Persons Compiled Digests
Persons Compiled Digests
Persons Compiled Digests
a. Separation of Powers
As a rule, the budgeting power lies in Congress. It regulates
the release of funds (power of the purse). The executive,
on the other hand, implements the laws – this includes the
GAA to which the PDAF is a part of. Only the executive may
implement the law but under the pork barrel system,
what’s happening was that, after the GAA, itself a law, was
enacted, the legislators themselves dictate as to which
projects their PDAF funds should be allocated to – a clear
act of implementing the law they enacted – a violation of
the principle of separation of powers. This is also
highlighted by the fact that in realigning the PDAF, the
executive will still have to get the concurrence of the
legislator concerned.
In April 1988, Orly married Lilia before a trial court judge in On 29 December 1999, twenty- two officials and
Puerto Princesa. In November 1992, Orly filed to annul the employees of the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the
marriage. He claimed that threats of violence and duress Visayas, led by its two directors, filed a complaint with the
forced him to marry Lilia. He said that he had been Office of the Ombudsman requesting an investigation on
receiving phone calls threatening him and that Lilia even the basis of allegations that then Deputy Ombudsman for
hired the service of a certain Ka Celso, a member of the the Visayas, herein private respondent Arturo Mojica,
NPA, to threaten him. Orly also said he was defrauded by committed (1) sexual harassment against Rayvi Padua-
Lilia by claiming that she was pregnant hence he married Varona, mulcting money from confidential employees:
her but he now raises that he never impregnated Lilia prior James Alueta and Eden Kiamco and (3) oppression against
to the marriage. Lilia on the other hand denied Orly’s all employees in not releasing P7,200.00 in benefits of
allegations and she said that Orly freely cohabited with her OMB- Visayas employees on the date the said amount was
after the marriage and she showed 14 letters that shows due for release. Fact-finding investigation was conducted
Orly’s affection and care towards her. by the Office of the Ombudsman and the report was
referred by the Ombudsman to a constituted Committee
ISSUE: of Peers which initially recommended that the
investigation be converted into one solely for purposes of
Whether or not there is duress and fraud attendant in the impeachment. However, this recommendation was denied
case at bar. by the Office of the Ombudsman and following the stand
of the Office of the Ombudsman that the Deputy
RULING: Ombudsmen and The Special Prosecutor are not
removable through impeachment.
The SC ruled that Orly’s allegation of fraud and
intimidation is untenable. On its face, it is obvious that Orly ISSUES:
is only seeking to annul his marriage with Lilia so as to have a. Whether or not the Ombudsman’s Deputies are
the pending appealed bigamy case to be dismissed. On the impeachable.
merits of the case, Orly’s allegation of fear was not b. Whether or not the Deputy Ombudsman may be
concretely established. He was not able to prove that there held criminally and/or administratively liable.
was a reasonable and well-grounded reason for fear to be
created in his mind by the alleged intimidation being done RULING:
against him by Lilia and her party. Orly is a security guard
who is well abreast with self-defense and that the threat Criminal and administrative liability of Deputy Ombudsman
he so described done against him is not sufficient enough as to whether or not the private respondent, then Deputy
to vitiate him from freely marrying Lilia. Fraud cannot be Ombudsman for the Visayas, may be held criminally and/or
raised as a ground as well. His allegation that he never had administratively liable, we likewise resolve the issue in
an erection during their sexual intercourse is incredible favor of the petitioner. The rule that an impeachable
and is an outright lie. Also, there is a prolonged inaction on officer cannot be criminally prosecuted for the same
the part of Orly to attack the marriage. It took him 4 and offenses which constitute grounds for impeachment
half years to file an action which brings merit to Lilia’s presupposes his continuance in office. Hence, the moment
contention that Orly freely cohabited with her after the he is no longer in office because of his removal,
marriage. resignation, or permanent disability, there can be no bar to
his criminal prosecution in the courts. Nor does retirement
bar an administrative investigation from proceeding
against the private respondent, given that, as pointed out
by the petitioner, the former’s retirement benefits have
been placed on hold in view of the provisions of Sections
12 and 13 of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.
G.R. No. L-55960 November 24, 1988 G.R. No. 112170 April 10, 1996
Sy Kiat, a Chinese national, died on January 17, 1977 Petitioner Cesario Ursua was convicted for violation of Sec.
leaving behind properties here in the Philippines. 1 of CA No. 142, as amended by RA 6085 otherwise known
Thereafter, Aida Sy-Gonzales et al filed a petition for the as “An Act to Regulate the Use of Aliases” by the RTC of
grant of letters of administration alleging that they are the Davao City which was affirmed by the CA. Allegedly
children of the deceased with Asuncion Gillego. The petitioner when asked by his counsel to take his letter of
petition was opposed by Yao Kee et al alleging that Yao request to the Office of the Ombudsman because his law
Kee is the lawful wife of the deceased whom he married in firm’s messenger Oscar Perez had personal matters to
China. The trial court rendered decision in favor of the attend to, instead of writing his name wrote the name
opposition. On appeal, the Court of Appeals rendered a “Oscar Perez” when he was requested to sign. However,
decision, modifying the decision declaring the marriage of Loida Kahulugan who gave him the copy of complaint was
Sy Kiat to Yao Kee as not has been proven valid in able to know through Josefa Amparo that petitioner is not
accordance with the laws of China. Hence, both parties Oscar Perez. Loida reported the matter to the Deputy
moved for reconsideration to which the Supreme Court Ombudsman who recommended that petitioner be
granted. accordingly charged. Petitioner comes for review of his
conviction to the SC as he reasserts his innocence.
Whether or not the marriage of Yao Kee and Sy Kiat is valid
in accordance with Philippine laws. Whether or not petitioner Cesario Ursua should be
acquitted on the ground that he was charged under the
RULING: wrong law.
Petitioner Paula Llorente was married to a US Navy Alice Reyes Van Dorn is a citizen of the Philippines who
enlisted serviceman Lorenzo Llorente, in Nabua, Camarines married Richard Upton, a citizen of the United States in
Sur, on February 22, 1937. Before the outbreak of war, Hongkong. After 10 years of marriage and two children,
Lorenzo departed for the US and Paula stayed in the they got divorced in Nevada, United States of America,
conjugal home in Nabua. Lorenzo became an American where the petitioner subsequently married Theodore Van
citizen on November 30, 1943. Upon the liberation of the Dorn. One year after, Richard Upton filed a civil case with
Philippines (1945), Lorenzo was granted by the US Navy to the Regional Trial Court Branch 115 in Pasay City praying to
visit his wife in the Philippines and found out that Paula for the accounting of the business, the Galleon Shop, and
was living in with Lorenzo’s brother Ceferino. In December to be given the right to manage the business, on the
1945, Paula gave birth to Crisologo with the birth ground that the business is conjugal property. He further
certificate saying that the child was illegitimate, and the contends that the divorce is not valid and binding in the
father’s name was left blank. Philippines, as it is contrary to local law and public policy,
therefore he has legal standing to claim said property. On
On February 2, 1946, Paula and Lorenzo had a written her part, the petitioner filed for dismissal of the civil case
agreement, dissolving their marital union, suspending his contending that the private respondent is estopped from
support upon her, and waiving his authority to file a case laying claim on the alleged conjugal property because in
of adultery against her. Lorenzo returned to the US and the divorce proceedings, by which the alien spouse is
filed for a divorce in 1951 which was granted in 1952.On bound, the private respondent agreed that they had no
January 16, 1958, Lorenzo married Alicia Fortuno, in the community property. The RTC denied the motion to
Philippines; after which, they bore three children: Raul, dismiss on the ground that the property is located in the
Luz, and Beverly. In 1981, Lorenzo executed a will, Philippines so the divorce decree has no bearing in the
bequeathing all his property to Alicia and three children. case. Hence, this petition for certiorari and prohibition.
Before the proceeding could be terminated, Lorenzo died
in 1985. ISSUE:
Edward Christensen was born in New York but he migrated Amos Bellis was a citizen of the State of Texas, and of the
to California where he resided for a period of 9 years. In United States. By his first wife whom he divorced he had
1913, he came to the Philippines where he became a five legitimate children, by his second wife, who survived
domiciliary until his death. In his will, he instituted an him, he had three legitimate children, and three
acknowledged natural daughter, Maria Lucy Christensen illegitimate children. Before he died, he made two wills,
(legitimate), as his only heir, but left a legacy sum of one disposing of his Texas properties and the other
money in favor of Helen Christensen Garcia (illegitimate). disposing his Philippine properties. In both wills, his
Counsel for Helen claims that under Article 16, paragraph 2 illegitimate children were not given anything. The
of the Civil Code, California law should be applied; that illegitimate children opposed the will on the ground that
under California law, the matter is referred back to the law they have been deprived of their legitimates to which they
of the domicile. On the other hand, counsel for Maria, should be entitled, if Philippine law were to be applied.
averred that the national law of the deceased must apply,
illegitimate children not being entitled to anything under ISSUE:
California law.
Whether or not the national law of the deceased should
ISSUE: determine the successional rights of the illegitimate
Whether or not the national law of the deceased should be
applied in determining the successional rights of his heirs. RULING:
RULING: The Supreme Court held that the said children are not
entitled to their legitimes under the Texas Law, being the
The Supreme Court deciding to grant more successional national law of the deceased, there are no legitimes.The
rights to Helen said in effect that there are two rules in parties admit that the decedent, Amos G. Bellis, was a
California on the matter; the internal law which applies to citizen of the State of Texas, U.S.A., and that under the
Californians domiciled in California and the conflict rule for laws of Texas, there are no forced heirs or legitimes.
Californians domiciled outside of California. Christensen Accordingly, since the intrinsic validity of the provision of
being domiciled in the Philippines, the law of his domicile the will and the amount of successional rights are to be
must be followed. The case was remanded to the lower determined under Texas law, the Philippine law on
court for further proceedings – the determination of the legitimes cannot be applied to the testacy of Amos G.
successional rights under Philippine law only. Bellis.
G.R. No. 140047 July 13, 2004 G.R. No. 205703 March 27. 2016
The State Organization of Buildings (SOB), Ministry of Petitioner Industrial Personnel & Management Services,
Housing and Construction, Baghdad, Iraq awarded the Inc. (IPAMS) is a local placement agency duly organized
construction of the Institute of Physical Therapy-Medical and existing under Philippine laws. Arriola was then hired
Rehabilitation Center in Iraq to Ayjal Trading and by SNC-Lavalin, through its local manning agency, IPAMS,
Contracting Company for a total contract price of about and his overseas employment contract was processed with
$18M. Spouses Santos, in behalf of 3-Plex International, the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA). In a
Inc., a local contractor engaged in construction business, letter of understanding, dated June 5, 2008, SNC-Lavalin
entered into a joint venture agreement with Ayjal wherein confirmed Arriola's assignment in the Ambatovy Project.
the former undertook the execution of the entire a project, According to Arriola, he signed the contract of
while the latter would be entitled to a commission of 4%. employment in the Philippines. On June 9, 2008, Arriola
3-Plex not accredited by the Philippine Overseas started working in Madagascar. After three months, Arriola
Construction Board (POCB) assigned and transferred all its received a notice of pre-termination of employment, dated
rights and interests to VPECI. September 9, 2009, from SNC-Lavalin. It stated that his
employment would be pre-terminated effective
ISSUE: September 11, 2009 due to diminishing workload in the
area of his expertise and the unavailability of alternative
What law should be applied in determining whether the assignments. Consequently, on September 15, 2009,
respondent contractor has defaulted in the performance of Arriola was repatriated. SNC-Lavalin deposited in Arriola's
its obligations under the service contract? bank account his pay amounting to Two Thousand Six
Hundred Thirty Six Dollars and Eight Centavos
RULING: (CA$2,636.80), based on Canadian labor law. Aggrieved,
Arriola filed a complaint against the petitioners for illegal
No conflicts rule on essential validity of contracts is dismissal and non-payment of overtime pay, vacation
expressly provided for in our laws. The rule followed by leave and sick leave pay before the Labor Arbiter (LA).
most legal systems, however, is that the intrinsic validity of
a contract must be governed by the lex contractus or ISSUE:
“proper law of the contract.” Lex contractus may either be
the law voluntarily agreed upon by the parties (the lex loci Whether or not respondent Arriola was validly dismissed
voluntatis-expressly provided) or the law intended by them pursuant to the employment contract and when should an
either expressly or implicitly (the lex loci intentionis- overseas labor contract be governed by a foreign law?
The trial court and the Court of Appeals were in unison
that the respondent contractor cannot be considered to The general rule is that Philippine laws apply even to
have defaulted in its obligations because the cause of the overseas employment contracts. This rule is rooted in the
delay was not primarily attributable to it. The delay or the constitutional provision of Section 3, Article XIII that the
non -completion of the Project was caused by factors not State shall afford full protection to labor, whether local or
imputable to the respondent contractor. It was rather overseas. Hence, even if the OFW has his employment
due mainly to the persistent violations by SOB of the terms abroad, it does not strip him of his rights to security of
and conditions of the contract, particularly its failure to tenure, humane conditions of work and a living wage
pay 75% of the accomplished work in US Dollars. Indeed, under our Constitution.
where one of the parties to a contract does not perform in
a proper manner the prestation which he is bound to Further, it was shown that the overseas labor contract was
perform under the contract, he is not entitled to demand executed by Arriola at his residence in Batangas and it was
the performance of the other party. A party does not incur processed at the POEA on May 26, 2008. Considering that
in delay if the other party fails to perform the obligation no foreign law was specified in the contract and the same
incumbent upon him. was executed in the Philippines, the doctrine of lex loci
celebrationis applies and the Philippine laws shall govern
the overseas employment of Arriola.
G.R. No. 132344 February 17, 2000
After negotiations with Felipe Landicho and Vincent a. Whether petitioner Cordero has the legal
Tecson, lawyers of Allan C. Go who is the owner/operator personality to sue the respondents for breach of
of ACG Express Liner of Cebu City, a single proprietorship; contract; and
Cordero was able to close a deal for the purchase of two b. Whether the respondents may be held liable for
(2) SEACAT 25 as evidenced by the Memorandum of damages to Cordero for his unpaid commissions
Agreement dated August 7, 1997. Accordingly, the parties and termination of his exclusive distributorship
executed Shipbuilding Contract No. 7825 for one (1) high- appointment by the principal, AFFA.
speed catamaran (SEACAT 25) for the price of
US$1,465,512.00. Per agreement between Robinson and
Cordero, the latter shall receive commissions totaling RULING:
US$328,742.00, or 22.43% of the purchase price, from the
sale of each vessel. The rule is that the defendant found guilty of interference
with contractual relations cannot be held liable for more
than the amount for which the party who was inducted to
On May 31, 2000, the trial court rendered its judgment in break the contract can be held liable. Respondents Go,
favor of Plaintiff and against defendants Allan C. Go, Tony Landicho and Tecson were therefore correctly held liable
Robinson, Felipe Landicho, and Vincent Tecson. On January for the balance of petitioner Cordero’s commission from
29, 2001, the CA rendered judgment granting the petition the sale of the first SEACAT 25, in the amount of
for certiorari in CA-G.R. SP No. 60354 and setting aside the US$31,522.09 or its peso equivalent, which AFFA/Robinson
trial court’s orders of execution pending appeal.The case did not pay in violation of the exclusive distributorship
before the Supreme Court is a consolidation of the agreement, with interest at the rate of 6% per annum from
petitions for review under Rule 45 separately filed by Go June 24, 1998 until the same is fully paid. Respondents
(G.R. No. 164703) and Cordero (G.R. No. 164747). having acted in bad faith, moral damages may be
recovered under Article 2219 of the Civil Code.
VILLANUEVA v. ROSQUETA RTC’s decision, holding instead that petitioner Villanueva’s
G.R. No. 180764 January 19, 2010 refusal to comply with the preliminary injunction order
issued in the quo warranto case earned for Rosqueta the
FACTS: right to recover moral damages from him.
Respondents owned a parcel of land wherein a two-door Jose T. Calderon is a businessman engaged in several
apartment was erected. Said property was surrounded by business activities here and abroad, either in his capacity
other immovables owned by petitioners, spouses Custodio as president or Chairman of the Board thereon. He is also a
and spouses Santos. As an access to P. Burgos Street from stockholder of PLDT and a member of Manila Polo Club,
the subject property, there are two possible passageways. among others. He is a seasoned traveller, who travels at
The first passageway is approximately one meter wide and least seven times a year in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. On
is about 20 meters distant from Mabasa’s residence to P. the other hand, Equitable Banking Corporation is one of
Burgos Street. Such path is passing in between the the leading commercial banking institutions in the
previously mentioned row of houses. The second Philippines, engaged in commercial banking. Sometime in
passageway is about 3 meters in width and length from September 1984, Calderon applied and was issued an
plaintiff Mabasa’s residence to P. Burgos Street; it is about Equitable International Visa card. The said Visa card can be
26 meters. In passing thru said passageway, a less than a used for both peso and dollar transactions within and
meter wide path through the septic tank and with 5-6 outside the Philippines. The credit limit for the peso
meters in length, has to be traversed. Petitioners transaction is twenty thousand pesos; while in the dollar
constructed an adobe fence in the first passageway making transactions, Calderon is required to maintain a dollar
it narrower in width. account with a minimum deposit of $3,000, the balance of
dollar account shall serve as the credit limit. In April 1986,
ISSUE: Calderon together with some reputable business friends
and associates went to Hong Kong for business pleasure
Whether or not the award of damages is proper? trips. Specifically on April 30, 1986, Calderon accompanied
by his friend, Ed De Leon went to Gucci Department Store
RULING: located at the basement of the Peninsula Hotel HongKong.
There and then, Calderon purchased several Gucci items.
No. To warrant the recovery of damages, there must be The cost of his total purchase amounted to HK$4,030.00,
both a right of action for a legal wrong inflicted by the he used his Visa card to effect payment on the credit. He
defendant, and damage resulting to the plaintiff then presented and gave his credit card to the saleslady
therefrom. Wrong without damage, or damage without who promptly referred it to the store cashier for
wrong, does not constitute a cause of action, since verification. Shortly thereafter, the saleslady, informed him
damages are merely part of the remedy allowed for the that his Visa card was blacklisted. Calder sought the
injury caused by a breach or wrong. There is a material reconfirmation of the status of his Visa card from the
distinction between damages and injury. Injury is the saleslady, but the latter simply did not honor it and even
illegal invasion of a legal right; damage is the loss, hurt, or threatened to cut it into pieces with a pair of scissors.
harm which results from the injury, and damages are the Deeply embarrassed and humiliated, Calderon paid cash
recompense or compensation awarded for the damage for the purchases.
suffered. Thus, there can be damage without injury in
those instances in which the loss or harm was not the ISSUE:
result of a violation of a legal duty. These situations are
often called damnum absque injuria. In order that a Whether or not Calderon can be indemnify with damages.
plaintiff may maintain an action for the injuries of which he
complains, he must establish that such injuries resulted HELD:
from a breach of duty which the defendant owed to the
plaintiff. There must be a concurrence of injury to the Injury is the illegal invasion of a legal right; damage is the
plaintiff and legal responsibility by the person causing it. loss or harm which results from the injury; and damages
are the recompense or compensation awarded for the
damage suffered. Thus, there can be damage without
injury in those instances in which the loss or harm was not
the result of a violation of a legal duty. In such cases, the
consequences must be borne by the injured person alone,
the law affords no remedy for the damages resulting from
an act which does not amount to a legal injury. In other
words, in order that a plaintiff may maintain an action for
damages, he must establish that such injuries resulted
from a breach of duty with the defendant owed to the
plaintiff- a concurrence of injury to the plaintiff and legal
responsibility by the person causing it.
REYES G.R. No. L-17396 May 30, 1962
G.R. No. 154259 February 28, 2005
Plaintiffs are parents, brothers and sisters of Lolita Pe, an
One evening in October 1994, an exclusive party was being unmarried woman 24 years of age. Defendant, a married
held at the Nikko Hotel Manila Garden. The party was man, frequently visited Lolita’s house on the pretext that
being held for a prominent Japanese national. The person he wanted her to teach him to pray the rosary. They fell in
in charge at the party was Ruby Lim who was also the love and conducted clandestine trysts. When the parents
executive secretary of the hotel. Later during the party, learned about this they prohibited defendant from going
she noticed Robert Reyes (popularly known as Amay to their house. The affair continued just the same. On April
Bisaya). Reyes was not on the list of exclusive guests. Lim 14, 1957 Lolita disappeared from her brother’s house
first tried to find out who invited Reyes to the party. When where she was living. A note in the handwriting of the
she ascertained that the host celebrant did not invite defendant was found inside Lolita’s aparador. The present
Reyes, Lim approached Reyes and told the latter, in a action was instituted under Article 21 of the Civil Code. The
discreet voice, to finish his food and leave the party. Reyes lower court dismissed the action and plaintiffs appealed.
however made a scene and began shouting at Lim. Later, a
policeman was called to escort Reyes out of the party. ISSUE:
Reyes then sued Lim and Nikko Hotel Manila Garden for
damages. In his version, he said that he was invited by Whether or not the defendant committed injury to Lolita's
another party guest, Dr. Violeta Filart. He said that while family in a manner contrary to morals, good customs and
he was queuing to get his food, Lim approached him and public policy as contemplated in Article 21 of the New Civil
ordered him in a loud voice to leave the party Code.
immediately. He told Lim he was invited by Dr. Filart
however when he was calling for Dr. Filart the latter HELD:
ignored him. Later, he was escorted out of the party like a
common criminal. The circumstances under which defendant tried to win
Lolita’s affection cannot lead to any other conclusion than
ISSUES: that it was he who, thru an ingenious scheme or trickery,
seduced the latter to the extent of making her fall in love
Whether or not Lim acted with abuse of rights. with him. Indeed, no other conclusion can be drawn from
this chain of events than that defendant not only
HELD: deliberately, but through a clever strategy, succeeded in
winning the affection and love of Lolita to the extent of
No. The Supreme Court found the version of Lim more having illicit relations with her. The wrong he has caused
credible. She has been employed by the hotel for more her and her family is indeed immeasurable considering the
than 20 years at that time. Her job requires her to be polite fact that he is a married man. Verily, he has committed
at all times. It is very unlikely for her to make a scene in the and injury to Lolita’s family in a manner contrary to morals,
party she was managing. That would only make her look good customs and public policy as contemplated in Article
bad. 21 of the New Civil Code.
G.R. No. 97336 February 19, 1993 G.R. No. 143130 July 10, 2000
In August 1986, while working as a waitress in Dagupan Petitioner Elsa Natividad and respondent Ronald Tunac
City, Pangasinan, Marilou Gonzales, then 21 years old, met grew up together in Barangay Quiling, Talisay, Batangas
Gashem Shookat Baksh, a 29 year old exchange student where their respective parents, petitioners Marino and
from Iran who was studying medicine in Dagupan. The two Clarita Natividad and respondent Eusebio and Elisa Tunac,
got really close and intimate. On Marilou’s account, she resided. At age nineteen (19), the two became lovers. One
said that Gashem later offered to marry her at the end of day, Ronald asked Elsa to go with him to his boarding
the semester. Marilou then introduced Gashem to her house in Pasig City to get the bio-data which he needed in
parents where they expressed their intention to get connection with his application for employment. Upon
married. Marilou’s parents then started inviting sponsors arrival at the boarding house, they found no one there.
and relatives to the wedding. They even started looking for Ronald asked Elsa to go with him inside his room and, once
animals to slaughter for the occasion. Meanwhile, Marilou inside, started kissing Elsa until he succeeded in making
started living with Gashem in his apartment where they love with her. Elsa cried at the loss of her virginity, but
had sexual intercourse. But in no time, their relationship Ronald appeased her by promising to marry her.
went sour as Gashem began maltreating Marilou. Gashem Their intimate relations continued, resulting in Elsa getting
eventually revoked his promise of marrying Marilou and he pregnant sometime in June 1992. Ronald reassured her,
told her that he is already married to someone in Bacolod again promising her marriage. True enough, on October
City. So Marilou went home and later sued Gashem for 31, 1992, Ronald and his parents, accompanied by several
damages. The trial court ruled in favor of Marilou and relatives numbering twenty in all, went to Elsa's house and
awarded her P20k in moral damages. The Court of Appeals asked her parents for the hand of their daughter. The two
affirmed the decision of the trial court. families agreed to have the wedding in January 1993 as
On appeal, Gashem averred that he never proposed Elsa's sister had gotten married that year, and they
marriage to Marilou and that he cannot be adjudged to thought it was not good to have two weddings in a family
have violated Filipino customs and traditions since he, within the same year. Meanwhile, Elsa started living with
being an Iranian, was not familiar with Filipino customs Ronald in the house of the latter's family while waiting for
and traditions. the baby to be born. Unfortunately, on December 19,
1992, Elsa gave birth to a premature baby which died after
ISSUES: five (5) hours in the incubator. After Elsa's discharge from
the hospital, the two families decided that Elsa should go
Whether or not the Court of Appeals is correct. back to her parents so her mother could take care of her
during her postnatal period. During said period, Ronald
HELD: occasionally slept in Elsa's house. It seems that after Elsa's
miscarriage, a marked change in Ronald's attitude towards
Yes. Gashem is liable to pay for damages in favor of the former occurred. In January of 1993, the Natividads
Marilou not really because of his breach of promise to confronted the Tunacs. In that meeting, Ronald informed
marry her but based on Article 21 of the Civil Code. Any act Elsa that he no longer wanted to get married to her.
contrary will render him liable under Article 21 of the Civil Hence, this case. Petitioners succinctly contend they are
Code. The Supreme Court also elucidated that Article 21 suing respondents not merely because Elsa became
was meant to expand the concepts of torts and quasi pregnant but because Ronald reneged on his promise to
delict. It is meant to cover situations such as this case marry her after their agreement had already been much
where the breach complained of is not strictly covered by publicized in their town.
existing laws. It was meant as a legal remedy for the untold
number of moral wrongs which is impossible for human ISSUES:
foresight to specifically enumerate and punish in the
statute books – such as the absence of a law penalizing a Whether or not petitioner is entitled for damages.
the breach of promise to marry.
The Supreme Court however agreed with legal luminaries HELD:
that if the promise to marry was made and there was
carnal knowledge because of it, then moral damages may This contention has no merit. As correctly pointed out by
be recovered (presence of moral or criminal seduction), the Court of Appeals, our laws do not provide for a right to
Except if there was mutual lust; or if expenses were made relief for cases arising purely from a breach of one's
because of the promise (expenses for the wedding), then promise to marry another, the chapter on breach of
actual damages may be recovered. promise to marry proposed by the Code Commission
having been deleted by Congress in enacting the Civil Code
apparently because of lessons from other countries,
particularly the United States and England, that the action
readily lends itself to abuse by designing women and
unscrupulous men.
G.R. No. 195670 December 3, 2012 G.R. No. L-56168 December 22, 1988
Petitioner, a Dutch national, assails the decision of CA Carlos Telosa who is a fisherman and farmer with very
which affirmed the decision of RTC Negros Oriental. limited education acquired a loan from the Rural Bank of
Petitioner and Filipina respondent’s marriage was nullified Lucena. In exchange for the granted loan, his property
by basis of the former’s psychological incapacity. Petitioner located at Brgy. Amugeria, Malunay, Quezon, with an area
thus filed for Dissolution of Conjugal Partnership praying of fifty thousand square metres was mortgaged. Several
for distribution of the properties acquired during their months after the said transaction, the Rural Bank of
marriage which include 4 lots of land acquired through Lucena became a distressed bank. The Monetary Board
purchase and 2 lots by inheritance. RTC ruled that all later decided to liquidate the Rural Bank of Lucena. Among
parcels of land be given to the respondent, tools and the assets inventoried was the mortgaged property of
equipment in favour of the petitioner and the two houses Carlos Telosa. In the document shown in the records of the
on Lots 1 and 2142 as co-owned by the parties. bank, it specified that the principal amount owed to them
by Carlos Telosa was P5,000.00. Carlos Telosa fully aware
ISSUE: of the fact that the obliged amount was only P300.00 not
P500.00 submitted an affidavit in protest of the demand
Is the petitioner entitled to assail the decision of the RTC letter submitted to him. Claiming that payments did not
and CA? satisfied the whole balance of P9,032.22, the Central Bank
extra judicially foreclosed the mortgaged property and sell
HELD: it in a public auction. To restrain the auction of
the mortgaged property, a complaint was filed by the
The petition lacks merit. Firstly, foreigners may not own widow and children of Carlos Telosa before the Court of
lands in the Philippines. However, there are no restrictions First Instance of Quezon seeking that the mortgage
to the ownership of buildings or structures on lands of executed by Carlos Telosa is null and void.
foreigners. As such, the two houses on Lots 1 and 2142 are
considered co-owned by the parties. ISSUE:
The court has ruled that the heirs of Carlos Telosa are
entitled to the appeals they have submitted. Due to the
fact that the contract entered upon by Carlos Telosa was
anomalous in nature. This was proved by a receipt which
served as evidence showing that the receive amount was
on P300.00, and a testimony of Ponciano Mendoza who
was present during the transaction stating that Carlos
Telosa was made to sign blank forms by the Rural Bank of
Lucena. This then proves that the said bank has taken
advantage of the limited education of Carlos Telosa.
NESTOR NICOLAS and ALLEM NICOLAS, G.R. No. 107125 January 29, 2001
G.R. No. 120706 January 31, 2000
In the evening of September 25, 1982, at the National
Sometime in 1985 the spouses Nestor Nicolas and Allem Highway of Malvar, Santiago, Isabela, George Manantan
Nicolas resided at Pasig City, in an apartment leased to was driving a Toyota car going home. At that time, he was
them by the owner Florence “Bing” Concepcion, who also with Fiscal Ambrocio, Miguel Tabangin and Ruben Nicolas.
resided in the same compound where the apartment was Suddenly, a jeepney, coming from the opposite direction
located. Nestor Nicolas was then engaged in the business hit the driver side of the car, driven by Manantan.
of supplying government agencies and private entities with Consequently, Manantan, Ambrocio and Tabangin were
office equipment, appliances and other fixtures. Florence injured while Nicolas died. Trial followed. The lower court
Concepcion joined this venture. Sometime in the second acquitted the accused of the crime of reckless imprudence
week of July 1985 Rodrigo Concepcion, brother of the resulting to homicide. The respondents filed their notice of
deceased husband of Florence, angrily accosted Nestor at appeal on the civil aspect of the lower court’s judgment.
the latter’s apartment and accused him of conducting an Even if the accused was acquitted from his criminal
adulterous relationship with Florence. liability, the Appellate Court held him civilly liable and
ordered him to indemnify the aggrieved party for the
Rodrigo threatened Florence over the telephone that death of Nicolas.
should something happen to his sick mother; in case the
latter learned about the affair, he would kill Florence. As a ISSUE:
result of this incident, Nestor Nicolas felt extreme
embarrassment and shame to the extent that he could no Whether or not the acquittal of petitioner extinguished his
longer face his neighbors. Consequently, he was forced to civil liability.
write Rodrigo demanding public apology and payment of
damages. Rodrigo pointedly ignored the demand, for
which reason the Nicolas spouses filed a civil suit against RULING:
him for damages. The Court of Appeals ruled in favor of
Nestor Nicolas, hence this case. The acquittal was based on reasonable doubt on the guilt
of the accused. Article 29 of the Civil Code provides that a
ISSUE: civil liability is not extinguished in criminal cases.
Therefore, the accused cannot be exempted from paying
Whether or not the CA erred in granting damages to civil damages which may only be proven by preponderance
Nestor Nicolas and his spouse. of evidence. Manantan claimed that he was placed on
double jeopardy but the courts did not give merit to
RULING: this contention. The following elements must be present
for double jeopardy to exist: (1) A first jeopardy must have
The Court reject petitioner’s posture that no attached prior to the second; (2) The first jeopardy must
legal provision supports such award, the incident have terminated; and (3) the third jeopardy must be for
complained of neither falling under Art. 22, 19, nor Art. 26 the same offense as the first .In the case at bar, the initially
of the Civil Code. Damages therefore are allowable for put into jeopardy but he it was terminated by his
actions against a person’s dignity, such as profane, discharge. When the case was elevated to the Court of
insulting, humiliating, scandalous or abusive language. As Appeals, the issue was about the civil aspect of the
stated in the Civil Code, moral damages which include criminal case. Thus, there could be no double jeopardy.
physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety,
besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock,
social humiliation, and similar injury, although incapable of
pecuniary computation, may be recovered if they are the
proximate result of the defendant’s wrongful act or
omission. There is no question that private respondent
Nestor Nicolas suffered mental anguish, besmirched
reputation, wounded feelings and social humiliation as a
proximate result of petitioner’s abusive, scandalous and
insulting language. The decision of the Court of Appeals is
therefore affirmed.
G.R. No. 168539 March 25, 2014 G.R. No. 190696 August 3, 2010
The Information filed against respondent is an offshoot of Petitioner Calang was driving a bus owned by Philtranco
this Court's Decision in Agan, Jr. v. Philippine International when its rear left side hit the front left portion of a Sarao
Air Terminals Co., Inc. which nullified the various contracts jeep coming from the opposite direction. As a result of the
awarded by the Government, through the Department of collision, the jeep’s driver, lost control of the vehicle, and
Transportation and Communications (DOTC), to Philippine bumped and killed a bystander who was standing along
Air Terminals, Co., Inc. (PIATCO) for the construction, the highway’s shoulder. The jeep turned turtle three (3)
operation and maintenance of the Ninoy Aquino times before finally stopping at about 25 meters from the
International Airport International Passenger Terminal III point of impact. Two of the jeep’s passengers were
(NAIA IPT III). Subsequent to the above Decision, a certain instantly killed, while the other passengers sustained
Ma. Cecilia L. Pesayco filed a complaint with the Office of serious physical injuries. The prosecution charged Calang
the Ombudsman against several individuals for alleged with multiple homicide, multiple serious physical injuries
violation of R.A. 3019. Among those charged was herein and damage to property thru reckless imprudence before
respondent, who was then the Chairman and President of the RTC. RTC found Calang guilty beyond reasonable doubt
PIATCO, for having supposedly conspired with then DOTC of reckless imprudence resulting [in] multiple homicide,
Secretary Arturo Enrile (Secretary Enrile) in entering into a multiple physical injuries and damage to property. The
contract which is grossly and manifestly disadvantageous Court of Appeals affirmed in toto the decision of RTC.
to the government. On September 16, 2004, the Office of
the Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon found probable cause ISSUE:
to indict, among others, herein respondent for violation of
Section 3(g) of R.A. 3019. Whether or not Philtranco may be held jointly and
severally liable with Calang.
