Identifying The Characteristics of Engineering Innovativeness
Identifying The Characteristics of Engineering Innovativeness
Identifying The Characteristics of Engineering Innovativeness
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4 authors, including:
Senay Purzer
Purdue University
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Expanding Access to and Participation in the Multiple-Institution Database for Investigating Engineering Longitudinal Development View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Kathryn Jablokow on 31 October 2017.
To cite this article: Daniel M. Ferguson, Kathryn W. Jablokow, Matthew W. Ohland & Şenay
Purzer (2017): Identifying the Characteristics of Engineering Innovativeness, Engineering Studies,
DOI: 10.1080/19378629.2017.1312419
Educating engineers who are ‘technically competent and innovative’ was the clarion call
made by the National Academy of Engineering in its 2005 report, Educating the Engineer of
2020.1 Engineers make significant contributions to society, leading to innovations across
the spectrum of modern life. In the US, the technological applications of scientific discov-
eries account for nearly half of the nation’s economic growth.2 Hence, the education and
training of engineers to contribute to innovative endeavors is a critical economic strategy.
Yet, even as engineers are expected to act as the translators of new or existing technologies
into innovations that benefit society,3 there is limited research on the critical attributes of
innovators in the context of engineering. Much of the extant knowledge about innovators
is based on high profile cases or celebrities, despite the fact that innovation can occur in all
aspects of an engineer’s work, even when he or she is not a celebrity. This study addresses
these gaps in research through an in-depth interview-based study on the characteristics
of engineering innovativeness with engineers who are recognized for their innovative
attributes and accomplishments. Our findings confirm the complexity of the engineering
innovativeness phenomenon and the importance of its continued investigation in both
academic and industrial settings.
Literature review
There is considerable confusion among engineering educators and practitioners, as well
as broadly in society, about the meaning of the word ‘innovation’. Does innovation refer
to what is created or how it is done? Is innovation a process, a product, or an event? Is
it an idea, a capability, or a permanent change?4 Joseph Schumpeter, credited by many
with authoring the first published definition of innovation in 1934, described it as ‘cre-
ative destruction’.5 More recently, Csikszentmihaly noted that to be innovative, a product
or service must be new and provide sustainable benefits in the context in which it is imple-
mented,6 while Amabile defined an innovation as: ‘new, valuable, and realized’.7 Denning
expanded his definition to include the community impacted by the innovation, noting that
‘innovation is the adoption of new practice in a community’.8 Neither Amabile nor Denning
was referring specifically to engineers; still, it seems clear that to be an innovator, you must
deliver ideas that are both new and that benefit the parties or organizations to which they
are successfully applied.9
In engineering, innovativeness has been discussed most often by describing the out-
puts that result from engineering activities (i.e. the ‘what’), such as patents, new products,
and/or increased sales or reduced costs, rather than the knowledge, skills, or attributes
of the engineers who produce those outputs.10 Many professionals – designers, artists,
business people, and engineers – have been identified as innovators; yet, while several
general innovativeness competency models11 and domain-specific competency descrip-
tions exist,12 a consensus definition of the characteristics of an innovative engineer has not
been established.
3 Castillo, “Minutes of the Directorate for Engineering Advisory Committee Meeting,” 2010; Crawley et al., Rethinking Engi-
neering Education, 2007; National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020, 2004; Jablokow et al., “Collaborative
Research,” 2012; Ferguson and Ohland, “What Is Engineering Innovativeness?” 2012.
4 Ferguson and Ohland, “What Is Engineering Innovativeness?” 2012; Scocco, The Definition of Innovation, 2016.
5 Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, 1975.
6 Csikszentmihalyi, Creativity, Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, 1996.
7 Amabile, Creativity and Innovation in Organizations, 1996.
8 Denning and Dunham, The Innovator’s Way, 2010, p. 434.
9 Amabile, Creativity and Innovation in Organizations, 1996; Floyd, “Innovation, Imagination, and Invention,” 1989, p. 22.
10 Morris, “Innovation Metrics,” 2008; Dyer et al., The Innovator’s DNA, 2011; OECD, The Oslo Manual, 2005; Drucker, Innovation
and Entrepreneurship, 1986.
11 Denning and Dunham, The Innovator’s Way, 2010, p. 434; Dyer et al., The Innovator’s DNA, 2011; Kirton, Adaption-
Innovation in the Context of Diversity and Change, 2003.
12 MacLeod, “The Education of Innovative Engineers,” 2010; Robinson et al., “Design Engineering Competencies,” 2005;
Turley and Bieman, “Competencies of Exceptional and Nonexceptional Software Engineers,” 1995.
behavior, just as other researchers equate creative behavior and innovative behavior.20
In our work, we view implementation ability and entrepreneurial ability as identical. As
noted by Ferguson and Ohland: ‘innovative engineers need to be successful entrepreneurs
themselves or partner with entrepreneurs or an organization willing to embrace change to
implement their new, useful or domain-changing products, processes or concepts’.21
Metacognitive Model of the Entrepreneurial Mindset,” 2010; Kinghorn, Characteristics That Lead to Entrepreneurial Recog-
nition, 2005; Mitchelmore and Rowley, “Entrepreneurial Competencies,” 2010; Sarri et al., “Entrepreneur Training for
Creativity and Innovation,” 2010; Tam, How and to What Extent Does Entrepreneurship Education Make Students More
Entrepreneurial?, 2009; Wenhong and Liuying, “The Impact of Entrepreneurial Thinking System on Risk-Taking Propensity
and Entrepreneurial Behavior,” 2010.
