Social Media Influencer, Brand Awareness, and Purchase Decision Among Generation Z in Surabaya

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JMK, VOL. 23, NO. 1, MARCH 2021, 18–26 DOI: 10.9744/jmk.23.1.

ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online


Leonardo Gunawan1, Selden Haryono2, Fransisca Andreani3*
Faculty of Business and Economics, Petra Christian University
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Corresponding author


Many restaurants and cafes used Social Media Influencer (SMI) services to promote their products/
services. The three dimensions of SMI included reach, relevance, and resonance; and these can influence brand
awareness and purchase decision of Generation Z consumers. This study involved 108 respondents and used
SPSS and Partial Least Square (PLS) as software programs to analyze data using multivariate analysis. The
results of this study indicated that reach, relevance and resonance of SMI had positive and significant influences
on brand awareness. Reach had positive but insignificant influence on purchase decisions; whereas, relevance
and resonance had positive and significant influences on purchase decision. Finally, brand awareness had
positive but insignificant influence on purchase decision of Generation Z to restaurants and cafes in Surabaya.

Keywords: Social media influencer (SMI), instagram, brand awareness, purchase decision, generation z

Introduction skills as an artist, businessman, or politician. Social

Media Influencer (SMI) has a tendency as a famous
Nowdays many companies use electronic com- person who can influence many people. SMI repre-
munication media as a media of promoting products or sents a new type of an independent party influencer
services, corporate value, or even strengthening com- who affects the attitudes of potential consumers
pany brand awareness. In modern time, the deve- through blogs, tweets, Instagram, and the use of other
lopment of communication media has led to the emer- people's social media. Although there are some re-
gence of human idol icons who consumers often refer searchers who view SMI as very competitive with each
to as celebrities; this is an opportunity for entrepreneurs other just to master social media (Gorry & Westbrook,
in Indonesia to utilize Social Media Influencers (SMIs) 2009), other SMIs recognize the emergence of oppor-
to become endorsers of company-owned products tunities in working with companies in promoting brand
(Devi, 2018). Companies make use of endorsers or products/ services marketed by companies. This trend
celebrities and famous people as influencers. These is the basis for company leaders to use SMI as a pro-
terms actually refer to the same thing: endorsers or motional medium for companies to increase brand
celebrities or influencers who provide product or ser- awareness and sales.
vice reviews on social media. The impact that is often desired from a company
Companies are competing to use various market- is a high brand awareness by using Social Media Influ-
ing techniques to win their consumers. Among those encer's service. Brand awareness is the ability of con-
tools, a Social Media Influencer (SMI) has become one sumers to recognize and remember a brand in different
of the most effective ways for promoting corporate situations (Yang, Chi, & Yeh, 2009). According to
brands. According to Glucksman (2017), the use of previous research conducted by Owyang, Jones, Tran,
SMI became the largest marketing and public relations and Nguyen (2011), influencers have an appeal to
tool in 2017. Inevitably, the role of SMI and personal brand awareness and buying interest for consumers. In
identities possessed have become the main features of addition, brand awareness can also have a significant
communication media and continued to grow for a impact on purchase decisions as well (Lukman, 2014).
long time. The definition of Social Media Influencers Purchase decision alone can be interpreted as determi-
itself according to Hariyanti and Wirapraja (2018, p. ning the choice from two or more alternatives to meet
141) refers to figures on social media, who have a large consumer needs (Peter & Olson, 2014, p. 163). Brand
number of followers and can influence the followers’ awareness, brand positioning, and purchase decisions
behavior. Influencer figures can come from various are the impacts of making use of SMIs.
professions, starting from artists, celebrities, bloggers, In previous studies, many scholars analyzed the
figures, and so on. objects of celebrity influencers. Studies by Royan
Social Media Influencer is one of the newest form (2004), Sharon, Meilinda, Wijaya, and Iskandar
of celebrities in cyberspace. This is a form of postmo- (2018), Sampurno, Ciakrawinata, and Jokom (2019)
dernism in celebrity cyberspace without having the employ four dimensions of communication