Whether or not the court a quo gravely erred and decided
a question of substance in a matter not in accordance with No. The RTC and the CA both erred in holding
law. Philtranco jointly and severally liable with Calang. He was
charged criminally before the RTC. Undisputedly,
HELD: Philtranco was not a direct party in this case. Since the
cause of action against Calang was based on delict, both
Respondent contends that by reason of the death of the RTC and the CA erred in holding Philtranco jointly and
Secretary Enrile, there is no public officer who was charged severally liable with Calang, based on quasi-delict under
in the Information and, as such, prosecution against Articles 2176 and 2180 of the Civil Code. Articles 2176 and
respondent may not prosper. It is true that by reason of 2180 of the Civil Code pertain to the vicarious liability of an
Secretary Enrile's death, there is no longer any public employer for quasi-delicts that an employee has
officer with whom respondent can be charged for violation committed. Such provision of law does not apply to civil
of R.A. 3019. It does not mean, however, that the liability arising from delict.
allegation of conspiracy between them can no longer be
proved or that their alleged conspiracy is already
expunged. The only thing extinguished by the death of
Secretary Enrile is his criminal liability. His death did not
extinguish the crime nor did it remove the basis of the
charge of conspiracy between him and private respondent.
Stated differently, the death of Secretary Enrile does not
mean that there was no public officer who allegedly
violated Section 3 (g) of R.A. 3019. In fact, the Office of the
Deputy Ombudsman for Luzon found probable cause to
indict Secretary Enrile for infringement of Sections 3 (e)
and (g) of R.A. 3019. Were it not for his death, he should
have been charged.
G.R.No. 108395 March 7, 1997 G.R. No. 119398 July 2, 1999
On November 7, 1987, the car driven by Teodoro Guaring Eduardo Cojuangco is a known businessman-sportsman
Jr. collided with the Philippine Rabbit Bus driven by Angelo owing several racehorses which he entered in the
Cuevas and with a Toyota Cressida Car driven by Eligio sweepstake races on March 6, 1986 to September 18,
Enriquez, along the North Luzon Expressway in San Rafael, 1989. Several of his horses won the races on various dates,
Mexico Pampanga. As a consequence, Guaring died. The landing first, second or third places, respectively, and
trial court ruled in favor of herein petitioners, but lost in winning prizes together with the 30% due for trainer and
the Court of Appeals where the accused was acquitted grooms. Unfortunately, the winnings were being withheld
based on reasonable doubt. This was because it was found on the advice of Presidential Commission on Good
out that the deceased was the one who acted negligently. Government Commissioner Ramon A. Diaz. The Chairman
The accused the claimed appealed in the court that the of PCSO and the Private Respondent, Fernando O.
civil case filed against him be extinguished since the Carrascoso, offered to give back the winnings but it was
extinguishment of his criminal liability necessarily follows refused by the petitioner for the reason that the matter is
the extinguishment of his civil liability, since his civil already in court. The trial court held that Carrascoso had
liability aroused from his criminal liability. The petitioners no authority to withhold the winnings since there was no
disagreed on this ground, claiming that the civil case writ of sequestration evidencing the orders of PCGG.
should pursue. This was then appealed to the Supreme Carrascoso feared that if he did not withhold the winning
Court. he would be liable for neglect of duty. Carrascoso
maintained that bad faith did not attend his acts therefore
ISSUE: he is not liable for damages. In fact, Carrascoso stated that
he returned the principal amount of the winning
Whether or not the civil liability of the accused is evidencing his good faith. Petitioner begs to differ.
extinguished due to his acquittal.
Whether or not petitioner is entitled to damages for the
The Supreme Court held that the acquittal of the bus violation of his constitutional rights to due process.
driver was based on reasonable doubt, which means that
the civil case for damages was not barred since the cause RULING:
of action of the heirs was based on quasi-delict. Even if
damages are sought on the basis of crime and not quasi- The Supreme Court held that petitioner is entitled for
delict, the acquittal of the bus driver will not bar recovery damages in accordance with Article 32 of the Civil Code.
of damages because the acquittal was based not on a Article 32(6) of the Civil Code provides that any public
finding that he was not guilty but only on reasonable officer or employee, or any private individual, who directly
doubt. Thus, it has been held that the judgment of or indirectly obstruct, defeats, violates or in any manner
acquittal extinguishes the liability of the accused for impedes or impairs any of the following rights and liberties
damages only when it includes a declaration that the facts of another person shall be liable to the latter for damages,
from which the civil might arise did not exist. Thus, the civil in this case the right against deprivation of property
liability is not extinguished by acquittal where the acquittal without due process of law. Carrascoso's decision to
is based on reasonable doubt as only preponderance of withhold petitioner's winnings could not be characterized
evidence is required in civil cases; where the court as arbitrary or whimsical, or even the product of ill will or
expressly declares that the liability of the accused is not malice. He had particularly sought from PCGG a
criminal but only civil in nature as, for instance, in the clarification of the extent and coverage of the
felonies of estafa, theft, and malicious mischief committed sequestration order issued against the properties of
by certain relatives who thereby incur only civil liability; petitioner. Although it is true that a public officer shall not
and, where the civil liability does not arise from or is not be liable by way of moral and exemplary damages for acts
based upon the criminal act of which the accused was done in the performance of official duties, the Court
acquitted. Therefore, the Supreme Court ruled that the nevertheless states that bad faith is not necessary in
proceedings for the civil case of the said incident must praying for damages in Article 32 of the Civil Code.
continue for the recovery of damages of the victim’s heirs.
The case was remanded to the trial court to determine the
civil liability of the accused.
G.R. No. 182976 January 14, 2013 G.R. No. 137567 June 20, 2000
Respondents are spouses engaged in the business of Petitioner was married to Charmaine Felix on June 16,
manufacturing and selling fluorescent fixtures, office steel 1973. After 24 years of marriage and having four children,
cabinets and related metal fabrication under the name and petitioner filed a petition for nullity of marriage on ground
style of Permanent Light Manufacturing Enterprise. In the of psychological incapacity. Charmaine on the other hand
afternoon of April 19, 1994, Joselito Ignacio and Peter filed a criminal complaint for concubinage against
Legaspi , Fully Phased Inspectors of Meralco sought petitioner and his paramour. To forestall the issuance of a
permission to inspect Permanent Lights electric meter. warrant of arrest from the criminal complaint, petitioner
Ignacio and Legaspi, together with an employee of filed for the suspension of the criminal case on
Permanent Light, proceeded to check the electric meter. concubinage arguing that the civil case for the nullification
Upon inspection, the MERALCO inspectors noticed that the of their marriage is a prejudicial question.
electric meter was tampered and right there and then took
down the meter. It was found out that indeed the meter ISSUE:
has been tampered with. Permanent Light agreed to pay
the deficient bills. MERALCO installed a new electric meter. Whether or not the civil case for nullity of marriage under
The respondents alleged that the electric meter registered psychological incapacity is a prejudicial question to the
unusually high readings. The petitioners are now criminal case of concubinage.
requesting that the old electric meter be re-installed since
it shows a more accurate reading. The respondents also RULING:
pray for damages since the electric meter was allegedly
removed without following the required procedure. The The rationale on the existence of prejudicial questions is to
RTC ruled in favor of respondents entitled to damages. The avoid two conflicting issues. Its requisites are 1) that a civil
Court of Appeals affirmed the decision stating that the action involves an issue similar or intimately related to the
petitioner abused its rights when it disconnected the issue in the criminal action and 2) the resolution of the
electricity of Permanent Light. The petitioners raise the issue determines whether or not the criminal action will
issue of damages to the Supreme Court. proceed. In the present case, the accused need not
present a final judgment declaring his marriage void for he
ISSUE: can adduce evidence in the criminal case of the nullity of
his marriage other than the proof of a final judgment.
Whether or not MERALCO is liable for damages in for the More importantly, parties to a marriage should not be
violation of the constitutional rights of the respondent. allowed to judge for themselves its nullity, for the same
must be submitted to the competent courts. So long as
RULING: there is no such final judgment the presumption is that the
marriage exists for all intents and purposes. Therefore, he
The Supreme Court held that Permanent Light is entitled to who cohabits with a woman not his wife risks being
exemplary damages for the violation of their constitutional prosecuted for concubinage.
rights. The Supreme Court based its judgment on Section 4
of Republic Act 7832 which provides that taking down of
tampered electric meter should be personally witnessed
and attested to by an officer of the law or a duly
authorized representative of the Energy Regulatory Board.
MERALCO failed to show evidence that there was an
officer of the law or a duly authorized representative of
ERB therefore there is no prima facie evidence that the
meter is tampered and they have no right to disconnect
the electric meter. Besides, even if there is prima facie
evidence of illegal use of electricity, Section 6 of Republic
Act No. 7832 provides that even if flagrante delicto, there
must be still be a written notice or warning to the owner of
the house or the establishment concerned. In light or the
following the Supreme Court awards exemplary damages
to Permanent Light for the recompense of their injured
rights. Article 32 of the Civil Code provides for awards of
damages in cases where the rights of individuals, including
the right against deprivation of property without due
process of law are violated.
G.R. No. L-15315 August 26, 1960 G.R. No. 172060 September 13, 2010
Petitioner filed a complaint for annulment of his marriage On 25 October 2004, Maria Pimentel y Lacap (private
to Elizabeth Ceasar alleging that he married Elizabeth by respondent) filed an action for frustrated parricide against
reason of force, threat and intimidation upon his persons Joselito Pimentel (petitioner) before the Regional Trial
by Elizabeth’s relatives. Elizabeth on the other hand filed a Court of Quezon City. On 7 February 2005, petitioner
criminal complaint alleging that petitioner has been received summons to appear before the Regional Trial
previously married to one Eufrocina Tan. He now files a Court of Antipolo City for the pre-trial and trial of a civil
petition for the suspension of the criminal case on grounds case (Maria Pimentel v. Joselito Pimentel) for Declaration
of prejudicial question. of Nullity of Marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code
on the ground of psychological incapacity. On 11 February
ISSUE: 2005, petitioner filed an urgent motion to suspend the
proceedings before the RTC Quezon City on the ground of
Whether or not an action to annul the second marriage is a the existence of a prejudicial question.
prejudicial question.
Whether the resolution of the action for annulment of
In order that a person may be held liable for the crime of marriage is a prejudicial question that warrants the
bigamy, the subsequent marriage must have all the suspension of the criminal case for frustrated parricide
essential elements of a valid marriage, were it not for the against petitioner.
subsistence of the first marriage. One of the essential
elements of a valid marriage is that the consent thereto of RULING:
the contracting parties must be freely given. Without the
element of consent, a marriage would be illegal and void. No. The issue in the civil case for annulment of marriage
Since the validity of the second marriage is in question, under Article 36 is whether petitioner is psychologically
subject of the action for bigamy, cannot be determined in incapacitated to comply with the essential marital
the criminal case and since prosecution for bigamy does obligations. The issue in parricide is whether the accused
not lie unless all the elements concur, it is necessary then killed the victim. In this case, since petitioner was charged
that a decision in a civil action must first be secured. with frustrated parricide, the issue is whether he
performed all the acts of execution which would have
killed respondent as a consequence but which,
nevertheless, did not produce it by reason of causes
independent of petitioner’s will. At the time of the
commission of the alleged crime, petitioner and
respondent were married. The subsequent dissolution of
their marriage will have no effect on the alleged crime that
was committed at the time of the subsistence of the
marriage. In short, even if the marriage between petitioner
and respondent is annulled, petitioner could still be held
criminally liable since at the time of the commission of the
alleged crime, he was still married to respondent. We
cannot accept petitioner’s reliance on Tenebro v. CA that
the judicial declaration of the nullity of a marriage on the
ground of psychological incapacity retroacts to the date of
the celebration of the marriage insofar as the vinculum
between the spouses is concerned. First, the issue in
Tenebro is the effect of the judicial declaration of nullity of
a second or subsequent marriage on the ground of
psychological incapacity on a criminal liability for bigamy.
There was no issue of prejudicial question in that case.
Second, the Court ruled in Tenebro that there is a
recognition written into the law itself that such a marriage,
although void ab initio, may still produce legal
consequences. In fact, the Court declared in that case that
a declaration of the nullity of the second marriage on the
ground of psychological incapacity is of absolutely no
moment insofar as the State’s penal laws are concerned.
G.R. No. 26795 July 31, 1970 G.R. No. 159567 July 31, 2007
The parties were neighbors in Dapitan City, and had close Feliciano Catalan was discharged from military service due
and confidential relations. Defendant Icao, although to his psychological incapacity of schizophrenia on October
married, succeeded in having carnal intercourse with 20, 1948. He married Corazon Cerezo on September 1949.
plaintiff several times by force and intimidation, and On June 1951 he donated a parcel of land to his sister
without her consent. As a result, she became pregnant, Mercedes Catalan. On December 1953 Feliciano was
despite efforts and drugs supplied by defendant, and declared incompetent and BPI was appointed as his
plaintiff had to stop studying. Hence, she claimed support guardian. Mercedes sold the properties to herein
at P120.00 per month, damages and attorney's fees. respondents in 1979. In 1997, BPI, acting as Feliciano’s
Accordingly, defendant moved to dismiss for lack of cause guardian filed an action or declaration of nullity od
of action since the complaint did not allege that the child documents and recovery of possession and ownership
had been born. The trial judge dismissed the complaint. alleging that the donation to Mercedes was void ab initio
Thereafter, plaintiff moved to amend the complaint to as Feliciano not of sound mind when he effected the
allege that as a result of the intercourse, plaintiff had later donation, ipso facto, the sale to herein respondents are
given birth to a baby girl; but the court, sustaining void ab initio.
defendant's objection, ruled that no amendment was
allowable, since the original complaint averred no cause of ISSUE:
Whether or not Feliciano’s donation is void for lack of
ISSUE: consent due to incapacity.
Paulina Rigonan owns three parcels of land. She allegedly Petitioners own a parcel of land and to remove a cloud on
sold them to spouses Felipe and Concepcion Rigonan who their said respective titles caused by the inscription
claim to be her relatives. In 1966, herein petitioners who thereon of a notice of lis pendens initiated a suit. They
claim to be her closest surviving relatives allegedly took ultimately trace their ownership to a deed of sale executed
possession of the properties. Petitioners claim that the by Carmen Ozamiz. Respondents are now impugning the
sale was void for being spurious as well as lacking deed of sale, alleging that Carmen Ozamiz was
consideration. incapacitated at the time of the execution of the sale.
Whether or not the sale was void. Whether or not the deed of sale is void due to the
incapacity of the seller.
At the time of the execution of the alleged contract,
Paulina Rigonan was already of advanced age and senile. The testimonies on record all made sweeping statements
She died an octogenarian. The general rule is that a person which failed to show the true state of mind of Carmen
is not incompetent to contract merely because of Ozamiz at the time of the execution of the disputed
advanced years or by reason of physical infirmities. document. It has been held that a person is not
However, when such age or infirmities have impaired the incapacitated to contract merely because of advanced
mental faculties so as to prevent the person from properly, years or by reason of physical infirmity. Only when such
intelligently and firmly protecting her property rights then age or infirmity impairs her mental faculties to such extent
she is undeniably incapacitated. The unrebutted testimony as to prevent her from properly, intelligently and fairly
shows that at the time of the execution of the deed, protecting her property rights is she considered
Paulina was already incapacitated physically and mentally. incapacitated. Respondents utterly failed to show
She played with her waste and urinated in bed. Given adequate proof that at the time of the sale on April 28,
these circumstances, there is sufficient reason to seriously 1989 Carmen Ozamiz has allegedly lost control of her
doubt that she consented to the sale of and the price for mental faculties.
her parcels of land.
G.R. No. L-5426 May 29, 1953 G.R. No. 140500 January 21, 2002
On February 6, 1945, while the battle for the liberation of Fiscal Ernesto Bernabe allegedly fathered a son with his
Manila was raging, the spouses Joaquin Navarro, Sr. and secretary Carolina Alejo. The son was born on September
Angela Joaquin, together with their children, Pilar, 1981. The Fiscal died on August 1993. On May 1994,
Concepcion, Natividad, and Joaquin Navarro, Jr., and the Carolina in behalf of Adrian filed a complaint for Adrian to
latter's wife, Adela Conde, sought refuge in the ground be declared and acknowledged illegitimate son of Fiscal
floor of the German Club. During their stay, the building Bernabe and such entitled to his share in the estate.
was packed with refugees, shells were exploding around, Petitioners are challenging the petition on grounds that
and the Club was set on fire. Simultaneously, the Japanese the action has prescribed on ground that the Family code
started shooting at the people inside the building. The has retroactive application and hence, the manner of
three daughters were hit and fell of the ground thereafter proving filiation by “open and continuous possession of a
Joaquin Navarro, Sr., and his son decided to abandon the status of a legitimate child” must have been brought
building. They could not convince Angela Joaquin who within the lifetime of the putative parent.
refused to join them but Joaquin Navarro, Sr., his son, and
the latter's wife, and a friend and former neighbor, ISSUE:
Francisco Lopez, rushed out of the burning structure. As
they came out, Joaquin Navarro, Jr. was shot in the head. Whether or not the Family code finds a retroactive
The others lay flat on the ground in front of the Club application in the case.
premises to avoid the bullets. Minutes later after the
incident, the German Club collapsed, trapping many RULING:
people inside, presumably including Angela Joaquin.
Joaquin Navarro, Sr., Adela Conde, and Francisco Lopez The right to an action for recognition which was granted by
managed to reach an air raid shelter nearby and stayed Article 285 of the Civil Code has already vested to Adrian
there until February 10, 1915. They fled toward the St. prior the enactment of the Family Code. A vested right is
Theresa Academy in San Marcelino Street, but one which is absolute, complete and unconditional to the
unfortunately were killed by Japanese Patrols, who fired at exercise of which no obstacle exists and which is
the refugees. immediate and perfect in itself and not dependent upon a
contingency. Certainly the retroactive effect of the family
ISSUE: code finds no application in this case.
Petitioner and respondent got married on March 1959. Petitioner is the assigned clerk of court at the sala of
They had eight children. On December 1992, respondent herein respondent Judge. Respondent stands charged with
left the conjugal home and abandoned petitioner and their gross immorality, deceitful conduct and corruption
children. On January 1994, petitioner filed a separate case unbecoming of a Judge. It is alleged that he has
for the dissolution of the conjugal partnership and judicial scandalously and publicly cohabited with Priscilla Baybayan
separation of property with a plea for support and during the existence of a previous marriage, represented
pendent lite. On April 1994 the parties executed a himself as single in the marriage contract with Priscilla. He
compromise agreement. Respondent wanting to marry also caused the registration of his three illegitimate
again filed a declaration of nullity of his marriage with children as legitimate.
petitioner on ground of psychological incapacity. Petitioner
was never served the summons because of ISSUE:
misrepresentation. She was declared in default and the
marriage declared void and null. Petitioner now seeks a Whether or not respondent is guilty of the charges.
new trial and nullification of the decision declaring the
marriage void on ground of lack of jurisdiction. RULING:
Guillermo Rustia and Josefa Delgado died not only Petitioners are the children of Basilio Balogbog and
intestate, but they died without descendants. Guillermo Geneveva Arnibal who died intestate. They had an older
outlived Josefa by two years. Herein petitioners and brother named Gavino but he died predeceasing their
respondents are their respective relatives claiming rights parents. Private respondents on the other hand are the
to their intestate estate. The alleged heirs of Josefa consist alleged children of Gavino with Catalina Ubas and as such
of her half and fullblood siblings, nephews. On Guillermo’s are entitled to inherit from the estate of their
side, his sisters, nephews and nieces, illegitimate child and grandparents. Petitioners aver that Gavino did not marry
de facto adopted child. The petitioner for letters of hence barring respondents from inheriting from the estate.
administration stated that Guillermo and Rustia were
never married. Josefa Delgado estate claimants are her ISSUE:
natural siblings. Josefa was the daughter of Felisa by one
Lucio Ocampo with five other children without the benefit Whether or not there the presumption of marriage
of marriage. Felisa had another son by way of Ramon between Gavino and Catalino was successfully overcome.
Osorio who is Luis Delgado, one of the claimants in Josefa’s
estate. If Luis Delgado is the legitimate child of Felisa she is RULING:
barred from inheriting from Josefa by the principle of
absolute separation between the legitimate and Under the Rules of Court, the presumption is that a man
illegitimate families. and a woman conducting themselves as husband and wife
are legally married. This presumption is rebutted only by
ISSUE: cogent proof of which the petitioners failed to do so.
Although a marriage contract is considered primary
Whether or not there was a valid marriage between evidence of marriage the failure to present it is no proof
Guillermo and Josefa and between Felisa and Ramon. that no marriage took place. Private respondents proved
through testimonial evidence that Gavino and Catalina
RULING: were married and that their children were recognized as
legitimate children of Gavino. The law favors the validity of
Every intendment of the law leans towards legitimizing marriage because the State is interested in the
matrimony. Persons dwelling together apparently in preservation of the family and the sanctity of it is a matter
marriage are presumed to be in fact married. Semper of constitutional concern.
praesumitur pro matrimonio. Always presume marriage.
Several circumstances give rise to the presumption that a
valid marriage existed between Guillermo and Josefa. Their
cohabitation of more than 50 years cannot be doubted.
Although a marriage contract is considered primary
evidence of marriage, its absence is not always proof that
no marriage in fact took place. Once the presumption of
marriage arises other evidences may be presented just as
herein. The certificate of identity issued to Josefa as Mrs.
Guillermo Rustia, the passport issued to her as Josefa
Rustia, the declaration under oath of Guilermo that he was
married to Josefa buttress the presumption of the
existence of marriage. Guillermo and Josefa are married.
Anent the marriage of Felisa by Ramon, the factors and
evidence presented sufficiently overcame the rebuttable
presumption of marriage. Hence Luis Delgado can inherit
from Josefa.
G.R. No. 191936 June 1, 2016 G.R. No. 174689 October 22, 2007
Virginia D. Calimag (petitioner) co-owned the property, the Rommel Jacinto Dantes Silverio having undergone a sex
subject matter of this case, with Silvestra N. Macapaz reassignment surgery, sought to have his first name
(Silvestra). Respondents are children of Silvestra’s brother, changed from Rommel to Mely, and his sex from male to
Anastacio Macapaz, Sr. (Anastacio, Sr.) and Fidela O. female. He further alleged that he is a male transsexual,
Poblete Vda. De Macapaz (Fidela). The subject property that is, "anatomically male but feels, thinks and acts as a
was duly registered in the names of the petitioner and female" and that he had always identified himself with
Silvestra under Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. girls since childhood.
183088. In said certificate of title, appearing as Entry No.
02671 is an annotation of an Adverse Claim of Fidela Trial court granted his petition. CA, however, upon appeal
asserting rights and interests over a portion of the said filed by the Republic of the Philippines thru the OSG,
property measuring 49.5 sq. m. reversed the trial court decision, holding that there is no
law allowing the change of entries of either name or sex in
ISSUE: the birth certificate by reason of sex alteration.
On 17 February, 2000, respondent judge solemnized On December 8, 1982, Rosita Alcantara (respondent) and
petitioner‘s marriage to her late groom Dominador B. Restituto Alcantara (petitioner) went to the Manila City
Orobia without the requisite marriage license and at Hall for the purpose of looking for a person who could
Nabua, Camarines Sur which is outside his territorial arrange a marriage for them. They met a person ―fixer
jurisdiction. They lived together as husband and wife on who arranged their wedding before a certain Rev. Aquilino
the strength of this marriage until her husband passed Navarro, a minister of the Gospel of the CDCC BR Chapel.
away. However, since the marriage was a nullity, The marriage was likewise celebrated without the parties
petitioner‘s right to inherit the ―vast properties left by securing a marriage license. The wedding took place at the
Orobia was not recognized. She was likewise deprived of stairs in Manila City Hall and not in CDCC BR Chapel.
receiving the pensions of Orobia, a retired Commodore of However, there was a marriage license obtained in
the Philippine Navy. Carmona, Cavite but neither of the parties is a resident of
Carmona, Cavite and they never went to the said place to
ISSUE: apply for a license with its local civil registrar. Petitioner
and respondent went through another marriage ceremony
Whether or not the respondent judge should be at the San Jose de Manuguit Church in Tondo, Manila on
sanctioned for solemnizing marriage with lack of marriage March 26, 1983 utilizing the same marriage license. The
license and beyond his jurisdiction? marriage license number ―7054133 is not identical with
the marriage license number which appears in their
RULING: marriage contract. There is also a case filed by the
respondent against herein petitioner before the MTC of
Under the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, or B.P.129, Mandaluyong for concubinage.
the authority of the regional trial court judges and judges
of inferior courts to solemnize marriages is confined to ISSUE:
their territorial jurisdiction as defined by the Supreme
Court. In the case at bar, the territorial jurisdiction of Whether or not the marriage between the petitioner and
respondent judge is limited to the municipality of Balatan, respondent is void.
Camarines Sur. His act of solemnizing the marriage of
petitioner and Orobia in Nabua, Camarines Sur therefore is RULING:
contrary to law and subjects him to administrative liability.
His act may not amount to gross ignorance of the law for The marriage involved herein having been solemnized
he allegedly solemnized the marriage out of human prior to the effectivity of Family Code, the applicable law
compassion but nonetheless, he cannot avoid liability for would be the Civil Code which was the law in effect at the
violating the law on marriage. The respondent Judge time of its celebration. A valid marriage license is a
Salvador M. Occiano, Presiding Judge of the Municipal Trial requisite of marriage under Article 53 of the Civil Code, the
Court of Balatan, Camarines Sur, is fined P5, 000.00 pesos absence of which renders the marriage void ab initio
with a stern warning that a repetition of the same or pursuant to Article 80(3) in relation to Article 53 of the
similar offense in the future will be dealt with more same Code. The law requires that the absence of such
severely. marriage license must be apparent on the marriage
contract, or at the very least, supported by a certification
from the local civil registrar that no such marriage license
was issued to the parties. In the case at bar, the marriage
contract between the petitioner and respondent reflects a
marriage license number. Moreover, the certification
issued by the local civil registrar specifically identified the
parties to whom the marriage license was issued further
validating the fact that a license was issued to the parties
herein. Issuance of a marriage license in a city or
municipality, not the residence of either of the contracting
parties, and issuance of a marriage license despite the
absence of publication or prior to the completion of the
10-day period for publication are considered mere
irregularities that do not affect the validity of the marriage.
REPUBLIC v. COURT OF APPEALS G.R. No. 132529 February 2, 2001
G.R. No. 103047 September 2, 1994
During the lifetime of the late SPO4 Santiago S. Cariño, he
Angelina Castro, with her parents unaware, contracted a contracted two marriages; the first was on June 20, 1969,
civil marriage with Edwin Cardenas. They did not with petitioner Susan Nicdao Cariño, with whom he had
immediately live together and it was only upon Castro two children. And the second was on November 10, 1992,
found out that she was pregnant that they decided to live with respondent Susan Yee Cariño with whom he had no
together wherein the said cohabitation lasted for only 4 children in their almost ten year cohabitation starting way
months. Thereafter, they parted ways and Castro gave back in 1982. In November 23, 1992, SPO4 Santiago Cariño
birth that was adopted by her brother with the consent of passed away under the care of Susan Yee, who spent for
Cardenas. The baby was brought in the US and in Castro‘s his medical and burial expenses. Both petitioner and
earnest desire to follow her daughter wanted to put in respondent filed claims for monetary benefits and financial
order her marital status before leaving for US. She filed a assistance pertaining to the deceased from various
petition seeking a declaration for the nullity of her government agencies. On December 14, 1993, respondent
marriage. Her lawyer then found out that there was no filed the instant case for collection of sum of money
marriage license issued prior to the celebration of their against the petitioner praying that petitioner be ordered to
marriage proven by the certification issued by the Civil return to her at least one-half of the one hundred forty-six
Registrar of Pasig. thousand pesos. To bolster her action for collection of sum
of money, respondent contended that the marriage of
ISSUE: petitioner and the deceased is void ab initio because the
same was solemnized without the required marriage
Whether or not the documentary and testimonial evidence license confirmed by the marriage certificate of the
resorted to by Castro is sufficient to establish that no deceased and the petitioner which bears no marriage
marriage license was issued to the parties prior to the license number and a certification dated March 9, 1994,
solemnization of their marriage? from the Local Civil Registrar of San Juan, Manila stating
that they have no record of marriage license of the
RULING: spouses Santiago Cariño and Susan Nicdao Cariño who
allegedly married in the said municipality on June 20, 1969.
The court affirmed the decision of Court of Appeals that
the certification issued by the Civil Registrar ISSUE:
unaccompanied by any circumstances of suspicion
sufficiently proves that the office did not issue a marriage Whether or not the two marriages contracted by the
license to the contracting parties. Albeit the fact that the deceased SPO4 Santiago S. Cariño are valid in determining
testimony of Castro is not supported by any other the beneficiary of his death benefits?
witnesses is not a ground to deny her petition because of
the peculiar circumstances of her case. Furthermore, RULING:
Cardenas was duly served with notice of the proceedings,
which he chose to ignore. Under the circumstances of the Under the Civil Code which was the law in force when the
case, the documentary and testimonial evidence presented marriage of petitioner Susan Nicdao and the deceased was
by private respondent Castro sufficiently established the solemnized in 1969, a valid marriage license is a requisite
absence of the subject marriage license. of marriage and the absence thereof, subject to certain
exceptions, renders a marriage void ab initio. In the case at
bar, there is no question that the marriage of petitioner
and the deceased does not fall within the marriages
exempt from the license requirement. A marriage license
was indispensable to the validity of their marriage. The
records reveal that the marriage contract of petitioner and
the deceased bears no marriage license number and as
certified by the Local Civil registrar of San Juan, Metro
Manila, their office has no record of such marriage license.
The certification issued by the local civil registrar enjoys
probative value, he being the officer charged under the
law to keep a record of all data to the issuance of a
marriage license. Therefore, the marriage between
petitioner Susan Nicdao and the deceased having been
solemnized without the necessary marriage license, and
not being one of the marriages exempt from the said
requirement, is undoubtedly void ab initio. The declaration
in the instant case of nullity of the previous marriage of
the deceased and petitioner does not validate the second
marriage of the deceased with respondent Susan Yee. The
fact remains that their marriage was solemnized without ISSUES:
first obtaining a judicial decree declaring the marriage of
petitioner Susan Nicdao and the deceased void. Hence, the a) Whether or not the marriage between petitioner
marriage of respondent Susan Yee and the deceased is, and private respondent is void from the beginning
likewise, void ab initio. for lack of marriage license at the time of the
b) Whether or not the private respondent is
psychologically incapacitated at the time of said
marriage celebration to warrant a declaration of
its absolute nullity?
In September 1979, Benjamin Bangayan, Jr. married In May 31, 1972, Raquel Kho’s parents called a clerk in the
Azucena Alegre. In 1982, while Alegre was outside the office of the municipal treasurer to instruct him to arrange
Philippines, Benjamin developed a romantic relationship the necessary papers for the intended marriage of their
with Sally Go. Sally’s father was against this. In order to son, Raquel Kho and Veronica Kho. In June 1, 1972, the
appease her father, Sally convinced Benjamin to sign a two were married at 3 in the morning at a church. Claiming
purported marriage contract in March 1982. that he has never gone to the office of the Local Civil
Registrar to apply for a marriage license and had not seen
In 1994, the relationship between Sally and Benjamin nor signed any papers in connection to the procurement of
soured. Sally filed a bigamy case against Benjamin. a marriage license, and considering the ONE DAY
Benjamin on the other hand filed an action to declare his difference between the time the clerk was told to obtain
alleged marriage to Sally as non-existent. To prove the the papers to the actual moment of the marriage, no
existence of their marriage, Sally presented a marriage marriage license could have been validly issued, Raquel
license allegedly issued to Benjamin. Kho filed an action for the declaration of nullity of his
The RTC ruled that the marriage was void due to the lack
Whether or not the marriage between Sally and Benjamin of the require site marriage license and ruled in favor of
is bigamous. Raquel Kho. Later, the Court of Appeals reversed the
judgment of the RTC and ruled in favor of Veronica Kho.
RULING: Raquel Kho filed a petition for review on certiorari with the
Supreme Court.
No. The elements of bigamy are:
1. That the offender has been legally married. ISSUES:
2. That the marriage has not been legally
dissolved or, in case his or her spouse is a. Whether the issues presented by the
absent, the absent spouse could not yet be petitioner in the petition for review on certiorari
presumed dead according to the Civil Code. are factual in nature and whether it is proper for
3. That he contracts a second or subsequent the Supreme Court to delve into these issues;
marriage. b. Whether the certification issued by the local
4. That the second or subsequent marriage has all civil registrar who attests to the absence in its
the essential requisites for validity. records of a marriage license, must categorically
state that the document does not exist in the said
In this case, the fourth element is not present. The office despite diligent search;
marriage license presented by Sally was not authentic as in c. Whether the CA erred in disregarding the
fact, no marriage license was ever issued to both parties in petitioner’s documentary evidences of the lack of
view of the alleged marriage. The marriage between them a marriage license and giving weight to
was merely in jest and never complied with the essential unsupported presumptions in favor of the
requisites of marriage. Hence, there is no bigamous respondent; and
marriage to speak of. d. Whether the CA erred in setting aside or
reversing the lower courts judgment declaring the
marriage a nullity for the absence of the requisite
marriage license.
The solemnization of a marriage without prior license is a Whether or not the Respondent Judge is guilty of gross
clear violation of the law and invalidates a marriage. ignorance of the law?
Furthermore, “the falsity of the allegation in the sworn
affidavit relating to the period of Jose and Felisa’s RULING:
cohabitation, which would have qualified their marriage as
an exception to the requirement for a marriage license, Respondent Judge knew or ought to know that a subsisting
cannot be a mere irregularity, for it refers to a previous marriage is a diriment impediment, which would
quintessential fact that the law precisely required to be make the subsequent marriage null and void. In fact, in his
deposed and attested to by the parties under oath”. Comment, he stated that had he known that the late
Hence, Jose and Felisa’s marriage is void ab initio. The Manzano was married he would have discouraged him
court also ruled that an action for nullity of marriage is from contracting another marriage. And respondent Judge
imprescriptible. The right to impugn marriage does not cannot deny knowledge of Manzano’s and Payao’s
prescribe and may be raised any time. SC held that an subsisting previous marriage, as the same was clearly
action for nullifying a marriage is imprescriptible. It may be stated in their separate affidavits which were subscribed
raised anytime. Jose and Felisa’s marriage was celebrated and sworn to before him.
without a marriage license. No other conclusion can be
reached except that it is void ab initio. Clearly, respondent Judge demonstrated gross ignorance
of the law when he solemnized a void and bigamous
marriage. The maxim “ignorance of the law excuses no
one” has special application to judges, who, under Rule
1.01 of the Code of Judicial Conduct, should be the
embodiment of competence, integrity, and independence.
It is highly imperative that judges be conversant with the
law and basic legal principles. And when the law
transgressed is simple and elementary, the failure to know
it constitutes gross ignorance of the law.
