Load Flow Studies - Lecture Notes 2
Load Flow Studies - Lecture Notes 2
Load Flow Studies - Lecture Notes 2
Prof. E. Matlotse
Load Flow Studies
• Load flow studies (power flow) form a
fundamental part of power system analysis
• These studies are important for economic
scheduling, planning and control of an existing
system as well as planning its future expansion
• Problem entails establishing magnitudes and
phase angle of voltages at each bus as well as
active and reactive power flow in each line
Load Flow Studies
• In solving a power flow problem, the system is
assumed to be operating under balanced
conditions and single-line model is utilised
Load Buses:
- At these, active and reactive powers are
- Magnitude and phase angle of bus voltages
are unknown
Power Flow Equation
( yi0 yi1 yi 2 ......... yin )Vi yi1V1 yi 2V2 ....... yinVn (1)
n n
I i Vi yij yijV j ji (2)
j 0 j 1
Power Flow Equation
Real and reactive power at bus i is
Pi jQi Vi I i* (3)
P jQi
Ii i (4)
Substituting for I i in (2) results in
n n
Pi jQi
Vi yij yijV j ji (5)
j 0 j 1
Power Flow Equation
Pisch jQisch
*( k )
(k )
yij V j
( k 1) (6)
Vi ji
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
• where yij is actual admittance in pu
• P and Qischare real and reactive power expressed
in pu
• If (5) is solved for Pi and Qi , we get
n n
( k 1) *( k ) ( k )
Vi yij (k )
yij V j
ji (7)
j 0 j 1
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
n n
( k 1)
*( k ) ( k )
Vi yij (k )
yij V j
ji (8)
j 0 j 1
( k 1) (k )
ei ei
( k 1)
(k )
fi fi
10 j30 pu
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
1 (0.0125 j 0.025) (0.0125 j 0.025)
y 23
(0.0125 j 0.025) (0.0125 j 0.025) 0.00078125
16 j32 pu
• At the load buses, the complex loads
expressed in pu are
256.6 110.2
S 2sch 2.566 j1.102 pu
138.6 45.2
S3sch 1.386 j 0.452 pu
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
• Our initial estimates are
V2(0) 1.0 j 0.0 pu and V3(0) 1.0 j 0.0 pu
and, therefore
P2sch jQ 2sch
y12V1 y 23V3( 0)
V2*( 0)
y12 y 23
2.566 j1.102
10 j 201.05 16 j321
10 j 20 16 j32
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
2.566 j1.102 10.5 j 21 16 j321
26 j52
23.934 j51.898 26 j52
26 j52 26 j52
622.284 j1244.568 j1349.348 2698.696
3320.98 j104.78
0.9825 j 0.031 pu
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
P3sch jQ3sch
y V
13 1 y V
23 2
V3*( 0)
y13 y23
1.386 j 0.452
10 j 301.05 16 j320.9825 j 0.031
10 j30 16 j32
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
1.0011 j 0.353 pu
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
• For 2nd iteration, we have
2.566 j1.102
10 j 201.05 16 j320.9816 j 0.052
0.9825 j 0.031
V2( 2)
26 j52
0.9816 j 0.0520 pu
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
1.386 j 0.452
10 j 301.05 16 j320.9816 j 0.052
1.0011 j 0.0353
V3( 2)
26 j 62
1.0008 j 0.0459 pu
Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Solution
• If we do several iterations: