Some Tips and Tricks For Using Latex in Math Theses: Warning!!!!
Some Tips and Tricks For Using Latex in Math Theses: Warning!!!!
Some Tips and Tricks For Using Latex in Math Theses: Warning!!!!
in Math Theses
by Rob Benedetto
Chapter 1
Some LaTeX Examples
First, a quick comment that can only go here, even though it is topically out of place: if I
put a Subsection here (before the first Section of a Chapter), I get a weird number, like this:
See, it looks strange to refer implicitly to Section Zero. The same thing happens1 with
Theorems (or Definitions, etc.) appearing before the first Section of a Chapter; see, e.g.,
Theorem 1.0.1 in samplethesis.tex. Avoid numbering involving zeros in a thesis.
Math Commands
Multiline equations can be generated with the align* environment, using & for alignment
points and column breaks, and \\ for newlines:
i (log r) = (pi + 1) log kf k(x,r) 2pi (log r + log kf 0 k(x,r) )
= (1 pi ) log kf k(x,r) 2pi log (f, (x, r))
log kf k(x,r) pi (f, (x, r)).
If you want labels on that kind of equation, try the align environment.
log kf k(x,R)
log kf k(x,R00 ) +
Note that since I only wanted the second line, and not both lines, of inequality (1.1) to have
a label, I used the \notag command in the .tex file on the first line.
You can refer to labelled equations, like equation (1.1) or sequence (1.2), from anywhere
in the paper, even before they appear. But make sure to use \eqref rather than \ref when
referencing equations; \ref gives us equation 1.1 rather than the nicer equation (1.1).
Thats because I numbered Theorems by Section in samplethesis.tex. Youd also get zeros if for some
reason you put a Theorem before Chapter 1, even if you number your Theorems by Chapter.
If you want just a regular one-line displayed equation labelled, use the equation environment. For example, heres a sequence of ones and zeros.
0, . . . , 0, 1, . . . , 1, 0, . . . , 0, 1, . . . , 1, 0, . . . , 0, . . . .
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
For matrices, use the matrix environment, again using & for column breaks and \\ for
newlines. Use \left and \right to make brackets big enough to fit around whatever is
between them. Use \cdots, \vdots, and \ddots to get various directions of dots:
~i ~j ~k
x2 xn
1 2
x22 x2n
b, and F~ = x
A = x1
, ha, bi = aT
If you want, you can skip typing out the \left( and \right) parentheses commands for
matrices by replacing the matrix environment with pmatrix for regular (round) parentheses,
bmatrix for square brackets, vmatrix for vertical lines, Vmatrix for double vertical lines, or
Bmatrix for curly brackets. For example,
0 4
1 = 1 + 5 + 8 = 14,
Tr 2 5
1 1 8
= 1
n1 n1
(xj xi ).
You can use \left( and \right) (or \left[ and \right], or \left\{ and \right\},
or \left| and \right|, or even \left( and \right] they dont have to match) to make
brackets around any clump of math symbols. But sometimes you may want big but not huge
brackets. For example, the parentheses around
X 2
i2 )3
are way too big and way too small, respectively. Instead, the expression
X 3
looks much better, even if the subscript sticks out the bottom a little. You can make
parentheses like these, anywhere from one to four specific sizes bigger, using the \big, \Big,
\bigg, or \Bigg commands just before the parentheses.
For integrals, try using the \, spacing command to get just the right amount of space
before the dx (or in this case, d):
Z 2
Z 2
f (re ) d instead of LC (r) = r
f # (rei )d.
LC (r) = r
div G(x,
y, z)dV =
~ dS,
but if you want iterated multiple integrals, just use \int multiple times:
1xy 2
dz dy dx
x sin(yz) + 3
As you may have noticed, for certain symbols like sums and products, LaTeX treats
subscripts and superscripts differently in displayed versus in-line mathematics. For example,
Z b
f (x) dx = lim
f (xi )xi .
f (x) dx = limn
in-line math mode. But either way, if an in-line math equation is too big, it can make the
paragraph hard to read. Big equations should be displayed.
