Syllabus: Course Information Teacher Information

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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

University of San Carlos

Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City


Course Information Teacher Information

Course No. : EE 422NL Name : Seva, Rafael Jr., Domingo
Course Title : Feedback Control Systems Laboratory Office : 01:30-5:00 Tue Wed Thu
Credit Units : 1 DEEE Office
Pre-requisites : EE411N, EE 411 NL Contacts: Email: [email protected] Phone: (032) - 3461099

Term : 2nd Semester, SY 2013-2014

Schedule : 10:30-01:30 PM W
Course Description This course is about learning to represent, analyze and implement time response of first and second order linear-time-invariant (LTI) electrical
and mechanical systems using MATLAB. The course also discusses modeling using transfer functions, stability analysis, performance
specifications, root locus analysis and design of feedback controllers and implementing the design using MATLAB.

Course Objectives The course intends to develop a deeper understanding among students of the following:

1. Represent electrical circuit analysis theorems in MATLAB.

2. Implement transient response, steady-state error and stability properties of linear-time- invariant (LTI) in MATLAB.
3. Implement root locus and frequency response methods in MATLAB to design feedback controllers.

Course Outcomes (CO) Targeted Program/Student Outcomes (PO/SO)

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to: Introduce (I), Enable (E), Demonstrate (D)
a b c D e f g h i j k l m
C01: Analyze the transient response, steady-state error and stability properties of
linear-time- invariant (LTI) systems based on mathematical models and implement E D D
using MATLAB.
CO2: Analyze LTI systems using frequency-domain analysis tools in MATLAB. D
CO3: Design P, PI, PD and PID controllers for a given LTI plant or process
satisfying specified performance criteria using MATLAB.
Course Structure
TOPICS Week Number Teaching & Learning Activities Targeted COs Assessment Scheme
1.Transfer Function and Time Response
Practice Exercises
1.1Poles and Zeros of a Transfer Function 1-2 MATLAB Demo CO1, CO2
Hands-on Examination
1.2 First order system analysis Experiment
1.2 Second order system analysis
2. System Stability Analysis
Lecture Practice Exercises
2.1 Open loop zeros and open loop poles 3-4
MATLAB Demo CO1, CO2 Hands-on Examination
2.2 Concept of stability
3. Performance Specification
Practice Exercises
3.1 Transient performance 5-7 MATLAB Demo
CO1, CO2 Hands-on Examination
3.2 Steady state performance Experiment

4. Root Locus Analysis

4.1 Open loop poles and zeros 7-9 MATLAB Demo Practice Exercises
CO1, CO2
4.2 Closed loop poles and zeros Experiment Hands-on Examination

5. Root Locus Design

5.1 MATLAB implementation of ; Lecture Practice Exercises

10-12 CO1, CO2
5.1.1 Open loop control system MATLAB Demo Hands-on Examination
5.1.2 Closed loop control system Experiment

6. PID Controller
Lecture Practice Exercises
13-15 MATLAB Demo CO1, CO2, C03 Hands-on Examination
6.1 P, PI, PD, PID controller design
Experiment Final Examination

Educational Resources Material Available/Accessible At

USC Library
Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 6 ed., John Wiley &
Sons, 2011

Raymond T. Stefani,, Design of Feedback Control Systems, USA,



MATLAB/Simulink by Mathworks Special Applications Laboratory

Course Requirements
Laboratory exercises, long exams, final exams

Evaluation & Grading

Policy The grade of the students is computed accordingly

A =30% of the average of all submitted Reports

B =50% of the average in all Practical/Oral Examination
C = 20% Final Examination

Average = A+B+C

FG = (225-2*Average)/35

100-95 1.0 82-83 1.7 70-71 2.4 59 and below 5.0

93-94 1.1 81 1.8 68-69 2.5
91-92 1.2 79-80 1.9 67 2.6
89-90 1.3 77-78 2.0 65-66 2.7
88 1.4 75-76 2.1 63-64 2.8
86-87 1.5 74 2.2 61-62 2.9
84-85 1.6 72-73 2.3 60 3.0

Course Policies 1. Cheating during the exam shall mean an automatic score of zero.
2. Special examinations may be given due to valid reasons such as sick with Physician’s Certificate.
3. Accumulated absences equivalent to 10 hours shall mean a final grade of 5.0
Cellular phones should be set to silent mode while inside the classroom.

List of Targeted Program Outcomes:

1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, physical, life and information sciences; and engineering sciences appropriate to the field of practice.
2. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
3. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within identified constraints.
4. An ability to work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
5. An ability to recognize, formulate, and solve engineering problems
6. Recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
7. An ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing using the English language.
8. An understanding of the effects of engineering solutions in a comprehensive context.
9. An ability to engage in life-long learning and an understanding of the need to keep current of the developments in the specific field of practice.
10. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
11. An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

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