2021 Life Skills ATP Grade 4

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2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan

Term 1
Week 1 (3 days) Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
45 days
Development of the Development of the Development of the Development of the Development of the Development of Development of the Development of the Development of the FORMAL ASSESSMENT
CAPS Topic
self self self self self the self self self self
Basic hygiene principles Basic hygiene Basic hygiene principles Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Consolidation of work
and COVID-19 protocol. principles and COVID- and COVID-19 protocol. principles and principles and principles and principles and COVID- principles and COVID- principles and done during the term
- What is COVID -19? 19 protocol. COVID-19 protocol. COVID-19 protocol. COVID-19 protocol. 19 protocol. 19 protocol. COVID-19 protocol
 Personal - Less successful  Respect for own - How to respect - Dealing with - Strategies to • Assignment/case study
- How it is
strengths: experiences. - Ways to convert and others’ and care for - Reasons for conflict: avoid conflicts.
identify, explore  Weekly reading by less successful bodies: privacy, own body. respecting own examples of - Useful
- How to control the and appreciate learners: reading experiences into bodily integrity - How to respect and others’ body. conflict situations responses to
transmission of the own strengths: for enjoyment. positive learning and not others’ bodies. - Weekly reading at home and conflict
virus- behaviour - Strengths of - Reading about role experiences: use subjecting one’s - Weekly by learners: school. situations
change: others. models or strengths to body to reading by reading for - Weekly reading - Weekly reading
- Social/ Physical - Successful successful people improve substance learners: enjoyment by learners: by learners:
distancing. experiences as a or confident weaknesses abuse. reading for - Reading about reading for reading for
- Correct hand result of own people - Weekly reading - Weekly reading enjoyment. care and respect enjoyment. enjoyment
washing method. strengths: by learners: by learners: - Reading about for body others’ - Reading about - Reading about
- Sanitising. achievements reading for reading for care and bodies care and respect safe
- Correct use of and exciting enjoyment. enjoyment. respect for for body environments
Core mask. experiences at - Reading about - Reading about body others’ and how to
Concepts, Skills - Cough etiquette, school and role models or care and respect bodies avoid conflict
and Values home.. successful for body others’ situations
• Self-management - Weekly reading people or bodies. -
Skill: by learners: confident people
- How to live a reading for
positive life and enjoyment.
manage your daily - Reading about
activities during role models or
COVID -19/ new successful
normal. people or
- Weekly reading by confident
learners: reading people.
for enjoyment.
- Reading about
covid-19 stories of
people who
recovered/ affected

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Participation in Movement Movement Participation in Participation in Participation in Participation in Participation in activities that promote different
activities that performance in performance in activities that activities that activities that activities that ways to locomote, rotate, elevate and balance
GRADE 3 TERM 1 promote different activities that promote activities that promote different promote different promote different promote different using various parts of the body with control
ways to locomote, different ways to promote different ways to locomote, ways to locomote, ways to locomote, ways to locomote,
Balance: rotate, elevate and locomote, rotate, ways to locomote, rotate, elevate and rotate, elevate and rotate, elevate and rotate, elevate and
balance using various elevate and balance rotate, elevate and balance using various balance using balance using various balance using various
Physical parts of the body using various parts of balance using various parts of the body various parts of the parts of the body with parts of the body with
- Mini-tennis: running,
Education with control the body parts of the body with control body with control control control
hitting forehand,
with control
backhand and volley
shots over net/rope Safety measures
- Cricket: batting relating to
locomotion, rotation,
elevation and
balancing activities
Requisite Pre- Development of the self Development of the Development of the Development of the Development of the Development of Development of the Development of the Development of the self
Knowledge self self self self the self self self
2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan

Term 1
Week 1 (3 days) Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
45 days
Resources • Textbook, books on care and respect for body and conflict situations
(other than • Newspaper articles and posters on COVID-19,
textbook) to • DBE and Department of Health support material and posters on COVID-19,
enhance • Textbooks and resources on movement participation that promote locomote, rotate, elevate and balance using parts of the body with control.
Informal Homework/ worksheets/Classwork
SBA Written task =30
(Formal Physical Education=30


Term 2
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
51 days
Development Development of Development Development Development Development Development Social Social responsibility FORMAL ASSESSMENT
CAPS Topic of the self the self of the self of the self of the self of the self of the self responsibility

Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Learners will be assessed on Term 1 and 2’s
principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and work
COVID-19 COVID-19 issues. COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 COVID-19 issues COVID-19 issues
issues issues issues issues issues issues issues • Children’s rights - children’s rights Outline for Test
- Understanding
• Emotions • Personal • Bullying: - Appropriate and as stipulated in Section A: 15 Section B: 15 marks
own emotions: - How to - Home: as - Benefits of
experience how to responses to responsibilities: the South African marks
- Understandi appropriate understand member of working in a
of working protect self bullying: name, health, Constitution All questions are
ng a range ways to and a family, group • All questions are compulsory.
in a group: from acts of where to safety, Children’s compulsory.
of express own consider working and
at school - Challenges bullying find help. education, - Responsibilities in • Case study may be used.
emotions: emotions. others getting • The
and home. of working shelter, food and relation to their
love, emotions. along with - Examples of • Weekly questions • The questions will be a
• Weekly in a group environment rights. (protecting
happiness, - School: as siblings acts of reading by will be combination of three or more
reading by • Weekly -
grief, fear member of - Useful bullying. learners: - Weekly reading by matching types of questions, ranging from
learners: reading by • Weekly oneself
and jealousy a class, in a responses reading for learners: reading columns state, explain, discuss and
reading for learners: reading by - Weekly others
(fear, grief school or to enjoyment for enjoyment. describe.
enjoyment reading for learners: reading by from and/or fill
of death, enjoyment class or reading for challenges - Reading infection) in/ • Questions will be short open-
- Reading about learners: - Reading about
confined - Reading small group enjoyment. of working about - Weekly reading complete ended and knowledge-based
how people reading for children’s rights
Core losing loved about how project or - Reading in a group. appropriate by learners: sentences questions that include
express enjoyment. and
Concepts, Skills ones due to People activity about ways responses to reading for and/or
different - Weekly - Reading responsibilities information that learners have
and Values covid-19) express to succeed bullying enjoyment lists.
emotions • Weekly reading by about acquired from the Personal and
• Weekly different reading by in working learners: appropriate - Reading about Social Well-being class.
• Questions will
reading by emotions learners: in a group reading for responses children’s rights • Learners will provide direct
and test
learners: reading for enjoyment. to bullying. understanding responses and full sentence in
reading for enjoyment. responsibilities point form.
- Reading and factual
enjoyment - Reading knowledge.
about ways • One question will focus on the
- Reading about ways
to succeed application of knowledge and
about how to succeed
in working skills and responses will either
people in working
in a group be full sentences in point form
express in a group
different or a short paragraph.
emotions • Learners will solve problems,
make decisions and give advice.
They will provide a few direct
Note. Information provided in the case studies should be
current, up-to-date, age-appropriate and learner-friendly.
2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan

Term 2
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
51 days
PRIOR Participation in Participation Movement Movement Participation Participation Participation in Participation in a Participation in a
KNOWLEDGE: a variety of in a variety performance performance in a variety of in a variety of a variety of variety of modified variety of modified
GRADE 3 in a variety in a variety modified modified invasion games invasion games
modified of modified of modified of modified modified
TERM 2 invasion games invasion invasion invasion invasion
invasion invasion
games games games games
games games
Co- Safety issues Safety issues
ordination: during games during games

- Station 1:
dribble a
ball zigzag
- Station 2:
Hockey -
dribble a
Physical ball though
Education obstacles
- Station 3:
Netball -
pass while
- Station 4:
Rugby -
running and
passing the
ball in a
- Station 5:
Soccer -
dribble a
ball through

Requisite Pre- Development Development of Development Development Development Development Development Social Social responsibility
Knowledge of the self the self of the self of the self of the self of the self of the self responsibility
• Textbook, newspaper articles, posters, books on emotion
Resources (other • Textbook, posters, pictures from magazines, on Constitution of SA, Children’s Act, newspaper articles, books about children’s rights and responsibilities
than textbook)
to enhance • News articles and Posters on COVID-19,
learning • DBE and Department of Health support material and posters on COVID-19,

Homework/ worksheets/Classwork
(Formal Physical Education =30
2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan

Term 3
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
52 days
Social Social responsibility Social Social Social Social Social responsibility Social responsibility Health and Health and FOMAL ASSESSMENT
CAPS Topic responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility environmental environmental
responsibility responsibility
Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Consolidation of work done during the
principles and principles and COVID- principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and term
COVID-19 protocol 19 issues COVID-19 issues COVID-19 COVID-19 protocol COVID-19 COVID-19 issues COVID-19 issues COVID-19 issues COVID-19 issues
• Cultures and moral issues • Knowledge of issues - Hinduism, - Faith and African • Dangers in and • Assessment: Project
- Menus from - Responsible
PRIOR lessons: - Moral major religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Baha’i Religion around water:
different safety measures
KNOWLEDGE: - Cultural groups in lessons in South Africa: Buddhism, at home and
cultures in - Significant places, - Significant places, in and around
GRADE 3 :TERM South selected Judaism, Baha’i public
South Africa. buildings and buildings and water.
2- Africa.(cultural food from the Christianity, swimming
- Significant worship symbols worship symbols
Healthy eating with nutritional • Weekly reading narratives Islam pools and in - Weekly reading
places, of different of different
- Food groups value and boost by learners: of cultural rivers and dams by learners:
- Significant buildings religions religions.
- Vitamins, immune system) reading for groups in reading for
places, buildings and worship - Weekly reading - Weekly reading
Fruits and enjoyment. South - Weekly reading enjoyment
• Weekly reading by and worship symbols of by learners: by learners:
vegetable Africa. by learners: - Reading about
learners: reading • Reading about symbols of different reading for reading for
- Carbohydrates - Weekly reading for dangers in and
Core for enjoyment moral lessons different religions enjoyment enjoyment
;bread, reading by enjoyment around water
Concepts, - Reading about found in religions.( new - Weekly - Reading about
maize,mealie learners: - Reading about
Skills and moral lessons narratives norms and reading by - Reading about dangers in and
meal reading for religions in South
Values found in narratives of different change of learners: religions in South around water
- Protein; eggs, enjoyment Africa
of different cultures cultures behavior during reading for Africa
beans, Meat - Reading
t,nuts about covid-19) enjoyment
- Dairy: ;milk moral - Weekly reading - Reading
,cheese, lessons by learners: about
yoghurt found in reading for religions in
- A balanced narratives enjoyment South Africa
diet of different - Reading about
- Weekly cultures. religions in
reading: South Africa
reading for
- Reading about
food groups.
PRIOR  Participation in Movement Movement Movement Participation Participation in Participation in Movement Movement
KNOWLEDGE: rhythmic performance in performance performance in in rhythmic rhythmic rhythmic performance in performance in
GRADE 3 TERM 3 movements with rhythmic in rhythmic rhythmic movements movements with movements with rhythmic rhythmic
focus on posture. movements with movements movements with with focus on focus on posture focus on posture movements with movements with
Rhythm:: focus on posture with focus on focus on posture posture focus on posture focus on posture
 Safety measures posture
during rhythmic
- Rope skipping - movements
Physical movement such
Education as cross over,
double skip, etc.
- Gymnastic
movement such
as forward roll,
backward roll,
hand spring, and

