Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat: Dating and Premarital Sexual Inisiation On Adolescence in Indonesia
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat: Dating and Premarital Sexual Inisiation On Adolescence in Indonesia
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat: Dating and Premarital Sexual Inisiation On Adolescence in Indonesia
Oktriyanto1, Alfiasari2
Correspondence Address: pISSN 1858-1196
Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana (BKKBN) RI, Jakarta Timur 13650 eISSN 2355-3596
Email : [email protected]
KEMAS 15 (1) (2019) 98-108
one form of adolescent attraction towards the (Harnoko, 2010). A person can also commit
opposite sex which is one of the characteristics acts of violence in a relationship because he has
of psychological maturity in adolescents been a victim of it during his childhood, the
(Rahmadani et al., 2018). Dating in Indonesia, influence of peers, and the influence of liquor
regardless of the socio-religious and cultural (Devi, 2015).
views that allow or not allow, is still one of the Not only acts of violence, there are
lifestyle of some teenagers. Research conducted various kinds of deviant behavior that can occur
by Agustina (2013) on students of one of the in adolescents who are dating. These behaviors
junior high schools in Semarang found that include free sex which can lead to unwanted
adolescents have the opinion that dating is a pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and
natural thing to do at their age and kissing is one tarnished family honor (Azinar 2013; Pratiwi
proof of affection for a mate. The Indonesian & Basuki 2010). Premarital sexual behavior
Demographic and Health Survey (SDKI, 2012) carried out by adolescents ranging from mild
revealed that teenagers had started dating at risks such as hugging and holding or at high
the age of fifteen. In addition, there was an risk such as kissing and having sex are all done
increase of six to ten percent in the number with a mate with the most expressed reason is
of adolescents dating from 2007 to 2012. The like each other. Various adolescent behaviors
desire to date occurs when teenagers have a that deviate as a result of “excessive dating”
need for higher intensity of pleasure, puberty can be influenced by a variety of factors, one of
maturation, and perceived parental rejection which is the opening of access to information
(Ivanova et al, 2012) that is developing at this time. Teenagers easily
Dating is sometimes seen as a positive obtain information, through smartphones in
step towards marriage, but lately it is just the form of writing, pictures and videos that
the beginning of a vulnerable life such as contain pornographic contents at any time and
the occurrence of violence (dating violence) anywhere.
which ultimately can lead to unhappiness for According to Anggraini et al., (2013), the
teenager (Setiawan & Nurhidayah 2008, Ashley availability and ease of accessing pornographic
& Foshee 2005, Shorey et al. 2008). Khaninah contents are the main stimulant factors for
& Widjanarko’s research (2016) mentions teenagers to do premarital sexual behavior.
violence that occurs in a dating relation among 6 results of research conducted by Rahyani et
teenager, including verbal aggression behavior al. (2012) and Lestari et al. (2014) found that
such as harsh words in the form of ridicule teenagers who were exposed to pornographic
and threats, as well as demanding and limiting information were significantly positively
social relations. According to Ayu et al. (2012), related to premarital sexual behavior. Brown et
violence in dating is more prevalent among al. (2006), also found that exposure to sexual
girls than men. One of the violence experienced content in music, films, television and magazines
by girls is sexual violence such as being forcibly accelerated teenagers sexual activity and
kissed. Violence in dating can be in the form increased their risk of engaging in early sexual
of physical violence, psychological violence, relations. Another factor that can cause deviant
sexual violence and economic violence which is behavior in teenagers is the lack of knowledge
mostly committed by men (Teten, 2009; Devi, and education related to sex. Teenagers who
2015). However, violence in a relationship is do not receive proper and responsible sex
not only done by men, women also commit education have led to an increase in free sex
it against men. Violence that is often done by cases in the community (Cynthia, 2007).
women is verbal violence against a partner. Data from the Ministry of Communication
The percentage of verbal violence is higher for and Information in 2007 showed that, during
women than for men (Muñoz-Rivas, 2007). As 2016 there were 773 thousand blocked sites.
a bond that is not as permanent as marriage, From these data, most pornographic sites (767
the risk of violence still occurs in courtship thousand sites) compared to 10 other categories
relationships and is closely related to the of sites. The ten categories include pornography,
imbalance of relations between men and women SARA, fraud / illegal trade, drugs, gambling,
Oktriyanto & Alfiasari / Dating and Premarital Sexual Inisiation on Adolescence in Indonesia
radicalism, violence, children, internet security BSs are determined so that 1870 BS are selected
and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). throughout Indonesia. The second phase sample
As a period that is an important framework is the result of listing all teenagers
determinant of the nation’s future, studies that in each selected BS. Based on the second phase
can provide an overview of the lives of ternagers example framework, 25 adolescents were
are needed. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct determined by systematic random sampling in
an in-depth research to find out the dating each selected BS.
behavior and also premarital sex of adolescents Nationally, the number of teenage
in Indonesia as an empirical foundation in the respondents aged 15-24 years and not married
development of adolescent quality development in the 2015 RPJMN performance indicator
programs. Analysis of dating and premarital survey of the Population and Family Planning
sexual behavior among teenagers has indeed Program in 2015 that was successfully visited
been done a lot, but with a limited number was 44,111 adolescents. Among all teen
participants. This analysis is important because respondents, the number of teen respondents
to get a broader picture of dating behavior who were interviewed and could be analyzed
and premarital sex behavior in adolescents in was 42,243 teens or had a response rate of 95.8
Indonesia with a large number of participants. percent. Some reasons teenagers data cannot
Specifically the purpose of this analysis is to be analyzed are teenage respondents cannot be
know: 1) differences in dating behavior between found at home interviews (2.7%), adolescents
male and female adolescent, 2) differences in who refuse to be interviewed (0.7%),
attitudes and behaviors about premarital sex adolescents who are incomplete the interview
between male and female adolescent, and also process (0.1%), and several other reasons
3) the relation between dating behavior and with lower percentages. Some other reasons
premarital sex among teenagers. include teenagers asking for the interview
Method process to be suspended and teenagers being
The data used in this analysis are less able to answer questions. In this analysis,
secondary data, namely data from the 2015 the teenage respondents analyzed also consider
Mid-Term National Development Plan (Survei the weighted case, so the number of adolescents
Indikator Kinerja Rencana Pembangunan analyzed were 41,885 persons. Data and
Jangka Menengah Nasional/RPJMN) information analyzed consisted of: 1) data
Performance Indicator and Family Planning and information about differences in dating
Program Survey. This survey is an evaluation behavior between male and female adolescents,
of an ongoing program, namely to see activities 2) data and information about differences in
and results program implementation in the attitudes and behaviors about premarital sex
field. This survey does not evaluate the impact between male and female adolescents, and 3)
of a program, but only captures the results of data and information about dating behavior and
the program to be achieved. The survey was premarital sexual behavior among teenagers.
conducted in all provinces (34 provinces) Data processing in this analysis uses
throughout Indonesia. the SPSS program. Data analysis was carried
The sample framework used in the out descriptively and inferentially (chi-square
2015 RPJMN Performance Indicator Survey test). The chi square test was used to analyze
on the Population and Family Planning the relation between dating behavior and
Program consists of two stages. The first phase premarital sex among Indonesian adolescents.
sample framework is the entire census block Result and Discussion
(blok sensus/BS) which is accompanied by The number of male adolescent
information on the number of households respondents was higher than female namely
/ number of families in each BS from the 52.8 percent and 47.2 percent, respectively. The
2010 population census (sensus populasi/SP) respondents live more in rural areas than in
that has undergone updating. Based on the urban areas (55.5% and 44.5%, respectively).
framework of the first stage of the sample, a Based on age, young teenagers, in the
number of probable proportional to size (PPS) range of 15-19 years, are much higher in
KEMAS 15 (1) (2019) 98-108
Oktriyanto & Alfiasari / Dating and Premarital Sexual Inisiation on Adolescence in Indonesia
Table 1. The distribution of respondents based on age when start dating according to gender
Age when start dating Male (M) Female (F) M+F
n=22.131 n=19.754 n=41.885
10-14 years (A) 20.3 20.1 20.2
15-19 years (B) 50.9 49.0 50.0
20-24 years (C) 1.9 1.8 1.9
Not sure (D) 26.9 29.1 27.9
A+B+C+D 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: 2015 RPJMN performance indicator survey of the Population and Family Planning
Program, secondary data
Table 2. Distribution of respondents based on opinion toward premarital sex according to gender
Opinion toward Male (M) Female (F) M+F
premarital sex n=22.131 n=19.754 n=41.885
Female doing premarital sex
Agree (A) 2.9 1.3 2.1
Disagree (B) 86.4 94.4 90.2
Depend (C) 10.7 4.3 7.7
A+B+C 100.0 100.0 100.0
Male doing premarital sex
Agree (A) 4.2 1.4 2.9
Disagree (B) 82.9 92.9 87.6
Depend (C) 12.9 5.7 9.5
A+B+C 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: 2015 RPJMN performance indicator survey of the Population and Family Planning
Program, secondary data
KEMAS 15 (1) (2019) 98-108
Table 4. Distribution of respondents based on age when first time doing premarital sex according
to gender
Age when first time Male (M) Female (F) M+F
doing premarital sex n=22.131 n=19.754 n=41.885
10-14 years (A) 4.4 3.9 4.3
15-19 years (B) 59.7 53.1 58.2
20-24 years (C) 18.3 16.6 18.0
Not sure (D) 17.5 26.4 19.5
A+B+C+D 100.0 100.0 100.0
Min – max 10-24 years 10-24 years 10-24 years
Average 17,70 years 17,64 years 17,69 years
Source: 2015 RPJMN performance indicator survey of the Population and Family Planning
Program, secondary data
sex, the age of first sexual intercourse in male engaged in premarital sex. Meanwhile, among
and female is at almost the same age, namely at adolescents who are not dating, there are 0.5
the age of 17.7 years and 17.6 years. The highest percent who have premarital sex. Statistical
proportion of adolescents having premarital test results (chi-square test) obtained the value
sexual relations is first in the age group of 15-19 of p = 0.000, it can be concluded that there is
years (58.2%). This fact shows that premarital a difference in the proportion of incidents of
sex is at risk for the first time in the age group premarital sex between adolescents who have a
of 15-19 years. The age group is the period of boy/girlfriend and them who never have (there
high school (SLTP and SLTA) and shows that is a significant relation between dating and
in this period as an age group vulnerable to premarital sex behavior). From the analysis also
promiscuity (Table 4). obtained the value of OR = 14.120, meaning
The results of the analysis of the relation that adolescents who have dated have a 14.120
between dating behavior with premarital sexual chance of having premarital sex compared to
behavior among teenagers found 6.5 percent them who have never (Table 5).
of adolescents who have had boy/girl friend Of adolescents who have dated, some
Table 5. Test coefficient of the relation between dating behavior with premarital sex behavior
Dating behavior Premarital sex behavior OR 95% CI p- value
Yes No
Dating (n= 40.357)
Yes 6.5 93.5
14.120 0.000
No 0.5 99.5
Hold hands
Yes 7.2 92.8
4.564 0.000
No 1.7 98.3
Yes 17.8 82.2
16.856 0.000
No 1.3 98.7
Yes 42.6 57.4
44.966 0.000
No 1.6 98.4
Source: 2015 RPJMN performance indicator survey of the Population and Family Planning
Program, secondary data
Oktriyanto & Alfiasari / Dating and Premarital Sexual Inisiation on Adolescence in Indonesia
of the actions taken while dating include are dating will be more at risk of premarital
holding hands, kissing the lips and stimulating sexual behavior with the greatest opportunity if
sensitive body parts. The analysis showed that when dating touch or stimulate sensitive body
adolescents who were dating while holding area of the mate.
hands and having sexual relations were Teenagers are a generation that can
recorded at 7.2 percent. Meanwhile, adolescents determine the nation’s future. This is because
who were dating when not holding hands but adolescents are included in the productive age
still having sexual intercourse were 1.7 percent. group which, if put to their best, will become
Statistical test results obtained p value = 0.000 a development capital. In reality, adolescents
which indicates that there is a significant as part of the younger generation have shown
relation between dating and holding hands with their role in bringing the nation’s progress.
premarital sexual behavior. From the results Many Indonesian youth have been able to excel
of the analysis also obtained the value of OR in both academic and non-academic fields
= 4.564, meaning that adolescents who were in various national and international events.
dating and holding hands had an opportunity However, on the other hand found adolescents
of 4.564 times having premarital sex compared who behave negatively like smoking, drinking,
to them who were not holding hands (Table 5). using drugs, even free sex (Komasari & Helmi
Behavior when dating other than holding 2000, Suryoputro et al. 2006, Lestary & Sugiharti,
hands is kissing the lips (kissing). The results 2011, Hastuti, et al., 2016). Adolescent behavior
of the analysis showed that adolescents who is inseparable from the influence of himself and
were dating, kissing and having sex recorded the environment. The results of the analysis
17.8 percent. Meanwhile, adolescents who were conducted by Lestary & Sugiharti (2011)
dating, not kissing but had sexual intercourse by prove that negative behavior in adolescents
1.3 percent. The statistical test results obtained has a relation with knowledge, attitudes, age,
p value = 0.000, it can be concluded that there gender, education, economic status, access
is a significant relation between dating and to information media, communication with
kissing lips with premarital sexual behavior. parents, and the presence of peers who behave
The results of the analysis also showed that the negative and risky.
value of OR = 16.856 was obtained, meaning One important phase of adolescent life
that adolescents who were dating and kissing is the development of social life, especially in
had a higher chance of 16.856 times having friendship with peers. This is characterized
premarital sex than them who were dating but by symptoms of increasing peer influence in
not kissing. their lives. Peers are the most important aspect
Other dating behaviors are touching or of their lives. Santrock (2014) explains teens
stimulating sensitive area of the body. The results will do anything to be included as peer group
of the analysis showed that adolescents who members. Likewise, when peer groups engage
during dating stimulated sensitive parts of the in dating, adolescents will tend to decide on
body were more likely to have sexual intercourse dating to be recognized in the group. Teens
than those who did not, respectively 42.6 who are not dating will be isolated in the group.
percent and 1.6 percent. Chi-square test results The analysis showed that three (3) out of four
obtained p value = 0.000, it can be concluded (4) adolescents had dated. This finding is in
that there is a significant relation between line with research Astutik et al., (2017) who
dating with stimulation on sensitive body area found that as many as 98 percent of research
with premarital sexual behavior. The results of respondents claimed to have a boy/girlfriend.
the analysis also showed that the OR value was The average age of adolescents to start dating
obtained = 44.966, meaning that adolescents is at the age of young teens namely 15.5 years.
who were dating with stimulation on sensitive These results are slightly different from the
body area of their mate had a higher chance of IDHS data (2012) which states that adolescents
44.966 times having premarital sex compared begin dating at the age of 12-14 years.
to adolescents who did not do stimulation. Dating becomes a risky relationship
These findings indicate that adolescents who when teens are involved in doing things or
KEMAS 15 (1) (2019) 98-108
activities that are negative such as holding showing off, and j) challenging parents.
hands, kissing, stimulating sensitive body area In Eastern cultures, sexual behavior
to sexual intercourse behavior (Zahab et al., without the presence of marriage is considered
2017). The results of the analysis prove that to violate cultural and religious norms. But the
some of the negative activities carried out by condition of Indonesian youth in the modern
era like now has shifted the mindset in society,
adolescents who are dating, starting from the
especially when looking at premarital sexual
highest intensity of holding hands, then kissing, behavior. These findings and analysis are in line
to touch or stimulate sensitive area. with research conducted by Rahardjo (2009)
Relationship test results in this analysis who found that premarital sexual behavior is
show the relationship between adolescents increasingly common among adolescents in
who are dating has a higher chance of having particular, and society in general. Research
premarital sex than adolescents who have not conducted by Isnaini et al., (2014) found that the
or never dated. This indicates that, adolescents majority of adolescents who lived in boarding
who are dating are more likely to carry out houses had had premarital sex and thought it is
negative activities. The results of this study are a spiritual need that should to be fulfilled and
in line with the findings of Cha et al, (2007) who sex is healthy. However, the research also found
explain that the first sex partner of a female teen that premarital sex was not healthy and should
is a boyfriend, whereas only two-thirds of male not be done but could not be avoided.
