Why Do We Test Software?: The True Subject Matter of The Tester Is Not Testing, But The Design of Test Cases
Why Do We Test Software?: The True Subject Matter of The Tester Is Not Testing, But The Design of Test Cases
Why Do We Test Software?: The True Subject Matter of The Tester Is Not Testing, But The Design of Test Cases
The true subject matter of the tester is not testing, but the design of test cases.
The purpose of this book is to teach software engineers how to test. This
knowledge is useful whether you are a programmer who needs to unit test
your own software, a full-time tester who works mostly from requirements
at the user level, a manager in charge of testing or development, or any
position in between. As the software industry moves into the second
decade of the 21st century, software quality is increasingly becoming
essential to all businesses and knowledge of software testing is becoming
necessary for all software engineers.
Today, software defines behaviors that our civilization depends on in
systems such as network routers, financial calculation engines, switching
networks, the Web, power grids, transportation systems, and essential
communications, command, and control services. Over the past two
decades, the software industry has become much bigger, is more
competitive, and has more users. Software is an essential component of
exotic embedded applications such as airplanes, spaceships, and air traffic
control systems, as well as mundane appliances such as watches, ovens,
cars, DVD players, garage door openers, mobile phones, and remote
controllers. Modern households have hundreds of processors, and new cars
have over a thousand; all of them running software that optimistic
consumers assume will never fail! Although many factors affect the
engineering of reliable software, including, of course, careful design and
sound process management, testing is the primary way industry evaluates
software during development. The recent growth in agile processes puts
increased pressure on testing; unit testing is emphasized heavily and test-
driven development makes tests key to functional requirements. It is clear
that industry is deep into a revolution in what testing means to the success
of software products.
Fortunately, a few basic software testing concepts can be used to design
tests for a large variety of software applications. A goal of this book is to
present these concepts in such a way that students and practicing engineers
can easily apply them to any software testing situation.
This textbook differs from other software testing books in several
respects. The most important difference is in how it views testing
techniques. In his landmark book Software Testing Techniques, Beizer
wrote that testing is simple—all a tester needs to do is “find a graph and
cover it.” Thanks to Beizer’s insight, it became evident to us that the
myriad of testing techniques present in the literature have much more in
common than is obvious at first glance. Testing techniques are typically
presented in the context of a particular software artifact (for example, a
requirements document or code) or a particular phase of the lifecycle (for
example, requirements analysis or implementation). Unfortunately, such a
presentation obscures underlying similarities among techniques.
This book clarifies these similarities with two innovative, yet
simplifying, approaches. First, we show how testing is more efficient and
effective by using a classical engineering approach. Instead of designing
and developing tests on concrete software artifacts like the source code or
requirements, we show how to develop abstraction models, design tests at
the abstract level, and then implement actualtests at the concrete level by
satisfying the abstract designs. This is the exact process that traditional
engineers use, except whereas they usually use calculus and algebra to
describe the abstract models, software engineers usually use discrete
mathematics. Second, we recognize that all test criteria can be defined
with a very short list of abstract models: input domain characterizations,
graphs, logical expressions, and syntactic descriptions. These are directly
reflected in the four chapters of Part II of this book.
This book provides a balance of theory and practical application,
thereby presenting testing as a collection of objective, quantitative
activities that can be measured and repeated. The theory is based on the
published literature, and presented without excessive formalism. Most
importantly, the theoretical concepts are presented when needed to support
the practical activities that test engineers follow. That is, this book is
intended for all software developers.