20 Csikszentmihalyi, Creativity, Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, 1996.
21 Ferguson and Ohland, “What Is Engineering Innovativeness?” 2012.
22 MacLeod, “The Education of Innovative Engineers,” 2010.
23 Robinson et al., “Design Engineering Competencies,” 2005.
24 Turley and Bieman, “Competencies of Exceptional and Nonexceptional Software Engineers,” 1995.
Research methods
In this qualitative study, we examined the phenomenon of engineering innovativeness in
depth by interviewing expert engineering innovators in the ‘naturalistic settings in which
they innovate’.28 The confusion surrounding the central phenomenon of innovativeness
in engineers29 made a qualitative study approach appropriate. Furthermore, the confusion
of conflicting theories surrounding the definitions of innovativeness (engineering or oth-
erwise) made grounded theory – an analysis method with no preconceived assumptions
– an appropriate methodology.30 A grounded-theory approach allowed the results to be
generated inductively from our interviews of experienced, recognized engineering innova-
tors rather than from laboratory experiments or from data gathered from inexperienced or
non-innovative engineers,31 thereby tapping into the lived experiences and perceptions of
our expert sample.
you have known or with whom you have worked’) and who met at least one of the
following criteria:
Data collection
Semi-structured interviews consisting of a series of open-ended questions that were tested
in a pilot study35 were conducted with the 45 participants (44 face-to-face interviews; one
telephone interview), with an average time of 76 minutes per interview. Participants were
informed about the purpose of the research, and Ferguson and Ohland’s paper,36 which
discusses the current state of confusion and disagreement surrounding the definition of
engineering innovativeness, was shared with each participant prior to their interview.
34 Patton, Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods, 2002; Hatch, Doing Qualitative Research in Education Settings, 2002.
35 Jablokow et al., Collaborative Research, 2012; Creswell, Educational Research, 2008; Patton, Qualitative Research and
Evaluation Methods, 2002.
36 Ferguson and Ohland, “What Is Engineering Innovativeness?” 2012.
The full interview protocol is provided in Appendix 1. Sections 1–7 of that protocol were
covered in all 45 interviews; additional sections of the protocol were covered as time per-
mitted. Data collected from Sections 2 and 4–7 of the protocol provided the data for the
exploratory qualitative analysis process; these sections focus on the definition of an inno-
vation and on the engineering innovator characteristics associated with the beginning,
continuation, and completion of an innovation process. All interviews were transcribed
and shared with interviewees for possible corrections; no corrections or redactions were
case) without reference to existing theory, these reviews began simultaneously with data
Open coding of the interviews was used to construct a code book with in vivo code defi-
nitions (i.e. verbatim definitions using the words of the interviewees) of major engineering
innovativeness constructs contained in the interview transcripts.38 Code book construction
began with the selection of three interviewees (Ted, Carol, and Ian – see Table 1), who were
chosen based on their diversity of gender, race, experience, and educational background.
The equally weighted criteria for interview selection for coding were:
For the first three interviews analyzed, all significant words or phrases were coded into
291 in vivo codes (i.e. using actual words of the interviewees) after multiple coding passes
through the combined 205 minutes of transcripts. Interestingly, the interviewees identified
the characteristics of non-innovative engineers or the ‘negative case’ of engineering inno-
vativeness39 without prompting by the interviewer. We concluded that additional sampling
was not needed to address this case,40 as 19 of the 20 study participants who were analyzed
described their lived experiences with non-innovative engineers in one or more interview
protocol sections while describing innovative engineers.41 An additional 56 in vivo codes
were added after coding for all instances of the description of non-innovative engineers,
for a total of 347 in vivo codes.
The 347 in vivo codes were grouped using a 22-part schema that identified where the
data were positioned in each interview. Eighty-two of the in vivo codes were combined
into new codes using a dictionary42 for assistance. This process resulted in a net total of
265 in vivo codes linked to 874 in vivo words or phrases located in the three interview
transcripts (Ted, Carol, and Ian). Next, we defined 16 initial categories (CAs) of codes as
the starting point for testing our coding process. Table 2 shows an example of the cre-
ation of category CA-adaptable-flexible, including the in vivo codes initially assigned to it,
each with a transcript prefix location identifier (e.g. HI = protocol segment-Hello to Individ-
ual, ID1 = protocol segment-IDentify characteristics first questions, OS = Overall protocol
segment asking about overall characteristics), the actual word or phrase used by the inter-
viewee, and the number of times that word or phrase appeared in each of the three initial
With the 16 initial coding categories in hand, 12 transcript excerpts of 100–400 words
were selected from six other interviews for testing by our two external qualitative analysts.
The 12 excerpts were coded independently by the two analysts, followed by discussion,
Table 3. In vivo coding categories in the transcripts of Ted, Carol and Ian.
