Peripheral Nerves and Plexus. Questions

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EANS/UEMS European examination in neurosurgery

Part I (written)
Variants of questions with answers (compilation - Vyacheslav S. Botev, Department of
Neurosurgery, M.Gorky Donetsk National Medical University)

Peripheral Nerves and Plexus. Questions.

Questions 1 – 12

Directions: The questions below consist of lettered headings from figure followed by
a set of numbered items. For each numbered item select one heading with which it is
most closely associated. Each lettered heading may be used once, more than once, or
not at all.

1. Nerve supplies muscles that are antagonists to the serratus anterior.

2. Injury to this nerve may result in winged scapula.
3. Innervates teres minor muscle.
4. Injury to this nerve will result in flexion weakness, especially when the forearm is
5. Innervates supinator muscle.
6. Nerve most commonly affected by entrapment neuropathy.
7. A pure lesion of a branch of this nerve can result in weakness of the long flexors of
the thumb and index finger (producing a pinch sign) and pronator quadratus.
8. Injury of this nerve may occur in Guayan’s canal.
9. Compression of this nerve may occur by a ligament that bridges the supracondylar
process to the medial epicondyle.
10. Innervates the interossei muscles.
11. Supplies sensation to the anteromedial and posteromedial forearm down to the
12. Entrapment in quadrilateral space.
Questions 13 – 17

Directions: The questions below consist of lettered headings from figure followed by
a set of numbered items. For each numbered item select one heading with which it is
most closely associated. Each lettered heading may be used once, more than once, or
not at all.

13. Prone to injury during obstetric and gynecologic procedures.

14. Nerve associated with “meralgia paresthetica”.
15. Nerve likely to be damaged by hematoma in the pelvis
16. Diabetic amyotrophy is most likely to affect this site.
17. Supplies the pectineus and gracilis muscles.

18. The pectoralis minor muscle is an important landmark in identifying and

describing neighboring structures in the chest and axillary regions. Which of the
following relationships of the pectoralis minor is correct?

A. The lateral cord of the brachial plexus lies lateral to the muscle
B. The clavipectoral triangle lies lateral to the muscle
C. The anterior axillary lymph nodes lie along the medial border of the muscle
D. The lateral wall of the axillary fossa includes the muscle
E. The second part of the axillary artery lies deep to the muscle
19. Median nerve decompression in the carpal tunnel.

1. Which structures form the boundaries of the carpal tunnel?

2. What are the contents of the carpal tunnel?
3. What systemic conditions are associated with carpal tunnel syndrome?
4. What are the presenting symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?
5. Name three provocative maneuvers for the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.
6. What is Phalen’s test?
7. How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated?

20. In anticipation for a medical school swimming party, a 60-year-old male

professor squeezes into last year’s bikini bathing suit despite gaining 25 lb over the
winter. Following a day of “impressing” his students and colleagues, he notices
numbness, tingling, and a burning sensation in the lateral aspect of his left upper
thigh. His symptoms are exacerbated by applying pressure near the left anterior
superior iliac spine. What nerve is most likely affected?

A. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

B. Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
C. Anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve
D. Ilioinguinal nerve
E. Iliohypogastric nerve
21. A lesion of which of the indicated structures would cause loss of sensation in the
skin overlying the trapezius muscle?

A. Lateral gray horn of spinal cord

B. Anterior root of spinal nerve
C. Sympathetic trunk
D. Anterior primary ramus
E. Posterior (dorsal) primary ramus

22. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; Lou Gehrig’s disease) is a progressive, fatal
neurodegenerative disease caused by degeneration of the motor neurons controlling
skeletal (voluntary) muscle movement. Postmortem analysis of which of the
following structures would show the cell bodies of neurons affected by this disease?

A. Anterior gray horn of the spinal cord

B. Lateral gray horn of the spinal cord
C. Posterior gray horn of the spinal cord
D. Spinal ganglia
E. Lateral column of spinal cord white matter

23. A 76-year-old man recently had coronary bypass surgery in which the small
saphenous vein was harvested to establish coronary blood flow. Following the
procedure, he complained of numbness and paresthesia in the limb from which the
vein was removed. The given photo highlights the cutaneous area affected in the
patient. No motor loss was noted. What nerve was most likely damaged during
harvesting of the vein for transplantation?
A. Sural nerve
B. Saphenous nerve
C. Superficial fibular nerve
D. Deep fibular nerve
E. Lateral plantar nerve

24. A 62-year-old man recently had coronary bypass surgery in which the great
saphenous vein was harvested for reestablishing coronary blood flow. Following the
procedure, he complained of loss of sensation in the cutaneous area noted in the given
photo in the limb from which the vein was harvested. Which of the following nerves
was most likely damaged during the surgery?

A. Sural nerve
B. Obturator nerve
C. Saphenous nerve
D. Deep fibular (peroneal) nerve
E. Superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve

25. An anesthesiologist administers an anesthetic solution into the axillary sheath of

a 19-year-old college baseball player in preparation for repair of the ulnar collateral
ligament of the elbow. After 5 minutes, the patient experiences numbness and
paresthesia distal to the middle aspect of the arm; however, the medial aspect of the
arm and elbow remain sensitive to pain. What nerve provides sensory innervation to
the sensitive area and was not blocked by the anesthetic solution?

A. Long thoracic nerve

B. Median nerve
C. Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm
D. Intercostobrachial nerve
E. Ulnar nerve
26. A physician tests the calcaneal tendon (ankle jerk) reflex as shown. A normal
response of plantar flexion of the ankle joint is noted. This myotatic (deep tendon)
reflex confirms the integrity of what nerve?

