CHAPTER 11 WH Questions

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- jj,r Framing WH-Questions

wh-El-fl tsF ER ql;t ftq word eEI s<|{ q-{t <I{q\5 qT I ,-cer{I Eq :

wno where whoever

what wherever whomever
when whichever
why whatever
which whose
whom how

4R worderql
a C$11{l Question-€ {t{-qs s|trs Trq WH-QUESTION I

a csl?6{l clause-€ <I{qtr qrq'sltrs T6E WH-CL-A,USE I

The Nature of Wh-Questions

Wh-Question s'{ q?rcD-rr qt{t<q ?<fi?i qcn qt cs qcq-< E-s< orlr{ yES <l

What is your name?

Where do you live?
qE EtqrEt< B-g-{ YES/NO Ecs elfc{ {l t €TEFGI frr.lil sentence il phrase (K
qt$rqB-s<frcsqs I

q'l{'16$, el{llE <EfCs qT, C{-rT'{ Question q< qem Auxiliary verb ell6iF,
frqrfl{E-q{ YES<l NosF ellK r R:t{ :
Do you know me?
- YES, I do.
Is he a teacher?
- NO, he's not.
t24 A Passage to the English Language

Rules of Forming WH-QUESTIONS

qq-s wH-woRDerqk {.c{t su&IECT frrm< <r+qs q{ qsrEl :

qerqK I,'c{I "-ever" {-s wordq(ql q{ Rrqc< Tt{qs Er 4 r eg Rmc<

<r<-q€E{ qsdql:

what evet
who ever
which ever
object Rffir< $tl-do R{ :
whom whomerler
which whichever

frq tf{ QT+c< whomever €(( whichever <irfqs qS {t I mft;-cq <Kqtc

whom ever
which ever

qdlq, who 4(( whai - subject frc64 <t<qs q6{, s;f6q'{ "K T{F{R Principal
verb (PV) Tqf[{l {Ftr, auxilliary verb €3t emq-{ q{ {l I
({T;t :
Who went there?
Who knows it?
Who did that?
What works better?
What matters?

what -1
when I
now f *n*.V+s+PV+...
whom I
qdtq, 9s Wh-wordqrEt sffl E{ ?sR r<-[s Ec{, sl[q< {<"f<Q Auxiliary Verb
<cf[s qr I sld'K Tqlru q{' Subject €n( Subject 4i el{ Principal Verb t
Grammar : Framing WH-euestions
what r should
when I etc.
why t *laon, do
how ( f+S+pV+..
whom I E
where) am
-etc. /
What does he do?
What does he want?
What is he doino?
When will fre cJme?
Why did you go there?
How have they done it?
Whom has she given it?
Whom do you want?
Where do they live?
RULE.3 :
qqfts, which e<q whole (R eBt
noun (phrase) {crlnl{ "r{ Auxiliary Verb
<{foqn l6{5FI:
Which pen do you want?
Which one is better?
Which shirt is yours?
Whose name have you forgotten?
Whose pen is this?
q(rsT'|, Frqfltsqlc{ :
This is a pen-whose?
You chose one?_which one?
NOTE : What-4i eli Aux. Verb il principal Verb €qR {rrCE qlf< I
What caused it?
What did it cause?
RULE-4 : Ftqlt"f-$qltr{ cqfrg qR q-r,Fer< wH_Word + to _
infinitive/noun? 4v-16{e Eg S<t Sl{ I C{{T :

A : Wait here.
B ; Why here? and why not there?
126 .A Passage to the English Language
I'm going shopping' What to buy for you?
I'll do it. But show me how.
iqtrqflis{;w ll
K : He did it.
L: How?
M : I won't go with You.
N : Why not?
Bari : Let's start the work.
Harri : When (to start)?
Bari : Tomorrow'
i,ii.3 Harri : WhY tomorrow? WhY not todaY?
lqsrffiq T[efiersaro qglr<? cE-$6-{ <lol t6o cr I frslRs ql+<l-< q-ll ql
6E"trs< Short-Cut Ways of Speaking English <Qtr cn"I{ ll

RULE-S : Principal Verb RC{"6{ WH - Word (d 't-< Be - verb {CrT I

Who is the leader?
WhY is he ill?
How is that true?
When is the time of their arrival?
Why is it so?
Which one is better?
What is the right waY?
qIO(aI ql
RULE-6 : WH-word qqfiio question-4 preposition detached
qFrlcns 6*{sRfu q{qlR) <rrqs qc\9_ 'l[GI I 6{T{ :
I live with mY brother.
Question: Who(m) do You live with?
or, With whom do You live?

