Domain 2 Writing Piece
Domain 2 Writing Piece
Domain 2 Writing Piece
The first value establishes a foundation of respect because I believe that a positive
classroom culture cannot be created without that foundation. Students need to feel respected
and safe in their classroom. These feelings allow them to engage more with me and also with
their peers. I can promote this value by being approachable, being a good listener, and also
being purposeful in making sure everyone has a voice in order to establish feelings of respect in
the classroom. Being a good listener is also necessary for me to form trusting and supportive
relationships with students. To adopt respect as a value, students would be expected to also be
supportive of others, allow for all to have a voice, and be open-minded to others perspectives
and the differences that exist among their peers.
Accountability is the next value that I will include. I have found through my career of
coaching adolescents that accountability is something they struggle with, especially when it
comes to holding a peer accountable. Teaching them about this in high school will prove to be a
valuable life lesson and skill. Accountability as a value in my classroom represents self
reflection, the ability to receive and provide feedback, and discipline. I do not feel that true
collaboration can exist without it. I will create peer review and feedback opportunities to help
teach this skill and establish this value.
My favorite value to talk about is pursuit of excellence and it is how I wish to frame the
idea of achievement. I feel everyone has an “excellent” that they can work towards and continue
to work towards as they redefine what excellent is for them. Framing it as a pursuit and viewing
it in that manner shows that it is a constant journey and a constant goal to continue to achieve
past what you already have. Pursuing excellence in my classroom will be aided by goal setting
and monitoring, positive reinforcement of hard work, and an environment where intellectual
effort is rewarded, even in the light of a failure, over simply knowing the answer. I look to push
students past what is easy for them and I know that each student's excellent is different.
Last is the idea of enthusiasm. This could mean motivation, passion, or even fun. It
speaks to the level of engagement that I value in my classroom. Learning cannot not happen in
an environment where enthusiasm does not exist. Students need to feel connected to the
material of the course, they need to enjoy coming to class, and I need to create an environment
to help them find their passion. I will make material relevant to their lives and current day,
create engaging lessons and assignments, and give students opportunities to connect things in
their lives they care about to the work we do in the classroom.
To apply these four guiding values, I created a 4 pillar system that outlines the
foundations of my classroom. Each pillar is a core value that we will practice in our lessons,
interactions, and how students are evaluated. Under each pillar, specific tactics or routines are
identified for how myself and/or the students will be expected to enact that pillar. The guiding
values are present in each pillar and drive the implementation of the pillar.
Pillar 1: Communication
● Set rules, boundaries, expectations to create structure within the classroom. Do this in a
shared manner where students provide input and are involved in the creation of these
classroom norms.
● Promote self awareness through reflection and emphasize the importance of self-
● Provide prompt feedback to students.
Pillar 2: Support
● Lessons will be created to respect diverse talents and ways of learning.
● Encourage contact between students and faculty with a focus on building relationships.
● Provide teachable moments through failure and adversity.
● Establish the importance of one’s emotional well-being through exploring and discussing
Pillar 3: Engagement
● Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students by utilizing group work.
● Encourage active learning through purposeful activities that provide hands on and
collaborative learning opportunities.
● Help students relate material to their lives. Offer opportunities for various interpretations
of lessons.
Pillar 4: Development
● Communicate high expectations and work with students on goal setting and
● Focus on students’ strengths and what they do right as much as their areas of
improvement and what they do wrong.
● Allow for various types of assessment to determine understanding.