qJ$rr$ rE{T {1}r
b), E Overtake,.immediately.' ,,, ' t,- ,fr)
c) 'A Atlsw eitna ioo. in case rhey,.,. n 4rq:.Irjri' TrEqcB, Erq. {-tsrl
swerve to avoid pot-hotes, ,,
frl tr r<fr FiE- Tr<T. q{E Trsrs flE
d) .E,Attowthe' ioorn*,*ffir T@ gqzV ,Ebfq q:rcs "[rn
because motorcycliits are not
tu: tr: ,ITFI'fu n<ff,sr{er
affected by road surfaces
ffgK qqq,EE\5:r mffirs-4
. , :,EIEf,, ,ffi{ q. 665.
M.Ysna rinuing$r,,im*;*a s8. rflr*r
YOu.Want to,.turn left just ,heaj. :,
T6ers' CarD rfiffics-f,) €T
You should @ "tfu 1'qfu,.fi6
fqtg eT6-a4l qi"HK
<rq f,EfS uf,DE
Mark one ans\rer
Affi ' .!wr
ili A Stay behino untit the moped.has "6'nryp6-'qgrd
e; qrfuqx irl s-{T
passed the junction =--,-.,.;-. ..,e;.y-61
b) fl Sound y hornas'a warning fr; tr aF- TEIF 6-{T az{ <r6'r(ql s"(

_ and pull in front of the rnop"d

\r"rffi? TtTm Drq qml
c) fl' P.ull.alongiiae: tne r.nopea, in'a fu t E w"i-rer "r-r.n"nFr ECs EqT grR,
,befu6 I .:-
:' stay. level.until' just 6(rtc{Irr€TK 1<. {qg ffiv
the junition
Il{H ]i{iT ETFFI
d) I Overtat<e.iiie moped.before._ fuf tr qs,*t6 qf€g.13'','q.rc. .,Tf,q-*.,
. the juniti'on,' ''' gl-.r
c=i-eT4. evmniE+' O-*.r

35. What acrion would you take when \9c..33:qr-.rfl-s.i:,,Tfi.TIVI'tr*,i,'

elderly people are crossing the road? ?-{-rEr s<q io crT qTT{tr sfrsz

.Mar.k,onC anSWerr. ,..,:'.,.. -... - ':;. : -

.€ 6,.t - .,+p.*' , ' '' 'l
E. p;iie"ii;a""lr'o*'iffi'to. "'
4 ,A I tr r.Es-{ trL<
€ q6"rsr qn rq srat-<r
, . ',',. cio-s,ln'their own time -..- .1.,- ;=,,,;.-,r;; ..ry;FfT...?rm, ef:g
b) ,, n .R ne.ugine to let them kno* frt tr ?f,,n{ EBil .rq q:* gftrf-+ "rrru
[T ETffi.< 6-{I qr"I$-r T-f,(ET
c) E Tup the horn in case they are frt tr Ee <rwrfiT srgl-?rT Ere Tq
. ...: ..:i:
".,triia'of'trear.ing',:r',.-,,.,.'' 1.=.,-:'
:l:: I . :....r, .:::rt-t i:. ..

MTTrc "ll$
d) E Wru" the. u.ioss so they t no* ful tr .q_qt'
t rmr s-qt r$[
that you've seen them
srorfl $rtE elrr{ rT E]-6v.<m
36.,Motorclclists should. Wear.:,t .,
ou. '
" -'flfrsn'.q1r.,, 'utr sqr{ r,*";'
bright clothing rnainly U*iu;e GEE

Mark on{ansurer
a; 'n trr.y *uri ao...uy uw
b) [ l hetps teep ihern,<aot tr vi qrt{s qrTt a-rfu
:) E
in summer
;<, e; umle- a=rq-orrq Trg.r
cirs-re TEIltsr T-c{
ryhe colours are popular I{) tr .ei <-refi 6T[AT
d) [[ 'see
Drivers often do not
them, ' =' ' -.,-,=','iffi;$';r+.:... ,
,.,. .,, ..:,, ,

37; ln daytighq
ifproiini4, '-. O4l ' i ,qrrr"
motorcyclis is,usingiaifped .ll i',t., . i.
. headlight.Why?, ' ,,...., - , ;
fwm?D <I{aK s-rce-l gI rs-{?
Mark one answer
a) il S" rhe rider can be seen A.q5p.n:'
more easily
€I fl.€na" r glcalfrr+
EIt-{l T-qr6 m<|t qlcr :
! lb stop- rhe. battery over:chaiging- F, tr_rrFrfr rffi-ffi,r"M qf,,qs
c) trfo impr: rhe'ridef,s,iision
d) E tfre rider ii F, tr qir<le-r tfic-rn-u-<-or ry* '
to proceed
inviting you fuj tr -EE q1rTr{ ffii l

38; ,see- -eldOr{y.peAes,

9P' q,offi 66<1-6aryiffi
about to cross the ioad ahead.
' "rc lft
TIgI flK ESTI]I :rgfu frrq|
You should 'rt_t, ,'
.. ,.,, ,: .:.. : .

'::" :- i_ ::i: i ::i

,.,.:. ,. :..-,: "':
a) [ ,sLU* ffis Epa
Expect them to wait q)'E slEl<Ti'qt Frrc fqm
for you to pass
Ef qflH T-{l
b) [ Speed up ro get past
& C''
,, ,
'r' -'
.thefi quiekly .,,. ,':, ., 'u-
6qT Tfu qstr{I
qfunq. TTru
c) E Stop and wave them m+r -- *t',q,srm
d) Z g" careful, ,h"y *ry
,,,=,,,:=.i.=.F.,,I1T... ,ffi.ffi' <n-*f
misjudge fol tr qsd Eror, ErEril
your speed
Ttrs-{ "ts s-fF
rfu qq w$H "rT"t-{i?

39,:You'are dazzl 6v-a, nilte, s) Trlt rcrr fnb-a{-{ T .fu{ ql+tr-ry
' behln i,ou. Y.ou=ihould ' - r- ''
, " , E$qTK fnfet <r4,ryf66l !fi"Flm GfDg
u :: rt-',,.- '. i
,tr', -;.-:..::::. .,i..: ,,.. ,-. l,l
Mark one answer
a) E S*'ittfr,pur rear lights
€eG GE" fufus rsr
' '
e1-'D' .,,ffi' ",,' ,l
.'. Onand'Off:ri ,l-.:
b) E S"t your mirror to dazzle
'' ':' ,..',-,:,'
,,-.,-,-,. €'fui .

,fr),,"E-'ffi r-iqfim :g ffi{,r#r+ <rEfl'ts

c) Brake sharply to stop fr.r tr f,q-m- $sxtr w-{lFT6T r3?-s s-n
d) Set your mirror to anti dazzle fur E G-i?r rfil TI <rqqrr rq' srr{
40. You must nor stop on ;h"*
markings because you
,.""d s? Er?rofr{ Uffiffi
may obstr:uct . ., .: wrffi.:' qag
,.ell,El,ffi,{i..Tf;- .TTfr,"f
gJfi,' ,, ,-


'") one answer
' ioie*;l ofi:.' " ,"-
€sffi s-s{ Bfus
g) n
<mnq-<zo "rrrr"n< o-rm
,' . ,- -.-..'
.croS'Sing :i -'.i
., , ttga'.,: '
b) [
c) f,
Teachei's ac."s. to the school q}=E- .=
Delivery vehicle's access to
the school
frl,n -r @]'nru Tc-,q
Trd.[ s-{tT
d) E Emergenry vehicle,s access ro
fu; tr 6-f-fi zrr-rsrmr ,r& Tffi
'the school .
3-C<',{ S-f,(s

4l . You notice horse riders in front. qTqm mrc{I urtn-rrfiro rq-{rrtr{|

What should you do FIRST?
I-{ ]'<ri ft- O-fr rri"n6 Gfrg?

.qffiBE-{ fufus q-or

e),E'Fulrr,oui', rre'nria;te=*he.,road .q) E TrgK q{T?mfi Effr qlgTr
b) f Aicelerate around them
E tffu Tr&fs T6T Efq {r\egr
c) Q Signat right frt tr unfras q(rss sirr
d) fi Stow down a.,O Ue fsl tr afs o{rc-*r s<( amim 6-;n'
Sw aU"Ff

42lwhero in particulii shO-uE.fou took 91. Hlffirsq srn<rfirr-* E-{T f{cfi

out for motorcyclists? $tr r$R €t-ffi r\33f qrm ofrsr

Markone,'answCr ' , 'i,,

€Tffi,, ''Gfr, fir{
a) E ln a filling station ,.q)'-,8 'ftfrq .r*r{
o) Z e, a road junction
c) '.lll ,,Near:'6 servic area,,. t,.'.' frt tr TIffi €qFFur rru-rflfu
d) E \afh"n entering .r, purk fuffi,.c-Tl13|,. - ', ,,Egq
56. What do these road markings
outside a school mean? c\9. F,E-.il tr-q-{ T,frfT. Trg[T f"fuurqls
v?r< se Elnefr{ EcF f+-?

€T,eW@s-Wr , ,

3i !
b] E Io, may park if you are a teacher
€) ! ry em -,s-{{s 1lr-fiq
P tr rr qF- ffi'e,f qn*- qr
Sound your horn before parking
c) E When par:kihg r*.-fl#;il"
warning lights
- Tq) tr Tcr;r fffi rr-{ affir6
<RIr3E u<rd
d) $ You -ui, not wait or park _ e$Fi(
rs) L] €cr6{-s'cHe
"rrffi- qrersl qaKI Trfoi
youi vehicle here ., -.. ,.:ffi_
q_61 n1.
57. You should NEVER .o
'.: :'.',r' c'q. .qT-6-{ TrtT-4 Dr4-sm esr<-rFto
over"takea'cyctiit "*"rnp,
' "
r-_s-tT 3s-r-s r{{r
,.,$fu +s
Mark one answer qTG GgT ffig Tfi{
a) E On a dual carriageway {,
b) E On an one *ry rt.""i tr rorC-* WTE qirkwerms
c) l"l-On,a left,hahd,,bend '' ' l<) tr rsr6{r €TFr-srr rmm

d) S Just before you turn left ful tr, euf qsts_ qrr+
58.You are driving past a line of p"*"a
cars, You notite a billEunCinE oot
CU. fifu'w "fl-d T-<T rfl&T "fl.r frTT
into the road ahead.
ffi urqrrq-{l .qsfr {q <TgEr
What'ihould you do?,,
-.-,..,." ', dil{,,-? ,',ffi'<;6a ,6 U*,
" =. w"ril-< ofrrer

Mar.k One answer. ,- -. :::. ,,. ,'....., ' ' ,

.qaB \ry? fufrs qoq

a) E Continue driving ar rhe same s) E rrm af,qr rtrfo DTf{rr qren
.' , '. sp'ebd'end".sotnd.yol,:rho;o'.''
€<( p:i <r6rF[I

b) En Slow down and be prepared to f<r E qfu o{- s-{T (l<( <rFrctr-< 6-{T
,,. stop for"rchildr"en. - . ,.- ' :." .- ram' rtrs rgs .IrsT
c) E Continue driving at the same frrtr )Tfl{ af,src Tifo ETfq[s {Tsrr
speed and flash your head lights
d) E Stop and wave the children - fu)'E-'-*'.8m.',gtr'g1<,,,'?fl&
across to fetch their ball Tr6r[r-<r6s qE Elr<r +-rr
59. The road our side this,.i;J;
marked by yellow zigzag lines.
cb. .q? TrET flfrrr.T C*
What do this lines rnean? cqq efrEriror qrQr'lstr
rk-$r r-cnFl
oi arqaqfi'* srei fu

'gffi,.ffi. .TTT
4 [ You may pirkon:the-lines When 'rq). E'W .'G"ru. fiq17T11 ]1qm.
r , dr:oppingoff,sehoo[ childreh . ' : ,-, ::...
b) f You may park on the lines when
' frlfi : rffi ii'
T.<',fg qfftq;

nickihgrihaoi chilJr.u up.- ' ?eq

c) [ You rnuit not wait or p"rk yor. ^
G-,i< "ilF. TT6g "nfi*{
C. 5?fiF F]Tm ,Tf*i qifl?T<
vehicle here at all
d) [ You must stay with your vehicle mv "nq q{rs a1
' .r ' :, .if -6$l-.''. -: " ', ,'=, =. . -=. fu'tr. ' *i
',TffiI.,ur, "Iffiq l

Tfu< srcu Ers[E q6{
up to a rorrndaboui. $o,'orrffi-
:" . ffiqq,:
' l q$wq
ey,ilist is.ii$nalling-tot turih';i[ht.t]
-_ , fqV f,{,Tf{
What'should f.ou

'.' -'=, ' '--'.'..,

Mar.t< one ;ns;;i' ,gsB.'@' -Tfl
q) tr. .e

b)-'E-,Gr" i horn warnin! fr.r E e{= TifuTT TET T-Tt.
a),,'N.Gite'tr; ;;. ,pi of aoo; frt trnTarsE Erq?Frs qr*rB oTsrrr cr-nT
d) E Signal the cyctist fg) D=T,rT-TI,\?TF', qT
'' : . t6''trlove'adross -.r .,, .,. .,-q(-'
6l . You .fottoWing:'tw y-tisis. - '. sb. EQQ mamo' Erdrr-s-q f"ruf+ rnfo
They approach a-rounJ"tou, in the DTFrrcerI " e.T-s-<.ffi'
, le -ha66,.1j11'[:16Whieh], .ti ,. {m <rss'q<nB(E qgqT qrE t sreTTr
should you expect the cyclists to go?
t:6.r{. firs' Trr{ Trd {rfirr 6_{F.i?
-.,=':= .r:,,t"'._ t, ::,
..q$-fi,"' _t.rt' :GF-T
Markone'answei'.-' .'',, ,','t r"'='"
a) f, Straight ahead
,u) trrx -rqf rTrrrfi[-:,, ,,', ', '.]' ,,.-r

b) E nigr,i frr trsnerc-

c), - E -,Lff,t... fxi trqrrrs
d) E Rny <iirecrion fu+tr ,"'=,,"-' ., ' :,-l

62.You are,about-to. reverse ,rr"
ffi \er,,Fy{ ffi . qEml
road, A'pedestr.ian wishes to'ciosi
behind you. you.ihaut;',.- ' , : ... ,'
' "d 4. -q1.gl "rf+ ,eb, ulrr,
..' -.,,,9 I1I]{ 'Gfrg ., .

Mark one answer

a) f, Wave to the pedesirian to srop .fiTD iufrs Eeq
bJ' ,'. g) tr rqm .<nsffrEn-+cs *nn o-n
,N Give,way:to th€. ej'-..n' zrr eesrr 1r-,; rt.lr
c) [ Wave the pedestrian to cross E, ! "rqurfrm
rry) Li ere 4eDrtrcs t"rrrr err
d) tr R.eVerse befqr,e tfre peaistr.ian "rH
starts to cross
fu; E +1q&"T[g1,,"flT Egrr .em
sriir qrrri +aI ffi
63. You *aht to iuin right fr"o, ; ,'' ,

.'\9\9;@,,,,,1@f .E?flIf ' ffiV

junctior'1 but your VieW..is :r:estriiCted
.'- ' *'q164arr,ffur,
by parked vehicles.
w-{I t
i y''-, ,.'' ,-

E?ir qTRTr< io o-n GfmEt ll

'd .@
::: ] :. : .. .

a) E !top, then move slowly iorward qlry,qIre qAT{
until y.ou have a cleaf view 'u)"5, '

ESTI n\rsr{ -r* cE.{r q.T TH,

fu . 'q a\sTi{ '4,1q,R :'

.q-'dl-?v.\5.,"q;ffi .,': '

c) $ Sound yo-ur,hor.n and pull oui ii I"",'t,
n"l 'ff ' '

' . thers ,is,no ieply,. EAT<.,F,e$,, qfr

-.' .l'' -5"'!!!T 1$1 ensrl TI rn$
d) f,'Stop,get out.trld look along fu; tr rsrfl, r& rcrs r.<f-Err r{,E-q
the main.road.to eheck ,
Ttrrs fircr rn<n
64" You iee'a peaeitiianwitn'i,a"g.
The1,l* 6 yellow oi burgunly
\98. €ry n-rf ETr rq.?lm{t
ET-<]UT rffrr eW Esr{r qmfr
coat- This eqpecially warns you that
the pedestrian,is ' .' '' , " qrrr--T"'q1ll,,- el,,frAfE-.o,1-(<,
" ' -qlry ry 'rq'&' 'rqtrfl'

Mark one,answer qqB fu-Gfts g!sd. ,,, ,.

a) [ Ederly s) E 4Twr <trs
i1 '' '.nog' ning-" "' " , t-,'..,i "''
c) [ Colour blind fr _tr m.r frfts-s
fqr fi Ks !trs
d) fr Deaf
6 E ;i;'*
65. When you aie over.,takin$.i' .yili . ,\9o. 'lffi.un "-€i
you should leave as much room as
+-T6s Esm @ntfl <rr+ ntn GGo
you would give to a car. what is the qsh ooB rnfu* w{T Tretrfil
main reson for this? = ':":. 'EIS'=.Sffi=ffi"p, frry'. ,,' '

, 1,. -,, 1'-' . ' ,,,,
Mark one answer .'gTff Tffi
a) E The cyclist might have,to make 'q) ''E] ,urarrer grd &Is
a curn right :,, .,., ,.-,' _,E(E,,Efu ?lL(T. ,

b) I The cyclist might get of the bike frt tr 6a apQ56-q rq(T qFr6u "rrm
c) I The cyclist might change lanes
d) fi The cyclisr might swerye fur E rry q'rs-Cdrs rr[s "trr*
43. You are tur.ning lei, r."rn';Tffiffi 8e. ry-qry1r.Ecq qr{..@' <lvm
into a side road. people
,l.""df t:rq
crossing the road into which
turning. You should
,' silnfr ffi
,--',=,r: 1'g-. ,,q S tfrV

Mark one answei ' '1,.,'. ..;-:' =

4 [ Sound your horn to *"in

,{sffi fur frfrs T-v.{
th"* et E c. rrft{T si-ffi-Tas qrfiK
of your preience
b) .[ Signal to rhem,1q,:6en1inls-.. .c-.
Gtffi ulrrfir
rE) Ll "Iln q6s EroK

crossing e-m. srrr-Trs

c) [] C, inue,,as ,it.is,ibui
f,D tr
EreFrEr Esrfrs-rr qrcq- Trf,
right of way
fiWaitand allow them
, tocrosi" - - ,&l-n'
srm-fc-f Tcrlfi r?.{r ".,
44.You are turning left at a

8&. EqtlfT N,Ffs.rI]v frre-+t

,Pedestiians have started to cross,the
' "iEFrst{i rrgr
err{ ?rs eF sT{
road. You shouta
, r:'u W?Hl.{ B,GV

Mar.k one'.ahswev-..,' -' :.:-,-'] .: .qt-B ffi',ffi. -r"'', ' '

a) Stop and wave rhem to cross
[ € ) E retH ?ts ?tTrm "nr Ers <-qI
b; E
Gir" way to them
c) Blow your horn and proceed
E F, tr Ei-ffi-rc-s rq'(s rq'€Tr
d) Co on, giving them plenry ftl n' ,uTq. qteTt
E fultr srm-{ saT nrq* w'rsfl. drs
of room
tr{r<r um {T€TI
45. How should you overtake
horse 8G.,, r.931 ft" str{
." -.,9
s<T,, tfFgi , .

Mark one answer

fi;aiina r ,'--'i -' '- ' €F; !,8 jEiqs sFr
"l E'oi*;
plenty of room
€) E Fr ,rFa= rnfu urorn -qur.
b) tr Diive up close and overtaL"
, . ... sooo. as.posslble .:.. : :.-:,
frt' Elffi gqr6-.,{-efl;rg{
c) E Speed'is'not important but allow
orslEEir s"(.T

plenty of room
fr; tr afu<r r+TC{r o-siti foa :ra.
_ fs-s qrqy 6rrr[ S* r;T*
d) E Ut" your horn iust once -
rs) L_J srrr_<r-+, q-srsg a-<rr 6i{r
to warn them
''--"'-'I5 'g 'Q!i-:. "- l

46. You see a pedestrian with a

*ii," :8\9.a , ,n,, uTIfr
stick and red reflective band.
qcrE sl(\5 Arq SrssqT rIFIsl
This means the person is
TflEIFT r"'{ry T<fr ql"s rrr & rrfu
Mark one answers ,=eu t ,. .,,, ,'
a) [ Blind onty

b) [ Deaf onty
frt tr r$-{FT <fffi
c) [l Physically disabled
a) fr Deaf ,nj Btira P p'.int
,Ffr" *- ,q (disabte)
q6,,'Emr- ,, ,. , ,

There are horses juit ahead of you.
You should ,,..r,, p' , @T -"r11,f

Mark two answers
1) E Be pr:ep?red to Stop
b) f Treat them'like any other.v.hicl
€) trllffiT"ffi 3ss- qp6;
.] E Give,them'plenry of room fr) tr srqT 3rerir {'mf ErD--<-{ s-rr
Fl D gtqE1rE mt 6r{fl,rtrry &-.fl

d) E Sound your horn as a warning fs tr rrsf sirm ,x

6-{r E-{ <r6TcrT
e) [ Accelerate past as quickly
as possible
q[tr{'[F.. fu
,:-, .: . o-rr
48. You have stopped at a pelican ' '6 ' .*&q f
crcssing. A disabled person is
q^Trfu w"HIjI qT{cE
crossing slowly in front of you.
frrs flL_T frc-< nsr "rt:r ECq l
The lights have now changed to qc14 rr{w <rf,s qTq f?rf6t
' . greeh,.Yo'u'shcluld' ' " =,.
-': --.,
: " :. .:.::.:.: t.r::: .:::::: r:l:.:,i :

:::.: -

. .,q=-Q@, .,i,,-,.,,-
..:,: .-.- i, I

Mark two answers

a) @ Allow the person to cross q,rs-
f ) tr p\srK
-ftrx TfrtT
b)' E niine in'front 6f.the person
c) E ,orive behind,the p-..i;n,.
'E,q!? , d6rr

d) [ Sound your horn

iFt.q'" ryryfrr,'r, Er.n {I€rt
e) Z g" patient
fg)tr Ff <rsr'6qr
Qt tr 6qq fl{6r crT
2_q Edge forward slowty €FrE fiLT mr{ s@fs er+-r
49. You are following a cyclist.
You wish to turn lefi yust ahead. 8F ,',4$ q'r.k6-fr Eqrr"l
You should
a*{r5ql .{Tq nT{cr fffi^-qN
,.,\.y r"-{r\" ffi'r crNrTEI?I SIDE

Mar:k ohe Answer :

',$$tr'W{ .gm" -,
'a). -fl- go.*aks,the ',f

cyclist before s;; f, o<lGr q-6rri TIefTq DTryEfs

the junction
EsrlrrFi-s n-<r
i gsia*n=e ao =i
'b). fi','Pu,rt
, ',, stay,'bvel, until after thei* junction fr; tr 6<ri'{ sifuGT qI o-{T ,lryg
rrcro-q Dmrsr :rq"nFr aml
c) n, Hotd bickuntit th-e,qyctiit,hai... nrl tr- , 6'(*f{
.passed. -the junction.- . ',: - ' i,- QpTI.
gTaI{ qlTT
d) . E Go aiound.th'e cyclist . ,-' ' "l{E'
&)''[.'q'tTr{Q , ,.rr,a-,+.m rar"r
.. ,' :-.
oh the. jtrnition . --'.',','' ' .,...
Tr? Drfr' rI€Tr
5 0. You-are,ap6ralath i ng th is roundabout
.., and s'ee the c/clis,t signall,iight.'., -..
.. fu--{,qe
6Tq ruqfE-{ 5q TfQfSf, EI"riF uFI
w.hy,is,the.eyclist keeping .' "'=',.'@flqEqs"@|
, ' : ft-g 'r+q rry,
.to. the left?' .

,' , 'Q51'q7qi?,,,.,

Mark one answer

a), E lt is quiiker",iouG'toirtnar fisi .{ il aEl si"t-n oqr srsrsNtr{ Trgr
b) [ The cyclist is going to fri,f-'.ffi' T
mV i{rr i{r1 "*'
'i)"''E 'fie-cyciist,is slower and ' l
f,al tr rry qcl,s- oq flfins Erfr .{<s,
more vulnerable ', , ,,.,',,'{Rf,9'Emlp- arOg, zfIL'{::
d) [ The cyclist thinks The Highway
,,,Code does notappl/-to'biiyetes. &j,,E . ,T_rr,':
n?f6q E-r"FFmir 6iT :f6{r6l ;Rr
51. Which TWO should yo,
utto* cb. €smrfts +-rro roil q?tr{
"*,r, 6-{T
ffi ol-Trfi +^rm Tr?rrg er?
Maik,two answers : ,. .r :... ,

a) N Motorcycles ffi.gsr..ffip,,qr-q.
b) tr Tractors ;., I ,.nrun.ri@fET g7-{1
c) N Bicycles ^,, I cBEiTffi @-{I
.i) tr Road-sweeping vehicles fu):,E'T.lv|' T3tT rt&--{,@TI
52.There ii't stow:rnovi;g ;;i; ffi cQ. ql"i;ri-< II{F
qrcg E-N ss.B
ahead of yo-u. you r.e *r,rsuie,wh;;h;
rider is going to do. you should
qrr+rftr rry fs sr6{
Er i{f.Es T{l qr"l;rK gfre
Mark one ans\ryer
a) E Pass on the left
'E Sfuq {-TT
b) gj mr* um rrsrr
! Pass on the right
c) F Stay behind
,fr)iD'' fr+ ure {fsfi
d) tr Move closer
fu,),8'ffi- 'qpTI ,

53 . At.r.oad-j rinctions whichl oi the'

:nrost c.tg. w(-H'ofirc r{rq( rqr{.wfi
fol lowing are. .vufn".*f
"f f{HT v,f6 }"l,iqqgT?
,Ma-rk th reel
al f,
ffi rEw iufus ssr
Q)..8, ,,, ' ',1 ,..
c) E Car drivers ^,, f rnlrs-Ti"F?t qfffrI?f
d) tr Lorry drivers
fr; tr rqmr?re (Tr_?r) D-rrys
fu; tr erfr urq-6
e/ E Pedestrians a) u nEErfr
54, Wlro is,,especial :in{angOi
c8. f"rET ft6a rr& u-rqrru-{ aqrq.

.. ::.i .'..::
s<n '
,frirq{ ,rT(h+
:reverse y6Ur,.car?' ,.=, ,
e,,9{13:- ffi,, p1-6:? ,

Mark one answer

a) E Motorcycliits
'{SS,.' .".,''
€) E rfl}-{TrEr+q qrr-rr€rT
b) tr Car drivers
f<; tr anfu urqra-r
d) n
Cyclists fr),,[ , -y1.ry65* .

children fu; tr <rw-rcr-<

55JA toucan iroSbing is diff.erentfrom',. :.6p6,,,dffi -ffi sftq, qql,,
other crossings .beaatae-' :: ,. .:i . .
_ '':,,, lgft.'zDrT &a or*q
.,, 11.,. ., '_, ,
lt _

''i..,t',. -,
:,.. ' ,.',.-.1..;''',,: ,r:, .l
q<fi \?,8-T ftfu qpq
a) t Moped riders can use it € ) E rrrflg Drtro'€ lsl rKEtK qrs
b) tr lt is control by a traffic warden fr, E gT oirta- €Trrwr um frTF#
c) q- [ is io'nrrbt uv'
'riasrrfig'iitht, iq; tr or ffi prFrs, <rfu nmr ffi,o
d) E Cyelisti cin ,us€,.,ir.=.: ,.,,, . . :,- fu; E ryA-{-f, Errys€ sr <FrErir
s-f6u "lrm
66. You are at a road j*g,1",f,ffi gg. rsrfiI q(Tfi <-s TlvI rEr+- rErB
into a minor road. There aret' . '
pede@nq aCiossing, the.minor 3r9lT,-!Ttr- fifqTl "rsllr'fi-r ,i
road. You should
mi -<,-,Vi ?uR E(q €{EFfqllf
Q.l"l'{l3t , ': :..

Mark one answer

€TG Esr futrs sF{
a) [ Stop and ware the q) E rar6{ TK E€TIr 6iT
, pedestrianC, to.crosj
EiE TTKI-$ g.ro1
b) E' Cive, way. to, the. pedejtr.,iinS.. -, frt tr rq sqr € <Tsr
who aie ah"eidy''crossin!,1 .-'. ECE"amrfr{T
Errq-Ta{ -{T e(g "rfr
Sbund,your horn to lii tn; -,- .
c) E ,ft1 .,l.l'. 8?ITrrg' '
pedestrians know you are there
ou5;-fi-5r-{ ikq.r-IT e;i Erorr+r
d)' E Carry on, the pedestrians ful tr cqcs ?nol, r+rego "rqmrfi-cr<
should give way to you =. :$ffig :s$ffi.rq,
,:", 'r, Cq[g rrrf
67. Ther"e ar:e.flashing ambei- lights se:r'H_ tgffi( , fr.6E. REq'-
under a school warning sign.
What action,should you tike?
""" ''
Eq9?''" ''" ''
:' .:r::,i:, ,' i ': " ''

,&ffi-ry.@'T,F,.q.. .. ''
-, ,
Maik,oha ans*er t'-,
a) .fi Reduce,sp until'you are €) E .s? -qqrfi rEro. EF ql =nexr
' ' ,.clear"'of,the,area., .,: ,
',.-,... -r'.@.',.! 1,, ?ff '':.. . -:. ,,
b) [ Keep rp yow speed and fr; E arfu a<r-< TT{T €<( Fi <TfuTs

sound your horn E5J!s etFl

c) E Increase your speed to clear - ,

.'1, "' T.[E.rr'ffi:'rtfu

d) E Wuit at the lights until they fu)'E.'m yfiTr-'.ts rrr?ftT{
. change to green, , . ' :.::.:-.'.1,': [61.1 'EsTl '"' '

68. Which THREE should you do when

passihg sheep on a road?
''.,,fu,TRr-<' tr{rs
'.,,. -: t'l.,t-; l"-.:.:.
f{cry-{ rorq fu;rB r-{T sGE?
. :,:,,'1,.: -,, '. ',

Mark three answers ffi GEr ffiE Tfi{

a) . E Allo*-plentvtof,,toom""-' '.'
'''- ' 4) L_l rr6qt* wrfl'rfi rErg rr-{I
b) f, eriely sound your- horn f<l tr rsrF Ec< pf qro-rr+r
c) E Go very slowly fr; tr T< s'{ tlistg rnfo wqradr
d) E g" ready to srop ful tr ratm TI€Tr{ 6-{r aw arsl
e) fl Pass quickly but quietly €j'.tr'W ', . DT6.,{I€TI. ,
69.Wher.e should lou tat<e partiiular. ,Sh.,. ,I-lElffiil
care to look out for motorcyclists 6Tr mTqfrT'fTrK qvfsl
and cyclists?
I _'"''
'::' '__'':::i

'Mark:onA ahawel. =--..-, . .. ' .:.':

.' -:'., 1'::,,:, , , , .

a) E On dual iarriageways. .q ) tr e+rq WTq +iikwera-cs

b) N At junctions. f<t tr q(.T{" n{cE
c) E et zebra crossings. fq) tr rq-Er 6fr( rTrE
d) ,E' On. one,way str:eeis. . fur tr srFr-€rs arwT rTr{.
70.You"h.q,v,g just'passed ur+it- qo. srr"lfT ffis. grifuq rFs
"n r
How ian you reduce youi iisk of s-firrEql EriBrm 6. .fss qs$-< $s
being involved in a collision? io srr< +ws "rrm?
Mark one answerr
: 'r:r '
gffi. ' ,'., :,', ',

a) E ey, irL*S fr"tl.r trutning "' ,4), El 'prml 6ffi Fiwt f{17
b) E gy always sraying close to the f<l tr T{ TTrn, lrqrfir rFr-<'t"5f,{ir
vehicle in front
c) E By neVer driving over 40 mph. l '8o 1<ft TI fifr-67
d) E By stayihg-only rin.'the,leffi and &t D ,uq=fl:v
':., lahC.on all ,oads :i::
.., ,' , ,

7 l. Powered vehiCl.es used'.by. disabled qy. ffi. ,@..fl&@fr

. people ar,e, small and hard to see. P,rF g<( EI cq.(l(g RISTI Eff+r
How do they give early warning srEKT q?H WT-fl-Srrr{-6grT6s E6E
when on a dual.carriageWay? ,., Efi is Er-c{ rei+s s-fl6{?

qTG GgT ffig 6pq

a) [ They wilt have a flashi iia lisht q) 8 "ffi '5 ffi efrsm
b) E they will have a flashing f<l tr ,t&rs q-{q, EWrs
green light <rfu ansr{
c) E they will have a flashing blue light ftl tr flfs-65 qtq D-+bzo <rf,s qrrcr<
d) [I lf,"y will have a flashing fst tl r EEr u-qurs
amber light <tfu en€r<

72.At.some traffic lights there are qe. ioo- {<{rs Erfu-s qTffi tser arffi
advance stop lines and a marked area. ',, , dT{.'rr?t Cml .fs'q
,94ffi' fS-{?
, : ,r. --,-.
Mark one answer
a) B To allow cyclists to position in ,€).ffTffi1 s66.-:"*qsq
', ,,={ffi{ ql{c{"q1-ql{ m$ril w-{I
b),,, fl. :lb':let,pedestrians cq,oss whe'n'1he *''6''frffiffi flFgT. {lF "rc{
lights change "-' 1Nfl tffi"r13'T-{1q girT
c) E To pi"u"nt traffic from jumping Al =fi n rrrfl UrfuT'flffi Grq rrwflE{
5ra qI q1T g;t {5H 4-f,6\5
d) E To let passengers get off a bus fu)'tl' r3lrq qrsl <T{''rel(T
which is queuing , ,, ,, .,..,' 'fT{'T'I'{frc
73.You are dr.iving past par:ked',carsi
You notice a wheel of bicycle stiCking
ffi''ffi" frf{ flfu

l,,,fr{gqT ,gSE
out between them. Em rr&eqi{ Trs tqTs r<f{rs
sn:ryce't w"ffiT fO O-Ar BBgZ
Mark one answer qsffi Bg.T frfug TsT
a) E Accelerate past quickly and Gi'n- = '
,fi(. ?rfu q&r*
' .,.,r'', g .um TI€TI :

b) E Slow,down and *ave the .,,,,.. fr; il'ffi,'rq q.G ets fu $Lr
' ,, ,'tqy€list',,aer.o.ss--r.'.,, .,, l.-l -i-:

Tiel-s-4. EIsfiF-CS "tl< are (q"TI

c)' n Br.ike-lhai6'ryahO nm,h.;oui',.- " t-ri) U f$|r{ fjeh. T-frI s<(
headlights. rniF Tn ear
4. n. St q h'@b" pr"t*r" =
-*. Ll
rsl ?ni5 s{ Tr{ 4ra.c-sq ErFrrs-<
stop for a cyclist. 6qr rre qTq|rs :fss srot.

74.Where would you see this sign? Q8, q?' fu$ fq.fqllg.fqqru flIr{?

Mark one answer

a) E tn the window of a car taking €r-'n,(3 {TI1) =$&-E fqur
..children,to sChool ,, -
."qm' qIT- {M'{ u.Frmll
b) E nt playground areas frl tr <ITDrffi-< r?rqi-{_dr r-{rir ?rF
c) tr nt the:iide of the r.oad fu tr rlvr-< ftilr<
d) E On ttr*'r:eai.of a school bus isl tr q4 Tr{ qemr s^E
oncoaeh -...:: r+lEK i"rqrq
75.The left:.hand pavement is closed :qG.,3 TS $]I$iT, qTr rf,{qrPm
due to stieet repairs. rqEr{;B <q.l
What should you.d6f ':1"rr -, :r""' fs-ffi qIFF ft7,,
Mark one answer dTG GtsT Gfrg +,trT
a) N Watch out for pedestrians Gr,E ,.?r q '&c$ qB..
walking in the road ..:..-,= '. ,f, {lq Tl :::.,, ,

b) E Us" your right hand mirror fql tl sFr nrfirr EnrFrT TRr rr<[
more ofien rE?nE ersr
c) E Speed up to ger past the fiii.,_E ;{B . , q'tffi{
road works quicker "'-='.g@ry5 gTr< w-{i Afu <V!FI-
d) E Position close to the left tr
fsl TtvK a1q arcTr f+-{T-q r{rs
hand keib :' 'Fr{€11{'',TJe$
76" At'night ytu' see a*dest*ian weaii ng rffixE [.r ,nlffi
"reflective,,Clothihg'ind cairying
'brilht red.light W,nat does this * ==*ry ffisqr rflnrrs' s<(
ffre qrq

Mark one ans\irer

a) [ You are approaching roadworks
STVlt{ Sl@'r fut,.{T&-{
b) .n -Y-ou
ar^eapproa@g,an . :,,,,. ,
ft,tt' {qffi
organised walk fqrs .qT6u--{
c) f You.,are ip'proachih!-a s!6W f,xl tr qrcv D"rg rsrcrr ,@
' ,,. m.oVing vehide ,', "=' .,",,, fr5E ag6u-+
,a) 6 Vou are app'roaching an-;cciaent foi tr rsTr+I E{Fqlr ?rr+{
blackspot i66q sTrET

77; Why should:you look pa*icularly q,q;'' e Elfl-'s'ff3

'',for m6to'r:arCliit and ciclist := .'-{T 67(rFfed-rc frpt{ rs-6
at junctions? qrsrfi rs-fl
Mark one answer
a) E They 6'ay want to turn ,
,ssffi \Bsr Gfrs
s ) tr srqrgl qrs
flr.K TrgH'
into the side road
b) f fhey may slow down to frj=n'wltqtrc ry|v fir- rqrr{ wT
let you turn 'E]?ITI.' \5 ris q'qtrs 4rT
c) E they are harder ro see fryt tI .r:I1?rc frtlre ffs{I sfr{'
d) E tney might not see you turn ful tr st env ffi{r1 Tt
78.You are following:ra learner drive1' qtt '' : ,ffiatr-
qt {sE qr{*-Ecl
who stalls at a iunction.
11-rw &qfi
irn TE ',,
You should ?[rqa qw am rffiI I qIerqIT Gfts

Mark'one irr.^r." ' ssffi, m

a) t Be patient as you expect them .q) ff .? ' +. rry W TTrs "ll1-{
to make mistakes sT qrrra q1I.r{ sffi r{TI
b) f, Drive up close behind and f<1 fi.t, 'fu
flash your headlamps
c) f] Start to rev your engine if fr;'g'ffi,. ffi 'q<-m r,r<t .ffi6n' fi6oTr
' they taka,,too,1Ong'to rr,e-start, ,. tn&-q ?fltna smrm +n
d) ' fl- lmrnedi*ely iteer around th fut tr Tr6q lrrE ffiq, 1itrx ono
and drive on urls6q' 4I3 Erm', {Ign'I
79.What does this sign mean? qb. €? &-sr uref fu

Mark one answer ,SFBB =',ffiffi'

a) E ruo ior," for pedestrians .4),,.,f1 fi&:a.fi 514E'-gqq et{5Ifr'6qT
and cyclists o-qT ngr rqi'
o) tr n route ior peO"rtriins only f<l tr u{ qqurfrfn-{ u+r qwr
c) tr n route for cyclists only fqt tr ${ qr?r+q Dt"FFCq-q 6-{T <lsT
d) N n route for pedestrians el n" ,' qq(, ?t
and cyclists s-{i ilwr
80.You are driving toWards a zebra bo. 6-616q1 [BT$r 6-frC7-{ irfo orqrffi
crossing. A pe'r.son in a wheelchair q@-{l <'4T gr-6;I <tvt
Waiting to cross.
"fl3 ESTIT Enr qr"r$l T-{-rEl
. W.hat should you do? i' ,,
fo +-+r qT"r;fln glusz
Mark one answer .qsB Pj-s-< ffis ry
a) ffi"Bi preb:ared io.s1 p s) fl ram{ {IsTrlr w-ql zrw eeTr
b) [ Wave to the person to cross frl tr qK
E[re' ?€T'r* ffir tLTr e-{r
c) E Wave to.p'erson to.wait '-' fil tr rem efi?FIiI p-{r En5 ?tm o-ar
d) ,E Continue:on.your",way :.., fsl tr firo-T erfi[ rq,IE efl"il

l.What does this sign mean? bi 'a? F6F-{' qsf f+?

Mark one answer .qr6 €g,{ GF.s r-fi{
a) E Contraflow pedal cycle lane .q) tr fr"lfrETqT :fler+-{ (F'=I
b) E Wittr-ttow pedal cycle lane fu tr sqa frm at?r+-{ m?-q
c) E Pedal cycles and buses only ftl tr rr-<"T Trrs-{ g<ril
d) E Xto pedal cycles or buses isl tr Trars-a <T <rT u-ql iTcrt
This s*ctiem E*oks at t$re risfiEs wi:en slg *tftfffiTq HffiTt{1"qffrqretq-{ ETTfl
dealing wittr differ*mt types clf ve*tie !e ETE-6[-{W WqT ffiffi ffi.I

The qu*stions wlll asfi( y*n ahcut {q fE,{fff q1"ffi.ffi ff$ ry.Ky a-rq
ffi ';l
Lmrrfres rlttiiiiiiil ffiqryw"
ffiaxses .-l:,
1.t::_:s$.t qmryruF

w J
I . You are waitihg'io,erne6'teft.'fr:om' s .qTgrK@' qf,ns,lT
<ff'frrT q1@
"a,mlhoi'l.oad,rA: la@ vehicld is=''- 6-fl
approaching from the right.
--.=' 6 woffi'fltfuqrryrql
YOu-have'tirne'to,,, rn,'',r ''....r' . . ..: , . Hlg (J{1.3 T(sT" ErlJ[."SIp; g{ g
but.you ihould walt. why?" ' : ': -, , ,
.:,,:, :,::
T-{i glu\s fs-{?

:,::::': 1:: ttt . tt :: .

- .t'''' l' ' ',,
r :. ,

Mark one answer ,' "' ..qsB Wr frfos qsq

a),lU The,l4eV*icl6,ian easi:ty-hide
- an,-oV-6rtakil-1g v.ehicl€:,- -, -
.q) fI gEriCEE-s sn65 r{ {FI-{r6[. Elre
,, 'i . '
nj f: <-s flf.sffi ehq c{Tq fqm

turn suddenly f+cs "nr<

c)' E fhe'laige vehi-le.is'dlfficult to'' fu-- H' <"s fl "n5ffi{ qrs
steer in a, straight- line t''' ,'. ' '
d) .E
The large vehlile.can,easify hide
:_ ' , .
,eC.T'qTrts'-x1+<Rqro W
.. " v,ehiCle,,ffom the,,left ,='' , -',,' ',:, ,qlpl-fl ({,p,, ,.. "tIf,{

2. You are driving along this road. e... d? 6.lY;1,''ffi.' uf, l '

What should you be PrePared to do? ,6,r . .q{"ffr 3Sg ,alI:FC{:l?

Mark one answer €$fr fu',F@.'T1ffi ' .

a) f Sound your horn and continue s ) E e{ TrfwTT u-f,'[s arcK
f<),'E fifb'
Tts r3rcq qtsTr{
b) N Slow down and give way
',T qlfr{ E-{K
c) f Report the driver to the Police fu tr. Lqrrs{
d) D Drive through the gap fu n "*qT'- 3r Eq rtsrl<
3. What.should you=doas You is. sQ qft' ,-ry,flF 3ry
. .,Cpproac]1.th[S.,lol.ry?':i :'i.'' ftffit"'qf

Mark:,one ansWer ,q4tr'fr?. -T-ffi' ' , '

.o;.,,[1' 4Trc <I{'l T-{T

a) 'tr
['Makethe wtit:forYou
Flash your'li,hti at thd lor-qy frl'= - , ' Er{'T-fl'

c) E Move to the right hand side fti'E ?trf{ '

5-F qIgTI
,61fl ;ffi's{,.'<F-<I., &q( r.3Eq''{lgTr{
0 ,n',Sl;* d :'ahd'ba",prePaied
:rsfu rasr
to wait


As a driver: why should you, be rnoie
.=''4ffi ffi'D,re p.Effi sFW.,
careful Where trams. operate?
:i ffi 6AnJ

Mark-one ans\/er ,.'. a ffi 0f ,,6iFT' :

a) - f] l,Becaus,e.they- do,.not nr,ru u t oii' oj',E', 'q].@'
b) [ Because they do not rtof for.r.. fri tr 6rir6r srEr{r ?fl-fsr 6fl arc{ il
c) E Because they do not have lights fry; tr=qgeJ [,slr rr q 'ETA
d) $ Because they cannor steer - ful tr sr<6r qleFlf[-d €fu'6lr rrsrrif s-qr
. "to avoid fou, "- t'., \rr{rfl w lTs "tlf(< qr
5. You are travelling behind a bus c. .qTP f;rur-a r@ urqTrcE,
that pulls up ar a bus stop.
fircs rrry sr"r
TlrE r3trq(E l

'-- ffi*r @-''


I I "'
M"iL t*rt iisrr"", ,' ilffi
r)- a, watch carerulif for pedestrians' 'Aj"'n,'a e-m' qERf 'afl:atl
f], Pull in closely,b ind th.e bus
b)'.' i<i tr <rcqr sF?nc-T f"ru'rq' en'{-r
c) D g" ready to give way ro the bus fql tr <rliro Drm r{cg fq[s M an-$T
d) f] Accelerate past the bus fs; tr Fi ff6?rr erfu qfuq srr+
qfu-sq rfir ErF{ qrgrr

'6: You'are following a long loL.ry" , \9. q$ €sIF ry{rF. WflT.i T-{'6E;ll
The driver signals to turn left wa-+ ,esffi Ts flsm rI]g
,rryQ r{rss frq l ,,

What ihoutd /ou do? : '':' fq ,'+-qr ,EIer{Ftr r'

Mark one answer qTG Gs-{ trfrg FFT
-[] .nur.a'; tne rart. fsre the q) tr q-ffi 6s,Tm rrfrET{ qrcrrQ srro
.lor.ry reaCh€s the junetion rN&:{ firf,{ trtr"rF wq ql\erl
b) E Overtake on the right as soon as frl tr,:,q-ftF{ {fu o,{rmm Trq- Tffi-A
'th'e' lor:1y'Slrys down',,, 6-6n, ffiIT€TT
c) E Po not overtake, stay well back fq) tr "rnmrE rI {IsrI. El"lB f1}-r{
and be prepared to stop erfi €<s. ctFr{ wfl :rgg ?rl4.i
d) E Oo not overtjke unless fsl tr {st-{ TI rq"$ qrp' rrl Trrrfi
: you,can see thlFe ia'no:.r:r , :.-: -,'-'e .g
,rnfu EtryeE' ;n

7. '.It is':a \rey wiAdy' day,and#u@ q. {{ <]Er{ <tcut q,"rfr qrG

about to overtake a ryclist. Ir€[Tq EIEr6r6' eW<-Cres, TTrd;[l
What should you do? EI .. ,.,

Mark one answer qT,IE WT IET+E TIFT

a) f] Keep close as you pass ai fiTB,frEffi
b) E Sound your horn repeatedly -'"
fu tr {K TEI sd <rsrrc-*
c)-'' S' Allow extra rgqglr:":'..,', f,xttr c<Fr urgtn rq[v rr€TI
d) E Overtake very closely fgl tr otEIE fu a[r Egt]rrfts rirT
8. Powered hicleaj.such as whe€ H.. ., .
chairs or scooters, used by aisaUieO qrfdl',' ry $fuTI 11!IT{
people have a maximum speed of 'ffiffiqi
Mark one answer qrfi GEr Gfus q-s+
a) [ 20 mph E','gf.,s, T fo qf,ta
b) tr ',q)
16 mph f<l tr Efu q-Srs b\e {rtf,
lal tr gfu qsm ba qr-d
d) E 8 mprr ful tr flfu 3BE b rntq
9. You'wjSh to oVertake [ohgr-s[o* b, .'ffi,,u-+ru qi?Frt rT.16{I
movingvehicldtn a buSy.: ad- "*ft,<
You.should T-<.rs tq--+'l srDs

Mark one answer ssB Gfus ss{

.[] Fottow itdoselyind '--, q ) tr {< fr*E rars EI{T{q +'fl
: '. *e'ep mo-ving out to,:see " ::,t ,': , :,,,.q q, T|Effi, LIq-6{-{,,&:o rne|r{
the road ahead 6-{i <K?[I]I Wq Fq-6S T{r
b) E Flash your,headlights for f<l tr qlflig tr& m+ u6"5fl6-6 6qrg
oncoming traffic to give way ,', ','fi*,r.{ q-{i rewffi,,gH s-fi
c) E Wait Uehina until the driver tr EIFFF EI\5 ?{KT il 6-fl "f'{E
waves you Past fM q6zpm:1.,'Err
d) E rc""p well back until you ful tr flrrnn &-+ vrc-crsrc< rr'?fi TI
can see it is clear ',' ',:';";:,'- fi\sx,.,f :niw q1:q* iflk-rrT qllifl

I 0. When you approach a bus signalling lo. ,' w-q1 'ffi

to move off from a bus stop q{ "' QgEq",
you should ' qr$i'rrtgx'ld r{rs qtI"rTIT' tlE\5

Mark 6ne answer ,qffi-W' '

a) lU Allow ii to pull,i*ay if safe ,Jr1,,,5 fr'grffi Effi ErC--,$' r{(g mrl

frl tr m D-flllI qr6tl srrd, qfu.s'-q s-{r
a) E f tasf, your',headlamps'as you ftl [..ur,qry., gy ryry
approach -,,r . ,.'rffi.:*1} .' -., '

d) [l Signal left and wave the buson fsl tr THfrro r(rss firT .q<( Erf,
," ,.'"=t"'6fl ' M,' s-tT
'l l.lt is very windf,You are.,about to bb, , l EiI .'|q$ffi ffilBT
overtake a motorcyclist. ',.',.' €vErBQT .s-Tmr|
You sfrouli qITry gqY
Mark one answer .ssB ,fu'T frfrs +sq
a) [ Overtake slowly ,sl tr ,rlfu, S,(Er-q'''*=1i16fu:n-{I
b) E] Allow exrra room frl tr r<Fr wrran rwv rn€xl
c) E Sound your horn fn tr ei qrqrcfl
d) [ Keep close as you pass ful-tl TtH-tT.G qr$:-sv E{I

I2. You are -about to,overtike a bt. qr(s Dq\r qrfr r{l-r<Trar6-fl
slow-moving motorcyclist.
Y 'eq t

Which one of these signs would 's1';'o $ry m

make you take special care? ffir.ryrf., ffi? -

Mark one ans\ /er .qsffi tE( fr'fr's Fsr

b)tr ,g) tr tutr

c) tr d)tr tutr fsr tr

I 3-.You' ar:-e dr:iv,i,in.to.-wn, h ,of b\9.llffi" ElE1EE1,'q-1c1;ffi

'.,-. &ffi,. ef4, ,*ir dlq
' y6u a- bus, is at a bus'itop, \ryhich,.t trrTTt

of the following should you do? f{rry{ rTll

-',,,t'tt'-"= TeG r-{I sIIeFrl{ i},fuor
' ,l' ,i'- .-:'
fiarnktwoinswgrs',.,,,1, ."' ",
q) tl TIryE enq E-46s qrfs q-{rf,
") H-' B" prepared to give way if the
grffi 1W qror
,.,,' bii's suddehly'moV 6-f,f= 6qcE rEql3t 6-{l'
fle(g '

b) E Continue at the same speed but f<l tr ffilT "

'' ,,,.sound yorii horn+wetning "", -' ,.qi'''q'19ry6q'1 ,. , 'i'
c) .E Watch carefully for the suddeh- ft)=n q ,
q. qr{r"Eprre
- '-EqLry-61F{l
d) fl
,.' ,. '' appearaRCe,
ihe bus as quickly
ru;,n q
rr{ -s
. as you..possibly<ar,' ''.,
' :
T61 E-(f, {I€T{,
14.Why is it more difficult ,ovehake b8. q.TJ ITT{IS.
a laqe vehicle than a€ , -- ryry ,r -,

Mark one anslver

: :t::::,r,:. :.::::::,

o*m = :.,::,::

9) tr qfu o-{6s r<Fr xq-r 4r6tr

..:::: :

a) E lt takes longer to pass one

b)'-E-" They su'd'de p:uli:'o,p frl tr E-rqrsr ebls rercq cq.[s enc-<
c) E Their brakes are not as good f-q; E'ffi,, rrcsi glrqr q's rcq
d) E.They climb hillsr,more iiowly fu)'E-,,qlqEt cE8.fie Ec-l
I5. Before overtaking a laige vehicle you >G. ffi,. e8'rs6itql o.{cs
should keep well back. Why is this? Trqt q E$l sl r$i?
Mark one answer
")N fo get the best view of 4) E rlvl{' rT,{rq$ &-re'strqtstr<
the road ahead qfrf?nE{-sT ?€TRr q-{r
b) tr To give acceleration space to ftl tr rirowfrcs tfu T&Tr sE
€erir6F-s Tr1 Er4 {rgrrir 5-{i
c) E fo leave a gap in case the vehicle fql tr {fr n@ fqEG-{ tr* ,fifl,*
,. St'ops and rolls back ,= I
, ,",' E|rffi m,Eqr ffi TI-+' erc$ ,

d) tr fo offer other drivers a safe gap ful tr wrrtT Er"rrrr( u-qT ft-flar drs
i{th,ey want to overtake you , 'r.' <I{T qfr'srq'KT"€ TL,T

13. ln lrolt,of you is a class 3 power,€d' bg.3rI'nK nl.{r{ ssfr \9t rffu
:, vehicle:(powered wheelchair) driven ffiw- qrfirgr frqrfuT EAE
by a disibled person. These ,"hi.l"t (b-$K) {I r$',rrfl tq vfw E]?rrctr-{
have a maximum speed of sQ rr+<rq.ca-{ Trirw. flfilfrqr erry

Mark one answer €sE te,r 6fus rs{

a) [ Smph(l2km/h) s) f] gfu ESm b fi?q (be fusfiD
b) tr 18 mph (29 km/h) i<r f Efu q=frs bb qTaq tl> io:fq-)
c) E 28 mph (as km/h) fu; f ?fu q-nim 16 aP6 (8G f6:fr)
d) tr :e mph 1e I km/h) ful tr 3fu {-Sm eb qFE (\eb frsf{)
l7.You areftllowing a lalp vehicle., 54 'qsffi m.firr. fq6a sffi
a;-ri rilreT irro qqq-< erry-{l
The driver signals to turn left. .
, ,' 'f,.{ n1, ' {(rsg' 'fqq I

,-,.. , ,
Tnr{ -
Mark one answer ,sqfr M-fi,
''.$ ffi'.swfi slT.{=?EP qsx :

a) ,[]Ovirtake if you can leave .

plenty of room
,,:,,rr=='6.ffi s s-{I ,
b) fl Overtake only ifth'6ndre.ho frl tr.
efl& qIr,$f,s, fEfq
.,.;.. .,, oncoming vehiele'i - :, gffi. .,3-41., .

e) E Dn overtake Until the I fifi'"ffi''6-


,E1\e'-'qI 3-<T

,.' .,vehicle be.lini to turn'' ., i' ffi

''.,1,",:' g ,trI''t=-r :

d). E,Do not 6Vertake,whcn:at or fu) tr-.qqE{ siqlm.{ filrE q$xq eerl
approaching a junction "" ', f,..ql-T €vr{rBts, TI T-{I


l 8. lt is,very windf., {,q,+aie"behind a 5t;5 qra'l urt{fr ,s:ffi €@-{

motorcyclist who is overtaking a high Fl.E',rs'i' fAqr{ !ryfrEq
sided vehicle. rry srB CE" flrfw-s evr<-ctrio
What should you do? -.'='.',s,., 1 ,swffi{ fr T-{T oFot
Mark one ans\Arer sqB GE-{ ffis Ff,{
a) :'E'O";rcako'the'n-roi-i{-ii-t, .€jilffi ffi. qffi
immediately q{r
b) $ Keep well back t{t f {'6eE TafE-5q errcI
c) tr Stay level with the motorcyclist
d) E Keep ctoie to the motoicyclist &i=-n s.rru: atIsT

I9.Y6u kee.p'rwell back whileryit! un. 's

to overtake a large vehicle
6-{T Wr{?F T-l?F r{rcr qrfl-Sr S-{rE.ll
A car fills the gap. ,= ,gsffi ,fie. ,.srg,',h:rfi1rEg qr{T
You should m.,rvrt
l" . .-= :,:,
.,, ::r;
tGq :
:r,"1:::::::::::,:i: .:: ' .