G.R. No. 133778 March 14, 2000
In an administrative complaint filed with the Office of the Vitaliana Vargas’ brothers and sisters unaware of the
Court Administrator on October 5, 1992, herein former’s death on August 28, 1988 filed a petition for
respondents were charged with the following offenses, to Habeas Corpus on September 27, 1988 before the RTC of
wit: (1) illegal solemnization of marriage; (2) falsification of Misamis Oriental alleging that she was forcible taken from
the monthly reports of cases; (3) bribery in consideration her residence sometime in 1987 and was confined by the
of an appointment in the court; (4) non-issuance of receipt herein petitioner, Tomas Eugenio in his palacial residence
for cash bond received; in Jasaan, Misamis Oriental.
G.R. No. 154380 October 5, 2005
CORPUZ v. STO. TOMAS the unavailability of the second paragraph of Article 26 of
G.R. No. 186571 August 11, 2010 the Family Code to aliens does not necessarily strip
Gerbert of legal interest to petition the RTC for the
recognition of his foreign divorce decree. The foreign
FACTS: divorce decree itself, after its authenticity and conformity
with the alien‘s national law have been duly proven
Gerbert R. Corpuz was a former Filipino citizen who according to our rules of evidence, serves as a presumptive
acquired Canadian citizenship through naturalization on evidence of right in favor of Gerbert, pursuant to Section
November 29, 2000. On January 18, 2005, Gerbert married 48, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court which provides for the
respondent Daisylyn T. Sto. Tomas, a Filipina, in Pasig City. effect of foreign judgments.
Due to work and other professional commitments, Gerbert
left for Canada soon after the wedding. He returned to the In Gerbert‘s case, since both the foreign divorce decree
Philippines sometime in April 2005 to surprise Daisylyn, and the national law of the alien, recognizing his or her
but was shocked to discover that his wife was having an capacity to obtain a divorce, purport to be official acts of a
affair with another man. Hurt and disappointed, Gerbert sovereign authority, Section 24, Rule 132 of the Rules of
returned to Canada and filed a petition for divorce. The Court comes into play. This Section requires proof, either
Superior Court of Justice, Windsor, Ontario, Canada by (1) official publications or (2) copies attested by the
granted Gerbert‘s petition for divorce on December 8, officer having legal custody of the documents. If the copies
2005. The divorce decree took effect a month later, on of official records are not kept in the Philippines, these
January 8, 2006. Two years after the divorce, Gerbert has must be (a) accompanied by a certificate issued by the
moved on and has found another Filipina to love. Desirous proper diplomatic or consular officer in the Philippine
of marrying his new Filipina fiancée in the Philippines, Foreign Service stationed in the foreign country in which
Gerbert went to the Pasig City Civil Registry Office and the record is kept and (b) authenticated by the seal of his
registered the Canadian divorce decree on his and office. The records show that Gerbert attached to his
Daisylyn‘s marriage certificate. Despite the registration of petition a copy of the divorce decree, as well as the
the divorce decree, an official of the National Statistics required certificates proving its authenticity, but failed to
Office (NSO) informed Gerbert that the marriage between include a copy of the Canadian law on divorce. Under this
him and Daisylyn still subsists under Philippine law; to be situation, we can, at this point, simply dismiss the petition
enforceable; the foreign divorce decree must first be for insufficiency of supporting evidence, unless we deem it
judicially recognized by a competent Philippine court, more appropriate to remand the case to the RTC to
pursuant to NSO Circular No. 4, series of 1982. Accordingly, determine whether the divorce decree is consistent with
Gerbert filed a petition for judicial recognition of foreign the Canadian divorce law. The petition was granted and
divorce and/or declaration of marriage as dissolved with the case is remanded to the trial court for further
the RTC. Although summoned, Daisylyn did not file any proceedings.
responsive pleading but submitted instead a notarized
letter/manifestation to the trial court. She offered no
opposition to Gerbert‘s petition and, in fact, alleged her
desire to file a similar case herself but was prevented by
financial and personal circumstances. She, thus, requested
that she be considered as a party-in-interest with a similar
prayer to Gerbert‘s. In its October 30, 2008 decision, the
RTC denied Gerbert‘s petition. The RTC concluded that
Gerbert was not the proper party to institute the action for
judicial recognition of the foreign divorce decree as he is a
naturalized Canadian citizen. It ruled that only the Filipino
spouse can avail of the remedy, under the second
paragraph of Article 26 of the Family Code, in order for him
or her to be able to remarry under Philippine law.
In 1994, Edgardo submitted his SSS Form E-4 with his wife
Edna and their children as beneficiaries. When he died in
2005, Edna tried to claim the death benefits as the wife of
a deceased member but it was denied. It appears from the
SSS records that Edgardo had another set of SSS Form E-4
in 1982 where his former wife Rosemarie and their child
were designated as beneficiaries. Edna did not know that
Edgardo was previously married to another woman. She
then filed for a petition before the SSS, and notice was
sent to Rosemarie but she made no answer. The SSC
dismissed Edna’s petition because the SSS Form E-4
designating Rosemarie and her child was not revoked by
Edgardo, and that she was still presumed to be the legal
wife as Edna could not prove that Edgardo’s previous
marriage was annulled or divorced.
The court ruled that Alan failed to prove that he has a well-
founded belief, before he filed his petition with RTC, that
his spouse was dead. He failed to present a witness other
than the Barangay Captain. He even failed to present those
friends of Lea which he inquired to corroborate his
testimony. He also failed to make inquiries from his
parents-in-law regarding Lea’s whereabouts before filing
his petition in the RTC. It could have enhanced his
credibility had he made inquiries from his parents-in-law
about Lea's whereabouts considering that Lea's father was
the owner of Radio DYMS. He did report and seek help of
the local police authorities and NBI to locate Lea but he did
so only after the OSG file its notice to dismiss his petition
in RTC.
BIENVENIDO v. COURT OF APPEALS marriage of the abandoned spouse and not the remarriage
G.R. No. 111717 October 24, 1994 of the deserting spouse, after the period of seven years
had lapsed. 6 This exception cannot be invoked in this case
FACTS: in order to sustain the validity of Aurelio’s marriage to
Luisita because apparently it was Aurelio who had left his
Aurelio P. Camacho married Consejo Velasco in Manila on first wife. At the time of his second marriage to Luisita, he
October 3, 1942. On February 6, 1962, without his and Luisita had already been living together as husband
marriage to Consejo Velasco being dissolved, Aurelio P. and wife for five years. In fact the couple begot a child, in
Camacho contracted another marriage with respondent 1961, even before their marriage in 1962.
Luisita C. Camacho (Luisita) with whom he had been living
since 1953 and by whom he begot a child, respondent 2. There is no basis for holding that the property in
Aurelio Luis Faustino C. Camacho (Chito) born on May 22, question was property of the conjugal partnership of
1961. The marriage was solemnized in Tokyo, Japan where Luisita and the late Aurelio because there was no such
Aurelio and Luisita had been living since 1958. There were partnership in the first place. The sale to petitioner must
instances during Luisita and Aurelio’s marriage when, be presumed. Petitioner’s ownership is evidenced by a
because of their quarrels, one or the other left the deed of absolute sale 7 executed with all the solemnity of
dwelling place for long periods of time. In her case Luisita a public document and by Transfer Certificate of Title No.
stayed on those occasions at various times in Davao City, 326681 issued in due course in her name. Indeed, the
Hongkong or Japan. In 1967 Aurelio met petitioner Nenita property in question was acquired by Aurelio during a long
T. Bienvenido, who had been estranged from her husband, period of cohabitation with petitioner which lasted for
Luis Rivera. He lived with her from June 1968 until twenty years (1968-1988). While petitioner knew
Aurelio’s death on May 28, 1988, he lived with her, the last respondent Chito to be Aurelio’s son way back in 1976,
time in a duplex apartment in Quezon City. Petitioner’s there is nothing to show that she knew Aurelio to be
daughter, Nanette, stayed with them as did Aurelio’s son, married to Luisita. To the contrary, Aurelio represented
Chito, who lived with them for about a year in 1976. On himself to be single. As far as petitioner was concerned,
April 30, 1982, Aurelio bought the house and the lot on Chito could have been Aurelio’s child by a woman not his
Delgado Street in which they were staying from the wife. There was, therefore, no basis for the Court of
owners, Paz Lorenzo Infante and Suzette Infante-Moñozca. Appeals’ ruling that Nenita was not a buyer in good faith of
In the deed of sale and Transfer Certificate of Title No. the property because she ought to have known that
288350 of the Registry of Deeds of Quezon City, issued in Aurelio was married to Luisita.
his name, Aurelio was described as single. On November
26, 1984, Aurelio executed a deed of sale of the property
in favor of petitioner Nenita in consideration of the sum of
P250,000.00, by virtue of which Transfer Certificate of Title
No. 326681 was issued in petitioner’s name on January 11,
1985. On September 7, 1988, Luisita and her son Chito
brought this case in the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
City, seeking the annulment of the sale of the property to
petitioner and the payment to them of damages. Luisita
alleged that the deed of sale was a forgery and that in any
event it was executed in fraud of her as the legitimate wife
of Aurelio. In answer petitioner Nenita claimed that she
and the late Aurelio had purchased the property in
question using their joint funds which they had
accumulated after living together for fourteen years, that
the sale of the property by the late Aurelio to her was with
respondent Luisita’s consent and that she was a purchaser
in good faith.
G.R. No. 138509 July 31, 2000
G.R. No. 127406 November 27, 2000
FACTS: Chi Ming Tsoi and Gina Lao Tsoi were married in 1988.
After the celebration of their wedding, they proceed to the
On 25 May 1972, respondent Lea P. De Leon Castillo (Lea) house of defendant’s mother. There was no sexual
married Benjamin Bautista (Bautista). On 6 January 1979, intercourse between them during their first night and
respondent married herein petitioner Renato A. Castillo same thing happened until their fourth night. In an effort
(Renato). On 28 May 2001, Renato filed before the RTC a to have their honeymoon in a private place, they went to
Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage, praying that Baguio but Gina’s relatives went with them. Again, there
his marriage to Lea be declared void due to her subsisting was no sexual intercourse since the defendant avoided by
marriage to Bautista and her psychological incapacity taking a long walk during siesta or sleeping on a rocking
under Article 36 of the Family Code. Lea opposed the chair at the living room. Since May 1988 until March 1989
Petition, and contended among others that her marriage they slept together in the same bed but no attempt of
to Bautista was null and void as they had not secured any sexual intercourse between them. Because of this, they
license therefor, and neither of them was a member of the submitted themselves for medical examination to a
denomination to which the solemnizing officer belonged. urologist in Chinese General Hospital in 1989. The result of
On 3 January 2002, she filed an action to declare her first the physical examination of Gina was disclosed, while that
marriage to Bautista void. On 22 January 2003, the of the husband was kept confidential even the medicine
Regional Trial Court of Parañaque City, Branch 260 prescribed. There were allegations that the reason why Chi
rendered its Decision declaring that Lea's first marriage to Ming Tsoi married her is to maintain his residency status
Bautista was indeed null and void ab initio. Renato here in the country. Gina does not want to reconcile with
countered that whether or not the first marriage of Chi Ming Tsoi and want their marriage declared void on
respondent was valid, and regardless of the fact that she the ground of psychological incapacity. On the other hand,
had belatedly managed to obtain a judicial declaration of the latter does not want to have their marriage annulled
nullity, she still could not deny that at the time she entered because he loves her very much, he has no defect on his
into marriage with him, her previous marriage was valid part and is physically and psychologically capable and since
and subsisting. their relationship is still young, they can still overcome
their differences. Chi Ming Tsoi submitted himself to
ISSUE: another physical examination and the result was there is
no evidence of impotency and he is capable of erection.
Whether or not the marriage between Lea and Renato is
valid. ISSUE:
Leouel and Julia were married on September 20, 1986. G.R. No. 126010 December 8, 1999
They were first married before the MTC in Iloilo. Shortly,
they married in a church. They lived with Julia’s parents. FACTS:
Soon, she gave birth to their first child. Some
disagreements of the couple had been the issue of living Petitioner Lucita Estrella Hernandez and private
independently from Julia’s parents. On 18 May 1988, Julia respondent Mario C. Hernandez were married and three
finally left for USA to work as a nurse. Julia, via phone call, children were born to them. On July 10, 1992, petitioner
promised to return home upon the expiration of her filed before the Regional Trial Court, a petition seeking the
contract in July 1989. She never did. When Leouel got a annulment of her marriage to private respondent on the
chance to visit the United States, where he underwent a ground of psychological incapacity of the latter. She
training program of AFP, he desperately tried to locate, or claimed that private respondent, after they were married,
to somehow get in touch with, Julia but all his efforts were cohabited with another woman with whom he had an
of no avail. Having failed to get Julia to come home, Leouel illegitimate child, while having affairs with different
filed with the RTC a complaint for voiding their marriage women, and that, because of his promiscuity, private
on the ground of psychological incapacity. RTC dismissed respondent endangered her health by infecting her with a
the complaint. CA affirmed the dismissal. Hence, this sexually transmissible disease (STD). Petitioner prayed that
petition. for having abandoned the family, private respondent be
ordered to give support to their three children in the total
ISSUE: amount of P9,000.00 every month; that she be awarded
the custody of their children; and that she be adjudged as
a. Whether or not Julia’s failure to return home or at the sole owner of a parcel of land located in Cavite.
the very least to communicate with him, for more
than five years are circumstances that clearly On April 10, 1993, the trial court rendered a decision
show her being psychologically incapacitated. dismissing the petition for annulment of marriage filed by
b. Whether their marriage can be considered void petitioner. Petitioner appealed to the Court of Appeals
under Article 36 of the Family Code. which, on January 30, 1996, rendered its decision affirming
the decision of the trial court. Hence, this petition.
1. No. Justice Sempio-Diy opined that psychological
incapacity must be characterized by (a) gravity, (b) juridical Whether or not the marriage of petitioner and private
antecedence, and (c) incurability. The incapacity must be respondent should be annulled on the ground of private
grave or serious such that the party would be incapable of respondent's psychological incapacity.
carrying out the ordinary duties required in marriage; it
must be rooted in the history of the party antedating the HELD:
marriage, although the overt manifestations may emerge
only after the marriage; and it must be incurable or, even if In Santos v. Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court held:
it were otherwise, the cure would be beyond the means of "Psychological incapacity" should refer to no less than a
the party involved. The intendment of the law has been to mental (not physical) incapacity that causes a party to be
confine the meaning of "psychological incapacity" to the truly incognitive of the basic marital covenants that
most serious cases of personality disorders clearly concomitantly must be assumed and discharged by the
demonstrative of an utter intensitivity or inability to give parties to the marriage which, as so expressed by Article
meaning and significance to the marriage. The case at bar 68 of the Family Code, include their mutual obligations to
can, in no measure at all, come close to the standards live together, observe love, respect and fidelity and render
required to decree a nullity of marriage. help and support. There is hardly any doubt that the
intendment of the law has been to confine the meaning of
2. The intendment of the law has been to confine the "psychological incapacity" to the most serious cases of
meaning of psychological incapacity to the most serious personality, disorders clearly demonstrative of an utter
cases of personal disorders clearly demonstrative of an insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to
utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and the marriage. This psychological condition must exist at the
significance to the marriage. This condition must exist at time the marriage is celebrated. The law does not
the time the marriage is celebrated. Undeniably and evidently envision, upon the other hand, an inability of the
understandably, Leouel stands aggrieved, even desperate, spouse to have sexual relations with the other. This
in his present situation. Regrettably, neither law nor conclusion is implicit under Article 54 of the Family Code
society itself can always provide all the specific answers to which considers children conceived prior to the judicial
every individual problem. Wherefore, his petition was declaration of nullity of the void marriage to be
denied. "legitimate."
The other forms of psychoses, if existing at the inception of
marriage, like the state of a party being of unsound mind
or concealment of drug addiction, habitual alcoholism,
homosexuality or lesbianism, merely renders the marriage
contract voidable pursuant to Article 46, Family Code. If YAMBAO v. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES
drug addiction, habitual alcoholism, lesbianism or G.R. No. 184063 January 24. 2011
homosexuality should occur only during the marriage, they
become mere grounds for legal separation under Article 55 FACTS:
of the Family Code. These provisions of the Code, however,
do not necessarily preclude the possibility of these various Petitioner Cynthia E. Yambao and respondent Patricio E.
circumstances being themselves, depending on the degree Yambao married on December 21, 1968. On July 11, 2003,
and severity of the disorder, indicia of psychological after 35 years of marriage and three children raised into
incapacity. adulthood, petitioner filed a petition before the Regional
Trial Court, Makati City, praying the marriage be declared
Until further statutory and jurisprudential parameters are null and void due to her husband’s psychological incapacity
established, every circumstance that may have some pursuant to Article 36 of the Family Code. Petitioner claims
bearing on the degree, extent, and other conditions of that that her marriage is marred by bickering, quarrels and
incapacity must, in every case, be carefully examined and recrimination because of the respondent’s difficulty to find
evaluated so that no precipitate and indiscriminate nullity a stable job, failure in the family business, refusal to
is peremptorily decreed. The well-considered opinions of change children’s diapers while petitioner was still
psychiatrists, psychologists, and persons with expertise in recovering from her Caesarean operation, insecurity and
psychological disciplines might be helpful or even jealousy towards acquaintances and relatives, eating and
desirable. sleeping all day, gambling, and threats to kill her. She then
consulted with a psychiatrist who concluded that the
The Court, therefore, find no reason to reverse the ruling respondent suffered from Dependent Personality Disorder.
of respondent Court of Appeals whose conclusions, On February 9, 2007, the Regional Trial Court dismissed
affirming the trial court's finding with regard to the non- the petition for lack of merit. On April 16, 2008, the Court
existence of private respondent's psychological incapacity of Appeals affirmed the Regional Trial Court’s Decision;
at the time of the marriage, are entitled to great weight hence, this petition for review before the Supreme Court.
and even finality.
The conclusion we have reached makes it unnecessary for
us to pass upon petitioner's contentions on the issue of Whether or not the totality of petitioner’s evidence
permanent custody of children, the amount for their establishes the respondent’s psychological incapacity to
respective support, and the declaration of exclusive perform the essential obligations of marriage.
ownership of petitioner over the real property. These
matters may more appropriately be litigated in a separate HELD:
proceeding for legal separation, dissolution of property
regime, and/or custody of children which petitioner may No. Though there are existing antecedents, assumptions,
bring. predilections, or generalizations, this case must be treated
uniquely, given its facts and idiosyncrasies. For marriage to
be annulled under Article 36 of the Family Code, it must be
proven that the incapacitated spouse manifested mental,
not physical, incapacity causing him or her to be truly
incognitive of the basic marital covenants. The spouse
must suffer from a mental incapacity so severe that he is
and becomes unaware of his marital and familial
obligations. Psychological incapacity must be judged
according to:
(a) gravity,
(b) juridical antecedence, and
(c) incurability.
G.R. No. 171557 February 12, 2014 On April 14, 1985, Roridel Olaviano Molina, respondent
was married to Reynaldo Molina at the Church of Saint
FACTS: Augustine, Manila. From their marriage was borne a child
named Albert Andre Olaviano Molina. After a year of
Rodolfo and Natividad were married on February 15, 1969 marriage, Reynaldo started exhibiting signs of “immaturity
at a church in Zamboanga Del Norte. On December 25, and irresponsibility”. He preferred to spend more time
1998, Rodolfo filed a verified complaint for the declaration with the company of his friends and peers on whom he
squandered money, he depended on his parents for aid (6) The essential marital obligations must be
and assistance; and he was never honest with the family those embraced by Articles 68 up to 71 of the
finances. These circumstances led to frequent quarrels Family Code as regards the husband and wife as
between the petitioner and respondent. In February 1986, well as Articles 220, 221 and 225 of the same
Reynaldo was relieved of his job in Manila, making Roridel Code in regard to parents and their children.
the sole breadwinner. (7) Interpretations given by the National Appellate
Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the
On October 1986, they were both estranged from each Philippines, while not controlling or decisive,
other. In February 1986, Roridel moved back to Baguio should be given great respect by our courts.
with her parents and a few weeks later Reynaldo (8) The trial court must order the prosecuting
abandoned Roridel and left Albert in her custody. Reynaldo attorney or fiscal and the Solicitor General to
admitted that he and Roridel could no longer live together appear as counsel for the state.
as husband and wife because of Roridel’s strange behavior
and insistence to leave his group of friends eve after their
marriage, Roridel’s refusal to perform some of her marital
duties like cooking meals, and Roridel’s failure to run the
household and handle their finances. On May, 1991, the
Regional Trial Court of Baguio rendered judgment and
declared the marriage void. The Court of Appeals affirmed
in toto the Regional Trial Court’s decision.
Rodolfo failed to appear and file an answer despite service Rodolfo’s psychological incapacity was also established to
of summons on him. The City Prosecutor found no have clearly existed at the time of and even before the
collusion between the parties. Based on the evidence celebration of marriage. Witnesses were united in
presented by Marietta, the Regional Trial Court (RTC) testifying that from the start of the marriage, Rodolfo’s
declared the marriage void ab initio. irresponsibility, overdependence on his mother and
abnormal sexual reticence were already evident. These
The Solicitor General appealed the RTC’s decision, arguing manifestations of Rodolfo’s Dependent Personality
that the psychiatric report was based solely on the Disorder must have existed even prior to the marriage
information given by Marietta, and there was no showing being rooted in his early development and a by-product of
that the alleged psychological disorder was present at the his upbringing and family life.
start of the marriage or that it was grave, permanent
and incurable.The Court of Appeals reversed the RTC’s Furthermore, Rodolfo’s psychological incapacity had been
decision. Marietta, thus, brought the case to the Supreme shown to be grave so as to render him unable to assume
Court on a petition for review on certiorari. the essential obligations of marriage. The Court of Appeals’
opinion that Rodolfo’s requests for financial assistance
ISSUE: from his mother might have been due to embarrassment
for failing to contribute to the family coffers and that his
Whether or not Rodolfo is psychologically incapacitated to motive for not wanting a child was a “responsible”
justify a declaration that his marriage to Marrieta is void ab realization since he was unemployed, were dismissed by
initio under Article 36 of the Family Code. the High Court for being speculative and unsupported by
evidence. The Supreme Court likewise disagreed with the
HELD: Court of Appeals’ finding that Rodolfo’s irresponsibility and
overdependence on his mother could be attributed to
Rodolfo was psychologically incapacitated to perform his immaturity, noting that at the time of his marriage,
marital duties because of his Dependent Personality Rodolfo was almost 29 years old. Also, the expert
Disorder. His marriage to Marietta was declared void ab testimony identified a grave clinical or medical cause
initio. for Rodolfo’s abnormal behavior – Dependent Personality
worked. The petitioner was a 24-year old security guard of
A person afflicted with Dependent Personality Disorder the Bureau of Customs while the respondent was a 17-year
cannot assume the essential marital obligations of living old waitress. They soon entered a common-law
together, observing love, respect and fidelity and relationship. On May 23, 1973, the petitioner and the
rendering help and support, for he is unable to make respondent married in a ceremony officiated by Reverend
everyday decisions without advice from others, allows Juanito Reyes at a church in Tondo Manila. The petitioner’s
others to make most of his importantdecisions (such as family was apprehensive because of the nature of the
where to live), tends to agree with people even when he respondent’s work and that she came from a broken
believes they are wrong, has difficulty doing things on his family. They begot four (4) children. On March 1, 2001,
own, volunteers to do things that are demeaning in order Enrique filed with the Regional Trial Court a petition of the
to get approval from other people, feels uncomfortable or nullity of his marriage with Erlinda. Petitioner alleged that
helpless when alone and is often preoccupied with fears of Erlinda was carefree, irresponsible immature and
being abandoned. (Te v. Te, supra) whimsical, and refused to do household chores like
One who is unable to support himself, much less a wife; cleaning and cooking; stayed away from their conjugal
one who cannot independently make decisions regarding dwelling for long periods of time; had an affair with a
even the most basic matters that spouses face every day; lesbian; did not take care of their sick child; consulted a
and one who cannot contribute to the material, physical witch doctor in order to bring him bad fate; and refused to
and emotional well-being of his spouse, is psychologically use the family name Agraviador in her activities. Enrique
incapacitated to comply with the marital obligations within also claimed that Erlinda refused to have sex with him
the meaning of Article 36 of the Family Code. since 1993 because she became “very close” to a male
tenant in their house, discovered their love notes, and
This is not to say, however, that anyone diagnosed with even caught them inside his room several times.
Dependent Personality Disorder is automatically deemed Respondent denied that she engaged in extra-marital
psychologically incapacitated to perform his/her marital affairs and maintained that it was Enrique who refused to
obligations. The court must evaluate the facts, as guided have sex with her. She claimed that the petitioner wanted
by expert opinion, and carefully examine the type of to have their marriage annulled because he wanted to
disorder and the gravity thereof before declaring the marry their former household helper, Gilda Camarin. She
nullity of a marriage under Article 36. added that she was the one who took care of their son at
Finally, it has been established that Rodolfo’s condition is the hospital before he died. The Regional Trial Court
incurable, having been deeply ordered to investigate if collusion existed between parties.
ingrained in his system since his early years. On November 20, 2001, the Regional Trial Court then
allowed the petitioner to present his evidence ex parte.
The petitioner presented testimonial and documentary
evidence as well as a certified true copy of their marriage
contract and the psychiatric evaluation report of Dr. Juan
Cirilo L. Patac which found that respondent was afflicted
with mixed personality disorder. The Appellate Court,
however, reversed and set aside the Regional Trial Court’s
decision on the grounds that the psychiatric evaluation
report failed to establish that the mental incapacity was
serious, grave and permanent.
Whether or not the annulment of marriage of the Marable
spouses based on the evidence of Rosalino’s psychological
incapacity is tenable.
In cases of annulment of marriage based on Article 36 of
the Family Code, the psychological illness and its root
cause must be proven to exist from the inception of the
marriage. Here, the appellate court correctly ruled that the
report of Dr. Tayag failed to explain the root cause of
Rosalino’s alleged psychological incapacity. The evaluation
of Dr. Tayag merely made a general conclusion that
MARABLE v. MARABLE petitioner is suffering from an Anti-social Personality
G.R. No. 178741 January 17, 2011 Disorder but there was no factual basis stated for the
finding that Rosalino is a socially deviant person,
FACTS: rebellious, impulsive, self-centered and deceitful. For sure,
the spouses’ frequent marital squabbles and differences in
Rosalino L. Marable and Myrna F. Marable were handling finances and managing their business affairs, as
sweethearts since they were still students at Arellano well as their conflicts on how to raise their children, are
University. Later on in their relationship, they eloped from not manifestations of psychological incapacity which may
their homes and married through civil rites before the be a ground for declaring their marriage void. Rosalino
mayor of Tanay, Rizal. Within the same month after the even admitted that despite their financial difficulties, they
civil wedding, a church wedding was celebrated. They had had happy moments together. Also, the records would
show that the Rosalino acted responsibly during their
marriage and in fact worked hard to provide for the needs FACTS:
of his family, most especially his children. Their personal
differences do not reflect a personality disorder Vida Ma. Corazon Aurelio filed a petition for the
tantamount to psychological incapacity. Rosalino tried to annulment of her marriage to Danilo Aurelio. “The said
make it appear that his family history of having a petition alleged, inter alia, that both husband and wife are
womanizer for a father, was one of the reasons why he psychologically incapable of performing and complying
engaged in extra-marital affairs during his marriage. with their essential marital obligations. Said psychological
However, it appears more likely that he became unfaithful incapacity was existing prior and at the time of the
as a result of a general dissatisfaction with his marriage marriage. Said psychological incapacity was manifested
rather than a psychological disorder rooted in his personal by lack of financial support from the husband; his lack of
history. His tendency to womanize, assuming he had such drive and incapacity to discern the plight of his working
tendency, was not shown to be due to causes of a wife. The husband exhibited consistent jealousy and
psychological nature that is grave, permanent and distrust towards his wife. His moods alternated
incurable. In fact, the records show that when respondent between hostile defiance and contrition. He refused to
learned of his affair, he immediately terminated it. In assist in the maintenance of the family. He refused to foot
short, Rosalino’s marital infidelity does not appear to be the household bills and provide for his family's needs. He
symptomatic of a grave psychological disorder which exhibited arrogance. He was completely insensitive to the
rendered him incapable of performing his spousal feelings of his wife. He liked to humiliate and embarrass his
obligations. It has been held in various cases that sexual wife even in the presence of their children. Vida Ma.
infidelity, by itself, is not sufficient proof that petitioner is Corazon Aurelio, on the other hand, is effusive and
suffering from psychological incapacity. It must be shown displays her feelings openly and freely. Her feelings
that the acts of unfaithfulness are manifestations of a change very quickly – from joy to fury to misery to
disordered personality which make Rosalino completely despair, depending on her day-to-day experiences. Her
unable to discharge the essential obligations of marriage. tolerance for boredom was very low. She was emotionally
That not being the case with Rosalino, his claim of immature; she cannot stand frustration or disappointment.
psychological incapacity must fail. It bears stressing that She cannot delay to gratify her needs. She gets upset when
psychologically incapacity must be more than just a she cannot get what she wants. Self-indulgence lifts her
“difficulty,” “refusal” or “neglect” in the performance of spirits immensely. Their hostility towards each other
some marital obligations. Rather, it is essential that the distorted their relationship. Their incapacity to accept and
concerned party was incapable of doing so, due to some fulfil the essential obligations of marital life led to the
psychological illness existing at the time of the celebration breakdown of their marriage. Private respondent
of the marriage. In the intention of the law is to confine manifested psychological aversion to cohabit with her
the meaning of “psychological incapacity” to the most husband or to take care of him. The psychological make-up
serious cases of personality disorders clearly of private respondent was evaluated by a psychologist,
demonstrative of an utter insensitivity or inability to give who found that the psychological incapacity of both
meaning and significance to the marriage. husband and wife to perform their marital obligations is
grave, incorrigible and incurable. Private respondent
suffers from a Histrionic Personality Disorder with
Narcissistic features; whereas petitioner suffers from
passive aggressive (negativistic) personality disorder that
renders him immature and irresponsible to assume the
normal obligations of a marriage.”
G.R. No. 166357 January 14, 2015
Tyrone Kalaw and Malyn Fernandez got married in 1976. G.R. No. 208790 January 21, 2015
After the birth of their 4th child, Tyrone had an affair with
Jocelyn Quejano. In May 1985, Malyn left the conjugal FACTS:
home and her four children with Tyrone. Meanwhile,
Tyrone started living with Jocelyn, and they had three On April 26, 1999, Glenn and Mary Grace, then 25 and 23
more children. In 1990, Tyrone went to the United States years old, respectively, got married incivil rites held in Lipa
(US) with Jocelyn and their children. On July 6, 1994, nine City, Batangas.4 Mary Grace was already pregnant then.
years since the de facto separation from his wife, Tyrone The infant, however, died at birth due to weakness and
malnourishment. Glenn alleged that the infant’s death was relationship he tried to break up with Olivia because he
caused by Mary Grace’s heavy drinking and smoking during felt that her demanding attitude would prevent him from
her pregnancy. The couple lived together under one roof. reaching his personal and family goals but she refused.
Glenn worked as a bartender, while Mary Grace was a Olivia insisted on staying with Reghis making the former’s
production engineer. conclude that they have eloped so they made plans to get
them married even if Reghis objected.
Sometime in March of 2006, Mary Grace left the home The couple experienced a turbulent and tumultuous
which she shared with Glenn. Glenn subsequently found marriage. They become more distant when Reghis secured
out that Mary Grace went to work in Dubai. At the time a job as medical representative and become engrossed in
the instant petition was filed, Mary Grace had not returned his career and focused on supporting his parents and
yet. siblings. Then on June 16, 1998 Reghis filed for declaration
of nullity of marriage alleging that he is psychologically
On February 18, 2009, Glenn filed a Petition5 for the incapacitated and unable to comply with his essential
declaration of nullity of his marriage with Mary Grace. To marital obligations.
ease their marital problems, Glenn sought professional One Dr. Valentina Nicdao-Basilio submitted that Reghis
guidance and submitted himself to a psychological was suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Personality
evaluation by Clinical Psychologist Nedy Tayag (Dr. Tayag). Disorder (OCPD) which is the cause of his behavioural
Dr. Tayag found him as “amply aware of his marital roles” disorder of having a strong obsession for whatever
and “capable of maintaining a mature and healthy endeavour he chooses, such as his work, to the exclusion
heterosexual relationship.” of other responsibilities such as his role as a husband or a
FACTS: Rachel was 15 years old and Jose was 17 when they met in
1983. In 1988, Rachel went to Hongkong to work as a
Reghis and Olivia were married on May 11, 1972. Reghis at domestic helper and had allegedly supported Jose for his
that time was still a student and less than a year into their college tuition. They eventually got married on December
28, 1989. Rachel went back to Hongkong again in 1998 to incapacity. During trial, Cesar testified on Lolita’s alleged
be a caregiver and has worked there ever since. On psychological incapacity and abandonment; and narrated
September 2011, she filed for a petition for declaration of that he continued to support Lolita and their children even
nullity of marriage on the ground of psychological after he learned of her infidelity. Lolita denied begin
incapacity of Jose. She alleged that Jose was hot tempered psychologically incapacitated, and averred that her break
and violent, he punched her in the shoulder a few days up with Cesar was due to irreconcilable differences. To
before their wedding when she refused to pay for the support his allegation of psychological incapacity on the
transportation of his parents, he hit his own father with a part of Lolita, Cesar presented Dr. Fareda Fatima Flores of
pipe, locked her out of the house in the middle of the night the National Center for Mental Health who testified that
sometime in December 2007, and he represented himself “Lolita was “not suffering from any form of major
as single and flirted openly, and refued to have sexual psychiatric illness[,]” but had been “unable to provide the
intimacy with her. expectations expected of her for a good and lasting marital
relationship”; her “transferring from one job to the other
Dr. Nedy Tayag submitted a psychological report stating depicts some interpersonal problems with co-workers as
that Jose has Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD) well as her impatience in attaining her ambitions”; and
because he lacks empathy and concern towards Rachel, his “her refusal to go with her husband abroad signifies her
irresponsibility and his pleasure-seeking attitude that reluctance to work out a good marital and family
catered only to his fancies and his comfort, his selfishness relationship.”
marked by his lack of depth when it come s to his marital
commitment, and lack of remorse of his wrongs. After trial, the RTC granted Cesar’s petition and declared
the marriage between them null and void on the basis of
ISSUE: Lolita’s psychological incapacity. The Office of the Solicitor
Whether or not Jose is psychologically incapacitated. General seasonably appealed to the Court of Appeals,
which initially granted OSG’s appeal, but later on reversed
RULING: itself and affirmed the RTC ruling, on the basis of two
The Curt denied the petition, The totality of evidence circumstances:(1) Lolita’s unwarranted refusal to perform
presented there exists insufficient factual or legal basis to her marital obligations to Cesar; and (2) Lolita’s wilfull and
conclude that Jose’s acts constitutes psychological deliberate act of abandoning the conjugal dwelling.
incapacity. The psychological report does not explain in
detail how Jose’s APD could be characterized as grave, The OSG appealed to the Supreme Court. It argues that Dr.
deeply rooted in his childhood, and incurable within the Flores’ psychological evaluation report did not disclose
jurisprudential parameters for establishing psychological that Lolita had been suffering from a psychological illness
incapacity. It failed to show that Jose’s behaviour justifies nor did it establish its juridical antecedence, gravity and
for the nullification of marriage. incurability; infidelity and abandonment do not constitute
psychological incapacity, but are merely grounds for legal
Whether or not the alleged psychological incapacity of
Dominic was established
G.R. No. 167459 January 26, 2011
Jose respondentnaldo B. Ochosa met Bona J. Alano in G.R. No. 185286 August 18, 2010
August 1973 when he was a young lieutenant in the AFP
while the latter was a seventeen-year-old first year college FACTS:
drop-out. They were married on 27 October 1973 before
the Honorable Judge Cesar S. Principe in Basilan. Their Petitioner Maria Socorro Camacho-Reyes met respondent
union produced no offspring. In 1976, however, they found Ramon Reyes at the University of the Philippines (UP),
an abandoned and neglected one-year-old baby girl whom Diliman, in 1972 when they were both nineteen (19) years
they later registered as their daughter, naming her old. They were simply classmates then in one university
Ramona Celeste Alano-Ochosa. Sometime in 1985, Jose subject when respondent cross-enrolled from the UP Los
was appointed as the Battalion Commander of the Security Baños campus. Easily impressed, petitioner enjoyed
Escort Group. He and Bona, along with Ramona, were respondent’s style of courtship which included dining out,
given living quarters at Fort Bonifacio, Makati City where unlike other couples their age who were restricted by a
they resided with their military aides. In 1987, Jose was university student’s budget. At that time, respondent held
charged with rebellion for his alleged participation in the a job in the family business, the Aristocrat Restaurant.
failed coup d’etat. He was incarcerated in Camp Crame. On Petitioner’s good impression of the respondent was not
one occasion, Bona was caught by Demetrio Bajet y Lita, a diminished by the latter’s habit of cutting classes, not even
security aide, having sex with Jose’s driver, Corporal by her discovery that respondent was taking marijuana.