He killed it with a knife.

Question : What did he killit with?
or, With what did he killit?

I've come here for some information.

Question : What have you come here for?
or. For what have You come here?

I'm writing a letter to mY mother.

Question : Who(m) are you writing a letter to?
or, To whom are You writing a letler?
He is coming with Rina.
Question : Who(m) is he coming with?
or, With whom is he coming?
Grammar : Framing WH-euestions 727
RULE-7 :

f many [count noun] l

I much [non-count nounl I


f .. .?
How many mangoes did he buy?
How many people are there in the street?
How many problems are there in this exercise?
How many times have you come here?
How much money do you need?
How much is the price?
How much water is there in the bucket?
How long will you wait here?
How long will it take for us to reach there?
How long can you live here?
How long ago did it happen?
How far can we reach?
How far have we advanced?
How far have they walked?
How big is the bag?
How large was the river?
How hard did he beat you?
How strongly did he pullit?
How old is he?
Why ever did you go there?
Gfr cl"trll-{ <rq ffirn, rfrr-ffi ef$H 'ffq t)
What ever does he say?
(ft at<np m4
How ever did it all happen?
(fuT em\A{r-m q<(s6n<S<<rtqca r)
What if + clause?
= What will happen if . . . ?
What if it rains?
(sfrlDs{? (vt{rEt)
What if he doesn't come?
What if the glass breaks down?
What if he dies?
(n{frql<t{tr (\5l{(sAs6{X)
728 A Passage to the English Language
IIUI-E-IO : 6$16{I invitation KI suggestion T<[Cs :

How I
whatI + ABOUT + NP/gerund .

NP = Noun phrase I

How about taking a walk?

(q-$!qbn csl-lqs?)
What about having some tea?
Why don't we have some tea?
What about having a snack?
How about enjoying the party?


Translate the followihg into English.

1. qo[r{Etr c1fuq qRq rpfr colButsr
2.'flffi|enjoy€{C{ 6sT{W?
3. fi'qI ql{cE ft o-*cE ? [ use 'if]
4. Vfiftqor<<qqt
5" gfr o=m+ c<r{ fftRRrt, efrr (ffi)
6. csn<eF FI{EI piEqr
7. qTqiq<qFftr
8. <Et <]ro Efr tqq * st'co RIsr
9. 'ofsibtot<ffiTsqcmqr
10. C{ C$ief-{ {r$r
11. fr4?FqFn<?
12. qfr COFII{ ${r
13. ifl'qFq-{' 6$lqlRqcalslT-dr<?
74. coq cqcffi slsfrr
15. c"lEI4r{ Celr$ seF?
to. gfrftvner
17. ylnftRrssrc€r
18. C{SICS 6lTr?
19. ,{"1{ C6]lql{ c$qa.EItffQ?
20. c6lq< qmelEfi qcE c$-{?
Grammar : Framing WH-Questions t29

<r{qrfr$ ErmsTt
"fftFl .{TE assertive sentence (l statement 6q-{'t alfs-6< q<( E-F
sentenceFciF q-ql< Rcqrq cel(E qgq cq-qttr Titrs qs, Etqtqce El\srt qr{ I

What is he?
(U< c"r.nfrrA
A q{F $-fl qcn q-sF ccr<l q-{K EF cttm .l-fret :
He is a businessman.
{asrT ,4E q{Rtr cqT| al|sr{; qFr d€Tt RT< .*T C(a? e{B ft r

{qfiq qErFq ql{.<l c{ fiaTem ocqR cEerqn:+ ft+'f'tr{ <I<.{l-{ T-scs <-q
: qqfs sffiI smei c{{ ,ssF s-{{ 'ffs{t crlcq, q$r ET+F .c+F qri-{, RTT sB qlg
frcr qrr<Frc S"rqt"r+ +a <rc< r

ft--g qq"fi q$ril qkr hffi fu cfifi {q-{, {l <raqm T'G eRwtn q,ffi
i]unil q? q?{(<trsi< q#$l,l Lc{({?uTq\oR <Iteflm fifts qnoqm r