Gunawan: Social Media Influencer, Brand Awareness, and Purchase Decision 19

characteristics delivered through the VisCap model From this phenomenon, Instagram becomes the
(Visibility, Credibility, Attraction, and Power). These main reference for Generation Z to find information
characteristics were developed from Rossiter, Percy, about restaurants and cafes, especially Instagram users
and Berkvist (2018). What distinguishes this research in Surabaya. This is the reason why business owners
from the previous ones is the chosen influencer. This utilize Instagram as a medium to promote business
research uses SMI objects and different dimensions (Suryani, 2015).
and indicators from how to assess the performance of Generation Z have their own habits that influence
a celebrity influencer. The similarity is that this study their purchase behaviour. It is the impact of their
is focused to see the effect of the characteristics of lifestyle who like to gather with friends, hang out in
celebrity influencers on purchase intention, even cafes and restaurants, shop online, go for a trip, or even
though preferences and purchase intention do not enjoy year-end leave (Renaldo, Sudarno, & Marice,
always produce actual purchase decision (Habibi, 2020). This is why Generation Z often spend money
2014). Therefore, the researchers want to see the more compared to Generation Y eventhough they are
effects of SMIs on purchase decision and brand both social media savvy. Furthermore, Generation Z
awareness. will be the highest potential market for cafes and
The dimensions of SMI used in this research refer restaurant business stakeholder.
to the ones proposed by Solis and Webber (2012). Unfortunately, the use of SMI cannot be done
These can be categorized as Reach, Resonance, and haphazardly by the restaurant and cafe business own-
ers. The impact of selecting SMI also varies depending
Relevance. Reach, refers to numbers of followers or
on the dimensions the business owners wish to empha-
followers who engage in social media, such as the ones
size. Therefore, five most popular SMIs including Ko-
who like, share, retweet, comment, click on the URL
ko Buncit (@kokobuncit), Vicky Yuwono (@vicky-
link, or fill in the form or purchase on posts made by
yuwono), Amanda Kohar (@amandaakohar), Cece
influencers. Resonance, is an act of social media fol- Kuliner (@cecekuliner), Inijie (@inijie), are chosen as
lowers who continue or share more content from influ- they are more focused on endorsing culinary busi-
encers. The more contents distributed by followers, the nesses in Surabaya.
higher the SMI resonance. The last dimension is rele- The purpose of this study is to find out the
vance. The meaning of relevance is the level of confor- impacts of SMIs on brand awareness and purchase
mity or similarity between the values held by influen- decision among Generation Z in Surabaya. It is also
cers and brand image of the products or services. Rele- hoped that SMIs can maximize their roles to endorse
vance can also mean whether influencers have simila- restaurants and cafes in Surabaya to increase brand
rities with consumers in the aspects of values, culture, awareness that may affect purchase decision of Gene-
and demographics of potential consumers of these pro- ration Z.
ducts (Solis & Webber, 2012).
The growing use of SMI is not only adapted by Social Media Influencers (SMIs)
large-scale food and beverage companies. The restau-
rants and cafes also employ influencers to increase The development of SMI theory is very broad,
brand awareness, purchase intention, and other effects Rossiter et al. (2018) assessed SMI with visibility, cre-
of the business. In Surabaya, the use of SMI services is dibility, attractiveness, and power (VISCAP) through
arisen especially in new cafes among young people. widely used promotional media, including television,
The right use of SMI services can obtain a large market radio, newspaper magazines, etc. Then, Solis and
share while increasing indirect profits for the restau- Webber (2012) stated three dimensions of SMIs,
rants and cafes. which were reach, relevance, and resonance.
A lot of previous researches studied Generation 1. Reach is an ability of SMIs to reach communities
Y, but in this study, the researchers are interested in on social media and how far their information can
seeing the significance use of SMI on brand awareness be disseminated into a community. This refers to
and purchase decisions among Generation Z in Sura- how many followers or followers who have virtual
baya. Generation Z is very intensive in using social me- contact with SMIs such as like, share, retweet, com-
dia; one of which is Instagram as reported by Business ment, click on the URL link, or fill out the form/
Insider. Generation Z uses the most three social media purchase on posts made by SMIs. There are three
platforms, namely Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. indicators of reach, namely:
A different survey was also conducted by Business a. Popularity is SMIs’ state that is liked, admired,
Insider in 2019 in which one of the top three trusted or supported by many people. This indicator is
social media sites was Instagram, as the only visual and usually measured by the number of followers
review-based media often used by SMIs. on social media.