Gagarin. Rumors of Bona’s sexual infidelity circulated in Not surprisingly, only petitioner finished university studies,
the military community. When Jose could no longer bear obtaining a degree in AB Sociology from the UP. By 1974,
respondent had dropped out of school on his third year, testimonies of Dr. Estrella T. Tiongson-Magno and Dr.
and just continued to work for the Aristocrat Restaurant. Cecilia C. Villegas. Neither do their findings automatically
On December 5, 1976, the year following petitioner’s constitute hearsay that would result in their exclusion as
graduation and her father’s death, petitioner and evidence. The clinical psychologists’ and psychiatrist’s
respondent got married. At that time, petitioner was assessment were not based solely on the narration or
already five (5) months pregnant and employed at the personal interview of the petitioner. Other informants
Population Center Foundation. Thereafter, the newlyweds such as respondent’s own son, siblings and in-laws, and
lived with the respondent’s family in Mandaluyong City. All sister-in-law (sister of petitioner), testified on their own
living expenses were shouldered by respondent’s parents, observations of respondent’s behavior and interactions
and the couple’s respective salaries were spent solely for with them, spanning the period of time they knew him. Dr.
their personal needs. Initially, respondent gave petitioner a Natividad A. Dayan’s recommendation that respondent
monthly allowance of P1,500.00 from his salary. In 1989, should undergo therapy does not necessarily negate the
due to financial reverses, respondent’s fishpond business finding that respondent’s psychological incapacity is
stopped operations. Although, without any means to incurable. In sum, we find points of convergence &
support his family, respondent refused to go back to work consistency in all three reports and the respective
for the family business. respondent came up with another testimonies of Doctors Magno, Dayan and Villegas, i.e.: (1)
business venture, engaging in scrap paper and carton respondent does have problems; and (2) these problems
trading. As with all of respondent’s business ventures, this include chronic irresponsibility; inability to recognize and
did not succeed and added to the trail of debt which now work towards providing the needs of his family; several
hounded not only respondent, but petitioner as well. Not failed business attempts; substance abuse; and a trail of
surprisingly, the relationship of the parties deteriorated. unpaid money obligations. It is true that a clinical
Sometime in 1996, petitioner confirmed that respondent psychologist’s or psychiatrist’s diagnoses that a person has
was having an extra-marital affair. One of the last episodes personality disorder is not automatically believed by the
that sealed the fate of the parties’ marriage was a surgical courts in cases of declaration of nullity of marriages.
operation on petitioner for the removal of a cyst where Indeed, a clinical psychologist’s or psychiatrist’s finding of
respondent remained unconcerned and unattentive; and a personality disorder does not exclude a finding that a
simply read the newspaper, and played dumb when marriage is valid and subsisting, and not beset by one of
petitioner requested that he accompany her as she was the parties’ or both parties’ psychological incapacity. In the
wheeled into the operating room. case at bar, however, even without the experts’
conclusions, the factual antecedents (narrative of events)
As a last resort, petitioner approached respondent’s alleged in the petition and established during trial, all
siblings and asked them to intervene, Adolfo Reyes, point to the inevitable conclusion that respondent is
respondent’s elder brother, and his spouse, Peregrina, psychologically incapacitated to perform the essential
members of a marriage encounter group, invited, marital obligations. In the instant case, respondent’s
sponsored and scheduled counseling sessions with pattern of behavior manifests an inability, nay, a
petitioner and respondent, but these did not improve the psychological incapacity to perform the essential marital
parties’ relationship as respondent remained obligations as shown by his: (1) sporadic financial support;
uncooperative. In 1997, Adolfo brought respondent to Dr. (2) extra-marital affairs; (3) substance abuse; (4) failed
Natividad A. Dayan for a psychological assessment; business attempts; (5) unpaid money obligations; (6)
however, respondent resisted and did not continue with inability to keep a job that is not connected with the family
the clinical psychologist’s recommendation to undergo businesses; and (7) criminal charges of estafa. In view of
psychotherapy.At about this time, petitioner, with the the foregoing, the badges of Bona’s alleged psychological
knowledge of respondent’s siblings, told respondent to incapacity, i.e., her sexual infidelity and abandonment, can
move out of their house. With the de facto separation, the only be convincingly traced to the period of time after her
relationship still did not improve. Neither did respondent’s marriage to Jose and not to the inception of the said
relationship with his children.. Petitioner filed before the marriage.
RTC a petition for the declaration of nullity of her marriage
with the respondent, alleging the latter’s psychological
incapacity to fullfill the essential marital obligations under
Article 36 of the Family Code.
The rule is that the facts alleged in the petition At any rate, Dr. Dayan did not explain how she arrived at
and the evidence presented, considered in totality, should her diagnosis that respondent has a mixed personality
be sufficient to convince the court of the psychological disorder called "schizoid," and why he is the "dependent
incapacity of the party concerned. Petitioner, however, and avoidant type."
failed to substantiate his allegation that private
respondent is psychologically incapacitated. His allegations The Court finds respondent's alleged mixed
relating to her refusal to cohabit with him and to bear a personality disorder, the "leaving-the-house" attitude
child was strongly disputed, as the records undeniably bear whenever they quarreled, the violent tendencies during
out. Furthermore, the acts and behavior of private epileptic attacks, the sexual infidelity, the abandonment
respondent that petitioner cited occurred during the and lack of support, and his preference to spend more
time with his band mates than his family, are not rooted
on some debilitating psychological condition but a mere
refusal or unwillingness to assume the essential obligations
of marriage.
ANTONIO v. REYES respect. Sixth, the marriage of the parties was annulled by
G.R. No. 155800 March 10, 2006 the Catholic Church. Seventh, the totality of evidence
presented by the petitioner shows that respondent’s
FACTS: psychological incapacity is incurable.
Petitioner Leonilo and respondent Marie met in August Thus, the Court concluded that petitioner has
1989 when petitioner was 26 years old and respondent established his cause of action for declaration of nullity
was 36 years of age. Barely a year after their first meeting, under Article 36 of the Family Code. The RTC correctly
they got married before a minister of the Gospel at the ruled, and the Court of Appeals erred in reversing the trial
Manila City Hall, and through a subsequent church court.
weddingat the Sta. Rosa de Lima Parish, Bagong Ilog, Pasig,
Metro Manila on 6 December 1990. Out of their union, a
child was born on 19 April 1991, who sadly died five (5)
months later.
In Republic vs. CA, the Court laid down standards for the
declaration of a nullity of marriage under Article 36 of the
Family Code. In this case the Court finds that it sufficiently
satisfied the Molina Guideline. First, Petitioner had
sufficiently overcome his burden in proving the
psychological incapacity of his spouse. Apart from his own
testimony, he presented witnesses who corroborated his
After trial on the merits, the RTC granted the petition for
annulment in a Decision, dated August 2, 2006. A copy of
said decision was received by Danilo on August 25, 2006.
He timely filed the Notice of Appeal on September 11,
On January 16, 2007, the RTC issued the order declaring its
August 2, 2006 decision final and executory and granting
the Motion for Entry of Judgment filed by Cynthia.Not in
conformity, Danilo filed with the CA a petition for certiorari
under Rule 65 seeking to annul the orders of the RTC
LEONOR v. COURT OF APPEALS G.R. No. 189207 June 15, 2011
G.R No. 112597 April 2, 1996
Eric Yu filed a petition for declaration of nullity of marriage
The petitioner filed a petition for certiorari assailing the against Caroline T. Yu with the RTC of Pasig. Judge Suarez
validity of the judgment of the lower court. It was shown on May 30, 2006 issued an order stating that Eric’s partial
that she was married to the private respondent and they offer of evidence dated April 18, 2006 would be submitted
for resolution after certain exhibits have been remarked. It must be noted that Judge Reyes-Carpio did not disallow
But the exhibits were only relative to the issue of the the presentation of evidence on the incidents on custody,
nullity of the marriage of Eric and Caroline. On September support, and property relations. It is clear in the assailed
12, 2006, Caroline moved to submit the case for orders that the trial court judge merely deferred the
resolution, considering that the incidents on custody, reception of evidence relating to custody, support, and
support, and property relations (incidental issues) were property relations. And the trial judge’s decision was not
mere consequences of the declaration of nullity of the without basis. Judge Reyes-Carpio finds support in the
parties’ marriage. Court En Banc Resolution in A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC or the
Rule on Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void Marriages
Eric opposed this motion saying that the incident on and Annulment of Voidable Marriages. Particularly, Secs.
declaration of nullity cannot be resolved without 19 and 21 of the Rule clearly allow the reception of
presentation of evidence for the incidents on custody, evidence on custody, support, and property relations after
support, and property relations. Eric added that the the trial court renders a decision granting the petition, or
incidental issues and the issue on declaration of nullity upon entry of judgment granting the petition:
can both proceed and be simultaneously resolved. RTC
ruled in favour of Eric’s opposition. Section 19. Decision. – (1) If the court renders a decision
granting the petition, it shall declare therein that the
Caroline caused the inhibition of Judge Suarez, so that the decree of absolute nullity or decree of annulment shall be
case was re-raffled to another branch presided by Judge issued by the court only after compliance with Articles 50
Reyes-Carpio. While the case was being tried by Judge and 51 of the Family Code as implemented under the Rule
Reyes-Carpio, Caroline filed an Omnibus Motion seeking on Liquidation, Partition and Distribution of Properties.
the strict observation by the said judge of the Rule on
Declaration of Absolute Nullity of Void Marriage as Section 21. Liquidation, partition and distribution, custody,
codified in A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC, and that the case on the support of common children and delivery of their
declaration on nullity be already submitted for resolution presumptive legitimes. – Upon entry of the judgment
ahead of the incidental issues, and not simultaneously. Eric granting the petition, or, in case of appeal, upon receipt
opposed this motion. of the entry of judgment of the appellate court granting
the petition, the Family Court, on motion of either party,
Judge Reyes-Carpio granted the Omnibus Motion, saying shall proceed with the liquidation, partition and
that the main cause of action is the declaration of nullity of distribution of the properties of the spouses, including
the marriage and the incidental issues are merely ancillary custody, support of common children and delivery of their
incidents thereto. Eric moved for reconsideration, which presumptive legitimes pursuant to Articles 50 and 51 of
was denied by Judge Reyes-Carpio. Eric then filed for the Family Code unless such matters had been adjudicated
certiorari with the CA under Rule 65. CA affirmed the in previous judicial proceedings.
judgment of the trial court.
Evidently, Judge Reyes-Carpio did not deny the reception
ISSUE: of evidence on custody, support, and property relations
but merely deferred it, based on the existing rules issued
Whether the main issue of nullity of marriage must be by this Court, to a time when a decision granting the
submitted for resolution first before the reception of petition is already at hand and before a final decree is
evidence on custody, support, and property relations issued. Conversely, the trial court, or more particularly the
(incidental issues) family court, shall proceed with the liquidation, partition
and distribution, custody, support of common children,
and delivery of their presumptive legitimes upon entry of
It appears in the records that the Orders in question, or judgment granting the petition. And following the
what are alleged to have been exercised with grave abuse pertinent provisions of the Court En Banc Resolution in
of discretion, are interlocutory orders. An interlocutory A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC, this act is undoubtedly consistent
order is one which “does not finally dispose of the case, with Articles 50 and 51 of the Family Code, contrary to
and does not end the Court’s task of adjudicating the what petitioner asserts. Particularly, Arts. 50 and 51 of the
parties’ contentions and determining their rights and Family Code state:
liabilities as regards each other, but obviously indicates
Article 50. The final judgment in such cases shall provide
that other things remain to be done by the Court. Eric Yu
for the liquidation, partition and distribution of the
to prove that the assailed orders were issued with grave
properties of the spouses, the custody and support of the
abuse of discretion and that those were patently
common children, and the delivery of their presumptive
erroneous. Considering that the requisites that would
legitimes, unless such matters had been adjudicated in the
justify certiorari as an appropriate remedy to assail an
previous judicial proceedings.
interlocutory order have not been complied with, the
proper recourse for petitioner should have been an appeal Article 51. In said partition, the value of the presumptive
in due course of the judgment of the trial court on the legitimes of all common children, computed as of the date
merits, incorporating the grounds for assailing the of the final judgment of the trial court, shall be delivered in
interlocutory orders. cash, property or sound securities, unless the parties, by
mutual agreement judicially approved, had already
provided for such matters.
Enrico contended that she has been living with Eulogio for
21 years hence exempt from getting a marriage license
under Art. 34 of the Family Code. More importantly, she
sought the dismissal of his action on the ground that it is
only the contracting parties while living who can file an
action for the declaration of nullity of marriage pursuant to
AM 02- 11-10 SC which provides in sec. 2 (a) that the
petition for declaration of absolute nullity of a void
marriage may be filled solely by the husband or the wife.
The heirs invoked the ruling in the case of Ninal vs.
G.R. No. 178044 January 19, 2011
GR No. 47101 April 25, 1941 Manuel married Leonida in 1989. They are both medical
practitioners. They begot 3 children. 11 years later,
FACTS: Leonida sought to annul her marriage with Manuel
claiming that Manuel is psychologically incapacitated to
It was established before the trial court that the Plaintiff perform the essential marital obligations. Leonida testified
met the defendant in March 1938. After several that Manuel is a harsh disciplinarian and that his policy
interviews, both were committed on September 19 of that towards their children are often unconventional and was
year. On November 26 the same year, the cause of their frequent fight. Manuel has an
the plaintiff married the defendant in a Catholic Cathedral unreasonable way of imposing discipline towards their
in Baguio. They, then, cohabited for about eighty- children but is remarkably so gentle towards his mom. He
nine days. Defendant gave birth to a child of nine months is more affectionate towards his mom and this is a factor
on February 23, 1939. Following this event, Plaintiff and which is unreasonable for Leonida.
Defendant separated. On March 20, 1939 the plaintiff filed
an action for annulment of marriage before the CFI of Further, Leonida also testified that Manuel is a
Baguio City. The plaintiff claimed that he consented to the homosexual as evidenced by his unusual closeness to his
marriage because the defendant assured him that she was male companions and that he concealed his homosexuality
virgin. The trial court dismissed the complaint. from Leonida prior to their marriage. She once caught
Manuel talking to a man affectionately over the phone and
she confirmed all her fear when she saw Manuel kiss a him in going to her home province of Palawan to marry
man. The RTC ruled that their marriage is null and void not her. On the other hand Lilia denied Orlando’s allegations
because of PI but rather due to fraud by reason of and she said that Orlando freely cohabited with her after
Manuel’s concealment of his homosexuality (Art 45 of the the marriage and she showed 14 letters that shows
FC). The CA affirmed the RTC’s decision. Orlando’s affection and care towards her.
Whether or not the marriage between the two can be Whether the subject marriage may be annulled on the
declared as null and void due to fraud by reason of ground of vitiated consent under Article 45 of the Family
Manuel’s concealment of his homosexuality. Code; and
The Supreme Court emphasized that homosexuality per se The court ruled that vitiation of consent is not attendant in
is not a ground to nullify a marriage. It is the concealment this case. Therefore, the petition for annulment, which is
of homosexuality that would. In the case at bar however, it anchored to his allegation that he did not freely give his
is not proven that Manuel is a homosexual. The lower consent, should be dismissed.
court should not have taken the public’s perception
against Manuel’s sexuality. His peculiarities must not be The SC ruled that Orlando’s allegation of fraud and
ruled by the lower court as an indication of his intimidation is untenable. On its face, it is obvious that
homosexuality for those are not conclusive and are not Orlando is only seeking to annul his marriage with Lilia so
sufficient enough to prove so. Even granting that Manuel is as to have the pending appealed bigamy case [filed against
indeed a homosexual, there was nothing in the complaint him by Lilia] to be dismissed.
or anywhere in the case was it alleged and proven that
Manuel hid such sexuality from Leonida and that Leonida’s On the merits of the case, Orlando’s allegation of fear was
consent had been vitiated by such. not concretely established. The Court is not convinced that
appellant’s apprehension of danger to his person is so
overwhelming as to deprive him of the will to enter
voluntarily to a contract of marriage. It is not disputed that
at the time he was allegedly being harassed, appellant
worked as a security guard in a bank. Given his
employment at that time, it is reasonable to assume that
appellant knew the rudiments of self-defense, or, at the
very least, the proper way to keep himself out of harm’s
G.R. No. 174451 October 13, 2009
ADM. CASE NO. 6148 January 22, 2013 FACTS:
GR No. 72984 November 27, 1987 FACTS:
Supreme Court ruled that the contentions of the petitioner The Supreme Court is in the position that respondent court
were incorrect. A civil action for legal separation on the should have made the necessary modification instead of
ground of concubinage may proceed ahead of, or dismissing the filed case. For abandonment to exist, there
simultaneously with, a criminal action for concubinage, must be an absolute cessation of marital relations, duties
because said civil action is not one to enforce the civil and rights, with the intention of perpetual separation. The
liability arising from the offense, even if both the civil and fact that Jo did not accept her demonstrates that he had
criminal actions arise from or are related to the same no intention of resuming their conjugal relationship. From
offense. Such civil action is one intended to obtain the 1968 until 1988, Jose refused to provide financial support
right to live separately, with the legal consequences to Prima. Hence, the physical separation of the parties,
thereof including the dissolution of the conjugal coupled with the refusal by the private respondent to give
partnership of gains, custody of the children, support and support to the petitioner, sufficed to constitute
disqualifications from inheriting from the innocent abandonment as a ground for the judicial separation of
spouse. Decree of legal separation may be issued upon their conjugal property.
proof by preponderance of evidence, where no criminal
proceeding or conviction is necessary. Wherefore, the petition was granted and in favor of the
petitioner and that the court ordered the conjugal
Furthermore, the support pendente lite, as a remedy, can property of the spouses be divided between them, share
be availed of in an action for legal separation, and granted and share alike. The division will be implemented after the
at the discretion of the judge. If in case, the petitioner determination of all the properties pertaining to the said
finds the amount of support pendente lite ordered as too conjugal partnership including those that may have been
onerous, he can always file a motion to modify or reduce illegally registered in the name of the persons.
the same.
G.R. No. L-3047 May 16, 1951
G.R. No. L-10033 December 28, 1956 In the Court of First Instance of Pampanga a complaint for
adultery was filed by Andres Bondoc against Guadalupe
FACTS: Zapata, his wife, and Dalmacio Bondoc, her paramour, for
cohabiting and having repeated sexual intercourse during
Benjamin Bugayong, serviceman in the US Navy was the period from the year 1946 14 March 1947, the date of
married to defendant Leonila Ginez in Pangasinan, while the filing of the complaint, Dalmacio Bondoc knowing his
on furlough leave. After marriage, the couples live with the codefendant to be a married woman. The defendant wife
entered the plea of guilty and was sentenced to suffer four Court of Spain that another crime of adultery was
months of arresto mayor which penalty she served. In the committed, if the defendants, after their provincional
same court, on 17 September 1948, the offended husband release during the pendency of the case in which they
filed another complaint for adulterous acts committed by were sent to prison to serve the penalty imposed upon
his wife and her paramour from 15 March 1947 to 17 them(S. 28 February 1906; 76 Jur. Crim. pp. 208-210).
September 1948, the date of the filing of the second
complaint. On 21 February 1949, each of the defendants The order appealed from, which quashed the second
filed a motion to quash the complaint of the ground that complaint for adultery, is hereby reversed and set aside,
they would be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the and trial court directed to proceed with the trial of the
same offense. The trial court upheld the contention of the defendants in accordance with law, with costs against the
defendants and quashed the second complaint. From the appellees.
other sustaining the motions to quash the prosecution has
The trial court held that the adulterous acts charged in the
first and second complains must be deemed one
continuous offense, the defendants in both complaints
being the same and identical persons and the two sets of
unlawful acts having taken place continuously during the
years 1946, 1947 and part of 1948, and that the acts or
two sets of acts that gave rise to the crimes of adultery
complained of in both cases constitute one and the same
offense, within the scope and meaning of the
constitutional provision that "No person shall be twice put
in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense.".
Whether the confession made by Florenciano constitutes Whether or not there is standing on the legal separation
the confession of judgment disallowed by the Family Code. case filed by petitioners.
Article 102 of the new Civil Code provides that "an action
Florenciano’s admission to the investigating fiscal that she for legal separation cannot filed except within one year
committed adultery, in the existence of evidence of from and after the date on which the plaintiff became
adultery other than such confession, is not the confession cognizant of the cause and within five years from after the
of judgment disallowed by Article 48 of the Family date when cause occurred." The complaint was filed
Code. What is prohibited is a confession of judgment, a outside the periods provided for by the above Article. By
confession done in court or through a pleading. Where the very admission of plaintiff, she came to know the
there is evidence of the adultery independent of the ground (concubinage) for the legal separation in January,
defendant’s statement agreeing to the legal separation, 1955. She instituted the complaint only on April 24, 1956.
the decree of separation should be granted since it would It is to be noted that appellant did not even press this
not be based on the confession but upon the evidence matter in her brief.
presented by the plaintiff. What the law prohibits is a
judgment based exclusively on defendant’s Article 100 of the new Civil Code provides that the legal
confession. The petition should be granted based on the separation may be claimed only by the Innocent spouse,
second adultery, which has not yet prescribed. provided there has been no condonation of or consent to
the adultery or concubinage.
Plaintiff and defendant were legally married in 1943 at Accused Rodolfo married the complainant Elena Ramirez
Iriga, Camarines Sur. For failure to agree on how they Cartagena. After 7 years (due to incompatibility of
should live as husband and wife, the couple agreed to live characters) they agreed to live separately from each other.
separately from each other, which status remained Accused without leaving the Philippines secured a divorce
unchanged until the present. In 1948, plaintiff and decree from civil court of Juarez, Bravos District of
defendant entered into an agreement, stating the Chihuahua Mexico. He contracted another marriage with
following: (a) that both of us relinquish our right over the co-accused Julia Medel before the justice of the peace of
other as legal husband and wife; ( b) That both without any Malabon. Because of the nullity of the divorce decree,
interference by any of us, nor either of us can prosecute complainant herein instituted two actions against the
the other for adultery or concubinage or any other crime accused, one for bigamy and another for concubinage.
or suit arising from the separation. Charge for bigamy culminated in the conviction of accused.
Meanwhile, before the trial for the charge of concubinage
In January, 1955, defendant began cohabiting with one commenced, accused interposed the plea of double
Asuncion Rebulado who gave birth to a child, who was jeopardy and the case was initially dismissed; upon appeal,
recorded as the child of said defendant. It was shown also the CA held the dismissal before trial to be premature and
that defendant and Asuncion deported themselves as without deciding the question of double jeopardy,
husband and wife and were generally reputed as such in remanded the case to the trial court for trial on the merits.
Accused was convicted of concubinage through reckless
Previously, the court held that the consent which bars the
offended party from instituting a criminal prosecution in
cases of adultery, concubinage, seduction, abduction, rape
and acts of lasciviousness is that which has been given
expressly or impliedly after the crime has been committed. PEOPLE v. SENSANO
However, in this case, the Court sees this to be a narrow G.R. No. 48183 November 10, 1941
view. As the term "pardon" unquestionably refers to the
offense after its commission, "consent" must have been FACTS:
intended agreeably with its ordinary usage, to refer to the
offense prior to its commission. No logical difference can Ursula Sensano and Mariano Ventura were married on
indeed be perceived between prior and subsequent April 29, 1919. Shortly after, the husband left his wife to go
consent, for in both instances as the offended party has to the Province of Cagayan where he remained for three
chosen to compromise with his/her dishonor, he/she years without writing to his wife or sending her anything
becomes unworthy to come to court and invoke its aid in for the support of herself and their son. Poor and illiterate,
the vindication of the wrong Prior consent is as effective without relatives upon whom she could call, she struggled
as subsequent consent to bar the offended aprty from for an existence for herself and her son until a fatal day
prosecuting the offense when she met the accused Marcelo Ramos who took her
and the child to live with him. On the return of the
An agreement of the tenor entered into between the husband (in 1924), he filed a charge against his wife and
parties herein, operates, within the plain language and Marcelo Ramos for adultery and both were sentenced to
manifest policy of the law, to bar the offended party from four months and one day of arresto mayor.
prosecuting the offense
Article 344 of the RPC provides: The offended party cannot In the opinion of the court, the husband of the accused has
institute criminal prosecution without including both the been somewhat cruel in his treatment of his wife, having
guilty parties, if they are both alive, nor, in any case, if he abandoned her as he did." After completing her sentence,
shall have consented or pardoned the offenders. the accused left her paramour. She thereupon appealed to
the municipal president and the justice of the peace to
send for her husband so that she might ask his pardon and
beg him to take her back. At the house of the president
she begged his pardon and promised to be a faithful wife if
he would take her back. He refused to pardon her or to live
with her and said she could go where she wished, that he
would have nothing more to do with her, and she could do
as she pleased. Abandoned for the second time, she and
her child went back to her co-accused Marcelo Ramos (this
was in the year 1924) and they have lived with him ever
The husband, knowing that she resumed living with her co-
defendant in 1924, did nothing to interfere with their
relations or to assert his rights as husband. Shortly
thereafter he left for the Territory of Hawaii where he
remained for seven years completely abandoning his said
wife and child. On his return to these Islands, he presented
the second charge of adultery here involved with the sole
purpose, as he declared, of being able to obtain a divorce
under the provisions of Act No. 2710.
The offended party cannot institute criminal prosecution G.R. No. 1056 March 13, 1907
without including both the guilty parties, if they are both
alive, nor, in any case, if he shall have consented or FACTS:
pardoned the offenders. Apart from the fact that the
husband in this case was assuming a mere pose when he On July 5, 1902, the Court of First Instance of the Province
signed the complaint as the "offended" spouse, we have of Iloilo entered a final judgment in this case, decreeing a
come to the conclusion that the evidence in this case and divorce to the plaintiff on the ground of the husband's
his conduct warrant the inference that he consented to the adultery, as well as the payment of 81,042.76 pesos due
adulterous relations existing between the accused and her as her unpaid share of the property belonging to the
therefore he is not authorized by law to institute this conjugal partnership, as well as the sum of 3,200 pesos as
criminal proceeding. The Court cannot accept the an allowance for their support since the date on which the
argument of the Attorney-General that the seven years of action was instituted.
acquiescence on his part in the adultery of his wife is
explained by his absence from the Philippine Islands during From the judgment the defendant appealed to this court,
which period it was impossible for him to take any action which, on December 8, 1903, reversed the decree of the
against the accused. There is no merit in the argument that Court of First Instance, incorporated in its opinion certain
it was impossible for the husband to take any action findings of fact, and ordered judgment absolute that the
against the accused during the said seven years. complaint be dismissed.
G.R. No. L-13553 February 23, 1960
G.R. No. L-13553 February 23, 1960 Plaintiff and defendant were married in April 5, 1938 by a
religious ceremony in Guimba, Nueva Ecija, and had lived
FACTS: thereafter as husband and wife. They begot several
children who are now living with plaintiff. In March, 1951,
Jose de Ocampo and Serafina Florenciano were married in plaintiff discovered on several occasions that his wife was
1938. They begot several children who are not living with betraying his trust by maintaining illicit relations with one
plaintiff. In March 1951, latter discovered on several Jose Arcalas. Having found the defendant carrying marital
occasions that his wife was betraying his trust by relations with another man plaintiff sent her to Manila in
maintaining illicit relations with Jose Arcalas. Having found June 1951 to study beauty culture, where she stayed for
out, he sent the wife to Manila in June 1951 to study one year. Again, plaintiff discovered that while in the said
beauty culture where she stayed for one year. Again city defendant was going out with several other men, aside
plaintiff discovered that the wife was going out with from Jose Arcalas. Towards the end of June, 1952, when
several other man other than Arcalas. In 1952, when the defendant had finished studying her course, she left
wife finished her studies, she left plaintiff and since then plaintiff and since then they had lived separately.
they had lived separately. In June 1955, plaintiff surprised
his wife in the act of having illicit relations with Nelson On June 18, 1955, plaintiff surprised his wife in the act of
Orzame. He signified his intention of filing a petition for having illicit relations with another man by the name of
legal separation to which defendant manifested Nelson Orzame. Plaintiff signified his intention of filing a
conformity provided she is not charged with adultery in a petition for legal separation, to which defendant
criminal action. Accordingly, Ocampo filed a petition for manifested her conformity provided she is not charged
legal separation in 1955. with adultery in a criminal action. Accordingly, plaintiff
filed on July 5, 1955, a petition for legal separation.
Whether the confession made by Florenciano constitutes
the confession of judgment disallowed by the Family Code. Whether or not the filing of legal separation had already
Florenciano’s admission to the investigating fiscal that she
committed adultery, in the existence of evidence of The husband's right to legal separation on account of the
adultery other than such confession, is not the confession defendant's adultery with Jose Arcalas had prescribed,
of judgment disallowed by Article 48 of the Family because his action was not filed within one year from
Code. What is prohibited is a confession of judgment, a March 1951 when plaintiff discovered her infidelity.
confession done in court or through a pleading. Where
there is evidence of the adultery independent of the As to the adultery with Nelson Orzame, the appellate court
defendant’s statement agreeing to the legal separation, found that in the night of June 18, 1955, the husband upon
the decree of separation should be granted since it would discovering the illicit connection, expressed his wish to file
not be based on the confession but upon the evidence a petition for legal separation and defendant readily
presented by the plaintiff. What the law prohibits is a agreed to such filing. And when she was questioned by the
judgment based exclusively on defendant’s Fiscal upon orders of the court, she reiterated her
confession. The petition should be granted based on the conformity to the legal separation even as she admitted
second adultery, which has not yet prescribed. having had sexual relations with Nelson Orzame.
Interpreting these facts virtually to mean a confession of
judgment the Appellate Court declared that under Art.
101, legal separation could not be decreed.
G.R. No. L-29138 May 29, 1970
G.R. No. L-13553 February 23, 1960 Plaintiff and defendant were married on March 16, 1952 in
the Catholic Church of Quiapo, Manila. Defendant was
FACTS: employed as manager of the printing establishment owned
by plaintiff's father known as the MICO Offset. In that
Jose de Ocampo and Serafina Florenciano were married in capacity, defendant met and came to know Lily Ann Alcala,
1938. They begot several children who are not living with who place orders with MICO Offset for propaganda
plaintiff. In March 1951, latter discovered on several materials for Mr. Sergio Osmeña, who was then a Vice-
occasions that his wife was betraying his trust by Presidential candidate. After the elections of 1961,
maintaining illicit relations with Jose Arcalas. Having found defendant resigned from MICO Offset to be a special agent
out, he sent the wife to Manila in June 1951 to study at Malacañang. He began to be away so often and to come
beauty culture where she stayed for one year. Again home very late.
plaintiff discovered that the wife was going out with
several other man other than Arcalas. In 1952, when the In September, 1962, Avelino Lubos, driver of the family car,
wife finished her studies, she left plaintiff and since then told plaintiff that defendant was living in Singalong with
they had lived separately. In June 1955, plaintiff surprised Lily Ann Alcala. When defendant, the following October,
his wife in the act of having illicit relations with Nelson returned to the conjugal home, plaintiff refrained from
Orzame. He signified his intention of filing a petition for verifying Lubos' report from defendant in her desire not to
legal separation to which defendant manifested anger nor drive defendant away. All this while, defendant,
conformity provided she is not charged with adultery in a if and whenever he returned to the family fold, would only
criminal action. Accordingly, Ocampo filed a petition for stay for two or three days but would be gone for a period
legal separation in 1955. of about a month. After plaintiff received reports that Lily
Ann Alcala had given birth to a baby, she sent Mrs.
ISSUE: Felicisima Antioquia, her father's employee, to verify the
reports. The latter saw defendant was carrying a baby in
Whether the confession made by Florenciano constitutes his arms.
the confession of judgment disallowed by the Family Code.