A. Tibial nerve
B. Deep fibular nerve
C. Superficial fibular nerve
D. Medial plantar nerve
E. Lateral plantar nerve

27. As part of a physical examination to evaluate lower limb function, a physician

places her hands on the dorsum of the patient’s foot and asks the patient to dorsiflex
the ankle joint against resistance, as shown. What nerve is the doctor testing?

A. Tibial nerve
B. Deep fibular nerve
C. Superfi cial fibular nerve
D. Medial plantar nerve
E. Lateral plantar nerve

28. A 17-year-old male football player suffers a shoulder injury and arrives at the ER
2 hours after the injury. The physician diagnoses a shoulder dislocation, and after
administration of a local anesthetic solution, the doctor repositions the head of the
humerus into the glenoid cavity of the scapula (reduction). No fractures are seen on
X-rays. However, the patient displays weakness in abduction and external rotation at
the shoulder. A loss of sensation is also noted at the superior and lateral aspects of the
arm. What nerve was most likely damaged in this injury?
A. Axillary nerve
B. Median nerve
C. Ulnar nerve
D. Radial nerve
E. Musculocutaneous nerve

29. A 32-year-old mixed martial arts fi ghter could not continue his fight after
receiving a side leg kick to the neck of his left fibula. The fighter reported paresthesia
and numbness on the entire dorsum of his left foot. During his physical examination,
the patient often stumbled with his left toes dragging on the floor during the swing
phase of his gait. Asymmetry in his normal foot position was also noted by the
physician (see photo) as well as weakness in eversion of the foot at the ankle joint.
What nerve was damaged?

A. Tibial nerve
B. Deep fibular nerve
C. Superficial fibular nerve
D. Common fibular nerve
E. Sciatic nerve

30. A physician tests the myotatic biceps reflex as shown. A normal response of
involuntary contraction of the biceps brachii muscle is noted. This reflex confirms the
integrity of what nerve?

A. Axillary nerve
B. Median nerve
C. Ulnar nerve
D. Radial nerve
E. Musculocutaneous nerve
31. A 36-year-old man broke a window with his fist to rescue his child from a house
fire. The man sustained a laceration to the lateral aspect of his right forearm, but he
only showed a sensory deficit (numbness and paresthesia) to the dorsolateral aspect
of his hand (as denoted by the shaded area within the given photo). What nerve was
most likely damaged?

A. Dorsal cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve

B. Lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
C. Posterior cutaneous nerve of the forearm
D. Deep branch of the radial nerve
E. Superficial branch of the radial nerve

32. As part of a physical examination to evaluate lower limb function, a physician

asks her patient to stand on his tiptoes, as shown. What nerve is the doctor testing?

A. Tibial nerve
B. Deep fibular nerve
C. Superficial fibular nerve
D. Sural nerve
E. Saphenous nerve
33. A 16-year-old boy was fishing barefoot in a muddy river when the plantar
surface of his foot was cut by unseen debris. He suffers a large transverse cut,
penetrating the first two layers of his plantar musculature, in the area of the first
cuneiform bone. In the emergency room, his physician notes a complete inability to
flex and abduct the big toe and numbness on the plantar aspect of the three medial
toes. Which of the following nerves is most likely damaged?

A. Medial plantar nerve

B. Lateral plantar nerve
C. Sural nerve
D. Deep fibular nerve
E. Superficial fibular nerve

34. A 23-year-old man was injured in a motor vehicle accident and X-rays confirmed
a displaced distal radius fracture in his left forearm. Upon examination, the patient
exhibits weakened pronation, weakened flexion of the index and middle fingers at the
distal interphalangeal joints, and weakened flexion of the interphalangeal joint of the
thumb. When asked to make the “okay” sign (make a circle with the thumb and index
finger), the patient is unable to make a round circle, producing a “collapsed circle” on
the affected hand (see photo). No areas of sensory loss are detected. Which nerve is
most likely damaged?

A. Deep branch of the radial nerve

B. Superficial branch of the radial nerve
C. Anterior interosseous nerve
D. Median nerve, proximal to the carpal tunnel
E. Recurrent branch of the median nerve
35. A 21-year-old male college student reports to the student health clinic on
Monday morning, the day after the Super Bowl. He explains that he was intoxicated
and lost consciousness with his upper limbs draped over the back of a couch. He
complains of numbness and paresthesia over the dorsum of his hand on the radial side
and is unable to support the weight of his left hand when the hand is placed in a
pronated position (see photo). What nerve was most likely damaged in this

A. Axillary nerve
B. Median nerve
C. Ulnar nerve
D. Radial nerve
E. Musculocutaneous nerve

36. A 52-year-old retired professional cyclist, who still rides his bike 400 miles per
week, comes to his physician complaining of hand problems. The physician notes
hyperextension of the ring and little fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints and
flexion at the interphalangeal joints within the same fingers (see photo). During
examination, the patient has no weakness in flexion or adduction of the wrist. What
nerve is compressed at what location?

A. Ulnar nerve in the elbow

B. Ulnar nerve in the wrist
C. Median nerve in the wrist
D. Median nerve in the elbow
E. Median nerve in the axilla
37. A 50-year female equestrian is thrown from a startled horse and dragged by the
reins, which were wrapped around her left wrist, for some distance. At the ER, she is
experiencing pain and paresthesia in the axilla and medial aspect of her upper limb.
Despite being left-handed, she has marked weakness in the movements of her
dominant hand, especially abduction and adduction of the fingers. What structure was
most likely damaged in this woman?