Technique )L {tiE statement-€ because, for ihat reason,

which is why, because of, as a result (of
which), since, as, for (clause 4n $I{) being
(subject q< #s {6{), to + verb, in order to,
with a view to, so ihat, for-Qvltfq
wordlphrase all-s"Fl 4<( \51 C+1r{1 lFqk TRq
il1l €<I{; ft(il q$q wordTphrase Tl CaIrS\3
\fl< frfrd q(rfi l-cqr otd-omq {-l-6(causality)
qq{ {fs-F, {(ftB ef{ utbq o-scs {i why
(fts{f rsR-dl c$l-c{t cs-ca what . . . for)Et-{t r

Statement He came here for some water.

WH-Question Why did he come here?
{[ What did he come here for?
Statement He is running (so) Fasi so that he may catch
the train.
WH-Question Wlry is he running (so) fast?
Staternent He could not attend the meeiing because of
his illness.
WH-Question Why could/did he not attend the meeting?
Statement We shoulcl take exercise to keep fit.
WH-Question Why should we take exercise?
Statement He did not study hard, which is why he
WFtr-Question Why did he fail?

i30 A Passage to the English Language
Statement : Since my mother is ill,
I cannot go to the cinema with you.
WH-Question : W$ can you not go to the'cinema with
Statement : We., postpone our programme, the
weather beinq verv inclement, -
WH-Question : Why did you have to postpone your
Statement : We eat to live.
WH-Question : Why do we eat?
Statement :
: tgur
father beat him because . .
Why did my father beaihiml- ' '

Technique ) 2 ff-€ statement-€ in this/that manner (/way1,

like this,/that, in like manner, in the same
way/manner, in a similar manner,
somehow, as I etc. show you, according to
,. ., in this,/that process, bylwith + €"i-<r<"f
ffi phrase fts{f 6$.lC{t adverb of manner
(CTII'{ rudely, honestly, black and blue, nicely
etc.) qll{rc{ fr<<'lq{] cslr{]gfr{ statement-€
cfim frq sil< <T cc{Ftr q3.F qfr;n.r<f?fu qrq,
q€? qTF s-{F qr how Etirt r

Statement : Kill the snake with a stick.

WH-Question : How do,/can,/should I kill the snake?
Statement : He did it in the manner that his father
showed him.
WH-Question How did he do it?
Statement It-is to be used in this this manner/way.
WH-Question How is it to be :rsed?
Staternent He managed ihe r;ronev (somehow).
WH-Question FIow did he manai-e the. rnoneu?
Statement We went to KhulnJL"r hus.
WH-Quest!on Ftow did you go to *l,ulna?
Staternent Bow down your head arrd enter the room.
WH-Question Fflorx' should I enter the room?
Statement In order to eat it. you rnusi chew ii first.
WH-Question How should/do tr eat it?
Technique r3 <Ir+l <m subject (noun il pronoun) qR qftg
qdR{fl focus aJli-S subject <} fsl6{l
noun ilpronoun-€K €T{. E]-{Cq qqfi?.qTE
ut5-q s,-<rs q{ who
El-fr1 I qe6Ecql focus <fr
llp object-4R €T{, vfqF <jfu3TF-S object €K
CTiCdl whom 4<i <-qR'h-s object q-< C$-r6
what Slil €f* {t{ s.trco qg 1
Grammar : Framing WH-Questions 131

Statement : He did the work.

Question : Who did the work?
Statement-€ 9TCR the work; 9{\ +^Fitro fiffi +'cn 1<fkq, Cv{'qlcti
c{csi Tsl qlr{ cs qi-sl?r (qdF, eIoI) +rqF {qffi qt6{, fty cs rc<fu \dl
qfcr qt r qdtq E{trQ cr{ T-{tqc-{RE T'lqF frcr, cs slsrfr sr-GE EI qlqcs
6Fr{ I

frp statementfr <ft qcol,s-m"l :