Programming Language Independence
The fault in this method is that it starts looking for zeroes at index 1
instead of index 0, as is necessary for arrays in Java. For example,
numZero ([2, 7, 0]) correctly evaluates to 1, while numZero
([0, 7, 2]) incorrectly evaluates to 0. In both tests the faulty
statement is executed. Although both of these tests result in an error, only
the second results in failure. To understand the error states, we need to
identify the state for the method. The statefor numZero() consists of
values for the variables x, count, i, and the program counter ( PC). For
the first example above, the state at the loop test on the very first iteration
of the loop is ( x = [2, 7, 0], count = 0, i = 1, PC = “ i <
x.length”). Notice that this state is erroneous precisely because the
value of i should be zero on the first iteration. However, since the value of
count is coincidentally correct, the error state does not propagate to the
output, and hence the software does not fail. In other words, a state is in
error simply if it is not the expected state, even if all of the values in the
state, considered in isolation, are acceptable. More generally, if the
required sequence of states is s0, s1, s2, ..., and the actual sequence of states
is s0, s2, s3, ..., then state s2 is in error in the second sequence. The fault
model described here is quite deep, and this discussion gives the broad
view without going into unneeded details. The exercises at the end of the
section explore some of the subtleties of the fault model.
In the second test for our example, the error state is ( x = [0, 7, 2],
count = 0, i = 1, PC = “ i < x.length”). In this case, the error
propagates to the variable count and is present in the return value of the
method. Hence a failure results.
The term bug is often used informally to refer to all three of fault, error,
and failure. This book will usually use the specific term, and avoid using
“bug.” A favorite story of software engineering teachers is that Grace
Hopper found a moth stuck in a relay on an early computing machine,
which started the use of bug as a problem with software. It is worth noting,
however, that the term bug has an old and rich history, predating software
by at least a century. The first use of bug to generally mean a problem we
were able to find is from a quote by Thomas Edison :
It has been just so in all of my inventions. The first step is an intuition, and
comes with a burst, then difficulties arise–this thing gives out and [it is]
then that ‘Bugs’–as such little faults and difficulties are called–show
themselves and months of intense watching, study and labor are requisite.
— Thomas Edison
A very public failure was the Mars lander of September 1999, which
crashed due to a misunderstanding in the units of measure used by two
modules created by separate software groups. One module computed
thruster data in English units and forwarded the data to a module that
expected data in metric units. This is a very typical integration fault (but in
this case enormously expensive, both in terms of money and prestige).
One of the most famous cases of software killing people is the Therac-
25 radiation therapy machine. Software faults were found to have caused
at least three deaths due to excessive radiation. Another dramatic failure
was the launch failure of the first Ariane 5 rocket, which exploded 37
seconds after liftoff in 1996. The low-level cause was an unhandled
floating point conversion exception in an inertial guidance system
function. It turned out that the guidance system could never encounter the
unhandled exception when used on the Ariane 4 rocket. That is,
theguidance system function was correct for Ariane 4. The developers of
the Ariane 5 quite reasonably wanted to reuse the successful inertial
guidance system from the Ariane 4, but no one reanalyzed the software in
light of the substantially different flight trajectory of the Ariane 5.
Furthermore, the system tests that would have found the problem were
technically difficult to execute, and so were not performed. The result was
spectacular–and expensive!
The famous Pentium bug was an early alarm of the need for better
testing, especially unit testing. Intel introduced its Pentium microprocessor
in 1994, and a few months later, Thomas Nicely, a mathematician at
Lynchburg College in Virginia, found that the chip gave incorrect answers
to certain floating-point division calculations.
The chip was slightly inaccurate for a few pairs of numbers; Intel
claimed (probably correctly) that only one in nine billion division
operations would exhibit reduced precision. The fault was the omission of
five entries in a table of 1, 066 values (part of the chip’s circuitry) used by
a division algorithm. The five entries should have contained theconstant
+2, but the entries were not initialized and contained zero instead. The
MIT mathematician Edelman claimed that “the bug in the Pentium was an
easy mistake to make, and a difficult one to catch,” an analysis that misses
an essential point. This was a very difficult mistake to find during system
testing, and indeed, Intel claimed to have run millions of tests using this
table. But the table entries were left empty because a loop termination
condition was incorrect; that is, the loop stopped storing numbers before it
was finished. Thus, this would have been a very simple fault to find during
unit testing; indeed analysis showed that almost any unit level coverage
criterion would have found this multimillion dollar mistake.