A. Upper trunk of the brachial plexus

B. Lower trunk of the brachial plexus
C. Posterior cord of the brachial plexus
D. Lateral cord of the brachial plexus
E. Long thoracic nerve

38. Physical examination of a 45-year-old man who had been stabbed in the back of
the shoulder shows a deep wound penetrating into the quadrangular space of the
shoulder, causing bleeding from the severed blood vessels there. Which of the
following neural structures is most likely damaged as well?

A. Musculocutaneous nerve
B. Lateral cord of the brachial plexus
C. Radial nerve
D. Axillary nerve
E. Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm

39. “Pronator teres syndrome” is a condition in which one of the following nerves is
excessively compressed where it passes between the two heads of the pronator teres
muscle. Which of the following nerves is entrapped?

A. Deep branch of radial nerve

B. Median Nerve
C. Deep branch of ulnar nerve
D. Superficial branch of ulnar nerve
E. Musculocutaneous nerve
40. A 56-year-old woman was stopped at a light when her car was rear-ended by
another car. She had her right arm on the steering wheel, and the impact caused
forced flexion at her elbow. Several months later, she comes to her physician
complaining of numbness and a “pins and needles” sensation in her right little finger
when she talks on the phone, rests her head on her right hand at work, or spends most
of her day typing at work. She also notices the quality of her typing and her ability to
play the violin have diminished. Which nerve is compressed at what location?

A. Ulnar nerve in the elbow

B. Ulnar nerve in the wrist
C. Median nerve in the wrist
D. Median nerve in the elbow
E. Median nerve in the axilla

41. Following a radical mastectomy procedure, a surgeon plans to conduct a breast

reconstruction utilizing a latissimus dorsi muscle flap. What nerve will the surgeon
need to keep intact during the surgical dissection of the chest wall to prevent atrophy
of the muscle flap?
A. Long thoracic nerve
B. Intercostobrachial nerve
C. Medial pectoral nerve
D. Thoracodorsal nerve
E. Axillary nerve

42. As part of a physical examination to evaluate intrinsic hand muscle function, a

physician asks the patient to assume the Z-position (seen in photo) with his hand,
which involves flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joints and extension of the
interphalangeal joints of the fingers. Which of the following nerves is being tested in
assuming this position?

A. Deep branch of radial nerve

B. Superficial branch of radial nerve
C. Recurrent branch of median nerve
D. Deep branch of ulnar nerve
E. Superficial branch of ulnar nerve
43. A 10-year-old boy was running across a parking lot when he tripped and received
lacerations on the base of his thumb from a broken glass bottle. On examination, his
thumb was unable to oppose to his fingers, and the thumb also showed weakness
when abducting and flexing. No sensory deficits were reported. What nerve was most
likely severed?

A. Deep branch of radial nerve

B. Superfi cial branch of radial nerve
C. Recurrent branch of median nerve
D. Deep branch of ulnar nerve
E. Superficial branch of ulnar nerve

44. What are the most common brachial plexus lesions?

45. What are the constituents of a peripheral nerve?
46. What is the lower brachial plexus paralysis (Dejerine-Klumpke palsy)?
47. What is the pinch or “O” sign?
48. What is the “benediction sign?”
49. What is Tinel’s sign?
50. What is Froment’s sign?
51. What is Wartenberg’s sign?
52. What is the cutaneous sensory supply of the median nerve?
53. What is the cutaneous sensory supply of the ulnar nerve?
54. What is the cutaneous sensory supply of the radial nerve?
55. What is meralgia paresthetica?
56. Regarding schwannoma and neurofibroma:
1. What are growth patterns of schwannoma and neurofibroma within peripheral

Schwannoma’s "fish flesh" soft tan appearance,

and median nerve neurofibroma in a patient with NF1.

2. Of what are schwannomas composed?

3. What are the two major patterns seen in schwannomas on histopathology?
4. With which pattern might lipid-laden cells be present?
5. What histopathology is typical of CN VIII schwannoma?
6. What are the three variants of schwannoma?
7. How can cellular schwannoma easily be mistaken for malignant peripheral nerve
sheath tumors (MPNST)?
Answers Peripheral Nerves and Plexus.

Brachial plexus
1. K. The dorsal scapular nerve.
The dorsal scapular nerve (K) supplied the levator scapulae and major and minor
rhomboid muscles. The rhomboids normally elevate and adduct the medial border of
the scapula (antagonist to serratus anterior) and along with the levator scalae, rotate
the scapula so that the inferior angle moves medially.

2. A. The long thoracic nerve.

The long thoracic nerve (A) supplies the serratus anterior muscle, which fixes and
stabilizes the scapula against the chest wall. It is tested by observing for scapular
winging while the patient pushes and extends the arms against a fixed object.

3. I. The axillary (circumflex) nerve.

The axillary (circumflex) nerve descends on the subscapularis muscle and then winds
around the surgical head of the humerus to supply the deltoid and teres minor

4. J. The musculocutaneous nerve.

The musculocutaneous nerve (J) is best tested by having the patient flex the supinated
arm against resistance.

5. G. The radial nerve.

The radial nerve (G) innervates the extensors of the arm, forearm, and wrist.

6. H. The median nerve.

7. H. The median nerve.

In trying to pinch the tips of the index finger and thumb, the terminal phalanges
extend instead of the tips and the pulps touch, producing the “pinch sign”.