Mark one answer ,.qrffi Bsr Gfus +rq

a) [ Sound your hoin s) n qi <rfi-6q1
b) fr Drop back further fo tr EIL-<r fflEr{ rr< qrsr
TD E TE Tr[ S-{I
d) E Start to overtake fsi tr €qir6F-T Tlrre wrs q{T

20. Wh ieh-of thes€',is LEAST.'rlikeli to qo.,fi"'""Tl'wrry

sfuAv qlo aryql'-
be affected by crosswinds?
Mark one answer .qTG \?JgT Gfrg TPT
a) [ High sided vehicles
b) E Motoreyclists i frl:E',ffi"ffiffi 'C+'f-),,,: :'-
c) 'iI,Cais , '=,- &}=ffi-;
d) E Cyclists fsi tr ryqc<.fl qr-rr€I

2 l . You are dr.iving ih-heavy traffic - ,: ab.{< rrrfi[t fuqr <xrm ofifo wflP-{t
on a.w'et road. Spray,makes it' 5"q.-iF6iT ffiIII T5K TTA qlfiI{
. difficult to-,be seen. You should rnlg =rTt<n Erur
frqrc Elrqi-<
''' use Your ,. .,i

Mark-twdanswers. : i
a) 5 futt headlights
.i,, ffi--ffiGffi'q*,..r
Gl:tr' ''' r-.,,",, 'i., ,

b) [l Dipped headlights fr).=[.& ",' ': '

c) E Siae lights only ftl.,[] R. ,,,' 4(

.., ".
u,{'Tli.u-,. ,:,

d) E Rear:'fog lights if visibili(y i5 leli" fur'=ni b-oo ctP*'t rrrs-

inin 100 metres (328 feet)
''; . =.fi.' ?. f&r:r<..q{:rqlQtr-{ ,
i cr
e) E Rear fog lights if visibility is more ir,""E-,boo. (tor'bqr) !qq'{
,,., .,',', fffi , q
,,''rhan. l.00.rnetiei (328'Get) '-,- -" ,

,.:::::::r:.:::1 r:ir:; := j

22.Yau aie tollowjng,alargb lonqy, oh i-: T{rrH, Es.-q$6
d Wet road. Spray makes it .. '
'''- of ' 1., qm.ff"rftrs,
difficult to see. ., _?t tET.eE ffi'.31F !trrfr{I E[-tr|
You should 'qf?ffi"

Mark one answer 'affi,,',,ry, ,ffi', ',,

a) $ Drop back until you can ()"[]..9] I.ffiT trq'{T ;rI $ern "nie
see better
b)f Put,your,headlighti 6n full beam. frr tr sF rv:{ qr-E-{ qlfa-ca n<n
c)' 8 Keerp Close to,the brry, away fr; tr 1<i< TTIE fos u-ry+.n rq'r+
fromrthe spray- .
_ ry rq errcr
d) Speed up ahd overrake quickly fol tr ?rfu <Tf,s6 Vrom-rgi
sersrF-s Tiil
23. You are,following a large articulated ^ q{lrs sr{q'T.f s-frtrT
rg.<v' ds.IE
vehicle-it is' going to'iuih,left fur awcry firrq rp'm flvH <rl,
into a nairow road.',.. ., tr+' rqrv frr<r
What action should you take? ,-sIl?ffi{,,,ft,'S,T,.1. ?,

Maik o answei ,q ,, 't,

a) E Overtake quickly before the €) E q-fr uH f,Ers ffiTT qr6rr src6'
' lorry moveS.out "':' eETnrFa-d, 4-<i
b) E Pass onthe left,as the vehicle fr) E'fi={ffi- rry<-F Ecm
moves out <Trfrrr- srro qfuun o-n
c) E ge prepared to srop behind rD LI T9I'ETT EIIfl]T O_{i 1W EFFT
di. il,,.Move'' ut and'iie,take't.'' -.,
on the righi frrs esmrFts r-rr
24. You are following. a [ong Vehicle . .
,approachinga.crossroad. .,
a8-..a{I ,sTffi rI s qryr{{ st-3: 6-{.
.. ,.,
&!T= ulqq.< qrq-qt rq fifo
The driver signals right but moves
' ,'! ,'
o(f$g frTE. f$-e '
:close to the,,left hand ker:b'.:.,.
..',Whatsf,;Ofapud6?l'', -, .-."',' ,E\-\ei-{qiT r'o Q-rr
1fu T{.rEl
EIerilT \ulugr

Mark one answer

a) $ Wait behind the long vehicle 6,, E EET rrifo<' iq-vTq wrfls.r r-ql
b) f] Warn the driver of wrong signal ft., E yq= I-(fSfEE E-{I ErC$ rEis' aSII
c) E
F, tr
Report the driver ,o ,hu"poft" si-€r{ f<-srt "If{cT qrfa-r
d) f] sn
Overtake on the right hand side firl tr, ,'e.q1frt6'ffir
25.You are'approaching a r:nini ec.,',srfi.,Frfr {Trt Dr frrfi
- roundabout,-The,longvehicle
in', ,','q$rr.erE+.|. rT,mem qTI flTffi
front ii sitnall ing. lef+but.positioned , ns.r<r.'&rP fts snnTs
oVer to the,right. ,- '.,
, ,, 's1-qelif..(@l1 fr.-q.l €qgr{Erfl
You should .
-.:: nirf?;1.1-61 ,

Mark.one:ansll/er :, .qffi.,ffi,@v.o-*q
a) [ Follow the same course s) tr q-{T rr r?Frr {r6E rr
as the lorry a-ax {I€TI
b) E Overtake on the left fr),.,E, .lg fu
c) E Sound your horn tr
fal e{ <rwrr*
d) E K"up weil back ftr; tr {rerr f"rurr rrr< errql
26. You are iowing
.. "
.ur"rrn. d$. !,rr .oofr,, rfirq frce_-qr
Whiah.isth,ed EFe"ur..e il; faE-{ fq-s C?-<tB 6qi mI{ 3_flr*
" 9:lTT[-.'ffiql*-qtr1, ffi'Fl-eJ."fq?

,Maik one,answg'i. . :" -.. rr ir .. s -E''r<ft '

a) f, lnteriorwide-angle-view-mirror. .,q I
''f,ncff'xr.s,',,s{:{ &\rt3={ ern.4l .

b) D
F, tr
Extended-arm side mirrors. TIECT 1vr Eisq qrflrmi sfl]Hr
c) f] Ordinary doo. mirrors.
tr arffi+ ryL< qrqT
,fuJ.=E-''rrtffi' -q'r$$ ,

27.You are following a long vehicle. aq. 4{I .gT,ffi rflfuCff TIIr-{.f o-{rE-{l
It approaches a crossroads and
rry srfr 6T r<rfsr frfo :rfry<
signals left, but moves out to the q(q ,sq( ENfrrr- {(rsE frrtr' rss
right. You should srq frm q'L< qt:rrq I qI"nK 6fu\I

Mark one answer offi' . 'lqd ,r,:, ..

a) E Cet closer in order to s) tr Eru-Foru1 q'fu6-{ s-c{ qr€TK

, ,pass itluickly:, - ,.-,,- .,' -' '. -,, ,,=,'-,.81. IT,T.ILIU :ffi, qlf4f
'fr)"E', ,,l{?lwT ffi- ffi( sm.6rT
give it room urrrn r%g re--TI
.) ,E'',lrru*e'tne
i r r*.ing
I , it ii ieally:uihing,,,,,+;E1,,1 "=."ni,l: fr) []"qfl=?{{ '' 'dqq r:t rTffi
ur{Fic-{ T161 q{ {Rr6iI +rilT
d) El OVir.tal<e ai iistarts t6'=', "-, ,,
M tr rry ?rfu T{rrc Er*s rrm Errs
slow down sp6g5ffi-+, q-E1
sEcTtoN I

This section looks at the handling of

your vehicle !n different sonditi"il*,
6q [email protected]" {qex q-{qr6€ qTq-{rfl{
exasrq qTq"K rycr r6'q{I F-ffit

Yhe que$tisns wiil as${ )dor.E afu*u* rq frry{x' €rr"&"ffire- 3m ryWr ffi
ffi Weather conditions
*.W wrqffsH'rs q.q,ryr
ffi Road conditions smm qwl
ffi The time of day
,ffi eFrc qE*"

m fi*5^^d
-.: :,.,,....--.
...--,"rffi ?ilB
h- -.i ;-M$rc ffi.$#ffi




)r*,ffiffi ffiNWffi

ffi ffiffiffiffi#
I . .,You are oh:..a:roadlwhich -,
speed humps. A driver in front
.' b. rilE maT, Ersf EIATG.T T6TrE
q:w €sm ngr{, ET6Eql-TNr{T
is travelling slower than you.
."'",'[!!!$'. trf.1!qf3f.'(E(,X'..,ffi'. {kg ?fi&
You should
"' - ,!.. Try " .,.i'., '
Mark one answer
a) ,E' Sound.your horn . ,.- ,,.,
' ffiru;.
b) tr
s) tr Et <rsr6{r
F, - T<E-g< v-igrur$1 sspE5ffi6 E-s1
Overtake as soon as you can
c) tr Flash your headlights fr.r tr Eryq1e-.nry *rr s:ilr
d) A Slow down and stay behind fu; tr rifu +q r-<l {<( fqEr{ ensr
2. You are driving with your front fog
4.".. ,s6 q:]W'(qrq ITf?t fl&
lights switched on. Earlier fog has
now cleared. What should you do? , , ElF:EqrL qlTrf{ q$1I ffi5-rr EIT
rrrcgl fo +-rr wfirm Gfusz


Mark one ansvyer ,qsffi ggr ffis q'ffi

a) tr Leave them on if other drivers €) n ErfiTl]',D-rm-grE-{' oFF{ qraTrqT
have their lights on en:srq qt"rfre rqrq rlqT
b)z Switch them off as long as frt tr qEfr-{ gBrttruT-sr Etrql ?rrzr-r?
visibiliry remain good EE F{ €'Afr T*' T'C{ ?T{I
c)'''.fl Flash them to warn oncoming fx; tr TsnK <rztc.< Elrtv r.FmreTffi
traffic that it is foggy T\of$s r-r6s ,qtefi H,t TTr
d)tr Drive with them on instead for E ro-sqrt6m? "tfu gEofr
of your headlights qrT{rfr T_?il

3. You are braking on a wet road. 'gi& Ki,aT.,_[BtsEr-cqqt

,,Your...Ve-hicle be,gins'to*id. lt,doil fl-fo frr%q crcg q-gs q-frflit
' ,,n6t haveinti-lock brakes- i rrW[E ,sf;B-6S CaAs fT? I

,g{'grirqtT ,t ig.N rT' +-* ormr

MCrk.bne inswei .,:,:.. I ,,,.- -'q ' . qF-s{
a) E Quickll, p-ll up the handbiake €) tr E sl rqezst+ Bl{r
b) 2' Release the footbrake f<lE W rurg rrr-{T
c) tr Push harder on the brake pedal fn tr Gts rrwa r6rffi 51a1 6E-{r
d) tr Gently use the accelerator fg),,g', 'u' '

4. iYou,afe dr.iVing on'the'motor.way'in
windy conditions. When passing
high-sided vehicles you should
". atrB-<errrg Trfo
l'..sr. ,fl&cs,fum
',",':'='@EI€,,.,38,. eil?ffld .WE
M"tkarrr"';n - ' ''"r:- ''"'I -."' -'
=,rr;tt., ..-.1.-,..' ,. a tt, .. : :j- i

.q<fi_Cg'r fufus
4 n lncrease your: speed ".. ' -,,,.., g),,E"ttfr' FF{
b) S ,Be wary of i sudden.gurt :. . . . fr;..fi'' .:,q6Krq"sl

q-a qEEF slrf,r

c),E,,Diive' alongiide, uuly-.Loi"ry,,. fr):.,E., - rslrs. ,,flTfu,E-l-qTr{l
q' ,f] Expect normal co.ndjtions ,

fu),E,, ?tkfqe Trr E-<1

5. While you are driving in fog, it c. q-Ti.TK wqT r@ Et"n6{r w{str

becomes necessary t ,ru-fog lights.
F?T q'iE.DT qr4IC{T qTflrc. Tffi
t :. ":-. i':"1 . '- .'.,. .twr 't'6g,
M"i[;n.'"i*a,*-t '-. - ,-,.'=]'' :..,,, ,.-. 111,-,'. :::-
:': ::r=
' ffi-

'-r.. , ,.
a)'"f]'Onlvtur.n.them on in h.eavy, , ' € r tr r+<q' r<Fr fiqrrFr ryrrrr
...iil- '.traffii':eortditions- 1.,. r,. .,: - : '-:: gr qrdnF'i
b) [ Remember not to use them i<i tr r+rDrerrcs sr rffiqm
on motorways qI T-TCE Tfr{ TI{I
.), E.
on[-use,*ienr._on dGf ,
" . frr tr ut qra WTq trrkwerns sr
:.: :::::..:,:3tr3q1-6':'6[f .: .
d)- l'5..'Remem.Gaio switih ihe* off as
. ,. viSibilrqy irnpr:oves '' ',, , .
fol [I, vrnr :e? Er <s
,,.-ffifrei:{{ol'T'Ieltf I
6.''Whdn snoW'is ii$,.hea1ily. .,,, U. 'T{=II., ,, VEE..q{K-Tlq E-fE
you should :'.
"' -'.:g1fd. ![I?nTg' *,fu...
':': ':-.;,:;

-' .
,Maikone answei-. -':,.'=
,,. .,.,__ 1,,.:.:,. :, '
a) E.onb{ aiive*iin Tour'nruiia A)' '8" P-,,, '' ,(Tf+

lights on
b) [ Noi drive unless you have
ffi urorrar
frt tr rqr<rEq FTr rT ?nrref rre
a mobile phone qT Drdnafr
c) l-l Onty drive when your ftl tr \5{ s<l;lP ffi werrc+r q?H
' - ':,journey .is ,s.hort-,',...,.- ': ,.. .. 1 rfrt. eeI {I
d)', ln,,'Not'dr.ive unlesit'i iisEntial; fsi tr 3rgtt?frs il q[E rnfo qr ErFTrGr
7 . Wiy are'vehitlesi*ea'*ittr'',. q. vrr+rEqefrns P&r;K Trr arr?Bq'
rear fog lights? ermr-* enrs, (-Tq?

Mark one answer atslE wit TElw siFr

a) E To b" r""n when driving .q ) tr r<ft afu-n5 rrifo urqr[Tm ,Fr6lr

., . r- at.high speed-. ': .,: W"tIEr ,fl& f".*flj, ,Ti


b) tr fo use if broken down in a fql tr fr"rqao ?KT rne wrsrwr

dangerous position qrs rrlr4 gr <]r€K Tirr{ 6-{r
c) U to make them more visible frl'E q+. .,E@e* q.tc--fl
in thick fog r<Fr qBrrru-{ E€flT q-{r
d),,[1'To,wiin dr|vers, following fot t_t ffi f<rro w15-s.r€rfi EI"riFm
f"fEm r{Cir <'{fn' e-{I
8. The road ii wet. Why might a tb.r,".. - : '
motorcyclist steer round drain
t+"eftg rE ,G,k, ' .
EE n, izm, Tm r{r- "tr6{ rs-fl
Mark one answer '.qsfi,, pg{
,) .,8,,]i] ivoid puncturing the tyres on 'q1'-8.",ffi
, rrrcrr rryrffir q
_ edge of the drain covers .,.: - .,',"'Pffi,,EE.'ffu-qf Ef
b) I-ft pr.. t tfra matar.e;cn.:.." fr, E [trlqiE a\rtB 6a5x 6ffffi-fs-m.
\ ,_, liajne
on the r.neiaifun-G rsr rrre-rf, Tr q'm
c) LJ To help judge the bend using the

fr, E f- T-\"r--d(e6F r$1-{ <ffism

FL< ?ircsT ffircrT r{-{. s-{.I {l-s
d) tr fo avoid splashing pedestriu* on
. . .., -.th€,.paVement..':,".'i,,,. ,....:;:....r''
fur tr Tq"rrf.+< "rqErilXr_<-66 ffi
ffira- a.r fuq5q-a s-a
9. W,hat: are,Ite rnain,@ohs:*n ; ar< i,q
-r..'' !rc,'fr( Trgsr vt-r+-q frm
..Coastihg'downhill hwq .. g ee*r< Ssr+ qnfr +.K{ fs?
: ':i::l :
:. , :t::

Mar.k two.answers ..: .,

,-qQF'@., ,ppry -
u) Q. ffre vehicle will get faster:: , l- .o;[ srfu,, flrr<
b) E You have less brJking and ft)"tr .-.qqq'
',steering:, ebnt-l'ol' -"'= :.:1'",:
"'- ' :

fr'gqq gH efrr<
c) E Fuel consumption will be higher frr E @ sT Er{
rr"r:Ear grefffE
d) U lt puts more wear and tear on fu,r tr Dr$r< Tr Ek € sfrgwT
e) E
the tyrei
lt damages the engine
rw qrr{
€.r tr ?f,fr qs qcr qrr{
10. Why is travelling in:n6utral for bo.
, 6gF1 qd "Eig
long,distances (knoWh as toasting) rrt& umrry c-rtB< rrffi {r
wrong? gE
"rkGsl r+a?
Mark one answer ..qsfi'ffi ffi -*" ::

a) E lt,will cause the caitd s[;6 .,, $t tr E"r6s erifu fq-s q-rrq
b) There. is no,enginb Urrkini
f, frl E ?l,pr+* Efsr<rt s:lrrr erc-{ TI
c) E tt witt mike th,e,e ine,till , ,. fqt tr €q-re if,qq <'s' qm {rr{
d). D theiengine Will .ln-'iaster.='=",,.- fg) tr ifira gs DEr{
I I . You are overtaking a car at night. t ,,, ,,, -b
, Yor-r musiibe=sure thatr.', ,:,,,', -.. r, '' "'- ' ' ' qE, qrr rq
'Mark one answei ' ,, -'. qsB sg'{ 6fus rsr
a) E You have swirched your lights to 6r) tr esmrFt+ Tsrr{ qrrr arreT
,', futf'bearn.,befoie.,fgsrtaking ' 'gl.16q'
-ERB-- "1-6-ql', '
b) f, You select a higher gear fu tr dE fflrm f{F s-6-{ra-{
c) E You flash your-h"roilghit frt tr €sKrFQm r-flT qrrr
rau qE{ TTr 6-LTrE-{
'r -,
" .,,bef6_f€ OVeftaking,':'.,,,.:,'''=, "'"
4 0.'|;;ay*=te'otheil-' == fuj-E'qqT' rrir{ rr{
qT 4"Irit-{'
l,2.Ypu r.rn i'moto.,r"iy *iEfu.n re.,ffi
Which iights sfioulU 'oh? ,- r1e q-rctr
y-.ou l ..

..gffi ..
r1 ,..:

Mail'one'ihswer ....., .,t' q*-*

&t tr fuTs rEsqr€trq
b) [ Front fog lights frr E lrrr.i-{ Trr qrDq
c) E Main beam headlights
o -- fi)-n" '6' :':'.'::
d) [I siaetignts onty ful ,ug, '

I 3. lh which'THREE of ,these situationJ ''bg"' ",EHf. lTffi{t

may you overtake another vehicle
on the left?
'- "=; 'TI{Tlqdd+ Elx..,t'll't frffi eg;<f}tE.
': :'' .. : . .
'ltairihiae anr*"", " rffii -'-'::'" '"
'a) E When.i rra*+ vehiila'G . ' @, '-
.{) E q<q'mmr qmq alri-<werl-6s
, ',. .,,f1.?vetling,ih the rig-ht-hand ,. -'-, "'", lrE.?G^ csrr{I qffi
' lane oia ,.
duat carriigqlr,/ai ,. -',,
IT) L-.] Tfi rfiffiI €TFrgr{ TIgrS
"',. opg 117ay'stfeet -. - e@
.c) ,, f, - Wn'en,app ching .fr1 ,[ x ,,urqrffi{ ,]'f
slip road where you",*ot".*ay
will be {istrTF r{r rs,mr me #n-s<
turning off " "',,,.ftffi.q , efE+
d) E Wt,eniheivehicle in.fr.ont is fo; tr T'<rr flrrc-fi ffi pra6 sm
signalling to turn right I,_,'-, ut'grK.,q-_-{r'n(trEir fir-cr
e) E '[n slow mo"tng t queues - ,
b,Eq -=i*., -
'. ., Tmqd
"when traffic,in.ifr-Aght hand,, t'=E|Tt.
,., ,t ..,

TL<T T,II flfuT D-"IC{

l4.You may drive with faont

fog'lights switched'on -.
bA..- 11ry"T,rt': ' fffsl
affiu urqTre nrrfi[

Mark one anslver .q<tffi'0v{ 6fus +mr

a) [ When visibility is less than q) E qqrq EETTflTTET >oo ffimq
100 meters (328 feet) ".,-.'," pF=ffii LqT S{' qffi
At any time to be noticed
F, n {ryI qr+,im rr r+rnr- T{rr
lnstead of headlights on frl tr msqrtftrr "tf{<nt EErfifr
high speed roads fl\n@ft[E
d)tr When dazzled by the lights fui tr ryl1ffi== ,'q'r,?Bq * ''
of oncoming vehicle
l'5.Using. r:ear fog-tlghrs on i',iteai
.' .drv ntght',wilf -r' .' -; , -': bG. w' nrrs prqn-< +er
: ;.:i: t.- ;
EEF..!qq .

,Marnk tWg,,ihswe"s . ,,-.= ,, 1,.., '

qAE EEr qr+ ffiu
,' f] Reduce glar.e fr:om:the : .
road surface
, lHt',07v6= vtrr, 6-11s661j1
" " ' :S$fr$r,,4a1 6a Wg
b) S Make your brake lights
less visible
fr). [].qrffi"lf11
ri:. i,=T{',,[E3lt'Tl-F,
c) E Give a bener view oi the
: :.-r
fql tr TIsr fl:rnr lno srratvrm
road ahead
E 'seen
pazzle, follor^/ing- dr:iver"i.
H"tp your indicito., *t"
ffiqT Trr{
.&zqrfr.rryqffi r<fr'
more clearly " ' :,.
'tErsR vrr< rr?16g rrEi-sgt Effi
16. You aie'travelling,at night..,*ou aie -, ' "
daz-zled=Uy freiA'tignts cd*inlr' . .,. '
towards.you ycu,sho-uld ,.. ffi, , :::::::

: '"
r qTfiT-q GGE :

:i ::: .:::.:.::

Mark'one Cnswer
a) E Pull oown. sun visor
bJ, tr. S*iteh.on your., main beam lights
,9)'.n ' * '

.) ,E Siow down or-stop.., F, tr rqE{ fu{ qTi.ur rqro mirr

frt''D -rt&,'ffi'rrffi, EI?KL,,rq6q q1€TI
d) tr ,P,t iour..hind over you,. eyes' l 6;,'5,,Erre,p,rg,&r.T',,,,pfel EI-T.r

I 7. Why ihould.lou,dways r"do." y-* 'bq.-. -ES-. ,,q--<,,ffi

speed *hen rravelling in fog?

Mark one anslyer ,qffi,Q ' .Srry

a) E Becausethe br:akes do not .q), E H{4 rsts vrrfi-src< T'16
. works as well ..- , ,' . ,. $-fi[ FT .'
b) E.,be,c.uii'you,iould,b'e'da u-,uy fql L_l S'K6I q{flilT EI"r6C?-{ mfu< rrn
.. or,l6-r:people's for lights '' .-,,, q@T Err"nrg CIr<f <rfrTrr<
c) E Because the engine is colder
S; !,'+m4o<n Etqq'iigl u16qr'
d) fi Because it is more difiiculr to &l'tr' "rr.{r{' fq'{fog
see events ahead T1r4-r Eg

18. You are on a well-lit motorway it =Sr.,,t , .'qlr€..'dr{,

. '' 'ryY6u-M '-=--,- ,, =-,. --'- rqrts<era-cs rrfu' r+qt-fl' rfffs
' :::- 'r:i.: " ':r,:. . ,.-,,.::. ,
ll,t EEITtr-{ W"TTT UITqTA

Mark one ansu/er dTG \BgT Gfug TsT

a) tr Use h.eadlights only in " '':'i- q},8'uut qmrt
- ' TK1T{,.
b) tr Use only your side lights i tl . ,q":tr1<ffi, Tircrd
e)' fr '.Al*aii-use.your.'headl;ghts- = fr)'E=rytll $3r{{ WR1a
a) [l Always use rear fog lights ,,eltr ry@i,,Bqry=qtt qth
<rrEllr s-flrfiI
24.'' Yoil' have:to".hake,ajbuahey,in' .', e8. srz[rE-{
,ri{fursrc {l-6,T 4-{ree
..i ' I : '::''
'-"l':1. : '6*
fosgy conditions. You should ,.:':,t . :r:r'-i ':': -. '-

Mark one answer ,.g '56q"q5P-+ :

a) E fottory closely other: vehiclels €) Er.:,11ffi.,ftqqfi,'

w{rlEl ?tM-{ T]w' rErq sr6!-i
,..- . tail'lighti closel!,.-. . ,':,'':. ,. ''
':' 1
' .'.-.. qmg.t q{r
,b)l E.,' e:ptenty,,.of'time f'or jouiney fu,,:[" ' .q1ryqqfq]lT
<i-Qrit il T-{T

c) E auoia using dipped headlights fqt tr fury raql?B{

A; Ei'Keep two-:seconds behind ' ':'
: fuj r[],i rsrs tr rryrs-s
-i:j :j::i'-
othFl .\nhitles''. ' -:.
- ,,- TqTS{ q<g <IttT

25. You:,are''drriving down. a,,.steep hill.,' rc. f,Tq BrtrRI lqc{ tI@ 6qr6w{'l
nqr TIE mru 6l?rrm 'qq<I
Why could keeping the clutdh down r<Fr
' ''or..iollihg in,-neutral fol too lo.ng' ,,':' f{-srrf, r.qrq tre Erm'm
aingli"rrl :- '-, : sr r{er6Ts rfin
. ue

Malk'one:answer ..qsffi Gs{ fufrs om

a) E Fuel consurnption will':be higher a>'n ai"Cffit q'1113.ffi q3,q5q
b) E Your vehicle'will pick up speed ftl'[], "ffi' , , ,,,,. '
c) E lt wilt'damage the ehgine fti'tr-qg..s-.* Qr'( " '"
d) ,E-It.Will'wear ryres out quickly' fio tr BrsK s{ qrq

26.Why could keeping- the' clutch down a\9.',ffiffis:'.ffi',-fi ' w4r

qramiflmr{ firBurd nqlT
' or'seteciing neutral.for long periods
of time bie dingero'us? " f<cr6Ts mfl

Mark one'answer
a) fl Fuel spillage will occur u,)'fl'{ -ffi "fws'nms <{c-T'
'b) 'tr Engine damrg. *aY be caused -fi]''E=@(*u< ''sq q{T"l
c)-, n' You will'have less steering and
4!T IE<
d) E lt wlll weir ryres out quicklY fu tr uvlvntl BrsK s-{ Er<
27.i-oaare tr:avetling,i;r qy'heavy'dh. eq. {{ gB+ x-cqi or& {-ffi
' ti eels"- fltfs Emlmr T{g
"Youi-overifl' stopping "-t{
.,t"',.lik'elytto.be='--, ". ; ::t;:'r':''' I .'-.r,i
q[g, "ffCT
:::' i' '
.: ,. ,. .1:, ,,.' '',,

Maik,,oneanswer -
,soG ue1 GFrs rffi
a)' ,f,1 ,Doubl€' - .qi E frq.f
tr qr{-{
b), tr Flalved r ,,:. .. . ::.: .. , .' f<t
c),',E "Up' to,ten,times'€ratei -'''' fu [ E-.ta€i "6s r<fr
'd), 'E,,'No aiffeaerrt r, ful tr rsrr{I Trtqor ra-q
28.Which FOUR of the following maY
- -s', , . 4r" frfry{
i ; i. ,
apply when dealing with this hazard? ,,,, QIF?

.'fuq,,: 'qq14". ,'". '' , '

,€) 'n--
Mark four answers
a) ff tt could be more difficult sr', 'r-{.FI. ,T.frT
in winter E(S qr(T
b) ,f,:,LJse'a'ltvr geai d.dr=ive slo*ly. f<t frq faTK <rdetr srT
i s{ ?rfu
c) I Use a high gear to Prevent ftj'ttw-EI-]1-T{,'T3,Ir'Pl-r
wheelspin GE fflTl< Tr<Erir <:rT
d) ff Your brakes ifterwirds
Te:sr 61'lf,"' ,fA**"$T{-, ,

e) f Always switch on fog lamPs

,,Qj, E ,$ ,,,m-,F,{:FtlT, ,

0 Zl There may be a dePth gauge ,!+i[],,* 'r;fr6 x6 <-ffirq'

29.Areas r:es6rved'for trams-'"' -'' " e ;" 'ry,I[', T'TL AIf,{, .,

may have Erc[s "rK

Mark three answers fiffi GE-q flEFFE s#{

them ' ,&) ''fl''uF T-frs
'a)" ,f]-" Metal'studs''around
frl tl qIFI Er[fl{ ryar rTo '-' -'
.fi1-E.lffi' *,''', "r'' '
d) .fir:A di'ff ent coloured sunfaced
-fu),,.E,, .$. , lfl''m Tffi{
s), '[:l Yello-w hatch rnarking
,Q)',,[,"qry.. g?I'
0. W' 'd.ifferen't-'surface texture s;)tl'TlvlT,iS s{t'ffi''q-4r[ffi
30. Holdingthe,clutCh pedal down'or
rolling'in,neutral. for toclong''
O ' r?rflrq
:'w<Efg. T{E
fi<r:q'gE+,'fi'Bfrrq' r<rcr
.. w.hil6 driving-wili., =-l'.,' - -. .. oe T= ft-
r'::' -- ,,,-'la' '::: ::::
qsfi iufios q,m
: ::::':' ' :: -r''::'
Maik one'aniwe'r. -"'r" ':-' "':.."'-'...'
, .:
Aj"n 's@ 'UreT '$ 'tr{"
a)','.[,:Us 'more frcl-'.-.':... "'] "-. ,-

.b)' 'Cauie the.engine troverh

,e;''.6t'R-aucepurtontrol ," ", ' "' fu tr tn& S"K fax<"r 4T{ Trr{
d) [ lmprove tyre wear fsl tr Errrr ws E,{ scd

3 I . H'oY{ can you.,uSe the engine'of your o!'ry ' ft'9q.,?nr.sr

-"-.'ffi..{i..Try.,1ry .,',
vehicle'to c rotYur sPeed?,"'

-'' '-,
'4 , : .,.<F--g*
Mark one,answ€F; '-' " "r '''
..'.': , _

a) 'W"81''chang!ni t-o'a lower gear"l'

b) [] By selecting reverse gear krtrffi1xqmffi= ffi:'' '

c) , E By ehahging to a higher-gear-:- fq) tr Gw sG farK f{Ts

d) 'E By selecting neutral, ' "-'. '" ful tr frG'Eq fqgg. TCr
in *a - u1t(I flre
32.You-have'to park on the,r'oad .
, ,.. 'ffi$"$vm
You should ,,a.T<,I 0fuv
" ::. . -:..
.:i: .,



Mark one answer

a) -'[$aVe,main ;--g', frq. \\ .,
fq {lT,
,ftj-C. =
beam,lights ori:. ,

b) [ Leave dipped head lights on .fqrq'TI<g,y

c) fi L. u. sidelights on fn tr TFs qTtB,ry rqm rI<lI
d) E leave dipped headlights and u) E fsqq [qsara.Bn .e<s
fog lights on Trf qffin, ,!qrq rt?tT

3 3. You -are dr:iving,.ln .fog. -Wliv shoul.d " Oio::@.., i,,,

..-'' you.keeB-*en'b kl:orr thel*eh,iate TIIT'fi(- fII& TqTE Y6EB T61
in front? errfi \ErEs rsq?
, . :. , -: :

.sffi,.,@ Fq
Mark one answer
u)' ,C ln cxi'it ,top, sudJenly s) E qfr rn' Ebrq rqrcq {'m
b)'fi. ln case:jt'changes .,.- . ftt,fltffimebts @ l

r. , dirrecti_en,tUddenly,,-.,',.,=. '. ...', ..;.,,$,,.ffi': ,::-::"' r:

c) E tn case its fog lights dazzle you

fri tr qfr +aqr+Fq qlqrm -a,,,

rdrq. <rfl'rym

d) E ln case its brake lights dazzle you. ,fu).'E',ffi.,ffi ;3f6 qt? .BT 51?f <rf,ql{

34'.Y.ou have=been driviry'in thick fog \98. q'{', SFTK {fi]', t{fr urfarqrqqt
s,t" ,qfi "Ifr?ffK q6{ rflcE'i
You must switch OFF your
,',,,,,* .,f?pff*.Srr -
.Fear'fog lights-becauSe,.r : ' .., " ::
<T TC{ irre ar< <mq
'.:i:::::'::::. -:::::.. l:i:=. :

.Mark=one-ahCwer ,gSG GET frfrg

gtrs rGrfl-{ Errns {fis
d '' n"Thgy use lot'ofpower,from. ' 4) n
, the battery . ,., '.-'{,€ld,-TS,
q A They make your: brake lights frl E,,,qXq 'qffit T{
less clear qfuctflu= ur
'c)' E'rhey will-cause dazzle in,
-' .ft; '![fffi' PE*{, Frc:' riq'$-{
:,i ,,, '. ' yoUr:rear'vie-w mirF6r ,., ,,:i '- qlT-{lr rrlt <rffil'6{
d) l-j the may dazzle approaching ',='"'- ,,? sffq
. -


35, Youare-on a rnotorwav' al night, . =' Od;,ffi,l 'uller;nr6. q-d'r€ '.,

qlrE-{l [QgqTe.Dtr.

switched on unleis
-,,=., 6 .fi - '

':.,-'' ...: . '

.qTG GET ffiS +*_*

'Gr'fi- t .q'f"ll6 flTlE
a) C Yourvehicle is broken down on
'.- " ':,, 'the'hard
., ': ' , qro-dlt-{
f{t tr etrrqr {FKrE{\afr

b) E There are vehicle close

in front of You eTErsr& en6s
c) E-, You are,tr ltinE beloW 50'mph fxltr co {rtt-ffi oq ?rfi5cs Erat;r

d\ il tne motorwaY is lit fu;-f- s[[ml'3[Im'

36. Hills,can'affect the per:formance of \9\9.G8 nvr tr&
D-4I{ rrlgrrTsom
your vehiile. Which rwO appty "rr
?tk<Sr 9il.{C9. I 0q rrsH
,,..-=. ,=i ',rq.d -- 16T16T EF?
Mark two answers tc< 6frs rs{
a) [ Higher gears will pull better ,sil tr W f,tmu< mfu qra E-f,-r<
b) il You will slow down sooner frt,.;1 .erfu qC{ qlF
c) Q Overtaking will be easier fxl tr esmrFto r-{T rso ar<'
d) E ff'" engine will work harder ful tr Af,nqrs r<ft orw 6-{rc Tr<
e),fl Th6"b.teering will, {eel:heavi tl'
Ej'i " q.-

37.Froni fog:lightsthould be used :.'- O-n:" +* qffi' 'l5tr*i

ONLY when <TreTT q-n GBs q<n

Mark one answer '4ffi,@@3EI . .

a) E Travelling' in very.,lightr'rain' n l'D .q1ref,"ffi:'x(& .gPI;,'T{c{{

b) Z Visibility is seriously reduced frt tr qBrrflD-{rt-r {< sq qrd
c),,'E Daylight is"fading -. ..':. ., '" ln tr Er* gtrqT q5{ qrorrE
d) E Driring after midnight fu,1'fl- *
,.,11fd",{[&-EqR5 :

38;Day-time visibility. is-poor but not O'H' ' ,E6. eg { .l

.,- seribusly r:educed, :;:,'r';' :;r;;:.:' i' -
',' .;='gl4E.gq;.,;Ff.[..9{-9.[{qn[.;,,,,,
'You should SWitch'on'' " Iqr4 mnT slDs

l.lark one answer

.e) E res q@I Lqq( stl frqr
") f[]' Front'fog,lighti'
Headlights and fog lights
f<l tr n'FrtrK r{ ane=Dq

c) Z,Oipped.headlights
d) I lll Reai'fog,lights
gb. TSq-,Gi(Tr6{ g?l;[ Ec"lffi TTF
1r* ffifl


'il* Y.fl*"'
Maikone.'ahswelt ,srfr Gs< Gfir-s ss{
a) E When stationarY in a queue r"
E,Tfi' '
i !tr{g ",,Qll<FK{ l

b) E
of traffic
When approaching a
'frj,n q f4ffi;a',ffi-P-<
pelican crossing
' ',ffi w3[n ,E({{.
c), [ ,Wheh appr.oaching'? .,,,,, . .' frj tr:qerd .rq3t o.fucsr eT-{
zebra crossing
.,',:, -. srffi
-{ffi{' qIaE
= ' :'
fuj'tr r{rr.' (3f(T' {rfo wq
d) 6 When oncoming traffic Prevents
i' =, , ,ffi,<{Sfg' TB s-f[<
you turning right .,..,,.

40; When MIJST yo-n*edpped bo ,fifi{ rq4.tT a-qT.ft"tq rEs qIt[T
headlights during the day? q-flTa <Fqrir <*r6s qr{?
Mark one answer dsG GET ftf5.9 Tf,{
a) E All the time d) u T< q''rrrTE
b) [ Atong narrow streets I<) -L_l rF (TBIQE,,,.-
c) fr l" pooruisibility
d) E Wh"n pirking fsl tr ryft-q arm q'{Tt

4l . Fiont fog lights may be used 8b: ,?rr[ , 4-6'1

rrrc nrr{ 16?rT {I"fi

Mark one answer q ,T-TT
,l g ViriUili,y is seriously reduced U) [:: 'oF o,q es
b) E ttey are fitted above the bumper f<l tr ar-ncg< G"rc< Ei qlarr+l Errs'
c) E mey not as bright as fxl E sr rE.s etrQqrl-{ {rsl
the headlights sflTqTrffi qI E-{
d) E Rn audible warning device fu+E ' fr"q,'"''
is used <i?rErir T-cfi

42.Whiah THREE'.of.the-foJlowint il| ,gi"' ,ffifrdlwr:i:.'

affect your stopping distance? E-{Q f{t qDr<r

Mark three answers ffi w< G,fus rs-{

a) tr The time of day &j' fi "Fnffi-{ Ear*frv*'T'c<
b) E The stieet lighting frt E nvm GT E fu< cr<
.j Z uo* i*t yo, are going fr),.[] w"f{ll 'ffi G,tm 5 E6..
!) C ii,ait on ia'u'.vehide fu) n, 51qir{ Sfi,.fiet TtT
e) ZI tft" weather il f,r' 0E< fi s.ffi::':

43, T6' coireg.t , reai wheel' skid 3g.,'fi;E Fr+t'@--{1e,{r{ "Fil ,

you should
.=:: ::= ,:: lt::::':.::-r ,r: ,: - ::

,',,r, I

Ei'fi: "'ffi.
Mark one answer ,qffi,.@ '

a) tr nppfy your hand brake ffi.-'.,.',,'

U),n Steer.. -ilay';r66:i6,,,.. frl tr f{"rfrs @ frrE( T{rfiI
s) .-:,n.,,N:ot Cteer.'ai,alf , '' ' frt tr rsrrfi fi(TE ffis' Tl Tfl'r+I
d) fi St""r into it fuj",E e ers,.Ertk(, lprefi

44;'You-shQu!d, switch you1, r"ear fog

.'' 8g., : :F,,a{,',{ffi r.wI (1TT

'':. |tghtit'on when-.lis ility: oropsb6low

Mark one answer dSE GET GfrS ETq

a) f-l You. overall stopping distance' .q) tr emril-T r'ffi q<9 "tt{u
b) E Ten car lengths. f<t n r-rG ...rlr' .fu< +{E, :

c) lll ZOO meiies (655 feet) ft-l tr roo ft'FKT (\ec\e 1q6; +iv
di fr too metres (328 feeQ fut tr >oo frFmI (eab ffil "nie
45. Chains ian be fitted to your
;$eti ta'natp'ffient' '. '.. ' , .8G,,'
1S[!1.€,gTl{-qtrT rla*r.,qs731
"trr<-{ cffi Er<rrefi
'1:::'::.- : I
r,::.tr .: I , : ::,'' ::., l. '.'':.::: ..
Mark one answer
! Dimage to the r.ord ,rrfrc" "'Tfr GBT mres +,sr
b) E- Wear to the tyres *, tr 1-" w.tu n or<
c) ZI stialing in deep snow fr; tr Frfl,a{T +fu :n Ea
d) E tne brakes toc[ing F, tr !T q{r6< Er?Fr qr fq}Tq
fu, E c-s{<re?fr u"tr T* TT q{
.."-.y .on"asingLb+raiklroil.-' - '' ':'
coming towards ,-'ll-
,arv..: ft@'ffi c=
'::,. r:" ,&lE,',. .ffi .mqrE| '
You should
. .... .,.,...,:.::::
wrllTrr sEg
i : ::::.1 I i:::r .j ir-

.1ffi i?,q 6fus T*.;r

on your hazard warning lights €r E ?iEiu, effi<, <r& rqrq
ilb) F lr,
LJ Do an emergency srop m,Tr

c) E Co back io the main road

i<; tr qgti ETql.s rre -r|{TF[
d) 6 S,op at a passing place F E rqil rmi{ f,+z-< wesr
t , merm EII--{
fu)'E. D*TI

47.I:u to make a journey in fog.

have 8,q.. {'fii. , .T!
What are rhe TWO most imporrant .,.,--'3lG.f..W.,ffi1'ffi.
" .,.
things you should do before
fT]1 E{ T]c'
you set out? ' 'qflltrd ' ?"' -'-':' r., ,:'
,,, . '"',.,,,
:' , ' ,,:,: :::t ::: : j
-.' :::'
Mtat., o,-*sWCrs .: . rr.{
j:_:. .-:. .
T?E Cre,( 6fus
a) 6
Cnect your lights are working rs)tr.'ffi$fi ,Q".TI'Eq'g q-s1
b).,''il.' Tofu p"thC.+aai-rcr:*ith,,' -' - ftl tr1. .o 'r r - ,,,'
e) .'
M][.'iria'iha],windows frr E sncsr'efi "rf-<sm qr6q \rr
are clean ffius ee]il
,d),' E Make sure you have a warning
fu;'E:' F - m,mv_,6z
':.:,-::i'r=r ,q,1 =g;ffi6 gaf r .

e) 'E Check the battery t) =E , g o-gr "

48jW h'ry'"o6n4ilowing'ird, ., .
8b f{rq=r rsq Tqffi xfuoz rrfu radm
correct? When overtaking at night :"- .'T '€ ' t,,,g .-'.
:: :]:

Mark two answers qs{ fufus r?F{

Vuu..u" a=be'na o .q) n dr6+< qqi q(ersl a.{T mr
-"= =,. "'i€e.thi'.Anaoming headlights qTfls infg-{ reg-qT€Ir rqrfi
b)"-E, Sbrna'yar-rror" *il" b-.for,e, " fr,)il "n'r+rFm e-{r fdffiIf{ir qIf{
moving out
6,,n"< wf
c) fr Au careful because you can try)rl .3$:. s3f ',qtls:f-rm{ Ert?ff{'
r .* :'see le.s-.i .. -. .". =.. .",' T:[ rq's[F "lr{rEq
d)'. ff|
Bew,arc of Uenas''i* tfia fut tr nrq,r{ rrsf{ vrqi {ro efr<
roaa aneaO ,., ,,1.., If_fi - ..-'::.::'
e) E Prt headlights on full beam b,,E-. lfFI' ,,@
49. Front fog lights may be
uSed only if
Ffl,{&I sfiQ !rd€t{
:'a,: '"':-,,
. " I :,,: :::
'',,,ryf ,C{Cq'
"|]ZT " , '

''i .: , ::i ::. :

,Maik',one ahsWer..
.qffi Bsr fpfus Epi
! V3ur
ilD) LJ head tights are not working q) .E ?IIfuT T1rr ql s-6{
they are operated with
fr) "El ,.q '' +*' .iqT
-- rear fog lights
c) [[ Visibitity is seriously reduced
d) E fittea by the manufacrure F-'!'@ 8i.,
fu},f]''' $tr *,a. qs.
fu EIT
.50;Fiont fog lightsthorta-U" used, , Go. IT{ffi $,a I:;-T?F.T T,Tq-< 6Tr gfFE
" ''- : ' ',',, r r.: ,.: r . r,. , . ,. . ',,,
Markoo",in i;:' .qTG EET q-sq ffis
i)', .A Wherl visibility is reduced '
Gr E q<H tfrr-an-ur-sr <rq toomrc_<
b)"!-fu.-a warning to oncoming traffic f<r tr qTtts ,,lTu-T Sfu qs-6fi-T ftrTrT
'c) I'Wn*'aiivrn!..during
., - fr)-:E 'qrtFsI{,.rr T.rrE qfi
hours of darkness
U)",E lorny.condition and atany time, ru, i uqi
l';You:,aie diivingtown a. long,
c>. qmo flq g+ffi <rg,n ,rrnE
. sreeB'hill, Y u.'srddenly no-tice- .: ,.,':: ,E.}T ef;tr64q 1q
your brakes are not working $[g '

as well as normal.
What is the usual cause of this
TtE 3i-{rq T[ I t{rr En.r
r-TqT;[6tg io ore ?lrr-T?
Mark one answer qffi.gg-9,,:.fifrgi S:f{, ,
d,:, +he bialei ovdrheating

b) E nir in the brake fluid

-. € I tr rgt-.sry quFr Tfi rrrcu
c) E Oit on the brakes P! qA. gerc <rsrry"[T
qrs r?rru
d) E Fl E'' '+r?r, bq rqm r,lr?
Badly adjusted brakes fui, E.. W< Ktq ''kqtr{t qrru
52.Why is it dangerous to leave m. **n, +rt' ,fr{l6T
,,. .iear,foe lighti,An'when they' ,-- ...,' s*ns ur rqfa
rc"i 71+r
are not needed? -
r<er66 6q47

n."t',, o'ansW"i, ,' '

usT TErsg
a) Zf- Brake lights are':leii clear s) tr Kee- qri.Ql E'q Efrrmu< Er<
b) [f Following drivers cah be dazled fr,, tr f"tp:Ce-< EI{S[E-T (EI<r <rql-fF
c) E Electrical iystem could ,fr1 .tr,,ffir,ffiDrs erv rqF
be overloaded r{r<fr€ qcT r{re flr{
d) E birecrion indicators may
not work properly
Ei , rffi <Tfu are fr{ {rgr
e) "[. The'batter"y could fail _,. .- :..:- ?r tr TnFR?r wr+"rur EcE "nrr
53,.You,see inese markings on the
'"'$y.are-tneytheref .',','',,,,'' .qe fD-s'efr Lq<nffi fT-fl

Mark one answer .qsm.,Sg-n q.fiT

a) tr m show a safe distance q), E.g{I]Rtr{T,{ffiT f.r*'m
between vehicles trV
E6ffi ar<;6s- Tol.:mi qrfg
b) E fo keep the area clear of traffic frl tl .qE sqrn-t Ttrqtq{
{E Trqt"s
4 ,"to make you aware of your speed fu tE eitql-<_ qfu r<Rrf, Tr<168
d) Ll warn you to change direction fu, E fr+- "rrfu-{ Tss tr-r6s
54.You will feel the effects of engine
,aa. ?fpi Fr{T fl& s,q erE, \n qpq
s-{'(Ei ?ll7..gtrq TcFr srr"Jfr

Mark one answer

a) 'n ,Onl/_ use the hand br.ake
b) [ Drive in neutral 9) ,E rE.<-e .g'ls''6fu qiEqf{, g-s(T{
a)' ,q ehange,to a,loWef giar ft tr f{suz-f, n& urqr6-{
fn trfr'ry , qKff{,?n.tr[T{-
d) E Change to a higherlear ful E'&'Io r'-flmT T-{r<r
55.A rumble device is designed to CC' I_s ?s Te' <i6T sn-+-{' f,+g {-s

Mark two answers
a) E Gir" directions ffi, ."
tr f,E_{ ffir T_fi.

b),,,f] Frevent iattie escaping frt E as rr{. "[fr6{ r{rc Tr "trLT
c) ,f Alert drivers to low tyre fut tr,frflrffi <rsrr s'rl qr6u m 6-{r
pressure ':' ' I\m o<rf- ' :

d,1 f, Encourage drivers to f,s)

''n,a&: ,uer
reduce speed ': ,,tq E-,ff ', ,,

e) 2i onvers to a hazard Er tr wqrr i<"m srrrq rry q{T

Erfls[E-frs nEs T-{r
56p.htve'::iust,dri ry oui of fog,, ,
C\9r 'q{i, Cqf$' .{?, $E ,

Visibility is now good.

You must
r qfi Efrrrmu<vr vrrqTl
Mark one answer
a) fr Switch oit utt your fog lights
f )..''[
. ,** 'T{ sr{'
b) E Keep your rear rog rilhrs ;n q f"rEznr sr Erfu rqrq rT?rcnr
c) U Keep your froni fog lights on Ft
Int E rrrrffi srr qrADr 6qra rl{rr{.
d) LJ Leave fog lights on in case fq tr Trr qrtB{ ,.I-' RT<rh .*"
-.,' .lfog'fetUf,6f,,'.:. ,,:,. .- '.,1 ,,,,' .:i,',.,1 !!ffi ,
';qgg. o||-fS ,,'
57. You forget to switch off your rear fog 'd{.= ',.
8 -ffi14'': ,

Irghts when.the:,fog is cleared. ., qr-qr <E- Sirrs qrm. rrrrETl

This may ?oro ws

'U' Aade,other road users ,s) E 'Twi

b) '[]'Redu-e',bater:y.life ,, r ru1{ <rffit-{
c) f} Cause brake lights to be less clear

f, E sr E6<
rirtrrfk gq
ftr tr rs-es- m?-F s{ Ufrcrnuv ecE
d) E g" breaking the law fu.i tr qrt* qqv{ o-{r q6T
e) lli Seriousty iir".t engine power Ql- D .ffi4"fi,gffi .'ffiry q6,:
58. Which of these plates normally cb. si rVE-ft-or rrtr qT{rnqs
appear with this road sign? firqr rs'q rTaB qrfltr{r atFrr{?

