Immature Defense Mechanisms With Examples
Immature Defense Mechanisms With Examples
Immature Defense Mechanisms With Examples
Acting out
Example 2: A woman whose boyfriend just broke up with her becomes
extremely sexually promiscuous to avoid dealing with the pain and the
Example 1: Despite the fact that she received an official letter about the death
of her husband on the battlefield, the soldier’s wife continues to believe that
her husband will return home and keeps the house clean for him.
Example 2: A 34-year-old factory worker spends most of his salary on alcohol
and cigarettes, and claims that he only drinks and smokes occasionally,
insisting that he does not have a problem.
Example 1: After being fired from his job, the 38-year-old man comes home
and lies curled up on the bed in the fetal position.
Example 2: When the second child was born, the older 3-year-old child starts
having temper tantrums again or insists on drinking breast milk as well.
Example 1: A man who had extramarital sex is convinced that it is, in fact, his
partner who is having an affair.
Example 2: A person with low self-esteem gets anxious around other people
and says that other people make her uncomfortable.
Introjection (Identification)