8. F. The ulnar nerve.

In the wrist, the ulnar nerve may be compressed in Guyan’s canal, the roof of which
is formed by the palmar fascia and palmaris brevis, the floor being the flexor
retinaculum of the palm and pisohamate bone.

9. H. The median nerve.

10. F. The ulnar nerve.

The ulnar nerve (F) is the main branch of the medial cord (C8 –T1) and supplies no
muscles in the arm and only two in the forearm (flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor
digitorum profundus III and IV).
11. E. The medial cutaneous nerves.
The medial cutaneous nerves of the forearm are two sensory branches that supply
various regions of the arm and forearm.

12. I. The axillary (circumflex) nerve.

It may be entrapment in the quadrilateral space, an anatomic compartment bounded
by the teres major and minor muscles, the long head of the triceps, and neck of

13. C. Obturator nerve.

The obturator nerve lies on the medial side of the iliopsoas muscle and comes into
close relationship with the uterus before reaching the obturator foramen. In the pelvis,
it is particularly vulnerable to injury during obstetric and gynecologic procedures.

14. A. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.

Entrpment of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve as it enters the thigh can produce a
numb, tingling, or burning hypersensitivity over the lateral thigh known as meralgia
paresthetica. It is often encountered in obese patients of either sex who have lost a
significant amount of weight, or, conversely, can be seen in late pregnanct due to a
sagging anterior wall.

15. B. Femoral nerve.

In the abdomen and pelvis, a primary or secondary neoplasm, psoas abscess, or pelvic
hematoma may damage the upper portion of this nerve.

16. D. Femoral nerve.

In the femoral ring, this nerve is particularly vulnerable to local compression and
possibly pressure palsy from diabetes mellitus. Although diabetes can also affect the
L2 –L4 roots of this nerve, diabetic neuropathy of the femoral nerve is most often
encountered in the femoral triangle. The patient usually presents with pain that
resolves, only to be followed by rapid wasting and weakness of the quadriceps, which
makes walking very difficult. Fortunately, the condition eventually improves,
althoughit may take up to 2 years.

17. C. Obturator nerve.

The nerve supplies the adductor muscles of the thigh, which includes the pectineus;
adductor longus, brevis, and magnus, and gracilis muscles. Its integrity is tested by
having the patient hold the legs together against resistance.
18. The answer is E. The second part of the axillary artery lies deep to the muscle.

The pectoralis minor muscle overlies the axillary artery in such a way as to divide it
into three parts: first (prepectoral; medial), second (subpectoral; deep), third
(postpectoral; lateral). The first part is medial to the pectoralis minor, running from
the lateral border of the first rib to the medial border of the pectoralis minor. The
second part is deep to the muscle. The third part is lateral to the pectoralis minor,
running from the lateral border of the muscle to the inferior border of the teres major


1. Roof: thick fibrous transverse carpal ligament.

Radial: transverse carpal ligament (TCL) attaches to scaphoid tuberosity and part of
Ulnar: TCL attaches proximally to the pisiform and distally to the hook of the
Floor: Carpal bones and deep volar radiocarpal and volar interosseous ligaments.

2. The median n. and the nine digital flexor tendons (FDS, FDP, and FPL).

3. Female gender, family history, diabetes, renal failure, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis,
polymyalgia rheumatica, menopause, oral contraceptive use, pregnancy, acromegaly,
hyper/hypothyroidism, amyloidosis, prior Colles’ fracture.

4. Patients most commonly present with paresthesias and pain over the distal median
n. distribution. Symptoms are particularly worse at night. If long-standing, may also
have weakness and atrophy of the thenar musculature.

5. Phalen’s test, Tinel’s sign, and carpal tunnel compression test.

6. Complete and forced flexion of the wrist (typically for about 1 minute). A positive
test involves recurrence of typical symptoms.

7. A trial of conservative management (wrist splinting, avoidance of exacerbating

postures/activities, medications such as antiinflammatories) is warranted for
mild/moderate CTS prior to considering surgery. Open or endoscopic release
involves division of the transverse carpal ligament over its entire extent.

20. The answer is A. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.

This misguided professor presents with classic signs and symptoms of entrapment of
the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which passes under the inguinal ligament in
proximity to the anterior superior iliac spine, demonstrated in the given figure.
Impingement of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is called meralgia paresthetica or
bikini brief syndrome and results in abnormal sensations of burning, pain, and
numbness in the lateral portion of the upper thigh. In the case of this progressive
professor, his fashionable swimwear compressed the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
near the anterior superior iliac spine. Moreover, meralgia paresthetica is seen in
individuals who have gained considerable weight (e.g., pregnancy) in a short period.

21. The answer is E. Posterior (dorsal) primary ramus.

Sensory receptors in the skin overlying the trapezius muscle project through general
sensory (general somatic afferent) neurons to the spinal cord via the posterior (dorsal)
primary rami of spinal nerves (marked “E” in this diagram), traverse the mixed spinal
nerves, travel within posterior (dorsal) roots of spinal nerves, and reach the posterior
(dorsal) gray horn of the spinal cord. Cutting the posterior rami of spinal nerves
would cause degeneration of the distal axonal processes of the general sensory fibers
and lead to loss of sensation in the skin of the back. Additionally, the distal axonal
processes of somatic motor (general somatic efferent or GSE) neurons and visceral
motor (general visceral efferent or GVE) neurons contained within the posterior
primary rami would be damaged as well, causing motor and autonomic deficits in the
back, respectively. Remember that the trapezius muscle is a component of the
superficial extrinsic layer of back muscles, which connect the upper limbs to the
trunk. These muscles are innervated by anterior primary rami of spinal nerves, except
for the trapezius, which is supplied by the accessory nerve (CN XI). However, the
skin overlying the trapezius muscle is innervated by the posterior (dorsal) primary
rami of spinal nerves.

