Intro To Latex, Part Ii: Math, Bibtex, and Customization: David Diez

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Intro to LaTeX, Part II:

Math, BibTeX, and Customization

David Diez


Mathematics in LaTeX
BibTeX: bibliographies in LaTeX
Building your own commands and environments
Miscellaneous tips
Guide to LaTeX

The book Guide to LaTeX offers a very nice introduction, and we

will closely follow some of the examples in these chapters in this
7 math
11,12 BibTeX, and
10 custom commands and environments.
Math BibTeX Customization Wrap-up

Math in LaTeX

We will cover several aspects of the mathematics environments

offered in LaTeX.
Basic mathematics in text
Different equation environments
Mathematical symbols
Mathematical expressions
Accenting and modifying text
Automatic sizing of bracket symbols
Text in mathematical equations
Arrays and matrices
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Inserting math into text

LaTeX makes it easy to add Greek letters like α, ζ, µ, etc. into

text. In P
the same way, equations can be added easily as well:
y=x , 3 z j , x1 + · · · + xn .

The $ signs tell LaTeX when to switch into or out of math model.
For instance, to create α above, type $\alpha$.

How can we create β?

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Equation array

Some equations are long and should be on their on lines. In such a

case, use the eqnarray or eqnarray∗ environment:

The result in LaTeX for eqnarray∗ :

X 1
0.5k = =2
1 − 0.5
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Equation referencing

Just like tables and figures, equations can be referenced. Use

eqnarray (no asterisk) to add an equation number:

X 1
0.5k = =2 (1)
1 − 0.5

\label{powerSeries} can be put inside the equation array and

then be referenced via \ref{powerSeries}.
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Aligned equations

Another environment, align (and align∗ ) are handy for aligning

multiline equations.


(a + b)3 = (a + b)(a2 + 2ab + b2 )

= a3 + 3a2 b + 3ab2 + b3 (2)

The \\ command creates a line break. The command \notag was

used to suppress the equation number of the first line, which
requires the amsmath package. (Q: We have an equation number.
What should I have included in the code?)
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Multiple alignments

The align environment permits several alignments:


(a + b)0 = 1 (a + b)1 = a + b
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 (a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2 b + 3ab2 + b3
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Mathematics and symbols

It is a little difficult to learn all the math syntax and a good help
source is the LaTeX and Matrix Panels:

The Matrix Panel is especially useful since matrices can require a

lot of writing. The LaTeX panel is handy as a quick reference.
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Some symbols

Here is a very small subset of the symbols available in LaTeX.

← $\leftarrow$ ⇐ $\Leftarrow$ ↔ $\leftrightarrow
≥ $\geq$ 6=
H $\neq$ 6∈ $\not\in$
T∂ $\partial$ S $\oint$ ∇ $\nabla$
$\bigcap$ $\bigcup$ ∩ $\cap$
J⊂ $\subset$ N ⊇ $\supseteq$ ⊇
6 $\not\supseteq$
$\bigodot$ $\bigotimes$ ⊕ $\oplus$
♣ $\clubsuit$ ⊥ $\perp$ ` $\vdash$
For a searchable PDF with thousands of symbols, see
Also see the LaTeX Panel (under the menu item Window).
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Character modifications

Text and symbols in math mode can also be modified.

Regular Modified Accents

$R$ R $\mathbb{R}$ R $\tilde{R}$ R̃
$A$ A $\mathcal{A}$ A $\widetilde{A}$ Ae
$x$ x $\mathbf{x}$ x $\bar{x}$ x̄
$p$ p $\mathit{p}$ p $\hat{p}$ p̂
$X$ X $\mathrm{X}$ X $\widehat{X}$ Xb

Two other accents: ẋ and ẍ via $\dot{x}$ and $\ddot{x}$.

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Subscripts and exponents

We can create subscripts (e.g. x1 ) and superscripts (e.g. 32 ):

When the subscript is a single character, then it is acceptable to

omit the curly braces. That is, the following is equally acceptable
for the text above:

If more than one character is in the sub/superscript, braces are

necessary to avoid problems: $2 10$ outputs 21 0. Sub and
superscripts can be used simultaneously: x2ij .
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Fractions and roots

2+3 5
We can easily create fractions such as 4+5 = 9 or roots such as
√ √
81 = 9 and 4 81 = 3.

And we can combine them as well: √ 4+3 = 59 .
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Sums and integrals

We can also create sums and integrals:

which results in
∞ Z 2
i 1
p = 3x2 dx = 7
1−p 1

X∞ Z1
0.5 = 2 3x2 dx = 0

The commands \nolimits and \limits can be used to override

the default displays of limits in LaTeX.
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Produce the following result using the eqnarray∗ environment:

Some examples may be utilized in latexTemp.tex.