Interviewee/ Starting an Developing an Completing an Overall
protocol innovation innovation innovation innovativeness
section (Section 4) (Section 5) (Section 6) (Section 7)
Ted Adapter, Asks Ques- Adapter, Challenger, Adapter, Creative,
tions, Challenger, Communicator, Empathetic,
Empathetic, Experi- Marketer, NoRules Implementer,
menter, Independent, Independent,
Knowledge- Problem-Solver
Networker, OKtoFail,
Seeks Alternatives,
Carol Adapter, Alternatives Adapter, Alternatives Implementer Adapter, Challenger,
Seeker, Creative, Seeker, Empathetic, Handles-Ambiguity,
Experimenter, Handles Knowledge- Knowledge-
Ambiguity, Knowledge- Accumulator, Accumulator,
Integrator, Networker, Marketer, Networker, Knowledge-
OKtoFail, Passionate, OKtoFail Integrator,
Perseveres Also: Not-Alternatives Learning-Focused,
Also: Not-Empathetic, Seeker Marketer, Networker,
Not-Marketer Passionate,
Perseveres, Visionary
Ian Adapter, Challenger, Alternatives-Seeker, Alternatives-Seeker, Communicator,
Experimenter, Communicator, Implementer, Leader Competitor,
Knowledge- Implementer, Intelligent,
Accumulator, NoRules, Perseveres Knowledge-
OKtoFail, Visionary Accumulator,
OKtoFail, Perseveres
with 90% agreement between the coders on category assignments and in vivo-based cat-
egory definitions before and 100% agreement after their discussions.43 As a result of these
coding comparisons, we expanded the initial 16 categories to 26 categories and re-coded
the first three interviews to identify all transcript instances of these 26 categories.
Table 3 shows the results of this re-coding process with the in vivo coding categories (in
alphabetical order) found in the transcripts of Ted, Carol, and Ian, with respect to specific
Table 4. Examples of in vivo data for the alternatives seeker coding category.
Alternatives seeker Definition: Seeks alternatives, thinks/looks beyond what they know
In vivo quotes: ‘Imagines solutions, open minded, see(s) possibilities.’
‘Innovators in my mind have this sense that there’s got to be a way to solve this, there’s got to be a
better way and I’m going to persist until I find a number of ways.’
‘So we had this team that functioned about two years, kicking around ideas, running tests, coming
up with new ideas.’
‘For me it was always kind of trying things, and then address the weaknesses.’
‘So you’ve got to be saying, Okay, if we go in and it doesn’t run on the machine, if this happens, then
what do we do?, What are our alternatives?’
‘I think an engineer feels that way about a problem solution but he/she knows that there are more
than one solution to a given problem.’
‘I’m always looking for some different or better way to do things.’
‘You have to be open to looking at things in non-traditional ways, they call this out-of-box thinking.’
‘It’s just keeping on, keep beating on the door, going around the problem and thinking of it again
and again, and then it just comes to you.’
‘Someone that can think beyond the problem to potential possibilities outside the realm of
capabilities that they have.’
sections of the interview protocol. Ted’s transcript has no entries for Section 7 of the proto-
col (‘overall innovativeness’), as that section was not covered in his interview; Carol’s inter-
view includes categories associated with ‘non-innovative’ engineers (i.e. Not-Empathetic,
Not-Marketer, and Not-Alternatives Seeker). Consistent with a social constructionist theo-
retical position,44 the categories covered by each interviewee in Table 3 are not identical.
This is not surprising, as based on other assessments of individual differences, we expect
to find a diversity of category profiles among engineering innovators, rather than a single
common set of characteristics.45
Once Ted’s, Carol’s, and Ian’s interviews were recoded, six additional interviews were
chosen and coded using the 26 categories identified thus far. A result of this new coding
was the identification of 20 additional coding categories, bringing the total number of cat-
egories to 46. As each new category was identified, all previously coded transcripts were
completely recoded to identify any instances of the new category. This coding and recod-
ing process required a constant comparison of new participant data to previously coded in
vivo category definitions to determine whether the new participant data could be incorpo-
rated into an existing coding category or required the definition of a distinct new category.
An example of in vivo words and phrases combined by the research team during this cod-
ing and recoding process to define the final version of the Alternatives Seeker category is
shown in Table 4.
As each additional interview was coded and recoded, a prevalence map was created to
determine whether categorical saturation had been reached. Prevalence was defined as the
number of participants who cited a coding category in their descriptions of an engineer-
ing innovator, while categorical saturation was defined as the lack of emergence of a new
category.46 Prevalence counts do not represent a quantitative weighting of the data, nor
does prevalence indicate that one category is more important than another. Our categor-
ical saturation heuristic was used only to determine whether further coding of interviews
was needed to reveal additional categories.
Categorical saturation was achieved when the 15th interview was coded. Even though
new category emergence ended at 15 interviews, 5 additional interviews were selected
and coded to confirm saturation; no additional coding categories were found in these 5
interviews. After coding of the 20 interviews was complete, the research team compared
categories less frequently mentioned with more prevalent categories and examined cat-
egories that appeared to have overlapping in vivo definitions. As a result of this process,
26 of the 46 categories were absorbed into new and redefined categories, resulting in 20
categories overall. Table 5 shows an example of this category absorption/redefinition pro-
cess for the Developer and Adaptable-Flexible categories, which were merged into a new
Developer category; note that the number of in vivo quotes in Table 5 is additive, while the
number of participants quoting is not.
Final definitions of all 20 coding categories using basic in vivo quotes are shown in Table 6
in alphabetical order, along with the respective number of quotes that appeared across the
20 coded interviews for each category and the number of participants who mentioned each
category. In the following section, we discuss these 20 coding categories in more detail,
with additional quotes from the interviews to add depth to their descriptions.
The principal findings of this study, co-constructed with the interviewees and grounded
in their experiences and perceptions, include a representative ‘engineer’s definition’ of
an innovation, descriptions of 20 engineering innovator characteristics, and a general
description of the ‘non-innovative engineer’.
Table 6. Coding category names, definitions, and numbers of quotes and participants.