He did a work
CS?||C{ {stl q6{ SK CS Qlsl He Wi"CT gi6{, work {qF[ ql6{ 4l, sl{CE vfR
wh-question RC{ :
What did he do?
Statement : She will read the novel.
WH-Question : Who will read the novel?
Statement : ,She will read a novel.
WH-Question : What will she read?
Statement : Give him the book.
WH-Question : Whom should I give the book?
Statement : Give the book to hirn.
WH-Question : Whom should I give the book?
Statement : Rupa is ill, not her sister.
WH-Question : Who is ill?
Statement : He has a dog.
WH-Question : What does he have?
Statement : He has a dog, not his brother.
WH-Question : Who has a dog?
Statement : He has a dog and not a cow.
WH-Question : What does he have-a dog or a cow?
EqR<{erfl cclrs {-<n Tlrq 6{ subject + Verb + Object q? rfbc{i
statement 6q16 ul-{ Ef 'ft{ s{ce Fft{ qs! }Frc-nT erw qt I ql{Fr,
Who has broken the plate?
q*fr<s-{fR Rqqqfi{l{-
Rupa has broken the plate.
What has Rupa done?
qQ eri q<lr{€ qsi <Isr rE} frcs EIF I vr< cqrsrE <frq< ci{ word-€
stress fl9-f{ :
RupalShe has broken the plate.
ft-q cn1 stress { Sryf<tq ftfql {f$ffr Cq context-r{ v{€ EcEt sTrs
ql? q.q, cE{lsi{{ I ql-< ,{ +Itrc"t q{1 statement caR-s €ft qe'{
'thq e-*n
'lq3sk<trgls-dt€fio tel-csfqr{E"srEin @?fi c{F "llr* ffis €$Ratc<<l
qnfu e1+*, qTwRr-<tft qd{E €<T{ t<t w{ft-qr rTs) I
t32 A Passage to the English Language
Technique ) 4 Relative clause {"otX normal {l emphatic
(<11€ 6$tcqt qcd< s"r< erl< Efcill s<l qcs[s <T
Gl5'[C{l element-C$ focus F-fi qCTq) sentence-
q <Illqs relative pronoun StTl'Ei s-fl<
csRFd lt6lQ +'cn c?rirs Erd I

Statement : What he says is not clear to me.

WH-Question : What is not clear to you?
q?flIT EtF qs't EF rI : What does he say?
sF"t, (Ft qi qcq El< q-{R ft{r< ft Err<fs sentence8 <lE{-{ T-dl <ls?
Staternent : Whom he loves more is you, not your
WH-Question : Whom does he love rnore-me or my
Statement , " {iltfiTt*.td me all this are you, and nobody
WH'Question : Who told you allthis?

Technique ) 5 fug why €it( where, when, how, ER {ffs

clause {fr object fr645q {t{a\o ET, vl{cE
E"JFTE what EFII rth +-<t-< csf{ftt s{l Efcrt
frc{DirT-<l mr flc< r

Staternent I know how he does this.

WFi-Question What do you know?
4clfc{ Do you know how . . . this? qQ q{F {fulg {s, TFGi q{1Erf,{
q-qr{ csiFT yes TlNo efi€TIsF lqftfrs{} "llsTl{l{9ffi eX6E 1

Statement : He wants to know why he was dismissed.

WFI-Question : What does he want to know?
Statement : He has told me where you live.
WH-Question : What has he told you?
Statement : I know when he will be back.
WH-Question : What do you know about his return?
ftqrfr statementfrq.q {s"l :

I do not know when he will be back

What do you not know?
When will he be back?
{fu q-{flr{, Eqrrfrq sq<E E{ q€$ €6s I E* cetcs e,{R a{I.q1 .{T
sen, qln sT<I{ Calrs E{ c?t|ql qfrtrs s{l I i1gi6 ,4Q tsqfq3q cqir+ 91 *t? r

6{C{fs qttr< W<]T< €Q siatementfi qqrs

't13r :
He will be back after two hours.
Grammar : Framing WH-euestions 133
frrsrEq Ti<i${fuTw t2 +Z = 4,rTR 6Ftr{tR-sE oR; frrg 4=_?
"ft<f{Gd :4=2+2,\ + 3,0 +4,5_1 ...
qfrq qqqjF r q TtTCcl SEE statement c{c{i Ex {t{ a-?tl{ qlcrf
q-1B-stm ft<Dnt{ ETITF Er< I

Technique ) 6 Statement-€ 6€ft-fl word il phrase ?II clause

El-fi Cslr{t "tR{"i, cc{x tsiTfr {<rlcq, q<( Es
word, phrase 3l clause CE-ilE-{ object {
adverb {l object €K modifier (adjective)
Rccr< <r<qg Erq {(fi? efXF go* -u.n,
Howmany, How+ adjective.. ?uffiEI{l
n.-<t qT frll q qr{ fr[<F{t s cE Er{
'i'aq I

Statement : I need two hundred taka.

