Driving Regulations Homework LS
Driving Regulations Homework LS
Driving Regulations Homework LS
1. Considering the HOS regulations answer the questions below:
a) If a driver starts his shift at 1000 am and he takes 25 minutes to inspect the truck
and after that, he drives 6 hours to get to the shippers’ location, and there he has a
delay of 4 hours. How many hours does the driver have left to drive?
b) If a driver starts his shift at 0800 am and he takes 15 minutes to inspect the truck and after
that, he drives 2 hours to get to the shippers’ location, and there is a delay for 2 hours. After
he drives 5 more hours, and he takes 1 hour for lunch, after that, he wants to know how many
hours does he have left to drive? Why?
2. Considering the following scenarios provide solutions taking into account the causes, possible
questions and solutions that you will provide.
1. Considering that there is a 14 hour shift, and the driver took 25 minutes to
inspect the truck, then drove 6 hours and then had a delay for 4 hours plus his
mandatory break that will be 10 hours and 55 minutes so the driver has 3 hours and 5
minutes left to drive.
2. Taking into account that is a 14 hour shift, and the driver took 15 minutes to inspect the
truck, after that he drove 2 hours and then had a delay of 2 hours plus another 5 hours of
driving and his break of 1 hour that will be 10 hours and 15 minutes so the driver has 3
hours and 45 minutes left to drive.
1. May I know how many hours do you have left to drive? That will be one of the questions
that I would ask and I can contact the shipper as well to see if he can give me more
information about the schedules for the appointment or another option so we can see if
we are able to make that change for the day after
We can calculate exactly how many appointment times we can offer per dock per day or
we can try and see if we can contact another drive that has the possibility to do this if he
has more hours of service or if he is free to do it, we can try and contact another driver
who has the time
2. I would as well how many hours left of service does the driver has?
We can see that the driver is running out of time and posibbly there won´t be enough time
to load the truck, we can call the shipper as well to see if they can prioritize the truck since
it’s been there for six hours and hasn’t been assigned a dock, we can check as well the
estimated time of arrival and check with them if it is possible to drop the trailer and pick it
up tomorrow