#Participants (of 20)
Coding #In vivo quotes who mentioned the Basic coding category definition
category name per category category using brief in vivo data
Active Learner/Curious 132 19 ‘Asks questions/curious’.
Alternatives Seeker 67 18 ‘Seeks alternatives, thinks/looks beyond what they
Analytical 70 16 ‘Meticulous and careful examination of the problem’.
Challenger 89 18 ‘Willing to do things differently, challenger of status
Communications Skilled 75 18 ‘Extroverted, sells ideas’.
Creative 60 16 ‘Invents something new, brings into existence’.
Deep Knowledge 117 20 ‘Has depth and breadth of knowledge and
Developer/Adapter 73 17 ‘Develops idea, prototypes, finds what works, what
Experimenter 57 18 ‘Doer, ready to try something, makes abstract
Implementer 60 17 ‘Gets tasks done, reliable, detail oriented’.
Knowledge Integrator 66 18 ‘Lateral, non-linear thinker, associative thinker’.
Market/Business savvy 57 16 ‘Understands customers/markets’.
Networker/Team player 118 18 ‘Has a network of collaborators’.
Passionate 44 17 ‘Passionate, excited’.
Persistent 57 16 ‘Committed, determined, resilient’.
Risk Taker 83 19 ‘Accepts risk, willing to take risks, not afraid to fail’.
Self-Reliant 93 16 ‘Confident, individualistic, self-motivated’.
Team Manager/Leader 106 19 ‘Create(s) a shared direction that other people adopt
and work together to make it happen’.
User-Focused 59 12 ‘Empathetic, aware of a customer need’.
Vision/Caring 120 19 ‘Thinks longer term, wants to make a contribution’.
Likewise, our interviewees also emphasized that just having an idea, or simply ‘being cre-
ative’, is not comparable to implementing an innovation. They all stated emphatically that
implementation of a new idea, process, or product is required for something to be called
an innovation, avoiding some of the common misuses of the term.47 As Riley noted when
asked to define an innovation: ‘Ideas are a dime a dozen. I’ve got an idea. I just had a great
idea out there. So? Act on it. Turn it into something real; get it out in the world.’ Clearly,
our interviewees saw innovations existing at the intersection of novelty, usefulness, and
implementation, confirming the definitions derived from the literature by Ferguson and
Ohland48 and others.49
and here’s how much money it will save.”’ According to our experts, an Analytical engi-
neering innovator designs and implements solutions based on careful consideration of
the appropriate data.
(4) Challenger: Engineering innovators who are Challengers are willing to do things dif-
ferently and question the status quo. They challenge the way things work, which often
makes things uncomfortable for those who like rules and orderly, stable processes. Ian
described this characteristic as follows: ‘This [is] a person who when you say, “Do A,”
they say, “Why? Why should I do A? Why is that so important?” I mean, they’ll push on
everything. And, “Isn’t somebody else doing A? Or, they’re doing B, why don’t I help
them.” And, they like to deviate from the norm.’ Similarly, Joseph noted: ‘They’re peo-
ple that are always unsatisfied with the way things are. Oftentimes, you find people
who are really innovative are people that are more inclined to ask for forgiveness than
permission.’ Our expert sample identified this tendency to ‘push the boundaries’ as an
important trait of engineering innovators.
(5) Communications Skilled: Engineering innovators who are Communications Skilled
know how to describe, explain, and sell ideas. Their communication skills are the glue
that connects an innovation to the external support and resources needed to move it
forward. Richard defined it this way: ‘They’ve got to rally other people around them and
the idea, and sell the idea. Document the idea in a way that enables the usefulness of
it, the value of it to be seen by others. And sell the idea to those that have resources
that would enable them to take it to the next step further.’ Doris described the com-
munication skills of engineering innovators as a form of storytelling: ‘I think [they are]
people that are able to flesh it out, make it come to life, storytellers. Storytelling is
very important. People who can bring what they saw in the field to life for someone
[are innovators]. That’s critical if you want to advocate for your idea; if you want to
bring people along with you.’ Whether viewed as persuasive or a good storyteller, these
engineering innovators communicate well.
(6) Creative: A Creative engineering innovator is inspired in the moment, or even after
long periods of study, to imagine, invent, or bring something new to life.
(7) Deep Knowledge: An engineering innovator with Deep Knowledge soaks up all the
knowledge (both tacit and explicit) and information they can. They know a broad base
of subjects deeply enough to provide meaningful contributions to problem solving
and willingly share their knowledge with others.
(8) Developer/Adapter: Engineering innovators who are Developers/Adapters continu-
ally change their understanding of an innovation as they receive new feedback from
testing, research, potential customers, collaborators, suppliers, and/or the market-
(9) Experimenter: An Experimenter engineering innovator accepts uncertainty and
ambiguity, and qualifies possibilities through testing, modeling, and/or building pro-
and to an extent that they oftentimes can’t achieve their objectives because they’re not
networking.’ Likewise, non-innovative engineers were characterized as thinking short term
rather than long term and always minimizing risk, as illustrated by Toni’s comments: ‘In my
perspective, there [are] a lot of people that are just looking for established solutions. They
just want to execute what has been proven to work before.’
These descriptions, and the fact that our interviewees described those who are innova-
tive using different combinations of traits, raise interesting questions about whether the
lack of certain qualities might be offset or compensated for by specific others. While we
have not yet analyzed the interviews with these questions in mind, we can hypothesize
about how such ‘compensation’ might work. For example, the lack of deep knowledge
might be offset by an individual’s networking skills (calling in others to serve as experts)
and persistence. Or a higher level of self-reliance might compensate for someone who lacks
skills in being a team manager. Answering these questions will require further research to
determine whether seemingly similar characteristics (or combinations of characteristics) are
collapsible or truly independent (without the possibility of replacing each other). In future
work, we will collect data from larger samples of recognized engineering innovators and
explore the interrelationships among the 20 attributes identified here to address these and
other complex questions.