WH-Question : How_many taka,/How much money do you
Statement : He is taller than me by two inches.
WH-Questions : How tall is he as compared with you (CalTk
Statement : The box istoo heavy (for me) to carry.
WH-Question : How heavy is the box?
Statement : He wants twice as many as you have given
WH-question : How many does he want?
Statement : She is only twelve years old.
WH-Question : How old is she?
Or, What age is she?
Statement : Our home is two mills (away) from here.
WH-Questions : How far (away) is your home from here?
Or, What distance is your . . .?
Statement : It will take about three hours for us to reach
WH-Question : il:f ,""n will it take for us,/you to reach
lgtl us <l you @ <rrcg '1r< r frrsirq-{ E{i c?lrs s"s ql S{ sirF{ f{ us
<KQ-<s-{6E tl
Statement : He comes here once (in) a week.
WH-Question : How often,/frequently does he iome here?
Technique ) 7 Statement-€ C€Ril ftE< t'|CR-{ (taste), oqkt{
(look, appearance), <l cfiCl^f oiv 6piaptu
<fil qr+-cq, q€E E{F How . . .look/taste/
feel . . . qeR< tft{ s-fl ccgi efn-{I
134 A Passage to the Fnglish Language
Statement : He looks very nice.
WH-Question : How does he look?
Statement : lhe mango I am eating is very sweet.
WH-Question : How does mangb (that) you are eating
Statement : His pillow ({fr.t) is very hard.
WH-Question : How does his pillow feel?
Statement : The rose smells sweet.
WH-Question : How does the rose smell?
tfuE : He is tall .
. etc.
What is he like?l
Technique ) 8 Statement-e sfr erffi-s <ifuRg cctrs qF <l
,asTfR-srs 6<rs c{-{K {l{6lt <jE q{, qqrq
E{Fco which Elfl sF s-{t Tm ft l.I Et ftR}-{I
s'6{ 6h{cs Er{ |

Statement Of the three pens, he wants the blue one.

WH-Question Of the three pens, which one does he want?
Statement My brother is there in that team.
WH-Question Which is your brother among them?
Statement Some months have 31 days each?
WH-Question Which months have 31 days each?
Techniqu e ) 9 Statement-€ C€lC{t qTflF-S adverbial (Gl'{*
€SF yyeld iI phrase RI clause) rX-ai5q qqftE
E"JFcs where EKI tt'aq oaf {TT fu \ol SelrT
RrEFfi s'6{ 6qRtr q6< r qrrc ffirq qri-<.lrs
adverbial phrase q< {h{ qsl EcE 1f6{ I

preposition (+ determiner) + place name I

Statement He lives in Dhaka.

WH-Question Where does he live?
Statement I am from Chittagong.
WH-Question Where are you from?
Statement Most of the rice of Bangladesh grows in
WH-Question Where does most of the rice of Bangladesh
Statement God is everywhere.
WH-Question Where is God?
Technique )10 Statement-€ none, every-, all, nobody,
ffi logical quantifier {fftr{ c(E? ef{
who (nl qlTlqr-{ what) El{t't6s q* I qTft.T
€ft-{IqC{ negative-interrogative-€€ S"I9RE
T{[sq6s e1-54
Grammar : Framing WH-Questions 135

Statement Nobody has seen any ghosts (!s).

WH-Question Who has seen any ghosts?
Statement All should love their parents.
WH-Question Who should not love their parents?
Statement Everybody is afraid of death.
WH-Question Who is not afraid of death?
Statement Nobody can see the air.
WH-Question Who can see the air?