Requisite Social Social responsibility Social Social Social Social Social responsibility Social responsibility Health and Health and
Pre- responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility environmental environmental
Knowledge responsibility responsibility
2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan

Term 3
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
52 days

• Textbook, posters, books on cultures and moral lessons, newspaper articles.

(other than • Textbook, books on religions in South Africa, newspaper articles.
textbook) to • Textbook, water safety equipment, books on dangers in and around water and Life Saving SA material
• Posters on COVID-19,
• DBE and Department of Health support material and posters on COVID-19,
Homework/ worksheets/Classwork
SBA Project=30
(Formal Physical Education =30


Term 4
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
47 days
Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and FORMAL ASSESSMENT
CAPS Topic environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental
responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility
Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Basic hygiene Learners will be assessed on Term 3 and 4’s work
principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and principles and COVID- principles and principles and
COVID-19 issues. COVID-19 issues. COVID-19 issues COVID-19 issues COVID-19 issues COVID-19 issues 19 issues COVID-19 issues COVID-19 issues Outline for test
• Traffic rules • Personal and • Healthy • HIV and AIDS Section A: 15 marks Section B: 15 marks
- Germ - Strategies to keep - How HIV is
PRIOR relevant to household RIOR environment education:
breeding environments not All questions are
KNOWLEDGE: road users: hygiene: KNOWLEDGE: and personal basic facts • All questions are
areas in the healthy: transmitted compulsory.
GRADE 2 :TERM GRADE 3 :TERM health: home, including compulsory.
- Pedestrians - Personal house. conservation of
3 3 school and blood - How to • The questions will
and cyclists hygiene items (tables, • Case study may be used.
 Road safety  What community environment management protect be matching
that cannot counters,
- Scholar patrol - Passenger pollution is? oneself columns and/or fill • The questions will be a
be shared door handles - Examples of - Celebrating Arbor - Basic
- How traffic behavior - Different against combination of three or
desks/work environments Day. explanation of in/ complete
officers help • Weekly types of infection more types of questions,
- Railway safety station. Areas that are HIV and AIDS sentences and/or
us reading by pollution - • Weekly reading by through ranging from state, explain,
that breed unhealthy: lists.
- Weekly • Weekly learners: water, land, learners: reading for - Transmission of blood. discuss and describe.
germs in pollution (air,
reading by reading by reading for air, noise. enjoyment HIV through • Questions will test
Public) water and land) - Weekly
Core learns: reading learners: enjoyment - Effects of - Reading about blood. understanding and factual • Questions will be short
including illegal reading by open-ended and knowledge-
Concepts, for enjoyment. reading for • Dietary habits pollution on healthy knowledge.
• Reading dumping sites - Weekly reading learners: based questions that include
Skills and - Read about enjoyment of children: people. environments and
about by learners: reading for information that learners
Values road safety. - Effects of - Dangers of personal health
Reading about personal and - Impact on reading for enjoyment have acquired from the
pollution on unhealthy
traffic rules household dental and enjoyment - Reading basic
Personal and Social Well-
the environments to
relevant to hygiene and oral hygiene - Reading basic facts about
environment personal health being class.
road users dietary habits facts about HIV HIV and AIDS
• Weekly Note: • Learners will provide direct
of children • Weekly reading and AIDS
reading by - Survey and responses and full sentence
by learners:
learners: clean an area in point form.
reading for
reading for - this will
enjoyment • One question will focus on
enjoyment serve as an
the application of knowledge
- Reading introduction - Reading about
and skills and responses will
about to field work healthy
personal and environments either be full sentences in
• Weekly point form or a short
household and personal
reading by paragraph.
hygiene and health
dietary habits • Learners will solve problems,
reading for
of children make decisions and give
2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan

Term 4
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
47 days
advice. They will provide a
- Reading about
few direct responses.

Note. Information provided in the case studies should be current,

up-to-date, age-appropriate and learner-friendly.

