B.Arch. - Semester - V QUESTION BANK - (Session: 2020-21) Pyh-581 (Industrial Psychology) UNIT-1
B.Arch. - Semester - V QUESTION BANK - (Session: 2020-21) Pyh-581 (Industrial Psychology) UNIT-1
B.Arch. - Semester - V QUESTION BANK - (Session: 2020-21) Pyh-581 (Industrial Psychology) UNIT-1
10. Discuss the various methods of personnel selection adopted in Industry?
11. Define the term Interview? How it could be carried out efficiently?
12. What are the psychological tests? Mention their salient features?
13. What are human abilities? How these can be evaluated for Industrial purposes?
14. Explain the general principles of personnel testing?
15. What are the psychological tests & their uses in industry?
16. How you can measure the human abilities for industrial psychology?
17. Explain Behaviour in terms of OCB – Organisation citizenship behavior in detail?
18. Highlight “Interview, Personal data & sources of information about job candidates”?
19. Discuss in brief about the Job Satisfaction & Work Behaviour in industry?
20. Discuss the Job Analysis & support your answer with source, Purpose & Process?
21. Explain the Process of Recruitment in detail?
22. Explain the Recruitment Test in detail?
23. Explain the Psychological Test. Support your answer in context of Reliability &Validity?
24. Discuss the Performance Appraisals in industry?
25. Discuss the Performance Management in industry?
26. Explain in detail the 360 Degree Feedback in industry?
UNIT – 3
27. Elaborate the term “Leadership”? How it can be exercised in an industry?
28. State typical Leadership Qualities? Explain its role in an industry
29. Write a brief note on “Group Dynamics”? How it can influence the morale of the workers?
30. Discuss “MORALE”? State the advantages of “Positive Morale”?
31. Explain the methods to eliminate “Negative Morale”? Support with an example?
32. “Leadership & Morale go hand in hand” Explain? Support with an example?
33. Discuss the kinds of conflicts & their control over employees in industry?
34. Elaborate “Employee Management Relationships? Highlight their Communication &
35. What is the nature of the group? Why it is essential to study Industrial Psychology?
36. Explain Group Dynamics? Briefly illustrate Group Formation?
37. Discuss the differences between both Formal & Non Formal Groups?
38. Define Taylorism, Individualism & Groupism?
39. Define Training & Development? Explain the Nature, Need & Process for the training &
development in industry?
UNIT – 4
40. How do various kinds of communication networks operate in an industry. Explain?
41. What are the human factors in job design? Discuss in detail?
42. Discuss the impact of & psychological environment on the efficiency of workers?
43. How do seeing & hearing enjoy the central position in human factors in an industry?
44. Express the numerous conditions of working environment in an industry?
45. Highlight the Illumination & Atmospheric conditions in an Industry? Support with an
46. Discuss the work-schedule & Noise conditions in an Industry? Support with an example?
47. Enumerate the basic conditions of Rest-Pause in an Industry? Support with an example?
48. Explain the term Industrial Environment? How does it influence the Industrial conditions?
49. Discuss Scientific Management in detail?
50. Highlight the basics of Time & Motion Study in Industry?
51. Emphasis the basics of Human Relation Approach?
52. Define Stress & its role in industry?
53. Discuss the Organizational Culture? Explain both Horizontal & Vertical Culture?
54. Highlight the basics of Work Environment in industry?
55. Define Fatigue & its role in industry?
56. Discuss Boredom & few methods to remove the boredom in industry?
UNIT – 5
57. How do you eliminate accidents in an Industry? Discuss psychological measures for it?
58. Discuss Accident Proneness in detail?
59. Discuss various Safety devices in detail?
60. Explain the term Accident? How does it happen in an Industry?
61. Describe the nature & cause of Industrial Accidents?
62. What is the relationship between human factors in industry & accidents?
63. Discuss the various hazardous effects of accidents in an industry?
64. What are the safety devices? what precautions would you like to take in attending them?
65. Accidents can be avoided through psychological safety measures. Comment?
66. Explain the fundamentals of Industrial Safety Programme & its measurement?