In November, 1963, plaintiff requested the cooperation of
HELD: defendant's older sister, Mrs. Enriqueta Majul, and the
latter obliged and arranged a meeting at her home in
Florenciano’s admission to the investigating fiscal that she Buendia between plaintiff and Lily Ann Alcala. Lily Ann said
committed adultery, in the existence of evidence of she was willing to give up defendant as she had no desire
adultery other than such confession, is not the confession to be accused criminally but it was defendant who refused
of judgment disallowed by Article 48 of the Family to break relationship with her. In December, 1963,
Code. What is prohibited is a confession of judgment, a plaintiff, accompanied by her two children, went to talk to
confession done in court or through a pleading. Where defendant at his place of work on España Extension in
there is evidence of the adultery independent of the front of Quezon Institute. They repaired to Victoria Peak, a
defendant’s statement agreeing to the legal separation, nearby restaurant, where plaintiff pleaded with defendant
the decree of separation should be granted since it would to give up Lily Ann Alcala and to return to the conjugal
not be based on the confession but upon the evidence home, assuring him that she was willing to forgive him.
presented by the plaintiff. What the law prohibits is a Defendant informed plaintiff that he could no longer leave
judgment based exclusively on defendant’s Lily Ann and refused to return to his legitimate family.
confession. The petition should be granted based on the
second adultery, which has not yet prescribed. ISSUE:
G.R. No. 132592 January 23, 2002 Multiple appeals are allowed in special proceedings, in
actions for recovery of property with accounting, in actions
FACTS: for partition of property with accounting, in the special
civil actions of eminent domain and foreclosure of
The Regional Trial Court of Cebu decided Civil Case No. mortgage. The rationale behind allowing more than one
CEB-16765, decreeing among others the legal separation appeal in the same case is to enable the rest of the case to
between petitioner Aida Bañez and respondent Gabriel
proceed in the event that a separate and distinct issue is Carmen Lapuz-Sy filed a petition for legal separation
resolved by the court and held to be final. against Eufemio Eufemio on August 1953. They were
married civilly on September 21, 1934 and canonically
In said case, the two issues raised by therein petitioner after nine days. They had lived together as husband and
that may allegedly be the subject of multiple appeals arose wife continuously without any children until 1943 when
from the same cause of action, and the subject matter her husband abandoned her. They acquired properties
pertains to the same lessor-lessee relationship between during their marriage. Petitioner then discovered that her
the parties. Hence, splitting the appeals in that case would husband cohabited with a Chinese woman named Go Hiok
only be violative of the rule against multiplicity of appeals. on or about 1949. She prayed for the issuance of a decree
The same holds true in an action for legal separation. The of legal separation, which among others, would order that
issues involved in the case will necessarily relate to the the defendant Eufemio should be deprived of his share of
same marital relationship between the parties. The effects the conjugal partnership profits.
of legal separation, such as entitlement to live separately,
dissolution and liquidation of the absolute community or Eufemio counterclaimed for the declaration of nullity of his
conjugal partnership, and custody of the minor children, marriage with Lapuz-Sy on the ground of his prior and
follow from the decree of legal separation.[19] They are subsisting marriage with Go Hiok. Trial proceeded and the
not separate or distinct matters that may be resolved by parties adduced their respective evidence. However,
the court and become final prior to or apart from the before the trial could be completed, respondent already
decree of legal separation. Rather, they are mere incidents scheduled to present surrebuttal evidence, petitioner died
of legal separation.[20] Thus, they may not be subject to in a vehicular accident on May 1969. Her counsel duly
multiple appeals. notified the court of her death. Eufemio moved to dismiss
the petition for legal separation on June 1969 on the
Petitioner’s alternative prayers that in case we do not grounds that the said petition was filed beyond the one-
dismiss the appeal, we return the records to the trial court year period provided in Article 102 of the Civil Code and
and require respondent to file a record on appeal, or we that the death of Carmen abated the action for legal
return the records to the trial court and retain only the separation. Petitioner’s counsel moved to substitute the
pleadings and orders relevant to the appeal, are deceased Carmen by her father, Macario Lapuz.
untenable. If we grant the first, we are effectively saying
that the instant case is one involving multiple appeals, ISSUE: Whether the death of the plaintiff, before final
which it is not. If we allow the second, we are effectively decree in an action for legal separation, abate the action
applying by analogy, Section 6, Rule 44 and Section 6, Rule and will it also apply if the action involved property rights.
135 of the Rules of Court, without petitioner showing
support therefor in law or jurisprudence. HELD:
Cirila defen ded herself that she was a mere helper who
could enter the master’s bedroom when Francisco asked
her to and that Francisco was too old for her. She denied
having sexual intercourse with Francisco.
After the Felix’s death, his sister, the petitioner, sought the
nullification of the donation, citing Article 133 of the Civil
Code that “Every donation between the spouses during the
marriage shall be void.”
As aptly ruled by the CA, the fact that the land was
registered in the name of Evangelina Dazo-Imani married
to Sina Imani is no proof that the property was acquired
during the spouses coverture. Acquisition of title and
registration thereof are two different acts. It is well settled
that registration does not confer title but merely confirms
one already existing. Indubitably, petitioner utterly failed
to substantiate her claim that the property belongs to the
conjugal partnership. Thus, it cannot be rightfully said that
the CA reversed the RTC ruling without valid basis
DELA PENA v. AVILA first prove that the property in controversy was acquired
G.R. No. 187490 February 8, 2012 during the marriage. Proof of acquisition during the
coverture is a condition sine qua non for the operation of
the presumption in favor of the conjugal partnership. The
FACTS: party who asserts this presumption must first prove said
time element. Needless to say, the presumption refers
Antonia obtained from Aguila a loan with interest pegged only to the property acquired during the marriage and
at 5% per month. Antonia executed a promissory note and does not operate when there is no showing as to when
a notarized Deed of Real Estate Mortgage, situated in property alleged to be conjugal was acquired. Moreover,
Marikina City and previously registered in the name of this presumption in favor of conjugality is rebuttable, but
petitioner Antonia, “married to Antegono A. Dela Peña” only with strong, clear and convincing evidence; there
(Antegono). Antonia executed another notarized Deed of must be a strict proof of exclusive ownership of one of the
Absolute Sale over the property in favor of Gemma, for the spouses.
stated consideration of P600, 000.00. As such Gemma
caused the transfer of the aforesaid property to her name. As the parties invoking the presumption of conjugality, the
Gemma also constituted a real estate mortgage over same Dela Peñas did not even come close to proving that the
property in favor of FEBTC-BPI, to secure a loan facility subject property was acquired during the marriage
with a credit limit of P1, 200, 000.00. Antonia filed with between Antonia and Antegono. Beyond Antonia’s bare
the Register of Deeds of Marikina an Affidavit and uncorroborated assertion that the property was
of Adverse Claim, that she was the true and lawful owner purchased when she was already married, the record is
of the property and, that the Deed of Absolute Sale bereft of any evidence from which the actual date of
Gemma utilized in procuring her title was simulated. acquisition of the realty can be ascertained.
The Register of Deeds inscribed the adverse claim. FEBTC-
BPI caused an extrajudicial foreclosure of the real estate
mortgage constituted over the property due to Gemma’s
failure to pay the loan. Antonia and her son, petitioner
Alvin, filed against Gemma the complaint
for annulment of deed of sale as the subject realty was
conjugal property, and that the Deed of Real Estate
Mortgage Antonia executed in favor of Aguila was not
consented to by Antegono who was already dead by that
The Regional Trial Court held that the subject property was
conjugal in nature and that the Deed of Absolute
Sale Antonia executed in favor of Gemma was void as a
disposition without the liquidation required under Article
130 of the Family Code. CA reversed the RTC decision,
stating that the property was paraphernal in nature for
failure of the Dela Peñas to prove that the same was
acquired during Antonia’s marriage to Antegono.
Furthermore, that the Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of
Avila and the subsequent sale on auction of the subject
property to FEBTC-BPI are upheld as valid and binding.
Hence this petition.
Albert, an American citizen, was the registered owner of a FACTS:
parcel of land with an approximate area of 18,589 square
meters, covered by OCT No. (-2645-) M-5565 situated in Petitioner Ayala Investment and Development Corporation
the Province of Rizal (subject property). Due to non- (AIDC) granted a loan to Philippine Blooming Mills (PBM)
payment of realty taxes, the Provincial Government of amounting P50,300,000.00 loan. Respondent Alfredo
Rizal sold the subject property at public auction to one Ching, Exec. Vice President PBM, executed security
Amelita A. De Sena (De Sena), the highest bidder, as agreements on December 1980 and March 1981 making
evidenced by the Certificate of Sale6 dated June 29, 2004. him jointly and severally liable with PBM‘s indebtedness to
Respondent UTNAI, an association representing the actual AIDC. PBM failed to pay the loan with that, AIDC filed a
occupants of the subject property, subsequently redeemed complaint against PBM and Ching.
the same from De Sena.
In the RTC‘s decision it ordered PBM and Ching to jointly
Thereafter, or on March 31, 2008, UTNAI filed a complaint and severally pay AIDC the principal amount plus the
for cancellation of OCT No. (-2645-) M-556 and for the interests. RTC issued a writ of execution of pending appeal.
issuance of a new title in its name before the RTC against Then, deputy sheriff Magsajo caused issuance and service
Albert and Federico M. Cas (Cas), upon respondents- Ching spouses of a notice of sheriff sale
on three of their conjugal properties. Spouses Ching filed a
The RTC found that UTNAI •was able to prove, by a case of injunction against petitioner alleging that
preponderance of evidence, that it is the owner of the petitioner cannot enforce the judgment against conjugal
subject property after having legally redeemed the same partnership levied on the ground that the subject loan did
from De Sena not redound to the benefit of the said conjugal
partnership. Upon application of private respondents, the
CA found UTNAI's appeal meritorious. Although it found RTC issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to
that the March 30, 2009 Decision of the RTC did not attain prevent Magsajo from proceeding with the enforcement of
finality the writ of execution and with the sale of the said
properties at public auction.
Whether or not the CA erred in directing the issuance of a
title in favor of UTNAI notwithstanding the failure to Whether or not the loan acquired by PBM from Ayala
implead his mother, Josephine, as an indispensable party Investments as guaranteed by Alfredo Ching be redounded
to the conjugal partnership of the spouses.
That the RTC Decision was null and void for failure to
implead an indispensable party, Josephine, on the premise The loan procured from AIDC was for the advancement
that the subject property is conjugal in nature, is likewise and benefit of PBM and not for the benefit of the conjugal
specious. partnership of Ching. AIDC failed to prove that Ching
contracted the debt for the benefit of the conjugal
Article 160 of the New Civil Code provides that all property partnership of gains. PBM as a corporation has a
of the marriage is presumed to belong to the conjugal personality distinct and separate from the family of Ching
partnership, unless it is proved that it pertains exclusively despite the fact that they happened to be stockholders of
to the husband or to the wife. However, the party who said corporate entity. Clearly, the debt was a corporate
invokes this presumption must first prove that the debt and right of recourse to Ching as surety is only to the
property in controversy was acquired during the marriage. extent of his corporate ownership.
Proof of acquisition during the coverture is a condition sine
qua non for the operation of the presumption in favor of The contract of loan between AIDC and PMB guaranteed
the conjugal partnership. The party who asserts this by Ching was clearly for the benefit of PMB and not for the
presumption must first prove the said time element. Ching with his family. Ching only signed as a surety for the
Needless to say, the presumption refers only to the loan contracted with AIDC in behalf of PBM. Signing as a
property acquired during the marriage and does not surety is certainly not an exercise of an industry or
operate when there is no showing as to when the property profession. With that, the conjugal partnership should not
alleged to be conjugal was acquired. Moreover, this be made liable for the surety agreement which was clearly
presumption in favor of conjugality is rebuttable, but only for the benefit of PBM.
with strong, clear and convincing evidence; there must be
a strict proof of exclusive ownership of one of the
No. Since Protacio, Sr. and Marta were married prior to the Whether or not the debt/loan was chargeable to the
affectivity of the Family Code. Their property relation was conjugal property.
properly considered as a conjugal partnership governed by
the Civil Code. With Marta‘s death, the conjugal RULING:
partnership was dissolved pursuant to Article175 (1) of the
Civil Code, and an implied ordinary co-ownership ensued Yes. At the time of the mortgage the Civil Code was the
among Protacio, Sr. and the other heirs of Marta with applicable law. Article 161 of the Civil Code enumerated
respect to her share in the assets of the conjugal the instances of which the spouses-conjugal partnership
partnership pending a liquidation following its liquidation. shall be liable and paragraph (1) one of the said provision
Protacio, Sr., although becoming a co-owner with his states ―all debts and obligations contracted by the
children in respect of Marta‘s share in the conjugal husband for the benefit of the conjugal partnership, and
partnership, could not claim title to any specific portion of those contracted by the wife, also for the same purpose, in
Marta‘s share without an actual partition of the property the cases where she may legally bind the partnership‖. The
being first done either by agreement or by judicial decree. loan was used for additional working capital for their
Until then, all that he had was an ideal or abstract quota in family business hence, it is considered that such loan was
Marta‘s share and as a co-owner he could sell his acquired for the benefit of the conjugal partnership and
undivided share, he had the right to freely sell and dispose not merely for the benefit of Ros.
of his undivided interest, but not the interest of his co-
without the consent of the other spouse. Clearly, IDRI was
not a buyer in good faith.
In June 15, 1951, the spouses Anastacio and Flora Domingo FACTS:
bought a property in Camiling, Tarlac, The sale was
annotated on the Original Certificate of Title (OCT) No. Respondent Rita Quiao, the offended spouse, filed a legal
16354 covering the subject property. Anastacio borrowed separation against the petitioner Brigido Quiao on October
money from the respondent spouses Genaro and Elena 26, 2000 before the RTC. The decision of the court dated
Molina. In 1986, Anastacio died. In May 19, 1995, the sale October 10, 2005 declared the legal separation, custody of
of Anastacio’s interest was registered under Transfer children to Rita, equal partition on the personal and real
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 272967 and transferred the properties, and forfeiture on the part of Brigido the net
entire one-half undivided portion of the land to the profits earned from the conjugal properties in favor of the
spouses Molina. common children. Neither party filed a Motion for
Reconsideration and appealed within the required period
for legal separation. December 12, 2005, Rita filed a
Motion for Execution and was later on granted.
No. The Court held that in a void marriage, as in those
Petitioner’s claim that he had the right to intervene is declared void under Article 36 of the Family Code, the
without basis. Nothing in the said provision requires the property relations of the parties during the period of
inclusion of a private party as respondent in petitions for cohabitation is governed either by Article 147 or Article
prohibition. On the other hand, to allow intervention, it 148 of the Family Code. Article 147 of the Family Code
must be shown that (a) the movant has a legal interest in applies to union of parties who are legally capacitated and
the matter in litigation or otherwise qualified, and (b) not barred by any impediment to contract marriage, but
consideration must be given as to whether the whose marriage is nonetheless void, as in this case. Article
adjudication of the rights of the original parties may be 147 of the Family Code provides: xxx In the absence of
delayed or prejudiced, or whether the intervenor’s rights proof to the contrary, properties acquired while they lived
may be protected in a separate proceeding or not. Both together shall be presumed to have been obtained by their
requirements must concur as the first is not more joint efforts, work or industry, and shall be owned by them
important than the second. in equal shares. For purposes of this Article, a party who
did not participate in the acquisition by the other party of
Moreover, even granting for the sake of argument that any property shall be deemed to have contributed jointly
petitioner indeed had the right to intervene, he must in the acquisition thereof if the former’s efforts consisted
exercise said right in accordance with the rules and within in the care and maintenance of the family and of the
the period prescribed therefor. household.
As provided in the Rules of Court, the motion for xxx This particular kind of co-ownership applies when a
intervention may be filed at any time before rendition of man and a woman, suffering no illegal impediment to
judgment by the trial court, in this case Petitioner filed his marry each other, exclusively live together as husband and
motion way beyond the period set forth in the rules. wife under a void marriage or without the benefit of
marriage. It is clear, therefore, that for Article 147 to
operate, the man and the woman: (1) must be capacitated
to marry each other; (2) live exclusively with each other as
husband and wife; and (3) their union is without the
benefit of marriage or their marriage is void, as in the
instant case. The term "capacitated" in the first paragraph
of the provision pertains to the legal capacity of a party to
contract marriage. Any impediment to marry has not been
shown to have existed on the part of either Virginia or
OCAMPO v. OCAMPO Deogracio. They lived exclusively with each other as
GR No. 198908 August 3, 2015 husband and wife. However, their marriage was found to
be void under Article 36 of the Family Code on the ground
FACTS: of psychological incapacity. From the foregoing, property
acquired by both spouses through their work and industry
On September 10, 1990, petitioner Virginia Sy Ocampo should, therefore, be governed by the rules on equal co-
(Virginia) filed a Petition for Declaration of Nullity of her ownership. Any property acquired during the union is
Marriage with Deogracio Ocampo (Deogracio) before prima facie presumed to have been obtained through their
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 87, on the joint efforts. Thus, the trial court and the appellate court
ground of psychological incapacity. The decision became correctly held that the parties will share on equal shares
final, since no party appealed the judgment annulling the considering that Virginia failed to prove that the properties
marriage. On March 31, 1999, the trial court directed the were acquired solely on her own efforts.
parties to submit a project of partition of their inventoried
properties, and if they failed to do so, a hearing will be We note that the former spouses both substantially agree
held on the factual issues with regard to said properties. that they acquired the subject properties during the
Having failed to agree on a project of partition of their subsistence of their marriage.
conjugal properties, hearing ensued where the parties The certificates of titles and tax declarations are not
adduced evidence in support of their respective stand. On sufficient proof to overcome the presumption under
January 13, 2004, the trial court rendered the assailed Article 116 of the Family Code. All properties acquired by
Order stating that the properties declared by the parties the spouses during the marriage, regardless in whose
belong to each one of them on a 50-50 sharing. name the properties are registered, are presumed conjugal
unless proved otherwise. The presumption is not rebutted
ISSUE: by the mere fact that the certificate of title of the property
or the tax declaration is in the name of one of the spouses
Whether respondent should be deprived of his share in the only. Article 116 expressly provides that the presumption
conjugal partnership of gains by reason of bad faith and remains even if the property is "registered in the name of
psychological perversity. one or both of the spouses."
Article 147 of the Family Code to apply, the following
elements must be present: 1. The man and the woman
must be capacitated to marry each other; 2. They live
exclusively with each other as husband and wife; and 3.
Their union is without the benefit of marriage, or their
marriage is void. All these elements are present in this case
and there is no question that Article 147 of the Family
Code applies to the property relations between Alian and
Caridad. The Court agrees with Alain that the trial court
erred in ordering that a decree of absolute nullity of
marriage shall be issued only after liquidation, partition
and distribution of the parties‘ properties under Article
147 of theFamily Code. The ruling has no basis because
Section 19(1) of the Rule does not apply to cases governed
under Articles 147 and 148 of the Family Code.
Section19(1) of the Rule provides: Sec. 19.
Art 9 & Art 11 of the Civil Code & The Divorce Law of the Whether or not Suite 204 is Bruno‘s exclusive property
Philippines does not allow such to be done, the effect of
foreign divorce in the Philippines says that litigants cannot RULING:
compel the courts to approve of their own actions or ……………………………………………………
permit the personal relations of the Citizens of the No. The Family Code, Article 147 applies in this case
Philippines to be affected by decrees of divorce of foreign because 1) both of them were capacitated tomarry each
courts in manner which out government believes is other; 2) they lived exclusively as husband and wife; and 3)
contrary to public order & good morals. theirunion is without the benefit of marriage or their
marriage is void. Evidenceshows that the property was
acquired during their cohabitation and in applyingFC 147,
the rules on co-ownership should govern. Suite 204 must
be consideredas common property of Elna and Bruno. 3-
way partition of properties does not apply also. Property
regime should be divided in accordance with the law on
GR No. 202370, September 23, 2013
No. The subject properties are not the paraphernal Under Article 1456, a constructive trust is created because
property of Josefina and can be held to answer the the registration of the property was under petitioner’s
liabilities of Eduardo. name that she cannot be because it is a deprivation of
right ownership of the legal spouse and heirs. Milagros is
Even though Eduardo and Josefina‘s marriage is bigamous, deemed to hold the property in trust for them.
the properties cannot be held conjugal, Josefina failed to
adduce preponderance of evidence that she contributed
money, property or industry in the acquisition of the
subject property and hence, is not a co-owner of such.
Also, the Court doubted that when she acquired the
property at 23 years of age, she had enough funds to pay
for it. Her claim that the funds for the property were
provided by her mother and sister, the Court believed, was
just an afterthought.
Whether or not the disputed property belongs to the Petitioner argued that the expenses for the construction of
conjugal ownership of Lourdes and Rodolfo or it is their house were solely borne through his income and that
exclusively owned by Milagros, or co-owned by Rodolfo Gina did not work continuously in Japan but only for six
and Milagros. months each year. He alleged that she did not contribute
in the expenses.
The Court ruled that because the property was bought
during the marriage of Rodolfo and Lourdes, it is therefore Whether or not respondent is correct in claiming for
conjugal. The loans obtained were used to pay for the partitions over the contributions she claimed to have made
property, and the same were paid from his salaries and
in the building of their house and in the total amount of incapacitated to marry. However, in the case at bar,
the said personal properties. respondent is legally married to Socorro hence he and
Rosalia are incapacitated to contract marriage. Rosalia,
HELD: here also cannot be held liable for damages because she
cannot be deemed as co-owner of the passenger jeepney
The Supreme Court held the case at bar according to such belongs to the conjugal property of Eugenio and
Article 148 of the Family Code, wherein it states that Socorro.
properties acquired by both parties through actual joint
contribution of property … shall be owned by them in
common in proportion to their respective contributions.
However, in the case at bar, Gina failed to prove how
much was the exact amount she has contributed hence, it
shall be presumed to be equal. The disputed properties
aggregates to P111, 375.00 and which half is equivalent to
P55, 687.50. Private respondent’s extent of ownership of
the house only amounts to P11,413.00 based on the
receipts she presented as evidence. She is the declared as
co-owner of the house and Jacinto is ordered to reimburse
the former in the amount of P11,413 and P55,687.50
totalling to P67,100.50. Furthermore, the house is subject
to public auction.
VICTOR JUANIZA v. EUGENIO JOSE Lucio Adriano was previously married to Gliceria Dorado
G.R. No. L-50127-28 March 30, 1979 and has soon separated. Gliceria then died, and five
months after her death Lucio contracted a subsequent
marriage with Vicenta Villa. He executed a last will and
testament wherein he assigned all his properties to
Eugenio Jose is married to Socorro Ramos and is cohabiting Vicenta and to all his children in both first and second
with Rosalia Arroyo. Eugenio, also the registered owner of marriages.
a passenger jeepney, was involved in an accident of
Petitioners argue that the last will and testament be
collision with a freight train of the Philippine National
annulled because it disposes the entire rightful share of
Railways. The accident caused the death of seven persons
Vicenta. They also alleged that before the marriage of
and physical injuries of five of the passengers.
Lucio and Vicenta, the latter had acquired properties and
The Court of First Instance of Laguna rendered a decision are part of their conjugal partnership.
stating that Eugenio and Rosalia to jointly and severally
But the respondents presented evidence which indicated
pay Victor Juaniza the sum of P1,600.00 plus legal interest,
that the purchase money of the disputed properties came
and to indemnify the heirs of the deceased Josefa P. Leus.
from the earnings of Lucio in a business partnership during
Fausto Retrita, Nestor del Rosario Anonuevo, and Arceli de
the subsistence of his marriage to Gliceria. It was obtained
la Cueva in the sum of P12,000.00.
from the conjugal fund of his first marriage.
The Regional Trial Court of Lucena City rendered the
Whether or not Rosalia Arroyo be deemed as co-owner of decision that the last will and testament be declared as
the passenger jeepney and should also be held liable for valid and effective. The Court of Appeals affirmed the said
the damages with Eugenio. decision in toto.
The Court said under Article 144 of the Civil Code that the Whether or not the property covered in the last will and
man and woman living together must not in any way be testament constitutes the co-ownership of Vicenta Villa.
HELD: due to their execution and genuineness. The marriage was
a bigamous marriage hence it is declared null and void as
Petitioners failed to overcome the presumption of provided for under Article 35(4) of the Family Code of the
conjugality because respondents presented sufficient Philippines.
evidence to support their claim. The disputed properties
were purchased by Lucio with proceeds of the conjugal
fund of the first marriage. There was no evidence
presented to support that Vicenta actually contributed to
the acquisition of the property in question. The Court held
that the property acquired by a man while living with a
common-law wife during the subsistence of his marriage is
conjugal property, even when the property was titled in
the name of the common-law wife. According to Article
1456 of the Civil Code, a constructive trust is deemed to
have been created over the property which lawfully
pertains to the conjugal partnership of the subsisting
Benjamin Bangayan Jr. filed for decalaration of nullity of
YASUO IWASAWA v. GANGAN marriage between him and Sally Go-Bangayan because it
G.R. No. 204169 September 11, 2013 was a bigamous one. Benjamin was previously married to
Azucena Alegre and had cohabited with Sally. Petitioner’s
FACTS: father was against the relationship, so to please her father,
she made Benjamin sign a simulated marriage contract.
Yasuo Iwasawa is a Japanese national and has married
Felisa Gangan. After getting married they went to reside in During their cohabitation, they acquired properties. Sally
Japan. On July 2009, respondent confessed to petitioner then file for a criminal case against Benjamin alleging that
that her husband has previously died which the former he falsified a public document and for contracting a
found out that Felisa was previously married to one bigamous marriage, using the simulated marriage contract.
Raymond Arambulo. Petitioner filed for a declaration of On the other hand, Benjamin alleged that their marriage
nullity of marriage on the ground of bigamy. was bigamous because it lacked formal requisites of a valid
marriage and that he should be the owner of the
Petitioner presented to the Court a certificate of marriage
properties acquired therein.
between him and respondent, a certificate of marriage
between respondent and Raymond Arambulo, certificate
of death of Raymond, and a certification from the National
Statistics Office (NSO) that two marriages of respondent
has been recorded. 1. Whether or not Benjamin and Sallly’s marriage
is bigamous.
2. Whether or not the properties be solely owned
Whether or not the NSO certification is admissible as by Benjamin or that Sally is also entitled a part of the
evidence and should be accorded with evidentiary weight. partition of the properties.
The Court ruled in accordance with Article 410 of the Civil
Code which provides that, books making up the civil The marriage between Benjamin and Sally is not bigamous
register and all documents relating thereto shall be rather it is void ab initio.Their marriage was one made in
considered public documents and shall be prima facie jest or a simulated one, and it lacked a valid marriage
evidence of facts stated therein hence the NSO license hence there was no marriage to speak of in the first
certification is a public document and therefore admissible place.
The property relations of both parties are governed by properties of Socorro and Esteban. CA affirmed the
Article 148 of the Family Code. They cohabitated without decision, applying Article 148 of the Family Code.
the benefit of marriage thus only properties acquired by
them through their actual joint contribution of money, ISSUE:
property, or industry shall be owned by them in common
proportion to their respective contributions. In the case at Whether or not petitioner is entitled to any right or
bar, Benjamin and his siblings own the 37 properties being interest over the subject properties
claimed by Sally, which were given by Benjamin’s father to
his children as advance inheritance. The other property HELD:
which was registered in their names as “spouses” is solely
owned by Benjamin because the words “married to” and According to the Family Code, in unions between a man
“spouses” are merely descriptive of the civil status of the and a woman who are incapacitated to marry each other,
registered owner and do not prove co-ownership. Sally has the ownership over the properties acquired during the
no proof either that she had actual contributions to be subsistence of that relationship shall be based on the
entitled of co-ownership of the same. actual contribution of the parties
It is necessary for each of the partners to prove his or her
actual contribution to the acquisition in order
to be able to lay claim to any portion of it. Presumptions of
co-ownership and equal contribution do not apply.
G.R. No. 14727 August 12, 2013
GUERRERO v. REGIONAL TRIAL COURT Leon Roldan, married to Rafaela Menez, is the owner of a
229 SCRA 274 3,120-square meter parcel of land (subject property) in
FACT: Kalibo, Aklan. Leon and Rafaela died without issue. Leon
was survived by his siblings Romana Roldan (Romana) and
Gaudencio Guerrero and Pedro Hernando are brothers-in- Gregoria Roldan Ining (Gregoria), who are now both
law. Gaudencio filed a case against Pedro without alleging deceased. The first sibling, Romana was survived by her
that earnest efforts were resorted to settle the dispute daughter Anunciacion Vega and grandson, herein
before the case was filed. Pedro overlooked such fact and respondent Leonardo R. Vega (Leonardo) (also both
did not file a motion to dismiss, but during the pre-trial, deceased). Leonardo in turn is survived by his wife Lourdes
the judge noticed their relationship, so, he gave five (5) and children Restonilo I. Vega, Crispulo M. Vega, Milbuena
days for Gaudencio to file amend his complaint. When Vega-Restituto and Lenard Vega, the substituted
Gaudencio failed to amend, the judge dismissed the case respondents. Gregoria, on the other hand, was survived by
on the ground of lack of jurisdiction because of the her six children. In short, herein petitioners, except for
absence of an allegation of previous efforts towards Ramon Tresvalles (Tresvalles) and Roberto Tajonera
reconciliation. (Tajonera), are Gregoria’s grandchildren or spouses
thereof (Gregoria’s heirs). Tresvalles and Tajonera are
transferees of the said property.
ISSUE: In 1997, acting on the claim that one-half of subject
property belonged to him as Romana’s surviving heir,
Whether or not there is a need for an earnest effort Leonardo filed with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
toward a compromise in this case? Kalibo, Aklan Civil Case No. 5275 for partition, recovery of
ownership and possession, with damages, against
Gregoria’s heirs.
There is no need. It has been held in Gayon vs. Gayon, 36 In their Answer with counterclaim, Gregoria’s heirs
SCRA 104, that the enumeration of brothers and sisters as (through son Antipolo) claimed that Leonardo had no
members of the same family, does not comprehend cause of action against them; that they have become the
brothers or sisters-in-law; hence, there is no need to exert sole owners of the subject property through Lucimo Sr.
efforts towards a compromise before filing the present who acquired the same in good faith by sale from Juan
case. Enriquez (Enriquez), who in turn acquired the same from
Leon, and Leonardo was aware of this fact.
The finding that Leon did not sell the property to Lucimo
Sr. had long been settled and had become final for failure
of petitioners to appeal. Thus, the property remained part
of Leon’s estate. Leon died without issue; his heirs are his
siblings Romana and Gregoria. Gregoria’s and Romana’s
heirs are co-owners of the subject property. no
prescription shall run in favor of one of the co-heirs against
the others so long as he expressly or impliedly recognizes TAMBUYAT v. TAMBUYAT
the co-ownership. G.R. No. 202805 March 23, 2015
Whether the cancellation of the TCT filed by Wenifreda be
granted by the court.
MENDOZA v. COURT OF APPEALS G.R. No. 185920 July 20, 2010
19 SCRA 756 FACTS:
Respondents filed a complaint for illegal dismissal against ARRIOLA v. ARRIOLA
E.M. Ramos Electric, Inc., a company owned by Ernesto M. G.R. No. 177703 January 28, 2008
Ramos, the patriarch of herein petitioners. The labor FACTS:
arbiter ordered Ramos and the company to pay the
respondents’ back-wages, separation pay, 13th month pay
& service incentive leave pay. The decision became final The RTC rendered a decision ordering the partition of the
and executory so a writ of execution was issued which the parcel of land covered by TCT No 383714 (84191) left by
Deputy Sheriff of the National Labor Relations Commission Fidel S. Arriola to his heirs John Nabor C. Arriola, Vilma G.
(NLRC) implemented by levying a property in Ramos’ name Arriola and Anthony Ronald G. Arriola in equal shares of
situated in Pandacan. one-third each. John Nabor Arriola proposed to sell it
though public auction. Vilma and Anthony Ronald Arriola
Alleging that the Pandacan property was the family home, initially agreed but refused to include in the auction the
hence, exempt from execution to satisfy the judgment house standing on the subject land. The respondent then
award, Ramos and the company moved to quash the writ filed a petition for certiorari and prayed that he be allowed
of execution. Respondents argued that it is not the family to push through with the auction of the subject land
home there being another one in Antipolo and that the including the house built on it. The CA granted the petition
Pandacan address is actually the business address. The and ordered the public auction sale of the subject lot
motion was denied and the appeal was likewise denied by including the house built on it. Petitioners filed a motion
the NLRC. for reconsideration but the CA denied the said motion.
Whether or not the levy upon the Pandacan property was
valid. Whether or not the house built inside the land is
considered part of partition.
MANACOP v. COURT OF APPEALS Two of the petitioner’s properties were levied to satisfy
GR No. 104875 November 13, 1992 the judgement amount of about P5,000. One was a parcel
of land located in Bario Igpit, Municipality of Opol Misamis
FACTS: Oriental and the other was the family home also located at
Igpit, Opol Misamis Oriental. On February 12, 1966, the
Florante Manacop and his wife Euaceli purchased on said properties were sold at a public auction to the private
March 1972, a residential lot with a bungalow located in respondent as the highest bidder. The petitioners failed to
Quezon City. The petitioner failed to pay the sub-contract redeem the same so a final deed of conveyance was
cost pursuant to a deed of assignment signed between executed on February 9, 1968, definitely selling,
petitioner’s corporation and private respondent herein (FF transferring and conveying said properties to the private
Cruz & Co). The latter filed a complaint for the recovery respondent. On November 5, 1985, the petitioner filed an
for the sum of money with a prayer for preliminary action to declare the deed of conveyance void and to quiet
attachment against the former. Consequently, the title over the land with a prayer for a writ of preliminary
corresponding writ for the provisional remedy was issued injunction. They argued that the property was acquired
which triggered the attachment of a parcel of land in through free patent therefore it is inalienable and not
Quezon City owned by the Manacop Construction subject to any encumbrance for the payment of debt,
President, the petitioner. The latter insists that the pursuant to Commonwealth Act No. 141. They further
attached property is a family home having been occupied alleged that the Sheriff’s Deed of Conveyance issued by
by him and his family since 1972 and is therefore exempt Deputy Provincial Sheriff Jose V. Yasay on February 1968 in
from attachment. favor of the private respondent over the subject
property including their family home was extrajudicially
ISSUE: constituted. Private respondent refuted the petitioner’s
contentions alleging that the lawfully acquired the subject
Whether or not the subject property is indeed exempted properties described as Lot No. 5545, Cad. 237 which was
from attachment. a private land, by virtue of a Sheriff’s Sale on February 12,
1966.Private respondent averred that the subject land was
HELD: originally owned by Lazaro Ba-a who sold the land to Pablo
Taneo on September 18, 1941, as evidenced by
The residential house and lot of petitioner became a family an Escritura de Venta. Despite it being aprivate land, Pablo
home by operation of law under Article 153 of the Family Taneo filed an application for free patent which was made
Code. Such provision does not mean that said article has a final only in 1979.RTC ruled in favor of Gilig. The Court of
retroactive effect such that all existing family residences, Appeals affirmed the RTC Decision in toto.
petitioner’s included, are deemed to have been
constituted as family homes at the time of their ISSUE:
occupation prior to the effectivity of the Family Code and
henceforth, are exempt from execution for the payment of Whether or not the family home is exempt from execution.
obligations incurred before the effectivity of the Family
Code on August 3, 1988. Since petitioner incurred debt in HELD:
1987, it preceded the effectivity of the Code and his
property is therefore not exempt form attachment. The house is not exempt from execution. A debt was
incurred before the house was deemed a family home.
Before the effectivity of the Family Code, a family home
must be constituted judicially (filing of petition) and extra-
judicially (registration). It turns out that the instrument
constituting the family home was registered only in JAN
24, 1966 while the money judgement was rendered on JAN
24 1964. The family home is not exempt from execution
since there was a debt incurred before the registration of
the house as a family home.