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Sizing of Brackets

A small problem with bracket sizes is shown in the left equation,

and this problem is fixed on the right.
2+3 2+3
( )
4+5 4+5

The coding for the expressions above

Generally we can use \left(, \left[, \left|, and \left\{ and their
corresponding right brackets to create automatically sized brackets.
These commands must be inside one of the equations environments
and the left and right brackets must always be balanced.
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Matrices also can be made in LaTeX:

4 1 19
3 8 8

The code:

The syntax for an array is the same as for tabular (a table).

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Space and stacking

Space can be added in equations using \quad, and expressions can

be stacked via \stackrel:

\begin{eqnarray∗ }
E(X+Y) \stackrel{indep.}{=} E(X) + E(Y)
Var(X+Y) \stackrel{indep.}{=} Var(X) + Var(Y)
\end{eqnarray∗ }

indep. indep.
E(X + Y ) = E(X) + E(Y ) V ar(X + Y ) = V ar(X) + V ar(Y
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Why use BibTeX?

There are a number of very good reasons to use BibTeX instead of

manual creation of bibliographies.
Automatic creation of bibliographies.
Easily change bibliographic styles.
Identification of missing sources referenced in text.
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How BibTeX works

There are three steps that LaTeX and BibTeX take to make a
When you typeset a document with citations (e.g.
\cite{zotova}), LaTeX makes note of each citation.
BibTeX takes this list and looks for each reference in a
database of publications.
Then we tell LaTeX to make the bibliography of all of those
publications it found that we referenced.
The most time consuming part is initially building the database.
After that, you can reference this same database over and over
again and BibTeX becomes a breeze.
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BibTeX material

Creating your database

Citing a reference
Typesetting with BibTeX
Building style files
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Sample reference entry

We want to create a reference, similar to the following, for each of

the item we want to cite.

z }| {
Author = {Elena Zotova and Charles D Woody and Ehud
Journal = {Brain Research},
Pages = {66-78},
Title = {Multiple representations ... [etc etc].},
Volume = {868},
Year = {2000}}
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Make up of a reference

Each reference needs a publication type (e.g. article, book), and

each reference includes many fields. For instance, the following are
required and optional fields of an article entry.
label: The reference label.
Author Journal Title
Year Volume Number
Pages Month Note
A formal list of the available publication types and also which
items are required and optional for each type, see bibtex.shtml
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An alternative

If you don’t want to build your data base up in such a bare-bones

manner, you might try
BibDesk: Macs.
JabRef: Macs, PCs, Linux.
Both of these programs are free and available online. Others exist,
and I have only personally used BibDesk.
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If you do manage your own...

Some things you should know if you do not use a program

Always include a label, which is how LaTeX identifies the
The entry (publication) type and field names are NOT
Enclose the text for each field (e.g. the author names) in
curly braces.
You can add extra fields that are not listed and these will be
ignored (e.g. if you add an Abstract field to a reference,
BibTeX will just ignore it).
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Special cases

Giving author names in a non-ambiguous form is sometimes

Always type names as {Given Names Surnames} or {Surname,
Given Names}.
Anything enclosed in braces will be treated as a single item
(e.g. Author = {Maria {San Martino}}).
If there is more than one author, separate each author name
by the word and. If and is part of someone’s name, enclose
their entire name in braces.
You may add accents (e.g. Gödel via G{\"o}del).
Many other nuances exist. If you encounter a peculiar name, do a
little online searching to see how best to put it into the data base.
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Abbreviating journal names

Sometimes you don’t want your entry to include the entire journal
name. To shorten it, use the string entry type:
@string{JSS = {Journal of Statistical Software}}
These string entries must be defined in the database above where
they are used.
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Citing a reference

There are four commands that can be used.

\cite{labelName} [referenceNumber], e.g. [1].
\citet{labelName} Surname (year), e.g. Zotova et al. (2000).
\citep{labelName} (Surname, year), e.g. (Zotova et al.,
\nocite{labelName} Not cited but will show up in
The first and last work with the uclathes class. The second two
are used in the natbib package (highly recommended for
non-thesis papers).
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Other commands in your document

The following two lines of code must be inserted at the place

where the bibliography is to be added:
The style command can be moved higher (it doesn’t matter). If
you use the natbib package, then you must add it with the other
I have not gotten this package to work with the UCLA thesis
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Making the bibliography

If you have made your reference database, made citations, and

inserted the bibliography commands in your text, then you are
ready to create the bibliography. In TeXShop, there are a few
simple steps to finish:
Typeset your LaTeX document as usual.
Change the Typesetting option from LaTeX to BibTeX:

Typeset again with BibTeX.