The great northeast blackout of 2003 was started when a power line in
Ohio brushed against overgrown trees and shut down. This is called a fault
in the power industry. Unfortunately, the software alarm system failed in
the local power company, so system operators could not understand what
happened. Other lines also sagged into trees and switched off, eventually
overloading other power lines, which then cut off. This cascade effect
eventually caused a blackout throughout southeastern Canada and eight
states in the northeastern part of the US. This is considered the biggest
blackout in North American history, affecting 10 million people in Canada
and 40 million in the USA, contributing to at least 11 deaths and costing
up to $6 billion USD.
Some software failures are felt widely enough to cause severe
embarrassment to the company. In 2011, a centralized students data
management system in Korea miscalculated the academic grades of over
29, 000 middle and high school students. This led to massive confusion
about college admissions and a government investigation into the software
engineering practices of the software vendor, Samsung Electronics.
A 1999 study commissioned by the U.S. National Research Council and
the U.S. President’s commission on critical infrastructure protection
concluded that the current base of science and technology is inadequate for
building systems to control critical software infrastructure. A 2002 report
commissioned by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) estimated that defective software costs the U.S. economy $59.5
billion per year. The report further estimated that 64% of the costs were a
result of user mistakes and 36% a result of design and development
mistakes, and suggested that improvements in testing could reduce this
cost by about a third, or $22.5 billion. Blumenstyk reported that web
application failures lead to huge losses in businesses; $150, 000 per hour
in media companies, $2.4 million per hour in credit card sales, and $6.5
million per hour in the financial services market.
Software faults do not just lead to functional failures. According to a
Symantec security threat report in 2007, 61 percent of all vulnerabilities
disclosed were due to faulty software. The most common are web
application vulnerabilities that can be attacked by some common attack
techniques using invalid inputs.
These public and expensive software failures are getting more common
and more widely known. This is simply a symptom of the change in
expectations of software. As we move further into the 21st century, we are
using more safety critical, real-time software. Embedded software has
become ubiquitous; many of us carry millions of lines of embedded
software in our pockets. Corporations rely more and more on large-scale
enterprise applications, which by definition have large user bases and high
reliability requirements. Security, which used to depend on cryptography,
then database security, then avoiding network vulnerabilities, is now
largely about avoiding software faults. The Web has had a major impact. It
features a deployment platform that offers software services that are very
competitive and available to millions of users. They are also distributed,
adding complexity, and must be highly reliable to be competitive. More so
than at any previous time, industry desperately needs to apply the
accumulated knowledge of over 30 years of testing research.
Surprisingly, many software engineers are not clear about their testing
goals. Is it to show correctness, find problems, or something else? To
explore this concept, we first must separate validation and verification.
Most of the definitions in this book are taken from standards documents,
and although the phrasing is ours, we try to be consistent with the
standards. Useful standards for reading in more detail are the IEEE
Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology, DOD-STD-
2167A and MIL-STD-498 from the US Department of Defense, and the
British Computer Society’s Standard for Software Component Testing.
The purpose of testing is to show correctness.
Level The purpose of testing is to show that the software does not
2 work.
Level 0 is the view that testing is the same as debugging. This is the
view that is naturally adopted by many undergraduate Computer Science
majors. In most CS programming classes, the students get their programs
to compile, then debug the programs with a few inputs chosen either
arbitrarily or provided by the professor. This model does not distinguish
between a program’s incorrect behavior and a mistake within the program,
and does very little to help develop software that is reliable or safe.
In Level 1 testing, the purpose is to show correctness. While a
significant step up from the naive level 0, this has the unfortunate problem
that in any but the most trivial of programs, correctness is virtually
impossible to either achieve or demonstrate. Suppose we run a collection
of tests and find no failures. What do we know? Should we assume that we
have good software or just bad tests? Since the goal of correctness is
impossible, test engineers usually have no strict goal, real stopping rule, or
formal test technique. If a development manager asks how much testing
remains to be done, the test manager has no way to answer the question. In
fact, test managers are in a weak position because they have no way to
quantitatively express or evaluate theirwork.