The same sizing issue comes up with fractions, even in displayed math. For example,
( 2
x +3xy 2
if (x, y) 6= (0, 0)
x2 +y 2
and f (x, y) =
if (x, y) = (0, 0)
have tiny, unreadable fractions. You can force those fractions to be bigger by using \dfrac
instead of \frac, to obtain
x+h+2 x+2
(x + h)2
x + 3xy
and f (x, y) =
x2 + y 2
if (x, y) 6= (0, 0)
if (x, y) = (0, 0).
\smallsetminus gives a smaller set subtraction sign than \setminus compare ArB
with A \ B.
\varnothing gives a more circular nullset sign than \emptyset compare with .
\nmid gives the does not divide sign. In general, if you want to put a slash through
a symbol, precede the symbol with \not, as in x 6 A or x 6 5. (For example, \neq
is effectively just an abbreviation for \not =, albeit a very useful one.) But if you try
\not | or \not \mid, you get the ugly 6 | or 6|, whereas \nmid gives the much nicer -.
\binom{n}{m} makes the n choose m binomial coefficient symbol, giving
for displayed math mode, and 75 for in-line math mode.
The bullet list above was produced by an itemize environment. (To get the symbol
by itself, use \bullet in math mode.) LaTeX also has two other built-in list environments:
enumerate, which gives numbered lists, and description, which gives lists where each item
begins with a different label. Theres also the much more flexible (but harder to use) list
environment, but you are unlikely to need it for a thesis.2
Besides chapters and sections, there are also subsections. But dont have only one subsection
in a section, or only one section in a chapter. Why break something up into one piece?3
I used a list environment to get the alphabetically enumerated list in the statements of Proposition 2.1.2
and Lemma 3.2.2 of samplethesis.tex.
The hierarchy of sectioning commands actually continues further to subsubsection, paragraph, and
subparagraph. But lets not get carried away. Besides, these lesser cousins of sections arent numbered, so
you cant refer to them with \label and \ref.
By the way, \label assigns to that label-name the number of the current structurechapter, section,
subsection, theorem, equation, etc.that were deepest inside and that has a number. If you use \label
in a lesser cousin like a subsubsection, youll get the number of the subsection its inside.
Although LaTeX provides the and symbols, you should not use them, unless youre
actually writing a logic thesis and they appear as part of symbolic sentences, or something
like that. If you want to say that there is some x R such that blah blah blah, then actually
write out there is some x R such that. . . , not x R s.t.. . . .
Punctuating Mathematics
Dont forget that you need to punctuate math. All of the math in samplethesis.tex
and latextips.tex, whether in-text or displayed, includes punctuation (period, comma, or
whatever) when appropriate. For displayed math, make sure the punctuation is inside the
math mode delimiters; LaTeX is pretty smart and will (usually) do a good job in putting the
punctuation in the right place, with the right amount of spacing. For in-line math, it can
be either inside or outside math mode; but if its outside, you cant leave a space between
the ending $ or \) and the punctuation.4
LaTeX is generally very good about getting spacing correct. For example, it puts a more
space after a period than it does after a comma or between words, regardless of how many
times you hit the space bar. However, if you only want a regular space after a period (say,
because youre using an abbreviation), put a backslash just before the space. For example,
Serre et al. proved
prints as Serre et al. proved, whereas
Serre et al.\ proved
prints as Serre et al. proved.
Meanwhile, to prevent LaTeX from breaking a line between two words, use a tilde ~
instead of a space. For example, a linebreak in the middle of a reference to, say, Section
1.2 just looks weird. Instead, Ive been using tildes whenever I make a \ref reference
to Chapters, Sections, equations, etc., so as to force LaTex to print such references as
Section 1.2. Note that the spacing between words on the last few lines was a little wider
than usual; thats LaTeX rearranging things to avoid the forbidden linebreak.
Note that this paragraph contains both italicized and boldfaced text, produced with \emph (short
for emphasis) and \textbf, respectively. Although you can also use \textit to get italics, it is usually
better to use \emph. For example, using \emph inside a theorem environment, where the surrounding text is
already italicized, makes the following text non-italicized, so that it actually stands out as intended; look at
Proposition 2.1.2.d of samplethesis.tex. Other related commands include \texttt for typewriter text
(useful for displaying program code) and \textsl for slanted text.