Characteristics of engineering innovativeness: what they are or what they do?
A key question that might be raised about our work is whether the 20 characteristics of
engineering innovativeness are innate features of individuals (i.e. ‘who engineering inno-
vators are’) or learned engineering practices (i.e. ‘what engineering innovators do’) – or
possibly a combination of both. In previous research, Menold et al.54 categorized the 20
engineering innovativeness characteristics in terms of their underlying constructs as innate,
learned, or a blend of the two. The majority of the characteristics (8 of 20–40%) were identi-
fied as learned (Analytical, Communications Skilled, Deep Knowledge, Developer/Adapter,
Experimenter, Implementer, Market/Business Savvy, and Networker/Team Player); 30% (6
of 20) were identified as innate (Active Learner/Curious, Challenger, Passionate, Persistent,
Risk Taker, and Self-Reliant); and 30% (6 of 20) were identified as a blend of both (Alter-
natives Seeker, Creative, Knowledge Integrator, Team Manager/Leader, User-Focused, and
Vision/Caring).55 Validation of this proposed classification scheme through empirical stud-
ies will be part of our future work. In the meantime, by recognizing that the engineering
innovativeness characteristics identified by our expert sample may be indicative of per-
sonal features, engineering practices, or both, we acknowledge the situated interaction of
engineering innovators with the problem in context and the complexity of engineering
innovativeness as a phenomenon.
The results of Menold et al.’s study56 bode well for engineering educators, corporate
managers, and trainers in terms of developing programs, curricula, and activities that will
encourage greater levels of engineering innovativeness in their students and employees in
terms of the characteristics with a learned component (e.g. Communications Skilled, Deep
Knowledge, Experimenter, Creative, User-Focused). The fraction of engineering innovative-
ness characteristics that we believe to be purely innate is not insignificant, however (at
30%). Fortunately, we know that humans are capable of and frequently use learned cop-
ing behaviors to simulate traits and characteristics they do not naturally possess, enabling
them to manage gaps between what they do most naturally and what a particular situation
requires or others expect.57 While these coping behaviors come at a higher cognitive cost
and require extra motivation to ‘switch them on’, they are nevertheless a critical compo-
nent of engineering innovation and can be encouraged, enabled, and taught. While we do
not expect an individual’s innate innovativeness characteristics (i.e. Active Learner/Curious,
Challenger, Passionate, Persistent, Risk Taker, and Self-Reliant) to change permanently,
that person can learn coping strategies that will allow them to behave differently when
In another recent study, we noted distinct groupings of the 20 characteristics discussed
by every engineering innovator we interviewed; full details are provided in Ferguson et al.59
This observation led us to hypothesize that there may be multiple (even many) archetypes
or personas of engineering innovators, any of which may be successful in different situa-
tions and contexts. The relationship between the findings of this ‘persona’ study and the
actual practices of engineering educators and practitioners will be pursued in future work.
61 ABET Inc., 2010–2011 Criteria for Accrediting Applied Science Programs, 2009.
62 Denning and Dunham, The Innovator’s Way, 2010.
63 Rogers, “A Prospective and Retrospective Look at the Diffusion Model,” 2004; Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, 1962.
64 Denning and Dunham, The Innovator’s Way, 2010.
65 Dougherty et al., “Systems of Organizational Sensemaking for Sustained Product Innovation,” 2000.
66 Dyer et al., The Innovator’s DNA, 2011.
67 Robinson et al., “Design Engineering Competencies,” 2005; Turley and Bieman, “Competencies of Exceptional and
Nonexceptional Software Engineers,” 1995.
Study limitations
Researcher perceptivity and interviewer bias
Due to the primary analyst’s previous corporate and entrepreneurial experience, he pos-
sessed process knowledge about engineering innovativeness in multiple domains. This
analyst was careful to avoid letting his experiences unduly influence his interviewing and
analysis techniques68 and/or emphasizing issues he has previously encountered.69 Access
to substantial economic or cultural capital that provides opportunities to engineering inno-
vators could also engender envy in a researcher, causing him or her to view the access
to resources with a biased lens if it proved to be important in the innovative behavior
discussed in the interviews.70 Good interviewing techniques, a specific and tested inter-
view protocol, and careful attention to the actual interview data during analysis (e.g. being
careful not to ignore or discount participant data) were the strategies used to minimize
these biases. The primary analyst is also actively studying and publishing on innovation
and entrepreneurship with collaborators; this knowledge and experience was kept at arm’s
length during collection and analysis of the participant data.71
To further mitigate bias in our analysis process, our team of analysts included engineers
with over 40 years of industry experience, individuals with multiple types of engineering
backgrounds, and scholars familiar with the challenges of qualitative analysis. We also took
these additional steps to address other limitations:
engineering innovators were analyzed and synthesized by our research team (and the inter-
viewees) in the co-construction of 20 characteristics of engineering innovativeness. Thus,
a significant result of this project is the first detailed list of innovative characteristics of
engineers developed by engineers.