teen who have their first sex with a girlfriend Basically premarital sexual behavior
and one-seventh of male teen claim to have first is not only caused by dating, but can also by
sex with sex workers. other factors. Azinar (2013) and Widyastuti
The analysis also shows that adolescents (2009), found that premarital sexual behavior
who engage in negative activities during is significantly related to religiosity, attitude,
dating are more likely to have premarital sex. access and contact with pornographic contents,
Opportunities for premarital sex continue to the environment, the attitude of close friends,
increase starting from holding hands, kissing to and the sexual behavior of close friends. Free
stimulate sensitive body area of their mate. This sex and various other deviant behavior can
is in line with the statement of Setiawan and certainly be prevented, especially by those
Nurhidaya (2008) which explains the stages closest to you. According to Puspitawati (2013),
in dating starting from attraction to known the environment where children, families,
opposite sex, smiles and friendly views, visiting neighbors and schools live is the most influential
each other, leaving together, holding hands and closest environment. Therefore, to prevent
together, kissing each other, and touching each premarital sexual behavior in adolescents, early
other. prevention efforts by various parties, especially
Attracted to the opposite sex and families are needed. Positive activities in
sexuality is something that is actually natural schools and communities is one effective
and even a need. But on the other hand, way to reduce adolescent negative behavior,
sexuality can also be something “taboo” and especially negative behavior in dating, such as
psychological, sexual, and physical violence
sensitive if it is associated with norms in certain
(Foshee et al, 1998).
societies (Pakasi & Kartikawati, 2013). A clear In addition, the family is the main
example of this is premarital sexual behavior wall to protect adolescents from various risk
among adolescents/teenagers. Premarital sex behaviors such as premarital sex. Parents who
behavior is sexual behavior that is carried out are close to teenagers will make it easier for
outside the bond of marriage. According to Eze parents to instill values and rules that apply
(2014), there are many factors that cause teens in the family. According to Forste and Haas
to have premarital sex including: a) practicing (2002), adolescents who have firm parents
what they learn from peers who have premarital who instill the value that should not have sex
before marriage have a significant impact on
sex, b) practicing what they learn from their
premarital sexual behavior in adolescents. It
parents, c) showing that growing up (maturity), was further explained that parents who exercise
d) increasing the ego, e) getting pleasure (derive supervision, are religious and do not accept
happiness), f) getting sexual gratification, g) premarital sexual behavior make children
getting benefit in the form of money (material less likely to engage in it. Pasaribu, Hastuti, &
gratification), h) fulfilling the sexual ego, i ) Alfiasari (2013) states that if the internalization
Oktriyanto & Alfiasari / Dating and Premarital Sexual Inisiation on Adolescence in Indonesia
of moral values by parents is successful, sexual knowledge. This education can be done
adolescents can identify themselves against starting from the family, school, to related
the moral values they hold and show positive institutions or agencies.
behavior, which is better character. Acknowledgement
Conclussion The author would like to acknowledge
Male adolescents claim to have had the Head of the Family Plan and Family
a higher dating history compared to female Welfare Research and Development Center
ones. The average age of adolescent first dating (Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan KB
is under 16 years. When dating, the highest dan Keluarga Sejahtera /PUSNA) - National
activity is holding hands, then kissing, and Population and Family Planning Agency
touching or stimulating sensitive area / genitals. (BKKBN), for granting permission to use the
Teenagers argue that male are not a problem if data “Performance Indicator Survey for the
having sex before marriage compared to female National Medium Term Development Plan
adolescents. Furthermore, the percentage (RPJMN) for Population and Family Programs
of male teenagers who claimed to have had Planning for 2015 “ for this analysis.
premarital sex was higher than female (7.3 References
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