 Participation  Participation Movement Movement Participation in Participation in Participation in basic Movement Movement
in basic field in basic field performance in performance in basic field and basic field and field and track performance in performance in
and track and track basic field and basic field and track athletics track athletics or athletics or swimming basic field and basic field and
athletics or athletics or track athletics track athletics or swimming swimming activities. track athletics or track athletics
swimming swimming or swimming or swimming activities. activities. swimming or swimming
Physical Activities, Activities, activities. activities. activities. activities.
Education  Safety  Safety
measures measures
during during
athletic or athletic or
swimming swimming
Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and Health and
Requisite Pre-
environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental environmental
responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility
 Textbook, posters relevant traffic signs, books on traffic rules
Resources  Textbook, posters, books on personal and household Hygiene.
(other than  Textbook, magazines, posters, books on healthy environments and personal health.
textbook) to  Textbooks on HIV and AIDS
enhance  Posters on COVID-19,
 DBE and Department of Health support material and posters on COVID-19

Homework/ worksheets/Classwork
SBA Test= 30
(Formal Physical Education =30
2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan


Term 1
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
45 days
CAPS topic Create in 2D, family and Create in 2D, family and Create in 3D, self and others Create in 3D, self and others Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play
friends friends Visual literacy Visual literacy Improvise and create Improvise and create Read, interpret and Read, interpret and perform Improvise and create Improvise and create
Visual literacy Visual literacy perform Appreciate and reflect on
Appreciate and reflect on

Visual literacy Visual literacy Visual literacy Visual literacy Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up Practical Formal
Baseline assessment Observe and discuss visual Observe and discuss visual Observe and discuss visual Name game in groups. Active relaxation in stillness Travelling in duple or Voice warm up, using Creativity games (e.g. using Assessment: Performing
Practical informal tasks stimuli in photographs and stimuli in photographs and real stimuli in photographs and Travelling in personal (own) and movement. quadruple meter (2/4 or humming. props in turn as anything but Arts:
Art elements real objects to identify and objects to identify and name real objects to identify and and general (shared) space, Concentration and listening 4/4). Action songs to accompany what they are). Rhythm patterns
 Line name all art elements in contrast in images of the name contrast in images of (Consider direction, weight, games. physical warm ups. (crotchets, crotchet rests,
Improvise and create
 Shape images of the proportion proportion of the human body. the proportion of the human levels) and freezing. Travelling in games (consider quavers and quaver rests,
Read, interpret and
 Texture of the human body. body. direction, weight, levels) and Beat and Rhythm patterns minims and minim rests),
perform Read, interpret and perform (crotchets, crotchet rests,
 Form Create in 3D self and others/ Improvise and create freezing. combining locomotor
 Space Create in 2D, family and 3D human figure Create in 3D self and Short rhythm patterns using Beat and Rhythm patterns Beat and Rhythm patterns quavers and quaver rests, movements with sound
 Colour friends Art elements: texture, others/ 3D human figure body percussion and the Improvise and create (crotchets, crotchet rests, (crotchets, crotchet rests, minims and minim rests), using body percussion
 Value Art elements: secondary shape/form used in own Add colour, texture, etc. by rhythms explored in the Locomotor and non- quavers and quaver rests, quavers and quaver rests, combining locomotor and non- and/or percussion
colour used in own images models of human figure. using different media and name game. Body locomotor movements, minims and minim rests), minims and minim rests), locomotor movements with instruments.
Create in 2D, A picture of of self and others. Design principles: use and recyclable materials to percussion is added to (include jump, turn, bend, combining and non- combining locomotor and non- sound using body percussion
Design principles: contrast naming of contrast, e.g. in complete model of 3D enhance the rhythm. stretch, twist, skip, gallop, crawl, locomotor locomotor locomotor movements with and/or percussion
Concepts, skills me roll, slide, swing, sway, reach,
Evaluate use of art used in own images of self shapes and sizes of human figure. movements with sound sound using body percussion instruments. Performing Arts
and values push, pull) individually and in
elements in a pencil and others. components of own model. Spatial awareness: Rhythm patterns, combining using body percussion and/or percussion instruments. 40 marks
Drawing and/or colour Spatial awareness: conscious conscious use of space, e.g. locomotor movements with unison, in time to a beat with and/or percussion
drawing as well as imagery.
answering of theory media: exploring a variety use of space, e.g. front, back front, back and sides of sound (voice/body instruments. When assessing
questions. of media and techniques. and sides of model to be model to be completed. percussion), to walking, Performing Arts, it is
Could include but not completed. Skills and techniques: Use running, and skipping note Appreciate and reflect on Appreciate and reflect on important that the
limited to any of the Skills and techniques: Use created artwork as resource values. Percussive musical Percussive musical instruments: teacher chooses a Formal
following: blind-/ contour created 2D artwork as resource to create clay or any other instruments: African music African music piece. Classify Assessment Task that
drawings’ colour pencil, to create a 3D artwork or any appropriate and available piece. Classify instruments instruments as part of a family consists of at least TWO
pastel, painting, wax resist, other appropriate and medium. as part of a family or group or group in terms of of the three performing
collage, pencils, ink and available medium e.g. clay, Appropriate use of tools. in terms of appearance, appearance, name, and how art forms.
stick drawings, etc. Paper-Mache/ wire/ name, how the sound is the sound is produced and
cardboard/ other recyclable produced and pitch pitch classification (high-low)
material). classification (high-low). continue.
Appropriate use of tools.
Requisite pre- Basic and practical experience of art elements, and some design principles, basic experiences in creating simple 2D and 3D Basic experience and understanding of beat (keeping a steady beat) and rhythm, body percussion, locomotor and non-locomotor movements, basic experience of
knowledge artworks. dance elements such as space.
Materials: 2H/ H/ HB/ 2B/3B/ 6B pencils, charcoal, Any other appropriate and available art material (Clay/ Paper- Open, adequate classroom space, interactive whiteboard/ data projector & laptop; pictures, photographs, stories, poems, anecdotes, videos clips, appropriate
Resources (other
coloured inks, oil pastels, tempera paint, colour pencils, Mache/ wire/ cardboard/ other recyclable material) for 3D electronic apps, i.e. EdPuzzle; PowToons; Canva; Book Creator, etc. Found or made musical instruments, including drum/tambourine
than textbook) to
food colouring, magazines, photographs. artwork. Example 3D figures. Audio equipment and audio-visuals with a range of suitable music; CD player with a range of suitable music; charts of musical notes/substitutes such as animals
enhance learning
representing note values; props, including cans, stones, newspapers, materials, chairs, balls and a large variety of different sized and shaped objects.
Continuous informal assessment through observation, classroom discussions, learners’ continuous reflection in workbooks (journals, worksheets, puzzles, quizzes, class tests, etc.) assessed by self, peer or teacher
Baseline assessment Teacher guidance and Workbook: preparatory Teacher guidance and Classroom discussion: reflect Workbook: mind map of Workbook: worksheet Workbook: worksheet classify Observation, side coaching by
support towards exploring sketches of 3D design, support towards completion on own and other’s locomotor and non- classify instruments as part instruments as part of a family teacher on performance.
Informal art elements and design exploring contrast. of artwork. performances using simple locomotor movements. of a family or group. or group.
assessment; principles. Classroom discussion and creative arts terminology.
remediation Drawing activities of reflection.
Preparatory sketches of 3D
SBA (Formal Visual Art Informal Assessment Task: Preparatory 2D artwork (sketches/ paintings/ collage) to create a 3D artwork Formal assessment of Performing Arts
Assessment) 40 marks assessed with a rubric
2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan


Term 2
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
51 days
CAPS topic Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Create in 2D, creative Create in 2D, creative Create in 3D, mobiles or Create in 3D, mobiles or Create in 3D, mobiles or Formal Assessment
lettering and/or pattern- lettering and/or pattern- stabiles stabiles stabiles
Improvise and create Read, interpret and Read, interpret and Appreciate and reflect on making making
Appreciate and reflect perform perform
Visual literacy Visual literacy
on Appreciate and reflect Improvise and create

Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up Visual literacy Visual literacy Create in 3D, mobiles or Create in 3D, mobiles or Create in 3D, mobiles or Practical Formal Assessment: Visual Art
Imaginative breathing Rolling up and down the Awareness of breathing Directional games & Observe and discuss Observe and discuss visual stabiles stabiles stabiles
exercises. spine & body part in relaxation and rhythm games visual stimuli like stimuli like photographs and Art elements: line, shape, Art elements: line, Art elements: texture, Create in 2D, creative lettering and/ or pattern-
Creative games isolations; movement; Improvise and create photographs and real real objects to identify and colour used in own creative shape, colour used in shape/ form used in making
combining music and call and response games rolling up and down the objects to identify and name contrast and lettering and/or pattern- own creative lettering own construction of OR
movement. spine. Continue from previous proportion in creative making; drawing, cutting and and/or pattern-making; mobile. Create in 3D, mobiles or stabiles
name all art elements in
week: lettering and/or pattern- sticking shapes in series. drawing, cutting and Create a variety 2D and 3D shapes to create a mobile
Read, interpret and creative lettering and/ or
Improvise and create Sound pictures based on pattern-making. making. sticking shapes in series. Design principles:
perform Read, interpret and
Instruments using found themes. Design principles: contrast introduce proportion, Assessment Rubric: 40 marks
Movement sentences in perform
objects. 4/4, using units of Movement responses to Create in 2D, creative Create in 2D, creative used in own shapes and sizes Design principles: e.g. the size of one form
Melodies to Rhythmic patterns in sound pictures (levels, lettering and/ or pattern- lettering and/ or pattern- of creative lettering and/or contrast used in own in relation to another in
action: travelling,
demonstrate difference meter (2/4, 3/4, 4/4) directions, rhythms and making making pattern. shapes and sizes of construction of own
stillness and gesture
in pitch and note values, using body percussion or weights of movement) Art elements: line, shape, Art elements: line, shape, creative lettering and/or mobile.
(levels, directions,
using voice and found percussion instruments. colour used in own colour used in own creative Spatial awareness: pattern. Skills and techniques like
Concepts, skills weight) in pairs, using
and values and natural instruments, call and echo, or creative lettering and/ or lettering and/or pattern- conscious use of space, e.g. pasting, cutting,
in range of 5th meeting and parting pattern-making; drawing, making; drawing, cutting and front, back and sides of Drawing and/or colour wrapping, tying, joining
Improvise and create
(doh to soh). cutting and sticking shapes sticking shapes in series. objects for mobile to be media: exploring a various recyclable
Sound pictures based on completed. variety of media and materials.
Appreciate and reflect in series.
Appreciate and reflect themes (a Design principles: contrast techniques.
on thunderstorm, a train used in own shapes and sizes Drawing and/or colour Spatial awareness:
Melodic musical Design principles: contrast
Melodic musical journey) using voice, of creative lettering and/or media: exploring a variety of Spatial awareness: conscious use of space,
instruments in an used in own shapes and
instruments in an body and found or made pattern. media and techniques. conscious use of space, e.g. front, back and sides
African music piece. sizes of creative lettering
African music piece. instruments. Drawing and/or colour Appropriate use of tools. e.g. front, back and of objects for mobile to
Classify instruments as and/or pattern.
Classify instruments as part of a family/ group – Drawing and/or colour media: exploring a variety of sides of objects for be completed.
part of a family/ group – name, appearance, how media: exploring a variety media and techniques. Add mobile to be completed. Appropriate use of tools.
name, appearance, how sound is produced, pitch of media and techniques. paint/ pastel/ colour crayon Appropriate use of tools.
sound is produced, pitch (high-low). to patterns and creative
(high-low). lettering.

