The DRRM-H System: (Achieved/ On-Going/ Not Yet Started)

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Local Health Systems Maturity Levels Monitoring Tool

Building Block: Service Delivery

SD 2 Characteristic: Disaster Risk Reduction Management for Health (DRRM-H) System

1. Under Status column, indicate the status of the means of verification (MOV):
a. Achieved – with approved document or target indicated was met
b. On-going – with available draft document or target was not met but with existing initiatives already
c. Not yet started – no existing initiatives yet to achieve the Key Result Areas (KRAs)
2. Under Remarks column, fill-in the required fields, as applicable. May also include other monitoring notes.
3. Under the Summary of Progress table, indicate the status of each KRA based on the status of its MOV. If a KRA has
multiple MOVs:
a. All MOVs have the same status - include the KRA in the appropriate column
b. MOVs have different status - include the KRA under On-going column
4. MOVs tagged as as needed shall only be given provided with a status if applicable. Otherwise, please indicate “not
5. In the Recommended Interventions/ Assistance Needed table, indicate the specific intervention/ assistance that
should be carried out to facilitate the attainment of the KRAs.
6. Sign the tool and indicate the date.
(Achieved/ On-
Means of Verification Remarks
going/ Not yet

I. Preparatory Level

KRA 1.1: Baseline Assessment, Gaps Analysis and Investment Needs for the Development and Strengthening of
the DRRM-H System
1. Baseline Assessment Report or Situational Analysis Section of
the Local Investment Plan for Health (LIPH) containing at least
the following:
a. Presence of a DRRM-H Plan
b. Presence of an organized public health and hospital
health emergency response team (HERT) and status of
training of each member
c. Availability of health emergency commodities (HEC)
d. Availability of an operations center (OC)
(Note: The LGUs may consider incorporating this in the Baseline
Assessment Report under LG 2 KRA 1.1)

KRA 1.2: Adoption of the DRRM-H Program

1. Signed P/CHB Resolution specifying the adoption of the P/CHB Resolution No:
DRRM-H Program __________________

II. Organizational Level

KRA 2.1: Organized Province-Wide/ City-Wide DRRM-H System

1. Unified, comprehensive and coherent DRRM-H plan that is
approved, updated, disseminated and tested
(Note: The programs, projects and activities should be included in the
2. Organized public health and hospital HERT with minimum
required trainings
3. Available and accessible HEC, and presence of an equipped,
servicing ambulance or patient transport vehicle
4. Functional emergency OC under the management and
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supervision of the P/CHO, in coordination with DRRMO OC

KRA 2.2: Presence of an Appointed DRRM-H Manager in the P/CHO

If with Office Order, indicate the no.:
1. Signed office order designating or appointment letter hiring a
DRRM-H Manager in the P/CHO

KRA 2.3: Monitoring of Province/ City-Wide Health System (P/CWHS) Performance on DRRM-H System
1. Reports on the following:
a. Program accomplishment and management
b. Status of submission of the Field Health Emergency
Alerting Report System (HEARS) Reports
(Note: This report should be included in the P/CWHS Annual
Accomplishment Report stated in LG 1 KRA 3.3)

2. Rapid Health Assessment (RHA) Reports, as needed

3. Post Incident Evaluations in Public Health Emergencies/ Indicate if the P/CWHS encountered a
Disasters, as needed public health emergency/ disaster within
the FY: ____ (Yes/ No)
4. Performance Indicator for Operations Monitoring Reports, as

III. Functional Level

KRA 3.1: Functional Province-Wide/ City-Wide DRRM-H System

1. Self-sufficient public health and hospital HERT
2. Available and accessible HEC as per DM 2018-0430 or the
“Guidelines on the List of Minimum Basic Logistics to be
Procured/ Maintained” and its revisions, and with arrangement
for a field implementation facility (either owned or through
MOU/MOA with partners)
3. Functional Health Operations Center under the management
and supervision of the P/CHO

KRA 3.2: Monitoring of P/CWHS Performance on DRRM-H System

1. Program implementation review report

Indicate if the P/CWHS encountered a

2. Health Situation Update, as needed public health emergency/ disaster within
the FY: ____ (Yes/ No)

Summary of Progress

Level of Progress Total No. of KRAs Achieved On-Going Not yet started
(cite specific KRA no.) (cite specific KRA no.) (cite specific KRA no.)
Preparatory Level 2
Organizational Level 3
Functional Level 2
Total No. of KRAs 7

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Recommended Interventions/ Assistance Needed

Recommended Technical Person/ Unit

KRA Timeframe Expected Output
Assistance/ Action Responsible

KRA 1.1

KRA 1.2

KRA 2.1

KRA 2.2

KRA 2.3

KRA 3.1

KRA 3.2

Assessed by: <PRINT NAME AND SIGNATURE> ____________________________

<Designation> Name of Office/ Unit

Date: _____________

Validated by: <PRINT NAME AND SIGNATURE> ____________________________

<Designation> Name of Office/ Unit

Date: _____________

Note: This form must be encoded and signed prior to submission.

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