Section-A: Theory of Thin Plates & Shells EXAM - MARCH-2021

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MTSTE 14 (A)
MAXMARKS:100 TIME:3:00hrs
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. 2X10=20

1. BM at any section in a conjugated beam gives in the actual beam -

(a) Slope (b) Curvature
(c) Deflection (d) Bending moment
2. If the rigid jointed space frame (6m + r)<6j, then the frame is
(a) Unstable (b) Stable & statically determine
(c) stable & statically indetermine (d) None of the above
3. The fixed support in a real bean becomes in the conjugated beam a.
(a) Roller support (b) Hinge support
(c) Fixed support (d) Free end
4. In the displacement method of structural analysis the basic unknown are-
(a) Displacement (b) Force
(c) Force & Displacement (d) None of the above
5. The width of the analogous column in the method of column analogy is -
(a) 2/EI (b) 1/EI
(c) 1/ 2/EI (d) 1/4/EI
6. BM at any section in a conjugated beam gives in the actual beam -
(a) Slope (b) Curvature
(c) Deflection (d) Bending moment
7. A pin – jointed plane frame is unstable if
(a) (m + r )<2j (b) (m + r )=2j
(c) (m + r )>2j (d) All
8. The deformation of a spring produced by a unit load is called

(a) stiffness (b) Flexibility

(c) influence coefficient (d) Unit strain
9. The carryover factor in a prismatic member whose far end is fixed is
(a) 0 (b) 1/2
(c) 3/4 (d) 1
10.The degree of kinematic inderterminacy of a pin – jointed space frame is -
(b) 2j-r (b) 3j-r
(c) j-2r (d) j-3r

Short Answer Type Question
Note: Attempt any five questions. Each question carries equal marks. 5X10=50

1. Discuss the classification & assumption made in analysis of thin plates with small deflection.

2. Give the classification of shells with example.

3. Derive the differential equation for symmetrical bending of laterally loaded circular plate.

4. Define the term beam theory for cylindrical shells.

5. Write a short note on structural behavior of folded plate.

6. Write a short note on long & short cylindrical shells.

7. Define three edge equation for folded plates.

Section - C
Long Answer Type Question
Note: Attempt any two questions. Each question carries equal marks. 2X15=30

1. Develop the equilibrium equation for shells of revolution & loaded symmetrical with reference to their
axis by bending theory.

2. Derive the 4th order differentiate equation for the deflected surface of a laterally loaded rectangular plate

3. Explain single & double blind experiments.

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