Basic understanding of beat (keeping a steady beat), rhythm patterns (crotchets, crotchet rests, quavers and Basic and practical experience of art elements, and some design principles, basic experiences in creating simple 2D and 3D artworks.
Requisite pre-
quaver rests, minims and minim rests), body percussion; rhythmic patterns in meter (2/4, 4/4); locomotor and
non-locomotor movement.
Open space; Found or made musical instruments, including drum/tambourine; Audio equipment and audio-visuals with a Materials: 2H/ H/ HB/ 2B/3B/ 6B pencils, charcoal, coloured inks, oil Any other appropriate and available art material (Clay/ Paper-
Resources to range of suitable music; music may include pieces composed specifically to demonstrate the instruments of the orchestra, such pastels, tempera paint, colour pencils, food colouring, magazines, Mache/ wire/ cardboard/ other recyclable material) for 3D artwork.
enhance as “Carnival of the Animals” by Saint-Saens, “Peter and the Wolf” by Prokofiev, “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” by Dukas, etc.; photographs. Example 3D figures.
learning charts and posters of musical notes/substitutes e.g. animals representing note values; objects for making instruments: stones,
cans, seeds, rice, pipes, bottles, containers, etc.
There should be continuous informal, formative assessment, with feedback from the teacher (brief, meaningful, constructive comments) for both Visual Arts and Performing Arts during and at the end of each term.
Workbook: design and Workbook: Continue Workbook: worksheet Rehearsal: side coaching, Workbook: questions to Workbook: questions to Observation. Observation. Observation.
Informal create own instruments with mind map on critical reflection: directing by teacher and deepen and extend deepen and extend Workbook: new terminology Workbook: art elements Workbook: art elements
assessment; using found objects. melodic instruments. performances using peers towards observation of elements observation of elements and explored quizzes, and design principals – and design principals –
remediation Mind map on Melodic simple creative arts performance. and design principles in design principles in creative worksheets on creating balance. balance.
instruments. terminology. creative lettering and/or lettering and/or pattern- mobiles/stabiles.
pattern-making. making.
SBA (Formal Informal Assessment: Performing Arts Formal assessment of Visual Art
Assessment) 40 marks assessed with a rubric


Term 3
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
52 days
CAPS topic Create in 2D wild or Create in 2D, wild or Create in 3D, wild or Create in 3D, wild or Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Formal Practical Assessment
domestic animals and domestic animals and domestic animals domestic animals
their environment their environment Improvise and create Improvise and create Improvise and create Read, interpret and Read, interpret and
Visual literacy Visual literacy perform perform
Visual literacy Appreciate and reflect Appreciate and reflect Read, interpret and
on on perform Appreciate and reflect on Appreciate and reflect on
2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan

Appreciate and reflect on

Visual Literacy Create in 2D wild or Visual Literacy Create in 2D: Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up Formal Assessment Task:
Observe, discuss visual domestic animals and Observe and discuss Drawing/colour media: Rolling up and down Rolling up and down Body part isolations as part Voice warm ups; sensory Call and response games;
stimuli in photographs, their environment visual stimuli in wild or domestic the spine and side the spine and side of imaginative experience awareness games. Action songs. Drama performance: storyline, characters, space, time.
artworks and real objects Art elements: use related photographs, artworks animals and their bends bends. Concentration focus games. Read, interpret and Read, interpret and Sound pictures using instruments: soundtrack.
to identify and name all colour in own images of and real objects to environment. Floor work, rounding, Read, interpret and perform (continue) perform (continue) Singing of songs related to the character.
art elements in images of wild or domestic animals. identify and name Create in 3D: wild or lengthening the spine, perform
wild and domestic Design principles: contrast and proportion domestic animals Improvise and create stretching, sitting and Building a drama from a Preparing drama for
animals. reinforce use of contrast in images of wild and Art elements: texture, Movement responses lying down. Building a drama from a stimulus: characters, performance. Performing Arts
Create in 2D wild or and proportion through domestic animals. shape/ form. to different types of stimulus: characters, develop storyline Sound pictures using 40 marks
Improvise and create develop storyline characters, space and
domestic animals and own images of wild or Create in 3D, wild or Design principles: music, mood of music instruments: soundtrack
their environment domestic animals. domestic animals reinforce conscious use informs mood of Movement responses characters through mimed time through mimed for the drama, introduce When assessing Performing Arts, it is important that the
Art elements: use related Drawing and/or colour Art elements: texture, and naming of contrast movement. to different types of action. action. characters. teacher chooses a Formal Assessment Task that consists
colour in own images of media: exploring a variety shape/form and proportion in own Movement sequences music, mood of music Improvise and create Sound pictures using of at least TWO of the three performing art forms.
informs mood of Songs to improve ability
wild or domestic animals. of media and techniques. Design principles: models of wild or exploring verbal Characters, using props as instruments (body to sing in tune. Relate
Concepts, skills Drawing and/or colour Could include but not reinforce conscious use domestic animals. dynamics and word movement. percussion, self-made,
Movement sequences stimulus, consider body character of the chosen
and values media: exploring a variety limited to any of the and naming of contrast Skills and techniques: sequences. language, posture and found, traditional) to songs to suit characters in
of media and techniques. following: blind-/ contour and proportion in own clay/any other exploring verbal create a soundtrack for
dynamics and word gesture. the drama. Recognise
Design principles: drawings’ colour pencil, models of wild or appropriate and Appreciate and reflect the drama and to melodies in range of 5th
reinforce use of contrast pastel, painting, wax domestic animals. available medium. on sequences. introduce characters using tonic solfa (doh to
and proportion through resist, collage, pencils, inkSkills and techniques: Spatial awareness: Own and other’s (considering dynamics, soh)
own images of wild or and stick drawings, etc. clay/any other reinforce conscious performances and Appreciate and reflect pitch, timbre and tempo).
domestic animals. appropriate and available awareness of working in processes using simple on
Expressive qualities of Songs to improve ability
medium. space, e.g. model to be creative arts to sing in tune. Relate
Spatial awareness: viewed from front, back terminology. musical instruments in
music used in Topic 2. character of the chosen
reinforce conscious and sides. songs to suit characters in
awareness of working in Appropriate use of the drama. Recognise
space, e.g. model to be tools. melodies in range of 5th
viewed from front, back using tonic solfa (doh to
and sides. soh).
Appropriate use of tools.
Basic and practical experience of art elements, and some design principles, basic experiences in creating simple Voice (basic skill and understanding of breathing, resonance, articulation and projection) and physical (basic skill in warming up the body,
2D and 3D artworks. posture, physical characterisation, use of space); basic improvisation technique, understanding and application of drama elements character,
Requisite pre- plot, time, space, audience. Awareness of how different sounds of different musical instruments as well as the use of elements of music
knowledge (tempo, dynamics, pitch, etc.) can contribute to the mood of music (happy, sad, etc.) and to describe a character in a story. In the same way, a
song can be used to describe a mood or a character.

Materials: 2H/ H/ HB/ 2B/3B/ 6B pencils, charcoal, Any other appropriate and available art material Found or made musical instruments, including drum/tambourine; audio equipment and audio-visuals with a range of suitable music; charts
Resources to coloured inks, oil pastels, tempera paint, colour pencils, (Clay/ Paper-Mache/ wire/ cardboard/ other and posters of musical notes on stave; objects for sensory work including shakers, triangles, feathers, stones, sandpaper, etc.; props such as
enhance food colouring, magazines, and photographs. recyclable material) for 3D artwork. Example 3D cans, suitcases, hats, newspapers, balls and a large variety of different sized and shaped objects, found or made musical instruments, including
learning figures. drum/tambourine; CD player, interactive whiteboard/ data projector & laptop; pictures, photographs, stories, poems, anecdotes, one-liners,
videos clips
Continuous informal assessment through observation, classroom discussions, learners’ continuous reflection in workbooks (journals, worksheets, puzzles, quizzes, class tests, etc.) assessed by self, peer or teacher
Workbook: questions to Workbook: preparatory Preparatory sketches, Classroom discussion Workbook: Classify instruments as part of a Workbook: mind map; Workbook: worksheet critical reflection:
deepen observation of sketches, guidance by Worksheet: and reflection. family/group: appearance, name, sound produced, developing a drama character performances using simple creative arts
elements, design teacher, creative practical/visual pitch. description. terminology.
principles: images of wild application of elements exploration of contract
or domestic animals. and principles. and proportion.
Continuous supportive
guidance by teacher
towards completion of
SBA (Formal Informal Assessment: Visual Art Informal Assessment Task: 2D and 3D artwork Formal assessment of Performing Arts
Assessment) 40 marks assessed with a rubric