FYI, in case you see it somewhere: there are also legal but older-style LaTeX commands \bf, \em, \tt,
\sl, etc., but they are a little clunkier and are used slightly differently. Still, \textbf{hello world} and
{\bf hello world} both produce hello world, for example.
Week of
Feb 2
Feb 9
Feb 16
Feb 23
Mar 2
Mar 9
Mar 16
13.5, 13.6, 14.1
15.1, 15.2
If you need a table in your thesis, you can make one with the tabular environment. Ill
put one right here. (Well, Im typing it here, but LaTeX decided to put it at the top of
this page; more on that in a second.) The letters l, c, and r inside the brackets right after
\begin{tabular} specify whether each particular column of text is left-justified, centered,
or right-justified. The | symbols, of course, say where the vertical lines go.
Note that because I put Table 1.1 inside a table environment, LaTeX automatically
gave it a table number, so it would show up in the list of tables (if I had a \listoftables
command in the front matter; see Section B.2), and I can refer to it with \ref, as I did
earlier in this sentence. In addition, I was able to give it a caption. The table environment
also turns the table into a floating object, meaning that LaTeX will put it where it thinks
best, which will probably be in a different place or even on a different page. For example,
Table 1.1 appears at the top of the page, even though I typed the code that created the
table immediately after the second sentence of this section. You can (try to) force LaTeX
to put the table in a particular place by putting an option right after that \begin{table}
command: [h] to put it right here, [b] to put it at the bottom of the page, [t] to put it at
the top of the page, or [p] to put it on a different page. (But if the table simply wont fit
where you want it, LaTeX will just do the best it can.)
If you use the tabular environment without the table environment, the table will appear
just where you put it, but with no label, caption, or appearance in a list of tables, like this:
(, 1) (1, 1/ 3 2) (1/ 3 2, )
f 0 (x)
f (x)
If you need figures in your thesis, use the figure environment and the \includegraphics
command. Youll also need to have the command \usepackage{graphicx} somewhere in
your preamble, so that LaTeX actually knows the \includegraphics command. (See Section B.1). The graphicx package knows a lot of file formats, including .png and .pdf. (Some
graphics utilities produce .eps files (Encapsulated PostScript); depending on your latex implementation, you may need to convert those to .pdf with a utility like epstopdf.) Figure 1.1
gives an example.
1 +Z
3 3
2 +Z
3 3
Appendix A
Other little things
Just put \appendix in the .tex file, and presto, all chapters that follow are Appendices!
As youve probably noticed, lines in the .tex file beginning with % are comments. LaTeX
ignores everything from the % symbol until the end of the line. So for one thing, you can
leave yourself notes explaining what various technical declarations do, or to highlight where
various chapters or sections start. For another thing, if you decide to cut some chunk of
your thesis that youve already written, its probably safer to comment it out (i.e., precede
each line of it with a % symbol) rather than delete it. That way, if you decide later that you
actually want to keep some or all of what you cut, its easy to recover.
LaTeX treats a linebreak (i.e., hitting the Enter key) essentially the same as a space. The
only real exception is that two or more consecutive linebreaks (i.e., leaving at least one blank
line in the .tex file) tells LaTeX to make a paragraph break. I think its a good thing to
have a lot of linebreaks in your .tex file. Linebreaks make the file itself much easier to read
and to edit, without changing the appearance of the printed version.
However, a clump of two, or seven, or seven hundred consecutive blank lines is treated the
same as one. If you want extra vertical space for some reason, use the \vspace command. For
example, I got the big space just above by putting \vspace{0.3in} between two paragraphs.
Incidentally, paragraph breaks (i.e., double linebreaks) are not allowed in the middle
of math mode; they will give you an error message. Single linebreaks in math mode are
perfectly fine, though as noted above, they are treated just like spaces.