Mark one answer ,erft 6q-q frfus rfi{

b)ut."-*e oyr:[ilI,-*,"] b) tr[."-,nA o)trfffi1

59.:Using front fog llghts ih:ilEar G5; -ffi, A ,sr[.q[.?BT'
daylight will
,=. .-{]SI ,',S-r{m
-,. l :-'ii.,l'.ttr..' 1 -'t't''
Mark one ans\ /er €sE W{ frfus E*-+
a) tr Flatten the battery €) tr Tnrrfr" s-T Es
b) U Dazzle othei,dr.ivers-. ,
i<r tr wrET Drersrr-{ p-rq <rafls
c) tr lmprove your visibiliry fi)'tr'w111q1g '
" f<Fr q-CtrsT rqv
d) tr Increase your awareness r-U.r tr qIeF{rCS. S-6(

60.,Aftg{ this hazrad.y.ou shouid 1ssf:/our
\9o. ,q? fr"fF ?H ESTK "rffi rgts
brakes. Why is this?
fliiisT +-n ufus t ur rs-{?

,Mar.k ong ans*er.,l ;;:':''""

dr6 .@-F,sr,. '
a)-. f,=BA-ause iouF !rykes- would,be s)" 8:,'TlErl''qITq.{ e* '
ioaking wet
b) [ Because you will be on a @i qtryc<
,ft'"E'"ffi4lg'q4,',, . '
slippery road Cflt-{ err-{rr{
c) E Because you would have ft}'tr mr<q q' qrcm'q-{r fiu rrvts
going down a long hill
d) E Because you will have fui tI s.t<+ urlqfr, ,.g 'ffi aur rnq
just crossed a long bridge
"n{ E{T €rflrEtr
6l..You are.on a motorway in.fog. '' \9b" ,Tq."., ,Ir,5{i. [fffi-fr€rsre ?IIfu
The left,,hand edge'of the motorwal Et=nrq;Ii fsT-f,-{ RrqK rq-rcl
:,cah be=idintified,.by, refleitive atuda
'.,"" " ,''= , .,,, ,frTI{T afrr'r q*I
,,'',.What Cotouiaig.theyl' qHl & aqme;it<ffifs?

Mark one'answer q ,8.,.@ 'TTE

a), f White q) tr flqT
b) El. Amber ' i<; 5 aqn
c) ,E.-Gieen" ,
ful fi orq
62. On.a foggy dayiou unavoidably :. \e'e. Tr{T"awi5 flT&
have to park your car on the road. '' r{,6T TIglIf"'"r <Trrc-'$-<T
:n I

You should qt?fi-{ €fru

Mark one answer qq,ffi,fu, .T,p,{ :

a) [ Leave your headlights on -q) fl rcs"ntt{ rqrf, TT?II

b) I..] Leave your fog lights on fqt tr stt ETaFJ rqrq rT?ti
c) ff Leave your sidelights on fat tr @rry rqrfl rr<rT
d) fl' Leave ytoui hiard lights oh' fut q ,qr?Dq
tI rqrE fl{T

T$ris se*tien imt**es e{ !"n#t$rway

ru$*s. siP erkrwm cqrBrsers ftxqrchx sqir
ffi'qT qcq*

Yhe wfff ask ymm ab*u* ffi &xex wTTswrxrc ffi s--qr qrre.

$p*ed trimi** ,*
ffi stm q'ffii
han* discfip!ln* ffi rq*rqx ywrryr
!j;.{: }'
$toppimg ffi
P"sii _

W Lighting N.

:", ti,,.




iiitirs :liiN
*.$+r\$$$$rNt$. x

;,-#de$ * "*;TTYH
.*******T a ; i.:Ilx I




ll r.; rlr Li!t!liut:"llliitrri
What should you use the hard
shoulder of a motorw ay for? -:ff, fE wai
..,,+rt,.,'S ?

t r .^
Mark one. inswer 'dffi',ft6,' ' -i,i ,' = -'
a) E Leaving the motor:way. sj E rqrF<err Eitfl T-{ltr ETr
b) p Stopping in an.ernergency
c) E Stopping when you are tired fu tr .31xrwca,,.qlqr6+mw-m.
ft';' f,'' 3{.E..qrq, qllq[:Tr{ wilT
d) U Joining the motorway ful tr rn-D-qers.re cqrr EsrK 6.il
2. You are travelling on a motorway. .+'.".
' Unleii:signs show a towei.lspeeJ
., limit you must,NOf exceed .'
--.- 'ffir,r 'ffi*-. ,$.
f ff5.,r$q qLTI

Mark one ans\,ver ,(sffi W-{ g',s-fi{,,,
a) E 50 mprr
,f)' E, Go l.rtd e&' - '

c) fi 70 mph
fr),'f].,qo.qfi. ,1ffi,6r,,': ..
d) E 80 mprr

ful bo rrAq m q-+m

p. mft\9gg6q,,, , cFr{ frr,T

motorway. What is your maximum
TiTaqi eIifl;TK TtrtIE ?rfu fiqT
speed limit?
s-s EF? ,


'Maik 6ne,ahsWer qffi iBqs frfus rsq l'.' ,

a) [ 40 mph
b) f, s0 mph f<r E c'o {]-iq s& E=frr
c) fi 60 mph lql EL rso {rAE gfu E-Sm
d) E 70 mprr fu) E'..qo " ffi,E-6pa
4.' What,coloui.ar.,b ;th e-ieneLiv;"
8 f+rf*efs .q<(-gr{ fuq,(ryqTo
studs between a motorw"y and =-..-,.t rsrr6{
its slip road? .-" ru r@ ts,. ''" ' ' '-
M".*;;a-a ;=,'-','-"-''-, :

€sfr w{ fufrs +,pr

a) fi',Green' , . q) E r{6
b) fl Amber frr tl qq.n
c) E Wt'it" fr)trwn
d) E Rea
5. You are on u *oiffi, i,

rqnirerT6s ,f& u
shown above the hard shoulder
and r4iFrgrc{'{ G"rr< arf, 6ry s<( Er{i
mandatory speed limits above all
rT{ rqprfi o"rrs qtffi.r
other lanes. This means TF?F {fu
frqr r*$ rF{T {'rrq tem'q.f

Mafk one.answer. .. , ., , :- .
qqB_Gs'{ fpfips +pi{
a) f The hard shoulder can be used as
..q)., n Sl$,".E.-$r{' s-frffi
,. ' a rest ,l.ea if you,ieel tired . :' eI._6 trTrEurLT
b) pf "[6 TTrg errirm{
The hard shoulder is for
fti ,[]' " {rq, flfs
emer genry or breakdown :'':''i..,' ''qiqiT:'U$fi
use only
w"€-t{ aFrErLT{ Erm.
c) E The hard,,shoulder aan il used,as fq) itr ,. ,,,?,&., ,6-ai
d) .E The hard shsulder has a speed .ly L,riE\ls <i<Em +TT TfF
te) E'qRi.
- rlfu ,
,',,. i, lirnit,of S0,rnp5 ' ' T$,ls co ,q1f-fi, :

6. Why can it be an,advantage for. traffic g. E{l rTTr{l qr{-{ieur{ {fu

.speed.to stay constant over,a-
, longer,'distance?.,, ' ,-' =, r " fur qagm Ti<tad g.-/rsm E[g
ffi 6ar-ar

Mark one answer

a). ,'E You'will do.more
ssfr Gs-q f6fos qeq
*op-ro* " ).' 8.u65' El?tfr ,ffi.,r{Fr st-T
driving crrr-D"n T-f,afif
b) f], You Will use, fai more'fuel,., ,fr.'- E .qrg r<Fr q'ran <LT" qrd
+ E You will be able to ,r" ,o." 'frt E
, direct ioutes :,1:.. r
"re n"@ flVtS {tET S{rc
qrF{ ar{{
d) ff Yor. overall journey time will tul ET . ,-ql $ifi
normally improve
I-{T <r{" Qr<.

7, An Emergenry Refuge Area is an area q. 6?fr.(g,,qIxT ,r{rl{ €qrfi qsfus

i ,: 'l:,
Mark-One AnSWer, :: ,. .. .. 'A - .Wf._ . ,.
a) E On a motorway for use in cases
' : . of ernergency oi Sreakdown ,' al Dqr{66l .ffi qamr t
EFT qrTS 6n"S1T ,sqror
b) E For use if you think you will be &),,-E. ,$rnq rit ilvl{'<t?rsrs
; <rtgE Er$[ grr
c) E For construction and road
_ ,-
<]qqr{ s-{r<r 6-{I
.fr+ E,T1 ml1,
fqfu<1 .,r,g{.
workers to store emergency src?-q 6-+-fr 6116-< re-firs
_ equipment TI(r(g elrtr rry 6-{T
d) E On a motorway for apolice ful'fi fqffi i .t6rr rfifu
: -patrolto park'and,watch traffic
'n6 e-6-T {TT<Tprr-{ B"K
... , .,,,..qE [,,,fi{-69 Ei-{I
8,,' Youaie tr.avelli .'
' you decide ,.rt:;:: [:::t*"' '
',.' t,wrlil;tr,,. fu

Mark one answers
a) Il Stop on the hard shoulder .sffi i?,8-< FFas TFr
b7 U C, to a service area f)"n'ffi''
c) E Putt up on the slip road P rsrmr Trf,ll" qET-{Tr
fr)'fl"ffit'.' rsirq Trgsi
d) tr Park on the central reservation fu1.tr Iqry ql$rtR|rs rar* rrs$
9. A crawler lane on a
motoft1/ay is found
@EK [qtq) oq flfurs Fryir-@-dT
qI"TIFT rd-?T ligT,I >I'E

Mark one answer

€sfr IBE< frfuu +rq
a) E O, a sreep gradient 5r tr ror+r fr srrr
b) f Before a seryice area fr, E nrtr sqriri-< rrrrl
c) f Beforea junction frr E raTrqT Esrrfi rrrrrl
d) E Along the hard shoulder r.p I il Prg f4l{g:ra{1 nr1ffT"r
10. The leftihand lane ;f a.-mbt-brwai
,b0',!T!I1€q8. _q"tq 1ffi -'

should be used for . . ,. 6-,fi--Gfr\I ,. " rii,,'1tl,.f


MalrkOne ansyyer, .,' '..:-''.: -':' -.,

q+ffi GET ffis TsT
a) f Breakdowns and emergencies .q) E qFmrq-{ qfsfoT Efd s<s
'.,onll ", " 6T-fr :KTr6rr
b) E Ov".trking slower traffic in the ,fr,)"8'-q,iT,, s.s-r&g.'5qg ..

other lanes
. , ,. ggi1-{ffiQ-E ,T-{CS
c) E Stow vehicles only frj,E.' sq. {&Tq Eqs rff<Tg
d) fr Normal driving ful il Trrt{"t WT .al& Er{}[TtT 6-{T
I I . When going through a contraflow bb. c{IF{eCs[E rt?rq k?fi-sT?fr e[T
system on a motorway you should or&' um-rcen s<rq qrfifu Gfb\I

Mark one answerl ,sr.fi qq-{ G..frs q-#{

a) ffi Ensure that you do nor exceed G) n fimf"re.rE ffi; llon€q ffi6 ,6qPy
fl-gls tq;r qI EISIr{ EiI 4EFr ?r?fT
b) [ Switch lines to keep the iql tr Tr+{E rr qrflrr 6{r. m{q
traffic flowing
"rffi s-{65 e[T-s.r
;) p a good diiiance frorn tha' , fnt f fr-m"rgm e-{i, 41-rin-E ,i&T
vehicle ahead, for safety Lef66. TfeB 9-g6 aral
d) E Drive close to the vehicle ahead Is) tl l
THrr6 qI qralT @-nT, qFrrffi
to reduce queues ,fr .rsT src-{rc-" Erqlrqr
12. On a motorway you may ONLY stop be. [$rtr{s[T{ EIU rq]-6rgl,r< \9{ Effi?
on the hard shoulder rnfo errqlcs flrtrfd{ rrfr

Mark one answer .sr6 fo-{ BFrs r+q

a) E ln an emergency € ) tr ra-rr+r o--f tti 1KTfl5:[ q{r
b) E lf you feel tired and need to rest lo tl Trs q{ €<q f{$rrq-{ Tc{rwa qr
c) E lf you accidentally go past the frI tr TT <]gt fir-TT TIETK TET TS TTgI
exit you wanted to take W o6{ iq-6m rsrf, EcFt rlrpx
d) tr f" pick up hitch-hiker fo'; tr ncffi T$tr ?fffsrs Obrco

are'allowed.to p on-- bt9. gfffigsmre ?r&'en:{R-{T-6. q1qfu

..13.Y.ou .

a motorway when you qleu'T?Fr.:

Mark one answer qsG GET ffig TsT

a) [ Need to walk and get fresh air €) tr prBfd{ €qq T'N6 <rsPT f{rd{
b) E Wish to pick up hitch hikers
c) fi Aru told to do so by flashing fri tr"tffiq.),!ryffi qrq qrAB 6r{l
red lights ,flfs erNrCTK qqT Tf,i EC<
d) E Need to use a mobile phone isl tr rsrcrqq rFFI <rdEK oirrs srd
14. You are on'a.three;lahe motorw,rv
b8. fir'{ rq.a[T{ rryrF<ecr(g .urr(Eq .q?
, and see this sign. lt means you can use 6a rr<rrg rercq;I sem qqr rr

Mark one answer ,ssB Oq-{ Gfu-s r-s{

a) E Any lane excepr the hard s ) E qU rryrrw+ <Tsls rq mrmr
shoulder rq-fi <1?1-{1T S-{(s nr{rfi
b) l-lThe-hard shoulder.only , .
frl tr ${ stv rfl"tsm <r<-rrc <rrad-{
! The three right hand lanes only fu tr src{-{ ffi rqir <r<-EK s-{-.fl
d) IZr'JJ the lanes including the hard M tr 116 ramw< rE zr6sl-sm rdt+
shoulder <rrEI]T S'{-rg g[I]rr{{'

! 5.You,should not'normally travel onlhe bc'. Tr{Kqs rqrr{em{ Er6 TqTaETr?T

.- hird shoUlder of a matoovrai- '-,-, G"m ,n&: Errtrfi qT I

a<rq ET <lTor{ 6-{rs "Il{rfi?

qs6' -
. , ': :,1,,,; ,,, ,

one-i"qw"r ',v--rt

uiik :-
a) f]rWhen takihg the next exit ', . €)=-E,g€ ',qq$-d ffi E6o{
b) fl When traffic is stopped . i<l tr {?H {Ft-{re-{ ram arsr{
q ,pWhen signs direct you io :
frl tr {3I1 Go rrill rr{rrilr {rsrd
d) EWhen,traffic is slow moving rs; tr {?n {FFII€ Eq trfufs E-f,6r
l'6. Highways-Agenqy Traffic Officers b\e qlt€cx.',srqr* frtfto.,Eef{-{t

Mark ohe answer ..sffi Bgr" q.fi{ l .:'r'. ,

a) E Wtt not be able.to assist,at a d),,E q@ qq-qt Wq .-ffi,q?.

'br:eakdown,or emer"g€hiy =,-,. EF {TET{f T3TF q+'q .

b) f Are not able io stop and direct frl tr rqrB-{errre rr-rrf, sfiqrcs
anyone on a motorway=-, ,.., .., Erfil 'cf1-fgq ;rI
c) E Will.tow a broken down vehiCle irr tr qrs-rw rilfo .s<s, wf|rq-<rs
- and it's passengers home
"r'tq f"frf6' fqfq
a1 d Ar" able to stop and direct Ts) L_l rqr-ETgr{cs C{ rsi-6{r-qqm
anyone on a motorway El{rrg q<( fuq frre "nc-q
I 7.You are on a'motorway.''T ere-iS bq. q.tnfr €Tffi rfiBr€rsrc ufir6-{'l
a contraflow system ahead. rry{rm f{"rksT?fr TI€TK qiafr
What'would you expect to find? Tfr(ul nt{.Ci{'fo .nZ<-q <rq flKctT
Mark one answer !'{ , , i ,' ,i1'

a) "f Gmporary tiaffic lights €) L ET'gTflT UTTST, q]qT

b) [l Lower,,,speed lirnits-.. ,". Fu E 4'{ fls fi$ -q

c) E Wider lanes rhan normal fn tr Tr{rirr6m rurr :rs rd,t{

d) E SpeeO humps fol tr arfu r+rq-s q{ (Pttrtry)
il. *b
I 8. You get a puncture on the motorwiy. bb. rffr{€rrrF mfu* ErsFs' rtr-r'
You manage to get your vehicle E(T6tr eNi ml"rsrtT ,fl]g f{6\5
6nto.1he,hard shou1der. you sh@-'- n-s-{ a-6TCE-{t dl?F[ EI14K UisE
Mark one answer ., .
oqfi',@ GFFu. TF{
a)' E Only change the wheel if ygu .q) E" TTr*'wqT rfr [Tffi {rdt
:-,..' Sfic{t Q Erq ,!qq sil'
b) E T.y to wave down another frr tr -
n-renti rirm qrr wfi' qt;mre?t-rg'
:, - ,:v€hicle for'help '- , l '.=' PIE Q-mnT EIqrmK rugr an
i)- tr, .h"ng$ ii;r,r;"l,y,our:sreli,, , fiJ []" ffi'',',',,
cl) p Use the emergenry telephone fri f]-t 'Erqi, '' ' '

j 'and
call for"-.assistance.,. ',.. ... rffiT}_n fi?rEI]T TiII

I 9. You, ar.e dfiving a mOtofuav."', bD. mrf{€fsre flrfs Er"Trrry.rt rrqrffi

There are red flashing lighti
above every lane. YoU must ''.,
@ rrr8r+-{t,u.t2{il3,.,qr{T?
G"rm q'ra Trfu
, ",8t$0 ,,
<siT _'r,
::. :.

Marrk one.answer .qqfr Gsr fufus Epq

a)' D Pull onto the hard shoulder s) E erv rrrf,-wr-T< G"m mfls amrc{i
b) p Stop and wait rd) L,-l rerr{ qrqsl T-TI
c) E Slow down and watch for
, , ,further"'signals :" -'
T(rsN< 6-{T rE'fl
d) E reave it the'next exit ful f, TI\r{-{ -.TIgJ, frr$''.ffikffi,$err
20;You.are app hing road*orki., ao=. -
t9q$]6p , EfE ,gq{ '

on a motorway. ET{IT irfo qSlK q-5q1"1

fu s-o qI"Fr{ CfEs

qs6 ft,., .

,, ,Wm E-nM
Markone answer
A) E
b) il
Always use the hard shoulder ,€j- q-sfr' -ffi
OU"y all speed limits f<t tr tfu fi'{K fuo rxcq u-f,r
c) ''
E Stay very'ilbse to the'Vehicle,- frt tr fl-rafi qFmrqcffi F-rE-[$G
in front EM FTI
d) E Speed ,p to clea. ih" uru, fo; tr vtg-tsffi d-.qqm EfrlG.lq
quickly ...tffiffi?ffu
2'l . Which- foui of th6se.,must not lu, ecms
, use motorw4Y?
E Trs "n-rr< fl
Mark four answers Ei-iiTD e\e-g TEIEE etrr-'
a) f Learner car drivers €) E fmrefr rcml rnfu wE-+ar+
b) [ Farm rractors .frt"n trfr,
ffi-< ryq
c) [ Learner motorcyclists lai tr FrsTaft rqrffiTq qmrfrrn
d) [ Motorcycles over 50cc &1,, ,,6e ffia 0f{..f{I
ei f, Cyclists Qt tr TRr+-d slrc-TrcI?n"
:t t:
f) E Double-decl< buses ArE Ts-f,T rrq'nTq
22,On a motorway what is.,used to sl EqEg '{rT{B wal
reduce tr"affic bunching? f+ Er+qm s-<T ET?

Mark one answer .qTG. 'frfui q-6q

.q) E qkasrfrq ?rfu fiI.l

b) f] Conraflow sysrems frl tr lq"rfser{cfr "r!-fu

c) f, National speed limits frr tr q'NnT {fu }fiTr
d), E Lane 'closuF€S . fu)=il' . =ffit',' ,,,, "t
l.' :::.:.
.,..., .

23,.Which meof these, must not

use motorway? -"'ffi
1'\91= ,, 'q,ffi'


Maik four,answeis
a) fl
Er{m IUE-{ ffis Ts{
b) fi
Learner car drivers ,sy fi..ffiqf io6,l,r;;fo ufryqrf*
Farm tract-ors
F)I, efr Tr! ffi@,qE
c) , Z-Harse-'riders .,.. ::: i.. fr):''E. f{,
d) ,f Motorcy'cles bver 50cc',' fu}E c:o frfrf, &'{. r+-q
e) [ Cyclists ?l tr Tror+q snGlqtan
0 E Double-deck buses s+l[: TEqt qI{ T'{E
24.'You,are joihin! a motorway, e8. q{"tft' H,,,,,,,,,,,,,fr\9
::= Ers
'. Why is it-important.to make , mtco-+r FE"r rfls <rd-€Rr ffn*
'full use of the slip road?
ryryq ry
4sE q<n*
,-q) E rK{ qmf{ Ers rryrq-sTLT-{ Cqr
") f',hard'shoulder
Beiause yOu can continue on the
' ,frra 6'qlfl\5.D?16s,"rsr
,,,, ,

b) E'.fo allbw you direit atcess to the frl tr €vRrBAs +-sm rqt{eflire
- overtaking lanes GT Tfl4,k E-ffi Tl-€Tl :fl:$'
c) il t" build up a speed similar to T{) U rfitr*€cxcs DtrE {r{-{roFr-{
d) f] Because there is space available flg) tl snr6r rry{m flTroar<rr{ rrfu
to slow down if you need to , 'w-{1'
nref* qrgen slrcE

da. w? t
a motorway?

Mark three answers furE Gtr< 6ks o-sq

t) ['.lf youi'mobile-'fho-ne.. rinls 4) L-.] ]IIi TTFTTEF T GTT Td(q BT5
b) fi tf rea lights show
the lane "Uor"
6v E,qrq ariB otr{ fr
c) fi Wf'en told to do by police fr) tr Effitr{ w-+ qcn "tfqr qqr<
d) E lf you have to read a map foltr t<rq qrr"r tqrre ei:<
e)' E When,you are'ti:red.and ' ?) E q?rq qr"rfr Trs qc{r qq(.
need a rest fuEffi Tmr6-r qc<
0 fr Wf,en signalled by a Highways 'qs'n:' EfQgfg, ..q ,,qfu qqf{
. {gdncy Traffic Officer I ,'. =,", $,{fmg ffi-f{ ,,rl
26.You are driving on motorway. riy. n-rF<e(rn,CE Trfs ureEE-{r
By mistake you go past the exit ,' ,u1,;, .'6L,,ffi',ft[T,$gTm Esff,
that you wanted to take. qa fiu rfl rrvl pMCq rsrq
' ':l=::::' .::ll
l, :. :':::' ,",
Mark-one answLer .qqffi Gs{ frfrs TF{
a) E Make a U turn at the next gap in 'iq.),,
E (T -ft€rflr {{T<f s{-s frm
the central reservation 'm
,tE 6rr c{gl
b) Il {arefully reverse in ftt tr rssjsm qfes <E "nrnr rd€{
{(-T ftu-fq Erf, qr{T
c) $
Carry on ro the next exir fu',Eqrc-iFumffi 1ti{g.-fu,,qTr
d) Carefully reverse on fur tr Tfre ETs rrletsK
the hard shoulder q-6{ i"f91n Ef"T qpTf

27 ;On a,,r.rotsrway the,amber reflective r'q.

,- ry,,<rw ffi
studs can be found between
,?tis{ 4r ,

Mark one answer i* r.8,

q ) E wrqrn:r frqnr sqq n& uem
_ the carriageway rqQr+-{ Ttmr+rr
b) tl The hard,'shouldei ind f<i tr Eni rryrryw< .e"(, Trfu E-flK
i , th'e Carriagew.ay.. : FQrffi fmmrs
c) E .ll',e acceleration 6ne and'the. fr) ,8 ,rfu Ilg.t3s .'qr( ,rtt&'.
, 'carriageway t

fu; tr .qr €oG rq-(,ffi Ti'{tqlr

28. bil are oni.r,notor w-y.',.What
colour ih-. olt"tfr' .
q@111(.€,'@ ',ffi
..,a.e1he.refleifi studs on the left ,='t- t -r||f..f{
gfssq{ (D-+..ErO etier(.T{ Tg is?

Mar.k one answ6i

*oa' -,.,
ag1 ='W4 ,' " r'


b) E Green I<) l l ]{<16'
c) E whit" frttrlmr
d) E Amber

29.When maylou sto-p.on ,: ' ,- rb. f,flF{srsN nqm ?rfu

1rT6. aTrry
..,a motorway?,.

Mark one answers ,srB lBv-{ Gfus +-qq

a) f lf your mobile phone rings 'a]'-. ' '@
b) f lf you have to read a map ftl'tr=' r eg :".
c) tr When you are tired and fqi tr {fi EInf{ TIs qrd;r s<(
need a rest "'' f{$r[T g -:Qf,-<:r,'

d) E ln an emergency or breakdown isl tr u+A qsrcr {& qcrrwT qirqm

30, Molorway emergenry tetephones tso. fBErqneat
.., {l3rrftr- tfrIT{ rrr, .({I{ srrsl
ln some areas they are now ffi(, rsrrfl rsrril sErst$
linked to m\Adk ffl?r6flT en6q

Mark one answer qTfr E,ET fifug ssT

a) tr ifr" Highways Agency Controi €) E ' €(6S'',. l
Centre ,,t- -
,,' ,,W ,: :

.b) E ,,Tlp, Diiver.Vehiile ticehsing fQ E',q,T.It r'..(ggi fuBFff [,,..

Agency qr?6rdn qrq-,ir-{ Tffi
c) l]l tne Driving Standards Agency
d) tr The local Vehicle Registration'-
fr):tr , {" 's *ffi
fu; tr TrftT {FrrrEn rq@rr
Office qisrfl-< ryffi

31. For whar reason may you use the \9b. rflI qrir6.t r{rFrerT{ sFr qrr.K
right hand lane of u *otor*"y? r4T{ <r{fl]I s-f,69 NKr{fl

€sE Os'r fu'fr's r-rq

a),I For:overtaking other vehicles .q) E- "e 'Bl< gr{I
b)r'' For keeping out.of,the,way f<l tl q<1eft-{ 61-9T 6ar-m rffi
, of --
,lorriies EFFI]I qTT
c) l-l For driving at more than fu tr ro $ry1 r<Fr ,rks
70 mph
d)' [--Foi tuini4,right"- -:':']- ist tr sH irrs cqIV Frtril 6qI
32.You are on a motorway. You become \9r. w"rfu rqrr*e(TN qror r-TrEa l

tired and decide you-need to.rest, €<q srs qw< s-{68{. fuE a-gcEffi
What should you,do? ',:':. ,.
. m fr$q'rm 1w-+t silll-{r{ Ofrs

qsB Ss-r Gfus s-sr

a) [ S,op on the hard shoulder s) E ers mrmv&< rarn T[srl
b) .E"Pull up,oh:.a slip roid-"- , .
fu tI fqt r+rrs rctm rlsrl
c) 'E ,Park on:the,.central reseryation D E ,fllp- , r,-3!!{ rlsrl
ci7 f Leave at the next exit ,6r'5,.4ffi.. $re",{tr{.''qm,{[gTi .
33.You are driving on a three lane
motorway. There are red reflective
s\e'ffi rrre fifu
Erelrrq;rl w"F{]K <t-{' nrfi qIFT
studs on your left and white ones iq<( gl';f effi 'qffi l
to your right. Where are you? , ... ;ffi ETIT rq'tr{ qrbr?

Mark one answer
a) E On the hard shoulder
b) E ln the middle lane
,€ 1,.
€ )E
frfr.g,, s-sr.,,
Eni rryrqu-rf,{ G"tr

c) E ln the right hand lane fal tr lar{, "n6.K rd-nrr

d) I tn the left hand lane &l-E Erq. {rrK T ,,,

34;:Onmotorv,yafs ou shouE neter

. overtak6,on the left UNI_ESS ,,,,:,'
\98. r{]-tr{€rTre Tfi
s <Fi "n r ftrT
]. .: €\rl-TCFt<r T-n \BfDs Tn. {fr'q,

Uait one-an )r '. :::,-

oqG Gs-{ Gfrs q-qq'
a) S There is a queue of trafflc ro your s )E !116{-{r4er{ qT;IrrF{ 6-fl
right that is moving more slowly arqrrs{,azfl a'v afurg r-rq
b) E. You Can see well ahead that the ,: i<l tr p..qrg "rF[ r{ ffrlt-{ T6qtY q-{
,har:d shoulder is,elear r,,,
"ra-g PNi r4l"tgK ?rriq' ql-cE-
c) E The traffic in the right hand'lane frt tr grq r-ryQcl-{ arfo uH'frTsK
_- is sighalling r:ighi. .,..,- l Tersg iE-68 ?flTT.
d) E Yo, warn drivers behind by fst E flql-rl< Erar+-rs rN in-ro-{
: ' sitnall'ing lett T(rss frm rE{ q5-q rr-{-

3 5;Why is, it paftiq.. larly' ihp'o-rc-at \9G,' FIrr{erSN ?mt mrF.I {EiT qrfg
to caFry,,oul i Check on youi ..., T-{K str6a sil?Flr{ enig gqg s-fl
vehicle before making a long frmr o-+tr rEqr
motorwa/ journey? ",.'-.,

Mark one answer .qTE GE.< frfr.g ?F-#T

a) E me road surface will wear down q) fl, ffi ,,t?tRirtrt q1, a{cw
Btat< w's r-{rd
b) tr M"to,:*ay service srations ;;
not deal with breakdowns ar& rx-*rqcs< o16 sr< qr
c) fl You will have to do more harsh fti llt € qTfirrs'ffi
-_ .biaking on motoftyays .l (qI(.T G,,?S S-<Tg Tr{
d) D ful [ ffiq ffi€e3ry qrrrffi
Continuous High speeds may
increase the risk of your vehicle ,ne ,ffiryffi rqFI

breaking down =ffi, Fsrm,

r:::r:r:= , qgq
36.&u are drivinB,on a moiorway.'. \9\9, - r{G'
,t rsrFl
You have to slow down quickly 6"6nr 6-{i Ehs rnfs {r'{rl.s ar<r
due to hazard. You should ..,. qIflTK WEE

Mark one anslver

a)..8-switch on youi hazar.d lights s) L_l Er6'rs ?Ir€FT [qrq' 16TI
b) E Switch on your headlights fr) tr res-qrF[q rqrfr emT
c) E Sound your horn fri tr e+ <t6rr{r
d) E ftash your headlights fri tl TH,3 ! ,

7."What is th6, r:ryht=ha#an6 ud"ior
ion a:'three-lanb:rnbtorwai? :"=':,-
9q,,, , rryrtrgcT(g uF{'
-{I(1-?r qaT T'rir <rrEl[-{ir 6-{r?
Mark one answer
- ,,,,: l
g$ffi,,ffi', ,'a,*'*

1) E Emergency vehictes onty € ) tl G-#ff T6{rom< mfueetr< oai

b) E Overtaking frr tr evrrrF+ T:rK 6-{T
c) E Vehicle towing trailers e'l E' ffi.,fu.qr€Tr m&a wqi
d). f] Coachesonly..,.. :, -.:,.
fuItr r+-€-: efr+,,uar
38. You ar-e dr:iving on.a motorway. The su. n-rF{em6s fifo Erflrrqfl fsq$r-{K
car ahead shows its hazard lights for rqi',qT{IT{ D-Idrs''Eirs q&r EMrd
ia short'time. This tells you tfrri qra
.Eq rr1qf,i I tqr-<
q'{TT .,,
' '':r: , ,

Mark one answer .sTG \!,ET f6fus +,-gq

.q) tr n-qo Er6q rq wr"f.fr orcT,
to overtake €gri6i?.s 4r{ Er4 qr{
frl E q-* flng-m rq-+-{ o-{rc tfu{
to change lane
ne srlig 4-{-r(
c) E Traffic ahead is slowing or ixl tr qNCT{ Tn<rgqefr qrrq ?-rg rrfu
stopping suddenly T.{I(E srsr<T rsrm {I6E
d) E There is police speed fs; tr flfu rt{r Erfu6{ Erfrcq-{rs q'{-{
check up ahead ssre qH-6{ th-t rrvcu
39,Afterrd b-reakdown u need,to tos. ESTIT "fm
'. reioin th@aih carriage--way of a
,.: nf-q,' erg<
. motoryyay from-the haid$o'ul'der:" €ffi 1+:rm crltl arfil
You*hould ..., ., q,rfl;rK oBs
:...: : qTG G,gT ffig TST
Mark one answer :

al f] Move',out onto'fu Carr,iageway q) tr firirwerrre DFI qrryr srr aq

then build up your speed erfu wrc-qr
b) fi'lvtove out'onto the carrr:iageWav fr; n Er6Tg qI+FT qlfr[T
using your hazard lights 'gq@ ''r5qq sffi
c) D Gan speed,on$e:hard ihoulder fu tr srnxq qlql" qrffi e'Ni
before moving out
erfu qrqr{r
onto the carriageway
d) E Wait on the hard shoulder until ru},tr tl
'.TI E.{l t{s
. r.r,. someone flashes-.their,h.€adlights ' .ffi
40. Y6u have br:oken down,on a'motor, 'sor:,
: T@ E6A&?r ,hlql<
way. To find ihe n"ur"it emergency
telephone you should always walk
, [:,,, Bffi'G-,sfr rBfrcrr{
"lIgTK Gr{I W"FITir tml grD-g
Markone'ihswe" ,: ,: -",:- .qaG W-a ffis s#-{
a) E With the traffic flow s; E rq f?rs qt;r<rg-{ qTrry
b) ! Facing oncoming traffic f<ltr qFmrE-cffi 66-e1fi
c) A ln the direction shown on the tr qr+-K mrrB cq ftrs ffi.r
marker posts Cq,TI TC{TE
d) tl ln the direction of rf," fsl tr r+rfl<m q-{T rq ea-+' ffi
neareSt exit EIVi TMCE :

4 l . You, ar:e traVellihf=alOag ttiftft lane' ;95.'- -e '

of a three lane motorway. Traffic is ,'.-,:.ffi{ qr6,[ l ,kt"r rrrg
joining from a,,slip road.r ,,
Btz+" (rx rt$rl''Em..l
.'' .:ql?r{lit wg
Mark one ans\iler
a) tr Race the other vehicle
Affi,W+ '.o.re"" "..., '
:....... ]::j.::: ::

,,, ,,:

b) A Move to another lane

.q) E URTr{-f {FKIEtrRr Tffi NW rV'Tr
c) E Maintain a steady speed Ft tr ry Feza Ern rr€rl
d) D S*it.h on your'hazjrd,flashers fu-j m 'I]E
- = TTqT

'42.You=arg,on a thiee lare m6torway

:8Q..,.fuT ,'
towing a trailer. You may use the rurq. f{rr {rrb--{t urefrz-+-<
right hand lane when fqffi <f<EE S_T(gi efft-Tf rfc6

Mark one answer .{<fi iEE-q ffiv q-oq

4 U There are lane cloiul.es .q) E fry<lf6{ f.aTAT <T cr|fl;{
b) [] There is.',slow moving,trafiic frl' tr,.q1-q-qtq+,sq {fu,s,, DqLT
c) I You can maintain a high speed frr tr r<Fr flfuN EtzTrF flrirrd{
d) tr Large vehicles are in the left ful'tl ' ;' qr{,.
"pK d<(
. l',, and'.centre lanes := ".. ..- {({K r4iCT etrs-6{
43. You are in an Active Traffic '' " r.:.::::::l:::: :- .:.1::::l:::l::::..
'ffi='*"rl$( -ll.q.fu
Management a.ei on a motorway. OqTOTg g116A:[I NTI{TF TE. TTCrK
When the Actively Managed mode IHB-T TIEI T3ffi +{-re gcH'
is operating ,

. " "',.,,,,,
Mark,onel ans*er-,. "", . ',".,,.,. qffi,ffi' s.s{ :

t) fi Sp'aeA timiti are only advisqry .-, ,

€ ) E tfu fi$ r<{T rs!"T sqrq.fr{
b), ! ,The nationA @aa..timit'w.ill apply fti tr '' "ft1 TmI*,' " '
c) f The speed limit is always 30 mph fal tr Trfi6 ?rfu r}qr eo {rt4
4rffAl speed limit signals are set ful tr tfu qi"{r-< T(rrcefr
44.As a provisional licence h6lderyou aa.qI"t;II{ , fl.fr. orcr.E-Tst{
should not driye a car :i:.
_ i?,fuu qT
,'. ::. 1:. :.::.,:
.. .... .
'4ffi "fu ftftqi,,q_ga:.:,:,

Mark-oneanswer' , ,'.'-
a) l-l Over 30 mpfr 'al{ Psi1q1Q ,,rlp{ ' ,,EIqIF{I
b) f at night fr; n mre flrfs ErdTr+i
c) t=E''On thefiotonar# , ::,: , l
fti'ilffis ffi-"51'ffi
d) E Wtt', passengers in rear seats &'j'il fu '&F {rfr''T,q,'r,[fu DTfrjr-{l
45.lmmedi-tely after joining i:' ' 8c,..
'-'. tIrymm,e@ T(rrr rr{
motorwaf you should normally qT$t-{itrs qrt1m t$q

Mark- on'e answer -'

,9ffi ' Tfl
a) tr T.y to overtake q ) tr eor*frt+- crr{ rD'YT aTT
b) [ Re-adjust your mirrors f<i E 1"r:rm qlri[t ffE o-ar
c) E Position your vehicle in the iryl tr f{rw-< tmVT st{sFr {firg
centre lane cFr-afi Tr<rl.
0 fl,keep ini'tre leri r', Ea fur tr <tq ?Irr{ 6qE6a q-+,1

. What- is,'the national speed' Iimiifor au, ffirF?c-rg qfiT<

car andlotorcycles in the.centie, rderq rnfo .q<< rqrffir<sL{T
r. lahe of.a'$ree'lane motorw?y? "','"' ?rfu riNr ssr

Maik one ansWer qEG EE.T ffig Tf,{

a) ff 70 mph s) hl 3i\5 qiFm qo {r{E
fr) n gfu Efr se';qr?.q
c) l-l 50 moh
I frt tr ffi $fis c'o qref,
d) E 40 mprr fur tr gfu Efm so {rtq
4T.Whichof these is not allowed,to' 8q. fu{, rqklgsmrrc f.rr.qm
travel in the right-hand lane of a rsF.{G urcfi rq-{ <Kfllr s{.rs
three-lane motorway? AlsF TI?
Mark one answer
a) tr A small delivery van ui -tr rfu,ffir,. rcTB slr+
b) E A vehicle towing a trailer fr;,.....I 1,q',6 frtq:, ,:r,l'drrdd
c) tr A motorcycle fql tr r+rC*r rqru-<Trimq
d) tr A motorcycle and sidecar ful tr Trq-sa.K T? rflraT rqrffir+q

48. How should you use the emergency .6,.r € q*#-ft rE@ fs
telephohe on a motorwayl ,' gT.u <FTEIK TTT{{?
', tt
" .-.,:r: ,:::.. ,.
a),, D,.,Stay clo -to the aiiiag ay qi n-' ', r3I.IT
b) ! Faceto the oncoming traffic fu f.'6' fftret"- Tr;
c),! Keep your. back to the tr:affic f,nl n qtfls rrcr eTs ProT ftrg
d) E Keep your hand in the kiosk fu; tr' ,T-s {'frgF,'Elg' 'Krql
49.You break down on a motorway. 8h. EI ufi,e,'qrrr6-r €m-(ql
You need to call for help.. n'IErcTK e-{f r+=r{,, T-{ s-{'N q(<l
,,. Why may-6'6" bettei'to use,, IITT&:,'Er{ I'Fe.r(T{' (Ers rlsr{
an emergency roadside telephone '.;"'''@ffi:ffi-
rather than a mobile phone? <KEK 6-{T Gg{ TfiI?

Mark one answer s$G Gs-{ f6fus ssr

a) LJ lt connects you to local garaSe €) tr qeT €rfiT tnrrf,cw r{Ia 4-6T r[r{
b) ,n,.Using aqobile phone,,will f<t tr rqF<Ttfr r+rI Tr<err< q{inT
,',,.-,'': . ,, ,,,

,',," distract"other."dr:iVBii -.-'

ii A rcarrois ""r; ror;ii"n,6y.r',;.' ,6{,qffi ffi '6' .ffi-
qffi 'sr'6_r{68
emergency service 'M nf&fm*,1fru 16-
d) E Mob-lle phones do not work. - fut tr' rqrf{ersefrcg [:rr<Ra r+tT
on motorways
' f6 q-T(-{ HI ;;.1:'' .,' "i , ,

50.Your vehicle,b:ieaks.,down on the

6o. ' rEr$-{ qtd r{{qsl[T slanm
hard shoulder of a motorway. ''', .{{Tf,EI {fEFT-.ElgT]-?f
You decide to use your mobile phone ,'"-'qlT. ffim
' j to call f6F help,, You should'' ' ,. -,.,-ffi== 1 wr,ffi,,W, ,.,''
, , ',='
Mark one,:answer '''. qr6 Gsr fufrs qsr
4 n" Stand.at the'r"ear, of the vehicle ,,q) .E' 4H " ffi6
whi'le making the.call '':': flrorq fflrs dtvrr{.r
b)" Ei Tly to,riepair the vehicle yourself fqr fl' .'fie I { sr T'rl{ rr"tt +-*t
c) fl, Get out olthe vehicle by tl'' E."to flrr<'t,.iqt &rsrrfrfu 'rqrs
arF< Eext
d) II 'ih..[ Voui location fiom the ful tr,f$q relqc-qrtffi'
marker posts on the left ' r:.1,.,,. f'm EI li .f+ f'+ql
,liir l

5 I . What colour are the reflective studs aU,.qfr,ema' {'r$?rrcq

between the lanes on a motorwaY? jisr-df,r o-+prs') "lTsKefr'<
{6 rS?
ui i

Mark one ans\Mer

") [ Green
D) | | AmDer
d) tr TT6
frr trEf
c) [ White fr'l tr xm
d) [ Red fst tr rrrq
52. The left,hand lane on a three lane c'e. fu{ rd-rr{-{ rxrf+ersN TN
motorway is for use by Itrrs-< r-d-fl 4]r <]!-{,qffi 5!r

Mark one answer €Tffi
\?,rg-< Gfrs EPq
a) f Slow vehicles only €) trs{ s{^?rfuT {I;l<r{F< 5?Ti
b) fl Emergency vehicles only frl ,tr'u{- :q -gr$6-[q-{ qqr
c) il nny vehicle fiol trcq {FKl{flir 6-{T
TI q..{ q:{T

d) E t-arge vehicles only ful "Eu{

53.You are travelling on a motorway. -ag-wtffi. € ,_{lqf','+rcu'{]
A red cross is shown above the hard ENi [TTergrc<< GnCfi f,ur+ qrm'
shoulder. What does this mean? qq rq"{ffi srr6E l' ?Er{ ari fs?

€).,::..5 oQ Cqt
o-) E Use'ihis as a normal runni 'lane fr) il(Er< +<I
c) -E Do not.,use this lanelo triVel in fxl tr rram 6-{I sl <TEEK 1I s-<I
d) E National speed'limit applies in foi tr ,sA' {fti,.fr{t,
this,lane ',..

54'.Your. h'icb has.-b'roken doWn ona ,b-,gn' € *-"un 'ittft:

motorway. You are not able to stoP
" ''' ffi"ffif,qlB
,. on,the hard ihouldei; .:,,"- ,:- l "'
.:'-: ;fu,,2i#i, Wry : .,.,,: ..:,::l
.r' What.fuuld you do ?l' .' -, :r-' =,.'3f Wg?.., , ,,.,,

Mark one answer a = ffi'q

s) trf,rruz.ffi {tzFrior efffurr

d'' .f] Stop'followih$.traffic*d, ..,..,=

n.)...n "g
ask for help
b) E Switch on your hazard :.. ,

warning lights rqrfl rq€Tr

c) E Attempt to repiir your e;-,
',' ''-ggft
-.ffi ' '-,g{lJl
vehicle quicklY

d).-"[], ,na U$ind ui'Vdhiele to rea-.n= +Tq'-911

=,'=",,f ffi 3!l r
warn others -..,t::-::i t.,.,....-, l
5 5. On -a three-lane.motorway$ich -F rT srnrq rrslfa{
lane should you normally use? EIr{ rSrT rdET <TTEK +m gfrsr
Mark one answer .qTGEsr frfrs rfr{
a) f; r-"r. €) E qm nTrrir mqq
b) [ i<l tr gI1 ii!r'r{ rdEr
c) E
q ,f]
E:ither the"right or, centri
fr) fr''+.*. ,::,
fu),E $ftrs Effi stT tlrir{ rdrt{

56' Motor,rv rnelg,-e1cy te|ephonei ,cu-'ffierxa i@rBfdt tafi

are usually linked to the police. El{iifqg flfrnK :rrr rtrorrcqrfl
ln some areas they are now 5511 ffii r$rrfi rstcTr 4qFFI{i
linked to rry'afrT E(r{r?r qrm
, -,,..,_.: .,,
'a ffi.
t, .' 1.:':, :l': : r..;..
Mark one answers
,i. , ,
, ..:.
'= .:,:::

a) [ The local ambulance service j--fl F_ft € 4&-.?w 6q..:',
b) t An Highways Agency k)'tr Err qr?era ,s 4-6q l
control centre
c) FI lne local fire brigade
d) tr Abreakdownservice fu) E'-
control centre rq-srrf,{ T6=fl

57.When ioining a motorway a4,-' gr rr:{s,rq'to'q6u

you must always qf"F[rrs' qffi , ,] '
Mark one answer srffi i?rsr Gfos r-#-d
a) tI C"*e to-a stop befo1g joinih! s) tr-=t'r$f{ersrc rs,rqrrr
Es*K Errtl
the motorway
U ..n'Cive *;y to @e ,alreidy &t"E q1- "4,"'"":'Ellrtr
on the motor.way
',.,'- "6q
-E-lr m .,frrg.qffi ,,1,t i

c) f Use the hard shoulder fu tl ent rqT <r<-Er{ s-fi6s Ecq ,

d) f Stop at the end ofthe fg) tr d{rfl-f,r(-T'r{ rq,ir+* r'rcq ;

acceleration lane crI{,-(E qf<

5 & W, hA*
the national'spGedltuit, b q cb. mrtr{€6s-cu rt i s<s'
'" nrotorwais forr,tar #d motorcy$. (sro fifi5{ 6lfi{ erfu frqr rsr

Markone,,answer ,. ,."' ..qffi 0ss +q G

il E= rnPh"-'i. '"."'",.'-'l' ,q) E Sfu ESm qo q'Ttf,
.b) fl 60..mph , -,"ll .,,=-, .--":'-'
6i;,p-"ffi uo-"',,

c),.'fl 50 mp '' -:: fu tr Efu s-rtrm 6e

,d) E,36iph..,.... 11..,-'r i
fui tr flfu q-st.q rso qTAf,
59.A basic rule when on motorways is cb. 1q1tr{gcf65 qT{Ka frTlx. p-.-.dil

Maik 6ne answer --:

r ' :.
qsG GEr fvfos qsq
€) E cq rmt6{ rr& oq gI <r{{K

a) E Use the lane that has least traific s-Tt

b) fl Overtake on the side
that is clearest , ''--,, .H, \g, l { T-{I
c) [} Keep to the lefi lane fr1,,n g srT.:,Tl6s:' '
.--,a,N'"ff61gfflA54 afsT
unless overtaking
d) E Tryto keep above 50 mph to-. fui,tr r"fWB q:-nnm u-*.'6e5Em ,atfu-T,

Prevent congestion
,- .ffi,, cDtT T-$r

60.\bu are.drivihg at 70 mph g6;.w{fr ' ':,

on a three-lane motorway. ,q'e,.-TI&-. 116 urcrelt

.ffi'l rrq !qA{
There is no traffic ahead.
Wrich lan*-hould.-you u
.... W. ffi? -.-',.
Mark one answer oTB ,EET frfrs q-eq
a) f Right lane -j'n ur*"' 'mh' :,: :
1 .

b) f Any lane frltrrqrrrmr4t-{

c) E Mlddle lane fn tr {r{K rd-fi
d) f Left lane Fq tr <Fr nrct{ rqt-{

ii=an Emergenci Re{uge Area
on'a motorway f.or?"' '.''
rfi[ crF?

Mark one ani*er .qsG iFrgr iu,F.s s,fi{

a), tr 'An area 16''par:k.in when you want ej tr.,,
to se a mobile phon.e , q?r6{' tr& "tI6 $-{1rr sI{I
b)' n-,T, use,in iases--dfemergency f<1 tr@qr
q-{gl{ gI qr<"El-r{',T S-{T
c) E For an en:rer"fency recoVerY .: fnl tr q-rscu,l qFFrrq-{F sqr-i--rrii
,re f{"rfiET<fr ecs "no tl

system :' ';,; STi'{ W'.

d) tr fic dr:ive in when'there.,is quleuing fur . Try6a.6-{r'qE rfica
tr'- ,l&
traffic ahead w6 ETqrfillr

62. You ar.e,i'htending'to leave'the , -- g1" m

T-TCT{ TF "''rl=fl'
, nrotorway'x-thC,next-iiit; j' . '
. {ffi SC{Fq=r
, Befoieyou reach'the'eiity.oti:should .h rrgrg qI€TK qrm fisrcqs
qlffrr{ ,IW< q(ql;t qll?Fr<

Mark.one ?hgwer ,., '.::' -r :,'

a) E ln the middle lane s) fl {-({1-<
b) U ln the left-hand lane .fry,fi:'-ffi',Tlr:l1'.. .-: ,. :

.c) E On the haid ihoulder-r' - . -. ,,' .

,fr)',,E== = sffi ,,

d) E tn any lane
63.You are in the right hand lane on se.ITIEl,g qIT 1,m-{r rEtrq'
a motorway. You see these signs. qrCq'il s? fE-s rr-q6mil
This means t-em Erei fT
* trl-l'
rJLlt :5n: : H,;

Mark one ans\ /ea ' "' ''' ' : 'dffi 6*n ft 'TiF;[
a) fi Move to the left and reduce €,),,,8 ql{'frfs T'[T qtrTl gg" {f
:.,'your speed to,.5.0 mph, , i
b) E There are road works 50 miiies frl tr c'o FGm (cc tro) flrtm
(55 yards) ahead lvBr sr5 D"rrq'
c) E Use the hard shoulder untill h'oi=fi*- ,n
fx) -'lryy
you've passed the hazard Erg rqrqvK <I{elr TirT
d) E Leare the motorway fuJ,E 1 @ Eqifi{\ers,
at the next exit [rffi [r{ er{,,qI\gTI

64. What do these motorway \ea. rqTtr{e[Tlr €A fr€ f+- T<rrT?

srgns snowl

,ffi] RMi
lffil ,Mffi
iffil iMWi
lrel iMI iffii M
Mark one answer ,s{G
GE-< GFos {ffi
a) [ They are countdown markers s )E TsqE TF sl{
{Fr(-{lI r{'s*
to i bridge ",.-6$.q@ fre' ,,.,, ::

b)' fl"They a-e distmc6 markerS tg f<l tr Tl-rlrffi rBfrrEra o-om^fc<

, ",," 13,..TIffi ufE fu
c) n , They wal:,n,2 po[it€,,.,.. ._,.'-
fqi tr flrr6{ Trq'r frT-€T <-sm fc<
control ahead =, ,",'i.:E13"qgffii,,rr15-q,k ,

d) I ttrey are countdown markers ,fo) E', ,.'{Igrr< 6.{T "ffi'Tlgf

., -' to the next exit ,"'- '
':r.:'r:: q6T \rK" srffi gJ&'{ GE
65. The airn of .an
Actlve Traffic
Mahag'ement scheme o-n. a ,,=qp111,, ?gftl,srK.,,
motollway is to sTq-.r qr4l
:.a::..a-a::a,...:a.:::.:aa,::.a,:a:., ,
-:.: .

Mark one anslver dqG Gs-r fufr,s e-fi{

a) f Prevent overtaking dt) tr esrr6F+, s-<T L"r{ $-<I
b) f] Reduce rest stops i<; tr TE]T{ rlm-{ TFI T'{rmr
c) f] Prer"nt tailgating
d) I Redrce congestion
Ft F rtcu- rers- qTT{6i erT T'{rFr
fui'tr. , '

66. You are on a motorway. A red croii \9\9.sfi4fr rsrfiI r{"rF{ersm ErCq;rI
' ii,displaved ab6ve the haFd'shouldeii rryrq-qrf,{ G?r{ qIFT 6-T
What does this mean? "Iv'
r?-qrc{r srr6E l tom qei t+r

Mark one answer €sG GE-< fu'Fos ssr

a) E Pult up in this lane to answer q) tr (q.r{rIq FTCq 6,ET TdTK qNT
'..your rnotile,.phone : O rd-{F enfo emrt-{r
b) '!''Ut" this',lane as a-running lane fl<l tr 3E!11T rdt.{ iqqT< <rmri r-{I
c) ,E rhis hne iin be uiid if you e) fl"ffi'ffi ..q,A rT,tr
<rrfl3r T-{I
ci) f, You should not travel in this lane rc') U ,ge fq€trf {IOf TT $in
67.You are on a motorway in an Acrive \bq. TfiF{gTT(s TFI?IT$ fiFlfitr\5
Tiaffic Management (ATM) area. gETGfT strrE;lt Eni' rardrgrrf,{ ':=t=
A mandatory speed limit is displayed G"tr{ qrcn r ryre
.s.r(E. qat
frw ft
above the hard shoulder. F.<rrr.qr I Qpm ft?
What does this mean?