b. Proximity is the proximity of SMIs’ location to themselves and not to celebrity endorsers in broad
social media users. People who have common terms. Specifically, the attributes are used only for
location or community have a tendency to be social media and not used for mass media in general,
close naturally due to the influence of environ- like newspapers, television, etc. Engagement is also
mental equality to language. used to measure uploaded contents by SMIs which
c. Goodwill refers to SMIs’ special attention (in differentiate them from the existing models.
the form of hospitality, helping consumers find
information, and the like) to social community Brand Awareness
that can increase social media users’ apprecia-
tion. Brand awareness is the ability of consumers to
2. Relevance is the glue between SMIs and social recognize and remember a brand in different situations
community. SMIs relate with individuals and so- (Yang et al., 2009). Furthermore, Rangkuty (2004)
cial community based on social media users’ points explained the level of brand awareness experienced by
of interest. It can be measured through the simi- consumers into four stages, namely unaware of the
larity of SMIs' profiles with what consumers are brand, brand recognition, brand recall, and top of mind.
looking for. This similaritiy includes values, cul- Shimp, Wood, and Smarandescu (2007, pp.38, 158)
ture, and demographics. The indicators of reach also put forward the same theory regarding brand
are: awareness. Shimp et al. divided brand awareness into
a. Authority refers to SMIs’ expertise on certain four stages, namely:
field so that naturally they become ‘senior’ over 1. Unaware of Brand
time in the related field. Thus, media users will This first level is the lowest level in the brand
appreciate, respect them more. awareness pyramid, at which consumers are not
b. Trust is the most important aspect of the rela- aware of a brand at all.
tionship. It is a belief in SMIs’ reliability, hones- 2. Brand recognition
ty, ability, or strength. This is a minimum level of brand awareness. In this
c. Affinity is social media users’ compassion to stage, a brand becomes important when consumers
SMIs on the basis of similar interests. Consu- choose that brand in making a purchase.
mers who are connected with SMIs build close- 3. Brand recall
ness in the social media community that streng-
This can occur when consumers are asked to men-
thens the position of SMIs due to similarity of
tion the brand in a class of products and the con-
consumer preferences.
sumer successfully mentions the expected brand.
3. Resonance is the act of a social media followers
Consumers can recall the brand without the help of
who forward or redistribute endorsement from
SMIs. As a result, more and more social media
users see and read the endorsement. The more 4. Top of Mind.
contents distributed by followers, SMIs’ resonance At this level, among many other brands, there is
will be greater. Three indicators that can assess the only one to be remembered in the consumer minds.
resonance are as follows: For example. if consumers are directly asked to
a. Frequency is the numbers media users visit name a brand without the assistance of others; then
SMIs’ profiles, contents, endorsements upload- the consumers can mention the brand as expected.
ed by SMIs. The brand most mentioned first by many consu-
b. Period is length of time SMIs’ ads are viewed by mers is the top of mind.
media users after the first day the related content
is uploaded on social media. Purchase Decision
c. Amplitude is the number of people involved in
social networks of SMIs’ social media (engage- Purchase decision can be interpreted as a choice
ment in Instagram). This is measured by the by consumers for two or more alternatives to meet their
number of likes and comments via Instagram. needs (Peter & Olson, 2014, p.163). According to
Kotler and Keller (2016), purchase decisions are in-
In his research, Guruge (2018) used Solis theory cluded in the five stages by consumers in the process
(2012) to analyze the attributes of SMIs. The strong before and after purchase. Later on, Kotler and Keller
point of the model proposed by Solis and Webber (2016) proposed five empirical indicators in determi-
(2012) is the use of specific attributes refering to SMIs ning consumer purchase decisions, namely:
Gunawan: Social Media Influencer, Brand Awareness, and Purchase Decision 21