Oh, by the way, Im going to put Figure A.1, which I promised back in Subsection 1.2.7,
right here. Recall that its a floating object; LaTeX decided to put it on the next page.
2 +Z
3 3
LaTeX handles these punctuation marks a little differently than you might expect.
There are three kinds of dashes: the hyphen -, for intra-word dashes; the en dash , for
number or letter ranges, like pages 5570 or parts (b)(f); and the em dash , which is,
of course, a punctuation mark the kind thats used in much the same way as a semicolon.
Code them in LaTeX with -, with --, and with ---, respectively.
An ellipsis is the dot-dot-dot punctuation . . . , used for partial quotatations. (For
example, you will probably need it when writing the Corrections portion of your thesis.)
Three periods like this... gives the screwy spacing found in the middle of this sentence.
Instead, use the \ldots command, to get. . . , as desired.
For double quotes, do not use the " symbol. (About the only LaTeX use of " is for
umlauts; H\"{o}lder produces Holder.) Instead, open with two left single-quotes ` (found
to the left of the 1 key on most keyboards) and close with two right single-quotes '. Similarly,
for single quotes, use the left and right quotes as appropriate. For example,
Cohen notes, ``These `G\"{o}del numbers' are large.''
gives: Cohen notes, These Godel numbers are large. However, both
Cohen notes, ''These 'G\"{o}del numbers' are large.''
Cohen notes, "These 'G\"{o}del numbers' are large."
give the ugly: Cohen notes, These Godel numbers are large.
Id recommend you edit your .tex file using the emacs text-editor. Among its many
advantages, emacs automatically does what you want when you hit the " key; it figures it
out whether you need the umlaut symbol, two left quotes, or two right quotes, based on
whether the previous character was a backslash, space, or something else. So you actually
end up using the " key after all, even if you dont end up using the " symbol.
Appendix B
LaTeX File Structure
The .tex file has roughly four parts: the preamble (setting margins, etc.), the front
matter (title page, abstract, etc.), the main matter (the thesis itself and appendices),
and the back matter (bibliography and, in the corrected version, list of corrections). In
this Appendix, well describe the four parts in more detail. In particular, well explain how
the commands found in samplethesis.tex and thesis.tex make thesis documents that
conform to the Colleges and the departments regulations.
First, we specify the type of document (report class for Amherst math theses), set the font
(11 point), and format for two-sided printing.
If youre planning to print single-sided, then replace [11pt,twoside] with [11pt]. (See
Footnote 1 on page 12 for more information.)
Next, we import certain packages with fancier symbols and theorem styles well need.
(Note: if you change anything here, make sure that the amsmath package is listed
BEFORE the amsthm package.) If youre going to have figures, dont forget to add a
line like \usepackage{graphicx} here, as noted in Subsection 1.2.7.
After that, we define the theorem types to be used in the thesis.
The \newtheorem command takes two arguments (in curly brackets): the first is what well
call that theorem type in the .tex file, and the second is the actual text to appear in print.
Meanwhile, the option (in square brackets) specifies the numbering; [section] means that,
for example, the first Theorem of Section 4.1 would be numbered 4.1.1, and the first Theorem
of Section 4.3 would be 4.3.1. If I had put [chapter] instead of [section], then those two
Theorems would be simply 4.1 and 4.2. Or, if I omitted that option entirely, the first
Theorem of the whole thesis would be numbered 1, the second 2, and so on.
Note that I put the option [theorem], and in a different place, for the other theorem
types, to number them as if they were theorems. So if Section 2.3 has a lemma, a theorem, a
definition, and then another lemma, they would be numbered as Lemma 2.3.1, Theorem 2.3.2,
Definition 2.3.3, and Lemma 2.3.4. If instead you want definitions to be counted separately
from the others, change the proclamation line for definition to
Then the same set of theorems and definitions would now be labelled Lemma 2.3.1, Theorem 2.3.2, Definition 2.3.1, and Lemma 2.3.3.
Meanwhile, the \newtheorem* command is just like the other \newtheorem commands,
except that the * says that there should be no number attached. (Obviously, there is no
square-bracketed option to describe the numbering in this case.)