Make an appropriate WH-question for each of the following answers.
1. Nobody can ever see a ghost.
[NOTE : ef{F who frcT '1"{ T-<eq€ sK :ifcq ever C{let T'6{ whoever
q|sTr{ s'ft-s <r<qF s-fi {lc< 4l r Ever €:l[C{ adverb RcCr{ <Kq\5 qcTR, qq
qt {l+c< r gdls ever cs ufro calrs RFq <lrlcs q5a 11

2. He will be back by mid-day.

3. He sold the house for Taka 5,00,000.
[Hint : Forhowmuch. . . ?l
4. He was not at home last night.
[Note : Why was not he . . . €slr< er* {t{ s-dl {fc{ qt r qEfi-s
English-c q{{ 6S-G not C$ {ITIC$ {6{ Subject q<€ el(< ll
5. He is a friendly man.
6. He came home last night.
7. He explained it in a roundabout way.
[Statement-€ adverb of manner <irlqE ELTR' I {s{l( . . .]
8. He is very rich.
9. The man came here for some water.
10. Why laugh lest we should weep.
lSratementfrrs {TF $-qf< eR"l -ErE {<r qmre I W<1q q:i a+ qr<
11. Today I am very fine.
12. Iron feels hard.
13. He comes here twice a month.
14. It is a long time since i last saw him.
15. He eats bread, not rice.
76. Our college is only a five-minute-walk from here.
77 . This is my mother's photo.
18. I do not know why he came here.
19. Of the two girls, the younger one is my sister.
INOTE : which <I{-{R s-{(g qC{ ll
20. This is a very nice competition, I think.
136 A Passage to the English Language

INOTE . qTm C<'l qtrE I What is your opinion about . . il

How would you evaluate the . . . -q slr{s qi rft{ F-fl <]]tr rl
2t. It is your brother who caused the problem.
22. They died of cholera.
zJ. We eat to live.
24. He is an. M.A.
25. He is my only maternal uncle.
26. I live with my elder brother.
27. He writes with pens.
iii.e 28. He is writing a letter to his mother.
29. I love my mother most.
30. I saw them playing in the college playground.
31. He is such a man as cannot be understood so easily.
32. He writes illegibly (Tc{t<islc<1.
JJ. There are some,other problems which we must solve.
34. I have other fish to fry. Or, I have other things to do.
[Hint : What else . . Or, Whai other . . .]
35. We found the machine broken"
[Hint : In what condi tion . . .]
36. I do not know the cause of his illness.
37 . When the man came in, a strange thing happended.
[Hint : What happened . . .]
38. I think Karpov will win the match.
[Hint : Who do you think will . . .]
39. In my opinion, we should consult an expert in this line.
[Hint : What in your opinion should . . .]
40. . This summer they are going on a tour so that they can
enjoy the spaine time.
fHint : What are they . . . and why?]
47. After my degree examination I shall start learning computer
programming so that I may have a good ;ob.
[Hint : What will . . . after . . . and why?]
42. He went to America in order to study medicine there.
[NOTE : €t statement €R q-ry ts{ where Sfd E{ ffi a-g6q E{f{
{l, r qsF simple ef{ egcs uttce EI {tr{ why did he go to
America? q'{tallT €SF cemptsx question q{Cs q6{ I Where . . .
and why?]
43" . . . It is winter now.
44. . . . It is raining outside.
45. . . . It is half past ten.
46. . Now she is twenty two stones.
47. . . . Now i am sixty (years old).
48. . . . This is a new kind of problem.
Grammar : Framing WH-Quesiions 137

49. We had to cancel the programme because of rough

lHint : WhY did we have to ' ' '?]
50. Of the six seasons, I like winter most'
[Hint : which <I€'{ S-<-[g qC< l]
51. . . .lt lookt like a picture, rather than a real object'
52. I have to do it again because the way I did it earlier was not
qr{ ll
lHint : Qri again -ltfrr+ <IT{F s-{F
53. My horse runs faster than Yours'
5i. The streets of Dhaka are wider than those of Khulna'
IFq$frrs v{-dT< q({F cer$ sTf'f <I{qF s'6
tNoTE : SCS{
qffia'6 o$sl-s tl