:tr}tr il* fln

rylrtBE ug
.. .t--f NEir---trE

Mark o-ne answ'6i i.'=t:"', .., .qTG G\m ffiv qsq

a) , E. You should not travel in this lane s) tr s? rq?cT qrql r-fl siuo qr 'ry
b) | fne hjrd shoulder can be used as ftil Erd
a running lane "' f T-il'q
c) E You ian park on the hard '
fql fl flv srrq rfiq-srm
shoulder if you feel tired nt:f
TTcq., Af{F-{,
d) E You*an pull up in this lane'to' fg) tr rqKr€q r+TF[ 4'srl <zrm wi
, answer a mobile phone: ' ,,, , ,rl'.,,, ,g? ffik{ ffi'
36X1tg 4f6s{
' ffi*


l+ '*,


'& rc:i fu?Tr
! r
ru.l €ffi*rfr'Tfffi" qag 1qv4"1 p7*6
53 I .!s 1 *i| ?.E
\s I

, **' ts&

H &
fff} ffi qgg -l.-

* w rffiq

ffiW :$'1i;,\"*+6ar*?,f *

-...? .&.,t:s
,l;1.* . ;i"
a.rfi, ,lfr"

; d ) s .ts!E$
f i'-


!(i . i Il i l

" ?*li;
fri:i"s,.il illlI i lrYLl
F-,,$ riit\lisljj$,]{
"( :
{{ ;;i)it l.,l:, :r;d S

,l. :ln *hich TI{REE'plices rnust you
b. fw rs'H qr6T T.cH'
s qIfilK
', NOT park? .
rre "nr+- s-<rfi il?
Mark three answers e,s rffi', a'pq
a) 'il 'wo. the'.brow of.a hill.,. ' ..tr Sx qttm WF s-ffi
bJ p nt'o'': neii'arburs iirop, " ft. qrsi,,*r"l{, 8"rr<,' q,fi s.lE'Ififr
c) [] Wh'ere thire is no'p mlent fri'n,rcq.r'.+', a rqa'
d). E, withln lO'rnetres (lffieF fui tr 6(rrc-*T io tn<x (ee fuB)
of a junction sr fuoffi
e) E On a 40 mph road ?; E go qrqfl qfu rirqm Trct-fl

2. You'want to,.park ahd.yqu see this' uu,:., ffi fl&.qtd. q(v. tqF-l
sign. On the d-ys and timeiahown
:, you should
.lrq fu-s' m{rffl qrr-Tb1 a-ra{
qT"HK GfuE

lvl ete r fvl ete r


W Itlor - F:i I*lon - Fr*
8.30 arn - S"3S pm 8.3O ar* - S"$S prx
$*turd*y S*t*rday
*"3S arn - I.** pnr S.3O ar* - 1"3* pm

Mark one answer o+G se-q fu q-fi{

a) f Park in a bay and not pay g) E €qm' "n+ s-rr sqs T4f a[ 6n-{l
b) E Park on yellow lines and not pay f<t tr e-qn qtAr to qr< Tffi rI r[rl
c) f Park on yellow lines and pay f,rftr v-dtE 6'1-q6q "fl<' s6-a q-qr [E-fl
d) @ Park in a bay and pay ful tr sflrq 1r<F s-<r sqs rdr cE-st
3. What is the meaning of this sign? ro rfrgs st B(qT ur{,fr?

Mark one answer ,qrffi fu( R'fr.s sffi

a) f No entry g) [J TT<T rTT{
b) / Wuiting restrictions f<r lli errqsT o<l iqrqq
c) t National speed iimit fxt tr ET-6Tr tfu frnT
d) E School crossing patrol fsl tr qq ofn< r"GE
4. Yo'ur veh,icle is parked on the r:oad at g, , ,,+!vrg '[l&,,lnE +-ril
.- nilht.,Wheh, must you.,use sid'elights? o<n arffiIq' <T?rqrr E-<rsQ q6{r

.qffi'ffi,] .+-*T , ,, i"

a) f] Where there are conrinuous white 4) E rq{rr{ flvril I,'fi <i[Fllt wFr<s
lines in the middle of the road xrrr qri'+ rq-{i c[iFt?
-,'-=:po tfr,,qETffiqf{
b) fl Wh"." the speed limit qT''flfr !=SI[
exceeds 30 mph
c) E Where you are facing fr) 8,'m * ',
onco*ing traffic nq<fr-{ EPT
d) E Where you are near a bus stop fol E"Cffi'Tf{frel{ cfl?rm{

5. Where,.fiay yoLr-overtake'6n.'a G, , €SFF€IS T]VIS rTIl +- frr{,

one way street? €EKrF+T T'f,[s "ffirr<;I?

Mark one answer €TG \Es" ffis qrq

a) E Onty on the right hand sid; a) "n qs{'r{-is "lr{ &c
b) E Overtaking is noi allowed
c) E Onty on the left hand side
d) E Eith"r on the right or left fu)E= "q .ffi'fu{ ?flI; frm
6. ln which TWO places $-'' Ea 3,lF {&' r w
should you not park? l, @Yry' ."''- -'

Mark two answers m'Wr 6e-s-

a) E ln a one way street s) tr Frrfi €TFI-€r{ {lVEr
b) E tn a side road fu tl' ,qtd<f; <Tsr{lgt?q c-{rs)
c) LJ Near a police station fu,E , rflreq-<
d) E N""t a school entrance fu,1' tr rffiql ffi 7rr<.+ rtrelr rrulqffi
e) il nr a bus stop A tr rarrTl qrry Yrn
7-. O,h'..whichthiee oCcasions, rnusf' q." , .q-{,-A
' yOU-Stop yOgp*hielaJ"-r.:' ::::.. anfu aITqrN Et<t

Markthiee answers :-., r :r: '::,:

::l ftffi" .- ..s-s,q
a) tr ft; juncti-n wkh double broken 4,i,,,".ffi O TI[I',Tl}.]
white lines qrtq rrrr qrrq
b) tl 61 5. ,
At a pelican crossing when
- .E" <'rfu Ntrffim'frr.-T-q?li[

amber light is flashing and T-fr< 's<(

- ITTIE ql
q<1l1 '
no pedestrians are crossing
.) ,'a When,'signalled to do so by fti:tr"'ffiiJ.{E[fi.'am4K, , ?fi&, snirtr{'r{
a police officer
.,,.,',.,,',,ffi':q:( .T-{(-d{,,,'
ci) a At a red traffic light fui tr cr-rrfl qTE trlfos E"rQ;rb

e) n When in an accident were On rflrRI Tirrlr m?rrm snsfu,

dar:nage or... iniurv is-eau-sed.:
qeKI q{s erT[E
8. What is the meaning of this sign? V. fr5q1 ,eQ Gr5{ qef f,s?

Mark one ans\^/er ,sFB= T'f - .:.,t ,

a) E Local speed limit applies sI E ?rfu sqrom trfu fi{r

b) E No waiting on the carriageway tr
f,<l Tfl-kw€rsre q6"rsT +-*r i+rqt
c) f National speed limit applies ['"
fr) '
d) E t to enrry ro vehicular traffic M tr rtq_ffiffi e*{I Tmt fucqt

9. You ar.e intending to turn right at.,a S...,.,,m.1f+1 gi(ffiq

,'' .crossioads. Anoncoming"driver EE;oI f<Tfts firo nrro wt'l\5
is also turnihg right.'' ,' ' rnis ulq+ e u;rirrcE 6{rs frrcq
'--B= ft*qrrer

Mark one answer affi-W{ffi'aa,a',,,, ,l

E F,l6ld bae and wait:t6r,the
a).. sr'fl'. q1.,{ffi tl'Ifu
qm rqlv frP rrq
b) E Carry on and turn at the frl tr sE ws'rm{ "rfr-{rs flsrrdlr
,,,'" .' nsxl junctioh instead ''= :,','::.,,,:,,:
.q.qll6T rT.lv f,f;f'
s; " rE '*ebp tna otner, drivei to'your
left and turn in front of it
:.'- m-{rt \Tl'{''qaq+, @ rflV r{T
d) Z Keep the other vehicle to your ful.I q-{T 'f{tg{ sFl-, qtrcl
right and turn behind it
''"' 6g6{ pJ{. pflpa frm,:fi1$' ffi[

l0.,What islhe nxional speed limit"on a >o. Frrq' rx,,Tlvr.{ 'ffiBr

'' sinfle'iarrla$6*,,a,y roedfir ears (..,(ara) ?I@ wf6T
': ?[
, ' [email protected]? '',. ::.rrl '''
frf ,ffi?

Mark,oheCnSwGr,.., .,''.',',,.t'',".-.' .'' qT,IE W{ TET6g 4iFT

3&' "4o

' '.'
a) E 70 mph ujt"n, r
'-.-1::' l:ru
b) f 60 mph frl-E=ffi': 1O ..

c) E 50 mprr mlin Ao -',

d;.' f]''4'o *pn "'i,

'l I .Where./ou- seestreetl,!,gh!+ul iu. 'rq.EIG qIAB- glTtr.:e-(< [Tlrrl
..'.ip t ml-signi th6 timit,1ry11ll ' tfu fiT-< fr-€ -rrq?, mcrr{. rT{lir'rE
, 'r .

Mark one answer qqffi i?rg.q fifi5s s-<F{

a) f, 30 mph aj'n.ffi" 'boq -'Ifu $nrr ry
b) E40'mph- ' ,. :,,-,,',"'i m'''"'fr, 'tolr?q', fl6
c) E 50 mph fr; E sf" aqTFryIe ry
fg) "$r-
tr sfu ?rfu fi{r rYoqr-fl
d) E 60 mph
l2.Which three of the following ire bl;:
ffia<ffi rrcn
most likely to take an unusual' :.' E1 qm$lT.f q{qm
course,at roundabouts?,. -:".\{ftfit{ T.T,I{ rrqlsrl !fl?F-(E qld-{?

Mark at ra" anslvers ftfu.'

a) p Horse riders {) tr q-TtL<rEI
b) E Milk floats
c) [ Delivery vans fql tI ruffii m-sfir Enrn'{-{
d) [ Long vehicles
Fr tr a1-Tffii"r
e) E Estate cars E) E {TUEE s.K
0 p Cyclists omlfl.i ' '

I 3. When can you park on the left u(g. .qt rrc'?f( fr q.cm ?f&
opposite these road marl<ings? ffi 6-E5s ffircaq1
, :i
: :,
= 1:,,
':;t ffi
: ,,-.
t.1..' -
'.1::::' ,ffi
:: ,.,: ii
, a:.:.

;:' i 4.:t4
-: i.1
r:' ,,

Mar"k one aniwerr.- .,', :-: sTG \?rgl ffis Esq

-{) tr {fr EI"Fr{ 1@ qrq-qoffi
is broken \,rfl-t em-s
b) f When there are no yellow lines. i<l E q?ra. rry{rm eqr arqr qFrc< TI
c) tr l, pick up or set down
d) E During daylight hours only lsl U i5{ IFf,fi qrrqfts
l4.You will see these red and white b8, ,st, l-m €<'( qTm'fuefi rr'3lF
markers when approaching 4 qfl Etffi'qal{ RrP-{

! ,.
& r i
lr %
i I
n.E IruJ "t
Br i-
,@' uI re
,re M
qk 'r
h- lqm.l
II *q*
. i : ,l

Mark one answer
a) L__l I he end ol a motorway ql n', c &'-Cs', ,'fi'64'
b)'[ Aconcealed'ro.ad'narrow, sign al{ 'rp:-'B'lvt{'
c) l-] The end of a,dual carriageway, fir".i rumx fuernr, r{r{{ frrr
d) tr n concealed level crossing '
n WrE "Wse-qfr-{' 6"K r+fl
, frrr ...
'l 5. You ar.e,driving or a:r:oad that h*'
,>c.' ffi
' ' ',ffi.,. ,qsr .q "
cycle lane. The lane is marked by a
1' 6a5
broken white lines. This means that Errr qrtq ?.Kr fufus s-{r I tEK qE
a : :=a::: ::::::.::. t:.:. ': : -: ,. :,: ,'

'Marrk fw.o3nswgrs ' -, -,. ..,,1 '.'

::, :::- at'::: :

a) il You must nor drive in rhe lane, ES9W@q+q",

- ^^

unless it is unavoidable
d) tr'€.. -,i
rEnm rnfo worc,cq ;n
b) C rn" lane cannor u" ,r"J ror. fr; tr & rqt{fr r@ "rrd T-<r{ q-nT
' " '' .!lQl3[ T.{65 {rsret'ql
c) E Yo, can drive in the lane fr)..tr.' , rrr 6$-lr{r qqrs
at any time ,fl-rg Er4trs flr{r<r{
d) E
.,: .,
fne tane must be usea,by
motorcyclists in hearryrtl.affic
tr'eft,' , q*rfr
l ,-.Tf{ql(
" ,:,..!"--Q $:ffg,..-Ef< ,

l'6. A,cyele'lane is,harked by'a iolid lrg,'G" ' " .,*

white line. You must not drive ffi68 stil, rryqTr{ q-flT? ?nfo
or park in it Er4rre EeFn "l-rs. s(E "fl-ii-r{q 4i
' =

Mark one ansvver .qrG ffias sF{
a) E At any time €) tr rq rsrrfl Trrm
b) f, During the rush hour fr) ! ry rrq srrw. qiqlitis T-fl Trrffi
c) E tf a cyclist is using it I{) .L-l qm El{-d, E'fidrm Sf <I{eEr $,C:T
d) il Or.ing its period of operation ft),8. '-

I 7. The dual Carr:iageway you are )9:' grfficT rqIV f{tr,f{ ,rsTf,ff?T
turning right onto has a very pit@erfrs tb,fqT stfrr :

ft. - ry.Wy?
,narrow cehtr:al reser:vation. . { {{
T{ItrIT Sr?r qE[I
Whatshould you do? ,, ,,

Mark one answer :s ,6 -'!gaq.-

a) fl Pr:oceed to,'centril 'r.eiervation .q) u {fi?rcq E(ET qIgTI g<( rry{tr(}
and wait qrflsl srT
b) fi Wait,until the lroad is.tleaa,. fr) n, 1'fr+,. L+[ qt' 'e\ert ,

in both directions ',..,-'-t +fg qrnqi ffi,' ',.,,

c) E Stop'in first'lane so'that fqt tr gen" rdr?m fifrs amr m{ sffiHr
other vehicles give way D-t4O-{i srInTIrO rnls [E-{r
d) E fmerge slightly to sho* tu) E srr"r+m -g(q-.lT T<rrfiK 6-{l €s'E
your intentions €o-A o-6< flqm r<km qrrr

I8;You are travelling on..a yTsll.lit road ,:luu- u ffi, q'fE

at night in a built-up area. By using : "q ffi 1',,ftlq
':, dipped headlights you will be abia'to ..'''.' <Eqm "S[E:,,,,!fi{
:., .

Mark one answer ,q<sft 'Gg-< Gfug <r-+q

a) E See fur.ther along the,r:oad si E rrvfs T{ "Fis fr'?r6s
b) E Co at a much faster speed f<t tr qrcfl El"Trcs r<Fr ?rfuE
c) E Switch to main beam quickly fxr tr isc{ Ergrrolgl qffi{ T-TN
d) E gu easily seen by others ful tr T{66 qmm r"frrmur Ecs
i9.You must NOT reverse
+.qr] ,c-{ ,ry,4 rr
qsffi \?rgr 6fus EsT
a), tr lh built-uprarea .,. , .,,,,.,.
ql E-', 4
b) fl
c) il
lnto a side road fri'd ffi
For longer than necessary frl tr rr(x'. r<Fr rsflI
d) fI For.morethin''a cai:s length for tr €T rr&T Mrr ffi wwm
2O.At a-b uhrnar.ked'crossioads, to. qT+.-q].vr..-rs , qTg 6)rffil=6u
' which,o{ihe fol owing has eiiorif? :-- iq{,.....@,q _<-caru.r
,'.'l .t - . :: ,,":
Mark one answer offi,fu,"'TiFE
a) , E, Vehiclesgoing,-s.traight ahead' '. .s) E G '{rfi{rfieeii flrry
b) E Vehicles turning right
c) A None of the ,"hi.l"t 'fr)n rr
ni , cryrwr
TI ,',,,,' ,

d) E tn" vehiiles that arrived first fu; f, rq Tn-+re{G ?q-rq qrrrm

2 I . Where is the safest place to. paik a). ilfu. r{qm' rnfu "rrc <:rm 6-{r
your'vehicle at night? .
, ,,,,:ry{ffi Ftoqtr pn. r+].r-.Bt
.r..=' :- :

Mark one answer qsG G\r{ fyfos Epq

a) Z tnagarage g;,f:' qfi"rlTfc<rsi.
5)'' n i:6usy.road=-.,... -., :
frr tr r<t tre D-flIE-dr<E flsH
t; E t,ni,.quietitipark "''r '"' '.,, fr1 ,f" ''FlfrRft.$lr qles'
d) ,,t' Neai a red rote
'fu)'.E r:{g , r,<']rBr. .

22'.T6.help keep youi vehicle secure .{1;".ffi I,,,q^1,, i ':

',, at night wheieihould you park? <Tqi1re f+lem "n6 o-afr-q?

Mark.onG.Enswer q<tG IEET f6fi5s rrr

a) ',E ,,Near a pOlice Station . ut) E rtumfu
b) E ln a quiet road . : frt:E FrfrRfr r$tm ffirr:r
c) E On a red roure ft.1 tr r<s r<rrF :-:i.:,;,r l:l

d) * ln a well lit area ful'-tr T6ciB qrffi E,.q4vq1s ,

23.While driving, you intend to lrg. <NFit-{< qsffi ff.i<81 TMtI

' tuin,le. ihto.-a mifi-i.=r:q,q, . .,,,=
, -r:
mV Elg ?ET't ffig (qrr{
On the approach you should

Mark one answer srft ss{ Gfrs sfi{

a) E Keep, just left of the rniddle ',. s) E figtT {rtTcrrrq-{ oofi <rnfr6o
of the road , '!ffi[:":Qffiff' '':
b), E. Keep in the middle of the road., fr),,E Tlryfir ffi1<rr(T"cr]l$l
c) E Swing out just wide fu tr rl.ls ra-{K ss[ qrrrr ume-6s-
. 1 befor-e turning '.=,...,, Tffi qrsr
d) il f""f well to r"f'" tuf, of the road f,ul t-t rTvrr r16qr* TN nrfi snor
24. At a pelican crossing what does a .- rnfry:ott
.' c$Frql
',. flashi-g ambei-tight ''-, m "==SP srr @ wel f+r
l' t.

Mar.k,6,ne aniwer .

a) E io, must give way to pedestrians s) E "rerurfrsfi € tl{Tnrrr

, stilJ.on th-e: crossing '. ,
I Y,'re qrnm, ir,s frrsqlfuqfr
,-.',, ECE
b)', E, You must itop becio ha,titr'tr, R)',E $ orq'*
" 't"tt'' ,q.c(
tgrr{ flx
c) E lYou cin,move off,even if '' = . .. frl t-'"fmf ??ffi' qff<r6€
pedestrians are itill on the crossing qrffi Erfl mcE 'IrrfiI
d) f] You must not move on uniil the ffij-tr-'i " ,"''"

2Sftr.r'.are waiting at a,level crossihg.. +G. '..6frp' q61l$T

s-frE;il qsG r{'rf Erfl rrrE'
, keep flashing. '''"'' friE. efi.. ir<qp GrD.. q-{ET
You must sir6E't qr"rfr q-flle

Mark ono tnswei dffi: . +m: ,-:,..,..

a) lf, Carry on waiting ,g) E.: itr["FFI fifad;f
b) tr Phone the signal operaror fr) fi frtr':lirE Ee rrIT- T'rr{-{
c) il Edge over the stop line ahd
,'' ,. look'.fur tr:ains
fu tr fi qt-m rei-m 1ffi €f,fiF
rsffi{ 6-{T rq?rcfi
d) E",Park f i vetricle and invesrilate fui tr rre Tr+- 6r-< sqs s-flrfl
26.You ar..e parkedi:ih a bus!'high itreet. a\b. qlB , <u, - flqm,?J&, .,

What is the safest way to turn your

"ffi , s{..Ercu'l'frflfis "rr{
vehiele around so you can go the TT mrE
iill63tr-]::7r" WTr {&
opposite way?

rtary'one';;rne;'" ::::: ' ,{Tffi'fu" "m

a) [ Drive into the side road and .q) E "rFffi flvtn farm <V Ttvm
reverse into the main road @ Tr< EraT iry*
f<l tr qrm frf{f{fr r€rcqr ilsr rqfl ffi
-, ,-oUnd in',., 1 ,,., . -' l l- ,'. , . rrxrrffi' rnfu xrrrqT rI{ HffiN
c) E Get'so*eOn" to stop.the.traffici: 'fr) , 6-{r rGm <qI ffiri
27'..'At a'crossroads there are no signa' tq; :,.ssfi 6lT f-{-I1ig r'4r(!} qTtt qar{I
or road markings. Two vehicle F€ n.,A I q'fno rerrs ro16{I
{T-{lq{ rtE qg[f{s"r{ emT?
.ssG \s,qr fpfus qeq
u) -[ ,fhe 6icle travelling the fa t ,sl-*'.. ffifi,.fl,n-r<
b) E Oncoming vehicles turning right e) il.', 1qIV.. fr[s Tf{{l frs
c) fi f.lulthur of the vehicles ftl tr (=ry ffi-+rE-+rr?qi qrr
d) E Vehicles approaching from the right ful il'' ''Etflv T1qry6{I
28. You are towing a small caravan ab. rsrTq' +rrfr"wemrs rqrB
on a dual carriageway. s]'ETl-\rt',tT rtrm f,qrT {TeB-{'l
You must not exceed srrni{ u-{"lT-o EIfrr[<T qT

Mark one anslver ,qq,ffi GET ffiig 4.*"{

a) f 40 mph €) tr ?fu srm 8o{ra-q rtfu-< fdft
b) E 50 mph fu tr Tfu E-SK c.o{r-m flfu< r<Fr
c) E 50 mprr fu tr ?fu ESH \eoq[t-{ TfE-r r<ft
d) E 70 mph f,st tr Tfu {-sr$ qo:rrF-q flfuT rdfu
29.What does this sign mean? t;. .{? fu-€< Eei F+.?

Mark one answer

a) f Minimum speed 30 mph €) n ?fu q-Sm q:ifr='{ eo fitef
b) f Maximum speed 30 mph frt tr ?fu r-Sm Trirw eo I.r-tq
c) Q End of maximum speed limit ftl tr lz?irry fl"fu rlql r<qr< r.rs
d) E fnA of minimum speed limit fq t Tifrq. tfu rlq.I r{{K rN

3O, There is-a tiactor:,ahead of r.., \9o' qf fI ffX-Ce-t

You wish to overtake but you are ', . uIffi u11-{ €e1-fl.*q EIaT
not sure if it is safe to do so. i+q fffrtr fo ri sr frfug n-{t
You should EI"Hr{ GGg
Mark one,.answeE ..qqm $rsr Gfrs TFT
a) E Not ou"r.rk" if you are in doubt €) E TTffiE q6f, ESMCT-Q$, TI T3II
b) E Spe"a through but flash youi tr
,ft). 'Efe fi'sg'I, qlfls'
,' .,':r t&,--il ffi T'l'l T*<,l
c) E Sound your horn to the slow fn tr Ed arorr+r r{-{ qfis E-arci
vehicle to pull over =-= lffiffi= 5{6q w
d) E Follow another overtaking fsl tr €vtir[FA-s sirrq ,sffi qrffi-sG
vehicle through rtrfurs q-{n.-aa a-a1
3 I . At toucan crossings, apart frorn
pedestrians you should be aware of El"ffr Ts6. elr$r{-{
Mark one answer .qr6 fur frfts rF{
i) E Emergency vehicles emerging €) tr 6-+-fr 3raT6Tq-{ rrcK sIIrE-fi-{
b) tr Buses,pulling out
- fu tr Erqefr r<km "il.n-K 6qT
c) !. Tr.ams crossihg in , ,.. front, fu tr {Nr+ frrr nN{ mmm<
ful tr TELT-{ ffdrsrrfiT efl-:il?;5*'r

32.Who can use a toucan crossing? \9n. rB'rsnr m'Fr( rs <r{qK $RIE "m<r
:,r'...., ='- - ., "'-'r- '' t-'....:; ,'-,':;.'.:'-:-r
Mir.k-two anawair',' '' . l. .,'-.:.'.'.., qtB W ffis Es1
a) f Trains Lq) tr f<-d' tfffu
b) f Buses T?I) L"] TTry 4{E
c) p C/clists frr tr rTiron Erd?F H
d)' E, Trams
e),.8" Paaiss,iani .:: ::
! rrq rTE
F, L_l
E) "feD-r{trn

33. You rnay drive over a footfath tgtg. rrFenrs{ G"m farg re ETqTCE- ttrr*
Marrk'o'ne"answer .qsB S"s-< ffis T-qr
a) E fo overrake a slow moving traffic g) tr qrC-g E-dru ?I& egr<-fF-*+ T?fE
b) E wr,en the pavement is ve[ wide frt F **- rrcr{-S rqFr Aav snsr<
(:) E r, g"t into a properry ftl E rorrql WYFrq Tr<1 na-cs
d) tr rr n" p"d"rtrirnr'"r"'nu", fu) tr mr6{I "feffi TlEI'fie Tr elt-s-64
34.You may remove your seat belt 98' trfi"l-{I{ n]D 6{-d f+f;fi*r "rmf*
{fi" '-'G..l.11-.vl<;
when carr7ing out a. manoeuyre
q56ea,l qt.. ,efry " "fffi{
that involves

Mark one answer ,sffi,Wa 6frs'- Ts{ , ,

a) Q Reversing ,s): E fuIri q<rp es , '

b) tr Ahill start fr; n ffF"-'TlT"'relrs',8-q'(g,El[ ,. ,,,,t]

, ),.'fl', er '
c)' ,E An emeigentylop.','
d) El Driving slowty
tu) .6ri-ETatT,=Emcs
,=gFTp rx


35.You are reversing your vehicle into a 'OG;,ffi,,,Tqg..,.

.,r'- @ T {.flctrrr|:
side road. When would,,the greatest ,$rggf 'r,fl,fu.{ & *
hazard to passing traffic oqcur?. ', -

' I
I ,, ' :

Mark one answcir "''' '' " .qqffi \EET ftfug TpT
o [], flVI{ 61,
the manoewre
b) E Just before you actually begin
f<i tr ,nffi flvH Uor 6qrf,srrB)
tomanoeuvre ',, ,:,,.,rt , ,gKS 'gT'q,yf!?l,
.) !- After you've entered the.side road G)'''B :'111@,,4gm !gf{:: rc'
d) U' When'the front of yotr .',
fvr tr {<it EI"F{K qFr+rE[TT rrrrcffi
vehicle swings out

36. What does this sign tell you? \9\9. furq-{ JtA ft-o. i+ i+fr{ fv--$?

Mark one answer qrffi,' .

G;RE ffiF{
a) f, That it is a no-through road q) E tEr ssfr <-s ?tvr
b) E End of traffic calminf zone fr,, tr erfu [-<rqT, .qEIsT r.lr[
c) f Free parking zone ends fat tr fu "rrfr( .qqror rN
d7 ll'fVo waiting zone ends fuj'I] 'ftxt':& rr{'
'37.,You m6et an.obstruction
on your ,
',,\pq, wffi I
fia-o forml
side of the road. You should
: : .T[$f{ }fq?nq' q; ,,r. ,

Mark one answer ,sqG Gw Gfus s-ffi

.) E Aecelerate'to get'pi-t:,fii-t,, . {ir E EIT6A E-FI {I€TI]I W-{T Ergr6{I
b)'E Car:ry on;.you' have-prior:ity f<l tr D(q {I€Tr. €qrfl fqru-T'rfuqfif{-+-rr
c) f] Wave:oncorning vehicles through qras tlTfsr+-Er4 rqes t'nm o-+r
d) EI Giue,*ay to,oncomin! traffic F,D
ful tr
.gffli5, :ffi7.6' Err+ rrrs tq€TI
38. What' is:the n*ional speed'1ifift, for 9b'. 'ffi rTrs-'1ffi)
, '
nr6tor: tes,-,on -, - ,. ,
cafs ,and ', '
rrrfo e ro..,ffi,.--{ 6-{T
-, a'ouil€iiiage*ayr -: :'-: .r:I'
,'.., -tB<

a) f, 30 mph q) E Efu q-+rs rso qra.q
b) [ 40 mph frl tr ffi E-dffi ao qrtq
c) [ 60 mph
d) E 70 mpn ,fu) '3fu qflT qo-.'qIt6,

39. you are,on a-tpo, h.6,.d,r-ral car:r.iagCway.

F6r which.lfryO oJthese *ouldpu
. d yGlet''qrffr,weffns rff&
t i{6q{ rrTl q-{ T,trr.f
use the right-hand lane? ur+ qrtrK c4or <l<-qlr-.ry
Mark two answers t...., '-' ,.' . Cw ffis sF{
a) ft Turning right
q), n, ,,fi,ry11,'.-"'..1 '.,.'.
b) ,r ,E,,51simai'progie- ."'-,, -.., i<rtr TI{Rr{ srcE tr@' EtzTrre,
c) E Staying at the minimum fn tr ry* ttu frnr
allowed speed rfl]v EI"Tr6g
d) E Overtaking slower traffic foi tl '.'1ffi et& e r-<rs
e) E Constant high speed ?l tr 6qla\r r{fr {furs El"Tr6s
0 E Mending punctures ,er[ E-rsF (9E r{-{r{E s-f,(g
40. You are entering an'iiea of :

80. ?lvl' .T19.,,,F@ .gsr qlcr E"TTET

roadworks. There is a temporary
m?firr q3.ft lr,iry nfu mqm n=
speed. limit displayed. you,should
.. . =qrEry'- ,..
Mari< one answer
a) Z Not exceed the speed limit
w{ -,-IDrAs S',F{

ui'',6'6-'*.fi1 qfu6{ dI srl

b) E OU"y the limit only during f<l tr \s_{ rrvrs fliqrBr r'{rl &
rush hour
c) 'E lgnore the displayed,limit ... . :-ffi.fu mfq EqI

d) E OUey the limit excepr at night fu: : fu, $lpi rr,o-o

"'rf& fiqf 6qm uql
4 I . When may you drive a motor 8-b,, ' .s?' TM rqQrr €sfr HrF{
car in this bus lane
.'. ,.ffi''' , {mf

m ffiffiLocar*m

Mark one ans\Mer

4 ZI outiiae its hour.s.of operxion q) ,8,'' xrx, Tft'*'T rT'qrl,,
b) fl, I'e,get to the'front of '
fu tr ,rcK furv, Trfr* nrqm
fr€xr< -a
frt tr rornl rrm.n <rq-Etrr r-f,F
d) il fo oveftake slow moving vehicle fol,tr"fu-'fu' esrre"B-t+ .Er"

waiting'to c
,42,. Sorneone,is -
91. rq$i 6ftIY rfl"Fffir "rilflI{
zebra crossing. They are standing ". :-'r': TIi[ q,ry ErffiT qr,q'l
on the pavement. vRlxT-a fr@-,cr'wiru'1
You should normally qr"rfr TT{I<;ls
Mark one answer .qffiffi. 4'p,q'.,.. ' :]-j .::::.:

a) E Go on quickly before they q)" 91t{l3t- q.fr[T 4r. rmn. Er6{Q

step onto the crossing Elgr\srv1 Erf, {rrfir
b) E Stop before you reach the fat tr EffiIs1 qTi61. qI\erET Grrrrr
zig2ag'lines and let thern cross rcr6{ stcq-?rrs 1K sts iqr{{
c) 6 Stop, let,thern cross , fxt tr errqr{{', srrFTtrF erl{ aIE frrTT
: ,- Wait'Patiently ,' -' €<( f{dT{fi-ar sr6"rrsl s-flrfi[
d) E lgnor" them as they are still fsi tr srEr{I .q$I €
rrE-\rrvFF r6{ru
on the pavement sre sreT T-rad{ rI
43. You m4y.wait in a yel.low
,. boxlunction When ,8\D;€Tffi, ry gq w<rjf,{ fqfq qf"r+f
"nr<-q 1$t

Mark one answer sffi'tgtil Sfug.,33E

a) [ ,,
You are in a queue of traffic
o'Hlg' ctr31-q q.,ET ?tTfu(
to turning left ,-, .,:,.' af' qfSI<q
b) fi
Oncoming traffic is preventing
you. from turning -ight..' '-
fr),-E'ft affi EIas rnfu'a wqr
on mm mlv I{tE "r{rE--{ qT
c) I You are in a queue of traffic frl tr rryrwr qr€TK 6-dT rr&T furg=
to go'ahead
"'",',,-'. cfi 3[tiF[ [ '',,,, '' ,

d) E You are on a roundabout E

fur rETFr rrsvq<TW e{r+-r<;l

44.You are waiting at a pelican erossihg. -66,''6 - qrtffi ,, q14

Th: re{]ght,changes to flashing' . . .,.:rrfi; qfiF6{.,qm. ,Tgq
eqq, flfgrc
am-ber. This means you must ,,,,, €f,:r[(g't fu, qsf qlzlfr, q-{-.lTA

Mar.k one answer :' : .

a) fi. Wait for the pedestrianS on rthe

,,9) .ff,. flIm{.,,rr, E.re rr flgrl
b) D. M6ve off immedialgly without "frig qf"fusl 6-flffi{
f<'),'f,-' ffi q;, gF Tl-rq,,q'r6at,
any hesitation ' ,
,, ,.r,, EEfq g]W ffiC{T ,.
c) fl Wait,foi phe green'tight fr) tl ,trqns , Ks'Tr{F- q.lffi n-{gr
before moving off "',i'',''3ffuT,',,q,5ffi .e*{'ET{,
d) E G"t ready and go when the fg) tr uro qr€TK F{T }sft Er{{ qr(
c,ontinuei ambef light, ho,ws

45.You are,,drivihg,along'a r:oad that has a 8G. ql? ',' q-]TE' .qT-<sr{
cycle lane. The lan€,.is marked by'- ' ,'+I,sTt,4& rq l rnffi'gsffi
solid white line. This means that 'qp4'c-fsl' fu'Ertt ?Em

". 'urt r<.. TStr,Tq$ qfrcs :

::l : I r.r.. ,,,.:::::::. '-, : ::,.,.:,:

.qTffi EET Gfug q,ff{

A) E tt",e lane may be used for €) E tI@
"tro, T-?rEr rq-ffi q-{I
parking your car <l?fqT T1il ({fg ell-[-{
b) E Yo, may drive in that lane f<i tr ,se rd+ffi rq r+rcal rxrsi
at any time ETFII-rc nErrfit
c) E rfre irn" .ry be used when ix; tr zrmrq[T si ra-{ <r+{rir r-{t
necessary',.,. : '
o) EI V"u rnust not drive in that lane , ful E .qQ rry-rq q-flTA enfs urfl-rfl Tr
46.You are driving over a level crossing.
8r9,,,mfsf, mfrfq< Oera FitT rtffu
The warning lights come on and bell Erqtrry-{t r-sT-sT ry4- qrfu qrq
rings. What should you do?
rrtET €<( E;Fr <16rg vs TicT
: ''

ft..a<+.,'Wffi 66rei?

Mark one answer qsG Qi-sr ftfts qeq

a) [f Ke-ep goihgnnd cleaa,,of ,' , q) E fq-cg ctrs, o<( sfuq
the crossing ?r[fr' TI{r
b) E Get everyone out of fri tr rr6et T16qr rrc( fus* rqrq
the vehicle immediately .,..,::.,,- , .fu 6-61
c) E Stop and reverse back fri n"a " .&.L-T: *efi'',
to clear the crossing s{( cf{( <nfr mqT
d) ll Stop immeJiatety ula use your fs,, tr TrrE qr6ct rqr{ $grr €<(
hazard warning lights ' , , ',.gqfis. qIE-D rqeq''rv'-ql
47.Who has pr.iority at an unmarked .$c., qfrf''Tt fu E1g;; q;I5E1-6E
crossroads? ,, T,Rr gfif{,Tr{T
Mark one answer gTffi \BE.T frfoI5 Egry
a) ff No',one has priori ', €l E oreme ur$rfls+-K mF
,b) f The lar:ger vehicle frl tr,'Tg',"' ',$fr{,,. ' ''

c) E fne faster..vehiile''.-,.. fql tr Fis EqE r&eq1-{


d) E the smaller vehicle

48.When you are not sure that it is gb.. q4{. q|,I q-{ falEffi..
safe'to,.eveiie :youi vehicle. ', . ' fr69 -
itt& f,{$t?rrft qt,
You should E?ffi qTft[I{ Gfrg

Mark one anslyer €sfr Gisr frfus Eeq

a) [ Use your horn s; tr q+ <rc[r+r
b) [ Rev your engine FD fl el\?{ ERII Tn T-?rI
c) El Get'out,ahd check,, .- ,. fxt tr r<f{rs Lqrff' rqrq rrfi
d) E Reverse slowly ful tr' 'f,tfqrn qlg$

"l ffi's!{. $ .{,.EmT rlre
',, clearwry You may stop only to Wffi
Mark one answer gTG G,ET ffig T.PT
a) ', [} Set down and pick up pasieagers €) fl' ,t16 TmRIS <T Gtr{.s
b) f Use a mobile phone l:r;

u (T1?rr{{ mF{ ffiglT s-{6s

c) E nst for directions irr tr flrqr fq'n fug,mt r-f,rs
fu; tl ql"rwlf, rffiIlA <r enf( E-f,(g
,50. You want to.turn right at a box .co; T,$'{ w'qTfi g1qfu rqrv fts
junction. There'is.oncoming traffic
nq-r"i lFrfi r<rs {Fr?ne;r qpru
You should qlff[K Gfug :

Mark one answer
a) fi Waitin the box junction if
,,9Tfr ' "'
€ )E qI€T'K Ersr {rfr en"F-ffi sr{Q
your exit is clear
_ <q w(rtrq rerc{ q6"rsi Q-{t-
E Wait before the junction until frr E q-+q rrfo Drf, Er qlgrT qrs
: it:is'clear of al-l traffic' ',, .,,,., qqrrrffi qrrT qr"rs.T T-fr
c) [-l Drive on yo, .*not turn right fr; tr rryrwl mre srrcr, TG{ 6(-rm
at a boi junction
d) 9H EF r{iv fuT enir(?Fr q'I
E Drir" slowly into the box ful tr qrao rr+<re{efi r(r6's frrfl
, .junction -when. signalled , ',, . .,, .,..., ,., = '_.'q81,'w(,.1m
by oncoming traffic :,.Exq..EfFryI :.

5 I . You' are approaehihg a b-usy_

iunciion. ,,'o{.1@..<lV, we fr6+ wg11{ qCET
There are several lanes with road .-t.,..,., ' g#.,,18?( {6qTII
.markingi the.last rnomeni',-.: .
€rs<t-r* rrrr Tm yr"rf{ {<{rs
you realise that you are in
wrong ljne:-you'i[6gl(."
.,,,,.,," [1 T-6'4 ffi.ffi 'r+t
er"rqm s6s

i*a -., "

{TG \?,8-T ftfts fi;q
X"E".l:,# ::ni,,n;, €J tr .? FEr q-LTA F6E efiol
across ': f, n T{1Ss ftrrr rHEr< rrrsrr
3i'E'[:*lm:]:v iqr[ & sr< rfir
: tr 6at-6c1-11-fitcr Erd rlsrR q-fi
to cut :,:
"rksK vlr{ erv fr(rsg rq'sl

,52. Signals, ar.-,e ngrmally given. bl Ga. {qr.sg- qT{l.fits u[ar{<rH

d i reCtio n ndicators.,and,..
i tffir<
EriII UE-{I ET s<(

Mark one answer .qsB Gs'T,fift9;''qTq ,, '

a) f Side tights s) tr rTlls qTAF{ E*.r
b) f Fog lights fE) tr.+ " "c]:.fi ,;,
., ,

c) fi Brake lights 'ft).-E.GiT Effi EKt, r,

d) E lnterior lights fut tr ,fltvr fuEm< crE[n rnr

53. Whiah vehierlE might..haverto.use a ,S .s1&ffi mtT,-B rnqq{

different course to no.mil . xt!]T-€ gffi'q<-?lT
at roundabouts? ?rqre qIm
Mark one anslver
a) [ Sports car €) u r"nF{ sBr
b) E Van fu tr sTFr
c) il Estate car fxt tr €rYiD strr
d) E tong vehicle ful tr qrl {rffirE"{

5trn ';i'-
54.There are no speed limit signs G8.,?l\t.I{ {fu fi{lr{{lr [Trr{r tr{'
on the, road..How is a3,0 mph
limit indicated? fo src< T<^m{I ar?
Ma"t< ohe answer" ;;:1 :; '

E By do0ble or lingle yellow'lines €) tr ,erG qsril Efi q-ry 6rt{ rrf,i

b) il By pedestrian island fr}..,f] q 'fr4 El"fi
c),,[.,8y. stree.!.lighting ..'"" .,-,' fD tr <rvr< ortB rmr
d) E By nazaid warning linei ...,..r'' fuiittr € ffi' '1,,,,

5,5.Y,qu are.,t-ravelling on a da;.i*t,?rfr, f,xrq"{Fq"l''Q(E(p1 l

:r You, MUST stop whensighalledto f{rq{ ronBr r(rss rq'?rf,E

do so by whlch of these?
r:'=rr-.'rIlfb €(<?.

Mark one answer ,flffi, qg{ @ -ffi. .,,:

- ,,
4 E .q) tr i{rsr{ rFft[T{ G"n< TTFI(
Flashing amber,lightJabove
your lane
,,,,-1 .

b)., n'A'Highwara fuenelTaf,,fic Of{icer fr.,,1',,..8' fq-",o .., fu, - +,,

c) E Pedestrians on the hard shoulder E
fri' - .

d) E A driver who has broken down ft1,-'tr "eex qlsrT ?t& EI-{'rs-(

56.You are going along a street with Gg. ilvK <I{, lrr'r TFFTr{;r "ll-{ TTI
parked vehicles on the left hand side. -q{T €TE flgT ft[T IIIIqTI
For which THREE reasons should i{Fry-{ rorq fu{ 4r{66r{ 5;n
you keep your speed down? EI"RK flfu qq N+T GBVT
Mark three answers ffi Gsrffi
gtre gttls
a) E So that oncoming vehicle can see €) tr t@ urq-s- w"H'lt-s
you more clearly gII'ffiI
-r? rrer(g ryr{
b) fi Vehicles may be pulling out frl E qn<tq{ r<f{r$ 'qlry"6s trm
c) fr Driver's doors may oPen frr tr Erf,-(+r rasT r'fltrZg ?TF
d) E You may set off car alarms fs; tr rlftr €itflF( Er{ Em [q65 flr{
e) EI Cr,ildren may run out from ?; tl nrd o-{I {rq-{r{C{-{ rir+ erc
between the vehicles <IFrfl [?ti5 ulrT6s "trc?

57. You are,on a road that is only,,wide Cq.

,g*.a <fv-m' r{ fiv]={
, en6ugh'foi'one Vehidle. There is,a'' '-'-'-,flqvgl',U{iEE rIeT oal :nqtt
car coming towards You. ,"-= ffi rqr-E {ffi efifu qfxrr'l
. ,ft "re$,.
What should you do? :: ? i:

,. .,,,
Mark one answer 4TG - E{ TEIqG A_$T
a) [t Pull into a passing Place s) tr f{c63 <T{trrffi r<F,trn rrFI
on your left ,.=' ,.."ti'' .' . "lTUUf ! .
b) E Putt into a passing place A1i"p'',
tl.t-t :-."
,' ,5ft:1'
on your right .a rff'qr€3T
c) f 'mi tr nmai rq'Erd. rw rrq s-rl
t f;' '
Force the other driver to reverse
grct'r-<F El
- your.v€hicle is wider . ''",1 . .,..,g.c.q. ffi
q154' (l|r..{ XteTt'

58.You are driving in the right-hand lane cu. u*rs"fl orrkoers"Cs 5r{.
of a dual carriageway. You see signs mtrr t& uerrqal w"rfr
showing that the right lane is closed r{. boo fl6i qffi s-H flrrK rdi-{
800 yards ahead. You should TS',t s?r{ EI${K GBs

Mark one answer qTG- ,. ,. .:, ",:

a) Z Move to the left in good time -q) E qrcer -#T
rars' <"]'5i rq'q6T Dra {I€TI
b) f, Keep in,that-lane untilyou .: fij=il p. qfiT x ad tr{r ft{s
reach the queue , '-'$ . ..::
c) E Move to left immediately *J.'-,8 rlH ,ql{ ,qrr qterl
d) E Writ and see which lane is fst tr q"r"rsT Tc< rq'fl r{ rflT
, moving faster , ,:::.-l ., ,, . ",fl.l&'69 tfus D-ftE.

59-.. You are a rbad that has. no t c d;. q s.+.B,r ,916Q-{ rq.ql(q
- !. ls ! peed'limit? ,.'',r, "','g1gE:l,,q€ -ft-fu qv er<?
Mar.k one ansurer . ., ' ..gT,F gg-< Ttr+E 4-ffi
a) f 60 mph q) ffi
tr q-slr rYo xliq
b) E 4O'impn,' f<l tr 1fu sSR go ,ntfr
c) Z[ 30 mph fu tr,frfu', -g,o $Aq, ..'

d) I l20mph *l il gts rurfl lo rl"q

60.Wheh,mal:/ou rewerse from a rgo.':orrR *"'3]lg[, Cffi-"<V Tlgf$
side road into a main road? .,-, qffi ,qf{ EF'-re l]fiT<q?

Mark one answer d fi= -' T,pq

a) f, Only if both roads are s) i uut qfr Wr ilvI {m{rq.{
clear of traffic {s errf6,
b) p Not at anY time ft) n" "'.Tr
c) E At any time fri trcq rsl'c{I i{rs
d) E Onty if the main road is rsl i s{ rfr Ts rrsrfr {w{Ie,r
clear of traffic T-S errs

195:..ffiffi 6qI
- .ryffi':{ I{'f,F.--T{'
6l ,.What js.the hearest+ou=may park S\5
to a junction? E 1t-.{r{,d?

Mark one anslver. dTtr Gs<ffis +m

a) tr 20 metres (66 feeQ ,4}fi -{d," crYU:,ft'S)'-''
b)'tl ' lS meties (49 e$' .,"'=
f{i n >c frBKT (8b fsD)
c) tr l2 metres (39 feet)
fu tr br frFrq (eb fuBr
d) E tO metres (32 feet) fu)',,,,E,Uo' lroa'frB)
62.You,are looking fo-r: sOm6Wher:e to s{;-ffi rnd ffitqfi EI-{' '
-r parkyoui vehicle. The.ar:ea iS'full
EXCEPT for spaces marl<ed
' '6+ mtf'a uma use tfisrys1q:'?Bwl
@p {rfrs, ,sfl.slr,qm
,.... .
. 'disabled use'.''You,must ,,, .l-' ffi.ffi ffi,1 wrtft.qfiTA
Mark one answer qsG Gs'a ffis rF-{
a) E Use the spaces when u)''.n. "'@' Pm ff"r?lc-Ft ..h,
, a e.lseWhere- is full , -,,,,,=, -.. :,.. .,' ": -" ft[f,'(![:'
b). fl Parkif lou stay*ith .-r- fr)'il $ . r elrfl grq "
your vehicle
i),'E,,ute these spae'oi','disabled. or'not fu.-&*T" -aft.
d) E Not park there unless ful .tr .h Tr,6r "n6'
permitted T-{rfi[ qI

63.You park atrnight'6n a road with \b9.ao"-q6'-t *lvf{'ilfu'

:" 2'{Q..:rpph S:peed limit,,'' :l , :.. 66,,ffi'frq*
You should park 'sIIeFrr{ GrDs flrc S-{T

Mark one answer ,ssfi '* ffi.TiF'q

a) f, Facing the traffic .9) tr,slt?r.$ ,?fi&-r gfu nT?[ f<r?[
b) W With sideti$hts.or1,''= ,., 'ii" frl tl arffiBn rqra raccr
fu Il'G

c) E Witn dipped headlights on .rq!q r<r?l

d) E Near a street lighi fut:D rlvl , Eft&.-
64.You cin park on'the right.hand'side gs ffi- [,T61$ Ttst-< qfq lflEI fl&
of a road at night i' ry{C{{
4.g1g :

Mark one anslver qsG \?,ET ffis sFT

=t €gFr-em'Tffi
b)'. E..With.your-sidelights,on,- frl n nrAuqlQ:T [qrq' ril6<r
'c) lll']More.then'l0"metres (32 feet) fu tr Cqqa1 w','@
:" ''
': - . away from ajunction "'",tt",,(.\9-L-

,ci) il Unaar i,lamp.=post'l

65.What MUST you have to Park in a trc. o-n n*n' qrrq' "ffft'(
' disabled space? s-{-6s {.fl, f+ cmrsQ eFr

Mark one answef , ., ' "

a) n AmodifiedVehicle
fsft rrjni tre
b) n' An advanced-diiver certificate. fr) tr Gas urq-s' Tq.Fr flEi
c) E A wheelchair fal tr ,erfr e-q Errr<I
d) d eblue badge fuj ,tr ,{dq1 <T-rq ' .,.,., '
66. You are. dr:iving at night with ,=
\es. lrrr ftx reuqr?.B{ rqra r{C?t
full beam headlights on. r@ urqrrcql €s'ffi enfo qrcr+r+
A vehicle ii overtaking you. ' '.6gryCtf, ry91 wtm ffiAE:{
You should dip your lights

Fiark one answer qrffi _{ fttrq qr,q.. . ::

a) E Some time after the vehicle a) .'E',,h' , l
,q@-T-rs EC-E''
has passed qrs{T-< rfq'$-{ "r(T
b) E Before the vehicle starts ft') n .0 {rfi5ffi w"Fnrsqfiv'mq rc<
to pass you qI€TI qmg T-fH qr6tr
.a) E .Onty if the other driver diP frl tr \s{ {ft _m € sEI rau qrFrB,rnr
his headliehts . -,,, EIf,EI.(fu4Q Sr" T-(.< l

d) fr nt roon uf the vehicle fo'l tr a'I@ Errqrrn qfuCI'q +rt

Passes you

67. On a three-lane dual carriageway the \eq. fi5-{ rqt[Tr qrr-m ffikweclrc sl{
right hand lane can be used for "lr6fi r4t{ <r{al-{ T-{T rrrrs "lrr{

a) [} Overtaking or turning right €) ,,fl eqrgfBt+ <T unfrrs (q]g f{(g

b) E Overtaking only f<) E.rs-{,=€q gg[! .

never turning right :.::;,;'": , f,{N qT '

c) E Fast moving traffic only fqr tr u{ Es D"NI en-m< uqT

d) f Ti.rrning right only never fq tr s{ snft-+" rqlg fi''rc
overtaking s{T€ €sEr6Fes sir6s q"$

68.You are waiting at a level crossing. uu. xqv'f, sJtq-<r<-q'erx ofa-m sirtsT
The red warning lights continue to q<pqt ,q$ffi Gq,'t& pra qIsS'Rr
flash after a train has passed by. ,. '' G"'x TDT $fu 14-5,3l"'
What should you do? i lfr'sil'wer{r{Ofust

Mark one answer '.gffi, ffi,t TIF{ ' .,, '.::: ..:
a) E Get out and investigate .{), [] q& rE{,,I3{'Aiffi 9T-S- {{T
b) f Glephone the signal operator ftl ,n qqq. ur 65I{ ffi
c) d Conrinue to wait
,ft).'n u-r?tsI Qf.,fgf., ' r

d) f Drive across carefully fsl tr T-sr atr flTfig Ertdrr nrr Es{I
69.You may'only enter a,box Uh.[TlXTt 6'(ffi rs?r4 g?ra-E
junction when E"TLE 1IC-T{, {<H?

