The animus is a unique undead creature created by priests of the evil Power Hextor
with the help of infernal, fiendish aid. Animuses are driven creatures filled with cold
hatred and burning ambition for cruel rulership, the infliction of suffering, or some
other equally dire goal.
Most animuses appear to be humans with weathered and wrinkled skin - prematurely
aged, but clearly strong and of powerful build. Some (about 25%) are hideous in
appearance, almost lichlike; such creatures have an effective Charisma of 3 and often
wear masks to disguise their appearance. A small minority (around 10%) are almost
indistinguishable from normal, middle-aged humans.
Almost all animuses are somewhat vain and dress well as befits their former station in
life. Animus creatures were formerly nobles, generals and advisers to the Overking of
the Great Kingdom, and had human lives as priests, warriors and the like.
The animus has a plethora of special attacks and defenses that make it a formidable
opponent. Animuses that had special abilities in their living state by virtue of class (or
more rarely, by rare) still possess these in animus form. Thus, an animus created from
a 12th-level warrior has two melee attacks per round; an animus priest can cast spells
as per its experience level while alive; and so on.
Animus are very strong; they possess 18/76 Strength and 18 Constitution, while other
ability scores equal those they possessed in life. Their touch creates fear. They can
radiate a circle of command to a 10-yard radius; with a gesture to any single creature
in the area, they can force that creature to its knees (or equivalent) for one round by
sheer force of will. This action takes one segment, and is ineffective against any
creature that has Intelligence of 3 or less. Other creatures are permitted a saving throw
versus spells to negate. The animus may use its command gesture once per turn.
An animus also has a domination gaze; a victim who fails to make a saving throw
versus spell is unable to act as long as the animus continues to stare ( and does not
otherwise attack ) at him. A victim so dominated can have one suggestion implanted
into his mind by the animus that has dominated him. An animus may make no other
action on a round on which it uses its domination gaze.
Holy water affects an animus normally (2d4 damage per flask). An animus can suffer
from the effects of diseases (although it cannot be killed by disease). In some
instances, splashing holy water may be the best way of recognizing an animus for
what it is.
As noted, an animus may use spells if it did so in life. A wizard animus stills needs
spellbooks, magical components, and the like. A priest-animus must still receive the
favor of its Power to be able to cast spells.
The origin of the animus is central to understanding what motivates it. Animuses were
created largely against their wills by priests and fiends serving Ivid V; powerful
warriors, priests and wizards were slain and then revivified in animus form. Some
were powerful local rulers in their own right before this process, and others have
gained such status in the sundered lands of old Aerdy, their invulnerability making it
easy for them to eliminate competition and take power into their own hands.
Animuses are torn between being solitary and having to exist in a social world. An
animus has no friends and no longer feels any affiliative needs, friendship, love or the
need for companions, just as it needs no food, drink, or other bodily pleasures or
The motivations that drive an animus are dark: revenge, hatred, and fury. Dominant
motivations from the previous life will still exist if these are not inharmonious with
this list: the desire for power, wealth, battle, and the like. But almost every animus is
filled with self-loathing, as it hates the living creatures around it, for they remind it of
what it once was itself. An animus needs plenty of time alone to brood on its dark and
wretched emotions. Some have developed a very tight self control in such hours, to
mask their stormy furies when dealing with others.
Since most animuses are rulers or nobles, each has a hierarchy of servants and
henchmen with which it must deal. Some rule with cold, tyrannical brutality,
sadistically plunging wretched subjects into abject terror. Others are more measured
and controlled but still burn with an icy fire of hatred within. A very few have
developed some capacity for detachment, irony, and cynicism which allow them to go
through the motions of courtly life and the manners and pleasantries of society, but
they are few indeed.
The exact processes by which animuses have been brought into being are unknown.
What is known is that priests of Hextor, using a form of resurrection spell, together
with fiends, working its special defenses into its body and affecting its spirit. Ivid
wanted single-minded, utterly loyal servants. What the priests and fiends created was
a creature with the capacity to be ferociously singleminded and cold in its motivations
and utterly implacable in its pursuit of what it wanted. How they did that, and whether
the result was exactly what they wanted, is not clear.
It is rumored that some animuses have special attacks or defenses in addition to those
previously listed as standard ( but no more than one special attack or defense per
animus). Szeffrin, the animus ruler of part of old Almor, is said to have skin as tough
as iron, and to be resistant to attacks with edged weapons; the animus-priest Delglath
of Rinloru is said to be able to raise blisters on the palms of his hands from which he
can secrete a terrible burning corrosive acid, without any harm to himself, but which
he uses for shaking the hand of a terrified prisoner while smiling in triumph.
“Delgath’s blessing” is a phrase whispered in Rinloru to refer to this dread touch.
Finally, note that as a result of their creation, many animus creatures are as paranoid
as they are arrogant. Animuses see enemies, real and imagined, all around them. They
are usually obsessed with assassination even to the point that they have their food
tested for poison, despite the fact that they cannot be slain by it (animuses often
rationalize this by saying that they cannot be certain that no poison found anywhere
can kill them). Some animuses, the more intelligent of the breed, have detached
ironical insight into their own paranoia, but again, this is a rarity.