The Were-Dead: Creatures of The Night and Day

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The Were-Dead: Creatures of the Night and Day

During the day these horrors are nice, prosperous people, but during the night they change into creatures
of livingdeath, bent on the suffering of others for thier sustenance.
- Lord Hannible Sanguin

Climate/Terrain: Populated Areas

Frequency: Rare
Organization: None
Activity Cycle: Night
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: 14 (High)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Chaotic evil
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: See Below
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 5
THAC0: 13
No. of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 1d6+3
Special Attacks: Viral Infection, Beserk, Unearthly Choir
Special Defenses: Weapon Immunities, Spell Immunities, Adapting AC, Regeneration
Magic Resistance: 50%
Size: M(6’ tall)
Morale: Fearless (18)
XP Value: 7,000

The mention of the undead can bring most common folk to thier knees in fear of the cold grip of death.
However the mention of the savagery of the were-beast is a legend in itself, a man or woman who during
the day could be your friend but at night when the moon is full they could be your deadliest of enemies,
wanting nothing but to feast upon your innards and to see you die at thier feet. We all know that there are
different forms of were-creatures, taking the shape of numerous beasts such as the Badger and the
legendary wolf from classic stories. However no one had heard of a beast that was both undead and a
were-creature, usually the two curses differed entirely, frightening as they maybe. The Were-Dead is an
enigmatic figure, seemingly alive during the day this person would turn into a ravaging, undead monster
at night. They appear similar to thier original forms during the day except for the weeping sores, and
tattered flesh that cover thier bodies at night. Thier fingers become little more than bony talons and thier
teeth lengthen and sharpen into gut ripping razors that sole purpose is to maim. Thier eyes hold an
unearthly light that spells the destruction of anyone near to view them and thier hair is patchy and mottled
with grey, dead skin. During the day a Were-Dead acts, looks and seems to be a helpful, living,
prosperous person, not even magical detection can tell the difference between a were dead and a normal

The Were-Dead is an intersting creature in battle, while it shuffle along like any undead when angered
they seem to take on a more experienced fighting stature, with dexterity only given to those that still
breath. If armed with a weapon they will attempt to use it on anyone attacking them with the same skill
they did during thier life. However they can attempt to infect anyone they strike, whether with hand or
weapon, with the magical disease that created them. Each successful strike has a 30% chance of
infecting the individual hit.

Another interesting ability is the were-dead's ability to go into a beserker rage if dropped to 10 HPs or
less, this double’s thier hitpoints and increases thier attacks per round to 4 while increasing thier AC by 2
and allowing them to increase thier infection per strike to 40%. Were dead are immune to all mundane
weapons of less than +1 enchantment, the only exception to this is if the sword is made of cold iron or
blessed by a good aligned priest. Were-dead also have a strange and frightening power of being able to
adapt to weapons used to strike them. This adapting ability allows the were dead to lower its AC to a
certain weapon each time a successful strike is rolled by 1/2 a point, so if a were-dead, whose natural AC
is 10 gets hit twice with the same weapon its AC is then dropped to 9 against further attacks from that
particular weapon, the ability is accumulative lower its AC again by one with the next two strikes.

The Were-dead, once a day, can emit a sorrowful cry that has tremendous effects on those that are in
range to hear it. If a saving throw versus spell is failed the victims feel suddenly lethargic, slow and numb,
this cancels all abilities granted by Dexterity and makes spell casting impossible, characters will also
suffer a decrease in movement rate by half and take a -2 loss to thier initiative. Another save is granted
after 1d4 rounds to see if they can break the power of the spell over them.

Were-dead are also extremely resistant to magical attacks as well, they take no damage while in thier
undead form from Necromancy spells, lightning, cold, charm, sleep, fear and hold spells and are 40%
resistant to all other spells directed at them. However during the day the were-dead lose all these powers
and become normal people, easily killed as a normal character would be. Were-Dead are turned as
special on the Turning table in the PHB, but only at night.

The were-dead have no real society, they are during the day normal, productive citizens of whatever area
they live in. During the night they are lone creatures that stalk the streets or surrounding country side for
fresh flesh to devour. They will ignore others of thier kind unless commanded by a powerful priest or
wizard to do thier bidding. Were dead during the day have no idea of what they have done during the
night, most do not even know that they are one, since they awaken in the same spot they fell asleep at
the night before, fully refreshed and looking forward to another day’s work. One way, however, to spot
one is the fact that all animals will avoid them at all cost, dogs will whimper and run away, horses will
buck ect. and attempt to move away from the were-dead at thier full movement rates.

The were-dead during the day has the same effect as a normal person does on nature, maybe giving or
taking away from it. But at night they become as unliving predators and do nothing for nature except to
destroy and devour.

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