.s.@ W'l ,6EE1,

' :'::":
a) Z Your exit road is clear &l fi qte{r{, Ttgt nfq srsc<
b) f] Th-er,e ar-9 ss than t-vvo vehicles 6). 5 .id"'?ll&{.'6rf,$'''
' ''in'{iont-16f iou""' ...1
"':',:= ffi., {l?F-(q,:, -

c) E tne traffic lights show green fq) tr EIfuT fl-B r-{s rv?nr{
d) E You'need'to turn-left tul tr fl{eTfr rflv ft-co qc<

7.0. You are,ggiig,straight, ah@.'' qo. ' o, l c.f,I,IwI :

at a roundabout. ' " TFr(qr frcr ql[qT,l

How should you signatZ f+,'- r,qzre. 'ffi'sf SGq,r ' : : r"'11 :
:':: :.
. '
}lirk'oneani*ei :- '',; *ffi ffi .tt'I ,r,,,.
a) [f Slgnal left lust after you pass Lq)',Eg,qgr ftR. ffi rlvK
,,,,.,'";-'q6- <lv[ ,qE6'q E€TI-{
: ,,,,.-1f,-{? qNfus{ T\r<s rq"sl
b) [l Signatright on the approach
and then'left to.leave ':" r''
"' .' "r,ur(' I.q6g' TN frrs
, the -roundabout .,.,,

c) -E,'Sltnal lefi ,,you:1eave:the exit fi'-n. bffi em rr-+rqm <lv-T{

, , .E ,.' off,the roundabout.,,,.....,,.. ,- ENfrm rqrss r-{T
O SignalJeft on.the'iFprdach to,the ruj'tr .q
i.. q's,rsg.

' roundabsut and.keep the signal , ,: E<t'"o<q:f,{,+{rT qT t:ig

.,.' oh until you leave. , :.: ..:'
.. g1 ,4 nq6$g ffi,..T{{f"-'

.qS,. a qtla, ,HTq[,.qT{F{

,=,,, ,.t t t ,, ,:t' :i

, ,.

Mark one answer gffi.' '-'Ffrg''q-fi .,


a) f] lndicate''left'When app-roachihg si tr.

,38{t ?lrel'
:' ,' theiounaaUout'-'- ;'": .,.r" ,,ffiCSg^-'a-+'I, '
b) ,tr lndiexe right when'appr:oaching f<l tr <l0s..e<rffi-< :Ir+T qrcr
the roundabout
a) .tr .Not indicateatant,tim€' .= :': fqr tr r+-rrdT ,T*e T(r<'E TI sirT
d) [f lndicate before leaving f,s I E rrGso<rB$ rar6-s rnrCTK
t'' tffi t .t,
the roundabout ..-.,.,..',,.--t
72.A single carriageway road has
this sign. What is the maximum
Tl"frveqry .q? rrs
rT tlr&' rqrir re?;tr
permitted speed for a car rum fqlT {trq. rff. errfu< o-fi'
towing a trailer? TrtTw- flfu fr{r s-st

Mark one anslver €sffi ts{ frfqig ATT

a) f 30 mph €) tr Tfu q-Sm
\ \90qr€-4
b) [ 40 mph r{) tl118 rr;FIS soqTtq
c) EI 5o mpn Iry) U ?ili5 E-St{
d) E 60 mptr fqtrftq$m \9oqTtf,

73.You are on a busy main road l IsEil]', 3V .dE( frs ilslT qr(a-{l
and fincl you are travelling in qr"rfr {<rre q.l-{rtr{ [q Yq
the wrong direction. "fef ECT {f@;1
' What shoufo you do?' , fS',',, t ,$fu:j' '.'
_l t'
t:::. ':::' ,,

Mar.k one.ansy/er .srG fuT G&is's:TT

a) E ma[e a'three point turn! in the q) tr re ilvllPQ;,"fu otrs* ffiq'
main road 'TGI f,zlTff]::
b) f Make a 'U'turn in the main road fr) E'w. ntgtrc? 'tB' BFf s.m r{'{I
c) E Turn into a side road on the right
' ,ofid, reverse into the main road
fti{ qEtFI (uTs'Tls {
' ',, Er-s',,, f qF. Eg ngl{ EFn'T
d; E Tr.n round in a side road fvl tr rulB rsrcal rtvlr Dtrs T[< qMT

74. Cn a clearway you must not stop - s6'fe:9fffu ol't'st7;I:T


Mark one answer .qsG Eq{ f5fi5s ssr

a) 12 Atany time ,e) trrII mTtril T{ffi
b) f When it is busy fd) il dfi {rffi<
c)' f, ln the r,ush hour -'.. ftl-, E ','q 196g9;- '
d) [ During''daylight houii' ,.- fsl tr f,q,rdK Elrf,qrcs

75. You must stoprrwhen. signalled'to do qc, 'F!{ ffi<'{{63s, rqrrf

', ,o' by wh ch thr.ee of these? "?
, , ,..,::

Mark three answers IETIF WR TETSS Tiffi

a) [Apoliceoffi.". q) tI r+rrqr "Ik{ q.fufir<<
b) f, A pedestrian ft1 er-
nlml'$fts, ., ,:-
6;'.,[ t

c) E Aschool crossing,patr^ol ,,,'

d) EAbusdriver &l tr'mlr+I, ffi, vlrygq

e) ZIA red,traffic light ' ,' , ti.'..E qft'fis':


I ask you about {q frq?3l

$rffin$ ffi KTgK
T}-€ 3
$ilnrits K ?fr SqtxirqT
Road rnarilclngs ffi Trsm' q"TE
Regulaticns ffi,&Tr;trTq"*






.1. Which silh r,,neans you hive priorigy b.,, +,.trt,fr \5ftr.$K
:, over oncoming:vehiiles? .
.ffi 4".q1fi1T,,q' ?
, ,-t-t. l :':,,.r. ::

Mark one-'ans\Ar€lr -. 1 .,,,,...,.,.1 '' ,. ,, ,e 'ffi.&ks ififfi

tr €)n

c)a d)u fru fs) tl

2, Which sign rneans tNo Stopping'?

Maik,one rni*eo

a) tr ,s) E

c)tr d)tr frrtr lst tr
3; Why should you make suie,that i?., (rlv frral'{ xl(-T
. your indicators are cancelled *qrT-\e'' <lM.e(Trq f+ qr
after turning? 9t 4{F] TT<IT BTEE Tfi?
,t,. ' 'r .

a), E fo avOid,flaitening the batteryr d),' fl qfFff ql,€,€Tr< q-{r
b) Z t" avoid misleading other i<l tr <-rvr <F-qrfrfirfr q;ilr*rp-r
road users ':',r: q{= :rr €srr* qT

c) E To avoid dazzling other fr: tr

$sl' rDl{
road users
d) tr lc aVoia aamage't6 th,e., fu,1-E',ft+'fufrffi srrer a.Pi gffi
indicator relay WffieI qm
fi1h5, ,"
4. What does this sign mean? B. s? BrF-{ qcf fu

Mark one ans\l/er

a) E
.qsG itss's q<n+ ffis
Maximum speed 30mph s I E rriT6 rrfu q;Fm so {rt{
b) E Service area 30 miles ahead frr E rgo qr-f, rr{-ffi qTfuI. €qror
c) p Mtnimum speed 30 mph frl tr Fifflq a.fu $BLrr so {r-d
d) fl Parking area 30 miles ahead for E too qr-fl Trrrfl "nfo< sarsr
5. At traffic light, amber on
its own means
c.,siai .fr ' st qry-Erffi{

Mark one answer €Tfi GE-< Bks rfi{

il fl S,op at the stop tine
o) l. PrePare to go
g r E ?$l,Trqrn qTAT en-{E
f<i tr {r€Tr{ pm tyfi Eq
c) E Co if the way is clear frl tr rrgt $fr Erc-rfr Em rrr
d) E Co if no pedestrians fot tr flerfi-fr fiil"rR qI s-{rq
are crosstng EF {r{-

,6, You aie 6h,a-motorway. Red nashlhg \9. ETr ,, ,,Ef@:l, cffi{
lights appear above your lane only. arrftn-{ rd--F{ G"rr< 4rq ffi
. What should,you do? E-.tr-6' s-f,(E l lO O-*r W"HH Vfrst

Mark one answer ..qsffi Gsr frfus r-fi{

a) [ Move into another lane in ,o) E"d?f ,qqT
good time l
,= a
b) ,t
rrr..r:::.': 5lffi...I-t$[t
Con:tinue in thx:landand t6ot<.- fii'n:',ae n-c" +rcr €q( Era{T
1,, ., for further.:information ftg,"@ 6-{I rEqT
c) E Putt onto the hard shoulder frl tl Ers rryrq-qrm{ Gqr rerfl rr€Tr
d) E Stop add wait for an instructidn fo; tr ctHI €<( 1.r:rrr E"II qr<E T-{K
to proceed oqT ffifK sff?fsf s-{f
7. What does this sign mean? q. ftrrry{ .q? fur€{ Erai ft?

lYtar:kone aniw.er ' ' . .qsG BEr frfus s'fi{
a) tr Low bridge ahead -q) E xrrr6T fru" rnq
b) p Tunnet Ahead frt tr flrrfq TV( nar
c) E Ancient monument ahead h tr "lnv-{ ryfu re-s
d)'': F''Aoeient lblick,spot ahead ful tr T{r\fi qfrE Tr+
8. What does this sign mean? v. frrqm €t frrr{ qai fu

Mark one answer ,srB 0s-{ frfuo qr+

a) f] T*o-*ay traffic straight ahead g ) E rqrsr ffq'r{ r'ft1a-g {tffirg;r
b) E Two-way traffic over a bridge fu tr rryq{ S"rr< g'frro< {Fl-<rq{
c) E T*o-*ay traffic crosses a frr E ern-€rs nsm urrsrorf;E
one-way road
T'frrs< Tr+Erecr{ Tt-trl
d) E T*o-*ay traffic crosses a fsl tr D.err FTgr-{ rrsrofffu r,ft16-s
two-way road {In-{rE6q-< Tr(yI

9. You,are about to overtake b. ,q1tfi] g -s-{65 rrllqr

when you see this sign. s s{6S {E Fs, frcrffi't
'You,should qIfig.96

I Hidden I
laipl laiPl
Mark one answer qsG vs{ fpfts qpry
a) [ -
Overtake the other driver as ,d),,D..:l. gITr, DmSf.T.
.quickly'aslossible qfu6{ sr< Erf, alsn'I
b) E Move to the right to get a ,ft)''f]' Lqcrrr qnT u,r{frrs
,, r.. .,.:.,better'view ," qf$ qI€$
, ,., ,'
c) E Switch your headlights on before fr;- [:. DZE. TrsTrT urrc?l
rqseEDT rqrq cv-.Iir
ful tr ffrrnir h.o snflqrru rr, rqql
,, '', cleailY ahead ,:'' ' ..1,.: ':' -- :,:,l ': =. qfffi '"
I0, At a.juhction you aee this signal.
It means", l
50-,'u,{rt6 6q}qffi.56<1-6a1
tEr{ ursf

Mark one'ansu/ers ,
a), ,l-l..CarS must stop. '
. -,.-
.4T6, t {ffig6FT
€.r E efffo c||-{rrc af{
E r.am's murt
bJ,, "-'., -' "' frr tr 'Frq emrcs er<
c) [ Both trams and iars rnur, ,,op fa; tr CEr, rre € frrq ?${t65 qC{
d) E g",h trams and cars .rn .oni,lu"
fu),E=.S.q{;',':fffir e frN E-trrc "llm
I l. A white line like this along the bb. Tlvl{, T{T Tfiffi s? r-s,{: qsfi
centre of the road is a . E"IEI.qiQq E[Efi

Mark one answer .{sm fu{ Bks Epq

a) fl Hazard warning tr) tr i<"rfrc r<fsg
h) [ Bus lane markhg frr E qrry rFf-zj.{ Errr
c) E 'Gir" way' marking 1-{r l-l lrle efTfit ET?f
d) E Lane marking ful tr m{6T< Et"?r

be. ',Irt-T ue arfu* Efsr-K rl{t{qs

, 1,2-. .,H'oW Wilt a.,potiie ,officef: in-a,patr.ol
, vehicle- norrnally gef y6u ,to,
itop?], fs 916 rr& qfra16f-< 6-{i <-{f{e
Maik: one inswer.,, ':' , ', .:,:r-r:
.q<tB \Eg-{ ffis s-FT
a) [ Wait until you stop, then €.r qI ErrII Tq-g q'fnsT s-fr{
E ..ay6g
approach you "' : ,"'4q El?r{'r{ ,Sfu. E$K EIT
b) d f*n the headlights, indicate left fr,, tr regqr-,trry *T.t o-c{. alt'Irrqrir 6-{I
''' " -' and pointto-stop . - r':.-.. : " ','.".'.:-31q 3i qrHm q\rsg s'fir
c) E Use the siren, overtake, cut in fr)'[]'ql -+r<, eo:r*rB?o
front and stop 6-(.T TIIIr{ -qrry cltfrrs ftrd
d) E prtt alongside you, use the siren
fsl-E rylT.vtr< r: ',<l&-m
. ' and.waVe'loutostopr..' ,,' ':." ,gqs, cfl'ql-a trlT arc t rrrr rrr

:l'3. Which:type of 'sign tells y"u.fV6f b\9,"m.1T,: :fr'a qtqTl[-s' rslffir
, . ,,frq', , Eq6gi' fr6q{ S-6{r
Mark one answer .gffi \E\g-q ffi\e- q$T

a) tr b) tr ,s) E r<) Li

c)tr d) w fx; tl lsr tl

1"4.. Traffic signs' giving, orderi
' generally which shape?
are b8.',u,' fu,sqfr
" wfEgaq''
' .II$]3{,S.'rstT 5o-q' m\CIfr

Mark one an .qqffi fur trEio

#% M%. #%


ru b) tr

3l) tr frt tr

d) tl fqt tr lsr u
I5. Which iign mean.N0.motor
vehiclei aie.allowed? "'
;c_:,(Try'' sqf,, Eftq
Tri-dre-{ frrqfl
Mark one answer €Tffi rBE-{ fufus o-*q
b) rl .g)rIW ft)tr
m "

c)tr *,W fqtr

16. This sign is advising you ro
5\g.frfdT{ gE i'u-o EIio|TrCs rfiT-

,Mark one answer ,,qffi , ffi

a| Q,'iiti;w-.n. .ort" live.rion ) tr fd+-fl {ferEr uf{rK.f E-cr
b) E Follow the signs to the frt.tr'& q1gq,,fu;6
. ,fr:e
police aiea ., ,i ,.=qql:6j".n TI€TI
c) E Giv" way to pedestrians lqt tr z<orfir-"-<ra- rr6s rh--TI
d) E Give way to cyclists fut ,--.l .,*c",q Eiq+Ir-s-eT fT[E fE-fiI
17. Why would this ternporary be, ,o,A.gtffi,,flfu,',1[11qq?ff
speed limit sign be shoWn?
6s-{ fm-q6fl ES?

.t mile
3, 34 mile
ahead ahead
Mark one answer s6fr u-s{ ffis o+-q
a) f] to warn of the end of -s ) Lr r{Itr{€cT-{ r.|{' eK 5{I
the motorway Iss 6-{'(s
b) tr fo warn you of a low bridge r{) L_l ilq rrw EqT qE"r T-f,rc
c) E fo warn you of a junction ihead lq";tr qH-6T 6(rtfl{ 6qT 116 S-sCs
d) E to warn of a road work ahead ful tr msm aTr6.< .6iT r-s+ T-f,cu
18. What does this sign mean? bb. frrry{ q? F6s-{ qei f+-?


\ fu
Mark one answer -qT-E rgg-.{ +-sq
a) L_l tnd ol motorway €) u rfim€rTK r.I{
b) Ei End of restriction frl E <rrm r.rq
c) f Lanes ends ahead fqt tr rr{r+ rq-{ Ts'
d) f] F.re recovery ends lsl E f<-+r Vrar GErtffi
19. What does thiS motorway sign mean?
)}. €rxr'€? qrei ft?

;fi it
'f H'-f l.r.r
ry h:.- t&

IvlarrkoRe'answer ,: .,.,. . ..,,,.,,,.. i qsG \Es-< frfos qsq

a) [-l Putt up on the hard shoulder ,d),'',E ffir TIfo EH6.41
.u1' fiE'-Cnange e.ipp.iit.' -', , , "

frr tr f{titts ftrq ,nfo u-dm

carriageway Tlsm Drfr' $sTr
c) [ Leave the motorway at 6;. [] ,'319 ftx HrB{em
the next exit rarr{, r{krs n.rsTr
d) [ Chang" to the lane on your left fu,, E rqrsm <l-F-{- rf,kT Erfl {rgrr
20. What does this sign mean? -?'
lo- ftrr,m Bm*{'qaf fs?

'Mark'one ansu/er -: i , :
qrfi ..fr T?T , "' l
a1. f] Slippery road ahead, rr.r E aHrI- f'rfu,-s' Trsi
b),., l-1,, Tyres'liabile to punctures. ahead frl tr wqr{- DEnffi run
c) E Dang"r ahead frt tr rT{r{ fr"m' qrrs "rs,rs "nrr
d) f] Service,area ahead.' .' fut tr ry{ffi TrfuT se,toi
2l . You approach a junction. The traffic ab.6s,rrF-{ ft6E ssr.trTl ErfuT- qTtB4
lighrs are not worl<ing. A police $'rE <r-{-[tr TI I ,!$6T
officer gives this signat. you should g? T(rTE frrE-+I w"FIK OE\5
EIfuq]K ffit
. 8,i
s ",

# ffi,
..i!..1: ..: .,,,. ''
.; .,
:'.:.j.fi:. t,t:
',$r .1 ., =1$.,;':''11;:
.: : 'V:i.. !'1 rri""i:r,ik$;I
\: d
\ -J-i
:r. ":/..\-.;. ,,.,11 ::::::3Bi
;\,i, ia;Ifl.
,] $:\. -i$irl

'! . .*l+
'i'l::::::- :

Mark one anslyer ..qqffi fur

frfus s-<FT
a) f Turn left only s) f+<-q rFrfrrs f{rs F"{r
b) [ Tur.n right only-' ''''," ',' i<r tr rd-{q unfrco rqiv rrrT
e; , p'Stop at the'itop tine iar E Yq q-rotr rqtrq rlgr,
d) f Stop'lev,el with the':offiCei'i ia* igr tr srifi]IT.-{ Ftc\e..r TqIm am'l

22.What does this sign mean?
*r-@ ?,'fur Eret fu

Mark one answer q$6,-'@ Gfu:?piffi:

-E ,Bus'station on the right
fi.-witht-ii;; bus lane,,
E qE"{,m r*]lr{
, frr tr €o.A{<fr 1rff rfl.f{
c) ! Contra-flow bus lane fu tr frffilg{qT rrr rq-{
d) tr Give wiy to,buses. :. ,,
fur tr <t-qro' qtrr rn.rc ffi-{rr
23. Where would you see a contraflow tq ''fg'.,f?1.ll[,:(fi'
'Tlry'g" ;q.Q-4
bus and cycle lane? -: I, {H? . ,.
. ...] : :::: ::

Mar:k'one,lani*er.. , :,,. U*ff"fu' 66iJ, ,., , :

il E On a auat carriageway .{ ) tr rorr+ fgr6r"T +i'-n-roef*c'c-

fr;'5. q ."?$qg
'On a.urban motorway ft;:'llf:'
fu)-6' , @.{
..) .::,
d) W O" a one way street grlT=€rr
24.What does this sign mean? 19. fq-ce{-{ €i &p-{ Eraf fu?
ffiffi[*c*fw ffiffi l*xxtre

Mark one answer

a) ff Witfr flow bus and cycle
ssft w{ ffis o-rq
lane i.r f soe1fi firr € Tror-d-{ ra-.{
b) E Contra-flow bus and cycle lane fr, I f{"fl-eyr} <rry s rr-roq rd-€T
c) fI fVo buses and cycles aliowed ft-r E <rli € Trel-s-q u-m iqr{q
d) E f.io waiting for buses and cycles fsr E rrq' '€ rTer+q Er{rr{T i+r{'r
25.What does this sign mean? ac. fiTq-{ sA &r€-{ qei fui

Mark one ans\ryer .qsG Gsr frFr-s s-fi{

a) |
o) 6
Turn left ahead .ql ,tr l.lqr{.1
T-luncrion r{) L-,1 TE-6srH
c) E t,to through road fr,;.,E' 'T,lEi' mQ,
d) E Gire way ful tr irrs ers

: ::t::, jt!:t:tj,lti.i:
l.:ir ' i

26. What does this sign mean?
firq< ,s? frr€{ Eef f{?

,Maik one.answer ... .
,qffi'.9ry,@g,-q-m :: :::
f ) fi r<-.sT q-E T{EmT EJIrv C{--q f,Tq-{
wrtn gate or barrier
b) -::ff,.Gatua,,.oia'1f; rtr E rr{cr rrsm r:rnF qrcu
,,E,L"iei nr.o iha w'.hroui -, :.,..'.,:.
frr tr c<ir.r Frqq )rlEEI qlqrs
- ,..:ffi'
gate or barrier ', -
O' tl eattie:,grld , :

fQ []. -ffi*, TI e\gTK .'-fl +rr

27. What does this sign mean?
1q. ftfq< sA Fao-{ urei f+:

Mark one answer .sEG \Es-q frfus ?F-#T

a) f Buses turning sr E <r,T rTE rqrs fr6rE
b) ljRingroad IiT)lll{sfTfS
c) E t',tini roundabour a---
lry,r E Frf{ Trg-ss<rsF
d) E Keep righr fo; tr snfrro qnq"q

28. What does this road marking mean? eb. TsK o"r< €? Errfl{ srei rTr

Mark one answer q6ft,.'ffi=.,ftr .-4-j - ,' , '

a) E Do not .ros the line ql . oa qPq q\e-ol-{' IEtffi' qT

b) E t-lo stopping allowed f<l tr Exrr*r f+r-qr
c) p Yau are approaching a h?rard frl tr ffi,wffi Erw"
d) E No overtaking alloWed '
fu,),E. e srl frr{{,,.,
29. What does this sign mean? nb. ,s? &tE< Eef ft?

Mark one ans\l/er

q €ffi.$FI.' , 5,pa
L_J No overtaking
p'-No.=rnbtoiu"tri.t" . .,,',''' E ,g
,,9)' mrr frfq"{
a) E Clearway (no stopping) fqt tr
fusmecr rqFnfir fqrvO
d) E Cars and motorcycles only ru)'tr.${ flE €,
30. What does ft{-fi
rhis sign mean? tgo. .q? frrsr Eai fu

Mark one answer €qE GET ffig T-fi{

a) E ruo moror vehicles € ) E rrrBr {rrdrc;r ftrqr
b) f You have priority f<r E -fi"HK elarflq-o-r srrru
c) E No overraking tr €{rrf,6f-6- a-n fqmr
d) E T*o *ny,r"ffrc fu tr E'frrf,{ rrn-{Em{ Ttsr
3l . What does this sign mean? eb. fr'q{ s? fu-s-{ q{ fu

Mark one answer ,sqB fur Ffr.s qpq

a) f Waiting permitted s I E rr"f"ffiT +-fK sr-flfu snrE
b) E National speed limit applies iqr E EI-fr'Ji rrfirfrqm u-s
c) fi Waiting resrricrions apply fqr tr Err"rEFI s-fl' f{f{e, sqrsK e-s
d) E Cleur*ay (no stopping) fst tr fgar<ecTr 1efl-lr{T fftTrr)
.32,,. The right.hand ;lane.of a'three
'lanermotoruray. is :'
lg'i. ,ryfDT\B sTT
qrflT r4.a-{ qrflT
: ,
a::: ,,,

Mark one answer €sfi Bts-{ frfuo E.sq

a) f For",lorriesonly. ,1,,.-
O tr,rfiq fifr ut-q-a6r-a 6qi
q A An overtaking lane frt tr sgmrfis o-{K mfi"
c) E The right-turn lane frt tr urifrre rqrs r+{K rd?-{
d) tr nn acceleration lane
33. On a motor-way this sign means
tgt9. rc',fiTr rqrBTerr-(E sa B?p-< ,+
# rJ
#'-f #it* "?i
'ul',, ,'.'9,@'qw.u T-fir, :
e),.E'€,M,: ,'t'"{r< T.r+ qlT{

E Move ovei onto,ihe hard, ihoulder

b) E Overtaking on the left only fr;, f rE-EE qt'{frrs sgtlrctrAr sxTir
c) E Leave the motorway at
the next exit
frj-.tr,. fu, sr$'"l
EiTrt 6-#-{
rsl E <.|T "flfr{ rq'trr' ,er, Etrf{.

34, Y6u's.e this, Iine acrosS-the,,r"ad,.at ue-.y$$,o@,,,qte*r{ ?trq:, Klyrm

the entiance to a roundabout. ' ,,.Sffi *q 6yfu rv"<t6r6-a1
What does it mean? qei
tqm f,s:

Mark one answer ..g$ft'-t\m," qfT

a) E Give way to traffic from the right. u}'-E ,- qlm rTrg frq
b) E Traffic from the left has frr tr rrq fq-rs< {Fl-+rarq<
,right of way,', .
ergriq-{K TC{.rE
c) E You have right of way
Ft tr w"FrK qaTfrom r6nru
d) E Stop at the line. ful tr crnr+ Erfq
,3-5, ln. some narrow residintial streets gc. srr+rFrE €FffS-r-3 f+q frq r-f
fisK {ffiqt q6s "trrK-
Mark onc ehswer-,, ., _., i..
srfr i6E-< ffis o-sq
a) ff 20 mph €) E lo TrAE Sfu E-SEr
b) E 25 mph frr tr lc l.tta gfu qiim
c) 3S,.rnph . 'r ''''' ''-' ' far E \9c :xr?fl efu s-sl-T
tr 40,mph ful f: 80 {rQr{ Afu q-SH
36. What does this sign mean? \g\9. '.qe fD-fST qei fu

Mark one answer

a) E_Nofootparh .q)E qr'rtv rrA
b) fl Zebra crossing fr)..E. ',,64 . ?K{?11{)
c) E tto pedestrians fri tr q{Erfr f+rqq
d) E School crossing fsl tr ga ofr<
37. What does this sign mean?
9q. frrq{ sn r'uro-< qqi iot

Mark one answer

a) .E.T-junction q) ,,n ffi-6,(.lT '
" frr tr rrqr* fisr w{a{E m-
c) Telephone box ahead
d) E Toitet ahead F tr qFrcr rBfu+^rr <Tq Err6E
fu) [],,,x,l{rr ATK"rt 'prtrq

38. Which sign means no motor

vehicles are allowed
\9u..' 6aq' rrr ffiIBr vtRt
,,,Tl-lqlqF{{, 3661[r666E4, Wfu r{a

Mark one answer crs=iE W{ IEfAS rFiFq

a) E

c)/u f-r d)tr tutr tu;

39. You are dri,vi1g in buiy t c ' '.'
..=.,,, 'ffi..
dsffi w(ft 4r*i

You want to pull up on the lift

just after a junction on the left. tr& qn'qrd{r
When should you signal? ,.,,.
T-tlI[..:qVTg: q<"t O6gt

Mark one answer .sT6 @ 6k.s T-s-{ qfr6q'

'a) il As.you are passing or just after .- .q) D 6( {<[+, $r$ srr
' the lunction .. '''{]IEIL urel-q.1 q
b) E -{"'<,-q1.=t "rr{
lrst before you reach the juncrion frl E se,"rrr qr€TK .qrE qrr?r
c)., n, Wett befora you reach: .,
, the junction ,. :, .:: qrq-s uilrx
d) Fl lt would be better not to fur tr ,!rs<rLTQ' T(rss rr m-l,rq srql
signal ar all
40. Which s'ign rneans trto'o*erriktng?
Bo_. fqrqq?
Mark one answer ,gffi' ,f*q ,

w b) r: q) tr frt tr

c)tr d) ,,fl u
fq)'"' tu)f
4,|. Which,of these signs.rneans there s5. fuT m.i{ frTe.{ Esr rq rrrfi"
qAffi trs ErrE?,i,,.t,
:., :..
,,. ,::
Mark,'one,ans*er .gS6"SST.,,fr,fu'?pfffi:

a) n
lff{ trb) n\
!) u
frr tl

c)tr fd) frtr -C-.

t\9) I-r I

42. At a railway level crossing the 8a. rcril m(vq 6-Fxq eTG c<-q
."' ry T{\9Tt" ?t6_€' Et?B'afr
after a train has gone by. WfiI.?IE ffiTD ETD-fi T-A6E'I
1,,-, ire9.'q,,fql*.-6,fui?.,,,,,.
.r ,, , ':.::

Mark one anslyers €TE iF,ET ftfug Tp-{

d).,. E, Phone the signal operator €) tr frn+nE qr"rrr<rFmr+ rs-F[ GrT
b) lll you '''
Alerc drivers behind ,,

Ft tr fpry Tq-srtrrr xco o-er

c) Ei walt I,i) Ll !tr6"r5il" T-{I
d) E Proceed with caution 61 tr- ,efS,.'DIE, TtgTI
43a Other drivers may sometimes
', flash,their: headlights at you. 8\9. rfir{I m[-{T 4{rs EITfi-{T DIFTSiIT
, qT?q-K Ifu \ncnr{ mtu-< fE-s
..,. ,
In which situation,afe they "-pF Er=i aF[E -,rTr<l rfl!"
, allowed,to do this?' '
, ?frfsfurs Er s-rm sq{fu irru-r
Marl< one answer
.gTE EE.T Gfr-g T+q
a) E to warn of a radar speed €) E rNm rtfuflTr E-rrr{ ffsm.rl€
trap ahead
siT- ?I]EI TrTrtr Er o;a1615
b) E To show that they are giving "i3T srl.fitrs
f<l tr grs,nT arcrr rs ft-@-,
way to you gl 6l{rr{lT olqrlT
4 ," warn you of their presence
d) E 'ro let you know there.is i
fr, E Eir?{- G-rffi En-rmr G,TEzlT
,, with your vehicle
fr,rc f,ur E rrr"rfllr ,ttfgrs r{.16{r :|-orr<T
e-ffi qfcE et u]_a6a6 Crrrr"Ir
44. You have just driven past this
You should be aware that
sign. 88. €Q {tq st frE,fi srfueq sr<
€rIrqq'l uff"ffr qsT <-r?rr<-{ a

Mark one answer

4 E lt is a single track road
sisB Bs'r os+ ffiv
b) E n
.q) st rrgrffi ss rrt{ ffi r.rvr
c) E
You cannot stop on this road
Th"re is only one lane in use
9 tr €? rrsr$ re ;ff{rrs ,r-ui* or
d) E F, €err{ Ru{ €sfi rE-Aq eru uiq-aT-u
ett traffic is going one way i9 r f n-< rE<rET sr-i fr-a{ Trr{
45. What does this sign means?
8c. .q? 6?"-FB trtai fu


Mark one answer

a) pI Rignt hand lane closed ahead
qsB, qs'-{ 'v.'+T

b) E Rigtrt hand lane T yunction onty

.l; E qfif6;d ffi e;p-..r1-6 f"qaT <T
c) tr I I tone weight limit
.'t frl tr un ffrfir rqffi .,R., 6.(-t;r
d) E Througr., truin. to use teft tane m, tr. Si' fq .ew-* fifrrr
lul E rrrwl {I€Tr{ uai qn"R{gfr
, [{,,"1.61-3" rerQn <}TEr{ STr{
46. What does this sign mean? 8\9. .q? Cr€T utai f,s?

Mark one answer €sE G,E-q frfus s-sT

a) E ena of dual carriageway s) E qrrq qi'rkwers rr{
b) E tutt bridge f<l tr du" rlq
c) f] Roaa narrows frt tr ilvI r-T
d) E gna of narow:biidt; 1-s; Ll Tf rryr rr{

47. What does this sign mean? 8q. €? 6ror srei fu

i'iark one answer ,qsfi Gg'T frftro <r"+q

a) f Road liable to flooding € ) u {rgl qrrFl arrc-Cs
b) f Uneven road surface i<l tr
<TgK i;'rfu*rra =EI.I"{EEI
c) E Steep hill downwards Tri) LJ trl-{ Trgr
d) E Quayside or river bank ior E rmfq 1i;1 E}1 .srerfi gqTf,
48. What does this sign mean? gp. fr-rq-{ ,!? F6s( qci fu

Mark one answer

a) fl Hump back bridge
ooG w1
.{) E gcwr rav*
@ oq1
b) E Traffic calming hump fqr tr Tm-{Rrq-{ etfu r+rq-6 Trr
c) E Lo* bridge ixi l-l fru(-(ras
d) tr Uneven road ftol tr ET{w nvr
49. At a junction you see this sign 8b. r-flr{I 6(rt[q- .!? fD-F fr-?fm{
partly covered by snow. {K fsq q(rt {f,s rFr+ r{r?r6tr |

What does it mean? st &rfi sret fu

Mark one answer qsffi \?iET Ffris Epq

a) f Cross roads .s) E E;n [<is
b) l-i Give wav r<,) U Trl3 €rS
c) @ Stop Tri)u amr{
d) E Turn right isl tr urnam mg fT{

50. Which shape is.used for a Go. 'fflur gfT<' 6?T f4I{ q-s.TK
'give way'sign? {(rss <lEias Efl

Mark on" unr*.. .qffi Eg{ ffipis qpq

4) fr)


c)tr 8) TxI U fut tr
5l . Which of these signs means cb. rorq; fFr€{ rrst r;I arqm fflts
turn left ahead? <rqfltm r{.]g iq-cs Ea{z
Mark one ans\rer €sffi Gtr'r Gfrv E-p-+

a) tr b) ,.q) n fr)tr
w'ffi xffi\
ffi ffi wi



c) u d) tt
52. What does this sign mean?

Mark 9ne ans\Mer qr6 GE< fvfo-s s<Fr

a) ff D'r,rn.e to parking place ahead € ) U "tTlss, 4ryEffi !-{$
b) f Distance to public phone ahead frr E rrcrdrs ai-drslmr r<g
c) E Distance to public house ahead fn.rE (flrm{r "rrcf,To ErgH-{ E-{V
d) E Distance to passing place ahead ful tr Elfuor' sm qI€rK orrri f*V
5,3. What:shape is a stop sign G\9. rc"rrq cYs.Tm Gq aE-a1 enTT
at a junction? ffi
rrT{ qr"[rt<:r qr?

Mark one answer .gT,IU WT TETQtr S.T{

€)E frltrM
a) tr

W =W
c) n fql tr fsn
54. What does this sign mean? 6s. fr'q4-a .s? frr€{ qqf f{t

I'1-ark one ans\yer .qq6 fu'( frfus qsq

,) E Give way to oncoming traffic €) n qlfls {r{<rE-;rr sfirfl r{-(g fr-{
b) E Approaching tr.affic passes you frt tr f(t.ftis ft-o rers EIIas {rfirq;r
' on both side sfiefTrrr- q'fnro srfuo;q r-{(<
q' fff Pass either side to get to the frl tl cot qr+ r4E'rr{r{ 6-{r Gw
same destination fr-s- ftrr rircg qrrfil
d) E Turn off at the next iunction fg) tr "l<-{-fr w(rr{ rflv f{-{
55. When may you cross a double solid cc. fl-gK q$ fF-CiI g{<-{s TI?T q.PE
white line in the middle of the road? ariq 6<H rrfuG{ s-arc ?rKr<{"

Mark one answer .qSG \?,ET iuEs q,rq

a) E to pass traffic rhat is queuing nj'n w(,Trr {Fr<rerq-< qrl
back at a junction I\eg EIlEGrl A<tg
b) tr t,, pass a car signalling frt tr rq ,re il'{frrrr q(rw frrE
to turn left srm qfu6l. s-a6E
c) [ fi, pass a road maintenance ft) E'TIVT. rs''!lrcq TTl{ fl'& .u
vehicle travelling at ,."-. o-d'ffi qclT[ q'{ rl&rE
.: ." qIr.s' qe@=I 4Tre
d) E to pass a vehicle that is &j tr "t&"',{$'ffi rFAqtK rBr{.frrs
,,, :towing ? trailgp.'"' """ ''j':

56. You are waiting at a T-junction. G\9.,!SE fi-Uq,'rr-q', q'rfifi T-{tD--{l

A Vehicle is coming from right TNer+-{ Ts.r+s frGr sT{ ft-s
with the left signal flashing. ram- €sE rt& wry(trt
What should you do? f< o-qr ofi"l;ffi Gfrst

,Markohe answ6r
a) .'n ,More out ahd ip6ed up a,r tr' , :",e ffi qglr*t
b) f, W^ir. until the vehicle fri, tr rq cqlv'.a-u ,q,Kg rl
starts to turn in . 'tr
+fg,slfm TTI
c)' E Putt out before the vehiCle frl m' 6',(,T :7r: l

reaches the junction - ,'r' q.llrrfi

d)", f.. 1'4ove out,slowly , ''

frl-tr fu.'fu ft 'ruerat

57. What does this sigh mean? 6q. Frrq{ d? Gr€{ qqf frz

Mark one ans\ rer :uffi.fu G&rs q,ffi

a) [ End of:cycle route :
s ) tr 4r*-s4 E-d[D-[q]T TryT nI
b) f End of clearway f<i tl ftffierx rrs
c) fi e"a of restricted parking area fn tr "n'fr( fifl<E €qr?FK rR
d){ End of restiiited-sp"ea a."" fsr tr afur<rt fiTr<E €qriil' rE
58. What does this sign mean? u. :s? fErFT q( fu

Mark one answer qrfi 0s-q ffis q-#-{

a) tr Roundabour A t L <Igss<fgD
b) tr Crossroads mr tr srmre TT?
c) .Ef No Stopping far E sfl-{-Tfi iqca€f
ulrr l-tI I rt\oentry fo,, tr 3z-<n i{r{t

59. What does this sign mean? a>. .q? lE?F-{ qai fs?

Mark one answer

a) tr Vehicles may not park on the s)'-tr rqB E-arir qrq rl Tlvllr fs-{l'rr<
.'' .. - V€rge or footway. : i' ,. e ,,fl:[T' ffit' r {
b) tr Vehicles may park on the ftl tr g{ TIST{ TN "nfi rlr{rE"{
, left-hand side.of the.r.oad onll TfS' 6,-fre nl:|C{;[
'1d veh chs mii'p iutty ' m trel rl rlvmqrcqfu{r<r
"' -",tr'ffi
oit:l , fii
'' .€,,rcrqFr{fE{ rt'td En
fu),'tr gt'' ulT "r'lrt qFFrrE{
right-hand side of the road only .,'-...,' , rfit.T: i ?ffTr{T :
60;$u see-'ihis ambei,traffic,light ahead. \eo. THr{ fikrs ery <rfu qlf,r6rr
-,Which'light or lights, will come
rr?rrq-T, "K<-ets rFq T"rE< <Ifu
on next? q.r <rfuefr q-dr{?

Mark one'answer
'tr €s6 fu{ Gfus r-s{
?) Amber together:: s) L I €T-fs qrf, d<( qtr
b\' d,'Re'd ""a
alone i<r l-l Ic{ Erfl
il Gr.een and Arnber',togeth'er.
c).-., iar tr s6rs' rr{s s<e ew
d)'E G nalone r'i,r:i,,.. ., :.,
ful tr Rv{ )r{F

6 I . What doe's..a circular traffic sign With \9b. f,rq' 16€< fuT rflffirirK Ts;?F
- a:,blue backgr:.Ound do? frewfr 6 olsi., 4T{?

Mark one anslver ,ssB Gs< f,ufus F-sr

a) ij
r l-r a.
Give warning of a g) E xlxr-{ e{rb-{€[T 3tirE er" -5--.I
moto[way ahead, -.- n-srTs sr{
b) t: Give directions to a car park
: I tu::
frt tr x66 ax6fu ftr, sL< ffir
c) tr Give motorway information fql tr nrB-Eerl'N ser ?qrq s-r{
d) a Give an instruction
L--l l-{(vT IE-{

62.What does this sign mean? \9a. fq-m-{ sQ frrr{ srei' fs?

Mark one answer .ss6 fu'r fu'Frs rsr

UrfuT qTe.Dr rry T-{rE
a) d Traffic lights out of order .e )E
b) f Amber signal out of order f<; tr qar fa:nira sro r-?rp qI
c) E Temporary traffic lights ahead f,n tr nwm q'€ffi Erfu<-';Tr?f-{
d) E New traffic lights ahead fot tr ffq-fi {a^-q- frrfur'4r?.FE
r ild
63. What does this sign mean? uu; ,'.q?
E!E1'qef ffi

Mark one answer ,sqm iBg.r ffis spr

a) f] Tur:n left for parking area s ) E "nft-e -qarctT pqT "16{ rqTV f{-{
b) E No through road on the left f<; tl Etqfl?rs rrsl qffi<\5 r{A
c) E ruo entry for traffic turning left fri t EF{ftrs mv rq{il fqmt
d) E Turn left for ferry terminal ist tr f?mrq,]fFT E-{r rrs Ofo rqrs i+q

64. Which sign means 'no through road'? CI :" q{ 61-'r{Hm u

Mark one answer 'o+ffi,'@ ry
tr b) u
€) E

c)d d) tr tutr fstn
65, These flashi,ng r:ed lights'mean stoP: \9c'. .q? mfis,l DTD-+, 4-<'T aIFT <trsl
,, n *hich'thre'e.of the following , ,',
qci sffT{'t frrry{ 0?-,fl*ns ffiI fu{
places iould you find them? qrrq sQ qrfu'ofr fi€$ {rcq?

Mark three answers ,fiffi,',fu{ frfipsr qEq

a) E Pelican crossings
b) fl tirting bridges fu tr f,r rfl-r1 r{rF sK TrrE'
c) f, Zebra crossings fr'l fi'rw ',.ffi{afirs
d) [ Level crossings fo1 [-.qqg -vf]r-'mq fler*
e) E Motorway exits f:' ers,
ei, rErs'''rE{ ilvl{
0 ff rit" stations amltr' , f{ffit ?rcffi srrq
66; You,must not use your horn u\9. rer[x erc-I q{qr{'qfirlft',, stflTa
when your are stationary

Mark one anslver q?FTF Wg TEI-FS SiFT

a) f, Unless'a,rnoving vehicle' s) tr {fr TI rotrfl E-ryg rFr?Trq;r
,,, may cause you danger ' srlflqlT w{r k"l-(ffi sEr.t er
b) E At any time whatsoever fu tr rq r$rmt',{q-m'Q
c) f Unless it is used only briefly fu tr ?rlr ;fi'sr {u qE-BFTT<' q-fl err
d) f Except for signalling that you f,sl tr qfr' qT st qrq G{@ Enrrqr
have iust arrived s? Tsrss i€TK< <t<-qs ?-q'
67. You should not normally stop on \9q.-
€? EIrrI{ o"tza Wqfr
these markings near schools {rfV emr(<.-{ Tr

Mark one ans\ 1er qTG Gsr iurfuv m

a) f Except when picking up children € ) tr <rm'rrnrr+ rnlg-N \E rc{r qNns
b) ft Unaer arry circumstances
!l tr rq^r+lrn "rfsffir*s
c) E Unless there is nowhere fu tr gH
flIfu-q{,]r,{F 6-{I qiT rsr6n
else available flETI qT T'JrA
d) f Except to set down children isl tr Tr6-rp-{rs qFirc+t <T!ns

6 8:, .Th'ere., is' a po l,ie€-arr f6[[owi ng yo u. sr. En"Hrrs ,{Tfr "Jfrffi{ ,fl& q1rm6f
The police officer flashes the srrcul Tffl srFiryra
rrsqlaB TH
headlights and points to the left. a-t-q il{ irr-{ ?ftg T-f,rd'{l
.,, \ryhat should you do? .., f+ a-o qlfiim &B'sr
Mark one answer sq[E ss{ TEras q-sq

a) f] Move over to the left s ) tr TNfEr6- q'r< fisfl

b)'E Stop"immediately,,,,'. fu E arrE Tr6er rer{' Irr€$
c[!.'Tqtleft ai the' nixt-,iunction' . fxl tr qr<-6 Ferrr{ Tr6rr r{rs rfltT
d)- Et"Pul[ up on the,le,ft .. '' : :

fot tr <T{fEC'o rqm {I€TI

.",4f* ",.,ti1.,illillw?

69. What does this sign mean? \9b. 4? Gr€T qsf fr?

Markane answer ..,:::'. qrffi fur BFrs rpr

a) E No overtaking allowed {) tr esr<-cBt+ E-flr qTqfu rr?
b) E Two way trifiic frr E q'fir6q6 r@< rnsr
c) E One way traffic only fu tr s{ ,qrftrr-{ tfffs-(
d; d Giu" prioriry to oncoming traffic fu; tr srra\5 {rl-{raql-s EISTfir+-K fr-{
70. This sign means qo. 4Q 6Tsr srd r{

:.I[{ !'"J
tIIlr [{
Mark one answer ,{TE Gg'{ ffirs E-Eq
a) E Tourist arrracrion €) fl q.ffi-s-rftffir 6{T urrs{fr{ qrr
b) E Be*are of trains f<l E r<-a fl-fgr oqT r-sr aror
c) E Level crossing frl E q{sa vf,rv rrq' qT?-{ ofrs,
d) E Be*are of trims ful
Ll frN rlrfur o-li nir-o qr+r
' ,n,o.1Mqtu

71. The white line along the side q$, Tlffi @:, ut
ofthe road qrqT qr-{

Mark one answer qs6 fur frfus 6-sq

a) E Sho*, the edge of the .e) tr e@ EElsrcK r1v13l qt{HI
carriageway trFs s-ffi rqr'
b) E Shows the approach to a hazard frl tr <116-< T"r?Tm qrE-{ er Ttq cE-{
c) E Means no parking frl tr ?rd o-<r fqmq gr ?rF rr-T
d) f] Meant no overtaking fu tr €vmrBtq o-fl frcqt gr <rf, [Y-{

72. what is th.eEaxirnurn sped on qti ,i fetr-ce Tr[{t6-

','a single4r:riagqwa.y,,,1.6 J I ., - afuilfl Ts?
, 'i :,,..:,:: :,. .'..]::::'i::,,,:r:: i

,Mark,one aqsw€i " ,''., ..qsB Gs-q irfus rs{ r:i

a) i--l 40 mph aj-,fi= '8o TIF
, I l50moh f<l E ft sfrff co q,r-fl
fri tl Efu q-om ve :iltfl

c) -l! 60 mph
d) E 70 mph fuy'fliiffi= qs,{[tf,
73. What does this sign mean? qe. frrq-{ q? frrF-{ Ersi fs?

Mark;One answer ,-,

€sE \?,9-{ fufurs E+q
q) n,,${c-d qE q.frq rt$E
b), [f-,F+deitr.ian, crossing ahead .]

c) f] Pedestrian zone - no vehicles fxr tr ruq "reru-rfi ,r?F-a rrrrre;r t+rsr

d) E,, No p&strians allowed :
fst tr tsrn-fr i+cq{r
74. What does this sign mean? q8. f{6:EK €? fufp-{ EIei ft?

f?ry ??T
Mark one answer ,erG Gq{ ffis
a) E No turning to the right s ) tr srdfrZa rlrs rq'Tr fqcrq
b) n nigf't-hand lane for buses only i<r tr onfrrrc< rre-{ ru{ <16rr< oei
c) Z tnu right-hand lane is closed fu tr snfrr+< rqt{' <-{
d) E tne right-hand lane 1-9,r l-__l m{'[-{ UHmf+-<
ahead is narrow rd-fl Tes"l6l

75. What do these zigzag lines at qc. "rall-rft flKTnrffi -i q-rfl-.fi,eT

pedestrian crossing mean? 4RrT-{ rlsl' TiFl

Mar.k.one answer r,.,'.., .qffi wq

a) E Sounding horn is not allowed ,s) n Ei TIG-Ir-{T f+c{'q
b) E Sto* down to 20 mph frl'tr ffi'. {'fiT'lo {Ttffi Efl'il
c) f Parking allowed only for fu tr s{ J{ Trrrffi 5{T ffi s-{r<
short time q$fu qru
d) E N" parking at any time fui tl ffiffi- 'ffi,'6q1,'q'If{ fi
76. What does this sign mean? q\9. ,s? ft-€T EIei fu

Mark one answer dr6 Gg,r Gfus ss{

a) f Motorcycles only s ) tr c-+-+q rqrBr rrsrs-f,
b) I-l No cars f<r E roml arrtu fqrqr
c) E Cars only fnl tr mr-E (q.rfl rfi&
d) E ru" motorcycles fsr tr rqtffirs-{ ftrqr
77. Which of these signs shows that you qq. f+"FI lu-E A-<f T<rrfiT E{ fri Eil?fr
are entering a one-way system? rsrf,{I €fl-r€m Ttgm 3IT5r OACE-{?
Mark one answer
lffi "wt
€TG \?,8-< frfus TsT

a) rl
)E u)E tutr

d)tr ftl tr fs; tr
78. What does this sign mean? qy. frrq-{ s? frrr{ q?i lsr

Mark one answer qTffi' ffi'g,Er+
a) f Wait at the barriers ,{ ) tl rr".-91-{ tlrq nrr+ wrfirl" T-{I
b) E Wait at the crossroads frl tr 6-{rarrs rqrrs qc"rmT T-fl
c) fi cir" way ro rrams fry [] urr{ eqcs rrrl
d) E Give way to farm vehicles fisr E Tfr slz{T rrnre{rs 6qrs rq-fi
79. What MUST you do when you q;. f;rcq-< .{? F€ rq?rcfl EIqTrm
see this sign? sr'{"{Ta rs. T-{-69 Er-d?

Mark one ans\A/er , j:l *fl$ry F@ rqT

4 E.,,Stop, onlf..6 triffic is ,{) .,n' qfr,- ' ' |r.ry
- approaching s<t{'i amrr{l
b) fi Snop, the road is clear ftr E rrsr flfr Eror T6g€ etr+rr*T
c) [] Stop, "r"nif
only if children frl E qfr <rw-r<r qmrqm T-{6s qtrs
are waiting to cl.oss ': rs-<"T E?Ha efl-qrF.T
d) E., Stop, only if red light fu),E EF.B -Em atTs'rit, rr?rf,'
is showing ,.,-i ..-V ?mffTl

80. What does this sign mean? u.o. ftf"r< €i r-.g-s, ffiT srei fu

Mark one ans\^/er ,gqft Q,E-< ffis o-<e-q

a)' E Two,waytraffic ahead s) tr ryrqr+
Tftr+-{ rrrq-<Tro-{ <rst
b) E Yo, are entering a fo tr qrlfr .sr-E s$:{-sr$ Tlvrs
one way street ?:<-.I +-Are-{
c) E- t'lo overtaking iar E errm-rtr-o. o-rr frfrt
d) d you have priority over vehicles fu r E ftTfis r?rco rrTag rrFrdrs-rr<'
. , fforn opposite,direCtion: ' GqT rri?-{K orryfr-om wrfu

B l. Where on a moton /ay would you b.b. mrrfl r:{rF{er{rc T{w 166T
.,find'green r.eflective studs? ', , . flfu+-q-+ qicm rsTarfl 'nF{?
,, : ll" ,r.,.


Mark one answer ,ssffi sET r-f,{

,) il At slip road entianees,,and exits ul tr'ft4 rstr,,g.'{ gr<.c{ s qffixqn
b) ,'n Sep' ing dr.ivlng,l s . - ,i ' i<l tr {t;FlrE;r u-qm rfl+{ frEs r-q[s
c) E Between the hard shoulder and fri tr {F-drE.-{ u-om <'nsr e
the carriageway ERi TryTEVTCfi {{T TF
d) E Between the carriageway and fgl tr Ti:rTrE{ u-q'r-< <Tgr € {Rr<nffi<
.,,,',:.'the c"ntriitreseryation. . rlqrdtr {{rqrfi
82. What does this sign mean? ba. f{6EK ,s? fur€{ srsi fs?

Marek one answer .qsffi Gq{ fpfus 6-sry

a) f] Two way traffic ahead across s IE €sn-€rx' flgK r[ul--qrfs
., aone,wayroad : -,. q'frco< qn-{rcfl{ ilvr
b) .f| f*o way traffic straight ahead fEr E fstwl IIrrC{' r fu-m< q]!-{r{{
c) E ,Tr:affic appr:oaching:has pr:iority frl tr EIas rrm<rem{ srqTf{$-K
d)' [l otorway contr"a flow'.., ]
fsl tr w{m rwD-<err-rc
frffitsT?ft "rafu
83. What does this sign mean? p9. frpqq ,s? ftr€-{ qef fs?