In Level 2 testing, the purpose is to show failures. Although looking for
failures is certainly a valid goal, it is also inherently negative. Testers may
enjoy finding the problem, but the developers never want to find
problems–they want the software to work (yes, level 1 thinking can be
natural for the developers). Thus, level 2 testing puts testers and
developers into an adversarial relationship, which can be bad for team
morale. Beyond that, when our primary goal is to look for failures, we are
still left wondering what to do if no failures are found. Is our work done?
Is our software very good, or is the testing weak? Having confidence in
when testing is complete is an important goal for all testers. It is our view
that this level currently dominates the software industry.
The thinking that leads to Level 3 testing starts with the realization that
testing can show the presence, but not the absence, of failures. This lets us
accept the fact that whenever we use software, we incur some risk. The
risk may be small and the consequences unimportant, or the risk may be
great and the consequences catastrophic, but risk is always there. This
allows us to realize that the entire development team wants the same
thing–to reduce the risk of using the software. In level 3 testing, both
testers and developers work together to reduce risk. We see more and more
companies move to this testing maturity level every year.
Once the testers and developers are on the same “team,” an organization
can progress to real Level 4 testing. Level 4 thinking defines testing as a
mental discipline that increases quality. Various ways exist to increase
quality, of which creating tests that cause the software to fail is only one.
Adopting this mindset, test engineers can become the technical leaders of
the project (as is common in many other engineering disciplines). They
have the primary responsibility of measuring and improving software
quality, and their expertise should help the developers. Beizer used the
analogy of a spell checker. We often think that the purpose of a spell
checker is to find misspelled words, but in fact, the best purpose of a spell
checker is to improve our ability to spell. Every time the spell checker
finds an incorrectly spelled word, we have the opportunity to learn how to
spell the word correctly. The spell checker is the “expert” on spelling
quality. In the same way, level 4 testing means that the purpose of testing
is to improve the ability of the developers to produce high-quality
software. The testers should be the experts who train your developers!
As a reader of this book, you probably start at level 0, 1, or 2. Most
software developers go through these levels at some stage in their careers.
If you work in software development, you might pause to reflect on which
testing level describes your company or team. The remaining chapters in
Part I should help you move to level 2 thinking, and to understand the
importance of level 3. Subsequent chapters will give you the knowledge,
skills, and tools to be able to work at level 3. An ultimate goal of this book
is to provide a philosophical basis that will allow readers to become
“change agents” in their organizations for level 4 thinking, and test
engineers to become software quality experts. Although level 4 thinking
is currently rare in the software industry, it is common in more mature
These considerations help us decide at a strategic level why we test. At a
more tactical level, it is important to know why each test is present. If you
do not know why you are conducting each test, the test will not be very
helpful. What fact is each test trying to verify? It is essential to document
test objectives and test requirements, including the planned coverage
levels. When the test manager attends a planning meeting with the other
managers and the project manager, the test manager must be able to
articulate clearly how much testing is enough and when testing will
complete. In the 1990s, we could use the “date criterion,” that is, testing is
“complete” when the ship date arrives or when the budget is spent.
Figure 1.1 dramatically illustrates the advantages of testing early rather
than late. This chart is based on a detailed analysis of faults that were
detected and fixed during several large government contracts. The bars
marked‘A’ indicate what percentage of faults appeared in that phase.
Thus, 10% of faults appeared during the requirements phase, 40% during
design, and 50% during implementation. The bars marked ‘D’ indicated
the percentage of faults that were detected during each phase. About 5%
were detected during the requirements phase, and over 35% during system
testing. Lastly is the cost analysis. The solid bars marked ‘C’ indicate the
relative cost of finding and fixing faults during each phase. Since each
project was different, this is averaged to be based on a “unit cost.” Thus,
faults detected and fixed during requirements, design, and unit testing were
a single unit cost. Faults detected and fixed during integration testing cost
five times as much, 10 times as much during system testing, and 50 times
as much after the software is deployed.
Figure 1.1. Cost of late testing.