2021 Grade 4 Life Skills Annual Teaching Plan

Term 4
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
47 days
CAPS topic Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Warm up and play Create in 2D the natural world Create in 2D the natural world Create in 3D, a kite/dream Create in 3D, a kite/dream Practical Formal Assessment: Visual Art
Visual literacy catcher/ bird feeder catcher/ bird feeder
Improvise and create Improvise and create Read, interpret and perform Read, interpret and Create in 2D, the natural world
Read, interpret and perform Appreciate and reflect on perform OR
Appreciate and reflect on Appreciate and reflect Create in 3D, a kite/dream catcher/ bird feeder
Warm up Warm up Warm up Warm up Visual Literacy Visual Literacy Visual Literacy Create in 3D, a kite/dream Assessment Rubric: 40 marks
Posture games, exploring Posture games, exploring Different kinds of jumps Body percussion “songs” Observe and discuss visual Observe and discuss visual Observe and discuss visual catcher/ bird feeder
neutral posture and neutral posture and (with soft landings) and in unison and in canon stimuli in photographs, stimuli in photographs, stimuli in photographs, Art elements: texture,
character's postures. character's postures; other travelling movements; Musical games focusing artworks and real objects to artworks and real objects to artworks and real objects shape/form, colour
Body part isolations and Trust and listening games. on numeracy and identify and name art elements identify and name examples of to identify and name Design principles: reinforce
Improvise and create stretching. literacy. found in the natural world. contrast and proportion found examples of contrast and conscious use and naming of
Mime using imaginary Building a drama from a Create in 2D the natural world in the natural world. proportion found in the contrast and proportion in
objects, expressing feelings Improvise and create stimulus: tableaux in Read, interpret and Art elements: reinforce Questions to deepen and natural world. construction.
and ideas through Mime using imaginary response to location or perform secondary and related colour extend observation of Create in 3D, a kite/dream Spatial awareness: extending
movement, gesture and objects, expressing feelings theme, add start and end Building a drama from a including tints and shades elements and design principle. catcher/ bird feeder parts of models into space
facial expression. and ideas through the drama; limited dialogue stimulus: tableaux in Design principles: reinforce Apply learning to own work. Art elements: texture, Appropriate use of tools.
movement, gesture and appropriate to the drama. response to location or use of contrast and proportion Create in 2D, the natural shape/form, colour
Physical shapes using theme consolidate in own images of the natural world reinforced through use in
gesture, posture and balance facial expression
Sound pictures using previous weeks world. Art elements: reinforce own construction.
Concepts, skills (balancing on different body Read, interpret and perform instruments (body Drawing and/or colour media: secondary and related colour Design principles:
and values parts). Building a drama from a percussion, self-made, Songs to improve in- exploring a variety of media in own images of the natural reinforce conscious use
stimulus: tableaux in found, traditional) to create tune singing, related to and techniques. world, including tints and and naming of contrast
response to location or appropriate soundtrack for the themes of the Could include but not limited shades. and proportion in
theme: storyline, character, the drama, including drama, recognising to any of the following: blind-/ Design principles: reinforce construction.
space and time. interludes (between actions) melodies in range of 5th contour drawings’ colour use of contrast and proportion Skills and techniques:
and underscoring (during (doh to soh) pencil, pastel, painting, wax in own images of the natural pasting, cutting, wrapping,
action). resist, collage, pencils, ink and world. tying, joining various
Appreciate and reflect stick drawings, etc. Drawing and/or colour media: recyclable materials.
Musical symbols of stave, on exploring a variety of media Spatial awareness:
minims, crotchets, quavers Own and other’s and techniques. reinforce conscious
and respective rests in short performances and awareness of extending
musical phrases. processes using simple parts of models into space.
creative arts Appropriate use of tools.
Voice (basic skill and understanding of breathing, resonance, articulation and projection) and physical (basic skill in Basic understanding and experience of art elements and design principles, experience in creating simple 2D and 3D artworks.
warming up the body, posture, physical characterisation, use of space); ability to read and interpret texts at a basic level,
Requisite pre- understanding and application of drama elements character, plot, time, space, audience. Awareness of how different
knowledge sounds of different musical instruments as well as the use of elements of music (tempo, dynamics, pitch, etc.) can
contribute to the mood of music (happy, sad, etc.) and to describe a character in a story. In the same way, a song can be
used to describe a mood or a character.
Open space; found or made musical instruments, including drum/ tambourine; Audio equipment and audio-visuals with a Materials: 2H/ H/ HB/ 2B/3B/ 6B pencils, charcoal, coloured inks, Any other appropriate and available art material (Clay/
Resources (other
range of suitable music; Charts and posters of musical notes, stave and tonic solfa (doh-soh); sheet music of simple oil pastels, tempera paint, colour pencils, food colouring, Paper-Mache/ wire/ cardboard/ other recyclable material)
than textbook) to
melodies/songs; Blindfolds; CD player, interactive whiteboard/ data projector & laptop; pictures, photographs, stories, magazines, and photographs. for 3D artwork. Example 3D figures.
enhance learning
poems, anecdotes, one-liners, videos clips, appropriate electronic apps, i.e. EdPuzzle; PowToons; Canva; Book Creator, etc.
There should be continuous informal, formative assessment, with feedback from the teacher (brief, meaningful, constructive comments) for both Visual Arts and Performing Arts during and at the end of each term.
Classroom discussion Workbook: storyboard of Workbook: Reflection own Rehearsal; side coaching, Workbook: Questions to Preparatory sketches, Workbook: Preparatory Observation, side coaching
exploring mime and new tableaux. and other’s performances directing by teacher and deepen and extend worksheet to explore contrast sketches, teacher guidance and direction.
terminology: gesture, and processes using simple peers towards polished observation of elements and and proportion. in process towards Workbook: art elements and
posture, balance. creative arts terminology performance; self and design principle. Teacher guidance towards product. design principals – balance
peer assessment completion of artwork. and proportion.
Informal assessment: Performing Arts Formal assessment of Visual Art
SBA (Formal
40 marks assessed with a rubric

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