Mark one answer €EG \itr{ ffis Epl

a) [ Airport q) L l-<'{H <-q-{
b) f Road noise f,<r E <TgK Tn'
c) E Radio starion ahead fu tl rwm rrfue r*t+
d,1 Z Crosswinds fot tr "tt'i<-6 qlsrn
84. A red traffic light means b,8. (Trrfl qTq' 6rfT-s eTffiT q{

Mark dne,answer '' ,l qrB Gs-q ffis r-fi{

a) ft Vou must stop behind the ,.s),,'E qqT WfiT f,r?rqr ft.qr{
white stop line q-{.IIa erllr(g er<
b) E You may go straight on if there frl tr ffiT rstrqT {r;r<rfi qi ersra
qr"rr{ rryrwl rrcs fllrFq"
c) f You may turn left if it is safe ft)'E-
' ,' ffian ET sr< ql,rft TN
to do so uEE f{18 "mrF{
d) E You must slow down and fol E'' rf Eqrs ErE dr(
', pr"epaf€ to stop if traffic has''.''. {I;TTTE{ 6-4 T-fN q'ETg T-f,("I
started to cross ,ti.:r I,.-:',f,Alfv," ..39tr .311T.(9, ?6<

85. What does this sign mean? bc'. frrryr ,e? ffi{ qaf fs?

Mark'oile answer effi'ffi

'El m 'Er:{
a),t -[-|'-'t ['.,,[{ pH rnaximum'rO;ea d.; o r
b) ff Steep'hiil''downwaids f<l u'q urut
c)",8'Uneven road',,,r, ... ''" .'. E
fu:"6' .BT*T :'r' ,''""
d) Fl S,""p hill upwards fu)'E'#br'.,T,Fxr|'' :

86.WhiCh.of the following slgns rh\9,: fu6ryrn,ffi ffi

Wfqs q-ffi ({
.... informs you.that you are corning m{nrq filTrr, EIir rqa w"rfu
to a hothrough road?. , , ,, ffirI' qTTil "lvJ.
Mark one answer olift,$ .'. ?F;tT i

wTq T?Y ??Y
a) tr b) tr €)tr fr1 tr

c)a d)tr fr; tr fiur f-l

tY) l-J

87. \ /hen may you use hazard warning bq. fl=& Erq]r{,I q€]T.sfi E|qr(i
lights when driving? effis. qra.B{ <T{aI-< TT(g qtrrc{r?
:. ..1

Mar:k oni ahswer ::

'a @ry
,) tr initeia ai'rounding the horn " €) tr Ff $ .'qfi r,ut

',,. '-in'a built:up area betW n .' g rrg bbfl rgofr's

I 1.30 pm and 7 am .''
', dF,''q-srn qfi "lt{g
b; 'dO" a mororway or unrestricted f<l E rwtr<ers siq<t r{I ffi+ rqrr+r
duil,tarriageway, to warn of g"Trq onkoergcs rr{r{-{ rcT6{I
,. ahqardah6ad., -. . ,: ..' ': .- frqrrr .6-{l' qg?f 'T-itf,p
c) E On rural routes, after a .fry fl'ffi
' -'- ,ft ul-E qr6u ,sr"t
", Warhiht"sign of animals ''' ....1lx1-.,,, ,,-,,,,
d) E On the ipproach to toucan fr) ,E' n, FrF 'sIS,q,'{ ',
1, .,,ciossings where cy.cfists are E€TK T'rrq q?n rrtmq
waiting to cross ff{Tqrrf,{ u-fi wrflsl]tr clrcrd
88. Which FOUR of these would be ru, @,qqln,'Elifi ea"= frrs<
indicated by a triangular road sign? fu-{ Ersr<?

Mark four answers

a) fl R.oao narrows €) E rrF T'tvr
b) d to* bridge i<l tr its- EIs-
c) E Ahead only frl tr uq ar+rtrr ftro $ea.r
d) EI Chitar"n crossing fultr q16lm{ "tr{T"nr1
e) ! Minimum speed ?r tr pw ,rfufrql
l-l E f Juncrion srlE fr o<.'H
89. What does this sign mean? th,'f{crqr..qt fr(q< qaf fu

Mark one answer ,esG iDtr-< ftfrsr-TT

a) p Cycle roure ahead .s)tr nrryrq rIt6s-df E-41-6'c4{ Trsl
o) [ Cyclist must dismount fu tr Trnr+-q rqrrs Errys {lqIs qa{
c) E Cycles are not allowed 14) L_.1 4Er+q' r{r{{
d) E Cycle in single file fsr tr qs rlkcs {Et-$-d D'ti{l{
90. Yod aie in the left hand line* traffic 5o.
.-'tT-frT qItftT u[{ {tr,r{
lig t.You are waiting to iuin t"ft " '' '';4f6- gq'( r$rg
At which of these traffic lights fixr:r **' q6rzffi +T6E{|, ftrffi
must you NOT move on? rr' ryq q;Qfrq 6<11s "
l$lrd-,$.. q ''T{? '

Mark one answer

.,ffil b) s,nffi.'N
c, 'Effi}{
"' il
9 I . Y6u'see,thi*iign at a iross roadi. 55.,,,14'na1 6T,'(Tffg ,q? fr€ f,T'?l-(n{l
You should qT9l;II{ GfrV

Mark one answer ,eTG \BE{ ffis qrq

a) f Maintain the same speed €r f, mr+ rrfuE D"t(s eror
b) [1 Carry on with great care i<r tr {< rs?F qc{ Eq[s sirot
c) E fina anorher route I tr q-{i fflffl "te[ r?frfo rfir r-{T
d) E Telephone the police isr E Tq.rcr rBfqron a-fl

92. You see this white arrow on the bt. TtvK G"rca ,s? TInr BT-{ fr-€
road ahead. lt means rq'?rcry{'l tqK rTai

srffi 6w ffita q-pq

a) [ Entrance on the left ! r tr <T{frr6 Tr{t zrar qrrt
b) E nll vehicle turn left f<) E q-{ {ra.<r€{ TNfrm rT,lg f{-{
c) EI K""p left of the hatched markings ln tr 6a1646affi qrr?K <rqtrfi {r$r
d) [f Roaa bending to the left firt tr srgT Tnih-cr zrro erry
93. The driver of this car is giving a Ss. ' ETqT':rfli qs r(crs ftqqt
hand signal. What is he about to do? m €fi i+ <-qcqr

Mark answer
o-.ne l.qffi fu'. iFfl,,

a) ff Turn to the left oj,,E

lr) Lj
Turn to the right fr) tr ui{frEa- miV f{c<
c) E eo Straight ahead fn l'n-4
tr ffirw rrrrm {rc{
d) E Let pedestrians cross ftI .,1HI"llx, !F,, frrq
.'.{l.h ,
94. What does this sign mean? ;9. f,q-6q-{ ,!? ffi( qqi fu

Mark one answer qTB BgT fu q-gq

a) fl Rout" for trams only s )E 19{ EN Ertrs-6r-< 6-fi Tl-sl
b) [ Route for buses only f<l tr u{ Trr Erqor?-{ E-{I irsl
c) [ Parking for buses only ftl tr \yq-<iri
q "n-o, T-{K
d) E Parking for trams only ist tr \y{ fN "no o-rm p-lr
95. Whiah type of vehicle do6i bG. rflI ?rflL".{ rlr{<r{ri-r' 6qT
this sign apply to? ,
ftcqr .qi ffi Tr{'16l?

4.d m 4,4m
14{6* 14{ 6-

Mark one answer ,qrffi tE'( 6fus qrq

a) E Wide vehicles s) E Tq qn<rfiefr< wai
5r E Lons vehicles fr) tl q'fl qrqEp{efr< mr
c) fi Atgi vehicles fu tr du rfi,rEPqafr-< w;tl
d) E Hea,ry vehicles fs; tr srft q:r<rq+efr< wql
96. What does this sign mean? bg. s? TEfs-< =rel is?

Monday to Friday l'londay to FrldaY
am sm
8.OO 9,30 r,lF
- -ilE-tiffiF;t 8"O* - *.*S

Mark one answer osffi fu'( frfirs spq

a) E You can park on the days ,s) n Srfl?ng ftr*, :rq-q {b1 q-flrft
and times shown d? ?16{ ?flfo fl{ s<ts "rr<-rfir
b) d f'.f
parking on the days fu tr crfl?frs er*, xqr Tu1 qT{ta}qI,3
and times shown qfffi ?fi& ffi 4-46i5 nr<r{{
c) E No parking at all from fq) tr wqr rarc{' u6ERr q{s sQ
Monday to Friday i{11.{ tro "no o-n
d) E You can parl< at any time f,sl tr rq rslrql mm' 4Fr s-rcs "rIrf,{
97. You are approaching tr:affi-:'lights. b9; EIIflfr "qt frrs- E$rr{
Red ihd amber are sho*'ing.
This means slr6El tEm qqi

I*laFk ohe..answer :. : ,, qrG \tssr frfts q-+q

a) E. p"si'ihe lights if the road is.cleai, g) L_-] TIgT ?IT1"T ?TFFTfr ETf, {I\9TI
b) E There is fault with the lights fr) E,'.8 ffitrr @.8 qrq,
take care ,.,,, .ffi ry=f a1.1-+I

c) ET Wait for the green light before fu tr s"r q-rt{ flK E€TK ";r{ T{sY
you cross the stop Iine ,'r'r,,'''1i u fi qrqsr re-+r
oi E tne lights are about to Ig) L ] TEDE T 6lf, EIE'6F
change to red , ."'6qf{A fu{ Er<
'.etl. You are at a junction controlled by bb. irfts *$ 6qrFci5 ITrrqI q(Trq
traffic lights. When should you qrra-{l rT6 4raB Ersl Trys r?n
NOT proceed at green? ffq-r{ .eerrr GfriE mr

Mark one answer g ffi'='ffi.T-TT:' . ,,1

al n -{ rl

a) f When pedestrians are er{T"lrG-{ w{T

waiting to cfoss ','r,,- . qr?ffi. Ti-ffi '

b) [ Wtren your exit from the f<r tr u<"H r?.rm' flerm TrgI qfi
junction is blocked , {tfr e[Frr.{ qI
c) f 'When,you think the lights mav frl tr"qfi ffi',4-65q4 cq Effi eIABefi
' be about to:change I ''
"" 'dffi "rr<-<\i{ Ir ({rc ltm
d) fl when you intend to turn right fsl tr qqr{ sinFrrs rq-s i{t€ Ei-{r<-{
99. What does this sign mean? bb. f{rxqr sn ftrs-{ qci fs'l

ruffi -d

Mark one answer €Tffi \?,s< ffis Esq
a) E Change to the leit lane € ) tr <rcq-< rfl-a4q Erf, q-rT{-
b) E Leau" at the next exit f<l tr arqr{-{ TlvI frrr rqfErs nr{
.j d Con rutlow system frl tr frtfis frr$r rlvr <raEK qqfu
.c_. l-r
d) E On" way street lilr) L_.] \ril.l-\rIn

I OGffien=@e;lghts.are o.ut, o.f order, Ub.4 ,qeH q6Tffi."f, rc--?r{

who has prioiiry? om qmf,{_ z

Mark one answer qsB tGVr ffis spq

a) { Tr:-a'ffi#ing *raight on s) tr rs {E?trer rry16l qrrtr
b) fr ruouoay frl E orqme rT
i) E Traffic turning right :
fr,1-, E4:,T,gqer{' q':rrq'
a; ,E :f;' fi."!.6: ng left fuj1fl;6"qtg1w <rTfrs flrDE

l0l. What does this sign mean? bob. f{r{q-q s? frrs< srct fu

Mark one answer ,esG \Bs{ ffis E-qq qr{s"a

a) U Uneven road surface ! ) tr rrsr< Grfrsrrr
b) fl Bridge over the road f<r E nvm v"rm mq
c) I I Road ahead ends fryt tr rr{r-{ TrErI r"m
d) Z Wut"r across the road fur tr TrsK G"n< "IIf{
er @

l0?. What does this sign mean? boe. frrq-{ €? frrr{ q'-r ft:

Mark one aniwer. .qrB fo< frftrs E*-q

a)." [''N6'trams.ahead s) tr qrqrr frnl u-qrE frrqt
b) .=,f],. Oncoming :tr?rns ...,:,,

frl tr xlqrr rcr6q frT{T stryir<

c) E[ Ttu*t crossing ahead frl tr nrn.r{ Frqx sfns snrE
d) E Trams only fsr tr rs-{FI xm Erq Eq.iu-f,
103. What does this sign mean? bo\D. f{6q-{ ,q? frra-{ q?i fu

Mark gne answer

a) {
..gffi @] ffi''','':,-,,',
oftrmrE q"
Vta*imum speeci iimir with s) tr r'trirw
traffic calming rrfu firT
b)""DttMi'nimum:'ipeea,timit tr, f<l tr afu-arro x-{ a-< iryq
?rfu frxr
c) E 'Z0,iiis',ohly' par"kih$ zone irt tr qla lofr rnf,s "n-+ s-{rr dqrsT
d) Jll Onty 20 cars allowed at iul tr rq mrFI oq'i qffi' :n,q loB
,'xhy one'time ?r& sr{q& grr@

104. What does this sign mean? bo8. f{FK .e? frrs-{ qef frry

Mark one answer qrfi Gs( frfus q-ffi

a) E New speed limit 20 mph .e) E ro x,Rrr 1oT fifu rlrl
b) t No vehicle over 30 ronnes frt tr \eo fFK r<fq rn<n? ,rfu frc<{
c) E Minimum speed limit 30 mph ial tr so qttf, r.i fTq" fl"fu r1'rrr
d) d enaof 2o mph zone fu; tr lo $t{ {fu fi{K sqfrT rF'
I 05. What does this sign mean? boc @{.'&'Q Ft-sr Ecf ffl

Mark one answer .er6 \Ere< ffis +-ffi

a) E No parking s) tr "lrd o-sr i+csr
o) ff No i<ltr zrc<'r iqmt
"ntry ;;;J
c) E trto throrgh . 1'.,f.: .ft'E xrc,f f,{t
d) E ruo road markingi fiul tr TMI"{ qltr m'Ti r+Q
I 06. W,hat does,this sign mean? frrq-{ sQ ftr"s-{ qqi f$:

Markohe answ-er ,,, . .qSfr i?r\s-{ fu s,-gq

a) E Ytutti- exii roundabout .e) tr <-eT*fr rrs-sg<rW
b) p nist of ice i<r E q-{'s Eqr< rr<ar Trsre
E Si* roads convergq fryr E uxffi nsm fr-q-{
0 Placa"oi histoiical interest fs.) tr .}ffi-d qr+rifr$ Tn

l:07. Which sign'rneans that pdestrians boq. rTE furo<.uiqi (II TTsrrl
s.?r{ TEG qfi U-qr "eE-rftfi
T-f,6s 1rm?
l. ::,:. ,,. : '"' ::'

Mrik ohe'="rrr,r"" r:' ' .:= :::::::::,=,::i lil qsG Gsr ffis opq


c) tr d)tr f4n totu

108. Which of these signs warns you bob.TITr{ r6EI q'fr< qr5p' (f4
of a zebra crossing? ,frgqg r$T1 ffi
q-sfts Tf-<r
l.l :::-,:r , :

Malk,ong a*i*er,' , ,',',,''' '.t' aqtE ug{ BfE,s <D*.1

(l\ rd)ll

109. What does this sign means? 56p.fr6q's €i frro-{ qsi fu

Mark one anslver €Er Gfus s-f,{

a) E ruo moror vehicle sI E rqmr antu f+rqv
b) E^ No through road f<l tr rryrFI rsrml TMr rT?
c) ff e"a of motorway fql tr crrtr<err r.H
d) E fna of bus lane isl tr <rrrro'z-+ rm

I I O,;,Which ,aim, signal tells,iou thit '' bbo. mq Tsrss fl:m Frrrqr E{ r{,
the car you are following is going cq ?flt , Eil{ft stTrr{{ s-{rqr.
t6 pull up? - 9i rer6{' {T E?
Mark one answer ,srfi Gg,r frfu s-{t-{

b) n ,,9) E ft) n

c)tr d) ft;tr tortr

I I I . At this junction there is a stop sign bbb. g? 6(rrr{ TIfi w-fis qrrtl{ ][cr
with a solid white line on the road TrgR s6G s" ryB-+ e rcTrE I

surface. Why is there a stop sign? !?IIrq si *"t nffi f+-q?

Mark one answer .qqB Gs-T fufu\5 €f,{

a) E Th"r" are hazard warning lines ,g) f,'.'q,l-"rr{ ' *qi{rr{ erfi!,
',,". g5yfr{ ,qf?t qf6q
' in thC centre.of the ioad .,
b) [-1 lt ir a busy junction 6,1.,[.'fqp.']o$ffi dg :w("Fl
c) I Speea on the major road is frl-tr !-s' {e frffi'
raclri et aA TCTrql
d) ffrir'o'ir Itong,nu maior road tujtr- ryFqry frfrc
is restricted ::
I I2.,You aqe,approaching a,zebra cr.ossing ble.,{qffi ffit 'ft-(T sifi<
vhere,pedeitr.ians ar:e waiting., EPr{, fryctff{ "raIE-rfKf q"f"t$T T-ffE
Which arm signal might you give?
mT erc T(r{E ftrs "nafi?
Mark..one ani-"" .qqffi i?,ST ffis 6-pq

a)v .q) tr

b)tr d)tr fr1 tr f!a) tr

I 13. Where would you see this bb\9. <r'slT sl qTrrefr rom ?rc{
road marking? r6"?rcg nrrfl?

Mark one answer ,qsfr GET ffis

a) E At a traffic lights ! ) tr rorcql Enrr 4tam
b) E On road humps l<t f tllE r{T{-+' qrf{ GlvK afcq)
c) E Near a level crossing irl f q'{-sE' qfrT r-<-f, arE-+ sFrrv
d) E nt a box junction Ig.r tl rs'tr{I <-s'8 ps}rrq

I14, What does this sign mean? bb8. frrq-{ €? fur€-{ ur?i fr?

Mark one answer ,9TID VE.{ TEIsg TiE{

q B Lane for heavy and slow vehicles s) tr srft q<( T{ tfur flIfur m?r
b) E rut lorries use the hard shoulder f<l tr a-il r$[ Etg r"lsm <rd5rc s-ffi
c) [l] Rest area for lorries fql tr q-ft Erf,T-fii-{ fr$" sql+-t
d) E L"^r" the motorway at next exit fo) tr ff{rffi( rlsm u{"rB<er{. srtfi T-+-{
I 15. Which of these signs means b$G,i ' :qeiFffB{
no motor vehicles' '. @t?
Mark one answer qTTE W{ TET+.S TiFT

a)u b)u 4) u

c)tr d) tl ful f
I 16. What is the meaning of this bb\9. f{cq-a a-oo ffi< of fo?
traffic sign

Mark one answer €sm 6sr frfrs q-sq

a) tr End of two-way 1el6 €) E q'frrrc< flfuT Trtrm rE

b) E Gire,'priority to vehicles coming f<l tl frTfiE ft-+' rqro qIrE
towards you rE-{e-{rs qaTrffi{ ftq
c) Z Yo, have priority over vehicles iat tr i{"rflg ft-o rcrrd rnas rIfuT
G"r< ETIaTK qATt{oK T6licq
d) tr Bus lane ahead fsl tr rTtq(-{ EE rfl-iT EIrCq

I 17. How should you give an
r:,""t C. r"1$f ,6-m f,E vrc<
, ar.rn s:'rgnal to jtUrn.'lef1?,. ::fi,ra','?Kt *q[,$p* fiffT ?

Mark one answer ,: ,gffi ','Ffu TTlf

a) n b) n ,4) E f<t tr

ffi*ffiffi frlt tuf

l l8..,You ar.e diiving on a motorway. bbh, EIIlfi:' ffiefnfSE. ffi ''5;4-6q.n
. , 'cTE rr x6* D..qE aTfu,

,ahead. On,tha bacl< you ie his sign C flrfu-< fqurt ,ea Fs' rrqrfl-{j
You should ""'', ,..Q ,,Wt"t!ffi, OG15 ' ,

Mark one anshrer ,ssG GE-q ffis s-fir

a) f Pass on the right .q) tr ul{.e-ri$' srfuGq. q6T $€T[
b) fi eass on the left f<r tr fl{ftm qfuE{ s6{ rrT€{r
c) [ Leave at the nexr exir fu tr Tt'{cqir ilgI Frrr rEkrr qr€T[
d) f Drive no further rs) L l qK T]"{-r{- qI serq'r
I l9ilhar.d6esJ5: mein on.thjs S ' .,dQ frc'r K-a{:c\5
',:, m r:Way''iignt, ,,, 1.'',,,-, j:t= r{ 33W?

Mark one answer ,s+,fi Gtril ffirs S-+;r

a) f The distance to the nearesr town s ) tr f+'66u5i rrrffi 69
b) f The route number of the road f<r tr si TrsK qr+K
c) Ef ffre number of the,next exit frt tr r<-+T{r{ Krsm qr{.K
d) E lhe speed limit on the slip road fu) tr
"-<-<-6 fE'q rrrcsa {fu fr'rr rE{I
I 20.' WhiChljf th ese"'sig,hs.:'i*eans thei b*o,.fif,T-{:ffi @n srel ({
the national speed limit applies?

qSTE W-{ TET+E T:F-{

a) tr q)E
: :l:l


tutr fsln
I 2l . What does this sign mean? 515. fa6q-E d? frrs-{ qci fu

Mark one answer

a) I--l Keep in one lane
e<rG ss{ ffio
g) L-l,q61E (7ro6q arrs-{
b) E Cir" *"y,o oncoming traffic frt EqI{s flr&rr un6{ r:trs f,m
c) L--l Two way traffic frr Eg'fn6o< n6qe-6a <rst
d) E Oo not overtake rs) L-t gsr*rup-+ T-Tm{ TI

l'22i Wh ,is, the reason'for-:..the'i '-.., >ii.ft', .,,fir;g, -,..

yellow ..irr-.ros lines painted
on the road here?
, et-
cE-{T qffirE?

Mark one answer .q6G GE-q ffis 6-s-4

a) tr fo mark out an area for s ) trra-eq ErqI D-f,TE-6T{ p.{T
_ trims only sqr+l firfifg 4t3 TI?rc\5
b), E I fo f.ian#(reuing traorc,rlom fu tr<r{f,il.T-{ 6s.rrB rrr{ {rlae.rq:r
_ blocking the junction on the left fuV rorrr <rF Em'TT rflT
c) fl ,1b ark the e'ntrance [ane'. ' '
Ftl tr srB 6K "rr6-s qrrs rtvm
"'. to r4a-{ ffiss T3rcs
d) ["]r5 "."i'park
.n you of,the.tl4m lihes,. fu r tr EnI qrt{ il-sm G"r< fw,;x
,,.':'cf6 ingthe..,,r.0ed:"= : ::r:
rrrcq ET rss T-{(s

123. You MUST obey signs giving orders. , >+\9.qlcTt"Ts--.s, E- prlrrir '"n-{d ssr[g
,These sigh'i-are mostly ih,'
$|"a?',frEefr ryFr< vltr eryo
, . '., ':: :.:: :.; ' :
: :: :::: :-:' l:

Mark one answer {sG \?,Er Gfrs sf,{

a) !',Creeil.i ngle , ,t,'-. ,..i.il, @r-{..,
b) E R"a tiiangte
c) Z n"a circles
fri tr qrq rflrqFF,ffi-{ fite-t-{

d), nu'; rt.tinsle=''= : -"- 'ft),'Eft ',@rr

i24. \'ou see this sign ahead. lt means? be8. IT{ T .9Q iue. ra"<iraq' pem rit.',

Mark one answer qFffi fu(

Bfuv E-*-+
a) fl.National speed limit applies s ) tr u'rdx tfu fi'{T rr?r{ qF
b) fi.Na'itopping., ,:,.,.,.:,,: , f<l tr eff{rffi frrsr
c) E Wuiting restrictions applies fr; tr qf"rm s-{I iTfq.A' s4rcl U-s
d) E ttoenrry fs; tr :rr+.r fr6{r

I25 {u' [email protected] nf O rafficrlight. bac'. qrfl AIfus ffiffi{ f,ri-Cq Er rK q(qq'
{hx Wil[,:the, signal'ihow next? ffi-<sts r$'Fr r-rg< rqrsv rqqlr{

M enlt ana
9a.L -hcr^r^e
qa aJ ttga .ssB iBe,'{ ffiis 6'-+E
a) d n"A and amber, J I tr orq €<( ETr
b) E Green alone r{) U r4<q q-{6
c) E Amber alone fxr tr ro-<-q
d) E Gr"en and amber "qY5{E
iu r E r-<e !<(

126. A red traffic light means brs.rs'rriT qrq trTtTf, erffir qst

Marl< one answer .qrfi fur GRs rrq

a) E Proceed with caution s) tr Tsdsm xfts xwrq sor*T
b) l-l Stop if you are able to brake safely f<t tr ftnq'cq- qrf,ff, rar{ $€TI
c) L-l You should stop unless fn n qtr{fiim.mis rqTT <luls
turning left rqr{ $gTI
d) fi Vo" *-rr, ,rop and wait behind fsl t vr-fiTA sl1-qN er{ sq( f"r q-rtF{
the stop line f"fu(.i{ ur-6"rrFT 6-{fE sfd
I 27. What does a sign with a brown
background show?
b-Qq. ,T[ET ,,{S,fr frtr. fr, $|l:P

Mark one answer

a) fl Primary roads
,.eT6 fu Bks. +-. r
.rQ),;' - qgT
b) E Motorway roures '

c) fi Tourist directions ia-r t Sq-SRirF{ rrer i+Cr-r-O

d) fl Minor roures isl tr rarF rprF nsr
I 28. What are triangular signs for? bab.ftqu Ge.eql fo w Err+..)

i{ark one answer ..sr6 Btr{ tyfts Eery

a) E To give informations i)E gqn rL--TI< F{I
b) tr l, give orders kt tl qrffiT o-ff{ w-qT
c) D f" give directions I4r

L__l P'-O I{Irr{ S-<l-{ 5{T

ci) frfo tive warnings for f rEE. a-{K trrT
l?9. What is the purpose of these yellow )ab. ilvK G"rr{ s? E-Er fmq-6q
criss-cross lines on rhe road? qT?i rtr-mr €(ET r4?

Mark one answer ,sqfi \BE-< fufus q-sr

a) LJ lo make you more aware s ) tr uIfuT 4r-rx rfi"fr(B 3rr?r{116
of the traffic lights qr(TT rT D-s{ a-il
b; D fo guide you into position f<r f, rnfu fT6o rfir6 rI<-sE.
.as you turn'- .: . ,. ,'l - -,,.,', TT?TTg ]T€RISI P€T'K 6NT
c) dt" prevenr the junction from far tr E(.HErE TmrrrDK f;ru oerr
becoming blocked 6er;+ 19 nzn
d) f To-shoyr iou whei-- io-top fur E {'cH'ffi+F "rffi s-F sq-d
when the lighrs change r4Tqlff EIIIIC_<_{ gT ffi-?Tr{I
I 30. What does this motorway sign mean?
btgo.6qlFrsfn-T ,q? ft-sr sr?i ft-?

l'f.trk one answer sffi',,fu,..ft,fuq qpa

a) E T"rnporary minimum ,s,,, E co qrQq q-glift T{r{.q
mph , .. .., ,.,,.,
{fu q}qr
b) E- wo services for 50 miles 'fr)'-E-G,'
c) Z tu*poiary ,"mlrrr ,:rrfuq rr,A
. :. ::].maximum
-sPeed. .]::
-''.- 'ft):'$.'66 l,qq,,l
50-rt1ph..-','=,, nfu fmr
d) f] Obrtruction SO metres fo) Er''ao '(tus frb qrrT6{
, ,, ,..,. ffi({f ,,,tr'J ::i{fp., , :,:.:

ti t. whan t6u d-ffi;ft 5\95,.Ofi '."ll3t1'fit? ,

''. I ,,---..,,,.;, ,='-,...,.,-,i,i.,, I t-.,..,,, I 1.. t,.::.,,..t,,,:.::: 111 ;,11-' .-..:r-.-

a) fr -.warn orher of s ) E EiI]r-{T(E-T6o i{rG5T Grffi
your Presence r , ..: 'r'. l,$76-6q-6
b) fi..to giVe fou.r.ight',oi"w"/ . , '
rd) u jmqarrs CIrrrfl rTrc cqsTm sqT
c) Ll lo attiact a friend's attention
Fl,tr' ffi,,?1fu6q t''srfl{{ T.-*
fu) ,fl's{ ?t& D-rErre, uq-{
move over '-,5itryszq3..;T''rR(T', ftre

i 32. You are travelling along a motorway.

btge.Wqfr fqlB-{efTrg rrrql sfrrqq i
You see rhis sign. you ihould si fto. r6trrm.-{'t w"rfl< GfDs

Marl< oh.e rans*t1:-',," ,, ,:==:L- ,,,:.- €Tfu Gs-{ ffis r-sr
a) d. tn;-;oro*ri"t €) E qnrdRr ilvr frrr rryif*erv
the next exit rsr6T. r{km n,T€{r
b) I Turn icft,-immediitely' ' '
fo tr rt6E qr{ rrq fr-rs r{rs rl-{t
fi Change lane I{r L fm-E{<v-4 4-{t
-1 ,
il Move onro the hard shoulder rs) Ll orui ramsrr< Erfl 4r€{I

133. What does this sign mean?
bes. f{fqr s? f,D-f6'< rrt fu

Mark one'aniwer .gs,6.,'tg?'.6ftiv .?F-TF{,.:

a) p Cross .ouJ, s) E 64 rfls>r
b) E Level croising with gare fsl tr rasl TE, q{-\rq-qrrc 6sm arE-{
c) E Level c.ossin! witho-ut gate fr)=[,'
d) [-] Ahead onty
Eig-l,,,,,M' 9-fr6:v r<e ErAr

| 34. What does this mean? .ri

599. fap--1 frro-{ sr{ f+?

ttrark one answer

a) LJ Ring road
ssG \BE-< ffis E-sr
s) E fr< rsrs
i:) f t"tini roundabout frl tr ffi{ Krs.s€<rgD
,:; E wo vehicles ial tr {t;l?ro;I i+cqt
c) .SRoundabout Ig) Ll TISsgrrg.E


I 15. What does this sign mean? bgc'. frrq-{ s? f,Hp,( sr?i f$?

ltlarl< one answer

il) fl Humpback bridge
.qTE \BET qr+ ffis
{ r E rer-r<-rro Bol g'wr aaq
b) ffi Humps in the road tl
frl TtsK Gqr< rrfu rnq-{ c{rr
c) f Entrance to tunnel tr
fu rBrrq-0 TV( 'rffr rrTsTr{ Ktsr
rir D Sortverges fot tr TrsK io-+m q-fi
I 36. Wher:e cah youlind ieflectiveiarnber
studs on a motorway?
>u'\9,- ,qqr a-cga flfus.'dm
ertqT mTsrT nrF{?
. .',= ': :'-. ,,
l,r..ii.:tr:tti ,, , -.

Marl< on" rntrra" aIFTE Uq{ TETW TIFT

a) L=1 Separating the lanes s) tr rq-.{?rc, frso" $-{-cs
b) il Onthe,left,hand,eageof the r6ad frl tr flvK Tnftr$? rcTrrr
c) L-J Separating the slip road from the fti [],r €r$'r.qlrs fq,"r r<rsra-
motorwav i<ss +-ars
J1 ilf On ttre rignt hand edge of fu)D',rtvl , ,fr-{lr{
the road
I37. Where would you find this
road markings?
bgq. ilvtT rfiITI1-{ frreffi qt
qTfl\ofr rr<rcg

Mark one inswer tgr Gfus q.pq

a) E.,Rt'ia,tAl*aytrossing,] r E rarr+r r<qgrr Efrrr
b) n Aia junction frl tr rsrfiI 6(.rrr
c) ! On rrnotor*uy
fu tr mrm rqrF{ersrc
d) E On a pedestrian crossin! fui tr rd,rfl "re6rfr nrifi"n6
t38. The driver of rhe car in front is giving b\gb. {IrrT{ n& urq-s 4q ElE
this arm signal. What does it mean? xsra\6 frrq t i-qr-r arei fu

a) f
€EE tq{ Bfu's r-fir
The driver is slowing down sr E Dt-rys rfu orrcq.
b) l-l The driver intends to turn right fr; tr u.1616 wq f,qro rqrs Er(E
c) C fh"'Oriver: intend, ,o turn l.'ft ' mr il EiEo. Tts. Th-6s 4IifE EICE'
d) E ff,e.Oriver wishes to overtake fu r E Et-qs '{rr+TF r{rs Erc.q'

139. Where would you see these bgb. TIgK sQ rrT rs.I{ gT(q.
road markings? rE.qrc flt(qq?

Mark one answer .q<tG \?,8-< f6fts E-gq

a) E n, a level crossing -l)E r'rts"T ql{-{ r<-fl afiT Efrfy'
u) C- on a moron^/ay riip ,.ouo frr tr rqrB-{err-{ Fqq rgrs
C; E nr a pedestrian crossing fu tr flerrT-fr flrfl"enffi
d) f On a single track road f,ul tr frrq-a' 'Fr+ r*rru
i40. This traffic sign means there is qgT Efs-<
b8o. .q? oiaf r{ €{rcq-

Mark one answer ,gsfi \?rtrT G,fus s-q{

a) d n."-p;;..y;*;;r. .n):''f,,'9ffi" .ffit6, .:
speed limii
b) E O" advised maximum speed limit fr), 'E'S' 'r'rBfrry rrfu *qr
c) U Acompulsory,minimu.m , "TIrq
'' -,,,..-ffi"t -E[r:E' "', ,
. speed''limit ., .::.::. :.:,: ..- '
d) tr [email protected]:atiddistanle', fuj' ,ffi ,+r,*r< 0 fr=
i4l . What does this sign mean? ;e5, cef-tu

one ansu/er
L] Bend to the right
.qlrffi fu-{ ffis E-ory

r, fl Road on ttre rilf,t closed

I tr sTfrt-s' droi rigr
frr E un'frro< TrET <-s'
i.: i- i'.lo traffic from the right frt tr urq,,k$ rq-a.s {m<-rE-{ strTF qr
c) Z ruo right turn fol tr smfr-ro r{rs rqTrr i+rsr
1 eh=igr"*6rffi.$Nf Ry"i
a 2 . wr, I
ssa 'ffi U*l: 13 "rr-a*r"frrqfl
''.' - -
f,{ar!< one.'ah*J ' ' "", r,

erFIE EE-{ TEr+g SiFr

a) f €)tr frtu


I 43 "Wirich sitn,,ms3n5: there will be 539.541-{ fu-€T stal(II EI"EK ilVK
two-way traffic crossing your Ers-M& [''ftrs-{ {F{<lEffi{
route ahead? TrgI qr+I-{?
l{rrl< one answer qrffi Gs'{ Gk',s Epq

a) f q)E frl

c)f d) f,at tr ton

I 44. Whichi,of hese-iighi,:fieans tS]T,,@'
' ii:l::::-:=-
b88-' Eot- fq rcfc-{-E
rhe end;oi'a'a[d..eCr:, ewiy? oirkwers rR?
i ri:!.=:.:..:.:

Mari< one answer TIFT "

c) tl
ffi"&s"mf<ffi qe frrtr fstr
I 45. Which-:is,the si8n i'+ing' d? 584, . (q'r{
ffi'frq mr6u-{ Fa:
Mar!< one'ant*b" :':"' .::,, ,''r' '::'
'.,'., ,qffi'fu""*rr :


146. This marking appears on rhe S-g$, ,,,@m. ,-qi' ffi-'T{\sTs rE?rN
r-oad just before a

i,larl< one answer €sE Gsr f6fus q-qa

.r) il i'lo entry sign s) tr gr<-r frrqr fur+-{ €T-E !fiTrl
b; fi Cive way sign fu tr fetvers. ft5p3 qrE Er6,rt
c) f Stop sign f i tr B"r frrs< oeB- urrrat
ci) E ruo tnrougn sign fol tr Tw6r rtvr rrQ &-sr .lofi wrct

147. Which is a hazard warhing'line? b8q. ft46m qqf 1uT-mt-+ rflqBr

Mark trne:.answer .qe6 Osr Bfrs Ffi{

a) f:l
dffiffi b)d

d)tr frtr fst f
1.18. You are on a motorway. >8r. '!il4r{ rfiF{eryrc Er[E--{l
Yorr see this sign on a lorrT that urfiT ("r?m rem qrfr ,q$m
nas stopped in the right-hand lane. E-fffs si fu5 qt?mq.T fr-?r6qTl
You should 3II"HK VTEE

Mark r\ne answer .qsfr Gs{ 6fro qsq

a) [ i4ove into the right-hand lane i r E u'H nr(.m rdAcr rrr qlr{T
b; f Stop behind the flashing lights fq) tr fr[frB srr qlfur P'vrq alrlrcqf
c) E Pass the lorry on the left ft) n rF{eT-{ ryftffirr qfuo-q qm
dt [i Leave the motorway at next exit igl tr rFr-cl-{ Trg.r qIT rx--n'-ar'364

149. What doe*,'this sign mean? b8b. f,Tr{ffi sE ffiT q?i fr?

f*{ark ong.answetn , .; ,,. .:1.: ,r:

.q+ft \!,tr ffis +*nr

nffi) ffi3
a) il Direction to park,and :
,s) E "n{, €E" rIQs nT 4.rGf(
ride car park I3-{ ffi"rq
b) u No parking for buses or coaches fri"i rrTq slerfl ffCT{ efiftfq frfqt
c) ij Dir6ttjon to b'us and ioach paik . fql tr Tt4 g mIE' ,TIfq?-< f,n-+ nZv,.*
d) i:: Parking,aFea for car:s and coaches. turtr T]]I ,qq( rsrrP{ "rrfuq. qFlrsT

150. You are in a tunnel and you see uco. qffi w( "r6er
Er6E-{ €<q g?
rhis sign. What does it mean? ,.,fr€ fq'?l-Cf,{"I teT{ qsi fo?


\rii ii
::::i.:,r I
,:t:::::::=::rii _

I :- i.
: '-:;=:.:r
' :. lr=,::

l"larl< one ansy/er .qqfr GE-{ ffis s-e{

.r; V Direction to emergency s ) tr o-g'3- q?rsni "ram-rff6n-{ E-{T
pedestrian exit <ITPI-< 41eTK RE
j ,i tl Beware of pedestrians, f<t E ry{6+ q6"re 6qe g-ro
rro footpath ahead e1q51fr66 5{T rE?F e|r{1
i.io access for pedestrians -- E
iqr "rerurd-6n-{ EqT ?rfi fqcrtr
d) i - Beware of pedestrians fol tr flqF "la1.5-1-ft "1;<"f"rf< qt69
crossing ahead ffl s,trT fSS aflT{
I5l. What doei"this sign mean? 565. fry5qE {? FrE'< Ersi k?
Marl< one ahswer .qTG u"e-< fu E-sa

SS Hffi

a) d
Route for trams .q) E FH U-{lE-f'K Tfgr
b) Give way to trams I<.r E fi{fs- rrrra rqrs il;-{
c) i* lr,oute for buses fxt tr <tT D-drEm{ Trsr
d) I Give way to buses fot tr rmrs wrfl rq,rc ft-{
152. You ar.e.i'ig'halling to tUrn'right bc'r. v1v rlvlfl uEfrrs rqs mrEr
in busy tra{fi*How would you w{r q(rs\5 frrq-_qt wlqT{ tElCT
confirm your intention safely? qrc{T ,"rB slr< wlTrrfi( w{r mH'
ffff"fq "ET srciiffi <i-f,ff,{?

l,{ark one ansvrrer .qrG Gq{ ftfrs +,-#T

a) f,- Sound th{,orn . s) tr Ei qrfurr
b) U Give an arm Signal f<; E Ers n-fl n'eres f,Frr
c) il Flash your headlights l-{ r U fEs E]-qT'{ TT'f T13
dt I Position over the centre line lq tr {{T qlArl-{ G"tr{ q-{sm rf,6?t
,.-. rorr see this signal overhead on )G\9, rqlF{€rIre, qTqr{ U"lc{ €e
' ;c ir)ocorway. What does it mean? ,|( Spi fncffjmt' +5Ia qef fu


t{ar-l< one aniw'err .
€sG G\r fufus qfi{
.r) V Leave the motorway at s ) tr arqrr< Tlvi {tT rIIlF-<erT
the next exit \9ll?1 A+.{
o) L Hil vehicles use the frl tr )t< {& rq{ qrd eqnrrm
hard shoulder <r<-Em 6-.{-{
ci f Stop, all lanes ahead closed ft"; tr ert1"{, rtrm 3rur+-ffi rqa{ <-s
.j7 ff Sharp bend to the left ahead for E II{6a rlf5f36 1frm-{ a1{ftT
?iro 1116g'

i5 l. Tl.is broken whire line painted bG'8. TrEI-{ {'{i <Tr{{ !? 4P,=T r,rvl
,rr [], : centre of the road means EYT qItCT{ EIEI rT

P4arl< one answer .qEE tg,r Gfr-s Fffi

,t) tl Oncomihi..:vehicles have s ) rtr {Iq'r{. rsrr+ 3[ag {Tffire6;{-{
priority over you , r[ ]<TTIqil
b; I You should give,,pr:ior:i(y to .,,. fr) E TF[r{' 6?rm EIr{s rn-{r{{rr
oncomihg u"1iiaJgg..,':,::,',,,., q$fih<,rq'm Sfrs
c) 2{ There:lithazanU ineia of you fD ErrFr{, fr?rqff frq qlrq
rj) [ The area is a national speed fu) E s? qqm relr {fu
l;-;+ -^^^ gETsI
ttt I tlL
Aut tE ThIE
155. \vhat is the,reason for the area bcc. f$ Tl:f,ff qfq dq\ {trf EI{ ?,r{I
r narked in red and white along
Trgl-{ {{r qlr{-< snrsTfi frfE-\3-
the centr€ Of this :road? , Sil omfE?

Ftarl< one answer €TID W{ IFrs\5 S-<r{

,i) fl tt is to separate traffic flowing s ) E f{"rAE fr-o rqrc-+ rriqu
in opposite OiieCtions 1,., {]-{-<I{rrjr q-6q1 $;6 tP +-<cs
n) [ lr marks an area io Ue used by fr, E "n.rorF rT€{r rqrffir<ra
overtaking motorcyclists Er4iF-{I si rD-a- <r<-fl-< 4-{(s
r) fl lt is.a tem.porary rnarking io .,.. irl tr TrsEI sro E-q.6E c{ <TT16{
s-rm q?Lfr fr€
ii ij ir rs separating the two sides of
iire dual carriageway
fq tl 'rsfcir
tEr .loffi q'.T-f, olrkoerw
T,frs srTami s?F

i-iS. Wirich sign shows that traffic can )c\9 rfi{ GE rm T<rC{r q{ rq,, st-t"rk
,r; l ;,-3ygl in one direCtion on the rq ilgln str6;[ r4 {r(rK rtwdl-e;t
r'1. r.. j :U'fg On?
r4-{fr lT-a fE?F. E-fl18


a) tl .q) E kt

c) tl d) tl frrtr tol
I . You have arduryto contact the b. 4rt[q-q +q"frcF< Tffi rrft{rcriTr{
licensing authority when T-fi sfiflqr{ ft-w nrfrg <<r+

Marl< tfrree ahs*ers , .,, - . ffi Bs< ffiE T$-{

a) f You go abroad on holiday n
€) w"rtq qBce frcrq {t[q{
D) N You change your vehicle ftl tr qT"rf{ onfs <r-q r-f,rd{
c) Q You tclrange your name. , i ., , iar tr qr"rfq f{r.E{ qrq" Tn-q' T-f,rfi
d; f Your job status is changed ,

fol tr u.r"F6s flqr{mr qnE qr<

e) N Your permanent address is ihange b tr qT+{K Trft ft-+-m <q,8 qfi
i) f t,our job involves travelling abroad €T)E DTqF-K sTrs f{rrr rrrs qr{
?. To supeffiise:a
you MUST
lear- driver i. t:srra1 N-frT "rffi.H u'{C.
:, Ec4'qff1-{lr$'
, l

'ffiv ,ft{ (qr{ {1<s r+-rq

Mark a*o unrlrra.a t@ qpq
a) S Have,ihelo a faft,tiienae,'rai ajt"
ar least three years. 4r-er-q$1ir qrs-6s E6E
b) t g* an approyed-dr:iving frr tr ur-1rtnxs ql--fu( @m
i nstructor ?r{
c') EI Be at,least 2l ,years old r ,
fr),,E o'q.,'ffi'abqqrm rrls qrc er<
r) -- tr €sErtrts
LJ f:ota,an-ad,vanced dr:iving fsl Ersfu( qrqc{qfift
cer-tificate ECE EC{

3. When yod,,ap'ply.to r,enew your tg. :nfuE r-os rffi rr?m r-<w{ T-{t-{
vehicle excise licence (Tax disk) 6!l' .q'rr<ra-{' ffi*r,, \5?H uK{€
what must you have? qi"HI{ fo ?lr+To qffir
i ,..
Mark one answ;;-'' .. , ,,
€sG wR ffis ssr
a) Snvitioinsurance ,e) E B<t fiqr
b) f The olO * disk l
f<l tr "JTTET rrsr iu+,
() il tn" vehicle hand book f,n tr :r&_-( e]rs T{
d) il A valid,,driving:liienie', fgl tl [qt vrAfus, ffit .fi-q
4. A Starutory Off Road-Notification ,
,8-:'-'S gii',€. (q::rn1a?lpr. nfr6{ <TqI{
(SORN) declaration is

f{arl< one answer

qrfi:'fu c'frs rfi,{
q t--_, To tell DVLA that your vehicle is €) u MoT €T rq'sxa rII{ e€TI-< "rc{
bein$:used on:th€,road but the TI\ym a& urfEzgrE,[ sr
fqOTl.h,as, expired ', .' DVLA-TS 6rTr{'I
-ii: qTtfr €n TIf.s< <-s{rq {ifq-s
b,) [] tell DV. .ihat you no longer f<l tr
own the vehicle q-{ SI DVLA-TS 6I{11-{I
c) N to tell DVLA th-t'you'r'vehieie, is frl tr rttfigB ilvnr D-frTD-f, sr< rI8
not being used on,the road gt DVLA-rS EE{rfiI
d) fI to tell DVI*.that you are buying a fsl tr frq? qtrm rflAB 6r s-rm{
personal number plate EI' DVLA-M 6ETr{T
5. Wlren is it legal to drive a car over
c. qrfiss srrr Mor 3q.ta 1q
three year,S old'*ithout', r ,::,.,.' , ., n]€ls IsT <gT{ Trr6TI erifo oem
an MOT ,:ier:tificaie?.'
'.:' ".: '.,.:::.
E]"ITMT {Ir<?
Marl< one answer .'gffi'&f{.,, ,4.g{
ai f Up ro seven days after the old €) E'"Ttrr6{l MOT-sr rqTm n{

certificate has run out

..-,'., "''.iE\9--T!+::,',ft-{'-- rkt 1fu
b; f When driving to an MOT lun,r" f<; tr ffi{ ftTo T-{tK 6-{i {'?Fr

to arrange an appointment MOf-TT1DIr{ {IF;r

c) [ When driving to fqt tr {?H ftTs +-n srkr<r yor
' . :-.,
"n "ppointment
at an MOT aa6pg,l:--'''.', rrrfir{ {r6qr
d) f lurt after buying a second hand ful tr Mor trrw mFr T{rr*r
car with no MOT ,,. {ffti 6T'ffi1-{
"{T "f-{i
6. Before daitihs=nyahe,else,s,,motor ,
-9.,'qner,,,qr"trK '-$,ifu E-IEmK
ve h icl e l6u
$uld-marc'sure ihat. fi{FFs Eexr Gfts rq
I"lark one ansWer. ssG QjEr frfus s#q
a) fl The vehicle owner has third 's)-8. 'rTfr(T-{ qft as ftfi
party insurance cover STTr{I TTE
l- ; firi Tire vehicle is insured f<l tr snerfu sr <rq-em a-rrc "n<-rad
for your use rry rs'q illlf rTr q,rrE'
c) f Your own vehicle has ftl-'E,iqi :rr flTk fur
insurahce.Cover qfl-5fl' qr6tr
d) f The owner has left the insurance fu)'E' ,tf&T *51< qf{q'-"fq
documents in the vehicle Tngls [T6?rcE

7 . Your vehiele,needs*Ur:iCnt'MOT q. w"nK fl&I, w{T mfum mor

certificate. You do not have one. Tqt6t ?l[c's zltTtB-{t fre irt
Until youio have ohe*u witt EII2H'IiTMiI qET qI E€TT "FITI
not be able6 renew your q<.lT;[ a-?rre Rr{rfil qT
-.:.: ., ,

qTIE \ ^^ qrT
ug{ TErss
a) [ Road iax €) n qrrs [Es{
P tr EFtu< ffiffi
ct f Vehicle lnsurance fnr tr t&( 6-q1 fr{I
d) f Vehicle registration document fst tr TItg{ @T{ €< qh{-era

8. You have thiad'parw insurance. v. 3il"l;[K !5{ gc]r rq frrr a-ar

What does,,this coV,e,q.? ... .- 1.,.-,, orr[E I srE r4- io r+r a]P
:..ir.i:]:a,..-t ;':1:,,.:y..,1.1,,,,,l
F.{arl< tl'rree ;ai*;'r.ni ,
ffi CIs< ffi-s ?-Tq
a) ! Damagelto your. n'v.ehiCle ,s) f{rs-< rrcre rs'rc{I $fu srq
n ql@rq
b) f Damage;to your: vehitle.,by fifd fqi tr rfl&K ryfu erfl
c) N Injuqfbranother persoh'' ,' fn tr smi rrrm $fuT-+' Ere\5 s-r6q
cj) S Damage to someone's property fu; tr snT nrmt rrrffi-q wfu +-rrq
e) f inlury to yourself :?l tr ftFro rtros o-f,rfl
,i N Damage to orher vehicle €rr)n EI-{r flfu--{ cFfr sTffi
pi: rr: l"1r"s*
- r'":
f . A Starutol.y:CIff R6;d-N*inc*ion b. qF @{ ElvT il\n 6eras Tr{{]T-{
(soRN) *itt tast Tfrm TI{IT rry.ffr
Marl< one answer qr6 fu B&rs qsq
a) f. For the life of the vehicle €), fl Rv,fr,{ rfifu-fi (ffi "*:-
b) D Until the vehicle warranry f,<rE rrfr uqr< rrq ir.6'ssm rq'ffq
c) f For as long as you own
. '., qgft-{
[Il{ q'r eern $fe
frr tr ,rfrFfur {rfd-s
rhe vehicle qr"Ir{ qrsr<-{
d) S For 12 months only iul tr ba {.l'T ?Frs
I0. Which of=the folloWing'may reduie bo fTFr{ wt{I]I {rfur
the cost of.t6'ni insuiance? ..1.,
, tHK ?r<E 6'q' q6s zrw?
, .
Marl< *r1e anslver ,gsm q-g'T ffiv, q-qq
a) f Having a valid MOT certificate € ) E <!f{H s{ € fi gfiq
"to, sfl?Fm
ir) N fakins.a Pass,pluj,c6Eise ," frl tr ?tFT $tr'3frq + frT q
c) f Driving a powerful car f-n ,E-T ar&: fiqrciT
cil f Having penalty points on lu) L_l siIfl;{EI 4rqrrrq q
your licence r"HrqB "|IEruI cniFrfl

I t . The Pass Plus schenre. has been bb. TW fiq-srfr'( ,giql fi{ ?Fry
for new driveis.
ci-eatecl fisr ",afu urq s<T ElitiEi
gpr< gq,r
What is iti"main purpose? CrmT f+:
, ..,.1.. i ,

Mar-k one answer .qs6 \!,8-< ffis ss{

a) I To allow,,you to-diive faster !) tr flfurc Trfo urqfrm rrTl,,fu re-:$r
b) U To allow you to carry passengers i<r f arfi <-e-{ o-rm a-gfu rv--vr
c) S fo improve your basic skills
.lr f: To let you drive on motorways
f,n tr w{Kq srfuEsm ffi Es;n
fut tr cqrD-{ervjo rnfs urqrrc
i ?" Whar is a Statutoryoff R6ad"',..1 's+ ',p-lv-f rslnl ett& rtst
N orifi cation (SO RNft eattiraio,n?-...1 rqrT Tr{tT .TrerK rs]-{:fi (soRN)
TerTfi{ srai fr?

Harl< one answer .qs6 ,, q.€, ::,:

a1 L A notification to tell VOSA that s) E vosA rm wrflrqT rq, qr"I;{rir
a vehicle does not have a rns{
current MOT MOT r{Q "y.-
t]) f
lnfor:matibh keti'br.'thEpotiie'- f<t tr ?r& x'rfdrm< Ee[ TrEnr $
about.the,ow.ner of the.vehicle erE frf"r EE eflrs
c) [- information held by insurance lxi tr ffi frqT a-rflr-{r qrcu \n
companies to check the vehicle fl-frffi T-{K wfl rs setT fr{I
is insured rdTqrffi 6rrq ftfq rE alrr6.
d) R A notification to't-ell DY[A,'that fol tr ,tffi <tvrr E-{t 1 T-f,rd rI sl
a vehicle is no,t$ihg,$6d.. :--,,,. , ' ,DVLA (s.', -l{f(T[ .-
on the road
.;tr;. . '4!,. ril:.:

I 3. For which't .o these must

yotr show yoUi,rnotor., , r:'rri
, ' rO, ffi, .l Wli?
-., .q11ffi.',FIEr'flk ,frff $$.t
insurance certificate?i :
"rq. rq'q-rrvi erq?