Finally, \theoremstyle changes the style of all \newtheorem types that follow, at least
until the next \theoremstyle command. There are three theorem styles to choose from:
1. plain style is the most emphatic, with boldface labels and italicized text. Its also the
default, so we didnt need to declare it explicitly.
2. definition style has boldface labels but regular (upright Roman) text.
3. remark style is the least emphatic, with italicized labels and regular text.
I happened not to use remark style for any theorem types in samplethesis.tex, but you
can if you want to. And, of course, theres no requirement that you have to put definitions
in definition style or remarks in remark style.
Next we set margins and things like that; you probably shouldnt mess with these settings:
These are all length variables, which are allowed to be negative but which must have units
(even when their value is 0). LaTeX units include inches (in), centimeters (cm), points (pt),
and many others. Most of the commands above set the margins, by giving the location
and size of a rectangle on the page where LaTeX is allowed to put text, figures, etc. More
precisely, the upper left corner of this rectangle is one inch plus \topmargin from the top of
the page, and one inch plus \oddsidemargin from the left edge of the page.1 The rectangle
itself is then \textwidth wide by \textheight high. Meanwhile, \footnotesep is the gap
just above a footnote, but footnotes are rarely used in math theses, if ever.
LaTeX ignores \evensidemargin if you use the option [11pt] instead of [11pt,twoside] in the first
line of the document. On the other hand, if you do use twoside, then on even-numbered pages, LaTeX
uses \evensidemargin instead of \oddsidemargin. Thats handy, since thesis regulations require a wider
margin on the binding side but if you double-side, the binding alternates between the left and right sides.
Please note that whether or not your thesis physically prints on both sides of the page has nothing to do
with LaTeXs twoside option, but instead only with your printer settings.
Immediately after those length settings, two more appear in the preamble; and these are
ones that you may actually want to change, depending on the behavior of your printer:
Different printers center pages differently, and you can adjust these two lengths to correct
for that. So \voffset dictates how far to shift the rectangle of text down the paper (or in
this case up, since the length is negative), and \hoffset is how much to shift it to the right.
Next we start to declare some macros, or keyboard shortcuts. If you want C to appear,
the LaTeX command is \mathbb{C}. But if youre going to use that symbol a lot, itd
be easier to to type something shorter like \C. So, use \newcommand to define whatever
macros you want. Incidentally, besides blackboard-bold, \mathcal gives a calligraphic font,
\mathfrak gives a fraktur (Germanic) font, and there are many more.
In addition, although LaTeX has a bunch of built-in math operators (like sin and log),
you might want to define your own. If so, then to get the spacing right and make sure the
letters appear in regular type rather than italics, use the \DeclareMathOperator command.
You can name your macros and math operators whatever you want, as long as they begin
with a backslash and dont conflict with other commands or macros.2
Finally, samplethesis.tex also includes the technical line \newcounter{bean}, but it
doesnt appear in thesis.tex, because you wont need it unless you use a fancy enviroment
like list in your thesis, as I did in Proposition 2.1.2 and Lemma 3.2.2 of samplethesis.tex.3
Front Matter
The preamble is now done. Its time to start the actual document, so we have:
(There is also an \end{document} command at the end of the file.) Then we need to declare
double-spacing (\baselineskip is how much space to leave between lines), and, at least for
the front matter, have page numbers appear as roman numerals.
For example, LaTeX already has the commands \P and \div to make the symbols and . So, after I
got an error message the first time I tried each of them, I chose new macro names: \PP and \divop.
The list environment requires a user-defined variable called a counter, so I initialized one with the
\newcounter command. Any old variable name will work, but the joke choice of bean is borrowed from
George Gr
atzer, who uses both bean and sheep as counter names in his LaTeX manuals.
\vspace makes a vertical space, and \mbox{} makes an empty box for \vspace to push off of. The \\
commands are linebreaks in the center environment, sometimes with an option in square brackets, specifying
an extra amount of space to skip. \vfill is a vertical spring of whitespace, pushing everything above as
high as it will go, and everything below as low as it will go; the two springs have equal strength.