1. Consumers have needs that can be met by compa- and advertising their products/ services through SMIs.
nies. Furthermore, Cooley and Parks-Yancy (2019) also
2. Consumers gather information about the needs that found empirical evidence of the SMI influences on
can be met by companies. consumer purchase decisions in the fashion industry.
3. Consumers choose companies over competitors. According to experts, SMI is a third party who
4. Consumers decide to buy products provided by significantly shapes consumer purchase decisions
companies. (Brown & Hayes, 2008, pp. 49–50). In line with pre-
5. Consumers are satisfied after buying companies’ vious studies, Guruge (2018) also found SMI attributes
products. that influence purchase decisions. The existing studies
have strengthened the evidences of SMI's impacts on
SMI and Brand Awrareness consumer purchase decisions. Based on this explana-
tion, the next hypotheses are:
Booth and Matic's research (2011) suggested that H4: Reach aspect of SMI has a significant effect on
companies making use of SMI services into a com- purchase decision of restaurants and cafes toward
pany's social media strategy produce measurable, Generation Z in Surabaya.
clear, and positive results on brand equity. Brand H5: Relevance aspect of SMI has a significant effect
equity itself consists of several dimensions, one of on purchase decision of restaurants and cafes
which is brand awareness. This means that SMI in- toward Generation Z in Surabaya.
fluences the growth of brand awareness. Therefore, H6: Resonance aspect of SMI has a significant effect
there is a significant relationship between SMI and on purchase decision of restaurants and cafes
brand awareness. toward Generation Z in Surabaya.
Marketing activities such as promotion using
SMI services will affect consumers' perceptions about Brand Awareness and Purchase Decision
a brand (whether consumers are aware or not of the
brand). Usually to get greater brand awareness, com- A previous study conducted by Lukman (2014)
panies must be able to bind consumer emotions using found evidence that brand awareness has a significant
marketing communication, adequate product values influence on purchase decisions of Sosro tea beverage
and attributes that are emotionally linked to consumers. products in Bandung. Factors of brand equity, which
One way to communicate can be through intermedia- are brand awareness and brand image, have shown to
ries who are often known as brand ambassadors to significantly influence consumer purchase decisions in
SMIs. The use of brand ambassadors and SMIs in the city.
HIJUP product research has been proven to signify- In addition to this research, brand awareness is
cantly increase brand awareness of these products also proven to shape a purchase decision through brand
(Purwaningwulan, Suryana, Wahyudin, & Dida, 2018) perception (Kunto & Agusli, 2013, p. 1). According to
Referring to the above explanation, the hypo- Soebianto (2014), brand equity also added to opportu-
theses in this study are: nities for consumers to decide to buy a product or ser-
H1: Reach aspect of SMI has a significant effect on vice when consumers become selective in choosing the
brand awareness of restaurants and cafes toward product/ service. Brand awareness indicates consumer
Generation Z in Surabaya. positive response that may lead into consumer pur-
chase decisions. The greater the brand awareness of a
H2: Relevance aspect of SMI has a significant effect product/service, the greater the decisions of consumers
on brand awareness of restaurants and cafes to- to purchase the brand. Therefore, the next hypothesis
ward Generation Z in Surabaya. is:
H3: Resonance aspect of SMI has a significant effect H7: Brand awareness has a significant effect on pur-
on brand awareness of restaurants and cafes to- chase decisions of restaurants and cafes toward
ward Generation Z in Surabaya. Generation Z in Surabaya.