TANEO v. COURT OF APPEALS G.R. No. 178288 August 15, 2012
G.R. No. 108532 March 9, 1999
FACTS: constitution." In this case, there is no doubt that spouses
Fortaleza voluntarily executed on January 28, 1998 a deed
Spouses Charlie and Ofelia Fortaleza (spouses Fortaleza) of Real Estate Mortgage over the subject property which
obtained a loan from spouses Rolando and Amparo Lapitan was even notarized by their original counsel of record. And
(creditors) in the amount of P1.2 million subject to 34% assuming that the property is exempt from forced sale,
interest per annum. As security, spouses Fortaleza spouses Fortaleza did not set up and prove to the Sheriff
executed on January 28, 1998 a Deed of Real Estate such exemption from forced sale before it was sold at the
Mortgage over their residential house and lot and public auction.
registered under TCT No. T-412512. ςrνll
As elucidated in Honrado v. Court of Appeals:
When spouses Fortaleza failed to pay the indebtedness
including the interests and penalties, the creditors applied While it is true that the family home is constituted on a
for extrajudicial foreclosure of the Real Estate Mortgage . house and lot from the time it is occupied as a family
The public auction sale was set on May 9, 2001. At the residence and is exempt from execution or forced sale
sale, the creditors son Dr. Raul Lapitan and his wife Rona under Article 153 of the Family Code, such claim for
(spouses Lapitan) emerged as the highest bidders with the exemption should be set up and proved to the Sheriff
bid amount of P2.5 million. Then, they were issued a before the sale of the property at public auction. Failure to
Certificate of Sale which was registered and annotated at do so would estop the party from later claiming the
the back of TCT No. T-412512. The one-year redemption exemption.
period expired without the spouses Fortaleza redeeming
the mortgage. Thus, spouses Lapitan executed an affidavit As this Court ruled in Gomez v. Gealone:
of consolidation of ownership on November 20, 2003 and
caused the cancellation of TCT No. T-412512 and the Although the Rules of Court does not prescribe the period
registration of the subject property in their names under within which to claim the exemption, the rule is,
TCT No. T-535945 on February 4, 2004. Despite the nevertheless, well-settled that the right of exemption is a
foregoing, the spouses Fortaleza refused spouses Lapitan s personal privilege granted to the judgment debtor and as
formal demand to vacate and surrender possession of the such, it must be claimed not by the sheriff, but by the
subject property. debtor himself at the time of the levy or within a
reasonable period thereafter.
On August 27, 2004, spouses Lapitan filed an ex parte
petition for the issuance of writ of possession as new Certainly, reasonable time for purposes of the law on
registered owners of the subject property. In their exemption does not mean a time after the expiration of
opposition, spouses Fortaleza questioned the validity of the one-year period for a judgment debtor to redeem the
the real estate mortgage and the foreclosure sale. They property. ςrνll
argued that the mortgage was void because the creditors
bloated the principal amount by the imposition of
Equally without merit is spouses Fortaleza s reliance on the
exorbitant interest. Spouses Fortaleza added that the
cases of Tolentino and De Los Reyes in praying for the
foreclosure proceeding was invalid for non-compliance
exercise of the right of redemption even after the
with the posting requirement. The RTC ordered the
expiration of the one-year period. In Tolentino, we held
issuance of a writ of possession explaining that it is a
that an action to redeem filed within the period of
ministerial duty of the court especially since the
redemption, with a simultaneous deposit of the
redemption period had expired and a new title had already
redemption money tendered to the sheriff, is equivalent to
been issued in the name of the spouses Lapitan, Spouses
an offer to redeem and has the effect of preserving the
Fortaleza moved for reconsideration, claiming that the
right to redemption for future enforcement even beyond
subject property is their family home and is exempt from
the one-year period. And in De Los Reyes, we allowed the
foreclosure sale. The RTC denied their motion. CA
mortgagor to redeem the disputed property after finding
that the tender of the redemption price to the sheriff was
made within the one-year period and for a sufficient
ISSUE: amount.
Whether or not the subject property is exempt from forced The circumstances in the present case are far different.
sale because it is a family home The spouses Fortaleza neither filed an action nor made a
formal offer to redeem the subject property accompanied
HELD: by an actual and simultaneous tender of payment. It is also
undisputed that they allowed the one-year period to lapse
The spouses Fortaleza’s argument that the subject from the registration of the certificate of sale without
property is exempt from forced sale because it is a family redeeming the mortgage. For all intents and purposes,
home deserves scant consideration. As a rule, the family spouses Fortaleza have waived or abandoned their right of
home is exempt from execution, forced sale or redemption.
attachment. However, Article 155(3) of the Family Code
explicitly allows the forced sale of a family home "for debts
secured by mortgages on the premises before or after such
Lastly, we agree with the CA that any question regarding
the regularity and validity of the mortgage or its
foreclosure cannot be raised as a justification for opposing
the petition for the issuance of the writ of possession. The
said issues may be raised and determined only after the
issuance of the writ of possession. Indeed, "[t]he judge OLIVA-DE MESA v. ACERO
with whom an application for writ of possession is filed G.R. No. 185064 January 16, 2010
need not look into the validity of the mortgage or the
manner of its foreclosure." The writ issues as a matter of FACTS:
course. "The rationale for the rule is to allow the purchaser
to have possession of the foreclosed property without Araceli De Mesa is married to Ernesto De Mesa.They
delay, such possession being founded on the right of purcahsed a parcel of land located in Meycauayan,
ownership." To underscore this mandate, Section 8 of Act Bulacan. A house was contracted in the said property,
No. 3135 gives the debtor-mortgagor the right to file a which became their family home. A year after, Arceli
petition for the setting aside of the foreclosure sale and for contracted a loan in the amount of P100,000 from Claudio
the cancellation of a writ of possession in the same Acero, which was secured by a mortgage on the said parcel
proceedings where the writ was issued within 30 days of land and house. Araceli issued a check for the payment
after the purchaser-mortgagee was given possession. The of the loan. When Acero presented the check to the bank
court’s decision thereon may be appealed by either party, it was dishonored because the checking account was
but the order of possession shall continue in effect during already closed. Acero demanded payment. However,
the pendency of the appeal. Spouses De Mesa still failed to pay. Acero filed a complaint
for violation of B.P. 22 in the RTC. The RTC acquitted the
"Clearly then, until the foreclosure sale of the property in Spouses but ordered them to pay Acero P100,000 plus
question is annulled by a court of competent jurisdiction, legal interest. A writ of execution was issued to levy on the
the issuance of a writ of possession remains the ministerial said property.
duty of the trial court. The same is true with its
implementation; otherwise, the writ will be a useless The house and lot was sold in the public auction and Acero
paper judgment a result inimical to the mandate of Act No. was the highest bidder. Acero leased the property to
3135 to vest possession in the purchaser immediately." Juanito Oliva, who defaulted payment for several years.
Oliva contends that the Acero spouses are not the owners
of the property.
The court rules held that res judicata does not exist in this
case. The compromise agreement is a contract whereby
the parties, by making reciprocal concessions, avoid a
litigation or put an end to one already commenced. In
Estate of the late Jesus S. Yujuico v. Republic, the Court
pronounced that a judicial compromise has the effect of DE ASIS v. COURT OF APPEALS
res judicata. A judgment based on a compromise GR NO. 127578 February 15, 1999
agreement is a judgment on the merits. A contract must
have requisites and no according to Article 2035 of the FACTS:
Civil Code, one of the requisites of such to be valid is that
the compromise must not pertain to the Civil Status of a Vircel Andres as legal guardian of Glen Camil Andres de
person and the issue of Future Support and Future Asis, filed an action in 1988 for maintenance and support
Legitime. The agreement in this case is intended to settle against the alleged father Manuel De Asis who failed to
the question of petitioner’s status and filiation, i.e., provide support and maintenance despite repeated
whether she is an illegitimate child of respondent. In demands. Vircel later on withdrew the complaint in 1989
exchange for petitioner and her brother Allan for the reason that Manuel denied paternity of the said
acknowledging that they are not the children of minor and due to such denial, it seems useless to pursue
respondent, respondent would pay petitioner and Allan the said action. They mutually agreed to move for the
P2,000,000.00 each. Although unmentioned, it was a dismissal of the complaint with the condition that Manuel
necessary consequence of said Compromise Agreement will not pursue his counter claim. However in 1995, Vircel
that petitioner also waived away her rights to future filed a similar complaint against the alleged father, this
support and future legitime as an illegitimate child of time as the minor’s legal guardian/mother. Manuel
respondent. Evidently, the Compromise Agreement dated interposed maxim of res judicata for the dismissal of the
18 February 2000 between petitioner and respondent is case. He maintained that since the obligation to give
covered by the prohibition under Article 2035 of the Civil support is based on existence of paternity between the
Code as espoused in the case of Advincula v. Advincula. It child and putative parent, lack thereof negates the right to
is settled, then, in law and jurisprudence, that the status claim support.
and filiation of a child cannot be compromised. Public
policy demands that there be no compromise on the status ISSUE:
and filiation of a child. Paternity and filiation or the lack of
the same, is a relationship that must be judicially Whether or not the minor is barred from action for
established, and it is for the Court to declare its existence support.
or absence. It cannot be left to the will or agreement of
the parties. Being contrary to law and public policy, the HELD:
Compromise Agreement dated 18 February 2000 between
petitioner and respondent is void ab initio and vests no The right to give support cannot be renounced nor can it
rights and creates no obligations. It produces no legal be transmitted to a third person. The original agreement
effect at all. The void agreement cannot be rendered between the parties to dismiss the initial complaint was in
operative even by the parties' alleged performance (partial the nature of a compromise regarding future support
or full) of their respective prestations. which is prohibited by law. With respect to Manuel’s
contention for the lack of filial relationship between him
and the child and agreement of Vircel in not pursuing the
original claim, the Court held that existence of lack thereof
of any filial relationship between parties was not a matter
which the parties must decide but should be decided by
the Court itself. While it is true that in order to claim
support, filiation or paternity must be first shown between
the parties, but the presence or lack thereof must be
judicially established and declaration is vested in the
Court. It cannot be left to the will or agreement of the
parties. Hence, the first dismissal cannot bar the filing of
another action asking for the same relief (no force and
effect). Furthermore, the defense of res judicata claimed
by Manuel was untenable since future support cannot be
the subject of any compromise or waiver.
G.R. 200169 January 28 2015
Considering that Theresa’s marriage with Gerardo was void Whether or not Corazon is a legitimate child of Francisco
ab initio, the latter never became the former’s husband and Genoveva.
and never acquired any right to impugn the legitimacy of
the child. Theresa’s contention was to have his son be HELD:
declared as not the legitimate child of her and Mario but
her illegitimate child with Gerardo. In this case, the The court ruled in the negative. Presumption of legitimacy
mother has no right to disavow a child because maternity may only be availed upon proof of the factual basis that
is never uncertain. Hence, she is not permitted by law to child‘s parents were legally married and that his/her
question the son’s legitimacy. Under Article 167 of the conception of birth occurred during the marriage. In the
case at bar, there is no absolute proof of the decedent’s
marriage to respondent‘s mother Genoveva. No marriage
certificate or contract was offered in evidence. No
solemnizing officer was called to witness. Also, respondent
never questioned what would necessarily be a bigamous
marriage between Belen and Francisco. In fact, in her
petition, she alleged that petitioner is the ―surviving
spouse‖ of the decedent. Respondent also filed a petition
against the adoption of Consesa Yamat, alleging that as the
legitimate child of Francisco, she should have been notified
of the adoption proceedings. Since the lower court has
ruled with finality that she is not legitimate since no proof
has been given as to the marriage of her parents, this
petition has become moot and academic. On the matter of
administration, it should be noted that the surviving
spouse is preferred over the next of kin of decedent. Next
of kin refers to the heirs.
JANICE MARIE JAO v. COURT OF APPEALS AND PERICO Presentacion B. Catotal filed with the Regional Trial Court
JAO of Lanao del Norte, Branch II, Iligan City, a petition for the
G.R. No. L-49162 July 28, 1987 cancellation of the entry of birth of Teofista Babiera in the
Civil Registry of Iligan City. Presentacion asserted that she
FACTS: is the only surviving child of the late spouses Eugenio
Babiera and Hermogena Cariñosa, who died on May 26,
In 1968, Janice Jao, a minor represented by her mother 1996 and July 6, 1990 respectively. Presentacion alleged
Arlene filed a case for support against Perico Jao. It seems that a baby girl was delivered by a ‘hilot’ on September 20,
from evidence that Perico Jao was introduced to Arlene in 1996 on , in the house of the spouses, by their housemaid
a club. After which, they had sexual intercourse. Jao Flora Guinto, who without the knowledge of the parents of
accompanied Arlene to a hospital for a check-up, Jao paid the petitioner, caused the registration/recording of the
the rentals in the hospital. Arlene then gave birth to Janice facts of birth of her child, by simulating that she was the
on August 16,1968. Arlene said that they had intercourse child of the spouses Eugenio, then 65 years old and
on November 30, 1967 but Jao contested that they had Hermogena, then 54 years old, and made Hermogena
consummated the act on January 18 1968. The NBI, upon Babiera appear as the mother by forging her signature.
order by the court, conducted a blood grouping test which Presentacion, who was then fifteen, said that she
results say that Janice could not have been the offspring of witnessed the livebirth. The Regional Trial Court found the
Perico Jao and Arlene Salgado. petition to be sufficient in form and substance, Teofista
Guinto filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds that 'the
ISSUE: petition states no cause of action, it being an attack on the
legitimacy of the respondent as the child of the spouses
Whether or not Perico Jao is the father of Janice Marie. Eugenio Babiera and Hermogena Cariñosa Babiera; that
plaintiff has no legal capacity to file the instant petition
HELD: pursuant to Article 171 of the Family Code; and finally that
the instant petition is barred by prescription in accordance
The court ruled in the negative. There could only be with Article 170 of the Family Code.' The trial court denied
compulsory recognition when the child was conceived the motion to dismiss. The CA upheld the ruling of the RTC
during the time when the mother cohabited with the and held that Teofista is not the biological child of
supposed father. Janice should‘ve been conceived Hermogena Babiera.
between November 20, 1967 to December4, 1967
according to the court. However, Arlene herself said that ISSUE:
they only started to cohabit on December 16, 1967. Hence, Whether or not the plaintiff has no legal capacity to file
Janice was NOT conceived during cohabitation. Moreover, instant petition pursuant to Article 171 of the Family Code.
Arlene cohabited with 2 other men. Lastly, the blood
grouping test which showed that Janice could not have HELD:
been a child of Perico and Arlene is conclusive on non- The court ruled in the negative. The court held that
paternity. Hence, it cannot be said with certainty that respondent had the requisite standing to initiate the
Perico Jao is indeed the father. present action. Section 2, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court,
provides that a real party in interest is one "who stands to
be benefited orinjured by the judgment in the suit, or the the child can only be impugned in a direct action brought
party entitled to the avails of the suit. Article 171 of the for that purpose, by the proper parties and within the
Family Code is not applicable to the present case. A close period limited by law. Furthermore, the court held that
reading of this provision shows that it applies to instances there was no clear, competent and positive evidence
in which the father impugns the legitimacy of his wife’s presented by the petitioner that his alleged father had
child. The provision, however, presupposes that the child admitted or recognized his paternity.
was the undisputed offspring of the mother. The present
case alleges and shows that Hermogena did not give birth
to petitioner. In other words, the prayer herein is not to
declare that petitioner is an illegitimate child of
Hermogena, but to establish that the former is not the
latter's child at all. Verily, the present action does not
impugn petitioner’s filiation to Spouses Eugenio and
Hermogena Babiera, because there is no blood relation to
impugn in the first p
No. A mere cursory reading of the birth certificate of
respondent would show that it was tampered specifically
on the entries pertaining to the date of birth of respondent
and the name of the informant. Using pentel ink, the date
of birth of respondent – April 6, 1972 – and the name of
the informant – Emma Daño – were both superimposed on
the document. The appellate court itself ruled that the
irregularities consisting of the superimposed entries on the
date of birth and the name of the informant made the
document questionable. The corroborating testimony of
Arturo Reyes, a representative of the NSO, further
confirmed that the entries on the date of birth and the
signature of the informant are alterations on the birth
certificate which rendered the document questionable. To
be sure, even the respondent herself did not offer any
evidence to explain such irregularities on her own birth SPOUSES TIJING v. COURT OF APPEALS
certificate. These irregularities and the totality of the G.R. No. 125901 March 8, 2001
following circumstances surrounding the alleged birth of
respondent are sufficient to overthrow the presumption of FACTS:
regularity attached to respondent’s birth certificate.
Finally, we also find that the concurrence of the secondary Petitioners are husband and wife with 6 children, the
evidence relied upon by both courts a quo does not youngest is Edgardo Tijing, Jr. On August 1989 Angelita
sufficiently establish the one crucial fact in this case: that Diamante went to her house to fetch her for an urgent
respondent is indeed a child of the deceased spouses. Both laundry job; she made Bienvenida wait while she went to
the RTC and the CA ruled that respondent is a legitimate the market and left her 4-month-old son Edgardo, Jr. under
child of her putative parents because she was allowed to the care of Angelita. When she returned, both Angelita and
bear their family name "Geronimo", they supported her Edgardo Jr. were gone. On October 1993, Bienvenida read
and her education, she was the beneficiary of the burial in a tabloid about the death of Tomas Lopez, allegedly the
benefits of Caridad in her GSIS policy, Caridad applied for common-law husband of Angelita, and whose remains
and was appointed as her legal guardian in relation to the were lying in state in Hagonoy, Bulacan; Bienvenida went
estate left by Rufino, and she and Caridad executed an to Bulacan and allegedly saw Edgardo, Jr. for the first time
extrajudicial settlement of the estate of Rufino as his legal in 4years. She claims that her son was already named John
heirs. Thomas Lopez. Bienvenida avers that Angelita refused to
return the boy to her despite her demand. Bienvenida and
Of great significance to this controversy was the following Edgardo filed their petition for habeas corpus. Two
pronouncement: witnesses, Vasquez, who assisted in the delivery of
But definitely, the mere registration of a child in his or her Edgardo, Jr.; and Benjamin Lopez, brother of Tomas Lopez,
birth certificate as the child of the supposed parents is not testified that his brother couldn‘t have possibly fathered
a valid adoption, does not confer upon the child the status John Thomas Lopez as the latter was sterile and that
of an adopted child and the legal rights of such child, and Tomas admitted to him that John Thomas Lopez was only
even amounts to simulation of the child's birth or an adopted son. Angelita claimed that she is the natural
falsification of his or her birth certificate, which is a public mother of the child and at 42years old, she gave birth to
document. Furthermore, it is well-settled that a record of John Thomas Lopez on April 27, 1989. The birth of John
birth is merely a prima facie evidence of the facts Thomas was registered by her common-law husband,
contained therein. It is not conclusive evidence of the Tomas Lopez, with the Local Civil Registry of Manila on
truthfulness of the statements made there by the August 4, 1989. The RTC concluded that since Angelita and
interested parties. her common-law husband couldn‘t have children, the
alleged birth of John Thomas Lopez is an impossibility. The
minor and Bienvenida showed strong facial similarity and
so the court granted petition for habeas corpus.
Subsequently, the Court of Appeals reversed and set aside
the decision.
The court ruled in the affirmative. Evidences purporting to paternal relationship between petitioner and private
the fact that John Thomas Lopez is Edgardo Tijing, Jr. were respondent was based on the testimony of the child’s
evident. Angelita could no longer bear children also, Tomas mother and the personal appearance of the child. The fact
Lopez is no longer capable of siring a son. It was unusual that Florencia’s husband is living and there is a valid
that the birth certificate of John Thomas Lopez was filed by subsisting marriage between them gives rise to the
Tomas Lopez instead of the midwife 4 months after alleged presumption that a child born within that marriage is
birth. Additionally, the strong facial similarities between legitimate even though the mother may have declared
the child and Bienvenida also point out that they may well against its legitimacy or may have been sentenced as an
be related. Lastly, clinical records presented by Vasquez adulterous. The trial court and CA should not have
were conclusive in proving such filiation. overlooked this fact.
Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in its The court ruled in the negative. Notably, what was filed
application of Article 283 of the Civil Code on the and tried before the trial court and the Court of Appeals is
compulsory recognition and award of supporting favor of one for partition and accounting with damages only. The
respondent appellee Camelo Regodos. filiation, or compulsory recognition by Vicente Eceta of
Maria Theresa, was never put in issue. In fact, both parties
HELD: have already agreed and admitted, as duly noted in the
trial court’s pre-trial order, that Maria Theresa is Rosalina’s
The court ruled in the negative. Trial court and CA decided granddaughter. Notwithstanding, Maria Theresa
that the child was Camelo‘s. The trial courts finding of a successfully established her filiation with Vicente by
presenting a duly authenticated birth certificate. Vicente
himself signed Maria Theresa’s birth certificate thereby Jane , however, is ineffectual, because under the law, the
acknowledging that she is his daughter. By this act alone, recognition must be made personally by the putative
Vicente is deemed to have acknowledged his paternity parent and not by any brother, sister or relative.
over Maria Theresa.
G.R. No. 141273, May 17, 2005
Petitioners filed a petition in their barangay to attempt to
settle the case between them and private respondents,
but no settlement was reached. Thus, a Complaint or
Annulment of Title and Damages was filed before the RTC
by petitioners against private respondents to recover their
In behalf of her minor child, Benedick Arevalo, her mother
alleged pro-indiviso shares in the subject property. To
filed a complaint against defendants for compulsory
prove their filiation with the deceased Buenaventura
recognition as the illegitimate child of their deceased
Cristobal, the baptismal certificates of Elisa, Anselmo, and
father. During trial, Mary Jane Dy-Chiao De Guzman, one of
the late Socorro were presented. In the case of Mercedes
the sister entered a compromised agreement with plaintiff
who was born on 31 January 1909, she produced a
whereby she is acknowledging the petitioner as the
certification issued by the Office of the Local Civil Registrar,
illegitimate son of her father and pay petitioner P6M as a
attesting to the fact that records of birth for the years
share in the estate of their deceased father. RTC granted
1901, 1909, 1932 to 1939, 1940, 1943, and 1948were all
the compromised agreement. Meanwhile, the Dy Chiao
destroyed due to ordinary wear and tear. After trial on the
Brothers represented by their uncle filed for annulment
merits, the trial court rendered a judgment on 11 July
of judgment and TRO for the writ of execution of judgment
1997, dismissing the case, ruling that petitioners failed to
and motion to dismiss. CA directed Mary Jane on the other
prove their filiation with the deceased Buenaventura
hand to file a comment on the opposition of her uncle. In
Cristobal as the baptismal and birth certificates presented
her reply, she question assailed decision of RTC since the
have scant evidentiary value and that petitioners’ inaction
illegitimate filiation of Benedick could not be the subject of
for a long period of time amounts to laches. Not satisfied,
a compromise agreement. She further alleged that the
petitioners sought recourse in the Court of Appeals which
parties thereunder did not recognize the validity of the
ruled that they were able to prove their filiation with the
compromise agreement, as in fact she and the petitioners
deceased Buenaventura Cristobal thru "other means
were exploring the possibility of modifying their
allowed by the Rules of Court and special laws," but
extrajudicial settlement. CA ruled in favor of the
affirmed the ruling of the trial court barring their right to
defendants, hence a petition.
recover their share of the subject property because of
Whether or not the compromise regarding filiation is
Whether or not baptismal certificates are valid to prove
The ruling of RTC based on the compromise agreement
executed by Mary Jane is null and void. Article 2035(1) of
The court ruled in the affirmative. The Court granted the
the New Civil Code provides that no compromise upon the
petition and recognized and declared as children of the
civil status of persons shall be valid. As such, paternity and
late Buenaventura Cristobal from his first marriage to
filiation, or the lack of the same, is a relationship that must
Ignacia Cristobal. The Deed of Partition executed by
be judicially established, and it is for the court to
private respondents is declared not binding upon
determine its existence or absence. It cannot be left to the
petitioners who were not notified or did not participate in
will or agreement of the parties. Such recognition by Mary
the execution thereof. The subject property in the name of
private respondents is ordered to be partitioned and compulsory acknowledgment of the child Melanie Tibigar
distributed in accordance with the decision and is not proper there being a legal impediment in doing so as
appropriate certificates of title be issued in favor of each of it appears that the accused is a married man. As
the recognized heirs of the late Cristobal Buenaventura. pronounced by this Court in People v. Guerrero," the rule
Article 172 of the Family Code provides: “Art. 172. The is that if the rapist is a married man, he cannot be
filiation of legitimate children is established by any of the compelled to recognize the offspring of the crime, should
following: (1) The record of birth appearing in the civil there be any, as his child, whether legitimate or
register or a final judgment; or (2) An admission of illegitimate." Consequently, that portion of the judgment
legitimate filiation in a public document or a private under review is accordingly deleted. In any case, we
handwritten instrument and signed by the parent sustain that part ordering the accused to support the child
concerned. In the absence of the foregoing evidence, the as it is in accordance with law.
legitimate filiation shall be proved by:(1) the open and
continuous possession of the status of a legitimate child;
or (2) Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court and
special laws. Any other means allowed by the Rules of
Court and Special Laws, may consist of the child's
baptismal certificate, a judicial admission, a family bible in
which the child’s name has been entered, common
reputation respecting the child's pedigree, admission by
silence, the testimony of witnesses, and other kinds of
proof of admission under Rule 130 of the Rules of Court.
G.R. No. 128157 September 29, 1999 G.R. No. 86639 June 2, 1994
Teresita Tibigar, 16 years old, worked at the Espiritu On September 18, 1953, Maria Teresa R. Alberto was born
Canteen in Dagupan City. Manuel Manahan is the brother- to Aurora Reviva and Juan M. Albert, both were not
in-law of Josefina Espiritu, owner of the canteen. His wife married. Then sometime on September 18, 1967, the
Primadonna is the sister of Josefina Espiritu. Manuel and alleged father of Maria Teresita, Juan M. Alberto was
Primadonna temporarily reside at the canteen together assassinated and died intestate. His lawful wife, Yolanda R.
with the family of Josefina as Primadonna was then Alberto was appointed as administrator of his estate. After
pregnant. On 5 January 1995, at about two o’clock in the the Inventory and Appraisal and the Administrator’s
morning, Teresita who was asleep was suddenly awakened Accounting approved, the proceedings were closed and
when she felt someone beside her. Upon opening her eyes terminated. On September 15, 1978, Maria Teresa R.
she saw accused Manuel Manahan as he immediately Alberto filed a motion to leave and to intervene as
placed himself on top of her. Manuel Manahan, by the use oppositor and to reopen the proceedings. The motion was
of force succeeded in having carnal knowledge over granted by the probate court. Upon presentation of
Teresita. Manuel then threatened Teresita’s life in case she evidences by both parties, the court was convinced that
will report such incident. Teresita went home to her Maria Teresa R. Alberto had been in continuous possession
parents in Pangasinan. The sexual encounter resulted in of a natural child, thereby compelling the descendants’
her pregnancy. Afterwards, her parents learned about the heirs and estate to recognize her as such and allow her to
incident which led them to the filing of a criminal offense participate in the estate proceedings. However the Court
of rape against Manuel Manahan. On October 2 1995, she of Appeals reversed the probate court’s decision, finding
gave birth to a healthy baby girl and christened her no satisfaction in the degree of proof to establish Maria
Melanie Tibigar. Manuel was convicted by the RTC of Teresa R. Alberto as a child of the deceased.
Dagupan on the crime charged.
Whether or not the Maria Albert be legally be recognized
Whether or not the accused can be ordered to by the heirs of the estate of Juan Alberto as a natural child
acknowledge and provide support for Melanie Tibigar. of the latter.
The court ruled in the affirmative. On the matter of The court ruled in the affirmative. The Supreme Court
acknowledgment and support of the child, a correction of recognized the intent and effort of Juan M. Alberto to
the view of the court a quo is in order. Article 345 of The introduce Maria to the family as one of his flesh and blood,
Revised Penal Code provides that persons guilty of rape by allowing Maria to use his family name and by giving her
shall also be sentenced to "acknowledge the offspring, mother money to support her support and by openly
unless the law should prevent him from doing so," and "in introducing her to members of his family, relatives, and
every case to support the offspring." In the case before us, friends as his daughter. By the effect of the operation of
Article 285 of the Civil Code, Maria seeking a judicial petitioner not admitted filiation through
declaration shall be recognized as a natural child to enable contemporaneous actions. He has consistently denied it.
her to participate in the estate of her deceased father. The only other documentary evidence submitted by
Arhbencel, a copy of her Certificate of Birth, has no
probative value to establish
filiation to petitioner, the latter not having signed the
same. At bottom, all that Arhbencel really has is
petitioner’s handwritten undertaking to provide financial
support to her which, without more, fails to establish her
claim of filiation. The Court is mindful that the best
interests of the child in cases involving paternity and
filiation should be advanced. It is, however, just as mindful
of the disturbance that unfounded paternity suits causeto
the privacy and peace of the putative father’s legitimate
TIJING v. COURT OF APPEALS In this case, the Supreme Court made mention of the DNA
G.R. No. 125901 March 8, 2001 test for identification and parentage testing. The DNA from
the mother, the alleged father and child are analyzed to
FACTS: establish parentage. The use of DNA test as evidence is still
open to challenge, but as the appropriate case comes,
Petitioners are husband and wife with 6 children, the courts should not hesitate to rule on its admissibility.
youngest is Edgardo Tijing, Jr. On August 1989 Angelita Though it is not necessary in this case to resort to DNA
Diamante went to her house to fetch her for an urgent testing, in future it would be useful to all concerned in the
laundry job; she made Bienvenida wait while she went to prompt resolution of parentage and identity issues.
the market and left her 4-month-old son Edgardo, Jr. under
the care of Angelita. When she returned, both Angelita and
Edgardo Jr. were gone. On October 1993, Bienvenida read
in a tabloid about the death of Tomas Lopez, allegedly the
common-law husband of Angelita, and whose remains
were lying in state in Hagonoy, Bulacan; Bienvenida went
to Bulacan and allegedly saw Edgardo, Jr. for the first time
in 4years. She claims that her son was already named John
Thomas Lopez. Bienvenida avers that Angelita refused to
return the boy to her despite her demand.
Supreme Court ruled in the affirmative. It ruled that the Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred when it
findings of Dr. Buan are conclusive. The court reiterated remanded the case to the court a quo for DNA analysis
that even though DNA evidence is merely circumstantial, it despite the fact that it is no longer feasible due to the
can still convict the accused considering that it death of Rogelio G. Ong.
corroborates all other circumstantial evidence gathered in
this rape-slay case. The Supreme Court also elucidated on RULING:
the admissibility of DNA evidence in this case and for the
first time recognized its evidentiary value in the As a whole, the present petition calls for the determination
Philippines, thus: DNA is an organic substance found in a of filiation of minor Joanne for purposes of support in
person’s cells which contains his or her genetic code. favor of the said minor. Filiation proceedings are usually
Except for identical twins, each person’s DNA profile is filed not just to adjudicate paternity but also to secure a
distinct and unique. When a crime is committed, material legal right associated with paternity, such as citizenship,
is collected from the scene of the crime or from the support, or inheritance. The burden of proving paternity is
victim’s body for the suspect’s DNA. This is the evidence on the person who alleges that the putative father is the
sample. The evidence sample is then matched with the biological father of the child. There are four significant
reference sample taken from the suspect and the victim. procedural aspects of a traditional paternity action which
The purpose of DNA testing is to ascertain whether an parties have to face: a prima facie case, affirmative
association exists between the evidence sample and the defenses, presumption of legitimacy, and physical
reference sample. The samples collected are subjected to resemblance between the putative father and child. A child
various chemical processes to establish their profile. born to a husband and wife during a valid marriage is
presumed legitimate. As a guaranty in favor of the child
and to protect his status of legitimacy, Article 167 of the
Family Code provides: Article 167. The children shall be Whether a prima facie showing is necessary before a court
considered legitimate although the mother may have can issue a DNA testing order
declared against its legitimacy or may have been
sentenced as an adulteress.
Yes. Section 4 of the Rule on DNA Evidence merely
provides for conditions that are aimed to safeguard the
accuracy and integrity of the DNA testing. It states that the
appropriate court may, at any time, either motu proprio or
on application of any person, who has a legal interest in
the matter in litigation, order a DNA testing. Such order
LUCAS v. LUCAS shall issue after due hearing and notice to the parties upon
a showing of the following: (a) A biological sample exists
G.R. No. 190710 June 6, 2011 that is relevant to the case;(b) The biological sample: (i)
was not previously subjected to the type of DNA testing
now requested; or (ii) was previously subjected to DNA
testing, but the results may require confirmation for good
Herein petitioner, Jesse Lucas filed a Petition to Establish reasons; (c) The DNA testing uses a scientifically valid
Filiation with a Motion for the Submission of Parties to technique; (d) The DNA testing has the scientific potential
DNA Testing before the Regional Trial Court (RTC). to produce new information that is relevant to the proper
Jesse alleged that he is the son of his mother Elsie who got resolution of the case; and (e) The existence of other
acquainted with respondent, Jesus S. Lucas in Manila. He factors, if any, which the court may consider as potentially
also submitted documents which include (a) petitioner’s affecting the accuracy or integrity of the DNA testing. This
certificate of live birth; (b) Rule shall not preclude a DNA testing, without need of a
petitioner’s baptismal certificate; (c) petitioner’s college prior court order, at the behest of any party, including law
diploma, showing that he graduated from Saint Louis enforcement agencies, before a suit or proceeding is
University in Baguio City with a degree in Psychology; (d) commenced. This does not mean, however, that a DNA
his Certificate of Graduation from the same school; (e) testing order will be issued as a matter of right if, during
Certificate of Recognition from the University of the the hearing, the said conditions are established. In the case
Philippines, College of Music; and (f) clippings of of Herrera v. Alba that there are four significant
several articles from different newspapers about proceduralaspects in a traditional paternity case which
petitioner, as a musical prodigy. Jesus learned of this and parties have to face has been widely misunderstood and
he filed a Special Appearance and Comment manifesting misapplied in this case. A party is confronted by these so-
that the petition was adversarial in nature and therefore called procedural aspects during trial, when the
summons should be served on him. Meanwhile, Jesse filed parties have presented their respective evidence. They are
a Very Urgent Motion to Try and Hear the Case which the matters of evidence that cannot be determined at this
RTC found to be sufficient in form and hence set the case initial stage of the proceedings, when only the petition to
for hearing. Jesus filed a Motion for Reconsideration establish filiation has been filed. The CA’s observation that
arguing that DNA testing cannot be had on the basis of a petitioner failed to establish a prima facie case is herefore
mere allegation pointing to him as Jesse’s father. misplaced. A prima facie case is built by a party’s evidence
Acting on Jesus’ Motion for Reconsideration, the RTC and not by mere allegations in the initiatory pleading.
dismissed the case and held that Jesse failed to establish
compliance with the four procedural aspects for a
paternity action enumerated in the case of Herrera v. Alba
namely, a prima faciecase, affirmative defences,
presumption of legitimacy, and physical resemblance
between the putative father and the child. This prompted
Jesse to file a Motion for Reconsideration which the RTC
granted. A new hearing was scheduled where the RTC held
that ruling on the grounds relied upon by Jesse for filing
the instant petition is premature considering that a full-
blown trial has not yet taken place. Jesus filed a Motion for
Reconsideration which was denied by the RTC. He then
filed a petition for certiorari with the Court of Appeals
(CA). The CA ruled in favour of Jesus, it noted that Jesse
failed to show that the four significant aspects of a
traditional paternity action had been met and held that
DNA testing should not be allowed when the petitioner has
failed to establish a prima facie case.
inconsistent to rule that they have waived a right which,
according to the petitioner, the latter do not have. The
court is not precluded to receive evidence to determine
the filiation of the claimants even if the original petition is
for the issuance of letters administration. Its jurisdiction
extends to matters collateral and incidental to the
settlement of the estate, with the determination of the
capacity to be an heir included. As held in previous
decision, two causes of action may be brought together in
one complaint, one a claim for recognition, and the other
to claim inheritance.