If we want engineers to behave more innovatively, then knowing the traits of expert
engineering innovators can help us teach, encourage, and assess these characteristics. As
noted earlier, while some of the engineering innovativeness characteristics appear to be
innate preferences, individuals can still learn (through coping strategies72 ) to modify their
behavior to carry out any ‘non-preferred’ actions that creating, developing, or implement-
ing an innovation requires. For those engineering innovativeness characteristics that are
learned, training programs and policies that encourage their development may be easier
to implement, since everyone eventually needs to traverse the same learning curve.
In general, current academic engineering programs are oriented to develop some of
the 20 engineering innovativeness characteristics in their undergraduate students, but
not all of them and/or not to equal degrees. For example, it can be argued that the stu-
dent outcomes currently used in undergraduate engineering program assessment through
ABET73 clearly focus on the Analytical, Creative, Deep Knowledge, Developer/Adapter,
Experimenter, Implementer, and Persistent characteristics, with some attention paid to the
Active Learner/Curious, Communications Skilled, Networker/Team Player, User-Focused,
and Vision/Caring attributes. But other important characteristics receive much less atten-
tion in this framework, such as Alternatives Seeker, Challenger, Knowledge Integrator,
Market/Business Savvy, Risk Taker, and Team Manager/Leader, resulting in undergraduate
engineers whose engineering innovativeness profiles are incomplete at best. Mapping the
20 characteristics of engineering innovativeness onto undergraduate program outcomes
more explicitly is one way in which engineering educators could support and encourage
these capabilities to a fuller extent.
The identification of the 20 engineering innovator characteristics is a roadmap that can
be used for the selection, development, and support of more innovative engineers in any
organization or community. Likewise, the description of non-innovative engineers high-
lights what not to become and which traits to improve in engineers to move them along
the path toward becoming more innovative. Every innovative engineer is a unique individ-
ual with characteristics that distinguish him or her from other engineers. A view held by
our study participants was that many of these engineering characteristics can be taught
or encouraged, and they believe that organizational strategies that support innovative
engineers are required. A frequently proposed strategy to encourage innovative behav-
ior was supporting failure as much as heralding success. To this end, Riley remarked: ‘Well
the biggest sign in the room is, “Make mistakes faster.” And the idea is to remove fear [of
failure].’ For an individual engineer wanting to be more innovative, the first step is to under-
stand his or her existing innovative competencies and then to work on strengthening the
characteristics needed for the role or context in which they live and work. Managers and
teachers have a corresponding opportunity to support and encourage the development of
characteristics that will enable a student or professional engineer to be a more innovative
Future research
As noted throughout this paper, there are many avenues available to move this research
forward. Our specific plans for future work include validating the innate vs. learned clas-
sification scheme of characteristics proposed by Menold et al.,74 as well as exploring the
relationships among the engineering innovativeness characteristics to identify dominant
characteristic combinations or archetypes. We will also compare levels of the 20 charac-
teristics in representative samples of student and professional engineers to understand
how these capacities are exercised in different contexts/organizations, at different stages
of training or development, as a result of different interventions, and/or as influenced
by motivational policies or across cultures. Identifying the relative importance of the 20
characteristics as they are exercised in or developed by the different phases of the innova-
tion process in different contexts within different types of organizations (R&D, Operations,
Corporate, Entrepreneurial, and Academic) will also be an important extension of this
work. Likewise, identifying the relationship of engineering innovativeness characteristics
to the characteristics of individuals recognized as innovative in the sciences (e.g. biologists,
chemists, mathematicians, or physicists) is another intriguing aim. Finally, and most impor-
tantly perhaps, we are currently creating and validating a robust psychometric instrument
to assess the 20 characteristics of engineering innovativeness that will enable students,
educators, and practitioners alike to evaluate their progress in developing these critical
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Science Foundation (Collaborative
Research: Identifying and Assessing Key Factors of Engineering Innovativeness) [EEC (REE) grants
1264901 and 1264769] in completing this work.
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This interview is about understanding how engineers innovate and what enables or inhibits an
engineer to be innovative.
• Do you feel that a person’s personality affects their ability to innovate? [if not previously
• Do you feel that a person’s education affects their ability to innovate? [if not previously
• Do you feel that the community or organization where a person works or lives affects their
ability to innovate? [if not previously discussed].
• Can an engineer be innovative in both the initial/creative stage and the develop-
ment/experimental/design stage? Why or why not?
• Can the same engineer be innovative in both the initial/creative stage and the implementa-
tion/manufacturing/production stage? Why or why not?
• Can an engineer be innovative in the development/experimental/design stage and the
implementation/manufacturing/production stage? Why or why not?
• Can an engineer be innovative in all three stages of the innovation process? Why or why not?
• Please describe the ideal situation for an engineering innovator to be innovative [if not
previously discussed].
10. FOCUS ON THE INTERVIEWEE [if time remains]
• What is it about you that makes you innovative?
• Please describe a situation or an event where you feel you exercised your innovative
• Can these factors be changed, taught, or grown in your opinion? Did they grow or change for
11. HIRING INNOVATORS [if time remains]
• If you wanted to hire an innovative engineer for your project/company, what attributes will
you most look for in that person? Or in a team of innovators?
• Thank you! Next steps for this research is the transcription of this interview, editing it to make
it anonymous, and then I will send you the edited transcript for your review.
• Also may i have permission to list your actual name in our reports? All of your conversation
will remain confidential and anonymous.
• Finally, Are there other engineering innovators that you think that we should Interview or
include in our innovation research?
• Why do you feel they are innovative?
Characteristic: ‘An
engineering innovator
is (a/an) . . . ’ Representative in vivo quotations
Active Learner/ Doris: ‘All the people I know who are really good innovators are inquisitive, constantly seeking new
Curious ways to do it better.’
