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Reg. No: BIT/2018/85478


a) Discuss liquid crystal displays and plasma displays stating their advantages and
disadvantages [8 marks]
Liquid crystal display
LCD panel monitor technology mostly used in monitors and TVs. This technology is also
used in cellphones, laptps, an tablets. The base of LCD monitors is a tiny liquid crystals
that each pixel is made of. They are placed between two sheets of glass.
When voltage is appied the crystals change their directions. LCD monitors use less enegy
which makes them advantageous because the crystals do not emit but block the light.
1. They use less energy.
2. Best colour reproduction.
3. Widest viewing angle.
4. They have better performance than plasma

1. They are more expensive.

2. The aspect of ratio and resolution are fixed.
3. They are more fragile than CRTs.
Plasma display.

A plasma display panel or PDP is a display technology characterized by the flat panel orientation
similar to LED panels and different from CRT displays. The technology is explicitly based on the
use of plasma or electrically charged ionized gases o produce colors.


1. Better than CRT display.

2. More compact than CRT.
3. Better contrast ratios.
4. Less visible motion blurs.

1. Flickering effects.
2. Higher power consumption.
3. More expensive.
4. Altitude considerations.
b) Discuss raster scan displays [2 marks]
Are most commonly type of graphics monitor which employs CRT. It is based on
television technology. In raster scan system electron beam sweeps across the screen, from
top to bottom covering one row at a time. A pattern of illuminated pattern of spots is
created by turning beam intensity on and off as it moves across each row.a memory area
called refresh buffer or frame buffer stores picture definition. This memory holds
intensity value of all screen points.
c) Discuss Camera control collision detection [5 marks]
The use of collision detection to infer multi-camera calibration quality.
Optical motion capture systems are widely used in sports and medicine. The
performance of these systems depends on, amongst other factors, the quality
of the camera calibration process
d) Study the code below and explain what happens at each line of code [15 marks]
1. #include <windows’>
It’s a header file used to access the win32 SPI functions and it makes it
easier for the user to use the inbuilt functionality
2. #include <GL/glut.h>
This is a library of utilities for openGL programs, which primarily perform
system-level I/O with the host operating systems.Helps in monitoring
keybord and mouse input.

4. glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

5. void display() {
clears the window
7. glBegin (GL_QUADS);
glColor3f (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex2f (-0.8f, 0.1f);
glVertex2f (-0.2f, 0.1f);
glVertex2f (-0.2f, 0.7f);
glVertex2f (-0.8f, 0.7f);

glColor3f (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

glVertex2f (-0.7f, -0.6f);
glVertex2f (-0.1f, -0.6f);
glVertex2f (-0.1f, 0.0f);
glVertex2f (-0.7f, 0.0f);
This define the object to be drawn - in this example, a polygon with four vertices.
The polygon's "corners" are defined by the glVertex3f () commands.
8. Glen ();
This marks the end of the polygon
9. int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int argc is count of number of arguments provided through command line
arguments and char **argv is 2 dimensional array of real arguments provided
through command line.
10. glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutInit is used to initialize the GLUT library. Usage. void glutInit(int *argcp,
char **argv); argcp. A pointer to the program's unmodified argc variable from
11. glutCreateWindow("Vertex, Primitive & Color");
Creates a window with the given title.
12. glutInitWindowSize(320, 320);
Specifies the initial window width and height, in pixels.
13. glutInitWindowPosition(50, 50);
Positions the top-left corner of the initial window at (x, y). The coordinates (x, y),
in term of pixels, is measured in window coordinates
14. glutDisplayFunc(display);
Registers the callback function (or event handler) for handling window-paint
15. initGL();
We call the initGL() to perform all the one-time initialization operations. In this
example, we set the clearing (background) color once, and use it repeatably in
the display() function. glutMainLoop();
return 0;

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