If we take the simple assumption of $1000 USD unit cost per fault, and
100 faults, that means we spend $39, 000 to find and correct faults during
requirements, design, and unit testing. During integration testing, the cost
goes upto $100, 000. But system testing and deployment are the serious
problems. We find more faults during system testing at ten times the cost,
for a total of $360, 000. And even though we only find a few faults after
deployment, the cost being 50 X unit means we spend $250, 000!
Avoiding the work early (requirements analysis and unit testing) saves
money in the short term. But it leaves faults in software that are like little
bombs, ticking away, and the longer they tick, the bigger the explosion
when they finally go off.
To put Beizer’s level 4 test maturity level in simple terms, the goal of
testing is to eliminate faults as early as possible. We can never be perfect,
but every time we eliminate a fault during unit testing (or sooner!), we
save money. The rest of this book will teach you how to do that.
Chapter 1.
1. What are some factors that would help a development organization
move from Beizer’s testing level 2 (testing is to show errors) to
testing level 4 (a mental discipline that increases quality)?
2. What is the difference between software fault and software failure?
3. What do we mean by “level 3 thinking is that the purpose of testing is
to reduce risk?” What risk? Can we reduce the risk to zero?
4. The following exercise is intended to encourage you to think of
testing in a more rigorous way than you may be used to. The exercise
also hints at the strong relationship between specification clarity,
faults, and test cases1.
(a) Write a Java method with the signature
public static Vector union (Vector a,
Vector b)
The method should return a Vector of objects that are in either
of the two argument Vectors.
(b) Upon reflection, you may discover a variety of defects and
ambiguities in the given assignment. In other words, ample
opportunities for faults exist. Describe as many possible faults
as you can. (Note: Vector is a Java Collection class. If you
are using another language, interpret Vector as a list.)
(c) Create a set of test cases that you think would have a reasonable
chance of revealing the faults you identified above. Document a
rationale for each test in your test set. If possible, characterize
all of your rationales in some concise summary. Run your tests
against your implementation.
(d) Rewrite the method signature to be precise enough to clarify the
defects and ambiguities identified earlier. You might wish to
illustrate your specification with examples drawn from your test
5. Below are four faulty programs. Each includes test inputs that result
in failure. Answer the following questions about each program.
(a) Explain what is wrong with the given code. Describe the fault
precisely by proposing a modification to the code.
(b) If possible, give a test case that does not execute the fault. If
not, briefly explain why not.
(c) If possible, give a test case that executes the fault, but does not
result in an error state. If not, briefly explain why not.
(d) If possible give a test case that results in an error, but not a
failure. If not, briefly explain why not. Hint: Don’t forget about
the program counter.
(e) For the given test case, describe the first error state. Be sure to
describe the complete state.
(f) Implement your repair and verify that the given test now
produces the expected output. Submit a screen printout or other
evidence that your new program works.
6. Answer question (a) or (b), but not both, depending on your
(a) If you do, or have, worked for a software development
company, what level of test maturity do you think the company
worked at? (0: testing=debugging, 1: testing shows correctness,
2: testing shows the program doesn’t work, 3: testing reduces
risk, 4: testing is a mental discipline about quality).
(b) If you have never worked for a software development company,
what level of test maturity do you think that you have? (0:
testing=debugging, 1: testing shows correctness, 2: testing
shows the program doesn’t work, 3: testing reduces risk, 4:
testing is a mental discipline about quality).
7. Consider the following three example classes. These are OO faults
taken from Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java, Second Edition. Answer
the following questions about each.
(a) Explain what is wrong with the given code. Describe the fault
precisely by proposing a modification to the code.
(b) If possible, give a test case that does not execute the fault. If
not, briefly explain why not.
(c) If possible, give a test case that executes the fault, but does not
result in an error state. If not, briefly explain why not.
(d) If possible give a test case that results in an error, but not a
failure. If not, briefly explain why not. Hint: Don’t forget about
the program counter.
(e) In the given code, describe the first error state. Be sure to
describe the complete state.
(f) Implement your repair and verify that the given test now
produces the expected output. Submit a screen printout or other
evidence that your new program works.