22. The answer is A. Anterior gray horn of the spinal cord.

Cell bodies of somatic motor neurons (a-motor neurons) innervating skeletal muscle
are located within the anterior (ventral) gray horn of the spinal cord, at all segmental
levels throughout the entire length of the spinal cord. The innervation of the skeletal
muscles affected by ALS is through somatic motor (general somatic efferent or GSE)
neurons and branchial motor (special visceral efferent or SVE) neurons (neurons that
supply the embryonic pharyngeal arches). In ALS patients, postmortem analysis of
the anterior gray horn of the spinal cord would show signifi cant degeneration. In the
given diagram, the anterior gray horn of the spinal cord is labeled as “A.” The
locations for all five possible choices for this question are also indicated in this

23. The answer is A. Sural nerve.

The sural nerve is formed in the distal posterior aspect of the leg by the convergence
of the medial sural cutaneous nerve (off the tibial nerve) and the lateral sural
cutaneous nerve (off the common fibular nerve). This nerve parallels the small
saphenous vein coursing in between the calcaneal tuberosity and lateral malleolus of
the fibula, and it is at this location that this vein is often harvested for transplantation.
Damage to the sural nerve would lead to numbness and paresthesia in the posterior
leg, particularly to the dorsal aspect of the fifth toe and lateral malleolus of the fibula,
as seen in this patient.

24. The answer is C. Saphenous nerve.

The cutaneous area indicated in the illustration is that of the saphenous nerve, the
longest branch of the femoral nerve. The saphenous nerve becomes cutaneous at the
medial aspect of the knee, and descends through the leg into the foot in company with
the great saphenous vein. It innervates the skin on the medial side of the leg and foot.
Because of its close relationship to the great saphenous vein, this nerve is vulnerable
to injury in surgery involving the vein (e.g., harvesting of the vein for coronary
bypass or repair of varicosities).

25. The answer is D. Intercostobrachial nerve.

The intercostobrachial nerve is the lateral cutaneous branch of the second intercostal
nerve. As its name implies, it leaves the thorax by exiting between the second and
third ribs (between the ribs = intercosto-) to supply cutaneous innervation to the axilla
and medial aspect of the arm (brachium). In some instances, it may also supply skin
distal to the elbow. The anesthetic solution would block all of the distal branches of
the brachial plexus residing within the axillary sheath, thus sparing the
intercostobrachial nerve.

26. The answer is A. Tibial nerve.

A positive response to the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon reflex causes plantar flexion of
the ankle joint via the contractions of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, which
insert distally into the calcaneal tendon. These muscles are innervated by the tibial
nerve, and the plantar flexion of the ankle joint confirms the integrity of this nerve
and the S1-2 spinal segments, from which this nerve is primarily derived. The tibial
nerve is a terminal branch of the sciatic nerve that supplies the posterior compartment
of the leg, including the superficial compartment where the gastrocnemius and soleus
muscles reside.

27. The answer is B. Deep fibular nerve.

The deep fibular (peroneal) nerve is a terminal branch of the common fibular nerve
that supplies motor innervation to the four muscles of the anterior compartment of the
leg: (1) tibialis anterior, (2) extensor digitorum longus, (3) extensor hallucis longus,
and (4) fibularis (peroneus) tertius. These four muscles are responsible for dorsifl
exion of the ankle. The deep fibular nerve also innervates the extensor digitorum
brevis and extensor hallucis brevis, which are intrinsic muscles of the foot, sends
articular branches to joints it crosses, and supplies cutaneous innervation to the first
interdigital cleft. The deep fibular nerve is responsible for dorsiflexion of the foot at
the ankle joint, and the segmental innervation of this movement is L4 and L5.

28. The answer is A. Axillary nerve.

The axillary nerve may be damaged in approximately one of seven shoulder
dislocations. This nerve innervates the deltoid and teres minor muscles as well as
supplying innervation to the skin overlying the deltoid in the superolateral aspect of
the arm. Loss of innervation to the deltoid muscle would explain the weakness in
abduction of the upper limb. The teres minor assists the infraspinatus muscle in
external rotation of the shoulder.

29. The answer is D. Common fibular nerve.

The common fibular (peroneal) nerve, a terminal branch of the sciatic nerve, courses
around the neck of the fibula. It is at this site that this nerve is particularly prone to
injury via trauma, such as a kick to the side of the leg. Distal to this location, the
common fibular nerve divides into the deep and superfi cial fibular nerves, which
supply the motor innervation to the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg,
respectively. Damage to the common fibular nerve would lead to all of the symptoms
seen in this patient, such as weakness in eversion and dorsiflexion of the foot at the
ankle joint, foot drop, and loss of sensation to the dorsum of the foot.

30. The answer is E. Muculocutaneous nerve.

A positive response to the myotatic biceps reflex confirms the integrity of the
musculocutaneous nerve and the C5 and C6 spinal segments, from which this nerve
arises. The musculocutaneous nerve supplies motor innervation and proprioception to
the muscles in the anterior compartment of the arm, including the coracobrachialis,
biceps brachii (tested here), and brachialis. Lesioning the musculocutaneous nerve
would lead to loss of proprioception and weakness in flexing the elbow (via the
biceps brachii and brachialis muscles) and supinating the forearm (via the biceps
brachii), resulting in a negative myotatic biceps reflex.