55. He did it in another way because he thinks the way he did it

earlier was not ef{icient enough'
qr< whv'
tn,.,,, qsfr WH-word <lT{K +-+co ufErq r{Cq frCs
how ffi I qr? E6{qtfr WH-word Tl{{l{ s-{tE sttrq How '' '

and whY9.[sl6{ <tq qfqrs << ll

56. . . . His granclmother is in the hospital' fighting with death'
57 . . . I have bought it for mY sister'
SS. . . . He says that he needs two killograms of rice'
59. The tank was nearlY emPtY'
[Hint: Howfull .. '?]
60. He took i ths of the milk'
l4r{ of the milk PhraseF <I{qs Ec< ll
61. Seven is to fourteen as one is to two'
62. Language is to poetry as mathematics is to science'
63. The watch is to time as the thermometer is to temperature'
64. The Police are there to helP us' you must give up stealing
LSi . You can be freeA on toniition that
for ever.
[Hint, Onwhat. . .? Or, What''' that' "
66. Among these cows, he bought the biggest
67. Do it as I show You'
68. TodaY is SaturdaY.
69. It is the child that makes me think' atsfF ERrE efr{s
[Hint : {A statement-€l cqK €<( style

s_{$t it<Kq3F_<r9qr< tl
70. . . . The patienitrad died two hours before the doctor
INOTE ' C<{ftRFq rer<fircqr<

71. I use mY brother's car'

138 A passage to the English Language
72. . . . All creatures on earth are mortal.
73. . . . It all hapened nearly fifty y"ur. ugo.
[F{int : el-[t nearly RI<t{l? $-{f{ qT+.R cql-, nf<q Bscnq q8s qrTE
q'lTrqql{ nearly <lTqEr s-<\o TI I ql{k efx-s6{s qF{.t
c{Q 61
B€-{qrq c*s crrfr *',o o' r
Ts-{t( E{s-6< qrc", c.* {;; ;RT{
q-<-$t< 61l Rq-{-<s]IqC< nearlyqlsk-s r}
74. . . . He is senior to me by ten years.
75. . . In this cc promotion is given on seniority basis,
not on * i;;?rlnV
":fu 76. . . l.*u"l to spend the next month in a western
.i: 77. ..
I_hir theory is based on three assumptio;.-
75. . . He will be back within a month.
76. . . Let us go torvards the north.
[Hint : 4C{ direction (T( should/do (|{es {6{ rl
7: . . . Tell your fatlrer about it, not your mother.
78. . . . Two and two makes four.
80. . . . There are times when two and two make(s) five.
81. . . ,. We might call the reality that rnathematics represent
mathematical reality.
82. . . . lt was 1981 that ihe incident occurred.
83. . . . Here is how two and two equal(s) five.
[Hint : How is it that . . .?]
84. . . . As the demand goes up, the price goes up to.
[Hint : efC{ relationship -ffi $-<qk T-fl CS.6gRf6tr I ETf<f{ q1.,
vary'l{fe <j?IqR T-{t cTc\e- efffi I vr{
E'fr Cscq EQ {-dc{-< WH_
word Bcqu q6q 11

85. . . . It will take nearly a month to finish the task.

86. He toddies lcUWfn).
87. ; : lf you want to reach your goal of life, you
must work
89. . . . This piece oI land belongs to my grandmother.
90. . . . I have been waiting for you for mo.e than
an hour.
91. . . . Politics is what politicians do.
92. . . . Those who beg cannot choose.
93. . . . Besides these, he wants a piano.
[Hint : What else . . . ? iI q{.t C+lCr+l elC{ rl
94. . . . I need son.le money to buy some food.
95. . . . Since he was poor, he could not educate his
96. . . . To go ahead is life and not to advance is
97. . . . You must work hard to succeed und you
must fail to learn.
98 . . . It is your brother who says that rvhui he gets is not
Grammar : Framing WH-Questions 139

99. . . . He is a businessman and he comes from the the southern

. part of the country.
100. . He will go to his uncle's by bus house the next week to
see his uncle.
INOTE : el({ Ef{F WH-word € {f{{f{ o-<l <l:t tl
101. . . . lt was his habit that stood in the way (<f{l qCR it$tnt) ot ftit
702. . . . He is too intelligent for his age.
103. . . .-She is as beautiful as her sister.
104. . . . Life is not easy on earth.
: [Hint : what is life . . .?l
105. . . . People who are busy and active cah enjoy their lives'
106. . . . If people are busy and active, they can enjoy their lives'
707, . . . People car-r gnjoy their lives by being busy and active'
t 108. ."lt is only when I agreed to pay him more than fifty
thousand taka itiat he agreed to do the work.
109. . . . He taught me how to stand away from my own shadow'
110. . We know nothing about what we may be, though we
know what we are.
111. . . . Nothing ails me, mother.
772. . . There are seven different ways of doing it and they are
labelled A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

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