Return the Typesetting option back to LaTeX and compile
twice more.
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Building a style file

One of the big benefits of BibTeX is the ability to quickly change

the bibliography style and within-text citations. To do this, we use
the program custom-bib. Download it at
custom-bib has been included in the latexTemp zip file from the
first class.
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Building a style file

Open latexTemp > custom-bib, and open the makebst.tex file.

To run the program,
(1) Open the file and typeset it.
(2) Type YES to the first question to get extra directions.
(3) Choose an appropriate file name (no need to add the
(4) Answer each of the style questions.
(5) For the last question, Finished!! ... Shall I now run this batch
job? (NO), type YES.
Find and copy the file you named in step (3) with extension .bst.
Put it in the folder with whatever files for which you will make a
bibliography with this style or in your bibliography folder (however
you reference it in your LaTeX document).
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Open the latexTemp.tex file and go to the last section. Add a

bibliography reference of \citet{victor}. Also add a reference with
\citep{victor} and typeset (all four steps). What is the difference
between your references? How would you use each in a paper?
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Custom command material

Creating commands
Creating environments
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Existing counters

LaTeX uses counters (variables) to keep proper numbering.

The following are counters used by LaTeX: part, chapter,
section, subsection, subsubsection, page, footnote,
equation, figure, and table. These counters correspond to
their corresponding commands.
Other counters are used for each level of enumerate: enumi,
enumii, enumiii, enumiv.
A few other LaTeX counters: paragraph, subparagraph,
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Create new counters

We may want to create our own counters for our own purposes.
Maybe we have examples that we want numbered.
This creates a new counter called counterName. The inCounter
argument + brackets are optional and an inCounter is used to
reset counterName whenever inCounter increments (e.g.
subsection has “inCounter” section).
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We can modify existing or new counters.

The \refstepcounter command lets us reference our counter value
if we follow it with a \label.
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So we can create, modify, and reference counters. However, we

also need to print counters in the document. We do so by calling
the counter with one of the following commands:
\arabic{chapter} (4, Arabic number)
\Roman (IV, uppercase Roman numeral)
\roman (iv, lowercase Roman numeral)
\Alph (D, capital letter)
\alph (d, lowercase letter)
\fnsymbol (§, footnote symbol)
We will put counters to use in our custom commands and
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Simple command

Common statements, like x1 , ..., xn can be abbreviated using a

new command.
\newcommand{\xvec}{x 1,\dots,x n}
Inserting this command and then typing (later in the document)
$\xvec$, we get x1 , . . . , xn . If we forgot the dollar signs, we would
be in trouble. We can resolve this by using an extra command:
\newcommand{\xvec}{\ensuremath{x 1,\dots,x n} }
In the second definition, we left an extra space at the end, which
helps prevent spacing problems. More elegant solution is to use the
xspace package (see Guide to LaTeX, page 186).
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Command with arguments

If we want to generalize our command, we add two arguments

\newcommand{\subvec}[2]{\ensuremath{#1 1,\dots,#1 {#2}}

We can create y1 , . . . , ym from \subvec{y}{m}.

Additional arguments can be created and are referenced via #n for

the nth argument. Optional default arguments can also be utilized
(see Guide to LaTeX, page 188).
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The general framework of new commands is

\newcommand{\commandName}[n]{the commands}
commandName is the name of the command,
n is the number of arguments, and
the arguments are referred to as #1, #2, . . . , #n in the
To redefine a command that already exists, use \renewcommand
with the same format as above.
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Sample environment

Environments use begin and end tags (e.g. itemize). We only

need define what happens at the \begin and \end tags. For
{\small\textbf{Example.} \hspace{2mm}} % begin stuff
{\\} % end stuff
Sample environment call:
Modular addition works in mysterious ways: $2+2=1$ (mod

Example. Modular addition works in mysterious ways: 2 + 2 = 1 (mod

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General environment

Generally environments take the form

\newenvironment{environmentName}{begin stuff}{end stuff}
We can also declare that there will be n arguments.
\newenvironment{environmentName}[n]{begin stuff}{end
As before, we refer to the arguments as #1, . . . , #n in the begin
stuff and end stuff.

To redefine an environment that already exists, use

\renewenvironment with the same format as above.
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Environment + counter

\textbf{Example \arabic{example}.}\hspace{2mm}}
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Organizer and time saver

The \include command is useful for long documents:


For instance, this presentation actually calls three separate

documents: one for each big section. Thus I would not take time
Typesetting parts of the document I was not working on while
keeping organized:

\include{math/math} % “math” document in the “math”

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After this class, you should have a general idea of

using the math modes in LaTeX,

creating bibliographies using BibTeX, and
creating your own commands and environments.

Any questions?

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