31. The answer is E. Superficial branch of the radial nerve.

The superficial branch of the radial nerve is entirely cutaneous, carrying sensation
from the dorsolateral part of the hand from the anatomical snuffbox to the midline of
the fourth finger. This nerve is vulnerable as it runs posteriorly between the
brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus tendons toward the dorsum of the
hand. This nerve was damaged at this location, but the area of sensory loss is less
than expected due to the overlap from cutaneous branches of the ulnar and median

32. The answer is A. Tibial nerve.

The tibial nerve is a terminal branch of the sciatic nerve that supplies the posterior
muscles of the knee joint and leg, including the three muscles of the superficial
compartment (gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris) and four muscles of the deep
compartment (popliteus, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis
posterior). The tibial nerve is responsible for plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle
joint, which is being tested in this patient, and the segmental innervation of this
movement is S1 and S2. Distally, the tibial nerve divides into the medial and lateral
plantar nerves.

33. The answer is A. Medial plantar nerve.

The medial plantar nerve, which is homologous to the median nerve in the hand,
innervates four intrinsic foot muscles: first Lumbrical, Abductor hallucis, Flexor
digitorum brevis, and Flexor hallucis brevis (mnemonic = “LAFF” muscles). This
nerve supplies cutaneous innervation to the medial three and a half toes on the plantar
surface of the foot. The given photo shows the sensory distribution of the medial
plantar nerve, but please remember that the other cutaneous nerves of the plantar
aspect of the foot (lateral plantar nerve on the lateral aspect, tibial nerve proximally,
and saphenous nerve medially) will have some overlap with this distribution pattern.
Due to the depth of the cut, the medial plantar nerve, which travels between the first
and second layers of the plantar foot musculature, was most likely severed, resulting
in loss of cutaneous sensation to the plantar surface of the medial three toes and loss
of motor innervation to the abductor hallucis and flexor hallucis brevis. The tendon of
the flexor hallucis longus muscle, which resides in the second layer of plantar foot
musculature, would have also been severed by this cut. Despite being innervated by
the tibial nerve, the tendon of this muscle would have been severed due to the depth
of the cut, resulting in the complete inability to flex the big toe, seen in this patient.

34. The answer is C. Anterior interosseous nerve.

The anterior interosseous nerve is a branch of the median nerve in the distal part of
the cubital fossa, and it courses distally on the interosseous membrane. It supplies the
deep forearm flexors, including the flexor digitorum profundus of digits 2 and 3, the
flexor pollicis longus, and the pronator quadratus. Loss of this nerve would cause
weakness in pronation due to denervation of the pronator quadratus. This injury
would also result in inability to flex the distal interphalangeal joints of the index and
middle fingers and the interphalangeal joint of the thumb due to denervation of the
flexor digitorum profundus and flexor pollicis longus, respectively. This deficit
would lead to the collapsed “O.K. sign” indicated in the photo. Because
compromising the anterior interosseous nerve would not result in any cutaneous
sensory deficits, it is this nerve that was most likely damaged by the displaced end of
the left radius.

35. The answer is D. Radial nerve.

This case represents a classic presentation of “Saturday Night Palsy,” where the
radial nerve is compressed against the humerus in the arm. Remember, the radial
nerve supplies motor innervation to the posterior compartments of the arm and
forearm, so damage to this nerve would cause weakness in extending the elbow and
wrist. This patient is unable to extend the wrist when the hand is placed in a pronated
position (“wrist drop”), implying damage to the radial nerve. Moreover, the
superficial branch of the radial nerve is responsible for cutaneous innervation over
much of the dorsum of the hand, which explains the numbness and paresthesia in his

36. The answer is B: Ulnar nerve in the wrist.

The ulnar nerve can become compressed between the pisiform and hook of the
hamate at the wrist in a condition termed “ulnar canal syndrome” or “Guyon tunnel
syndrome.” This entrapment syndrome is especially seen in professional cyclists who
spend countless hours placing pressure on the hook of the hamate bone as they grasp
their handlebars. This “handlebar neuropathy” presents with hyperextension of the
metacarpophalangeal joints and flexion at the interphalangeal joints of the fourth and
fifth fingers. The “clawing” of these two fingers is accompanied by sensory loss in
the medial side of the hand.

37. The answer is B. Lower trunk of the brachial plexus.

This woman has experienced a lower brachial plexus injury due to forced abduction
of the upper limb during the accident. This injury presents with numbness and
paresthesia in the C8 and T1 dermatomes, which supply the axilla and medial aspect
of her upper limb. These nerve roots primarily supply the medial cord of the brachial
plexus, which creates the ulnar nerve. Due to damage to the ulnar nerve, she is
experiencing weakness in the movement of her left hand. The abduction and
adduction of the fingers are controlled by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve by
supplying the dorsal interosseous and palmar interosseous muscles, respectively.

38. The answer is D. Axillary nerve.

The quadrangular space of the shoulder is an important passageway allowing the
posterior humeral circumfl ex vessels and their companion axillary nerve to pass
from the axilla to the posterior aspect of the shoulder. The neurovascular bundle runs
across the surgical neck of the humerus to enter the quadrangular space. The space
itself (sometimes termed the lateral axillary hiatus) is formed by four structures: teres
major, teres minor, long head of the triceps, surgical neck of the humerus. The
vessels contribute to the collateral network around the shoulder. The axillary nerve
supplies the teres minor and deltoid muscles and a cutaneous area on the superolateral
aspect of the arm (i.e., the skin overlying the lower aspect of the deltoid muscle).