Marl< two answers qi$--qq{ @ <FT{

;r) f When you are.takingyour: 4){ {.?XT'wr?rfr qlzl--{lr grQfu-s,
rur f+r<q
b; [i When i police officer asks f,<i tr TqH fsrfiT "I?T.r qfun6 g.r
you for it [E{K 6qr Dr€r{
fqt tr {fi qrnfr qr?F[K e@-E rrrs
your vehicle ru-.ory s-{(s {r6-d{'
ci) f wr,en yor'-ie buying,o,., , ' _
fur'E qryrrrctl nrrqery 6-{' Eq<I
selling,rS,yefiiCte' ," ,' ,.:"' '-..; i<-6s s-{rfir
e.i [-l 'r'1hen hiving an MOT inspection ?t E qrrq flT .fuT d{.€,fr "rfiwl 6-{rF-d
t4. A police officC'i-aiks to see your: .r.8,. t , '@ry,
srrtit5. .q-kf,
documents. You do not have them erei [qcrcg D'rECEf
l Eif EII"E|I 'rffi',
with you.,You may4r.o& neA r+qr os frrq-{ T6{r rstt-{r EI{rT
at a police:station within :' f+rg ur Etfw-T s-{6s enf,rafl

l'iark &r"le answer €TG GgT frfug TsT

r) L_ 5 days s) tr c iqr{-{
[:7 S 7 days i<t tr fqc{-{
c) n l4 days f,qt tr b8 lqm{
dS [ 2l days fut tr rb fr'cr{
15. By ral<ing:part in the,Paii'-Plus bc'.41{ 3m "ffiT\5 HTrl
schenre you'will .., , ' qrnfr
hlarl< or,* ,rrr*ii .qTG GgT fufug E-FT
a) f Never get any points on q) tr ql"-6l,rq rtr{€ ro[cqr "rl{.rdB
nrT;F tr<q' qr
b) f n" able t6 r"*io your."*n iar' i<t tr f{rw tfltg rTrfuT T-f,6s qrirfiI
c) f nitow you to drive anyone m) I I qr{Er {I{-{ro;i Elerlcs
else's,v.ehicle qT{.lg
d) f, lrnprove y€ur basic driving skills ful tr t& u^rflmrr nTfltt.t q-s-st wrq
I 6" Who is legalli:. pohsible for bs.qFt?IrqtrRr @o-qg 0/sc) PlErilflq'
ensuring that a Vehicle Registration T-{r !I!qq fu :n Er frfo\5 E€Tl-{
Certi ficate (V5-€) is updated?' qrtre rrfu omr
Flal'k onc answer
;rJ $ The registered vehicle keeper €) Ll TH{lq',F,d Efiq-{]q$ {-n-'r+-<
u) [-, The vehicle manufacturer fEr tr rr1-1-<ra6-{ ZI-wE TKFFT
i] i-l \bur insurance company fqt tr fiqr ror,flifi
cj) [_ Trre licensing authoriry fu=tr. 4(e;6q-6 ..
I 7. The Pass,Plus, :,ic'fr e.Js'.aimad.at: ,bQ:-:ffi..ffi' :-al€'& :rcq'qq{
all newly qualified driveis. EI"riFffi{ crqr.rT "rr<-s-fl-{r o-fl
enables'thi*'to i ''
It ',
'., ,'' .',.1
"nr*", =. .{sG Bsr ffis s-q{
s) n tIft E '

a, \l V/iden their driving experience mFr q"sgt q6r-{

tr) [l SuperviS:e-'a arner diiverr , .i' i<t tr Ftq-1q1 ErdrsL,'?F EvT{fu T-frrc
c) f lncrease their insurance tu{.{
' fr$< ffi{ "rk{Tq
, "ffi'gre
d) f nvoia:il*hanical breakdowns' ful E Tffi ql"cs-66,r, ecE <T.r r"trs
I 8. New driVer..s, can:ttkerlfurther tr:aining bb. Tw Elry$?H ,fifu' Er4rr{r "l-fis]
after passihfr,tli4pr.,actical test.
,...,?Trt TF,., ..TI
gf.l$q,FIF qrCrqt
A pass R us tour,$,heLp.t-, ,,
::.:,=: ,sFft.,m qI€rfin,'eIT

f'larl< two ani*ers '.,

EAq ffi,qpr
a) N lrnprove':y r: basic skills 4),',,Llr Tf.{!11 :q..sE:["wfuq, ' ,

D) [ Widen your experience iql tr qrrsr flfris erc

c) n lncrease,your-.,jq r,a,1t!e :,-,:..r i Pl 5.'S-qg<-r).fu-B fs'for :rk$q
cil i i
pr-emiums ffi Erre
uet cheapei road tax isl tr Tsr-$ rgrs rD-.6r r-rrc

I *. The Fass P,luS,Scheme,,is opeiatea bb. ru3 q-{r erl{ flq 3ftsT
by DSA for newlfnuaiif,,id,'driveis,
"mfu Fs,.q4€ TVs fir-qfhs en
Ir is inrended to p-el<. grcTl

F{arl< *,",* unr;i;-'", ,r,.'

€s6 tgr. qrq;1' ': :

a) Nf lnrprove your'-b'asi'Ci'ikills"' g ) E ltrr<.r Es-git <rgtrql

b) il Reduce the co*f youi f<t tr grqfus ffi-rn-q'-s< 6-{-( criru
driving licence T'{ 4_<T
c) t Prevent,you from paying fal tr TETrF< o-qT {rs.fl frrs
congestion charges r{I{ +-Tl
cJl f Allow y"u to supervise a ful tr ft-sTcfr utqsrv- su.,Kf{ TTIK
learner:,d'iiVg1.','.'.".,1" 1.. q-flfu iEr{ s-{r

;,0. A fr"iend wants to-helppn,learn,. .

'Qo, fS qI1f4fg ffi 5;fimf
lo di-ive, They muit.[s,.. - ':,':']. fts-rr qrEET Tir6g ?qrt
Elrs, lrflT'a
) '.: a:...

!t{ark one answer .qsB $,g{ Gfrs qF{

a) U At least 2l and have held a full ,g ) E u <sffi <T4' g<( ,9o. (qr{
ii cence-tor., atr,least one' year tl<q TE $ft ers q6<
,)) ii Cver l8 and hold an advanced
fri tr'bb <qffi{:ffi !-rffi e{\
driver's certificate ,.'-:- r!1g3"l15rr$I-898. €(U Qf,{:,,' l

c) tl Over"l8,'ino h.ave full*ompr:e f,altr bh rqrrm r<Fr <s"q sq( Wf

hensive insurance o@ f,1qr ers'cu ard
rrt f, /it teaii 2l and have held afull ful E'*; uq6 €{( &{ rqr{ ,,
licence foi at least three years
Vehicle exci$uty is often called
'Road Tax' oi'The Tax Disc'.
tb, fiuffi q &OBIq qrrr r{T
f,ft1'"U* '6BT-T fu-s'
YcL; rrtust <-m{ aTt ql"rfr sr q-{fr

Mal"k orle answer qqG w{ Gfus fiF{

,t; ll Keep it with your vehicle s) E ,mVT {rfq-o.nl Fif,f, orrs-q
iegistr:atibn.'document r,, TTT{ TI?I-(T'{'
b; S Display it clearly on your vehicle frt tr ?r&Ts <T{r<a rr{ ""t'* cc{T {tI
,:1 f] Keep it concealed in your vehicle fxl
tr ,r@fs Efo6T <r?rr<:{'
dt L J Carry it on you at all times l\lr) E xq r{Tr i{rf,{ Trr rl?t[<-{
2?.Your car. needs an-MOT rtifiaate. re,, ry,.Tq. {ffi,,w1 qq,€,fi^
lf you drive without one ',, 1 qfr. st qffig {tfu
tiris could invalidate your EfdI{. g(d EfN Trfuq erc "n'ffi

f{;rri< one answer €Tfr ffis s-FT

a) fl Vehicle'seryice record: s) E t&r {rfuT K-+-s
D S lrrsurance f<t tr ,trf.sr rt+'ryra;ry; ftqI
') I ; Road tax disc
,j) i I 'fehicle r:egistration
fu tl., mls rBrq
doiumdnt fu,1, E'"tl'l&x {lFr+,R.l rfuq-?rq

. ,::, :.hould you update your Vehicle r\,. qr{{re,fr{ rrfi-"ltr. 0/sc) s'fi
. ,r rLion Certificate (V5C)? elqql)llv? $Sl ->=-^
!riD\9 j

lari( S!6rC ans\rvef €TG \!16{ ffis

[l: \'1hen you pass your driving test s ) E {?m Erofue fH "nrr
r N "'uiren you move house r{r I I {?E rJ-SFff <V-A T-f,CT{
i*i /uireir your vehiile needs frr E {fi
{l;Krsn- .s{",€.fr T-{rrfl{
:,r l4OT zrcllrsq Er{
Vo/hen you have an accident
fst tr {fi
ro[r,{T Tif*x u'flss ecr{

t8, qffitr flre'm-{]$5 T-{ImK 6Ti

lr,rvc your car repaired. '-..,.;1or' sIrE fif{ T-6<-6qrl
', oLr policy has an excess of { 100. .1a1 e6-aiano )oo fl-6rs{
'\/i.Ai iloes this meani ':'{TlryI t ?em EI{ fu
i{ar}]. *ne ans\rye,x .;--;"..:,:;:,: .::'
.qTG Gg,T ftftg qrA
a) L--r The insurance company'will pay s ) E qI"FIK rrfr< gqq >oo qr6s
the first,{ I00.of any claim " frqJ' rqlr,fffr rfi{
irr [5 lbu will have to pay the first fr) E wqr{lK ffi
6q-<'H(s{ aeN
{ 100 of.!., ost of r"epair to '-'
''bo:O ?nCV fi191'mS
yoLtr" Car Tir6g Er{
,:) [._.l loi.:r vehicle ia'ihanaad for-a'value fri E,qrqrm te qf{ qtr rtrm snt
*{ {-100'if ii'1s stolen -- ffi ),oo 4r0.g,ffiv erq
d) [-] You will be paid,'f lO0'if'you do fq sr <q{ra{ rrcl-{ rorrfl ertq
' "'tr qT's-{F, ErTlTI,Cs' >oo lTSs
. .[qTI Ef,{. '
1., .1. l.!:::ri,. L.

?5"To driize on the road learners must ac.flgH Trfg urd.lls ftsTeftfm rrd"rT-r
h'iarl< *ne anSWep '.;'.'.;:.;' '1,"': ,s<rffi fo-q fufus c-sq
;rr fj i-lave no penalty points on ,q) E e.r?m-q s rsrrfi wfrTmK fE-s
rheir licence (penalty points) elIQTg 1rf,r{ qI
L') [ Have taken professional frl tr r"FriEEr Fr+ro-{ 6rE rerrs'
instruction ftsT irrc er<
c) S Have a signed;.valid .' - frl tr fiss-< s-fl. <rfqE ?fu.rilrq
provisional licence e-i-6l;ry en-+Tg sr{
iJ) [l Apply r@iiving'rest' fui tl )a nrcrm vrqT Erafu( rFrffi
5-{i E-{?rTg s-{-c\5 qa<

2&.A newly qualified''('qiv.i-r: 51 .-': lrs,. gfrF( 4H -{f

Elrys q-flTn
Mark orre answer qrG .S,ET fsfts qpq
.q) tl n-{'g, '..s8: r?ats mrrtc-fi
b; f wor exceed 4Omptr for f<r tr bt rtry go q.rq-f, ?rfu<
12mo ' , r'' '' , ''' ffi fl "rqg,.rnfg. Elri'r{{ Tr
c) F U" accompanied on a motorway fu tr mrr<era-cs rr6E q* rl?rrfi
d. lSl Hoo" valia=otor insupance fut tr {n-{r€Frir mr frqr r-6< Tlcrrfil
27. lYotor cars'rnuit fiist,have an,- rq. rqlF{ t&efrr ?q{ €{,s.fr eqT.f
|'IQT test certificate *hen they are? "rq sr-{.l]? er+Ts qr{ {fi rryefi
Halk flrlc answer gEE Gg,T ffis agq
,r,, [l Crre year old g ) E .9Q, (q:m 3f-{
. "'' "I{I7:TI
b) N Three years old", frl tr fu+ <gx< "Jirn.r
r-) I] F;r" years, old,', -"r., frr tr ,tru'<qry< "lrra{I "rd
.l) f] Seven =
yeras,old;'':'".'.,F, :

f,ur tr nTs
<qr{ T{rFI srd
?8" How long willa,Statutory Off.Road Ab.KIgI r?lr$ ,re rf-<?:T il?rr<-d <ff,
Notification (SORN) last, for,,,f rqfffiq ss &-{ ap{g f<if ell,rF

Harlr ono ans*er ,sr6 ,UE-{ frfts s-fi{

)) N i Year
l-t r rz
il I L__l / Tears '

c)llJYears lql D e rsr{

d; n I0Years ru) Ll bo qqr{

7*. The cost of your ins ane'may rb.+*]-{ clTF' s{ EN ?tlr{

reducc if you :rrq' q,nfu

on" unr*ta" *u6'=ffi"m ' -'

;\) ,'.r"i: under 25 years old g) E iG <ql-{ <Krr-{ ftc-r-< rflT

b) fr) t E'ITI <T-{eTT:,af 4-66q
c) i , i';:s: the driving test first time fu tr.gaw $r< VI&q rf* "nn' Tr<-{'
d) l\ ' ,: the Pass Plus scheme fur f epa:.?m gftsq'rr{
' .-,i certificate is valid for \9o. €\€,6 3TTcr "rcsT r{.Tfr errs'
F{ar"l< cne ansyver qsB W" fres siFr
.1) lj -i-hree
years after the date ql I, ?et <ft"{s eT; eer6 fisq <qq{
-- "K fliE
b; fl lo,ooo mites fni U bo.ooo I]"a Drflrc{T fllis
c) Q one y#rt# iheiri; fqt tr e{r {fuT EeilK €T <qrys
ir was active
"fd fl{g
-i\ I i 1n Ann
r_i Ju,uuu mlles fst tr \9o.ooo qEE D-i-fliTm *nfg

3 tr . You rrust ffi

he iicensihg . 95. qIErTdry Tv"[STs sl-fira
authority wheh, '', ' ,, '1', '-''r EFTTTS ET< {<FT

l{ar"lc twe answgy5 :;.:1 , :

Tqffi tsu.{ ffis or-q

a) N Your health affetis your driving q\f swEK 6qi rt& EFert-fl5 srqFq
L $ Yor. eyesight does not *""t , r{) n Efr' .tfu f{{rf{s urftvr 1a
set standard t',--i'. -' ..., T-<rE rt-s'{
c. [- \bu inrend to lenaing your car
.j) Yor. ve'hiiie'requires
ftltr :@ n< iFCs Drqr<-{
: :( )T certifiiate
an e)n fifg-" 6-+t sq,€.fr :fqr{ "rro{
:rTr5;[ sr<'

J2. l--lo.,vold muiiyou be'to:,sUperyise \ee. €ffi{ft$Tqfr ffi wr+c$ ETKr{

r lea,'ner driver? s-f,6g EIT:/F[{ $rry Tg q(E Et('/
I 'r:':::'l l' :

.qsm fu-{ Bfus rs{

Ar f l&vearsold s) E >u <qrm
u [, ? ]ears old frt tr bb <sr{
r,; I :.0 yearsdfl.. fn tr eo <qx<
!'.t N :iyearsold
fs; tr ab <qr-<

33. 'foui' vehicle,is ,insu4ed '.: rg€). rfifil-{ Trfus r+-aq n.l-o slNi "llfr
lhir'.J party only. This covers <]TI Q-rfirqT qrE I 4rs ?r{5 Tfil ET

L{a.rl< twa ans$/ers ,,' I ': KAfr 0s{ 6fro E-+q

a)f Damage to your vehicle q) n f{rs-T ,t&-< sfsr
b) ls L-arnage to other vehicles fr) il qrnt tnfs,K sfu{
c) I lrrjury to yourself f,ql I rq,rs,-{ TBilf-<-s sf.g-K
d)N lrrjury to others isr tr q"{Twrq-{ -miif-<-s $-fET
e)n I'li damage ahd injury A tr q-{E Tsr< $r s'fs(
34. Wlrat is the rnaxirnum .Specifie-d.fi'ne s8. frfl <TB1s r& urnrranr {rfi.w
[n;' dr iving without insurance? Efflr{r ss g/Ie ffr{?

itari< orte answer .gTG Gts-< ffig T#T

l) I-l f 50 "=',....r''
,,' tt , I ,',', ,
!; U C'o Rrgs
t,; I {500 f<r E coo tr6s
c) il dt000 Iryrllboooflrqs
(J) N rsoOo '.., fut tl cooo "ll$'s
-15.A cover note:is aidocument issUed, eG.,qffi -TW crrB @q frTrr< ?t
belore you receive your Tril ET q-slF{ Tf nffQ-{ EI"FIUI
Marls one ans*ep ,,, .', i :.'' ' .q!tB \?,g{ ffis qfi
a,\ f Driving licence ,e) E Vrifu( qrQcl-dT
D) N lnsurance certificaie I{) U flfl ?fq'r.l "lEI
c) f tiegistration documeni
,ij f HOT certificate
fu tr' . rfrET-tq
ful tr, s'{€,fi exlrr."{.q

16. What is the'legal*inim'r:m "' . \9g.6fiTffA6.Er TIVT$ r& urerr+r<

insur-ance cover you must have
fi or trs r4-r1 :rotr-3-{ +{r
ro drive on pub'iic roads? en:ol q<.IT? Tr.st6fu?

Marl< ine answg'. :,:.::.'.:.-., '. ,: .qqfr GE-< frfus s-TT

a) rJ Tlrird party, fire anJ theft dl n,' lrry,,AF q<q glIqq qTflI
ir) tl
Comprehensive f,<ln. tfur (
c) Ni Third party only fxi tr rsrfr qdts, ffi
d)n Personal injury cover fu) ff ftrq,.x,.q $fu',lTof
,l i . \'our motor insuranc€ policf.,.-', eq. qtlr6 5qrBr rrcr AI.r EFTS
Iras ;rn excess of f,,.1,00=.,...,, 'l .-,., .', boo TrBrg-{ .qT-6T.T Or'.r{ qrr6l
'uVl:.r1 6lss5 this mean?
iqm qqr fo:
I tar l< one answet. ,srffi GE-{ Gfu.s r-fi{
a) L
i he rnsurance company will pay .q) n fr{r mretTfr gfu $Ars-{ *l{
the first { 100 of any claim boo Tl-5g rfl{ s-{-r{
b) i- ",ou will be paid { 100 if you do
l lo f rorffi q-iF{r rI q-Frf, 'srTarq'rrc-
rrcrl lrave an accident , j - boo "tTgg. rE.€TI
c) l-l Your vehicle is insured for a Ixr Ll Trr9 qK T6Tr rtrrFf"rd
eK 141
value of { I00 if it is stolen boo Trg-s ffis Er<
.',) 'rou will have to pay tfre fur tr
N Ert?nrr+- 3fu E].rffi Tarq
first { I 00 of anyrClairn, ,-'.:. boo 1rG-s rrl{ T-{cs Tr{
]8. Yoir have just passed Ur. p. iCal ey. ffi-{ grtfuq rF* "rx E.mrE-q l

tesi. \bu do not hold a full licence in q;B' mlr{.I rqrKe r+l-4 4IQrrq
.rnorirer category. Wiirtin t*" y"irt rqi r F <srr<< q-6fi' q"fr' =IIfiIK
you Ee'. six penalryrdints lon y r ffAqffi *6 6+paffi qrirS_
r!ccncc. What will you have to do? rerc{'qF', ET< El"lTrr$ sK'l]Q
*Jarl< f.wo ans117efs qeG G,tr-T ffisr-Tr
rr f l{etake onlf your theory test s) E t{:rrs \s{ fimfr rr* Bt er<
f illllilrl
, ri.,,,
1,) N Fietal<e your theory and fu tr "l.r:Tm fqrgk ,qq< rmfirrq ' t
practical tests rn* frrv ec<

:) [ Rcapply ior full licence f,xltr eJ6r:<rr rrrq ar?-cr-rq-{ 6{T

i.rr ined iately ITrei4Ir?r tr-{eflv a-flg Er{
li r; l{etake only yruf -pf ical test; fu) tr 1.ffrl-T m'.rBrsq rB'* frrs er<
1, i\ i1eapply for provisional licence ?r E 1+:rm 1fuffiflq qrir4in-{
r-{?t"lV <'-f,69 E[<
I 9. Which three'-$ieces of-inior:ma sb.ffi Tlfr.na.l :,fr5rq<.
are iounci on a vehicie r+n ru=5 scr flsrr q"ix?
regisrrarion OftSntl " -=:': '
.;,,,. . ',' i' ''rr':

l.tark tlrr"ee
a) [ Service history details
:-- ,
'r'- .
€) tr "rfrrq.qrq-{
q','.., .

b) Q Registe , keeper ''' .:'. fu f: {rfr'{'
L) \ H.ri<e of vehicle fnl tr {rKrEC{-< rnrs
ci) Q Engine size ,-, .,, , i,,,'.
c) [

t]ate or the Md,T,"':,:E tl E ..g{,e,fi ,qr urfr?r

i) il Type of i#cei,ionei' ':"
qs)E rflT 3TK <iqt fiTrwT
.{il- Whir-h THREE'of these do yol need go:, , 'ffi,utqtrfi{slr6,n
befor-e you €an use avehicle on the
.,''' @',n_'
''oacl legally?
::t==-.. -,-,--:
ffi ffis

F'ia"ls three answers Gs-* oee

,rr l\ or valid driving licence L{) tr arm-* TTr <Eqrq.
-ir lr signature Vr+fu( qrArq-q
i,. i\ /i vslid tax,disc displayed frl tr cr'fl q'rs s{-{ srrd qrflrmr
i.,n your vehic!{.,,'..' ,,'.r:'.. -"-t-,.1!.@ " "fu-'s,,"'
c) l_i A vehicle iervl.ei::i.e'i 'i'' ,,
tJ/ [' P,'oper insuranie cover fui tr {efi{er fi{T T-{rffil
e ) i-j Breal<do\ In cover' , :: :
O tr rSi+s-tier svm
f t [*f A vsh;s1.'.handbOok. -.. ,-' ,{q)E'T1-T<r€Frs <',TEr{ 3ffi qA

8b. r{r,s rBs,ry <r6s ilsl rsras

j rs valid {FI-i[IE;T I'Tf,G' TT{K TT{Ih-

1., ir rt:,r.1 ;l.llSWef €sG Gsfr ffis Esq

.q) f re frq Tffir €{.s.fr
an l'{OT-' ''':, TEI"I Et"F-f{
b) \ t"ot 12 months only
c) [._ Cnty if tfre vehicle is more than ft).I qfr FTr fr-{ Kqrc<-{
3 years otA r{F{ Err 3-r(-s
d) [___, Providea ihe vehicle is insured M tr fifi, ftqI srsrr
,1i. The Pass PluS.scheme,is designed to 8a. "rm +-fl,r trq-lT

l{ark errc answerr, ,-,..,.,.,,, ,. r::::...::: osB, ''. ftrr TF.{-. ::.:,,
,i) I Ciu* you a discount on youi MOT s) tr sq,e,fr rs T{T Ers "[€TI
i.) [-l Allow you.@rriv,e ahfone' in tr urffi-q qFr{rE{ EtzTrcs
,::Se'5 vehiCle q-iTfu fl€rI
(r \ i,nprove your basic fr)tr rll& urEn-+m rlsm6r
ciriving *llls ,'' ,.-SEil <rgrrnl
(r. i ;
r f
ilrcrease your

tutr {rr€-s E'FI <r5rr{.T
!l_; i


i, "

;ir n
1lt rl-:iaq
I .d
rirl i n),)iorcyclist is'lying.
ffi .b. , .€s6'{.15fJw. rfiB-.fiT?,-s-fr
i Irrqnt,".i'irr11S in tlfe foad., :...,il Eldrs.
, -,{. ., tJ (l
q'€r{ vrTsl-s TrgR G"rra zrg

..:., ,:, j
,ssB EE-{ fufus ose
'' rir1. safety helmet
d) tr
\, mrrE rv-dil
' ' c,rl assistance
t_-,, ?, L ffisatnT rlqrrr ET€Tr
I '|.l
''1 'lrc p(:r-son off the
. '..: rlre iearher jacket
road fr}tl pt'trs msr rqrq Tk,cr rlTr
fo) E. ql{gl$ qtr-,+-B r1l:trq-r*-T'
t., 't.cll
' jv,r .-,i an incidehtnTheie
: : ,',, :ire fire and someones
t. ry, T'iDrK etr+ r"qrqr seft
ii .r'r'lt llaVe be6n--bUfnt. . : fi&E ?fbrr qrer- q-flfu _q<(
,: ,ds-q-[;tr
, , Efi,w?Rr{ eF ip rrrrEl
. 6,ffi,' q,{, 'l
'- .ll''.,...
:l' ',&ffi,fu era ,

' i.i:.: rire burn thoioii$tily;

i :, .-:,, j W,lter
o,, E EE EtI-i' r<Fr Er< rrg-r
- .,r ,;rlty down "nfq trrfrr
\ ' .',.i, !/,:l r I;rrii ing sticking i .
F, tr qr{,r= !-furs
iora rr--n
,fu E, rys, vtrl rsrr;r F,q rar-rr
. , ,..I1
:. ,, , {FFrq sI''qrRFI
Is) u slrs' <rfr qIfr srr?v s-{I
'l ,-r{. ;rn incident Wher.i \9. .qT.E rtitr{r-r qffi Ofu q-6$fE{l
)11] : i,iiering irom rT<iI[q r+Ta{i €FE{ TEqT sie<
"l!g TroE s6ru'l rrT?T1-1 5E\5
ssD GE-r frfrs s-fi{
t,,,rhe injury .q)n $E qrc{ cEr.r{ efirllr{I
.. ic rs fr, il aF?I rrr6f rsrr r+-flT
rrg sruck to burns frl E ss -r(q= rrirr sfi-{T foq a-+n+r
f,; , i.,;-r: y716ft cool liquid fq tr s\5 qr6{ hsr ur-q "rwqi rrq-r
'r,1S ).
r,, 1i,,r ;r1 ;1n
incident.A'pedeitrfan .I ,qffi,,q.rffiffi EmrE-{I
"r.:r'n Lrireding leg.W$ult6.,.-,.--
( rr,) and theie is nothing ,.., ,'f,4 "r{,0"rfus
dfff-< Wg
i ,1. , ::
--,,..''Qffi,,,SpF"- "€'68',ftg, *

;i ;ii't' I .,-.,,=',' 1:r-'..;..11r:... .-,

vfiTfi' sr< ss gu"- ftq Eirfiirl
:::':' j:,g
:'r s.n Ofuvr ' l
';: ,', i l ilrese shoilldryo;ioi' ,"

rj - Ffr Gw{ fufus F-f,{

. r .,,4/..)r ,nd to , i, ,,:,a ,. ".,,,,.,,,.-.a.-= 4) E <sllE Tfr GIRI 6{-r
..,., ,iiltir,,\
$E srm rD-6" SSI
,, ,,,;1i1 icgs flat on,thd*rr.bnhd='- frl tr G.e-* 'fi qrfiK Crc ffi-Cr rr{r
\ r,. :'r,lr il;^essure to the,wOund' ,fr) tr 'rys gtm-lE urt frrr -r-r<n
\ ,: lir: rr:il to lessen,,bleeding' .''
fu) rit 6r{r,{ 0brclT
:.itf rn a warm drink El tr orr+ mN "nfu{ srq rq-flT


:lr!r,I1 i2;.1-.'es il8 c. CFn+mf W* qfq ,n.fu Er"flr-{r
1 ,,,;il: a tunnel. wr€f-$ ,tn-gzg woq- r46fl r?rfl
: ,l ,ii ir,rtbie.

:.irr,rrld you do? .''1., .,::"- :.' '

y.r+€ mdTr;[r ng{ E(E l

fo a-n srrfirr iBfroz

/ ;ll'l-(\rj^f.
.qrE.' l@s,,,rarr
':\./ ji ,,vlrere it is with
,'i, .: ':-tllrling
the =*) .E 'qiP ,rxar vr<T,ma
'i: r,;r. llrern walk to:in-" ,'. ,.-'r 'i'-,;.
ir.irl]ency telephon'e$O1..,',,,
ro tr fql."l.<. dtv rr{'ffiilft u-+-ft
" , -,'qT'qri, rBfrmtrq rdzf urr{T

,r':< i' ,:,yay from
the carriageway
.iizr- i. out of the:tuhnal
if , , . .,
Ft ,E' r* rslro Err "n+ r-rr
fu) E,,ry.'g( ErE rnfv ,tfra- fu-{m
'- ' -. --,;',,q-6A' , ef{,.WlffT .

,',,, (.r)rvfl oo a level crossing,
'\y. TqsFr qfr< r<-oerrr mxfr-* G"n
..;:r , r.rC i)Ol
yet begUn
.Vlrich Chree things
fifu qmr6T ECtrEt qr?Beq]
: '.
:.irr ', ycru rlo?
seH\g E-$FT', ffir! E-315 Us sr-{r{
f*c,ffi rsr{ ffi E-<l OFsz
: ...{:
;1 r-as\'/Cfs r.
fua Gfrs q#q
.,'. ; I i, ;, I n., 1-1 it-.,
E r<s. ffi?r-{? O"rr ftrs rErF ffltr
,:r . ,r,c rlre signal operator. frE Tfrgf$- T(fSs s-{T
\ i.i\'. \/orrr vchicle and.get..' ''., P ! "T4ET Er"rrffil-<rr 6fr
ln tr rr& r<rq rya-q :rr6-ffi
' ,;... ,,: Cieal. afirq rqTr
. ,; ,1r-i.,nr.c behind f_c-<

. .ir .r;rs happened fur E sr r"ru-fi-{

5If,'T-6h-<rT' 6I{Ir{I
\ i,rvr. i,ilc vehicle if a.s_ignat '= ?) L_l fryrrrrTq 'srrr6<TFl_d qfr {aa fq?:;I
i , r'i,., tclis yOU tO afim \5r{ fl&. qkm rITt

,..i. 'ibur vehicle is on
ljrJT drive ic.
i. uqfr asq zreer,qlr6Tr rr&rs
qI@T rf,rrI r?FT €<( ET qK
, iio? prqrr.'rr IE< elE q-t I IS S-{T gTDg?
ir, .,,-.i ::- r. :':'lr:'::.,=i: 'r -:,.. , , '
,, .,-. ' -1. - . '
t ic i .r !q\enr-S
q-efrusr ffis +-rq
1, rj ^.ushjsls and llor" cil tr ,t&rc Trry qror Lq(( Ts-fr
, , :r
'' ,, l9-l111.I qq' 469 fryl
, ,'.rzard warning lights. f<)nq .rgrfidqffirqrarm
lrzu running engine fat tr ?['rq E-4s q-{qEI rr{r
\ ,ri , i.ul out the fiie - fut tr ,qI\Dq tr-flr+K ruu +-n
:- , . r1 ;rf ail of youi lights
;- - i ,, rtirer- people
ir tr l-<-sG <rfu a*' ar< rr-flr
to €rfl ff+ fleffi{t3 6-{T f+T{"
; i:,', ,' ic r- i,elp sr{ m .6-{T q6eFFr S-<I

it i):. -

titr-ough a.c,on ed, 'b, 'url1fr,,6ffi @ q "lE &fS
rru do?
y!- frytt-ffi"riifo afryl1s e6l
rc s-fi urt"r-fl-< Bfuz
€s-fr Gsr frfu.s q,f,{
:r'y ciose to the vehicle
61 f, omrrr S-{' FSIi 6fi ITqmfr
-,,,fu- g< fm,tr firrx Enryrc-+r
i, inessage signsas ,,
:ever up 6-6ilj -- .-,-
I{) LJ flur _T(fssef i;f"fE f s-fl s.rn6[
^ fT'ofr o<r+e EfdHlflr? s-fl s{ q.I
ie distance&m ihe-,,'-'
tr rlrrrr-{ tr& rqr* Fnqq
:. :i::::tr, ,r: r..: :: ::::
g-<g <-or* mu
-lur-n and.find .
E-. l-r s -. ,
I e ) Li eu-DFr T-tr{ qfl'
rs.rr{I "tE
wryJxd4lii r.-\.* ..
" (d[(&Y r<-< o-n

; through a long tunnel. b. A{ €sffi- W( nE f,qrr q'r6q-{r

,'fr you
io io;n 1r1T rr{r <r rHr6F-{ 6-{i

.q<rB tET.GCu q-fiT

'itrrrlng iines ,l 1.. .... €) 5
. eroruf effis F|TA-{
vcrs flashing theii.lights fu 6, 91ry q"ry .or<',mt}'gryq E-{68
\ nessage signS
S), E' 'fqllJ'q-sft"ftrq,trss
ES for tr {frv, qrq-{
i ,,'r_;irgh a
tunnel. bo. ssB {g( "rei fr[T, qi.pTi r]1[T
:, lprovided to
TrffiiT <T :[{q7S? ;ri rys"6 T-{-tr
=.i, fu
, ,'rnis or COngestion? g1Tr q{?
=i-aEgq s-{T

ssffi ffis qpqGE-<

'.r :r, ltre lines s) tr ilvK {{f <-{l-<."{ qm T,fi qrra{
\ I .iilc signs f,<t f qffiq a6trr qg?ffi r([ss
.,,'ce markers' frl tr rsT.rrflf{ Eng Er6?K
g lines fq tr q-wti enTfr's. qr?rqr
.r:ir ii:ie br-eaks doWffint5=tmne'E
,.$;, ut@-@. w(,qr+
r,',r.'f. f.i,. rrirl ;.,:r: dO? ' vrarw arflrE't rT a.-{r qi"IqK sBsr
n, -r, .1 rrS\.Ya!- qrfr,ffi:'Sfurs qp-,{
i ,r,, i;r ',1'y1.11'vehiCle and €) E rrcr frErr anfl sqs, ?fry.r
. .,.1 , r, l1q3 pOiiCg
,,,stFry'-m qT q-6tT'J TTI
, ilre lane behind yOUf
.rr ;,,
frl [],[email protected] rq?r{r Ee-r{
' , , ra war-n others ,?-tf-qm q{Ffirq'-f-cr as6 s-<l
; ,. ,, {,-c,nl of your vehicle fryl tr flllfoT n5r?r d&rr rr:lrq' ralr+-
.{r;,, i.i ..,.-rtoming dfiVefS : ::,::.,,
' q'i?tg ETq"s'6rif,c{, rE4 s-{I
\ .'.,liq;r r,'r irazard li a''theo'=, .. fsl tr q'raD{ rqrd rrctT ,s<(
. .rr .. , 'rii ,:f- heip ''" ,,I[rr
"rursIIT XTqlqi{ q,itrf [T-Ft"
--.: , STffi TI TT. I
rvili, rr tl,,rtr r:f these item*h6uld
bt. f-rrFT Trifrflll <i-<-o1-g e 3iqT
1,_.i,'r-v irr yOur vehiClg'fOf,,USe-in-
I jr6. .' ,r';r: ,-
f an COlliSiOn?
"' , ..'[$,.lT fufi <-€ flI,fuT\5
TE'T S-{'T Bfugr
, ir t ,,. .:C ,1 f SWefS
t-. ..
.. - aJ
i fi iBs< ffis oeq
.. ..-.,.,t.- . ,ri.i; ,.-:a.:.a:.:.. '\:=: a:.:-
.q) fl ilgK {n"r
l,i t ;ir.ii Ol
frr tr sa- r<rsq r?niq
N',,,-,,.,rg tr.iarrgie fr1",5'' r,4-$ , ,wTL .ft-Ew
\' , u ,rxL,:-guisher fu)=,['*tt,g* {
Ei '*EFr,, =* q;Eq ,

r ,rf ihe following.ihould.you',

j-; ;li r ir,-: scene of
be. rrl(-{l qriDTm ftr:ry{ rF .Hffi
an:€olliSion?, s-fl sfifir{ GGs qsr
f;1 r'ir r !r' .ll\(1vel/
..qrfi fu-q G'frs spr
,,';r'i1 oU-,er
traffic ffiWit.eh,pg, ,s) E f{rqr ,rcr Ergrrs ffiAD rqrq
Irazard war:ning'|fitj
: .l;i.yo,ir
r 'c emergency
wiTr{r Erd-sm-{r+' rEJ=sE T-{I

ins i ;rrtcone a cigarette to
f{i tr ffir mfurT6 EFrr
:i1i.1-:'1 CIOWn ,t ',,.t1
frt tr -ns E€Tt-q 6nT o.rers {qfl{
,!;i i,r- ve!'s l0 switch.,,off' ..
T<K 3VK s-{r
iu, E EirFi-{ enfu< Aiwq
TS 6-f,69 rflT
i':ri -jn:,i a CaSUalty,,iS.,nOt.,:: ..
b8. fs'rffl TiCTt-{ srpss 4rfu TrT F{.'
,.{.; -1i :;'Lart the pro-cess:to
Ei i TrETfus offi r:IT "{mfultT TwF
,,r , t.ii lreathing you should
fi?r m ?fuT srK-C-.gT EilrrI GfuE
I,r llr -.. .l
, i.,,,:
;] t.! S1:4le
fiffi gs-< ffitr F-q{
rcad forward
r' r, '., ,J ,lll'Way
Ir E sr< fieII ryrrCffi frfo prr.E flstT
\ i<l E fl-4 rlfl-{ "rar ?rk6rir rT{T
;s ir :i11111 on their=iije.,:,;.,{,:,,=..|
frr tr sre-rm 6tis 66s i-m n<n
\ ,i .:', lcad back gently fultr qrrc {.I$ f,iEr frr+' rfr.q m?n
\ i-, i.irr nostrils to$ethei -.' i; tr U-e-T TITToI-{I ffi {r* <r?iT
;i t.irqir arars across their cfiest gvtE grgl{ ptg gtq-{ Tro< u'r(< <r{r
I r.' ; ;'1.rr'son has be€h:plaied,., bc'. mrr{T qres <Tfum tar< E-rm
l, .rv,illr' position,' ef'aie'-, {rsr qrfi sr{-ru{ l rT ullsrn' q<'qrrri
rr r)Lrr br-eathing normally. T6I-6E'. io-g TrsTi{-6 3r-{?lT qIT
' '.' , i,L,id be done? frrqt uK 6{l str< s-fl Gfr\5? ft
' ;rns'*/f:t' r-
.offi ffi' s-trT :

-,:r: iii-:iriy between th6..-.,. €) u r{ q,rcs-{ {'rsf Iq

D-r"r fr-6T TI?[T
il : . il:f ,* arms by their side fri tr
?fr rfiL!-{ an.n1ft <-r<n
i-l', i l i,.:nr * t",ot .*eetlA,al;*t"' iql tr "tE
srrs' rr+{ ffir* en-q r-{'re rr'fl
\ r,.ri-, i;rr:;itylay is cleai .: rs; tr Tra Tl"ii 1f{ffiT io qr ..r
"rftrw 6-{l
"';iiro r:r;1y aSk yOU;ffiffiUCe
, ';r re ri these documents
b\9. fSfFT s+,5,{ ,ltrt r ETftTIT
lil,.. iitg air tcciClentl .,.:.'r.-i::: r'r: 1-{ffi8 r+lT fuTE rtrra
qlfirir srft' Dracv qrm.?za'
t^i:C -.1!'!lBre fS
, ri ir ,-egistration
.t,:.; ,
,qB, 'qs*
i 'JC,;') lqSl certifiC4l:g..-i ''.,
,fr).'f],. - "' ( ,, ',

frl E',firsfr ffi fnr=m g:{{ "rq' ,
\ ri'.''r':C CertifiCate
fu) tr 1@,frqtf,,fl{'{ot qa
\ : '.) I Lcsr certificate
?),.E :uq'e,E, rFc*T ztqT.t rc
i, r ,.r, i r.rx disc
ea)E,'E3]9.'.rffi.&-{,. '.

r collision. qrffi €s-F{

: ;;rg injur€d and EIFrs. q-6-rd rK-srT
, . ,i ,S rf 'S eSSential,
,ffitT iEg qllgt frrrq T6rrw-* IT
' ,.);, i;sr:ally NOT attempt .- {G{-AT{mqis qT-{ Er{ (rE.E6{F)
., i :telrnet? ,,, ..,,
ffi ru-f{ T<rr{ TI?
: :':: l'
rl "':
,gffitt@" ''
- '.' ,
:i '_-:

r: : nOt Want you tO 'a)'E" rry E{s.+


\ '. rn mofe r{) fl €c\5 qrs wr-{r r{fr sftTr

EIqrreT Ttr.f €N 'll('<
' r':.. ii.,'-, COld if fal tr ur p-flrs sm e?s b|gI
:, ,. ., ' ,, ffil:fl,IT(Ei ,"flf,T ... ,

.r :. .'.,i, iould SCfatCh fu.r E T]-<.f \e-f s-{rrc qrTfr'eR\5

' ' :1.
r+.flrvF Gf"O vnt Errn65 Trrnr
- is,,)r' someone is )b.
''t rs i,r their vehiCle.
qT ,rifur IsEl-{
E{fffi {er rTC ,qs-wq'
EIrE-s{ srTqH
, you call the
T.GT6EI T,{{.?{r{-r6-nfr TIfu]T
'-)' :et'vices? ur+'r ofrY?

Ai'!51*-31'',...r::::1i:lr=.i-,,-.,,,; €sG \?,8< frfus ssr

,y, ;ts ;t last resort,
:,:r,; i., { ) n q?ffi rrrir rsTCfi G"ffi ?I.rs-(-{ Tl"
lr; S '. r)rl a'. t:ossible fr) E,{qr{g{: gtvtsr.s1
' il tt /) ,irave woken them up fn;tr TffE.I 4-tr1-tr 'e11u
r:, ':i'tcking for biok6Fb'ones fg)'tl, . Ellg\a orr* qrr
.' !t!,'irc ratches fire= bb. w"HK rflrgr ?trnrq ql\sq rFr6rl
;;ou do first? cltcvl 3er6{.? fu o-n 3rlfit-{ uf,uvl
qrB €gr,'GRrr 6-Fd '

i_iif i,-,.1 |11i1y'rsl and :discbnneCt ,Q,), ,D,.,<r,+fi. r<[16.E TirFrfr'( q(.trqTrl

i''i ;,f
I rii,.,,r
t.t' e i:on net und,*tnn'.;,1.,t,,
lrl :,

'ffi'' I31E{ 4-51 f,ETr

l-l lffir
r:r:r ,[]{
,, ,i1.,..1 ,,.,1,.,.,,. ffilxl{. IErc' fi[,:
',, r : rcai<down serviie frl tr G:ffir ynftf:ryro w+r
\ ,rj ,lrc i,re b.igade ful tr wo-dr rr€rf{rs urf,r
i,',;]-,. ir ,lrt 'y..rlt aliOWed tO USe
frilil,iil iiiiiiriii i lllliiii'l,il+$$ll ,;:
eo. elqni s$frs, ry?b <]r{R s-{K

r, _r .,,,;trning lights? s?rn TFY,,I,, .

.,, ,. -

r,,.r. .r-r.reiling slowly beciuse

:, t ,.,' i:::,=;: , ,:: r altt:..::::..:i-

_ € ) tr Trwr Erkm qr€Tt{ er{'r6i {<;l'
'' ^ -- l--.
.r'-i r,JsL
_ s{ afury qFiri€T wdfiirr
i'_1 ,-.y',1qi., o;rr-i<ed ior shopping ,1,.-'., k) E,q<rq cqT?rl-r.{ r<E-{rflBi T-qK 6{T
,,'r '-jr,i,Lrir: yellow linesr: ,r, r'
'' , .. ': ')pped and temporarily
ul{q' Tfl 4rolT "Irc T-<-rfi[
t,,=-, ,
frl tr drcrrlT q-{Tm sqs, {?n sI;tTI;l-{
,i1.,.;-1-, ,ciing traffic
,.t :-: :,t. .t{T =
,, ir .r ,slling during diikness rs) u rEsqr-{q8 <rrerir qr rm {q:r
rr': cacilights SI-fr?FIC-< qFl-<,'|-a.{' DIf,Ir{.{

ir, ir,.rr,r1|r:;r1yay, the har.d shouldgr rD. rsnsT rqrr<emrv eM r{r?rsK

' (, '. Lt,. r,s':cj <FroK 6-fr ufts
-",, ;
,r,, l:..r-
w{ rurqs ssT

;1 .\sv/r^'r :.,_::,.,..,..::::: : 1 €a'iD

,.,'::" i:iC mobile phOne
.li- .q ) tr rfiTrEfl rT.FI ?r{ffif S-{tE
^i' .r, e;tergency arises i<; tr {?ir rslFr qriir zl6Trw[ qcd
a sr,^!-t i-est when tired frl tr Trs q6q arqtqT fcgrrffi w{T
, i ,-Ci, ,r r-Oad atlaS ist tr Trgtr r{il"f (E-{r< o-il
; rtlt. lt has just
_i(, aa. qfiafu €<-ffi EriEr{Ir ?rc-{ Gqfus
i ,.r{:r(.)ire
is injured. sfTfE-{. {T ge {To s-[D'P' 5<e f4-5
,:r l:ic be given snas q6?rrEl frrq-{ cerq fisqBr\5
E-+-ft frr.mg rv-fl qr"FK Gftot

- ":l
ffi Gs'q frfos <tr{
\ {ri'e bleeding g) tr f{l-I <E."[g rs' 6-{T
i<l tr \fl-r"i- ?K{ iou" *,r-+ T-rrE 19111
\ | Dreathing fxr I sK -JTqfuTr
"rfrs-r r-fl
,, ,': ,:I vehicles involved fu) [ qxB rnilE-{ 6-,fsg sr frrq rIqT
. r:-ri0S tl Tr$1.{ qr r?Fro E'fl
\ 'rr"';;1'7 un6
qat fTflTr-{ nksrn 4-{I s<s
grlr-T{ril <T<rI

.,: ir,lured perSOn {O. 'stRi5 <ifu q$ r"rrrra rrE

l .-rii, shock. What qr"rTK )TrfrrE q6El gT 1<ri-{ 5-{T
. ,., lo look for? o*{i rft'?1-5fir?
rreR.'rezfflq ry
oq6,€g* Rfrs, ,TtFlt
s) tr urqvT ?Kq -q<q gps
,,, \' futrsIff
ft)='E q ''fr,{ lorq.r
(: , -) fsl tr Eqvl qrq q"q{fu

,,'i. 'r:rl
;r,-ri',r,: al tlre scene of'a,etash. ,,t?[FSU em(tr{t
1".i, .-.-,)re is i:leeding badfy fr6m an srffl efs rilrflE a?fT 3qT Ty
.r t, r ,r i,. l here iS nOthing ,.tm pzgt 'pFfiq-rr{:,r+-l[-{l ftE
ffi ffii ffi'rc.:rt q'I'lqm ffivt
4StE W'{ TETAEi 41F{
. trl. i)' cssure over the wound s) E t's rrr{ Ern II?-flT -qq'q qls
. ,l iioqsl tlie afm dOWn . : I{r5-{ mro rrqff
t,r .,,ound I{) L_l rs qrq rEr?t rIqT
il:r:''' a drinl< lql tr ftq e64 4-E6s P-{I
\ r:' l:-rtistlre over the wound f,vl tr s\r rrr* EIn rq"fi €<( Ers
;', ,r I r ;i15r,1 ilie af nr .r, , gapg fr66 ar+t

,ii .i,ir. ri. ipcident *.hef" ,,..,,.'-

.r.,_r e'c',. qfu qffi t"FEg €cx'["-q
,i. ;.. r rttlonscious. r{qrrq qr€s so qfu q-srq
i , ; ,'rg-- slrouid
-t, - - be checked.
i ,'.,WfPfS EiG ,l p]T' rq' -

ffi$fi,u'q'q ffi:-'..
r .,ri'ri.,i(-i i:e done for at least r ,

'. af1i\i/er .qsG Gs'{ ffigs TFq

'etlli-l: ,!) f qrnrss"li{g
k) E So,tnr+g "t{q, :

I4) IIII{E b
e,,, @
":'' , : '"'
.i-" iffi@

r\9. sa.6 trFflT ?rC{ O"rfti5 Trirru;il
: .r ritconsclous. 4S'6q HTr{qTarSE Elr{rm qras I

.. i l.rre casualty's x< 3qr{ rE-?rrd{ r{ qre\5 <rfu<

€) u TI4IS-{T ry
frl tr !E"nE
I4) LJ vrfl Ers
rs) LJ ss
,,,i:, :, r ,-,,ri:.!r)it Son-teone haS . , eq, Ttitr{K g.:r1',:f.$.B TV unes ECTTEI
.r:rr . ,' l-, ,-,, The bufn needS tO

qr{E trsr E-<-re Erqt
.: ,'..'rr,rL is the shortest time etr,nfrs. qgffi''ffi gr ,fg.I '
' )1 'nolcd [or? E-* sfu:
F rj ans!.r,,3r €TG GET Gfug sF{
ii sernrlds €) E rso rys-s
il i, :.i..-eiitds I{) [ \9o rIIW
-' ;r.iilitl€S
ft; E; ftfrF :'r'", ii ':

rg) u bo I{r{D

ir i"*ttrnY
f -1-'\ r
i',: ' i\,.r a serious moto-lcycle
.,ii. , ab. xrrrqE rqrffir<ra' q{E-flr rra{
' I rtrotorcyclist is \B"rF€g ECTrE-.{I rqIDT,IIorrcq
!ti a . r,i.!r-i-c
and bIeeding,:Yq i.m-ip Erq'rs-{ <s"[E Erry sq( rry q"srl;I
i', j. t.-rri<i be to El-{€.tT T6T"C5| 3al{E .oll'nr{ $-{-ftT

.n i r13r4/e!,s ffi Ge-s ffis rffi

' tr) stop the bleediE:g., ,'..,, .-..., 9 t E <ors rft- s-{E[ rusr o-n
.'/r ;\ i:i o{ witnesseS <) f a-+q' TrSf"{ g[fr-+-f csft a-<r
,:, ' ' rc casualty's breathing
\ lnt tr rrr€v <ifu-{ TFTfoTr "rfrwr n-<r
,ri- 'ri' ,tutrtbers of the
,c ,.', ,'rvclved
ls r f Efus urq-+rsqofr{ Trarr
ft-rcr <TcIl
. cc,\ Ljp aiiy loose debris ir E srvr ae< qarsr "rfl-<-am o-n.
\ -,aeiq tire casualty's airways qr)E rrprs{ fr-{Trq-{ rat rfrffi srl
. .,i ''.:t :;ietre of ab. sil"rfr ,qqB ,qrm GrfuE
an T{frffi
r..i tr.lilPend and q6$rD--{ l $ ,!? I.'16 qrBrq €<(
ir.: ,ii_;s. Which of r+-0 3r5r{,',TfirEl grcr-<-m lfsfTf
. lt r',i ,i_l De gtven Urgent +rm 6,-ry lefis sfifiK [sT{qfr
'. I ::ltl? E-* Gftsr

ffi tsr ffis F#r

\ \' i/ ;llld .q) E fr-ficri-{ Ta[ "rk6K TrlT s<s
, , drink water f<t tr "nfq rH e-{r6ql{ rr?r T.rsr
\ / i-e breathing ITr f sltq-{ TlryISTT TffsT T-{r
, .,, ilrtesses
isr E rrsr-{ Eqi r?iro <aT
\ i,ieeding Q, E t-<T"I' <E."Ie <-s- T-<I
. .r,iti_.1.s
of rrq[ Efss arq<rf{ezim arTfr
. .a]
rqrel oq-r
'in W

\..N : lrir:gs should you .d'o 190. q"HIT{ 5ra-1 6?i*5s ..ftrq' mH ffi
: .i i c.rrrt tyre bursts?i ,,',. s-{T qTfiK UfrO:

dE 0s.< ffis r-n{

, 1;i', r-1ic hand bral<e 1piS1tlp,,,,, -q) E,r,& *l.* 6il ra-s rst{
.' i;,1iri,' jg
, . n, r;,-r::i._v and quiekly . .
,.,' rFr+ rw
frl E \rrgtgtgl €<( rs-7T(K GA{ s-{T
\ .-: l re veh,cle roll to.a stop fql tr
,tfurr-r&rg rfffurE amr\5 m'g
I , cj ih*
sr,eering wheel lithtly isr f errsT wcd fr{rf-<s {r< TTqT
\ , .:rccring wheel firmly
?,r [ ] "to 6-6T ftTrfr( s1r rTqT

iii:l!). ..t:'. .. , 'l

#4*ij:+:tlr.'i;+- +

::' down on a two way t9b. T'frr6' uqm <Tgrr ql?il<

,-i wat-ning triangle. rnru qr+c-wt emrql q\o-fu
c,:i a warnin$ tr:ian$le' ryrc. ftW wtqr{ srrrq'l @
r iroir-l your vehicle? q'q "t[s ss[E q-(T rr'fl Gf,usz

€qfr Gg.{ isfEs 6q

f eet) -: .!) fl c
f,{rB) frBr<T ()\e
2 feet),',,' fqt f rG ftBrq (ba ftB)
\ ,17 feet)": fn tl 8G frfiT{ ()8q fuB)
328 feet) fot tr >oo FGmI (tsru ffi)

lltafo ision on atworway ea. q'frrs enfs u-qm rryrr TiBilrt

,, . l.r.ro .':,,varning.triangle,
@ qffirqrl rs<-ftr tuq
iat distanc6'.bdfo wfir< arr ql(trl <l{r{ T9}n
slroulcl you' plaee .'. oirrar qg?f-fr$'@ fis
,,rolc7 :: : " T-CT TI?Tr{{?