The special proceeding case concerns the settlement of
G.R. No. 72078 June 27, 1994
the estate of Sima Wei (a.k.a. Rufina Guy Susim). Private-
respondents Karen and Kamille alleged that they are the
acknowledged illegitimate children of Sima Wei who died FACTS:
intestate. On June 13,1997 the minors were represented
by their mother Remedios Oanes who filed a petition for Respondent Bibiana filed action for Judicial Declaration of
the issuance of letters of administration before the RTC of Filiation, Annulment of Partition, Support and Damages
Makati City. Petitioner who is one of the children of the against Eutiquio. Bibiana was born on December 1926
deceased with his surviving spouse, filed for the dismissal allegedly of Eutiquio and in that time was single. It was
of the petition alleging that his father left no debts hence, alleged that the Marquino family personally knew her
his estate may be settled without the issuance of letters since she was hired as domestic helper in their household
administration. The other heirs filed a joint motion to at Dumaguete. She likewise received financial assistance
dismiss alleging that the certification of non-forum from them hence, she enjoyed continuous possession of
shopping should have been signed by Remedios and not by the status of an acknowledged natural child by direct and
counsel. Petitioners further alleged that the claim has unequivocal acts of the father and his family. The
been paid and waived by reason of a Release of Claim or Marquinos denied all these. Respondent was not able to
waiver stating that in exchange for financial and finish presenting her evidence since she died on March
educational assistance from the petitioner, Remedios and 1979 but the sue for compulsory recognition was done
her minor children discharged the estate of the decedent while Eustiquio was still alive. Her heirs were ordered to
from any and all liabilities.The lower court denied the joint substitute her as parties-plaintiffs.
motion to dismiss as well as the supplemental motion Petitioners, legitimate children of Eutiquio, assailed
ruling that the mother is not the duly constituted guardian decision of respondent court in holding that the heirs of
of the minors hence, she could not have validly signed the Bibiana, allegedly a natural child of Eutiquio, can continue
waiver. It also rejected the petitioner's objections to the the action already filed by her to compel recognition and
certificate of non-forum shopping. The Court of Appeals the death of the putative parent will not extinguish such
affirmed the orders of the lower court. Hence, this action and can be continued by the heirs substituting the
petition. said deceased parent.
Whether or not a guardian can validly repudiate the a) Whether or not right of action for
inheritance. acknowledgment as a natural child be transmitted
to the heirs and;
RULING: b) Whether or not Article 173 can be given
retroactive effect.
The Court ruled, no. Repudiation amounts to alienation of
property and parents and guardians must necessarily
obtain judicial approval. Repudiation of inheritance must RULING:
pass the court's scrutiny in order to protect the best
The Supreme Court ruled that right of action for the
interest of the ward. Not having been authorized by the
acknowledgment as a natural child can never be
court, the release or waiver is therefore void. Moreover,
transmitted because the law does not make any mention
the private-respondents could not have waived their
supposed right as they have yet to prove their status as of it in any case, not even as an exception. The right is
illegitimate children of the decedent. It would be purely a personal one to the natural child. The death of
putative father in an action for recognition of a natural
child cannot be continued by the heirs of the former since The appellate court held that the mere allegation that
the party in the best position to oppose the same is the respondent is an illegitimate child suffices. Rule 79 of the
putative parent himself. Rules of Court provides that a petition for the issuance of
Such provision of the Family Code cannot be given letters of administration must be filed by an interested
person. The Court, applying the provisions of the Family
retroactive effect so as to apply in the case at bar since it
will prejudice the vested rights of petitioners transmitted Code which had then already taken effect, ruled that since
Graciano was claiming illegitimate filiation under the
to them at the time of death of their father. Hence, IAC
second paragraph of Article 172 of the Family Code, i.e.,
decision was reversed and set aside. Complaint against
open and continuous possession of the status of an
Marquino is dismissed
illegitimate child, the action was already barred by the
death of the alleged father.
DELA CRUZ v. GRACIA GR. No. 156343 October 18, 2004
G.R. No. 177728 July 31, 2009
Whether or not the unsigned handwritten instrument of Having been born outside a valid marriage, the minor is
the deceased father of minor Christian can be considered deemed an illegitimate child of petitioner and Respondent
as a recognition of paternity. Loreta. Article 176 of the Family Code of the Philippines
explicitly provides that "illegitimate children shall use the
RULING: surname and shall be under the parental authority of their
mother, and shall be entitled to support in conformity with
Yes. Article 176 of the Family Code, as amended by RA this Code." This is the rule regardless of whether the father
9255, permits an illegitimate child to use the surname of admits paternity.
his/her father if the latter had previously recognized
him/her as his offspring through an admission made in a Parental authority over recognized natural children who
pubic of private handwritten instrument. were under the age of majority was vested in the father or
the mother recognizing them. If both acknowledge the
Article 176, as amended, does not explicitly state that child, authority was to be exercised by the one to whom it
there must be a signature by the putative father in the was awarded by the courts; if it was awarded to both, the
private handwritten instrument. rule as to legitimate children applied. In other words, in
the latter case, parental authority resided jointly in the
The following rules respecting the requirement of affixing father and the mother.
the signature of the acknowledging parent in any private
GR. No. 15978 April 27, 2007
On November 11, 1986, at around 11:00 a.m., Verceles
GR. No. 133054 January 28, 1999
fetched Clarissa Posada from "My Brother‘s Place" where
the seminar was being held.Clarissa avers that he told her
FACTS: that they would have lunch at Mayon Hotel with their
companions who had gone ahead. When they reached the
Gerson Abadilla and Luzviminda Celestino have been living place her companions were nowhere. After Verceles
together as husband and wife without the benefit of ordered food, he started making amorous advances on
marriage. During their cohabitation, Luzviminda begot two her. She panicked, ran and closeted herself inside a
children, Emerson and Rafael. In the Certificates of Birth of comfort room where she stayed until someone knocked.
these two children, they were registered with the surname She said she hurriedly exited and left the hotel. Afraid of
―Abadilla‖ and the name of their father was entered as the mayor, she kept the incident to herself. She went on as
―Herson‖ Abadilla. Moreover, the entry in the date and casual employee. One of her tasks was following-up
place of marriage of the children‘s parents appeared as barangay road and maintenance projects.
June 19, 1987 at Dingras, Ilocos Norte.
On December 22, 1986, on orders of Verceles, she went to
On February 5, 1997, Gerson Abadilla, Luzviminda Virac, Catanduanes, to follow up funds for barangay
Celestino and their two minor children, Emerson and projects. At around 11:00 a.m. the same day, she went to
Rafael,filed a petition for correction of the birth Catanduanes Hotel on instructions of petitioner who asked
certificates.The petition was granted. The instant petition to be briefed on the progress of her mission. They met at
for review on certiorari is now being interposed by the the lobby and he led her upstairs because he said he
Office of the Solicitor General on the ground that the trial wanted the briefing done at the restaurant at the upper
court committed a reversible error when it allowed the floor.
deletion of the ―date and place of marriage of parents‖
from the birth certificates of minors Emerson C. Abadilla Instead, Verceles opened a hotel room door, led her in,
and Rafael C. Abadilla but failed to order the change of the and suddenly embraced her, as he told her that he was
minors‘ surname from ―Abadilla‖ to ―Celestino.‖ unhappy with his wife and would "divorce" her anytime.
He also claimed he could appoint her as a municipal
ISSUE: development coordinator. She succumbed to his advances.
But again she kept the incident to herself.Sometime in
Whether or not the court committed an error in their January 1987, when she missed her menstruation, she said
ruling of the case. she wrote petitioner that she feared she was pregnant.
Yes. According to Article 176 "Illegitimate children shall use Whether or not the filiation of Verna Aiza Posada as the
zthe surname and shall be under the parental authority of illegitimate child of petitioner was proven.
their mother, and shall be entitled to support in
conformity with this Code. The legitime of each RULING:
illegitimate child shall consist of one half of the legitime of
a legitimate child.‖Thus, as illegitimate children, Emerson The letters are private handwritten instruments of
and Rafael should bear the surname of their mother, petitioner which establish Verna Aiza‘s filiation under
Luzviminda Celestino. Article 172 (2) of the Family Code. In addition, the arrays of
evidence presented by respondents, the dates, letters,
pictures and testimonies, to us, are convincing, and
irrefutable evidence that Verna Aiza is, indeed, petitioner‘s
illegitimate child.
One afternoon in October, 1991, 21-year old victim Mila G.R. No. 122906 February 7, 2002
Lobrico, a mental retardate, and her 11-year old sister,
Judith, were summoned by Justiniano Glabo, their FACTS:
maternal uncle, to his house. He told them to wash the
clothes of his wife. After the two sisters finished their Dinah gave birth to Gardin Faith Belarde Tonog, her
chore, accused-appellant ordered Judith to wash the illegitimate child with Edgar V. Daguimol. The two
dishes in the nearby creek, about 200 meters away from cohabited for a time and lived with Edgar's parents and
his house. When Judith was gone, accused-appellant sister. A year after Dinah left for US where she found work
dragged Mila from the yard, where she was hanging the as a registered nurse. Gardin was left in the care of her
washed clothes, into the house. He pushed her to the father and grandparents. Edgar later filed a petition for
floor and made her lie down. He undressed the victim, and guardianship over Gardin and the trial court granted the
then he inserted his penis into her private organ and made petition and appointed Edgar as the legal guardian. Dinah
push and pull motions. Mila was overpowered by accused- filed a petition for relief from judgment and the court set
appellant‘s brute strength. She shouted for help, but there aside the original judgment and allowed Dinah to file her
were no neighbors nearby. opposition to Edgar's petition. Edgar filed a motion for
reconsideration but it was denied and the court issued a
Suddenly, it started to rain hard, so Judith had to run back resolution granting Dinah's motion for custody over
to the house for shelter. She went directly under the Gardin.
house, which was elevated 3 feet above the ground. While
underneath the house, she heard someone crying on the Edgar filed a petition for certiorari before the CA who
floor above. She looked up through the bamboo floor and modified their previous decision and granted Edgar
saw accused-appellant on top of her elder sister. Both custody over Gardin. Dinah contends that she is entitled to
were naked. Judith went to the kitchen, and she saw the custody of the minor, Gardin Faith, as a matter of law.
accused-appellant‘s penis as he stood up and raised his As the mother of Gardin Faith, the law confers parental
briefs. authority upon her as the mother of the illegitimate minor.
The two girls went home silently. They did not say a word ISSUE:
about the incident. However, the victim became pregnant
as a result of the rape, and after six months her condition Whether or not Dinah is entitled to the custody of Gardin.
could no longer be concealed. Severino Lobrico, Mila‘s
father, confronted her, but she said nothing. It was her RULING:
sister, Judith, who told their father that accused-appellant
raped Mila. Severino brought Mila to the police and filed a No. The general rule is recommended in order to avoid
complaint for rape before the Municipal Trial Court. many a tragedy where a mother has seen her baby torn
away from her. The exception allowed by the rule has to
ISSUE: be for ―compelling reasons‖ for the good of the child. A
mother may be deprived of the custody of her child who is
Whether or not the offspring is illegitimate. below seven years of age for ―compelling reasons.
Instances of unsuitability are neglect, abandonment,
RULING: unemployment and immorality, habitual drunkenness,
drug addiction, maltreatment of the child, insanity, and
Article 345 of the Revised Penal Code provides for three affliction with a communicable illness. If older than seven
kinds of civil liability that may be imposed on the offender: years of age, a child is allowed to state his preference, but
a) indemnification, b) acknowledgement of the offspring, the court is not bound by that choice. The court may
unless the law should prevent him from so doing, and c) in exercise its discretion by disregarding the child‘s
preference should the parent chosen be found to be unfit, illegitimate child using the alleged father‘s surname where
in which instance, custody may be given to the other the latter admitted paternity.
parent, or even to a third person.
Bearing in mind that the welfare of the said minor as the
controlling factor, SC find that the appellate court did not No. Local Civil Registrar correctly refused. Illegitimate
err in allowing her father to retain in the meantime children must use the surname of their mother, regardless
parental custody over her. Meanwhile, the child should of whether or not they had been acknowledged by their
not be wrenched from her familiar surroundings, and fathers in their record of birth. Article 176 of the Family
thrust into a strange environment away from the people Code effectively repealed Article 366 of the Civil Code,
and places to which she had apparently formed an which gives a natural child the right to use the surname of
attachment. Moreover, whether a mother is a fit parent his/her father where he/she has been acknowledged by
for her child is a question of fact to be properly both parents. Article 176 explicitly states that illegitimate
entertained in the special proceedings before the trial children shall use the surname of their mother, be under
court. her parental authority, and be entitled to support
inconformity with the provisions of the Family Code.
Marissa Alfaro Mossesgeld , single, gave birth to a baby
boy on December 2, 1989. The presumed father is Eleazar Carlitos E. Silva, a married businessman, and Suzanne T.
Siriban Calasan, a married lawyer. The father signed the Gonzales, an unmarried local actress, cohabited without
birth certificate of the child as the informant, indicating hat the benefit of marriage. The union saw the birth of two
the child‘s name is Jonathan Mossesgeld Calasan. He also children: Ramon Carlos and Rica Natalia. Not very long
executed an affidavit admitting the paternity of the child. after, a rift in their relationship surfaced. It began,
The person in charge at the hospital refused to place the according to Silva, when Gonzales decided to resume her
presumed father‘s surname as the child‘s surname in the acting career over his vigorous objections. The assertion
certificated of live birth. Thus, petitioner himself submitted was quickly refuted by Gonzales who claimed that she, in
the certificate to the office of the Local Civil Registrar of fact, had never stopped working throughout their
Mandaluyong for registration. relationship. At any rate, the two eventually parted ways.
Again, the municipal treasurer, as officer in charge of the The instant controversy was spawned, in February 1986,
local civil registrar‘s office, rejected the registration on the by the refusal of Gonzales to allow Silva, in apparent
basis of the Civil Registrar General‘s Circular No. 4, which contravention of a previous understanding, to have the
provides that under Article 176 of the Family Code, children in his company on weekends. Silva filed a petition
illegitimate children born on or after August 3, 1988 shall for custodial rights over the children before the Regional
use the surname of their mother. Upon inquiring about the Trial Court, Branch 78, of Quezon City. The petition was
status of the status of the registration of his child, Calasan opposed by Gonzales who averred that Silva often engaged
was furnished with a copy of the letter of the Civil in "gambling and womanizing" which she feared could
Registrar General denying the registration of the certificate affect the moral and social values of the children.
of live birth on the grounds that it is contrary to law.
Calasan, thereafter, filed a petition for mandamus with the ISSUE:
Pasig RTC to compel the local civil registrar to register the
Whether or not the Father can visit his children.
certificate of live birth of his illegitimate son using his
surname. His petition was denied. He filed a motion for RULING:
reconsideration and a motion to for leave to amend the
petition to substitute the child‘s mother as the petitioner. The biological father has visitorial right over his illegitimate
His motion to amen was granted, but motion for children in view of the constitutionally protected inherent
reconsideration was denied. He elevated the petition to and natural right of parents over their children. This right is
the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the RTC‘s decision personal to the father; no other person, like grandparents,
can exercise this right for him. Silva (the father) may have
ISSUE: won with the Supreme Court‘s upholding of his visitation
rights, but this favorable decision did not prevent Suzanne
Whether or not mandamus lies to compel the Local Civil
(the mother) in the exercise of her parental authority from
Registrar to register thecertificate of live birth of an
immigrating to Holland with her two children.
Rule 102, Sec. 1 makes no distinction between the case of
a mother who is separated from her husband and is
entitled to the custody of her child and that of a mother of
an illegitimate child who, by law, is vested with sole
parental authority, but is deprived of her rightful custody
of her child. The fact that Villar has recognized the
Christopher may be a ground for ordering him to give
support to the latter, but not for giving him custody of the
child. Under Article 213, FC, "no child under seven years of
age shall be separated from the mother unless the court
finds compelling reasons to order otherwise."
As such, pursuant to Art. 176, FC, he is under the parental The court, declared private respondent's ten children
authority of his mother, who, as a consequence of such legitimated and thereupon instituted and declared them,
authority, is entitled to have custody of him. And because along with petitioner and private respondent, as the heirs
she has been deprived of her rightful custody of her child of Antonio de Santos. Hence, she filed the instant petition
by Villar, Daisie is entitled to issuance of the writ of habeas for certiorari on June 16, 1992, contending that since only
corpus. natural children can be legitimized, the trial court
mistakenly declared as legitimated her half brothers and
In the case at bench, there is no question that all the ABADILLA v. TABILIRAN
children born to private respondent and deceased Antonio AM No. MTJ-92-716 October 25, 1995
de Santos were conceived and born when the latter's valid
marriage to petitioner's mother was still subsisting. That
private respondent and the decedent were married abroad FACTS:
after the latter obtained in Nevada,U.S.A. a decree of
divorce from his legitimate wife does not change this fact, Ma. Blyth Abadilla, a Clerk of Court, filed a complaint
for a divorce granted abroad was not recognized in this against Judge Tabiliran on the grounds of gross immorality,
jurisdiction at the time. Evidently, the decedent was aware deceitful conduct, and corruption unbecoming of a judge.
of this fact, which is why he had to have the marriage With respect to the charge on gross immorality, she
solemnized in Tokyo, outside of the Philippines. It may be contended that the judge scandalously and publicly
added here that he was likewise aware of the nullity of the cohabited with Priscilla Baybayan during subsistence of his
Tokyo marriage for after his legitimate, though estranged marriage with Teresita Banzuela. Tabiliran and Priscilla got
wife died, he hastily contracted another marriage with married in May 1986. On the other hand, with respect to
private respondent, this time here in Tagaytay, attention the charge on deceitful conduct, petitioner claims that the
must be drawn to the fact that this case has been decided judge caused his 3 illegitimate children with Priscilla be
under the provisions of the Civil Code, not the Family Code registered as legitimate by falsely executing separate
which now recognizes only two classes of children: affidavits stating the delayed registration was due to
legitimate and illegitimate. "Natural children by legal inadvertence, excusable negligence or oversight when in
fiction" are nothing if not pure fiction. fact, he knew these children cannot be legally registered as
legitimate. The judge averred that 25 years had already
elapsed since the disappearance of her wife in 1966 when
he married Priscilla hence the cohabitation was neither
bigamous nor immoral. However, as early as 1970, based
on the record, Priscilla had begotten her 3 children.
James Hughes, a natural born citizen of the UnitedStates of Spouses Alvin A. Clouse and Evelyn A. Clouse who are
America, married Lenita Mabunay, a Filipino Citizen,who aliens filed a petition to adopt the minor, Solomon Joseph
herself was later naturalized as a citizen of that Alcala. They are physically, mentally, morally, and
country.The spouses jointly filed a petition with the RTC to financially capable of adopting Solomon, a twelve (12) year
adopt theminor niece and nephews of Lenita, who had old minor. Since 1981 to 1984, then from November 2,
been living withthe couple even prior to the filing of the 1989 upto the present, Solomon Joseph Alcala was and has
petition. The minors, aswell as their parents, gave consent been under the care and custody of private respondents.
to the adoption. The RTCrendered a decision granting the Solomon gave his consent to the adoption. His mother,
petition. Nery Alcala, a widow, likewise consented to the adoption
due to poverty and inability to support and educate her
ISSUE: son. The RTC granted the petition.
LIM G.R. No. 164948 June 27, 2006
GR No. 168992-93 May 21, 2009
Diwata Ramos Landingin, a US citizen of Filipino parentage
Monina Lim, petitioner, who was an optometrist was filed a petition for the adoption of 3 minors, natural
married with Primo Lim but were childless. Minor children of Manuel Ramos, the former‘s brother, and
children, were entrusted to them by Lucia, whose parents Amelia Ramos. She alleged in her petition that when her
were unknown as shown by a certification of DSWD. The brother died, the children were left to their paternal
spouses registered the children making it appears as if they grandmother for their biological mother went to Italy, re-
were the parents. Unfortunately, in 1998, Primo died. She married there and now has 2 children by her second
then married an American Citizen, Angel Olario in marriage and no longer communicates from the time she
December 2000. Petitioner decided to adopt the children left up to the institution of the adoption. After the paternal
by availing of the amnesty given under RA 8552 to grandmother passed away, the minors were being
individuals who simulated the birth of a child. In 2002, she supported by the petitioner and her children abroad and
filed separate petitions for adoption of Michelle and gave their written consent for their adoption. A Social
Michael before the trial court. Michelle was then 25 years Worker of the DSWD submitted a Report recommending
old and already married and Michael was 18 years and for the adoption and narrated that Amelia, the biological
seven months old. Michelle and her husband including mother was consulted with the adoption plan and after
Michael and Olario gave their consent to the adoption weighing the benefits of adoption to her children, she
executed in an affidavit. voluntarily consented. However, petitioner failed to
present the said social worker as witness and offer in
ISSUE: evidence the voluntary consent of Amelia Ramos to the
adoption. Petitioner also failed to present any
Whether or not petitioner who has remarried can singly documentary evidence to prove that Amelia assent to the
adopt. adoption.
Petition was denied. The time the petitions were filed, Whether or not a petition for adoption be granted without
petitioner had already remarried. Husband and wife shall the written consent of the adoptee‘s biological mother
jointly adopt except in 3 instances which was not present
in the case at bar. In case spouses jointly adopts, they shall RULING:
jointly exercise parental authority. The use of the word
―shall‖ signifies that joint adoption of husband and wife is No. Section 9, par (b) of RA 8552, provides that the
mandatory. This is in consonance with the concept of joint consent of the biological parent(s) of the child, if known is
parental authority since the child to be adopted is elevated necessary to the adoption. The written consent of the legal
to the level of a legitimate child, it is but natural to require guardian will suffice if the written consent of the biological
spouses to adopt jointly. The affidavit of consent given by parents cannot be obtained. The general requirement of
Olario will not suffice since there are certain requirements consent and notice to the natural parents is intended to
that he must comply as an American Citizen. He must protect the natural parental relationship from
meet the qualifications set forth in Sec7 of RA8552. The unwarranted interference by interlopers, and to insure the
requirements on residency and certification of the alien‘s opportunity to safeguard the best interests of the child in
qualification to adopt cannot likewise be waived pursuant the manner of the proposed adoption. The written consent
to Sec 7. Parental authority is merely just one of the of the biological parents is indispensable for the validity of
effects of legal adoption. It includes caring and rearing the the decree of adoption. Indeed, the natural right of a
children for civic consciousness and efficiency and parent to his child requires that his consent must be
development of their moral mental and physical character obtained before his parental rights and duties may be
and well-being. terminated and re-establish in adoptive parents. In this
case, petitioner failed to submit the written consent of
Amelia Ramos to adopt. Moreover, abandonment means
neglect and refusal to perform the filial and legal
obligations of love and support. Merely permitting the
child to remain for a time undisturbed in the care of others
is not such abandonment. To dispense with the Can minor children be legally adopted without the written
requirements of consent, the abandonment must be consent of a natural parent on the ground that the latter
shown to have existed at the time of adoption. has abandoned them?
This Court finds that both the lower court and the Court of
Appeals failed to appreciate facts and circumstances that
should have elicited a different conclusion on the issue of
whether petitioner has so abandoned his children, thereby
making his consent to the adoption unnecessary. In its
CANG v. COURT OF APPEALS ordinary sense, the word ―abandon‖ means to forsake
G.R. No. 105308 September 25, 1998 entirely, to forsake or renounce utterly. The dictionaries
trace this word to the root idea of ―putting under a ban.‖
The emphasis is on the finality and publicity with which a
FACTS: thing or body is thus put in the control of another, hence,
the meaning of giving up absolutely, with intent never to
Petitioner Herbert Cang and Anna Marie Clavano who resume or claim one‘s rights or interests. In reference to
were married on January 27, 1973, begot three children, abandonment of a child by his parent, the act of
namely: Keith, born on July 3, 1973; Charmaine, born on abandonment imports ―any conduct of the parent which
January 23, 1977, and Joseph Anthony, born on January 3, evinces a settled purpose to forego all parental duties and
1981. During the early years of their marriage, the Cang relinquish all parental claims to the child.‖ It means
couple‘s relationship was undisturbed. Not long ―neglect or refusal to perform the natural and legal
thereafter, however, Anna Marie learned of her husband‘s obligations of care and support which parents owe their
alleged extramarital affair with Wilma Soco, a family friend children.
of the Clavanos.
In the instant case, records disclose that petitioner‘s
Upon learning of her husband‘s alleged illicit liaison, Anna conduct did not manifest a settled purpose to forego all
Marie filed a petition for legal separation with alimony parental duties and relinquish all parental claims over his
pendente lite with the then Juvenile and Domestic children as to constitute abandonment. Physical
Relations Court of Cebuwhich rendered a decision estrangement alone, without financial and moral
approving the joint manifestation of the Cang spouses desertion, is not tantamount to abandonment. While
providing that they agreed to ―live separately and apart admittedly, petitioner was physically absent as he was
or from bed and board. Petitioner then left for the United then in the United States, he was not remiss in his natural
States where he sought a divorce from Anna Marie before and legal obligations of love, care and support for his
the Second Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada. children. He maintained regular communication with his
Said court issued the divorce decree that also granted sole wife and children through letters and telephone. He used
custody of the three minor children to Anna Marie, to send packages by mail and catered to their whims. t
reserving ―rights of visitation at all reasonable times and abandoned them.The questioned Decision and Resolution
places‖ to petitioner. Thereafter, petitioner took an of the Court of Appeals, as well as the decision of the
American wife and thus became a naturalized American Regional Trial Court of Cebu, are SET ASIDE thereby
citizen. In 1986, he divorced his American wife and never denying the petition for adoption of Keith, Charmaine and
remarried.Upon learning of the petition for adoption, Joseph Anthony, all surnamed Cang, by the spouse
petitioner immediately returned to the Philippines and respondents Ronald and Maria Clara Clavano. This
filed an opposition thereto, alleging that, although private Decision is immediately executory.
respondents Ronald and Maria Clara Clavano were
financially capable of supporting the children while his
finances were ―too meager‖ compared to theirs, he could
not ―in conscience, allow anybody to strip him of his
parental authority over his beloved children.‖
submitted its report and recommendations on the matter
to the court hearing such petition. The Department of
Social Welfare shall intervene on behalf of the child if it
finds, after such case study, that the petition should be
denied. Circular No. 12, as a complementary measure, was
issued by this Court precisely to obviate the mishandling of
adoption cases by judges, particularly in respect to the
aforementioned case study to be conducted in accordance
with Article 33 of Presidential Decree No. 603 by the
DSWD itself and involving the child to be adopted, its
natural parents, and the adopting parents. It definitively
directs Regional Trial Courts hearing adoption cases: (1) To
NOTIFY the Ministry of Social Services and Development,
thru its local agency, of the filing of adoption cases or the
pendency thereof with respect to those cases already filed;
(2) To strictly COMPLY with the requirement in Article 33
of the aforesaid decree . . .
A.M. No. RTJ-96-136 July 18, 1997
No. Par (1), Art. 189 of the Family Code provides one of the
legal effect of adoption: (1) For civil purposes, the adopted
shall be deemed to be a legitimate child of the adopters
and both shall acquire the reciprocal rights and obligations
arising from the relationship of parent and child, including
the right of the adopted to use the surname of the
The Supreme Court held that the RTC correctly granted the
petition for adoption of the minor Midael C. Mazon and
the Court of Appeals, in affirming the decision of the trial
court, correctly did so. With regard to the second
assignment of error in the petition, we hold that both the
Court of Appeals and the trial court erred in granting
private respondents' prayer for the correction of the name
of the child in the civil registry. Contrary to what the trial
court thought, Rule 108 of the Rules of Court applies to
this case and because its provision was not complied with,
the decision of the trial court, insofar as it ordered the
correction of the name of the minor, is void and without
force or effect. The trial court was clearly in error in
holding Rule 108 to be applicable only to the correction of
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. COURT OF APPEALS errors concerning the civil status of persons
G.R. No. 103695 March 15, 1996
The petition below was filed on September 21 1988 by
G.R. No. 148311 March 31, 2005
private respondents spouses Jaime B. Caranto and Zenaida
P. Caranto for the adoption of Midael C. Mazon, then
fifteen years old, who had been living with private FACTS:
respondent Jaime B. Caranto since he was seven years old.
When private respondents were married on January 19, Honorato B. Catindig filed a petition to adopt his minor
1986, the minor Midael C. Mazon stayed with them under illegitimate child Stephanie Astorga Garcia. He averred that
their care and custody. Private respondents prayed that Stephanie was born on June 26, 1994; that Stephanie had
judgment be rendered: a) Declaring the child Michael C. been using her mother‘s middle name and surname; and
Mazon the child of petitioners for all intents and purposes; that he is now a widower and qualified to be her adopting
b.) Dissolving the authority vested in the natural parents of parent. He prayed that Stephanie‘s middle name be
the child; and c) That the surname of the child be legally changed to Garcia, her mother‘s surname, and that her
changed to that of the petitioners and that the first name surname ―Garcia‖ be changed to ―Catindig‖ his surname.
this was mistakenly registered as ―MIDAEL‖ be corrected The RTC granted the petition for adoption, and ordered
to ―MICHAEL." that pursuant to article 189 of the Family Code, the minor
shall be known as Stephanie Nathy Catindig. Honorato filed
The Solicitor General appealed to the Court of Appeals a motion for classification and/or reconsideration praying
reiterating his contention that the correction of names that Stephanie be allowed to use the surname of her
cannot be effected in the same proceeding for adoption. natural mother (Garcia) as her middle name. The lower
As additional ground for his appeal, he argued that the RTC court denied petitioner‘s motion for reconsideration
did not acquire jurisdiction over the case for adoption holding that there is no law or jurisprudence allowing an
because in the notice published in the newspaper, the adopted child to use the surname of his biological mother
name given was "Michael," instead of "Midael," which is as his middle name.
the name of the minor given in his Certificate of Live Birth.
On January 23, 1992, the Court of Appeals affirmed in toto
the decision of the RTC. The Court of Appeals ruled that Whether or not an illegitimate child may use the surname
the case of Cruz v. Republic, invoked by the petitioner in of her mother as her middle name when she is
support of its plea that the trial court did not acquire subsequently adopted by her natural father.
jurisdiction over the case, was inapplicable because that
case involved a substantial error. Like the trial court, it held RULING:
that to require the petitioners to file a separate petition
for correction of name would entail "additional time and One of the effects of adoption is that the adopted is
deemed to be a legitimate child of the adapter for all
intents and purposes pursuant to Article 189 of the Family Whether or not oppositor Ana del Val Chan has the right to
Code and Section 17 of Article V of RA 8557. intervene in this proceeding.
Yes. The Court ruled that John’s minority at the time of his
adopter’s death is a significant factor in the case at bar.
Under such circumstance, parental authority should be
deemed to have reverted in favor of the biological parents.
Otherwise, taking into account Our consistent ruling
that adoption is a personal relationship and that there are
no collateral relatives by virtue of adoption, who was then
left to care for the minoradopted child if
the adopter passed away?
Can the adoption be rescinded? G.R. Nos. 175279-80 June 05, 2013
While R.A. No. 8552 has unqualifiedly withdrawn from an On September 3, 2003, petitioner Susan Lim-Lua filed an
adopter a consequential right to rescind the adoption action for the declaration of nullity of her marriage with
decree even in cases where the adoption might clearly respondent Danilo Y. Lua
turn out to be undesirable, it remains, nevertheless, the
In her prayer for support pendente lite for herself and her
bounden duty of the Court to apply the law. Dura lex sed
two children, petitioner sought the amount of P500,000.00
lex would be the hackneyed truism that those caught in
the law have to live with. It is still noteworthy, however, as monthly support, citing respondent's huge earnings
from salaries and dividends in several companies and
that an adopter, while barred from severing the legal ties
businesses here and abroad. After due hearing, Judge
of adoption, can always for valid reasons cause the
Raphael B. Yrastorza, Sr. issued an Order granting support
forfeiture of certain benefits otherwise accruing to an
pendente lite. From the evidence already adduced by the
undeserving child. For instance, upon the grounds
parties, the amount of Two Hundred Fifty (P250,000.00)
recognized by law, an adopter may deny to an adopted
Thousand Pesos would be sufficient to take care of the
child his legitime and, by a will and testament, may freely
exclude him from having a share in the disposable portion needs of the plaintiff. This amount excludes the One
hundred thirty-five (P135,000.00) Thousand Pesos for
of his estate.
medical attendance expenses needed by plaintiff for the
operation of both her eye[s] which is demandable upon
the conduct of such operation. The amounts already
extended to the two (2) children, being a commendable
act of defendant, should be continued by him considering
the vast financial resources at his disposal.
According to Art. 203 of the Family Code, support is
demandable from the time plaintiff needed the said
support but is payable only from the date of judicial
Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration, asserting
that petitioner is not entitled to spousal support
considering that she does not maintain for herself a
separate dwelling from their children and respondent has
continued to support the family for their sustenance and
well-being in accordance with family's social and financial is enough that the facts be established by affidavits or
standing. As to the P250,000.00 granted by the trial court other documentary evidence appearing in the record. In
as monthly support pendente lite, as well as the this case, the amount of monthly support pendente lite for
P1,750,000.00 retroactive support, respondent found it petitioner and her two children was determined after due
unconscionable and beyond the intendment of the law for hearing and submission of documentary evidence by the
not having considered the needs of the respondent. parties. Although the amount fixed by the trial court was
reduced on appeal, it is clear that the monthly support
On April 12, 2005, the CA rendered its Decision, nullified pendente lite of P115,000.00 ordered by the CA was
and set aside and instead a new one is entered to pay intended primarily for the sustenance of petitioner and her
private respondent a monthly support pendente lite of children, e.g., food, clothing, salaries of drivers and house
P115,000.00 helpers, and other household expenses.
ORDERING the deduction of the amount of Petitioner's testimony also mentioned the cost of regular
PhP2,482,348.16 plus 946,465.64, or a total of therapy for her scoliosis and vitamins/medicines.