39. The answer is B. Median nerve.

Each of the five terminal branches of the brachial plexus (musculocutaneous, median,
ulnar, radial, and axillary nerves) passes through a muscular or osseofascial tunnel at
some point in its distribution, where it may be subject to entrapment in a tunnel
syndrome. The pronator teres muscle arises via two heads, one from the medial
epicondyle of the humerus and the other from the coronoid process of the ulna, with a
tendinous arch connecting them. The median nerve exits the cubital fossa and enters
the forearm by passing between these heads, where it may be unduly compressed in a
pronator teres syndrome. This condition would influence much of the median nerve
territory in the forearm plus the entire median nerve territory in the hand.

40. The answer is A. Ulnar nerve in the elbow.

Situations in which peripheral nerves are compressed or otherwise entrapped where

they pass through narrow spaces (“tunnels”) in muscles and/or osseo-fascial units are
generally referred to as “tunnel syndromes.” Such conditions may result in periodic
or constant motor and/or sensory deficits. The ulnar nerve crosses the elbow in a
narrow space between the olecranon process and the medial epicondyle of the
humerus, on the posteromedial (ulnar) side of the joint. The ulnar nerve can be
compressed between these bony landmarks or between the humeral and ulnar heads
of the attachment of the flexor carpi ulnaris. Compression of the ulnar nerve within
these areas leads to “cubital tunnel syndrome.” The symptoms are exacerbated during
events where flexion of the elbow narrows these passageways and compresses the
ulnar nerve at the elbow joint. The patient’s cubital tunnel syndrome would explain
the paresthesia and numbness on the medial aspect of the hand and the diminished
fine motor control of the intrinsic hand muscles. Her condition originated due to the
forced flexion of the elbow in the motor vehicle accident, which compressed the
ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel.
41. The answer is D. Thoracodorsal nerve.
Successful transposition of muscle flaps in reconstructive surgery hinges largely on
maintaining the neurovascular pedicles that supply the muscle. The latissimus dorsi
muscle is innervated by the thoracodorsal (middle subscapular) nerve, a branch of the
posterior cord of the brachial plexus. Lesion of this nerve during dissection of the
chest wall will cause loss of the muscle flap.

42. The answer is D. Deep branch of ulnar nerve.

The deep branch of the ulnar nerve innervates most of the intrinsic muscles of the
hand, including the hypothenar muscles, medial two lumbrical muscles, the palmar
and dorsal interossei, adductor pollicis, and the deep head of the flexor pollicis
brevis. Specifically, the palmar interossei, dorsal interossei, and lumbrical muscles
insert into the extensor digital expansion to provide, collectively, flexion of the
metacarpophalangeal joints and extension of the interphalangeal joints of the fingers.
All of these muscles, with the exception of the first and second lumbrical muscles,
are innervated by the deep branch of the ulnar nerve, so this nerve is being tested by
placing the hand in the Z-position. If the deep branch of the ulnar nerve were severed,
the hand would assume the opposite of the Z-position, which is called “claw hand.”

43. The answer is C. Recurrent branch of median nerve.

The recurrent (thenar) branch of the median nerve lies subcutaneously in the thenar
eminence and can be damaged by lacerations in this area. This nerve innervates most
of the thenar muscles, including the Opponens pollicis, Abductor pollicis brevis, and
superfi cial head of the Flexor pollicis brevis (mnemonic = “OAF”). Opposition of
the thumb would be lost by cutting the recurrent branch of the median nerve. Though
the abductor pollicis brevis is denervated, the abductor pollicis longus, innervated by
the deep branch of the radial nerve, is still intact. Also, the flexor pollicis longus,
innervated by the anterior interosseous nerve, would still allow flexion at the
interphalangeal joint of the thumb. Cutting the recurrent branch of the median nerve
would lead to atrophy of the thenar muscular complex, a condition known as “ape

44. 1. Waiter’s tip (Erb’s palsy)

2. Claw hand (Klumpke’s palsy)
3. Wrist drop
4. Winged scapula
5. Deltoid paralysis
6. Saturday night palsy (wrist drop)
7. Difficulty flexing elbow, variable sensory loss
8. Decreased thumb function, Pope’s blessing
9. Intrinsic muscles of hand, claw hand
45. Axon, Schwann cells, connective tissue matrix (endoneurium, internal and
external epineurium).

Transverse section of a peripheral nerve consisting of a single nerve bundle.

46. Lower brachial plexus paralysis (Dejerine-Klumpke palsy).

This paralysis results from a lesion of the ventral rami of the C8 and T1 spinal nerves.
It affects the hand muscles, the long digital flexors, and the flexor muscles in the
wrist (claw hand with atrophy of the small hand muscles. Sensory disturbances affect
the ulnar surface of the forearm and hand. Because the sympathetic fibers for the
head leave the spinal cord at T1, the sympathetic innervations of the head is also lost.
This is manifested by a unilateral Horner syndrome, characterized by miosis
(contracted pupil due to paralysis of the dilator papillae) and narrowing of the
palpebral fissure (not ptosis) due to a loss of sympathetic innervations to the superior
and inferior tarsal muscles. The narrowed palpebral fissure mimics enophthalmos
(sinking of the eyeball into the orbit).


To test for anterior interosseous nerve palsy, the thumb and index finger are unable to
make a circle (“O”); instead, the pulps of the thumb and index finger touch each
other. This is the result of weakness of flexion of the distal phalanges.

