Advertising space is now available during the ASCRS-ASOA Today show, a daily broadcast of news and information that airs 24-hours a day, at the ASCRS-ASOA Symposium and Congress, April 19-23, 2013.
Advertising space is now available during the ASCRS-ASOA Today show, a daily broadcast of news and information that airs 24-hours a day, at the ASCRS-ASOA Symposium and Congress, April 19-23, 2013.
Advertising space is now available during the ASCRS-ASOA Today show, a daily broadcast of news and information that airs 24-hours a day, at the ASCRS-ASOA Symposium and Congress, April 19-23, 2013.
Advertising space is now available during the ASCRS-ASOA Today show, a daily broadcast of news and information that airs 24-hours a day, at the ASCRS-ASOA Symposium and Congress, April 19-23, 2013.
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10-second Static Ad $3,960 $400 n/c
10-second Animated Ad $4,840 $400 $400 15-second Animated Ad or Video $5,445 $400 $400 20-second Animated Ad or Video $6,050 $475 $475 30-second Video (Free 10-second ad with the purchase of 30-second ad) $9,000 n/a $900 60-second Video $19,580 n/a $1,200 Premium Position/Opening Ad w/logo and voiceover* $5,390 n/a $400 Premium Position/Closing Ad w/logo and voiceover* $4,180 n/a $400 Product Promotion (Hotels Only) per minute* $2,800 (per min) n/a $800 (per min) *Requires minimum purchase of 30-second video ad For more information and to place your insertion order, con- tact Newsday Communications, the Ocial Sponsorship Partner for ASCRS-ASOA Today. Janet Lhuillier [email protected] Oce: (913) 888-3550 Fax: (913) 825-3243 Cell: (913) 226-0719 Ernie McCarren [email protected] Oce: (561) 328-6657 Cell: (201) 431-3075 Amplify Your Message with High Impact Advertising Sponsor the Ocial ASCRS-ASOA Today Daily News & Information Program and see how video advertising can deliver unparalleled cost-eective brand and message exposure. 85 c| .ttorJoos .||| soo t|o .rJ ycJ. .J VJ|t|p|o |c.n.ts tc |t ovo.y bJJgot |.cn st.t|c tc .r|n.toJ tc v|Joc .Js AJs p|.coJ .J.cort tc c.|t|c.| .rJ t|no|y noot|rg ro.s |.cg..n .|.s cr nJ|t|p|o c|.rro|s |c. n.x|nJn oxpcsJ.o Or ncr|tc.s cr .|| s|Jtt|o bJsos t.k|rg .ttorJoos tc .rJ |.cn t|o crvort|cr orto. Or \ |r .ttorJoo .ccns |r n.c. .ccn |cto| b|ccks Or ncr|tc.s |r ||g| t..|c ..o.s c| t|o ccrvort|cr corto. |.cg..n .rJ .Js .opo.t 3x/|cJ. .|| J.y .rJ r|g|t 926 c| .Jvo.t|so.s .opc.t t|.t t|o|. .Js st|nJ|.to bcct| t..|c
Engaging Program Content that Draws Attention to your Ad ||s yo..s ro. .rJ |np.cvoJ |o.tJ.os org.g|rg ccrtort |rc|JJ|rg |rto.v|o.s .|t| koy .sscc|.t|cr |o.Jo.s |rJopt| |r|c.n.t|cr cr t|o v.|Jo c| .ttorJ|rg t|o AS|SASOA Synpcs|Jn .rJ crg.oss ||g|||g|ts c| t|o noot|rg boro|ts c| AS|S .rJ ASOA nonbo.s||p ||g|||g|ts c| S.r |..rc|scc, .rJ nc.o! AttorJoos .||| bo tJroJ |r tc t|o .rJ tc ycJ. .J! 2013 ASCRS-ASOA RATE CARD INFORMATION || ycJ ..o|J|rg ycJ. |r|s|oJ .J, p.cJJct|cr |oos Jc rct .pp|y |.cJJct|cr |oos ..o |c. stJJ|c .c.k cr|y, |cc.t|cr ||n|rg ,JctoJ|y|.|s .oco|voJ .|to. p.cJJct|cr Jo.J||ro sJboct tc 500 .Js| |oo DEADLINE: Reservations, materials, and payment due no later than April 3, 2013. Receive a FREE ad to reinforce your brand with any 30-second video purchase! Sample Ad Screen Capture The Ocial Broadcast News & Information Source of the ASCRS-ASOA Symposium and Congress 5on lronclsco, Co/lfornlo - Arl/ !9-23, 20!3
CONTEMPORARY METHODS OF DIGITIZATION: Digitization process, archival methods and documentation of films, photographs and various other conventional and digital sources.
Contemporary Methods of Digitization - Digitization process, archival methods and documentation of films, photographs and various other conventional and digital sources.: Digitization process, archival methods and documentation of films, photographs and various other conventional and digital sources.
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