SMIs and Purchase Decision Research Methods

In a previous study by Sudha and Sheena (2017), This is a quantitative causal research. A quantita-
it was found a significant influence of SMIs on con- tive research emphasizes on the relationship between
sumer purchase decisions in the fashion industry in or among variables, testing theories, and looking for
India. Therefore, companies focus more on promoting generalizations. It is directed to look at the existing

phenomena and will be compared with existing Attributes Indicators

theories (U Rianse, 2012). X21 SMI has specialization and competencies in
The population of this research is Generation Z endorsing cafes and restaurants.
who have read the promotion or endorsements made X22 SMI can be trusted while promoting and
endorsing products or service in cafes and
by SMIs on Instagram and made purchases at the
restaurants and cafés in Surabaya. Therefore, the X23 SMI has similar interest with Generation Z in
population in this study is infinite. The sample in this cafes and restaurants.
study is the Generation Z with th e following criteria: X31 SMI makes Generation Z read and observe
1. Respondents who have sufficient purchasing SMI’s endorsement frequently.
power and mature, aged of 17 to 25 years in April X32 Endorsements from SMI could last for a long
2020 (bornt in 1995–2003) time starting from the first endorsement was
2. Respondents who have ever read endorsements by published.
SMIs on Instagram X33 Endorsements from SMI in Instagram get a
3. Respondents who have ever made a purchase at huge amounts of likes and comments.
X34 Endorsements from SMI are reshared or
restaurants and cafes promoted by five SMIs on
forwarded by Generation Z in Instagram.
Instagram Y11 Generation Z can be aware of the brands of
4. Respondents who have recognized one of the five the cafes and restaurants.
SMIs in this study (whether or not they follow the Y12 Generation Z can recognize the brands of the
social media of the SMIs). cafes and restaurants reviewed by SMI.
Y13 Generation Z can remember the brands of the
Online questionnaires employ Likert scales from cafes and restaurants reviewed by SMI.
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). A total 121 Y14 Generation Z can mention firstly the brands
questionnaires were distributed in this study, but 13 of of the cafes and restaurants reviewed by SMI
them were not valid. So only 108 data can be analyzed in Instagram.
Y21 Generation Z has needs that can be fulfilled
with response rate of 89.26 %. Multivariate analysis is
by cafes and restaurants in Surabaya.
used to analyze the data with the help of Partial Least Y22 Generation Z seeks informations about cafes
Square (PLS) software program. and restaurants promoted by SMI in Ins-
The research model can be shown in Figure 1. tagram.
Y23 Generation Z prefers to choose cafes and
restaurants promoted by SMI compared to
similar competitors.
Y24 Generation Z decides to buy products or
service provided by cafes and restaurants in
Surabaya promoted by SMI.
Y25 Generation Z feels satisfied after purchasing
cafes or restaurants’ products in Surabaya
promoted by SMI.

Results and Discussion

Figure 1. Research model The respondents in this research are mostly wo-
man (62.04%) and students (87.03%). In addition, the
While the indicators of the variables are as per Table 1. respondents have allowances under Rp 2,000,000.00
(50.93%). Most of them recognized SMI of Koko
Table 1 Buncit (28.96%) and spent one to three hours a day
The Indicators of Variables (51.85%) and also bought main courses (38.95%) as
Attributes Indicators one of the most frequent dishes that Generation Z
X11 SMI is very popular in Instagram and has a purchase.
lot of followers. The descriptive analysis also shows that means of
X12 SMI has social similarities with Generation Z the five variables (mean of reach 4.15, relevan 4.09,
in languages and social environment. relevance 3.88, brand awareness 4.08 and purchase
X13 SMI pays special attention to Generation Z by decision 4.07) are high. These mean that SMIs have
sharing informations about cafes and restau- been performing well in their own social media, Ins-
rants. tagram.
Gunawan: Social Media Influencer, Brand Awareness, and Purchase Decision 23