Richard: ‘I think another attribute of people that are innovators; they feel they can learn and get
better at it. They have this sense that-I’m not as good as I’d like to be; I haven’t made it yet; I can
get better at it; I can learn to be better.’
Alternatives Seeker Richard: ‘They’re willing to search internally. They’re willing to search externally. They seek
information from others. They review patents. They benchmark. They’ll go to a hardware store.
They’ll go look for ideas from others. They’re not ashamed to identify ways [that] might be
adapted from what’s already existing in another setting.’
Ryan: ‘But, it’s like a football player. You say, I’m going to go here, here, here. But there’s a big guy
in front of you. So you spin and you go another way. They reconfigure. They have a basic idea
of where they want to go, a basic plan. It took them two seconds to [do] that. But, something
happens, and they spin and reconfigure, and go [a different way].’
Analytical Edward: ‘But it was there where I really felt like I became an engineer. I solve problems using the
engineering way. Analyzing the situation, collecting data, analyzing the data, design solutions,
execute them.’
Doris: ‘The benefit of Six Sigma is if you have the data, no matter who you are, you can make things
change. [What] I loved about Six Sigma [was] the fact that no matter where you were in the
organization if you could show data that said, “Everyone should be turning the lights off at 6:00
o’clock, and here’s why, and here’s how much money it will save.”’
Challenger Ian: ‘This [is] a person who when you say, “Do A,” they say, “Why? Why should I do A? Why is that so
important?” I mean, they’ll push on everything. And, “Isn’t somebody else doing A? Or, they’re
doing B, why don’t I help them.” And, they like to deviate from the norm.’
Joseph: ‘They’re people that are always unsatisfied with the way things are. Where some of us
can get very much into a routine and we get so routine about it that we forget about all
the discomfort or all the things we don’t recognize; these are people that it bothers them.
Oftentimes, you find people who are really innovative are people that are more inclined to ask
for forgiveness than permission.’
Communications Doris: ‘I think [they are] people that are able to flesh it out, make it come to life, storytellers.
Skilled Storytelling is very important. People who can bring what they saw in the field to life for
someone [are innovators]. That’s critical if you want to advocate for your idea; if you want to
bring people along with you.’
Richard: ‘They’ve got to rally other people around them and the idea, and sell the idea. Document
the idea in a way that enables the usefulness of it, the value of it to be seen by others. And sell
the idea to those that have resources that would enable them to take it to the next step further.
The only way they’re going to build it is to get some money from the company [or the market]
to build it. And [so] he’s gotta’ get people to buy in to the idea.’
Creative Richard: ‘I think the best innovators simply enjoy the creative process. They find this sense of
fulfillment that comes from solving a problem, meeting a need to make things better for others.
And after a while, the money has little or no meaning. The process of creation is fulfilling and
worthwhile. And I think that innovators recognize that sense of fulfillment and they persist at
doing it, because they know that the outcome is going to be of worth.’
Carol: ‘[Engineering innovators stand out because of] their ability to generate and leverage
creativity and imagination based on existing competencies and create and invent something
new. So it’s not just based on what raw materials or tools or capabilities you have in front of you,
it’s the ability to imagine and create.’
Deep Knowledge Pierre: ‘The people in my career that have been really innovative have tended to basically [be]
interested in virtually everything. They know a broad base of subjects deeply enough that it can
provide meaningful contributions and information to problem solving.’
David: ‘So, the more diverse your experience and connections are, the higher odds that you’ll do
what I’ll call better innovation and better commercialization, because I call it removing the
distance to your goal line.’
Characteristic: ‘An
engineering innovator
is (a/an) . . . ’ Representative in vivo quotations
Developer/Adapter Richard: ‘These are just steps, in my mind, in the innovation process. Once you select [an innovation
idea] that looks as if it’s got good merit, then you’ve got to build a prototype, you’ve got to
make a model, you’ve got to do some detailed analysis work to set parameter values and try it
out. And, seeing what happens. And seeing if it works, or if part of it works . . . But they’re not
afraid to learn from something that didn’t quite work as they thought but part of it did work. So,
they move forward with that.’
Dana: ‘[Understanding] the barriers that we have to overcome, and just very methodically
going through to get that work done and accomplish the overcoming of the barriers, [is the
developer’s task]. . . . in some instances the barriers are technical. Sometimes the barriers
are human, sometimes the barriers are materials, and sometimes the barriers are just the
intellectual property.’
Experimenter Aubrey: ‘I feel that I have to do something about it or I lose the energy . . . . I have to put in
place steps to see if that would work. So I immediately network and try to get something
done whether it’s an experiment, or leveraging someone else’s work, and then adding maybe
something on top of what they’re doing. But I have to act on it otherwise it just kind of
Ian: ‘And then there [are] other people who you go to and you say, “Hey, I got this idea.” And they
say, “Well, let’s try it. Let’s throw it on the wall and see what sticks.” I say, “yes” more often than I
say “no.” . . . I tend to do a lot of experiments.’
Implementer Edward: ‘I think the ones to implement are the ones with the strongest technical background, the
strongest capabilities to be able to stick to it and follow through and finish what they’re doing.’
Dana: ‘And the people who usually bring the baby home, so to speak, or make sure that the
[innovation] is implemented, are the people who are the fact-based, safe guarders, detail
oriented individuals who are [taking you to] the end of it.’