PhP3,428,813.80 from the current total support in arrears
of Danilo Y. Lua to his wife, Susan Lim Lua and their two (2) As to the financial capacity of the respondent, it is beyond
children; doubt that he can solely provide for the subsistence,
education, transportation, health/medical needs and
The appellate court said that the trial court should not recreational activities of his children, as well as those of
have completely disregarded the expenses incurred by petitioner who was then unemployed and a full-time
respondent consisting of the purchase and maintenance of housewife.
the two cars, payment of tuition fees, travel expenses, and
the credit card purchases involving groceries, dry goods The Family Court may direct the deduction of the
and books, which certainly inured to the benefit not only provisional support from the salary of the spouse.
of the two children, but their mother (petitioner) as well.
Since the amount of monthly support pendente lite as
It also noted the lack of contribution from the petitioner in fixed by the CA was not appealed by either party, there is
the joint obligation of spouses to support their children. no controversy as to its sufficiency and
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but it was reasonableness. The dispute concerns the deductions
denied by the Court of Appeals. made by respondent in settling the support in arrears.
Should Jose give the corresponding support? Petitioner concedes that Respondent Loreta has
preferential right over their minor child. He insists,
however, that custody should be awarded to him
The Pasay RTC should have been aware that in determining whenever she leaves for Japan and during the period that
the amount of support to be awarded, such amount should she stays there. In other words, he wants joint custody
be in proportion to the resources or means of the giver over the minor, such that the mother would have custody
and the necessities of the recipient, pursuant to Articles when she is in the country. But when she is abroad, he -- as
194, 201 and 202 of the Family Code. It is incumbent upon the biological father -- should have custody. According to
the trial court to base its award of support on the evidence petitioner, Loreta is not always in the country. When she is
presented before it. The evidence must prove the capacity abroad, she cannot take care of their child. The undeniable
or resources of both parents who are jointly obliged to fact, he adds, is that she lives most of the time in Japan, as
support their children as provided for under Article 195 of evidenced by her Special Power of Attorney dated May 28,
the Family Code; and the monthly expenses incurred for 2001, granting to her sister temporary custody over the
the sustenance, dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, minor. At present, however, the child is already with his
education and transportation of the child. mother in Japan, where he is studying,9 thus rendering
petitioner‘s argument moot. While the Petition for Habeas
Corpus was pending before the CA, petitioner filed on July
30, 2002, an "Urgent Motion for a Hold Departure Order,"
alleging therein that respondents were preparing the
travel papers of the minor so the child could join his
mother and her Japanese husband. The CA denied the
Motion for lack of merit. Having been born outside a valid
marriage, the minor is deemed an illegitimate child of
petitioner and Respondent Loreta. Article 176 of the
Family Code of the Philippines explicitly provides that
"illegitimate children shall use the surname and shall be
under the parental authority of their mother, and shall be
entitled to support in conformity with this Code." This is
the rule regardless of whether the father admits paternity.
G.R. No. 156343 October 18, 2004
Whether or not Colonel Otamias’ legitimate family is Yes. While it is true that Respondent Ernst is a citizen of
entitled for support. Holland or the Netherlands, we agree with the RTC that he
is subject to the laws of his country, not to Philippine law,
HELD: as to whether he is obliged to give support to his child, as
well as the consequences of his failure to do so. This does
Section 31 of Presidential Decree No. 1638 provides that not, however, mean that Ernst is not obliged to support
the benefits authorized under this Decree, except as Norma’s son altogether. In international law, the party
provided herein, shall not be subject to attachment, who wants to have a foreign law applied to a dispute or
garnishment, levy, execution or any tax whatsoever; case has the burden of proving the foreign law. In the
neither shall they be assigned, ceded, or conveyed to any present case, Ernst hastily concludes that being a national
third person: Provided, That if a retired or separated of the Netherlands, he is governed by such laws on the
officer or enlisted man who is entitled to any benefit under matter of provision of and capacity to support. While Ernst
this Decree has unsettled money and/or property pleaded the laws of the Netherlands in advancing his
accountabilities incurred while in the active service, not position that he is not obliged to support his son, he never
more than fifty per centum of the pension gratuity or proved the same. It is incumbent upon Ernst to plead and
other payment due such officer or enlisted man or his prove that the national law of the Netherlands does not
survivors under this Decree may be withheld and be impose upon the parents the obligation to support their
applied to settle such accountabilities. Under Section 31, child. Foreign laws do not prove themselves in our
Colonel Otamias' retirement benefits are exempt from jurisdiction and our courts are not authorized to take
execution. Retirement benefits are exempt from execution judicial notice of them. Like any other fact, they must be
so as to ensure that the retiree has enough funds to alleged and proved. Moreover, foreign law should not be
support himself and his family. applied when its application would work undeniable
injustice to the citizens or residents of the forum. To give
justice is the most important function of law; hence, a law,
or judgment or contract that is obviously unjust negates
the fundamental principles of Conflict of Laws. Applying
the foregoing, even if the laws of the Netherlands neither
enforce a parent’s obligation to support his child nor
penalize the non-compliance therewith, such obligation is
still duly enforceable in the Philippines because it would be
of great injustice to the child to be denied of financial
support when the latter is entitled thereto.
G.R. No. 122906 February 7, 2002
G.R. No. 132223 June 19, 2001
FACTS: G.R. No. 140817 December 7, 2001
Whether or not the doctrine of res judicata is applicable to The court reiterated its ruling in Santos, Sr. v. Court of
the case. Appeals, that parental authority is a mass of rights and
obligations which the law grants to parents for the
HELD: purpose of the children’s physical preservation and
development, as well as the cultivation of their intellect
For res judicata to bar the institution of a subsequent and the education of their heart and senses. As regards
action, the following requisites must concur: (1) the former parental authority, ‘there is no power, but a task; no
judgment or order must be final; (2) the judgment or order complex of rights, but a sum of duties; no sovereignty but
must be on the merits; (3) it must have been rendered by a a sacred trust for the welfare of the minor. Parental
court having jurisdiction over the subject matter and authority and responsibility are inalienable and may not be
parties; and (4) there must be, as between the first and transferred or renounced except in cases authorized by
second actions, identity of parties, of subject matter, and law. The right attached to parental authority, being purely
of causes of action. The test of identity of causes of action personal, the law allows a waiver of parental authority
lies not in the form of an action but on whether the same only in cases of adoption, guardianship and surrender to a
evidence would support and establish the former and children’s home or an orphan institution. When a parent
present causes of action. If the same evidence would entrusts the custody of a minor to another, such as a
sustain both actions, they are considered the same and friend or godfather, even in a document, what is given is
covered by the rule that the judgment in the former is merely temporary custody and it does not constitute a
a barto the subsequent action. It is with respect to the renunciation of parental authority. Even if a definite
presence of the fourth requisite that the Court finds no renunciation is manifest, the law still disallows the same.
such identity of causes of action. The causes of action are Thus, in the instant petition, when private respondent
based on different periods during which Bondagjy allegedly entrusted the custody of her minor child to the petitioner,
neglected or failed to support his family and perform his what she gave to the latter was merely temporary custody
marital obligations. and it did not constitute abandonment or renunciation of
parental authority. For the right attached to parental
authority, being purely personal, the law allows a waiver of
parental authority only in cases of adoption, guardianship
and surrender to a children’s home or an orphan
institution which do not appear in the case at bar.
G.R. No. 116773 January 16, 1997 Of considerable importance is the rule long accepted by
the courts that the right of parents to the custody of their
FACTS: minor children is one of the natural rights incident to
parenthood, a right supported by law and sound public
Maria Paz Cordero-Ouye and Reynaldo Eslao were married policy. The right is an inherent one, which is not created
of whom two children were begotten, namely, Leslie and by the state or decisions of the courts, but derives from
Angelica Eslao. Leslie was entrusted to the care and the nature of the parental relationship.
custody of Maria, while Angelica stayed with the husband’s
mother, Teresita. When Reynaldo died, Maria intended to
dismissed, without prejudice, on the ground of lack of
jurisdiction given that the detention was in Caloocan.
Ty claimed that Arabella was with them for some time, but
given to someone who claimed to be their guardian.The
Office of the City Prosecutor of Kalookan City, on the basis
of petitioner‘s complaint, filed an information against the
spouses Ty for Kidnapping and Illegal Detention of a Minor
before the Regional Trial Court of Kalookan City. Ty then
revealed that the child may be found in quezon city. When
Sombong reached the residence, a small girl named
Christina Grace Neri was found. Sombong claimed the child
to be hers even if she wasn‘t entirely sure that it was
Yes but the requisites are not met. In general, the purpose
of the writ of habeas corpus is to determine whether or
not a particular person is legally held. A prime specification
of an application for a writ of habeas corpus, in fact, is an
SOMBONG v. COURT OF APPEALS actual and effective, and not merely nominal or moral,
G.R. No. 111876 January 31, 1996 illegal restraint of liberty. ―The writ of habeas corpus was
devised and exists as a speedy and effectual remedy to
FACTS: relieve persons from unlawful restraint, and as the best
and only sufficient defense of personal freedom. A prime
Petitioner was the mother of Arabella O. Sombong who specification of an application for a writ of habeas corpus
was born on April 23, 1987 in Taguig, Metro Manila. is restraint of liberty. The essential object and purpose of
Sometime in November, 1987, Arabella, then only six the writ of habeas corpus is to inquire into all manner of
months old, was brought to the Sir John Clinic, owned by involuntary restraint as distinguished from voluntary, and
Ty located at Caloocan City, for treatment. Petitioner did to relieve a person therefrom if such restraint is illegal. Any
not have enough money to pay the hospital bill in the restraint which will preclude freedom of action is
balance of P300.00. Arabella could not be discharged as a sufficient.
result. Petitioner said that she paid 1,700 for the release
even if the bill was only 300. The spouses Ty, who had To justify the grant of the writ of habeas corpus, the
custody of the daughter, would not give Arabella to her. restraint of liberty must be in the nature of an illegal and
involuntary deprivation of freedom of action. This is the
Petitioner filed a petition with the Regional Trial Court of basic requisite under the first part of Section 1, Rule 102,
Quezon City for the issuance of a Writ of Habeas Corpus of the Revised Rules of Court, which provides that
against the spouses Ty. She alleged that Arabella was being ―except as otherwise expressly provided by law, the writ
unlawfully detained and imprisoned at the Ty residence. of habeas corpus shall extend to all cases of illegal
The petition was denied due course and summarily
confinement or detention by which any person is deprived Resolution which ordered that a writ of habeas corpus be
of his liberty.‖ issued ordering that Simone be brought before said court.
In the second part of the same provision, however, Habeas CA granted Franklin joint custody with Agnes of their minor
Corpus may be resorted to in cases where ―the rightful child. Agnes filed a Motion for Reconsideration which was
custody of any person is withheld from the person entitled denied.
thereto.‖ Thus, although the Writ of Habeas Corpus ought
not to be issued if the restraint is voluntary, we have held ISSUE:
time and again that the said writ is the proper legal
remedy to enable parents to regain the custody of a minor Whether or not the CA acted with grave abuse of
child even if the latter be in the custody of a third person discretion when it granted joint custody in utter disregard
of her own free will. It may even be said that in custody of the provisions of the Family Code, as to minors seven (7)
cases involving minors, the question of illegal and years of age and below.
involuntary restraint of liberty is not the underlying
rationale for the availability of the writ as a remedy; RULING:
rather, the writ of habeas corpus is prosecuted for the
purpose of determining the right of custody over a child. The court held that the CA committed grave abuse of
discretion when it granted joint custody of the minor child
The foregoing principles considered, the grant of the writ to both parents. The so-called "tender-age presumption"
in the instant case will all depend on the concurrence of under Article 213 of the Family Code may be overcome
the following requisites: (1) that the petitioner has the only by compelling evidence of the mother‘s unfitness. The
right of custody over the minor; (2) that the rightful mother is declared unsuitable to have custody of her
custody of the minor is being withheld from the petitioner children in one or more of the following instances: neglect,
by the respondent; and (3) that it is to the best interest of abandonment, unemployment, immorality, habitual
the minor concerned to be in the custody of petitioner and drunkenness, drug addiction, maltreatment of the child,
not that of the respondent. insanity, or affliction with a communicable disease. Here,
Petition is dismissed. the mother was not shown to be unsuitable or grossly
incapable of caring for her minor child. All told, no
compelling reason has been adduced to wrench the child
from the mother‘s custody. Sole custody over Simone
Noelle Hirsch is hereby AWARDED to the mother,
petitioner Agnes Gamboa-Hirsch.
G.R. No. 154994 June 28, 2005
Petitioner Daisie T. David worked as secretary of private Indeed, Rule 1021 §1 makes no distinction between the
respondent Ramon R. Villar, a businessman in Angeles City. case of a mother who is separated from her husband and is
Private respondent is a married man and the father of four entitled to the custody of her child and that of a mother of
children, all grown-up. After a while, the relationship an illegitimate child who, by law, is vested with sole
between petitioner and private respondent developed into parental authority, but is deprived of her rightful custody
an intimate one, as a r esult of which a son, Christopher J., of her child.
was born on March 9, 1985 to them. Christo pher J. was
followed by two more children, both girls, namely The fact that private respondent has recognized the minor
Christine, born on June 9, 1986, and Cathy Mae on April child may be a ground for ordering him to give support to
24, 1988. the latter, but not for giving him custody of the child.
Under Art.213 of the Family Code, "no child under seven
The relationship became known to private respondent's years of age shall be separated from the mother unless the
wife when Daisie took Christopher J, to Villar's house at court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise."
Villa Teresa in Angeles City sometime in 1986 and
introduced him to Villar's legal wife. After this, the children Although the question of support is proper in a proceeding
of Daisie were freely brought by Villar to his house as they for that purpose, the grant of support in this case is
were eventually accepted by his legal family.In the summer justified by the fact that private respondent has expressed
of 1991, Villar asked Daisie to allow Christopher J., then six willingness to support the minor child. The order for
years of age, to go with his family to Boracay. Daisie payment of allowance need not be conditioned on the
agreed, but after th e trip, Villar refused to give back the grant to him of custody of the child. Under Art. 204 of the
child. Villar said he had enrolled Christopher J. at the Holy Family Code, a person obliged to give support can fulfill his
Family Academy for the next school year. On July 30, 1991, obligation either by paying the allowance fixed by the
Daisie filed a petition for habeas corpus on behalf of court or by receiving and maintaining in the family
Christopher J. dwelling the person who is entitled to support unless, in
the latter case, there is "a moral or legal obstacle thereto."
In the case at bar, as has already been pointed out,
Whether or not Daisie is entitled to the custody of the Christopher J., being less than seven years of age at least at
child. the time the case was decided by the RTC, cannot be taken
from the mother's custody. Even now that the child is over
seven years of age, the mother's custody over him will thus starting the whole proceedings now reaching this
have to be upheld because the child categorically Court. The trial court dismissed the petition for habeas
expressed preference to live with his mother. Under Art. corpus. It suspended Teresita's parental authority over
213 of the Family Code, courts must respect the "choice of Rosalind and Reginald and declared Reynaldo to have sole
the child over seven years of age, unless the parent chosen parental authority over them but with rights of visitation
is unfit" and here it has not been shown that the mother is to be agreed upon by the parties and to be approved by
in any way unfit to have custody of her child. Indeed, the Court.
ifprivate respondent loves his child, he should not
condition the grant of support for him on the award of his ISSUE:
custody to him (private respondent).
Whether or not the petition for a writ of habeas corpus to
gain custody over the children be granted.
Yes. Aside from Article 213 of the Family Code, the Revised Although Ray‘s is a general practitioner, the records show
Rules of Court also contains a similar provision. Rule 99, that he maintains a clinic, works for several companies on
Section 6 (Adoption and Custody of Minors) provides: retainer basis and teaches part-time. He cannot possibly
―SEC. 6. Proceedings as to child whose parents are give the love and care that a mother gives to his child.
separated.Appeal. - When husband and wife are divorced
or living separately and apart from each other, and the
questions as to the care, custody, and control of a child or
children of their marriage is brought before a Court of First
Instance by petition or as an incident to any other
proceeding, the court, upon hearing the testimony as may
be pertinent, shall award the care, custody, and control of
each such child as will be for its best interest, permitting
the child to choose which parent it prefers to live with if it
be over ten years of age, unless the parent chosen be unfit
to take charge of the child by reason of moral depravity, DACASIN v. DACASIN
habitual drunkenness, incapacity, or poverty x x x. No child G.R. No. 168785 February 5, 2010
under seven years of age shall be separated from its
mother, unless the court finds there are compelling FACTS:
reasons therefor.
Petitioner Herald Dacasin (petitioner), American, and
The provisions of law quoted above clearly mandate that a respondent Sharon Del Mundo Dacasin
child under seven years of age shall not be separated from (respondent), Filipino, were married in Manila in April
his mother unless the court finds compelling reasons to 1994. They have one daughter, Stephanie, born on 21
order otherwise. The use of the word ―shall‖ in Article September 1995. In June 1999, respondent sought and
213 of the Family Code and Rule 99, Section 6 of the obtained from the Circuit Court, 19th Judicial Circuit, Lake
Revised Rules of Court connotes a mandatory character. County, Illinois (Illinois court) a divorce decree against
petitioner. In its ruling, the Illinois court dissolved the
The general rule that a child under seven years of age shall marriage of petitioner and respondent, awarded to
not be separated from his mother finds its reason in the respondent sole custody of Stephanie and retained
basic need of a child for his mother‘s loving care. Only the jurisdiction over the case for enforcement purposes.
most compelling of reasons shall justify the court‘s
awarding the custody of such a child to someone other On 28 January 2002, petitioner and respondent executed
than his mother, such as her unfitness to exercise sole in Manila a contract (Agreement) for the joint custody of
parental authority. In the past the following grounds have Stephanie. The parties chose Philippine courts as exclusive
been considered ample justification to deprive a mother of forum to adjudicate disputes arising from the
custody and parental authority: neglect, abandonment, Agreement. Respondent undertook to obtain from the
unemployment and immorality, habitual drunkenness, Illinois court an order relinquishing jurisdiction to
drug addiction, maltreatment of the child, insanity and Philippine courts.
being sick with a communicable disease.
In 2004, petitioner sued respondent in the Regional Trial
It has long been settled that in custody cases, the foremost Court of Makati City, Branch 60 (trial court) to enforce the
consideration is always the welfare and best interest of the Agreement. Petitioner alleged that in violation of the
Agreement, respondent exercised sole custody over parents freedom, subject to the usual contractual
Stephanie. limitations, to agree on custody regimes they see fit to
adopt. Lastly, even supposing that petitioner and
Respondent sought the dismissal of the complaint for, respondent are not barred from entering into the
among others, lack of jurisdiction because of the Illinois Agreement for the joint custody of Stephanie, respondent
courts retention of jurisdiction to enforce the divorce repudiated the Agreement by asserting sole custody over
decree. Stephanie. Respondents act effectively brought the parties
back to ambit of the default custodial regime in the second
ISSUE: paragraph of Article 213 of the Family Code vesting on
respondent sole custody of Stephanie.
Whether the trial court has jurisdiction to take cognizance
of petitioners suit and enforce the Agreement on the joint
custody of the parties child.
Article 233 of the Family Code provides for the extent of Whether or not Article 2180 of the Civil Code was correctly
authority of persons exercising substitute parental interpreted by the respondent Court to make petitioners
authority, that is, the same as those of actual parents: liable for vicarious liability.
Art. 233. The person exercising substitute parental
authority shall have the same authority over the person of RULING:
the child as the parents.
Yes. The petitioners were gravely remiss in their duties as
Both of Reyes' parents are already deceased. Reyes' parents in not diligently supervising the activities of their
paternal grandparents are also both deceased. The son. Both parents were wanting in their duty and
whereabouts of Reyes' maternal grandparents are responsibility in monitoring and knowing the activities of
unknown. There is also no record that Reyes has brothers their son. The petitioners utterly failed to exercise all the
diligence of a good father of a family in preventing their respondent natural parents of Adelberto indeed were not
son from committing the crime by means of the gun which indispensable parties to the action.
was freely accessible to Wendell Libi because they have
not regularly checked whether the gun was still under lock, ISSUES:
but learned that it was missing from the safety deposit box
only after the crime had been committed. The civil liability a) Whether or not petitioners, notwithstanding
of parents for quasi-delicts of their minor children, as loss of their right to appeal, may still file the
contemplated in Article 2180, is primary and not instant petition.
subsidiary. b) Whether the Court may still take cognizance of
the case even through petitioners' appeal had
been filed out of time.
The Court held that for the school to be liable there must
be a finding that the act or omission considered as
negligent was the proximate cause of the injury caused
because of negligence, must have causal connection to the
accident. There is no showing of such. Hence, with the
overwhelming evidence presented by petitioner and the
respondent Daniel spouses that the accident occurred
because of the detachment of the steering wheel guide of
the jeep, it is not the school, but the registered owner of
the vehicle who shall be held responsible for damages for
the death of Sherwin Carpitanos.
G.R. No. L-47745 April 15, 1988
Petitioners in this case were impleaded in the civil case for
damages filed against Abon. Salvosa being the (Executive
Vice President of BCF).Jimmy Abon was a commerce
student of the Baguio Colleges Foundation. He was also
appointed as armorer of the school‘s ROTC Unit. As
armorer of the ROTC Unit, Jimmy B. Abon received his
appointment from the AFP. He received orders from
Captain Roberto C. Ungos, the Commandant of the Baguio
Colleges Foundation ROTC Unit, concurrent Commandant
of other ROTC units in Baguio and an employee (officer) of
the AFP. On 3 March 1977, at around 8:00 p.m., in the
parking space of BCF, Jimmy B. Abon shot Napoleon Castro
a student of the University of Baguio with an unlicensed
firearm which the former took from the armory of the
ROTC Unit of the BCF. As a result, Napoleon Castro died
and Jimmy B. Abon was prosecuted for, and convicted of
the crime of Homicide by Military Commission No. 30, AFP.
Whether or not petitioners can be held solidarity liable
with Jimmy B. Abon for damages under Article2180 of the
Civil Code, as a consequence of the tortious act of Jimmy B.
Teachers or heads of establishments of arts and trades are
liable for "damages caused by their pupils and students or
apprentices, so long as they remain in their custody." The
rationale of such liability is that so long as the student
remains in the custody of a teacher, the latter "stands, to a
certain extent, in loco parentis [as to the student] and
[is]called upon to exercise reasonable supervision over the
conduct of the [student]." Likewise, "the phrase used
in[Art. 2180 — 'so long as (the students) remain in their
custody means the protective and supervisory custody that
the school and its heads and teachers exercise over the
pupils and students for as long as they are at attendance in
the school , including recess time." In line with the case of
Palisoc , a student not "at attendance in the school"
cannot be in "recess" thereat. A"recess," as the concept is
embraced in the phrase "at attendance in the school,"
contemplates a situation of temporary adjournment of
school activities where the student still remains within call
of his mentor and is not permitted to
leave the school premises, or the area within which the
school activity is conducted. Recess by its nature does not
include dismissal. Likewise, the mere fact of being enrolled
or being in the premises of a school without more does not
constitute "attending school" or being in the "protective
and supervisory custody' of the school, as contemplated in
the law. Upon the foregoing considerations, we hold that
Jimmy B. Abon cannot be considered to have been "at
attendance in the School," or in the custody of BCF, when
he shot Napoleon Castro. Logically, therefore, petitioners
cannot under Art. 2180 of the Civil Code be held solidarity
liable with Jimmy B. Abon for damages resulting from his
G.R. No. 84698 February 4, 1992
In the case at bar, it is well to remember that the victims While her marriage with Francisco R. Rallonza was still
were in the Cabiao Community Clinic because it was a subsisting, Maria Virginia V. Remo applied to renew her
requirement of petitioners. The students were complying passport which was about to expire on October 27, 2000.
with an obligation under the enrollment contract - they With her renewal application is the request to revert to her
were rendering medical services in a community center as maiden name. When her request was eventually denied,
required by petitioners. It was thus incumbent upon she brought her request to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
petitioners to comply with their own obligations under the The Secretary of Foreign Affairs also denied her request,
enrollment contract - to ensure that the community holding that while it is not obligatory for a married woman
center where they would designate their students is safe to use her husband’s name, use of maiden name is allowed
and secure, among others. in passport application only if the married name has not
been used in previous application. The Secretary explained
As correctly found by the CA, petitioners were remiss in that under the implementing rules of Republic Act No.
inspecting the premises of the Cabiao Community Clinic 8239 or the Philippine Passport Act of 1996, a woman
and in ensuring that the necessary permits were in order. applicant may revert to her maiden name only in cases of
These precautions could have minimized the risk to the annulment of marriage, divorce, and death of the husband.
safety of the victims. The petitioners were obviously
negligent in detailing their students to a virtual fire trap. The Office of the President also affirmed the Secretary’s
As found by the NBI, the Clinic was unsafe and was ruling when Remo’s case was brought to it. The CA likewise
constructed in violation of numerous provisions of the also affirmed the ruling. Consequently, Remo filed a
Revised Fire Code of the Philippines. It had no emergency petition for review before the Supreme Court. She argued
facilities, no fire exits, and had no permits or clearances that RA 8239 (Philippine Passport Act of 1996) conflicted
from the appropriate government offices. Petitioners with and was an implied repeal of Article 370 of the Civil
additionally aver that the Clinic was built under the Code which allows the wife to continue using her maiden
direction, supervision, management and control of the name upon marriage, as settled in the case of Yasin v.
Municipality of Cabiao, and that it ensured that there was Honorable Judge Shari’a District Court.
an agreement for the Municipality of Cabiao to provide
24-hour security to the Clinic. ISSUE:
In the case at bar, it was amply shown that petitioners and Whether or not Remo can revert to the use of her maiden
the victims were bound by the enrollment contracts, and name in the replacement passport, despite the subsistence
that petitioners were negligent in complying with their of her marriage
obligation under the said contracts to ensure the safety
and security of their students. For this contractual breach, RULING:
petitioners should be held liable.
No. Indeed, Article 370 of the Civil Code provides, and as
settled in the case of Yasin v. Honorable Judge Shari’a
District Court, a married woman has an option, but not an
obligation, to use her husband’s surname upon marriage.
This means that she is free to either use her husband’s
surname or continuously use her maiden name. This is so
because when a woman marries, she only changes her civil
status and not her name. RA 8239 does not conflict with
this principle. It does not prohibit a married woman from
using her maiden name in her passport. The Department
of Foreign Affairs (DFA) actually allows a married woman
who applies for a passport for the first time to use her
maiden name. Such an applicant is not required to adopt
her husband’s surname.
The lower court ruled that, pursuant to Article 364 if the ISSUE:
Civil Code which states that “Legitimate and legitimated
children shall principally use the surname of the father,” Whether or not Joseph Estrada’s use of his alias Jose
the change of name of petitioner is not proper and Velarde was allowable under banking rules, despite the
reasonable with respect to the surname. The lower court clear prohibition under Commonwealth Act No. 142.
further explained that the fact that petitioner has been
using a different surname and has become known with HELD:
such surname does not constitute proper and reasonable
cause to legally authorize and change her surname to The Supreme Court held that it was indeed allowable when
Alfon; the birth certificate also clearly shows that the the act was committed. The Court cited the decision on
father of petitioner is Filomeno Duterte. The lower court Ursua vs. Court of Appeals stating that “A name or names
granted the petition insofar as the first name is granted used by a person or intended to be used by
but denied with respect to the surname. him publicly and habitually usually in business transactions
in addition to his real name by which he is registered at
ISSUE: birth or baptized the first time or substitute name
authorized by a competent authority.” Thus, the law on
Whether or not petitioner should have been allowed to illegal use of alias to be applied in the case at bar is that
change her whole name from Maria Estrella Veronica there must be a sign or indication that the user intends to
Primitiva Duterte to Estrella S. Alfon be known by this name (the alias) in addition to his real
name, and there must be habituality. The repeated use of
HELD: an alias within a single day cannot be deemed habitual, as
it does not amount to a customary practice or use.
The Supreme Court held that the lower court should have
fully granted the petition. As held in the case of Haw Liong
vs. Republic, it was stated there some proper or
reasonable causes that may warrant the grant of a
petitioner for change of name: (1) when the name is
ridiculous, tainted with dishonor, or is extremely difficult
to write or pronounce; (2) when the request for change is
a consequence of a change of' status, such as when a
natural child is acknowledged or legitimated; and (3) when
the change is necessary to avoid confusion.
Whether or not Cesario Ursua’s conviction is proper. The Supreme Court denied the petition. A change of name
is a privilege and not a matter of right; a proper and
HELD: reasonable cause must exist before a person may be
authorized to change his name. In the case at bar, the
No. Ursua should be acquitted. The Supreme Court ruled reason cited by the petitioner in support of her petition for
that a strict application of C.A. No. 142, as amended, in this change of name, i.e. that she has been using the name
case only leads to absurdity – something which could not "Emelita Basilio Gan" in all of her records, is not a sufficient
have been intended by the lawmakers. or proper justification to allow her petition. In her
amended petition for change of name, the petitioner
Under C.A. No. 142, as amended, save for some instances, merely stated that she was born out of wedlock; she did
a person is not allowed to use a name or an alias other not state whether her parents, at the time of her birth,
than his registered name or that which he was baptized. were not disqualified by any impediment to marry each
Under the law, what makes the use of alias illegal is the other, which would make her a natural child.
fact that it is being used habitually and publicly in business
transactions without prior authorization by competent The petitioner also failed to adduce any evidence that
authority. In this case, Ursua merely used the name “Oscar would show that she indeed was duly acknowledged by his
Perez” once, it was not used in a business transaction, the father. The petitioner's evidence consisted only of her
use of the name was with the consent of Oscar Perez birth certificate signed by her mother, school records,
himself, and even if he used a different name, in this employment records, marriage contract, certificate of
instance, he was not even required to disclose his identity baptism, and other government records. Thus, assuming
at the Office of the Ombudsman. When he was requesting that she is a natural child pursuant to Article 269 of the
a copy of the complaint, he need not disclose his identity Civil Code, she could still not insist on using her father's
because the complaint is a public record open to the surname. It was, thus, a blatant error on the part of the
public. In short, the evils sought to be avoided by the C.A. RTC to have allowed the petitioner to change her name
No. 142 was not brought about when Ursua used a name from "Emelita Basilio" to "Emelita Basilio Gan."
other than his name. A strict application of the law is not
warranted. When Ursua used the name of Oscar Perez, no
fraud was committed; there was no crime committed
punishable under C.A. No. 142. The purpose of the law is
to punish evils defined therein so when no such evil was
produced by Ursua’s act, said law need not be applied.
The RTC, however, ruled that there was insufficient Whether the late registration of Reynaldos birth is valid.
evidence to prove private respondent’s prior existing valid
marriage to another man on the basis that petitioner’s HELD:
testimony is unreliable because he has no personal
knowledge of private respondent’s prior marriage nor of Reynaldos certificate of live birth, as a duly registered
Arambulo’s death which makes him a complete stranger to public document, is presumed to have gone through the
the marriage certificate between private respondent and process prescribed by law for late registration of birth. It
Arambulo and the latter’s death certificate. It further ruled was only on 8 March 1995, after the lapse of ten long years
that petitioner’s testimony about the NSO certification is from the approval on 11 February 1985 of the application
likewise unreliable since he is a stranger to the preparation for delayed registration of Reynaldo’s birth, that Nieves
of said document. registered her opposition. She should have done so within
the ten-day period prescribed by law. Records show that
ISSUE: no less than Nieves herself informed the local civil registrar
of the birth of Reynaldo. At the time of her application for
Whether the testimony of the NSO records custodian delayed registration of birth, Nieves claimed that Reynaldo
certifying the authenticity and due execution of the public was her son. Between the facts stated in a duly registered
documents issued by said office was necessary before they public document and the flip-flopping statements of
could be accorded evidentiary weight. Nieves, we are more inclined to stand by the former.
The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the lower No. In a special proceeding for correction of entry under
court. It held that, in deciding the case, the Supreme Court Rule 108 (Cancellation or Correction of Entries in the
considered “the compassionate calls for recognition of the Original Registry), the trial court has no jurisdiction to
various degrees of intersex as variations which should not nullify marriages and rule on legitimacy and filiations. Rule
be subject to outright denial.” The Supreme Court made 108 of the Rules of Court vis-a-vis Article 412 of the Civil
use of the availale evidence presented in court including Code charts the procedure by which an entry in the civil
the fact that private respondent thinks of himself as a male registry may be cancelled or corrected. The proceeding
and as to the statement made by the doctor that contemplated therein may generally be used only to
Cagandahan’s body produces high levels of male hormones correct clerical, spelling, typographical and other
(androgen), which is preponderant biological support for innocuous errors in the civil registry. A clerical error is one
considering him as being male.” which is visible to the eyes or obvious to
the understanding; an error made by a clerk or a
The Supreme Court further held that they give respect to transcriber; a mistake in copying or writing, or a harmless
(1) the diversity of nature; and (2) how an individual deals change such as a correction of name that is clearly
with what nature has handed out. That is, the Supreme misspelled or of a misstatement of the occupation of the
Court respects the respondent’s congenital condition and parent. Substantial or contentious alterations may be
his mature decision to be a male. Life is already difficult for allowed only in adversarial proceedings, in which all
the ordinary person. The Court added that a change of interested parties are impleaded and due process is
name is not a matter of right but of judicial discretion, to properly observed.
be exercised in the light of the reasons and the
consequences that will follow. The petitioners’ cause of action is actually to seek the
declaration of Pablo and Lucille’s marriage as void for
being bigamous and impugn Patrick’s legitimacy, which
causes of action are governed not by Rule 108 but by A.M.
No. 02-11-10-SC which took effect on March 15, 2003, and
Art. 171 of the Family Code, respectively; hence, the
BRAZA v. CITY CIVIL REGISTRAR OF HIMAMAYLAN CITY petition should be filed in a Family Court as expressly
G.R. No. 181174 December 4, 2009 provided in said Code. It is well to emphasize that,
doctrinally, validity of marriages as well as legitimacy and
FACTS: filiation can be questioned only in a direct action
seasonably filed by the proper party, and not through
Petitioner Ma. Cristina Braza and Pablo Braza Jr. were collateral attack such as the petition filed before the court
married. In 2002, Pablo died in a vehicular accident. During a quo.
the wake, respondent Lucille Titular and her son, Patrick
The Supreme Court held in the negative and nullified the
decision of the lower courts. If the subject matter of a
petition is not for the correction of clerical errors of a
harmless and innocuous nature, but one involving
nationality or citizenship, which is indisputably substantial
as well as controverted, affirmative relief cannot be
granted in a proceeding summary in nature. However, it is
also true that a right in law may be enforced and a wrong
may be remedied as long as the appropriate remedy is
used. The Supreme Court adheres to the principle
that even substantial errors in a civil registry may be
corrected and the true facts established provided the
parties aggrieved by the error avail themselves of the
appropriate adversary proceeding.
G.R. No. 198010 August 12, 2013