Furthermore, the results of convergent validity Table 3

show that all indicators have outer loadings greater Path Coefficient Analysis
than 0.50 and only the first indicator of reach that is not Hypothesis Original Std. Dev T- P Values
valid as its value of outer loading is 0.42. So, this Sample Statistics
indicator is not used for further analysis. Then, the H1 0. 239 0.085 2.81 0.005
values of AVE from five variables (reach 0.75, H2 0.233 0.071 3.30 0.001
relevance 0.54, resonance 0.55, brand awareness 0.56 H3 0.285 0.080 3.57 0.000
and purchase decision 0.51) are bigger than 0.50. So, H4 0.045 0.111 0.40 0.686
all variables are valid. H5 0.215 0.100 2.14 0.033
H6 0.248 0.118 2.09 0.036
Table 2 H7 0.159 0.147 1.08 0.280
Composite Reliability and Cronbach's Alpha
Variabel Composite Cronbach's
Reliability Alpha
Reach 0.85 0.66 The first hypothesis stating that reach has a posi-
Relevance 0.78 0.60 tive effect on brand awareness is supported. The high-
Resonance 0.83 0.73 est mean of reach indicates that SMIs pay special atten-
Brand awareness 0.83 0.73 tion to their audiences or followers by providing re-
Purchase decision 0.83 0.73 views/ endorsements about restaurants and cafes in Su-
rabaya. This is also aligned with the results of cross
Table 2 indicates the values of composite reliabi- loading that most reflecting reach attributes of SMIs.
lity (reach 0.85, relevance 0.78, resonance 0.83, brand Usually, SMIs share stories or feeds and provide re-
awareness 0.83, and purchase decision 0.83) and the views about the restaurants and cafes intensively via
value of Cronbach’s Alpha (reach 0.66, relevance 0.60, Instagram. As a result, consumers become aware of the
resonance 0.73, brand awareness 0.73, and purchase restaurants or cafes’ brands promoted by SMIs.
decision 0.75) are bigger than 0.60. Thus, all five varia- This result is in accordance with a study conduc-
bles are reliable. ted by Booth and Matic (2011) who find the strengths
In addition, the results of inner model can be seen of SMIs that can shape brand awareness. It is also in
from Figure 2. line with the result of Purwaningwulan et al. (2018)
which show that reach has a positive and significant
impact on brand awareness of HIJUP products.
The second hypothesis mentioning that relevance
has a positive and significant effect on brand awareness
is supported. Mean of relevance indicates that SMIs
have special competence and expertise in endorsing
the restaurants and cafes in Surabaya. Then, loading
factors of relevance also show that among SMIs and
consumers have similar interests.
The similarities among SMIs and consumers can
increase brand awareness of the restaurants and cafes
in Surabaya. So, when consumers are asked to mention
Figure 2. Inner model the first brand coming up from their minds, they can
name it quite well. This is also in line with the results
The results of R2 indicate that SMIs dimensions of the studies by Booth and Matic (2011); Purwaning-
of reach, relevance and resonance have influenced wulan et al. (2018).
brand awareness as much as 33 %. While, the influence The third hypothesis saying that resonance has a
of SMIs dimensions on purchase intention is as much positive and significant effect on brand awareness is
as 27 %. supported. The values of mean and loading factors
Apart from that, the results of PLS-SEM analysis have shown that SMIs reviews or endorsements about
are as per Table 3. Table 3 indicates that five (H1, H2, restaurants and cafes in Instagram can make
H3, H5, and H6) of seven hypotheses are supported and consumers view them and like or even give comments.
the other two hypotheses (H4 and H7) are rejected as the Besides that, the reviews can sustain for a long time.
values of T statistics are less than 1.65 and P values are These sustainable reviews will be in the
greater than 0.50. consumer minds so that it enables consumers to

