Forms TPT 5000a 10316 0
Forms TPT 5000a 10316 0
Forms TPT 5000a 10316 0
Vendor’s Name
The following sales of tangible personal property do not require the purchaser to provide a TPT or other Sales Tax License
(check appropriate box):
Sales to the U.S. government or its departments or agencies for resale (purchased directly by the Federal Government).
Sales to an unlicensed Arizona School District for resale (purchased directly by the school district).
Sales to a nonprofit charitable I.R.C. § 501(c)(3) organization for resale. (Attach I.R.S. determination letter to this form.)
Sales to a nonprofit charitable I.R.C. § 501(c)(3), (c)(4), or (c)(6) organization associated with a major league baseball team or a national professional
golfing association for resale. (Attach I.R.S. determination letter to this form.)
Sales to a nonprofit charitable I.R.C. § 501(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(6), (c)(7), or (c)(8) organization that sponsors a rodeo featuring farm and ranch animals
for resale. (Attach I.R.S. determination letter to this form).
Sales to a nonprofit charitable I.R.C. § 501(c)(6) organization that produces, organizes, or promotes a cultural or civic related festival or event - for
resale. (Attach I.R.S. determination letter to this form).
F. Certification
A seller that has reason to believe that this Certificate is not accurate, complete, or applicable to the transaction
may not accept the Certificate in good faith and the seller will not be relieved of the burden of proving entitlement
to the exemption from tax. A seller that accepts a Certificate in good faith will be relieved of the burden of proof
and the purchaser may be required to establish the accuracy of the claimed exemption from tax as provided
in A.R.S. § 42-5009. Subsequent use or consumption of the tangible personal property by the purchaser other
than sale in the ordinary course of business will subject the purchaser to the Arizona use tax. Willful misuse
of this Certificate will subject the purchaser to criminal penalties of a felony pursuant to A.R.S. § 42-1127(B).
I, (print full name) , hereby certify that these purchases are for resale in the
ordinary course of business and that the information on this Certificate is true, accurate and complete. Further, if purchasing
as an agent or officer, I certify that I am authorized to execute this Certificate on behalf of the purchaser named above.
ADOR 10316 (11/20)
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