“Okay” or “circle” sign with anterior interosseous nerve weakness. A quick way to
assess the flexor digitorum profundus and flexor pollicis longus innervation from the
anterior interosseous nerve is to ask the patient to make an okay sign by touching the
tips of the thumb and index finger together. With weakness in these muscles, the
distal phalanges cannot flex, and instead of the fingertips touching, the volar surfaces
of each distal phalanx make contact.

48. Absent flexion of radial three digits due to the loss of thenar muscles, FPL, and
lateral half of lumbricals.

When a patient with a complete median palsy is asked to make a fist, the first digit
barely flexes, the second digit partially flexes (secondary to substitution from non-
median innervated muscles), the third digit flexes but is weak, while the fourth and
fifth digits flex normally, creating what is known as the Benedictine sign.

49. Tinel’s test is used clinically under two clinical scenarios:

1. To assess the extent of axonal regeneration following nerve injury. The involved
nerve is percussed along its entire length, starting distally and progressing proximally
until paresthesias are elicited. This point represents the distal most extent of axonal
2. To assess for compression of nerves at anatomical entrapment sites.

50. Froment’s sign can be elicited by asking the patient to hold a piece of paper
between the thumb and index finger. Median-innervated FPL substitutes for adductor
pollicis, causing flexion of terminal phalanx while holding paper.

In the affected hand, the adductor pollicis is weak and thumb adduction does not
occur. Instead, the interphalangeal joint of the affected thumb flexes to hold the paper
through contraction of the flexor pollicis longus (median innervated).

51. Abduction of the fifth digit at the metacarpo-phalangeal (MCP) joint due to
unopposed action of the extensor digiti quinti muscle and weakness of the third
palmar interosseous muscle.

• Palmar cutaneous branch: lateral aspect of palm
• Cutaneous branches to palmar surface and sides of thumb, index, middle, and half
of ring finger, and dorsum of distal half of these fingers.
• Dorsal cutaneous branch: dorsal surface of medial aspect of hand and 1½ fingers
• Palmar cutaneous branch: ulnar aspect of palm
• Superficial branch: palmar aspect of ulnar 1½ fingers

• Posterior brachial cutaneous n.
• Posterior antebrachial cutaneous and inferior lateral cutaneous n.
• Superficial terminal branch: supplies dorsoradial aspect of hand
55. Syndrome due to entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (purely
sensory branch from L2-L3) where it enters the thigh through/below the inguinal
ligament; associated with numbness, burning dysesthesias over anterolateral thigh
(“trouser pocket distribution”).

1. Growth patterns of schwannoma and neurofibroma within peripheral nerve.

The cellular proliferation of the schwannoma is well-circumscribed and pushes

surviving nerve fibers to the periphery of the tumor.

The cellular proliferation of the neurofibroma is interspersed among the surviving

nerve fibers.

2. Neoplastic Schwann cells.

3. Schwannomas appear biphasic, with two patterns:

Antoni A: compact cellular areas with spindle-shaped cells, often arranged as parallel
nuclear palisades (Verocay bodies).
Antoni B: less-cellular areas with loosely arranged cells that have indistinct
Schwannomas are composed of cells with elongated, spindled nuclei. They are
composed of Antoni A (label A) and Antoni B (label B) areas, and may show
hyalinized blood vessels (arrow).

4. Trick question: both!

• Mostly Antoni B tissue
• Few Verocay bodies
• Often proliferation of lipid-laden cells

• Cellular
• Plexiform
• Melanotic

7. Cellular schwannoma is characterized by hypercellularity, mitotic activity (<4/10

HPF, a lower level than MPNST), fascicular cell growth, and sometimes nuclear
hyperchromasia/atypia (these features may be seen also with MPNST).

1. Thomas G. Psarros, Shawn P. Moore. Intensive Neurosurgery Board Review,

Lippincott Williams&Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2006.

2. Neil D. Kitchen, Hadi Manji, Guy M. McKhann II. Self-Assessment Colour

Review of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, Manson Publishing Ltd, London,
UK, 2003.

3. Cargill H. Alleyne Jr., Jonathan Stuart Citow. Neurosurgery Board Review.

Questions and Answers for Self-Assessment, Thieme Medical Publishers, New York,
NY, 2005.

4. H. Wayne Lambert, Lawrence E. Wineski, Jeffery P. Hogg, Pat Abramson.

Lippincott’s Illustrated Q&A Review of Anatomy and Embryology, Lippincott
Williams&Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2011.

5. Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, Udo Schumacher. Thieme Atlas of Anatomy.

Head and Neuroanatomy, Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, 2010.

6. Sri G. Thrumurthy, Tania S. de Silva, Zia M. Moinuddin, Stuart Enoch. SBA

MCQs for the MRCS Part A, Oxford University Press, UK, 2013.

7. Mark R. Shaya, Remi Nader, Jonathan S. Citow, Hamad I. Farhat, Abdulrahman J.

Sabbagh. Neurosurgery Rounds. Questions and Answers, Thieme Medical
Publishers, New York, NY, 2011.

8. Jonathan Stuart Citow, David Cory Adamson. Neurosurgery Oral Board Review,
Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, 2011.

9. Remi Nader, Abdulrahman J. Sabbagh. Neurosurgery Case Review. Questions and

Answers, Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, 2010.

10. Christopher Wolfla, Daniel K. Resnick. Neurosurgical Operative Atlas. Spine and
Peripheral Nerves, Thieme Medical Publishers, New York, NY, 2007.

11. Daniel H. Kim, Alan R. Hudson, David G. Kline. Atlas of Peripheral Nerve
Surgery, Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, 2013.

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