remember and name the brands later on. Even, con- have brand awareness of the restaurants or cafes pro-
sumers can also share the reviews to others. Thus, it can moted by SMIs, consumers do not always have
increase brand awareness of the restaurants and cafes purchase decision signifantly. This can happen due to
in Surabaya in the consusmer minds. This is also in some reasons. One of them is the fact that consumers
accordance with studies by Booth and Matic (2011), do not have strong brand awareness that can influence
Purwaningwulan et al. (2018). them to purchase the products or services promoted by
Studies by Sudha and Shenna (2017) as well as SMIs. Apart from that, there could be some other fac-
Cooley and Parks-Yancy (2019) show that reach has tors that are not analyzed in this study as the value of
has a positive and significant effect on purchasing R2 is very weak.
decision. In contrast, in this study, reach has a positive
but insignificant impact on purchase decision. So, the Conclusions
fourth hypothesis is rejected.
This contrast can be explained from the fact of SMIs dimensions of reach, relevance and reso-
SMI popularity which is indicated by the greater num- nance can influence brand awareness of restaurants
ber of followers. Generation Z, who are familiar and and cafes in Surabaya towards Generation Z positively
sensitive with social media like Instagram, understand and significantly. The two dimensions, relevance and
well with the facts of fake followers and fake accounts resonance, also influence consumer purchase decisions
transactions in Instagram. Therefore, the level of popu- of restaurants and cafes in Surabaya positively and sig-
larity shown from the greater number of followers can- nificantly; while, reach influence purchase decision
not justify consumer trust and decision to purchase res- positively but insignificantly. Generation Z is aware of
taurants and cafes’ products or services promoted by the fact of fake followers who are paid to follow certain
SMI. account in Instagram. So, it cannot make Generation Z
In addition, some of the reviews may be too ex- justify their purchase decisions. Moreover, brand awa-
cessive. Sometimes the visual video about the products reness of restaurants and cafes in Surabaya has positive
or services of the restaurants and cafes do not taste as but insignificant impact on purchase decision of Gene-
expected; it can be too hot or sweet for certain consu- ration Z.
mers. That is why reach has a positive but insignificant
impact on purchase decision Recommendations
Then, the fifth hypothesis mentioning that rele-
vance has a positive and significant effect on purcha- As five of the seven hypotheses are supported, it
sing decision is supported. The highest loading factor is recommended that restaurants and cafes’ managers
of relevance indicates that consumers trust SMIs for employ SMIs. But the managers must be very careful
their ability and strength. So, consumers tend to like in selecting SMIs, especially from the dimensions of
and sometimes comment on SMIs’ reviews on Insta- relevance and resonance, to endorse the products and
gram. Thus, it can affect consumer purchase decisions. services of their restaurants and cafes. This is because
The result is in line with studies by Cooley and Parks- these two dimensions influence more on brand aware-
Yancy (2019); Sudha and Shena (2017). ness and purchase decision than reach dimension. By
Furthermore, the sixth hypothesis saying that re- having SMIs who have expertise about food and be-
sonance has a positive and significant influence on pur- verages, it can build consumer trust to purchase the
chasing decision is supported. The cross-loading value restaurants and cafes’ products or services.
representing relevance is the fact that SMIs’ reviews For SMIs themselves, it would be better if they
can last longer on Instagram so that consumers have can focus to improve their expertise by providing re-
more chances to like them. Therefore, it may influence views that are not too exaggerated, but natural and trus-
consumer purchase decision. It happens because Ge- table. Thus, it may improve consumers brand aware-
neration Z is easily influenced by the hype of social ness that can also lead to their purchase decisions of
media. So, they will buy cafes and restaurants’ restaurants and cafes’ products or services. Besides
products or services when these products or services that, SMIs can also give a giveaway to build consumer
are interesting or booming. This is also in accordance engagement on SMIs’ Instagram contents or account.
with studies by Cooley and Parks-Yancy (2019); This study can be used as a reference for further
Sudha and Shena (2017). research on SMIs. It would be better to examine other
Finally, the seventh hypothesis saying that brand generations such as the Alpha generation and others
awareness has a positive and significant influence on who have promising purchasing power in the future.
purchasing decision is rejected. Eventhough consumers This research can also be developed to assess SMIs
Gunawan: Social Media Influencer, Brand Awareness, and Purchase Decision 25

from other social media platforms such as Youtube or Kunto, Y. S., & Agusli, D. (2013). Analisa pengaruh
Tik Tok which are developing rapidly in 2020. Other dimensi ekuitas merek terhadap minat beli kon-
variables from brand equity, such as brand image, sumen Midtown Hotel Surabaya. Jurnal Strategi
brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty, Pemasaran, 1(2), 1–8.
can also be studied. In addition, it is advisable to have Lukman, M. D. (2014). Analisis pengaruh ekuitas me-
more samples and distribute offline questionnaires to rek terhadap keputusan pembelian dan kepuasan
get more reliable results. konsumen produk teh botol Sosro kemasan kotak.
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis, 10(1), 64–81.
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