.gTE €e,T BFFS T,S{

I feet) e E rc ffiKrT tba fuDr
\ 17 {eet): f<t tr 8G frFK{ (baq frFB)
i28 ieet) lat tr >oo fiqFmI (eab frD)
192 feet) fui tr >co frFmI (8ba tFB)
ii irr a collision. ee. E{f, flqTak-fr .qrB q'iFmr ffi
iliat it is carrying B9 qr.{rqt'-rTl1 ffi.. rm $fll-{l
, QT.[{. '=frtrwqE' ?tETel T(T"E?
.,, , '''' , t l:..::,.t:,..: it'

,qr6-ffi-' W+ .- '. ,


L €),E'

E s-"u{ 1i

r i.t'c,i of your'eai!ffi.
.i -,len '6721i. No e'iS <Ttlf(-fi f6-Tl,ti STEIE <cElz'r r

i ,: 1 1r.s51 you do? 56"$ qlePa6a rrr<rfr


. qJ?lq6 Er-{{Ta ofrsr

.' t4 f , .' ;lilriu/rt' 'rqffi,G\fit Sftqr Q?T'

\',,,,',,.,',, r i': e accident tqlh'9 tRo,,,,!,,,! , 1, :5,iE8,164 nrti'T{'il$
.-=,"-"" ''fr6$,,, ' ,' , '^ ,

.,ri-:ii.. j"4 liourrs ,|.,.: -,r.!i:.. ,

i. l ,,,, i1.1,'1r Lo tell the houiOOwnel. tr'r11.'frq-{tE@1lltTg

, , ,,..{ffi.E{ sTf
" <@
i--1 ;.'sp6, ,-ite accident

to-,,,y t'
' '

.. ' . fui'tr qrtsrm "l(3

=.,fir fiffi<
l r .,:.lC
rsr i {rL< E,rrq rtB[s rcfrrw rcE <t<
; r.,r'r: ,rficr:t it immedffiP='- ';"
srrs' w3- <-m rrv <l"rmfi
,,1,,.,,;r while driving \9G" Tgs "r6ar
Erf,rcqi q{sEI
''i(i, i :1re not iniured df" vcf[el strnf{ Eires cqfut
: . :\ircil L)e driven. fCs qT"rilT rnfgfi u146al arc< aI!
li st? telzn ft"r-n'silfirm Ofror

€Tfi EE'{ fuFrs sF{

.q ) tr EIr{r{ Sffi fi{sr r-{l n-{
srrmT 1frt noro orr+
\ ',. rte and f<.r tr ?[ip{'<s- srg 16-Trt .q<s.
r,:;:,-r,l iights q-5n, 4las{ rqrfl rq-$
' .r,, ol witnesses f,n tr slrfl-m' 6ffi$' ,s<< {rficr-<
TH' fr'6E TI{T
.: ., ri:bi-is that is fu, f TrsK G"rr< "I[V qrfl errl
Trffir tEc-qrerm qrTCT rT-f,I
'.. tre E]ql(qrl
i ii'iv:r.rf. ti-rrough a,tufinr6.l-;.
.qlfiK Wq
\9\9.(DTt-{f,) "lrE
rIfu q1smr qcs rarE t

'.i,,-,;trl ,rarr dO? ,,.;. irfi :

io En qI"FIK u6u'i
.,.-, r
i ' 11':
.,. ": 'r:.

' ir ..!r!.r\i/t|, s+,ffi tg*. fufus qg+
,N i'i-r lr cr, i--,azard warning lighti .s )E e.rrM sTIrFi( qrADrT rqrf, rh-TI
' l*--
,'.r:-1;.in i,t -i,r:r:r vghicle.. , . fr;'E"ir&< qt
{ <-6{ c[+-f
,i_ ':,j111.
tlre police to-find,i '
i';,1' fl.l tr Th-.r qrryr +{s w6"FFI s-{T
.6;-fi"G1fr;ffirc' wfiTm
-.,.., ":.r r,_Cry Camefas,,-:,;4,..=.1
:t, \tJli
:,.r :r"r,,,;, ..p11{-Orl-a
fi1gt*. E-,*,t

,t. casuaity has aniiihjuL'ed.-,.., ;ffirE,T qmls
.;1ri irrsve it freel, but it is
'-' ' i"fi sr qrsl '4- srr< qlws
.'-vrlrr 511oliid you fet them',' "I13-p, fo-g
ot-cs rsFeTs ?6E. i

;:: .- :,'ii5sd pOSitiOn? e td frrT rr?ry <-qr<;{ C-+;l?

t {ffi" ,@, .
., r wiii ease the pain ,s) E qr< .e(s $eff s{
r. ,,'itcnr to be seen fu tr g(s srm orr+r a-Erw rE'?r(g
qEErsr Erd
. i :Clll LOuChing fal tr a" ,* wi rrgrr y"H 4-{6o
i'-l'Iiic . '. '{I''ql({ '
I i.itlp t,) reduce'the.bleeding +r'[..{[$ K$tlis T{' etT I'TQI{I Tf{
.:i,.1f tiirough a tunnel \9b. IT,rr{T W( "r6q
>n-4t 6-{K T6<
i.j :,,:ii do? .,.',"' " ',T.:fI ffi Bfrtot

asffi=ffi'ffig ?siFd
: I,r1j:,-; ,;ff €) tr rafse 45. E-6-4 (E-{I
'{ ''":',t, ,.::,..-laSSgS ft)'' tl 1 ffi .'@.,T' "tF-,'{I rqrr'fl' fi?lT
fij"tr , ,' ,'ffi ,3;n1' ', ' '

,,, f:,.1n wipers ful tr BMo-q €{R"rK Erq 6-<l

ii:-i.., 11* []r'"ough a tUnhel., \9b. 4Tffi W( %el rnfo urqr(q-{t
r., ri[i, i: fiowing noryally- rrFTrq-{ ?'rg.rfffi '*llf{ Eer[q I

r.lriri ,,,6i1 isJ f{ 6<I wq,r<r GfuiEt

+' .=.-.
---, ,.
.qqffi TgT Gfu q,P{
€) A ffifq aPrBr E1a-q-4 4-<l
fri t fiqm{ qE ar?B{ <KEr{ T-{I
f:tr tr fs1-s re-sflinr rlT{r{ s<T
f-q tr fiErffi Eat arQBr T-{I
, ;:
80. rs'ra{T w( etrsl er{-{ s-{K "trel
u_rflI "tTN-.r

,sqfi fu( GFns qrq

s) [l rmgra'r affq E--NI TR-oK <TI
: l!'51 l-0S frl tr EroK qETn "rfrsr 4-rr
. r', i:f geaf frl tl fdx. qr6 f,qxtlT frqo +-<t

/ .,j' i.i a local channel fut tr'Tlfrr Errfire r<fue Eq{ r-{l


: i,f ,r* .rfK[ryq*{f4-f,' q*{}' f-U,fu,f$ q'iffie fl(?fs m-Sq


*7$5& 77567*
,! 1:,-.Iiaii,, i: riot breathing
pormally.,. 8b.,.,€T".wE:= K@ lrlErBT srr{
1.-r-.f., I c.r':riri^essions should'be giVen, ffi
frcr6 n;1,ffi EteI &rE qf,{l
.. .i: .t:.l Er< f{ sr "rl-<qrrq e-r<-{?
,,i.,,: ,,. ,r,.,,,:
t t ir r',t'r' Airq$,r{:l-
::r::,'' rii:'
-: .erG G\m e+q ffiv
;':r:i' tltlnLite
q) E ffi
fi{Fru Go 4K

i i;;l ner mini.ite f<l tr 35s firfirru boo <K

, i I
l.i,[] i:er minute fr) tr 'ffi,,fiffirrB eoo TK
,.'.,-i ltci- t:iinute fsl tr frfu firF{m Qco <l-?l
: r, rtol breathing. 8e. ss-6-{ 1g rff-{ q-ras <lftt 'drry
' i'L OI;' frrry qi I Kg D-qIE-q fz-o ar<N uai
,,:i,_j be given. ' 'ffi DIer f?rc E(qrl EI"f f6{'m
Tho. rrfi5{-sr ostrT' ar{t
qr6 \qre{ fr@ ry
- i'l:,1'il:i 'g)=,.f]"b rcrr.+.'a rrT@Fil-3I ]. .

J t :.-,\,: 6i ,[- 'So

s rers a ''
:: .. .t.es frl fl lre,lro >c' rxFfrfrBr<-q
: il i'jii"a:5 fur tr.;c ret(T qs r'xFfrftFmq

I ,;. ir ir : ,,-gd. ,39..,g qrEg r?rlE'I

:t c :,:, 'i.,, from shock. ,-. ., i,W-f l.
.J"lr ,' liirg signs t+ a-+H-{ rctrH iuro-< w-m
Cqn Gfrst

l;}''l( tl:i{ qqG GET frfOg TST

i- ,
i6p ,e) tr wrm ffirqrl
,it.:.,: fq; n Er{.gT ?RN s<( Eru
fr)"n TIfu-{"fr<..r?Fqr['.,' ' ::'

/ fol i l.frq frfl fi-{ DN.ur

.o,lision. ds., ,,s<nrq' qsft ,El{ftI'TC}tp-I {@

it , i,E from shock. -'..'. 'g(T< {-'c{r silrEl ft[q,.{
, rTn'

,, : r: ,;liould you do? wt:tim'qq'

,::..: , : r.:.:::

qaG CEr frfus asr

I ii,, s) E \5rErc6 f+g nH <t<IE r6.-il
fql tr \rrErrs ul\rx rr-{T
, ' ii;-,:,e fr,'n $t , .qE'{ rr({, iT r1€TI
. ,' ;, .l;'el-le fsl tr flfl{ s-{6s ErErm isrc 6<1"
r ,lr : iirlt aCCident ?j',8,Ellffi''6q:,1fi6.{' , fuw]qt s-{I

1 i-!rl :i [1c]torway. A]r:6e'hd aa...trrr . qIF,att& um,rcqqt
'.: r-Iri: r-o.:d from a.Iq,-rilf:'-'- ",,
. gffi rrft rEr+ 3v da6 qllT
'li r.r,;15 trOt StOP. ' , ,$4T r?rq'l q-fr EIT$'
(rrr'rj q,l,l ,ET"rfl-{ Gfrtr
.r '15!vcl'
-,g$fi,,fu'.. "qffi:"' ' '- 'r,l :

lt ,,,

tire next emergenFr'" r'. '41,, n= 'flaf$

r r'-,i- :iild inlormithe p6lice "Ifr-r6-s ET Fl{lCqT q-ft -{
li, , v ;ilr ilre lorry and try fr): n qft-< e.fo--rfiB lflcl ErqT
!r{ r re tlriver's attention ' {C{fffl?f qf6i'r T-{f
-ir-:ir i0 the boi'uhiil.tn" . fnl tr 1Frt qt EIIfl +iv <rgx<
l ll,'l ,!rs-{rr{ TnE rerfi' an4l
c, to tlre hard shoulder, tu) tr el6 rflIFrsrc{ ffi effqrmr sqq
a'l'.vc tlre box Trc{fr Tfrr{K run o-et

: ;1 c,:]r- orr lhe hard,shoulder: erv. r,qlfiTerr{ El6 r{r"rwr{-{ S"f(

r, r'\i,ry'r/ith HELP pennant .: rriEqT FITT{ '@.CE <q 4?FB
:cl . I ir:s rneans ther, vp .: -,.:?Ftflc$I iHEl-P), !l?r[ElqI"''tr4clT qltlrrn
ii :{jl',, lc: be -ii;"il t
' uro-o' eau
,.:- ',. ..,,:::,,- .,1:t '' :

11\!rtl oqG Gs-{ ffis Fs-d

;i ' ,. l i;,:t son 4) f,onq-{9|q<ifu
:t i,,ri ir-.ril:ecj '
fu tr $crk-+- ffi"qff{ fiwl te
'-,"1i;-;r...r:'!f-Al' :l f,qt I gsFT ffif uififE
r.!,t p;i-t'ol pel-son 6; ['frrr,ffi",.. sffi iffi
' ,irt you are eq. - r+?B

.irlrld you do? ' t'rsn'q-?ffi ,+al Gfrg?

f. 'i r t' !{ t i.4,. EEIE W{ TEr€s 4-iF..

iI,, ,.: 'Lrt"ake s) tr cps r{--{ Dr{"r
. ' )'.i/ .,s poSSible ftj"'["d . :, ''qr 1 "
I .r'- ti're side fxr tr frt-< ftc< <rsm fsrrca
f ' -, i ril ,.",:heel firmly fu; f.fifu fqsrcrq fiqm w{l, ffis'
'': 'i t rl'l ,1q Tr< qrt
, .,: .r ,:ormal speed ?t 'nrflslfi-$,'fifuas Eq-rs effol

:tu r lE q.tr* qffi.: re.' ''ryw Sqq

*gx :

.,.:ii $wffi *;= w'w"


mw ffiffi wffi
:.' frliriards could,rou take Aa. qtei tqlq ?recr {lErrqK 6{i
I t:;i. io ./our vehiCle? rsrl TAm r-sr,-sr w{Frfi 4-{T {En
qeB 'e,gr Gfrs s-rr
i i '',.:.;ir '.'.;;:icr- levels aboVg.,,', iI tr fifffi "rk{rq rrirw "lk{l6"Ke
..: i',i,t, rqFr rr?rr
( ,'r'.. r i;r'e cxtinguisher fr)',[] w gnf q-s {r&rs n?[
,1, ril r ir:q witlr full tank fr; tr r,'B!tr qmrf{ f{rs te
n ,, El?rlrTI,.,r3rr{, fr<q, qqt
; ,. ..lr-rriecl pett-ol fu),E-r r--"$E <I-TE'r{ TTr
/ ,-.-. ...,ti. a1y strong smell $ ,f::riET::::
t , ?rs,, cflcn
'r- I { \
,,=ir::::::l :F:S..TrT ,ffi'?lf -,tt ,..

,gT)E qq w$r6-{ rrE-4 <r-dQrir T-{i

( rt,; , '''' : r''rl a Grs, [$tr{€rsre ?r&' glrs-6q] EG(q I


, .. ,-. _r:.e thg , ,,:[fi tqml6-q] Cf46sH <KeK

:r:lr_ :
.,- I.,,91[!['wffirs. &.6^F[I

m,'-$s-T ,'6.6q :

l2: , :rrc telephone ,q)' E 1q',ffi5qlq' <lrEI-< o-{cb:{ fff?

fu'tr qt* ( ?Trtc{F'-q faa<q

f,al'tr qr , @ ,ftTt, €,Tqq)
i r,1 i 1.1

I " i. , rr'self and

/ .i.'tO2 i) f 6a-6q rqrtsf<s r("ef{ trl'rT
, , rilc,n ulrET. i+ qr

(,r, :tl(\iOrWaV.I 6q,=g,ffi;. .E|(ET.| , , -..

-.1!. ./ii,j i.i:.e hazard er6Tg ex'rfr's.
qT?.Fr sq;I TrT{I1t
t: ,

l i<'l,ll? s-{cE nl]rrfi?

r1 A r1q!,i/{:t" 5 {38 W{ GFrs e<n*

,r yel-liclc is followihg,,,-'.'.'," &,). E' . r< r ffi'. <11 T1'(tr fEm
ul-{T{'i T-fC<
/ y'nr.i slnw down (nickly.= fr] , -:,t.
mfffi"fr%?T qTI',"'{{T
.: .,i rlanger ahead lqfi q{T'rsrffi
,qfr"q'q rrmr'- "

ir ,r-e tOWlng rlFr-{rfl [b-r{.

"r' :r1]i-1iqlg ,.:. :: :.':,. frm rflr{{'
-r,.i.,11.5 rn the turtr tqrd EI6': m-ra"g;lIs{ o1-{" fq'6{'
I -::..:-:
effi urflrm{
",''1 , rl;lve broken dOWn On

-e5= ,04rr
,. ::lrr 1;iflg1' qSqpr ec{

': .5(
i$3i' : ,,, r. ::t
r: iras a punctur"g;orn:4, Gb:
t.. €H.F' '' G .,etTfEI
l,'lirat should you do?' urt "'65"? '

,sqffi'[email protected]'T.F{
/ .t'.tr,E6- qT,,'GoK rrc afffrm
' r'ffii( rFfqmr{
<K-EI'<I T'{T
f<; tr eq rrfure Trfu Erfdr:r rrl,r+lr
, ,xrEq 1r{e $erl
-sRT{ C'r< rn&' e[fu6{
Gl:-,..n,, Eru r{r
", ' qg:,,, T.g< ,

' '.- '":ImE[,,qqE

4-{I '::
rui n- 'erffii trEtr (qrq qrr

t, ,ri(r:n down on an c'b. urffior{f,€r{ r.q-csq 6lT(T-{

L. v.,
.r .. r'OSSing. 0m qn"rqm {@ qmrw qffirul
'5l ,r'i lqm fE o-+t qlqm 6ftst
.qrffi fu'{ frfi5-s qs{
',:irr.-le clear of .e) n qig glqrgl-.fr xs< ofr--cq-{ Gflr
' i ,, rn AS posSible rEm enfu cr.E akcs nxt
. : ,.,i rlre vehicle frr tr wRrs- rntu rqrc-+ r<< Tr<
I :i-r)5:lillg o'frq efifq r-{r
' i ,-,)cl-atOr SO that fu tr frorqn-q qnrmdmds r{il-{' T'{I,
i't'ei r{;t c-{fl' tfffirro eIIIrIril {W
t,.,t,_i< io give lvl tr r={4 EItFm 9"56 fir:x r€rB lflcl
. ; r'i aching trains EIre rT-fl flIrsrs ry<f a1
! r, .,i-i anothef uo. r-tgr,*' Eqg q{T qrm, :rfu< }rcr
., r-i,'r,i: is inlured
' ,'l,gd. ', "'.qfr- i''861e;s-4' ffi6 g q;r- ='fu
- ., ;ng should ,,'=i : ,(...Tl{uKE,, ''

vr<6 6*"FFrs rsq

/ : ...r I r:WnS the .q) tl', fss st-{T trlng6( $fr-{,
ri Etryo fqi;sr iE qr
/ '. r.rme, address ,fril'' ErqET.Tli.ffi..&qq
! ,'r' ,:lalef [-Er4rrr{ qHH
,-ii',Ver iS fr rri wryr+< enfu qlmqrr+m s'qT
m?rryq srrco' lo
/ , ,-,,:i1r r: a:taj r"egistratioh , ,,,.,,.' fqtr Trfg< fgs sffiF s<s
flfs< c<fwri.rq
, .r)r: r;n 0[ the Other driVer ?1 E ffi-,,91E13, tr?l1l ,

, irri,,ils r.'l fhe othef fi lr'G; {.T.ff''rT'l,: 4&-,t?-qrrq;


. :-,r:' i}nCG
' ; .'. 1_ r. r.r .,('.r:r :;{)i-lteone iS , l:,:, \9b. dsffi E: ,iErLr,'QIf,{ .+9 *WO
. i-. ::..r.il,ir:. lStli- illain '"',
.ql,ffi1 '+'+frgg ,{,w$T
1',. i
.,'-:i.r: ..i',,:i,rlCl [:e tO
,===." fq-T1,,Gfrg .. . :=::, :

'l -,.ii
,': ". 1-
i i;,, ir 1 ,,r r.f rfrily*!.S ,, : i frffi Gs< fufus ss{
i_'l .:,,1rsr-: i; rrp tite brol<en glas'S', €)'h vmr Enr--<'AEr,ut xkrs r+cr
,, i ,-i 'j,1i13 lne names of witn€iieS fr),,,[ qlrr frf?l TI?II
. i ri ' 'lrq ;1;-1ir1gg1- 6f fr'l-tr-E-I efr , t@ .E
fFl-fi 4-{t
FrIrtr .fus :

/, ri-j1/ ii-;: airwxy i5 6lg2p:.:jrr:: fist tl trry rqxm 4t tf{sm f+ rr rvqr

/ .11r"- ,iiri-q l.irey are baeathlng .ej tr''rn '{lT' fr qt fiiFo\5 E\err
/ . .1 , i.' tr:-.rv/ bleeding sr)E mFr re"fls r{ 4lrT
i , rll ouglr a tunnel gr. {fi rrmT r'Frqq4t IgR "rr?r
rfs'l S-T(tr-{, sfi EltffiK t6s

.srB \?igr ffis E-sq

/ I ' ,r :'i ;1 :1 r" ,q)fl "rf{<\tTfr{ fq?n ns?F-flcft

T(rs-(g{ 6qT rq:llr4 <I{T
i ii, iting system frt tr rrcr fiiilEt firuD{ <rqEK 4-{l
, .r r iog lights lrl tr fqqrr{ Ttl 4I?0.{ cqrfr' cq-Tl
. ,, , .;,nt fog lights fq tr ryinr qrqr{{ rrrl 4r?B cqr4 rrql
ri- ic)nreone for
irc \99 arff,{, sfT E.|6'IE TlGt-{
, ,-: '.c.,re ol an incident. ffism s-rrc Ecqi
Ert"BI{ Slss

oqB.,.&':GFp15'-,,q;1 ' ':

. iir i;fi:.tantly n slT.s q-sT 3Em T-{(g elffi
i..', frl f ETr6:'TIg s-<1 6-{I :

, ,;i ftl tr srrs rsT i+q "na a-rcs rq-{r
I ,l I ,-,l),','Il

fuin , 4q sq \rlgtstvt
arg,l 6im rr-zr o-<i
,ili:-ioir whilst /ouF cdr: s8. ?tre u-dTs sr-dqtll trf{T 6 .fss

irai. is rlre FIRST thing qcr[trrl q{ 3el'{ fE o-<t

qrtfi'K slr<"'lT T-{frT?

,sqffi $sT ftfti5 Eeq

f ri:-i?i-gency servl!.9.s ., .q)nMnrfrxurfi
t' ,ire :;c*ite of the'ihdi$ f<ttr wB{K Slrii rarq fl\siil
,, r" r:.r1,ilr)11Ce COmp?ft],,..,, fn tr 1qg<ul ff:fi mwffirs urol
,. - ii '.orreone waves foi tr $TrmK wfl r$G Ers ?"n-fi
STfi gr{A EITilMI
l 't
r.r.j7i:a'r; ' : iii.$--i_i
w*|, ,+s
,1 ii r".i,i to arrive: at the 8b. sff"rfii 3E{ <rfu C{ €TE T'ffi{lr
,t a): , .l l': l i
.,--.,i t".Fqry cTn
rr''-r'.t-rI i c'':slr. Wirich T\/Vg
' ,1', yott dOl
.,,. ,ffi. 1;4;9.':tfu? ',,

i-r, :r r rrf \ rlf tql/lnl'S

.) TAfi ,W-q ftf+v +m
,"', -.,r,-t rn8ines are q )E etrls--{ ?r'Tq rs 4-<I qlctr El
ffios p€w
r<JnA @Itr
-.',.j-,'.? tffi,,,ffi-@ {'[€T[. .,

,fr) ffi uIEE, ur,E'srfr
, ,6q]T fqrs- fif(
,.,,,, q-mT
"t, fu).tl',ffi, Tm':M
.qrrpti/ -,.:.,. ''g.fo -


r ,; ,'' 1i',i: f ,rsi, person tO .ive 8b. srllft? 3sN <]fs rII ss.B trJBfl3
. '..r '.i'. ' ''ylf efe peOple q-c{'64fo\5 rx?tr6{^ r{'rs
{l1ilq-s Err{ qr{s qc{rql r{,tq-{
ir,, 'r i lr, ,:c si-.ould you dO?,,,:' ro-*^fiffi on{ +-rr qlfir< GFot

!.,.t'll'rrCl5 ffi w-*ffis ffiq

qrEI-Tl Erqs sffiT-rs Errr-{
iio are
, rircir vehicle
,q) ---
flE retrr qr< frrs {terT
: ':'';hOafe fr; t {reisr srRsr €Tff-{rs ftu" 'tia
.r>rr rgching T'{TC{K rcgI 4,TI
i , li' ')v,/l hazard f,r; t frrytr t&r er6Ts erlfiq
fqfq Cv--{r
/ r,rtite telephones fiEl tr r+-6 n-* .srr{rdqm rsm 4-{6o
nt_{ g.t ffisrs oeTT
{ , 'i(, ai-e not injured b tr qrqrfl q.res erfr srcq-f,m
E it {lr ?I{ ref.T f-CT f{rx
, , ::11.1

ir:g t.i'rrough a tunh€l. co. 6ffim) Wq "rcq tr& Erarrrql

i:;,', i'.r:el.i a collision,Ahd,, , ,. urffir{ rsrc{f riB{r E[B1-4I t

' ,: i ';lrt. ott fire and=',.',,-......

i:r qqs, qIflTK TI{f:{-{ ,rcrc W@{
li, , iri-: :"3aC. :- ,,:.,,..,,....,: ' rqrfl qt€q'rre TrcI <-t' aIT 1T,lItrl
. . 'r" .'orr tlo] lo o-n qlflrr< Gfrot
1{ ,11 ir , , q\r/rr I sffi ss{ ffis rs-{
i 'i;r i-n!rr: ar,d continu€ ?,S,.:., , -, g) n €emftrt{-ofr {arta-e<
' " ': y'Orl Can oMsFfr ffi urqrrc {rol
,. 1 . ,' loors and windows f<ltr r-<-{ffi q-{fl, 6HI4I <-s a-{T
;ii.i: ,. iraz.ard *u.@ignt!, fu tr Erwtd exrftq. $fu qrflr+I
;ii. :.;lrlr i-everse out''of ,
r' -:''1;1 :
fu) El rer6{ rr-tsrt .qq( f<-6rry E-r<
: l f r"i Crflfl 6qm reg qrn strnl
;ir e (_]!t i-i"te rnotol-wdY, G:b; dffi rxrtr<erq[g Ercu-q
W"tfr' l

'. ',,1i. frc-,rrr yOuf vehiCle.

![t4dB: .rtrcE .q ffi {r$T "trg
1i. .r,nr 1 ql6] .,."i?rq.l, "q<t qt?ffi, t@t "

,) . \ i\rl ,l I-
.g+$-;ffi, , ',':i:
,l , ;-. ,.'i, r-iie i:ard shoulder and q,; [-,. ,,. rflfr etTqff{l ,g<"
i.,( tr':rf [iC rlOVyn {FKrqM ETf, r{rc ?-TEIT 4-{T
- ffi,p66 ced ti--rcTm 6-{T
i, ,'";'
,ii .ri, i.rre qCxt efi1efSen!.1...,.. 6;'-p-'- '=?1ffi ',

ci, tir ,.) artd contactth'Eftlicp -,-,-";i'ffi,-,iX,fC* rq.lrtryfr{ T-{l

'rli i^)il ri,c tl1OtOfWay.'a-O .-- ftj:' tl si ffirelTq6s .qqr
' ,- r,irza''d warning lights
" ' qatrqr< aqg ffi aTq\,
';;i'.; li.la it Lrp

.r .. ,.,ilcct a casualty G'r. rcrcfl qrirfl-q q[q-dK -T6qE ErET [T

l-,ti: al-ea is safe. ,- -==q'JN..'.-{,h-s,
dqrsTB frar"rq rlrrq l qi'4r'ir sftE
..1, :l i .:ri:

aTfr @d'frfi5s 4.s4' '

'&) 'n ftg nrq r-{l-< flvr{ 4-{r
/ ' 1,, fq tr sr(,T TI
G)' n rrlt*' ef1 Sq6r+ frr+ G'frr<''rqt
;,iil tC€ fsl tr s{rqq rrffirc{ il si?FI

": ilil,iji^tdot to look c'\9. mrcdl TffiilT qreETq-Tm rq"<l.KTHI

i.. \-'v'lren the area T.fl 6-+-fr 3csr6-{l qfr .ed-rfiE
,, frfi?ffi.e*,,u6 qTI"ffi( GGg

ll;1 1[ , :..wcl' ,qTG ltssr iufrs 4F{

,' '-,,i. of the vehiCle
-. q ) tr Era-ermr{ enfo r'<ro rd{ s3l
r',., rll-tnk fti ''tr fsq "rr{ srcs rr'{I
i,,.,'r '.ontGthirrg to eat fr") tr' f+q r?fY mnT
i I
:- ,:

rri : t,,: rr in r-lic vehicle

:fu1'E. "fl&.< &sr<' nqt

r, a casualty is 63 6A6a T{Bqm ,es-6-{ weg (ifu

,ir l ir, r'. stiii breathing. sr6l{ Em', qrrq ftg s<rq€ {1-{
)l 1 ,r,,1),. rttOVC them if fqrqt srm s?rr? r-{rfi GGs {f,
.,ei ,srffi fu{ 6frs rs{
t,t ll-
,',r,r,-c is on i1' way q) 4$qq srmlrtcu st'wtr{T
tr 'unr{"rrm
i r '. l.ivi(e you to
;:' ,ri fo tr qrw{ rf,r"F-F[ ra--{
/ ''.--; : iur r.her danger f-n tr ,rry<lrrq qlrm 6a6n< ]i-grfiIr effcr
[:]i Ila ''r': 'zil; ftelp yoti to fg') tr qHrlIrK rdls-6{ qfq rr€FT s-r{ '

ir.-t: ,,', ! rirt. a snrall child is not \ec. rclqr T{ffi.qoB f;N {tr
\v't,/irer-i glvi ng moulL,rrto, , @,q,,ll ,{r<r. cT-r?r {{q. E'{
,,r,,ir,t hreathe

'. ,:l ,1(1i.rtf, qrG GEr Gfrs s-sr

.,,,,' €) E trfws rqfn-{I
/ i )'l i ':' frl tr qrrysl q"l- rh-TI
, ::r,'i j
/ frl tr rcYrr< El" clrsl
fulE,l rl.<q.{, 61rl

' :, r,i,i.,r' llas StoPPed GV; 'l q*'.g-fu,fi-$fT

t: ;i:li ", " ffi,'rrtffi'-t:qTol;il< 6Sg '

-r r"
i{ q{G'iEry< ffis rF*
,e I , ;, i.i;at iS ,el tr T?r rsrs r<-6?rrq sffi isq
- -ir.m G"ra rqcr nfrrr mrT

f<l tr {etrflg{ {ietT {I{6{31

frr+ rirrq ncfi
':rr with fu tr Fs Dqlb-q. E\e{F 6-{T qA 4r
S"rrr{ frr+ nqr
,,1,.t ly :61 tr ''<fu+ rrrrrl ftq fi{
, $.TN,ffi-nl
/ ' i.,:.t as far Q tr qlrlr-es qlqn,, ,.fi76![',,'::'"
Crq n?n

'::).) Of an incident. u9.,,,€sS,',T{Br1E'Er* Betfts qrcq-{ I

rlirr-i;rg irom shock. "ffi ,qM w.rr+rct

,qrq{r$ ctrs

iffi,,ffi,,.ffi'ffi ,

t ,, tantly .q) tr slg{''3rm {rfi ;

, , :Le fu tr $tl{' s-T-(E e\rrc T-{T
/ fxttr st?r-{ tll, {T{ TI?ff,'
, rrlrr
'' ^^ssible. tr
f,st Ts< qffi .imr<To rI Trsrffit
fr '.'';;itin$
':,-, ,:it'ink
O' I
s.{ffit$ ql{1 ,TI1g,ffi''a-ar
, .s,u1.,.i61 r.rr$

l1,rI I C;rSUaity iS,.:'':'.' 96,; ,.qffi &sqa qrqs <Tfu

:. V"/l,ici, tirr-ee of the ,q-6;6,.q,E913" Tr:{rq I ftFq-{ rs'lT
q-+r EGrEz
si, :.,ulrl checl< urger.ltly? @p- Wrr,xrr{ "rfisT
. , .
| ", ,
' rr t'q
6ffi,',$-gr,-F& ffi .-t,.. ,,

/ €) E 3st EFTIE"T
,/ fr; tr ,.tlq' 4ef' :

i:,/ :,1 fal tr -fl:ryfo-.,t[

,ti1 Drlt:€:l ful tr sry.I EtV
i.t E ss ?rt€TI

Y3i: ;r":-i;,i at lhe 5cene of rftOtOrr,Cyile \9b. sTE ({rtrfrr+r<F-fl Bitr+a em
ci-;]s:r. l"c otirer vehicle is involved. Gtfgs qrsrur I q{T rorc{r rrfo
l-l,c r icier is unconscious, lying in the w .fw qfl qr-f,{rfi qr"6r[ q6s
rrl't,rj.c oI tltc road. il-gllr q'{T{rr{ c;59 wr6E I

I lin I .qs iring you should do is SeFis EfifiK Gfus

l.:, ,.,.
l'i;it ir, ri4at151 /er .,. , ,,:fri .qTG \i,ET fufus Tr;-{
;r., L-r i ,(, 'c :lrc rider out of the road ,s) Ll qrrf|Erro TrgI rerro T{|C{I
irfr . .:rn otlrer traffic l:fl Ll W{THI {FFIF-{fs lis-{ 6-{r
i) n ,ll,1rr- the road of debris fnl tr ETm' qq' TTgI rerrs a-<rrfiI
d ii Civg 11-1. rider reassUiihce...t"
7'r. ''ti hlr l:-i ,,ini. a .,varning light on your qo."t': , ='
,.','l l": s ,rslrument panel -omes on. ,:1,.r 'gffi,=q fl'arfr qfq
'r'rr, :. rouid

'=- t
l"l-:,-lt e'c Alrswer , '
dSE i?]ET ffig T.ST
,:, , i* 116ir1;rueif the engine'.',- .e) E ?f'rrr< 'rq {fr ffirro qnc-o
'.l,inrls 1lr-ight ,,
*.,,, .,, ,
HTA-6S CTrc {]?FI
r _ ," i,c lr.,rl 'i ts ;Ust a temporary i<l tr?Er q€rft rsr6{I rrl'{il Msr
. "t,'-,., ff..,lt '" Tf,fr {(T,.+-{.j mTI
,- ;11 r.ti1i1 rlre pr-oblem when fryl tr q?E Ws r<ft Tffiq QtF[rE sfi
r.irgrg jg rlore time ..-,' I : -, ',:ffi tryqg; 6-g
t :l , rlec{ o:rr tire problem quickly fsl tr Frfl"lcq,'qr-q,qtvig$ \fl''
q lic v ETg T-{T

,tr ar.cicicnl just happeE-€O=.,

t135 qb. ,!Q {la- .ss6 T'ifTrr €T-e-{ ErEs
.ii r i,i1-s._j F,erson is lying i4'the <rfu srvr< ft .EK {-r{r ?rcV rlr(q I

:i rrac. vv'hat is the iirst thing srrs IIEF] T-.ilK w{i I-{ Eqr{
, i , :.:Lriri do to help? f+ O-rf lriIeFIK Gfriof

*.i.i,'l< $LlC Ans\Ar'gy ):r;.].;i. €qG \?,ET ffis q-TT

;- i '':,rr rirc per"son for shock s) E rry <lfu-{ qs ornrqqm rEYf srr
, "!,,.-i ( L',et' tt'affic
{ i<ltr wfrni rtw{ra-f,ts r-{T rer
i"l i't.r1-g 1i1p1p irr tire recovery fn tr ffir r-{t ql-T .sq{'?rrr
i-,,.fsiticn ,,..' ' ,,,::.: firrs rt?n'
i - i .111g 5Lr:'s rhe inlured person fsl n srrEs <rfu-{ 'rfr< errq rmx efrr.a.
' '' ci' u/'il'lrl rry frr-+ q"5rT fl<tT

\,i i , .r rr,r.r,i{:,r r:i a traffic ucciaant should"

j-i!." = ,?i(T qT 'OfEg

? i;r, i< O,rf: arlswef .qr6 Gg,( GFo E+q

,r r ?l f.;.-,, i,ijt yoilrself at risk
.,'- ,s) E fT[ts-11-s fr"rffi-{ r=T"fr{ Tl s-{I
, -,')
, i--i to llicse casualties:'Wh'o-" ''. ' fr) tr ras <&" rraIrl fuqrF arrtr
.i,'n Si-r'eamiitg ,, f, ";,'.. ET6q.< TITE {ISTII
.' ili ',r:i e",crybocy out of 1neirvfficte fql tr or& rerrs a-{rers rFm r<-< o-rr

' i .c.,.,,' 'rctricle errgines running fsl tr nrs< Ei,sq D-rq rI{T
l?*s F

fi l, ,.
5-- a1

,ti{*tr;iii; .,':, ..*-
i s1- !'vlf riiir i.r^/o sitould yoU,uie qO. roq T? nmr.r< wfi'erfid
lr,r;.,,,d w.1t n;ng lights?
effis. ffa[x <TTEK E-ar tFst
t'if t'.*fi a'i<We1-S

f . '"i

,cr ),o;, siow down quickly

EFffi_C'sr rrqffis
,9.r tr qnrq. rq-r+I <I{Rr o-a1 qqm
lrrl a rrtolorw,ay beca
i,ltl' q ,, ,' gCmq' ,, ,

"' '' ) /.."'f (jt air e aCi 't ,l:t Tfu w r-{6v qrd
-,, i.'i_l ."..;irs1: yot:wislr to StOp On : ,l fr; tr {w T'fi e,qq a-rtr{-{ E"rr< fl&
r.i.:ubie yellow lines ..1;.., .. . Er{rcE ?g-<r eF-{
i , \,,,r.,o,. yau need to park fr), fl.' {Rr{-qts"Jrrarr,t,"rc<' $6 IqT-
,i 1lr.- L,:.lVenlent q-68
t 1''iin";,< u hrve broken down
" i.'r

,',i "
'lll; ,,r,.c -ir.cililed at an incident to q8. ,r€I{i Trt( 6rr mrrfl
,TK.t,,,f E{tsilr
,,1,.,,: , rip. !\'hiclr THREE things ,. l f{fET 1:O1-tr ffi
1rircrriilj i-Otr rJO?

:'11 i.. lrce anSWerS lj= ,,,

/ i r,*i- r,rjUrccJ people Wafm .,s)',,',
n','q',f:qqr. ffi, {,
TI{I q,.'{glr"
r liilqp lil;rrecl peopie on',the fo E"qrqs nfu[q-{rc- oft-o-eft-+
,r"i.ivc by lvall<ing them:aaar-und
il ' ,".r, , ii rr ecj peopie .itm Uy fr) tr ercs qfurq-<rs- Ersr rqRtc{
r ii<irti,l t.: thenr reassuringly sr6E-frs rfu T'f{T
tol tr o rK'{ i6q "ilfi'{ fk--sl
/ ': ' i-':'1 OeOple f ar-oun rn-{ sot "169 rI ctTm
m iv-.+ qsT TrqT
1()r.i i.,.a r;r"i.,;ieit down on a two-way qG.
T'ftrs qr{Er{{ E-Er-T Trsm r&
!"i t,7t :i-r1, l:;r-,q: a r,,varning t-rianfle. EITSLEI ErTrEl rys$-sr
TD3- ftE"q
' I 5r
,:'. '. ctsprl;iyed S["ITI'{ ETTE I fuqqffi fiqI GfuE?


," ,t')",:rrn!
srfr us-< ffis rffi
, ,-,.-cf q,f your vehiCle s ) tr i{rr{ mf.s< un'r
L ti lc;,:.i i50 nrerres (492.@t) fr; tr {IfuT Tq"rrs bco f,{-Fr<I
,r .r 1rr.
I :Ut. VehiCle (8ba frt) f1urq
I ' ,r. ,i '15 ,:rcrr-es (la7 fee$ ft) n r@r s'{trs 8c frBmI
, , I . ,' ,r ,relf iCIe ()8q fuE) ftb-m
. r 'r lr.ii ,.our vehicle fst tr fifu-T qrs-{rc-< ftqr{
., i.:. i ir 1t i li.ivrirg
et,;, jc caicires fire.
i.hrough a:.tunne-li qg. 't :W-l tr*r effllZ Umrrer
€rErdgl-rtr ,nfo-rl5 qter m6?r rflq I
i,'. r.-. ctlr,llrJ yOLl dO?
f{ arl srt"Hr< gftst
.. ... ]
l l,i ll( r\ rlC artsu/e qffi.,fuRfrrs q*q
-oi"ii ii,r.-ie thr-ough the tr.rnnel €) U:rs{ erf, Dr6Tm{ fu-sm flfs
', .'.1 { ii
,r .') .r-veiticle ar^ound
f<r E rffi rrr flfs Tlrni ft"rfrs
,i':, {fr o-{r
::,{) nLlt of the tufrndr',, fr}8 @'-qrr-ft"eq1r rstm rE{ E€{r
.1r-r'), ollt an emergency stoP fut tr 6-+-fr q{qtr rrfs eff{rr{r
st;illed in the middle qq rr,ffi IqEq W.r r<-qers 6tqr"-{
r,, .$,.t..EIt1l3t ?1 ,.-?fuq TS-,eqT
-';::in:"dca,!...! f ulfffi.'qffl-< gI Emfrc
,,"'' ,rpq6
;' ;;r--li Stat-ts , ,' ::ff,| 'q ry-+ V T1-6TE
r:-r should
j : ,r,
' qys' Tr.<rv L wifirR GrEs

;l rr 5Yi l r" qTfi M'frfu: a-rffi

' , ir rl c [r'lcl< to € ) tr ilnrq-{ G,r< finq rvirc f,fl?,T.
, ',: ,:!::aj o:,ertoi -fr,ryq'1'q'
/ ''r .i,r1i
.1o-. of the crossing frl tr rr{ Psri"t€<( 6-[T( ffi o-n
. L: Iurg tO festaft fal tr eJcr:fl-{I'itrnq Erarnr< p-fl'
,l r:i-rgti.'ie :=
65fi 5-E6s qral
i) i ,.,,r 'he vei,icle clear fs; tr' ffi. (-h[q qf<rs fdm
l' lirc ,::-ossing qfqq enfq r-{r

I' .' ,ii Ll,c scerre of a .qU;'q, , Tri ,?15-{'

ir: -r'.rsl-i. 'i-tre riddli:','- Cqfus ?cnrET l unrrrfr uires
' I ,:r, :.houlci rhe helmet Ers6E't qrr{TEK tre-affi) 'qin

A q .A
.qSIF !rts-{ iEi@ SST
tl ,-, tiy,,n,iir:n ii is ess#al o' fi-' T{d .{E 'g
'r,. sIr'aiflhl away f<r tr n-{ q'{c{Q rr6E Tr6E
rl lr, ,..,i:gn iire rider askS Pr) L_.] fS!?T r[?ra'fiT f?ffTfE. Tflf{
i ;: '.. ,rr)irss r.ney are in shock fs; tr m vn' mm qt afi?F,q :rq q-TCT?
'ii,;i a coilision some'one lras,'. qb. fi:FT w-o,'1qG etrrg qtE\5 Et'TIrEt
i'ri i-r, ,i ir. l"he burn-leeds',tO''l'
,'r:, j. \,r-itai is the shOrteSt,,lil E
,,, ,ffit.
T{ errs' ,TgJl-.
4qE sr algi
, ,,1 ,,' "-,.,:lcd io;i rr?II Gfss?

qffi.lqgJ @. qpq.
€) E c
, ''
fo.i.io frFfr .'
I frl tr --\
bG F{FrB{
, .'.] rs) Ll eo FIFIT{
Hi..--..-.-r. x.
ffi:;rir'f --. ! t
H d{
l, 1S
q.'. I
:= .t
r"l *.i.#
efl .-fft:'
,in,il EEIS

.{sqT q{x l

ffi *fr1rffi
!!U I


'.. i





T,ffi hffii


i,r fii. a stabiliser befor:e b. ITrFI Til3r]VrFr rDrq r{\gTK qtrrr
:1 1 '-,.:::l
,,, .' t
f+l tq6<13- .,

t, qrG Bss ffis rsq

,, '1i1, sLabiliry when s ) E oflVMIgl-+ <turcry mfo urona
. r'35,'v!11i5 . Efi Effir\5 TEIflgI S-{r{
iiexvl items to be
-l;ir,,: tire axle'.,',.. , r
i<r E vri-< qr-qmra €T-firFK i"rqm
:, r{r4rrg s-f,rc qrf,rd-{'
,,'ori ta ra;se aild'I;W'ei
fi;1 tr-T€tflgl,@.t"r<,, ftE, g-<e ,

;:u tc tow without rs.) E rEt+ers rs-c{f, E-rsri rBrq
;rr"...::yr g;11;lg .,,., ,
fr5s qrf,rqq

,.,':,,Lrlc for making sure '5.' gffisqrfrIrrrq rmrr? o-rr

5 1r,11 sve[loaded?, .,,;-i r T TT q{, ET q-lFT ?^Ifl OK TF!?
.::::::::::::::j: ;. j : ........1;......1...-=.:...::...:.:.:i'......::=1.::::.:..1.
w{ ffis

..sFE qsa
.r' ; ,l,c veltiCle .s)trfi&ffi
,,.,. rf i!-,g iiems ,. ,
i<t f {K I't"TI:trq <-F[ S-<'T ECE
r':'ii'i .a-. rr? rrfs--<
, '. 1c io.rded

frt tr rq <ifu ttl&Ig {IdIt-rIt"T r<r4rr€


' | ';lrc vehicle Is) LJ rfl]s-{ {,T]"rc{-{

r , .rr.i. , :. might you e. f{rq-{ rEq d x'qm ?fffu{ Drsrr
, I .ri e than the <lsr(TK "tk'qrq qT{R-6.ffi rFG[ r{Fr
l''fessufe? ?r?TriE
.r \uv '+t7-Tilt
rrud r.

q-{fr ss{ f6frs q-sq

silppery. s) E <lsl fe;fu4 ql+-6<

/ ,3 fu tr {?E rfws r<ft W lis

fl& uErn<q
. : ls worn lrt tr r<{ trtsrr rqu T.e fi{ftfuFffi{
(ER T{ qr{
/ , ,-avy load. ful tr {<E qrqmrr r+rErte <ir< sl-qtrr{
, ,. ts cold il E q?H qr{fl€?rl rET err6r{

';iy securely hitched 8. rEaflKeql. rDrq frrr qTerr trc<

q : fr:/\rri,
. rreiricle. -;.::, qp EIrdf.lEI[E.it$ {r$rc ardt
',afety devi-e,'' , cuEq]rrr rE?fT, ffii{
qril crlT
' {: lrriler

ffi6.I'{ fq-fl"rsl Xoo r+t{q q€Hq

6-{I rT[\5 {rCT?

,erG Gg-< ffis E.sr

f.rll:1.'rf'l-. i) tr rsffir< qrfarr
;r ,1r';, r. ']1g,-;l i<l tr ofu. s{f, qlftrcs
, , j..,,.- ,iil;-,die: fu tr rfl{efrrc fv f+q alftrm
/ '.^;1,r i., ai r-abi,l fut tr cEt+slr r$-{rq 'rlfim
* .; "FllW
t+tt ..";r/Elrf,^tf#*ffiffiffi
. ,, : !,r,,' ;l (hiid in your car. G. E.jt{r{ fl&TV .nsffi frsl-{ frrs
,, tcr ii,r-ee yeari of age. ,,,', '{K.q+l-ffi frT qqq-<' <rr:q'-{ frffi't
, i ,rsc is a sirirable restrtint?
. ,,YF - .gL,qrq EmqE Gzr6{ftz

i' \^/' '.'

o fu. ffir - ',=,,
1',',.',,' ,g) E FrcC?T urlrf{
,. r ,;1; ir;li irr.iiriing a child f<i tr <-T's m-G ffir+, {L< eir?F[E
,rr;ir.i11l1 re;it. belt ''l 6, p,3 frB r<-d
fs,, tr rsrrd-{ G"rr*-{ r{rF
., r:,l-r \9. rFm
* FIrs {I€TII q-{{,fu
li<-,..ys6i to= iide,. in+.:.-
rsr(-{r TT-{IE]Ifi
r;; r ii i1r,i11p, tClWed: ., ,l '
Tr-d rrq {egr-q srrrE fs?

! !\ .c)'
.{qfr BET ffis q,-oq
' ,' ,zci is fitted €) E Et rilfurter,m mrrftt qr+m
,r ,ii r,i,c seats in the towing fu='tl ,{t;-
FW qlrq. [Ir ?fl&',
,, -
. il1
, ...:,. plp -@, q"'r', s,.r,{r[E
/ fuifltfi.i,r"'"''.i=" f,, ,,," ,,, r
:..' . ,


i -r i ,.:,r lcLil-
""f ta:,,
1 q. TT r{r$ Efi5r-<E rdr<ffa S-{rfl


(.:'()id trolding
qrffi tw frfus rf,{

€ )E <l-gK Gr< t,mqTl--rcT <r-sui

i,l i*
- r) 5:opprng distance ftl tr err{Tr{K 69 ofrra rva
r 1l r stce;ing iightell'=-..- fcl tr BsK* T<rcfl otE-or ET
/ .. ._ j i,ty fo r E BTsr{ izs ciror gtr
, _te can v. t&E qfuf-<-s ql-q'l"lta rfi[ri
4-f,r4 qrprFc+oT rrFr6s er(-{
EqtT \59{ TEra,s T!F{
{r tr irtrrcqt,.ory <r+arr<
r' i<, E ffis il{qrm
,/ Itrt E tmv i;[-Tc4:4r6f <T?fCg
fur tr <trffi-{ uiryrs
i; E aror< ary6s
l,"' ;r li';iler. Where b. rfrtrt( rDr-{ ft?F urtcwt :ftTqrqm{
.r I ; lir; nlaXimqm;:, rBt-:rrry< qr:ftF €6q fl-q6f sqsI
*.f ).':r-rr- vehiclelS=dw ball? ffi5,rl5-
r vyd rdr fH
b I
v r, fh]efff
! i, rr.r

r ! '-'. i ! :::: l
€SE \?,1gT ffig TF{
/ r ;c ,rarrdbook €) E \fu. T<.1r 1.n-fi-{ qEm
:'', r 'i; .,;y Code :r
r<i L_.1 ?R€[T m',rrs
.,, r lrr_rlrr;-r,: i-jifCUm€hts' :frt tr' rfr'fl "rce.
. . .,, :_ngi51;_21i61.1 ful tr..fifu'{ r<@m Trr{I{ q"rq
,. ' .ta !-

""r- l'
;ril )r.:,ISi(]p a Cafaval:l
i i,l 1:.rr:r :;iqi;l:,a Side? r:
:bo. f$" sril mrffi TlFilviFrr+ €fr-s
, efro quIDuT rerrs fu{E KI?rrG?

;1 r ,! .:\iJ i. t-
.{sG Eg'{ ffis o-qr
:r-r,,.-i<iy as you ean.,., , €) E rc gtVTErfi q-s-{ rilfo afifu(T
ir r_/) rncl"ease.spged f<ltr rrfu rifsrr
"ii','n-i, graduaily'1 fu tr 1< xmuc'.r ?rfu sfrcr
:.:.:ering whed=,,..'
ful tr q.],nv rrr ffiq .qfq-o-
e&-+ gF<r:r

, .t:iiy- 5\,!(\t vcs or snakgs.

b5. m.,,rkT' rT{E rT{T
,. t,1\.viltgit.
' ,gf'=,q,fr-,p-gftq 65a6i6 rtI-T,
E6? ulTeEK GfEs
,1 :
€qE \?,ET ffis q-rq
{ wheel and q) tr ffis, ru-riu 1q$, EIelqI-W{fr?
r{{ ff6 Ers rit-T
fqr tr rwm [$eT- 6-ET Lq?q mfrd
,,1.,.,:::; 6. .u11,,fr9U,{tr*. .qlIoT .
;ls fr, tr q-e Ergrur.ul n-s?r, ?rcr rrfu
^ _ <'rrgrT re-TI
/ , 'or and M,tr Lq i,,rqlrs EI4 sfrr{,
flfu oq T-6{ mgr
r)na ba. r@{ O"rc< sTT r{ r-dr6{I fl"tl{rd'
<E{ 3-{r-fr, gl Et-{.n?

oqG se's ffi5 6-61

,,. sheeting s) tr ?mf{ EMrr srot qr<r65 .E-a{
/, , ,..iren driving f<r tr anfu uqrsrrfl T<fus qrflE sa{
frl tr rqm-g{ otq.6l qrc Erd
fol tr is{ iisrs rcrrwfi <-E-q
s-arc q(d

'ailer on a '.59'fuq rqrF{srilcs rurB eoffi
,:iy. rf.drc rFr+ f{Gr {rcqTl
. T<-{E r4E{ rqr4r qKE I

qr{fr q-{rTn

T{rU W*- TEIEa?_ 3-+{-.

.1 . { fa \.nl ,r r-.:

/ r:i, iiS 51pfi i€)"

8 Go,'xft {k r<ft DT"tl-r<n" qI
f<i tr €vrr5ffi-4-41
7 e
:r fitted f,q; q646
tr fus Ts rF-arr< flfltr{"{
/ ieit and ful tr <Tr, T6.tr s<( s6{K mt-{
<I{EIlf Slf({;f
1 (aravan af li
-ilr';,tvan frftr<'er{re s<rB Trfsf\rrH. fDr{.
begins.., frm :rrzq-qt +lrErviffi
;irje r,3 sidg.
€Th-s ;fr-+-
r€flts-Tm"rs qr<-g s-{"[4T
fr <rrr vilfiK B6E

.qefr gq{
ffig s-{,{
T {eierator slowly i, E sTrrqmrriF ruru rq-in
r"41r sids to side f,<r E siq-6-eft-o ffi( q-rrT{r
)i)'SiOp, ,, fr-, E ffir *.t o-<-r
fu, E rNI.iT rrfu <rs[qT
, a caravan.
bG. daB $IHtrw rFrr f{rr {T€irK
r.,:rly help '4frs-fiqT F<-[p-a1 frfrq-{ fonf;fo
, ,r llg/
'5' fifg- f{Trcq T-{-6s rot-Ta. EC{

ssB Gsr ffis s-€r

ItO €) fl Bs-rrra 6fu Et{
flflrcq'r Els(q
^, - trezs r..lriEL<, mlr- ei-'$i ATW, m
flIsTff-< ffi(, ar$-ra
to ft-, E tri :irrtro rrir-q zqrr s(.w.. rry
r rhe towbar fo, E
gfu_.l-E- EIiflTqT erISF
ffi qTrnr+T qrcrq

qqq" e N's ,, srryffi{rs ftxw?-$* q[r] ffiHru

' ."Uq'{ a-Afd$'o'klT ffi*fg" fffitr" {qE

iO P&P call - 07956 27 56 70

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