\chapter*{List of Notation}
$\PP^1(\Q)$\dotfill p.\ \pageref{not:P1Q}
Next, for technical reasons, we throw in the ugly LaTeX code
\if@twoside \ifodd\value{page}
\clearpage\mbox{}\thispagestyle{empty} \fi \fi
to prevent problems with even-versus-odd page numbering (and hence even-versus-odd page
margin settings) in certain cases, by inserting an extra blank page if necessary.5
Finally, end the current page and switch back to normal (arabic) page numbers.
Main Matter
Start with \chapter{Introduction}, or whatever you call the first chapter, and write.
Remember that appendices (see Section A.1 for how to make them) are ignored when the
department determines grades and honors levels for theses.
Back Matter
You dont need to know how this bit of code works, but if youre curious, \if ...\fi is just like an
if statement in a programming language; @twoside is a boolean variable (set to true if we are using the
twoside option), and page is a counter (i.e., integer variable) storing the current page number; \value
retrieves its value. So the if statements do nothing unless we are using the twoside option and currently on
an odd page. In that case, \clearpage ends the current page, \mbox{} (which is a blank placeholder) starts
a new one, and \thispagestyle{empty} prevents the new page from displaying a page number. Meanwhile,
the \makeatletter command makes LaTeX read @ as a letter, i.e., a legal character in a variable name;
then when were done, \makeatother changes it back to its usual status as an other symbol, like \ or $.
If you have ten or more bibliography items, change the 9 to 99.6 Then list all works cited.
It should be pretty easy to understand how the bibliography works if you look at the
samplethesis.tex file. The lines
P.~Morton and J.~Silverman,
Rational periodic points of rational functions,
\emph{Inter. Math. Res. Notices} \textbf{2} (1994), 97--110.
make a bibliography entry that you can cite in the main text with \cite{MS1}. Note the
different styles used for papers versus books (especially italics and publication years); follow
those styles in your own bibliography. Finally, end the bibliography with
List of Corrections
A few weeks after theses are due, you may hand in a corrected version, along with a list
of the corrections you made. (So this final section will not be part of the original thesis
document you hand in.) Just start a new unnumbered chapter (after the bibliography) with
and begin with, When originally submitted, this honors thesis contained some errors which
have been corrected in the current version. Here is a list of the errors that were corrected. (The \chapter* command and the two sentences are present but commented out
in thesis.tex; so if you started from thesis.tex, you can just uncomment them.)
Then list the changes; the description environment is good for this. You can mention
really minor changes (like spelling) with a rough count, but no specifics. However, any
other changes (which should still be fairly minor) should be listed explicitly. Refer to page
numbers and line numbers from the corrected version, since any future reader will probably
be reading from the library copy, which will be the corrected version. The example in
samplethesis.tex should be self-explanatory.
The figure sample fig.eps originally appeared in J. Benedetto and R. Benedetto, A wavelet theory for local
fields and related groups, J. Geom. Anal. 14 (2004), 423456. Large portions of the text of the accompanying
samplethesis.tex document were taken from R. Benedetto, Preperiodic points of polynomials over global
fields, J. Reine Angew. Math. 608 (2007), 123153. Many thanks to David Cox for suggestions and
improvements to samplethesis.tex and to this latextips.tex document.
To explain the code here, first \clearpage ends the previous page, so that the correct page number
appears in the contents when we invoke \addcontentsline, which is needed because LaTeX doesnt want
to list the bibliography in the table of contents (since its an unnumbered chapter, like the Abstract). The
string toc appears because the table of contents filename ends with .toc, chapter makes the desired text
appear like a chapter in the contents, and \numberline{} leaves a blank chapter number. The technical
command \protect ensures that \numberline behaves as it should even though were having LaTeX copy
it into another file.
Meanwhile, the 9 after \begin{thebibliography} just means LaTeX should leave enough room for onedigit labels for the bibliography entries. It has to do with the width of the symbol 9, not the actual number
9 itself if you have more than nine but still fewer than 100 sources, use 99 instead of 9.