Knowledge Ted: ‘I will tell you it’s not book learning. It’s somehow the ability to take random or seemingly
Integrator unconnected things and put it all together. And I think what innovation is, it’s that ability to pull
from all these different areas and integrate that together into a solution.’
Joseph: ‘They have a unique way to look at problems and by that I mean they somehow see the
problem differently than say 99 out of 100 other people would see the problem. And maybe
they even have the ability to see the problem on multiple different ways where some of us can
only see the problem in one way. They somehow can see it from different perspectives.’
Market/Business Greg: ‘You have to have some sense of who the right audience is for the idea, who can find it
Savvy useful, and have some sense of what the needs are in the environment [where] you’re trying to
promote the idea. And the timing; whether it’s a good time for this idea in this environment,
where the people that you’re trying to get to use it can really use it in the way you intended to;
Whether they can afford it. Whether they can understand it; Whether they need some training
to understand it; What sort of motivation they might need to try it. What are the competing
ideas that might do something similar? Why is your idea better, or faster, or cheaper, or whatever
the right metric is?’
Joseph: ‘I think [engineering innovators who are market/business savvy] are people that have a
broad set of skills. They have the ability to shift [to] more of that business mindset but again, it’s
not everybody by any stretch. And the other thing is that there [are] parts of commercializing
an idea that are not boring to those that like to do them. But the fundamental idea is done and
now you’re shaping the idea to make it into a product or a series of products for a company.’
Networker/Team Doris: ‘I find you get richer products from collaboration. My idea’s never the best idea. My idea plus
Player the handle that someone else added is always the best idea.’
Aubrey: ‘When you have an idea you want to form a partnership to make it happen, that enables
things. Because you can’t just do [innovations] by yourself . . . it’s not going to happen if you
try to be a Lone Ranger.’
Passionate Doris: ‘They are excited. They call you in the middle of the night excited because their assumption
that they have found the [innovation] is completely all-consuming until they have like fleshed it
Ryan: ‘It’s [a] focus and drive to achieve something. You don’t take baths, you don’t sleep, you don’t
eat, you don’t interact with people. It’s just a passion to see it done. Nothing else matters.’
Characteristic: ‘An
engineering innovator
is (a/an) . . . ’ Representative in vivo quotations
Persistent David: ‘Ultimately, the innovator that actually [implements] their innovation has a trait I call
persistence. [As an innovator] I’ve gotta’ have the persistence to carry through and probably
lots of people telling me that this isn’t going to work. And deal with the fact that it will take
some of my time, which is a scarce resource. There are [always] many obstacles, so if you’re
persistent and you’re willing to recognize that there’ll be many obstacles, you’ll figure out how
to get around those [barriers].’
Richard: ‘There’s a quote from Emerson that I really love. “That which we persist in doing becomes
easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but that our power to do has
increased.” I really love that because it says that no matter how un-smart we think we are, we
can get better at it if we practice.’
Risk Taker Ian: ‘Innovators seem to be quite comfortable saying, “Yes,” to things that they don’t know are
necessarily going to work. I think this comes down to your perspective on risk because some
people spend a lot more time worrying about how not to have risk in their life.’
Riley: ‘Well the biggest sign in the room is, “Make mistakes faster.” And the idea is to remove fear
[of failure].’
Self-Reliant Ted: ‘A lot of times in the initial stages I like to work by myself. That very crude type work I like to do
by myself just because I can get into the lab, and I do everything, that part I like to do by myself.’
Joseph: ‘I would say what maybe tends to make people think of me as innovative is taking a real
personal ownership of a particular problem and coming up with a solution that isn’t out there;
that you’re not just picking something else someone’s done. You’re thinking of a new way to
solve that problem.’
Team David: ‘It’s a team effort. You may not know at the start of your journey who the team members
Manager/Leader are, but basically, you’re signing up to solve another problem, even if it’s your own, that entails
onboarding at least one other person, typically many other people, depending on the nature
[of the problem].’
Pierre: ‘Colin Powell had a great differentiation between managers and leaders. He said, in his
book My American Journey: “Each are given two tools. Managers by virtue of their position in
the organization can give orders and then bring consequences to bear if those orders aren’t
followed. And leaders have the tools of influence and inspiration. They don’t have that authority
to be able to threaten somebody. All you have is the ability to inspire and influence.” And so, I
think innovative people tend to be more his definition of leaders than they are managers.’
User-Focused Riley: ‘If you’re going to build something that’s actually going to be enjoyably used by the people
for whom it’s intended, guess what? You actually have to learn about those people and you have
to learn about them in their native environment. You can’t invite them in for a focus group, you
can’t send them a survey, and you can’t simply infer, based on your own human experiences,
what it is they need. You actually have to go understand those people, and that’s what we do.’
Richard: ‘People that are good at [understanding user needs] are very good listeners. They
empathize with people that they see [who] had this experience. They’re very good at asking
questions. They will ask questions about what do they not like about their present circumstance,
or what’s inconvenient about it in their present circumstance. They watch people. They are
careful not to jump to conclusions without identifying very carefully what they have observed
the person doing. They take photographs and videos. And, they look for things that are
Vision/Caring Carol: ‘The ability to imagine what could be versus saying what is; the vision to see what should
happen five years from now versus what happens today. They’re very much able to define:
“What if?” They don’t have to see it. They can just define it, and they can envision it.’
Jordan: ‘I like to see things happen. I really want to make a difference. I like to help people. I see
innovation as a way to really go to a win-win [situation] to help a large set of people. So, in my
case, that’s my motivation.’